#Also I've been staring a bit too much at the 3rd gif :))
atlantis-area · 4 months
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she-is-juniper · 2 years
Put It Into Practice — Steve Harrington x Reader (chapter three)
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Pairing: Scoops Ahoy era Steve Harrington x f!Reader (she/her/hers pronouns, AFAB)
Rating (by chapter): Explicit (***18+ only. Minors DNI or you will be blocked.)
Summary: “King Steve” Harrington had been the subject of swooning for every girl in their right mind back in high school. But when his sexual dexterity comes into question the summer after graduation, Steve is not about to let his reputation become marred quite so easily. Luckily, Steve is offered the help of his new friend—to give him advice, a few pointers, and maybe a bit of healthy practice…
Word Count (by chapter): 8K
Content: more angst, banter, more Robin in this chapter, making out, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, mutual masturbation, cursing
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and is not intended to be taken as truth or fact. I do not claim to own Stranger Things or any other affiliated names or fictional events. Other details, such as names, locations, and events, are also fictionalized. 
A/N: Ahhh! The long awaited 3rd chapter of what's becoming one of my absolute favorite series I've ever written! This chapter proved especially difficult for me to write, given the high volume of a n g s t . But I know how much you guys will love it...and it'll pay off ♡ I'm absolutely over the moon at how well-received this series has been!! Thank you immensely to each and everyone of you! It's also worth noting that this fic is an AU of Stranger Things Season 3 in which there's no overarching end-of-the-world/Shadow Monster from the Upside Down/evil Russians plotline. It's just a bunch of normal teens with normal lives set in Summer 1985 in Hawkins, Indiana. Fun fact: I ended up hiding a bunch of song title references in this fic! See how many song titles you can find 😂 And as always, PLEASE comment if you enjoyed this, for the love of god—thank u in advance ♥ Love, Juni
chapter one \\ chapter two
Steve is avoiding you.
It’s obvious. Aside from the fact that he hasn’t said anything to you in a week, he was also conveniently MIA every time you passed by Scoops Ahoy on your way to and from work.
Granted, you haven’t made any effort to see him in the past week, either. Clearly you’re both avoiding each other.
Whatever, you keep telling yourself. Not like I care. In truth, you do care—a lot. It still stings that Steve would rather pretend like you don’t exist than face you after what had happened in your basement a week ago.
And, well…more had happened since then.
The morning after he had come to your basement and left so abruptly, you had been determined to not let anything change. You had gone to work as usual. You had passed by Scoops Ahoy, as usual. You had said hi to Robin and Steve, as usual.
But what was not as usual was the strange, ravenous way Steve had glared at you as you came up to the counter.
“Hi, Steve,” you’d said, urging him to just act fucking normal.
But he’d just gulped and choked out a strained, “Hi.”
And that was that. You’d thought it was odd—and a part of you had been deeply nervous that he was panicking about (or regretting) what he’d done the night before—but you were already running late to work.
Later that day, your cookie store had received a delivery through the back door. You were coming in and out the dingy, dimly lit back hallways of the mall, dragging in boxes by yourself, when you’d spotted Steve down the hallway, bringing in a delivery to the ice cream shop too. And he’d met your gaze…
“Steve?” you called out, your voice echoing down the hallway.
Steve was just staring at you, looking like one of the twins in the hallway from the Shining. You wanted to laugh and make a joke about it, until he placed one hand on his hip and sighed deeply. His mouth twisted into a sly smile, and he shook his head while reciting your name, his voice inexplicably dejected: “Fuck, Y/N.” 
The next thing you knew, he was striding down the hallway to meet your mouth with his.
The kiss was hungry, desperate, full of unspoken words that you couldn’t possibly speak if you tried. He was a dark storm of undisclosed desires, with his body guiding yours to the wall, where he pressed against you, pinning you there. You’d never experienced Steve Harrington like this before. 
His hands raked urgently across your body, finally ending up at your face, your neck, the back of your head, tangling in your hair. The smell of him, almost familiar by now, brought back vivid memories of last night that made your head spin. There was no room for coherent thought in your brain as he ravished your mouth with his. 
“Steve,” you gasped in between his kisses.
He held your face and kissed you deeply, his tongue meeting yours with a dizzying frenzy, before he broke away at last to speak your name again. “Y/N.”
His hands went from rough to soft, suddenly caressing you now, as if he was trying to memorize the feel of your skin on his fingertips. He smiled at you.
Then, there was a noise from down the long hallway. And just as quickly as the moment began…it was over.
Steve tore away from you, sucking in an inhale. He gave you one final, curt glance, a feeble apology in his eyes, before he slinked off back to the ice cream parlor and left you standing there in the back hallway, trying and failing to catch your breath and collect your thoughts under the dim fluorescents…
That was a week ago. And Steve hasn’t spoken to you once since.
Who the fuck does that?? you find yourself thinking, absolutely baffled at what had happened. He had come to your house and given you head, he had left abruptly after awkwardly rejecting you for offering to give him head, he had beseiged and all but jumped you in the back hallway the next day…and now he was avoiding you. Talk about mixed signals.
After about the fifth or sixth day of avoiding each other, you’d started to panic. And now, seven days later, you were going mental. You still feel, well, humiliated, at the thought that he’d seen you naked and now was essentially a ghost to you. And now, you feel angry, too, in the mix of emotions. Angry at him for being an immature baby by avoiding you. Angry at yourself for letting it all happen in the first place.
It was all because of your stupid idea to proposition him into getting practice going down on a girl. Stupid, stupid, stupid of you for even suggesting it to him in the first place. Because now, because of it, you may have permanently fucked up any chances of staying friends. 
But really, though, what had you expected? Did you really think you’d be able to just go back to normal after what he’d seen, after what he’d done? 
And now, especially after that sporadic hallway kiss…you can’t get him out of your head. You can’t shake the image of Steve’s warm eyes peering up from beneath you, can’t forget the feeling of his lips and tongue, can’t stop imagining his hands soaking up your body. You can’t stop yourself from hearing his voice replaying in your head over and over again. The intruding memories have been distracting you so badly this week that you’ve been making stupid mistakes at your job. 
Like right now.
“I ordered a dozen sugar cookies, not peanut butter,” the woman in line gripes at you as she checks the bag of cookies you just handed to her.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, let me fix that.” You take back the bag and prepare another one with the correct order while the woman taps her heel impatiently. It’s the day before the Fourth of July, and it seems like the entirety of Hawkins is at Starcourt, half of them with bad attitudes. The line at The Great Cookie hasn’t let up for three hours now. There’s no way your manager’s going to let you take a break today. 
A familiar blue-and-red sailor uniform flashes before your eyes. Your stomach lurches. But you realize it’s just Robin standing in line. She peers at you curiously while she waits her turn to approach the counter. 
“Hi, Robin,” you greet her when she finally reaches the front of the line. “Sorry, I can’t do any free cookies this week—”
“Why are you and Steve avoiding each other?” she asks you point blank with a curious smile.
“I—uh—why would you think that?” you stammer. 
“Well, I know he’s avoiding you,” Robin says, leaning across the counter. “He’s been darting into the kitchen anytime anyone who even remotely looks like you passes by the shop. And I know you’ve been avoiding him, because you haven’t come by even once this week during your breaks—to which I take great personal offense, by the way—but what I cannot figure out for the life of me is why you two are avoiding each other.”
Robin speaks so quickly, in her typical Robin way, that it takes your brain a few seconds to catch up with what she’s saying. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say simply. 
Robin scoffs. “You’re a terrible liar, Y/N, even worse than me.”
“I’m sorry I haven’t been by to see you this week,” you say to deflect from her other musings. “It’s just been so busy.” Frankly, you miss Robin a lot. She’s become a close friend this summer, too, just as much as Steve has. Or had been. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Robin says and waves her arm dismissively. “But you have to tell me what happened. And don’t say it was nothing, Y/N,” she adds when you open your mouth to protest, “because I know Steve. I’ve had to spend every waking hour of every day with him, and he’s become even more annoyingly mopey in the past week than ever before. And you’ve gone AWOL. So something had to have happened.”
“Why don’t you just ask Steve?” you say gently. The curiosity of his inner thoughts is absolutely killing you. 
“I tried, but he won’t talk to me. It’s been so annoying. You should see him. He’s been acting like a kicked puppy.”
For as bad as you feel to hear that, the other part of you feels vindicated. “Good,” you grumble under your breath.
“Oh god,” Robin says, her tone suddenly serious. “What if he’s upset about something I said? I’ve probably been making fun of him too much for the whole Lisa R. thing. Maybe I should apologize—”
“Robin, no,” you interrupt her. “It’s—it’s not about you.”
She narrows her eyes. “So something did happen between you two.”
“It’s not a big deal,” you lie. “I’m sure it’ll blow over soon.”
“That dingus probably said something dumb, didn’t he.”
“No…” You scratch your head. “We just had a bit of a…disagreement.”
“Well, whatever it is, can you two hurry up and get over it? He’s being insufferable. Plus, it’s weird not having you around during your shift breaks.”
Robin is working hard to make her voice sound casual, but you can tell by the look on her face that it’s more than just curiosity that brought her here to talk to you. She’s concerned about him, you realize. She’s concerned about both of her friends. 
“I’m sure it’ll blow over in a few days,” you say reassuringly, even though you aren’t sure yourself.
“Okay, can we change ‘a few days’ to, like, ‘a day’?” she asks and pulls out a folded-up flyer with a drawing of an American flag. The flyer read, Mayor Kline Presents the Roane County Fun Fair. “The Fourth of July Fair is tomorrow. I think it’d be fun if we all three went together.”
You smile slightly. “That sounds like fun,” you say. Realistically, though, you’re not sure if Steve will stop this whole avoiding you thing within the next day. But that’s a him problem. You? You could handle seeing him. You could handle going back to being friends. If there was someone between the two of you who was going to make this weird and awkward, you’re bound and determined to not let it be you.
“Great,” Robin beams. “And then maybe you can tell me what your fight was about.”
“Uh, maybe,” you say, glancing between Robin and the growing line of impatient customers behind her. “I have to go back to work now.”
“Heard,” she says. “I’ll get out of your hair.” But there’s a little glimmer in her eyes.
“What?” you ask.
“One for the road?” she asks innocently, eyeing the cookies in the display window.
You roll your eyes. “My boss is going to kill me if he finds out how many free cookies I’ve been giving away.” But you go ahead and open the window to retrieve one M&M cookie, Robin’s favorite. She grins and claps her hands.
You also grab a chocolate chip and put both cookies in a bag, giving it to her.
“Oh, I get two this time?” she asks.
You shake your head. “The other’s for Steve.” Chocolate chip has always been his favorite. A silent look passes between you and Robin; she nods her head, acknowledging that she’ll make sure he receives it. 
Part of you deep down knows that you’ve been avoiding Steve as much as he’s been avoiding you. Part of you knows he might be feeling the same embarrassment you’re feeling. And you’re willing to consider that maybe Steve wants things to go back to normal just as much as you do. You can only hope your chocolate chip cookie of an olive branch is enough for him to realize it, too.
For as busy as the mall had been the day before the 4th, the Roane County Fair must have attracted the biggest number of Hawkins residents you’d ever seen in one place.
It’s all very bustling and exciting in a way that makes you feel like a kid again. Colorful lights sparkles from every direction, drawing your eyes to countless games and attractions. The sounds of laughter and the smell of fried treats fills the air. You smile to yourself, enjoying the moment as you make your way through the crowds. 
Robin’s playing with the marching band at Mayor Kline’s inaugural speech, but she promised to meet you afterward. Steve…well, Steve’s nowhere to be found. Big surprise. You still haven’t spoken to him since that night, and hadn’t seen him since the hallway encounter, but Robin had coordinated with the both of you separately to meet up with her after her marching band commitments were finished. 
Sure enough, you follow the sounds of a marching band playing patriotic music. There’s a stage at the back of the fair, decked out with patriotic bunting flags and lights. Mayor Kline is giving some kind of long-winded speech while a small group of Hawkins High Marching Band members stands at parade rest behind him.
You catch Robin’s eyes and smile at her. She rolls her eyes, trumpet in hand, and mouths to you, “Get me out of here.”
You look around the stage and shrug at her. “Come on,” you mouth back, encouraging her to shirk her duties.
Robin doesn’t need much more convincing than that. While Mayor Kline rambles off about how he “spared no expense” with the Fun Fair, Robin slinks off the stage surreptitiously. Another band member thumps her on the shoulder, looking aggrieved that she’s leaving, but Robin just ignores him.
“Ugh, that was so boring,” she groans when she finally meets you where you’re standing at the side of the crowd.
“You know you can quit band, right?” you tell her.
“Yeah, but all my friends are in it.” She tears off her shako and gauntlets. “Let’s get out of here before the others notice I’m gone.”
You follow her, laughing as she struggles with the zipper on her uniform. She leads you to one of the band buses in the parking lot where she throws her uniform and instrument. Once she’s done, the two of you make it back to the fair, laughing with each other about how sleazy Mayor Kline is. 
“I heard he only organized this whole fair to make himself look good after the protests last week,” you remark.
“Yeah, my parents hate him. He’s slimy as hell.” Robin smiles and spins around. “But I love a good time.” She looks around, then, and frowns. “Where’s Steve?”
You shrug. “Dunno. Haven’t seen him.”
“You guys still haven’t made up?”
Little did she know it wasn’t going to be that easy. “It’s whatever.”
“He’s probably running late because he’s doing his stupid hair.” Robin stares at a food stall that’s caught her eye. “Wanna get some cotton candy?”
