#Alph x Angel
askthekoppaitefamily · 7 months
Rhythm Pikmin
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The angel in the sky was…… Captain Olimar
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Of Princes and Witches (Rewrite) Epilogue- Legolas Greenleaf x OC
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Legolas Greenleaf x Alphine Barrowes
Description: N/A
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: I'm surprised I was able to write like three or four more chapters for this rewrite, but I'm happy nonetheless. Also, for those who didn't like ROP I don't apologize for the Halbrand/Galadriel-esque plot twist in chapter 20 because I liked it for this fic, but hopefully you'll get over it. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this because I loved writing it!!
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It had been just after noon when word finally gotten out: Prince Legolas Greenleaf of the Woodland realm was finally marrying his fiance Alphine Barrowes! Their courtship hadn’t really been a known thing amongst people as they courted while traveling around Middle Earth for a few years. Nevertheless, it was a huge event, everyone was talking about it even before the actual day was upon them. 
Naturally, being the son of a King, many people were invited, but the people that Legolas and Alphine made absolute sure of that would attend would be their friends from the Fellowship of the Ring. Gandalf, Gimli, Sam, Frodo, Merry, Pippin and Aragorn as well as the allies they made (such as Haldir, Eomer, Eowyn, Faramir etc) were all invited to the joyous occasion. Every single one of them showed up, not wishing to miss the happiest day of their friend’s lives.
The wedding was held in the palace chapel of Mirkwood’s palace (unsurprisingly). The chapel was absolutely packed with beings of all races. Elves, Dwarves, mortal Men, Hobbits and Fairies all sat mingled amongst each other as they awaited the bride’s glorious entrance. King Thranduil and Legolas all stood at an altar at the front of the room waiting patiently, smiles on all of their faces. The Hobbits (plus Gimli), being so short, were given permission to sit up front so they could see.
Finally, the anticipated moment arrived. Music began playing from somewhere that the Hobbits’ couldn’t really pinpoint, and everyone stood up respectfully. Every guest in the room couldn’t help but gasp as the bride appeared. Alphine looked radiant, like some sort of angel sent to grace the peoples of Middle Earth. She looked so elegant as she began walking down the aisle that for a moment several guests thought that she was floating. Gandalf, being her oldest friend, was the one guiding her since her parents weren’t exactly in the picture. 
All eyes were on Alphine, but she only had eyes for Legolas. She couldn’t help but smile when she realized that the Prince had begun crying. It seemed that the sight of his bride alone had brought up enough motions that ultimately made tears form in his eyes. He turned away to rid his face of the tears silently slipping down his face, and once he turned back around there was an undeniably wide smile on his face and love in his eyes. It was a sweet moment that made several people coo at him, including Alphine internally. 
By the time she reached the altar Legolas was standing at the bottom of the steps waiting to lead her up. Alphine pressed a kiss to Gandalf’s cheek before taking Legolas’ hand, allowing him to lead her to the top of the altar, where Thranduil stood with a proud smile. 
The wedding procession went beautifully. Legolas and Alphine were standing at the altar hand in hand. They faced each other with the widest smile anyone had ever seen on either of their faces. It didn’t even seem like they were fully listening as Thranduil recited a speech over the two of them. 
“Legolas, do ci take Alphine, selyë o Cirrus Barrowes, nacca bestannen indis noin Iluvatar (Legolas, do you take Alphine, daughter of Cirrus Barrowes to be your wedded wife under the Iluvatar)?” Thranduil inquired, facing his son with a proud smile. The Prince couldn’t even begin to force down his smile as he nodded. 
“Inyё (I do),” he responded, not looking away from Alphine. 
“Alphine, do ci take Legolas, anon o Thranduil Opherion, nacca bestannen indis noin Iluvatar (Legolas, do you take Alphine, daughter of Cirrus Barrowes to be your wedded wife under the Iluvatar)?” The girl looked as if she was on the verge of tears. 
“Inyё (I do),” she answered with a nod. With their vows out of the way, all that was left was everyone eagerly anticipating and waiting for Legolas and Alphine’s first kiss as husband and wife. 
“Eithel, by I melehtё invested mi nin, nu I iluvatar, Im sin pronounce ci venno ar indis (Well, by the power invested within me, under the Iluvatar, I now pronounce you husband and wife),” he announced with a proud, bright smile before looking at Legolas. “Legolas, lye calainis miquëcca acairis (Legolas, you may kiss your bride).” 
The Prince wasted no time in pulling Alphine close to him and pressing a delicate kiss on her lips. Almost immediately, deafening cheers filled the chapel along with applause. Once they pulled away they just stared into each other’s eyes, even wider smiles on their faces before they finally looked at the guests.
