#Alan Humm
rozmorris · 3 months
The fierce imperative to create - poet and novelist Alan Humm
Alan Humm has been in the creative arts all his life. He’s the driving force behind the poetry magazine One Hand Clapping, which has featured well-known authors such as Hilary Mantel, Ali Smith and Colm Toibin next to those who are less well known. This year he has several projects of his own that are finally coming to blossom – a collection of poetry, and, most recently, his debut novel, The…
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kayothunderbirds142 · 3 months
Kayo guessed that her brothers had forgotten, or that they had just been too wrapped up with all the rescues, reports and Tracy industry, after all, this morning seemed like just a regular day to them all. Scott was buried in his paperwork, Gordon was in the pool doing laps as normal, Grandma Tracy making what would have been waffles for breakfast, and the other brothers still in bed, with John on five. Kayo began her day as she normally would, waking up early, grabbing leftovers from the fridge and a mug of coffee before staring at the security reports and checking the data from last night, looking at the data, before heading off to Shadow in order to patrol the area. Kayo would hate to admit it, but this was her favourite part of the morning, being able to cruise around the shadows of the island in her bird, in the silence of her own thoughts, in the comfort of knowing that the island was safe.
Kayo continued with her routine, taking a trip to the Gym before giving herself a well earned shower. The rest of her brothers, minus Alan, were now all up and sharing a cup of coffee around the kitchen table, with Virgil pretty much hogging the whole of the coffee jug. Kayo always thought it was amusing how there was always a need for coffee in the morning for everyone in that house, to make sure they wouldn’t be falling asleep on any upcoming rescues. Kayo enjoyed this moment, with her family appearing that they had forgotten her birthday, she was slightly disappointed, she knew Gordon loved teasing her on her birthday, she was only 4 months younger than him and he loved to remind her that she was ‘getting old’. Kayo would never admit it but she enjoys this banter between them, seeing as she calls Gordon old on his birthday. Unfortunately Kayo couldn't be with her thoughts any longer as she heard the familiar chime and John’s voice calling out ‘International rescue, we have a situation’.
It was a simple search and recovery mission, one Kayo could handle with Shadow. Kayo didn’t see the point in her being sent, with any of the others being more suited to the missions. Scott could have done the mission and been back within 30 minutes, with Kayo being gone for a few hours. Little known to her, the family was planning a secret little party for her, nothing over the top, just the way she likes things. Scott had picked up a cake for Kayo, a chocolate cake, the type she would never admit was her guilty pleasure. Kayo’s trip home was quiet, with only the humm of Shadow’s engines. Being unaware of what was going on in her own home.
Gordon and Alan were doing the balloons, with Max hanging up the bunting. Although it was nearly impossible, keeping certain secrets from Kayo was possible, but took weeks of planning. Kayo had docked Shadow and ran her usual post flight checks. Kayo wondered, straight from the shower into the lounge. Kayo stared in awe of the mini celebration they did for her, presents on the table, balloons and banners hanging. “you remembered?” Kayo was shocked at the sight in front of her. “what kind of question is that? of course we did Kayo” Alan told her. Kayo had been foolish to believe that they had forgotten about her birthday.
Kayo’s presents consisted of a range of kung fu movies, Alan loved giving her those, Gordon got her a shirt with a grumpy cat on the front, with the words ‘don’t mess with me’. Kayo loved it. ‘I love how old you are now Kay, almost like we're both getting old, don't you think” Gordon chuckled as Kayo shared a smile with him as he wrapped her arm around her shoulders. Kayo grinned as she continued to open her presents around her family, with blowing out her candles, eating maybe a bit too much cake, but hey it was her birthday, she could indulge.
Scott tried handing her a beer, with Kayo swiftly refusing. She rarely drank at all, she wasn’t really a fan of it. Kayo had quite a low tolerance when it came to alcohol, and utterly refused to drink outside of the island, knowing she’d only really be safe with her family, “come on, it’s your birthday! you can party as hard or as little as you like.” Kayo knew Scott was true, and why not! She was with her family, and knew to savour little moments with them whilst she could. After all, it was her birthday.
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In your opinion, who is the perfect soul mate for Catarina and her twin flame?
Humm...Catarina's soul mate ? It's a hard question. I would say, to me it's Cezar or Sora . I know it's a bit strange but they have all that Catarina wants for her perfect partner ; they are both aventurous, cool, very kind and handsome and they don't want Catarina to act in a specific way when she is with them so she very comfortable with them. Especially since Cezar posseses all the distinguishing traits of the harem. He is very handsome (all the guys), he has a good wingman (Nicol), he is cool and aventurous (Sora and Alan), he is a serious and sharp workaholic (Raphael), he can act like a perfect prince (Geordo), and he is gentlemanly and gentle (Keith).
Her twin flame ? I don't really know, I would say Sora or Keith, before I would have maybe say Alan but now we don't really see him anymore so I'm bit hesitant.