You and Robin exchange tickets for two massive sticks of cotton candy, enjoying it and giggling about past drama from school while the fireworks start to go off. Even though you and Robin had lost touch since your middle school band class days, it was surprisingly easy to go back to being friends years later. You’ve never met someone with such a propensity for talking, whether it was to rant about a bad customer or to ramble during a movie, but you find it endearing and relatable.
When Steve still doesn’t show up after a few minutes, you and Robin decide to ditch waiting around for him to go on some rides. The line for the Big Top swing ride is relatively short, so you and Robin race for the turnstiles, laughing and jesting with each other. The ride is more than a little rickety, which only serves to amplify your laughter with an added layer of nervousness. But there’s nothing better than the feeling of the cool evening air as it whips through your hair. 
You go on a few more rides together—the Gravitron, the Matterhorn, and then the Fun Slide after Robin starts feeling too nauseous from the more intense rides. And then you decide to just walk aimlessly around the fair eating corn dogs, but it’s kind of nice. 
A few weeks ago, your friendship became solidified when Robin called you one evening asking for advice. She’d been distressed that she almost revealed a secret to her friends from school; a secret she wasn’t yet ready to tell the world. You’d helped calm her down and reassure her that everything was going to be okay. Since that day, she trusted you like an older sister, and you vowed to keep her secret safe with you. 
You trust Robin, too. You know she genuinely cares about you and Steve. 
“I think Steve and I may have overstepped a boundary with each other,” you say hesitantly after a lull in the conversation. 
“Overstepped a boundary?” she repeats. Then her eyes go wide. “Oh god. Do I wanna know? Did you guys—”
“No,” you say too quickly. “Well, yes. But not really, not all the way, not like—we’re just friends,” you blather. 
Robin raises an eyebrow. “I don’t know what you’re trying to say, but what I do know is that there’s no way in hell that Steve thinks of you as just a friend.”
You gape. “What? What do you mean?”
“Y/N.” She lowers her voice. “I may not be into boys, but I’m not blind. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
You’re at a loss for words. “I… I don’t know, Robin…”
What had Robin seen that you’d missed? You’d never even fully felt seen by Steve until he had agreed to go along with your proposition last week. Before that, though…he’d given little to no indication that he saw you in any other way than as just a friend. Or were you just blinded by your own bias?
You think about the way he’d rejected your advances last week, the way he’d contradicted himself. First it was, I don’t want that with you, and then it was, well I do want that, but I can’t go back to being friends if we did that…? You’d been overanalyzing his words for far too long. You don’t know what to think.
You’ve considered that he just isn’t as into you as you’re into him—entirely possible, since you won’t even admit to yourself how much you like him. But why would he have agreed to get you off…for nothing in return for himself? 
Or maybe it was just about getting practice. Maybe all he really did want in return was the experience…a notch in his belt…a verbal reassurance that he didn’t totally suck in bed.
And then the whole hallway encounter just confused you even further. That wasn’t something that just friends did. So many elements to your interactions—the way he looked at you that night, the way he treated you, the way he’d kissed you—all indicated that it was more than just an experience opportunity for him.
And yet, you couldn’t help but wonder… If some other girl instead of you had come up to him with the same proposition, would he have accepted? 
Did Steve just really like pussy, or did he like your pussy?
God. What a crude thought.
“He asked me if you were seeing anyone, you know,” Robin says, breaking you away from your racing thoughts. 
“Yeah. A couple weeks ago. It was the day that you nailed him on the forehead with ice cream and he kicked you out.”
It’s true; you had been trying to annoy him by catapulting spoonfuls of pistachio ice cream from across the shop. After you’d successfully struck his forehead, he’d griped like a grouchy old man and shooed you out. You and Robin laughed about it for days after the fact. 
“He asked if I was seeing anyone?” you repeat. 
Robin nods. “I told him you weren’t. But then I told him he had a pretty weird fetish if he found it attractive when women assaulted him with ice cream.”
You had no idea about any of this. You bury your face in your hands and sigh.
“What?” Robin asks.
“I just don’t know what to think anymore.”
“What’s there to think? It doesn’t seem that complicated to me. I mean…do you like Steve?”
“Well, of course.”
“Yeah, but do you like like Steve?”
You don’t know what to say. “He’s become one of my best friends,” you answer instead. 
“So what?”
“So… I don’t know. What if you’re wrong?”
Robin finishes the last bite of her corn dog and chucks the stick into a trash can. “He told me something else,” she says. 
“He told me a while ago that he hasn’t been with anyone since Nancy.”
You gape. Nancy Wheeler? His long-term girlfriend…the Princess of Hawkins High…the Nancy Wheeler who left Steve for Jonathan Byers last October?
“That can’t be right,” you insist. “What about Lisa R.?”
Robin shrugs. “I’m guessing she would have been the next. But we both know how that turned out.” Robin gives you a level look. “And…if you and him…”
“We’re just friends,” you say again, the statement automatic and ingrained. 
“I’m just saying, if he did like you, and if you guys did hook up…it might be the first time since Nancy the Priss.” Robin shakes her head and smiles. “Steve tries to pretend like he’s over her, but I don’t think he is. So he tries to act like he’s this big womanizer, but I don’t think he’s been that way for a long time. And I actually do think he really, really likes you.”
You walk silently beside Robin, your mind galloping like a racehorse. You have absolutely no idea what to say, what to think. 
A few long minutes pass, and you hadn’t even realized that Robin hasn’t spoken in awhile until you turn to look at her. Which is a long time by Robin’s standards to not say anything, but she’s focused on something else. It’s a group of band kids standing by a drink stand, still in their uniforms, laughing with each other. 
“Are we still trying to avoid your band friends?” you ask. 
Robin shakes her head. “No…”
“You wanna go join them?”
Robin’s eyes go wide like you had just asked her to start singing on a stage. “No way.”
“Why not?”
“Because…because that’s…that’s…”
You squint your eyes to make out their faces. “Oh. Oh my god. That’s her, isn’t it?”
Vickie, the clarinet player. The one Robin was starting to develop a crush on. And her friends—those are the friends Robin thinks she almost accidentally outed herself to. 
“Don’t worry, they probably already completely forgot about what happened,” you reassure her. 
Robin shakes her head. “There’s no way they forgot about how I agreed when Vickie made that joke about how our last marching formation on the field last season looked like a pair of boobs from the stands.”
“You didn’t agree, you just nodded, remember? And it was a funny joke. Anyone would have laughed.” You clasp her on the shoulder. “You’re in the clear, dude. No one’s suspecting anything.”
“Yeah, but…what if they are?”
“They’re not. You’re being paranoid.”
Robin breathes out a big sigh. “Okay…Okay.”
“Besides…if Vickie the Clarinet Player’s making jokes about boobs on the marching field, then maybe she’s also—”
“Ah! Enough!” Robin cuts you off, waving a hand frantically. You giggle.
“Okay, sorry, sorry. But still…you should go talk to them,” you encourage.
“But she’s with them.”
“Vickie the Clarinet Player!!”
“Exactly. Don’t you want to get to know her, too?”
Robin muses and says quietly, “Yeah…”
You shove her shoulder. “Then you should go!”
“You won’t come?”
“I’ll catch up with you guys later.” You could use a moment to collect your thoughts. “And…maybe I’ll go try to find Steve. He’s got to be around here somewhere.”
Robin nods and bids you farewell, hesitantly walking over to her friends by the drink stand. You walk around a bit until you find an empty bench to sit and think. 
The news about Nancy Wheeler being the last girl Steve has been with... Is that why he hadn’t wanted to do anything more with you on that night last week? Because he wasn’t over Nancy yet?
Was it because he’d rather it be Nancy than you?
Albeit painful, that was easier for you to wrap your head around than the notion that Steve Harrington might actually, genuinely like like you. Besides, what if Robin was wrong? What if he didn’t actually like like you? 
It wouldn’t be the first time for you that a boy broke your heart. You handled it just fine the other times. Frankly, even if Steve broke your heart, you’d be okay. You’d get over it. 
But what you won’t get over is losing him as a friend. 
You weigh your options. You could keep ignoring him until he decides to talk to you again—not ideal, because you already sense growing animosity between the two of you. And because you really miss him. The other option is to make the first move to try to go back to being friends and hope he follows your lead. And just ignore everything that happened in the basement, ignore the hallway encounter, ignore your feelings.
But there’s another option…
You could confront him. You could ask him why he’s been avoiding you. You could go off of what Robin said and just ask him outright if he likes you or not. Get it out of the way. Rip off the band-aid.
Just the thought of doing that makes you nervous. You really hate confrontation…and you’re willing to bet Steve does too. But what if it gave him an opportunity to admit it…to admit that he likes you too? It could be a good thing. It could be a really good thing. 
And if he says no…then it’s just friends.
At almost the exact time you decide that’s what you’re going to do, you spot him from across the fairgrounds. 
He’s leaning against the steel support structures at the side of the Fun House, glancing around like he’s looking for someone. For a boy wearing the most basic, Steve-like outfit—gray jacket, navy t-shirt, jeans, and his trusty white Nike’s— he looks achingly good. And you’re willing to bet he’d spent way longer than necessary to style his hair so it sat just perfectly at the top of his head, just as Robin had suspected. 
He’s here late, as per usual, but he’s probably been looking for you and Robin for a while now. You haven't laid eyes on him in literally a week, and the sight of him set off a series of neurons in your brain. Images of the last time you’d seen him in your basement flash in your mind, but you cast those images away, determined to keep your head straight for the conversation you’re about to have with him. 
You get up from the bench and start heading over to him, rehearsing in your brain what to say and how to say it. Steve, I know you’re avoiding me, and I want to know if it’s because you have a crush on me. I like you, and I think you like me, too, but if not, that’s cool, we can just be friends—
Someone else is walking up to him, too. 
She gets there before you do. She steps in front of where Steve is leaning against the steel beams. At first, you can’t make out her features, but you can see Steve’s with crystal clarity…the way his eyebrows shoot up in surprise, the way his posture straightens.
The goofy smile. The hand running through his hair. 
And then she smiles at him, standing way too close for a stranger as they talk…her black ringlets of hair, her perfectly painted red lips. And suddenly, you know exactly who she is. 
Lisa R. steps closer to Steve. She places a dainty hand on his chest and leans in. Steve’s cheeks redden as she whispers something in his ear. He smiles and says something back to her that makes her purse her lips. She reaches up and touches his cheek with her fingers—
You’ve seen enough. But just before you look away…Steve’s eyes meet yours. 
You whirl around on your heel and start marching in the opposite direction. You don’t have any particular destination in mind—just as far away from Steve and Lisa R. as possible. 
While your legs work in overtime to take you far away, your mind sears with a million different thoughts. The exuberance of the carnival music and bright lights almost feel nauseating now, almost claustrophobic. You can’t believe you were about to say something so stupid to him. You can’t believe how dumb you were to have thought that Steve was here to see you and Robin.
You can’t believe how foolish you were to think that maybe Steve has a crush on you when there’s girls like Lisa R. and Nancy Wheeler. 
Maybe Lisa R. showing up was serendipity. Because otherwise, you had been about to make the biggest fool of yourself in front of Steve. 
His voice carries faintly over the cacophony of carnival games and cheering children. He’s following you. You pretend not to hear him, allowing yourself to become engulfed by a large crowd standing around the fair’s exit. The fair was about to close down for the night, you realize, and everyone is headed home. But it wouldn’t be long before the crowd dispersed to go to their separate cars and Steve would spot you. 
You duck behind a hot dog stand. It’s so dumb. The way you’re feeling right now, it’s so stupid. You have no right to feel upset about seeing Steve with Lisa R. after you’d been actively encouraging him all summer to ask her out. 
Steve’s standing in the crowd, whipping his head around, still looking for you. You take off again in the opposite direction, swimming up the river of people and back toward the attractions. But he spots you, and you know he’s right on your tail.
“Y/N, wait, please just wait,” he calls out. You want to beeline for cover—behind the ferris wheel, in one of the portable toilets, in the woods, whatever—but he grabs your arm and you have no choice but to turn around and face him. His eyes are wide and fixed on yours. 
“What?” you ask, deadpan.
“I didn’t know she’d be here,” he says in a rush. You just stare at him and say nothing. “I didn’t know Lisa R. would be here.”
“Well, I bet you’re happy she was.” You try to yank your arm back but he holds it tightly. There was such intense tension in his touch and in the way his eyes held you captive. 
“I saw you,” he explained. “Watching us.”
You frown and glance away. “Yeah. Sorry to ruin your special moment.”
“There wasn’t any moment! I—Y/N,” he calls again as you wrench your arm free and storm off. 
“You don’t have to lie about it, Steve,” you say as coldly as possible.
“I’m not lying! Can we please just talk?”
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“There is. Please.”
You slow down a bit, finally stopping in your tracks. You sigh deeply; you know you’re being childish by running away. So you turn to face him again. When he doesn’t say anything—just stares at you with a dumbfounded expression on his stupid, beautiful face—you spit out, “We’re talking.”
“Will you tell me why you’re upset?”
“I’m not upset.”
“Yes, you are.”
“I’m not. Can I go now?”
He blinks. “I didn’t know Lisa R. was going to come up to me like that,” he says again.
“You already said that.”
“Yeah, but—but I wish she hadn’t,” he explains. “I’d be happy to never see her again, Y/N.”
You give a humorous laugh. “You and I both know that’s a lie,” you retort. “You’ve been trying to get with Lisa R. all summer, so don’t pretend like you weren’t happy to see her.”
“I was trying to get with her, but that was until—” Steve stops himself and snaps his mouth shut. You glare at him, unblinking, waiting for him to finish his thought. But he doesn’t. So you sculpt a mask of aloofness on your features.
