#Alive and Kicking 1958
motionpicturelover · 2 years
"Alive and Kicking" (1958) - Cyril Frankel
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Films I've watched in 2022 (175/210)
A really sweet comedy with three feisty ladies in the leading roles. This was also Richard Harris's film debut.
Full film:
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Once his parents show up, Lan gets hugged tightly, and then cursed out in Chinese an then hugged tightly again by his mother.
Eventually, everyone is cleaned up and fed, and sitting around the living room and Midge gets to her feet with a record, which she carries to the record player.
“No,” Joel snaps.
“Yep!” Midge tells him.
“They’re all adults, it’s time everyone knew,” Midge tells him. “We can’t just keep sweeping everything under the rug. The more they know, the more they can make decisions on what to tell people about this crazy fucking family.”
She settles the record down and shifts the needle into place, and suddenly, her own voice is echoing through the living room.
It takes a few moments before all five kids realize what they’re listening to, and all eyes shift to Joel.
“Pop,” Ethan says slowly.
“I was young!” Joel cries.
“He wasn’t that young,” Midge counters.
“Pop,” Esther repeats her older brother.
“Right,” Midge sighs, stopping the record. “In 1958, your father told me he was cheating on me, and then he left.”
“I thought you guys just didn’t get along anymore!” Esther cries. “Pop, you cheated? Like cheated-cheated?”
Joel sighs heavily.
“Gross,” Lily voices.
“What do you know, you weren’t alive yet,” Joel grumbles.
Lan slumps back on the couch, shaking his head, before freezing and doing some math in his head. “Pop. When did you start seeing Penny?”
“...I don’t know.”
“He knows,” Lenny mutters.
Joel blows out a breath. “March...? March of 1958.”
“I was two months old,” Esther snaps. “You started fucking around on Mama right after she gave birth to your child?!”
Ethan snaps his fingers. “I remember Penny Pan! She fed me ambrosia salad and I puked it up on the couch an hour later!”
“Which is how we found out about your coconut allergy,” Joel tells him.
“That’s why you go green every time someone plays that lime in the coconut song,” Kitty comments.
“Can we keep moving this along, please?” Mei asks.
Midge sighs. “So Joel left. I started comedy. I met Lenny. Joel met Mei...and a lot of things happened after that...”
She goes into detail. Getting married again in Vegas by accident. The ups and downs of things with Lenny (including his OD in ‘61), Joel’s ups and downs with the Button club. Everything that happened with the grandparents during those years, including Abe’s illustrious theater critic career. The Matchmaker wars of ‘62. Midge getting kicked off the Shy Baldwin tour in ‘60. Sophie Lennon’s very public 1966 meltdown. Declan Howell’s unexpected death the same year. Lenny’s ‘70 relapse into addiction. 
“What about the Maisel and Roth stuff?” Ethan asks. “Is it true Zeyde had ties to Murder Incorporated back in the day?”
“Yes,” Joel says. “To say nothing of Susie’s mob buddies back in the early 60′s, Mei’s entire family being part of a gambling ring, and Noah Weissman’s spook career.”
Lily’s eyes go wide. “Uncle Noah is a spook? Like a real spook? Like a spy-spook?”
“He’s an analyst for CIA,” Midge confirms.
“Uncle Noah killed people?!” Esther cries.
“No,” Midge sighs. “Uncle Noah didn’t kill anyone. He’s a...a researcher.”
“I bet he’s killed at least one person,” Lan chimes in.
“All cops are bastards,” Lenny adds.
Midge rounds on him, annoyed, and he puts his hands up in surrender.
“Also, Midge is related to oil barons in Oklahoma,” Joel tells them.
“Fucking- what?” Ethan asks, bewildered.
Midge blows out as breath. “Grandma Rose was from Oklahoma.”
“No she wasn’t, she was from New York,” Esther argues.
“She was not,” Midge tells them. “She grew up in Oklahoma, she went to Paris in the ‘20′s, and then moved to New York and went to school for a couple of years before marrying Papa.”
“Oil barons?” Kitty asks, bewildered.
“What even is this family?” Lan asks.
“We haven’t even started talking about Mei’s side,” Midge says.
All eyes turn to Mei.
“There’s nothing to tell,” she says smoothly. “My family owned...certain...businesses and...properties.”
“They ran an illegal mahjong ring under the Button Club, and owned every business within a six mile radius,” Joel supplies. “They were the mob.”
“Holy shit,” Lan snaps, sitting at attention, eyes wide. “I’m a mob prince?!”
“No,” Mei snaps. “You are not a mob anything. I went to medical school. I became a doctor! None of the mob stuff ever touched you because we went to visit my parents twice a month, and none of the cousins were ever allowed to babysit!”
“Are we going to jail by association?” Lily asks, looking a little freaked out. “Is that possible?”
“No,” Lenny tells her. “Considering my record, that would have happened already.”
Kitty takes a deep breath and gets to her feet, mimicking Midge’s earlier move of smoothing out her clothing. “I need air.”
Lenny squeezes his eyes as she leaves the room. “Fuck.”
Lan frowns. “What’s with her?”
“She didn’t know about Lenny’s OD, and now she’s pissed,” Ethan explains. “Like big, big time pissed.”
“She’s pissed, what about me?!” Esther cries, rounding on Joel. “You cheated on Mama!”
“It was a long time ago.”
“You stuck your dick in your secretary!”
“Okay,” Ethan grumbles, rubbing his face. “Okay, no, I don’t wanna do this.” He takes a deep breath. “This was a lot of information to take in in one afternoon. Let’s all just...take a break. Cool off. Jump in the lake or something.”
“Can I drown in the lake?” Lily asks. “That feels productive at this point.”
“Lily,” Midge snaps.
“Aaaand break!” Joel cries.
And they do.
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clonewarsarchives · 2 years
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 Eagle-eyed viewers of the second season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars might have noticed some cool Easter Eggs and fascinating trivia. Star Wars Insider takes a look at some of the best!
Holocron Heist
Holocron first appeared in the comic series Dark Empire, published in 1991-1992 by Dark Horse Comics.
Cargo of Doom
This episode features “Kaybur memory crystal”. The initial drafts of the screenplay of A New Hope featured the Kyber crystal: a Force-focusing artifact. Although written out of subsequent drafts, a version of this idea appeared in the novel Splinter of the Mind’s eye as the Kaiburr crystal.
Children of the Force
The mobile over the Gungan toddler’s cot includes a colo clawfish and a sando aqua monster. These underwater beasts can be seen during the journey through the planet’s core sequence in Episode I.
Senate Spy
This episode revisits many environments seen in the live action movies. Padme’s apartment (Episode III), the senate corridor (Episode II) and rotunda chambers (Episode I), the Jedi Council war room (Episode III) and entrance gates (Episode III), and Cato Neimoidia (Episode III) all feature.
Landing at Point Rain
Anakin and Ahsoka are said to have arrived from an engagement near Dorin. According to the Expanded Universe, this is the homewrold of the Kel Dor, Plo Koon’s species.
Weapons Factory                              
The nose-art on Luminara’s gunship has a clone trooper giving Count Dooku a kick!
Legacy of Terror
This is the second Star Wars story to feature zombies in 2009. The first was the horror novel Death Troopers release by Del Rey in October.
Brain Invaders
Mace Windu’s efforts on Dantooine and Kit Fisto’s knowledge of Ord Cestus are two minor nods to the Expanded Universe. During the first Clone Wars micro-series Mace fights a droid army on the plains of Dantooine, and the novel The Cestus Deception features the grinning Jedi Master, Kit Fisto!
Grievous Intrigue          
According to the 2003 book, Inside the World of Attack of the Clones, Eeth Koth died in a gunship crash on Geonosis. Fans of this Jedi were delighted that he appears alive and well in this episode.
The Deserter
Respected film editor Rober Dalva directed this episode. His many credits as editor include Jurassic Park III and Hidalgo—both directed by classic trilogy art director Joe Johnston.
Lightsaber Lost
When Ahsoka is researching underworld thieves, a mugshot of Brea Tonnika, one of the Tonnika sisters seen in the cantina in Episode IV, appears on the monitor.
The Mandalore Plot
The elongated shape of the Mandalorian helmets in this episode was inspired by the Boba Fett animation model used in the making of The Star Wars Holiday Special.
Voyage of Temptation
Anakin, noticing Obi-Wan’s anxiety over his reunion with the Duchess while ascending in a turbolift, recalls the scene in Attack of the Clones in which the younger Jedi is teased by his mentor.
Duchess of Mandalore
Deputy Minister Jerec’s description of the tumultuous time on Mandalore as “a period of civil war” echoes the original title crawl from A New Hope.
Senate Murders
Mon Mothma, a character seen in Episode III and VI, was produced as an animation model for this episode, though the air order of The Clone Wars had her appear in “Duchess of Mandalore” first.
Cat and Mouse
Chronologically, this episode precedes all the others that have been broadcast thus far. “Cat and Mouse” is followed by Season One’s “The Hidden Enemy” and then The Clone Wars feature film.
Bounty Hunters
The episode begins with an unusual title card, specifically mentioning Akira Kurosawa, an influential film director admired by George Lucas. The original Star Wars was very much inspired by the works of Kurosawa, particularly the 1958 movie The Hidden Fortress.
The Zillo Beast
When the Zillo Beast first surfaces, it tramples a clone trooper who emits a distinctive scream. That sound effect is affectionately called “the Wilhelm”. It’s a decades0old audio recording that has become a pet sound effect to many sound editors and appears in all the Star Wars features.
The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
The droids tending to the Zillo Beast include re-purposed heavy labor droids first seen in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
Death Trap
Admiral Kilian was named after Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ concept artist Kilian Plunkett.
R2 Come Home
Plo Koon mentions the Hydian Way, a navigational hyperspace route that was created in the Expanded Universe.
Lethal Trackdown
Hondo Ohnaka’s cluttered office and desk are inspired by Dave Filoni’s cluttered workspace.
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The Crazy Disapprence of Diane Augat 
Diane Louise Young was born on February 21st, 1958, to her parents James and Mildred Young. In the late 1970s, Diane would marry Frederic Augat, taking on his surname. For a time, she seemed to live a pretty idyllic life, becoming a stay-at-home wife and taking care of the couple's three children (two daughters and a son); not only doting upon the children, but making it a point of pride to keep a neat and orderly home.  
Unfortunately, in the late 1980s - after a brief period of bizarre behavior - Diane would be diagnosed with manic depressive disorder (which we know now as bipolar disorder). She would begin to treat this mental illness with medication, but over time, would begin to eschew treatment for a number of perceived reasons; none of which did her any good, and her mental health would begin to suffer as a result.  
In 1988, Diane was alleged to have committed child abuse by the state; alleged to have sought an excessive amount of unneeded treatment for one of her children (a mental illness we now know as Munchausen-by-proxy). While she would ultimately be acquitted of these charges, the state would continue to pursue a case against her, believing the charges to have had merit. 
In 1991, after a period of turbulent behavior, Diane and her long-time husband, Frederic, would divorce. He would retain custody of their children, and this would become the nail in the coffin (so to speak) for Diane's mental health. Over the next several years, Diane was in and out of not only local jails but mental health facilities. Diane would begin to develop a drinking problem during this period, and would also begin to dabble in drug use; both of which did nothing but exacerbate her already-existing mental issues. She would be involuntarily committed to mental health facilities at least 32 times under the Baker Act.
On April 10th, 1998 - Good Friday - Diane Augat was seen alive by her family for the very last time. Diane had been released from a mental health facility roughly two weeks prior  - after being sent there for an involuntary evaluation - and had been staying with her sister in Hudson. When her sister returned later that day, she found Diane missing from her home, and it would be reported that Diane left her sister's home - along Cobble Stone Drive in Hudson - at around 11:00 AM.  
Later that same day, Diane would be seen at the Hay Loft Tavern, located along Little Road and State Road 52. There, Diane stayed until she was kicked out, with Diane's mother, Mildred Young, later recounting to the Tampa Bay Times:  
While Diane had been known to disappear in the past, she generally only did so for a day or two. This was usually when she lapsed on her medication, or just simply stopped taking them. But in this case, Diane would go missing for several days, leading to the mysterious voicemail received by her mother on April 15th (five days later).  On Wednesday, April 15th a call was made from Diane who could be heard asking for help on the other end of the phone, but struggles to keep control of the phone from a mysterious individual taking it away from her.  
To Diane's loved ones, this call seemed to confirm that Diane was in serious trouble this time; especially since this was her longest, and most unusual, disappearing act yet. When Mildred would attempt to call back the number Diane had dialled her from, the name "Starlight" would appear on her caller ID.
On Wednesday, April 15th - five days after Diane Augat left her sister's home in Hudson, Florida - a human finger was found along U.S. Route 19, near New York Avenue. This discovery was made at around 4:00 PM by a woman walking to work, who thought that the finger was just a toy or a prop of some sort. However, the woman would tell her boyfriend about it, and the following day he ventured out to the location, where he discovered that the finger - which was painted with red nail polish - was real. He would then reach out to the Pasco County Sheriff's Office, who arrived at the scene shortly thereafter and documented the find. In an attempt to figure out who this finger belonged to, authorities would match it up with their own records, and quickly discover that the finger belonged to the missing Diane Augat. Because Diane had been arrested in the past, she had been fingerprinted and was unfortunately a match.
No other trace of the missing 40-year-old would be found. Subsequent attempts to find her at her home or her regular haunts were similarly unsuccessful in the days and weeks to come.  
On the same day that the story of Diane's disappearance began to break in the Tampa area, a discovery would be made at a convenience store that Diane often frequented. This occurred in Odessa, Florida, about 25 miles north of Tampa.
On Saturday, April 18th, 1998, convenience store manager Patricia Sblendorio discovered a pile of neatly-folded clothing inside of an outdoor freezer. Immediately recognizing the clothing as Diane Augat's, Patricia would reach out to Deborah, Diane's sister, who confirmed the clothing was in fact Diane's.  
Unfortunately, it would be almost impossible to determine when the clothing had been put into the outdoor freezer, since the staff at the convenience store had not checked it in approximately three weeks. Diane had been missing for about eight days at the time of this discovery, making this an unknown variable in an extremely concerning case.  
Over the next several weeks, authorities would receive dozens of tips from potential witnesses that believed they had seen Diane in the surrounding area.   
On November 25th, 2000 - one day after this article was published about Diane's case in the Tampa Bay Times - another bizarre discovery would be made at a convenience store frequented by Diane and her loved ones. That Saturday, Terry Wilson (girlfriend of Diane's brother) walked into a Circle K convenience store along Highway 19, just north of Hudson; near Viva Villas, a neighborhood that Diane was often in. There, inside the convenience store, on top of the lottery ticket counter, Terry would find a bag of random knickknacks which had the name "Diane" written in black marker. Believing that this might have something to do with the case of her boyfriend's missing sister, Terry took this bag back to Diane's family, who then informed police about the discovery.  
