#Altean Born Olkari Raised
chibi-pix · 1 month
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Did I draw the original back in 2021? Seriously? Apparently so. So, after a few years, I decided to revisit this. But with Altean Pidge's white hair look and putting DotU Pidge in that Robotech/Voltron comic outfit! As he deserves. And they both look adorable! And VF Pidge is still internally screaming about this.
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Just breathe, Pidge. In through the nose, out the mouth. I'm sure they'll be fine. Maybe. Hopefully.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one! Commissions are available through my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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borntobelime · 6 years
Shidge Galra/Altean AU
This is another AU I talked with @nicht-vobla but honestly i have something else also in mind to give her as a tribute from our chats .... This one is for  @besh-drawing-stuff  HAPPY BIRTHDAY (so its kinda like a late birthday gift ) (because the idea i had kinda reminded me of your rose Goddess Au (you’ll see why )  I Call It  : Warrior’s Lullaby 
During the destruction of Altea a couple of Altean Alchemists launch a Cryopod into space inside the Cryopod is there baby girl Katie for many many years the pod traveled through the universe until it entered the atmosphere of planet Olkarion the pod crushed into the forest close to the great tree the olkari found the pod and soon discovered what was inside the olkari named Reiner took in the baby under her care and raised her as her own.
Inside the pod she found information that confirmed that the baby was an altean  there was a small video projector on a recorded message  it was too damaged to project the images and the full video  but some of the audio  was not as damaged she made out the important parts of it ….My name is Samuel  my wife Coleen…and……...……………. whoever finds this pod please look after our child Katelyn protect her from what we can not…………….. the galra are taking over we don’t have much time  ………..  .she could only make out those parts she knew very well from history of the destruction of Altea and the race itself fearing for the child’s and her planets safety she gave her a new name …..Your name is Katelyn this your Altean name  it will only be known between us  (reiner would never have kept her in the dark) ….from now on you are one of us dear on  i will give you a second name an olkari name …. Pidge …..Pidge grew up with the Olkari even though she knew only knew very few about where she came from her only clues was her old name stories about a planet  she never seen she wasn’t always feeling alone her powers grew stronger as she grew older been an Altean growing up in the forest her magic adapted differently not only she learned the Olkari  magic  her connection in nature grew so it was able to use nature magic she could make plants grow and move and heal Reiner was very proud of her daughter’s gifts she always tried to find anything she could based on altean alchemy to help her in to learning but  unfortunately there resources were very low to all this lost knowledge , Pidge didn’t had any trouble fitting in but always been aware of she is not olkari   she would use he chameleon like abilities to try and fit in even wear her hood  as to also wear her at first with other kids  but Reiner told her to be herself but if she felt more secure that way she will not stop her from doing so and so she was her passion in tech and knowledge her love for nature 
Commander Takashi Shirogane also known as Commander Shiro or Champion  from the Galra Empire proud of his race he was born raised in in a environment of constant violence
conquered planets in the name of the emperor Zarkon defeated all his enemies or more like executing them wherever in the arena or on a war  learned to live with the words Victory or Death a true Galran warrior
He was sent off on a scout mission quite a boring one for his taste  to planet Olkarion to gather data on the quintencesse there the quintencensse signals were indeed very unique so he hopes he gets the opportunity to invade the planet when he returns with good resorts  but  there was a glitch on the system of his ship and he lost control of it and crushed on olkarion during the night …the crush was hard his wounds were too deep  he was  impaled by parts of  the ship .the last thing he remembers is a figure tearing a hole on his ship’s  ceiling from the outside ……….
