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457685667 · 2 years
Cryptocurrency is a modernised or virtual currency that includes cryptography for security.
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thecoinsnews · 2 years
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After analyzing the Dogecoin price of previous years, it is estimated that in 2023 the minimum price of Dogecoin will be around $0.139986. The most expected price of DOGE can be around $0.159984. On average, the trading price could be $0.139986 in 2023. For More Information, Visit Here:- Cryptocurrency News
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7root · 2 years
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5thscape · 2 days
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tomaque · 7 months
Navigating the Innovation Landscape: Altco's Journey on Shark Tank India
Prepare to embark on a riveting exploration of entrepreneurship as we review Altco's memorable appearance on Shark Tank India! In this comprehensive blog post, we'll delve into the innovative product, strategic pitch, and entrepreneurial insights behind Altco's presentation on the show. Join us as we dissect the highs, lows, and key takeaways from this exhilarating episode, offering valuable lessons for both aspiring entrepreneurs and savvy investors.
Forging a Path: Altco's Trailblazing Pitch on Shark Tank India
Step into the world of innovative technology solutions with Altco as we explore their groundbreaking pitch on Shark Tank India. In this blog post, we'll unravel the cutting-edge product, market potential, and entrepreneurial journey behind Altco's appearance on the show. From disruptive innovation to strategic vision, discover how this dynamic startup is reshaping the landscape of the tech industry. Join us as we analyze the compelling pitch, negotiation strategies, and investor insights that unfolded on the Shark Tank stage.
A Detailed Review: Altco's Unforgettable Shark Tank India Experience
Take a closer look at Altco's unforgettable journey on Shark Tank India with a detailed review of their compelling pitch. In this blog post, we'll analyze the technology innovation, market positioning, and entrepreneur-shark dynamics that defined Altco's appearance on the show. From the initial presentation to the final deal negotiations, follow along as we unpack the highs, lows, and strategic decisions made by the founders and investors. Join us as we explore the behind-the-scenes drama and valuable lessons learned from Altco's Shark Tank adventure.
Innovating the Future: Altco's Spotlight on Shark Tank India
Illuminate the future of technology with Altco as they take center stage on Shark Tank India with their innovative solutions. In this blog post, we'll shine a spotlight on the groundbreaking technology, market disruption, and entrepreneurial vision of Altco's presentation. From the captivating pitch to the intense negotiations, follow along as we relive the excitement of this unforgettable episode. Join us as we celebrate the spirit of innovation, determination, and strategic thinking exemplified by Altco in the competitive arena of Shark Tank India.
Shark Tank India Episode Review: Altco Makes Waves
Relive the excitement and drama of Altco's appearance on Shark Tank India with a comprehensive episode review. In this blog post, we'll highlight the pivotal moments, insightful feedback, and strategic decisions that shaped Altco's journey on the show. From the disruptive technology to the persuasive pitch, follow along as we analyze the strengths, weaknesses, and growth opportunities for this visionary startup. Join us as we celebrate the technology innovation and entrepreneurial ingenuity showcased by Altco in the dynamic world of Shark Tank India.
Pioneering Innovation: Altco's Shark Tank India Adventure
Embark on a journey of innovation and entrepreneurship with Altco as they navigate the Shark Tank India stage. In this blog post, we'll explore the technology innovation, market potential, and strategic positioning behind Altco's groundbreaking solutions. From the founders' inspiring story to the sharks' expert insights, join us as we unravel the dynamics of this high-stakes pitch. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or a business aficionado, there's much to be inspired by in Altco's entrepreneurial journey on Shark Tank India.
Altco emerges as a health-focused brand, poised to tap into the growing market for plant-based alternatives in India. With a strategic marketing approach, commitment to quality, and focus on sustainability, Altco positions itself as a key player in the plant-based milk sector. The brand’s roadmap for innovation and global expansion sets the stage for sustained success and increased consumer adoption in the health-conscious market.
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nvrknt · 9 months
Buy or Sell Bitcoin? Predicting the Future: Crash or Rally? 🚀 (+ 2 Altco...