This clear plastic bag contained items that Diane would have been using at the time of her disappearance: black eyeliner, Taboo perfume, bright pink lipstick, as well as a generic brand of toothpaste. Coincidentally, this was the same type of toothpaste issued by the mental health facility that Diane had been in just a couple of weeks before her disappearance, and this bag appeared to have been similar to one kept by those in the mental health facility - leading Diane's family to assume that it had been hers. The question of how or why it had been left at the convenience store - seemingly abandoned - is unexplained.
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div-divington · 3 years
i still honestly don’t understand why sinclair wears the whole get-up he wears yknow
the button-up shirt, the pinstripe slacks, the suspenders, the necktie, the wingtip shoes, the long cigarette holder
sir are you aware that Rapture’s society has completely deteriorated??
you carry a gun so obviously you know it’s dangerous in Rapture but you still wear your business outfit like it’s still 1958???
i understand Lamb wearing her casual clothes since she’s in no danger where she lives in Persephone. I understand Gracie wearing her casual clothes since she’s basically in charge of Pauper’s Drop and is thus also in no danger from the Splicers there. and obviously the Splicers themselves wear their old clothes because they’re delusional and half of them don’t seem to even realise what’s going on around them
but why the fuck does Sinclair wear his business duds when it has been basically post-apocalyptic in Rapture for like... a full decade now? He was kicked out of the Sinclair Delux at some point after the Rapture Civil War, and he wasn’t allowed back into Persephone to get to his escape raft, so obviously he isn’t on friendly terms with the Rapture Family, meaning he is in constant danger of being literally torn to shreds by Lamb’s Splicers, bur he doesn’t care. He actively gets himself involved in DEEPER shit by helping Tenenbaum before he even knew that Delta was alive and, thus, that he had a way out of Rapture.
actually, even more weird, why does Tenenbaum wear a skirt, a dress shirt, a cardigan, high heels, and reading glasses? she ESCAPED Rapture in Bioshock 1 and returned KNOWING the city was a hell-hole. I seriously do not understand her reasoning with those clothes? Even in Bioshock 1, when she’s been hiding in a sewer for like 2 years she still wears this nice, slightly-torn dress. I know she doesn’t do much fighting herself, but she runs around a lot and, as seen when she’s first introduced, has no issue killing her enemies, so why the impractical wardrobe? I’d say the same about Julie, Cohen, and Steinmann, but Steinmann and Cohen are completely insane and Julie is still working on the Lazarus Vector so she’s wearing her work clothes so that’s all understandable (and at the time she still worked for Ryan Industries and was thus protected). Ryan wearing his suit also made sense ‘cause he was literally in an impenetrable fortress of an office.
so Tenenbaum and Sinclair just really care about the drip, huh? not willing to be caught looking bad in practical clothes? they’re super fashion conscious?? 
fuck it i can respect that.
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project partner ~ jesse pinkman;breaking bad
word count: 1958
request?: no
description: when he’s paired up with the outcast in school on a school project, jesse comes to learn a secret about her
pairing: jesse pinkman x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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Jesse jumped as Mr. White slammed his textbook down onto Jesse’s desk. A hushed snicker trailed through the room as Jesse sleepily raised his head.
“Good morning Mr. Pinkman, did you have a nice rest?” Mr. White asked.
“I did until you woke me,” Jesse muttered.
Mr. White rolled his eyes and passed Jesse a sheet of paper. “You have a group project due next week. I’ve paired you up with Miss. (Y/L/N).”
Jesse looked over his shoulder at the girl sat by herself in the back of the room. Her eyes widened at the mention of her name, as if she too hadn’t been paying attention to what was happening.
The bell rang to dismiss the class. Everyone filed out immediately except for Jesse and (Y/N). He approached (Y/N) as she started putting her things away.
“So,” he started, “wanna meet up and start this project after school?”
“Yeah that’s be nice actually. I’d like to be ahead on the work.”
“Sounds like a plan. We’ll go to your place after school?”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened again and all color drained from her face. “Why-why my place?”
Jesse shrugged. “My ‘rents kinda suck. They probably won’t leave us alone if we do go there.”
(Y/N) shuffled awkwardly. “We could...we could do it at the school, like in the library or something.”
“Listen, if your ‘rents suck, too, that’s fine. We don’t have to go to your place. I just know personally that it’ll be so much better than going to mine.”
(Y/N) sighed and shrugged. “No, it’s alright. My parents...won’t be home, so my place would be the best to do the project. We can meet in front of the school and I’ll drive us to my place.”
“That’d be pretty dope. I hate the bus.”
(Y/N) gave Jesse a small smile before hurrying out of the classroom to her next class.
When school ended, Jesse did as he promised and waited for (Y/N) to meet him. He checked his phone to see how long he had been waiting. He wondered if (Y/N) was standing him up.
When she emerged from the school, (Y/N) looked at Jesse waiting and sighed. There was no backing out of this now.
“Let’s get going,” she told him as she walked past him. Jesse had to quickly walk to catch up with her.
The drive was quiet. Jesse wasn’t sure what to even say to (Y/N). Once, (Y/N) was a semi-popular girl. Everyone knew and liked her. That was, until she took some time away from school, then when she came back she was suddenly an outcast, but not because her friends made her one, because she made herself one.
Her friends had asked her on multiple occasions to go out with them to catch up after her time off, invited her to parties, even asked her to just sit with them in the cafeteria at lunch, but (Y/N) turned all the offers down. She kept to herself and didn’t talk to anyone. No one even saw her outside of school, she’d just come in, go through school, and leave at the end of the day.
Jesse snuck a quick peak at her, wondering what had happened when she left, and wondered if he’d find out while working on her project.
They pulled into the driveway of a small looking house, the exact opposite of what Jesse knew to be her house.
“Uh...are we picking someone up or something?” he asked as (Y/N) turned off the car.
“No,” she responded. “This is where I live now.”
“What happened to that mansion your parents owned.”
(Y/N) winced at the question, but hoped Jesse hadn’t noticed. “They wanted to downsize. Something small and quaint or whatever. Closer together.”
She got out of the car and went around to a side door, unlocking it and letting herself and Jesse in. Jesse was shocked to see that she had let them into a basement apartment. This was the last place he expected to see (Y/N) standing in, especially with how much her family was worth.
“I’ll grab my laptop, we can get started on the project,” she told him and quickly left to her room.
Jesse sat at the kitchen table, wondering what had happened with (Y/N). Did her parents lose their money? Were her parents still alive? They had to be, why would she not tell anyone if her parents had died? It would be the news of the school if they had. Losing all their money, that would be another story.
When (Y/N) returned, they started working silently, besides asking a few questions related to the assignment. Jesse tried to think of questions to ask (Y/N) regarding her situation, but he was afraid of seeming like he was prying, even though that was exactly what he wanted to do.
Luckily (for Jesse anyways), he didn’t have to ask anything, as all his questions were answered when there was a knock at the door and (Y/N)’s eyes widened. She looked at the door, as if wishing for the person to go away, but her wishes were denied when another knock came.
“You gonna get that?” Jesse asked.
(Y/N) sighed and stood from the table. Jesse couldn’t help but crane his neck to watch her open the door. And older looking woman stood there with a child that was no more than a few months old in her arms.
“I asked you to keep him for an extra hour!” (Y/N) whispered, however was still loud enough for Jesse to hear.
“And I told you I was unable to do so,” the woman responded. “I’m sorry you didn’t receive my message, but I have plans.”
(Y/N) sighed heavily and took the child from the woman. She took some cash from her pocket and gave it to the woman before nearly slamming the door in the woman’s face. Jesse quickly returned to the assignment, pretending he didn’t see anything that had happened.
(Y/N) took the playpen in the living room and placed it in the kitchen before placing the child into the playpen.
Jesse smiled at the baby, although he was too busy biting on a teddy bear to notice. “Who’s this little guy?”
(Y/N) looked over at the baby with a slight smile on her face as well. “That’s Jacob.”
“Your little brother?”
(Y/N)’s smile faltered a little as she realized there was no getting around it now. “No actually. He’s uh...he’s my son.”
Jesse looked up at (Y/N) in shock. She was looking down at her notes in front of her, trying not to make eye contact.
“Is that why...you were out of school for so long?” Jesse asked. “Cause...cause you were pregnant?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Yeah. My parents pulled me out when I found out I was pregnant. They didn’t want anyone to know that their precious child wasn’t as innocent as everyone thought she was.”
“Then why...” Jesse trailed off. He wasn’t sure which he wanted to ask first, he had so many questions.
“Why do I live here?” (Y/N) offered for him. Jesse nodded, although that wasn’t what he had been wanting to ask. “My parents kicked me out. Gave me enough money that I could live somewhere comfortably for a while before having to get a job. Basically told me to never contact them again, that I was no longer their child.”
(Y/N) tried not to let the hurt show in her face, but it was hard not to when thinking back to the day her parents kicked her out. They had been so angry, she had never seen them so angry before. They had packed her things for her, at least the things she had bought on her own. They told her they were keeping anything they had bought for her, which was over half of her belongings, and gave her a check for a couple thousand dollars so that she could find somewhere else to live.
They didn’t want to see her anymore, and they didn’t want to meet their grandchild.
“Who’s the father?” Jesse asked.
“Liam Johnson,” (Y/N) replied. “The quarterback of the football team.”
Jesse felt his blood boil then. Of course, everyone knew Liam Johnson and (Y/N) were an item, but shortly after her disappearance from school he began saying they had broken up. He claimed he didn’t know anything about where she had gone, other than they weren’t together anymore, then proceeded to sleep with nearly every girl in the school.
It was one thing that he had “moved on” so quickly after claiming for so long that he was in love with (Y/N), but to leave her because she was pregnant with his kid and proceed to sleep with other girls? That was lower than low.
“I didn’t want anyone else to know,” (Y/N) continued to explain. “I didn’t want anyone to know that my parents had kicked me out, that Liam had left me, that I had basically gone from having it all to having absolutely nothing, because I chose to have my beautiful baby boy the superficiality of the rich and popular lifestyle.”
“You don’t think your friends would’ve stuck by you if they knew the truth?” Jesse asked.
(Y/N) shook her head. “Of course they wouldn’t. They weren’t real friends, they just hung around with me because we all ran with the same friend group, and because I was dating Liam, and because my parents had a giant mansion and they were never home so I could throw parties. What do I have now? Liam’s baby, that’s it. Not like it means anything because he keeps denying he ever knocked me up.”
“I mean, some of them maybe, but it seems like at least a few of them were your real friends. I’m sure they would’ve stuck by your side, even helped you raise Jacob and given you a place to stay so that you don’t have to worry about making ends meet.”
(Y/N) shook her head. She looked deep in thought for a moment before he head snapped up to look at Jesse. “You cannot tell anyone about this, okay? You have to promise me you’ll tell no one at school about Jacob, about this whole situation.”
Jesse put his hands up in surrender. “I wouldn’t tell a soul anyways. This isn’t my thing to tell people. Besides, I don’t think anyone would believe me if I did tell them. I’m just the burnout stoner, remember?”
“You’re not a burnout stoner, you’re pretty cool actually.”
Jesse smiled. “You’re really cool, too. I think you’re even more cool knowing the truth about your situation.”
(Y/N)’s cheeks heated up slightly as she looked away from Jesse. “Just finish the project, we were so close to getting it all finished.”
They completed the project in silence. When it was all done, Jesse collected his things and opted to walk home, so that (Y/N) didn’t have to wake a sleeping Jacob, who had fallen asleep while they were working.
“You know,” (Y/N) said as she walked Jesse to the door, “you’re free to come back whenever you want...if you want, I mean. You’re the first friend I’ve had since I got pregnant.”
Jesse smiled at her. “I’d love to hang out with you, and with Jacob. And I promise, your secret is safe with me.”
(Y/N) smiled. “Thank you, Jesse. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Jesse smiled back at her before finally turning to leave.
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groverarms · 3 years
1. Nine year old Vicky Stewart of the Tsimshian nation was killed at the United Church residential school in Edmonton on April 9, 1958 by school matron Ann Knizky, who hit Vicky over the head with a two by four. The RCMP refused to press charges against either Knizky or the United Church, and threatened Vicky`s family with imprisonment if they pursued the matter.
2. Margaret Sepass was raped and then beaten to death by an Anglican priest named John Warner on December 5, 1969, at St. Michael’s Indian school in Alert Bay, British Columbia. Margaret was nine years old. Her burial site is unknown and John Warner was never charged.
3. On January 5, 1938, Albert Gray was beaten to death by Reverend Alfred Caldwell of the United Church of Canada when Albert took a prune from a jar without permission. Albert was eleven years old. His body was buried in secret behind the Ahousat Indian school and Alfred Caldwell was never charged.
4. On December 24, 1946, the same Principal Caldwell kicked 14 year old Maisie Shaw to her death down a flight of stairs at the United Church`s Alberni residential school, as witnessed by Harriett Nahanee. The RCMP covered up the murder.
5. On April 3, 1964, Richard Thomas was sodomized and then strangled to death by Catholic priest Terence McNamara at the Kuper Island Indian school. Richard was buried in secret in an orchard south of the school, and Terence McNamara, who is still alive, was never charged.
6. Elaine Dick, age 6, was kicked to death by a nun in April of 1964 at the Squamish Indian school in Vancouver. The RCMP refused to press charges when requested by the victim`s family.
7. Daniel Kangetok, age 4, was infected with an untreatable virus as part of a Defense Research Board experimental program funded by the Canadian military. He was left to die at the Carcross Anglican residential school in the Yukon, in February of 1971.
8. David Sepass, age 8, was pushed down some stairs by a priest at the Kuper Island catholic school and left to die, early in 1958.
9. A newborn Cree baby was burned alive by a senior priest at the Catholic Muscowegan Indian school near Regina in May of 1944, as witnessed by Irene Favel. The priest was never charged.
10. Susan Ball, age 5, starved to death in a closet at the United Church Edmonton residential school during the winter term of 1959, after being confined there by a church matron for speaking her own language.
11. Pauline Frank, age 8, died from medical experimentation performed by Canadian army researchers at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital in March of 1972. Her body was buried in secret on the grounds of the hospital, which is still restricted military property.
12. Albert Baptiste, age 9, died from electric shocks from a cattle prod wielded by a catholic priest at the Mission residential school over Christmas in 1951.
13. Nancy Joe, age 14, died from involuntary drug testing by military doctors at the Nanaimo Indian hospital in the spring of 1967.
