#Also also also That Kohane has the SPACE to just like
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I really just want to appreciate the grumpy little cat on Watanuki’s apron. 
Also those last two panels are such a relatable mood. Like when you find your cat on the kitchen bench. Except for Watanuki it’s obviously because his your boyfriend is CHEWING TOO LOUDLY??
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I can’t even put my finger on exactly what delights me so much about this but it might just be everything. That Kohane is friends with Doumeki now. That she can just ask him around when she wants to. That he obviously comes without even telling Watanuki. That Watanuki will instantly stop complaining if Kohane says she wanted it. That perhaps Watanuki didn’t even know Doumeki was here yet, BUT COULD HEAR THE CRUNCHING AND JUST K N E W IT WAS HIM. 
There’s a lot to love here.
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project-sekai-facts · 3 months
I'm so terribly sorry for bothering you, but I have absolutely no idea what is going on right now... I'm new to Project Sekai fandom, so could you please explain for someone genuinely confused like me, why people are mad at the moment? Is something bad happening/will happen in the game? Thank you very much for your time and answer in advance, have an amazing day!
No problem anon. Basically people are angry about the card distribution. Vivid Bad Squad is going to be receiving limited cards on the next event when they only just had a limited gacha 2 months ago (usually limited gachas featuring only one unit are far more spaced out). Kohane, the banner character for this event, will also be receiving her 3rd limited card since Janurary (4th if you count her World Link card), and Akito will be getting his 2nd limited card since March.
People are also annoyed that this isn’t an Emu event, since her last mixed-unit event was the 4th event in the game (we’re on 135 i think now) and was held back in 2020.
And then there’s the issue of the new fes cards which have incredibly strong skills targeted towards p2p players, and the characters featured are Kanade, the 2nd most popular character in the game and from the most popular unit (which will make event ranking harder) and Meiko, who is going to be getting another limited card soon (makes it hard to save).
Tsukasa, the third most popular character was also incorrectly assumed to be the limited event for next month, which has made his fans disappointed, and in that case Rui, another incredibly popular character, was assumed to be a featured card because he hasn’t had a limited card in a year and is the only human main character who hasn’t had a limited card since 3rd anniversary (however he is still likely to be limited within the next two months). Also WonderlandsxShowtime hasn’t had a limited banner since the first ever limited banner, back in early 2021.
Also back to vivid bad squad, the event synopsis has told us that they will be surpassing Rad Weekend at this event, which has been their goal since the start of the game. However they still have a lot of loose ends which don’t all seem feasible to resolve during this event and conclude their arc, especially with most events recently being 1-1.5 hours long. I think some of these things will be resolved in the next arc, but fans of the unit are worried that things will be rushed, especially since their current arc has only been 4 events long. Some people are also losing their shit about “vbs disbanding” but that’s just people thinking the worst and isn’t actually going to happen.
So yeah that’s basically what’s happened.
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mymarifae · 2 years
i think the most important thing in the world is vbs being best friends who love each other so much and are super affectionate with each other like. listen to me:
- when toya hugs kohane he'll pick her up a tiny bit (a tiny bit is all he can manage. noodle arms) and she squeals with delight every time
- toya just really likes hugs in general. it's suuuuper common for him to just come up behind akito or an or kohane and wrap his arms around them and lean his head against theirs. hello and goodbye hugs with him always last a good 20 seconds because he won't let go sdjfjsnfkd
- kohane loooooves to tuck her hand in the crooks of her teammates' elbows while they're walking together. this way she won't get lost <3 sometimes she'll hold onto like, akito's elbow with one hand and an's with the other. it's very cute. and as vbs has grown closer, she's started to switch to hand holding. (don't tell anyone but akito's her favorite to hold hands with because he swings their arms as they walk and it's cute)
- also, kohane's hair tends to be messy because of her damn hats and this bugs akito so he spends a lot of time fussing over it. he'll just sort of...tug her closer and take out the pigtails and comb through it with his fingers. at some point she starts packing a brush in her bag to placate him. i like to think akito knows how to do hair because ena will sometimes make him do hers so after a while he stops just rebrushing kohane's hair and starts pulling it up in different ways... braiding it... etc... and he starts keeping things like hairspray in His bag. yknow. jic
- the hairstyling extravaganza extends to an and toya too. (i mean there's only so much akito can do with toya but he tries...) it's a calming thing for him - fiddling with his teammates' hair as they plan setlists or wait backstage. and having your hair played with is always nice <3
- i think shortly after teaming up an started giving kohane little kisses on the cheek. not as a romantic gesture - just simple affection! and after a while, she starts kissing toya and akito too. toya is always happy to lean down so she can pepper his face with little platonic kisses, but she usually has to wrestle akito. it's all in good fun and he'll always relent and let her kiss him in the end
- speaking of platonic kisses, i ALSO think that akito gives toya little kisses from time to time. it started back when they were still BAD DOGS. toya wasn't having a great time one night and after soothing him with a good sturdy hug, akito kissed the top of his head. it completely floored toya and akito blew up when he realized what he did. and they never fucking talked about it <3 but since toya didn't seem MAD about it, akito decided to stick with it and kept giving toya kisses like that. it's not common, and he ONLY does it when they're alone. except for when they make up after their little divorce arc in the main story. IGNORE the gunjo sanka mv and listen to me. they HUG after their heart to heart. and akito kisses toya's cheek. right around where he punched him
- but an's overaffectionate nature kind of rubs off on akito after a while. so he becomes less stingy when it comes to kisses and starts giving them to kohane and an too <3
- they lean against each other while sitting like kohane might cuddle into toya's side or an goes and lays her head on akito's shoulder
- and they have sleepovers and they fall asleep comfortably tangled up together (or not comfortably. at all. seriously cuddling while sleeping can get so uncomfy but it's worth it to be so close to someone you love). ken's taken quite a few adorable (and sometimes really funny) pictures of all four of them passed out on piles of blankets and futons. just dad things
i could go on forever it's just. platonic affection is so important to me and it's so frequently Ignored in fandom spaces. and in the case of vbs and the prsk fandom specifically, there's a tendency to separate vbs into akitoya VS anhane. which is so 💔 because the whole POINT of their story is that while they started off as separate duos, that's no longer the case! they've become such good friends. they're inseparable.
