#Alador: ''you know I could just make you a new hand right?''
hedge-rambles · 1 year
Eda at the end of the TOH finale
I just think it's extremely funny that her adopted daughter's girlfriend is an abomination expert, said girlfriend's dad is a genius abomination inventor, and Eda is herself versed in all schools of magic...and her solution to a missing hand is a fucking metal hook.
There is no way they couldn't have conjured her up some sort of fully functional prosthetic, like with working fingers, responds to her mind and intentions etc. Which leads me to conclude that it's the most Eda choice imaginable and she uses a shiny golden hook because she thinks it looks cool.
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tree0frog · 10 months
Owl houce master list
Maine master list
Request open
Matchup closed
You smiled to your self walking around the castle your hair bouncing as you walked looking for someone.
You smiled as you found who you were looking for walking up only to see them with two other people.
Raine laughed when they saw your form debating whether to go see them or so they took it upon them self to help you .
“{y/n} did you finish it already”this made the two men look at you.
*fuck why are they looking at me*you though as you stared to pick at your hands.
This didn’t go unnoticed by the taller of the two males,
“Alador Darius this is {y/n} my second in command in the bard coven”Raine said as they took you by the arm slowly moving you towards the now named adult.
“So your the witch Raine was muttering on about at the least meeting”Darius asked lowing him self to your eye line.
Your face flushed crimson as you backed away a little looking at Raine for some form of help .
“Our dear {y/n} has a hard time talking to new people or people in general so please be patient with them I need to go but I hope things go well” Raine said as they walked away from the group.
Your eye followed the mint hair person whit h earned a laughed from the two in frount of you.
“Raine said you can control magic with sound waves is that true?” Alador asked you noticed the purple gloop covering him head to toe.
You just nodded not being able to find your voice.
Soon the three of you were in Darius office when he made a small abomination,the two watched as you moved down to it as you tapped the table once beside it.
The abomination shifted shapes leaving to two shocked.
“Your incredible you know that right?” Darius laughed patting your back making you blush a little.
As time went on the three of you saw each other a lot more, you and alador spent time working with different abominations to see how your magic works.
One day it go a bit much for you.
It was a normal day for the two of you until the abomination got a little out of hand,Alador ran to shelled your frame whom was to focus on the spell that you didn’t know what was going on.as you felt the presence your eyes went back to normal and you looked up to see alador stand very VERY close to you.
“Are you ok your not hurt are you?” He asked holding you by the shoulder then other hand holding your chin moving your head cheacking for any sign that you were hurt.
“You worry to much I’m fine trust me “you smiled bring your hand up cupping his cheek.
His eyes widened.
“Oh sorry I ..I don’t know why I did that I em I need to go sorry “you babbeled your ears night with a blush.
You were quick to gather your beonglinv trying to get as far away from alador as you could by well let’s just say you didint get very far.
“Now then where are you rushing off to so quickly then hmm” Darius asked as you walked right into him.
“Home?”you asked looking up at him.
“I have thing I need to finish for Raine good night to you both “you said trying to walk pass the taller male.
“I don’t think so love”Darius said moving to block your frame agein,
His hands moved to tilt your chin making you face him at an angle,
“Come on love your scarring them “alador laughed placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Sorry dear he get to existed sometimes”he whispered in your ear.
“I em I really need to em go”you whispered your eyes trying to look anywhere that wasn’t the two men you when pushed ageinst
“I’m sure Raine can hang off a little longer don’t you think love” Darius asked his boyfriend.
“Hmm I do believe he can what do you think angel”alador muttered.
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neoncherryblossom · 2 months
No rush, it cab be delayed Christmas gift to get in February lol
Like, ten paragraphs would be nice.
Idea, where instead of the birthday party being Amity to break off friendship with Willow.
A jealous Hunter gets worked up over Amity having a new friend, inviting Willow to her birthday and pushes Willow, who got Amity a really nice gift.
Vanessa calms Amity, who gets angry, Alador checks over Willow.
I wanna read how you'd write Darius having a chat with Hunter about that sorta behavior and jealousy.
Darius having to help little Hunter understand how to process those bad emotions.
You can ask me for a scenario in return if you wish
Young Hunter AU!
“Why did you do that?”
Hunter balled his hands into fists, turning away from Darius’ stern glare. This wasn’t his fault. How was this his fault?
“Little Prince, I asked you a question.”
Hunter kept his head turned away from Darius, the burning in the back of his eyes becoming stronger by the second. No don’t cry, don’t cry, he wasn’t a cry baby, he wasn’t going to cry.
From the corner of his eyes he watched Darius sigh, standing back up to his full height from his crouch. “Whether you’re sorry or not, you need to apologize to Willow young man. You were not raised to shove strangers around.”
“You didn’t raise me at all,” Hunter spat out, crossing his arms. “I’m not lying to her.”
Darius didn’t say anything for a long moment, just enough time for the guilt to start building up inside of him. Great, great, Darius is going to hate him now and send him back to his uncle because he was being mean- and he was horrible and Amity was leaving him but he can’t let Darius leave him too, he couldn’t-
Darius took a step back and Hunter lunged, grabbing the back of Darius’ shirt.
Darius was going to leave just like Uncle because he was bad, but he wasn’t sorry but he didn’t mean to be bad please-
“Little Prince,” two strong hands clamped onto his shoulders as Darius’ face trembled, tears already slipping down his face and chin and ruining the shirt Darius got him-sorry, sorry, sorry. “Hunter. Hunter, look at me.”
Hunter sniffled, snot dripping as he looked up at Darius and felt the smooth fabric of the man’s glove gently brush his tears away.
“…What’s the real reason you shoved Willow Little Prince?” Darius whispered as Hunter nuzzled deeper into his hand, closing his eyes. “And why would you yell at Amity? Aren’t you friends?”
Hunter bit his lip, shaking his head slowly.
“You’re not friends?”
Hunter whined, the sound wobbly as a fresh set of tears trinkled down his face before nodding.
Another nod.
Darius said nothing for a moment, pulling Hunter into his chest. And Hunter rested on the crook of Darius’ neck, worming his way to be under Darius’ chin. One of Darius’ hands scooped him up as Darius eased back onto the ground, a swirl of abomination flowing to form a carpet under them.
‘You never know when it’s last been clean.’ Is what Darius would say to make him feel better.
Darius doesn’t say that this time.
(That either means it’s a very serious talk, or Darius is going to give him back to Uncle for being a bad boy.)
“Did you two… have a fight?”
Hunter slowly shook his head.
“Then… why aren’t you friends anymore?”
Hunter pushed himself closer into Darius, and Darius covered his back with his cape and dropped his head onto Hunter’s. Whenever Darius did this it felt like it was just the two of them, and nothing could ever hurt Hunter again.
“Because she’s friends with Willow now,” he whispered as Darius’s hand moved up and down and up and down on his back. “Because Willow is her best friend now.”
“…Little Prince, that’s not- you do know you can have more than one friend right?”
“No!” Hunter shook his head because Darius just wasn’t getting it- “Willow is her best friend now, not me!”
“I…don’t follow.”
“The rule is you can only have one best friend and Willow said she and Amity were best friends and Amity gave her a best friend bracelet and she never gave me one and-and best means one so don’t say we can have more than one best friend because you can’t-can’t-can’t­-!”
Hunter cut himself off as Darius’ hand made it’s way to the top of his head, shushing him quietly. “Hunter, no, no, you’re still her best friend.”
“Not. Best is only one, you can only have one best friend.”
“Hunter, I-” Darius sighed, moving his hand to rub his back. “Okay, you’re right. But you shouldn’t have shoved Willow. How was that her fault?”
…Well. That’s true.
“Not to me Little Prince.”
“I know.”
Darius hummed, tapping Hunter’s back. “And maybe, and hear me out, Amity wants to be both of your best friends.”
Hunter growled, a sound Eber would be proud of. “Best-!”
“Means one, yes Hunter, but what if she doesn’t want to hurt Willow’s feelings? What if she doesn’t want to hurt yours? What if she just wants to have fun with both of you?”
Hunter huffed, pulling away to look up at Darius. “…More than one friend?”
“Yeah! I mean, you need more friends your age that’s not just Amity anyway and you worked hard picking out a gift for Willow.”
He scrunched his face, sticking his tongue out. “Don’t need more friends.”
“Oh? Why not?”
He blinked at Darius, tilting his head. “You only have one friend.”
Hunter didn’t expect Darius’ mouth to drop, stuttering as he put Hunter in his lap. “W-what? No? I have more than one friend!”
Hunter just slowly blinked at Darius, watching the man’s face darken.
“Just-just, never mind!” he sighed, patting the top of Hunter’s head, mussing his hair up. “Will you please apologize now?”
Well, he would now, because he felt pretty guilty. But it was also nice being away from the party, sitting in Darius’ lap and wrapped in his cape.
So Hunter scooched closer and wrapped his arms around Darius’ chest, muttering how he would do it later.
“Five minutes?”
“Why ten?”
“I have ten fingers.”
Darius heavily exhaled some air, tickling the top of his head and making him giggle. “Fine Little Prince,” Darius wrapped his cape even tighter around Hunter, making what Eda once called a ‘Hunter burrito’. “Ten more minutes.”
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Raine learned the hard way that the Collector was more powerful at night. He had ways of seeing and moving that witches didn’t, and after the third person those that escaped the head of the Titan lost to a nighttime raid, Raine decided to keep the rest in the tunnels beneath the Owl House after the sun went down. Those were, by far, the worst times of the day. When the sun was out, they could have a taste of fresh air and warmth, and they could pretend that they were making a difference. When it disappeared, they were trapped in darkness and silence, and it was all too easy for them to slip into the quicksand of thoughts and fears.
Everyone had their own way of dealing with this. Lilith and Hooty began an epic tournament of Hexas Hold ‘Em, their alternating shouts of dismay and triumph echoing long into the night. Darius made face masks out of abomination goo and a sort of makeshift spa out of the canal, where he retreated each evening with strict orders that he was not to be disturbed. Alador worked feverishly on Eda’s new arm, adding modification after modification that were sure to make her equal parts powerful and insufferable whenever it was complete. 
But while the others used the evenings to distract themselves as much as possible, Eda seemed to use it for the opposite. She found a corner away from everyone else and wrapped herself in Luz’s cloak, staring at nothing. Lilith tried to talk to her the first few days, but after being answered only with indistinct murmurs or single words, she gave up. Raine got the feeling they wouldn’t fare much better— but they also couldn’t stand to see brilliant, vibrant Eda so empty, so haunted, so silent, night after night. 
So night after night, they sat next to her, pulled out their violin, and played anything that came to their mind. Raine’s Rhapsody to start, of course, which managed to coax a tiny smile out of her, but then the song they played at their last concert before Head Witch Crane retired, the song they played at their first Hexside recital, the songs they had been supposed to play the days they’d snuck away to meet Eda instead… everything and anything they could think of to fill the silence. And every time they won the slightest twitch of Eda’s lips, they considered it a victory. 
But those smiles became less and less frequent as weeks turned into a month, and Raine’s desperation grew. The night after their third failed rescue attempt for King, she didn’t even raise her head to look at them. Tears stung their eyes as they put down their violin, and they quickly blinked them away as they took her hand in theirs. 
“Eda,” they whispered. “You know we’re not giving up on him.”
“I know,” Eda replied, but her voice was flat and defeated. “I just don’t know how many more plans we have left to try. What if this is it, Raine? What if we keep fighting and fighting and it never amounts to anything?”
“It will. It has to.”
“Maybe.” Eda swallowed hard, blinking quickly enough that Raine knew she was fighting back tears of her own, and looked away from them again. “Just… keep playing.”
“Okay,” they said softly. They returned their hands to the violin, thoughtfully stroking the wood. Keep playing. Eda needed the music, they knew, just like they did. Needed something to coax her away from getting lost in her own mind. But the music wasn’t enough anymore. At least— not what they’d been playing.