14. Lorraine white, teenager, was gang raped by United Church residential school staff and left to die, Port Alberni, summer of 1971.
15. Eighteen Mohawk children, all under the age of sixteen, were shot to death by Canadian soldiers outside Brantford, Ontario, in the summer of 1943, as witnessed by Rufus McNaughton. The children were buried in secret in a mass grave.
16. Johnny Bingo Dawson, an eyewitness to crimes in Anglican residential schools and a leader of protests against these criminal churches, died of injuries from a police beating after being threatened by them, in Vancouver on December 9, 2009. Official cause of death was alcohol poisoning, despite the absence of alcohol in his blood.
17. Ricky Lavallee, the eyewitness to Bingo’s beating by the Vancouver police, died of a blow to his chest in early January of 2011.
18. William Combes, an eyewitness to the abduction of ten children by Queen Elizabeth from Kamloops Indian school on October 10, 1964, was killed by a lethal injection at St. Paul’s catholic hospital in Vancouver on February 26, 2011.
19. Harriett Nahanee, the first eyewitness to a residential school murder to go public, died after mistreatment in a Vancouver jail, February, 2007.
20. Nora Bernard, the first aboriginal in Canada to sue the Catholic church for residential school crimes, was murdered in December of 2007 on the eve of Canada`s official spin doctoring of the residential school genocide.
… and more than 50,000 others, all of them children.
No-one has ever been charged or tried under Canadian law for any these killings. And the criminal government and churches responsible for this mass murder have been legally absolved of any responsibility for them under Canadian law.
Nothing has been healed. Nothing has been reconciled. Justice has been exterminated as completely as these innocent victims.
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abrooklynboy · 3 years
Meeting | Red Guardian & Winter Soldier
This started as a quick Red Guardian!Steve and Winter Soldier thing I wrote on a notepad app on an airplane. I was going to continue this but I ran out of words on page so here it is, in all its abruptness. May add more later. Bits (such as 1958) came from talks with @murder-popsicle.
“<Wake up.>” The Guardian snaps awake. It didn't feel like he was sleeping, in this dark cell. That's must be what he was doing.
Finally, the Captain had taken to the programming. Even if the Captain had no memories of his former life, the man was stubborn.
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February 1955
It's been a long time since the Red Guardian had been outside. The sky was still blue. Snow still white, crunching under his boots. His opponent stands alone in the ring. Both are wearing black training gear. He is muscular but not as much as the Guardian. A few inches shorter. Hair short (not as short as the Guardian's) but parted in a way the Guardian feels is jaunty. The metal arm is striking.
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They fight, without additional weapons. The audience, a standard set of soldiers with guns pointed at the combatants and doctors with clipboards, falls away. This man is the strongest opponent Guardian has gone against. Perhaps, not as strong, but the metal arm is stronger than the Guardian's punches.
A delighted smile graces the Guardian's face, as bright as the midnight sun. He doesn't have to hold back. Most men would be caved in from their punches, their kicks. An similarly delighted smile is on the man's, bright as his arm or a knife.
They're equals.
"<Who are you, Comrade?>" Guardian asks, breath making clouds in the air, face that isn't covered by his stubble flushed. He's alive and it's wonderful.
 “<Winter Soldier,>" replies the man, lighting a cigarette. A name that fits as well as the Red Guardian, he supposes. Guardian or Captain, to tell the difference between himself and Shostakov. Soldier takes a long drag, holding the cigarette away from the wind. "<They say we're to be partners.>" A handshake. "<I work alone in the field. For you, I'll make an exception.>"
"<Partners.>" The Guardian returns the shake.
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They train together. They eat together. Their cells are close by. They smile and laugh freely.
The Winter Soldier has a keen eye and never misses a shot. This Red Guardian's skill with a shield rivals the original Captain America. Every mission they have is successful. Blending in. At times, the Captain takes on a street artist persona. Who is to say if the portrait he's working on is their target? Who is to say if the building he's drawing is for pleasure or for lines of sight, the blueprint drawn in life?
Over the decades they teach others (KGB, Wolf Spiders, Black Widows, Project Zephyr) in their deadly arts. Languages, blending in to the West. Marksmanship. Hand to hand. How to make the most damage. To take down a country in a single night.
Soldier is a blunt force to the students. The Captain is more personable. Encouraging, despite being the human equivalent of a tank. Always helps his current trainee up of the mat. They develop a reputation as instructors. The Soldier beaks down his students; the Captain builds them back up.
They will shape this century, whether the world is ready or not.
May 1957
"<Read what's on the cards. That's all you need to do, Red Guardian.>" Some press so and so is briefing the Captain on his speech. It's not often he does these kinds of things.
The Soldier, today appearing as an aide, snorts. Clean cut, grey suit. "<Just let him do his job. Don't worry about it.>"
Press so and so is sweating under the Red Guardian's gaze. He nods and goes out on stage.
Honestly, the Red Guardian hates these kinds of engagements. He's born for it, they all say. But they're painfully boring and nobody really believes it all anyway. Cameras flash.
He feels like a dancing bear.
The Guardian can't remember what he says but he didn't read what was on the cards. Pretends to, of course. Press so and so is as red as the Guardian's uniform.
The people loved it. Hearts and minds. The Soldier quotes it every so often.
It's added to the list of questions the Captain and the Soldier deal with during their comprehensive mental evaluation the next month. They had become increasingly volatile. Questioning orders. Higher than usual curiosity. Not being able to explain incidents.
It takes a month to reformat the Winter Soldier and the Red Guardian. The Winter Soldier's affair with the Black Widow (Romanova) was the last straw. Red Guardian got his own punishment for being the ranking officer and not reporting them. For keeping an eye out for the couple.
After, they tell on one another. If one is slipping, they are reported. They usually tell on themselves more than each other. Memories and thoughts that don't fit, that are irregular, require wipes.
Time passes. The Soldier's hair gets longer, the Guardian's is still short but he wears less red. Helmet hair is terrible, Guardian thinks. Preventative measure. What grows in is closer to dishwater blond or brown. Not the color of wheat. A crooked nose and facial hair does wonders in concealing who's body this is.
They forget and meet for the first time, over and over again. On missions when the other is in cryo, they look for the other. Guardian should be watching the Soldier's left; the Soldier should be the eyes in the sky. Not that they know those names, that face. A feeling. Something out of place.
A shadow where your partner should be.
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 years
Hi, could you consider? Jason Voorhees x reader thing where the reader was Jasons friend before he died and now they visit the camp every year to pay their respects on the aniversity of his death and they sorta rekindle their friendship after a while?
I tried to go with big events or staples in Jason’s life ^^ But my knowledge of Friday the 13th movies is… a bit limited… my bad.  I hope you like it anyway!! I hope its what you wanted ^^
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1958 (Reader and Jason are like, 12 here): 
When I… saw him, I was scared. At first. Not of him exactly, I don’t think at least, but of the entire situation. He was supposed to be dead, and things that are alive after that are never showed in a sweet light. Vampires, zombies, ghosts.
But then he held my hand like he always would and gently lead me to his old cabin, where apparently, he was still living. I felt happy, I gave him the picture I drew him, and he smiled at me. I thought he could come home with me now, and everything would be okay! But… something was different about it all. His hands were always cold, but now they felt freezing. He spoke even less then he used to, as well. And the cabin was dirty, and he couldn’t possibly live here comfortably.
And then, I asked him to come back with me and mum. “Its okay! Jason, now we can go back home, and you won’t have to live here! We can still be friends! I’ve missed you.”
He gives me a tiny smile back, but awkwardly pulls his icy hand away from me. Shaking his head, he steps back and sits on his mother old bed. Which is mouldy and where the sheets to be white, are brown now. So, I don’t sit with him. “I… can’t go… “
My heart sinks, because of something worse than disappointment. “But… you can’t live here!” There’s no food, or clean water, or proper shelter! And… no parents. The idea is insane!
I watch while his fingers clench into the mattress his mother used to sleep on, and feel a dull, slow realisation dawn on me. Like when you’re three days from having to go back to school after a wonderful holiday. “M-my… my mum… “ I look up him with wide, furrowed eyes while thinking about all his changes. He died, even though its hard to believe, looking at him. The cold isn’t bothering him, in some places moss from the water still clung to him in some places, he was comfortable in this place that I couldn’t ever stay in no matter how much someone paid me. He’s changed so much… to the point where, weirdly, he fits here. And I can’t think of a thing that I could say or do to change his mind.
For the first time in my life I feel completely, wholly helpless. There’s nothing I could ever do, to… save him. His eyes are duller than they were when… we were friends… and he’s not him anymore. Even though it look, and feels like him. My friend Jason is gone.
He’s gone somewhere I can’t follow him.
Awkwardly, I purse my lips, looking around at the forest while Jason carves into some wood, bored himself. I think that’s the piece of wood he was working on last year. “Okay… well, bye Jason.” I have been waiting for this all day! I want nothing but to leave Jason and get back to my family, the people I chose. It no longer feels like a choice to see Jason, even if it only once a year.
Its not like he makes me, its more that I force myself to come because I have my whole life since he died and if I couldn’t handle the guilt if I left him alone on his anniversary day one year. It used to be nice, when once a year my mum would drive me up and here and I would get to see my friend, even if it was different and weird. But soon enough, somewhere between high school and getting married, it became a burden. Because, really, what do we have in common?? Nothing. Why are we dragging this on, when all we have in common is history? History means very little when theirs no good memories to give it substance.
Oh… shit. Even thinking that sentence in my head felt bad. Of course, there were good memories… but its been so long since we’ve made a new one that I’ve forgotten what it felt like. What little I do remember, from when we little, feels made up. That’s how little it surfaces now.
As I pat his shoulder and get up from the porch where we were sitting for 4 hours -Four long, painful hours, - I accidentally wobble a bit and get a glimpse of the back of his head on accident. For a moment I keep going, getting to my feet and turning to walk off to my car, before I realise that what I just saw was not normal. People do not have dents like that in the back their head. Well, I mean, some people with the same condition Jason has sometimes do, but he was not born with this particular depression. I whip back around, surprising him and look shocked at him. “What the hell is that!?” He grunts, and shifts uncomfortably at that because he doesn’t talk anymore, and I soften my look a tiny bit in apology, knowing he doesn’t like swearing. “Right, sorry.” I roll my eyes. “But what is that crater in the back of your head Jason?!”
He sighs, deeply and shrugs.
“No, don’t you give me that. What is it? You bang your head on a branch or something??”
Not sure how a branch would make that kind of dent, but, it works to get the ball rolling. Maybe he’ll think the idea is so ridiculous that he communicates to me what it was just to set me straight. He does think I’m kind of ridiculous.
Yea, because he’s a hobo recluse who lives in the forest all alone, so he’s wiser apparently.
I watch him roll his eyes, before thumping on away from the cabin, leaving me alone abruptly, before coming back with an axe which is… not comforting. I glance from it to him and back again a few times, and he just rolls his eyes and shakes his head again.
Then he holds it up to thoroughly show me, causing me to notice the blood on it, then touches it to the dent. Finally, he grabs my hand -his is still cold as fuck, -, and holds it to his chest. Where there’s no heartbeat.
“What?” At first, I don’t get it at all, scrunching up nose in obvious confusion.
Then… slowly… it dawns on me. I gasp. “Who hit you in the head with an axe??!” He was already pretty dead, but this is new. Can’t say I feel surprised at all that he can live without a heartbeat, seeing as he survived drowning when he was 11, but this is new, at least.
Now he’s really gone somewhere I can’t follow. And can’t relate to.
I don’t know how long I’ve been out for, but it can’t be long when I open my eyes -the word a little blurred at first. The only things I can make out being a giant dark looking thing that could be a rock looking very still and another, brighter coloured one jumping on it.
Eventually those figures turn into Jason and that fucker that slashed me, - because they’re both still there near me. As far as I can see from the fight, as I get up from the earth and leaves and little twigs and dirt drop off my clothes and the wounds across my abdomen hurt like hell, is that Freddy’s doing most of the fighting, but Jason isn’t taking much damage. Good… okay… what can I do… I think, as I look around for a weapon.
Gadzooks! It’s my lucky day. Behind them, near me, I catch sight of Jason’s machete. He must have dropped it… Works for me.
On my way over to them, watching to see if either of them notice me back up on my feet, I pick up the weapon. Luckily, I’m pretty sure they both think I’m dead. So, it’s that much sweeter when I reach them and tighten my grip on the very long, sharp sword thing. Then I grit my teeth and ram the disagreeable thing into someone even more disagreeable.
Jason watches with a sense of surprise that I’m only just able to pick up on, because I know him so well, and a tiny flutter of a smile crosses my, probably terrible looking at the moment, face. “You couldn’t get rid of me when you died, and you certainly won’t just because I do.” I say, out of breath. These two may be immortal with the freaken stamina of 30-year old’s but I, am an old woman now. And kicking ass takes a bit out of me. Being too smart to drop the machete, instead roughly pulling it out of the sweater-wearers spine and walk with a slight limp, away from the scene. God, fucking… I really, almost died just then. And it feels like it. Where’s my phone? I need a goddamn ambulance.
Freddy, still alive I’m sure - a stab in the back is not going to keep him down, but I figure it’ll handicap him enough for Jason to take a good lead, - slips to his knees and I listen to the sweet melody of him groaning in pain as I hobble over to a considerably clearer area of earth, to sit down on and assess my injuries. “Bitch… “
Serves him right, the bastard. There are three deep scratches in my stomach, thoroughly ruining my one good white shirt, and making me a little woozy due to the blood loss. I look up from them to Jason, who’s staring at me in worry instead of finishing the fight. To reassure him, I flash a bigger smile and nod, gesturing for him to go on. “I’m fine, Jason. It’s okay. I’ll be waiting right here when you’re done.”
“Yeah- Hockey Puck -Fight hard for your girlfriend, heh heh,”
I look back down at my wounds and start thinking about what I need to do about them, ignoring the goblin completely. I hear a terrible, raspy gasp and then some screaming, and I know Jason’s thrown Freddy somewhere again.
An hour later, I’ve watched the teenagers leave, the group now cut cleanly in half and wait patiently, anxiously for Jason to come back too. The longer I wait, the worse I feel. dread fills up every part of my body that isn’t already full with pain from my wounds and a plain, dull, aching fear and I’m suddenly struck in the face with the thought that maybe Jason won’t come back. Maybe he’ll really lose this time.
He’s never fought someone like him before. This whole time I thought he was some invincible, super monster but, what if by monster standards he’s not??
I’ve never really felt the worry I’m feeling now. Not since he drowned, the first time. All these years after I’ve just coasted along with him, visiting once a year and forgetting about him the rest. It was like a chore, like something I had to do.
