#Alleging tax terrorism
thatcerealkiller · 6 months
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Merpenoth 27th, 1486 OUTRAGEOUS WARFARE IN OUR STREETS Sources within the City Watch have confirmed a harrowing night left forty-eight dead from the industrial docks to the merchant district. All of them were alleged members of the same criminal organization known for trading in arms, narcotics, and other illegal activities. This is not a win for us or the City Watch. The murder of these criminals remains unsolved and all signs point to another even worse criminal group. According to our sources the causes of death were: Stabbed - 14 Beheaded - 8 Burned - 6 Crushed - 5 Hanged - 4 Drowned - 2 Shot - 9 Shot. Shot by a high powered rifle, a very illegal firearm. Who’s to stop these criminals from using their disgusting weapons on citizens? They take gold for protection, they take gold to enter commerce, and make no mistake what they call a tax is nothing but thievery from good citizens like you and me. These dregs don’t have the honor to use a blade. Guns don’t belong in Waterdeep. These evil men don’t belong in Waterdeep. The City Watch might celebrate the slaughter of one but another will always rise up in its place. When criminals war with each other in our very streets, we the citizens of Waterdeep lose. I implore you to attend every Watch Council meeting and demand they solve these crimes and end this reign of terror for good. - Editor
Thank you @kasumitanart for the amazing art depicting Angelus' last night in Waterdeep ⚔️
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mariacallous · 1 month
Romanian police on Wednesday searched four properties linked to Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan amid new child sex and trafficking allegations.  
According to Romania’s prosecutors for the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) police descended on four locations owned by the Tate brothers in Bucharest and Ilfov.
The searches are linked to a fresh investigation against the Tate brothers, according to the authorities.”DIICOT implemented four home search warrants within Ilfov county and Bucharest municipality, in a criminal case regarding the commission of the crimes of forming an organized criminal group, trafficking in minors, trafficking in persons, sexual intercourse with a minor, influencing statements and money laundering,” said a press release.
Police raided Andrew Tate’s properties following new complaints made by the alleged victims of the Tate brothers, who run, among other things, a business related to video chat in Romania.
A spokesperson for the Tate brothers confirmed the raids on social media. “Although the allegations in the search warrant are not yet fully clarified, they include suspicions of human trafficking and money laundering. The brothers’ legal team is present to ensure all formalities are carried out correctly,” they said.
Andrew Tate commented on X that he was the victim of conspiracies. “The Matrix is ​​real. And they have a tried and true playbook. Slander is their number one tool, and the process is the punishment,” wrote Andrew Tate.
The Tate brothers are global influencers and self-proclaimed misogynists who claim to teach young men how to become men and fight against the system they call “The Matrix.”
The two are currently awaiting trial in Romania on charges of human trafficking, rape, and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women. In mid-July, the Bucharest Court of Appeal annulled the decision of the Bucharest Court of July 5, by which the brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate had received permission to leave the territory of Romania. In the UK, Andrew Tate faces a civil case from four British women who claim they were raped and assaulted. The brothers are also being taken to court by police in the UK for allegedly paying zero tax on £21 million in earnings from their online businesses.
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eretzyisrael · 9 months
by Ari Heistein / Nathaniel Rabkin
Notably, despite its tight control of many aspects of life in the Gaza Strip, Hamas has resisted imposing any formal licensing or inspection regime on building contractors. This arrangement facilitates a multiplicity of unregulated contractors, who are well placed to help divert building supplies for the construction of tunnels or other military projects, without leaving much in the way of a paper trail.
Hamas also tries to directly involve itself in the work of UN agencies in Gaza. According to press reports by The Times of Israel, senior members of Hamas have sat in on and even led associations of UNRWA staff. A police state of informants, imprisonment of critics without trial, and pervasive torture in detention facilities mean that anyone critical of Hamas’s interference in these groups is likely to be intimidated into silence. A mid-October incident in which UNRWA publicly alleged that men from Gaza’s Hamas-run “Ministry of Health” had seized fuel from its depots—then deleted the announcement—indicates the extent of aid groups’ vulnerability, and the immense challenges of trying to protect their independence when operating in areas controlled by ruthless militants.
Most shockingly, the recent testimony of an Israeli hostage released from Gaza states that, in at least one case, a kidnapped Israeli child was held captive by an UNRWA teacher, and kept locked in a room in the teacher’s house in cooperation with Hamas.
The case of Hamas in the Gaza Strip is especially illustrative, but it is certainly not unique.
The Houthis in Yemen have been even more brazen. In 2020, they attempted to impose a 2 percent tax on all foreign assistance entering areas under their control. They eventually walked that position back when they realized that many aid organizations would cease operations if forced to directly deposit money into Houthi accounts. Nevertheless, they have devised a variety of other methods to ensure that they receive their cut, and humanitarian organizations have been continuing the flow of money and supplies, without taking any effective measures to stop Houthi exploitation.
Around the same time as the Houthis were demanding a percentage of the humanitarian assistance to Yemen, UNICEF took steps to make its Yemen programming budget less transparent. As of the last two years, they no longer publish line items in their budget. (Compare this itemized list of their spending in Yemen in 2020 with these public accounts from 2021, which contain a detailed breakdown of spending in many countries—but Yemen is a notable exception.) According to the Counter Extremism Project, in some instances, this may serve to cover up their continued patronage of known Houthi-controlled companies, such as the private security provider Yemen Armored.
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ICHR called on Hamas to respect and promote the right to freedom of opinion, expression and peaceful assembly, and halt any measures that affect the right of citizens to organize public gatherings.
In an appeal to human rights organizations, Palestinian political activist Hamzeh al-Masri wrote:
"We, the people of Gaza, ask you to look into the crimes of the Hamas organization... and mention those crimes. We call on you to protect us from this organization that does not stop kidnapping and torturing citizens inside Gaza. And on this date 7/30/2023 there was a peaceful demonstration in Gaza calling for an improvement in the living conditions and [an end to] the severe injustice that we are exposed to in terms of poverty, hunger, permanent power outages, the imposition of heavy taxes on us, and the lack of jobs.... Hamas beat demonstrators, shot at their homes, and threatened them with weapons.... We call upon you once gain to protect us and rescue us from the Hamas organization as soon as possible. Watch all these crimes on this channel https://t.me/hamza20300"
Meanwhile, in the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp in Lebanon, at least 11 Palestinians were killed and 40 wounded in armed clashes between rival gangs, and at least 2,000 Palestinians were forced to flee their homes during the three days of fighting. The clashes erupted after the assassination of Fathi al-Armoushi, a senior Palestinian security officer, and three of his bodyguards.
