#All caught up
rayan12sworld · 3 days
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💠💙All Caught Up
"Betrothed," Wei Ying says indignantly.
Lan Wangji can't stop his gaze from darting up to him. Wei Ying understands. Wei Ying is looking at him, wide-eyed and upset on his behalf.
"And you don't even like her," Wei Ying says.
"I don't even know her," Lan Wangji says quietly.
"But even if you did—" Wei Ying starts.
"I wouldn't want this," Lan Wangji finishes.
It was really funny,especially Lan jingyi 😂
"Stop it," he hears his husband hiss at Jiang Wanyin, who is staring grimly at the lovebite on Wei Ying's neck. "Stop it, it's fine. I just...slipped." "Onto Lan Wangji's mouth?" Jiang Wanyin whispers loudly, then flushes, his gaze darting around the room.
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the-football-chick · 2 months
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briar-ffxiv · 2 months
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Day #5 of FFXIV Mixed May Job/Class
First and foremost, Briar considers himself an Archer. When he reluctantly went to Gridania, he was accepted by the Archer's Guild. Despite protests, Guildmaster Luciane saw potential in Briar and was pleased that he was a shy, but dedicated student. He often spent hours in the early morning practicing.
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sanguinesucker · 7 months
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sakuraprisma · 10 months
I have done it.
1089 chapters, just in time for 1090 to come out.
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navar44 · 2 years
Making a Mess of Things
A bit of writing based on @aaytaro-gt ‘s Inktober prompt list.
Day 25 - Soap
The thick brown muddy substance washed off easy enough in the bath she’d made for herself in the sink, the soap feeling wonderful after the mess she’d gotten herself into.
Of course, it wasn’t mud she was washing off of herself. It was frosting from the chocolate cake that the bean she called a friend had made. The chocolate cake that was for her birthday. That she had only meant to get a tiny scoop of frosting off of, but had slipped and fallen into instead.
Besides making a mess of herself and her clothes, she’d also made a mess of the frosting. He would be back soon enough from work, and he’d easily spot the mess she’d made of the cake.
They’d never met, face to face. He’d started leaving notes for her and, eventually, she’d started to reply. But they never spoke in person, and he’d never laid eyes on her. And now, she wasn’t going to apologize in a note.
She was going to apologize in person for ruining a perfectly good gift. It was only right, right?
After a few more minutes of quick bathing in the sink, and a quick wash of her clothes, she dried off as best she could and returned to the cake down the counter.
The smearing of frosting that ran across the countertop to the cake was her next task, and she cleaned it as best she could with a bit of water and a giant napkin. She couldn’t do anything about the ruination of the cake’s frosting though, so she sat on the sticky note he’d left earlier, and waited.
Her heart picked up to a race a few minutes later when the door to the apartment opened and her bean entered. It only took him a few seconds to spot the cake, and then a second more for his eyes to go wide at her.
She gave him a small wave, trying not to curl into a ball in shame as he walked over to the counter where she sat next to the cake. He clearly noticed how she’d ruined the frosting, and she felt her face warm as he scooted a chair over.
“Hi Peter.” She managed, looking up at his face.
“Hello Tiff, It's great to finally meet you!” He smiled, and his eyes looked over at the cake.
Tiff looked away, fiddling with the strap of her belt. “Sorry about the cake, I was trying to get a scoop of frosting and, well…”
Peter just laughed, waving his hand. “Oh, don’t worry about it! I made it for your birthday after all.”
“Well… yeah, but I fell on it!”
“Bah, don’t worry about it. If anything, I’m overjoyed to just meet you in person! And if you’re only doing that because you feel bad that you fell in some frosting, then I’ll happily accept meeting you as an apology.”
Tiff shifted on the counter. “Soooo… we’re cool?”
“Yeah, we’re cool.”
She nodded slowly, standing up. “And I’m good to leave? You won’t stop me?”
“Yes, and of course I won’t. I do have a question before you vanish though.”
“I can probably answer it, what?”
“Well,” He motioned to the cake, “Would you like a slice?”
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thelowerdecker · 1 year
That’s me now up to the latest Episode of Picard! Finally now gonna be up to date with it! 🙂 ⬛️
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cassidymayshijinks · 1 year
Finally caught up. Now you know what happened, there’s nothing else I have to add at the moment, just heading for the mainland. 
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ddagent · 2 years
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Day 6 & 7: Ajaccio and Day at Sea
In Ajaccio, I got to do my favourite planned excursion: the tortoise sanctuary!!! I got to see massive Galapagos and Seychelles tortoises as well as tiny babies. It was so incredible; I learned lots of good tortoise facts as well! On the day at sea, I took part in a craft activity and made Cat Crab. I also got to watch The Batman on the onboard cinema!