But now I’m afraid to death that he’s actually gone, and I’m stuck, stewing in the fact that I care about him. He’s an old friend, I love him. He can’t… he can’t die first. I’m the weak human!
I can’t believe I’m only realising this now. What an absolute idiot.
Just as I’m pushing myself up to my feet, to go searching in the direction he went in, I hear familiar, heavy footsteps and nearly damn well cry suddenly with immense relief. I sit back down, heavily and hide my face in my knees once I’ve seen him, trudging towards me. He looks so bad, but… animated. And that’s the main thing.
Ohhhh my god…
I feel the behemoth of a zombie, familiar to me in every sense of the word, like childhood, teenage, young adult, middle aged, and every other kind of memory put into one sit down on the grass with me. I peak up at him and can’t help the smile on my lips, tugging at the corners of my lips as the sun starts to come up over Camp Crystal Lake.
Sighing in relief, I explain my reaction to his return. “You’re okay?”
He nods, and raises 5 thick fingers to my stomach in question. I take his hand in mine, instead of leaving it to hang, and it feels good. “That’s fine. I’ll be okay. Thank you for asking, Jason.”
He curls his hand around mine in turn, as I lie down on the lush green grass, and try to rest. Finally, things feel alright again.
My eyes fall gently closed. Now I’ll go somewhere he can’t follow me. He’s never been good at death.
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freehawaii · 4 years
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.  
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
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Two Hawaiian Kingdom Celebrations
Two of the most important holidays we celebrate every year throughout the Hawaiian Kingdom are Lā Ho`iho`i Ea - Sovereignty Restoration Day (July 31) and Lā Ku`oko`a – Independence Day (November 28)
Ten days ago on July 31, we had an awesome celebration of Lā Ho`iho`i Ea. There were many postings all over social media of the festivities at Thomas Square, all around Hawai`i nei and even around the world.  
And we look forwaerd to Lā Ku`oko`a – Independence Day at the end of November.
The Statehood Admission Scam
On the other hand, the Fake State of Hawaii, has an event that they sorta, kinda observe that happens parallel to our Hawaiian Kingdom holidays. That is: Hawai`i Admission Day – Statehood Day (August 21).
In the late 1950ʻs the US was worried that under its obligations to the United Nations Charter they would be forced to allow the people of their two most precious “possessions”, Alaska and Hawai`i the right to choose their future governance... even independence would be on the table.  Alaska and Hawaii were two “possessions” the US did not ever want to lose to independence. So the US cooked up a scheme: They would conduct rigged plebiscites in “The Territory of Alaska” (1958) and “Territory of Hawai`i” (1959) to make it appear that the people give their consent to becoming “states” of the United States of America. It was a major scam, but at the time, the US got away with it. As a result, in 1959, Alaska and Hawai`i were inducted into the US as the 49th and 50th States respectively... and the United Nations accepted it as a valid political resolution for those two American “territories”.
This is where we have been stuck. But over the years we have gathered the evidence to prove it was a scam… all we have to do is expose it in the right venue…
UPDATE... We are about to trigger an investigation at the United Nations that will reveal that, since 1946, the UN had been scandalously scammed by the US with regard to Hawai`i. The findings of the investigation would cause the withdrawal of international support to the United States ʻ claim to the Hawaiian Islands. The United States ʻ claim would collapse and they will be forced by mounting pressure of us Hawaiian patriots and the international community, to withdraw its claim — and its presence — from our country in a peaceful and orderly manner.
The more we stand as a nation and assert the Hawaiian Kingdom is alive and kicking, the more obvious the U.S. false claim becomes, the sooner there will be a Free Hawai`i.
Ua Ola ke Ea – Sovereignty Lives Celebrating the Hawaiian Kingdom – Past, Present and Future Kick-off date: September 2, 2020 Queen Lili`uokalani’s Birthday... If you are (or if you know of someone who is) interested in helping facilitate any aspect of “Ua Ola ke Ea,” please contact: [email protected]
Please join the ku`e action to rename McKinley High School and to remove the offensive statue - https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/restore-original-name
The campaign to Free Hawaii continues to grow ... as soon as this pandemic subsides, we expect significant movement in gaining support from the global community. Your kokua is vital to this effort...
Your kōkua, large or small, is much appreciated and will help greatly to move this work forward.
To contribute, go to GoFundMe.com/FreeHawaii  
To contribute in other ways (airline miles, travel vouchers, clerical help, etc...) email us at [email protected]  
Also... Check out the great FREE HAWAII products you can purchase HERE  
All proceeds go to help the cause. Mahalo Nui Loa!
Malama Pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
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palettepainter · 5 years
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I’ve seen a lot of headcannons for what Alastor’s parents where like and a few more for the other HH characters, but I’ve hardly seen any for Nifty, I’m gonna change that.
Everyone meets Nifty’s old man!! His name is still undecided but my first idea for him was Mister Swirly since he’s got swirly cotton candy hair. Where did you think Aldo got his pink hair from? Since all the old HH info is likely not cannon anymore because HH has changed a LOT over the past few years I’m not sure if the year Nifty died in is any different. I’m not sure if her official date of death was said in a stream or on another site Viv uses but I’ll be sticking with the old info for Nifty in this Headcannon. Nifty died in 1958 at the age of 22. Before her death Nifty was a typical, average bouncy student in education, studying tailoring and baking as a hobby along side her farther, formally named Henry. When they where both alive Henry ran a sweets ship with Nifty working as his assistant second hand in baking his sweet treats. On the whole Nifty is very much seen as a precious daddy’s little girl that can do no wrong, and Nifty was genuinely a well mannered young lady - yes she tended to maaaaybe jump into romantic teenage love a bit too quickly, but that was being a teenager for you. Nifty is one of those girls who is perhaps a bit too desperate to find her Prince Charming and she may or may not have planned out her future life plans for herald and her future lover when they eventually fall in love. Henry was very much aware of his daughters not so little obsession with boys (according to the old info Nifty was called Susan Mayfield before she died) Henry: Susan Mayfield!! *holds up a boyband poster that has been abused with pink marker and heart stickers* What is the meaning of this young lady? Henry does lightly advice his daughter to take love slow, love takes time and it takes work, but does she listen? Not really. Love was so wild and crazy to a young girl! When she hits her twenties Nifty ends up in a heavily abusive and manipulative relationship with one guy she had been...’observing’ from a far, maybe a little too much. At first, Henry is more then happy to welcome his daughters lover with open arms and a tray of freshly baked ginger bread cookies! He is stupid oblivious to the signs of abuse on his daughter...but he soon begins to grow wary, maybe this relationship isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Despite his suspicions Henry doesn’t have the heart to pull his daughter aside and demand what’s going on, but he keeps a very sharp eye on that boyfriend of his. Behind his back Nifty’s so called ‘love of her life’ was forcing Nifty into a life of crime and danger, dragging her along on heists that nearly costed her her life on more then one occasion. He makes her lie to her farther, to her friends, no one would EVER like her like HE did. Why was she being so ungrateful? Was she trying to be selfish? Nifty lies, so many lies. But then the dreaded day comes when Nifty is found dead, in his own bakery. He sits there for hours just hugging her limp body as the police and ambulance quickly arrive to the bakery, but it was too late, she was already gone. Henry in complete shock doesn’t consider Nifty’s boyfriend, until the doctors inform the police of bruises on Nifty’s body that could have been from abuse. Henry is pulled aside for questioning but is soon cleared of investigation when the police see him as innocent. Sad, angry, shocked and sick Henry goes to Nifty’s boyfriend (without thinking of a plan) and demands to know what happened. Being a pretty unhealthy man (Henry are a lot of sweets during his time alive and wasn’t very healthy or fit) Henry is quickly out of breath and bruised when Nifty’s boyfriend starts throwing punches and kicks. He stumbles in the kitchen, short of breath as Nifty’s boyfriend unhurriedly follows. Just before he can land a final bow on Henry, Henry swipes at his neck with a butches knife, and again...and again...and again...by the time he’s realised what he’s doing, he’s covered in the boys blood....This isn’t what his little girl would have wanted....Henry packs up his things and quickly flees the city, but is quickly tracked down by the police. He ends up hiding in his motel apartment, and dies of a heart attack before the police finally break inside. Now in Hell and renamed as Mister Swirly, Swirly runs a bakery titled ‘Sinful Sweets Bakery’, he sells a variety of pastries, cakes, coffees and milkshakes, sweets and much more! He generally isn’t one for murder and on the whole is a good demon, very sweet and bubbly, he’s on the whole the goody dad figure. His weapon of choice is a butchers knife, but since living in Hell he has learnt to be a bit more stern and intimidating when he needs to be. He wuvs his precious little gumdrop Nifty and still views her as his little baby girl....he has a, uhm...a few murderous intents for Baxter. He does NOT trust any Male near his daughter after what happened. The two gingerbread men as his assistants in the bakery and they help him in the kitchen, his close acquaintance Luciana helped bring them to life (Luciana is my version of Alastor’s mum. I’m not sure if Nifty, Alastor and Husk knew each other when they where alive but I Headcannon that their parents would have since Alastor and Nifty both died around the 1900’s or some time after) DO NOT REPOST/EDIT/TRACE MY WORK OR OC’S!!! Nifty/Baxter - Hazbin hotel Mister Swirly/Luciana/Aldo - me
67 notes · View notes
locke-writes · 5 years
A View of The Unknown
Or rather here is a movie recommendation list made up primarily of underrated, unknown (or oft forgotten), and cult classic films as of: July 28, 2019.
Tagging: @panro-musiclover
Boxing Cats (1894)
Boxing Kangaroo (1895)
The Sprinkler Sprinkled (1895)
A Hallucinated Alchemist (1897)
1900 - 1939
Going to Bed Under Difficulties (1900)
Fire! (1901)
The Man With the Rubber Head (1901)
Rip Van Winkle (1903)
The Infernal Cauldron (1903)
Antony & Cleopatra (1908)
Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (1908)
The Cowboy Millionaire (1909)
Baseball & Bloomers (1911)
The Inferno (1911)
Robin Hood (1912)
At Midnight (1913)
Atlantis (1913)
The House of Darkness (1913)
The Wishing Rings (1914)
The Crazy Clock Maker (1915)
The Prisoner of Zenda (1915)
The Mystery of the Leaping Fish (1916)
The Outlaw and His Wife (1918)
The Ghost of Slumber Mountain (1918)
The Cinema Murder (1919)
Victory (1919)
Satan (1920)
Dracula's Death (1921)
The Fire Eater (1921)
The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse (1921)
A Debt of Honour (1922)
The Grass Orphan (1922)
Håxan (1922)
When Knighthood Was In Flower (1922)
Ashes of Vengeance (1923)
Raskolnikov (1923)
Ballet Mécanique (1924)
The Dark Angel (1925)
Smoldering Fires (1925)
Zander the Great (1925)
Kid Boots (1926)
The Triumph of the Rat (1926)
The Drop Kick (1927)
London After Midnight (1927)
Midnight Taxi (1928)
Sweeney Todd (1928)
The Terror (1928)
The Viking (1928)
A Knight in London (1929)
Bride of the Regiment (1930)
The Girl Said No (1930)
Manslaughter (1930)
The Temporary Widow (1930)
Bought! (1931)
Night Nurse (1931)
The Beast of the City (1932)
Devil and the Deep (1932)
Freaks (1932)
Blood Money (1933)
Design For Living (1933)
The Ghost Camera (1933)
The Vampire Bat (1933)
Viktor und Viktoria (1933)
You Made Me Love You (1933)
The Black Cat (1934)
Death Takes A Holiday (1934)
Little Man, What Now? (1934)
Black Fury (1935)
Crime and Punishment (1935)
Mad Love (1935)
Werewolves in London (1935)
Mr Deeds Goes To Town (1936)
Pennies From Heaven (1936)
The Awful Truth (1937)
La Grande Illusion (1937)
Madame X (1937)
Maid of Salem (1937)
The Prince and the Pauper (1937)
Young and Innocent (1937)
Woman Against Woman (1938)
Each Dawn I Die (1939)
Four Feathers (1939)
In Name Only (1939)
It's A Wonderful World (1939)
The Spy In Black (1939)
1940 - 1969
Arise My Love (1940)
Crimes At The Dark House (1940)
Dead Man's Shoes (1940)
My Favorite Wife (1940)
The Shop Around the Corner (1940)
Man-Made Monster (1941)
Meet John Doe (1941)
One Night in Transylvania (1941)
American Empire (1942)
The Black Sheep of Whitehall (1942)
There Was A Father (1942)
Angels of Sin (1943)
Cabin in the Sky (1943)
Calling Dr Death (1943)
Edge of Darkness (1943)
Heaven Can Wait (1943)
The Leopard Man (1943)
Yellow Canary (1943)
The Children Are Watching Us (1944)
Crime By Night (1944)
It Happened Tomorrow (1944)
Melody of Murder (1944)
The Body Snatcher (1945)
Detour (1945)
The Lost Letter (1945)
A Royal Scandal (1945)
The Beast With Five Fingers (1946)
The Big Sleep (1945)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)
The Razor's Edge (1946)
Gentlemen's Agreement (1947)
Devil in the Flesh (1947)
Kiss of Death (1947)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1947)
Bicycle Thieves (1948)
Monkey's Paw (1948)
Noose (1948)
The Red Shoes (1948)
Blue Swords (1949)
The Red Pony (1949)
The Secret Garden (1949)
The Black Rose (1950)
Death Is A Caress (1950)
Destination Moon (1950)
Edge of Doom (1950)
The Flame and the Arrow (1950)
Death of a Salesmen (1951)
The Idiot (1951)
The Thing From Another World (1951)
Your Day Will Come (1951)
The Quiet Man (1952)
The Beggar's Open (1953)
The Blue Gardenia (1953)
By The Light of the Silvery Moon (1953)
Escape By Night (1953)
From Here To Eternity (1953)
House of Wax (1953)
Man on a Tightrope (1953)
Shane (1953)
Tokyo Story (1953)
Robinson Crusoe (1954)
The Caine Mutiny (1954)
Sabrina (1954)
Seven Samurai (1954)
Battle Cry (1955)
Blackboard Jungle (1955)
East of Eden (1955)
Marty (1955)
Giant (1956)
Please Murder Me (1956)
Fear Strikes Out (1957)
Night of the Demon (1957)
The Quiet American (1958)
A Time to Love and a Time to Die (1958)
The Death Ship (1959)
