teenageascetic · 4 months
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Allah Allah desem gelsem/If I say Allah Allah and come.
“If I am a nightingale if I approach and come If I stand in the presence of Allah If I am a rosy red apple If I sprout on your branch, what do you say?
If you are a rosy red apple If you come to sprout on my branch If I am a silver clad crook staff If I draw and strike a blow, what do you say?
If you are a sliver clad crook staff If you come to draw and strike a blow If I am a handful of maize If I am scattered on the ground, what do you say?
If you are a handful of maize If you come to be scattered on the ground If I am a beautiful grey partridge If I gather up bit after bit, what do you say?
If you are a beautiful grey partridge If you come to gather up bit after bit If I am a young falcon bird If I seize and steal you off, what do you say?
If you are a young falcon bird If you come to seize and steal me off If I am a shower of sleet If I break your wing, what do you say?
If you are a shower of sleet If you come to break my wing If I am a wild nor’easter wind If I spurn and disperse, what do you say?
If you are a wild nor’easter wind If you come to spurn and disperse If I have a great sickness If I lie down in your way, what do you say?
If you have a great sickness If you come to lie down in my way If I am Azrâil If I take your ruh, what do you say?
If you are Azrâil If you come to take my ruh If I am a subject destined for Jannah If I enter into Jannah, what do you say?
If you are a subject destined for Jannah If you come to enter into Jannah If you find your master Pir Sultan If we enter in company together, what do you say?”
-Pir Sultan Abdal.
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heretic-child · 2 years
“Turkey is now officially described as 99% Muslim and the state actively promotes a national identity based on ethnic Turkishness and Sunni Islam which excludes other ethnic and religious minorities. This is reinforced by the national identity cards which automatically state ‘Islam’ under the category of religion unless a person specifically requests that it be removed and even then the indication of ‘Alevi’ is not allowed, despite the fact that the European Court of Human Rights granted Alevis the right to register Alevi instead of Islam. In exploring the case of the Alevis, it is interesting to see how their preferred identity is religious, but they can be both integrated and excluded within Turkish society depending on whether and how their ethnic or religious identification is articulated. While the majority of the approximately 15–20 million Alevis in Turkey are ethnically Turkish, about 3–5 million are ethnically Kurdish or Zaza and as Alevi Kurds are a ‘twice minority’. When Turkishness is emphasised as the dominant identity there is some common ground ethnically on which the Turkish Alevis can align themselves with the national hegemonic identity and thus gain limited concessions in support of their religious differences. There are also approximately 12–20 million Kurds in Turkey, of which approximately 15 million are Sunni Muslim, and so can align themselves with the national identity through religion. However, this option is not open to the Alevi Kurds who cannot be accommodated within this framing of national identity and have as a result experienced persistent persecution for their faith and ethnicity, especially since the sixteenth-century Ottoman Empire, a persecution that continues to this day.”
Alevism as an Ethno-Religious Identity
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tigristear · 2 years
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avetruth · 1 year
Rıza Yıldırım. The Safavid-Qizilbash ecumene and the formation of the Qizilbash-Alevi Community in the Ottoman Empire, c. 1500-c. 1700 (2019)
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Rıza Yıldırım. The Safavid-Qizilbash ecumene and the formation of the Qizilbash-Alevi Community in the Ottoman Empire, c. 1500-c. 1700 (2019) https://www.avetruthbooks.com/2023/05/riza-yildirim-the-safavid-qizilbash-ecumene-and-the-formation-of-the-qizilbash-alevi-community-in-the-ottoman-empire-c-1500-c-1700-2019.html?feed_id=16757
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deliandiver · 1 year
Ибо, где двое или трое собраны во имя Моё, там Я среди них. Евангелие от Матфея 18:20
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kathxrat-01 · 1 month
hello!! 👋😳 I'm a little shy to request lol, but!.. here is my OC Alev! I don't have his full design, but he's just a very awkward boy from Heartslabyul (he doesn't wear a tie!!)
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hope this will be enough!! ☺️ I would really like to see him in your charming art style!💕 also I wish you a good day and a very good mood :3
[ @clovenoko ]
@oyatochie here you go!
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Went for a different shading style for this one!
(I just noticed right before I was about to post that I got his mark wrong LMAOO had to change it real quick ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
Thank you for requesting!
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clovenoko · 16 days
🍦&🐬 A treat from Jade?
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Part ① | Part ②
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ozgur-ce · 9 months
Ateşi maşa ile değil çıplak elle tuttuğunda, ancak algılayabilme imkanı doğar.
İbrahim’ler nemrud’lardan korkmazlar; hem öd ağacının ayarı ateşte belli olur.
*Yoruma kapalı sadece ateş ile ilgili bir söz ya da şarkı olursa anlamlı olur 🔥❤️‍🔥🕯️
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oya-oya-okay · 4 months
Some of these include ocs which is why I send them here but part 6 with the other au
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I DREW THE ONE THAT WAS FUNNIEST!!🤭🤭🤭 The path to Heartslabyul: 💬💬💬
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Alev by @oyatochie / @clovenoko❣️ Shishio is mine💗
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ozgur-beden · 8 months
Onu bu sözleriyle hatırlayacağız: "Helalleşmek mahkemede dava kazanmaktan daha üstün olmalıdır. Çünkü her yasal hak helal değildir."
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oyakay · 2 months
It's July 11th! Shishio's Day!🧇
Here! The fact about him🤭 (🍦 by @clovenoko)
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heretic-child · 8 months
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tigristear · 2 years
''Alevilik bir doğa dini olduğu gibi aynı zamanda bir akıl dinidir. Akılla mantıkla bağdaşmayan herhangi bir şey Alevilikte kabul görmez. Semavi dinlerde ise bunun tersi yaşanılır. Kutsallık insan için değil, tanrı içindir. Akıl ve mantık aranmaz. İnsan sevgisi yerine tanrı sevgisi vardır. Semavi dinlerin kitaplarında insanın yaşamını zorlaştıran o kadar çok şey vardır ki, ‘tanrı böyle istedi’ diye kutsal sayılır, sorgulanmaz.''
— Barış Aydın
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avetruth · 1 year
Yalçın Çakmak. II. Abdülhamid döneminde Osmanlı Devleti’nin Kızılbaş/Alevî siyaseti (1876-1909). Doktora tezi (2018)
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Yalçın Çakmak. II. Abdülhamid döneminde Osmanlı Devleti’nin Kızılbaş/Alevî siyaseti (1876-1909). Doktora tezi (2018) https://www.avetruthbooks.com/2023/05/yalcin-cakmak-ii-abdulhamid-doneminde-osmanli-devletinin-kizilbas-alevi-siyaseti-1876-1909-doktora-tezi-2018.html?feed_id=16704
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nekrophoria · 2 months
Failed at making a machinima, made some gifs instead.
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-Anna Akhmatova, The Last Toast
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preg-vancy · 14 days
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Alev preparing for his baby (or babies!) Building a diaper changing table and getting emotional over small baby clothes!
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