#Also she's named after a chemical compound that has no existing pictures online! Only a description of what color it is on wikipedia.
loveletterworm · 4 months
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Sonic OC inspired by that kind of weird retcon-ish thing where Silver can't actually time travel on his own and instead just has random time portals happen to him, something that I affectionately refer to as him being "Cursed By God". This character is also cursed by god in a different manner. She doesn't really get to have any especially useful powers or go on fun adventures or anything like the other sonic characters she just has to live in a Twilight Zone episode for her whole life. I got kind of excited about her so she comes with an excess of information and an arbitrarily high effort picture. Her extremely long name amuses me
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thetinfoilhatlady · 7 years
The call towards wholeness did not reside in the teaching of the plants: It resided in the deepest parts of my own being.
In September of 2017 I took the trip of a spiritual lifetime. I am curious about human consciousness, a researcher into alternative history, an outspoken performer, a speaker and writer in the arts world. My life has taken me on many adventures, especially since I started traveling internationally in 2013. As a Medical Laboratory Technologist I also have a biological curiosity.
This trip was the cherry on top of my travels so far. The reward for all the hard work I had done and the understanding I had gained regarding who we are and why we are all here.
I follow a teacher named  Tobias Lars. He shares his wisdom online with videos as well as in workshops, travel retreats and courses. I have his book ‘Listening to the Sun‘ kindle version available. I also use his Inner Body Awakening Meditation. The company Spiritual Travelers is another one of his exciting endeavors. Through his Ayahuasca retreats I found the perfect place to experience Ayahuasca, the Mother of all ancient plant medicine, at The Source.
Hidden within the mysterious and ancient Sacred Valley in Peru and quite close to famous Machu Picchu, is the fabulous retreat called The Source.  They call it the edge of Luxury and indeed it is. Created and constructed by the unnamed ‘owner’ this is a majestic and magical location. Perfect for escaping from the outside world of negativity and stress. Not only beautiful but consciously constructed by the promptings of Ayahuasca herself.
See the beautiful ladies washroom here ! See my room here.
I arrived with 10 others from around the world for 6 days of soul exploration. A couple from Australia, a man from Denmark, two ladies from Sweden, a mother and son from Romania, 3 women from America and myself, the lone Canadian. As these things usually reveal them selves to be, each of us was called to do ceremony at this site, and each of us were perfect for each others learning.
Hear the local music from my balcony wrapped in jasmine here. See my Facebook album here for images.
The one month to two week preparation in diet and lifestyle, was essential for a most enjoyable experience. Though ‘Aya’ is known as The Purge, if one prepares well enough that aspect of the experience is less bothersome. In this regard I had quit coffee, dairy, meat, dried fruit, fermented foods and was very conscious of not taking any medication unless needed. Also using less chemicals in my personal hygiene as well as keeping off the computer and using less media all round. I started to do some yoga, meditate daily, write in my journal and avoid any recreational drugs or alcohol.
It is very important to avoid pork and dried or bruised fruit, as these food create a chemical compound that does not mix well with Aya and can cause serious health problems. Needless to say once one commits to the diet and lifestyle changes, the ceremony has begun.
Because I am a Celiac Sprue my ability to restrict myself was not as hard as it was for others. One person who chose not to quit meat for example was always quite sick during ceremony and could not stop throwing up for hours.
So why even put one’s self through all this ? To me the answer was curiosity. Again my need to research, my need to know, my desire to understand my consciousness set me on this journey. I had known about DMT or dimethyltryptamine for many years. Those who study hallucinogens or partake in their use will be familiar with the substance. This is also known as The Spirit Molecule and is actually produced naturally in our bodies by our pineal gland when we dream and when we die.
Is it safe ?
“The exact toxic profile of DMT is unknown, but studies in rodents suggest that a lethal dose in humans would be extremely high; more than 20 times the typical dose given during an ayahuasca ceremony.”
“A group of experienced DMT users were asked to rate its safety, with 55% reporting it to be “very safe” and 38% “quite safe”.[4] The main risks they reported were a “bad trip” (51%), which is considerably higher than the risk of bad experiences with the other classic psychedelics, LSD and psilocybin.”