The same international media that have been reporting obsessively about Israel's counter-terrorism operations in the West Bank over the past 18 months, have totally ignored Hamas's brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters and journalists in the Gaza Strip. The same applies to the bloody clashes in the refugee camp in Lebanon, where more than 2,000 Palestinians have been displaced as a result of the fighting. When Palestinians beat or kill Palestinians, the international media choose to look the other way.
The voices of the anti-Israel activists around the world who regularly rush to condemn Israel for seeking to defend itself against Palestinian terrorism have gone silent when it really comes to protecting Palestinians. The activists, who describe themselves as "pro-Palestinian," do not actually care about Palestinians, especially those living in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon's refugee camps. If Israel cannot be blamed, the world does not care.
The silence shows that the "pro-Palestinian" messaging is just dressed-up antisemitism. The alleged distress of "pro-Palestinian" individuals and pressure groups has nothing to do with a genuine concern for the Palestinians -- and everything to do with a racist hatred of Jews.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
July 16 (UPI) -- In a continued crackdown on Mexico's drug cartels, the Treasury Department announced Tuesday it placed sanctions on four Mexican companies and three Mexican nationals allegedly tied to fraudulent timeshare activity used against American citizens and linked to the notorious Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion.
"Cartel fraudsters run sophisticated teams of professionals who seem perfectly normal on paper or on the phone -- but in reality, they're money launderers expertly trained in scamming U.S. citizens," Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson said Tuesday in a news release.
The department's office of Foreign Assets Control alleges the four Mexican companies and three Mexican civilian accountants were directly or indirectly tied to timeshare fraud lead by the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion, or styled in English as the Jalisco New Generation Cartel.
The criminal organization operates call centers in Mexico with scammers impersonating U.S.-based third-party timeshare brokers, attorneys or sales representatives, the U.S. government contends.
And about 6,000 U.S. citizens reported losing nearly $300 million from 2019 to 2023 via Mexican timeshare fraud crimes by targeting American timeshare owners often in various or complex ways in years-long schemes, according to the FBI, adding that totals what they can track legally as unreported crimes keep on.
Treasury points at four companies in Mexico: Constructora Sandgris, Pacific Axis Real Estate, Realty & Maintenance BJ and Bona Fide Consultores, which the department claims were the front companies doing business on behalf of those linked to Mexican drug cartel.
Nelson says unsolicited calls and emails may look legitimate but actually are made by cartel-backed criminals.
The Treasury claims the thee Puerto Vallarta-based accountants -- Griselda Margarita Arredondo, Xeyda Del Refugio Foubert and Emiliano Sanchez -- had family ties to individuals already cartel-linked and had allegedly aided in fraudulent activities to steal from U.S. citizens.
"If something seems too good to be true, it probably is," Nelson said.
The scam begins when a timeshare owner receives an offer to purchase their property, according to an attorney.
"They call you up and tell you that they have a buyer for your timeshare," Michael Finn of Florida's Finn Law Group, told ABC News. "They will send you documents that look real and tell you that you need to pay taxes before you can get your payment."
The Treasury Department and its partners are taking steps to deploy all available tools "to disrupt this nefarious activity, which funds things like deadly drug trafficking and human smuggling," said Nelson.
Five years ago in 2018 Treasury sanctioned two men it claimed laundered money and ran an international prostitution ring for the cartel.
The transnational CJNG, a violent Jalisco, Mexico-based organized crime syndicate, is known to traffic the large part of illicit fentanyl and other deadly drugs which typically enter via the southern U.S. border, having gone so far as to threaten Mexican journalists it views as giving the CJNG "unfair" news coverage.
And it uses illegal proceeds, like from its timeshare fraud schemes, to diversify its already-illicit revenue streams in order to keep financing other criminal activities, including the manufacturing and trafficking of fentanyl and other synthetic drugs, according to the federal government's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
Police seizure of illicit fentanyl pills have skyrocketed in recent years, a new study found. And pills represented 49% of illicit fentanyl seizures in 2023, compared to 10% in 2017.
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection in April launched "Operation Plaza Strike" as an offensive targeting Mexican drug cartels to disrupt the flow of fentanyl and ingredients used to make the synthetic opioid that has become a leading death of young Americans.
However, this is not the first time the CJNG has been accused by the U.S. of similar crimes. Last year in March, the Biden Treasury placed similar sanction on eight other Mexican companies it alleged had took part in a similar timeshare fraud scheme on behalf of the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generation.
Even at the time a Treasury official pointed to how in select Mexican tourist destinations the CJNG had already become by that point "heavily engaged" in timeshare fraud in places like Puerto Vallarta where it had gained a strategic foothold.