He wakes up in a small room his vision a bit blurry and he hurts everywhere and he feels like his is burning with fever the only thing he can tell is  the  figure is trying to treat hi  …and a warm light over his injuries …...a few days he is recovered enough not to sleep out of consciousness and then he meets her or more like grabs her shawl and removes it revealing a beautiful creature …and the last thing he sees is a vine grabbing him and hitting him hard against the wall . Later waking up tied up on a bed and the woman’s glowing  hand on his head after a lot of negotiations of he will not try anything funny she untied him and as his recovery progresses enough for him to stand he gets to know his savior  ..Pidge offers him to show him around the forest …..she understands what his motives are knowing been a galra and what he wants from her planet so she tries to show him the importance of every existence (yes think of it like the avatar(2009 film)  or pocahontas )  …… she gets him a cloak  so he can stay low and for the next days  she shows him around the city how a civilization can grow without wars she shows him the forest and even go on a boat ride and last but not least the great tree (that is a weeping willow like  ) that glows in the night ………..they look at the night sky for once shiro feels something he never felt or knew if he could feel …..Peace is that what it is ?………... she is like i wish i could go around the universe and travel on different places…...for one moment he thinks maybe he could  do that show her the universe but no he is still  royal to the empire and yet why does he feel so confused about it …and so he asks her why you are not an olkari so why do you love this place ….its my home , just because i am not a olkari doesn’t mean this is not my home ...home can be anywhere you want to ..they stay here in silent …they fall asleep under the stars …shiro wakes up finding pidge a few feet away seeing listening to a small audio the recorded message from her lost family she says i know they are not here anymore i never met the never seen them   but what  i know is  they really cared about me and that is all that matters Mama told me this tree is a symbol of everything is connected i come here to think often and sometimes its like i  feel there presence .....she  wanted me to have this to know no matter what i will they watch over me ..do you have someone like that ………….no ...i was raised by the military as long as i remember  ...do you ever wonder about it ? no the galra don’t wonder about things like that she says i asked you not the galra ...then the answer is the same no i don’t or had someone to make me even wonder if i am watched over ….she takes of her necklace  …….now you do she smiles ….......pidge with her abilities tries to rebuild his ship totally nerding out on it and his arm because how different galra technology is ..but  when she finished  shiro offers her to come with him to save her and not her planet she refuses to do so ..he says i  don’t know when they will come if they come but the least i can do is to find a way to open negotiations i can try that when he takes off  a galra armada are starting invading by Sendak they get a message Shiro ordering to  stop the invasion claiming he found on this planet very valuable resources that could be lost during the attack   ….Sendak says denied saying  he has  orders from the hire ups  who ? …. Haggar comes out  she  came to research the data she gathered from shiro’s  last update  they we couldn’t get in contact with so she arranged commander’s sendak’s armada  to invade …..Shiro blames himself  over the fact it was his fault after all  he speed up the invasion .....before he makes a decision to turn back or join sendak he gets a message of the emperor himself to report his absence he has no choice but to follow the order ….meanwhile as the galra attack and destroy the city and the forest …..Pidge tries to fight protect her home but the galra win and so everyone is under their  rule . she tried to make a one last stand but she loses due to the witch Haggar’s powers been far great ...Haggar see her potential and takes her as her prisoner planing to turn her into a druid just like her .
Shiro comes back to the galra everyone welcoming him back after the sudden disappearance it feels like he never left and yet he feels different he feels she changed him …..he soon gets news about olkarion before sendak suggests to drain the planet shiro stops him saying the olkari are more useful alive…fearing for what happened to pidge …...3 months later after trying to research every possible way Pidge could survive maybe she evacuated or maybe she is with the rebels of the olkari...or maybe she is ...dead ? no he can’t think of that ….. he visits Haggar receive a report for a  mission  but Haggar is not there yet he hears a sound coming out he would usually ignore that that but he got curious so he enters the door and so he finally sees her on Haggar’s lab strapped and starting to change … her marks growing her hair turning a bit white and a blue tone starting to slowly spread on her body …...she begs shiro to help her shiro can’t move from the shock haggar comes in and sees shiro …..Beautiful isn’t she …She will make a fine druid to serve the empire…….I tried to see  her memories ….but  she is still strong i can’t read her yet  very well  but it will not matter she will not need them here is the report commander  you may go…..she turns and shiro is about to leave but hears a faint…. Please help me ..Shi..ro….haggar turns did you hear something ? no ma’m ...i must have been imagining things….she turns only to face shiro’s attack it knocks her out  shiro tears the straps off and picks pidge bridal style the alarms start he fights his way through the sentries into a ship for escape   her condition getting worse  but they reach the planet Olkarion and he takes her to the great tree there she  starts to transform back into her old self …..you saved me ….i am never letting you go again …and they kiss ..they know they can’t stay for long on the planet  but they have enough time for pidge to reunite with Reiner
On the day of there departure Reiner asks Shiro to look after her Shiro simply says Always….You have my word .