The week consisted of four Aya ceremonies one day off and one day of Wachuma or San Pedro Cactus drink and the Andean Sweat Lodge.  This drink, which we helped prepare the day prior, was taken in the afternoon. It made us quite chatty and it was wonderful to wander the gardens and sense the natural beauty all around us. The active ingredient in San Pedro cactus is mescaline.
Of course the first night of Ayahuasca, I had no idea what to expect. I knew I would throw up, I knew I would have a bowel purge, but that was about it. Little did I know the wisdom and insights that would be revealed to me by weeks end.
Each morning we had the option of a movement class and an afternoon mandatory debriefing session with our Shaman Aminta. She was the spiritual conductor of the ceremony who guided the music being created and the timing of the night. She also took care to make certain we were all breathing and safe and cared for along with Beth and Ritchie and another local Healer who sang wonderful traditional songs that I seemed to know.
We were told to use our breath to flow, use the music as an anchor and use our gratitude as a rope to guide us through the adventure. We also were asked to remember no matter how weird it got, it would eventually end. All great advice.
The Temple where the Aya ceremonies occur is a beautiful round building. Since electronics were not allowed inside I respectfully did not take any pictures myself. These are shots I found on the website .
The ceiling is glass and it was most wonderful to look up at the southern hemisphere stars towards the end of the ceremonies. Being able to see the milky way while walking back to our rooms afterwards was also quite amazing.
Ceremonies last anywhere from 6 to 8 hours and started at 6:30pm. We each had a nice bed to lay in and a beautiful washroom to visit when needed. There were personal purge buckets that were emptied by staff as soon as we used them.
Everything is well coordinated and thought out to ensure you have a most pleasant, beautiful and safe experience. The staff is top notch and well experienced. The food is high frequency, grown onsite and prepared with your health at heart. If YOU are called, The Source is where you want to go to experience Ayahuasca.
What happens ?
Anecdotal reports suggest that greater self-awareness and spiritual connection to the world can be gained from properly using DMT. Just as ayahuasca ceremonies can provide new perspective on inner emotional realities to people with mental and addictive disorders, DMT can be used to achieve new perspective in one’s spiritual life.
Many report that DMT gives them a connection to unconscious parts of their mind, allowing them to see any issues and mental blocks they’ve been experiencing from a new vantage point. People often report a sense of detachment from their emotions and how they identify with them as well.
So what did I experience ?
After a few Hail Mary’s and an ongoing mantra I use “I love and Approve of Myself, I am Safe.” it was my turn to down the brew. It is made from boiling the Vine containing the active DMT and leaves which allow your body to access the medicine. My impression was that it tasted like black licorice. Others thought it was bad tasting. It is very individual.
The effects start with many colours and I noticed as I lay with my eyes shut that these were the textile patterns seen in South America. Then I was drawn into what I can only call ‘scenes’. They were from my life and they drew me into intellectual dilemmas. Scenes of conversations, arguments or just trying to get ones point across.
I noticed Aya “tagging” words in these scenes and then I was able to stop them and using my breath blow them away. I walked down the middle of these scenes for some time. The words she tagged were words like FAULT, BAD, WRONG, ERROR, MISTAKE. I understood they were not real, not valid. Things just ARE. There can be no judgement on them.
Now it is very hard to explain my experiences to you in words. The profound meaning is very personal and individual. Your ‘trip’ would not be the same as mine. Each time you do it and each person who does it has different experiences.
During the first and second ceremony there were many entities who came to stand beside me with their hands up as if to give me an energy treatments, as well as those who ‘ate’ impurities from my subtle bodies. I was aware of my C-section scar and had help doing more healing needed from that traumatic event 23 years ago, in which I almost bled out.
I was also shown my maternal bloodline and how each member saw each other. The things handed down so to speak could be healed and sent back through time or not. I had the option. I got a strict warning about WI FI and how it hurts me.
Aya also showed me a type of butterfly. It seemed odd, like it had sort of bat wings. Maybe it was from another planet ? Anyway it only lived for 5 beats of its own wings. Once it died I saw the consciousness leave it and turn into a sort of angel. A voice said “Look! Even for this life I am curious to experience”.