Last year, the U.S. claimed the accused cartel-backed companies had extracted money from victims by making unsolicited offers to buy their timeshares, and when victims accepted offers, Mexican scammers requested fictitious fees and taxes under the pretense they would facilitate the sale and give reimbursed money after closing.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months
Is there something more to H's obsession with huge protection? by u/RandomFirework
Is there something more to H's obsession with huge protection? I don't just mean in terms of being able to access intel or evade any legal charges for anything at all ever via IPP status should he have been able to zoom straight on to the Next Step. I don't just mean in terms of leeching off the tax payers for a service he feels is vital to his survival. I mean is there some underlying psychological issue driving this unquenchable need for a swat team to guard him wherever he goes? Why will he not listen to those advising him (repeatedly) that when in the UK - by royal invitation and appointment - he would be risk-assessed and dealt with appropriately? Why is he still screaming and banging on the House door?I'm thinking along the lines of transference and/or projection of his own terror that is frozen, embedded in arrested childhood. H is like a hysterical child banging on his parents' door at all hours to be let into their bed; scared of the darkness swamping over him and begging for hugs, a light to be put on and maybe one more bed-time story.How would his children know to be scared of the UK unless they were taught to be so? Are they scared of the USA when it seems - to us in England - that everyone over there carries a gun in every pocket? If they have been brought up to be terrified of violence why do they not trust their (alleged) battlefield father to protect them from ogres and shadows full of monsters waiting to pounce and gobble them all up? Have they witnessed his night terrors? Or is he projecting his own fear, transferring his own fixation onto these children? Is he creating generational trauma or is TO, in effect, hiding behind his own kids?Apparently Diana's death and the catastrophic car chase in NY were used in court as justifications for his claim. Diana was in the protective (and useless) care of the Al Fayed Security - a choice she had made herself. She was also the one who chose not to wear a seatbelt or reject an allegedly drunk off-duty driver. Nuff said. What more can be said about the NY charade? It's all irrational nonsense.The consequences of leaving the RF were spelled out clearly and security was on that list of what would change after the year of grace.Yet still the monsters are lurking under the H-bed and there is no-one to sweep him up into a loving parental cocoon, symbolised by a fully loaded swat team, while the ogres pace around slavering for their moment to gobble him up. And still he is banging on the doors to the House. Screaming hysterically.​ post link: https://ift.tt/h8AVwKU author: RandomFirework submitted: February 28, 2024 at 09:33PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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xxxjarchiexxx · 10 months
"A Google employee protesting the tech giant’s business with the Israeli government was questioned by Google’s human resources department over allegations that he endorsed terrorism, The Intercept has learned. The employee said he was the only Muslim and Middle Easterner who circulated the letter and also the only one who was confronted by HR about it.
The employee was objecting to Project Nimbus, Google’s controversial $1.2 billion contract with the Israeli government and its military to provide state-of-the-art cloud computing and machine learning tools.
Since its announcement two years ago, Project Nimbus has drawn widespread criticism both inside and outside Google, spurring employee-led protests and warnings from human rights groups and surveillance experts that it could bolster state repression of Palestinians.
Mohammad Khatami, a Google software engineer, sent an email to two internal listservs on October 18 saying Project Nimbus was implicated in human rights abuses against Palestinians — abuses that fit a 75-year pattern that had brought the conflict to the October 7 Hamas massacre of some 1,200 Israelis, mostly civilians. The letter, distributed internally by anti-Nimbus Google workers through company email lists, went on to say that Google could become “complicit in what history will remember as a genocide.”
“Strangely enough, I was the only one of us who was sent to HR over people saying I was supporting terrorism or justifying terrorism.”
Twelve days later, Google HR told Khatami they were scheduling a meeting with him, during which he says he was questioned about whether the letter was “justifying the terrorism on October 7th.”
In an interview, Khatami told The Intercept he was not only disturbed by what he considers an attempt by Google to stifle dissent on Nimbus, but also believes he was left feeling singled out because of his religion and ethnicity. The letter was drafted and internally circulated by a group of anti-Nimbus Google employees, but none of them other than Khatami were called by HR, according to Khatami and Josh Marxen, another anti-Nimbus organizer at Google who helped spread the letter. Though he declined to comment on the outcome of the HR meeting, Khatami said it left him shaken.
“It was very emotionally taxing,” Khatami said. “I was crying by the end of it.”
“I’m the only Muslim or Middle Eastern organizer who sent out that email,” he told The Intercept. “Strangely enough, I was the only one of us who was sent to HR over people saying I was supporting terrorism or justifying terrorism.”
The Intercept reviewed a virtually identical email sent by Marxen, also on October 18. Though there are a few small changes — Marxen’s email refers to “a seige [sic] upon all of Gaza” whereas Khamati’s cites “the complete destitution of Gaza” — both contain verbatim language connecting the October 7 attack to Israel’s past treatment of Palestinians.
Google spokesperson Courtenay Mencini told The Intercept, “We follow up on every concern raised, and in this case, dozens of employees reported this individual’s email – not the sharing of the petition itself – for including language that did not follow our workplace policies.” Mencini declined to say which workplace policies Khatami’s email allegedly violated, whether other organizers had gotten HR calls, or if any other company personnel had been approached by Employee Relations for comments made about the war.
The incident comes just one year after former Google employee Ariel Koren said the company attempted to force her to relocate to Brazil in retaliation for her early anti-Nimbus organizing. Koren later quit in protest and remains active in advocating against the contract. Project Nimbus, despite the dissent, remains in place, in part because of contractual terms put in place by Israel forbidding Google from cutting off service in response to political pressure or boycott campaigns."
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news-of-the-day · 2 years
Ukrainian forces encircled the strategic Donetsk town of Lyman, and Russian troops withdrew. Donetsk is one of the regions Russia said it annexed.
Brazil had a presidential election between incumbent Bolsonaro and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. The result is very close so there will be a runoff election in October. For those who don't remember, Bolsonaro has been compared to Trump, whereas Lula was previously president but was later sent to prison for corruption after his term. Unfortunately Bolsonaro seems to be taking a page from Trump's book and preemptively made allegations about the voting machines.
One point of contention about UK Prime Minister Truss’ economic plan was removing the 45% income tax rate for people earning more than £150K/year whilst simultaneously slashing governmental services. After a very volatile week for the pound, as well as protests from MPs of her own party, Truss reinstated the rate.
Burkina Faso had a coup, except it just had a coup nine months ago so it was basically one junta leader overthrowing another. West Africa for the past few years has had a lot of coups, many of which are due to jihadist groups roaming between borders, terrorizing the populace. The overall lack of security is making armies more bold as citizens depend on them for safety.
The National Archives told the House Oversight Committee that it's still missing some records from the Trump administration.
Last year Mexico sued US gun makers to the tune of $10B. Mexico estimated thousands of murders can be traced back to guns smuggled from the US. Today a judge dismissed the lawsuit, citing a federal law that protects gun makers from lawsuits if the gun is used properly.
