#Akuma butler
plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
What does “Akuma” Mean?
Sebastian refers to himself as an akuma (悪魔), which is often translated into English as demon or devil. But what does the word really mean?
Japanese has many ways to say “demon/devil,” and they don’t all mean the same thing. Akuma is the most common, generic word for a demon, and does not necessarily have any specific religious connotations, including whether or not it is “evil” (in the Christian sense).
Its two kanji roughly translate to “bad/evil influence.” However, it’s important to note that “evil” has a very different connotation in Shinto belief than it does in other religious/moral frameworks.
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This aligns with how Sebastian is often portrayed as a corrupting influence. Like a force of nature that can be destructive. The concepts of evil and sin like we find in Christianity and even Buddhism are not found in classic Shinto belief.
Let’s also not forget that part of why Yana uses “Akuma” is so she can make her famous “akumade” pun, or, as it translates in English, “simply one hell of a butler.”
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But, you ask, “POI, didn’t you define ‘Akuma’ as “the devil/Satan” in your vocab list for Vatican Miracle Examiner?”
Yes, I did. “Akuma” is used for “demon” for many religions, including Hinduism, Buddism, Islam, and Christianity. But the word itself isn’t exclusive to Satan, and often, when that is who is intended, in Japanese we write サタン (Satan) for clarity.
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So, no, Akuma doesn’t always mean Satan or even refer to a Christian entity. It doesn’t even refer to an entity that’s “evil” in the sense we think of in English.
It’s simply a generic term for a supernatural creature that is in opposition.
So Sebastian is not Satan, or Lucifer, or even a Christian demon (fallen angel) in canon. He is merely a corrupting influence.
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funtomfactory · 11 months
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Hehe... Undertaker tummy...
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shisekibo · 1 year
[Story Translation] Chapter Thirty Five - Our Master's Power
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"huff... huff..."
"Ah! Bastien's awake!"
"Oi! Bastien! Are you good?!"
"Where am I...?"
"You were being Demonised. Your robes almost swallowed you home."
"I was...? Really? That means..."
"Bastien, how do you feel? Are you in pain?"
"Not really."
"Thank Goodness. Does that mean this situation has been resolved?"
"We worried for nothing, huh?"
"I'm shocked we managed to bring you back from that state."
"I've never seen anything like that happen before."
"What on earth happened?"
"I saw Master putting their hands on his. You spoke to him then, didn't you?"
“I just did what Muu told me..."
"Me...? I didn't say anything!"
“Huh?! Then who was that?!" "No, you definitely did..."
"I don't remember saying anything."
“But, someone definitely spoke to me..." "Maybe I was hearing things."
"Master... Please tell us how you managed to stop him Demonising."
“I spoke to Bastien's mind." "I went inside Bastien's heart."
"Inside his heart...?"
"I don't really know either." "I don't really remember..."
"Master isn't lying. We definitely spoke while I was unconscious."
"I heard a voice in my head all of a sudden..."
"And that voice saved me."
"I didn't even say anythin' that serious."
"Master... I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I mean it."
"Bastien..." "I'm glad you're safe..."
"Hmph! Where's my thanks?!"
"Thank you too... Lono."
"I only did what I was told! Don't get it twisted!"
"You two need to be more honest with yourselves."
"I see... So you heard their voices not with your ears, but in your mind."
"Yes. I think so..."
"I had no clue Master could do that..."
"Master! You're amazing!"
"Really?" "I don't really know what's going on."
"I wish I could ask you about what happened in more detail..."
"But all that matters is that you saved Bastien, Master."
"Master... I don't even know how to thank you..."
"I'm just glad he's okay." "I'm glad I could help."
Division Leader:
"What the hell is going on here?!"
"On that note... Who the hell is that old man?"
"He's the leader of the mercenaries who tried to attack us..."
"Apparently he has history with Bastien."
"You... The price to pay for hurting our friend isn't cheap."