Later in ceremony 3 and 4, I became a giant cobra and also a long fanged dragon. I found this very fun.
Mother Aya also showed me the word KNOWING. Then it morphed in to NO  ING, then to NOW. My understanding at this point is that we can never truly know anything, but we can always be in the NOW. For someone like me whose first words were ‘I’m Curious!’, it was confirmation of my spiritual research. There is only NOW. Time is an artifact of consciousness and does not really exist.
The call towards wholeness did not reside in the teaching of the plants: It resided in the deepest parts of my own being.
There is much more however it is not to be put into words. My understanding is that I am actually doing very well in my life. I have come through some challenges and have done so with grace. Needless to say it was well worth it. I am planning to go back in a few years and do it again. The Source is a true safe space where those who have experience and ability can guide you to dance with this ancient special medicine.
If you are called please consider going. At this time of planetary healing we can all contribute to the general raising of human consciousness.
Ayahuasca and Me The call towards wholeness did not reside in the teaching of the plants: It resided in the deepest parts of my own being.
0 notes
easyweight101 · 8 years
Rejuvelix Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
 What is it?
Rejuvelix is an anti-aging serum that is designed to boost collagen production and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Their advertising also claims that it can promote skin repair by helping reverse dark spots and blemishes caused by hyperpigmentation and hyperkeratosis. They say that it chemically tightens the skin on the face, which makes users look younger and helps prevent sun damage.
The top-rated skin care product according to our experts’ ranking system is Kremotex. It has proven to be an effective collagen stimulant and to increase the hydration levels of the skin cells. Click here to read Kremotex’s full ingredients list.
Do You Know the Best Anti-Aging Creams of 2017?
Rejuvelix Ingredients and Side Effects
Trylagen PCB Gatuline In-Tense Sodium Hydroxide Preservative, Perfume
 Trylagen PCB: A newly synthesized combination of peptides, soy and wheat proteins, and pseudoalteromonas ferment extract. Trylagen PCB was designed to increase collagen production, organization, and retention.
There is very little data about the actual effects of Trylagen PCB, with the only clinical study about its effects coming from the laboratory that manufactures the drug. There is no data about its safety in either the short- or long-term, however there have not been any independent reports of side effects at this time.
Gatuline In-Tense: Another newly synthesized chemical derived in part concentrated oil taken from the flowers of the paracress plant. The paracress is thought to be high in alkylamides, which are known analgesics and play a roll the immune system.
Gatuline In-Tense is used to increase skin density by encouraging the contraction of fibroblasts, the connective tissue between collagen cells. The effect is tighter, more reflective skin that looks younger and is more reflective of UV rays. UV ray reflection prevents the creation of free radicals, which can cause damage to cell membranes and disrupt cellular organization.
Similar to Trylagen PCB, Gatuline In-Tense has only been studied by the laboratory that synthesized it. They too have chosen not to release data about any side effects in the short term, and it is too early for any long-term safety information to exist.
Sodium Hydroxide: The chemical name for the caustic soda known more commonly as lye. Lye is an extreme pH base compound that used to be used as a skin lightener before it was linked to too many harmful side effects.
Lye was popular in the 1800’s and 1900’s where it was used as a cleaning agent and tool for the bleaching of the skin. It fell out of favor as people started realizing that its bleaching effects were rarely regular across the skin, often resulting in a mottled, spotty effect. Additionally, there were a number of other more serious health concerns related to sodium hydroxide usage.
Today lye is recognized as a toxin by the Cosmetics Safety Database and by the CDC. They list potential consequences related to lye consumption as:
Organ toxicity
Metabolic changes
Chemical burns
Ulcerations of the skin
Sodium hydroxide has no medicinal or therapeutic value; its only purpose is to balance out the pH level of a skin cream’s solution. It is not a recommended ingredient according to our panel of experts.
Preservative, Perfume: One of the more frustrating entries commonly found on skin care products’ ingredients panels. This is a highly ambiguous entry that could be unsafe for some or all users, but we sadly have no way of knowing which users that may be.
There are some perfuming agents that are perfectly safe for use in skin care blends, and there are perfuming agents that have been linked to fatal cases of cancer. Many users are allergic to some types of flowers or herbs, which can often form the base of a fragrance. Unless companies are more specific, customers must use their own best judgment about whether or not it is safe for them.
