fnafhs-anons · 2 years
Day 3
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funniest fhs screenshot known to man
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majoringinsarcasm · 10 months
Ace Attorney reboot where everything is the same but Miles Edgeworth’s is obsessed with FNAF rather than steel Samurai. And the Steel Samurai murder cases where the costumes play a huge part are in fact the suits in fnaf.
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sucrate · 6 months
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Have been a time since we talked! I hope you're doing alright and having a good night/day!!
Just came to say 'hi' because you're a very special person to me! you were one of the first person I talked here on tumblr and I will never forget the funny little thing we would send each other. I wish we could go back to talking with one another someday, I really miss you!!
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HI OMG HI OMG !!!! FOXY:-) TYSMM RAA ? ? ? I MISS U 2 WTF !!! tysm 4 this omggg im doing sooo well <- KILLED IN THE ACADEMICS . i hope ur doing well too >_< !!!!!
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smolsleepyfox · 1 year
My favorite wtf fact about maritime history is definitely that while yeah, sometimes ships collide, there is more than one ship that rammed another ship, survived, and went on to RAM ANOTHER SHIP. You'd think this is both rare enough and teaches a lesson so that one ship shouldn't do it twice.
My second favorite fact is that a surprising number of Norwegian ships have rammed other ships, including a Norwegian ocean vessel (!) sinking another ship on the Great Lakes (which are notably not an ocean.)
My THIRD favorite fact is that the ships doing the ramming usually come out more or less fine. And even if one or both ships sink, they often are refloated and remain in service. The ship that sank the Andrea Doria in 1956, back then called Stockholm, is still in use!
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1ris5starlight · 4 months
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(0:14) Foxy reaction:
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(0:39) Sun looks genuinely confused-
Sun: 😶
Foxy: I'm so sorry. I'M SO SORRY.
Sun: *inhale* I don't get paid enough for this.
(1:38) Foxy-!! Seriously?!
(I mean more kidscove- but still!!)
Foxy: Uh- y-yeah, you look good tonight!
Sun: *blink* wha-?
(2:15) Sun! Not you too!!
By the way, this is so funny-!!🤭
(2:27) FC'S WHAT?!
(2:32) Monty, shut up pls. This is just uncomfortable as it is for them-
(4:18) WHAT. THE. H*LL MONTY?!
(5:10) FOXY!!! DON'T SAY THAT!!!!
(5:27) FOXY!!! STOP ASK THAT!!!
(6:39) my god-....
Sun looked and sounded SO uncomfortable..
(I understand him, he doesn't like being touched without his consent and this is forcing him...)
(7:59-8:19) What were they implying-??
(9:58) FOXY!!
1. Monty is an @ss, when they do those things-
2. ...I wish this was real though...
I mean- they continue making fun of this ship and make videos about it, but they're just not real....
I wish Sun and Foxy would have a serious relationship, not just some joke...
I safe-healty kidscove relationship. That's what I want!
Because I'm kinda getting tired of all this fake videos about this ship...
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darerendevil · 9 months
For archive purposes: August, 2016
Pretty much every summer since he was a little boy, the Irish actor Cillian Murphy has taken his summer holidays in Dingle, a small fishing and market town in Co Kerry. It’s a curious mix of Graham Greene’s 1930s Brighton — all colourfully painted pubs and no flashing amusement arcades — and organic restaurants and sushi bars from the cosmopolitan 21st century. It seems entirely appropriate for Murphy, 40, who can wrap a dangerous hardman from the past, like the Peaky Blinders gangster chief Tommy Shelby, in a soft cloak of contemporary vulnerability.We meet a few streets back from the front, in a pub so Irish, you’d think it was a film set. On one side, there’s the bar; on the other, a hardware store counter. He walks in as I’m trying to buy a drink and finding they don’t take debit cards. It takes a couple of seconds to recognise him. He’s slender, hunched into his denim jacket, slim legs in black jeans, a mop of hair almost covering his startling blue eyes. I explain that I’m wondering if it’s wise to drink while interviewing, and he gives a small smile. “I think it would be rude not to, don’t you?” And he buys me a Guinness.
Settling in a chair at the back of the pub, he talks about Dingle, suggesting places to hear live music. “My father’s been coming here since he was a boy, so the holiday tradition goes back a long way,” he says. It’s briefly disconcerting to be sipping a pint and chatting about family holidays with the piercing gaze and paper-slicing cheekbones of the chillingly dangerous Shelby.