125 are dead in Indonesia following a stampede in a soccer stadium. A few thousand fans rushed the field after the match was lost, and police fired tear gas to push them back. The resulting panic amongst the spectators led to the crush. President Widodo announced an investigation into the police’s actions.
I'm finding wildly different numbers on the death toll after Hurricane Ian, but it's about 60-90. Search and recovery efforts are still underway. Ian was so destructive, Cuba has asked the US for assistance.
The Nobel prize in medicine went to Svante Paabo, who managed to sequence the Neanderthal genome.
1) CNBC 2) NYT 3) Financial Times 4) NPR 5) Axios 6) Al Jazeera 7) BBC 8) CNN, WSJ 9) Nobel Prize
I won't update tomorrow or Wednesday due to Yom Kippur.
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ejesgistnews · 16 days
Top Nigerian Newspaper Headlines online Today, What are the top Nigerian Newspaper Headlines for Today?  Staying updated on the latest developments in Nigeria is essential, especially in today's fast-paced world. Here are the top 10 Nigerian newspaper headlines for September 10, 2024, that capture the most significant news across the country.   From breaking stories to in-depth analyses, these headlines reflect the top news in Nigeria this morning. Whether you're interested in politics, business, or social issues, these latest Nigerian newspaper headlines will keep you informed. Dive into the top stories in Nigeria today and stay ahead with the latest updates.   The latest Nigerian Newspaper headlines for August.  Here are the 10 Nigerian newspaper headlines for September 10, 2024:   1. DSS Releases Ajaero, Seizes Passport The Department of State Services (DSS) has released Joe Ajaero, the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), after detaining him for about 15 hours. Ajaero was arrested at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja while on his way to the United Kingdom for a Trade Union Congress (TUC) event. Although he has been released, his travel passport has been seized by the DSS².   Ajaero was reportedly questioned over alleged terrorism financing involving a British national and his involvement in the #EndBadGovernance protests².     2. Ajaero: Tinubu Setting New Record Of Impunity, Says Amnesty International Amnesty International has condemned the arrest of Joe Ajaero, the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), by the Department of State Services (DSS). The organization stated that President Bola Tinubu's government is setting a new record of impunity with this action. Amnesty International's Director, Isa Sanusi, highlighted that the arbitrary arrest of Ajaero represents an escalating crackdown on human rights and restrictions on civic space in Nigeria².   Sanusi emphasized that the government has been persistently attacking and undermining the operations of the NLC through fabricated allegations, raids on NLC headquarters, and other forms of harassment and intimidation². Amnesty International has called for Ajaero's immediate and unconditional release, asserting that his arrest violates international human rights standards².     3. DSS Releases NLC President Ajaero Before Midnight Ultimatum: The Department of State Services (DSS) released Joe Ajaero, the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), just hours before a midnight ultimatum issued by the labour union. This follows the union's threat to escalate nationwide protests if Ajaero was not freed. His arrest was linked to ongoing labour disputes concerning fuel subsidy removal.   4. Attorney General Warns Against Arrests Without Thorough Investigations: Attorney General of the Federation, Lateef Fagbemi, has advised anti-corruption agencies to avoid arresting suspects prematurely. He emphasized the need for comprehensive investigations before apprehending individuals to avoid damaging reputations without evidence. This was discussed during a roundtable with state attorneys in Abuja, urging reforms to Nigeria’s legal processes.   5. President Tinubu Denies Claims of VAT Increase Amid Economic Concerns: Amid rumors of an impending increase in Value Added Tax (VAT) from 7.5% to 10%, President Bola Tinubu's administration has refuted the claims, assuring Nigerians that no such economic policy is in place. The government reiterated its commitment to stabilizing the economy while rejecting false reports.   6. Four-Hour Erection Can Lead to Permanent Dysfunction – Expert Warns: A medical expert has warned that experiencing an erection lasting more than four hours can lead to permanent erectile dysfunction. This warning came after increasing reports of men abusing drugs for erectile enhancement, raising health concerns about long-term consequences.   7. 100 CNG-Powered Buses to Be Released in Ogun State to Combat Fare
Exploitation: Governor Dapo Abiodun of Ogun State has announced the release of 100 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)-powered buses to mitigate fare exploitation by transport operators. This initiative is part of efforts to provide more affordable public transport amid the rising cost of living.   8. APC Plans Nationwide Rallies to Mark Tinubu's 500 Days in Office: The All Progressives Congress (APC) has unveiled plans to hold nationwide rallies to celebrate President Tinubu's 500 days in office. The party highlights the administration’s achievements, including infrastructural development and economic reforms, as reasons for the celebration.   9. Russia Shoots Down 144 Ukrainian Drones Overnight: Defence Ministry. Russia's Defence Ministry has reported that it intercepted and destroyed 144 Ukrainian drones overnight, marking one of the largest drone attacks of the war. The drones were shot down over various regions, including Moscow, Kursk, Bryansk, Voronezh, and Belgorod². This significant escalation comes amid ongoing intense fighting in eastern Ukraine and the border regions.   10. Fuel landing cost rises, marketers fear high Dangote petrol price.   Oil marketers in Nigeria are expressing concerns over the rising landing cost of petrol, which has now reached approximately N1,120 per litre. This increase is causing apprehension about the potential high price of petrol from the Dangote Petroleum Refinery.   The delay in announcing the price of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) from the Dangote refinery has led marketers to consider importing petrol if the refinery's prices are too high. The landing cost is the price at which the commodity arrives at Nigeria’s shores, and with the current pump prices ranging between N855 and N897 per litre, some independent dealers have already hiked their prices above N1,000 per litre. The National President of the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN), Abubakar Maigandi, mentioned that they are in discussions with foreign partners to potentially import petrol if it proves to be more cost-effective than purchasing from the Dangote refinery.     That is all for today on Nigerian Newspaper Headlines. Click here more Naija News. [caption id="attachment_141833" align="alignnone" width="650"] Nigerian Newspaper Headlines photo file[/caption]
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Israel orders seizure of $26 million of Palestinian tax funds
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/israel-orders-seizure-of-26-million-of-palestinian-tax-funds/
Israel orders seizure of $26 million of Palestinian tax funds
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Israel’s far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich ordered the seizure of 100 million shekels ($26 million) of tax funds intended for the Palestinian Authority (PA), saying the funds would instead support Israeli victims of “terrorism”.