like even jokes about akito and an being "wlw and mlm hostility" are starting to wear on me because... they're friends, guys. they're incredibly close. akito is always looking out for an and is right by her side to support her through all the shit she's currently struggling with. there's no "hostility" present in their relationship. like, if you actually look at the game's text, an... rarely teases akito. the person who teases him the most is actually toya but you know... whatever... gotta reduce an down to a mean lesbian amirite... completely ignoring that she's one of the kindest characters in the whole game...
idk. i juuuuuust wish that this fandom wasn't so defensive and obsessive over shipping akitoya and anhane (mostly akitoya while anhane is a second thought but YOU KNOW) because it results in so many people watering down vbs as individuals And as pairs - because all they care about is shipping. like i promise that the other dynamics in vbs are worth exploring (both platonicallyand romantically but too much of this fandom still feels threatened by m/f vbs ships). and hell, explore akitoya and anhane on a platonic level, too! don't just jump to shipping them because teehee boyxboy and girlxgirl. take the time to understand what draws them together in the first place
i love friendship. i love when friends outwardly express their affection for each other and it doesn't have to have any romantic implications. can we talk about friendship for once like this game is literally The Ultimate Friendship Simulator feat. Hatsune Miku
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pjsk-story-summaries · 6 months
April Fools Year 3: Past and Future
TL;DR: Everyone has been transported into one of two mysterious, seemingly inescapable SEKAI: a prehistoric forest with ruins and dinosaurs, or a futuristic city with tech and aliens. They split up into groups to survive and find a way home.
In the Past? SEKAI,
Team Survival Masters consists of Shiho, Airi, Nene, Kanade, and MMJ Len. They set up base camp and prepare delicious meals for the others.
Team Food Hunt in the Primeval Forest consists of Ichika, An, Ena, and L/n MEIKO. They brave the wilderness to collect materials and food.
Team We are the Pegasus Exploration Party! consists of Minori, Toya, Tsukasa, and MMJ Miku. As long as they keep high spirits, nothing will stop them from finding the way back home.
In the Future? SEKAI,
Team Relief Space Cafe consists of Honami, Shizuku, Mafuyu, and n25 Luka. They serve coffee at the place where everyone can rest.
Team NicoNico☆Food Search consists of Saki, Kohane, Emu, Mizuki, and WxS Rin. They try and find food while befriending aliens.
Team Here and There in the Futuristic City consists of Haruka, Akito, Rui, and VBS KAITO. This chaotic yet responsible team searches for the way back home.
Full fan translation (Project Sekai in English)
This summary is currently a work in progress. Area conversations will be added periodically.
Upon login, Miku asks you to join her in exploring two special SEKAI of the past and the future.
None of those transported to the Past? SEKAI know how they got there. The same happens in the Future? SEKAI. All the units cross each others soon after arriving and decide to team up to survive together. They'd decided to split into base camp/rest, food searching, and exit-searching teams.
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Survival Masters Cover: Setsuna Trip
Kanade and Nene greet VBS Rin, MMJ Len, and n25 KAITO. Nene's extremely intimidated by KAITO's harsh demeanor. She questions if she did something wrong, but Kanade explains he's just like that.
Shiho greets Airi, WxS MEIKO, and L/n Luka. Airi leads the group based on her past variety show experience. Luka divides up material gathering roles, impressing MEIKO and Airi. Neither of them are used to a reliable Luka. Luka offers her lap when MEIKO expresses loneliness without her sleepy one.
Food Hunt in the Primeval Forest Cover: Six Trillion Years and an Overnight Story
An, Ena, and Ichika make a fishing rod out of sticks and strings. Ichika realizes they need bugs or worms as bait, but all three are too scared to look. n25 Miku finds a bunch of worms under a rock and picks them up without hesitation.
L/n MEIKO leads Ena, MMJ KAITO and VBS Luka search for water. Ena's a bit frustrated by how easy-going Luka is in such a strange scenario. KAITO explains how it's cool to get to experience nature, and Ena reluctantly agrees that it would be great for references. She's also extremely thrown off by how nice these Virtual Singers are.
We are the Pegasus Exploration Party! Cover: Booo!
Tsukasa prepares the members of the Pegasus Exploration Party. L/n Rin wants them all to get cool nicknames and form an adventure huddle. Minori tries her best to get n25 MEIKO to join. She's forced to put her hand in the middle, but doesn't cheer.