And so the couple travels around the universe seeing new worlds together and they join the rebellion and the blades in hope of saving Olkarion and  for a better future  
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braincoins · 5 years
WIP Wednesday
I’m going to do something a little different with this WIP. Instead of giving you a small chunk of one part as a teaser, I’m going to give you lots of little chunks from all throughout the document (so far). 
Mostly just to mess with y’all, but also partly because there are lots of little lines and bits I like and trying to choose one is too hard.
So, yes, anyway, it’s a Shallura story. It will be smut and while it has gotten a bit... mature in some places, it hasn’t hit the bow-chicka-bow-wow yet (or I’d be putting this on the smut blog instead). It’s a twist on a particular trope. Oh! And it incorporates a few aspects of V:LotD because, honestly, I have rapidly-dwindling interest in writing in the actual VLD canon anymore. But this wouldn’t actually happen in V:LotD. It’s... a V:LotD AU? V:LotD fanfic? Even though I don’t have V:LotD anywhere even approaching done (because, let’s face it, rewriting an entire TV show is a hell of an undertaking)?
ANYWAY. Time to jump to the cut.
           “Paladins, let’s clear a path for the lady,” he ordered.
           “I await your cue, Princess.”
           She smiled. Polite as always, even if it put distance between them. She was often torn on whether to correct him on his habit of using her title. On one hand, they were friends, weren’t they? They were all friends and teammates. They’d been in many battles together, saved each other’s lives. This team was all she had; she didn’t want to stand on ceremony.
           On the other hand, he was the only one besides Coran to use her title regularly. Sometimes the other paladins used it, but it was rare. And sometimes… sometimes it was nice to be reminded that she still held a place of leadership. Sometimes it wasn’t, to be fair; sometimes she didn’t want to be the one calling the shots. But for Shiro to acknowledge her title… He wasn’t Altean. He hadn’t been born and raised to revere the Altean crown and throne. He owed her no allegiance due to the accidents of birth – his or hers – yet he gave it to her anyway.
           It touched her deeply. In a way, it was almost an endearment. Not that he meant it as such, or that she even took it as such, typically. It was just… it was nice. It was nice of Shiro to be this semi-formal level of casual with her – if that made sense. She knew where she stood with Shiro – as his princess – and in a universe as chaotic and unsteady as the one she’d woken up in after all that time, that was a precious thing.
           “Maybe this is some sort of new Olkari tech?” Pidge postulated as she typed. “Hunk, help me out with the boost.”
           “Oh, right,” he said, settling in to start his own typing.
           “They would have saved Shiro and Allura, too,” Keith protested.
           “Something went wrong with it, maybe. Errors happen, even with great engineers like the Olkari,” she replied. “Think about it: transporting the Castle, all the Lions, AND all of us out of danger, all at once? It’s no wonder something went sideways. We just have to figure it out.”
           “I’ll send a message to them,” Coran said. “Even if they didn’t do this, maybe they can help us figure it out.”
           “Good idea.”
           “But for now we’re safe?” Keith asked.
           “Don’t,” Lance warned.