It is the latest withholding of duties for the PA, which exercises limited autonomy in parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, since Israel’s war on Gaza began in October.
In a statement issued late on Sunday, the finance ministry claimed the confiscation of funds was “part of measures to combat terrorism”.
The statement quoted Smotrich alleging the PA diverted the funds to the “families of terrorists”, an accusation he has made before.
Israeli politicians have regularly criticised the Ramallah-based PA for granting financial support to the families of Palestinians killed or jailed for confronting Israel.
A 2004 law enshrined the PA’s responsibility to guarantee “a dignified life” for current and former Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails for actions against Israel’s occupation.
The law ensures “their economic rights and those of their relatives” are protected.
Palestinians view the pension as a lifeline for families and a symbolic gesture of support against Israeli occupation.
The finance ministry statement said this was the fifth time it had withheld funds, which Israel collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority.
The PA – whose finances have come under increasing strain during the Gaza war – did not immediately respond to AFP requests for comment.
Smotrich said on social media platform X that the withholding of Palestinian funds was part of a broader strategy to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state “to ensure security” for Israelis, alongside increased settlement in the West Bank.
A Jerusalem-based diplomat told AFP that this is a new tactic.
“They are thinking of new ways to sanction the PA and destroy it. It’s crazy, they are pushing the PA to collapse”, said the diplomat.
Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law.
The United States, Israel’s top ally, supports steps towards a Palestinian state.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
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"CLAIM REIGN OF TERROR EXISTS IN TOBACCO TRADE," Toronto Star. May 16, 1934. Page 9. ---- Retailers Afraid to Display Any But Imperial's Pro- ducts, Inquiry Told ---- SAYS THREATS MADE --- Special to The Star Ottawa, May 15. - H. C. Fortier, Montreal tobacco wholesaler, appearing before the tobacco price spreads inquiry, to-day declared he had become so calloused to complaints of Imperial Tobacco's alleged efforts to strangle all other competition that he could not begin to enumerate the various instances.
Quebec retailers were in constant fear of being cut off Imperial's buying list, he said.
Favors Price Maintenance John Hughes, secretary-treasurer of LO. Crothe, Ltd., of Montreal, said his firm was in favor of price maintenance.
His company had passed on to the consumers the lowered excise and sales tax in 1932 but nothing came out of their pockets, he said. Jobbers and retailers absorbed the 37 cents reduction not taken up by the reduced government tax.
Mr. Hughes claimed his 1931 price of 27 cents per pound was the highest paid by any tobacco buyer that year. In 1932, he paid 31 and 27 cents per pound on two purchases.
Witness said he had refused to supply jobbers who cut prices. "Did you ever refuse because the jobber did not belong to the association?"
"Do you contribute money to the association?" "In one case."
Charges Competition Strangled Mr. Hughes declared he did not like the methods used to strangle competition. "The methods used are so numerous it would take a week to enumerate them. Some salesmen for other manufacturers even go into tobacco shops and, if rivals goods are too prominently displayed, they will pick them up themselves and cart them to the back of the store. The retailer is afraid to say a word for fear of being cut off."
That applied more to cigars than cigarettes, he said. "To whom are you referring "Imperial Tobacco."
"Is that a real complaint?" "Yes. It is the general practice."
"Can you name them?" "Yes, but I ask that their names be withheld. Otherwise I fear for the consequences unless Imperial Tobacco has has a change of heart because of what has come out of this committee."
W. W. Kennedy, Winnipeg, Conservative, asked him to file the names for Investigation by the committee's investigators. "Otherwise we are dealing with fog," he pointed out.
"Nearly Life Death" Mr. Hughes charged "complete discrimination against his cigarettes. He cited the case of a Winnipeg retailer warned by Imperial Tobacco that their goods must have 80 per cent of his advertising space under penalty of losing the privilege of buying direct.
"Eighty per cent, means 100 per cent," he complained.
"I looked in 3 different windows to-day," said E. J. Young Lib.. Weyburn). "Imperial cigarettes dominated most windows dominated but I saw Macdonald's and your cigarettes in others."
Norman Sommerville. K.C. committee counsel: "If the retailer doesn't play with Imperial. It is life or death to him?" "Pretty near." Mr. Hughes said three weeks ago his firm put out a new cigarette in Toronto and put streamers on the streets. A day or so later Imperial plastered the streets with streamers advertising their brands.
"We put up more streamers to counteract this," he said. "To-day I received a wire from our Toronto manager telling me that almost all our streamers were taken down, but he could not prove anything."
Witness cited several instances of alleged threats by Imperial salesmen the tobacconist did not remove the showcases of rival firms. "This one funny," he observed. "This complaint does not affect our goods. It says the salesmen warned the retailer that he would have trouble buying direct unless he took Benson-Hedges cigar showcase off his counter."
Mr. Hughes declared the complaints widespread that the believed orders to salesmen must come direct from Imperial Tobacco head- quarters
"Have you any actual personal experience of this practice?" "No, but one retailer was ordered to produce for Imperial a record of all other brands he sold that month. He had ordered goods three or four days delivery delivery was held up.. He told us the Imperial salesman coming back the next day so we sent down some men to hide in the next room and listen to the conversation. The salesman told the retailer he was ashamed to do this but he had orders from head office. If the records were not forthcoming. the retailer could no longer buy direct from Imperial. Our men came out. The salesman saw he was trapped and the retailer got his supplies that afternoon."
Claims Signs Torn Down Only last week the signs advertising a new cigar his firm was making in Hull were torn down. Mr. Hughes said. "Who did this?" he was asked. "Imperial," he replied.
"Who says so?" "Our manager. He would not say so unless he had pretty definite evidence."
Major Kennedy: "It's a big fish eating the case of the little fish. That has gone on ever since there were fish."
Mr. Hughes: "Maybe we were fish to go into this but, now we are in, we will fight."
"But sometimes the little fish escape?" "The smaller they are, the better chance of escape they have."