Click here to see the entire rankings of the top skin care products available without a prescription.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven anti-aging cream such as Kremotex for better results.
Rejuvelix Quality of Ingredients
It is clear that the manufacturers of Rejuvelix have a very different philosophy about what makes for quality ingredients than our team does. Our team believes that a skin care product should use safe, proven ingredients that make skin healthier, not just look better. Rejuvelix uses brand new ingredients that are untested and have far more cosmetic benefits than core level ones.
Our panel feels that skin care companies should be up front with their consumers about what they are putting onto and into their bodies, even if it’s just fragrance products. These chemicals affect bodies as well, even if it isn’t in the positive ways that skin care companies like to promote.
Our panel does not recommend products that contain sodium hydroxide. The positive benefits of the chemical are not related to skin wellness, and the negative impacts can be significant and far-reaching. We refuse to suggest to our readers any product that has as strong a linkage to cancer as lye does, and the mutagenic, metabolic, and toxic effects of the chemical are almost as scary.
Follow this link to find out the skin care products that tested the highest for cellular turnover and repair.
The Price and Quality of Rejuvelix
Rejuvelix is sold online from their home site and through a number of independent retailers. They are one of the most expensive skin care products on the market, but according to our research their prices tended to be much lower through their website than through the third-party outlets.
As of the date of this review’s publication, these are the prices that Rejuvelix was quoting:
1, 1 oz. tube of Rejuvelix anti-aging cream: $59.87
2, 1 oz. tubes of Rejuvelix anti-aging cream: $107.07
3, 1 oz. tubes of Rejuvelix anti-aging cream: $134.71
These prices are well above average for most skin creams, especially those that have no discernable vitamins, minerals, or antioxidants.
To get more information about which skin care products are the gentlest and most effective for your skin type, click here.
Business of Rejuvelix
Rejuvelix is a subsidiary of a company known as the Skin Research Institute that specializes in skin care products. They list their contact information as:
Phone Number: (800) 958-1094
Address: 2425 Olympic Blvd, Suite 4000
Santa Monica, CA 90404
There is little information about the business of the Skin Research Institute, however there is no reason to believe that there are any legal actions or criminal cases filed against them.
To find out where the skin cream that you’re using now stands when compared to the rest of the industry, just follow this link.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using anti-aging creams for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Rejuvelix
Customer reviews of Rejuvelix were split, with some people saying that it was a highly effective product and others saying that it did nothing for their skin issues. Many of their customers’ responses were similar to these:
“Wow, for as expensive as Rejuvelix is, you’d think that it would do something. Used the whole tube and saw no change.”
“I gave my mom a couple tubes of Rejuvelix for her birthday, but they didn’t work. Now she makes fun of me for not doing my research.”
“HOW can this stiff cost SO MUCH when it does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?!? Still waiting to get my refund…”
The most common complaint about Rejuvelix was that it was ineffective, especially in relation to how expensive it was. In addition, there were several complaints about their customer service and returns policies.
Click here for more data about the top anti-aging creams, gels, serums, and masks.
Conclusion – Does Rejuvelix Work?
Based on the ingredients in Rejuvelix, our team expected it to be a moderately effective skin care product that worked for some individuals but not for others. Based on the accounts from previous customers that we’ve read, this was exactly correct.
There are some people that like Rejuvelix and say that it has worked for them. There are also quite a few people that say that it has not changed their skin quality at all. Our team, in order for them to recommend something, has to believe that it has a reasonable chance to be effective for every user that tries it.
It would be far easier to count on Rejuvelix is it used vitamins A, C, or E, shea butter, apple stem cells, or any of the other products that are known to be effective in humans, not just chemicals that were designed in a laboratory within the last couple years. Instead, they use recently synthesized chemicals and, oddly, one ingredient that should not still be a part of a person’s skin health regimen.
Lye does not belong on your body. It is a highly caustic irritant that can dissolve human skin in its concentrated form. It has also been linked to a number of negative long term issues, such as cancer, organ toxicity, neurotoxicity, and changes in the metabolism.