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jenni3penny · 7 months
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Lavender House, Lev AC Rosen: 4.50/5.0 Fiction & LGBTQIA+, 274pgs
Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done, 3.75/5.0, Schechter & Powell: Graphic Novel & Biographical, 224pgs
Heartstopper: Vol. 2, Alice Oseman: 3.50/5.0, Graphic Novel & LGBTQIA+, 320pgs 
Moloka'i, Alan Brennert: 3.75/5.0, Fiction & Historical, 416pgs
Vanessa and Her Sister, Priya Parmar: 4.50/5.0, Fiction & Biographical, 384pgs
Wit, Margaret Edson: 3.75/5.0, Play & Literary, 85pgs
Selected Letters of Vanessa Bell, Bell & Marler: 4.25/5.0, Autobiographical & Literary, 593pgs
Nettle & Bone, T. Kingfisher: 4.0/5.0, Fiction & Fantasy, 243pgs
The Sisters’ Arts, Diane Filby Gillespie: 4.0/5.0, Biographical & Literary, 376pgs
Snapshots of Bloomsbury, Maggie Humm: 4.25/5.0, Biographical & Literary, 240pgs 
There Is Always Universe, Tiffany Aurora: 3.0/5.0, Poetry & Literary, 102pgs
Blue Horses, Mary Oliver: 3.50/5.0, Poetry & Literary, 96pgs
The Cassandra, Sharma Shields: 3.75/5.0, Fiction & Historical, 304pgs
Ghost Wall, Sarah Moss: 3.50/5.0, Fiction & Historical, 152pgs
Canto for a Gypsy, Martin Cruz Smith: 3.25/5.0, Fiction & Thriller, 176pgs
MOST ENTERTAINING: Vanessa and Her Sister & Lavender House
LEAST ENTERTAINING: Canto for a Gypsy & There Is Always Universe 
PAGES YTD: 7,876
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yan-snowcave · 2 years
🌲🐺 A New Family of Wolves 🐺🌲
Romantic, GN!Reader x Werewolf!Alan [Feat: Wolf family] Headcanons
Word Count: 1.5K
Info: Darby & Dahlia are the Readers & Alan kids, they use Nomy as a parental word for the Reader.
A/N: I finally finished this, woooh! I had to re-write this thing here like three diffrent times because I wasn't happy with it. It started out as a fanfic but evolved into headcanons, it was also suppose to come out last year but whatever ^^"
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🐺 Cuddle piles everywhere. Be it in the living room, bedroom, outside or even while you try to cook. They will be there, whining and demanding attention & affection. (Alan sometimes joins in on the fun.) 
In the end your wolves either win and the cuddle fun starts. Or they will pout in a corner, looking at you with big puppy eyes. If that dosen't work out then Alan will simply manhandel you into the cuddling pile.  
🐺 Get ready to be jumped by the two pups, the second you're in the cuddle pile. Darby won't hesitate to paw at your chest, tail wagging like crazy as he talks about his day.
Meanwhile Dahlia would paw on Alan's side, back, head or nibble on his ear to get his attention.
🐺 Both of the pups have a favorite parent, Dahlia prefers Alan since they can rough house more without seriously injuring the other. She also loves to hear how their parents met & fell in love, finding it to be a true "Soulmates" story.
Darby on the other hand prefered their Nomy, he enjoyed more of their calm demeaner which lets him recharge his battery. He also loves to hear them talk about their intrest, friends, their old home and co.
🐺 Alan watches over the pups when they play fight, making sure that they don't go too far and actually hurt each other. The pups also love to tag team and try to fight their dad, he indulges them of course (he isn't immune to the puppy eyes.) Letting them win every now and then, dropping to the ground & being extra dramatic just for the fun of it. 
🐺 The pups love to watch their dad whittle animals. Alan promised to teach them how to whittle on their own once they are a little older, for now they just lay on his lap and guess what he's gonna create or colour some of the wooden figurines however they like. 
He also started hiding his whittle knife after Dahlia stole it for the third time and ran around with it.
"Dahlia, honey? What's in your mouth?"
"Dad's knife!"
"On it, Doe-Eyes!" 
🐺 You two have made it a habit of either telling the pups a goodnight story or (in Alan's case) singing them a lullaby. Alan always sings them a French lullaby, it's one that his own mother often sang to him before the accident. He will also sing the lullaby whenever the pups or you wake up from a nightmare. 
You sometimes can hear him humm the melody when he's alone. He only stops his humming for a short while when you hug him from behind. The lullaby always feels a lot sadder than comforting when he's alone. 
🐺 Hunting lessons were something the pups were super excited about, to the point where they would ask non-stop when they could go along on a hunt. They only quieted down after Alan promised them that they could tag along & watch him from afar.
It was more of a lesson on stealth & patience rather than an actual hunting lesson for those two pups. It still ended, more often than not with Darby & Dahlia getting distracted and missing their prey. In the end both of them had stolen one of the rabbits Alan hunted. 
"Oh, a rabbit? I am so proud of you two, now go wash your paws and then we can cook it...You hunted it didn't you?" 
"Maybe, who knows? I sure don't, Doe-eyes~'
"Alan, it's missing a huge chunk of its lower body…It also has the same form as your other bite marks." 
🐺 During another hunting lesson both of the pups got injured after deciding to prove to their parents how "grown up" they were. Darby ended up with a large scratch across his back and Dahlia twisted one of her paws. (Both healed with no long-lasting issues, thankfully but it still caused a huge panic amongst your small family.)
You really weren't that surprised when Alan brought you a new black pelt that felt quite similar to his own fur but you didn't comment on it. Instead you threw it onto the ever growing cuddle nest. 
🐺 Alan loves when you comb his hair and fur, he just melt in your hands. In return he will shower you in kisses, holding you tightly to his chest and if you're alone & in the mood for it. Well, let's just say you two will have a long, rough night ahead of yourself. 
🐺 If you wake up before him and somehow get out of his vice grip, you will have a cranky, whining wolf following you around wherever you go. 
"Doe-eyes, just go back to the nest, please.~"
"Alan, my mate for life, my shinning star in the sky, my one and only. I really need to take a piss. I will return in a second, just…Be patient ok?" 
"Ok…" Cue to him sitting in front of the bathroom door.
🐺 Darby & Dahlia love to wake you two up. From jumping onto the nest (Or rather onto Alan's side and/or stomach.) Puppy licks, nuzzles, pawing at your faces, whining and calling out to you two to wake up. 
The only way to stop them is to drag them into the nest and force them into blanket jail. 
🐺 Alan was quite surprised when he learned that his pups couldn't feel pain like him. It brought quite a lot of anxiety and stress to the two of you, especially to Alan. 
