#Alfred Vikings
viking-chaos · 1 year
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@vikingsevents Autumnal Equinox Event: | Day 2: Favourite Episode: 6x20
The epic saga which began with Ragnar Lothbrok, the first Vikings leader to emerge from the mists of legend, comes to an end in a spectacular and shocking series finale which finds striking the new land and in England. ~ IMDB
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¿Y qué hago yo ahora con tantos sentimientos?
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miss-madness67 · 8 months
The Mistress (ch.29)
After Egadyd gives birth, Leofflaed visits Ivar and they take an irreversible step in their relationship.
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After what felt like days of labor, but surely was not more than twelve hours, I became the proud aunt of a beautiful baby girl. Egadyd is passed out on the bed while I cradle the little bundle in my arms. When she first lost consciousness, I was so scared something had gone wrong. Ulla had to reassure me several times that Egadyd was just exhausted after all that work she went through. “My lady, it is normal for recent mothers to sleep for a long time after the birth,” Ulla said. Still, I keep glancing up every now and then to make sure she is still breathing. I can not lose my sister, and the tiny babe in my arms can not lose her mother when she is the only thing she has. Right now, my family is the only thing keeping me from spiraling from what almost happened with that guard. And then with Ivar.
“My lady,” Ulla quietly approaches the chair where I am sitting by the fire. My niece sleeps peacefully. I managed to calm her down, but I know she will wake soon to ask for food. I just hope Egadyd is up by then. “I will put the little lady to bed.” She signals to my niece. “You should rest, too.”
I glance up at my sister still in bed and then back at the thrall. “I am not tired.” That is a lie, but I can not sleep now. Not with my sister like this, not with my just-born niece needing looking after, not with my tumultuous thoughts.
If Ulla knows I am lying, she does not comment on it. Instead, she suggests. “You should still go out, have some air, maybe. I will call someone to come keep an eye on your family.”
I do not tell her I do not trust anyone to care for them. Not after what happened with the guard, not even before then. Will I ever feel safe among Vikings? I feel safe with Ivar, oddly enough, but I do not trust him. I trust Ulla, but I can not ask her to watch over Egadyd. She was there during the birth, she must be tired too. However, being here, even with my niece in my arms and my sister within reach, I feel a thousand miles away. Perhaps Ulla is right and I need a respite.
Ulla speaks again, this time with understanding in her gaze. “Prince Ivar has tripled the guards outside your door, it is just a few minutes, it is going to be ok, my lady.” Her face is so honest, that I decide to believe her. I decide to let myself be reassured by a strange woman in ways Mother never could.
I pass her the baby, “thank you.”
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Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius @cdauni @justsomecreaturewandering
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asongofmarvelanddc · 10 months
The cliffhanger you left us with in sworn enemies should me considered criminal activity
I know, I'm so sorry 😭😭😭 My most egregious crime fr!
But I HAVE been writing the next chapter so here's a sneak peek below:
Sworn Enemies PT 11 Sneak Peek
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Alfred is still shaking when he enters the room. His eyes sting with unshed tears, small breaths escaping his lips in short gasps. Your body is lying on a table, motionless. He can’t even see the slight rise and fall of your chest to let him know you’re still breathing.
In a second, he turns away from the sight, his heart sinking into his stomach. She’s dead, he thinks, They’re both dead. The fear chokes him while shaking him to his core. He can’t bring himself to ask the physician anything. He’s crippled with fear.
“Your Grace,” the physician says and bows his head, but he speaks no further, waiting until he is addressed by his King.
Alfred curses the title he bears. Slowly, he glances at your seemingly lifeless body then back to the floor.
“How—” he pauses to clear his throat when the word comes out strangled, “How is she?”
The physician wipes his hand with a bloodied piece of cloth. “Her Grace was struck by two arrows — the more serious injuries amongst others. The arrow in her front was fairly simple to remove. The one in her back was the real task.”