           “DO NOT fly out there in Red to go look for Shiro when we don’t even have a spot to start looking.”
           “You’re not my boss.”
           “No, I’m your teammate and I’m telling you we’re already down two, let’s not lose someone else! At least wait until we have an idea of where to search; then you can hare about all you want. But for now, just STAY PUT, WILL YOU!?” Lance all but screeched at him.
           “Fine,” Keith sulked, folding his arms. “But the second – the TICK – we have an idea…”
           “Yes, yes, I won’t stand in your way,” he assured him. “I’ll be right out there with you. I mean, gotta have someone competent out leading the search.”
           Coran, Pidge, and Hunk let the two of them bicker. It was like white noise by now, and it helped keep their minds off the worrisome question of where the leaders of Voltron had disappeared to.
           “Interesting. I wonder why they don’t use translator technology? It’s relatively easy to develop.”
           “Says the woman from the supremely-advanced technological race.”
           “We’re only supremely-advanced compared to some others.”
           “Like humans,” he pointed out.
           “You’ll catch up in time,” she replied consolingly.
           “Besides, you have all this magitech stuff…”
           “Magitech?” He was now fully capable of seeing the look of amused confusion on her face.
           He spelled it out for her. “Magic + Technology = Magitech.”
           She snorted. “Alchemy,” she corrected him.
           “Magitech,” he agreed, as if that was what she had said.
           “Anyone could do it, with the proper training.”
           He scoffed.
           “It’s true! Oh, some would always be more adept at it than others, certainly – my father was a superb alchemist by dint of being Sacred, and Honerva was unrivalled in raw talent and diligent study – but anyone could do it.”
           “I couldn’t.”
           “I bet you could.”
           “That’s a bet you’d lose.”
           She grinned at him. “When we get out of this, I’m going to teach you a simple alchemy trick,” she told him. “And I’m willing to bet that, if you apply yourself to it, you’ll be able to do it.”
           “Bet what?” he shot back.
           “Whatever you like,” she replied airily.
           He whistled. “Someone’s sounding pretty confident.”
           “I only bet when I know I’ll win.” But she swapped her almost arrogant expression for a warning as she looked at him. “But you have to try. Really try, not just pretend to try then give up just to win the bet.”
           “Okay, I’ll do it. When we get out of here.”
           She nodded. “When we get home. Or… well, back to the Castle, I suppose.”
           “When we get home,” he agreed, and the smile that bloomed on her face made him smile in return. He almost forgot that they were strapped to chairs, held by thus far unseen aliens who had mysterious, unknown purposes for them. Almost.
           “Uh, maybe I shouldn’t be asking this, but when you say ‘genetic engineering’…?”
           It just now occurred to her how that might sound to him, to Shiro of all people, having been a living experiment of Haggar’s for so long. “Oh, they’ve never done anything like… I mean, as far as I know, they haven’t… They’re not…” She didn’t know how to bring it up without bringing it up, so in the end she settled for, “They’re not her.”
           He walked back out and heard the princess gasp. She was sitting up in bed now, hand over her mouth as she looked straight at him.
           He blushed and looked away. He ought to be embarrassed, but that wasn’t actually the first thing he thought of. His mind went straight to his scars.
           He’d never wanted her to see them. Never wanted any of them to, because they drew attention and they… reminded everyone who saw them. Oh, sure, some of them were of fonder, more far-off memories, back on Earth: a bike accident when he was twelve, a bad hit in training when he’d been cocky. But far too many of his scars were from the Arena, from when survival was the only duty he had and he’d obeyed it scrupulously. At least, according to the half-remembered snatches of memory left to him.
           “Sorry, it… wasn’t my idea,” he muttered.
           Her hand lowered and she sighed. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and caught her blushing. Maybe she wasn’t focusing on the scars after all. He wasn’t sure if that was better or worse. “No, I know. And it’s not your fault. But twenty vargas and we’re out of here.”