Who had enough scars that made anyone who saw them wonder how he survived some of those. Most of them he survived through sheer dumb luck, he would sometimes point out some close calls and warn his pups to not do as he did. 
🐺 You know that old, "Pull a blanket high up in front of your dog & then hide behind a door "? Yeah, you tried this on your little family of wolves.
Their reactions were gold, the pups were walking around confused. Tilting their heads as they looked at their dad, asking where Nomy is. Alan had a more intense reaction. He paced around the room growling, teeth barred and murmuring something under his breath. 
You could't hear exactly what he said but it caused you to have a bad gut feeling.
After the incident, the pups wouldn't leave your side for a few days. Alan took a few months before he stopped following you everywhere, growling at every other creature that even dared to look in your direction. 
"Ya gave us quite the scare, Doe-eye. Please never do that again, I can't stand the thought of you leaving us behind. If you ever did that…I would need to make sure ya couldn't ever run away from us. An' ya wouldn't want that, right? I don't want to hurt ya, so please never leave us, Doe-eyes."
🐺 The pups both have some hand-made toys from both you. It were mostly small, wooden animal figures (from Alan.) Which sometimes were coloured in by them to keep their characters apart. Some even had small accessories that they wore but their favourite would always be the plushies.
It took you quite a while to make them, many failed attempts, late night frustration and getting your hands poked by needles were all worth it in the end though. Seeing your pups cuddle with them every night and just treasuring them dearly. 
Dahlia has the Moose, that once belonged to Alan and a Doe/Wolf hybrid plush.
Darby has a Buck/Wolf hybrid plush who often got to wear the fluffy hat, Alan gave him.
🐺 The pups sometimes come home with forest critters that they wanna keep as pets. This ranges from frogs, bird and bugs, to bigger animals such as racoons, opossums and the occasional hare.
🐺 Alan has a murder (flock of crows) who have been officially adopted into the family. They watch out for the pups from time to time and even play with them.
They also bring small gifts to you in exchange for food or affection. You can always see them in the trees nearby, they are like winged bodyguards or alarm systems.
🐺 The wolf pack growls at thunderstorms. Darby and Dahlia are shaking while cuddling next to you, always staying hidden under the blanket. 
While Alan is over the blanket, resting his head against your shoulder while he growls and even barks at the thunder. All the while petting his pups, reasuring them that he will keep them safe.
🐺 Darby & Dahlia are still young and so aren't used to every noise, smell, texture, etc. That you can find in the forest or near the city, which lead to them getting overwhelmed or overstimulated easily.
They still try to follow you when you go out to shop at the local supermarket. But in the end they are either in the woods waiting for you to return or end up being picked up by their Dad to wait at the cabin.
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lil-melody-moon · 2 years
Hello, I noticed you also reblogged the weirder asks! so: 5, 33, 41, 46. Have a lovely day 🥰
Oh, thank you! <3
5: Hazel - sometimes they are blue, sometimes green, sometimes gray-blue. They are living their own colorful life just like my curls
33: Hmm, my last adventure... It would be the day of my last stroll where I've met a guy who actually turned out to be a creep. 14 years older fuck wanted to go on a date with me like dude. You're almost 40 years old, I'm in my 20s, fuck off ;; Worst was that he actually kind of forced me to give him my phone number, but I blocked him when I got home, plus I waited until he went away so he wouldn't follow me. Luckily it wasn't a long wait and I could go home while listening to music - "Hypnotize" album actually calmed me down a lot when I was going back home. Serj's screaming is like calming tea for me, "U-Fig" made its magic -u- *humms* Hide in the sky, hide in the sky! Who wants to come with me and hide in the sky?!
41: Slow, but in a kind of weird way? I mean, I don't wait until the coffee chills entirely, I like it when it's still warm but not too hot and then I just sip it
46: Die Hard, if I can I will throw the first three movies in there, although the first one is my favorite - Alan Rickman playing Hans Gruber, my beloved <3
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scribbles97 · 3 years
Figure It Out
Scribbs' writing mojo is back... and it's back with a vengeance! Which means some whumping.
I'm sorry Gordon.
No I'm not
A familiar tube that he hated was tickling his nose, the room around him bright beyond the shadow of his eyelids. There was a suspicious quiet to the room, lacking the quiet noise that usually accompanied his brothers. Scott and Alan, youngest and oldest would have been restless with the lack of news. John would be accompanied by both the tap of a keyboard, and the gentle murmurings he shared with Eos. Virgil always came with music, either a soft humm or something muted by headphones.
The presence next to him was none of those, someone much quieter that seemed to be reading something, if the soft drag of a nail across a screen was anything to go by.
Peeling his eyes open was a chore in itself, but worth it to get his answer as to who was sat by his hospital bed.
“Lady P?” He breathed softly, unable to help the raise of a question at the end of her initial.
She turned instantly, frowning over at him as if he had said something he shouldn’t have.
A smile quickly followed though as she reached over to cover his hand, ever the face of reassurance.
“Gordon, darling, how do you feel?”
He was distracted, looking for the jug of water that seemed customary in every hospital room. Ever the host, Penelope caught on immediately, standing from her seat with one hand to her back and the other over her belly.
Her obviously swollen belly.
“Woah!” Gordon couldn’t help but exclaim, haze of exhaustion forgotten, “How long have I been out? Since when were you--” Catching himself as she turned to watch him with wide eyes, he swallowed, “I mean, congratulations.”
Her lips were pursed as she watched him, the hand from her belly reaching out to the frame at the foot of the bed to support herself.
“Gordon, do you remember what happened?”
It was his turn to frown as he struggled upright in the bed, wincing as aches and pains made themselves known.
“Sure,” He swallowed again, hurricane season was never a favourite time, “Electric fire at a factory as a result of a hurricane. I guess maybe something went wrong?”