House on Haunted Hill (1959)
Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1959)
The Broken Pots (1960)
Circus of Horrors (1960)
The Dark at the Top of the Stairs (1960)
Exodus (1960)
Eyes Without A Face (1960)
Girl of the Night (1960)
The Human Vapor (1960)
The Little Shop of Horrors (1960)
The Ninth Circle (1960)
Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1960)
Portrait in Black (1960)
Purple Noon (1960)
Testament of Orpheus (1960)
The Time Machine (1960)
The Village of the Damned (1960)
Antigone (1961)
A Bomb Was Stolen (1961)
The Children's Hour (1961)
Homicidal (1961)
The Human Condition (1961)
The Long and the Short and the Tall (1961)
Mothra (1961)
Mysterious Island (1961)
Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)
The Young Savages (1961)
Advise & Consent (1962)
Big and Little Wong Tin Bar (1962)
The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962)
Carnival of Souls (1962)
Experiment In Terror (1962)
The Exterminating Angel (1962)
Five Miles to Midnight (1962)
Knife in the Water (1962)
Long Days Journey Into Night (1962)
Manchurian Candidate (1962)
Moon Pilot (1962)
The Trial (1962)
A View From The Bridge (1962)
Charade (1963)
Diary of a Madman (1963)
Lilies of the Field (1963)
A Matter of Choice (1963)
Mother of the Bride (1963)
Passenger (1963)
The Raven (1963)
Sunday in New York (1963)
Take Her, She's Mine (1963)
Toys in the Attic (1963)
Walking the Streets of Moscow (1963)
First Men In the Moon (1964)
Of Human Bondage (1964)
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)
Chronicle of a Boy Alone (1965)
The Collector (1965)
Flight of the Phoenix (1965)
Lord Jim (1965)
Nightmare Castle (1965)
Tattooed Life (1965)
Alfie (1966)
Arabesque (1966)
Chimes at Midnight (1966)
Daisies (1966)
Come Spy With Me (1967)
Far From the Madding Crowd (1967)
The Fastest Guitar Alive (1967)
The Flim-Flam Man (1967)
Oedipus Rex (1967)
Paranoia (1967)
The Trip (1967)
Ulysses (1967)
The Boston Strangler (1968)
Destroy All Monsters (1968)
The Doll (1968)
The Girl on a Motorcycle (1968)
High School (1968)
The Sea Gull (1968)
The Secret Life of an American Wife (1968)
Signs of Life (1968)
What So Bad About Feeling Good? (1968)
The Assassination Bureau (1969)
The Color of Pomegranates (1969)
Don't Drink the Water (1969)
I'm An Elephant, Madame (1969)
If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium (1969)
A Talent For Loving (1969)
What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice? (1969)
Alex In Wonderland (1970)
Catch-22 (1970)
Diary of a Mad Housewife (1970)
Dionysus in '69 (1970)
How Do I Love Thee? (1970)
I Never Sang For My Father (1970)
The Man Who Haunted Himself (1970)
Michael The Brave (1970)
Of Gods and the Undead (1970)
The Phantom Tollbooth (1970)
There's A Girl In My Soup (1970)
The Traveling Executioner (1970)
The Beguiled (1971)
Bless the Beasts and Children (1971)
The Blood on Satan's Claw (1971)
The Devil Has Seven Faces (1971)
Drive, He Said (1971)
Land of Silence and Darkness (1971)
The Panic In Needle Park (1971)
Straw Dogs (1971)
Villain (1971)
Willard (1971)
1776 (1972)
Aguirre, Wrath of God (1972)
The Assassination of Trotsky (1972)
Frogs (1972)
The Scientific Cardplayer (1972)
Solaris (1972)
The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe (1972)
They Only Kill Their Masters (1972)
Badlands (1973)
Blue Blood (1973)
Cops and Robbers (1973)
The Day of the Dolphin (1973)
The Long Goodbye (1973)
Love and Pain and the Whole Damn Thing (1973)
Soylent Green (1973)
Westworld (1973)
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974)
At Home Among Strangers (1974)
The Clockmaker (1974)
Gone in 60 Seconds (1974)
Murder on the Orient Express (1974)
Rhinoceros (1974)
Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
Brother, Can You Spare A Dime (1975)
Chronicle of the Years of Fire (1975)
Cornbread, Earl and Me (1975)
Deep Red (1975)
Graveyard of Honor (1975)
The Land That Time Forgot (1975)
Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)
Queen of the Stardust Ballroom (1975)
Tommy (1975)
The Bricklayers (1976)
The Devil's Playground (1976)
Jonah Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000 (1976)
The Killer Inside Me (1976)
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976)
Logan's Run (1976)
Backroads (1977)
The Prince and the Pauper (1977)
Death of a President (1977)
The Disappearance (1977)
Eraserhead (1977)
New York, New York (1977)
The Other Side of Midnight (1977)
Pete's Dragon (1977)
The Serpent's Egg (1977)
Wizards (1977)
The Big Fix (1978)
Coming Home (1978)
Days of Heaven (1978)
Germany In Autumn (1978)
Midnight Express (1978)
Remember My Name (1978)
Bloodline (1979)
City on Fire (1979)
A Perfect Couple (1979)
Skatetown, USA (1979)
The Dogs of War (1980)
Heaven's Gate (1980)
Rude Boy (1980)
Stalker (1980)
An American Werewolf In London (1981)
Escape From New York (1981)
Fever (1981)
My Bloody Valentine (1981)
Time Bandits (1981)
Tuck Everlasting (1981)
Alone in the Dark (1982)
Android (1982)
Another Way (1982)
The Beastmaster (1982)
The Border (1982)
Butterfly (1982)
Cannery Row (1982)
Creepshow (1982)
Diner (1982)
Fanny and Alexander (1982)
The Flight of Dragons (1982)
Moonlighting (1982)
The Plague Doctors (1982)
The Pokrovsky Gate (1982)
Tex (1982)
The World According To Garp (1982)
Betrayal (1983)
The Big Chill (1983)
Brainstorm (1983)
Christine (1983)
Daniel (1983)
The Dead Zone (1983)
The Dresser (1983)
The Honorary Consul (1983)
The Illusionist (1983)
The King of Comedy (1983)
Rumble Fish (1983)
The Scarlet and the Pipe (1983)
The Survivors (1983)
Trading Places (1983)
The Ice Pirates (1984)
The Killing Fields (1984)
The Last Starfighter (1984)
Repo Man (1984)
Rhinestone (1984)
A Year of Quiet Sun (1984)
Better Off Dead (1985)
The Black Cauldron (1985)
Fletch (1985)
Fright Night (1985)
Mask (1985)
Re-Animator (1985)
A Room With A View (1985)
9 1/2 Weeks (1986)
The Adventures of Milo and Otis (1986)
An American Tale (1986)
Back to School (1986)
Bue Velvet (1986)
Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)
River's Edge (1986)
Seize the Day (1986)
Sid and Nancy (1986)
Terrorizers (1986)
Voyage to Nowhere (1986)
Youngblood (1986)
Batteries Not Included (1987)
Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1987)
Cross My Heart (1987)
Deadline (1987)
The Hidden (1987)
Ishtar (1987)
Less Than Zero (1987)
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne (1987)
The Lost Boys (1987)
Mannequin (1987)
Maurice (1987)
Number One With A Bullet (1987)
The Pick Up Artist (1987)
Roxanne (1987)
Wings of Desire (1987)
Withnail and I (1987)
The Year My Voice Broke (1987)
Biloxi Blues (1988)
Bright Lights, Big City (1988)
Dead Ringers (1988)
Earth Girls Are Easy (1988)
Johnny Be Good (1988)
The Music Teacher (1988)
Painted Faces (1988)
Permanent Record (1988)
The Prince of Pennsylvania (1988)
Stealing Heaven (1988)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988)
We Think The World Of You (1988)
Working Girl (1988)
Wuthering Heights (1988)
Young Guns (1988)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)
Chances Are (1989)
Dead Calm (1989)
Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
I Love, You Love (1989)
Loverboy (1989)
See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989)
Signs of Life (1989)
UHF (1989)
Vampire's Kiss (1989)
Weekend At Bernies's (1989)
Darkman (1990)
Flatliners (1990)
The Freshman (1990)
Joe Versus The Volcano (1990)
Problem Child (1990)
Quigley Down Under (1990)
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (1990)
Vincent & Theo (1990)
King Ralph (1991)
My Own Private Idaho (1991)
Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
The Babe (1992)
The Crying Game (1992)
Death Becomes Her (1992)
Encino Man (1992)
Howard's End (1992)
Jámon Jámon (1992)
School Ties (1992)
Toys (1992)
Benny & Joon (1992)
Dave (1992)
Dazed and Confused (1992)
Heart and Souls (1993)
In the Name of the Father (1993)
Malice (1993)
Money For Nothing (1993)
The Night We Never Met (1993)
The Piano (1993)
The Remains of the Day (1993)
Searching For Bobby Fischer (1993)
So I Married An Axe Murderer (1993)
Swing Kids (1993)
The Three Musketeers (1993)
Tombstone (1993)
The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert (1994)
Airheads (1994)
Corrina, Corrina (1994)
Only You (1994)
The Pagemaster (1994)
Quiz Show (1994)
Stargate (1994)
When A Man Loves A Woman (1994)
The Arsonist (1995)
Babe (1995)
The Basketball Diaries (1995)
Before Sunrise (1995)
Demon Knight (1995)
Dolores Claiborne (1995)
Empire Records (1995)
Forgotten Silver (1995)
Four Rooms (1995)
Funny Bones (1995)
Hackers (1995)
Home For The Holidays (1995)
Kids (1995)
Mallrats (1995)
Powder (1995)
The Quick and the Dead (1995)
Sabrina (1995)
Crime that Changed Serbia (1995)
Tommy Boy (1995)
Before and After (1996)
The Birdcage (1996)
Bottle Rocket (1996)
The Crucible (1996)
The Fan (1996)
Fear (1996)
From Dusk till Dawn (1996)
Glory Daze (1996)
Marvin's Room (1996)
Michael (1996)
Mr Holland's Opus (1996)
Multiplicity (1996)
Primal Fear (1996)
Pusher (1996)
Shall We Dance (1996)
Sling Blade (1996)
Somersault in a Coffin (1996)
Swingers (1996)
That Thing You Do! (1996)
Trainspotting (1996)
Amistad (1997)
Anastasia (1997)
Boogie Nights (1997)
The Boxer (1997)
Chasing Amy (1997)
Dante's Peak (1997)
The Fifth Element (1997)
Fools Rush In (1997)
Funny Games (1997)
Gattaca (1997)
Lawn Dogs (1997)
Life is Beautiful (1997)
My Best Friends Wedding (1997)
The Postman (1997)
The Rainmaker (1997)
Romy and Michelle's High School Renion (1997)
Wag the Dog (1997)
American History X (1998)
Antz (1998)
Can't Hardly Wait (1998)
Godzilla (1998)
Great Expectations (1998)
Home Fries (1998)
The Interview (1998)
Meet Joe Black (1998)
Music From Another Room (1998)
A Night At the Roxbury (1998)
Of Freaks and Men (1998)
Overnight Delivery (1998)
Patch Adams (1998)
Phantoms (1998)
Pleasantville (1998)
Quest for Camelot (1998)
Return To Paradise (1998)
Rounders (1998)
Rushmore (1998)
Sliding Doors (1998)
Velvet Goldmine (1998)
What Dreams May Come (1998)
After Stonewall (1999)
All the Little Animals (1999)
The Astronauts Wife (1999)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
Big Daddy (1999)
The Bone Collector (1999)
But I'm A Cheerleader (1999)
The Cider House Rules (1999)
Dogma (1999)
EDtv (1999)
eXistenZ (1999)
Galaxy Quest (1999)
Girl, Interrupted (1999)
The Iron Giant (1999)
Monkeybone (1999)
Mystery, Alaska (1999)
Mystery Men (1999)
Never Been Kissed (1999)
Notting Hill (1999)
Office Space (1999)
Snow Falling On Cedars (1999)
Summer of Sam (1999)
28 Days (2000)
Almost Famous (2000)
Bedazzled (2000)
Best in Show (2000)
Billy Elliot (2000)
Dracula 2000 (2000)
Gone in 60 Seconds (2000)
High Fidelity (2000)
Keeping the Faith (2000)
Shadow of the Vampire (2000)
Spring Forward (2000)
Unbreakable (2000)
Bubble Boy (2001)
Disco Pigs (2001)
Donnie Darko (2001)
Ghost World (2001)
Josie and the Pussycats (2001)
Kate & Leopold (2001)
The Others (2001)
Rock Star (2001)
Saving Silverman (2001)
Swordfish (2001)
The Musketeer (2001)
City of God (2002)
Equilibrium (2002)
The Pianist (2002)
Possession (2002)
Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
The Quiet American (2002)
All the Real Girls (2003)
Danny Deckchair (2003)
Gothika (2003)
Green Butchers (2003)
A Guy Thing (2003)
The Room (2003)
School of Rock (2003)
Shattered Glass (2003)
The Station Agent (2003)
Timeline (2003)
Win A Date With Tad Hamilton (2004)
Hidalgo (2004)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
The Girl Next Door (2004)
13 Going on 30 (2004)
Garden State (2004)
The Village (2004)
Layer Cake (2004)
Raise Your Voice (2004)
Closer (2004)
The Wedding Date (2005)
The Island (2005)
Red Eye (2005)
Just Like Heaven (2005)
Shopgirl (2005)
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Aeon Flux (2005)
Grandma's Boy (2006)
Aquamarine (2006)
Failure to Launch (2006)
She's the Man (2006)
Thank You For Smoking (2006)
V For Vendetta (2006)
Slither (2006)
Just My Luck (2006)
The Omen (2006)
Little Man (2006)
My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006)
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
The Illusionist (2006)
Employee of the Month (2006)
The Prestige (2006)
Let's Go To Prison (2006)
The Fall (2006)
Disturbia (2007)
Hannibal Rising (2007)
Waitress (2007)
Bug (2007)
Eagle vs Shark (2007)
No Reservations (2007)
The Brothers Solomon (2007)
Sydney White (2007)
Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
The Martian Child (2007)
Margot at the Wedding (2007)
August Rush (2007)
In Bruges (2008)
Definitely, Maybe (2008)
Be Kind Rewind (2008)
Charlie Bartlett (2008)
Paranoid Park (2008)
Funny Games (2008)
21 (2008)
My Blueberry Nights (2008)
The Foot Fist Way (2008)
The Midnight Meat Train (2008)
The Rocker (2008)
The House Bunny (2008)
Ghost Town (2008)
My Best Friend's Girl (2008)
RocknRolla (2008)
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Fanboys (2009)
Incendiary (2009)
Fired Up! (2009)
Ghost of Girlfriends Past (2009)
The Brothers Bloom (2009)
The Ugly Truth (2009)
Adam (2009)
Big Fan (2009)
Gamer (2009)
Splice (2009)
Bronson (2009)
Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
The Road (2009)
A Single Man (2009)
The Collector (2009)
Fish Tank (2009)
Legion (2010)
Repo Men (2010)
The Losers (2010)
The Trotsky (2010)
Cyrus (2010)
The Kids Are All Right (2010)
Salt (2010)
Never Let Me Go (2010)
Easy A (2010)
I Love You Philip Morris (2010)
Blue Valentine (2010)
Take Shelter (2011)
Sanctum (2011)
Paul (2011)
Limitless (2011)
Jane Eyre (2011)
Source Code (2011)
Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2011)
Hanna (2011)
We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)
Priest (2011)
Super 8 (2011)
Fright Night (2011)
The Ides of March (2011)
Anonymous (2011)
Warrior (2011)
Dream House (2011)
In Time (2011)
Young Adult (2011)
Premium Rush (2012)
Would You Rather (2012)
Chronicle (2012)
This Means War (2012)
Wanderlust (2012)
A Royal Affair (2012)
The Five-Year Engagement (2012)
Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
Lawless (2012)
For A Good Time, Call (2012)
The Words (2012)
Looper (2012)
Seven Psychopaths (2012)
Side Effects (2013)
Jack the Giant Slayer (2013)
Stoker (2013)
Mud (2013)
Byzantium (2013)
The Kings of Summer (2013)
Bad Words (2013)
The Way, Way Back (2013)
Prisoners (2013)
Frank (2014)
Chef (2014)
Rosewater (2014)
The Equalizer (2014)
The Drop (2014)
This Is Where I Leave You (2014)
A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
Dracula Untold (2014)
Me and Earl And the Dying Girl (2015)
Chappie (2015)
Hello, My Name Is Doris (2015)
The Gift (2015)
The End of the Tour (2015)
Burnt (2015)
Mr Right (2016)
Jane Got A Gun (2016)
Midnight Special (2016)
Everybody Want Some! (2016)
Green Room (2016)
Money Monster (2016)
The Fundamentals of Caring (2016)
Anthropoid (2016)
Loving (2016)
Frank & Lola (2016)
Paterson (2016)
Sleight (2017)
Table 19 (2017)
Dean (2017)
Brigsby Bear (2017)
You Were Never Really Here (2018)
First Reformed (2018)
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot (2018)
Blindspotting (2018)
Juliet, Naked (2018)
Hunter Killer (2018)
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godzillakyru · 5 years
The Timeline
Here is the MASSIVE TIMELINE that is in Godzilla: Kaiju World. Enjoy. 