The spindly man goes on a rather long-winded explanation of the surgery as he packs his tools away, occasionally stopping to brush back the dull, brown wisps of hair on his head. He seems impressed with his skills as he describes drawing the arrow up and out through your rib cage to avoid affecting the pregnancy.
All the while, Alfred doesn’t have the words to cut in.
“And my wife?” he swallows, “Will she recover?”
The physician tilts his head, “If she survives the next few days, then I can almost guarantee it.”
It isn’t the news Alfred hoped for, but it is better than he expected. He breathes a sigh of relief, and finally, he looks at you properly. Suddenly, you look to be in a peaceful sleep. Full of life, but resting. Then he looks at where your hands rest on your stomach and the sinking feeling returns.
“And the child?” his voice breaks, never taking his eyes off you, “Will my daughter live?”
This time, the physician sucks in a deep breath.
“Unfortunately, there is not much I can do but wait when it comes to your daughter. There has been no movement that I have observed so far,” he says, “I intend to watch for that over the next few days but as of right now…I’m afraid I cannot be certain that your child lives.”
Alfred swallows again, but this time, it’s to distract himself from the tears threatening to fall.
“Thank you, Wyllis. I’d like to be alone with my wife now.”
“Your Grace.” He bows and exits the room.
As soon as the door closes shut behind him, Alfred sinks to his knees on the floor, hands clasped together in front of him and his eyes squeezed tightly shut.
“My Lord. Father. There is nothing on this Earth that you cannot do,” he begins, a slight tremor in his voice as he speaks, “No heartache that you cannot mend. No illness that you cannot heal.”
He briefly glances at you – so still. A whimper escapes him as he closes his eyes again and squeezes his hands together even tighter, as if doing so would mean he's praying harder.
“Please, Father. I cannot do this without her,” before he knows it the tears are flowing uncontrollably, his quiet sobs confined to the room, “Whatever price I must pay I shall pay it if only to see my wife again. To hold our child in my arms. I beg you to cover them in your protection. With your love. Your mercy. I beg you…bring her back to me, Lord.”
And there you have it! This is my first apology for the ridiculously long hiatus, please forgive me if you can ❤️😩
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solioquyforme · 7 months
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Lhyrie finally learns something that’s perplexed her since before taking York. Ubbe trains Alfred and then more sword fighting between him and Lhyrie with some added spice.
Another long chapter and honestly the last half of this chapter is one of the key points that made me want to write the part 2 of the series.
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vikingsmasterlist · 5 months
The Eye of Odin
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Finding Old Friends-Chapter One
Doppelganger-Chapter Two 
Equal Adversary-Chapter Three
Whore of Kattegat-Chapter Four
The Warmth-Chapter Five
The Boar of Wessex-Chapter Six
Loss-Chapter Seven
Coy-Chapter Eight
Baptism-Chapter Nine
Burden-Chapter Ten
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witchthewriter · 10 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐡𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝'𝐬 𝐕𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Warnings: violence
a/n: nsfw included (ha duh)
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Neutral Good
Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising
・Trusting other's wasn't easy for Uhtred. Well, until a person saves his life.
・It didn't seem like a big deal at the time. The decision was easy to make. With four men against thirty, it was more than an unequal fight.
・Standing out of sight, you grabbed one of your silver-tipped arrows and aimed.
・The leader of the large group of men faltered in his step. His gaze trying to locate the source of the arrow, which had landed exactly where he was about to step.
"Hiding is cowardice," the man bellowed. His thick furs unable to hide his fear.
With a raised eyebrow you huffed, not taking the obvious bait.
・You saw one of the men raise a dagger and as he was about to throw it, you released another arrow. Straight into his shoulder.
・Then the fighting started. It only took ten minutes for it to stop.
・You didn't just have great aim with an arrow, you were deadly with daggers as well.
・Now years later, you're found by Uhtred's side. Where he goes, you go. There isn't an issue with him bringing you along on his travels - he knows you can look after yourself.