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When the official ceremony had ended, it was time for the guests to move to the ballroom for the reception. It had been gorgeously decorated, but yet again it wasn’t really a surprise considering this was an Elven Kingdom. After everyone found and sat in their designated seats, the feast began. Chatter and laughter was plentiful between eating and drinking only the best wine for the Prince’s wedding. 
The night went beautifully. It began with a speech from Legolas. He thanked everyone for attending such a joyous day before directing his attention to his new wife. He explained how before he met the Witch, his life seemed so unfulfilling, almost to the point of boring, which surprised several people (including the King). Then, he told the story of how they met, and how ever since he just couldn’t take his mind off of her. The thought made several people coo like they had during the bridal march.
Next came cake. Now, cake was not unusual in an Elf’s diet. In fact they were probably one of the most common ones, especially one of high status. What wasn’t as common in their culture were wedding cakes. It was a tradition that mortal Men had made up for special occasions (such as a wedding), one that Alphine had found quite endearing. Sure normal cakes were lovely, but just imagine a cake made specifically for a special occasion! The thought was absolutely delightful and intriguing to her, and so one of her (admittedly few) requests for the wedding was that they would have a special cake made for them. It wasn’t a difficult demand so it was done. 
The cake itself was absolutely gorgeous. Four layers of sweet and delicious vanilla cake topped with pure white icing that was mouth watering just to look at. Though it had been an odd tradition to Elves, there wasn’t a single person not applauding as the bride and groom cut into the cake together. Cake was passed out by the Mirkwood servants, but no one ate a bite until Legolas and Alphine fed each other a bite, as was apparently a key part of the tradition.
After dinner and dessert had been served, it was time to dance. The second demand Alphine had was another mortal tradition: a husband and bride’s first dance. The orchestra had been playing music in the background the entire time, but once King Thranduil announced that it was time for the dance, they paused and prepared to play the correct song. 
Everyone watched as Legolas stood, then helped Alphine up and led her to the center of the room. All eyes were on them, truly captivated as they began to dance to the music. It was a song Legolas requested be written specifically for the wedding, which made it even more special. The composers had not disappointed either. The song sounded almost ethereal, filled with gorgeous harp strums and melodic flutes with soft vocals to accompany them. 
The couple danced like they were always supposed to dance together, two separate partners meant to come together as one. Their eyes never strayed from each other, and the lovestruck looks never left their faces. The amount of love in their expressions made several people tear up. Everyone could tell just how in love they were with each other. They watched the couple, utterly entranced. Several guests even found themselves swaying along to the music, a smile on their faces. She just couldn’t help it though. It was hard not to watch the couple be so happy with each other. 
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The reception felt like it lasted an eternity. The only way Alphine knew that it wasn’t was because the rest of the Fellowship was still there. It had been a very happy and successful day for both her and Legolas. They did get married, after all.
Now, the party had ended and everyone was either given a room for the night or they went home. Alphine followed Legolas to his room once they wished everyone a good night. Well, technically it was their room now, but it still felt a bit odd to say. Once the door closed behind them, they prepared to head to bed. Elves usually didn’t need to sleep, but today (and the days leading up to it) had been rather tiring. Besides, Legolas wanted to be with his wife on their wedding night, so he began changing into more comfortable clothes. 
After that was done he faced Alphine. She was still attempting to get all the clips and ribbons out of her hair, though it didn’t look like she’d gotten very far. A small, amused smile played at the Prince’s lips as he walked over to her. 
“Sit, meleth nin (my love),” he instructed gently, carefully moving her to sit at her new vanity. Once she was settled in he began untying the intricately braided ribbons out, being careful not to pull at her hair. A content sigh left her lips as he did so. She loved when he played with her hair. 
It unfortunately ended all too soon and before she realized it, Legolas had begun unlacing her wedding dress. She stood to make it easier for him, then stepped out of the elegant gown when it fell around her ankles. While Legolas picked it up and laid it over the vanity chair to be hung up tomorrow Alphine slipped on her nightgown. 
They climbed into bed in unison and immediately moved towards each other. Legolas’ arms went around Alphine as her head laid against his chest. She hadn’t realized just how tired she was until she was in bed. She was on the verge of falling asleep when she heard him speak. 
“Amin mela lle (I love you),” he whispered, eyes also falling closed. His words brought a smile to her face, and she cuddled in closer to him. 
“Amin mela lle.”
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variabels · 6 years
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It’s a mess and I forgot some ships lol.
Link is shipped with 11 people, down 1 from last time. Peach with 8, one up from last time. Samus ties with her once again. Lucina's up to 7. Pit got 6 again and Marth’s tied with him. Obviously, Piranha plant is the most shipped since it’s shipped with everyone.