They’d thought almost every day about playing this one, but had never gone through with it. Even though they and Eda were together almost every day, even though the Isles as they knew it had crumbled and the complications of their past weren’t nearly as important, they still felt like it was crossing a line. 
But maybe, just this once, it would be worth it.
It only took a few notes for Eda to look up, the vacancy briefly receding from her widened eyes to make room for surprise. Raine grinned. “Recognize it?”
“The song from our first dance at grom.”
“That’s right.” Raine drew a small circle in the air with their fingertip, and their violin continued to play on its own as they stood up and bowed, flourishing a phantom of the skirt they’d worn that night with one hand as they offered the other to Eda. A mirror, an acknowledgement, an apology. They felt their younger self’s voice overlap with their own as they asked, “may I have this dance?”
And finally Eda smiled, an echo of the brilliant redhead in the shining burgundy suit speaking with her as she replied, “I thought you’d never ask.”
They couldn’t waltz as they had back then, with Raine still weak from the draining spell and Eda missing an arm, but they made do with her remaining hand in theirs and their arm around her waist. Raine didn’t know what to make of the fact that she still knew every step, every movement— or that they did, too. They just let themself feel the warmth of her hand in his, of their bodies moving together— and then, when they dipped her, they let themself feel the shooting, glimmering euphoria in every part of themself as she laughed. 
Her laughter was still contagious, even after all these years, and they found themself giggling with her as they pranced around the room, stepping and twirling as the music reached its crescendo, and when they dipped her again as the song came to a close, both of them were still breathless with laughter, eyes glimmering with it as they looked at each other.
In the pause, in the silence, Eda’s cheeks flushed, and Raine felt heat flaming through their own face. This was the part where they should let her go, step back, allow the moment to dissipate— but instead, she reached up, and used their closeness to draw them into a hug. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. “For not giving up.”
“Thank you. For coming back.”
There were a thousand layers in the words, levels of meaning beneath the surface, that they could entangle when all was said and done. For now, Raine was content to take in Eda’s closeness, to etch the joy of their shared memories and the echo of their shared laughter into their mind, and to remember that neither of them had to face the darkness alone. 
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smokestarrules · 2 years
How do you think Amity’s arc will carry on? Dana said Season 3 would see characters reach their potential, but Amity’s arc with defying authority (aka Odalia) and rebuilding friendship with Willow seem to end in Season 2, and I saw someone saying that S3 Amity does not have her own personality other than being Luz’s girlfriend. I personally don’t agree with this kind of view but I am worried that the show won’t further develop her character out of her romantic relationship in the rest of S3.
People say that practically every time Amity shows up in the show. It's not a new criticism of hers (although it's always entirely incorrect). She may be The Love Interest, but she’s also her own character, too, and the writing reflects that. 
I think, yes, one-hundred percent, she's going to get more focus in one of the other episodes. Thanks to Them was largely about Luz and Hunter, and their guilt concerning the two main villains, and to a lesser extent, the episode was also about understanding Camila. Those were the biggest priorities, so there wasn't really time for anyone else to have any big moral quandaries, y'know? Amity's job, and Gu's and Willow's and Vee's, was to largely be supportive, because that's what they needed to be, both plot-wise and character-wise.
As for how Amity's arc will continue, well, I have a few thoughts about that, too. I think that her character arc overall is less about defying authority and more about learning to be herself, those two things just happen to come hand-in-hand more often than not.
She was never allowed to be herself during her childhood; she wasn’t even allowed to be her own person, instead just an extension of Odalia. Amity’s arc involves standing up against authority like her parents, yes, but it also involves her dressing up as Hecate for Halloween - which is exactly what she does in Thanks to Them. In that episode, there’s never any pretenses with Amity. She’s unapologetically and equivocally herself, which includes dorky references and silent support and lots of falling on her face, because that’s who she is as a person. 
There’s plenty of things for her that could still happen in the show. Amity and Willow will never be done making up for lost time. She has to find Alador and they’re going to have to have a long talk about how to move forward together. She’s also the only person in the Hexsquad who’s missing people other than her parents, so I’m sure Edric and Emira will also have an emotional scene with her at some point. I’d also love to see more of her flexibility with magic--she has a very unique style out of everyone, especially out of her own Track, and I think that there’s a lot that she could do in branching out her Abomination magic in the upcoming episodes. 
Also--even if a lot of her arc in s3 is intertwined with Luz’s, that doesn’t mean she’s a weaker character for it. Amity’s early progression was deeply influenced by Luz, because Luz was everything she ever wanted to be. Now it’s Luz’s turn to pull into herself, and Amity’s the one who has to have the courage to step up, to say, I’ve got you, and to be supportive and steadfast because Luz needs that. That’s not because Amity has no character outside of Luz, it’s because she’s her partner, and that’s her job.
A scene that I think could be very good in the next episode is, ironically, an argument between the two, though nothing is said of malice. I want Amity to get it through Luz’s head that everyone is better off from knowing her, especially Amity, to explain, maybe, where she’d be without Luz, how she would’ve lived her life. If done right, it could be a very powerful scene. 
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juliettedunn · 1 year
Just a Harmless Memory (Part 3)
Part 1 can be found here
Part 2 can be found here
Hey everyone! Sorry for the wait; I know I left the story on a downer note. Here is the final chapter, and it's basically pure comfort and fluff! Probably needed after that new promo image we got.
When she finished the story, Amity laughed awkwardly. “I guess that sounds dramatic, but that’s why I’m kind of weird about that stuff.” Her voice was calm, though her heart pounded and her stomach turned. She hadn’t spoken about that memory, ever, because it was such a small thing and she’d really rather it be erased. 
She glanced up at Luz, and dread took over her when she saw the look on her face. A look of incredible anger. No, beyond just anger, rage. She wasn’t used to seeing such an expression on her sweet, tender-hearted girlfriend. 
Amity instinctively flinched back.  Really Mittens, I’m tired of all this drama. “Sorry. I-I didn’t mean to be dramatic.”
Luz blinked, her face instantly shifting from rage to familiar gentle concern. “Amity, wait, hey. I’m sorry if I scared you. I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at -“ Luz drew in a deep breath. “Your…parents.” She said the words through gritted teeth.
Amity, swallowed hard. She didn’t know why she was reacting so intensely; usually she was fine, but telling that story was like she was experiencing it all again. 
She knew Luz wasn’t mad at her, but what if she yelled out of anger on Amity’s behalf? Amity couldn’t take that right now.  “Please don’t yell. I know it’s not at me but…I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay.” Luz soothed her voice into a low, familiar croon. “Can I hold you?”
Amity hesitantly nodded, and Luz pulled her close, cradling her to her chest protectively. Luz’s heartbeat used to sound strange to Amity’s ears; it was so quiet, just two thuds every few moments, rather than the chaotic rhythm of both the beating heart and pumping bile sac of a biological witch. 
But Amity loved the quiet steadiness of Luz’s heart, and now the sound was one of the most comforting in the world, next to Luz’s voice.
“That wasn’t your fault,” Luz whispered. “I am so sorry they took that from you.” She gently held Amity’s face in her hands, running her thumbs over Amity’s cheeks. Amity looked down; eye contact was too intense right now, even with her safest person. “You can cry about it, you know.”
It wasn’t that Amity didn’t want to. Held by Luz, she felt safer than she had ever felt to cry. She knew she wouldn’t be judged for it, and she wished she could let it out and just sob. But she didn’t know how. She used to cry so much as a kid, but now it was like all her tear reserves had run dry, or were sealed behind a wall she spent so long maintaining, it wouldn’t break even if she wanted it too. She could tear up, but she couldn’t sob, not like her friends could.
She told Luz as much, and Luz’s face darkened again, before she clearly made an effort to push it back. “Well, whatever you need, I…I’m here for you.”
“I know. Really, though, it’s not much compared to other stuff Odalia did. Those were just toys. I was too attached.”
“No.” Luz pulled Amity in for a hug, nuzzling her. “It was something safe for you. It wasn’t hurting anything. I think that’s sweet you would arrange them at little tea parties.”
“It was kind of weird, looking back. Being that obsessive.”
“I like to do all kinds of weird things! I brought live snakes to school. Which was…not the best idea, now that I look back on it.” Luz sighed. “I did actually harmful things, and my mom would never do something like that. You’re not some…some puppet Odalia gets to control however she wants! You deserve to do what makes you feel safe!  And Alador, he should have protected you! He hurt you too!”
Amity’s ears drooped. “I still don’t understand him. I want to believe he’s changed for good now. He helped us, and it seemed like he really wanted to.”
“Did he apologize yet?”
“No, he didn’t. I…I’m not sure what I want from him. I spent so long wondering what I was doing wrong, what I could do to hold his attention. And now he’s acting nice again, I just want to trust he’ll stay that way. But I can’t. He’s done this so many times. I don’t feel connected to him.”
“Do you even want to be?”
“I don’t know. Not like he wants. Not until I can trust him, and I don’t know if I can. I want him to have changed but…I’m scared. And I can’t help not missing him as much as I should. I miss Ed and Em so much. But Dad, he…I don’t know. I feel awful.”
“He made it that way. You would miss him if he had actually been a good dad to you.”
“Maybe…sometimes I worry I’m being too hard on him. But then I get so angry, at the same time. He…he hurt me so bad. And he lied to me.”
“What he did wasn’t okay. Heck, I get it if you don’t ever want to talk to him again.”
“But I do. I do want to talk to him. Just not…I don’t know. It’s…it’s complicated.” She sniffled, all that she could manage in the moment. “I don’t know what I want.”
“Hey, well you know what? We’re in it together. I’m here for you, just like you’re here for me. You get to decide what you want to do. I’ll support you no matter what.”
Amity fidgeted with her hands, heart fluttering. “Thanks, Luz. You’re so perfect. I…I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
She heard Luz’s breath hitch, in a way that didn’t sound happy or flustered like she would have expected. 
“Luz? Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m okay. I just…” Luz sighed. “It doesn’t matter. You’re perfect.”
“I used to try so hard to be. And I still want to be. For you.”
“Well you don’t even have to try. The very existence of Amity Blight is perfection. The moment you were born, the world went ‘Aah! A perfect being! All my other creations will be failures compared to this! I reached my full artistic potential, what’s even the point?”
Amity giggled. “That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Well it’s true.”
“Thank you, Luz. That means a lot.”
Luz reached over and brought Sir Roary into Amity’s field of vision. “Dragon attack!” She tickled Amity with the stuffed animal, making dramatic roar noises as Amity laughed and pretended to fight her off.
“Luz! Stop!” 
“Not before you admit you’re perfect as you are!”
Okay, as smoothly romantic as her girlfriend could be, she was still a massive dork. 
“Fine, I’m perfect.”
“Just by existing!”
“Fine, fine, by existing!”
Luz set Sir Roary down and gave Amity a dramatic kiss. “Never forget it, hermosa.”
A few weeks later, Amity stood nervously at the entrance to the carnival. It was a very small one; Luz said it came to Gravesfield every summer, but only for a month. Luz had begged some spare change from her mom and proposed it to Amity as one of their many human realm dates. 
It was funny, Amity used to worry that Luz might never be able to take her to the human realm. Now they had done countless things, all that she had written about in her diary and more. 
“This is…strange,” said Amity. “A lot like the ones in the Boiling Isles, but…”
“A little bit safer, right?”
A piercing shriek cut the air, and both Luz and Amity flinched.
“Well…” Luz laughed. “At least none of the rides will try to eat you. Though…” She reached out and took Amity’s hand. “You might want to stick by me. Just in case.” 