When Murphy leans forward on screen, someone’s probably about to die. “He has movie-star stillness,” says Caryn Mandabach, the executive producer of Peaky Blinders. “It’s when the camera loves to stay on your face, and you can just think what the character is thinking, and it comes across. You’re born to that, you can’t learn it.“When I met him for the role of Tommy Shelby, he was so slender for a gangster, I asked how he could convey the physicality of a violent man. He leant forward, looked me in the eyes and said, ‘I’m an actor’, in such a way that I backed down instantly. There’s something in his eyes.”
In Foxy John’s pub, however, if he leans forward, it’s because he’s excited, discussing Stevie Wonder’s drumming groove or how he can’t fall asleep if he’s not listening to Radio 4, or — a favourite topic — his constant grappling to understand modern notions of masculinity.His latest movie, Anthropoid, is part of that study. It’s an unconventional war film and he plays an unconventional hero. The script is based on the true story of two Czech soldiers in the republic’s London-based army in exile during the Second World War, who were sent back to Prague by the clandestine British Special Operations Executive. Their mission was to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich, the SS officer running the Nazi-designated protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.
The operation was successful, although luck played a significant part. Murphy’s character, Jozef Gabcik, jumped in front of Heydrich’s open-topped car and began to fire, only to find that his British-supplied Sten gun had jammed. His accomplice, Jan Kubis (played by Jamie Dornan), threw a bomb, which narrowly missed. The pair fled, assuming they had failed, not realising that Heydrich had been hit by a jagged chunk of shrapnel and would die, days later, from severe septicaemia.
Unusually for an action film, the assassination comes at roughly the halfway point. The story moves on through the destruction of entire towns in SS reprisal attacks, and the horrific torture techniques the Gestapo used to drag information from civilians suspected of helping the duo, before they’re hunted down in a church.All the time, they are battling doubts about the point of their mission. Dornan can’t bring himself to shoot a fleeing collaborator, and Murphy is consumed by guilt at having recruited local women to give the pair a convincing cover story.
“Their fear and paralysis is very relatable — they’re not presented as invincible superheroes, and that was the appeal for me,” Murphy explains. “Even though it was a small act, it had huge global repercussions. But they did not have the benefit of history to see that they did the right thing. They heard that 10,000 people had been massacred because of them. Imagine trying to live with that. Are there contemporary causes you could be that committed to, that would demand taking innocent lives? I don’t know.”He wonders what path he would have chosen, might still choose, if heroic action were demanded of him. He recently saw Force Majeure, a Swedish film that’s “like a meditation on masculinity”, he says. “This father is with his family on a skiing holiday. They’re having lunch when an avalanche roars down on the restaurant. He grabs his iPhone and runs — but the avalanche just passes over. It was dust. The mother had grabbed the two children, and they watch him walk back. For the rest of the film, they have to figure out what this has done to their family, what it’s done to him as a man and as a father.”
He gives a little shiver. How to be a father is something he’s working through carefully. His sons, Malachy and Aran, are in primary school in Ireland — Murphy and his wife of 12 years, the artist Yvonne McGuinness, recently moved back there from Kilburn, northwest London, because they wanted their boys to be Irish, to live by the sea, to know their grandparents. At the same time, he worries about protecting them from the iron casket of being an Irish man.“I’m firmly of the belief that women are the superior sex. It became apparent to me pretty early on as a young man,” he says. “Men, and particularly Irish men, project this macho facade. They still find it hard to express emotions. It’s why we’re great storytellers — it’s internalised, and it comes out through great drama or after 11 pints of stout, but it’s not the default setting. I hope my boys aren’t growing up that way.”
When he was an adolescent, emotion came via music. Both his parents were in education: his mother is a French teacher, his father a civil servant in the Irish education department. “My dad was one of those people who could pick up any instrument and play it. He’s a traditional music aficionado, so we went to a lot of sessions as kids. It was my first experience with an art form that could change you emotionally.”He rebelled against his father’s tastes, preferring the Beatles, Stevie Wonder and Van Morrison, although “by the way, I also bought a lot of terrible 1980s music... my first record was probably Europe’s The Final Countdown”. By luck, Stevie Wonder’s Superstition comes on the pub stereo, and for a moment he’s lost, recalling his days in a Frank Zappa-esque band that almost signed a five-album deal with Acid Jazz Records back in August 1996. He suddenly pauses, frozen for a second, thinking things through.
“So that’s 20 years ago this month,” he muses. “That’s the month everything in my life changed. We turned down the record deal, I failed my law exams, I met my wife and I got cast in Disco Pigs... It was the ultimate turning point.” He raises his glass and we silently toast this anniversary.
