#Alex must be watching those two play together with love rainbows coming out his eyes
rockingtheorange · 1 year
Don't you ever just think about Henry with Alex's dad and cry inside a little?
I mean, we don't know much about Henry's dad in general, neither from the book nor the movie.
From the book, we know that Henry has a HUGE hole inside of him from losing his father. But we also can feel the same pain when, in the movie, Alex asks
"Have you ever got your heart broken?"
And Henry replies with
"The day my dad died."
Looking at the Henry from the movie, Henry is able to have a father figure again with Oscar, Alex’s father. One that will support him and treat him kindly, and with whom can still have those father-child bickering dynamic.
Henry is comfortable with him and isn't afraid to show his true self around him.
Oscar will never replace what Henry lost, but, hopefully, he can make the loss less heavy. And I think Alex is really happy about it.
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blondsauduun-reads · 4 years
The Revolution That’s Been Singing In The Rain (JATP Reggie X Reader)
Pairing: 1995!Reggie x Reader
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: some swearing?
Plot: Ok so, it’s a pride parade/riot/demo, in 1995 (or so), and the boys go to support Alex, but surprise! There’s music there too! And Reggie likes the person playing the electric violin at the march. But like it starts to rain and they gotta stop with the instruments and get off the stage but they don’t stop singing. So anyway Reggie is in first row and the band was singing a cover of We Will Rock You and Reg of course knows the lyrics as does everyone. So they start singing and dancing very energetically and passionately in the rain. At the end the violin person gives Reggie their number
A/N: nonbinary reader (they/them pronouns) The link to the electric violin cover of we will rock you without the lyrics. Also. This is the first one-shot I’ve ever written and stuff so please be nice :) yes I accept constructive criticism too.
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After practice, Alex had finally mustered up the strength to ask his best friends/bandmates,
“So, there’s this gay thing, on Saturday, and I wanted to ask if it you guys wanted to come with me?” The three other guys were listening closely to him, while fiddling around a bit with their instruments.
“It’s okay though, if you don’t.” Hadn’t even given them time to react, let alone answer. “If you don’t wanna come, I mean.”
A second of silence, the three of them surprised, exchanging looks, the blond one dreading the answer.
“No, yeah, dude.” Luke finally said, leaving his guitar on the stand. “We’ll totally go with you!”
“Yeah! We were just shocked that you’d wanna go.” Bobby said, because he and the two other guys had heard about it but weren’t going to bring it up if Alex wasn’t.
“We’re really proud of you, bro,” Reggie said, hugging his neck from behind. Kinda looked awkward. “I wish I was half as brave as you.”
With the whole AIDs thing, the President, his parents, and you know, the anxiety he lived with, Alex couldn’t really live his whole truth most of the time without fearing for his life, so yes, going to a Pride thing was no small feat for the boy.
“Yep, you can let me go now, Reg.” He chuckled, or coughed, because Reggie wasn’t exactly a spaghetti build person, and was hugging his neck rather tightly.
“So when’s the date bro?” Luke sat down on the couch, spreading himself out like pancake batter on a pan.
It was Saturday. Somehow, Reggie convinced them all to paint lil rainbows on either their cheeks or hands. They all looked adorable, sitting in the metro pressed together like anchovies, all with backpacks loaded with water, their respective lunches, and whatever the hell more fitted in the backpack.
Once they got to the station, they went out, following another group of people dressed for a parade, and in a bit more than five minutes, they were smack in the middle of the parade, chanting something in favor of LGBTQ+ rights.
“Do you hear that?” Reggie asked Alex, but like, screaming.
“Yeah, its about to storm, or something.” He said, looking at the sky, which was getting grayer by the minute.
“Not thunder, it’s like,” The black haired squinted in thought. “it’s like, music, I think. Queen.” He said. “Imma go, be right back!”
Reg disappeared in between the queers at the parade, following that sound.
“Reg, no! Shi…” Alex opened and closed his eyes in disapproval and desperation. “Luke! Bobby! We got a rogue bassist!” Bobby and Luke’s reactions to that were similar to Alex’s.
Meanwhile, Reggie had successfully found the source of the music. At a nearby park, was a stage, like those kinds of stages that can be built in like a day, and on top of it, a rock band.
Said like that, it probably doesn’t sound too special, but the thing was, they were playing a We Will Rock You cover, with an electric violin, or that’s what he could tell from a hundred feet distance from the actual stage, so, continuing squishing himself through the crowd, feeling some droplets of rain on his face, he got closer to the band, until he reached a six feet distance.
Shit, the violin was so incredibly pretty, like, it looked like some sort of futuristic weapon. The guy was loving it. The person playing it though, divine; the way they moved their arms and feet and carried themself. Also, yeah, probably the prettiest person Reg had seen to date.