Amity was so used to being cold, she usually forgot about it, but Luz’s hands were so warm that they made her realize what she was missing when they heated Amity’s own. She was grateful Luz’s hands were larger, her own hands could be entirely wrapped in strong, reassuring warmth  whenever they held each other. 
She wanted to say some clever, flirty thing back, but she couldn’t think of one, so instead she merely blushed and let Luz pull her into the carnival. 
She gasped when she saw a display of fluffy plush toys. There were unicorns that looked significantly less dangerous than the kind in the Boiling Isles, cartoonish cats and snakes and frogs.
“So what do you think?” Luz asked, gesturing theatrically at the assortment. 
“They’re so cute!”
“Yep! And today, one of them is for you.”
Amity turned in surprise. “What?”
“I’m going to win one for you.”
Amity inspected the game, a familiar one to her, except you threw darts at balloons on a board rather than the cyst-lined back of a Quawkabear. The human realm was in general a lot more sanitary than the Boiling Isles.
Amity observed one person trying and failing repeatedly to hit the balloons. She didn’t want to doubt her girlfriend, but…
“It’s alright if you don’t. It’s really sweet that you took me here.”
“No, I’m going to do it for you.” Luz puffed out her chest. “Mi am- I mean mi hermosa deserves the best.” Luz chuckled nervously.
Amity didn’t know what she had been about to say, but she was too distracted to inquire about it. Instead, she pulled Luz into a hug. “Thank you.”
She closed her eyes, resting her head on Luz’s shoulder for a moment. When she opened them again, she saw the woman managing the game station watching them with a giant smile.
Amity stared back awkwardly. She probably should have smiled, but she struggled to place the correct facial expression, and besides, Luz told her to be cautious in the human realm.
“Which do you want?” Luz asked after pulling away from the hug.
Amity considered the plushes on display, until her eyes fell on a large rabbit one. It looked quite different from Alphonse, but was still recognizably a bunny, and looked incredibly soft and huggable.
She pointed it out, and Luz’s gaze softened understandingly. She took Amity’s hand in hers and kissed it. “Then I’ll get you that one.”
Luz purchased the tickets, bouncing excitedly on the balls of her feet and giving Amity tender glances from time to time. She was in her chivalrous “fearless champion” mode, which Amity always found adorable. 
Though, seeing the cost of the tickets, Amity couldn’t help thinking Luz would have spent less money just buying a stuffed animal from a store. 
The carnival worker handed Luz five darts, wishing her good luck. Luz dramatically wheeled her arm back, sending Amity a flirtatious grin, then threw the dart, completely missing the balloons. Her face melted into disappointment.
“Unlucky shot I guess,” she said, trying to laugh it off. She wheeled her arm back once again, sticking out her tongue and squinting dramatically like that would somehow help her. Only to miss a second time.
Amity put her hand on Luz’s shoulder. “Mind if I try?”
“No no, I’m doing this for you.” 
Amity giggled. “Okay. Well just so you know, seeing you so cute and determined is enough of a prize.”
Luz quirked one of her eyebrows. “What does that mean?”
Amity swiftly kissed her on the cheek. “Just that I like seeing you in fearless champion mode. Even if you mess up.”
“Well I-” Luz’s cheeks darkened with blush. “I’m glad you like it.”
There was an exhausted sigh from behind them, and they both turned to see a guy waiting in line, tapping his foot. He turned to the carnival worker. “Can you keep this thing going?”
The carnival worker, instead of responding, nodded to Luz. “Take your time, sweetie. You’ve still got three more, you’ve got this.”
Luz composed herself, then threw the dart. This time she hit a balloon. “Yes!” she whooped, jumping in the air, eyes lit brighter than Amity had seen them in a while. “See?”
“Yes, my brave champion is a natural.”  Amity winked at her, then looked at the sign detailing the prizes. At this point, she wouldn’t be able to get a medium plushie, but if Luz got the next two, she would be able to have a small one, and there were plenty of those.
Luz hit the dart successfully once again. Just one more left. Amity was already trying to determine which one she might want. She’d missed the chance for the bunny, but that was okay. Maybe one of the small unicorns.
Then Luz missed her final throw. Amity tried to stifle the disappointment. A keychain, then, was the next level of prize. That would be cute. Luz turned to her with a wince. “Two out of five is…almost fifty percent?”
“You did great, mi tesoro.” Amity had been using the nickname a lot now that Luz had shown such a positive reaction the first time. 
Luz smiled at her. “Yeah. Sorry we can’t get one of the giant ones.” She turned to look at the prize board, before the carnival worker stepped in front of it, holding a medium–size bunny plush. “This is the one you wanted, I overheard?”
“Wait, really? I thought we could only get one of the small ones!”
Actually, they weren’t able to get any of them. The carnival worker was making a mistake. Amity opened her mouth to say something, but noticed the woman give her a knowing smile. She was…making an exception for them?
Amity almost felt frustrated - these games truly were rigged, if you could get different prizes depending on if the carnival worker took pity on you or not. 
But she wanted the bunny more than she cared about fairness. Luz hadn’t noticed the sign, and clearly wasn’t planning on looking, so Amity kept her mouth shut. 
“Nope, you won a medium.”
“That’s great!” Luz took the bunny, and then, with a dramatic flourish, presented it to Amity. “For you, my darling.”
Amity took it and held it close. It was softer than she was expecting, its ears perfect to stim with, and as she held it, she felt her chest expand with warmth. She pulled Luz into a kiss, hoping the happy fluttering of her ears didn’t show through her hair. “Thank you, my champion.”
When they got back, they ran into Camila on the way to the girls’ room. “So, how was the carnival?” Camila asked.
Amity nervously held the bunny to her chest. “It was good. Luz, uh, won me this.”
“Ay que lindo!” said Camila. “Can I see?”
Amity tensed, glancing at Luz, who smiled at her reassuringly. Amity stepped forward, trying to calm the pounding of her heart. Camila wasn’t going to take it from her, she knew that, yet the movements were so similar…
“You don’t have to let me if you don’t want to,” said Camila, voice dropping tenderly.
Camila was always extra gentle with her, and as much as Amity hated the idea of being pitied, she craved that kind of affection. Camila was the first adult that had truly shown it to her.
And with those thoughts, Amity found herself relaxing. “Here,” she said, holding up the bunny and handing it to her.
Camila looked at the rabbit lovingly, giving it a kiss on its little pink nose. “So sweet! Tell me what you name it.”
“O-okay,” said Amity, shaking a bit as Camila gave it back to her. 
When they got to Luz’s room, she already had tears in her eyes. “Luz I, I think I’m crying a bit now.”
Luz wordlessly folded her arms around her and Amity sank into the familiar warmth of the hug. Since when was that warmth familiar, anyway? Since when had she started getting so used to affection?
“She-she really is fine with it. I…I knew she would be but…thanks, Luz. This is really special to me.”
“Of course, sweet potato. You deserve all the plushies in the world. I’ll try to win you one every carnival we go to. And hey, what are you going to name them?”
Amity considered. “I’m not sure yet.”
“And what’s their backstory?”
“Come on, I want lore. Where do they come from, do they have a tragic and mysterious past? Do they know Sir Roary?” Luz gasped. “Maybe they’re long-lost lovers! And we just got to reunite them!”
Amity giggled. “I guess I didn’t think about making up lore.”
“Well come on, let’s get to it!”
They spent the rest of the afternoon coming up with silly backstories for their stuffed animals. And that night, as Amity lay down to sleep, she snuggled the bunny. Ghost gave her a disgruntled look, before she reminded the cat that she always slept at the foot of the bed or wandered the house anyway.
Even though Amity knew it wasn’t real, it was comforting to snuggle something so soft against her face, tucked beneath the blanket and providing a reassuring texture to fidget with as she slept. She looked over to Luz, cuddling her own plush, and breathed a happy sigh. The bad feelings from her past lingered, but here, she knew at last she was safe.
Thank you for reading the story; I hope you enjoyed it. I love Lumity so much and I can't wait for them to say "I love you" in the finale.
Part 1 can be found here
Part 2 can be found here
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
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New glyph combo acquired! I watched a few more seconds and saw that it stops falling objects. I also managed to actually get a few decent enough glimpses of it to make out what the entire thing looks like.
It’s one light glyph, surrounded by one ice glyph and one fire glyph. Hmm… not sure if I see any connection there to negating or lessening gravity. I guess light is, well, light.
On a more important note, Luz did that thing I do every other week where I decided that Today Is The Day I’m fInally Going To Get My Life Together and then just never do. Her To Do list for the day includes constructing a fully-functioning portal door, something that took Philip at least ten years, figure out every possible glyph combination which would probably require a lifetime or more (which is not really an option for Luz, unless… you know) and figure out Belos’ evil plan and defeat him. And even I’m not sure what Belos’ plan actually is, much less how they’d go about defeating him.
Suffice it to say, Luz is taking on maybe a little too much.
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This made me burst out laughing. Is Belos evil? Do you think!??
Also, wasn’t Ruler’s Reach the name of that book King & Luz wrote in that one episode in season one?
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It got better.
The real question is, who was he trying to send that picture of Little Rascal to? Probably one of the Emerald Entrails. My money’s on Willow.
(that profile picture, it’s… it sure is something)
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I wasn’t too far off with what I said about Luz making that reminder months ahead. She and Camila apparently have some tradition that they do every year and this being the first time in years that they’re apart for this occasion… it’s got Luz catching the sad. And so she tries to distract herself with working on a hundred things at once, and as a result, accomplishing very little.
On another note, that is Eda’s old grudgby jacket she wore back in Wing It Like Witches*. It looks good on you Luz. Maybe you should try it on. See if its fits. Who knows, maybe what you need to get out of your funk is a new wardrobe.
I’ve seen art of Luz wearing that jacket, is what I’m trying to say.
(*i went back to rewatch a scene from that episode and I spotted Raine in a photograph in Eda’s photo album)
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So Amity has her own problems that can distract Luz. 
So today is the day of the Bonesbrorough Brawl which sounds like some kind of wrestling thing, but I assume magic is involved too. Or maybe it’s not at all like wrestling and just straight up duels or some such. That doesn’t exactly look like a wrestling outfit Alador’s wearing there (I’ll talk more about the photo in a sec).
But today is also the tryouts for the Emperor’s Coven. Odalia has already signed Amity up for it and Alador assigned an Abomaton to, ah… escort her there. Now, I don’t know when witches are considered adults on the Boiling Isles, but Amity is what? Fourteen? Maybe fifteen? Isn’t that a little to young to be joining the army? I know Hunter was probably younger, but he’s a special case… then again, he was serious about the Emerald Entrails joining and they were around Amity’s age, soooo…
Amity, of course, doesn’t want to join the Emperor’s Coven. In fact, she doesn’t want to join ANY coven anymore. She just wants to go to the brawl, compete and hopefully win, like her dad once upon a time.
It is not lost on me that this is something Amity wants to do with her dad, you know, something they can share and have in common… and meanwhile, Luz had something she wanted to do and share with her mom. So much for a distraction.
Let’s talk about the photo  for a sec. Obviously, we have Alador as the central figure. He’s obviously much younger, his eyes are brighter and doesn’t have the bags they do in the present. His hair looks a bit more well-kept although his hands are still stained (thought that could be from the fight). He had the goggles already. He’s also wearing some kind of tank on his back, probably for his abomination goop.
If we look in the lower right corner we can see Odalia. It’s kinda hard to tell, but I think she might be blushing? If we look a bit above Odalia, on one of the large skulls in the background, we can see Eda and Raine watching the spectacle from above. On the lower left we find Darius booing. Already Alador’s rival back then, huh? Also, the person with the fangs next to Darius kinda looks like a vampire, which we know exists on the Boiling Isles.
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sepublic · 2 years
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On the one hand, a part of me feels ready to greenlight Darius as actually a pretty decent dude; On the other hand, with how he did apprehend Raine and the BATTs, there’s arguably still room to interpret him as a general jerk and asshole, but one who makes good points; Like that meme of the worst person you know making a great point!
