#Alex yu
You are Morgan Yu. No, you’re not Morgan Yu. You were Morgan Yu. No, you were something else.
The face in your memory—a man. The face in our mirror—a woman? No, you were a woman. You were many shadowy faces distorted in the polished gold of the railings.
You are Morgan Yu.
I am Morgan Yu.
“…and after that, it was over. No one could stop the Typhon. It spread all over earth. So I took my escape pod…”
Alex’s voice drumming in your head. Morgan’s head. It drummed endless hours through a transcribe.
Alex had made you. Alex had resurrected you. Alex created you.
Alex had killed us from the beginning.
No. You shake your head. You are not Morgan Yu. You don’t know what memories are real.
“Morgan?” You look up. You haven’t quite gotten your tongue to form real words yet. Morgan would’ve spoken more. I wanted to speak more. Alex sighed. “I guess it’s a lot to take in. You should get some rest, Morgan.”
He gestures at you, his voice directed towards the operators—your friends. Voices you thought you knew. Drumming again, directed away and bouncing back. “Take it back to its cell for tonight. I don’t want to risk anything reverting overnight.”
You could kill them. You know that. You did it a lot, before.
But you are Morgan Yu. Alex Yu is your brother. Alex Yu watched over you and worked with you.
Your bedroom. Where are you? Your bedroom.
Your voice is speaking to you. You don’t know the words. You don’t know the speaker.
Your bedroom?
You’ve been Morgan Yu. You’ve been a thousand Morgan Yu’s.
Are you Morgan Yu?
We are reading again. The logs of the destruction of Talos. I don’t remember it this way.
“Remember that, Morgan? You gave us the greatest idea that year. Boosted Neuromod reviews in days. Mom and Dad would be proud.”
The escape pods. They didn’t work. They were built that way.
I said it aloud. It rasped from my lips, scraping my throat on the way out.
“Mikhalia?” Alex. “She’s the operator now, Morgan.” His voice, smooth and condescending.
She was, though, wasn’t she?
You squeeze your arm. We can feel pain. I feel a trembling energy underneath.
“Do you remember her from Morgan’s memories?”
You were Morgan Yu?
Morgan would nod.
Morgan nodded.
“Interesting. You saved her, and then let everyone die instead of letting anyone escape.”
The echo of straps across your wrists and ankles tugs at you.
“You’ve always loved her too much, I thought. Either I was wrong, or you still have too much Typhon left in you.”
Phantoms inhabited bodies of human dead. Human dead did not inhabit phantoms.
Your inky hands scrape into the metal holding you. Where are we? Where is Morgan? I am Morgan!
Mimics. Alex kept several in secure locations, continuing his research. He tells you about them. He tells Morgan about them. The deep purple tissue of the Mimics feels familiar. Familiar from a thousand lifetimes—and familiar from you.
There is a room tonight. Alex locks it from the outside. You’re still at risk of being a monster. Right?
You are Morgan Yu.
Who is Morgan Yu?
A man tells you to destroy it—destroy it all. You won’t like it, it erases your family’s legacy and you will probably have to die too. But it’s the only thing that’s safe.
She says it too. The woman.
The woman?
Something courses through you. Every vein, every neuron, every spin of every atom is alive. It stings it roars it slows the world to a stop.
And everything is at your hand.
Another day, Morgan Yu. Today, tests. “They’re an essential part of an experiment. Just like you did, Morgan. I know you don’t remember—you didn’t remember in the memories either—but you were so committed to those neuromod tests. No one could stop you.”
Alex’s voice rings into our head.
Morgan did the tests. We will do them again now.
The face in the mirror. Broken and dappled in blood, a sliver of silver shone through. The eyes fester with Typhon sinews. You are Morgan Yu.
The failure of a screen. Alex once shut a screen against Morgan, didn’t he? And outside, everything was golden.
Blood streaks the floor. Your leg is split open, your alien flesh bursting out. Alex’s voice throbs at the back of your head as you stumble. A memory, too many memories.
I am Morgan Yu.
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5paceacer · 1 year
I couldn't resist, I knew I had to
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Might touch it up later, but it took me most of yesterday to get this thing done, pretty proud of the outcome tbh
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rachell-redacted · 6 months
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Alex and Morgan Yu collage. Some context below.
Dim Sum (lower left) is Morgan's favourite according to Cooking with Prey. Morgan also has cooking equipment in their room, so yeah. Crystals are for that one Morgan broke in Alex's office. Plants in jars represent the Dendrarium and siblings personalities. Morgan is a carnivorous plant, Alex is some weird mushroom guy. Scary chair is for scary chair. The champagne is for that one toast Alex makes for morgan in the Yellow Tulip.