The band, apart from having the violinist, who also was the backup singer, had a drummer, a bassist, and a guitarist, also the lead singer.
Anyway, the scene, everyone stomping their feet on the ground, singing the song with the band, remembering the now dead Freddie Mercury and how iconic he was, the energy of all those people, together in the fight for freedom and equality. The revolution. And the fucking rain.
Droplets were suddenly drops, which then started falling faster, and suddenly the band started panicking a bit, they couldn’t break up these vibes, these people.
So, the three with the string instruments put away the instruments, amps, cables and everything as fast as they could, and the drummer rushing his music cylinders into safety, the only ones carrying the music were the people, among which was Reggie, tearing out his vocal chords singing along the various hundreds of people singing too.
Once all the electric shtick on stage was cleared up, the whole band jumped down from the stage, joining the crowd, singing and stomping.
Buddy you’re an old man poor man
Pleadin’ with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day
The violinist, which had seen Reggie look starstruck at them and later on give his all to the music, joined him to sing (and stomp).
They were almost dancing, doing a duet, smiling like children on Christmas morning, being completely soaked through with the rain, and looking at each other with a feeling I can only describe as electricity (and if they looked at each other more electricly, they would have electrocuted themselves along the way.)
You got mud on your face You big disgrace Somebody better put you back in your place
The violinist shot him a wink, he tried to not get flustered, and in return winked back.
We will we will rock you
One last verse to the song, everyone still as excited as they were at the beginning. And yet, this one was sung with intention, with motive, as if they were shouting at the world that they’d rock it to achieve their goal.
We will we will rock you
And that was it. After a couple of seconds, the crowd calmed down and scattered.
“Hey, what are your pronouns?” The violinist asked.
Reggie remembered both the dictionary meaning of pronoun and the context in which it was asked (which Alex so kindly explained to them earlier), “He/Him, I’m Reggie.” He smiled.
“You’re in that band, right? Sunset Curve?” They asked.
“Tell your friends!” I’m pretty sure you can imagine how exactly he said this quote. “I’m the bassist.” Ah yes, and now the important question, “What about you, pronouns and name, I mean.”
“Oh, yeah, that.” They thought for one second before blurting it out, “They/Them, the name’s Y/n.” Y/n stretched out a hand, he seized it and made a mental note to ask Alex about those pronouns after, “So, what brings you here today?”
“Oh, well, my best friend’s gay, but,” He leaned closer to their ear, “I’m like, 90% sure I’m bi.”
“Damn boy, same!” They laughed.
“Anyway, I gotta go now, the instruments are only safe from the rain, not from people,” Y/n scratched the back of their neck. “But, in case I’m not only bi and yearning,” They whipped out a marker from their pocket and scribbled their number on Reggie’s forearm, “give me a call. Maybe we can try to rock out again together.” Wow, so full of confidence, must be the adrenaline that implied losing their instrument over getting a cute bassist as a date.
“Uh, yeah sure,” Y/n was already walking away, smiling at him.” I’ll def give you a call!” There was no answer to that. Only a distant holler.
“Yo! Reggie!” Luke.
And he did walk over, fishing from his backpack a piece of dry paper and a pen to write down the number on something a bit more permanent. Anyway, he found the guys.
“Remember when I told you I might be bisexual?” He asked, copying the number.
“Yeah, when we were watching Indiana Jones, why?” Alex remembered. Indiana Jones is hot, that’s so not up for discussion.
“Yeah, well” He ripped the page with the number out and stuffed it in his pocket. “now I know, I’m bi.”
“Yeah man, no shit.” Luke teased him. Joke’s on you bitch you’re too.
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Magnus Chase and the Obligatory Hogwarts Au Ch11
On ao3
Ladies, gentlemen, and folks of every gender, the fierrochase finally begins! You know, I wanted this to be slow-burn when it came to their relationship but I think I went a bit overboard (okay, a lot). Well, better late than never, right? (Please don't kill me).
How had it come to this? What had Magnus done to deserve such cruel treatment? Was it that pencil he had found on the floor in third grade he knew belonged to Betty buy didn’t return? Was it the spiders he had stepped on? Should he have helped more grandmas cross the street?
Whatever Magnus had done, apparently it was enough for the Universe to believe he deserved this punishment- sitting in Alex’s room because she wanted help to get ready for a date.
Magnus had been just as surprised as everyone else when Conall had turned around and asked Alex on a date. He had remembered back to that Quidditch game where the Ravenclaw had asked him for love advice and had realized it had been Alex he was talking about. At that moment, he had felt stupid for not realizing sooner.