The Pegasus Exploration Team has been searching for some time now. WxS Luka had fallen asleep, so Tsukasa yells for her to wake up. The scream ended up startling a dinosaur, who begins to chase them. Toya leads them to hide in an ancient ruin.
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Relief Space Cafe Cover: Meru
Shizuku suggests checking out a place she'd seen earlier. She tries backtracking based on the signs she'd seen, but Mafuyu points out they change color. MMJ Rin asks Shizuku to hold her hand, pretending she's nervous. She just doesn't want Shizuku to get lost.
Mafuyu finds a malfunctioning robot. Shizuku tries to help it out by clicking a button, accidentally triggering a self-defense mode. Everyone panics, but Mafuyu calmly tells it to stop. WxS KAITO notices something off in her demeanor when she said it, though.
Honami, L/n Miku, VBS MEIKO, and n25 Luka explore the back alleys. Luka teases Miku about being a senpai figure, but only MEIKO realizes the intent. Honami praises Miku.
NicoNico☆Food Search Cover: Alien Alien
Emu, Mizuki, and MMJ MEIKO head off on their food search with a wonderhoy, but n25 Len isn't quite sure what to do. Mizuki and Emu teach him how to do it. They do it one more time, this time with Len.
The group finds an octopus-like alien. Emu tries copying the alien speech, but it comes out like nonsense. The alien responds, to everyone's surprise. The alien then copies back Emu's wonderhoy.
Here and There in the Futuristic City Cover: Devil's Manner
Akito wants to leave the Future? SEKAI as soon as possible, but Rui and WxS Miku are too distracted by the futuristic technology. Miku keeps getting the number of "no"s in Akito's name wrong.
VBS KAITO thinks he saw an alien, but L/n Len and n25 Rin don't belive him. KAITO's thrown off by how different the two are here.
Haruka uses her idol charm on an alien. (There's likely more to this interaction, but the translation was cut off.)
Rui explains his exploration drone to L/n Len. He offers over the controller. Akito asks if n25 Rin wants to join since she looks curious, but she denies it since that's "just playing around". Akito asks for the controller for the spare drone and explains how it would help. Rin caves and takes the controller.
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am4ura · 3 months
So I had this AU idea that is idk complicated but I need to share it somehow.
So basically what if the unit leaders / sekai owners were spirits linked to their Sekai, that in this case is more like a domain.
Leonii's instead of a school would be a space like zone. Mmj's instead of a stage would be a sky, kinda similar to the background in "hear me hopeful show" set. Empty Sekai would stay kind of the same. I haven't had any ideas for street or wonderland Sekai.
The Sekai owners (or Sekai spirits) have all characteristics relevant to their Sekai.
Ichika is mostly made of stars and nebulae. With her hair and parts of her body moving and flowing around. She also has hollow eyes that light up with little stars when she's happy.
Minori Is a mix of an Angel and a light being. She's mostly made of light, but has a projection of her body making her look kinda like a biblically accurate angel? She has lots of feathers around her body and a bandage covering her eyes (that are completely made of blinding lights)
Kohane is made of coloured smokes, like the ones of spray pain bottles. She can change colour and size based on her appearance. She can also turn herself into graffiti. She does that a lot to blend in and hide.
Tsukasa shares a lot of characteristics with an hippogryph, with mane and wings of light/fire. He also has hooves instead of feet. Like. A mix of a phoenix and a Pegasus.
Mafuyu (not kanade BC mafuyu is the Sekai owner) is very similar to a banshee. Ghostly and transparent appearance, covered in veils to hide herself and her suffering. She would also kinda look like a ragdoll, with parts of her body and face stitched together.
There are lots of legends about these sekais and Sekai spirits. It's said that if you're too passionate about something or too determined to reach a goal, you will get absorbed by one of these domains and eaten by the spirit. These Sekai spirits are also said to be lost kids with a big passion for something, but never managed to make it a thing.
So imagine the other members of the unit being so determined with their music, that one day they all wake up in this unknown unreal place and find basically a god just chilling there.
The Sekai spirits are all very lonely at the end and they just wanted someone to spend time with.
Ichika would at first be shy and try to not approach the rest of leoneed in fear of scaring them or be a burden, but in the end they would all try to make her smile and feel less lonely (Saki does the first steps), since it reminded them of their lost childhood friend.
Minori would immediately rush to get to know mmj. She gets captivated by all of them in a short time and would admire their beauty and their grace. At first mmj is kinda overwhelmed by this bright (eheh) presence, but they quickly start to love her. Haruka in particular, finding the way this spirit talks similar to the way one of her fans would write her letters.
Kohane would at first hide, scared of people she doesn't know, but would then slowly introduce herself only to an. An gets immediately a big liking of her, seeing in kohane the perfect partner she kept seeing in her dreams. When kohane gains more courage she shows herself to akitoya too. I also imagine this fun scene where an and kohane are talking, then akito reaches to an, kohane disappears and akito thinks an is crazy for talking alone.
Tsukasa would try to show off as the "mighty blazing Sekai spirit" but would cringefail anyways. Wxs seems unfazed by that, actually being interested in how tsukasa matches almost perfectly the description of the main character of a famous theatre show about a fantasy world.
Mafuyu hides, but not like kohane or Ichika. She wants to be alone. She accepted her fate of being forgotten and having to suffer alone. She tries to push the other members of niigo away, but they are resilient in trying to put an end to her pain (mostly kanade) because they know the same feeling. In the end mafuyu accepts their warmth.