・A favourite of Finan's, Osferth's & Sihtric's. As you were the only person Uhtred would listen to. Truly listen to.
・And allow himself to be told off by.
・So the three men think you are some sort of powerful being.
・Osferth actually had a bit of a crush on you for a while. Whenever you spoke to him, he would blush.
・Finan and Sihtric teased him relentlessly, and Uhtred overheard them one evening. But he was not jealous. Not in the slightest.
・Osferth nearly died on the spot when he heard Uhtred speaking though.
"I think anyone could fall in love with them. They make it so easy."
・However, it did take a while for Uhtred to tell you about his past. A long, long while. It came in little packages. As if he couldn't say too much at once.
・Showing emotion wasn't one of his great strengths
・But gods forbid if anything happened to you
・There was a time that you had been kidnapped and he nearly tore himself apart trying to find you. All logical thinking had disappeared.
・He knew he couldn't live without you, but knowing that it was a possibility, hit him like a physical blow.
・You are his heart, the person that he always wants to be around. There is no him, without you.
・For years he did not know what his destiny was.
・But now he knows.
・It's you.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Overly arrogant, flirty (Uhtred) x Absolutely unfazed (You)
"Give me attention." (Uhtred) x "If the world knew you were like this, they'd be shocked." (You)
"Wtf did you do now?" (You) x "It was an accident!" (Uhtred)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
You Save His Life & He Could Not Get You Out Of His Head
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Lívstræðrir by John Lunn, Eivør
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point.
・Uhtred is a giving and passionate lover. As soon as you get time to yourselves, his hands are holding you tight against him. Lips attached to yours in a firm and feverish kiss.
・Behind closed doors is where you see Uhtred's full abilities.
・It's not as if he cannot please you while travelling, it's that he cannot reach the limits that he can when he's able to be fully naked and without interruption.
・At home, with the warm glow of the fire in your joint chamber, he shows you how much he loves you.
・Your naked form underneath his, chest to chest, heart's beating in the same rhythm.
・If you've been apart for a long time, then Uhtred cannot keep his hands off of you, nor can he endure your clothing. Sex is rougher, slightly quicker, but that doesn't mean once is enough.
・No, once is never enough for Uhtred.
・There never goes a night without him at least making you cum. Thrice.
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illustratus · 1 year
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Alfred the Great at the Battle of Ashdown, 871
by Morris Meredith Williams (1913)
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teddyniffler · 5 months
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Hvitserk and Alfred's relation was pretty chilled, because he need that peace as a Christian and that peace was offered to him by Alfred. There's a mutual respect. Alfred knew Hvitserk was a great warrior and needed him on his team. - Marco Ilso
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aikaterini-drag · 1 year
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Eternal bros 🩵 Harald and Leif, the dynamic duo that makes Vikings: Valhalla an epic saga of friendship and showcases the bonds that can be forged even amidst the chaos of war.
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drrav3nb · 9 months
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GET TO KNOW ME MEME: favourite ships [2/10] - Ubbe & Alfred (Vikings)
I do not trust my own noblemen as much as I trust you.
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folklore-barnes · 2 months
just finished s3 of valhalla yesterday. thoughts:
- the thing i was most afraid of was a bad ending. but thankfully, valhalla actually had a wonderful ending, and i am very satisifed with it.
- the season was AMAZING, i'd say it is easily the best season. it had so many adventures and many moments that made me pause the show 'cause i could not believe they happened. and my favorite thing, it was very colorful and had very wholesome moments, but a good amount of sad moments as well. which i also loved.
- the villains were the best!! i loved every single one
- i loved all of the conflicts as well. they kept me on my toes the whole season
- i would've preferred more seasons of course, at the very least one more. so that we could see leif and freidys find the golden land, reunite with harald ii and also for harald to meet him because that is his son, after all. and of course, for us to see harald and freydis rule together at some point. but i guess they just didn't have the same goals, and that's okay.