Alex had said yes and the two had started dating. Magnus had felt a bit weird about it at first, trying to wrap his mind around the fact that Alex now had a boyfriend (who he had advised to ask her out). He had grown so accustomed to her presence in their little group that it felt odd not to have Alex around anymore when they went to Hogsmeade because she was on a date. She had been hesitant at first to ditch their group to go on a date, but they had all assured her it was fine, even Magnus.
“Yeah, go on your date, just don’t burn anything down,” Magnus had said when she had asked whether they were sure it was okay for her to hang out with Conall in Hogsmeade instead of them.
Alex’s hesitance to leave their group at first had quickly melted away until she and Conall were basically joined at the hip – it became unusual to see one of them without the other close by. Conall even started sitting at their table on occasion and Magnus was weirdly reminded of those sickly-sweet couples in teen flicks.
Magnus had said so a few times around the rest of their friends (never around Alex because he didn’t want to be rude). Their responses had ranged from agreement to Halfborn and Mallory teasing him that he’s jealous.
“What’s with the sour face?” Sam had asked one morning in their fifth year when Magnus had walked into the Hall of the Slain for lunch with a grimace and no hunger for food anymore.
“I went to ask Alex if I could borrow her textbook for Magical Creatures but I found her sucking face with Conall,” Magnus had answered as he slumped down on his chair. He put some food on his plate even though he didn’t feel like eating after that. He ended up just poking at his food with his fork and trying to make little towers out of mashed potatoes.
“Don’t you want to eat, Magnus?” Sam had asked worried. She had always been the mum friend in their group.
“He’s too jealous to eat now,” Halfborn had snickered before Magnus had the chance to say that he wasn’t hungry. The tips of his ears burned as he bit back at Halfborn that he wasn’t jealous.
“Yeah, mate, whatever you say,” was all the Gryffindor had to say.
So here he was now, sitting the wrong way on Alex’s desk chair, his hands resting on the back of the swirly chair as Alex threw clothes around. He didn’t even get why she was asking him to help. First of all, he wasn’t helping as much as just sitting there as Alex put on different outfits and somehow manage to find something wrong in them (what he didn’t know- she looked good in everything).  Second, she had already been on so many dates with Conall already, should she really be at such a loss as to what to wear? Conall didn’t seem to care, he would gawk and compliment Alex even if she wore a sack of potatoes.
Alex was trying on a different set of clothes when a little head poked through the door. A young girl with bronze skin and silky hair in two braids came in, looking at Magnus curiously with her big eyes.
“What are you doing?” she asked him.
With a voice that could have easily belonged to a crappy movie zombie, Magnus said, “I’m helping Alex choose what to wear for her date.”
The little girl giggled. “Silly, you’re terrible with clothes!” As if to emphasize that, she gestured at his loud Doctor Who shirt with both of her little arms.
“Gee, thanks,” Magnus said sarcastically. He couldn’t get angry at Cheyenne even if he wanted to, she was just too lovable. Cheyenne was the youngest resident of Perthro, a year too young for Hogwarts. Her older sister, Sara, who Magnus knew up until recently as Zach, was a fourth year Hufflepuff student and one of the many students Perthro helped. After speaking with Professor Blitzen and Professor Hearthstone, she had brought her little sister along as well, too afraid to let her stay with their parents.
Cheyenne giggled again. “I’m just teasing you!” She looked around the room for a bit, staring at all the different articles of clothing around. From time to time, she’d pick something up and say to Magnus with a beaming face that this would look great on her sister. She really loved picking Sara’s clothes and making her hair and when Sara had sat her down to explain why she didn’t like the name Zach anymore because she was a girl, Cheyenne had been confused at first, but quickly exclaimed that if Sara was a girl then she would make sure she’s “the prettiest girl in the whole wide world!”
After she got tired of playing around, she walked back to Magnus and sat down near his legs, absentmindedly playing with his laces. Magnus had a pretty good suspicion she would tie them together.
“How come you’re not with Sara?” Magnus asked. “I thought you were going out today.”
Cheyenne puffed her cheeks in annoyance. “We were, but Sara is too busy making kissy faces with Helen.” She crossed her arms with a huff. “Love is stupid.”
Magnus couldn’t help but giggle. “Yeah, it is.”
Magnus wasn’t sure what made him say it, maybe it was that he didn’t want to stay inside today, even though you had drag him away from Netflix by the ear normally. “Do you want to go out with me since your sister won’t take you? You’re already dressed up anyway, so I just need to get shoes and we can head out.”
A huge smile spread across Cheyenne’s face and Magnus felt good just by seeing the little girl so happy. She jumped up fast and span around in her dress. Magnus knew she called it her princess dress even though it was just a sundress with a long pale blue skirt and a top that looked like a rainbow (Alex approved of that).