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toaster-os · 1 year
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Credits for Typhon Morgan art to Snippit Crickit
Original post (where it came from) HERE
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desert-dyke · 3 days
i am once again obsessed with Alex Yu
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corpocyborg · 1 year
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A Prey (2017) playlist for Alex Yu and Morgan Yu and a neuromod-fueled bout of playing god.
“I used to think we couldn't be trusted to play with fire without burning the house down. But you convinced me. You showed me anything was possible, even if the price was steep."
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magma-intrusion · 3 days
Fic from Mikhaila's POV, and about how her and Morgan meet.
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nightingaletrash · 2 years
okay but the Morgan and Alex video definitely has the vibe that this was one that Alex wanted to film rather than another one of Morgan’s ‘you need to remember this so this will bring you back up to speed’ recordings.
Morgan introduces the recording, but then asks Alex what else he needs to say.
‘Why are we making this video?’ ‘Because my big brother is paranoid��
Alex has seen the little changes in Morgan’s personality, their behaviour, the things they aren’t noticing due to the neuromod cycling. After all, the data they’ve gathered indicates that Morgan has already begun to experience personality drift even if they don't realise it. So after the day’s tests and catch up, Alex has them record this video together in the knowledge that some day his sibling could change so drastically that they need to hear their own ideas, their own beliefs from their own mouth in order to believe them. To understand that anything he does in future is in accordance with what they wanted from him.
It really goes to show just how cunning and manipulative Alex can really be - he realised the change was happening and knew that his word wouldn't be enough if things changed to the extent he feared it would. So he has Morgan film this video with him, maybe even plays into the 'over-cautious big brother' bit to get the right responses out of them so that if and when that day comes, he has a damn strong case to prove that he has been going along with Morgan's plans and ideas from the start. He was preparing for the day that he didn't recognise Morgan anymore.
Yet he's so casual with offering little shows of physical affection with Morgan to the point that its gotta be genuine because Morgan never recoils or acts like this is out of character for him.
And the differences in his body language depending on Morgan’s gender make my brain go brrrrrrrr:
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The vibe I get here is 'I've got your back' this is a big brother supporting his little brother. Its no great outpour of emotion and sentiment, just a hand on his shoulder that says 'I'm with you.' A little show of support that will be forgotten moments later.
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There's definitely more sentimentality with fem!Morgan, even if its brief. Still restricted to hands on shoulders/arms, no hugs or anything, but still Alex taking a moment to hold his little sister like she's something precious before the little 'let's do this' pat and getting on with it.
It's a little detail but it adds flavour to the differing relationships between a big brother and his younger brother/younger sister.
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genesisarclite · 16 days
Constants and Variables, chapter four
The chapter title is trash, but I'm too tired to think of a better one, so forgive me for that.
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alphagravy · 2 years
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kusarin · 2 years
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5paceacer · 10 months
I can't believe I haven't posted these yet, but beHOLD
MORGAN AND ALEX YU IN MARKETABLE PLUSH FORM (sadly does not exist irl yet)
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I should be ashamed because I did Alex's wayyy back in 2022 and never posted it
+ another Morgan plush doodle under the cut
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Morgan plushie my beloved
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rachell-redacted · 10 months
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Good news! I'm back on my bullshit!
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toaster-os · 1 year
Ok but seriously help. If anyone is out there, how do I get to the Prey fandom?
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crocodiles-stuff · 2 years
So I decided to do a little Blorbo sheet for Mr. Alex Yu, and I never realized how much I love and hate him. 😔
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There's just something about him that makes me want to squeeze him like a stress relief toy... 🗿
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jikanet-tanaka · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Prey (Video Game 2017) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Morgan Yu, Alex Yu, The Typhon (Prey Video Game 2017) Additional Tags: Female Morgan Yu, Spoilers Summary:
You lack the context, but those feelings… those feelings are real, raw, like a hand reaching into your belly to rip out the red of your insides. You took their stories within yourself, consuming them, feeding on human experiences rather than human minds. It’s a feature, not a bug; Alex is too talented an engineer to have done otherwise when he had moulded you out of his sister’s memories. If you’d been fully human, you would have been filled with indignation at his deception.
But you’re not fully human; you’re something better.
“Alex,” you say, with Morgan’s voice, with Morgan’s smile, “everything is going to be okay…”
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