“It’s not that deep, Steve. You’re allowed to be with Lisa R. Just don’t sue me for not wanting to be there to watch it happen.”
“I don’t want to be with Lisa R. Not anymore.”
You raise your eyebrows, shrug, and huff a laugh, still playing the part of indifference. “Alright,” you say coolly. “Good for you. Now you can get with literally any other girl you want. Is that it, or can I please go?”
“Stop it, Y/N.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“Stop trying to pretend like you’re not upset!” he yells. You flinch a bit; you weren’t expecting him to raise his voice. 
“Don’t yell at me,” you spit. “You don’t get to avoid me for a week and then yell at me for no reason.”
“You were avoiding me,” he accuses, his voice still the same volume. “You didn’t come once during your shift breaks this week!”
“Yeah, well, Robin said you hid in the kitchen anytime someone who looked like me came in,” you say indignantly, “So excuse me for not wanting to come by.”
“Screw Robin,” Steve snapped. “You didn’t want to see me.”
“I did want to see you!” you shout back. “Of course I wanted to fucking see you! Will you stop bothering me?”
“Why didn’t you come, then?”
“Because I’m embarrassed, okay?!” You immediately look away from him after admitting it, but you can feel his eyes boring into you.
“You’re embarrassed?” Steve asks gently, all of the sudden. “Why?” 
“Because—” You glared at him, your skin hot. Because he's seen me naked? “Because I should have never asked you what I did in the first place.”
“Why not?” Steve presses.
Because you should have known you and Steve wouldn’t be able to go back to being friends after that. Because you should have known that feelings would get in the way. Because you really, really fucking liked him.
But you don’t say any of that.
“Because now you’ve made it all weird,” you accuse him. “You kissed me in the hallway, and you started avoiding me, and you’re yelling at me. So I know you’re embarrassed, too. You just won’t admit it.”
“I am not embarrassed about what happened,” Steve declares. 
“Then why were you avoiding me?” you say, enunciating your words dangerously slow. 
Steve would be foolish to try to blame you for the same again, and he knows it. He doesn’t say anything. The tension grows and grows until you’re almost choking on it. 
At last, he says, just as articulate as you, “Why did you run away when you saw me with Lisa R.?”
“Because she was a bitch to you, and you’re clearly too dumb to turn her down,” you spit. 
“If you must know,” he responds with venom in his voice, ”I rejected her. Right as you walked away.”
You want to say, he’s pretty good at rejecting people this week, it seems. But you bite your tongue. 
“Why?” you demand. 
“Because I don’t want to be with Lisa R,” he repeats. “Why did you run away?”
“Why were you avoiding me after you kissed me?”
It’s a stand-off. Neither of you are willing to put your pistols down. Seconds pass, and all you can do is just stand there in the middle of the fairgrounds and stare at each other. Waiting for the other to give in. But you’re both too stubborn. 
In the end, it’s Steve to give in first. But not to answer your question. Instead, he presents an entirely new one. 
“You said you should have never asked me to practice with you,” he says, his voice thick. “But why did you ask me?”
You want to keep the stand-off going. You want to retort something snarky back at him again. You want so badly not to give in. But you can’t do it anymore. 
He’s not dumb. And you’re done playing guessing games with him. He has to have figured it out by now. 
“Why do you think, Steve?” you say despondently, your voice barely audible, even though there’s no one left in the fairgrounds anymore. “Why do you think I ran away when I saw you with Lisa R.?” You find yourself leaning closer, even though every instinct is telling you to turn away. “Why do you think I’ve been avoiding you as much as you’ve been avoiding me?”
It’s all he needs to hear. As if the bubble of building pressure finally bursts with your words, Steve grabs you by your waist and kisses you. 
It’s rough. It’s messy. And it takes your breath away. 
Steve kisses you exactly like he had in the back hallway a week ago—as if his entire life depends on it. With his hands on your back, his arms completely enveloping you, he holds your body against his so tightly that you couldn’t get away if you tried. But you don’t want to get away, not anymore. All you want is him. 
You don’t know where it came from, but suddenly there’s a short metal staircase leading up the back of one of the attractions. Steve’s pulling your body along with his up the stairs, where he then whirls you around and pins you firmly against the wooden door. His mouth never once leaves yours.
A noise from behind Steve causes him to whip his head around. It’s a gaggle of police officers, wielding flashlights and sauntering around the now-empty fairgrounds. They’re looking for any remaining stragglers who haven’t left yet. Steve curses and looks around, locking his eyes on the handle of the door he has you pressed up against. You step away as he jiggles the handle anxiously; it’s stuck a bit, but it eventually gives way and the door opens. Steve ushers you inside and closes the door before the cops catch the two of you.
You look around. It’s the Hall of Mirrors. The neon lights are still on, casting endless colorful arrays off of the mirrors that surround you. But as far as you can tell, there’s not a single soul in the attraction besides you and Steve.
He’s on you again, kissing you fervently, as if he can’t help himself. There’s a million things you want to say, a million things you want him to say…but none as powerful as his kiss. He pushes you again, guiding you away from the emergency exit door and through the hall. You shriek as he pushes you against what looks like it’s a mirror, but it’s actually a pathway. Steve smiles against your lips; the feeling makes you want to rejoice. 
“Steve,” you breathe out. Same as you had that day in the hallway. He responds by wrapping his fingers in your hair at the base of your neck and pulling down, gentle but firm. You gasp, and his lips find your neck, and whatever thought you’d been wanting to say scatters like leaves in the wind. 
Your body longs for him, and clearly, his body longs for you, too. You can feel how hard he is in his jeans as he presses his body against yours. The feeling—the thought alone—sets you on fire. 
“Are you still upset with me?” he murmurs against your neck as he touches the straps of your sundress. 
“Yes,” you say.
He makes a noise—disapproval? Determination? You can't tell.
“I can’t avoid you anymore," he says, and he kisses his way back up your neck, your jaw, your chin, your lips. Meanwhile, his hands fall to the hem of your dress, hiking it up as he grabs your ass. A stifled moan emits from your mouth.
And then his fingers trace the lace of your underwear. “I can’t stop thinking about you," he says resolutely.
Is that why he’d stayed away from you? Because every time he saw you, he wanted to do this? You grasp for his shirt, slipping your hands underneath it, feeling the skin on his back.
“You’re a dingus for avoiding me all week.” Your back arches as his fingers brush against your heat through your underwear.
“Hey,” he murmurs, dipping his head to kiss your collarbones. “Only Robin’s allowed to call me that.”
You tangle your fingers in his hair. “Well, Robin’s not here right now.”
“Thank god for that.” He kisses in between your breasts as he holds your mons pubis in his palm. He breathes out hotly and pulls you tighter to him with the arm around your waist. “You’re so fucking hot.”
“Me, or my pussy?”
As he begins to rub you through your underwear, your mouth falls open and a hot flash ripples through your body. Steve watches your eyes, your lips, his forehead pressed against yours, as he feels you move against his fingers, your body itching for more. 
Steve pushes his torso into you so you’re pressed firmly against one of the mirrors. He hooks his thumbs in the elastic of your underwear and slides them down. And he trails kisses all the way down your body as he crouches before you. 
Oh, god, you think as you realize what he’s doing. 
Steve hoists one of your thighs up and on his shoulder, ducks under your dress, he plants a kiss right against your pussy. 
Oh my god.
A small voice in the back of your mind reminds you that this is probably not a great idea, that you and Steve probably should have a conversation with each other before you do something like this again. But the voice is easily squashed by the blank nothingness that washes over your brain, replacing all logical thought with your more primitive desires.
And fuck, he’s so eager for you. 
His tongue moves against your clit just like you’d taught him last week, just like he knows you like it. You can’t see him from beneath your sundress, but you see a thousand variants of your own reflection in all the mirrors, his figure crouched beneath your dress, his arms wrapped around your thighs as he sucks the life out of you. 
How the hell did he learn to maneuver you into a pose like this? You moan his name, letting your head fall back against the mirror. You rake your fingers through his hair and he groans against you at the feeling. As his tongue begins to find a familiar rhythm against your clit, a familiar itching ache blooms across your pelvis and torso. You gasp, grinding against him, hoping to god your knee doesn’t buckle. 
You want to come on his tongue, but you want him inside you even more.
“Steve,” you say, urgently now. He pulls away and peers up at you. “I need you inside of me.”
“I…” He frowns, clearly unsure of how to make that happen logistically. Impatient, you tug up at his shoulders, urging him to stand up. He does, and you kiss him sensually while you guide his hands back to your heat again.
“Please,” you whisper, pressing his fingers against your bare skin where you’re dripping with desire from his mouth. He moans as he slips a finger into you, and you echo his moan when that finger curls up into you.
“Fuck,” he sighs. With his other hand, he cups your face and kisses you again, but you’re far too distracted by his finger inside of you to kiss him back. 
Your own hands grasp for anything they can…his biceps, his back, and finally the belt of his jeans. You want to touch him, but you hesitate, remembering how he’d reacted last time you’d tried this. But this time, as your hand halts, he presses closer to you, pushing his hips into your touch. You pull your head back to look in his eyes as you dip your hand lower to feel his erection through his jeans. His eyes grow darker with desire, and he doesn’t stop you.
So you manage to unbuckle, unbutton, and unzip him. His mouth falls open and his finger inside you stops moving as you feel him through his underwear. He feels exactly how you’d imagined he’d feel, and even better was his unguarded reaction as you squeezed him gently.
“Fuck,” he groaned again, the word long and drawn out this time. Your grip tightens and you can’t help but smirk at his reaction, the way he bucks his hips, the way he inhales sharply.
You reach around and pull the elastic down, just far enough to free his dick so you can touch it without the barrier of fabric.
The atmosphere changes completely as you jerk him off. He fingers you at the same time now with a new vigor, one that leaves you breathless and determined to replicate the same energy. Meanwhile, your breaths become one, his mouth brushing against yours. As you pump him, his member suddenly swells in size in your hands, and you can feel the warm wetness of his precum dribbling from his tip, lubricating your motions.
And his hand…as his finger curls into you, coaxing out your moans as he hits that sweet spot every time, the palm of his hand presses into your clit. A sheen of sweat breaks on your forehead as you realize how determined he is to make you come.
Had this become a competition, too? Was it a game to see who could make the other come first? It wasn’t explicitly said, but with the energy between the two of you, you could feel it. 
Frankly, you were losing. His finger—two now—just felt too fucking good.
You match his energy, cupping his balls with your other hand, and he moans against your mouth. There’s nothing graceful left in either of your actions; it’s raw passion, gritty, fast, desperate.
“Steve,” you moan. You can feel wetness running down your inner thighs, inevitably covering his fingers.
“Irresistible,” he says huskily. His fingers speed up, which in this context feels fucking unreal. The neon lights in the mirrors’ reflections start to spin. You’re losing yourself in him. You’ll lose this unspoken game unless you double down. So you adjust your grip and settle into a rigorous rhythm for him, one you knew he wouldn’t be able to resist. Sure enough, Steve’s breath shudders.
But as Steve begins to fall apart, so do you.
“Come for me, baby,” he coaxes. You fall over the ledge. 
The heat emanating from the friction of his fingers overtakes you at last. The neon lights in the mirrors become kaleidoscopes in your vision. You moan out again and your knees shudder as a massive wave of pleasure racks your body. You lose your grip on his dick, instead grasping desperately at his shirt as your orgasm ripples through you.
Through the haze of it, you realize Steve has taken matters into his own hands—literally, as he jerks himself off to the sight of your climax. Steve’s hips tremor and his breath gets caught in his throat—and then he’s coming, too, all over his hands, just as you’re descending from your high.
Seconds pass, maybe minutes, there’s no sound except you and Steve gasping for air.
"I wasn't sure if you saw me as anything more than just a friend," you finally say in between gasps.
“I'm not the only dingus in the room, then,” he breathes. "Besides...we're still friends."
“Just friends don’t do this.”
“Fair.” Despite the mess you and he had just made, Steve dips down to kiss your lips once more. “Maybe more than just friends.”
A/N: Ooooof talk about horrible communication huh?? What are we all thinking? Any predictions for how Steve and Reader's relationship will change in the next chapter after this?? We still have a lot of ground to cover!
Thank you immensely for reading! I had originally wanted to make this series only a three-parter, but I still have a lot to write about for this story/this pairing. I hope you guys are in for another chapter! ◡̈
I’m dying to hear your thoughts about this work! Please note that I write fanfiction for free; my only request for repayment is a genuine expression of your thoughts, opinions, likes/dislikes, and predictions about the story. Whether it’s simply a “Wow, I loved it!”, a keyboard smash, a series of convoluted thoughts in the tags, or even a full-out review, please know that any and all feedback is welcome!
I write for the following fandoms: Elvis, Austin Butler, and Stranger Things. Requests are currently closed, but I adore receiving asks about your thoughts, headcanon ideas, other ravings, or just about life! Please send me some fun stuff in my ask box and I will cry of happiness!
Much love ❤︎ from Juniper
next chapter!!!!
Stranger Things fics taglist (if I'd added you by mistake, you'd like to be removed, or you'd liked to be added, please lmk via ask!): @rexorangecouny @k-k0129 @piecsesrising @cutesy-creep @whereintheworldisspencerreid @thingfromlove @hellfirebloodhound @buginksworld @wtfsteveharrington @yellowharrington @theangryjuniper @o-holynight @chestharrington @sexytholland @hoedameronsworld @floralcyanide @likexthexplanet @thatsonezesty13 @misaamaneswifey @undeniableadrenaline @bobo-bush @sojibug @hazzarights @touchmetouchmetouchme @homeskilletbiscuit22 @dullsocietyy @kirbursoot @lelenikki @keepingitlokiii @hoedameronsworld @xh-josii @sexytholland @theblairwaldorf2
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booksobsess · 2 years
Lucky Charm - Part 2
Charles Leclerc x Doctor! Reader Part 1
Synopsis: After the car crash and being in the hospital, things are left out you have a date waiting for.