           He cleared his throat and knocked on the nearest wall, leaning in to say, “I don’t suppose we could get a deck of cards?”
           “Nothing? Again?!” Keith was on the verge of having a fit.
           “No, no,” Hunk told him. “Nothing still. STILL nothing because ‘again’ would imply that we had something at some point.”
           “If you want to tear your hair out,” Lance said, leaning towards Keith, “I volunteer to help. Anything’s better than the mullet.”
           Shiro knocked on the wall. “Hey, some water would be nice? Princess?”
           “Oh, yes, please,” she said pleasantly.
           An opening appeared in the wall after a moment, and a tray slid out onto the table with two glasses and a pitcher of ice water.
           “Thank you,” Shiro said. He picked up a glass. “Say when.”
           Her brow furrowed. “Huh?”
           He was pouring water into the glass. “Say when it’s full enough for you.”
           “Oh! When, when!” she rushed to say, as the glass was getting quite full.
           He laughed and handed it over to her. “You can just say ‘that’s good,’ or ‘that’ll do’ or something like that. You don’t have to actually say ‘when’.”
           “But you said to.” She took a drink.
Princess Allura had pointed out that it took being held captive by aliens for either one of them to take a vacation, and they’d both laughed so hard they’d cried.
           There was a pause. “You are both very attractive members of your own species.”
           “THAT’S NOT THE POINT!” she screamed.
           “They’re not wrong,” Shiro murmured before he could help himself. Her legs… those thighs…
           Princess Allura shot him a look, eyebrows raised, and he cleared his throat and excused himself to the bathroom, leaving her to shout deprecations and vent her annoyance at the disembodied voice in the ceiling.
           I wonder if he’d still call me ‘princess’ if I was in his lap right now?
           Eventually, Shiro said, “You really want to know what happened?”
           “Yes!” Coran replied immediately, actually latching onto Shiro’s arm and looking into his face with anticipation.
           Shiro leaned forward just a hair. “Ask. The. Princess.” He straightened up again.
           “Well?” he asked. “Shiro refused to tell me what happened. He suggested I ask you.”
           “Where are we and how long until we get to Olkarion?”
           “Or we can rest now,” he insisted. “Please. Look, there has to be something you can spend this time doing, if it bothers you. Work on your alchemy more?”
           She remembered the bet suddenly: that she would teach Shiro a simple alchemy trick. But that would require being alone with Shiro again. They couldn’t even have a simple “hello, sorry about that, goodbye” sort of conversation right now; how could she be expected to teach him anything?
           “I can work on my alchemy when we’re on Olkarion.”
           He snorted. “You won’t though. You’ll be in conference with Ryner or the rebels or any of the other various Coalition groups that have started working on Olkarion as a base of operations. This is an excellent time to advance your studies.”
           She had to give him that one. “Very well.” She gave him a warning glare. “But be careful about gainsaying me in the future.”
           He smiled; her warning was not having the desired effect. It was hard to cow a man who’d seen you in diapers. “Yes, Princess.”
           It sounded wrong to hear him say it. I want Shiro to say it again. She looked away quickly, hoping Coran wouldn’t catch her blushing and turned to leave.
           Keith shot Shiro a glance and found him looking… mildly uncomfortable. That was odd. Not the look itself: Keith had seen Shiro look like that a hundred times before. It usually meant he was having a flare-up and didn’t want to admit it. But his disease had been cured by the pods. He wasn’t degenerating anymore, so there shouldn’t be anything to flare up.
           He leaned in towards him to ask quietly, “Everything okay?” just the way he had in the old days.
           Shiro’s answer back then had usually been that he needed to sit or stop or he’d request Keith run a distraction so he could slip out, if it was really bad. But his answer today was to put on a thin smile and say, “Yeah, I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”
           Keith frowned. That was the bullshit he’d always given everyone else, the ones who didn’t know, the ones Shiro didn’t see the need to tell. You’re supposed to tell me everything. You’ve never shut me out before.