All manufacturers could afford to the grower more for his tobacco were not for the premiums in packets of cigarettes, he said. "Who started this practice premiums? asked Sam Factor.
Mr. Sommerville: "Cards in cigarettes are as old as you or I. I remember when we used to get pictures of Delilah Fox, Lily Langtry and other famous actresses. They were to look at, though."
Claims Initiative Stultified Defining the practices which he said militated against free exercise of business Initiative, H. Fortier, prominent Montreal jobber distributing for Macdonald's, said: "We have found we would put up a British Consols sign and an Imperial man would come along and tell us he could sell us no longer direct. We arranged to distribute Macdonald's tobacco the Montreal unemployed. A few days later the retailer who distributed to the jobless was told he could no longer buy direct from Imperial."
A. C. Picard, vice-president of the Rock City Tobacco Co., at Leamington, makers of Spud and Master Mason cigarettes, said the retailer to-day was in "dangerously poor" condition "Every one of them will be out of business business in in a few years, years," he predicted. The retailer's share of the $75.000.000 Canada spends in smokes every year was $12,000,000, he said. This, divided among 57,000 retailers, is an average of $260, or $1 a week.
"The retailer should get 20 per cent. and the jobber 10 per cent. That's how it was until ten years ago, he said.
He often thought the heads of Imperial did not know the lengths to which their salesmen went to get business, he said. "They drive their men, who get so nervous and excitable they upset everything in their scramble for business. Imperial has 133 salesmen going around the country with 100 advertisers following them to check up on them.
"They are to keep on putting the fear of God into the heart of the retailer," he claimed. "The salesmen are frightened of losing their jobs if they don't seem to have firm enough hold on the retailers."
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xtruss · 5 months
Criticizing The Illegal Regime of Zionist Terrorist 🐖 Isra-hell? Nonprofit Media Could Lose Tax-Exempt Status Without Due Process
A New Anti-Terrorism Bill Would Allow The Government To Take Away Vital Tax Exemptions From Nonprofit News Outlets.
— Seth Stern | May 10, 2024 | The Intercept
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“Scrotums Licker of the Illegal Regime of The Terrorist Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas,” speaks during a news conference in the U.S. Capitol on March 21, 2024. Photo: Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call via AP Images
It Doesn’t Take much to be accused of supporting terrorism these days. And that doesn’t just go for student activists. In recent months, dozens of lawmakers and public officials have, without evidence, insinuated that U.S. news outlets provide material support for Hamas. Some even issued thinly veiled threats to prosecute news organizations over those bogus allegations.
Their letters were political stunts. Prosecutors would never have been able to carry their burden of proof under anti-terrorism laws, and all the pandering politicians who signed the letters knew that. But next time might be different, especially if nonprofit news outlets, such as The Intercept, manage to offend the government.
That’s because a bill that passed the House with broad bipartisan support in April — after which a companion bill was immediately introduced in the Senate — would empower the secretary of the Treasury to revoke the nonprofit status of any organization deemed “terrorist supporting.” This week, the bill’s Senate sponsor, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, introduced it as an amendment to must-pass legislation to renew the Federal Aviation Administration’s authorities. While it didn’t make the cut (the Senate didn’t vote on any of the dozens of proposed amendments), it’s likely to make its way to the Senate floor in another form soon.
Funding terrorism is already illegal, but the new bill would let the government avoid the red tape required for criminal prosecutions or official terrorist designations.
You might think actionable support of terrorism is limited to intentional, direct contributions to terror groups. You’d be mistaken. Existing laws on material support for terrorism have long been criticized for their overbreadth and potential for abuse, not only against free speech but also against humanitarian aid providers. A recent letter from 135 rights organizations opposing the bill highlighted efforts to revoke the tax-exempt status of, or otherwise retaliate against, pro-Palestine student groups.
There’s No Reason to believe the press is exempt from overreach. In their recent letters, elected officials called for terrorism investigations of the New York Times, Reuters, CNN, and the Associated Press, relying on allegations that those outlets bought photographs from Palestinian freelancers who covered Hamas’s October 7 attacks.
The feigned outrage originated with a spurious accusation, from an organization ironically calling itself HonestReporting, that those pictures evidenced that the photographers who took them had advance knowledge of the massacre. Otherwise how (other than, say, TV or the internet) would they have known where to go?
HonestReporting then reasoned that the news outlets that bought the pictures may have been in on it as well — because, of course, when an international news giant buys a picture from someone on its vast roster of freelancers, it’s reasonable to impute the freelancer’s alleged sins all the way up the chain.
HonestReporting eventually walked back that convoluted theory, admitting it had no evidence and was merely asking questions. After forcing the news outlets to publicly deny having ties to Hamas, HonestReporting said it believed them.
But that didn’t stop U.S. officials from surmising that the fact some Palestinian freelancers in Gaza had contacts with Hamas officials — which should not be surprising, given that Hamas is the governing authority in the besieged enclave — made anyone who hired them terrorism financiers.
And it gets even worse. One of the letters — signed by over a dozen state attorneys general — floated the theory that the outlets’ reporting could itself evidence support for Hamas. As the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker (another nonprofit news site, operated by Freedom of the Press Foundation, where I work) put it:
The letter also highlighted that “material support” for terrorist groups — both a federal and state crime — can include “writing and distributing publications supporting the organization.” It did not elaborate on what would be considered support, potentially chilling any reporting that does not unequivocally condemn Hamas or unilaterally support Israel.
The attorneys general then warned the outlets that they would “continue to follow your reporting to ensure that your organizations do not violate any federal or State laws by giving material support to terrorists abroad.” The writers continued: “Now your organizations are on notice. Follow the law.”
Many of those same attorneys general recently argued that “First Amendment speech and associational freedoms do not protect persons who provide material support” to terrorism. They failed to mention the Supreme Court’s skepticism that “applications of the material-support statute to speech or advocacy will survive First Amendment scrutiny … even if the Government were to show that such speech benefits foreign terrorist organizations.”
Members Of Congress have set their eyes on news outlets as well. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., parroted HonestReporting’s disinformation in multiple letters, while 15 congressional representatives demanded that the news outlets provide information — potentially including source identities and communications — regarding the freelancers, threatening to issue subpoenas.