Warnings: Language, car crash, nearly death, PTSD
Words count: 2'7k
A/N: I'm sorry it took so long to write, I had a really busy week at work and I didn't have the energy to write. I know it's shorter, I'm sorry. What I wanted to tell is already here but if you want a 3rd part I can make one, just let me know
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"Perfect, It's a date then!" Charles said so confidently and I could see his eyes slowly open up as well as mine when he said that.
Before I could even open my mouth he corrected himself "Wait, not a date, old habits. I know you are engaged, sorry. But we can meet up to catch up and you can bring your fiancé too if that's alright with both of you" God, he is nervous. Is he? I don't think I have ever listened him talk as fast as he did right now "Sorry I didn't mean to make things uncomfortable"
I just stand there with his medical profile in my hands.
"Oh" oh? OH? the only thing I can think to say is oh?
"I would love to come over and talk for a bit" He looked at me and god I missed his green blueish eyes so much. I avoid his gaze and loos at his profile and change the subject.
"I just checked that Dr. Lavigne already did an MRI and It's good. I would like to check it back in two days if that's alright just to make sure everything is alright" I still notice his gaze at me but I keep looking at his medical profile.
"Oh that's alright for me"
"Ok I will call the nurse to give you the appointment right now"
After all the process is done and I tell him he can go home, all his family is there with him to pick him up. Since he will stay with his mother to not be alone for the night. And before I leave the room to go home he asks me one more thing.
"Will you come tomorrow?" Charles is looking with spark in his eyes and also is family.
"I will" With a smile on my face I leave the room and sense a presence on my back that I know too well, Arthur.
"You told him about Dorian?" He looked at me with a questioning face
"Not yet. He still thinks we are engaged" Arthur looks me and I know that look he is asking me if I want him to tell him. But that's something I want to do myself "I will tell him tomorrow, he asked if we could meet up"
"Yea, I noticed back there" He tilts his head to the room, hugs me and when the hug ends he looks at me with hope in his eyes "I'm so ready for you to become my sister-in-law again" and before I can even deny it he is already back into the room.
The next day in the afternoon, it's time to go to Charles house. I stare at his door for 5 minutes trying to compose myself from I don't know what. When I finally get the strength to know at his door.
I can listen to his mother shouting at him about something I can't understand quite well but a second later Ms Leclerc opens the door.
"Y/n dear, he has been waiting for you. I will go to do some errands and I will come back after dinner. He is in good hands with you" she kisses me on both cheeks and leaves with a bag in her hand.
"Thank you, Ms Leclerc, I will take care of him" she turns around to smile at me and continues walking.
I get inside Charles' apartment and It hasn't changed a bit, I still can remember when he bought it. He wanted me to come with him to help him choose. The only difference is that it is more full and more trophies hanging around. When I get to the living room I see him sitting on his couch fixing his hair.
"Hi, how have you been?" He notices me and quickly composes himself
"I've never been better than right now" I sense he is a bit tense looking behind me all the time looking for something or someone.
"Your fiancé couldn't come?" Of course, he was worried about that, he was looking for him.
"Oh yes about that" I drop my gaze and look at my feet "I don't have a fiancé" I'm still standing and I move my eyes to look him in his green eyes. I see a little bit of hope? happiness? I don't know. "Not anymore at least" I notice his eyebrows move together making a questioning look on his face.
"How so? Arthur told me you were engaged" he looks at me with fear in his eyes I believe and notices me standing. "Sit down please, this is also your home"
I sit next to him ready to explain what happened to me after we broke up
"Tell me, how have you been? I hate the fact I only got news from you from my brother. I hate we lost contact" And I started to explain everything since we broke up and he listened quietly taking mental notes of everything.
"After our break up I went to Paris and there was amazing. Those years were the best years of my life as much as I struggled to get the grades I loved it." I make a pause to continue "In my last year I got an internship at Mayo Clinic for my last year and I moved to Rochester"
"Mayo Clinic, I know. My brother told me, we were so proud of you." he looks a bit distant now when he speaks "You know, when you were at Mayo Clinic, there was one time I came, looking for you" That leaves me in shook I've never known this
"Oh I guess you didn't found me, I was probably at a operating room" I start to put some biscuits and dinks that I brought for us to eat on the small table.
"Oh no, I did see you. I waited at the coffee shop in front of the main door looking for you" With that my heart shrinks.
"Why didn't you say anything? I could have shown you everything" This time he avoids my gaze.
"When I saw you leave the door of the clinic I was coming to you. But a group of four was coming behind you and I knew they were your friends. You were happy, it reminded me of how you were with me. I was relieved to see you where you belong and not working for anything. But I still wanted to come and talk to you. But then I was a boy grabbing you from behind and giving you a kiss."
Dorian. I remember that day, we were so happy because a patient with a tumour on his brain was removed and we were euphoric. But right now, knowing Charles saw me with Dorian makes me feel guilty, seeing his sad face right now makes me sick.
"I didn't want to bother you and I walked away. You were happy and that was the most important thing in the world. Even if it was without me" I can sense his sadness in his words "That boy, was he your fiancé?"
"His name was Dorian" Charles tilts his head a little "He died last year in a car crash, I was the driver and a truck lost control of the vehicle and stomped into us, since that I have not driven a car. That's why I came back to Monte Carlo" Immediately he hugs me to comfort me. "When I saw you the other day come to ER I had a mini panic attack"
He wasn't expecting that. Maybe he thought we broke up because he cheated or maybe we had different objectives in life like what happened with him. But Charles wasn't imagining he died.
"Did you love him?" that's the only thing he asks me taking my head into his shoulder
"Yes, I did" I can feel his shoulders tighten but I continue "I have only loved romanticly two people in my life. Dorian and you Charles" His shoulders relax a bit when he hears his name. "You will always be my first love" He grabs my face with his hands and looks me in the eyes
"You are my first and only love" I notice his eyes moving from my eyes to my lips. But before we could close the distance between us I must ask
"I saw you dated a brunette, did she treat you good?" Great, I killed the mood, because he takes his hands off my face.
"She did love me, and for a short time, I wanted to believe myself I love her back. But we finished it off because I was lying to myself and to her. I didn't want to waste her time with me when I knew I could never love anyone like I have always loved you"
He is really close to me and I want to kiss him, I want to kiss him. It makes me realise have never stopped loving him I never will stop loving him.
"You know, like you, I always asked Arthur how you were going. Also every Sunday I watched the Grand Prix, I have never missed a race. Dorian and I watched every time, he knew about you" I smile at him but my smile dissolves as soon as I think of the last Sunday when the crash happened "Well, this Sunday it was the first time I've ever missed a Grand Prix and that happened. Pretty ironic isn't it?"
"You were always watching me, I always wondered if you were. Now I know" He pulls a look of hair behind my ear and cups my face with his hand "You are my lucky charm, you have always been and always will be"
With that, we cannot contain it any longer and he pulls in for a kiss and I let him kiss me. God, I missed him so much, I have always missed him but never thought I desperately needed him. I kiss him back and he pulls me onto the couch, Charles on top of me. I put my arms around his shoulders to deepen the kiss.
Time must have passed so fast because we listen to the would of the front door unlocking and Charles immediately pulls us up and we fix ourselves so his mother doesn't notice.
"Kids I'm home, I bought some chicken and pasta. Y/n are you staying for dinner?" Well, that was awkward especially when Ms Leclerc points with her index finger to the corner of her mouth looking at her son when I see a little of my lipstick run out at the corner of his lips. Charles immediately wipes it out with his hand and I put my hand on my forehead while his mom is laughing. "Don't worry kiddos I will not tell a soul, I'm glad you are back together"
"Ms Leclerc I will get going, there is no need to make dinner for me, thank you for your kindness." Ms Leclerc objects a little trying to persuade me to stay but I will get home, tomorrow I have to work early "Charles, I will see you tomorrow. Remember, you have to go to the Hospital and I have to check if your brain is still everything intact"
"Do you want us to go together?" Charles asks me stretching his arm to grab my hand "I go on foot to the hospital, if its good for you"
The next day I'm walking down the street with Charles and even though we got out early we arrive short on time since we had to stop multiple times for Charles to take pictures with fans.
Now he is in the MRI room and I'm back behind the glass looking at the results when the photo of multiple MRI arrives at the computer I'm completely mesmerized.
"God, it's beautiful"
"I know I'm beautiful but I always love hearing it from you" I now notice I said it with the mic on and he listened to me
"Your brain is beautiful"
"That's the weirdest and the best compliment someone has ever said to me"
"You are also handsome but you already know that"
I can see from the little camera a little blush on his cheeks and I smile like an idiot.
"Good, it's all done" you can go back and put your jewellery back" When he gets out of the room he waits for me to register the results and analysis on the computer. And a little later I get out.
"Everything is in order, your brain seems to function correctly. Now you have no need to come back to the hospital" We are walking out of the hospital, since I have my 15 minutes break we are going to a little coffee shop so no one can bother us.
"I have all the reasons to come back to the hospital" he pauses a little while he takes my hand in his "You are here" He kisses the back of my hand without taking his eyes off me.
"As long as you don't come here with an injury that's fine by me"
Three months have passed since that day and we got back together officially two months ago. Despise that we are not a public couple, only our family and our closest friends know. When one day I receive a call from Arthur.
"Y/n! Y/n! have you seen the article?!"
"What article? What are you talking about?"
"The one I just send you" I hang up on him to check this article Arthur send me.
CHARLES LECLERC IS DATING AGAIN The F1 driver Charles Leclerc is most likely off the table since it's been taken a picture of a young woman leaving his apartment and multiple pictures of evidence seem to indicate he is dating this mystery girl. Before we got to publish this article we decided to reveal who's the mystery girl and from the multiple pictures that have been taken it seems to be that the mystery girl is Dr. Y/n Y/l/n. Who is she you may ask? Well, she is de doctor Leclerc had in ER back in Monaco when his crash happened, you can say she is his hero. But if we go back in time we know they have a history together since Dr. y/l/n was the driver's first ever girlfriend. You can also see she has accompanied him for his last race of the season at the Belgian Grand Prix. What do you think of this shooting news? Could this be the best couple ever?
In the middle of the article, there are some pictures of Charles and me at his doorstep one we are just talking, the other he is kissing me goodbye to go to work and the other is just me walking down the street with one of his Ferrari t-shirts on.
It should bother me that the paparazzi have invaded my privacy but it doesn't a part of me is released by it. I need to speak to Charles. but right now he is doing his practice 1 for the race on Sunday.
When he has ended the first and second practice and it's done by the day and before we walk back to the hotel. I show him the article.
"Well that's nice to know before they attack us with questions and pictures"
"Aren't you nervous?"
"No, why I should be? I love you" He grabs my hand and brings me into a hug. "Are you uncomfortable?"
"No, I'm not, I don't mind. I love you and we are in this together. What bothers me is that they hadn't given us the chance to say it ourselves"
He puts his arm against my shoulder and we begin to walk to the car
"Would you like me to make a post on social media?"
I nod when I get a heavy weight on my shoulders and see Pierre next to me.
"Hey love birds are you ready to face the world as a couple, again"
"Yes, we are" Charles says while walking off the paddock and kissing me on the lips and I hear the sound of multiple cameras flashing and taking pictures. But I don't care, I'm with Charles and that's what matters the most.
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mxtcha-tea · 3 years
domestic shiratorizawa
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⊹summary; the life inside the dorms of shiratorizawa
⊹pilots; gn![y/n], ushijima, tendou, semi, yamagata, reon, kawanishi, shirabu, goshiki (pairings showed; yamagata x reader, goshiki x reader)
⊹genre; fluff, crack and some cursings (no proofread)
⊹flight details; i've once made a domestic imagines in my old blog so imma make a small reboot of it <3
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random shopping
normal day, normal life. you could've seen yourself laying or even napping in your room while a compilation of minecraft songs plays in the background. but no. instead, you're inside an antique shop with Yamagata, Ushijima and Tendou.
you have no idea when, or how did the process happened but you surely is done with getting dragged inside the shop by Tendou and Yamagata.
while Ushijima's stuck on a section, you don't know where, but he's definitely stuck there, "[y/n]! look at what i found,"
Yamagata called you as you turned around to see him holding up a pretty heavy doll. you raise your brow, "what the hell is that?" walking towards him and taking a closer look at the object in hand,
"i think it's a, um, i think a matryoska doll? matroyska? is that how you say it?" "why're you asking me, i don't know jack shit about russian stuff,"
"ah you mean, matryoshka doll?" Tendou butted in, startling you two, "it's also called a 'nesting doll' and did you actually know that it was actually originated from china?"
Yamagata's eyes practically sparkled at that with a surprised look, "from china? really?"
you can only roll your eyes, "and how can you even know all that?" Tendou snickered and put on a smug face, "i'm actually very smart, y'know. ya'll just don't know about it," "says the person in class 2,"
"i blame the mathematic old hags for adding letters in math, and the apple that fucking hit my man Isaac," you tsk'ed and walk towards the next section. Yamagata passive aggressively put the matryoshka doll down and follow after you along with Tendou,
"also, we need to find ushijima, i think he's stuck in some section between here...ah there," you stopped walking and turn to your right where you find Ushijima reading a book.