Darius is a pretentious snob and Luddite, but he’s not totally wrong for it either; Alador turning Abominations into a cold and mechanized war industry is definitely something you’d be critical over, even if Darius has potentially taken his dislike of machines too far as a result; We’ll just have to see. Likewise, it’s not entirely fair to expect a kid to pull himself up by his bootstraps to think for himself, and look down on him as not worth your time until he does prove he can actually think on his own... But fundamentally, we should all expect kids and just people in general to not mindlessly dedicate their entire lives to a purpose.
(Plus, Darius might’ve legit been concerned for Hunter and pushing him to look out for himself for once, via tough love, because it’s hard and even risky to be compassionate when you’ve been in the coven for so long.)
Darius could stand to be more compassionate about things (don’t hold a kid accountable for not fitting your expectations of his predecessor), but a lot of his ideas are still in the right place, hence why he remains a coven head but is still reasonable about it. And for all we know, he actually really IS that nice and kind, or will be; Especially since a promo seems to imply, alongside the end credits, that Darius will join Raine in their rebellion... He’s not perfect and arguably morally gray, but he’s got sides and duality to him, and when Darius has to pick one...!
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He’s arguably a ‘lesser of two evils’ who upon realizing he’s an evil amongst worse ones, decides the ‘good guys’ are closer to those standards of his anyway, and hangs out with them to avoid going down the slippery slope. He’s still a jerk but he’s our jerk! Darius ain’t nice that often but he’s nevertheless good and knows when to make it count, if that makes sense.
Also love the idea of him following in the previous Golden Guard’s footsteps this way; Obviously both still flawed and their ideals aren’t always the best... But it comes from an actual good place and that’s the difference that matters. I’m not sure just how nice Darius is and to what extent, I’m still cautiously waiting for a full verdict; But he’s looking more and more valid! Sure he got motivated to murder because Eda got dirt on his clothes, but nobody’s perfect and everyone’s got their eccentricities-
Also this makes me view his lack of enthusiasm in apprehending the BATTs with new light and context; Darius isn’t just interested in pampering himself over this, his heart really isn’t in it? Love this dude and the potential recontextualization of his actions, like with so many other characters such as Amity or Hunter, whose antagonism appears different than it initially had... Tbh I enjoy the idea of Darius still being an overall jerk but he’s right about some things, and that’s what incentivizes him to side with the protagonists, because there’s enough decency in there to appeal to and work with.
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spinaroos-47 · 2 years
Them’s the breaks, kid was great!
My prediction was way off, i basically put the ASIAS lumity stuff here dfsjsfdnjdfs. I’m glad I was wrong because this was amazing
First of all, I’m always happy for more glyphs and I got a lot this episode dgjdnfn
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They’re really interesting! The little hurricane one (besides looking a lot like King’s like sigil thing on his collar) makes a lot of sense! Cold + Warm is what makes hurricanes! (though i’m still figuring out what the light glyph is for. Air maybe?)
Water one, pretty simple. The petrification spell is very interesting, since it ties Philip to Belos even more, and also that it uses plant and ice glyphs. Which kinda makes sense, since ice is pretty rigid, the plants could give it a more sturdy aspect
And the hand...again, ties with Belos but also looks pretty similar to my guess at an abomination spell (well, i used all four glyphs on it but thats not the similarity), I did bet that the plant glyph would be a base for it, and since plant coven magic also involves elements like water and earth, it fits that the fire glyphs could kinda melt the plants to give it the gooey aspect to it
Okay, glyph nerding aside, let’s go to the rest of the episode
I’m really glad this also was a more chill episode, it was nice and Luz needed a break (,kid). Their history together was so cute! (and Raine was super cute as well)
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(I also appreciate the big voice difference, pretty likely caused by T)
It was pretty bittersweet to see Eda and Lilith before Eda got cursed. They were really close but all that happened. Them doing those checks to see if they know the stuff felt very familiar to me
And the parents of a lot of the characters!
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Gus’ dad, Boscha’s parents, Odalia and Alador, Willow’s dads (that i forgot to take a print of), and DARIUS! Not a parent but still really glad to see him there. He and Alador were friends, so then what happened? Was it because of Darius being mentored by the previous Golden Guard? 
Anyways, Raine is so smart, just as smart as Eda, this really shows how they aren’t someone to be underestimated (which is what the EC and Terra are doing), they are really observative and creative! Like, the change of the chemistry of a drink? That’s amazing! And making that detail of Raine blowing the steam off the tea that way in FATCP actually mean something? I love this show (And bard magic being underestimated just like illusion magic does make a lot of sense, since even some fans didn’t think much of it before Raine appeared. Bard magic is great)
It feels pretty great to be right on Raine knowing something was up, and that they actually know way more than I thought. As I said, they’re very smart, they wouldn’t let themselves be brainwashed like that (kinda ruins a oneshot I’m writing but I think I can work with the new information). And they don’t want to hurt Eda again with this, which is sweet and also a painful paralel to what Eda did with them, hiding the truth to not hurt her and still hurting her in the process
(And they did the spell to destroy stuff Eda did in Eda’s requiem!) 
The Isles back then were different, less strict, I love seeing that. I say this quite frequently, but this makes me notice even more the similarities between Belos’ regime and the dictatorship that happened here in Brazil from 64 to 85. Probably also mirrors other dictatorships but I can only talk about this one since it’s the one I actually know about. Though on this case, here it got less restricted as the regime ended, There isn’t going to be that on toh, definetly. Terra always being like that, and one of Belos’ first supporters I’m pretty sure, is really creepy. She always had an eye out for Raine (TAKE YOU GRASS HANDS FAR FROM THEM)
ALSO, Darius being on the rebellion!!!!! Vindication! I can’t wait for next week to see what he, Raine and Eber do. (also his little abomination. adorable <3)
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@bernardo-reblogs-shit​ was so right about the similarities between fmab, this feels very similar to it, but also it’s showing the weird thing on top of the castle, so it’s going to be on both places? And what about the skull? This answers a lot but also creates so many questions
AND BONESBOROUGH BEING A BIG COVEN SIGIL!!!!! HOLY FUCK! Which gives a lot of weight to what wrath says about it not being welcoming to magickind, ITS GOING TO TAKE AWAY ALL MAGIC 
The coven heads will be what powers the spell, which then makes me wonder about Hunter’s role in all this. He’s going to get all the magic drained (it has to go somewhere, if not to him, then it’s for the titan, which i think will happen) or he’s what will activate it? For sure he’ll be a sacrifice, but how exactly we don’t know yet.
And the portal is being moved! probably to the spell center, which also makes me wonder what exactly the door is for. Excited and scared
This makes me even more excited for Hollow mind, like, Hunter WILL get some truths dropped on him, the question is which? And the two coven heads that have been nice to him are two of the ones rebelling, which will be interesting no matter what direction HM will go (astrolavas pointed this out on twitter, and I am so down with the idea)
Other small things i noticed while watching the episode
- The doodles on Philip’s diary being incomplete glyphs was great 9and again, you can see early Belos ideas on two of them)
- “things abominations probably shouldn’t do”
- I actually thought the hands were Darius’ skdskfkds Eda has such a paper white skin i thought it was him 
- Eda is peak adhd 
- I liked seeing other uniforms besides hexside, glandus and st. epiderm!
- apparently there were scrolls on eda’s hexside times, which is interesting
- st epiderm being expensive checks out. I’ve studied in a catholic school for 12 years and while it was one of the cheaper ones, it was still pretty pricy 
- the paralel of one of them being a wild witch and the other a coven one
- their handshake <3
- st epiderm is on the knee! which makes sense for a religious school to be there since its where the magic is strongest
- changing the chemistry of liquids is such a coold idea
- “we’ll figure something else out” mmmmmmmm like ENTERING BELOS’ MIND?
- these shots
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- and him
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What needs to happen in the owl house season 3 part b
The owl house is entering its third and final season. Season 3 will consist of three 44 minute specials (I think. I heard a rumor that fan outrage forced Disney to lengthen the specials to 55minutes). Season 2 ended with the characters kinda spilt into three groups. Luz and her friends henceforth called "The Hexside gang" are trapped in the human realm. The adult CATTs members are back home on the boiling isles out of one apocalypse and straight into another, and King is trapped as the collectors playmate in what ever "owl house" he has made. I am imagining that each special will follow one of these three groups adventures as they all try to reunite.
Here is what I need to see happen with the CATT’s
First Please let Dana keep her word about not thinking all the bad guys need to be redeemed. Terra Snapdragon, Adrian Gray, Hettie Cuttburn (tweets say she was going to be one of the really evil/cruel ones), Kikimora and Odalia all stay villains
In fact I could see ones like Kikimora and Odalia actually trying to side with whatever is left of Belos, Or the worst of the coven heads to be shown at the shows end, plotting to take Belos place as Emperors/Empresses
I would accept Mason (construction head) defecting to the CATT’s after he Day of Unity. He is still new, having only been a coven leader for a little bit longer than Rain has. That might not be enough time for him to be fully corrupted by the position. Also some early art hints that he is Steve and Matholomule’s father. If that is so he probably went along with the Day of Unity thinking he was creating a better world for his sons. So he has something important in common with the other parents in the CATT’s, and two very good reasons to change/fix his mistakes.
I really, really want to see Steve and Mattholomule again. They do not have to have speaking lines. It can just be for a couple moments during a fight, and welcoming everybody back from the human realm. Same with the twins, I am not ready to say good bye to them.
Eda with a cool prosthetic arm and hand.
Lilith with a cool prosthetic foot. We know she doesn’t have a sigil on her writs, but she has to have one. (Belos would have never let the witch who caused permanent damage to the shape of his nose survive his revenge). If its on her back she’s dead from whatever was happening to Eda. Give us some excuse for her to have wanted it on her ankle instead, and in present day she managed to kick her own foot off while tied up.
Have Darius and Alador see each other, give each other looks, but not talk right away. Keep the petty drama going while you can
My new hope for the reveal at whatever happened between them is that ... nothing happened! All the taunts are them being playful, and the only reason they stopped hanging out is that they stopped having any time to.
I still want a sweet reunion.. Also Alador totally thinks Eberwolf has been the one looking out for and taking care of Darius for all their time together as coven heads. Alador says he is very grateful to Eber for taking such a responsibility. Darius is annoyed.
The changes the collector makes to the isles are CRAZY.
I am not sure how the adults will figure out where the kids are. An off comment from the collector? finding broken bits of the portal? Darius being able to rach out to Hunter through penstgram (come on you know he will at least try). But they are determined to bring them back... but they need King (and maybe the collector’s) help to do so so they have to focus on saving King/stopping the collector first.
Have it questioned if Eda has a right to bring Luz back to the demon realm. Right now Luz is in the human realm which is her “real home”, and she is with her real mother. Eda was always going to have to let her go back eventually, right? So maybe it is time to let her go?
Eda decides that weather it is for a couple of minutes or for years to come, she has to see her surrogate daughter one more time. At least so she can be assuredLuz she is safe, and give her a proper good-bye.
I want them to find the remains of the previous golden guards. More specifically I want then to somehow (maybe Lilith as a skilled historian can deduce the age of bones or Eber can use smell or something to determine when a body died) find the remains of Darius’s mentor.
Have Darius say his name (not Caleb or Hunter. I know most of the GW’s were named Hunter, but we have 3 guys who we know where characters in their own right, and had people who were important to them/vis versa. All three 3 deserve distinct names), then recount how much the guard taught Darius when he was younger, and that he deserves better than this end.
Lilith then awkwardly tries to take Darius’s mentor’s mask/staff/whatever. Darius gets mad at her at first. Then she tells him that they can of course bury the bones, but that she wants the armor to create a memorial exhibit at the museum for this guard and the other’s sacrifice when this is all over. Darius agrees.