If there is any doubt about the nonprofit bill’s backers’ intentions, consider that five of its House sponsors also signed onto a letter to the Internal Revenue Service asking how it defines antisemitism and insinuating that the IRS should deny tax-exempt status to nonprofits that “promote conduct that is counter to public policy,” even if they’re not accused of supporting terrorism at all.
Nonprofit news outlets are already struggling even without government harassment, but revocation of their tax-exempt status would be a death knell for outlets doing the kind of in-depth investigative journalism that is hardly ever profitable these days. The mere prospect would chill reporting, not only on Israel but also on U.S. foreign policy generally. And that’s not to mention the threat to nonprofit press freedom organizations that journalists depend on to protect their rights (including to not get killed in Gaza).
Unfortunately, this is just the latest piece of reckless, unnecessary “national security” legislation that puts the press at risk. Last month, President Joe Biden ignored civil liberties advocates and signed into law a bill that would allow intelligence agencies to enlist any “service provider” to help the U.S. spy on foreigners.
As Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., explained, the law could “forc[e] an employee to insert a USB thumb drive into a server at an office they clean or guard at night.” And that office could easily be a newsroom, where journalists often talk to foreigners whose communications might interest U.S. intelligence agencies.
Is the government going to immediately start conscripting reporters to surveil their sources, or shutting down nonprofit news outlets that stray from the Israeli military’s narrative? Probably not. But history teaches that once officials are given the power to retaliate against journalists they don’t like, they inevitably will. The prospect of the Espionage Act and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act being weaponized against journalism was also once merely hypothetical — until it wasn’t.
And let’s not forget that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee publicly fantasizes about jailing and otherwise retaliating against journalists.
Those who claim a second Donald Trump term would mark the end of democracy need to stop passing overbroad and unnecessary new laws handing him, and future authoritarians, brand new ways to harass and silence journalists who don’t toe the line.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Police in the Indian capital, Delhi, have raided the homes of prominent journalists and authors in connection with an investigation into the funding of news website NewsClick.
NewsClick's founder Prabir Purkayastha and a colleague were arrested. Police also seized laptops and mobile phones.
Officials are reportedly investigating allegations that NewsClick got illegal funds from China - a charge it denies.
Critics say the move is an intentional attack on press freedom.
Started in 2009, NewsClick is an independent news and current affairs website known to be critical of the government. In 2021, it was raided by tax authorities on allegations of breaking India's foreign direct investment rules.
The co-ordinated raids at 30 locations on Tuesday are some of the largest and most extensive on India's media in recent years. Police later confirmed they had arrested Mr Purkayastha and Amit Chakravarty, the website's head of human resources.
"A total of 37 male suspects have been questioned at premises, nine female suspects have been questioned at their respective places of stay and digital devices, documents etc have been seized/collected for examination," a police statement said.
Opposition leaders accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government of a "fresh attack on the media". But Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur said investigative agencies were merely doing their job.
How did the raids happen?
Among those also questioned were journalists Abhisar Sharma, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Aunindyo Chakravarty, Urmilesh, Bhasha Singh, popular satirist Sanjay Rajoura and historian Sohail Hashmi. Some were taken to police stations.
Searches were also carried out at the website's office in Delhi, news agency ANI reported.
In Mumbai, activist Teesta Setalvad's house was also searched. Ms Setalvad has long fought for victims of the deadly 2002 riots in Gujarat state and has written articles critical of the government for NewsClick.
A source close to Mr Purkayastha told the BBC that more than 15 policemen arrived at the editor's home at 06:30 local time (01:00 GMT).
"They did not produce any warrants or paperwork, questioned him for several hours and took away all the electronic devices they found at home," they said. Later, news agencies showed him being taken away by the police in a vehicle.
Mr Rajoura's lawyer, Ilin Saraswat, said the comedian was raided at the same time and that police took away his laptop, his two phones, some DVDs of his old work and some documents.
"The police said that Mr Rajoura is not named in the current investigation, but since he has worked with the website, he will be interrogated. We have not been provided a copy of the police complaint," he added.
BBC India offices searched by income tax officials
Indian tax authorities raid critical media outlets
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According to reports, the raids are in connection with a case registered against NewsClick in August after a New York Times report alleged that the website had received funds from an American millionaire to spread "Chinese propaganda".
It claimed that Neville Roy Singham worked closely with the "Chinese government media machine" and used his network of non-profit groups and shell companies to "finance its propaganda worldwide".
A case was reportedly registered against the website under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, or UAPA, a draconian anti-terror law that makes it nearly impossible to get bail. NewsClick has rejected all the charges as false.
Who was raided?
All the people who were raided have been associated with NewsClick - some are employees, while others have worked on freelance projects.
Prabir Purkayastha, its founder and editor-in-chief, is the author of a number of books and a founding member of the Delhi Science Forum. During the 1975 Emergency - when civil liberties were suspended - he was jailed along with several opposition politicians.
Bhasha Singh is an activist and journalist who has reported extensively on manual scavenging and farmers' suicides. She has accused the government of being anti-women and on Monday appeared in a NewsClick video expressing concern over the increasing trend of members of the governing BJP praising the man who assassinated India's independence leader Mahatma Gandhi.
Abhisar Sharma is a prominent video journalist known for his critical views of the government. He worked for BBC Hindi before moving to work at the NDTV news channel. One of his last videos covered widespread protests by government employees against a new pension scheme.
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, writer, journalist and filmmaker, is best known for his investigations into billionaire tycoon Gautam Adani and is facing several defamation suits filed by the industrialist. Earlier this year, he was mentioned in a report by Hindenburg Research which alleged that companies owned by Mr Adani had engaged in decades of "brazen" stock manipulation and accounting fraud - allegations denied by the industrialist who is perceived as being close to PM Modi.