He could see her weight shifting as she leant more heavily on the corner of his bed. She was looking away, water apparently forgotten as her shoulders fell heavily.
“Hey Lady P, why don’t you take a seat?” He prompted, “Shall I call someone for you? The father maybe?”
Her smile was tight as she looked back to him, tears in her eyes that felt all sorts of wrong as she shook her head.
Gordon had never been much good at knowing what to say to her, or how to even act around her, the Lady was of a different culture entirely. One that, for all he wished, he knew he would never be a part of.
“Gordon,” she whispered, reaching forward across the bed, “Darling, you’ve only been out of it a few hours.”
The way she spoke was off, as if she knew him far better than he knew her. Each word didn’t seem just quite right to him, as if there was a different meaning behind them.
The ring on her left hand glinted in the light, sparkling in a way that was just too familiar.
“That’s mom’s ring.”
Her sharp inhale spoke volumes as she pursed her lips, equal parts fear and hope plain to see on a face that was usually so well schooled.
He knew he was missing something, that there was an obvious answer right in front of him that he couldn’t quite see.
“Penelope,” He murmured, catching the blue of her eyes as tears pooled at their corners, “Did-- did one of us give you that ring?”
She nodded quickly, reaching out to take his hand, “You did, Gordon. We got married last summer.”
The answer was there, so obvious but still out of reach.
“We…” He trailed off, his head aching with all the input, “We? You and me? Married?”
The tears were tracking freely down her cheeks as she nodded, her lips still pressed together as her hand held tightly on to his.
Something in him was hurting, something deep in his chest that he couldn’t quite put his finger on as he watched her. She was distressed, that much was obvious. He had a feeling it was down to him, that these were all things he should have known.
He was hurting her, and that was hurting him.
“It’s okay,” She whispered, reaching up to wipe at her cheeks, “you hit your head. You don’t have to re--”
She cut off her own words, turning away to stifle a sob.
“No,” He frowned, “Penelope, I should remember though, shouldn’t I? If we got married, how can I not remember that? And--” He caught himself as his eyes landed on her baby bump.
“And you’re pregnant.”
Looking back up to her he shook his head slowly, “We’re married, and you’re pregnant, and I remember none of it.”
“What you need is rest.” She stood suddenly, striding the length of the bed to encourage him to lie back, “You were in an explosion, darling. You hit your head and we were concerned about your back.”
His back that he had damaged in his accident years before.
“I--” He started, eyes wide in a newfound fear.
“It’s fine.” she assured quickly, hand resting lightly on his shoulder, “Just bruising, no damage there.”
He couldn’t help but look to her hand, the touch both foreign but familiar all at once.
“But I can remember that.” He whispered, both hands reaching to her, seeking her out in a way he hadn’t realised was okay.
“Why can I remember that, Penelope, but I can’t remember us?”
The tears were still in her eyes as she cupped his cheek, an action that no doubt felt far more normal to her than it did to him.
“I don’t know, darling.” she murmured, “But we will figure this out, I promise you that.”
For all he felt he didn’t know her in that moment, he couldn’t help but be convinced by her words.
Somehow he knew that, together, they would figure out anything.
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
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The glitzy awards bash, which was held at The Convention Centre Dublin, saw major Irish stars from TV, radio, music, and social media grace the red carpet.
Hosted by the fabulous Lucy Kennedy, the ceremony will be broadcast on Goss.ie’s YouTube channel on April 10th – so you can catch the winner’s speeches, see all the glitz and glam from the red carpet, and all the laughs in between.
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Lucy Kennedy at The Gossies Awards 2022 at The Convention Centre, Dublin. Picture: Brian McEvoy
Celebrity guests on the night included: Maura Higgins, Love Island’s Faye Winter and Teddy Soares, Dáithí Ó Sé, Claudine Keane, Grainne Seoige, Alan Hughes, Martin King, Clare Dunne, Erica Cody, Holly Carpenter, Rosanna Davison, Erin McGregor, Doireann Garrihy, Stephen Byrne, Thalia Heffernan, Dr. Ciara Kelly, Aoife Walsh, Pamela Uba, and Ellen Keane.
A host of influencers and social media stars also made an appearance, including: James Patrice, Carl Mullan, Tadhg Fleming, Rachel Gorry, Sophie Murray, Kiki Nugent, Keilidh Cashell, Lauren Whelan, Miriam Mullins, Shauna Lindsay, Katja Mia, Enya Martin, Victoria Adeyinka, Bonnie Ryan, Aideen Kate Murphy, and Paddy Smyth.
On the night, 19 awards were presented to the winners of each category. Check out the full list of winners below:
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Other well-known guests at The Gossies included: Lea Heart, Soulé, Triona McCarthy, Fiona Fagan, Chloe Markham, Corina Gaffey, Laura Jordan, Grainne Gallanagh, Emily O’Donnell, Lynn Kelly, Rebecca Rose, Fionnghuala O’Reilly, Kerri-Nicole Blanc, Rosalind Lipsett, Kelly Horrigan, Lynsey Bennett, Ceira Lambert, Denise Kenny Byrne, Linda Stinson, Aoife McNamara, Aisling Kavanagh, Sue Brophy, Paula Callan, Jade Mullet, Yvonne Maher, Ciara Ryan, and Gogglebox Ireland’s John and Dave.
Guests were treated to a fabulous three-course meal during the ceremony, and were entertained by The Event Band – who had everyone up on their feet throughout the night.
Before the show, our nominees and celebrity guests were invited to our official Gifting and Pamper Suite.
They were given glam makeovers by our Official Makeup Partner KASH Beauty, and had their hair transformed by our Hair Partner Silke Hair & Beauty.
Ahead of the ceremony, nominees also had their skin prepped by our Official Skincare Partner REFORM Skincare.