Cheyenne quickly run out of the room to go tell her sister she was going out and Magnus went to get his shoes. Not that long after, Magnus was standing by the door with an excited Cheyenne holding his hand so she wouldn’t get lost. They were about to leave the room when Magnus heard a “Wait!”
He turned around to see Alex running up to him in a pink crop top and shorts. For some reason, Magnus felt like he couldn’t look at her much and looked down at Cheyenne. Wow, it must be hot outside, he thought when he noticed a burning at his cheeks.
“I saw you were leaving so I wanted to head out together,” Alex explained as they left Perthro’s building and stepped outside in the hot summer weather. Perthro was suited in a relatively calm part of London with a lot of families leaving close by. The building Magnus had come to think of as home during summer was old, the kind of place you’d expect a ghost or Sherlock Holmes to live in. It was painted a light yellow and looked small from the outside. You wouldn’t expect it’d be able to house so many children but it was much larger on the inside. The building was invisible to Muggles like many of the wizarding building in London.
“You look really pretty,” Cheyenne told Alex. “Don’t you think so too, Magnus?”
There was that burning to his cheeks again. “Uh, yeah, you look really good.”
Alex smiled. “Thanks.” They must have passed through a very sunny spot because Magnus felt his cheeks burn more. “Oh, this is where I leave you,” Alex said when they reached a corner. She turned left while Magnus and Cheyenne kept going.
Cheyenne let go of his hand when they weren’t crossing a street so she could skip from one tile of the sidewalk to the next. Magnus watched her amused as she did her best not to step on any of the cracks.  
They soon reached the park. Families were taking a walk together and elderly enjoyed the nice weather. The air was buzzing with children’s laughing from the playground and Cheyenne immediately dragged him there. She paid little notice to Magnus telling her to be careful and quickly run for the monkey bars.
For the most part, Magnus sat to the side with the other parents as Cheyenne played, with exception when she dragged him with her so he could go through the little tunnel that led to the slide and get stuck in it. Magnus was happy Alex wasn’t around to see that because he’d rather forget that incident happened.
Once Magnus was successfully unstuck for the playground equipment, Cheyenne asked him if he could push her on the swings. Magnus accepted readily. Getting on a swing had been a bit difficult as there were too few swings and too many children. When one finally emptied, Cheyenne all but pounced on it and Magnus feared for the lives of those poor children that might have tried to take the swing away from her.
So he pushed and he pushed and Cheyenne went higher and higher, singing “I believe I can fly!”
It was only hours later, with sunburned cheeks and ice-cream cones in hand that they headed back to Perthro. Cheyenne ate her cookie-and-cream ice-cream with a dedication Magnus wished he had for his homework.
“This was amazing, Magnus!” she said when they were nearing the large yellow house. “I had a great time! To thank you, I decided to offer you my super advice!”
Magnus held back a little laugh at the smug grin on the girl’s face but went along with it. “And what would that advice be, oh great one?”
“I will help you win back Alex’s heart!” she declared with the biggest smile possible of her little body.
Magnus’ ears burned and he spluttered. “Wh-what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, you love her, don’t you?” she asked like someone was questioning her about something as basic as the earth being round or two plus two equaling four.
Magnus’s face burned even hotter and it had nothing to do with the heat. “Wh-what in the world gave you that idea?”
Cheyenne shrugged (a gesture she had probably learned from her sister). “Well, I’ve always heard that love makes you want to be around the other person all the time and you and Alex are always together and I’ve heard that you blush a lot around the person you like and you’re always red around her. I thought the reason you were so grumpy lately was because someone else was dating Alex.”
“I-I-I don’t like Alex. N-not like that!” Magnus protested and oh god, why was he stuttering? It’s not like he actually likes Alex- he likes her as a friend, but he doesn’t have a crush on her, obviously. He was just surprise by what Cheyenne was saying, of course, that’s why he was stuttering so much.
Cheyenne pouted. “Are you sure?”
Magnus almost screamed. “Yes!”
The answer didn’t seem to satisfy the little girl. “Okay,” she said quietly. “Sorry for assuming.”
Magnus unlocked the door (they all had a set of keys) and Cheyenne went to find her sister so she could tell her about her time at the park. Magnus didn’t even bother going to the kitchen for a glass of water even though he was super thirsty and instead went straight to the room he shared with a couple other boys. He lay in bed and read his new book to distract himself.
The window was open and a gentle breeze was blowing through it but Magnus couldn’t focus on the writing on the page. The words danced and moved and every line he read was in through one ear and out the other. He just couldn’t stop thinking about what Cheyenne had said.
He didn’t have a crush on Alex.
Did he?
The rest of summer break was pretty great. They hang out and had fun, even if Magnus was always salty every time Alex had a date. Or at least that’s what the other kids at Perthro said.