@hrodvitnon @little-godzilla @elisa-jeane-esposito
·         September 1st, 1940- Meganulon
o   In Kyushu, A small village called Kitamatsu were at piece before it began to be terrorized by several bug-like creatures That became known as Meganulon. The feasted upon the villagers there.
·         November 3rd, 1954- Gojira
o   The first confirmed Kaiju sighting in Japan. A large ancient amphibious creature, dubbed Gojira from legends of the village on Odo Island, came ashore of Japan twice and destroyed much of Tokyo, leaving much of the city and surrounding areas uninhabitable because of Nuclear Radiation. A few days later, Gojira was killed by an Oxygen Destroyer, a device made by Dr. Daisuke Serizawa. It’s estimated that the injured and casualties was well into the high 500s.
·         April 24th, 1955- Anguirius
o   Anguirus is a large ankylosaur-like creature. It was seen on Iwato Island. After a few days of observing this creature, it was deemed mostly docile, although it would attack anyone who were flying over the island as it was territorial.
·         December 26th, 1956- 2 Rodans
o   Deep within Mountain Aso, two eggs hatched into a pair of Rodans. They ate all the Meganulon before moving onto the humans that lived around the Mountain. They had feed off countless of people and attacked Fukuoka. It was then that that the JSDF carried out operation ‘Eruption’ where they erupted Aso, burning the two Rodans alive.
·         October 14th, 1958- Varan
o   In the Kitakami River, a large creature crawled out of the lake, called Varan the mountain god-monster, and took flight towards Tokyo, where it landed. No conventional weapons did anything to the large creature.  Tokyo, still in the midst of rebuilding from Gojira’s attack four years prior, was laid waste. The JSDF carried out operation powder ingestion. They dropped bombs that were filled by special powder and once Varan ingested it, it dentonated, causing Varan to collapse and die.
·         March 21st, 1962- Maguma
o   In the north pole, a large walrus like creature appeared. It went into the Artic Ocean and began its attack on Alaska, first landing in Barrow. Then, it headed and attached Walnwright before heading back into the Artic Ocean where it stayed for a few years, terrorizing all those who sail in at Ocean.
·         December 22nd, 1963- Manda
o   In the Indian Ocean, a dragon-like creature named Manda suddenly appeared into existence and became the Dragon of the Indian Ocean where it reigned several years.
·         August 8th, 1965- Baragon
o   After an earthquake in the Akita Prefecture that destroyed an oil refinery, a subterranean kaiju, Baragon, makes its presence known. It attacked several villages throughout the prefecture before going back to underground where it wouldn’t been seen again for some time.
·         December 16th, 1989- Biollante
o   A scientist experimented with left over, viable G-Cells(from Gojira) and crossed it those with a rose cells. The immediate affect was seen and soon, it mutated into a essential plant close of Gojira. The first form was rooted in Lake Ashino. The JSDF managed to engulf the monster rose inflames, although it turned into golden particals and flew up into the air. Biollante has not been seen since.
·         December 11th, 1993- A third Rodan
o   On the nuclear dumping ground of Adona Island, a third Rodan have been sited. It is not seen as a threat at the time as the only time it left the island was when he had to go feed- usually on whales or dolphins that move through the waters close to the island.
·         May 20th, 1998- Zilla+Baby Zillas
o   A dinosaur like creature came to New York to Nest. Maybe believed that this was a new Godzilla but it was debunked. It was found to be asexual and had laid eggs in the Madison square garden. Although, the American military decided to only focus on the adult and take care of the eggs after, although that was not the best thing to do. The eggs hatched and was going to get out and overrun the city until the air force blasted the building, killing all the hatchlings(supposedly).
·         January 18th, 2008- Clover
o   New York was attacked once more, this time from a larger monster. It rampaged through the city through the night and to early morning, just as the sun was coming up and at that time, the military proceeded with a hammer down operation. It killed the creature.
·         November 3rd, 2014- the IKDF was formed
o   On the 60th anniversary of the first major kaiju attack, all the nations had decided to form the International Kaiju Defence Force. Each nation has their own IKDF base on their own soil.
·         June 30th, 2018- A second Varan
o   In the Fuxian lake in China, a second Varan appeared and moved to the west, getting onto land and began to cause havoc in Jiangchengzhen before moving into Longjiezhen. The Chinese branch of the IKDF tried their best to deter Varan 2 from going further south but it was ultimately futile, so they simply ordered the evacuation of the cities that were in Varan 2’s path and they were trying to come up with a suitable plan to stop it. It made its way through Qianweizhen before it was bombed with Massive Penetrator (MOP) Bombs by the US branch. Varan was struck several times in the back, tearing open Varan’s back before another set of bombs fell inside the wound and dentonated inside, thus killing Varan.
·         October 15th, 2018- Death of Maguma
o   Since the MOP bombs were able to kill Varan, it was decided to send some Stealth bombers to Artic Ocean. The MOP bombs were dropped and Maguma was confirmed dead.
·         February 10th, 2020- Kamacuras; March 29th, 2020- IKDF Summit
o   Kamacuras was seen leaving Madagascar and to Africa and began to destroy the villages and cities in Mozambique. Once more, the MOP bombs were used and Kamacuras was killed.
o   All branches of the IKDF met in Tokyo, Japan. It was costly for the American branch to continue to try and continue to mass produce the MOP Bombs. They all decided to bring in all of their scientists and engineers to try to make a new, effective weapon.
·         June 1st, 2021- Ebirah
o   Ebirah surfaced in the Sulu Sea, in the Philippines. It terrorized all who sailed there. It was killed and washed up on shore 5 days later by an unknown kaiju as seen by the marks on its body.
·         September 2nd, 2024- Prototype Mazer
o   The Scientists and Engineers comes up with a prototype of a new weapon, the lazer. Trials began immediately.
·         May 4th, 2028- The earthquake and Red Baragon
o   An earthquake struck the west coast, which had collapsed parts of the Yosemite tunnel. Japan sent over some of their new digging missiles, the DO3s to help with the digging and trying to rescue all those who were trapped inside. A second Baragon, this one much smaller and redder in color than the first, burst through the mountain just left of where the tunnel was after the DO3 exploded. Instead of rampaging away like the first, it went straight back into the Earth without harming anyone.
·         December 12th, 2030- Type 1 Mazer
o   Type 1 Mazer was the first mazer to be mounted on ships and subs of all the branches. There is one drawback to the mazer, it took quite some time for it to warm up to use.
·         October 15th, 2031- Manda’s death
o   The US branch of IKDF decided to test their mazer out on Manda who was still terrorizing the Atlantic. Their submarine, the Gotengo, was sent into Manda’s territory. Manda was already going on the offensive and after some heavy damage, the captain, Douglas Gordon, gave the order to fire the Mazer once it was warmed up. The mazer killed Manda with a signal use at 90% Power.
·         July 5th, 2035- March 5th, 2100; 65 years of Peace
o   These years were known as the calm years. A time where there was no kaiju attacks and a time where the human race could focus on perfecting the Mazer weapon. Mazer types 2-65, all tested and improved upon until Mazer type-66, which was the ideal one. Now, there were mazer tanks and each nation had several of them.
·         March 29th, 2100- Baragon Returns
o   The first Baragon surfaced once more outside of Hiroshima. It did not take long for it to begin attacking the city, destroying the outskirts of the city with ease before starting to move more towards the city center, towards the Naka Ward. The IKDF deployed the Mazer Tanks and began attack Baragon . It was quick to dig to get away from the attacks.
·         January 5th, 2101- Dagahra and Barem
o   Off the coast of Guam, an infestation of Barem washed up in Tumon Bay and it was the only warning that the people who lived there had before the surfacing of Dagahra a few hours later. Dagahra landed in Tumaning and began to rampage through the town/city before ending up at the international airport. Guam deployed it’s mazer tanks abit late thanks to this attack being such a surprised one. The do drive the kaiju off into the see and killed it using the Yamato. though more Barem washed up in the bay. All marine life around Guam are subsequently killed thanks to the infestation. The other nations try to do their best to help but ultimately, Guam had to be abandoned and would stay abandoned until the Barem could slowly disappear and the ecosystem could be restored. It is estimated that Guam could be populated once again 1,500 years.
·         December 15th, 2104- Kamoebas
o   Kamoebas surfaced off of the coast of Hawaii, near Honolulu, although it never tried to come ashore. Its shell was simply seen, and its neck outstretched to have its head above water being going on its way.
·         August 15th, 2110- Gorosaurus
o   Gorosaurus was found in the forests of Papa New Guinea by an expedition. Gorosaurus had kicked and ate all of them except for one who got away and had told the IKDF. The IKDF got into action as, like all man-eating members of some animals, Gorosaurus could go into a populated areas and feed as much as it wanted. They decided to go to a controlled Napalm bombing that burned Gorosaurus alive. IKDF made sure to clean up everything and helped with the recovering area that was affected.
·         December 5th, 2115- Titanosaurus
o   Deep within the Mariana Trench, a exploration vehicle found a Sea Dwelling dinosaur. The scientist who discovered the dinosaur, Shinzo Mafune, gave it the name Titanosaurus and noted that it was a docile creature who seemed curious about the underwater vehicle and it’s bright lights. Since it seems friendly and after hearing Mafune’s words, they leave the sea dwelling dinosaur in piece.
·         September 4th, 2122- Return to Iwato Island
o   When a group went to Iwato Island, the found the bones of Anguirius. It had died some time ago, how it died was unknown. Some suspect it was of old age.
·         July 2nd, 2124- Kumonga
o   Kumonga emerged from the jungles of Vietnam near Thai Nguyen. It converged on that town and begin to wreak havoc. The IKDF immediately wasted no time to counter it, torching it with flame throwers.
·         August 11th, 2130- Gezora
o   Gezora first surfaced in the Red Sea, hindering the fishing there.
·         September 20th, 2131-March 3rd, 2140- The great Swarm of the 2130’s
o   A Swarm of Meganula, a stage of Meganulon some scientist clamed, almost blanket the skies over Austraila, preying on all those that were brave enough to go outside of their shelters. They were mostly centered around the most populated areas like Sydney. It took the IKDF years to take down all of the Meganulon.
·         April 5th, 2145- Super X Project begins
o   The Super X project was started in the Tokyo IKDF base.
·         May 28th, 2150- Gezora’s death
o   Like Ebirah, Gezora washed up on shore in Yemen, dead. The killer is unknown.
·         June 23rd, 2154- Super X Project is completed
o   The Super X is the state of the art essentially flying battleship that was compact.
·         October 14th, 2160- Baragon and Red Baragon
o   The two appeared in South Korea, near Seoul. Red Baragon was the first, seemingly just exploring when the other Baragon appeared. It was speculated that they were of the same species and it seemed like they were right. Red Baragon was more docile and while the other was more hostile. The two fought, going into Seoul, destroying the city with their fight. Red Baragon seemingly got wounded and fled while Baragon continued its rampage. Baragon began to destroy the rest of Seoul until the Super X was launched. It launched some more powerful MOP Missiles. It fatally wounded Baragon, causing it to go stumbling for a few miles before collapsing and dying.
·         November 20th, 2165- Ebirah 2; November 24th, 2165- Titanosaurus
o   A second Ebirah surfaced near the Mariana Trench, terrorizing all the ships who came past. Its terrorizing would only last 4 days, a day shorter than the first Ebirah.
o   Titanosaurus appeared and began to battle Ebirah 2 and killed it before dragging it down into the trench, obviously for food, and the corpse had never been seen again.
·         December 25st, 2170- The Christmas earthquake
o   In the early morning of Christmas day, earthquake rocked Los Angles and it was the same magnitude as the 1997 earthquake. Despite how ‘earthquke proof’ the city and surrounding areas were, there were still damages to the buildings, highways ect. Some buildings even partially collapsed. 50 were dead, 120 were injured in this event.
·         July 4th, 2175- Komoebas washes ashore
o   The corpse of Komoebas washes ashore in the San Fransisco area with deep claw marks on its neck. No one knows what could have done it.
·         January 30th, 2184- Unknown kaiju sighting
o   There have been reports of something swimming offshore of India. It was too far for anyone to describe the shape of it. So, the reports went unconfirmed.