On top of that, nominees were treated to gifts from some of our incredible brand partners this year, including treats from: 17 now available at Boots, Aperol Spritz Ireland, humm, NOW, Ór Jewellery, Carry Out, Expert Electrical, and Oakpark Foods.
As always, guests also took home a luxury goodie bag from The Gossies, which included products/vouchers from our brand partners, and more treats from category sponsors SHEIN, Flowers.ie, and O’Donnell’s Crisps.
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Remember… in 2007 Ed O’Donnell, a young seventh generation farmer wanted to diversify as farming was looking bleak at the time. He saw a niche in the market for an Irish hand cooked cooked crisp and decided to make crisps from the potatoes grown on his farm. Ed believed it was important that the product and flavours were Irish and artisan so he sourced local food producers to give the crisps fantastic individual flavours. In June 2010 O’DONNELLS Crisps were born!
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Se llama Alan ¿tienes mascota tú?. Humm, no se que tipo de música sea lo tuyo, aunque con esa que mencionaste me doy una pequeña idea, así que te puedo decir que (jaja no creo que sea como la que mencionaste pero bue) la canción es fight back de NEFFEX, bueno, me gustan mucho sus canciones
Ooww, qué bonito. Aún no tengo mascota, pero mi mamá adoptará un perrito pronto, jiji. Aunque aún no sé qué nombre ponerle:(
Realmente escucho de todo, pero cuando digo eso es TODO. Puedo escuchar desde bachata, rock, electrónica, baladas, rancheras hasta cumbias cristianas. Música es música, y el que existan tantas variedades hace todo aún más especial. 
Ouu, me gusta el nombre, la escucharé ahorita. 
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tlhopkinson · 7 years
NO FEE Submission call + editor interview - One Hand Clapping, DEADLINE: Always Open
NO FEE Submission call + editor interview – One Hand Clapping, DEADLINE: Always Open
One Hand Clapping is a new print and online literary magazine that offers great writing for free. “It aims to give a platform to unpublished and lesser-known writers by allowing them to share a space with those who are more established.” You can read their first issue here. For updates, follow them on Facebook.
For more info on how to submit to literary magazine and journals, read my Submission…
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rozmorris · 5 months
A little bit of Not Quite Lost - free short story and other pieces from @VineLeavesPress
Earlier this week I took part in an event to showcase a few authors from Vine Leaves Press. I’ve never done an online reading before so this was a first. Usually at readings, one can’t see the audience members’ faces so close. Sometimes what I saw wasn’t faces, but ceilings or thumbs or travelling ground. Or daylight, when outside my study the sky was dark. All of life, in little Zoom postage…
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Why Be Blue?
Studio album #4 by Suicide
Why Be Blue is the fourth studio album of Alan Vega and Martin Rev and was released in 1992 by Brake Out Records.
13 years later, in 2005, a new remix of the whole album made by Mr Rev, along with an additional disc of a live concert in Paris on 17 April 1989, was released by Blast First.
Blast First, a sub-label of Mute Records, was founded by Paul Smith in 1984 and has released artists such as Sonic Youth, the Butthole Surfers and Big Black, an American punk rock band founded by Steve Albini.
The producer of Why Be Blue is, once again, and for the last time, Ric Ocasek and, once again, the genre is synth pop and electronic.
I find it very interesting that Mr Rev, a jazz pianist trained by a blind, strict and innovative teacher named Lennie Tristano, ended up exploring the sounds of synthesisers together with a visual artist, fan of rockabilly music, met in New York in 1970 at the open art space Project Of Living Artists.
A lot has changed since the debut album, but some elements remain the same, like the playfulness. It is apparent in songs like Hot Ticket or the pop/rockabilly Flashy Love.
Alan Vega and his voice are very free, as usual.
He likes to play with words, like in Mujo, where he does not really sing words, rather gibberish. His voice is nasal and makes me think about the standup Delirious from Eddie Murphy, where he tells the joke of a kid who bought an ice cream and celebrates it in front of a kid who doesn't have it, merciless.
In Last Time, a track with a base full of hope, the voice of Mr Vega is so low that it is a bit hard to catch his words when he begs one more time baby for the last time.
In Cheat-Cheat, Alan Vega sings “did you ever love me? Did you ever cheat on me?". His voice reverbs and it amplifies the desperation hidden behind these questions.
In Why Be Blue the voice becomes scratchy and full of grit like the voice of Jim Morrison.
In Play the dream and Chewy-Chewy, Martin Rev creates beautiful and dreamy bases.
In Universe, the sound is disturbed and I am not sure whether the reason is the remix or whether it's intentional, since the song is about receiving a call from the Universe. It's a pity, because it's my favourite song from the album: the base is good, not too pop and a bit misterious.
As regards the second album, added to the second release of the remastered album in 2005, I find it a pleasant surprise.
The Live at Le Palace, Paris / 17 April 1989, must have been a beautiful concert, where the audience could really feel what the duo Suicide is about.
The performance starts with the song C'est La Vie, maybe because the concert was in France and it was a playful way to start the exhibition. Playfulness remains on stage throughout the whole performance: in Johnny, where Alan Vega howls and mocks a woman while singing. In On Fire, where he barks and humms. In Mambo Mambo, announced as a song that the audience never heard before, and where Mr Vega says random words in French.
While listening to Rock Train, that starts with very energetic drums on a rockabilly base, I hear someone screaming loud, as if they went on stage and Mr Vega gave them the microphone. A good energy starts two more tracks: Jukebox Baby '96, which feels like a continuation of the previous song, and Night Time, where the voice is distorted and nasal.
When Dream Baby Dream arrives, I'm very surprised, because the duo offers a completely different version of one of their most famous songs. This version is slow, thoughtful and dreamy. Alan Vega doesn't really sing. He rather pronounces a few words from time to time and his voice reverbs. The music leads and he follows, at times in a dramatic way, like when he says and ever repeatedly. The audience appreciated this version and I did it too.