Something to trigger a memory from Lilith and Eda’s childhood, that they both remember very differently. This causes them to get into an argument, maybe a shouting match. They remember that their childhoods together weren’t nearly as great as they having been recalling/describing throughout the show.
They keep arguing but stop when they conclude that even if things weren’t always great when they were kids, and were down right awful the first half of their adulthood, they both do really love/enjoy the relationship they have now. So the make up and hug.
Harpy Lilith and Harpy sisters working together.
Hooty to go Ham on someone/something. Because I think he deserves to after all his family have been through. Just as a special treat
Darius and Eberwolfs boss forms again, at some point.
Eda and Camila to meet.
A onscreen reunion between Hunter and Darius (and Eberwolf) that everybody is conscious for.
When everything is over Eda is talking to Raine and nervously says something related to them having a life together now. They stop her like “woh woh whoh”. She gets more nervous, but then they say “Your supposed to ask me if I want to get back together first, then ask if I want to marry you/raise a family with you/etc.
Eda asks, Raine pretends to think hard about it before saying yes, Eda (playfully) smacks them on the shoulder.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
I have such mixed feelings on dalador
Cuz on the one hand
it's really funny
I feel like it could happen canonically, though hopefully years down the line rather than anytime soon
they were once so close as kids/teens but something happened and it led to bitterness and pain for decades that maybe can't ever be fully healed but can be remade into something new which has the potential to be sweet
But on the other hand
I think Darius' found family relationship with Eber & Hunter (and also Raine & Eda but not as close) is a billion times more important to his character and more compelling to me as a fan than dalador could ever be to the point I don't really care for it in comparison
it'd probably be plain unhealthy to even attempt dating for years given the amount of bitterness they had festering for decades
both Darius and Alador have the far more important task of fatherhood coming up (newly for Darius but Alador has been failing at it for years cuz of his neglect from his own abuse)
it's unfair to Em, Ed, and Amity for Alador to immediately hop into a new romantic relationship after all his years of neglect. Also Em & Ed weren't even around for the falling out between Alador and Odalia so they don't have that extra layer of understanding/acceptance that Amity does
it's unfair to Hunter too, like I imagine he'd unintentionally take that as a sign he's not actually wanted around if Darius was focused on a new relationship, and Hunter deserves all of Darius' attention
while Alador did ultimately choose the right side in the end, he actively helped make the rebellion more difficult all the way up until the end which almost got everyone Darius loves killed and that's uh, probably gonna be an issue for a while on top of the decades of bitterness. Add on he was the last to see the kids & now everyone's extra pissed at him. Like if Eda doesn't kill him Darius might himself
we don't know what caused their falling out and it could be extremely justified, so the lack of knowing for sure makes me a bit iffy
I feel like they're kinda fundamentally incompatible on bigger moral issues, the ways they approach magic, and personal ideologies. This isn't unchangeable but idk, I'm thinking about how Dana talked about Darius as a char and wonder how well that would mesh with Alador for a long term romantic situation
I know it's not really popular but after OTWAT I think daraeda is a way more interesting dynamic if I'm gonna ship Darius at all (tho under specific circumstances i.e. it's Raeda & Darius is very casually involved cuz I don't really see him as the type to settle down himself & Raeda is the OTP they're getting married it's non-negotiable it is happening in canon I am manifesting it... but anyway he occasionally goes on dates with them and such but for the most part he's doing his own thing which includes being Hunter's dad & Eber's bestie/brother & just his own personal time cuz he's a man that highly values his me time & I love that for him)
I still have mixed feelings on Alador after how he was acting in King's Tide (like dude... You're the adult be more mature? Also don't threaten a clearly abused child with sending him back to his abuser???? The fuck you were abused too dude you should have more compassion in such a situation. His moments with Amity were sweet but also I'm still mad they didn't go get the twins. All in all he's not off to a great start here)
I was vehemently opposed to it prior to COTH so I'm still not fully convinced
dalador being funny is the main reason I enjoy it which isn't a great reason imo lmao
out of the ships I think will happen/are canon, easily the one I care the least about by a wide margin
See found family point again cuz my god that reason is everything to me
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captainimprobable · 3 years
part two of that thing I posted last week! This is also an unedited first draft, so take it with a grain of salt
~ ~
She arrives in the dead of night, clothes singed and skin burned.
The knock wakes them all, but Hooty is the loudest.  He bursts through Luz’s window, a worm shaped interloper, and announces “HEY LUZ, YOUR GF IS HERE!!!!! SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE WAS DIPPED IN A POT OF ACID, BUT I’M SURE IT’S NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT.”
Before Luz can even open her eyes fully to focus, he slides back out of her window with a loud “HOOT HOOT”.
Blinking sleep out of her eyes, Luz thinks she might be dreaming, until she hears the knock at the door.  It’s insistent, quick, and somehow a little desperate.
Something is wrong.
She is instantly awake and on her feet, flying down the hallway just in time to collide with Eda, whose hair is sticking up at all angles.  Before she can fall, Eda steadies her, and says “Did I hear Hooty say that Boots is in trouble?”
“I’m not sure,” Luz says frantically, “but we need to get to the door.  Now.”  She’s already running as she’s talking, and finally, finally, she makes it to the front of the house.  She wrenches open the door and standing there is Amity, eyes red rimmed and body shaking.  
Behind her is a sheet of boiling rain.
“Oh my gosh, did you run here in the rain???” Luz asks, grabbing Amity’s hand and tugging her inside.  Amity nods wordlessly, staring at a spot on the floor.  Now that she’s closer, Luz can see the damage; the rain has singed the sleeves of Amity’s dress, and dark, angry burns march up and down her arms.  “Dang, kid, are you okay?” Eda asks, sounding genuinely concerned.  
Something inside Luz tugs insistently, and though she wants to panic, she knows Amity needs her more right now.  So she takes a deep breath and says “Let’s get you patched up, okay?”
Amity doesn’t move.  She’s still staring at the floor with a blank expression, and Luz suddenly has no idea what to do.  She wants to wrap Amity in her arms, protect her from whatever’s going on, but she knows that might not be appreciated, so she decides to ask.  
“Do you want a hug?”
Amity nods so imperceptibly that Luz thinks she might have imagined it, but she nonetheless takes it as a yes.  Careful to loop her arms around Amity’s waist and not her neck so as to avoid touching the burns, she wraps Amity in a loose hug.  For a second, Amity does nothing.  She stands there shaking with her arms hanging at her sides, until all at once, like a dam exploding, she grabs at Luz almost desperately, pulling her tighter as she bursts into tears.   
Luz has never been in a situation like this before.  Eda is sitting on the couch a respectful distance away, watching but not getting involved.  Luz doesn’t know what to do, so she decides to follow her instincts.  She reaches up to stroke Amity’s hair and whispers “It’s okay, you’re okay”.  Amity cries herself out a few minutes later, Luz talking to her in a soothing voice the whole time.  When only sniffles remain, Luz asks “Can we go to the couch? Eda wants to treat your burns.”
“Y-yeah,” Amity hiccups.  It’s the first thing she’s said all night, and something in Luz loosens at the sound of it.  She keeps an arm around her girlfriend’s shoulders as she guides her to the couch.  She doesn’t want to let go, so when they sit down, she instantly grabs Amity’s hand.  
“Is this okay?” she asks Amity.  Amity nods, gently brushing her thumb along Luz’s knuckles in silent consent.  
“Wow,” Eda whistles.  “The rain got you good.  Why were you out in that anyway, are you crazy?”
“Eda-” Luz starts, but Amity holds a hand up.  “It’s okay,” she says.  As Eda begins pulling potions out of the cabinet, Amity says “It’s- it’s my parents”.
Luz goes cold.  She remembers them well.  It’s hard to forget people who tried to kill you.  
She hasn’t had much contact with Alador, but Odalia...Odalia gives her a feeling she can’t describe.  Just the sight of her makes Luz unspeakably angry.  Looking at Amity now, though, she realizes that Alador is just as bad.  Complacency in the face of abuse is just as bad as the abuse itself.
“We had a fight,” Amity continues.  “And you ran away? In the boiling rain? That takes guts, kid,” Eda says, a mixture of impressed and concerned.  
“Not exactly.  They, um...they kicked me out.” 
“It’s not forever,” Amity hastens to say.  “Just for the night.  My mom said she...she said she can’t even look at me right now, and my Dad just agreed with her.  Like he always does.”
Luz’s grip on Amity’s hand is tight as steel now.  She’s ready to get up and give the Blights a piece of her mind.  She wants to take them down, and make them pay for what they’ve done.  
“So,” Luz says in a low voice.  “Your parents left you alone in the middle of the night in rain that can literally kill you?”
“Yeah,” Amity says bitterly.  “They’re not the best parents.”
“I’m going to make them pay for this. I’m- I’m going to go over there, and I’m going to-”
“Luz,” Amity puts a hand on Luz’s shoulder.  “No.  You can’t- I don’t want you in the same room as them ever again, okay?” Amity sounds scared.
Luz remembers the abomiton that tried to kill her, and the disappointed look on Odalia’s face when it didn’t succeed.  She also remembers Amity’s righteous anger, and the steely eyed glare she gave her mother.  
“I can’t have you hurt again,” Amity says, sounding almost frantic.  “I just can’t, okay?”
“Okay, okay, shh it’s okay,” Luz assures her, cupping a hand to her face.  Neither of them have the energy to be embarrassed about it right now, but it’s probably the most romantic gesture they’ve shared.  Amity leans into Luz’s hand, breathing deeply.
“This might sting,” Eda says from the other side of the couch.  Both Luz and Amity jump, having forgotten that she was there.  Sheepishly, they part, still holding hands.  Eda smirks at Luz and gives her a wink that Luz hopes Amity didn’t see.  She gets the feeling Eda is going to be talking to her about this later.
Eda dabs a bit of blue potion onto Amity’s arm, and Amity hisses, breath whistling through her teeth, but she doesn’t flinch.  “Is it- ow- is it okay that I came here?”  She asks Eda, looking at her shyly.  
Eda snorts, like it’s the stupidest question in the world.  “I practically take kids in for a living, now,” she says.  “What’s one more?”
“It’s just for the night,” Amity hastens to assure her.  “I’m going home tomorrow morning.”
Luz shakes her head.  “I hate the idea of you living with them.  I can’t believe they treat you like this and just get away with it!”
“I’ll get out of there eventually.  When I join a coven…” Amity trails off, and an awkward silence ensues.  They haven’t talked about the whole “Amity’s biggest dream being potentially crushed by the Emperor being evil” thing.  
“Well, the point is, it’s not forever,” Amity finally finishes.  
“Aaaand done,” Eda says, wrapping the last bandage around Amity’s wrist.  She stands up, knees creaking in an entirely unnatural way.  “And now it’s bedtime,” she yawns.  “You two get some rest, too.”
“Thank you, Eda,” Amity calls, and Eda gives her a lazy wave over her shoulder as she leaves.  
The adrenaline is wearing off, now, and Luz suddenly realizes she has no idea what she’s doing.  She glances at Amity out of the corner of her eye, and the image of her cupping Amity’s face floats into her brain.  She flushes a deep scarlet, and suddenly, she needs to be doing something, anything else.
“Well, okay,” she says loudly, standing up abruptly and walking towards the closet.  “Let me get you some pillows and a blanket, the couch is old and creaky, but it’s comfortable.”
As she’s rummaging through the closet, she hears Amity say “Luz”.
“Would you- I mean, if you wanted to, could you- could you stay with me for a little while?” She sounds so scared, and so sad, and it’s so unlike Amity that Luz melts immediately.
“Of course,” she says.  “Here, scoot over.”