           And Shiro caught that. It was a two-way street, after all; they knew each other. He dropped his voice low. “I really am fine, Keith, I just don’t want to talk about it.”
           “Is there something I can do?” Because he always wanted to do something. Standing around, talking, all of that was bullshit. Action produced results.
           “No, buddy. Sorry. Not this time.” Shiro patted his shoulder. “I’ll see you at dinner.”
           He walked away, but he might as well have been running.
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zimuse · 6 years
All of my issues with S8 of Voltron
So. Firstly, the show is always brilliantly animated and I deeply appreciate their attention to detail. But I have WAY MORE issues than anything else, and I’m not at all happy or content with how it ended. So let me go ahead and list my gripes with the eighth season, in no particular order: 1) That whole thing with Allura violently forcing her memories on Zarkon. What the actual fuck, dude? I don’t care what Zarkon has done; this was clearly, visibly, not the same Zarkon they have been dealing with – a Zarkon who is not corrupted by quintessence, who is bewildered by what’s going on, has no clue what the hell anyone is talking about, no recollection, knowledge or memory. And she just fucking assaulted him? Moral issues aside, how do you know that that’s not going to break him and turn him into the Zarkon you do know? Oh, right, consequences; I forgot, we never think about those. And I know she’s got a lot of anger, but literally no one in the group reacted?! Not even his fellow paladins that have been trapped in this same state with him? Real heroes, guys. Bravo!   2) Zarkon calling his wife a “psychopath”. Excuse the fuck out of you, sir. She’s not a psychopath - she is doing what she believes needs to be done to get her family back. And after everything she’s been through, do I blame her? Hell no.  Her driving force, her only motivation, is her family. With Zarkon dead, her focus went to her son, and she quite literally ripped through time and space to bring him back. No, I really don’t think that qualifies as a psychopath. Using what’s basically portrayed as his corpse to control the Sincline though, that’s another story but I’ll get to that later. Anyway. Check your privilege, sir. 3) Allura “seeing the good in Honerva” like she saw “the good in everyone”. Where the hell was this in the confrontation with Lotor, who she supposedly loved? Because apparently this doesn’t at all extend to him. Honerva, as much as I adore her, did so much worse than Lotor ever could be accused of. Yes, Allura did admit in the end that Lotor sought peace but, well, it was well past the point where it mattered. Seriously. He supposedly died screaming, alone, and ended up a fused quintessence robot... Zombie thing. But Honerva? She’s Altean. So she gets off easy during the actual confrontation and on screen. 4) I HAVE SO MANY ISSUES WITH THE LIMITED AMOUNT OF LOTOR IN THIS SEASON. Yes, that deserved to be in all caps. Okay, we saw a glimpse of his body, and I get that in the narrative we're supposed to believe that he's dead. Well, as the weirdly fused robot zombie. Does anyone else have a problem with this shit? BECAUSE I FUCKING DO. The quintessence field was literally described as life itself - how in the actual fuck are you going to tell me he died, surrounded by the essence of life itself? And also, yes, we saw a glimpse of his "corpse". There's no proof that it was actually a corpse. We saw the back side of him. Until I see a FULL BODY FRONT VIEW of it, I do not believe he's dead. Whoever made this be a thing... -flips off- 5) BUT if we are to accept that he's dead... The paladins literally murdered Lotor and no one, save Honerva, even stopped to acknowledge it. And honestly? This tears at my heart. 6) Was there a reason they used the name Merla for that one Altean at the end? I didn’t see any similarities between these two characters other than betrayal. Why even include it? 7) Speaking of betrayal, is this an affliction most Alteans suffer from? Because  Coran is literally the only exception to this that we’ve seen. And supposedly Romelle, but I still don’t trust her, so I don’t include her. Fuck Romelle. 8) Keith as spokesperson for the Galra and Galra rep? Why would the remaining Galra with any authority listen to someone who doesn’t even look Galra? Randomly cheering at his speech? What is this. I can see his Krolia and Kolivan being the representatives and all, but why weren’t THEY the ones giving the speech? Oh yeah, I know why. The next point. 