Uhhh idk I think that's it. Sorry for the long yap, ideas kept flowing like a river. I might try to doodle something one day.
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
proseka casts fav anime/anime genres:
ichika: has only seen black rock shooter and mekakucity actors
saki: huge precure fan, her fav seasons are heartcatch, smile, dokidoki, and tropical rouge
honami: watches a ton of iyashikei while doing housework and cooking, loves polar bear cafe and natsumes book for friends the most
shiho: number 1 mecha fan, adores both real and super robot shows, has seen every gundam
minori: love live, need i say more?
haruka: huge detective conan fan, has every season and movie on bluray, every volume of the manga, and infodumps about the newest case every week at mmj practices
airi: has only really see the occasional ghibli movie and kids anime when her younger sister watches, likes ponyo and kikis delivery service the most
shizuku: giant rumiko takahashi fan, has seen and read all of urusei yatsura, ranma 1/2, inuyasha, and maison ikkoku
kohane: watches a lot of young shounen, but loves pokemon the most, has seen every season and has every game, avid fan of the adventures manga
an: biggest sports anime fan in the world, loves haikyu, free, kuroko no basket, and basically anything else, cries at every season finale
akito: ena made him watch the first episode of riddle story of devil when it first aired and he has not watched a single episode of anime since
toya: ena introduced him to kyoani pretty soon after they met and he's been hooked ever since, hibike euphonium was difficult for him to watch at first, but now he loves it
tsukasa: watches precure weekly with saki, doesnt particularly love the series but wants saki to be happy, doesnt really watch any anime other than that
emu: keeps up with seasonals just to find the most absurd and unknown anime, number 1 estab life defender
nene: has somehow seen and read every samey isekai light novel thing in existance, she's seen it all, from in another world with my smartphone to re:zero, she watches regardless of quality
rui: number 1 science saru geek, but will watch really anything if it looks experimental enough, has also seen a good number of samey light novel shows because of nene
kanade: watches the occasional original anime from kyoani or mappa if mizuki or ena reccomends it, but she usually only watches and episode or two
mafuyu: stumbled across space patrol luluco in middle school and would rewatch it anytime she felt like life was getting to be too much, forgot about it when she reached high school until talking about anime with mizuki and it was brought up, now watches basically anything mizuki reccomends
ena: kyoani simp, watches anything with good animation, also watches a lot of garbage death game anime and is always on the edge of her seat but wont admit it
mizuki: seasonal junkie, watches the first ep of every new show and always keeps up with at least 10, never slacking on magical girl anime, the first week of january, april, july, and october, the nightcord chat gets absolutely flooded w their reccs
I SEE THIS I think mizuki would love madoka magica
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cnidarianrui · 7 months
i don't think i've,,, ever? posted about petre... but i need to make my stance known.,,
- In leo/need i only really see shiho as a pet regressor, specifically a bunny regressor.
- all of leo/need + shizuku are her caregivers, petsitters if you will.
-when she's slipped into that space, she's so much more cuddly and affectionate, cuddling up to anyone near her that she trusts.
-leo/need has a little space set up in the school SEKAI with some rabbit toys, a pet bed, and anything a little bunny would need to feel loved and cared for!
-petnames are used more than generously, specifically "little bunny", "baby rabbit", or "bunbun" ;;
(they love her so much)
-In MMJ, i headcanon airi and shizuku as pet regressors, airi as a kitty regressor, shizuku also as a bunny.
-like shiho, airi becomes quite the ball of affection, pouncing on her friends in hopes of petting!!
-shizuku becomes a bit more energetic, hopping around the SEKAI, being the curious little rabbit she is!
-minori and haruka, due to their stamina built up from idol training, have no issue keeping up with their little pets!! airi and shizuku get so playful in this headspace, and haruka and minori are so excited to play with their friends!
-hamster kohane, bunny toya. need i say more?
-hampster kohane,,, well you know how the street sekai has the cafe? and the cafe probably has snacks right?... imagine hamster koha stuffing her cheeks with treats,,..
-toya is just a sleepy little bunny guy, content to just curl up in someone's lap, getting his ears and head gently pet (mainly by akito SHHHH)
-an is just.. so excited to take care of koha and toya.. she's so happy to take care of her friends and know that they trust her enough to share this with her!!! she takes them on little walks around the sekai, holding each of their hands.... uuuu
-toya changing his usual gait to little hops,,, help me..
-puppy regressor tsukasa, puppy regressor emu, kitty regressor rui!!!!! (in my heart i WANTED to say platypus regressor rui.. i'll save that idea for another time :3)
-emu and tsukasa play together,, so much... so much fetch... so much tug of war,,, they get the zoomies so MUCH!!
-similarly to what i mentioned about an, nene takes all three of them on walks, using a specially designed leash, made by rui of course.
-emu tugs the leash. nene falls down. she makes it better with kisses though!!
-tsukasa is the biggest lapdog ever. sit down? now you have a puppy in your lap and he wants pets... hehe
-emu's gymnastics abilities carry into her regression, she's always excited to learn new tricks to impress her caregivers, and get treats!!
-rui has the ability to purr and meow realistically. he does it. a lot. also he's tall so he always has to bend down to get pets.. makes him feel so small.. hehe.