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iwan1979 · 9 months
CryptoPotato: Ripple, Solana, Shiba Inu, or Bitcoin: Crypto Assets to Watch in 2024, According to ChatGPT Rival
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cointahmin · 1 year
Kripto piyasasın farklı taraftan esen rüzgarların tesiriyle taraf bulmakta zorluk yaşıyor. Piyasadaki olumsuz haberler, yükseliş istikametinde gelen katalizörleri devre dışı bırakıyor. Bu ortamda bir kripto para balinası başkan altcoin için opsiyon piyasasında yüklü satış yaptı. Başka tarafta, Ethereum staking, Shapella yükseltmesi sonrası artan talep gördü. Bu vakit zarfında yaklaşık 700.000 doğrulayıcı ağa katıldı.Kripto para balinası, Ethereum’da satışa geçti!cointahmin.com’dan takip ettiğiniz üzere, piyasa bir türlü üst taraflı ivmesini koruyamıyor. Bu negatif hava kripto para ayılarını iştahını kabartıyor. Kripto opsiyon analitik platformu Greeks.Live’in paylaşşımına nazaran, bir kripto balinası yüklü ölçüde ETH satışı gerçekleştirdi. Analitik platformu, “ETH, bugün 100 milyon doların üzerinde nominal bedele sahip 56.000’in üzerinde süreç gören ve günün toplam Hacminin %30’unu oluşturan büyük blok satışları gördü,” dedi. Greeks.Live, süreçlerin en önemli üç kısma ayrıldığını kaydetti:Çıplak Haftalık OTM Put Opsiyonu Alımı.Ayı yayılımı, Buy-1800P / Sell-1600P.Riskin bilakis çevrilmesi, Buy-2100C / Sell-1600P.https://twitter.com/GreeksLive/status/1686359435151585280 Kripto para staking Shapella sonrası EthereumShapella yükseltmesi sonrasında Ethereum, stake etme talebinin arttığına şahit oldu. Bu eğilimin en önemli itici güçlerinden biri, ellerindekileri nakde çevirmek yerine pasif gelir elde etmenin yollarını araştıran ETH balinaları üzere görünüyor. Bekleme müddetlerinin 33 gün 8 saate kadar uzamasına karşın, yaklaşık 700.000 doğrulayıcı ağa katıldı. Ayrıyeten, 80.000’den fazla doğrulayıcı hevesle sıraya girmiş durumda. Bu durum Ethereum’un geleceğine duyulan muazzam itimat ve iyimserliğin bir delili.Ethereum Etkin Doğrulayıcıları. Kaynak: GlassnodeEthereum staking’ini başkalarından ayıran birkaç faktör var. Birincisi, Shapella yükseltmesi yeni staking çekme özellikleri getirdi. Bu kıymetli atak yatırımcıların dikkatini çekti ve onları uzun vadeli yararlara yönlendirdi. Hakikaten Glassnode’dan alınan bilgiler, 22 milyondan fazla ETH’nin stake edildiğini ve sırasıyla 44 milyar dolar ve 8 milyar dolar kıymetinde yaklaşık 4 milyon ETH stake ödülünün dağıtıldığını gösteriyor. Öte yandan, Shapella güncellemesinden bu yana stake havuzlarından sadece 12 milyon ETH çekildi. Dikkate alınması gereken bir başka kıymetli faktör de Ethereum’un kıtlığı artıran deflasyonist tabiatı. Sirkülasyondaki arzın azalması, Ether’in kıymetini potansiyel olarak artırır. Bu da rastgele bir yatırımcı için cazip bir tekliftir. Merge’den bu yana 3,5 milyondan fazla ETH yakıldı.Ethereum Bakiyesi Stake Edildi. Kaynak: GlassnodeETH staking ve NFT satın almaKarar büyük ölçüde bireyin risk toleransına bağlı. Ethereum’u stake etmek daha öngörülebilir bir getiri sağlarken, CryptoPunks yahut Pudgy Penguins üzere NFT’lere dalmak, fiyatların hayli değişken olduğu spekülatif bir oyun içeriyor. Ethereum stake etmenin asgarî 32 ETH gerektirdiği göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, varsayımsal olarak birebir ölçünün tanınan NFT’lere yatırıldığını düşünelim. Ağustos 2021’de, CryptoPunks ortalama 32 ETH taban fiyata sahipti. Tıpkı devirde BAYC 10 ETH ve Eylül 2021’de Pudgy Penguins yaklaşık 2 ETH düzeyindeydi. Günümüze gerçek süratlice ilerlediğimizde, CryptoPunks, BAYC ve Pudgy Penguins şu anda sırasıyla 47 ETH, 29,30 ETH ve 4,35 ETH’den süreç görüyor.Ayrıştırıldığında, CryptoPunks 17 ETH, BAYC 19,30 ETH ve Pudgy Penguins mütevazı bir 2,35 ETH getiri sundu. Bunu bir perspektife oturtmak gerekirse, o devirde 32 ETH’lik bir yatırımla tek bir CryptoPunks NFT, üç BAYC tokenı yahut 16 Pudgy Penguins alınabilirdi. Bu seçeneklerden elde edilen ilgili getiriler 17 ETH, şaşırtan bir 57,90 ETH ve 37,60 ETH olurdu. Buna kıyasla, Ağustos 2021’de tıpkı 32 ETH’yi %5,50’lik iddiası doğrusal ödül oranıyla stake etmek yaklaşık 5,62 ETH kazandıracaktı.Lider altcoin için fiyat tahminleriEski Goldman Sachs çalışanı Raoul Pal üzere önde gelen isimler Ethereum’un potansiyelini savunarak, bedelinin öngörülebilir gelecekte %300-400 oranında artabileceğini iddia ediyor.