He wasn’t salty.
But now summer was long over and they were back at Hogwarts. This was their sixth year for all of them save for Halfborn, who was in his final year. It was weird to think that next September they would get on the Hogwarts Express and he wouldn’t be there.
So here they were, on their first breakfast as sixth years and Alex and Conall were already being gross. Alex had been the first one to get to breakfast and Magnus was praying to whatever got existed out there that she doesn’t tell Conall to sit with them. Or maybe that he’ll want to catch up with some of his other friends.
But he came into the Hall of the Slain, made a beeline for Alex and bend down to give her a kiss on the cheek. “Morning, beautiful,” he said and Magnus wanted to gag. He stabbed another one of his eggs and took a bite as Alex craned her neck back to give Conall a good morning kiss. Ugh.
“You can sit here today,” Alex tells him in the voice Magnus has come to recognize as her lovey dovey voice. As in, the voice she has after every single time they kiss. It’s not exactly annoying, it’s just…. Just.
Alex scouted over and Conall took an extra chair form a nearby table to sit next to her, much closer than was probably necessary. How were they even supposed to cut their food if they were so close? Their elbows would hit every time they tried to move.
And they did. Every time one of them tried to cut a fried egg of reach out for an extra piece of toast their arms would hit. And every single time they would giggle and give each other a little kiss and whAt KIND OF NIGHTMARE WAS MAGNUS SUBJECETED TO?
Why was no one else paying attention to this? Were they all blind? Did they not see how ridiculously lovey dovey Alex and Conall were being? Magnus felt like he would throw up any moment now and no one was paying attention to the cause of his hardship.
The closest thing he got to anyone acknowledging how disgustingly sweet Alex and Conall were being was a sly look from Halfborn. It won him a hit in the shin under the table.
“So did you hear about that big announcement?” Mallory asked. She causally reached out and took a croissant from Halfborn’s plate and Halfborn didn’t react at all.
Their relationship – because they were together now- was nothing like Alex and Conall’s. They acted so casual about it all that you wouldn’t even realize they were dating if you didn’t know them or if you weren’t very observant. They acted just as they did before and still teased each other and joked but they always stood just a bit too close, their hands brushed a little too much when they weren’t interlocked and they looked at each other for a moment too long. They had this natural air around them like they had always been this close and it was nothing new.
“What announcement?” Magnus asked.
Mallory rolled her eyes. “Of course you didn’t hear. The school is doing an exchange program with some students from Ilvermorny. They should be arriving today, but I don’t remember how many they said will come for each year.”
It was at that moment that the doors opened dramatically as if on cue. Like this was a movie or something. A group of students walked in, all of them wearing the plain black robes first years wore before they were sorted. But they weren’t first years, none of them. The youngest must have been a fourth year.
Professor Sif accompanied the students on the little stage in front of the teacher’s table they used for announcements. “Good morning. May I have your attention for a moment?” she said as she stood in the center of the stage, the Ilvermorny students standing behind her.
The murmur in the Hall of the Slain calmed down, if only barely, and Professor Sif continued talking. “As you may have heard, since it’s impossible to keep secrets in this school, we will have the honor of having a group of transfer students from Ilvermorny here with us this year. I hope you will treat them well and show them what a great school Hogwarts is.”  She stepped to the side as Professor Thor brought out the little stool and the Sorting Hat. “Now, let’s move on to our new students’ Sorting!”
One by one, Professor Sif called out the Ilvermorny students, starting from the youngest. After each one was sorted, they were handed a tie in the colors of their house.
Magnus knew that everyone’s eyes were trained on the American kids, and his were too, but on one specific one. A fit girl with tan skin, curly blonde hair in a ponytail and startling grey eyes that was standing with what must be the sixth year students. There was something about her that seemed strangely familiar but Magnus couldn’t place it. Maybe she looked like someone he knew?
“Chase, Annabeth!” Professor Sif calls out and the girl steps forward.
Magnus was thankful he wasn’t drinking something when she said that name because otherwise he would have choked. Annabeth, did she really say Annabeth? He heard right, didn’t he? Annabeth was here. She was at Hogwarts.
Magnus hadn’t seen her ever since he was six, maybe seven. He and his mother had moved to England for the US when Magnus was young and Magnus had never gotten the full story. He knew it had something to do with his mother being a Squib and who his father was but nothing more than that.
Annabeth was sorted into Ravenclaw and went to stand by the other students that had been sorted. Magnus couldn’t stop staring at her, trying to figure out how his young cousin who made temples out of dominoes had grown into the girl standing in front of him. He could find the similarities, as faint as they were after almost ten years. She had the same hair, the same nose, the same look in her eyes like she knew everything about how the world worked.