-rui designed little collars for him, emu, and tsukasa!! they are purple, pink, and orange respectively, with little charms representing them! they love them!
-kitty mizuki. i rest my case.
-oooh,,, they're so kitty... all that hanging out they do with rui has lead to them also being able to realistically purr and meow!! they meow incessantly whenever they're in need of attention!
-he also made them a cute baby pink collar with a ribbon ;;
-stylish kitty!! whenever ena is watching over them, they have a whole grooming session for mizu! ena brushes their hair, paints their nails, and gives them a little kitty spa day!
-kanade doesn't have the most energy, but that's okay! she can still watch mizuki just as well.,, they take cat naps together... mizuki keeps her nice and warm and purrs to her!
-mafuyu was a bit hesitant to try and care for them, a bit scared from how sensitive and close to mizuki's heart this was. however, he gives them so much attention.. they go to empty sekai, they play fetch too!! kitties can play fetch!!!
-the empty sekai is perfect for an energetic little kitty!! its just a big wide open space, but calm at the same time! when energetic, they run around and skitter everywhere!! when they're a little sleepy, they curl up with a virtual singer and nap to their little kitty heart's content!
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vividbadsquadreal · 1 year
vbs sleep schedule hcs!! (mostly vibes based ngl)
good and not awful sleep schedule!!
sleeps in a starfish position (super spread out)
like she may be small but she’s taking up all the space she can get
she’s a really light sleeper so she needs an extra hour of sleep compared to most people to not be tired during the day
she has the most vivid dreams ever
if she’s dreaming she’ll also talk in her sleep. in her dreams she’ll be saying real words but irl she’ll be saying complete nonsense
she’s used to waking up early to help her dad with weekend garage
moves around A LOT like she will never wake up in the same place she fell asleep
an could take a ten minute nap and still wake up on the other side of the room
she used to sleepwalk a lot when she was younger, she still does sometimes but it’s not as bad
one time she sleepwalked directly into a lamp (this for sure never happened to me idk what you’re talking about)
has on multiple occasions woken up in the middle of the night from falling out of her bed. sometimes she would fall asleep again immediately in the middle of her floor
she’s a really deep sleeper though. she could sleep through any noise ever. she sets many alarms because of this
horrendous sleep schedule
like he canonically naps at school my guy is NOT getting enough sleep
doesn’t move around in his sleep but he kicks. like a lot
if he leaves extra pillows or plushies on his bed overnight they will be on the floor by morning for sure
because his sleep schedule is so bad he can literally nap anywhere at a moment’s notice
pretty sure it’s canon that he wakes up super early
night owl!!
if he could he’d regularly sleep as late as possible and get up as late as possible. but alas he has responsibilities
when he was a kid he was 100% the kind of person to stay up late reading under the covers using a torch for light
he can lucid dream. in fact 99% of his dreams are lucid dreams. he hasn’t had a regular dream since he was 12
he will either sleep in literally the corpse pose or the most uncomfortable position you’ve ever seen but either way he won’t move an inch till he wakes up
he often wakes up with his limbs being numb from literally sleeping on top of them
maybe i’m making this up but i swear it’s canon that he’s really flexible as well?? which is just more opportunity to sleep in abnormal ways
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
hi hi hi i was the person who sent the tech sekai one :P i wanted to go off anon this time 👍👍
i love your writing a lot so as soon i saw ur post i wanted to request again !! sorry this is literally 2 minutes after your announcement 😭😭😭
if you could, could you do gn!reader who's does freestyling for choreography and one day while they're dancing for a song vivid bad squad (seperate headcanons!) walk in
sorry if this request doesn't make sense, take your time and i hope you have an amazing day <3
OMG HIII I loved writing that one !! and tyy, dw abt it lols <3 but HELL YEA I LOVE FREESTYLING its literally so cool...the req makes total sense, I hope u have an amazing day too and I also hope u like this !! <3
◇ FREESTYLE - Kohane Azusawa, An Shiraishi, Akito Shinonome and Toya Aoyagi x Reader
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At the very least, Kohane knew that you danced and choreographed freestyle. She always got too shy to ask if she could watch-
She's always wanted to see what you could do though, she found freestyle really interesting! If anything, it could help her learn more...
She didn't even mean to walk in unannounced- She was just poking in to ask you a quick question, but she froze when she saw you dancing
You looked so...So graceful as you danced, simply allowing yourself to exist and go with the flow in the moment. She envied you for it.
She stood absolutely frozen, watching you in awe. You were so cool!...
When you finished dancing, she clapped, her grin wide before her face flushed.
"Sorry for intruding! You just...Looked so cool..."
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An absolutely loves dancing, so of course the moment she hears you dance, she wants to see!
She usually gets really busy though, so the first time she truly gets to see you dance is entirely an accident
You were dancing in a free space behind the WEEKEND GARAGE, and the moment she walked out and saw you, she started cheering you on
You would definitely feel a bit of embarrassment as people began to show up and cheer for you too, but it was also...Nice
When you finished your dance, she immediately wrapped her arms around you, laughing
"That was so awesome, you have to teach me how you do it!!"
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Unless it's for a show, Akito doesn't really pay attention to dancing. It's just...something to do-
Which is why he doesn't really think much about you doing choreography...At least at first. You of course manage to change his mind <3
He walked into your room to ask you a question, but paused once he saw you freestyle dancing. Since when has dance been so...Intriguing?