Amity moves a few inches, wincing at the pain in her arms.  Luz sits down next to her and drapes a blanket over the both of them.  They sit there awkwardly for a few minutes, and Luz is absolutely freaking out.  She has no idea what to do now.  Before she can agonize over it any further, Amity’s head lands on Luz’s shoulder.
This is unprecedented.  
Nobody ever told Luz how scary the beginning of a relationship is.  Nobody warned her that every little thing Amity does could change her mood instantly, or that every time she touches her she can swear to god she feels electricity.
Nobody told her how bittersweet it could be to have Amity Blight resting her head on her shoulder, exhausted from a horrific night of what can only be called abuse.  
Her internal alarms are going off, she’s losing her mind, and she hopes Amity doesn’t notice.  In the midst of this emergency, Amity calls her name sleepily.
“Hey, Luz?”
“You’re my favorite person.”
Oh.  Oh wow.  Oh. Wow.
This is a whole new level of scary.  She feels a mixture of nerves and elation swirl through her, and she can’t help but smile, and she feels a little bit like crying but she doesn’t know why.  She doesn’t know what to say, so instead, she does something even scarier: she kisses the top of Amity’s head.  
She freezes, hoping that was okay, hoping that Amity doesn’t feel weird about it, but before she can ask, Amity starts quietly snoring.
She’s fallen asleep.  Luz breathes a sigh of relief, marveling at the fact that Amity felt comfortable enough, after an awful night, to come to her house and fall asleep on her shoulder.  How did she ever get so lucky?
After awhile, Luz yawns and checks her watch.  Four forty two am.  It’s definitely time for bed, but she doesn’t want to wake Amity up by leaving, so she decides that she’s going to stay up all night, watching over her girlfriend and making sure she’s okay.
Two minutes later, she falls asleep, resting her head on Amity’s.  
When they wake up in the morning, it’s all apologies and blushing and everything Luz has started to get used to.  But Amity has a small smile on her face despite her blush, and Luz has to admit: it’s the best nap she’s ever had.  
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hootcifer · 3 years
talking about toh | season two, episode eight: "knock knock knockin' on hooty's door"
holy shit
sorry this was a few days late, i was equal parts busy and lazy.
previous | first | next spoilers under the cut, as always
the beginning
awww hooty’s writing to lilith! like he promised!
btw, just so you guys know, i’ll be referring to hooty with he/they pronouns, because it makes sense to me. also i use he/they and i’m a hooty stan so it works.
I realize now that i spelled “hootsifer” wrong in my url. oh well, i like “hootcifer” better anyway. (also the url “hootsifer” is taken anyway)
oh no, hooty feels unimportant! i’m sure the large majority of the fandom is okay with this, but i’m not! poor thing.
i found it adorable that luz wants to find a way into amity's heart (even though she's had a place there since grom). how she would use the echo mouse for that, i don't know.
luz saying "we have to go" was almost a direct parallel to amity saying "I GOTTA GO" in "wing it like witches".
king's plot
i love how king is going through his angsty teen phase. that's hilarious.
why the fuck does hooty just eat people?! and then just act like that's an okay thing to do?!
i think it's a fun detail that hooty is wearing king's teacher hat from "the intruder". i love little things like that.
i like how this episode gave us some lore as to how demons on the isles work. they emerged from the muck of a decomposing titan? that's dope! it's also cool how there's three main types of demons.
hooty is a worm?!
on the board with all the bug demons, i recognized the butterfly alador kept chasing in "escaping expulsion", as well as adagast from "witches before wizards", the bear trap demon from "the intruder", and the kindergarten teacher from "i was a teenage abomination".
it was neat to see the fairy from "a lying witch and a warden" and the butterfly... thing from "witches before wizards". more neat continuity stuff!
what did king say with his dance? i'm very curious.
maybe king didn't want to talk about the cocoon, but i certainly do! what the hell happened?!
because of some of the images in the background when hooty was talking about demons, we can infer that some students of hexside are demons and not witches. i wonder if witches are more powerful than demons, or if they're on the same level.
other biped demons i recognize are the bounty hunter, tibbles, one of the pirates, warden wrath, and braxus.
i also saw a cat-person. are catgirls and catboys a thing on the isles?
i like how tiny nose and hooty are friends. somehow, it makes sense.
was tiny nose playing on a nintendo switch? that's cool.
we got to see even more past demons from the section about beasts, such as the ratworms, the echo mouse, the trash slug, the selikdomus, the slitherbeast, and the snaggleback.
has tiny nose's voice changed, or is that just me?
i'm really curious as to what the heck king is. is he a unique kind of demon? a hybrid, maybe?
i thought it was sweet that hooty and tiny nose tried to celebrate king for who he is, even though it just made him sad. they're trying.
eda's plot
hooty had a good point in wanting eda to sleep. sleep is important! says the guy who regularly stays up until at least midnight.
i completely understand hooty's fear of the owl beast. remember what happened last time?
the cookies hooty made were very cute. i loved that.
hey, the sleeping nettles are back! the same thing luz and hunter used a few episodes back to put kikimora's steed to sleep.
we got to see eda's dad! we know very little about him, but we did see him. also, did he look like nigel thornberry to anyone else? no? just me? okay then.
it broke my heart seeing raine and eda breaking up. it was neat that we got confirmation that they were together!
eda clearly regrets pushing raine away. poor thing.
who is the cloaked figure? i've seen a lot of theories that it's amity, but that makes no sense. i don't think she was even alive at this point. it could be odalia, though. that would be a cool twist.
the little owl beast was so cute. i want a plush of that.
HARPY EDA! holy shit, she's so cool. top tier character design.
luz (and amity)'s plot
you better bet your ass i have a lot to say about this! plot! okay, let's start from the beginning.
i was really hoping we would get some mutual pining lumity this season, and by god did it deliver! luz referring to her as a "cotton-candy-haired goddess" was too cute.
from what she said, it sounds like this isn't the first time luz has tried to ask someone out. she's so afraid of getting rejected. wait a minute, amity was afraid of getting rejected too! that's a parallel i didn't even realize!
i wasn't expecting to see amity this episode! it looks like her parents let her keep her purple hair. that, or the twins are using illusions to hide her hair from their parents.
i love how hooty's solution to getting amity to the owl house is to straight-up eat her. that's one way to do things.
i really want to know more about house demons. are there more than one? are they all bird-like? are they born as houses or do they just inhabit houses? so many questions and not enough lore!
the way luz interrupted amity when she suggested "forgetting" about what happened in front of blight manor reminded me of how eda kept interrupting king last episode when she thought he was going to tell her he was planning on leaving.
i'm not gonna lie, i skipped through the majority of the tunnel of love scene. that kind of thing gives me second-hand embarrassment like you wouldn't believe.
my heart shattered into pieces when amity said that the idea of her adting luz was stupid. she obviously doesn't believe it, but she's probably been trying to convince herself of it.
this part had me terrified that the lumity plot for the episode would end there. thank goodness it didn't, eh?
the ending
okay, okay, let's start from when hooty freaks out for a third time, after the tunnel of love.
i thought it was funny how hooty ripped himself out of the door in order to run (?) away. at least we didn't have to hear all the sounds this time.
wait, "things always get weird when hooty's upset"? has this kind of thing happened before?
gosh, the part where king's voice powers saved luz and amity was so cool. i saw somewhere that the animator wanted to reflect the lesbian and bi flags and they did a great job.
eda encouraging luz to ask amity out was so cute. we stan a supportive mom, always.
and then comes the scene everyone's been talking about. oh my gosh, this was done so beautifully! it was equally awkward and cute, the way it should have been, and the fact that they both asked each other was perfect!
LOOK AT HOW HAPPY AMITY IS WHEN SHE SAYS YES!!! this is the happiest we have ever seen her, and it's adorable.
Tumblr media
something i really love about this scene is the fact that they didn't say "i love you" or even kiss, like what seems to happen in a lot of confession scenes. they just held hands. it was probably one of the most realistic confession scenes i've ever seen. it kind of reminded me of when my gf and i got together.
oh yeah, that's right! they're officially together!!!!!!! FINALLY!!! i was not expecting anything that happened in this episode, but out of everything this one was the most surprising. holy SHIT! we have a canonically sapphic couple! in a disney cartoon! a disney cartoon!
honestly, i hope everyone has gained more respect for hooty after this. they've helped further the plot more in one episode than anyone else has done throughout the rest of the show.
we got to see king's dad properly for the first time! i don't think we'll see him in "eclipse lake", but maybe we will in the episode after that? i hope so.
everyone's freaking out about hooty eating the letter but... can't they just... throw it back up? like they did at the beginning of "really small problems"?
to my knowledge, the next episode is going to be about amity looking for an ingredient for the new portal. i also know that eda, king, and hunter will be there too. i don't know what to expect, but i am very excited. until next time!
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i-love-hobbies · 3 years
(This isn't an anti-Eda, anti-Lilith or anti-Bump post. Just read this fully, please!)
Murder and violence are not ok!
This whole thing started literally after s1ep2 where Eda murdered a dude on screen.
What am I talking about?
"It's just a cartoon. Don't read too much into it."
I don't have a very strong opinion on this but I'm not a fan of normalizing murder. Also "Heroes that are genocidal maniacs, kill the villain cause he's awful." sounds extremely cringe.
And why are you reading a post that analyses a part of a cartoon right now?
"Death is normal on the Boiling isles, so that makes it ok."
Woah, woah! WHAT?
If everyone used that logic, slavery would still be a thing.
Just cause it's normalized in a culture doesn't mean it's less harmful or that everyone that comes from that culture does it.
It can be used to explain someone's actions, but not excuse them.
The ignorance of context.
1. Eda's murders
First I wanna point out that it was never emotional, it was all calculated. Remember when Tibbles scammed her, she didn't attack him back. None of her kills are revenge. She has always had something to win from them.
She has murdered two people, probably more, Adegast and Tibbles.
If she didn't kill Adegast. I can see this going two ways. He would starve to death, which means she put him out of his misery or he would slowly go back to full power which ties with Tibbles.
Batman kills the Joker.
No they are not as bad as the Joker but they would have continued trying to hurt her untill they got the idea of killing Willow and Gus in their sleep. TIBBLES KNEW THEIR ADDRESS!
Also if they were willing to do this. Who knows what else they have done to other people too. By doing this she has saved more lifes than she has taken (mostly kids).
Plus this willingness to kill is probably the reason Luz can go to school. Eda's enemies know that if they become an actual treat, things won't end well.
Her enemies are criminals. They are not stupid enough to think that she is helpless without magic. Especially now that she isn't running from the law.
- Now on to almost killing Amity in s1ep5 by making Luz cheat. That was messed up but not that badly.
Witches are harder to hurt, there were healers around who would help a Blight. She saw Amity use abomination so she knew mainly her traps were gonna be activated by a non-living thing.
Luz was going to be injured if that didn't happen. Amity was not in control of her strength and I don't think Lilith thought this trough. Though both sisters would have probably intervened when this got out of hand.
She also isn't the one to force Luz into the fight as many people have said. She has never on screen forced her opinion on someone else except in s1ep9 which was to protect her from school and changed in that episode. Luz just couldn't leave cause quitting ment never being able to perform magic.
Now I know that the right thing to do here was for her to try talk things through. I'm just saying it's not as bad as it seems.
2. Eda's scamming
To get my point across I'm gonna compare it to Wordlob.
Hers is the equivalent of you trying to buy gold and getting plastic. His is the equivalent of you're desperate for a cure and he promises to give it to you and then steals all your money and leaves you to die.
You're not going to try to buy gold when your desperate are you?
Scamming can take different forms and hers is the least harmful.
And consider this, what else can she do to put food on the table with her two adopted kids, Hooty and Owlbert. She can't find a legal job, cause that would be helping Belos, she'll die before she does that and she definitely knows ways to disguise herself but that puts her at risk as well.