And those eyes were looking straight at him.
It took a bit more time for all of them to get placed in a house and once they did, Professor Sif told them that they’re free to go and find a seat anywhere in the Hall of the Slain. Annabeth made a beeline for him, a black haired boy wearing the Gryffindor trailing behind her. Her eyes were locked on him like she was a homing missile flying right at her target and Magnus had the sudden urge to hide under the table.
“Magnus?” She asked once she reached their table. “Is your name Magnus Chase?” she asked again and Magnus didn’t understand why she looked as if she had just seen a ghost.
“Um, yeah. Hi, Annabeth,” he said and did an awkward little hand wave because he’s stupid like that.
“Oh my God, Magnus!” She threw herself at him and hugged him. Magnus wasn’t sure why she was hugging him or why she was doing it so hard he would probably have bruised ribs afterwards. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged back as naturally as he could but this was a pretty bizarre meeting.
“I thought you were dead, you idiot!” she said when she finally let him go. She held him by the shoulders at arm’s length and looked at him as if she had never seen him before- and she might as well have never seen him since the last time they met Magnus still played with lego and slept with a night-light.
“What? Why? Wh-?” Magnus bubbled out. He was so confused and happy at the same time for seeing Annabeth that he didn’t know what questions he had to ask.
“They informed us of your mom’s death,” Annabeth explained. “But they couldn’t find you and they assumed you had died at the fire too.” She made a half-strangled sob and Magnus was afraid she would start crying in the middle of the Hall of the Slain.
“I’ve spent two years thinking you were dead! Why didn’t you let us know you were alive?” There was something in her voice bordering between ‘I want to hug you so much’ and ‘I will strangle you’ and Magnus didn’t know how to react.
“I’m sorry,” Magnus said because really, what was he supposed to say? He was sorry he made her mourn his death when he was alive but truth is it just didn’t cross his mind to contact his relatives. His mum had always acted as if they had none and when she did acknowledge them she told Magnus not to contact them.
“You know, I should be more angry at you right now but I’m just happy you’re here.” She gives him another hug before she steps away and finally seems to notice the people that had been watching her all this time.
“Hello,” she said as if reuniting with your supposedly dead cousin is the typical first meeting. “I’m Annabeth Chase, Magnus’ cousin.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Sam said, always the polite one. She was practically the only one who wasn’t gawking at Annabeth. She offered her hand to the blonde girl and she took it. “I’m Samirah al-Abbas, but you can call me Sam.”
“I’m T.J.” The Ravenclaw boy was quick to introduce himself and offered a smile to Magnus’ female counterpart. “I didn’t know Magnus had a cousin, but I’m happy to meet you.”
“What does T.J stand for?” the black haired boy asked. His hair was a mess (and Magnus thought his hair was hard to deal with) and his eyes were sea-green.
“Thomas Jefferson Jr.”
The boy’s eyes widened just a bit as if he had just realized something and he grinned. He moved his head from side to side like he was hearing a song and Magnus was pretty sure he heard him sing “So what did I miss?” under his breath.
Of course, the whole table looked at him weirdly and Annabeth quickly explained, but not before rolling her eyes. “One of our friends showed him the soundtrack of Hamilton and he remembered one of the songs. Forgive my boyfriend, he’s a dork.” She sent the boy – her boyfriend, as it turned out- a glare and he smiled at her sheepishly.
“I’m your dork,” he said with a shit-eating smirk.
“Yeah, you are. I make bad choices sometimes.”
Magnus and the rest of his friend at the table chuckled at Annabeth’s quick response and just how hurt the boy looked.
“You wound me,” he said in an overly dramatic voice. He wasn’t able to keep up the act for long and he broke into laugher soon. Annabeth smiled at him affectionately before turning back to Magnus.
“Sorry, I forgot to introduce you. This is Percy Jackson,” she said, gesturing to the boy.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he told Magnus with a smile. “I’ve never meet a dead person before.”
Magnus smiled back. “I’ve never been dead either.”
“Why don’t you sit with us? I’m Mallory, by the way, and this idiot is my boyfriend Halfborn.”
“Halfborn?” The two Americans said together. They seemed as embarrassed about it as Magnus thought it was funny.
“It’s a nickname. Long story.”
“I’m Conall,” the Ravenclaw introduced himself and offered his hand to the new people at their table. His other hand was squeezed between his body and Alex’s and their fingers were interlocked. “Nice meeting you.”
“I’m Alex,” the green haired girl said simply. “So you’ve heard Hamilton? What’s your favorite song?”
Percy’s eyes shone at the prospect of talking about something he liked (Magnus could relate). Annabeth sighed in ‘here we go again’ kind of way.