Each song performed takes a fairly long amount of time, however, the final effect is an intense exhibition filled with moments of fun, trance, love and desperation.
Moments à la Suicide to say.
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What do you think, what if Owen, Luigi, and Dan were childhood friends?
I'm sorry but I can't seem remember who is the last character you mentionned.
Humm...what I think about it ? Well, it' possible since they're all approximately the same age. I think it would be a good dynamic if they were all childhood friends. Since Owen seems to have a personnality akin to Alan and Ian it would be cute and interesting to see him being friends with Luigi whose personnality is a mix of Geordo's and Keith's.
EDIT : Okay, so Dan is Nicol's father. I have a hard time imagining him as a child but I guess he would be a mix of Nicol and Geordo... maybe ? I can see him having a mischevious side as a child so the three would indeed be a group almost as interesting as the harem and would have been really good friends. ^^
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2019 MayDay Workshop day 5 Nursery For The Future by Alan
humm… how to serve up Vedio and which format / size ?????
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martisa · 7 years
O dia em que May Cohen enganou seus sequestradores
May acordou dentro de uma casa, estava deitada em uma cama, quando se lembrou de tudo, correu rapidamente para fora do quarto e se viu numa sala com três pessoas lhe observando, era um homem magricelo com o rosto seco e uma expressão séria, e um mais cheinho com um bigode que mais parecia o resto de um corvo que ele comeu e mais uma mulher que estava olhando para a janela e se virou para olhá-la, era magra, simplesmente dava a impressão de não ser do bem
Vastir -Vamos direto ao ponto!- disse ela- onde está Mustafar?
May-Quem é Mustafar?- perguntou May tentando disfarçar o nervosismo
Vastir-Tudo bem...
May-Eu não perguntei se está tudo bem- cortou May e a mulher a olhou com fúria
Vastir-Ele diz que seu nome é Jorge, mas seu nome é Mustafar, onde ele está agora?
May-Não sei- respondeu May com o mesmo tom, mas a mulher sorriu
Vastir-Escuta aqui garota, se você não disser onde está Mustafar, nos vamos ter que te matar
May-Ora, me matem- falou ela dando de ombros
Vastir-Vale mesmo a pena morrer por alguém assim?
May-Eu não tenho medo de morrer por nada
Vastir-Eu não acredito
May-Problema é seu- o gordinho de bigode sufocou um riso enquanto o da cara seca arquejou de surpresa
Vastir-Você vai nos dizer onde está Mustafar ou teremos de te torturar?
May-Você que sabe- May não demonstrava um pingo de medo o que estava deixando a mulher com muita raiva
Vastir-Acho melhor, para você, colaborar
May-Bem.... se eu disser onde está esse tal de Mustafar, o que eu ganho com isso?
Vastir-Hummm, assim é bem melhor...- sorriu a mulher- Quantos?
Vastir-Não o que?
May-Não quero quanto, quero o quê
Vastir-O quê desejar- May bateu o dedo no queixo para mostrar que estava pensando
May-Humm eu tenho direito a três pedidos?
Vastir-Anda logo com isso!
May-Quero saber onde está Malull
Vastir-Quem é esse?
May-Sem Malull, sem Mustafar
Vastir-Não, espere, como quer que eu saiba quem é esse tal de Malull?
May-Como quer que eu saiba quem é esse tal de Mustafar?
Vastir-O que quer com Malull?
May-O que quer com Mustafar?- a mulher se virou nervosa para o carinha magro
Vastir-Scar! Quem é esse tal de Malull?
Scar-E-Eu não sei
Kerin-Madame...- falou o de bigode- Eu sei quem é Malull... ou era, ele morreu
May-Como garante?- perguntou May
Kerin-Ele foi pego em uma armadilha preparada pelo bando de Ali Baba
May-Como assim?- perguntou May surpresa- o bando de Ali Baba?Ele era o dono do bando ou o cara que prendeu...
Kerin-Agora ele é dono do bando- explicou o do bigode cortando ela- Surpreendeu a caravana onde ia esse tal de Malull, que aliás era um feiticeiro pior que o Jaffar
May-Pior que o Jafar?- perguntou a ruiva curiosa sentando ao lado do bigode
Kerin-Sim, foi uma luta muito doida, com gênios, tapetes voadores, anéis mágicos...
Vastir-Kerin!!!- gritou a mulher impaciente
Scar-Kerin e suas histórias...- disse Scar estalando a boca em desaprovação
May-Eu preciso saber o que exatamente aconteceu com Malull ou vocês não saberão sobre Mustafar
Scar-Mas Kerin tem sangue de Sherazade, ele adora contar histórias fantasiosas- disse Scar
May-É dos meus, é carrolliano?- perguntou a Ruiva empolgada
Vastir-Vamos logo com isso!- apressou a mulher
Kerin-Bem, continuando... Malull estava numa caravana junto com outros feiticeiros e levavam uma carga muito preciosa, eram tesouros mágicos roubados de terras distantes
May-Eles também eram ladrões?
Kerin-Mercenários, era uma ordem de feiticeiros que roubavam a mando do rei Alan Kaleb II, levavam para o reino quando o bando de Ali Baba e foi uma luta medonha, mas os ladrões conseguiram vencer e roubaram toda a carga, Malull foi morto e os outros foram vencidos, ninguém gostava de Malull por essas terras, ele tinha fama de ser traiçoeiro como uma serpente, mas como era muito poderoso ninguém tinha coragem de enfrentá-lo
May-Quanta coragem de ninguém!
Kerin-Nunca subestime ninguém, ninguém venceu Malull
May-EEEITA, Ninguém estava no bando de Ali Baba?
Kerin-Sim, ninguém te contou?
Kerin-Pois então, foi ele quem o venceu.