Disco Pigs, Enda Walsh’s play about a pair of strange, inseparable teens on a night out in Cork, was his first proper acting job after school and student am-dram. It was supposed to run for three weeks at an arts centre in Cork, but blew up, transferring to Dublin, then Edinburgh and London, then Europe, Australia and North America. He was on the road for 18 months and, in 2001, reprised his role for the film version. That’s where Danny Boyle saw him and cast him as a bike courier battling the zombie apocalypse in 28 Days Later — which is where Christopher Nolan saw him and cast him in Batman Begins and Inception.And on and on, until his movie-star stillness and piercing blue eyes placed him in the rare position noted by Mandabach: “He’s both a movie star and an actor, and almost no one gets to be both.”
All of which surprised him completely. “I’d never seen a zombie movie before 28 Days, so I really thought they were making a film about the problem with rage in our society.” He shakes his head. “I didn’t know it was a hit in America until Chris Nolan flew me over. To be honest, with Tommy Shelby, I saw it as a show about the generation unmade by the First World War, trying to figure out how to be a man... I’m always drawn to stories about damaged men.”By now, two pints down, I’m getting overfamiliar. He played a transgender foundling in search of a mother in Neil Jordan’s Breakfast on Pluto, in 2005, and an Irish republican soldier in Ken Loach’s The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006). These feel like pioneering, campaigning roles, I say — and it’s as if shutters crash down behind those eyes. He suddenly becomes watchful and cautious. “It was the roles, really — I had no particular desire to bring the issue of transgender to the public,” he says carefully. “If that was a by-product, I’m really happy, but that was not the primary motivation. You have to be careful. You can annoy people by being righteous, preachy and privileged. And the IRA...” He shrugs. “I’m not going to be drawn onto that particular minefield.”
There’s a brief pause, then he starts gathering his things, heading back for dinner with the family. “Look,” he says kindly, “there are things I don’t like talking about in interviews — no one really wants an actor’s opinion. But also I’m wary of this whole thing.” He waves at the tape recorder. “Unburdening your soul in public. All my male mates are Irish, at ease with slagging each other off. Like Jamie on this movie — we slagged each other off all the time. With Irish men, slagging is code for love, but it’s never really articulated.”He still feels music is the safest place for him to feel emotion. “It’s much more instinctual than intellectual, and the words are secondary. I don’t think I cry at a song because the lyrics are so affecting. It’s generally the melody that gets me first.” He still plays guitar and writes songs. “Which makes me bad news at parties,” he says with a grin as we shake hands. “People ask me to play something, and all I’ve got is this thing I’m working on that no one’s heard of.
“Even in Dingle,” he says over his shoulder, “they don’t let you get away with self-indulgent crap like that.”
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cosmic-kinglet · 1 year
I finally got around to watching the Monty and Foxy video from today, and guys. Guys. I'm going to go absolutely feral over Monty putting Moon in SS tier without saying a single word. No hesitation, no comment. They miss their bro, and, as far as we know, they still have no idea that Moon's memories were wiped. Like, Moon's seen his interactions from the past with Monty in the videos, but the actual conversations and the feelings in those moments aren't there anymore. Anyway, I'm gonna stop now before I get into crying territory. <- half-joking
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Neon: Happy Birthday, Keiwa.
Keiwa: Eh? Neon-chan? How did you find out?
Neon: Sara-san told me.
Keiwa: Nee-chan did?
Neon: Also as a birthday gift *kisses Keiwa’s lips*
Neon: Aishiteru yo, Keiwa.
Keiwa:* midori_tanuki.exe stopped responding.*
Ace: Kiss him again! So he’d respond!
Keiwa: Shut up you fox!”
Keiwa: Do you really?
Keiwa: Wo-
Neon: Hmm, I’m going to have to stop you there.
Neon: Let’s wait until two weeks after before you ask that question.
Keiwa: I don’t want people to think that I’d jilt you of gifts just because our anniversary falls on your birthday.
Sae: How thoughtful *rolls eyes*
Ace: *smirks*
Ace: Lame!
Ace: I’ll just make sure you buy him two gifts, Na-go.
Sae: And he’s back to his usual foxy self.
Sae: You’ve been shipping these two since you met them, didn’t you?
Ace: I knew it even back then.
Well, that's one hell of a birthday present for Keiwa XD Guy's gonna have to propose on Neon's birthday to top that...