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crimechannels · 11 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Group calls on CCB to commence investigations against source of wealth of Governor A group, Advocate for Social Justice, has called on the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) to probe the total cash declaration of Governor Dauda Lawal of Zamfara State. The Executive Director of the group, Gamji Joseph made the call while addressing a press conference on Tuesday in Abuja. He also urged the Governor to without further delay, avail the people of Zamfara with facts and figures behind his financial deposit declarations. He said Zamfara State is one of the most affected states on issues of insecurity, terrorism and syndicated illegal mining. Joseph recalled that on October 17, an annual report released by ONE campaign, ranked Zamfara as the most difficult state in Nigeria to access primary healthcare services. He lamented that the people of Zamfara have been appalled by the constant social activities of their Governor, which he alleged is centered on attending weddings and parties while citizens cower in fear of abductions and deaths. Joseph noted that several attempts by various civil organisations to engage the state government on issues of governance and his plans on insecurity have failed woefully. The group claimed that in its quest to unearth more about the state’s chief executive, it approached the code of conduct bureau (CCB) to ascertain background information about the state governor. The group noted: “The documents show that the incumbent governor of Zamfara State should be listed on Forbes as one of the richest men in Africa, with cash deposit in one account alone, out of several others, showing a balance of $5 billion!!! “In total, Governor Dauda Lawal declared a total cash deposit in banks of $5,013,357,125.13; N1,522,865,024.00; £841,704.77.” “These monies are deposited in numerous personal accounts in GT Bank, First Bank & Taj Bank while his Credent Advisory Limited corporate account has a fixed income of N200 million.” The group queried if the governor pays commensurate taxes to the federal government from what he declared, adding that those tax receipts need to be made public. It added: “We therefore wish to use this press conference to call on His Excellency, Governor Dauda Lawal, to please, without further delay, avail the people of Zamfara State and Nigeria with facts and figures behind these financial deposit declarations so as to allay their fears that their governor is not a fraudster or sponsor of terrorism. “It is also important to note that this plea is not open ended, and if the sources of these figures declared are not made public within one week, it is our intent to mobilise Nigerians and people of zamfara state to march to the National Assembly and ensure a state of emergency is declared in the state by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.” The group noted that while it would not only be challenging the authenticity of the figures he declared while exposing sources of earnings but has decided to put the CCB on notice that it has to explain to Nigerians how it verified the submissions, including the Governor’s sources of income where applicable.
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metamoonshots · 11 months
The Biden administration is being referred to as upon by over 100 lawmakers in the US to make clear its efforts at combatting world terrorist financing utilizing cryptocurrencies. The bipartisan letter follows studies that Hamas, the Islamist group that launched assaults on Israeli civilians earlier this month, used crypto to boost thousands and thousands of dollars over the previous two years. Terrorism and Crypto Citing the Wall Road Journal, lawmakers alleged that between August 2021 and June 2023, each Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) raised over $130 million in crypto, of which $12 million was despatched to the Islamist militant group Hezbollah this yr. “Given the clear and current hazard posed by the financing of those and different militant organizations, we ask the Administration to supply further particulars on its plan to forestall using crypto for the financing of terrorism,” the lawmakers wrote. Some efforts to fight financing for Hezbollah and Hamas are already underway by the Israeli authorities. Days after the assaults passed off, Binance introduced that it had efficiently collaborated with Israeli police in seizing over 100 Hamas-linked alternate accounts. In June, Israel additionally seized $1.7 million linked to Hezbollah and Iran. Two months prior, the Hamas army wing additionally announced a closure of its crypto donation program as a consequence of profitable efforts at prosecuting donors. Nonetheless, lawmakers say that only a “small proportion” of crypto flowing by way of Hezbollah and Hamas has been seized and that the administration “should take sturdy motion” to forestall crypto from being “used to finance one other tragedy.” Among the letter’s requests included an estimate of how a lot crypto Islamist army teams presently possess, and to explain any challenges the federal government may face in stopping profitable raises by way of cryptocurrency channels. It additionally requested for data on which actors are facilitating such transactions, noting that a lot of the PIJ accounts at Binance “primarily used the stablecoin tether to transact.” On Monday, Tether froze over $800,000 in USDT on crypto addresses with ties to terrorism in Israel and Ukraine. Senator Warren’s Newest Request Lawmakers main the knowledge request embody U.S. Consultant Sean Casten (D-Unwell.) and senators Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) – the latter of whom has lengthy criticized crypto for its roles in tax evasion, cash laundering, terrorist financing, and bypassing sanctions. In August, Warren joined a slew of Democrat senators in petitioning the Treasury and IRS to suggest guidelines addressing an estimated $50 billion tax hole plaguing the U.S. crypto business. In Could, she additionally called on the Senate Banking Committee and others to fight crypto’s use in world fentanyl buying and selling. Between terrorism and drug buying and selling, the U.S. Treasury is already taking motion. On Wednesday, the Workplace of Overseas Belongings Management announced sanctions in opposition to a Gaza-based Bitcoin alternate and its founder for bearing ties to Hamas. SPECIAL OFFER (Sponsored) Binance Free $100 (Unique): Use this link to register and obtain $100 free and 10% off charges on Binance Futures first month (terms).PrimeXBT Particular Provide: Use this link to register & enter CRYPTOPOTATO50 code to obtain as much as $7,000 in your deposits.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
The CEO of Binance and three local executives are facing the risk of indictment in Brazil for alleged financial crimes. A congressional committee that investigated crypto-related pyramid schemes in the country has recommended that law enforcement authorities indict Changpeng Zhao, also known as CZ, Daniel Mangabeira, Guilherme Haddad Nazar, and Thiago Carvalho, who are in charge of Binance’s operations in Brazil. According to a 500-page report released by the committee on Oct. 10, Binance and its leaders are accused of fraudulent management, offering or trading securities without prior authorization, and operating a financial institution without consent. The report claims Binance set up a network of legal entities controlled by Zhao to evade compliance with the laws. The committee also suggested that the Federal Public Ministry investigate Binance’s tax compliance, money laundering, and financing of organized crime and terrorism. Moreover, the committee urged the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) to probe Binance’s sale of derivatives products, which the committee said was a repeated violation of market regulations. Binance is already under scrutiny by the CVM for allegedly offering derivative products illegally in Brazil. The exchange also faces regulatory challenges in several other jurisdictions, such as France, the US, and Singapore.
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