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kurobracket · 2 years
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lazy-lumii · 11 months
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Happy birthday Boschi!! 🦾
I need more people from this fandom around here.... 😔
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primapolaris · 1 year
Now I know my type of fictional men are the ones with dark hair, sharp eyes, and wear suits but when I looked at Sova from Valorant, he automatically got an exception
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fenrirthemyth · 1 year
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Your dreams lie with the stars.
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kamidukki · 2 years
Nac’s 1st Anniversary Card Story – The Young Boy’s Another Face (少年の裏の顔) [1]
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[The following is an in-game warning ⬇]
※ A warning before you read
This story contains spoilers from recent event story [1st Anniversary – The Butlers’ Prayer]. It is recommended to read after you finish reading chapter 12.
For the players who wish to avoid spoilers, press the button on the upper left corner to go back.
Chapter 1
-Southern Church-
On a certain day in December…
The three of us, Muu, Nac, and I…
Were in the Southern Church, sorting out the deceased butlers’ keepsakes that were placed there.
Nac: Hmm… Looking closely at each of the keepsakes like this, it is as if you can see the personality of the owner, isn’t it.
Just what kind of life they’ve lived… what kind of thoughts these keepsakes hold…
When you close your eyes, it’s as if you can glean at that person’s past.
M: What various lives, right.
Muu: Talking about the past… Yours is quite a mystery too, Nac-san.
M: Now that you mention it…
Nac: Eh…? My past… is it?
Muu: Right.
Though you’re a very kind person under normal circumstances, you have scars all over your body… And when you wake up, you’re so scary that I thought you’re a different person…
Just what kind of past you’ve lived… The truth is, I’m always curious about it.
M: Actually, me too…
Nac: Even Master…?
Well, how do I put this… In my case, it’s not the kind of past where I can proudly brag to other people…
M: You don’t need to force yourself if it’s impossible
Nac: No, it’s quite alright, Master.
That you have an interest in my past, is an honor in itself.
Well then, I’ll tell you.
Just a little, the tale of me when I was a child.
M: Little Nac?
Nac: Yes. It was when I was living as a normal human.
That was around…. just right before my 12th birthday.
-At the Stein Family’s Manor-
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Nac: Stein family, a prominent family that made its fortune in the financial business… I was born into such a family as the heir.
As the next head of the family, I received special education from early age…
At the same time, as a son from a distinguished household, I was living a life without any inconvenience.
Nac: *yawns
Old Butler: Good morning, Young Master.
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Nac: Jiiya, good morning.
Old Butler: Were you able to sleep soundly last night?
Nac: Abou that… Actually, Father came back in the dead of the night yesterday. Then out of nowhere, he made me do work-related study.
Uhh… it’s always so sudden every time.
Old Butler: Oh my, that sounds rough.
That being said… I’m surprised that the Lord is teaching the Young Master directly at such an hour. Is it a money-related study, after all?
Nac: No… I’m sorry, Jiiya. I can’t talk about the details.
It is about… the Stein ‘family business’.
‘Don’t tell anyone else about this,’ Father strictly told me that.
Old Butler: Ho ho ho. It’s quite alright, I don’t mind.
As expected of the world-renowned Stein family… Having to learn how to handle money from such a young age… It's tough to fulfill the responsibility when it comes to being the heir to a prestigious family.
Nac: Truly, I felt that.
Old Butler: However, Young Master… Again and again, I’ll ask you, please take good care of your body.
If you don’t rest properly, you’ll going to collapse you know?
Nac: Yes, I understand.
You’re really a worrywart, Jiiya.
Old Butler: Fu fu, I beg your pardon. It’s only natural for me to be this worried about you.
After all, I’m a butler that exists to serve the Young Master.
Nac: Yes… Thank you, Jiiya.
Old Butler: Now then, it will soon be breakfast time, right?