Ace and Sae being the co-captains of the SS Taneko though lmao... they'll be the ones crying the hardest at the wedding
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foxymoxynoona · 7 months
Hey Foxy, who’s your favorite OC side character among all your stories? I have a few (Dominique from SS, Soona and Gina from Amended, Min Je-ni from Meadow, Heidi from Lowlander)
Does Otto count as a side character? Lol I love him too.
NOooooooooo this is soooooo hard 😭😭 Ok but do you mean like to be my friend, or to write? Because some of my favorite ones to write I would not actually want in my life LOL
I love the ones you mentioned. I loved Chailai in Meadow too. Heidi from Lowlander is a big one and "the Father" (I LOVED writing the Mother but obviosuly do not want her haha). Auruem and Yo-han were so fun tooo... and Anja.... I liked Yannick in Lone Blue and Lidmila in To Kill A King and Seychelle in Tell Me What Changed hehehe. Dom and Maxi are obviously loves but so s Gio, and personally I love Michele as difficult as she can be, and I adore Dr. Kim so much.
It's too hard, I can't choose.
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Today on Monty: Tier List
-Both Monty and Foxy are very pro-child-murder. Monty hates kids (mentioned several times in previous episodes). Foxy hates humans in general (mentioned yesterday I think), but especially children and security guards. Monty does think Gregory is okay, though.
-Monty does not know about Shadow Freddy, but they do know about Ennard
-Monty immediately put Moon at SS-Tier. Sun joining him at SS-Tier was more Foxy’s idea.
-Monty and Foxy put themselves at S-Tier
-Puppet has become trans. Other channels in the past have referred to that image with a different name and pronouns.
-Vanny was instant Trash-Tier. Monty also tried to put Glamrock Freddy there, but Foxy stopped them.
-Monty poaches elephants for fun
-Foxy insists that humans go in Trash-Tier, but dead kids get SS-Tier because he likes that they’re dead.
-SS-Tier is Exotic Butters, Moon, Sun, both FNAF 1 and FNAF 2 versions of Golden Freddy (out of self-preservation), and the dead Afton kids because Foxy likes the fact that they died.
Awww okay thats kinda cute :)
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snowy-bones · 2 years
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I gots me a Foxy-tats! CHILLS I GOT YOU A FRIEND!
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fnafhs-anons · 2 years
I swearrrr I'm only 2 days late but tumblr says it's 3, sorry yall!
Days 5, 6 and 7 🙏🙏
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foxymoxyda · 4 months
Hi Foxy,
So this introduction of your DA writing is a whole new world for me. I’m slowly learning what DA is all about. That plus what you’ve shared about it from the Lowlander universe, and Sasha from SS, has sent me poking around the interwebs to read up on the different version of it from over the years. I remember you saying that your career is also based in the game space, so let me ask you: as someone who has literally zero experience gaming (I know, I know, I’m an aberration) but who would be willing to give it a try for DA, where should I start? One thing I read was that for DA, the PC game is the way to go (as opposed to a separate console) - does that sound right? If so, which version/game? Sorry if my terminology is wrong. I literally have no idea what I’m doing here, but I want to be a bit like Sasha and escape in this world and pine for Cullen ;) a little too. Any direction would be appreciated. Also, Thanks for this story. It’s a cool departure from all your other stories (which I am equally obsessed with, don’t worry)
This is so fun!! The beauty of these games is that they're pretty good and easy to pick up. You can even play them on easier difficulty levels to just learn and enjoy, I highly recommend it.
PC is totally fine for these, you can play mouse and keyboard so you don't even need a game controller unless that is more comfortable for you. Reflexes are more important in the third game than the first or second. You can really start wherever you want so I'll give you some pros/cons for where you want to.
Dragon Age: Origins, the first game of this series. If you start here, you'll meet people and make decisions that can impact your world and story in the second and third game. Very story-based, some of the best companions. Generally I'd say this is the place to start so you learn everything from beginning. There's a part you go into the Fade which can be really long and frustrating, I highly recommend using walkthrough instructions online if you get too frustrated :) There are several DLCs you can play too that set up the next games further.
Dragon Age: II. Secretly my favorite of the games, but don't start here lol. I think this should be played after Origins. Fair warning, folks tend to either love or hate this game. I love it.
Dragon Age: Inquisition, the most recent game. It's got a better look and more updated tutorials based on how folks playl games now. It has a little more reflex-dependent gameplay but there are tutorials and easier modes. Its pacing can be faster depending if you want to do all the side quests, it feels more open world and exploring which can be a lot of fun if you're having fun. This is not a bad place to start either if you want to jump right in. You wont' have the backstory yet for some of the characters but you'll figure it out :)
Happy playing, I hope you enjoy yourself!