Tendou skipped towards him and smack his shoulder, "you okay, wakatoshi-kun? you sure did took longer to look at the stuff here," while Tendou chats with Ushijima, Yamagata look up at the shelves as something caught his eyes.
he tried to reach it while tip toing but due to his height, he can't reach it. then, he jumped from his spot to grab the object but end up hitting his head onto the board, "AGH, FUCK!" which causes you all to look at him, watching him hold his head while shivering from the pain,
"are you okay, yamagata?" ushijima ask, putting back the book on the shelves, "yeah, yeah, i'm just tryna get that," he shakes his head before pointing up.
you followed his finger and caught a glimpse of an old polaroid. it's a little bit dusty but other than that, it looks new. Ushijima reached it from his spot and managed to grab it, "here,"
he hands it to Yamagata as he instantly recovered from his recent pain and snatch it from Ushijima's hand, subtly thanking him with a grin, "why do you even need a polaroid?" Tendou asked, leaning his arm over Ushijima's shoulder with one brow up,
"pfft, for journaling of course,"
a gust of wind went through you while staring at him with a poker face, the same with Tendou with a small cat like smile. Ushijima just looked the same,
"okay," "WHAT'S WITH THE TONE??" you blinked and just knit your eyebrows, "i mean, since when you started journaling? you're not even the type of person to do something aesthetic,"
he pouted and just crosses his arms, "so what? that doesn't mean i can't do it, right? have faith in me god darn it. and honestly, my journal looks good so far," "well, fine,"
you waved your hand at him and continue going through the other section. and just like that, "hey wait!" Yamagata tailed after you.
Tendou snickered at the two and focus back on Ushijima, who's still watching the display yet again, "have you thought of what to buy wakatoshi-kun?" "i'm not sure, there's a lot of interesting stuff here," "well, you've only been in this section but okay~"
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"agh, why did those idiots really have to call me at this time...?"
you groaned, slowly walking through the halls with a slouched figure. tracing your fingers along the wall with a dejected look. you're suppose to sleep today.
an hour or two long sleep. it's finally the weekend which means the time for you to sleep all of your problems away. drifting into slumber with fluffy pillows and warm blankets, enjoying your dream as long as you can.
until your ringtone annoyingly rings next to your ear. you answer the call, and again greeted by the most annoying human in the planet,
"[y/n], we need you at the gym right now!"
"huh? oh fuck off Tendou, i need to sleep right now,"
"nuh uh, you can sleep later after you go to the gym,"
"why? are you, i don't know, practicing or something?"
"you have to find out. if you don't move your ass from that bed, we'll send Hayato to wake you up~"
". . ."
and now, you find yourself standing in front of the door of shiratorizawa's volleyball gym. not only that Tendou wakes you up from your sleep, you also had to WALK all the way from your dorm to the gym,
"i'm gonna add more time to their practices after this..."
sliding the door open, you expect them to be doing serves or maybe spikes.
but instead, you're seeing them—as in the 3rd years—all sitting down at the middle of the court, with books around them.
and what's even more confusing is that they somehow managed to bring a table inside. no, not the flip-able table.
literally a whole ass table.
Reon looks up from his book and notices your figure standing on the door way. he waves his hand at you, you did the same but still with a confused look.
Yamagata was next to see you as he abruptly stand up from his spot, shaking the table in the process,
"Hayato! stop shaking the table," "oops, sorry. ah, wait, [y/n]!"
that caught all of the boys attention as they look at you, "what taking you so long to arrive?" Tendou asked, a pen rested in between his upper lip and nose.
Semi smacked him in the face—earning an 'ow'—before shaking his head,
"their dorm is literally far from the gym, and why do you even proposed your idea of studying at the gym anyway?"
you make your way towards them, Reon patting the empty spot next to him. you sat down on your spot as Yamagata did the same. seemed like he was waiting for you.
Tendou rubbed his nose and pouted at Semi, "this was the best place to study anyway! it have much more room,"
"we should've gone to the cafeteria OR the LIBRARY," Semi groaned, looking back at his book before writing on it,
"pfft, the cafeteria's no fun. and i got banned from the library," Reon looks at Tendou with confusion, "well, it's not surprising,"
Tendou shrugged, "i was also banned from the library," Ushijima said, not looking up from his notes as you knit your eyebrows at that,
"you're also banned from the library? Satori, what did you and Ushijima did—" "anyways, um,"
he cut you off, fidgeting with his pen before pointing it at you, "right, you need to tutor us on this subject~!"
you blinked, looking down at the book they're studying about, "haven't the teacher covered this already?"
"well, i'm sorry, class 6. but we have no idea how this thing works. maybe only Reon, but look at Semi,"
Tendou wrapped his arm around Semi's neck, practically head locking him, "he's from class 1 and i think you should teach him about this the most," "I'll rip your fucking head off, Tendou!"
while both of them tried to strangle each other, Yamagata caught your attention next,
"and also, it won't be fun without you, y'know," Reon nodded, "and don't forget that you can't leave me alone in this,"
"oh right," "hm? what was that?" Yamagata asked. you just shake your head with a defeated smile, "nothing..."
after clearing your throat, you snatched Semi's book away before flipping through the pages,
"okay you scumbags, it's time to learn,"
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oblivious enough
the birds chirped from the tree, the hallway's as loud as ever. Semi and Tendou's leaning against the window, each of them drinking apple juice and eating yakisoba bread.
it was silence between them before Semi spoke, "hey, Tendou," "yes Semi-Semi?" "y'know,"
Semi turned his head to look at Tendou as the redhead did the same, "have you, noticed the relationship between [y/n] and Yamagata lately?"
the latter made a thinking face, before nodding, "hm, seems so,"
"do you think, either one of them ever noticed about it?" Tendou shakes his head at the question, "nope, i don't think they do. in fact, they might be completely oblivious to it,"
Semi snickered, "right, like that one time..."
"[y/n], do you think my lips are dry right now?"
you look up from your clipboard, seeing Yamagata pointing his lips, "hm, nah. they're fine, but if you want, i can but on some lip balm,"
his eyes sparkled at that as he nodded his head with excitement, "sure!" you walk towards your bag with Yamagata following you. opening the zipper and search inside it, you pull out your lip balm,
"here, hold still," you put a hand on his cheek while the other applies lip balm onto his lips. it was a slow process but he managed to not move at all while making eye contact with you.
once you finished applying, he pop his lips before humming, "mn, cherry," "let me know if you need anything else,"
he nodded with now flushed cheeks as he smile at you. you did the same, gently patting his arm.
from a distance, Shirabu looks at them with a disgusted look, "ugh, can't they be more subtle about it,"
Kawanishi shrugged, "just let them be,"
"how can i redo my memory? i don't need to see that this early," "well, what if it was us?" "i would be twice as grossed, i can put my own lip balm," "hm yeah, you're right, i honestly would be like that too," "good,"
"haha yeah, now that i think about it, they do it all the time right?" Tendou nodded at Semi's statement before hearing the all too familiar voice just a few meters away from them,
you turned your head around while still sipping your drink. Yamagata stood in front of you, holding out his visibly crumpled necktie with a small smile,
"my necktie!" "ah again? whatever," you give your drink to him as he hold it for you.
grabbing the necktie from his hand, looping it around his collar shirt and started tying it with a concentrated look,
"i can't say that it'll be clean when i finished tying it," "it's okay! that's why i'm asking you to do it, messy or not, at least i have it on," "hm, yeah,"
after you finished tying it and patting it a little, Yamagata hugged you, "thank you!" "yeah, you're welcome,"
the aura literally radiates on the slightly crowded hallway as some of the students who passed you talked among themselves.
Semi and Tendou stared at you two, expressionless eyes but with a small smile,
'ah, right,'
Tendou sighed, intertwining his fingers together and lifting it up to his cheeks, "ah, young love~"
"we're all the same age,"
"young love~"
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bonus; reliable kouhai
is what goshiki would say when he took a few glances at you from his book. you promised to tutor him about this subject he's struggling on. but didn't really expect to see your slouched form walking inside the library.
he's not even sure if you even hear anything you're saying right now, "get a shovel and two-" your head hit the table, creating a loud sound and catching the attention of almost everyone inside the library,
"[y/n]-senpai, um, are you okay??" you groaned and rapidly blink your eyes, covering your forehead, "yeah, 'm just..."
a yawn escaped from your mouth before you can even finish your sentence, "...tired. those stupid senpais of yours need help tutoring too even tho being grown ass men,"
goshiki closes his book and creating a small 'thump', snapping you out from your mind,
"well, if that so then you didn't have to come, you could've just tell me and i would be fine with it!" your hoarse laugh caught him off guard as a shade of red ran across his cheeks, "i can't break a promise, tsutomu. why do you even think i agree on tutoring you?"
"uh, cause you want to help me with my studies?" "one of it, and cause i enjoy tutoring you," he can feel his cheeks heating up more when you made eye contact with him, a small smile laced upon your face,
"and honestly, you're smarter than i thought. class 4 right? that's cool," he looked away, trying to calm his nerves down, "t-thanks! a lot of people thought i was in a lower class, so i, i appreciate it,"
goshiki took a peek at you, now burying your face onto your face, "also, senpai," "hm?"
"you should take a nap for now, i think i can start understanding this formula," you slightly look up at him, "you sure? i was prolly talking craps just now," "yeah! your health is more important anyway,"
you hum, offering him a warm smile, "thanks, i know i can count on you," you rested onto your side and close your eyes. lips slightly parted and just like that, you're deep in your dreams.
he pursed his lips, slowly leaning against the table to look at your face. it's calm, peaceful and beautiful, kissable lips. he wonder if he could lean in a little closer until you two-
goshiki instantly jolted up and hit himself on the head, face's covered in the color red, 'no! don't think about that, curse you Tendou-San for introducing me to those mangas...'
Tendou's faces ran across his mind as he grunted,
'why're they so pretty??'
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writer-dreams · 4 years
Matchmaker (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
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Hi everyone! So....I know that it's been a while but I've recently joined a writing challenge called Cliche Month Challenge. It was made by @wreckofawriter (thank you so much for inviting me). Expect 2 more fics for this challenge. Also, I'm so sorry about being slow with requests, I am still writing them, I'm just being a turtle. This was really fun to write and I'm excited to write the other 2.
Prompt: 5 times Pansy and Theo failed to get Draco and Y/n together, and the 1 time they succeeded.
House: You choose
Blood Status: You choose
Warnings: Underage drinking, possible swearing, slight angst
Word Count: 4,822 words
A/n: If I'm being honest, this is a little messy and the point of view changes quite randomly at times. I'll also admit that it does seem pretty repetitive (heh). The reader in this story is female / uses female pronouns.
3rd Person POV
Pansy and Theo snickered to each other in one of the hidden corners in the empty corridor. They watched as Y/n and Draco bumped into each other, waiting for the scene to unfold. For years, Pansy and Theo had to watch as the two friends fell deeper in love with each other but refused to confess their feelings because they were afraid it would ruin their friendship. Pansy was almost at the point where she almost screamed out to Draco that Y/n loved him so much and that she was sick of watching them dance around each other. Theo, on the other hand, found the two's obliviousness amusing and he wanted to see how many times he had to push them in the right direction before they confessed. So, the two teamed up to try and get their friends together to stop their useless pining. They continued to watch, listening in to the conversation between the two.
"Oh, sorry Dray, I didn't see you there." Y/n chuckled, feeling a light blush dust her cheeks.
"I didn't see you there either, (N/n)." Draco smiled back at her, blushing as well.
They stared at each other, an awkward silence now filling the room. Y/n couldn't tear her eyes away from Draco's grey eyes and his handsome face. Draco couldn't stop looking at Y/n's swirling (e/c) eyes. There was a certain warmth to them that captivated him. A few seconds passed before Y/n turned away and coughed slightly.
"Um, have you seen Pansy anywhere? I got this note from her to meet her here." Y/n asked, pulling out a small piece of paper.
"That's funny, I'm waiting here because Theo left me a note to meet him here." Draco said, confused.
"Do you think they-"
The two suddenly burst out laughing, thinking that they had both been ditched. They had no idea that Pansy and Theo had orchestrated the whole thing to let the two spend some time alone.
"Well, seeing that our friends have seemed to abandon us, how would you feel about spending the day with me instead, bestie?" Y/n smiled.
"I would love that, dear best friend." Draco answered.
From their hidden corner, Pansy and Theo watched the pair walk away. Pansy let out a frustrated sigh, turning to Theo.
"It didn't work! How can two people be so blind?" She pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.
"Calm down, Pansy. We'll keep trying and eventually they'll see." Theo smirked. "I have another plan."
Classes had just ended and the hallways were filled with students quickly trying to move to their dorms or next class. Pansy and Theo waited outside of their friend's classrooms, prepared to pull off Theo's plan. Although Pansy would call said plan stupid, Theo wanted to see how far something as simple as this would go. Finally, Draco and Y/n emerged from their classroom, talking excitedly to each other. Pansy stuck her leg out in front of Y/n while Theo shoved Draco forward. The end result was Y/n falling to the floor with Draco falling on top of her.
The two teenagers stared at each other, completely forgetting about the awkward position they were in. Their faces were turned into a deep shade of red, their lips just barely an inch away from each other. Y/n's eyes flickered to Draco's lips, feeling his soft breaths hitting her face.
Pansy and Theo watched from the sidelines, the latter convinced that his plan had worked. He had a smirk on his face while Pansy raised an eyebrow at him. There was no way that Theo's stupid plan would work if her note plan failed. She turned back to her friends on the floor, seeing that all of their classmates had created a circle around them, waiting to see what would happen next. At first, it seemed as though Y/n and Draco were in their own world before Y/n took a look around and noticed the crowd. She looked back at the boy on top of her, her face growing even redder.