He leaned against your doorframe, his eyes just observing you. You looked so amazing dancing like that
When the music stopped and you finally noticed him, he was speechless before he cleared his throat, smiling at you
"That was really good...Mind if I watch another time?"
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Toya does find dancing fun, but he doesn't consider himself that good at it. He doesn't dance in his free time often-
He definitely admires good dancers though, and often takes the time to watch them and appreciate them for what they do
This is why when he walked in on you freestyling, he was absolutely blown away. You told him about it before, but seeing it was a different experience-
He's just bewildered that you can dance like that without thinking. He always has to remind himself where to put his foot, what do you mean?-
When you finished, he gave you a warm smile, just appreciating you in the moment. You were so cool...
"You're amazing."
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revelry-in-severity · 5 months
A while ago I made a post about a potential card set for each of my shuffle groups and then ended up putting it together. Was also updating some of the costumes while I was at it for the normal outfits, but that's for another time
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Remnants was a sports driving set, but I like the more futuristic tone for them. A way to show progress and all that. I do not accept anyone other than Nene being in the lead and everyone trying to catch her
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Astral was a treasure hoard. Emu and Saki being the princesses and Airi as the adventurer. The twist is that they willingly stay with the dragon Mizuki and they are the treasures to Mizuki
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Chronic/Ally was meant to be stuck in a bunch of reflections. It took on more of a space theme due to them being the voids the light is being reflected around
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The haunted tea party of all tea parties. Not much changed from the last time I posted about them, though as cute as Ichika is, she now looks like she belongs in pandora hearts. Even better
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Minori looking like she only has one leg works so much with her being the bad luck of the hope diamond. They are all just Kohane's collection of cursed objects, as she doesn't have as many bad things going on as them but it's certainly not going to stop her from joining them. Rui is, of course, building haunted soldiers and Ena paints with questionable substances
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vivid-badsquad · 1 year
fuck you assigns every prsk character an overwatch main inspired by @probably-not-niigos post on the niigo mains
ichika: sigma. im sorry this boy plays tank and he is a sigma main and prob would be since the day he got released (its the space motif okay.)
saki: hm... im gonna get mauled for this but shes a symm main. she dapples in a bit of brig every now and again but she likes symms turrets a lot
honami: she mains mercy but she also plays a lot of like... soldier i feel. idk but shes def a mercy main
shiho: (dps) moira. im so so sorry he is a dps moira by default
more more jump!:
minori: kiriko main she loves kiriko with her entire soul
haruka: do i even need to think (mei. she mains mei purely for the penguin skin.)
airi: ramattra main. im not sorry for saying this she mains ramattra
shizuku: she doesnt play overwatch but if she DID she would totally be a hanzo main
vivid bad squad:
kohane: either a STUPIDLY good wrecking ball main or a mei main
an: sojourn main i wont take any criticism on this she spams "croissant?" before a game
akito: rein main standard tank player he can hit a good slam when needed...
he also plays bap
touya: im completely stumped... probably mains ana but he doesnt play too well
wonderlands x showtime:
tsukasa: oh you know this man either plays rein or illari. he doesnt have a set Main but he adores them (he pockets saki if they ever play together ^-^ turret siblings!!!)
nene: bastion main. shes like... a DIEHARD bastion main like she has the lego skin and all.
rui: torb main he enjoys the turret and spraying his ult at the Exact right moment
nightcord @ 25:00
kanade: def a lucio main she loves zooming around the map and booping people off the side ^-^ she plays tracer a bit but she gets dizzy after a while so she switches back to lucio
mafuyu: stealing mercy main mafuyu who just randomly pockets kanade. never revs mizuki no matter how much they scream into the mic. also never heals them out of mecha
ena: (if you couldnt tell, all the niigo ones are stolen because theyre so incredibly correct) born to main pharah forced to play echo. (she gets insane 4 kill reaper ults)
mizuki: born and bred d.va main. theyre probably top500 with purely d.va and they spam ";)" after getting an amazing bomb play
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OOF you can see on this last page here that Kohane doesn’t get any joy from this, even though she deserves to. This pains her even as she has to do it. And in the final panel we watch as the mother herself vanishes from the frame - the crowd have consumed her and she is nothing but an empty space as the only thing she actually cared about crumbles away to nothing.
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I’m LIVING for this
(Though, also, how vapid and empty the words of the surrounding characters are. They were just as happy to tear HER apart moments ago, but now that there’s a new target they’re suddenly on her side. Their sympathy means nothing, and Kohane knows this too)
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And like, while the mother deserves to have such attention brought to her actions, once again the rumour mill surges to life and creates its own narrative based on whatever they want to believe in the moment, and the television crew not only encourage it but THRIVE off the drama.
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OOP Ok now even I can relate. Kohane tells the truth again, that the mother never touches her, and again the crowd is horrified. 
BIG L for the guy who says “this might even count as child abuse!”. “MIGHT”. 
I will run him over myself. 
And then the mother herself runs on to profess that she definitely absolutely cares for her by *checks notes* doing the legal minimum.