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incoherentbabblings · 2 years
What exactly were Tim's issues that made him feel out of place with the Batfamily if they were not his sexuality and how did it impact his relationship with Steph? In Rebirth wasn't he also having a similar sort of issue but Steph was his anchor and she did say she knows him regardless of what he calls himself so I'm still confused on what exactly caused him to feel break up with her as he himself stated it was for no reason.
I think it's a very long, long part of Tim's character. He defines himself by his usefulness to a person, usually Bruce, but then also Steph in Rebirth. Take that away, and he doesn't know what to do with himself. He doesn't have a role to fulfill, one he's believed in fervently since the age of 13. He doesn't have much for himself. Yes Steph was very much his 'thing' so to speak, but we saw what happened when she left. You can't build your future and hopes and dreams and pin it on one person, and I think that's a lesson Tim learns in Rebirth, however only with regards to Steph. He never lets go of being Bruce's aid.
It's why he freaks out and - to be cruel - comes crawling back in Robin after his 16th birthday disaster way back in 2003. It's why he's such a mess in Red Robin. He loses Bruce, so he is no longer providing that role, Alfred Dick and Damian punt him out of Robin and try to give him another role, but he panics and reverts back to his helper status to Bruce, as that's where he feels most comfortable. The Red Robin costume is him refusing to let go and face reality, so he straddles the line and calls it progression.
In the New 52 it's a bit more meta but the back and forth about who the heck Tim even actually was but again, he's just kind of there for most events and stories, and he literally calls himself a black sheep at one point (which considering Jason and Damian exist I find a bit rich but whatever). Rebirth is a bit better but again, Tim is feeling out of place and that's why he' thinking of giving college a try. It doesn't happen because circumstances overtake him but it's all the same thing.
Steph can say she knows who Tim is, that doesn't necessarily mean he believes her 100% of the time. Him attaching himself to her doesn't resolve anything, it just gives him a shoulder to lean on. Tim's a restless character, and he can be fickle.
The short answer is they broke up because Meghan wanted them to. It's really no deeper than that I think in reality. You can say that's unsatisfying but... that's what happened.
The longer answer is that it's a continuous pattern of Tim's since about 2004-ish to feel slightly outside and uncertain of what his future is, and how he wants that future to look. He can doubt if he wants Steph there, he can doubt the suit he wears, he can doubt if he has any use outside of being Bruce's handler. The sexuality discussion - in my personal reading - is another facet of Tim's characterisation. Ideally, with this part slotting into place, so to will other factors such as his title or his placement within the batfam. I think they're all connected. That's what I think.
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fnafhs-anons · 2 years
Day 42
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dreamingonthedaily · 2 years
starter call for the following :
Outlander: Jamie Frasier
Stranger Things: Steve Harrington
Supernatural: Sam or Dean Winchester
Harry Potter: The twins, Ginny or Harry
Wednesday: Morticia (young or old)
ACOTR: literally anyone haha
Like and let me know who you would like a starter from!
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Ok, replies are queued up till Tuesday. If you don’t see your reply come Wednesday, let me know! I already had to hunt down a few I knew I didn’t have in my drafts. I don’t want anyone to think I’ve dropped threads when I just wasn’t notified for them
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junglekarmapippa · 2 months
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Day 12. The remixes of Go Go Power Rangers we had to endure during Samurai and Megaforce were atrocious. And I have a vague memory I didn't like the Ninja Steel, but I don't remember it enough.
Day 13: the Time Force Morpher has always been my dream purchase.
Day 14. This is a tough one. I love Theo's war fans but I also love the Time Force sabers.
Day 15: Reinforcements from the future was peak Power Rangers team up.
Day 16: Dimensions in Danger needs to stop existing. What a garbage episode. I may make a detailed post expressing why I hate it so much. My most hated Power Rangers episode.
Day 17: For a singular ranger, RJ's wolf. As a Megazord, the Isis Megazord.from Wild Force.
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public-benches · 4 months
one of my favorite things in dunmeshi is how chilchuck turns out to be the guy in the party with the least to hide despite how much he goes out of his way to act all secretive. like the more we learn about everyone else it seems like they’ve all got like trauma or crimes or even just oddities that they don’t share explicitly not bc they’re hiding anything, but just because it’s never come up, or it’s too much of a hassle to explain, or it just didn’t occur to them. meanwhile, Normal Man Chilchuck is finding new gray hairs every morning because his friends want to know how old he is and his darkest secret is that his wife left him for being… too secretive. like up against a monster-phile, a dark mage, a circus attraction and Schrödinger’s cannibal, him making such a big deal out of having three adult kids is kinda epic
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