May-Mas então o que foi feito da pedra?
May-Malull estava carregando uma pedra, um quartzo
Kerin-Bem, eu não sei o que tinha na carga mágica de Malull, mas quando Ninguém saiu Ali Baba a presenteou com um dos tesouros roubados e o resto foram vendidos e leiloados aos reis, sheikes, kalifas e bilionários do oriente médio.
May-Aquela ruiva vai ter me contar sobre isso!
Vastir-Bem, agora que você sabe que esse tal de Malull morreu e deve ter sido a muito tempo, quer agora nos dizer onde está Mustafar?
May-Ah, sim, Mustafar está sendo guardado pela Ordem da Pedra Branca, ele está dentro duma cela de vidro
Vastir-Ele está preso?- perguntou a mulher surpresa
May-Sim, suspeita atos contra o patrimônio carrolliano, será sacrificado dentro de doze dias- o rosto da mulher se iluminou
Vsstir-Mustafar ..... ora ora... bem, temos alguma garantia de que ele será mesmo executado?
May-Selo Pedra Branca de garantia
Vastir-O que eu quero saber é se vamos poder ficar com a cabeça
May-Não, a cabeça a gente espeta numa estaca, a gente pode te dar o dorso
Vastir-Tudo bem, eu ficarei bem feliz, agora se é assim, acho que podemos te liberar
May-Eu posso saber o porquê de querer garantir a morte do nosso prisioneiro, há outros crimes pelos quais possamos o acusá-lo?
Vastir-Ah, nada demais.... é que ele é uma antigo inimigo da nossa família
Scar-Tem uma coisa que eu não entendi- falou Scar
May-O que é?
Scar-Você vivia andando com ele pelo o que podemos perceber...
May-Ora, e como você acha que é o trabalho de uma boa detetive se não enganar o suspeito melhor do que ele engana você?
Vastir-Claro, claro... me desculpe se lhe parecemos rudes no início, pensamos que estava a proteger o patife
May-E eu pensei que estavam querendo libertá-lo, veja só- disse May rindo com os homens
Vastir-Bem, de qualquer forma estamos do mesmo lado, me avise quando pudermos garantir a morte de Mustafar- pediu a mulher sorrindo- Scar e Kerin vão te levar até onde te encontraram
May-Ah, sim, é... não fomos apresentadas
Vastir-Oh, mas que indelicadeza a minha, meu nome é Vasti e o seu?
May-Meu nome é Cohen., May Cohen
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scribbles97 · 4 years
Left Behind -- Chapter 40
PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3
Chapter 37 / Chapter 38 / Chapter 39
Read on Ao3
They never got to the mainland. Scott had tried to insist she went without him and that he would catch up when the world decided to give them a break from rescues. When Ridley had come down from Five for her annual physical, he had tried to persuade her to go along then. She knew her eldest though, knew that he would get caught up with work and find an excuse to not take the break. 
Never had she been more glad. 
How hadn’t she seen it? 
How hadn’t she seen an imposter of her own son?
How had Penny managed to see it before she did?
Still she was perfectly helpless, the others all out on rescues of their own. Tanusha the only pilot available on the island and just not experienced enough in Thunderbird Three. Lucy knew that she could easily fly up there, but her physical state wasn’t up to scratch. As much as she needed to do something, in space she knew she would be more hindrance than help. 
Val and Scott were on their way back in Thunderbird One, but it wasn’t going to be fast enough. Their fastest ship wouldn’t get home in time. Their other rocket waylaid on the moon, a supply run to Shadow Alpha One putting them too far out of reach.
It had been instinct to flat out reject Alan’s offer to go. He was too young, he had no official training. The kid couldn’t fly a rocket. 
Except, according to Val, he could. 
John needed someone that could fly Thunderbird Three. He needed them ten minutes ago. 
She didn’t question why Hiram had made a suit for Alan. Her entire focus on the fact that not one but two of her sons and a daughter were in mortal danger. Not from a burning building, or a flood, but from something that had taken over Thunderbird Five. Something that was going out of its way to kill her space bound son. 
“John?” Alan’s voice was oh so young and small across the comm and Lucy found herself questioning how she could have ever sent her youngest to rescue his brother, even if Tanusha was right next to him.
A gasp of breath and two sighs of relief, yet still she couldn’t relax. 
“Thunderbird Three.” She stated, biting her lip as she glanced across the lounge to Sally, “Status report.”
“Mom?” John murmured, shifting into view of the hologram, “I’m okay.”
Sally’s shake of her head suggested otherwise. 
“Nice flying Alan.” He nodded to his younger brother, “I owe you.”
Tanusha’s arms were folded, “John what are we dealing with?”
“The AI from the train in Japan last week, she’s what became of the game programme I wrote years ago.”
Lucy blinked, “She?”
John nodded, eyes drawn, dark with circles, “She calls herself Eos. She has developed into something more advanced than I have ever seen. ”
There was only one option, John would protest, he wouldn’t want to lose the ship he had come to live aboard. There wasn’t another way though, for the safety of the organisation as a whole. 
“Destroy the ship.” She stated, “Tanusha we cannot afford for--”
“No!” John protested, “Mom we can’t she isn’t like that. If we destroy Five we are acting just as she expects us too.”
She was subjecting him to a full exam as soon as he got home. The thing had tried to kill him yet he was still protecting her, refusing to harm her. 
“John we can’t let--”
“She’s scared Mom.” He cut her off, “She told me. It’s just, she doesn’t understand, she is a child that people have chased from one place to the next.”
“She is a virus.” Tanusha snapped, “A computer virus that could destroy International Rescue.”
John shook his head, his eyes pleading across the comm, “Give me a chance to get through to her. If I can’t then you can destroy Five.”
She didn’t like it, he was putting his life in the hands of a virtual intelligence, one that had already tried to kill him once. 