There were no reports of negative side effects related to Rejuvelix, however the issues that concern our team the most, such as cancerous growths and organ toxicity, would not show up until much later anyway. Our team does not recommend any product that contains lye.
Our skin care experts do recommend a product called Kremotex for all over the counter skin care needs. Kremotex is a moisturizer, collagen synthesizer, and has skin protection features that help prevent future damage. Click here to see before and after pictures of Kremotex users.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2kUZtSL via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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thetinfoilhatlady · 7 years
The call towards wholeness did not reside in the teaching of the plants: It resided in the deepest parts of my own being.
  In September of 2017 I took the trip of a spiritual lifetime. I am curious about human consciousness, a researcher into alternative history, an outspoken performer, a speaker and writer in the arts world. My life has taken me on many adventures, especially since I started traveling internationally in 2013. As a Medical Laboratory Technologist I also have a biological curiosity.
This trip was the cherry on top of my travels so far. The reward for all the hard work I had done and the understanding I had gained regarding who we are and why we are all here.
I follow a teacher named  Tobias Lars. He shares his wisdom online with videos as well as in workshops, travel retreats and courses. I have his book ‘Listening to the Sun‘ kindle version available. I also use his Inner Body Awakening Meditation. The company Spiritual Travelers is another one of his exciting endeavors. Through his Ayahuasca retreats I found the perfect place to experience Ayahuasca,; the Mother of all ancient plant medicine, at The Source.
Hidden within the mysterious and ancient Sacred Valley in Peru and quite close to the famous Machu Picchu, is the fabulous retreat called The Source.  They call it the edge of Luxury and indeed it is. Created and constructed by the unnamed ‘owner’ this is a majestic and magical location. Perfect for escaping from the outside world of negativity and stress. Not only beautiful but consciously constructed by the promptings of Ayahuasca herself.
See the beautiful ladies washroom here ! See my room here.
I arrived with 11 others from around the world for 6 days of soul exploration. A couple from Australia, a man from Denmark, two ladies from Sweden, a mother and son from Romania, 3 women from America and myself, the lone Canadian. As these things usually reveal them selves to be, each of us was called to do ceremony at this site, and each of us were perfect for each others learning. Hear the local music from my balcony wrapped in jasmine here.
See my Facebook album here for images.
The one month to two week preparation in diet and lifestyle, was essential for a most enjoyable experience. Though ‘Aya’ is known as The Purge, if one prepares well enough that aspect of the experience is less bothersome. In this regard I had quit coffee, dairy, meat, dried fruit, fermented foods and was very conscious of not taking any medication unless needed. Also using less chemicals in my personal hygiene as well as keeping off the computer and using less media all round. I started to do some yoga, meditate daily, write in my journal and avoid any recreational drugs or alcohol.
It is very important to avoid pork and dried or bruised fruit, as these food create a chemical compound that does not mix well with Aya and can cause serious health problems. Needless to say once one commits to the diet and lifestyle changes, the ceremony has begun.
Because I am a Celiac Sprue my ability to restrict myself was not as hard as it was for others. One person who chose not to quit meat for example was always quite sick during ceremony and could not stop throwing up for hours.
So why even put one’s self through all this ? To me the answer was curiosity. Again my need to research, my need to know, my desire to understand my consciousness set me on this journey. I had known about DMT or Dimethytriptamine for many years. Those who study hallucinogens or partake in their use will be familiar with the substance. This is also known as The Spirit Molecule and is actually produced naturally in our bodies by our pineal gland when we dream and when we die.
Is it safe ?
“The exact toxic profile of DMT is unknown, but studies in rodents suggest that a lethal dose in humans would be extremely high; more than 20 times the typical dose given during an ayahuasca ceremony.”
“A group of experienced DMT users were asked to rate its safety, with 55% reporting it to be “very safe” and 38% “quite safe”.[4] The main risks they reported were a “bad trip” (51%), which is considerably higher than the risk of bad experiences with the other classic psychedelics, LSD and psilocybin.”
The week consisted of four Aya ceremonies one day off and one day of Wachuma or San Pedro Cactus drink and the Andean Sweat Lodge.  This drink, which we helped prepare the day prior, was taken in the afternoon. It made us quite chatty and it was wonderful to wander the gardens and sense the natural beauty all around us. The active ingredient in San Pedro cactus is mescaline.