"Um, Dray, do you mind g-getting off of m-me?" Y/n stuttered, as if finally taking in the situation.
Draco also seemed to snap back into reality as he too looked around. "Oh yeah, sure. Sorry about that." He apologized as he stood back up and offered a hand to Y/n, who gratefully accepted it.
The students who were watching the scene, grumbled disappointedly before continuing on their way. Pansy looked up to see that Theo's smirk had faltered, a fact that she found herself smiling at.
"Not so easy, is it Nott?" She taunted.
"I got further than you." He answered bluntly.
Pansy snorted, patting Theo's back gently. "Like you said, we'll keep trying until it happens."
Theo flashed Pansy a smile, chuckling softly. "Damn right."
This time, Theo had concocted a plan based on Pansy's first idea with leaving fake notes for Draco and Y/n. It was around the time that dinner would happen and the sky outside was dark with thousands of stars littered across the black space. Like last time, Theo and Pansy hid themselves away from view, waiting for Draco and Y/n to arrive.
The two teenagers arrived at roughly the same time. Their eyes were lit up in surprise when they spotted the picnic blanket and candles placed gently on the grass.
"Did you-" Y/n started.
"What? No. Did you?" Draco asked.
Y/n shook her head before stepping in closer to the blanket. Atop of the checkered material, another note was waiting for them. Written on it, their names were printed neatly in fancy handwriting.
"Well, it looks like this whole set-up is for us." Y/n said, showing Draco the paper.
Draco raised his eyebrows before his signature smirk made its way onto his face. "Well, who are we to deny?"
Y/n's face turned red as Draco sat down on the blanket and gestured for her to sit with him. She obliged, settling next to her best friend.
"So, I'm guessing this note I got from you is also part of the set-up then?" Y/n questioned, taking out the note that Pansy left on her desk out of her pocket.
"I guess so, considering I also got a note from you." Draco chuckled, pulling out a similar note.
Y/n rolled her eyes at the utter ridiculousness of this situation. This had to be one of the stupidest pranks that anyone has pulled on her. Though deep down, she was glad that she could spend more time alone with Draco, so perhaps this 'prank' wasn't as bad as it seemed to be.
"Hey (N/n), you can really see the stars tonight." Draco pointed at the sky.
Y/n looked up and admired the stars with him. It felt nice, just being here with him and looking at stars together. She lay down on the blanket and started looking for any constellations she recognized. Out of the corner, she could see Draco closing his eyes and breathing slowly. He looked so peaceful in the quiet evening, the candle's light making him more attractive. Eventually, he opened them again before turning to her.
"Thank you, Y/n. Thank you for always being there for me. For always listening, no matter how little the problem is. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't my best friend." Draco said sincerely.
Y/n smiled back, "I'm happy that you're my best friend too, Draco."
About an hour or two had passed before the two friends decided to head back inside. They blew out the candles and took the blanket inside with them, smiling and laughing before they disappeared into the castle. Pansy and Theo came out of their hiding place, with Pansy grinning at a frowning Theo.
"It was a good attempt, Nott. Though it appears that not even you can get the two oblivious idiots together." She laughed.
"I'm still not giving up." Theo grunted.
"And neither will I. We'll get them someday, I just hope it won't take years."
Theo chuckled at the thought of him and Pansy spending the rest of their years at Hogwarts trying to get their two friends together. "Yeah, let's hope."
One of the students was hosting a large party in one of the school's unused rooms. Luckily for Pansy and Theo, they managed to convince their two friends to come join them. There was a rumour that Blaise had managed to sneak some alcohol into the party to 'spice things up'. Pansy and Theo arrived at the party to see Y/n and Draco already chatting away happily in a corner. Theo leaned over to Pansy, a worried expression on his face.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked.
"Of course. Drunk words, sober thoughts, all that stuff. Just keep Draco away from Y/n and leave the rest to me."
He nodded before making his way to their friends, greeting them before taking Draco's arm and leading him away, leaving Y/n all alone. Blaise approached Pansy, two glasses of firewhiskey in his hands.
"Hey Parkinson, you want to join in on the fun?" He asked, lifting a glass to her. Pansy smiled, taking both glasses from him.
"Of course." She said, making her way over to Y/n, who looked a little nervous as she watched the rest of the party.
"Hey Y/n."
"Oh, hey Pansy."
"Great party, eh?"
"I guess so." Y/n answered uncertainly.
"What's wrong?" Pansy asked, knowing exactly why Y/n was uncomfortable.
"Pans, you know I've never been much of a party person, I don't even know why I agreed to come here."
"Because of Draco?" Pansy questioned slyly, watching Y/n's face grow red. She laughed at her friend' reaction, becoming even more amused at Y/n's attempts to shush her.
"You know what you need, Y/n? I think you need a little bit of liquid courage." Pansy held up the glass of firewhiskey to Y/n.
Y/n seemed to consider this before she cautiously took the drink from Pansy. She looked at the Slytherin girl, who nodded approvingly. Gathering her courage, Y/n lifted the glass to her lips and let the burning liquid go down her throat. She looked back to Pansy, seeing her friend offering her another drink.
"Two drinks in and you'll probably feel more comfortable." Pansy smirked, knowing fully well that Y/n was a lightweight and two drinks would be enough to get her totally drunk.
Y/n ignored any warnings ringing through her head and gulped down the second drink. Not long after, the effects of the alcohol began to take over. The next thing she knew, her brain felt fuzzy and she couldn't quite think properly.
"Pansy, have I ever told you how much I love you?" Y/n hiccupped. Pansy chuckled at the sight of her drunk friend, gently wrapping one of Y/n's arms around her back and taking her back to Draco.
"Yes, you have. Now for you to say that to Draco." She muttered.
When Pansy had finally found Theo and Draco, Y/n was a drunken, blabbering mess. Draco looked worried as he took Y/n off of Pansy's back.
"What happened to her?" Draco asked, brushing some of Y/n's hair out of her face.
"She had a bit too much firewhiskey to drink. Come on, let's take Y/n back to our common room so she can sober up." Pansy answered, watching Draco take one of Y/n's arms and Theo take the other. The group then headed down to the dungeons to the Slytherin Common Room. The whole time, Y/n loudly exclaimed whatever was on her mind, with the trio trying to keep her quiet so they weren't caught.
"You guys ever wonder why the Dark Lord has no nose? Like, if I were to be the most powerful wizard to ever exist, then surely, I'd wanna look good. Who wants to be famous for not having a nose?" Y/n shouted.
"Yes, yes, Y/n. Noses are great. Now, can you please be quiet?" Pansy sighed. She knew that Y/n was a lightweight but she didn't know how difficult she would be to handle.
Soon, Y/n fell asleep, the trio letting out a sigh of relief. Out of the corner of Theo and Pansy's eye, they noticed Draco smiling softly at Y/n's sleeping form.
As they entered the room, they noticed that it was completely empty. Everyone was still at the party, allowing the four friends to have the whole room to themselves. Draco and Theo gently put Y/n down on one of the couches, Draco sitting next to her. A few minutes had passed with idle chit chat between the three as Y/n continued to sleep. The night was still young and everyone was not likely to return from the party for a few hours. Eventually, Y/n appeared to stir a bit from her sleep, though she was still very drunk. Pansy elbowed Theo gently in the side and they both excused themselves before exiting the Common Room. In reality, they were hiding in the entrance to the boy's dormitories. Pansy gave Theo a high five as they leaned against the wall to peer into the Common Room.
"Draco...." Y/n murmured, finally starting to wake up.
"Y/n! How are you feeling, do you need anything?" Draco took Y/n's hand and squeezed it gently.
"Draco....I need to tell you something...." Y/n continued muttering.
"Yeah, of course. You can tell me anything, (N/n)."
Pansy excitedly looked over at Theo. "It's finally going to happen!" She whisper-shouted. Theo put a finger over his lips and gestured for her to continue watching.
"Come on!" Pansy was ready to scream. Her body was filled with anticipation and she could barely hold it in.
"Draco....I'm really glad that you're my best friend." Y/n smiled sleepily at him.
"Oh come on!" Pansy face palmed. Theo was shaking beside her, trying to hold in his laughter.
"Shut up, it's not that funny!" Pansy swatted Theo's arm.
"Of course it is! You were practically splitting at the seams from excitement only for it not to happen!" Theo held a hand over his mouth, still trying to stay quiet.
Pansy rolled her eyes and went back to watching Draco and Y/n, disappointment settling into her stomach. She was so sure that this would work, that drunken Y/n would be dumb enough to confess to Draco her undying love for him.
"I'm glad that you're my best friend too, Y/n." Draco grinned. "Now, let's get you to your room. You're going to need to sleep off all that alcohol." Draco lifted Y/n up bridal style and carried her off into the direction of her room.
With both of them now out of the room, Theo burst out laughing. He practically fell to the floor from the endless laughter. Pansy watched him with crossed arms, waiting for him to finally finish. As the laughter died down, Theo took a couple of deep breaths before he settled down.
"Got anymore bright ideas?" Theo joked.
"Maybe." Pansy smirked, a new plan already forming in her head.
Pansy was tired of their plans failing. She took out a small bottle of a love potion out of her bag, seeing Theo raise an eyebrow at it.
"This is your big plan?" He asked, almost unimpressed.
"Well, everything else hasn't worked so far! This is almost a guaranteed way for them to get together." Pansy reasoned, pouring the potion into a glass of orange juice. Due to being hungover from the party last night, Y/n ended up sleeping in past breakfast. Although Pansy couldn't sneak any food out of the Mess Hall, she had managed to grab some juice on her way out. She watched the potion disappear into the orange liquid, smiling to herself. Theo was doubting the plan, but she'd show him. This would work, she told herself.
Of course Theo doubted the plan. He'd heard of far too many stories where love potions only lead to trouble. He looked back to Pansy, seeing her smile at the mixture in her hands. She was so confident, so sure that this would provide the success they needed. He couldn't wait for this to fail so he could have another laughing fit. Not saying that he wanted this to fail, just that it would be hilarious if it went wrong. He chuckled, thinking of various scenarios where it could take a bad turn.
30 minutes later, Pansy found Y/n tiredly walking through the halls to get to class. Luckily for them, the four friends had Charms together in the morning, so it would be easy to give Y/n the potion and watch her reaction.
"Y/n! You doing okay? You were pretty drunk last night." Pansy greeted, "I couldn't get you any food, but I got you some juice so you have some energy."
Pansy handed her the drink, Y/n thanking her. The three then headed to Charms class, with Y/n complaining about how groggy she felt. They arrived and saw that Draco was already there, patiently waiting for his friends. Y/n sat down next to him while Pansy and Theo sat behind them. Y/n took a sip of the juice, not expecting a strangely sweet taste to fill her mouth. It was an unnatural sort of sweet, like someone poured a whole bottle of honey into the drink. She brushed it off though, thinking that it tasted weird because it was the first thing she had consumed that morning.
"It's happening!" Pansy whispered excitedly, as she elbowed Theo's arm.
"Don't get too excited, Parkinson." He reminded her.
It didn't take long before the potion had taken over the (h/c) haired girl. However, to Pansy's confusion, the girl's gaze snapped from her notes to Blaise Zabini. To her horror, Y/n got out of her seat and settled into a new one next to Blaise.
"Oh no...." Pansy cursed to herself.
"Hey Zabini. Have I ever told you how attractive you are?" Y/n asked, giving Blaise a flirty smile. The potion apparently also gave her newfound confidence.
"No, but I would like to hear more about it." Blaise returned her flirty tone as Y/n giggled.
Pansy continued spitting curse words under her breath as she looked over at Draco's heartbroken expression. Theo looked at her with crossed arms and a smug smirk.
"What did I tell you?" He said, sarcastically.
"Shut it. Now you gotta help me convince Draco that she's not in love with Zabini!"
"Fine. Just keep in mind that this was your plan." Theo rolled his eyes.
Pansy and Theo leaned over their desks to Draco, who was still looking at Y/n with sad eyes. Pansy felt horrible and was terrified that she'd driven them apart.
"Hey Draco...." She started, not sure how she should approach the situation. Draco looked up at her, hurt evident in his eyes.
"Cheer up, I'm sure that she doesn't actually like Zabini." Theo reassured. Draco nodded silently before his eyes went back to the (h/c) haired girl clinging onto Blaise's arm. He let out a sigh before turning back to his work, glancing at Y/n every now and then through the corner of his eye.
"Merlin, Theo. We need to get an antidote for this thing and we need it bloody fast." Pansy scowled.
"Well, I could make it but it'll take me the rest of the day."
"Then, you need to get started on it now. I can't watch Y/n cuddling with someone like Zabini any longer without feeling the urge to vomit."
The end of the day was nearly approaching and Pansy was anxious for Theo to be done with the potion. The whole day, Y/n flirted and complimented Blaise, which really didn't help the Slytherin boy's already overinflated ego. Poor Draco was stuck watching his best friend fawn over an arrogant arsehole. Eventually, he was so upset that he retreated to the Common Room, hoping to avoid seeing them together again.
Pansy stood by Blaise and Y/n, cringing every time she heard her friend gush about the large muscles the boy had. Where was Theo? She wasn't sure how much more of this she could take and she could only imagine how Draco felt. Finally, she spotted Theo hurriedly running towards her, holding out the antidote. He quickly handed her the bottle and she turned towards her spelled friend with full intent to end this now.
"Hey Y/n! I dare you to drink whatever is in this bottle!" Pansy taunted.
"What? No! What if it's poison?"
"What are you, chicken?" Blaise challenged as he turned to his new admirer.