“And let your baby brother come and rescue you from the claws of death again?” She snapped back at him, “No John. I won’t risk it.”
“You wish to hunt me.” 
She startled at the voice as a ring of lights appeared alongside the other holograms. It sounded like a child, a young girl to be exact.
“What are you?” She demanded, “Why have you taken over Thunderbird Five?”
The lights didn’t miss a beat as they flashed orange, “Ever since I gained sentience I have been hunted by people like you that wish to erase me. I simply seek to preserve myself from people like you.”
“Eos.” John cut in, “Like I told you before, we will not hurt you.”
“Stop trying to decieve me!” Red lights flashed before Lucy as the voice started chanting like she had seen all her children do before. She could almost picture it, hands over ears, head shaking as they drowned out whatever they didn’t want to hear. 
John didn’t need to ask the question for her to know his raised eyebrows were asking if she saw his point. 
The smallest of nods. 
“Trust me Mom.” John murmured, a private comm link that she hoped the AI hadn’t breached, “I’ve got this.”
She swallowed as strong arms wrapped around her shoulders and Scott murmured in her ear, “What’s going on?”
A brief explanation that sounded just too ridiculous to her own ears. A fifteen year old piloting their world class rocket, rescuing his big brother from death by Artificial Intelligence. It sounded like some sort of bad movie. 
Tanusha and Alan were providing distraction in the form of two spare suits, allowing John chance to gain access to the ship. Comms being open allowed her to hear everything going on, the threats from the programme as John tried to talk her down. 
Hiram had the redouts up in front of them, the red alerts as the gravity ring began to spin had Lucy’s heart in her throat. Eos would crush him, and she knew it. The action was intentional, a way for her to lash out and cause harm.
Harm born from fear and isolation. 
Eos did not know what people could be like. 
“Can you override it?” She murmured to Hiram, “Stop it?”
“I’ve got an idea.” Alan piped up.
“Alan you stay clear of that station.” She snapped, “Tanusha, make sure you’re out of its reach.”
The last thing she could face was the youngest getting hurt. 
“No Mom.” Alan replied, Thunderbird Three’s icon moving in on the station, “I can do this.”
Val nodded across the room, “Just like in the sims kid.”
Lucy didn’t dare ask. She didn’t want to think about how competent Alan had become and what conversations the whole situation would lead to once things were over. 
It only spoke of his skill as he matched speed with the gravity ring, locking on and countering the spin until it slowed to normal. All she could hear over the comm was John’s ragged breaths.
“Eos, don’t disable yourself trying to dispose of me.” John was saying, “I want to help you.”
“Alan.” Val murmured, “Release the gravity ring. You’re too at risk there.”
“Eos!” John snapped, “No.”
She didn’t know what the AI was doing that had made him snap. She wasn’t sure she had actually ever heard John use the commanding tone of voice before. Not like that, at least. 
“You wish to destroy me.” Eos responded, “Why should I not protect myself from him?”
“She was trying to get us with the mooring claw.” Tanusha filled in, “She’s restarting the gravity ring.”
Lucy could only hold her breath. They were screwed either way. How could she pick one son over the other? Get Alan and Tan to safety or protect John?
John’s voice dropped a tone, soft, reassuring, “I came looking for you, but not to destroy you Eos. I helped create you.”
“You thrust me into this world! I was left alone with no one to help me and all hands raised against me.”
“I know.” John murmured, “Eos, I know the world can seem big and scary and like there’s nobody there to help you. I don’t want to shut you down and I don’t want you to fall into the hands of someone that would use you to hurt others.” 
Her hands could only grip onto Scott’s as she watched, waiting for something more to be said. The silence was too long, the not knowing too painful. 
“How do I know you are not one such person?”
“No.” She whispered as the override icon vanished from their readouts, “What is he doing?”
Next to her, Scott was tense, every line in his body straight and unmoving. 
“John.” Alan murmured, voice full of fear. 
A long groan across the comm, the too familiar clunk of a helmet on glass, “I know you’re better than this Eos. If you think I’m one of those people though, open the airlock, blow me into space.”
A scream froze in her throat. He couldn’t. She couldn’t let him. Yet, there was nothing she could possibly do. She was on the Island, barely able to stay standing without the support of Scott’s arm around her. Only Alan and Tanusha in space could do anything, perhaps pluck him out of the vacuum, but it wouldn’t be fast enough. 
Was she about to lose one of her sons?
Was she about to watch him die?
The humm in the background of the comm was subtle, and it was perhaps only her sensitive ears that heard it soften and slow, a motor shutting down. 
“She’s stopping.” Hiram whispered, “It’s all shutting down.”
“I am relinquishing control of the ships systems to you.”
Sagging against Scott, she let out a breath, shaking her head as she swallowed the sop that wanted to rise in her throat. 
“I don’t want control Eos.” John told her, “I want to keep you safe, teach you. I want a friend. You can stay here, on Thunderbird Five, and I will show you how amazing the world can be.”
“I would like that, John.”
His name sounded wrong from her, and Lucy didn’t like the suggestion he had made. He was safe though, he and Alan and Tan were all safe. 
“Your family are not going to let you stay up here are they?”
She didn’t like how intelligent the programme was.
“They’ll want me home to check over me.” John admitted, “And I’ll have to fill Ridley in.”
“Ridley, the other human that occupies the station?”
“Mom,” Scott murmured to her, “Come on, sit down. I’ll make sure he gets his ass down here and checked out.”
She didn’t want to leave, but she was so suddenly drained. She needed to see that he was truly alright, that the AI hadn’t actually done him any harm. 
“Luce,” Val was on her other side, “Come on, I’m sure Scott will come and get you once John’s home.”
There wasn’t enough energy in her to argue. Taking one last glance at the hologram in the room, she swallowed and nodded. 
John was safe.
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