3. Lilith's redemption arc still works
Yes, she did murder a bird in s1ep18, but the way it talked and acted. It seemed like it was mimicking speach.
Yes, she did almost kill a child, but she has made up for it probably in that week and a half that we didn't see considering this is the Boiling isles and everything is trying to kill you.
Plus, Eda only talked about the curse, considering "You hurt Luz, you cursed me!" She is not the person who would forget about her kid.
Bonus, she did make up for it on screen as well. In s2ep2 she saved King from Eda's experiments. In s2ep3 she saved Luz and King with her ice glyphs, when she could have just left, giving time for Eda to get them out of there. If Eda didn't show up Lilith would be dead.
4. Bump's jokes
- Dissecting Luz
I don't know why everyone talks about Bump and Amity trying to dissect Luz. They weren't certain if this was going to kill her. They weren't certain if she was alive. All they knew was that the lie will be broken if this would kill her.
Yes, they did try to catch her later on, but not to kill her. They wanted to make sense of what's going on and hopefully find her parents so she gets at the very least a talk on why she shouldn't do this.
Willow just overreacted which in return made Luz do the same.
- Bump's detention room
This room is a hypnosis one. Hypnosis is a job in real life. It can be dangerous but that can also be said about therapy if the therapist is bad. Depends on who does it.
"Impressive still alive!" This is a joke.
If a hypnotic session is stopped in the middle, you'd be too relaxed to be able to move. He was fine, he just needed some time.
- Bump's add
Everything that attacked Matt was alive. He probably did something to piss them off. But yeah Bump should have done something.
- Detention track
Guys knowing what he did for Willow in s1ep3, it's obvious that he was in a lot of stress. If he did what he did in that episode regularly. You just touch an orb and byeeeeee. Then this place should have been crowded.
Plus the wall with troublemakers' names had what six names and a portrait of lord calamity. Eda left school before three decades. And that's all we got.
He was probably not gonna keep them there even though he said so. He probably wasn't even planning that.
- Grom was very messed up. I have nothing to say except I wouldn't be surprised if the Emporer's coven forces this to be a thing and refuses to send actual adults, so the kids learn from a young age or whatever.
- Same with the photomemory class.
- "Bosha got away with murder. I can't say I approve, but at least she's trying new things."
This was a joke. Bosha's parents definitely have influence. His hands are tied like usual so he has learned to make jokes out of it. Plus since when are principals responsible for what happens out of school grounds.
5. The bat queen
She is a protector of palismans and I don't think she started to kill until the government was against her (I'm talking about her cave having bones all over it.)
I can't say it's completely justified like I did with Eda. But I don't see a way out of it where palisman wouldn't be extinct.
Now let's see our vilians' behaviour
1. Adegast
He was trying to kill Eda for his business by using a child as a bait.
2. Tibbles
He almost murdered four children so his stand is revenged.
3. Piniate
Is keeping people captive and literally is making them helpless as a punishment for not writing a book.
4. Demon hunters
They were gonna trow kids off a cliff. I'm not sure why actually.
5. The cat ladies
They were kidnapping children for their cafe.
6. The "coven" inspecture
She was stealing all the magic from none other than kids for power.
7. Wordlob
Who knows how many people have died, lost their jobs and so one, cause of his scams. All for money.
8. Warden wrath
He cut Eda's head so she goes out with him. Captures people for nothing.
9. Odalia and Alador
Alador was not stopping Odalia from trying to kill Luz. In their mind this was gonna help in combination with their child abuse, with their daughter helping their business. Everything they have done for now is for their business.
They backed up when Alador saw an opportunity for THEIR BUSINESS.
10. Kikimora
She tried to murder a child, cause of jealousy. Uses her authority to make the system even worse, cause how dare them look in her direction.
11. Belos
Is abusing a child and abused Lilith. Is the reason that palisman are getting extinct. Wild magic= death sentence. Basically created a horrible authority system that has created a lot of suffering and who knows how many it has killed. Probably all for power, though we don't know completely.
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crypticnerdsociety · 3 years
Shhh everyone shhhhh
I just came up with a badass episode idea for The Owl House.
We open with a scene of Raine walking downstairs in Bard Castle to the basement feeding what's known as SoundBeast the Bard Monster. SoundBeast is a monster who every song it hears and can mind control you into doing whatever the song says to do or controls you by the beat of said song. Well on this particular day it escapes.
Cut to Hexside they have a parent creature and kids night. Which is basically a night were adults and kids can learn more about each other so it's like a partyish dance type of deal. Cut to Eda calming Luz down because she's about to have a full fledge conversation with Alador and Odalia about her and Amity. The Blight parents are talking to Boscha's parents trying to one up each other while The Blight twins are off doing whatever and Amity is talking with Gus and Willow and their dads. Eda gets a call from Raine and walks away to take said call.
King and Luz decide it's time to go talk with the Blight Parents and walk towards them.
Luz: Hello Mr and Mrs. Blight, you probably don't remember me, but uh Hi I'm Luz.
Odalia: Oh of course we remember you. How many humans do you think are on the Boiling Isles?
Luz: Oh yeah uh sorry. Anyway I figured since last time we talked it ended with your abomiton trying to kill me hehe.
Alador: you actually made a very perfect demonstration Ms. Noceda.
Luz: Oh uh thank you Mr. Blight. Anyway the reason I wanted to talk to you regards my relationship with your daughter.
Odalia: Oh of course. From what we hear it seems you are dating our Mittens is that correct?
Luz: Ummm yes it is. And I'll have you know that I promise to make your daughter feel like the only witch on the Boiling Isles and the Human Realm and all the other unknown Realms.
Alador opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by Odalia.
Odalia: And what makes you think you can do that human? You have no magic except your glyphs, You have no money and You have no staff nor palisman. So do tell me human how do you plan to make her as happy as you say you will?
Luz opens her mouth but is cut off by Eda running in screaming SoundBeast is loose.
Luz: what's a sound beast?
Eda explains what sound beast is, mentions raine luz is all like 'Ohhh who's Raine?' Eda's like 'not now kid' sound beast burst through the door mind controls everyone within its reach. Luz runs and hides under a table unknowingly that Alador is there. He askes Luz why she's not out their trying to defend it off, Luz is sad because of what Odalia said and Amity Gus Willow and Matt are out there kicking ass.
Alador: how come your not out there too?
Luz: What for I just have Glyphs. Your wife was right I'm useless. I don't know what Amity sees in me I can't give her all the things she'd want, how could I help? I just get in the way and it makes things worse.
Alador: Luz you already give Amity all those things. I haven't been the best father to my kids but I can tell Amity has been acting a lot more happier ever since you came here. To her you don't need money, magic, high social status, anything. She already loves you for you and I thank you for that. I've seen and heard what you can do and to me that's real magic strength. So go out there and make my daughter proud.
Luz then gets up and runs towards the stage.
Amity, Gus and Willow: Luz what are you doing?
Luz: this thing likes music so much, then let me introduce you to human music.
She uses a new found music glyph and the instruments start strumming the beat and Luz sings the lyrics to a knock off version of 'Living La Vida Loca.'
SoundBeasts trance is removed from everyone and it loses control and passes out. The Bard witches come to the rescue and see everything is taken care of.
Luz meets Raine and askes Embarrassing questions that make both Eda and Raine blush. The hexside gang have a big group hug and Amity kisses Luz on the cheek.
Amity: you really are my fearless champion.
Luz: of course mi amor.
Odalia walks up to Luz.
Odalia: maybe hum- I mean Luz maybe you might be perfect for our daughter after all.
Luz: I promise to take care and protect the best I can Mrs. Blight.
Odalia: Hm We'll see.
She walks away and Bump and Bard track students come up to Luz.
Bump: Luz would you mind preforming another song from your world? it sounded very nice.
Skara: Yeah we'll help?
King: I wanna help too!
Luz: sure and of course you can help, even you King.
They take the stage and start playing another random song from the human world. Amity is standing at the foot of the stage watching her girlfriend work her magic. She is pulled out of her trance when her father approaches her.
Alador: Amity I know I haven't been the best father and I'm trying to change that. Will you allow me to do so by sharing a dance with me?
Amity: of course dad.
Emira: what about me?
Ed: um hello we're you're kids too.
Alador: one at a time.
Emira: Fine,,, group hug instead!
Alador and the blight children dog pile into one big family hug. Eda turns to see Raine standing behind her with their Arm expanded and a smirk.
Raine: For old time sake?
Eda: I thought you'd never ask.
Eda takes their hand and they all dance the night away.
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azulirawrites · 3 years
Favors of A. Blight Ch. 1
Rating: High T/Low M Word Count: 2,821 Contains: Mentions of Drug Use and Abuse, Mentions of Child Neglect, Domestic Abuse, Heavily Implied Character Death by Suffocation (You don’t see the death, but you do see the actions leading up to it) Nobody went outside when it rained on the Boiling Isles. To do so was extremely dangerous, even if one had the proper protections. Needless to say, the residents of the Owl House were surprised when Hooty swung open, announcing, “Luz, that mean friend of yours is here! And she brought friends for me!” On the other side of the threshold, only barely inside the barrier Lilith had managed to conjure that afternoon, were the Blight siblings, huddled together, underneath a massive Abomination.
“Amity!” Luz shouted, vaulting off the couch to latch onto her friend, “Are you ok? It’s raining!” She quickly pulled Amity inside, with Amity’s grip on her elder siblings dragging them in after her.
“Baby Blights?” Eda questioned, “What's going on? Did Odalia see sending your kids out to get mauled by the weather becoming the latest fashion in that busted crystal ball of hers?" When there was no response, beyond Luz shooting her a glare, Eda prodded more, "Seriously kids. What possessed you to come here in this weather? This place isn't exactly 'Blight Appropriate'." As Eda made air quotes, Amity practically collapsed into Luz on the sofa, and so did her Abomination, loosing three bags just inside the doorway as it collapsed into a puddle of goop and boiling water. "Ah, crap. Bug out bags."
"Bug out bags?" Luz questioned, worry creasing her brow as she laid Amity safely on the couch. 
"I guess," Edric mumbles, his eyes focused on Amity as he and Emira huddled together tightly. 
"How long have you had them?" Eda asks, watching the twins. 
"Father packed them," it was Emira who answered, perhaps slightly too loudly, as she quieted her next words, "he gave them to us today. Before he sent us out in the rain."
"Hooty, wake Lily," Eda commanded.
"One Lulu, coming up!" Hooty agreed, almost gleeful as he shut himself.
"Luz, go pour three glasses of apple blood." 
"But-" Luz tried to argue
"Now," Eda didn't leave room for argument, and Luz reluctantly got up, casting a look at the gently displaced form of Amity, and then the twins, before making her way to the kitchen.
"We don't drink apple blood," Emira said, before quietly adding, "Mother doesn't allow it."
"Hypocrite," Eda muttered, before saying, "it's not for you. It's gonna keep me up, wake up Lily, and hopefully keep the kid from the worst of the burnout." Neither of them argued against her, though Emira cast a worried look at Amity. "What's going on?"
"I don't know," Edric mumbled, reaching into his pocket, “but father gave me a letter, for you.” He pulled out a plain white envelope with ‘Edalyn’ written on it, in handwriting that almost rivalled chicken scratch in decipherability, extending it to the Owl Lady.
“And I have one for Lilith,” Emira said, producing a similar envelope, with Lilith’s name on it, as Eda unceremoniously ripped open hers with her nail. The room went silent for several moments, as Eda quickly scanned her letter.
The silence was only interrupted by Luz’s entry, carrying three mugs, “I got the apple blood,” she announced, placing the mugs on the coffee table. Eda’s hand quickly shot down, grasping the “30 and flirty” mug and bringing it to her mouth, taking a long, slow drink. Then, she pulled a straw out of her hair, placing it in one of the mugs, a plain black one.