9) Oh, and about that speech, it was word for word literally what Lotor said to the Galra once up on a time (in s5, I believe?). Add insult to injury, why don’t you. 10) The Altean marks on Lance at the end, how does this even work? I thought it was genetic, purely Altean thing. Is it not? Can anyone acquire them? Does this mean you’re considered Altean now, Lance? WHY on earth is this a thing and why isn’t it explained? - EDIT: After thinking about this more and referring back to the series itself... I can conclude that the Altean marks are as magical as the race that is born with them. Think about it, these marks fundamentally tell you something about that character. Allura’s and Coran’s are small, just on their cheeks, and are smooth. They don’t have edges. Honerva, who has been corrupted, had elongated, jagged marks. But when she was “redeemed”, the long jagged marks we’ve seen throughout all eight seasons (after being corrupted), her marks shrink, becoming her old smooth marks post-corruption. And Lotor? His marks aren’t as long as his mothers’, but they were a tad jagged - signifying that at his core, he was a good person, yet he’d been touched by darkness and that darkness was a part of him. The Prince was born with the same unique energy signature that his parents were corrupted/killed/reanimated with. I do think that the marks take on the personality, for lack of better word, to match the individual. It’s visibly obvious that these things are magical in some way, but does that justify the “ability” to mark someone else with them? This could be up to interpretation. I don’t think so, though. It seemed like a random thing to toss in. So kind of like the Balmara (which I’ll get into in another point), if it had been seen previously in another portion of the series, I’d have accepted it as something that Alteans could do. As it stands in the current narrative, I don’t think it should be a thing, nor was it meant to be a thing in the original draft. It was supposed to be Lotor in Lance’s position, not actually Lance. Thus, I feel that scene was supposed to be the reappearance of Lotor’s own Altean marks. Not the gift of Lance’s. 11) Altea and Daibazaal came back... Why? That tells me it’s not actually their reality that they returned to. But then that raises several questions, so what do? If it’s because eliminating the rift undid everything associated with it, then that should have restored Alfor, Zarkon, Lotor, Honerva and literally everyone else involved with that too. Which I would have totally accepted. 12) Sooooo killing Lotor essentially not only led to the loss of millions of lives throughout the universe, but ultimately led to the erasing of all but one reality. And no one addressed the Voltron team’s hand in this? Seriously? 13) “Join the Coalition.” “What’s the alternative.” “There is no alternative.” That... That sounds like conquest to me. Thanks for the options, broski. 14) The whole way they dealt with Lahn. He brought up some excellent points, about Voltron/Allura having everything handed to them, but I guess the power of teamwork and friendship managed to give him a sudden bout of amnesia and sign up for the Coalition. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Way to slap a bandaid on that, guys. I hate it when writers do this. And if I ever do this? Slap me and tell me to fix it. 15) The paladins literally leaving everyone they help undefended, and then being shocked that those places have fallen to whatever villain is the focus at that time. Like, Olkarion? What were they thinking? As what was arguably the central nexus of their forces, possessing the most advanced technology they have access to, it should have been the number one priority to make sure it didn’t fall to enemy hands. But that makes way too much sense too, doesn't it? I want Shiro back as the Black Lion. Or Lotor to have returned to be the Black Lion. He did use the Black Bayard to kill Zarkon after all, and that was never revisited for... Reasons. That could have been a fantastic plot point to show that Lotor was the next Black Paladin. He’d certainly make a better one than Keith. 