2025 yılına kadar ETH kıymetlerinin potansiyel olarak 6.000 dolara ulaşacağını düşünen Bloomberg’den Mike McGlone da bu kanıyı paylaşıyor. Fakat, geriye dönüp bakıldığında, CryptoPunks, BAYC ve Pudgy Penguins’e yapılan NFT yatırımları risk iştahı olanlar için daha yararlı olabilirdi.
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businessprocessonly · 4 years
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(via Is DigiByte A Good Investment, We Should Buy Or Not ( 2020))
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7root · 2 years
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mundobtc · 6 years
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Bitcoin Cryptocurrency by chucklepley
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itsjustanalysis · 3 years
Contact: [email protected] Twitter: https://twitter.com/justanalysis1 Site: https://www.itsjustanalysis.com/ https://www.patreon.com/justanalysis ******** The March 17th trade triggered and is currently active. Two new trade ideas identified. ******** Trade-Ideas ******** ($0.05/3-box P&F Chart) - March 17 Buy Stop @ $1.55 Stop Loss @ $1.35 Profit Target @ $2.35
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loominggaia · 3 years
Fanfic: Halloween Special (part 3)
Anon submitted part 3 of their story “A Gaian Werewolf in New York”. Check it out under the cut!
A man sat in his car on his way home, it was late and traffic wasen’t too terrible tonight. Maybe he can finally be home on time for once, his wife has been getting on his ass about that for some time now. Hey he can’t help it if his idiot bosses can’t properly schedule people to save their lives or keep promising a clients project done in an unrealistic time. Maybe he would take that altco job he’s had his eyes on for awhile, pays better and maybe he could finally have free time again!
His fantasizing was cut short something big jumped onto his car! He felt something huge climb on the back and he came to a dead stop, nearly ramming into the car infront of him! The force was enough to shake whatever it was off, it stood up and stared at the man, what he saw terrified him beyond any compare! Now he may just be imagining things from being overworked and sleep deprived, but how does that explain the giant blonde wolf man lunging at him and slamming into the cars side!
The impact shook the whole car and dented the door. The car infront of him having seen the attack booked it, speeding down the road. Our man did the exact same, not even waiting for another attack. Atleast he now knew why so many people where speeding tonight. Big bad bellowed in frustration and swiped at the car as it sped away, yet another piece of food out of his reach! A deafeningly loud noise accompanied by flashing red & blue lights overwhelmed big bad and forced him to flee.
Four police cars chased the monster down, having followed his bellowing howls. Gunshots could be heard as each of the officers took turns taking potshots at the beast as it loped down the road. Mattews and Conway where at the head of the case, Mattews driving and Conway out the window firing at the fleeing wolfman. Mattews wounds had stopped bleeding thankfully, covered hastily by whatever gauze they had in their first aid kit. Neither of their eyes left the creature as it loped down the highway
The officers plan was simple, they where gonna run the wolfman down and cut it off, herd it away from the city and wait for backup to arrive. This was of course much eaiser said then done as this big bastard was quick and all the cars on the road made maneuvering difficult. Both werewolf and police man bobbed and weaved around cars, drivers swerving to get out of the way of both as sirens & horns blared all around them.
Any officer that tried getting ahead only found themselves cut off by drivers, either panicking and trying to get away from the beast. Or thinking they where gonna be a star online and slowed down to film it. Mattews nearly got ahead but a accident caused by someone trying to get a video forced him to swerve to avoid it. Another officer got right next to the monster and swerved towards it trying to herd it to the right towards the freeway. The beast only ducked behind a truck to avoid the threat
One of the squad cars went down as a mini van crashed into the road barricades infront of them and they where unable to stop in time, leaving only three cars left. Dammit this was not good, they where only 1 1/2 miles away from the city by now and they where no closer to stopping the beast then they where before. And as they got closer the traffic got worse, and not just ordinary city traffic either. A lot of people where running away from the werewolf and crashed into people, barricades and
Just about everything else they could hit. The people having caused magnitudes more damage then the monster they where all running from. And that was just the trail behind them, theirs no telling how bad it will be ahead of them! “We don’t have time for this shit”! Mattews yelled and floored the gas pedal, he needed to do something and do something now! Conway noticed the sudden change in speed and was asking what the hell he thinks he’s doing! Mattews gave no response.