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mymarifae · 2 months
the awesome susie deltarune or the wonderful anchan prosekai. take ur pick
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oh my god i miss her so bad. i'm going to steal a car and drive it into the ocean. because i miss her SO BAD. i don't care that she's on screen for 80% of the game so far that's 20% of game without susie that's too much i need to see her at all times. she's the perfect character UGHGHHHHHHHHH
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i do anchan too. because i love anchan. ahhh sweet girl :') i'm still upset over how light up the fire and every ensuing vbs event was handled like. the build-up to the reveal of nagi's death? great, fantastic, expertly done. the "resolution" wherein an's feelings are consistently brushed aside for the sake of vbs doubling down on the concept of "surpassing" rad weekend? Not Great. i blame a lot of this on the game's storytelling format and the fact that 8 episodes is not a lot of time for them to reveal that a character has been lied to for half of her life and the person she looks up to most was not in fact "overseas" and has been DEAD for years and then satisfactorily resolve the sheer amount of grief and shock they just put her and her friends through. but. like... why did they even try to fit the bulk of this resolution into one event in the first place... hello. lutf should have been the start of an entirely separate arc for vbs. an deserved the space and time to GRIEVE and get all her anger out properly so that she can truly make peace with the fact that nagi's gone. idk. also it's 2024 and prsk fans still haven't figured out that she exists outside of her partnership with kohane and that she will never fulfill the role of "mean lesbian" in whatever "mlm/wlw hostility" dynamics they have built up in their heads. she's literally one of the nicest characters in the game. i'm very tired. can everyone be nice to and love anchan the way she deserves she's such a lovely character
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angeltism · 7 months
do ya have specifc gender headcanons for prsk characters?
Hmm yes but I don't feel too strongly about a lot of em n don't really think about them a lot. But I definitely do !
Strong (actively influence how I view the character , the pronouns I use for them , etc . In my mind , this is how they are and I consider it basically canon) : Transmasc genderqueer Mafuyu who uses any pronouns (also I have this xenogender in my hoard that's like,, you copy the behaviors of fem-aligned people to be more fem-aligned in gender ?? or something like that ??? that too .) , queer genderfluid Rui who mainly uses all pronouns but sometimes his preference changes , librafeminine Ena who doesn't care about pronouns , transfem Mizuki (I don't feel they're a binary woman, to me they feel more non-binary with a femme presentation or some kind of sorta-fem sorta-nb gender, but they are 100% transfeminine. I just don't know how to describe the other gender stuff they have going on.)
Yeah I like these (I can see these and think of them occasionally. I'll sometimes mention em but they mostly live in the back of my brain and make me go "huh! yeah!" seeing people agree) : Transfem Shizuku (both tfem bigender but aaaalso just as a binary transwoman) , transfem Tsukasa , transfem Airi, trans man Akito , genderqueer Haruka , transfem Toya , genderqueer An
These are fun but I don't think about them a lot (what it says on the tin) : Agender Kanade , bigender Shiho , librafeminine Minori , librafluid Kohane , transmasc non-binary Ichika , questioning Saki (she isn't cis . but girl I cannot figure out What she is . bear w me here)
Oh bonus category for xenogenders : Ichika using music, space and vocaloid related ones as well as songic genders. Saki using star and music themed ones. Minori and ones with a clover, idol or song theme as well as a few songic too maybeee? Haruka with ones related to penguins n maybe blue In General. Tsukasa with star-themed ones. Emu with like Most soft , sweet , sugary , funky vibe genders. Rui with Fuck All (aka whatever the mess of My hoard is because hashtag projecting). Nene with robot and game themed ones. Ena with ones that relate to art, cuteness, etc. Mizuki with pink and/or ribbon themed genders. Is this a lot and is it vague Yes but there's so many that exist so idk giving off the vibes and recurring themes seems like Good Enough.
Token cis (sorry y'all /j) : Honami I just can't think of anything for her either she's some kind of Honami Is Honami non-binary that I can't quite describe or she's a cisgirl to me. She isn't hetero though nobody here is cis AND hetero c'mon this is COLORFUL stage. Oh also Emu despite having a lot of xenogender swag I feel would still identify a lot with being a girl n I hc her as cis. But also she has the most xenogender swag I've ever seen in a character so. She's like girl+ . Does that make sense. Girl++ Extra Content DLC 🍬🩷🍭🍨🍫🎈✨🍪🧸
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uh-oh-cupios · 1 year
Gonna Start Taking Requests For PJSK x Reader Headcannons Here's A Little Sample <3
All PJSK Characters and How They Are With PDA
-Hand Holding
-Some Hugging
-Would never initiate a kiss in a public place but is totally fine if you initiate a kiss (probably a little flustered though)
-Always holding hands
-Will always sit super close to you on a bench at a park or a booth in a restaurant. (Almost sitting on your lap at times)
-Hugs a lot
-Will play with your hair if she gets bored (doesn’t matter how long it is)
-No kissing in public, but nose nuzzles? Yes.
- She never initiates it
- Will be chill with any PDA 
- Most likely will be a bit flustered
- Would turn as red as an apple if you kiss her in public
- No
- She loves you but no touchy touchy anywhere and everywhere
- Will hold your hand in crowded areas
- Occasionally will throw an arm over your shoulders
- Literally so flustered about it
- Even when she initiated it
- She also definitely is a physical touch sort of person, so she’s just constantly flustered
- Walks really close to you all the time and because she’s a clutz this has led to many a trip and fall
- Like the perfect amount of PDA
- Hand-holding when you’re walking
- Leaning against each other when sitting
- A hug when she sees you and a hug when you have to head off to do different things
- An occasional kiss (either on the forehead or cheek)
- Kissing on the lips is done in private unless something special happens. (Like winning her a penguin plush on your anniversary date).