Y/n's face turned red as she begrudgingly took the bottle from Pansy's hand. Pansy smiled knowingly, realizing that Y/n was only taking it to impress Blaise. Y/n removed the cork and swallowed the contents, not even hesitating or stopping to breathe. When it was empty, she nearly dropped the glass as a sudden dizziness hit her.
"Guys, I'm feeling a little woozy." Y/n trailed off, the world spinning as her eyes closed and everything turned black.
Y/n awoke to Pansy and Theo calling her name. She opened her eyes and found the two looking at her with worried eyes.
"What happened?" Y/n asked when the memories suddenly flooded her brain. She grimaced at the thought of how she acted, especially when she constantly fed Blaise's massive ego. "Wait, where's Draco?"
"He's in the Common Room. He left after seeing-" Theo started but he didn't need to finish before Y/n felt the immense guilt build up. She hated the idea that Draco thought she liked Blaise. That would never be true in a million years.
"What about me? Why don't you tell me more about how attractive you think I am." Blaise asked, pushing himself between Theo and Pansy, holding out a hand towards her. Speak of the devil. Y/n scowled before shoving his hand away and getting herself up.
"Shove off, Zabini. I'm going to get Draco." She flipped him off as she started quickly making her way to the dungeons with Pansy and Theo behind her.
When they arrived, Theo and Pansy hid in the entrance of the boy's dormitories and Y/n found Draco sitting on one of the couches, staring intently at the fires burning warmly in the fireplace. Her heart twisted at the sight of him and how his usual bright eyes seemed blank. She sat down next to him and waited for him to acknowledge her. Finally, he turned to her with a deep frown.
"Didn't know you liked guys like Blaise Zabini." He said, coldly.
"Dray, I swear that it wasn't me. I was spelled with a potion. Please, you have to believe me. I don't love Zabini, I love-" Y/n cut herself off before she could reveal her big secret. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea. You're my best friend, Dray. I would hate it if you saw me as that type of girl."
Draco gently took her hands in his. "You promise you're not into Zabini?"
"Yes. Merlin, I would take back all those compliments I gave him if I could. He such a pompous arse."
Draco chuckled, making Y/n's heart skip a beat. He wasn't mad at her and he believed her. Her best friend was back and she hoped that she would never come that close to losing him again. She loved Draco too much.
"And for the record, you're my best friend too, (N/n)."
"I know."
Pansy crossed her arms and sighed deeply. She royally messed this one up, didn't she? Theo smiled softly at the girl next to him, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Are we done with your extreme plans now?" He teased.
"I give up. It's your turn to come up with a plan now." Pansy said, dejectedly.
"Oh, I have one." Theo's smile grew wider.
"Are you ever going to tell Draco about your crush on him?" Pansy asked Y/n as they walked through the halls together.
"Pans, you're not supposed to be talking about this in public."
"I just want to know. You guys are best friends, you're not meant to have secrets."
"That's just it, we're best friends. If I told him, it could ruin our friendship. Or worse, if we fall apart, we could never be as close as we used to be. It's easier for me to just keep these feelings hidden because I don't want to lose him." Y/n sighed.
Pansy's face grew hard as she suddenly took hold of Y/n's arm and began dragging her somewhere.
"What are you—Pansy! Let go of me this instant!" Y/n shouted but Pansy ignored her, leading her to an empty classroom.
"I'm tired of you refusing to tell him about your feelings just because you think that you'll lose him." Pansy growled lowly as she tossed Y/n into the room. "You two are going to talk and I'm not letting you out until you confess."
Pansy closed the door and locked it, causing Y/n to panic. She began to knock furiously on the door, begging Pansy to let her out. "Pans, let me out! This isn't funny!"
"You're trapped here too, eh?" Y/n's pleading was cut short when she turned and saw Draco at the other side of the room.
"Yeah, how did you get here?"
"Theo told me to meet him in this room, then he turned and locked me in here." Draco glared at the door, knowing that Pansy and Theo were probably listening in to their conversation.
Y/n turned back to the door. "Pans, I swear to Merlin, let me out!"
"Did you two confess yet?"
"Then you don't come out." Pansy's blunt statement caused Y/n to bang her head against the wooden door.
"We don't even have feelings for each other!" Y/n shouted before she heard some sort of heavy breathing. Confused, she turned back to Draco to see him looking at the ground, his fists clenching and unclenching. She approached the blonde boy, worried about why he was suddenly acting like this.
"Dray, are you....alright?" She asked, cautiously.
"No, I'm not because, Salazar, I love you, Y/n!" He shouted.
Y/n froze in her tracks, unsure of what to say. Her heart was racing and her head was filled with a million thoughts. Draco loved her? After all this time, he loved her and she didn't even know.
"And it hurts to know that you'd only ever think of me as a best friend. Yesterday, when you were with Zabini, it was hell to watch you flirt with him because I was so incredibly jealous. I hated the thought that you liked him, and that you could never see me that way. Then you told me you were spelled and I actually thought I still had a chance. Now, we're trapped in a room together because our stupid friends think that we like each other. Under different circumstances, I would have never told you about these feelings because I was willing to let you be happy with someone else as long as I could still be with you, even as a best friend. I love you, Y/n. I love you so much and I would do anything for you. Though, it's been made clear to me that you don't feel the same." Draco finished his rant, still breathing heavily.
Y/n's brain was still trying to process this new information. Too many thoughts were running through her mind and her mouth refused to move. Those three words were at the tip of her tongue but for some reason, she couldn't say them. Her silence was all the answer Draco needed.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of have said that. This was stupid. Just forget what I said." Draco averted his gaze to the side, tears starting to form.
That's when Y/n couldn't control herself as she ran up to him and pressed her lips against his. Draco let out a surprised squeak but soon began to kiss her back. Eventually, the two parted and Y/n embraced Draco tightly.
"I love you too, Dray. Merlin, I was afraid to tell you for so long because I didn't want to lose you. I tried to push away my feelings but I never could. I wish that I had confessed sooner. Like I said before, I would never be into guys like Blaise because I love guys like you. I love you, Draco Malfoy. I truly mean it with all of my heart." Y/n whispered.
Unexpectedly, the door to the classroom burst open with Pansy whooping loudly as she walked in. Behind her, Theo smirked at the now couple as Pansy gave him a high five.
"We finally did it! Salazar, that took forever!" Pansy cried.
"Wait....all those other times....you guys were the ones setting us up?" Y/n raised an eyebrow at her friends.
Pansy froze, realizing the potential 'danger' she was in. She slowly nodded as Y/n's face twisted into a scowl. Taking this as her cue to leave, she tugged on Theo's sleeve and the two took off running down the corridor.
"Come back here, you two!!"
Thank you so much for reading! Fun Fact: A friend actually gave me a couple of ideas for this one! She helped edit it for me and she definitely ships Pansy and Theo in this one. (You don't have to ship them, I wrote it so that you could either see them as close friends or maybe growing closer and closer as the fic goes on. Let me know what you think.) I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you again. Until next time.
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naturalswifty89 · 4 years
Never seen her like this Klaus and Diego Hargreeves x Sibling Reader
word count:2016
summary: You’re always there for your brothers and they don’t know how much you need them. 
Platonic relationship, a little bit of Five x Reader
warnings: a few curse words, sort of sad, nothing too depressing. and i think it’s a bit OOC as well so sorry about that. 
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Diego and Klaus were your best friends. Klaus would tell you everything, and so would Diego. 
Yet you had no one to talk to.. you felt like you had to be strong for them. You felt like you needed to be a pillar to lean on, open arms to fall into without crumbling. 
You were there for Klaus when he came back to the present.. when he lost the love of his life. You were there for Diego when he lost Eudora and your mom. They let their walls down and trusted you to be their security. And you were. 
It had been a couple of days since Klaus and Diego confided in you, and you were beginning to break. You did your best to keep in your heartbreak, but it wasn't breaking for the things you were going through. No, that wasn't all of it. Just because you were dealing with your father's death and reliving the heartbreak you felt after Five disappeared and just suddenly came back. You were also dealing with Klaus' heartbreak at how he lost the only one he truly loved to something so brutal and he could do nothing to stop it.. You were dealing with Diego's heartbreak getting to the woman he loved a little too late, being with your mother as he pulled her plug. And you see, Five was the love of your life and you suffered his loss, never really stopped grieving. Then he showed up out of nowhere and all of these feelings came rushing back. You never let it show though. 
There you sat in your room, knees pulled up to your chest and tears falling from your eyes. Choking sobs back as to not alert anyone else in the house. When you closed your eyes all you saw were flashbacks of your moments with your brothers, the moment your lost love flooded back into your life. The end of the world was coming and all you could do was sit there and cry. 
All of a sudden you let out a loud whimper and that's when you began to let your sobs fall from your lips. You were loud enough that you couldn't hear the two pairs of footsteps rushing down the hall. 
The door was locked when Klaus and Diego tried to open it, but Diego easily picked the lock and they burst through the door. There you sat on your bed face buried in your knees and sobs shaking your body. 
"(Y/n)... sweetheart what's wrong?" Klaus asked slowly making his way over to you. You jumped at his voice and your head snapped up. Seeing both of your brothers standing there you wiped your tears and gave them a weak smile. 
Diego closed the door and came to sit with you both. 
"Nothing, nothing’s wrong. I'm alright." You gave them both a smile. 
Looking at both of them and seeing how broken they were made your lip quiver. 
"Don't bullshit us (y/n). We saw you crying, we heard you sobbing so hard you shook. Now spill." Klaus looks at Diego with a glare. As to say be nice. 
"It's ok (y/n), I know I'm not great at this comforting thing.. but you can talk to me. To us.  About anything." Klaus said, sounding sincere as he ever has been. Diego nodded in agreement. 
You looked between the two and and your eyes welled with tears and sobs started to get caught in your throat once again. Diego looked at you, he'd never seen you like this. So broken and looking so scared. 
"I love you both with everything I have. Everything. Seeing you so broken and so hurt.. seeing everything you love in life being ripped away from you in such a cruel way. Both of the people you love being taken by the same weapon and so quickly. Hearing both of you cry over not being able to stop it, and not getting to say a proper goodbye." You cry loudly to them, grabbing both of their hands to kiss them hoping to bring a sense of comfort to them even if you were hurting. Both of the boy's eyes were glossing over at your words. 
"(Y/n), it's ok.." Diego said quietly squeezing your hand and trying to look into your eyes. 
"Really (y/n).." Klaus followed up. 
You shook your head and felt the tears dripping on your lashes spatter across your cheeks. 
"No.. no. I know it's not ok. I'm here for you. I'm being strong for you, because I love you and I want to help lift you up and keep you from falling. You both deserve so much more than life gives you. You deserve love and happiness and a steady place to rest. I want to be that for you because you're my brothers, my best friends and I never want you to feel broken. I'm sorry about this. I'm ok though, ok it's over. I'm ok." You said and sighed. Your hands began to get sweaty and so you pulled them away wiping them on your sheets before wiping your eyes. 
Klaus looked at you with tears now falling from his eyes and Diego swallowing the lump in his throat. They had never seen this side of you and they never knew you felt like this. Didn't know you were so dejected.
Seeing you wipe your tears  they knew you needed to get this off of your chest and just cry. 
"C'mere (y/n), you need us now, and we're gonna be here for you. You don't need to be so  strong right now." Diego said reaching for your hand once again. You looked at him with red puffy eyes, and a red nose. Klaus then moved around so he was sitting next to Diego so that he was facing you as well. "Oh, sweetheart.. please don't hide from us. We want to be here for you. It's not a need, it's a want. Now c'mon tell us what else is wrong." Klaus raised his hand to brush his thumb over your cheek. 
You stared at them before practically throwing yourself towards Klaus. He caught you and sat you on his lap so your legs laid across his and Diego's. 
You sat and let out a small whimper before sighing trying to control your breathing. Your head was buried in his chest as you tried to settle down. 
Lifting your face Diego rested his hand on your calf rubbing soothing circles across it. Klaus just held you.. You felt yourself release a sigh of relief in finally being able to show your feelings and get out what was hurting you. "F-f-five.. is back. He's back, after 17 years.. 17 years.. I loved him.. he was and sadly still is the only one who I've ever been in love with. He left me.. and I- I didn't know what to do. I waited for him for so long. Now.. he's here, and I don't know.. what to do.. I'll never not love him and he never looked my way.. he said he loved me, he left, he came back 17 years later and has never bothered to look in my direction. The end of the fucking world is in days and I've never even gotten to spend days with a person that loves me. I've never gotten to lie next to someone and feel like I was the most content and safe I'd ever been. I've never gotten to kiss someone who wouldn't leave. I never got to have the life that I dreamed of having with the one person I loved the most." You said. Finally being able to get out all of the things that have been eating away at you, slowly and agonizingly tearing a piece of your soul away day by day. You had people to lean on.
 *Klaus' POV*
 I've never seen her like this. So broken and scared. She’s never been this vulnerable in front of me.Her eyes were red and puffy and her usually rosy cheeks were tear stained. 
There she sat clinging to me and spilling her heart out. How could I not have seen her hurting like this?Hearing her talk about me and Diego. I never knew that she cared about us like that. Don't get me wrong I know she cares but I had no clue it affected her this much. She hears us out and still stays strong enough to love us like she does.
 Hearing her talk about Five, I can hear her heart breaking through her speech. It kills me to hear my sister, the woman who has never faltered to be there for anyone that needs her; quickly toppling over like a paper house.
 I just hold her close and stroke her hair hoping to give her some sense of the peace she gives to me.I look to Diego and see that tears are glistening in his eyes. Who knew we would all be here today holding each other like our lives depended on it.