Nac: I wonder if I’ll be able to eat with Father today…
Old Butler: Ah, Young Master. Actually… the Lord has left the manor since early in the morning.
Nac: Eh? He left…?
No way… Even though he just came back last night.
Old Butler: It seems that there was a sudden business negotiation. . .
Being the head of the Stein family keeps one extremely busy after all.
I do wonder where he fits his sleeping schedule though…
Nac: I see…
Then, did Father say when he’ll be back?
Old Butler: Fu fu, rest assured, Young Master.
I’m sure he’ll be back for your birthday tomorrow.
Because for the Stein family, the 12th birthday is an special moment.
Nac: Hm? What do you mean special?
Old Butler: Ah, no… I mean, the Lord must be looking forward to your special day.
Please fret not. There’s no way the Lord will forget about it.
Nac: Yes… You’re right, Jiiya.
Thank you. I feel relieved.
-Southern Church-
Muu: Heee! So you were super rich, Nac-san! I wasn’t aware…
Nac: Yes… It was a long time ago, but the Stein family had been adept at handling money for generations.
The reason why I am currently in charge of accounting at the mansion is thanks to the special education I received when I was a child.
Muu: But still, that ‘Young Master’… What a blessed life you’ve lived! I’m totally jealous!
Nac: Ha ha… is that so.
Indeed it sounds like a life anyone would die for from the outside…
Nac is saying it with a laugh, but I saw the dark expression clouding his face for a split second before the words came out of his mouth.
Which has me wonder… if Nac was truly happy.
The old scars all over his body, when did he get them?
I felt like asking it would only reopen old wounds…
I couldn’t dare to ask him.
Muu: Ehm… Well, Nac-san. What happened after that?
Nac: Hm? After that?
Muu: Your 12th birthday was the day after, right?
I bet you celebrated it grandly with your father and the butler!
Nac: That is…
(No… What happened after that day… Isn’t something I should be talking about, right…
It’s painful to look back on, even for myself…)
CH. 2
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Batraculous: Caline Bustier
Caline Bustier is both the butler of the Agreste residence, and the caretaker of the North Faction of the Bat-Heroes (The Akuma Class). She also helps Olga Mendeliev, Alonzo Grotke and Dahlia Winters with the other Bat-Hero factions (The Science Class, Recess Class and Theater Class). She is a character with a striking presence, known for her unwavering support, impeccable service, and deep connection to the Bat-Heroes.
Appearance and Attire: Caline is a woman of grace and refinement. She carries herself with poise and dignity at all times. Her attire is a classic black tuxedo, meticulously tailored to perfection. The tuxedo consists of a crisply pressed white shirt, a black bowtie, and a formal black jacket with tails. She also wears polished black shoes that reflect her attention to detail and dedication to her role.
Role and Responsibilities:
Trusted Butler: Caline serves as the Bat-Heroes' trusted butler, providing unwavering support and guidance to the team. She is responsible for maintaining the Bat Cave, ensuring the heroes have all the necessary equipment, and coordinating their missions.
Advisor and Mentor: Caline offers wisdom, counsel, and guidance to the Bat-Heroes. She serves as a mentor figure, helping the young heroes navigate their responsibilities and challenges, both as superheroes and in their personal lives.
Logistics and Organization: Caline takes care of all logistical aspects of the Bat-Heroes' operations. She manages communication systems, tracks missions, and assists the Bat-Heroes in coordinating with law enforcement and emergency services.
Resource Management: She is responsible for maintaining and cataloging the Bat-Heroes' equipment, gadgets, and costumes. She ensures that everything is in pristine condition and readily accessible for the heroes when they embark on missions.
Training and Preparedness: Caline occasionally assists in training exercises, helping the heroes hone their skills and improve their teamwork. She ensures they are always prepared for any challenge they may face.