- Leads you around everywhere either by holding your hand or hooking your arms together (like you’re off to see the Wizard the Wonderful Wizard of OZ lol).
- Other than that I feel like she isn’t very big on PDA
- But isn’t as against it as Shiho
- Girl doesn’t understand that the people she loves the most have personal space bubbles too.
- Always touching you somehow
- Lots of forehead kisses
- Would sit on your lap in public. (Like she would just keep scooting closer until you are her new chair and wouldn’t notice it until you point it out).
- For her sake don’t be over the top
- Gets flustered with everything
- Likes having pinkies intertwined
- A hugger
- Will hug your arm instead of holding your hand
- Puts arm around your shoulders a lot
- If you kiss it will be on the lips she doesn’t care
- His arm is always around your waist
- In a very casual but protective way
- Okay with kissing in public and on the lips as well
- Man doesn’t know how
- You are the one who initiates things
- Chill with anything he likes the affection
- Sometimes he will randomly give you a little kiss on the cheek
- Hahaha worse than his sister
- Better than Shizuku since he understands personal space a bit more
- Would die if you kissed him on the lips in public though (he would just overload)
- Along with being a touchy person he also will just very loudly proclaim his love for you (dork I love this man)
- Does a bunch of gentlemanly/chivalrous things for you
- Holding hands
- Clinging to your arm
- Give her piggyback rides or else you are a bad partner
- Lots of hugs
- Nose nuzzles
- Regular amounts of hand holding
- Other than that she doesn’t like being super lovey-dovey in public
- Would hug you hello and goodbye like Haruka
- Do anything super lovey-dovey and she will get flustered and scold you (but not very well).
- Likes to make you flustered
- Like Akito, he always has an arm around your waist
- But he is not as casual
- Man holds you as tightly as he can without causing you discomfort
- Kisses on the lips are normal
- Girl barely ever goes out
- PDA?
- What is that?
- Has no opinion really
- Not into anything big because she is mindful of the people around her
- Does like to lean her head on your shoulder and it’s just a natural reflex now
- A hug goodbye 
- A hug hello
- Holding hands wherever you go
- Not much else also that rhymed :)
- Linking arms
- Kisses on the cheek
- Will play with your hair and likes it if you play with theirs
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
Unofficial Mod Mai’s gender headcanons list since other people are doing it. (+ a fun extra headcanon that is very random)
Ichika: Demigirl (She tried to get her cactus to grow blue flowers once so they were like Miku.)
Saki: Transneutral/Non-binary/Doesnt give a fvck about gender (They needed braces for a few years)
Honami: Transfem (Likes fruit punch)
Shiho: Transfem (Cuts her own hair)
Minori: Pangender (Tried to cut her hair to look like Haruka’s hair once. It did not go well.)
Haruka: Honestly I can’t decide for her. I like Transfem and Transmasc Haruka so… their gender is whatever Im feeling like it is. (Her favorite color is purple.)
Airi: Transneutral (As a child she had a pet rock named Saku and treated it like it was alive. She fed it and everything.)
Shizuku: Demigirl (Her phone wallpaper is set as Haruka. She had to get Airi to help her change it though. And yes this is shizuharu propaganda)
Kohane: Transfem (Sometimes forgets to put her contacts in and can’t find her glasses so she just can’t see for the day.)
An: Transfem (Im gonna be honest I can’t come up with anything for her. Sorry…)
Akito: Honestly I can’t decide for him but thats because I just. Haven’t looked enough into his character to make a decision and man he could be anything. (I also dont have a random headcanon for him sorryyyyyy)
Toya: Demiboy (He sometimes accidentally does the :3 smile)
Tsukasa: Non-binary (His bed is 70% plushies, 10% pillows, and 20% space for him to sleep on. He insists this is very comfortable.)
Emu: Transfem but doesn’t care what you call her (Bought a whole store because Rui mentioned they needed a part from there for their next robot. This also might be emurui propaganda…)
Rui: Transfem but prefers they/them pronouns (With said store Emu bought, Rui started exclusively buying parts for their robots from there unless an absolutely necessary part wasn’t stocked there.)
Nene: Demigirl (Now owns seven game systems because Emu overheard that she wanted another system. Emunene propaganda maybe? I prefer it platonically but ehhhh I’m a multishipper…)
Kanade: Transfem (A bit clingy towards Honami… heheheheheheh honakana is cute…)
Mafuyu: Agender (Their real smile is similar to Rui’s. The whole :3 thing you know.)
Mizuki: Transfem (Has started to do the :3 smile occasionally because of how often she spends time with Rui. This just might be Ruimizu propaganda…)
Ena: Transmasc (Slightly fearful of Honami because of her art.)
BONUS!!!! A couple of NPC’s!!!
Riho: Transfem (Likes to doodle while coming up with new songs)
Reki: Transmasc (Unfortunately I dont really have anything for him. But he is very silly to me.)
No Mai because, frankly, I do not remember what I last said my headcanons for her were and I do not want to confuse you guys (I tend to be very flexible with some of my headcanons, especially gender ones, so yeah…)
- Unofficial Mod Mai
should we make a tag for gender headcanon posts
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