 *Diego's POV*
I look over at Klaus and see tears on his cheeks as well as on (y/n)'s cheeks. Seeing my strong beautiful sister shatter right in front of me  is hurting me more than I ever thought it could. Her hair is messy, her voice is hoarse from crying so hard. I had no clue that she was feeling so crippled by this damage we never even knew she was harboring. And like she needed to carry the weight of our baggage along with hers. I don't understand why she never told me. "Why didn't you tell us (y/n)?" I asked keeping a firm grip on her calf. She looked up at me shamefully, as if she was scared to tell us. "I didn't want you to worry about me when you already had and have so much that is weighing on your hearts. I-i just wanted you both to have your minds clear enough to grieve your own losses." She said looking away from me and Klaus. I shook my head and took a shaky breath.
 *3rd person POV*
Diego took a shaky breath before grabbing your hand and squeezing it. Klaus moved hair away from your face that was sticking to your damp cheeks. "Honey, we have room in our hearts for you and we have the strength enough to carry you just as much as you do us." Klaus whispered planting a kiss on top of your head. "We are here for you. You can cry, or scream. You can punch and kick. No matter what we'll be here when you need us most." Diego said clearly moving your legs off of his so he can pull you into his lap from Klaus'. “I adore you boys, and I could never imagine my life without you. Seeing you hurt is shattering, and I’d do anything for you. I really can’t believe you’ve seen me like this and I’m sorry.. But I can’t even begin to explain how much this moment means to me. It’ll be a landmark in my life, even if my life will only last a few more days. Unless we can stop this. I just love you boys and I can’t express how much I will always carry you no matter how I’m feeling.” You said and wrapped your arms around each of them. You all hold each other close.You all had tears in your eyes once again just embracing the feeling of love and support that was resonating in that moment.
"You know, I think Five needs to take that stick out of his ass. He really is a cranky and rude little guy." Klaus said. You all start to laugh and you pull away. You sit on the bed in-between them and sigh. "Five really is just a cranky old man-child.. but I can't help but love him." You said and shook your head before looking down. They chuckle and you lean up to kiss their cheeks. 
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sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
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"I don't think fire's all that bad, you know"
3rd person pov
As the sun hung high in the sky the h/t haired girl stumbled around the train station in search of a restroom. Y/n had never experienced the mundane tasks a commoner would usually persue on a daily. Things like public transit, or any transit for that matter, were an enigma to her.
So while elder men stared a little too long and young children pointed at her in recognition, she spun in circles like a lost puppy.
"Its just a fucking bathroom, should there be someone here to direct people or something! Ugh and whats with the school girl fetish, these old guy are creeps..." she mumbled to herself continuing to get more and more lost on the platform.
Meanwhile, the rest of 1-A were making their way to internships as well, Midoriya scrolled into some old guys house, Kirishima bumped into his metal replica, and Bakugou held his grump posture and nonchilauntly entered the top 3 heros agency. He was expecting to at least learn something from this guy, or gain real life experience with villains. He never anticipated being scrutinized for his personality. No shit I'm scary, Im trying to kill shitty villains not make teenage girls put a picture of me on their wall.
For the first day of this new challenged everbody seemed to be having a ridiculously mundane time. Not y/n, though. No our main character was going through it, once she made it to the restroom, she got confused by how easily the toilet paper ripped in her hand and spent 20 minutes trying to get at least one whole time out of the stubborn roll. Then, when she opened up her bag to view the new hero-suot her mother helped design...she found strings¿
She ended up having to look at an example picture and read a guide on how to put what where. It took an additional hour considering the tightness of everpiece of fabric and when she stepped out of the stall to look in the mirror, she deadpanned. How could her mother hate her this much? It was already a burden being so sexy, but this? This was crazy.
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She wasnt sure weather she should take a million photos, or never leave the bathroom and cry all day. However when her phone rang, a call from Mr.Woods agency, she realized how late she already must be.
In her rush, y/n also forgot about the creeps men and was recieving many stares, that went unnoticed. Until somebody had the audacity to touch her. It was just a ghost of his finger tips on the underneath of her ass that was no doubt on full display. That would not go accepted, as a girl who had turned her past trauma into nothing but a small personality traits, she wasnt scared. Still, as a woman who absolutely idolizes herself, or so she says, no one in this train station deserved the touch of her perfect, shiny, s/c skin.
The last error that secured her terrible first day was how y/n spun around and grabbed the mans fingertips. When she took a glance at him, he was smiling as if he had acomplished something. Boy was he wrong, only coming to realized so when the y/h girl suddenly had sprouted a vine from his finger.
He watched in fear as it began to grow and wrap around him, all the while the young girl he'd never met before let out a sickening aura that couldve suffocate him then and there. The vine continued to curl up around his middle and ring finger, slowly meeting the flash of his palm.
Once the growing stopped, y/n had almost decided to let him go. A part of her new that her plan wasn't well thought through, and he could be an innocent guy that accidentally touched her.
However, aggression outwayed logic and she looked him deep in the eye.
"You like using these fingers to touch things your not supposed to?"
"Shhh, dont worry, im just gonna make sure you dont go touching things that arnt yours, okay?" She made an aggresive fist with the hand not touching him and the vine squeezed in. Anyone a foot away would be able to tell, but the both of them could hear how his two fingers snapped and bent under the pressure.
With a satisfied grin at the whispering man, y/n decided he had learned his lesson. Wow look at that, and I didnt even need some manly hero to come save me. Atta girl y/n.
Little did she know that not only did her pro-hero boss come to look for her, but je also saw the whole disaster. He was not pleased to say the least.
Y/n pov
As the tree like man sat down in his office chair across from me, all I could do was look to my feet. I didnt feel particularily had about my actions, however, I did feel bad about being late.
While it is fun to be spontanious and act like theres nothing to lose, I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to control the earth aspect of my quirk. Ill never admit it if someone asks, but sometimes the only way I can sleep at night is knowing how strong my quirk is. Knowing that they cant hurt me if I stay strong.
Still, it just seems that as I grow older, the people trying to get to be get bolder and more powerful. Some might even say...they get smarter, too. Thats a scary thought; that if I want to stay alive at all I need to be constantly improving. I am not sure if I want to stay alive or not, but Ill be damned if dying or living isnt my choice.
Feeling the need to break the silence, I began my rant on all the reasons I had come up with that justify my actions. I was planning it on the way out here.
"Look, im sorry mr.woods. I know im not very heroic and shit, but when perverts to pervert things somebody has to do something, and its not like anybody else there would have scared a glance if I didnt save myself-"
"Your wrong."
"Huh- I wasnt done. Anyways i-"
"L/n you are wrong."
"Dude im trying to-"
"There was heroes on patrol, how else did you think i found you? There were real heroes ready to protect you, if you had simply shouted people would have been alarmed of such. I dont understand kids and their need to do everything alone." He rolled his eyes behind his mask and continued to stare at me.
"Excuse me but I dont think your in a place to comment on how I react to myself being touched. He was gonna get my skin dirty and for what, two seconds of his school girl fantasy. Ew."
"Your skin....dirty?"
"Yes, he is nowhere near my standards on someone who should be allowed to touch me...not even a brush of the fingers..ugh!"
"Alright well, I cant get you in trouble because then I get in trouble...so, tell me about your quirk while we go on patrol."
His chair sqeaked against the floor as he stood up and it slid back. Then he motioned for me to follow by painting out the door.
Relieved that I didn't have to talk about all the fake reasons people aren't allowed to touch me, and that I could finally get outside so my quirk would stop suffocating me, I was quick to exit the building.
I'm not sure if its the fact that ive only been using a forth of her, but my quirks side effects have been so shitty recently. To the point that our school nurse estimsted my new rate for being inside for an extended period of time was about three hours.
I havent actually combusted in years, but I've been close and god does it hurt. My chest starts to squeeze and I can feel all the energy drain from my body, then pieces of me start to get hold and cold at the same time.
"So what really is your quirk?"
I looked up at the hero next to me as we continued on down the street of the inner City.
"How much did Aizawa tell you?"
"I-he said...she has all the right elements? And told me I'd figure it out.." He scratched the back of his head.
I smirked at that. Who knew aizawa actually listened to the words I said. I was pretty sure after the whole sulking chrollos dick thing, he would have permanently tuned me out.
"Heh, that raggedy ann bastard" I smile smugly.
"So, what does it mean?"
"Ahh, okay so, did you go to U.A?"
"Um yes kid, why?"
Then im certain je knows of my family, explaining my quirk will be easier. God, this really is my favorite part.
I reached my left hand out, knowing he was right handedly and would respond well to it and then spoke.
"Hi, nice to meet you, im y/n l/n of the elementus royal quirk family."
Once he shook my hand I did a polite curtsey, as I learned in ballet to do that instead of bowing. Its much more fun to do this at family event, where I get to wear big dresses and pretend im important...but this'll have to do.
"The-i-oh shit..." He mumbled the last part in defeat, likely just figuring out what he'd gotten himself in to.
"So, im guessing you've got ...."
"Total control, yup" I confirmed.
"And you wanna focus on earth elements, like what flowers?"
I smirk up at him allowing my aura to put an intimidating facade.
"Actually I was thing more like venus fly traps" as I said traps I let my hands clap together mimicking the plant and bit at the air with my teeth.
He stopped walking and just glanced from side to side, waiting for me to start making sense again.
Until we heard some crying in the distance.
The two of our heads shot over and were met with a strange sight. There were three young boys, looked about 8¿ and a man, hero maybe? Crouched in front of them not looking all that nice. He had spike blonde hair, red eyes, gauntlets on his wris-
"Oh my god its bakugou, look sir! Thats the hot guy I switched schools for!"
his head slowly shifted from the kids to me and it seemed to only make him more angry. Then, once again I couldn't help but bask in the pure aggression...in his eyes.
They were red, fitting for the anger thry held, but it was beautiful. It was passionate, the way he could yell for hours about god knows what because he cares. He may care about petty things, or silly things, but he always cares so much. So passionately. That I can see it in his eyes.
"Oh my, whAt is this costume deary?"best jeanist spoke from ahead of us as we approach.
"Hi sir, sorry about the skin showing, my quirk is heavily enhanced the more my pours are exposed to the natural elements, especially oxygen. If I was more covered parts of my body would begin to go completely numb. Also doesnt my body look amazing! Im a lot more in shape since you saved me last"
I blamed happily at jeanist. Though we arent neceserilly close, he is definitely a great hero and has always been someone who easily sees through my façaude. Plus his fashion sense is wonderful and I often send him pictures of my outfits. Although he doesnt respond I know he sees them and if they were bad he would be mean about it instead of ignoring it.
"Well. It definitely gives your body..access to that. And the sword?"
Ahh...the sword that I liked to carry. It was now stored in its place on my back.
"Call it a good luck charm, plus, we cant rely only on our quirks, then we are just weak people with strong powers. Rather than strong people."
I was always one to put on a show for him, as I do for lost of pro heroes. Its a lot more fun to say things like your all serious and fancy and smart sometimes. Its my little inside joke with myself, like to laugh at how easily people are awed by it.
Like how even though children were still crying bakgou was staring at me face void of emotion, completely struck at my words.
Definitely not..staring at my body that was exposed. Not eyeing the tight strap that wraps my left leg, that he doesnt know is a funcional lasso.
Noticing him, im quick to avert my attention.
"Hey bakugou~"
"Tch you really went from shitty princess to slutty princess huh?"
"You really went from telling deku you'd be number one hero, to making kids cry on the street, huh?" I challenged
I heard the crying boys laugh a little, just the age reminded me of my brother, Im sure they have nothing in common, but I havent seen any of my brothers in quite some time so I suppose a small part of me was just projecting.
I hated that they were crying, though. Ussually I dont like kids, they are stinky and gross and the main reason people have been ruining my life up til now. However, noticing these three reacting to bakugou in a way I wish emotionally available enough for, it made me feel obligated to help them. Wierd, huh.
"Hey, did that guy use his fire all scary?"
"Yeah, he was gonna kill us"
"Fires scary."
I giggled a bit, I knew fire like the back of my hand. It was the first thing I mastered as a child and the way I see bakugou use it doesnt to the element justice.
"Hm, well, I dont think so...can I show you something?"
The kid in the middle, apparently the braver of them, lifted his gaze from the concrete to meet my eyes. Just as I crouched down to my knees in front of them he nodded up at me.
I smiled at this, proud that I earned his trust for...some odd reason.
My hands formed a cup shape in front of him and I focused my ears so I could hear the blood rushing through my own brain, like waves. This was how I learned to use elements singularly: by using my internally noise to block out everything else.
I first allowed a small line of fire to dance around, now bigger than a candle wick. Then through another, and another as the boy watched carefully. Not yet impressed his face was still caustious. However I continued focusing my energy, feeling my body, the air around me, the heat of the sun, even remember the passion from bakugous crimson eyes.
I as I did so the many small flames twirled and twisted within eachother forming into a beautiful blue and orange fluctuating flower.
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The boy looked into my hands mouth now agape, tears dried, fear gone. Then, again, for some reasons unbeknownst to me... I felt a sense of pride.
He tapped his friends so they would look up and I continued making my fire into different things, birds, planes, people. The kids were entranced.
I looked back to see the two pros staring at me with a certain level of pride mixer with shock. While bakugou seemed at a loss for words. God knows why this time?
"I don't think fire is all that bad you know..."
"Pft, yeah, I know kid," with that I threw my little flames above their heads and let the sparks fall down of them like shiny glitter. Then, overwhelmed with this horrible feeling in my chest. I retreatdd to my boss for the weak. Was that..happiness? Ew.
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