·         April 18th, 2190- Japan earthquake and Tsunami
o   A massive Earthquake hit the off the coast of Japan, which caused an equally massive Tsunami. It struck Kushiro, Shiranuka and Hiroo. Shiranuka and Hiroo were wiped off of Japan and Kushiro was heavily damaged. It is estimated 100,000 Were dead or wounded and some were missing. The other nations were quick in sending all the help Japan could get.
·         November 10th, 2200- Godzilla Appears
o   Appearing off of the East Coast of the US, He swam into the Delaware Bay before going into the Delaware River and to the Salem Nuclear Power Plant where he got the Nuclear Reactor inside and began to feed off of it. Once he left, Nuclear Radiation lingered int he area. The world is in a panic. It is believed that he was the one that killed the first Ebirah, Gezora and Komoebas.
·         January 4th, 2204- January 8th, 2204- Baragon’s rampage, Death and Godzilla vs Super X
o   Baragorn surfaced in Pakistan, near the village of Khairpur which it had begun to destroy, devouring whoever isn’t lucky enough to run off. Baragon continued his rampage through Babarloi, Sukkur and was destroying Sangi. He ended up having a tactic to deal the Mazers which was burrowing and then coming up from underneath them, flipping and damaging them. The super X was sent out from Japan and was en-route towards Baragon when Godzilla got to the kaiju first. He killed Baragon by stomping down on the much smaller kaiju before moving on towards the Kushab Nuclear Power Plant. The Super X intercepted Godzilla just out of Jhang. The Super X seemed to be getting the upper hand, but Godzilla ended up blasting it to pieces. It Moved onto the Power plant, fed, and went back in the ocean.
·         March 1st, 2210- Super X2 Project Begins
o   The Super X2 Project begins creation at the Tokyo IKDF Base.
·         May 5th, 2210- Orga
o   A large extra-terrestrial creature landed in Durango, Mexico where it unleashed hell. Mazers had no effect whatsoever with this creature and everyone was at a loss of what to do. Godzilla appeared just an hour after Orga landed and made a B-line straight towards Orga and a battle ensued. Godzilla killed Orga before going on his own rampage in Mexico, destroying everything between Durango and Mazatlan before heading off into back into the ocean. The area was a wasteland, filled with nuclear radiation, resulting in more deaths later.
·         December 3rd, 2212- Godzilla attacks Malaysia
o   Godzilla landed at Singapore and laid waste to much of the city before moving on to Johor before moving off back into the sea, leaving much of the two cities radioactive. It’s unsure why he attacked these two cities when there’s no nuclear plants in that area.
·         June 11th, 2222- Super X2 is completed
o   The Super X2 was completed and it was around the time where there were talk about nuclear weapons.
·         January 20th, 2224- Operation Caso Charlie
o   With the approval of Nuclear Weapons from the nations, The Super X2 lured Godzilla to the Bikini Atoll where the Americans dropped a atom bomb, much bigger yield than the ones that had poisoned Lucky dragon fishing vessel and it was believed that they had killed Godzilla.
·         June 6th, 2226- Titanosaurus and Godzilla
o   Godzilla revealed that he was still alive as he surfaced and began to attack the city of Miyazaki. Titanosaurus surfaced a few moments later and the two began to fight with Godzilla getting the upperhand. Sadly, Titanosaurus was killed and Godzilla continue to lay waste to Miyazaki before going back to sea.
·         September 5th, 2230- Red Baragon Found
o   Red Baragon is found in a mining pit in Goa, asleep. IKDF puts up a base camp near the pit to keep an eye on the kaiju.
·         2254
o   Where the story starts off, 300 years after the first Kaiju attack.
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huntertales · 6 years
Part Four: There’s Always Hope. (As Time Goes By S08E12)
Episode Summary: Sam, Dean and the reader are surprised when a man who claims to be Henry Winchester, the boys’ grandfather, suddenly appears in their motel room closet demanding to know where he can find John. Henry has time traveled to the future to stop a demon named Abbadon. Through their grandfather, the brothers and the reader learn more about their bloodline and legacy. The reader even learns about her father, Andrew, and his own past that turned him into a demon. Word Count: 5,667. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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By the afternoon you and Sam were in Lebanon, the hometown to Larry Ganem for the past few  decades since the attack that took the lives of his friends. Larry was an old man now from his white hair and slower mobility, and while he was no one hundred and twenty seven year old, he felt like it from the emotional turmoil he carried for the past several decades after what he was forced to witness. When you and Sam introduced yourselves with the reason why you were here in the first place, you gave him a story about how you came to know of him from the journal you and the younger Winchester found while going through some old things.
The little white lie was enough for you to be ushered inside and into the living room where you were told to get comfortable on the couch while Larry took a seat on his arm chair. You and Sam continued on with the conversation, giving the man much information that you knew to get him to start talking without going into full detail about how his friend Henry was still very much alive and kicking. You gave Mrs. Ganem a polite smile when she arrived back from the kitchen after she fetched all of you some tea, making sure to mumble a thank you when she poured you a cup. You were careful not to spill or drop the cup when you reached for the fine china and took a sip.
"So, Henry is dead." Larry repeated the unfortunate news that brought you and Sam here in the first place. You gave him your condolences at the sad information you needed him to believe was the truth. "I was so sure that he had survived."
“Yes, well, like we said—we found his journal and were hoping you could fill in the gaps for and explain to us what happened that night in 1958.” Sam went on, hopeful the older man would give you any sort of helpful information. But it seemed he wanted to leave it all in the past, not seeing the point of dragging skeletons out of the closet after so long.
Larry scoffed, a bitterness coming over him at the past he tried so long to forget. “It doesn’t matter. They’re gone. We’re gone.”
“But Abaddon is not.” You reminded the man of the enemy you had in common, the demon both of you had tried to take down in your lifetimes.
“Abaddon was a hired gun. She killed us all that one night.” Larry said. You weren’t the type of person who liked to get mouthy with people, especially with those trying to help. But you found yourself making a remark about how everyone might have died, even one who probably wished he suffered the same fate as his fellow friends. But the man didn’t get away scot free. “She blinded me. It's a miracle I survived.”
Mrs. Ganem comforted her husband as she placed an arm on his shoulder, Larry felt around for his wife’s hand and brought it up to his lips to give her skin a soft kiss. Larry looked back over in your direction. “But she did not get what she came for.”
“The box.” Sam said, knowing exactly what Larry was referencing. The younger Winchester cut right to the chase of why you were here in the first place. “Listen, Abaddon is here, and she wants this thing. So we need to know everything there is to know about it.”
“In the box is the key to every object, scroll, spell ever collected for thousands of years under one roof.” Larry explained to the both of you. You felt your gaze drop slightly in surprise at what you were hearing. “It is the supernatural mother lode.”
“So... Abaddon wants the key so she can get her hands on it.” You took a wild guess as to what that might mean if the demon got her way.
“Can you imagine what she would do with that?” Larry chuckled to himself, you didn’t find any of this a bit funny.
“So, how do we stop her?” Sam asked the man. “How do we stop Abaddon?
“You don't.” Larry’s answer took you a bit by surprise. It wasn’t the one you wanted to hear. But you were beginning to understand why she put in so much effort to get her hands on the box. Larry pulled out a pad and pen from his sides to write down something and then tear off the piece of paper. Sam grabbed it from the man when he outstretched his hand in front of his face. “Throw it in. Shut the door forever. And walk away.”
“Wait, why would we do that?” You questioned him and the stupid idea he was suggesting.
“Because it is the safest place on earth, warded against any evil ever created. It is impervious to any entry, except the key.” Larry went on about this place, only making your curiosity peek even more. And your desire to get Abbadon out of the way so she couldn’t get her grubby hands on it. This place was something that seemed like a gold mind for a hunter, even a Men of Letters. You reminded Larry if you and Sam were to do such a thing all of that knowledge and resource would be gone forever. “And that is the price we have to pay for keeping it away from Abaddon.”
Your expression hardened slightly as you set down your cup of tea back to the saucer. “Uh, do you mind if I use the powder room?”
Your bladder wasn't what it used to be since you became pregnant. Much as you wanted to keep participating in this conversation, the baby was demanding for you to pee. Mrs. Ganem pointed you down the hall and instructed you to take the first door on the left. You thanked her once again and pushed yourself back up to your feet, leaving Sam alone for him to carry on with the conversation until you got back.
There had to be a way to take down Abbadon once and for all. No demon was impervious to death. The knife might not have worked on her and the last time you saw the colt was when Dean accidentally dropped it back in the wild west. All options that were your to go method of taking down powerful black eyed monsters like herself. Maybe this supposed place where all sorts of information and objects could help you figure out a way to stop Abbadon. All you needed to go was get out of here, find Dean and make your way to the location that Larry gave you. There was still the matter of Henry and where he ended up in all of this. But it was one problem at a demon. Demon first, grandfather second.
You made your way out of the bathroom just a few short minutes later with your bladder not calling for your attention until it decided what next important occasion would be perfect to pull your attention away from. As you were about to make your way back into the living room, you casually peered down the hall and looked at the photographs hanging up on the walls. All though Larry lost his sight over fifty years ago, that didn't stop his wife from making it look homey best that she could. You found your gaze stopping at a door that was cracked just the slightest while the rest of the them in the halls were shut. You knew the right thing to do was go back into the living room and head out while you still had time that made you one step ahead against Abbadon. You weren't known to do what was logical when your curiosity was being tested. You told yourself little peek wouldn't hurt. You quietly made your way down the hall and approached the door, slowly pushing it open and peeked inside to see that it was in fact an office. It was a cozy little room with a desk and reading chair, along with all sorts of books. It seemed out of sorts, like someone was searching for something. You approached the desk when you noticed all sorts of papers were spread around the place along with the chair pulled out, as if someone had been sitting there. You picked up a few pieces of paper to notice almost all of them were death certificates and newspaper clippings, all having to do about the fire on August 12th, 1958. You furrowed your brow slightly as to why Larry would have them. Maybe he wanted to keep some sort of file on the Men of Letters, thinking he he was the last generation after his fellow friends were slaughtered. Maybe he remembered one of them had made it out alive with dire consequences.
You pushed a few more pieces of paper around until you caught sight of a familiar name catch your eye. You picked up the marriage license to one Andrew and Ella Y/L/N. For a momentary nt you wondered why he would have such a thing. It seemed Larry wanted to know how his old friend ended up. But you noticed the paper still felt warm, as if someone had just printed it... “Didn’t your father teach you not to poke your nose where it didn’t belong?”
You heard a feminine voice come from behind you, making you realize you weren't alone anymore. For a split second you thought it was Mrs. Ganem who was standing behind you after she caught you snooping around in her husband's study after you were gone longer than you should have been. You were all prepared to make an apology, but when you turned around to face her, the woman wasn't who you were expecting. The smile on your face disappeared when you caught sight of the red hair. You really should have seen this one coming.
“Abbadon.” You whispered the demon’s name.
“And you must be Y/N, Andrew’s daughter. I always wondered what happened to him. Glad to see he got himself laid and started a little family.” Abbadon said. She noticed the papers you were holding, making her lips stretch into a slight smirk. "It's amazing what you kids put out there these days. Anyone can type in a name to a computer and find out just about everything on them. The old bag of bones knew enough to help me figure a few things out."
"If you're looking for the key, I don't have it. Sorry to disappoint.I know how much of an effort you put into getting your fifty hands on it.” You said. thinking that's why she followed you and Sam here in the first place and not going after Henry like you figured. “After all, you turned my father into a demon just to go after the box. And I know how hard you have to get your hands dirty to do that.”
“I can only imagine what kind of nonsense Henry filled your head with. There's a reason why I did that. Let's just say I gave him a punishment that fit the crime." Abbadon said. You narrowed your eyes slightly on the demon from what she meant. "Your daddy wasn't a very nice man, Y/N. If you help me get that key, I promise I’ll tell you why...and I'll kill you and your friend quickly."
You might be able to kill her like how you wanted, but there was one trick you didn't get to try yet to buy you some time before she crawled her way back out of hell. You began to whisper the exorcism spell underneath your breath, expecting any sort of reaction out of her to help let you know it was working. But you felt the words dying on your lips when you got halfway through and realized she wasn't even flinching. This was one of the moments that you knew you were in deep crap. You swallowed slightly as you tried to figure out a possible way out of this one. Before you could do anything, Abbadon made her move. All you remembered was a blow to the head and darkness engulfing your vision.
+ + +
Dean made it to the hoodoo shop right as his grandfather was about to make the foolish mistake of trying to go back in time to fix the mistakes he made. Henry wanted to give his son the life he deserved after he read through the man's journal, discovering all the heartbreak and tragedy he had to live through. It was Henry's fatherly instinct that made him want to try to play around with time to go back right before all of this mess started. He wanted to be there for his son. He wanted to try and fix the mistakes that he thought was his to blame for, not realizing if he did so his own grandchildren might not exist. But that was the price he was willing to pay.
Dean would be the first one to admit that he had done a lot of stupid things for the sake of family if it meant they were okay. He put his own life on the line and went to hell. But there was no way he was going to let his grandfather try to fix his problems. And things were only about to get worse for the people he loved the most. The argument between Henry and Dean was momentarily stopped when he heard his phone start to ring, and at the sight of the caller I.D., it was his little brother. He innocently suspected that it was about this damn box that was causing a whole lot of fuss. But the laughter that came from the other line made a sense of dread come over him.
"No. Much sexier. Try again." The demon said, thinking all of this was funny. Dean felt his grip around the phone tighten as he spoke her name in a venomous tone. "Good boy. Now listen up—I want to make a good, old-fashion horse trade. Henry and the key. In exchange, I’ll happy return your brother and little girlfriend. Or they die. Are we clear?”
Demons always had the same idea when it came to making one of them do what they want; dangle the feet of someone they cared about and watch as they squirmed, forfeiting all of their morals for the sake of a happy ever after without bloodshed. Dean unwillingly agreed. "On the road to Larry's there's a processing plant. Don't keep me waiting."
Dean ended the call after he was giving instructions that were too simple to mess up. Henry could tell from his grandson's facial expression that something was amiss. "Abbadon has Sam and Y/N?"
“She wants to trade you and the key for Sam and Y/N’s life.” Dean told his grandfather the circumstances he was going to have to follow. And while the older Winchester was willing to do just about anything to make sure you and his brother were safe and sound, his grandfather didn’t think the trade off was far. He thought he could fix things his way.
“If I could just go back,” Henry tried to persuade the younger man to letting him do this and fix all the mistakes he thought he caused. “stop this all from happening.”