Mattews stared dead ahead of him, eyes locked right on the fleeing wolfman and turned the car to be right behind him. If he couldn’t chase the wolfman off the road, then he gonna do the next best thing. Getting right behind the beast he speed up, dead set on running it over. Big bad did not appreciate the loud, fast moving things that had been chasing him and started bobbing and weaving again to avoid their attack. The beast ran from side to side but Mattews kept up the pursuit, trying to match
The beast continued to bob and weave as Mattews would not relent his pursuit. At some point during this a news copter had appeared, shining a spotlight down on the chase. Jasmine was in her apartment, in her pajamas with a bowl of ice cream in her hands. It’s a tough day at work and since she has not got any promising replies on tinder recently she was gonna spent the night alone and enjoy herself. She sat on her couch, one hand spooning ice cream and the other channel flipping.
She flipped through channel after channel not anything interesting. Some crappy sounding soap opera, a fishing show, the jewelry network, some news story about a werewolf, wait what? She flipped back to the news and saw it, dropping her ice cream spoon in shock. Their on the news was footage of a group of police officers chasing some massive blond animal down the road, the newsmen talking over it sounding just as shocked as she was.
Mattews continued after the beast, near clipping it three times. How can something that big with a metal leg be this swift he thought to himself? The chase was coming to an end as they where now under a mile away from the city. The closer they got the harder it was getting to keep up as the cars just kept piling up, making it even more difficult to get the beast as its effortlessly ran between lines of vehicles to avoid them. The officers had also ran out of bullets over half a mile ago and
Back up was still no where in sight. Mattews had to finish this he thought, their was no other way. He sped up faster and faster, Conway holding onto the cars handles for dear life still screaming what the fuck is he doing. Just before the wolfman could run inbetween another line of cars, CHRASH!!! It happed in a spilt second and was all a blur as Mattews rammed he first into the werewolf, sending it slamming into their windshield, shattering it, before it rolled over the back of the car.
The force of the impact caused both the airbags to deploy and Mattews to lose control and the car fishtailed right into a barrier. Mattews head was spinning, his ears ringing and everything hurt all over. Not the worst accident he’s been in but this has to be a close second. He tried to push the airbags away, they where already deflating to see if his partners alright. A faint, pained whimpering could be heard from behind them, the wolfman tried to stand up but couldn’t, it’s metal leg crushed.
Looking over Conway was thankfully okay and coming too, just as dazed as Mattews was. The other two squad cars had caught up just in time for the werewolf to get up, getting on all fours and limping away. It was no where near as graceful as it was before. Being exhausted, injured and it’s artificial foot broken it would be the perfect time to strike! but they all where out of ammo and backup was still afew minutes away. Their was nothing they could do now as they had no real way to fight it
Outside of melee, and they all saw how well that turned out for Mattews. The density of cars also made another chase outside foot too difficult to do. Their plan had failed and their was nothing they could do about it. Between continuing the chase and helping their coworkers/friends, they chose their coworkers. Deciding theirs no way with how heavily injured it was that the beast could get that far away. With heavy hearts they let the wolfman go, going to aid their co workers.
This was bad! The howling had stopped and the rescue crew wasn’t anywhere closer to finding Evan then they where an hour ago! Who knows what kind of trouble he’s gotten himself into by now? The city was very close, they looked at what seemed like a main road above them leading to it. It’s looked like absolutely chaos up their, various odd vehicles destroyed and crashed and loud horns blaring. They had a feeling as to exactly who is responsible for this, hoping he would be close.
They kept out of sight and continued stalking the woods underneath the road. They heard a loud chewing sound close by and a sinking suspicion as to what is responsible for that sound. They all readied their weapons, ready to fight their captain if need be. They approached the source of the sound the wet chewing getting louder and louder. Lukus having his bow out and arrows at the ready and Elska blades out as they took the lead, Alaines blade and Jeimos’s spells next with Isaac behind them all.
As they got closer and closer they all prepared themselves to fight and…. It was just some stray dogs eating trash. All their shoulders relaxed but that still left some questions as to where the captain is. A louder crunch and a light scream farther down the way sent shivers down their spine, their he is. A ten minute sprint revealed exactly who they where looking for. A large, shaggy blonde figure loomed over the a dead body, ravenously devouring what was left of the homeless man.
The sight was sickening, leaving them all speechless. Their approach was not unheard, big bads bloodied head raising up with a chewed up arm bone in its muzzle. An intensely angry growl being let loose.
End of part 3 of a Gaian Werewolf in New York. Fourth and Final part to be released soon.
Oh nooooo! Shit’s getting real! This story is a great movie lol. Really excited to see how this ends! Will Bigbad die? Will the cops die? Will this nightmare end peacefully? I think anything can happen in a story like this. I’m hooked :D
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davidromar-blog · 6 years
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