“Okay, where do I start? I love ‘Alexander Hamilton’ and ‘My shot’ and Burr’s songs like ‘Wait for it’ and ‘The room where it happens’ are amazing and don’t get me started on ‘Guns and Ships’ and…”
For the rest of breakfast before they had to leave for class, Magnus and the crew were treated to Percy and Alex fangirling over the musical and bursting into song. Apparently Alex could rap pretty well. What do you know.
You all knew I had to write Percy and Annabeth in here somehow ;) And yes, I have to shoehorn my current obsession into whatever I write, I can't help it (Alex was rapping Guns and Ships, btw) Oh, and since my exams are almost over (I only have another three lessons to give) updates will (hopefully) be faster now! Until next time! *Wait For It plays at top volume*
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“How Bad Can I Be?” A keemstar x onceler  cross over fanfic.
Keemstar was sitting at his desk, wondering what he would do in his life. He was a drop out and he still needed adult diapers. Standing up, he exclaimed to himself, shaking his fursuit around, “ I know! I’ll do youtube videos about the NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOSSSSSSSSSSA “ he smirked. He visited the wonderful land of Youtube. It was glorious, full of youtubers having a great time, fulfilling their fandom’s ships. Jack and Mark were STILL not together, and the fangirls were crying. Most, if not all of them were playing videogames.  There were also some who thought they were dragons.
Keemstar strutted to the youtube channels in his fursuit, watching them be far more successful than him. He was jealous, very jealous. Eventually, the sky got dark, so most youtubers left the area, but some stayed because they had no life and sold their soul to the devil, to be devoted to posting 18 videos a day. After creating his channel, “Drama Alert”, he exposed a man named XxAlexIsAGoodManXx, ruining his channel. It fell to ashes over the period of a month, brutally getting torn apart from the inside. Drama Alert collected the ashes, ready to make a batch of suscribers. He walked away, holding the remains of his youtube channel in his hand. He was heading towards his cabin in Youtube land, taking off his fursuit to repeal a pink Rainbow Dash adult diaper. He changed his own diaper, but it was extremely difficult, as he had never done it before. He tried to strap it together, but he was too fat, and too stupid. Either way, he crafted a video exposing XxAlexIsAGoodManXx, and walked to town. At day, the youtubers mourned over their loss. Alex WAS indeed a good man, and he helped the youtubers over the years advance. Meanwhile, fursuit man Keemstar was showing off his “Alex Exposed” video, screaming enthusiastically for everybody to call Alex a stupid nigger. They threw tomatoes at him, booing him. After being called out, he sighed, stomping away aggressively. “Maybe my mother was right..” He teared up, and threw the exposed video away, in the hands of a young adult, with beautiful luscious blonde hair and blue eyes. Keemstar was already at his cabin, deciding to move on from diapers due to his heart break. He took off his fur suit and put on a suit to appeal to the Fangirls. Suddenly, everybody rushed towards his cabin, chanting for more videos, subscribing quickly. They begged and begged for more videos. Keemstar sweated nervously at all the people, he’s only seen this many people when his mommy took him to the shop once.
“Keem! We want exposure videos! We need DRAMA!” They scream, beginning to stomp their feet, holding money in their hands. Keem calls his mom on the phone, screaming in utter joy. “MOMMY!! GET MY CEO’S I’VE SUCCEEDED IN LIFE!” his mom replied with a relieved sigh, thinking that keemstar would finally make his parents proud, but then she realised it was in youtube. She frowned, but thought it was better than nothing. Keemstar began exploiting other channels, laughing as they suffered. His CEOs were behind him, as he grinned smugly.
Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki rushed to his hut, while listening to channels internally bleeding to death. “Stop!” She cried. “Hurting all these channels will cause extreme chaos! It’ll be your final regret!”