“And what if you can't?” Dean questioned his grandfather. Henry fell silent. “I can't take that risk—not with Sammy and Y/N on the hook now.”
“I can't abandon my son, Dean! Not again!” Henry raised his voice, his own guilt and sorrow taking over his motives. What he was about to do was selfish and cruel, but he hurt his son and someone he once called a friend. There was no way he was going to make that mistake again. “I need to do this. I'm sorry.”
Henry turned his back to his grandson and began to continue with the ritual as he put his entire focus on making sure all of this was done right. Dean already decided on what to do. He came up from behind and put Henry into a chokehold, putting pressure on the man’s airway until it was cut off. A few moments later he felt Henry’s body go limp in his arms. What he was about to do was selfish. Trading one life for another. But he would do anything he had to make sure his real family was okay in the end of all of this.
+ + +
It was the drive halfway to Lebanon when Henry woke up to find himself in the passenger side of the Impala, his grandson behind the wheel. His throat felt like someone had choked him, the pieces weren’t too hard to connect together to figure out what was going on here. Dean made the consecutive decision to save his little brother and friend because it was what he thought was right. If Henry had his way none of this would be happening. He’d be back in his own year, packing up his wife and son up to hit the road. But it seemed Dean wasn’t that good of a hunter if he was willing to bargain with a demon. “Sorry about that.” Dean tried to apologize the violent behavior he had to use in order to get his grandfather to do what he wanted. Just because the man was trying to be sincere didn’t mean he meant what he said. “No, you're not.“ Henry muttered, pushing himself up into a sitting position. “You've wanted to do that since we met.” “Henry, you need to understand something. When my dad died, I couldn't save him...no matter how bad I wanted to. I never want that to happen to Sam. Ever. And Y/N...we lost her once before. We thought we were never gonna get her back. That feeling...it felt like someone took half of me. Never in my life do I want to feel that again.” Dean admitted his true reasons for why he was doing all of this. His drastic measures was the same reason why Henry was willing to change time. “If there's a chance that I can save the both of them, I'm gonna do it. Sammy’s my brother. And we’re the only thing Y/N has close to family.”
In all honesty, Dean understood his grandfather's urge to protect his son from the dangers that he would eventually have to overcome. It was the fatherly instinct in Henry that made him want to give John the life he deserved, and it was the same reason why Dean was willing to do anything for his little brother. He spent his entire life raising Sam and doing everything in his power to make sure he was all right. And Dean would do anything for you if it meant you were okay. He would put his own life on the line if it meant you made it out alive.
+ + +
It was a simple trade off that would leave both parties satisfied; Abbadon would get the box and Henry to do what she pleased, you and Sam went off on your merry way with Dean, never to look back again. That's what the plan was. But you've never met a demon who held up their end of the bargain without taking everything they wanted. Dean should have known better than to try and make a deal with a demon and think all of you were going to get out of here alive. What other choice did he have than to do what Abbadon wanted? She was undefeatable. He could only play along and hope for the best. You couldn't say you wouldn't do the same if it were him standing in your position with his little brother.
You watched from your spot in the middle of the warehouse, a good distance from the sliding door that was the only way out of this place from what you could tell, as Dean walked in sync with the trade offering. This was the stupidest thing that you might have ever done. You really hoped Dean wasn't stupid enough to fall for the demon's trick. He still had no idea what the key lead to and how much at stake was here. That stupid little box was more trouble than what it was worth. And soon it might the only thing that would save you and your unborn child's lives.
“Abbadon! I’ll send Henry over here with the box.” Dean called out to the demon. He took the box out from his jacket pocket to show her and reassure he wasn't trying to pull any tricks. All of you watched as he slipped it into the pocket in his grandfather's pocket. "You do the same with Y/N and Sam. No tricks."
"My only interest is Henry and the key." Abbadon reassured the older Winchester. "Once I make sure I have both, you three are free to go."
It was all on Henry to make the first move, but the man stood where he was. You furrowed your brow slightly as a sense of dread began to come over you. Part of you wondered if all of this was some kind of trick, but Henry's hesitation made you start to think otherwise. Dean wasn't in the mood for any of this. "You do this standing," Dean pulled out his gun and showed it to his grandfather. "Or you can do it crawling. Your call."
Henry could tell the man was serious from the threatening glare on his face and how his finger lingered on the trigger, willing to keep to his promise if his grandfather didn't do what he wanted. He unwillingly made the first step forward, giving Abbadon confidence that the hunter was stupid enough to negotiate. She held up her end of the bargain when she let go Sam from the force she had on him, nodding her head for him to get a move on it. Sam opened his mouth, trying to get her to let you go first, but you shook your head, wanting him to get moving before she changed her mind. Sam let out a sigh and began walking across the warehouse and to his brother who stood on the opposite side.
When he crossed paths with his grandfather, he couldn't help himself but say sorry at how all of this had to be. Henry didn't want to hear any of it. The boys' end of the deal was taken care of when Henry made it over to Abbadon with the box still in his pocket from what you could tell. And while things looked to be fair, you knew all of this was about to hit the fan when you heard a sudden echo of metal crashing from across the warehouse, making you realize Abbadon had no intention of letting you and the boys go. You saw this one coming, and yet you were still pissed.
“We had a deal!” Dean yelled at the demon, Abbadon could only laugh at the hunter.
"Surprise." Abbadon taunted the man. "I lied."
Abbadon was about to prove that she wasn't someone to be messed with. Without warning, she shoved her entire hand directly into the man's stomach before roughly ripping it out, taking all of you by surprise. A gasp fell out of your mouth as you heard Sam call out his grandfather's name, his first instinct was to rush over and do something, but Dean stopped him. Abbadon thought she was so clever and funny. But her own arrogance would be her demise. The handcuffs that kept Henry's hands behind his back were easy to get out of if they weren't put on all the way. He easily slipped out of them and pulled the gun he had hidden from the demon.
"You're not the only one." Henry whispered to the demon.
It seemed Henry and Dean were one step ahead of Abbadon this entire time. Even you knew a bullet to the brain was no way to stop a demon like her unless it was from the colt. You just pissed her off even more. She didn't seem the least bit bothered her meatsuit was ruined. To her all of this was part of the fun. But little did she realize that she was powerless, you could tell from the way you suddenly felt yourself moving backwards from her.
“Whoo! What a blast. Now, give me the box.” Abbadon commanded. She reached out and slipped a hand into Henry's pocket, expecting to find the one she saw Dean slip inside, but what she pulled out was a deck of cards. Abbadon threw it to the ground as her hands clenched into fists. "Where is it?!" She screamed on the top of her lungs, showing all of you her inner beast was ready to play. Neither one of the boys said a word, but that was no problem. "Fine. We can do this the hard way."
Abbadon reached out and grabbed a hold of Henry's face so he was now facing her. She had a little trick that none of you knew about. But her powers were useless from what he did to her. She pushed him away as she let out a piercing scream, loud enough to make you flinch at how close you still were to her, but not deadly as she wanted.  Abbadon wanted nothing more than to tear all of you to shreds, when she tried to make her way forward to Henry to finish the job, her feet were stuck, causing her to question why. A slight smirk spread around your lips at what was going on here. The only way to trap a demon was in a devil's trap. And somehow they got one lodged up in her skull.
Sam tended to his grandfather when his wounds were beginning to become too much for him to even stand up on his own while Dean helped cut the ropes around your wrists. Abbadon's mood began to change as she began to laugh again. She tilted her head up slightly, her neck covered in blood. All of you had shot and stabbed her, but nothing worked. Abbadon thought she really was the winner here. "You still didn't kill me."
"No, but you'll wish we did." Dean said. He pulled out a machete and sliced her head right off her neck, making the both of them tumble to the ground. You stared down at the head to see her blink, making you realize she was in fact still alive. "The demon trap in your noggin is gonna keep you from smoking out. We're gonna cut you into little steaks and bury each strip under cement. You might not be dead, but you'll wish you were."
Henry and Dean might have started this journey not liking one another and bumping heads at each chance they got, but they sure made one hell of a team. You looked down at the man who was lying in his youngest grandson's arms as he clung to the last few minutes of his life. You saw his lips stretch into a smirk at how well their plan was executed. "We did it."
All of you knew Henry wasn't going to make it back to 1958 and fix the way things he wanted to. He wasn't going to see his son again. John was going to follow the same path that would lead all of you here. While John was going to think of his father as someone who ran out on him, you and his children got to know Henry as a hero. Someone who risked his own life to save all of you. And that was the most Henry could ask for.
“No, you did it. For a bookworm, that wasn’t bad, Henry.” Dean said, complimenting the man for the first time as he gave him a smile. His grandfather weakly chuckled.
"I'm sorry I judged you two so harshly for being hunters. I should have known better. You're also Winchesters. By blood or not. As long as we're alive, there's always hope." Henry used his last precious moments of life as an attempt to undo the judgement he caused on his grandson and yourself. You blamed your pregnancy half the time for your influx of emotions, but you knew the reason why your eyes were starting to glaze over was because of having to see him like this. "I didn't know my son as a man, and I might not have been there for Andrew, but having met you three...I know I would have been proud of him."
You lost count how many times you've seen people die right in front of your eyes. But it never got any easier. You felt your heart sink when you saw Henry drift off just a few moments later, succumbing to his injuries. Another person you and the boys cared about was taken from you, all because of some damn box. Your eyes drifted away from the man and to the wooden box that Sam held in his hands. Whatever this thing lead to, no life was important enough to be risk to keep it safe. The Men of Letters had three remaining members now; you, Sam and Dean.
+ + +
It only seemed fair for you and the boys to bury Henry with the rest of his friends in the cemetery where he would be put to rest. You even went through the trouble of making him a grave marker with the Men of Letters crest. Life was a funny thing and what it threw your way. You always thought you were one thing, a monster doomed for a terrible fate after your parents sabotage any sort of normal upbringing you could of had into this world. But what if that wasn't the case? What if they were just trying to do their hardest to bring some good into this world, but it was tainted by the devil himself?
Heaven brought your parents together for a reason. Maybe it wasn't because of the apocalypse. Maybe it was for the original plan God wanted the entire time, for Lucifer to see the good in the things he hated. Love was a beautiful and complicated thing. But Lucifer had a cold heart. You wondered if he didn't care at all. He pulled the strings of fate to make you this way. And your parents did what they could to protect you from the things they hunted. Demons like Azazel and Abbadon after they lured their victims into the traps Lucifer set for them from being turned and selling souls to have a child after so many heartbreaking disappointments.
You were starting to realize that soon enough you were going to be in your mother's position with John's worries. Soon there was going to be a child that was yours. And you were going to have to do everything in your power to make sure they were all right.
“I get it now.” Sam spoke up after a moment of silence fell between the three of you. You turned your gaze away from the grave and to the younger man to hear what he had to say. “What Cupid said about Heaven busting ass to get Mom and Dad together. The Winchesters and the Campbells—the brains and the brawn.”  
“Well, I’m glad you see it. All I see in our family tree is a whole lot of dead.” Dean's angsty remark seemed exactly what you expected him to say. But it made you subconsciously press a hand against your stomach, knowing death was no stranger to your side of the family. And more than just relatives. Dean took his hand out of his pocket when he felt his fingers brush against a piece of paper. “Hey, I found this in Henry’s wallet.”
You leaned over to see that it was a picture of John and his father. A smile crept along the ends of your lips at how adorable he looked. And so innocent. Dean handed it over for his brother to take a look at it. “Dad looks happy.”
“Kind of makes you wish he knew the truth, huh? I mean, all those years thinking his old man ditched him when the poor son of a bitch really came here to save our bacon.” Dean said. There was no denying any aspect of your life was normal, there was always a twist to it. “Freaking time travel, man.”
“You think it would have made a difference?” Sam asked. You and his brother looked at him with a bit of a confused expression, wondering what he meant by that. “Dad. If he had his own father around.”
“What, in how he raised us?” Dean wondered if that’s what his brother meant. “Sammy, he did the best he could.”
“I know that. I do.” Sam mumbled. “They all did.”
You let out a sigh as you crossed your arms over your chest. Sam realized that the journey wasn't over just yet. He pulled something out of his pocket that made you grow furious from looking at it. And another part of you curious as to what the fuss was all about. "What are the chances that place is still standing?"
"It's a chance we've got to take, I guess. Even though ever part of me wants to throw that thing into the damn ocean and never see it again.” You said. You reached out and grabbed the box from Sam to take a hold of the thing that caused so much trouble, so much death. "I mean, we are legacies, right? This is ours much as it was Henry's and my father's. Let's see what the fuss is about."
[Next Part]
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vintage1981 · 5 years
Friday The 13th Explained
Thumbnail Image by Phantom City Creative → https://www.instagram.com/phantomcity...
After all these years and so many sequels, it can be hard to remember what really happened in all the Friday the 13th movies. Let's take a deep dive into Crystal Lake and map out the entire gruesome story. What's the worst that can happen?
In the original Friday the 13th, audiences first heard the sad, sinister story of young Jason Voorhees. He drowned at Camp Crystal Lake in 1958, after two counselors took their eyes off the boy to go have some sexy-time. Those two counselors were murdered, and the camp was subsequently shuttered.
The camp reopens two decades later but it still has a reputation for murder and mayhem — and rightly so. Meet Annie, freshly hired as a camp counselor. She hitchhikes to Crystal Lake, opting to ignore the warnings of Crazy Ralph, a generic townie who asks if she's going to "Camp Blood."
But maybe Crazy Ralph isn't so crazy after all. Annie is chased through the woods by an unseen assailant and brutally murdered… and she's just one of several counselors to meet a grisly end.
It turns out Jason Voorhees isn't the killer in the first installment. The murderer is his mom Pamela, who doesn't want the camp reopened because of her son's death.
Twenty years of grief have curdled into madness, and Mrs. Voorhees hears her son's voice urging her to kill. Fortunately, an intrepid camp counselor named Alice decapitates Pamela Voorhees, and that's the end of this particular bad mama.
At the end of the film, Alice has a nightmare in which she's attacked by the rotting corpse of young Jason Voorhees. It's surely one of the greatest jump-scares of all time...
Alice swears it wasn't a dream…but police say they never found a body. Strange, isn't it?
Friday the 13th Part 2 kicks off two months after the events of the first film. We learn that Alice is still haunted by the night she killed Pamela Voorhees. Little does she know that Jason is still alive — and he's been living out in the woods. Jason tracks down Alice and totally kills her… but not before stashing Mrs. Voorhees' head in the fridge.
As you might already know, Jason's trademark hockey mask doesn't make an appearance until the third installment of the franchise. Instead, we get Sackcloth Jason. Keep watching the video to see the entire Friday the 13th story finally explained
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