- queen aelfgigu shouldn't have died but i also understand how it felt necessary for the plot. so i'll let it slide.
- the whole dynamic of king canute's sons wanting the throne and the issues with duke william had me wanting a spinoff with william, emma's sons and canute's sons
- in general, it was a fantastic season. i enjoyed every bit of it and i have many more thoughts, but all i have to say is:
thank you to the entire cast and crew of vikings: valhalla. you did a wonderful job in every season and i wish you would've stayed a little bit longer. at the very least, one more season. but it was a really good ending, despite the fact that we could've had a little more.
btw, i do not forgive y'all for killing off kaysan, batu and dorn. one of the most painfully devastating things i've ever had to watch❤️‍🩹
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miss-madness67 · 11 months
The Mistress Ch.26 - YORK
Thirst for blood is in his nature, and she has to understand that.
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Despite the days passing by, I still think about it. I ponder over what happened with Alfred. So much changed between us when people learned of our affair. So much changed between us since we met. We were two children that knew nothing about life back then. And it all developed into something… messy. The sorrow of those days follows me everywhere I go, the remainder that grows in my womb is unavoidable. I am having his child, and there is no way I will be able to forget our past. Some part of me hates it, but another one, probably the biggest, does not mind at all. My adoration for Alfred is not something that can be easily overridden, and despite this child being a bastard, I know I will love him all the same. It is the symbol of our unattainable passion. And yet, I do not think I have it in me to go back to him. Even if it was unintentional, which I learned was not the case, I do not want to be a mistress again, not even a King’s mistress. It has nothing to do with the propriety of the situation within the court, it is just my heart that cannot stand looking at the man I love being with another. The whispers of my position followed me everywhere I went. Here, among the enemy, I am no longer filthy in their eyes, even if it is only because they do not know the truth. Ever since running from him, I have never felt freer from judgment.
Now, learning that Alfred played a key role in turning me into a mistress is something entirely different. That is where the part of me that resents him comes from. He planned everything. To some degree, I would like to see him, so I could hear whatever he has to say that made him believe turning me into his mistress was a good idea. I had never asked for that, and running to the nunnery proved that I would have never chosen it. During my sleepless nights, I talk to Egadyd about it. I tell her what I went through and my unhappiness. She listens, but I know she has her own demons to deal with. Mainly the fact that she is about to become a mother with no husband. The father of her child is dead, and according to her, I should be glad that mine is not. Though it is useless either way. As a future mother, I should not be selfish and go back to Alfred at the first opportunity I have. Even if it is a bastard’s life, he could provide what I can not, but I do not want to live that way again.
“I need to know,” I interrupt Ivar’s thoughts. He looks up at me from where he’s sitting at the other end of the table. “What are you going to do with me?”
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Tags: @youbloodymadgenius @cdauni @justsomecreaturewandering
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vikingsbifrost · 2 months
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hiddenqveendom · 1 year
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* — a look at ... EISA THE DAMMNED ( vikings )
❝ they say she was cursed. damned. she chose to sacrifice herself to the gods, but her true fate was much worse than death …❞
tag list : @erraticrandomficwriter , @victoriapedrcttis , @sgtbuckyybarnes ,  @decennia , @veetlegeuse , @arrthurpendragon , @raith-way , @scootermcooter , @stanshollaand , @chrissymunson , @foxesandmagic , @eddiemunscns ,  @waterloou , @endless-oc-creations, @kingsmakers, @https-svnshine, @starlit-epiphany, @dyhlanobrien, @fragilestorm , @nolanhollogay , @carmens-garden , @impales , @emilykaldwen, @darkwolf76, @princessmadelines, @iloveocs, @nectarines-rule , @nyra-fireheart , @rebloggingocs​
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gif credit : [ x , x , moi ]
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vikingsmasterlist · 5 months
The White Rose of Wessex
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(Alfred x OFC) (Aethelwulf x OFC) (Ivar x OFC)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
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