List and useless explanations:
OTP: Roy x Marth, they're my mains lol... But like, there's kind of an unintended story line with them. Roy was short in Melee but then he left in Brawl. Then he came back and was taller and different from Marth in 4. Now he's definitely taller in Ultimate and he's looking to be one of the best swordfighters in the game, it's kinda like Roy's proving himself to Marth. And now Marth's side taunt is "I won't lose!" just like Roy's. It's goes from Roy trying to be like Marth and looking up to him to him becoming Marth's equal. It was the first SSB ship I got into because of the "if you were gay" animation. And it's like the hottest ship in Smash Bros since Roy's really hot. Love: Mario x Pauline, I fucking forgot to put it. Mario x Peach, no explanation needed. Link x Zelda/Sheik, the fact that they're from different time lines made the ship more interesting. Link x Peach, I love it, it's cute and I love the idea of Peach having a crush on him. Link x Marth, it's hot, it's cute, you can have them love each other, hate each other. Underrated af. Link x Pit, I love rival ships. They're really cute together. Link x Ike, yeah, I love shipping Ike with short people. They're hot together. Kirby x Jigglypuff, they're both pink puffs. Kirby x Meta Knight, it's so cute. I headcanon Kirby as pretending to be a baby so that Sakurai treats him nicely when he's actually pretty mature and has fucked your mom. Ignore the last part. Luigi x Daisy, they need to get laid. Ness x Lucas, they're so cute together and they've got powers in common. Marth x Caeda, the only woman for Marth's heart. Lucina x Inigo, I always put them together in Awakening. Lucina x Shulk, futuuuuuuurrrrreeeeeeee!!!!!! Lucina x Samus, it's hot. Roy x Lilina, sometimes I forget that it's not canon. I headcanon that Roy's got a thing for blue hair and blue eyes. Chrom x Robin, they're perfect together. I can't play Awakening without having them get married. It makes the game so much better. Even the devs ship it. I'm so glad Robin can fight alongside her husband in Ultimate. Ike x Pit, now that PoR!Ike is back, it's better. They're really cute together. I think their personalities work great together. Ike x Soren, why isn't it canon? It's better than all the canon fe ships. If there's a RD remake, I hope it's possible to make them canon. Samus x Snake, it's a great ship. It doesn't feel as childish as Samus x Little Mac/Captain Falcon. Love it! Samus x Bayonetta, I really started shipping it when Bayo came out since they're both the most mature ladies in Smash. Samus x Palutena, hot. Bayonetta x Palutena, they adopted Kirby and Joker and now I ship them. Palutena x Lucina, the screenshot lol. Wii Fit x Little Mac, they're both fit. Cloud x Sephiroth, foe yay... Cloud x Tifa, Tifa's best girl. Diddy x Dixie, why is my girl not in smash? Like: Mario x Daisy, it's cute for when I want a break of the usual ships. Link x Corrin, anything with Link is cute. Link x Cloud, two hot blonds, add in some rivalry and you've got a hot ship. Link x Shulk, Link x anyone is cute. Link x Roy, I prefer them both with Marth but they're still cute together. Link x Lucina, I really ship Link with a shit ton of people. Fox x Falco, they have ho yay. Fox x Wolf, they have foe yay. Pikachu x Jigglypuff, kawaii. Luigi x Peach, look at Mario x Daisy. Peach x Bowser, Bowser's crush on Peach is cute okay... Peach x Daisy, tbh I think Peach would prefer this over the Mario bros. Peach x Pit, I can't remember why I ship it but it's cute. Zelda x Peach, hot. Zelda x Samus, hot. Marth x Pit, sometimes I want a Marth ship that's pure fluff and shitting on Link 24/7. Cloud x Marth, it's really hot. Lucina x Corrin, they're cute together. Lucina x Richter, echo x echo Ike x Roy, I once spoke to a person who shipped it and after thinking about it, it's pretty damn hot. Like SSBU could be seen as f**k Marth, Roy and Ike are the true ship. That's how Chrom happened. Game & Watch x R.O.B., 2D x real life, what could go wrong? Pit x Dark Pit, it's cute but I wish Dark Pit looked less like Pit but then it wouldn't really be dark Pit... Pit x Viridi, she's lying about her crush on Link, Cloud, Roy... I know you like him, Viridi! Samus x Captain Falcon, CF loves her. Samus x Little Mac, cute height difference. Samus x Wii Fit, hot. Mewtwo x Lucario, I like to think of them as the smart pokemon who have to deal with the other pokemon's shit. Sonic x Amy, my ship from when I was nine with one bonus year. Rosalina x Peach, hot. Wii Fit x Palutena, hot. Shulk x Robin, cute, I prefer it with M!Robin. Ryu x Ken, cute but I don't really know anything about Street Fighter. Inkling x Inkling, Candy's comics are cute but they're gone now Tolerate: Samus x Dark Samus, don't really know much about their relationship tbh. Ness/Lucas x Popo/Nana, they're kids but I don't really care about them. Peach x Wario, I