Of course the first night of Ayahuasca, I had no idea what to expect. I knew I would throw up, I knew I would have a bowel purge, but that was about it. Little did I know the wisdom and insights that would be revealed to me by weeks end.
Each morning we had the option of a movement class and an afternoon mandatory debriefing session with our Shaman Aminta. She was the spiritual conductor of the ceremony who guided the music being created and the timing of the night. She also took care to make certain we were all breathing and safe and cared for along with Beth and Ritchie and another local Healer who sang wonderful traditional songs that I seemed to know.
We were told to use our breath to flow, use the music as an anchor and use our gratitude as a rope to guide is through the adventure. We also were asked to remember no matter how weird it got, it would eventually end. All great advice.
The Temple where the Aya ceremonies occur is a beautiful round building. Since electronics were not allowed inside I respectfully did not take any pictures myself. These are shots I found on the website .
The ceiling is glass and it was most wonderful to look up at the southern hemisphere stars towards the end of the ceremonies. Being able to see the milky way while walking back to our rooms afterwards was also quite amazing.
Ceremonies last anywhere from 6 to 8 hours and started at 6:30pm. We each had a nice bed to lay in and a beautiful washroom to visit when needed. There were personal purge buckets that were emptied by staff as soon as we used them.
Everything is well coordinated and thought out to ensure you have a most pleasant, beautiful and safe experience. The staff is top notch and well experienced. The food is high frequency, grown onsite and prepared with your health at heart. If YOU are called, The Source is where you want to go to experience Ayahuasca.
So what did I experience ?
After a few Hail Mary’s and an ongoing mantra I use “I love and Approve of Myself, I am Safe.” it was my turn to down the brew. It is made from boiling the Vine containing the active DMT and leaves which allow your body to access the medicine. My impression was that it tasted like black licorice. Others thought it was bad tasting. It is very individual.
The effects start with many colours and I noticed as I lay with my eyes shut that these were the textile patterns seen in South America. Then I was drawn into what I can only call ‘scenes’. They were from my life and they drew me into intellectual dilemmas. Scenes of conversations, arguments or just trying to get ones point across.
I noticed Aya “tagging” words in these scenes and then I was able to stop them and using my breath blow them away. I walked down the middle of these scenes for some time. The words she tagged were words like FAULT, BAD, WRONG, ERROR, MISTAKE. I understood they were not real, not valid. Things just ARE. There can be no judgement on them.
Now it is very hard to explain my experiences to you in words. The profound meaning is very personal and individual. Your ‘trip’ would not be the same as mine. Each time you do it and each person who does it has different experiences.
During the first and second ceremony there were many entities who came to stand beside me with their hands up as if to give me an energy treatments, as well as those who ‘ate’ impurities from my subtle bodies. I was aware of my C-section scar and had help doing more healing needed from that traumatic event 23 years ago, in which I almost bled out.
I was also shown my maternal bloodline and how each member saw each other. The things handed down so to speak could be healed and sent back through time or not. I had the option. I got a strict warning about WI FI and how it hurts me. Later in ceremony 3 and 4, I became a giant cobra and also a long fanged dragon. I found this very fun.
Mother Aya also showed me the word KNOWING. Then it morphed in to NO  ING, then to NOW. My understanding at this point is that we can never truly know anything, but we can always be in the NOW. For someone like me whose first words were ‘I’m Curious!’, it was confirmation of my spiritual research. There is only NOW. Time is an artifact of consciousness and does not really exist.
The call towards wholeness did not reside in the teaching of the plants: It resided in the deepest parts of my own being.
There is much more however it is not to be put into words. My understanding is that I am actually doing very well in my life. I have come through some challenges and have done so with grace. Needless to say it was well worth it. I am planning to go back in a few years and do it again. The Source is a true safe space where those who have experience and ability can guide you to experience this medicine.
If you are called please consider going. At this time of planetary healing we can all contribute to the general raising of human consciousness.
  Ayahuasca and Me The call towards wholeness did not reside in the teaching of the plants: It resided in the deepest parts of my own being.
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