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digi-sams-au-hell · 5 months
Dazzle: Okay, we’re getting you childcare lessons *shoves Radiant into KE*
Lord Radiant, several hours later: *comes home shaking and covered in tiny bite marks, finger paint, and glitter*
Dazzle: *dangles Rad by his ankle*
Lord Radiant: *angry screeching*
SS Monty: Hey, I apologized for saying I didn’t give enough of a shit about you to help with the Lunar thing.
Dazzle: That’s why I didn’t count that part. But now I remember that you also shot me in the crotch with fireworks during that conversation, so screw you.
?AU Funtime Foxy: Hey, uh, where’s Funtime Freddy? We were supposed to hang out a few days ago, but he never showed up. And he stopped answering my texts.
?AU Freddy: Well, you see, he- uh- well-
?AU Funtime Foxy: Is he ghosting me? You can tell me if he doesn’t want to be friends anymore.
?AU Freddy: What? No! No, no, he’s not ghosting you, he’s just… there’s no easy way to say this. He’s dead.
?AU Funtime Foxy: Huh?! Wha- wha- What?! What do you mean he’s dead?! How did this happen?!
?AU Freddy: He, he pissed off someone very powerful. Beyond even my father’s ability to deal with.
?AU Funtime Foxy: What, no way. I can’t believe- Well, actually I can believe it, especially after that whole Shadow Freddy thing… what did he even do?
?AU Freddy: He… slept with his brother.
?AU Funtime Foxy: … He..
?AU Freddy: Slept with an unbelievably powerful entity’s baby brother.
?AU Funtime Foxy: Huh. Wow. Okay. Didn’t know Funtime had it in him. Was he cute at least?
Vim: I sure hope I am! Would make tonight really awkward if I wasn’t!
?AU Funtime Foxy: I guess that makes sens- Wait who are you?!
Vim: I’m Lunar! Nice to meet you.
?AU Freddy: That’s the brother I mentioned.
?AU Funtime Foxy: What is he doing here?!
?AU Freddy, avoiding eye contact: He’s here for… well… uh…
Vim, winking: I’m here to spice up his and his wife’s evening.
?AU Funtime Foxy: WHAT?! You’re gonna… isn’t that what got Funtime killed?!
Vim: Don’t worry, I’ll keep my mouth shut this time. Lips are sealed. Big brother won’t find out, promise.
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magymacabre · 7 months
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Villain Era
RIOT / Lilith BOM Fishnets - Black
Tights: WeArH0uSE [torn] Sheer
+Psycho Barbie+ Bat Pasties
718 // HWS Occult Dress // Cross
UNICORN - Blouse Loise // 02
Just Magnetized - Francesca Hairbase
Foxy - Focus
[HEXUMBRA] Chloe Liner
[HEXUMBRA] Mattie Eye Shadow
[HEXUMBRA] Robin Lip
[HEXUMBRA] - Spaced Out - Faded - Eye Star
[HEXUMBRA] Cry Baby Face - Nope
[HEXUMBRA] Face bats
[HEXUMBRA] Leafy Nose Bridge Tattoo
Lilithe'// Rabies Tattoos - Fresh [FINGERS ONLY]
RUNES Fingers Tattoo
Nar Mattaru . Augmenta Tattoos
Flora Design Swallow Pixie Full
endi. Faded tips
CC - Enchantress Aura (add to wear!)
Vibing -- Fiona Rings
Vibing -- lisha collar
SU!- Tormey Septum
RAWR! Breathe Bracelets
RAWR! Countess Harness
zhu. x reborn 'Illumi' stiletto nails
TETRA - Spicy Bralette chain
iNeed [Witch Hour] Gauged XL
Astralia - Sapphire Boots
Ebody Reborn
Lel Avalon.
::Sequoia:: Oblivion eye set
Nar Mattaru . Persephone Skin {Ghoul}
^^Swallow^^ XL Ears Gauged Ears
MAZE.mods - Soft Thighs mod
[HEXUMBRA] Love Hurts
[HEXUMBRA] - Sleepless Eyes
[HEXUMBRA] - Deanna Freckles
[HEXUMBRA] - Deanna Moles
Marsh - Face Scars V1
:ss: soft neeps
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1ris5starlight · 6 months
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(Minute 14:44) DAMN CRINGE FOXY- WOW!!
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