Keemstar spinned around from his office chair, and smirked, laughing like one of those hot anime boys, munching obnixously on popcorn. “Sorry, Susan, but the newwwssssssssaaaa must be reported by somebody.” He says, spinning back around to watch some newwwwwwwwwwwwwwwssssaaa, his own newsa of course. He began to sing, suddenly changing his voice to sound like a fantastic pop star, “ How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just using the news that comes naturally,
How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just following the news’ lead. How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just using the news that comes naturally. How ba-a-a-ad can I be? How bad can I possibly be? Well there's a principle of nature (principle of nature) That almost every 'tuber knows. Called survival of the fittest (survival of the fittest) And check it this is how it goes. The ‘tuber that wins gotta expose and yell and send and hate! And the animal that doesn't, well the animal that doesn't winds up someone else's ne-ne-ne-ne-news! (new new new new news!) I'm just sayin'. How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just using the news that comes naturally. How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just following the news’ lead. How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just using the news that comes naturally. How ba-a-a-ad can I be? How bad can I possibly be? There's a principle in the news (principle in the news) That everybody knows it’s sound. It says the people with the good news (people with the good news) Make this ever-loving world go 'round So I'm biggering my set-up, I'm biggering my news, I'm biggering my internet connection Everybody out there, take care of yours and me? I'll take care. of. Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine. (shake that news you swines!) Let me hear you say 'tobuscous exposed!' ( tobuscous exposed!) ‘He raped me!’ (’he raped me!’) Complain all you want, it's never ever, ever, ever gonna stop. Come on how bad can I possibly be? How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just building a news channel How ba-a-a-ad can I be? Just look at me pettin' this child! How ba-a-a-ad can I be? A portion of proceeds goes to charity! How ba-a-a-ad can I be? How bad can I possibly be? Let's see. (How ba-a-a-ad can I be?) All the customers are watchin’! (How ba-a-a-ad can I be?) And the money's multiplyin’! (How ba-a-a-ad can I be?) And nobody starts exposin’! (How ba-a-a-ad can I be?) And the lawyers are denyin’! (How ba-a-a-ad can I be?) Who cares if a few channels are dyin’? (How ba-a-a-ad can I be?) This is all so gratifying. How bad. How bad can this possibly be!?”
He says, his CEOs singing along. Susan sighs, as she watches the last 5 channels limp down, wondering when they’ll get exposed. She looks at them and pats them. “I’m sorry, Pewdiepie. I tried, senpai.” she begins walking away, eyes watering.
Two days later, the last channel tumbles to an end, sending a final goodbye to the viewers. Susan sheds a tear, as the precious Pewdiepie that was always valued’s channel was ended. She walked up to Keemstar, eyes watering.
“I knew it. You would’ve done it no matter what I said.” She sighs, desperately grasping onto the last tape of Pewdiepie’s video.  The fangirls were running to our good friend Keemy’s house as they spoke. “Now, unless you find someone who cares an awful lot, it’s not going to get better.
it’s not.” She says, before leaving to let Keemstar get attacked by the fangirls.
The fangirls cry and scream, hitting Keemstar’s door. “WE DIDN’T THINK THIS’D HAPPEN! WE WANTED SEPTIPLIER TO BE TRUE, BU-BUT Y OU RUINED IT!” They snapped, disliking Keemstar’s videos. Suddenly, the once beautiful land of youtube was wiped clean of it’s previous beauty. It was now dull, and grey, and covered in the ashes of old channels for others to mourn on. After locking Keemstar in his own house, the fangirls left. Keemstar had been holding the last Pewdiepie video in his hand as this happened, grasping it tightly. He sighed, turning to all his videos.
He would be here forever.
Hunched over, Keemstar was rewatching his old videos, remembering all the praise and attention he got. He glanced at a large stack of money, reminding himself of better days. Suddenly, he heard a little girl run to his house. Her name was LtCorbis. She was 11, and was trying to impress her friend idubbbzTV with a youtube video. He had always been funnier, better, and smarter than her, and she always tried to copy Idubbbz, he was always tired of her. He said to her one day, that if somebody gave him a youtube video, he’d just go homo for them (no homo) on the spot. The little girl yelled to Keemstar. “ARE YOU KEEM!?” Keem nodded, waiting for her to continue. Corbis yelped to him, “I REALLY NEED THAT VIDEO!” “Why?!” Keem questions, as Sophia continues. “I need it to make..” She read the smudged writing on her palm, stammering. “ Sus-Susy W-wo-wojoockky ! I need to make Susy Wojocky proud! “ She exclaims. He nods, ready to pass the video. “ Once Susan told me ‘ if you don’t try to fix it, it’s not going to get better. it’s not ‘. I wondered what this meant for years, but I finally found out-” Sophia was tapping her foot, honestly not giving a fuck about the backstory. She just wanted to appeal to Senpai edupps like the filthy fucking weeb she is. “What are you, fucking gay?” She says to Keemstar, fed up with his story. “You need a toilet roll to wipe that shit from your mouth, girly?” He hisses, dropping the video and a toilet paper roll from his barricaded window. “Thank you, daddy Keem!” She says, happily, skipping away with the video.
She passes it to Idubbbz, and iDubbbz starts wheezing. “What are you, fucking gay?” He says aggressively, flinging the video away. “I don’t want this shit I was joking, holy fuck.” Sophia cries and runs away. Neither of them realise Youtube was being revived when Edupz flung it away, people were creating channels again. They were mainly reaction channels, but it was better than nothing. Idubbbz made a channel, and got way more famous than lil Corbis.
From Daddy Keem’s house, he shed a tear in joy. “Thank you, Corbis.” He said, putting on a pink fur suit.
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