Personality: Caline Bustier possesses a calm and composed demeanor, remaining unflappable even in the most intense situations. She is incredibly dedicated to her role and the Bat-Heroes, often going to great lengths to support and protect them. Her wisdom and experience make her a trusted advisor, and her kindness and empathy make her a beloved figure among the heroes. Also she is a massive lesbian for her wife, Lieutenant Giselle LeBlanc.
Relationship with the Bat-Heroes: Caline Bustier shares a deep and familial bond with the Bat-Heroes. She cares for them as if they were her own children, offering comfort and encouragement during moments of doubt and reassurance when facing formidable challenges. She knows each hero's strengths, weaknesses, and quirks, and she treats them all with equal respect and affection.
And that's the caretaker for the North Faction of the Bat-Heroes. Next up will be Olga Mendeliev for the South Faction, which will be the Science Kids. Make sure to post, reply, reblog and ask for more. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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algoney · 2 years
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I love him so much!! UWU 
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funtomfactory · 11 months
I mean we got the timeline that we got based on reader's opinions during the poll, but imagine if Yana had to write the Akuma Six chapter with like... Ciel, Sebastian, Undertaker, Grell, Charles Grey and... The Funtom Unicorn.
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shisekibo · 1 year
[Story Translation] Chapter Thirty Four - Resisting Despair
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 “Oi! Bastien! Wake up!”
 “I’ll kill you if you die here!”
(He’s not even listening to Lono...)
(He’s not reacting at all.)
 “Tsk... That bastard. What’s he actin’ like such a baby for?”
 “Oi! It looks like I really was stronger than you all along!”
 “You pathetic little bug!”
 “...Huh? What did you just say...?”
“Yay! He heard you!”
“Bastien! He reacted!”
 “Bastien! Don’t you dare turn into a Demon!”
 “Lono? Master? Is that you? Why are you in my thoughts?”
“You’re not weak, Bastien!”
 “That’s not true... I’m not strong...”
 “My friend sacrificed his life to save me because I was too weak to save myself...”
 “And now the same thing happened again. I hurt Lono.”
 “Huh? Hurt me? Is that what you’re gettin’ all depressed about?”
 “You’re not my mum! Cut it out!”
 “I didn’t get hurt because you’re weak or nothin’! I did what I did because I thought that’d be the best thing to do!”
 “And! I’m not weak enough that I can’t handle myself without your protection.”
 “Lono... But you got hurt because you protected me...”
 “I don’t want to see people getting hurt because of me ever again. So I’m happy alone.”
 “I can live alone.”
 “God! You’re so annoyin’!”
 “Just hurry up and get your arse back over here! Stop actin’ like a huge baby!”
 “You plan on spendin’ the rest of your life alone? I don’t know if you’re delusional or somethin’...”
 “But you’re not alone at all!”
 “You eat food I make for you! You live in the same Devil’s Palace as all the other Butlers!”
 “So... I’m not even alone...?”
 “Yes... No human can live completely alone...”
 “Especially not someone like you.”
 “I’ve said all I have to say, alright?! If you still want to die after that, then go ahead and die!”
 “That’s nothin’ to do with me!”
“Lono, calm down...”
“You didn’t need to go that far...”
 “You’ve made some good friends.”
 “Do you really want to betray people who will fight for you like this?”
 “Are you really going to give up here...?”
 “You’re right...”
 “I’m a brave, proud knight.”
 “I won’t die to the hands of anyone but a knight stronger than me...”
 “If I give up now... I won’t be able to show my face to you ever again, Jessica.”
 “That’s so like you, Partner.”
 “I promise you, Jessica.”
 “It might take a long time, but I’ll get stronger.”
 “I won’t lose anyone ever again. Just watch how strong I become.”
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kurobracket · 2 years
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invui · 2 years
Since Tumblr wont let Me respond under your Posts! I wanted to Know If the devil Butler with black Cat Server still exists? o: the Link doesnt work
mhm! it has been pretty silent for the past few weeks but we started talking again since a ton of new members had joined and we are very welcoming of newcomers!
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