“Give this one to the kid,” Eda told Luz, adding “It’s just to give her bile sac a little boost,” when she saw Luz’s hesitant look. 
Luz grabbed the mug,moving to sit beside Amity, who hadn’t moved since Luz had left. “Amity,” Luz said, gently shaking the witch with her free hand, “You need to drink this.” 
“I don’t wanna.” Amity mumbled, barely audible, “it smells bad.” She almost burrowed deeper into the couch, as much as she could in her exhausted state.
“Eda said it would help,” Luz promised. 
“Medicine?” Amity questioned, her eyes squinting open to look at Luz before shutting quickly
“Yeah, medicine,” Luz agreed, pushing it yet closer to Amity. Amity, seemingly reluctantly, took the straw. 
“Disgusting,” Amity commented as her face seemed to pale from the taste, before drinking again as Luz held the mug.
“I paid for that,” Eda grumbled, before gesturing to Edric and Emira. “You two, take a seat. We need to have a serious talk when Lily gets down here.”
“A serious talk about what?” Lilith asked from the hall door as the twins sat down beside their sister. “Why are the Blight children here?” She yawned, leaning against the doorway. 
“I have a letter for you,” Emira answered, extending the letter over the coffee table, though careful as to not extend so far as to lose contact with her twin.
“A letter is hardly a good reason to be out at this hour, in this weather,” Lilith said, taking the letter. She looked at the letter, adding, “And I doubt Alador would send all three of his children if it were just to send me a letter.”
“Read the letter Lily,” Eda said, notably somber. Lilith gently opened her letter, pulling out the pages within. The next few moments were silent, broken only when Lilith shifted the papers in her hands. Then again, she shifted the papers, almost frantically seeming to double check something.
“What’s going on?” Luz asked, watching Lilith flip between the pages.
Eda looked at her own letter, then back up to Luz. "I'm not gonna say it twice," she nodded towards Amity, who seemed only present enough to slowly sip the apple blood Luz held for her, "and I think everyone would prefer to be rested to hear it. The baby Blights are gonna be rooming with you tonight."
"Like a sleep over," Luz tried to be cheerful, smiling at the twins, both of whom returned the smile. 
"Right, one of those," Eda agreed, "now take them up there." Luz nodded, putting Amity's mug of apple blood in Edric's hands before scooping the exhausted girl into her arms.
"Come on," Luz said, "you can help me make an Amity burrito."
"I don't know what a burrito is," Edric said, following Luz and dragging Emira with him, "but it sounds like it will inconvenience Mittens." 
"Shit," Eda said, once the coast was clear.
"That is putting it lightly," Lilith agreed, taking a seat on the now free couch. A moment later, after grabbing her mug of apple blood "What are we going to tell them?"
"Hey kids, we got some good news and some bad news. Good news is Odalia's getting the stick up her ass removed, bad news is Alador's the surgeon?"
"Edalyn!" Lilith nearly spat out her drink as she quietly yelled her admonishment.
"What? We're going to have to rip the bandage off somehow!” “No! Not like that! This needs a delicate touch!”
“That was delicate,” Eda answered, to a shocked look from Lilith, “I’m not telling you the not delicate option because you’ll get judgy.” There was a brief pause, before Eda amended, “Judgier.”
“Take this seriously!”
“Take what seriously?” King asked as he made his way into the living room from the hallway, “Also I’m sleeping in your nest tonight. Luz invited over the cupcake smasher and two new minions and the room is small as is.”
“Crap. That’s right. We’re gonna need a lot more room,” Eda realized, with some frustration.
“For what?” King asked, before noting the three bags just inside the doorway, “Ooh, bug out bags. Did one of your exes figure out how easy Hooty is to bribe again and we’re gonna leave Lilith to deal with them?”
“He can be bribed?” Lilith questioned.
“No, I fixed that when I told him he could take the bribe and still have his fun,” Eda answered, “The bags are-”
“Wait, no, I got it,” King interrupted, “tax collectors found us and we’re gonna leave Lilith to deal with them?”
“Why am I the one getting left behind”
“No, King,” Eda said, “These aren’t our bags.”
“Then whose,” King began to question, before looking at the bags, and then to the hallway, and finally back to Eda, “No. No? You can’t be serious.”
“Afraid so King,” Eda confirmed
“But I don’t want the cupcake smasher here! The two big minions we can put in a shed, but the little one needs to go. I mean, think about how Hooty feels, she beats him up every chance she gets!”
“Yeah, think about how I feel,” Hooty agreed.
“Shut up Hooty,” Eda and King said in unison, causing the tube to grumble. Eda added, “And while you’re here, grab those bags and take them upstairs.” She signalled the bags on the ground, which Hooty began to devour, causing everyone to look away. “Besides, we can’t send them away. Lily’s their legal guardian now.”
“Well then kick out Lilith,” King suggested.
“Hey! I’m right here!” Eda reminded the demon
“I’m not kicking out my sister,” Eda said, “and I’m not kicking out the kids either. Or putting them in the shed.”
“Why not?” King demanded
“Because I said so,” Eda responded, making King grumble and stare at her. Eda returned the stare, and eventually King looked away, making his way back to the hallway.
“As much as I hate to admit it,” Lilith sighed, “the little demon does have a point. There’s not very much room as is.”
“I’m not gonna make you move out Lily,” Eda said, before looking up at the ceiling.
“Alador left more than enough money for a modest home,” Lilith protested.
“Which is more than enough to get the Construction Coven to do some off-the-books work for a lot more space.” Eda suggested, “And I’m sure Hooty wouldn’t mind the expansion.”
“So you want to keep them here so you get a bigger house?” 
“Of course not Lily! It’s just… I know what it’s like to have your whole world shaken apart,” Lilith looked down and away from her sister at the comment, “and the last thing you need at a time like that is to have your world shaken more.”
“Edalyn, I-” Lilith tried to apologize. 
“Not what we’re talking about right now,” Eda said, finishing off her apple blood and setting her mug on the coffee table, “I’m too sober for more than one serious conversation tonight.” Eda paused for a moment, eyeing the empty mug. “I would have done anything for the kind of stability they can have here. I’m not gonna rip it away from them.”
“Thank you,” Lilith said, adding, after a moment, “I’m sorry for snapping at you. All of this happening at once is… Overwhelming. I would never imagine Alador to do what he says he’s going to. He’s always been more gentle.”
“Withdrawal can do a lot,” Eda commented, “Add in the guilt and all the other emotions he’s got to be feeling. It’s not so unimaginable.”
“Withdrawal? Withdrawal from what?” Lilith questioned, turning to her sister.
“Did your letter,” Eda asked slowly, “not mention anything about it?”
“Obviously not,” Lilith focused on her sister.
“Distraction spell!” Eda yelled, pulling a bag of Hex Mix out of her hair to throw at her sister, and jumped up, only to  be caught at the last moment by Lilith. 
“Edalyn, that hasn’t worked since I was eight,” Lilith complained, “Now what do you mean by withdrawal?”
“You know how Oracle magic can really start to screw with your head if you’re good at it?” Eda asked
“And you know how memory wiping potions can help?”
“Edalyn!” Lilith was scandalized, “Those are highly illegal!”
“So is everything else I do!” Eda answered, “and he’s hardly the only person who bought them. I thought he was doing it because Odalia was too uptight to get it herself. I didn’t think he was taking it! Let alone mixing it with alcohol.”
“He was mixing an illegal memory potion with alcohol?” Lilith looked like she was ready to feint from shock.
“Should we just trade letters and see what he didn’t tell both of us?” Eda suggested
“No!” Lilith snapped, “He obviously intended us to keep the letters private. Otherwise he'd have sent only one, addressed to both of us."
"Who cares what he intended? It's your letter now," Edalyn reasoned, "Besides shouldn't we both know everything we can about what we're getting into? I thought you'd agree with the smart thing to do."
"I don't think it is the smart thing to do," Lilith answered simply. 
"Why not?" Eda demanded, watching her sister.
"I just don't," Lilith stood her ground.
"You're hiding something," Eda stated.
"That's ridiculous."
"Oh yeah? Then why won't you tell me why sharing our letters is a bad idea?" 
"Because it's personal, Edalyn!" Lilith snapped. 
"Who cares? Do you think I'm gonna judge you for whatever Alador told you about looking after his kids?"
"Yes!" Lilith said, to which Eda responded with a curious, almost scheming, look. "Edalyn, no!" It was too late. Eda pounced, grabbing at the letter with one hand and using her other to hold Lilith down by her face. Holding the letter out of Lilith's flailing reach, Eda began to read. 
(Line break)
"Alador," Odalia called into her husband's workshop, "where are the children?" When no answer came, she proceeded down the stairs, into the workshop proper. "Alador, answer me," Odalia commanded, approaching her husband, hunched over the work bench against the far wall, placing her hand on it's shoulder
"I'm tired, Odalia," Alador's voice called from beside the stairs. Odalia turned to look, seeing Alador step forward from behind one of the workshop's numerous tarps. Odalia took a step towards Alador, but was stopped when her hand refused to move, beginning to sink into the form slumped over the workbench. 
"What is the meaning of this?" Odalia asked, struggling to remove her hand from the Abomination as Alador's features melted away from it. 
"I told you, Odalia," Alador's voice was steady, "I'm tired." He grabbed her free hand, pulling it away from her trapped appendage. "I'm tired of this life," he told her, forcing the hand deep into the Abomination. 
"Where's your coven mark?" Odalia whispered, her eyes fixed on her husband's bare forearm. 
"I left the coven, Odalia," he answered simply, "Didn't you already know?"
"What are you talking about?" Odalia's voice grew more frightened, as she failed to recall any such memory.
"We were going to discuss it, this morning," he crouched down, beginning to move Odalia's legs into the Abomination, "And then I gave you your coffee, and you seemed to just… forget."
"Alador, what did you do?'
"What I had to, Odalia!" He shouted, breaking his calm facade, angry tears beginning to well up as he knelt before his wife. "I've spent the last ten years of our marriage forgetting every moment we spent in the same room. I can't stand you, Odalia."
"SHUT UP!" he roared, "I'm so tired of hearing your Titan damned voice!" He stood up and turned away from her, "I used almost the last bit of my memory potion in your coffee. To get you to shut up and just leave!"
He took a deep, shuddering breath, before he continued, more steadily, "And you left. And I was alone with my thoughts. About you. About us. Our children."
"Alador," Odalia said meekly, "where are the children?"
"Don't pretend to care now," Alador's voice rumbled.
"I'm not pretending!"
"YES YOU ARE! NEITHER OF US CARE FOR OUR CHILDREN!" Before Odalia could respond to the accusation, Alador started a barrage of questions, "What kind of glasses does Edric need? Who's Emira's favorite bard? What is Amity's favorite book series?" When Odalia failed to answer after one second, Alador shouted, "I didn't know either! I spent hours learning about our children by snooping around their rooms to get them what they need! What kind of father does that make me? And what kind of mother, that you've never even wanted to learn."
"I am not a terrible parent," Odalia defended.
"Do you remember our children ever smiling in front of us? At us? I don't, but I can blame that on the memory potion. You can't."
"A Blight doesn't-" 
"WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH FOR A DAMN NAME THAT DOESN'T EVEN BELONG TO YOU?" The tears of anger rained freely as he shouted at her, "OUR CHILDREN SHOULD MEAN MORE TO US THAN THEM BEING SOME STUPID LEGACY!" It was a moment before he added, "That's why I sent them to the Owl House. I trust Edalyn Clawthorne to look after our children better than us. And Lily."
"I thought you agreed to stop calling her that."
"I lied. She's the only bright spot I have in these last ten years. I'm not giving that up. Not for you."
"I'm done," he began to walk away, before adding, "Abomination, suffocate."
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