read a fic once, it was pretty funny. Zelda x Ganondorf, eh... Ike x Cloud, I saw a pic once but haven't really explored it. Lucas x Toon Link, they both blond bois. Wolf x Isabelle, they're canines and I've seen it a bit on Tumblr. Red x Green, I don't know if they're actually supposed to be Red and Green. Mii x Mii Wii Fit Trainer x Wii Fit Trainer, fit. Dislike: Ike x Zelda, if you play Ike's games you know Ike x princesses doesn't work out. Roy x Lucina, doesn't click with me, Marth works better with Roy imo. Bayonetta x Pit/Dark Pit, it's weird because Bayo kills angels and the Pits look too young for her. Pit x Samus, there are better Samus ships than this. Ike x Samus, after playing Ike's games, I can't really ship him with any girls. Hate: The incest ships Link x Toon Link x Young Link, it's weird because of the age gaps. Marth x Peach, I don't like it romantically, but I like them as unexpected friends. Marth x Zelda, I headcanon that Marth hates her because of "stow your fears, it's now or never". Marth x Samus, Marth x any girl that isn't Caeda feels wrong tbh... Ike x Marth, despite shipping them with the same people, I hate them together. Pit x Palutena, she's more like his mom. Robin x Lucina, Robin's banging her dad so yeah... BROTP: Mario bros, of course. Pikachu and Samus, you know why. Pichu and Dark Pit, Candy's comics :3 Ike and Roy, they're bros. They went to the gym together and they trained Chrom. Snake and Isabelle, he protecc. Cloud and Isabelle, BROTP. Don't even try to hurt Isabelle in Cloud's presence. Bayonetta and Joker, she adopted him. OT3: Link x Marth x Roy, the Melee trio. It's hot and cute. Ike x Link x Pit, a mix of ho yay with a bit of foe yay :3 Any yuri combination Joke ships: Yoshi x Eggs Kirby/Ike/Dedede x Food, Marth x his tiara, GOAT Squirtle x soup, turtle soup to be specific Venusaur x Piranha Plant, they're plants Charizard x Fire Alph x Olimar R.O.B. x Marth's iPhone, Truly my greatest creation Villager x Money Mega Man x Chargers Greninja x Nerfs, better nerf Greninja Pac-Man x dots Duck Hunt Duo x Screentime in my fanfic Ridley x Confirmations K Rool x his crown, aka discount Marth x his tiara Incineroar x Catnip Piranha Plant x Everyone
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askthekoppaitefamily · 7 months
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askthekoppaitefamily · 7 months
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Charlie: Only the finest flowers for my lovely lady!~
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askthekoppaitefamily · 6 months
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Doodles :3
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askthekoppaitefamily · 6 months
To Yonny: Did you change your hairstyle?
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Yonny: I got sick of having my hair all droopy and saggy..I decided to go with Ringlet Curls instead!
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askthekoppaitefamily · 6 months
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askthekoppaitefamily · 7 months
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askthekoppaitefamily · 6 months
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SPICY 🌶❤️💕❤️💕
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askthekoppaitefamily · 6 months
Just a quick and curious question, but how old are you guys?
Oh, I completely forgot to add an age chart! Lemme list off everyone in my AU with their age!
Brittany: 30
Charlie: 33
Alph: 28
Angel: 28
Olimar: 36
Louie: 29
Yonny: 29
Shepherd: 31
Collin: 32
Dingo: 27
Pom: 25
Nelle: 30
Yorke: 30
Olimar's Wife (Lindsey): 34
The President of Hocotate Freight (Sacho): 40
Sacho's Wife : 39
And that should be everyone!!
BTW, Olimar's Wife is NOT canonically named Lindsey, that's just what I've named her :3
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askthekoppaitefamily · 6 months
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Dingo and Pom finally have joined the colorful cast of characters in our Ask Blog!!
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askthekoppaitefamily · 6 months
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Olimar: Louie had his first date with Yonny today..~
Olimar: Yea, yea, sure. The lipstick marks really lets me know~
Louie: NUH UH
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askthekoppaitefamily · 7 months
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askthekoppaitefamily · 8 months
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Admin here! I’d like to introduce you all to Angel! She’s a meteorologist and a really good friend who works with Brittany at her second job!
Alph also has taken interest in her ;3
If you’d like to ask her questions as well, it would be greatly appreciated!
More questions will be answered soon! I promise! Love ya’ll!! <3
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