16) Speaking of - they never even checked up on the Olkari citizens that evacuated. Why? Was this done off-camera and just never mentioned? Because that seems really important to know WHERE your highly advanced tech/weapon makers are. Are they okay? Did they find another planet before their provisions ran out? Why are all casualties and losses either not mentioned at all or are/were glossed over? 17) Everyone treating Lotor like an immoral murderer when he was anything but. I swear. The writers present him as sympathetic and provide ample reasonable arguments on his behalf, both in show and in interviews, etc., but then proceed to have every other character treat him as though he’s a monster. Why tf are you having everyone demonize him, when you show us that it’s not true and you’re not going to bring him back for the redemption arc he deserved, and gave him the chance to explain himself? All that’s doing is affecting my opinion of the other characters lmao. 18) The paladins seriously took 5 episodes to come to the conclusion that, yes, it is Honerva that’s responsible for all of this new shenanigans. I’m honestly not sure why they’re surprised. We all knew that she went SOMEWHERE. She was the wife of Zarkon, and Lotor’s mother. She made several adversaries that Voltron struggled to face. She was the alchemic force driving the Galra Empire, and no one thought, “Hmm, we should probably keep tabs on that, she’s dangerous”? And then took another 6 episodes to figure out her motivations? There’s only one conclusion to draw from this: They’re dumb. 19) There are several opportunities taken to go to great lengths about how it’s not what you are but who you are that counts, that it doesn’t matter what you have done in the past and you can always grow from it and deserve a chance. I’m thinking specifically of the Acxa/Veronica scene, but there were a couple of other instances. I guess that we just don’t extend that courtesy to Lotor. He literally got the shit end of the stick from all directions and all of the characters are just pouring salt in the wound. -rubs temples and fumes- 20) Acxa, what the actual fuck? Lotor using their rage as half breeds? What. He never, ever let them go on a rampage, and always emphasized no killing. Zethrid and Ezor were the ones always portrayed as really bloodthirsty, but all of a sudden Ezor is the one who can’t take the anger anymore and wants out, and wants Zethrid to let go of her rage? Ezor, who was so eager to bleed and torture? Lolwat.
21) Why were there two episodes dedicated to trans-versing Honerva's mind? They were completely and utterly useless. The plot did not move forward with it, Voltron and the Paladins didn't bond stronger or learn new moves/techniques that could have helped them in their final battle with Honerva - nothing. The only thing I got from it was how much more badass Honerva actually is. She trapped SOULS in her mind and kept them prisoner. That’s terrifying and cool, but did we really need to know that? Not really. What happened to the original Paladins could have been covered in a single episode, in a different fashion. So the "dark entity" and the connection to Honerva? That didn't need to be in the narrative at all. You could argue that without it, they couldn't have saved the souls of the original paladins, but they would have been saved at the end any fucking way when Honerva and Allura sacrificed themselves to fix all the shit. Sooo. Thanks for wasting 40 minutes of our time. 22) So in episode 13, when they're chasing Honerva through the holes in dimensions... And she drains Voltron (and the paladins by extension) of energy, we see the hole CLOSE. Okay? We saw it close. That means they're stuck there forever. Done. Finito, they no longer exist - none of them, not from that dimension. Then we went to Honerva getting what she wanted at last - except she didn't. Lotor outright rejects her. I do not blame him at all for being angry if that dimension's version of his mom was dead and he's still grieving, but it was alluded to that it's been a couple years since she died. We see Zarkon protect his son in this dimension, and that he’s uncorrupted. Thus, we can assume that Honerva wasn’t corrupted either, and was never abusive towards Lotor. And he just... Didn't accept her? I know that Lotor is extremely perceptive, even as a kid, but why? If she wasn’t abusive towards him in that dimension, why does he immediately reject her? More over, his rejection seems to be the last straw - which feels... Odd, because it feels as if she’s heard it prior and that was the nail in the coffin that said “fuck it, destroy everything”. It would have made more narrative sense if Lotor had been alive, and in his own redemption arc, to tell “the witch” that his mother was dead - and that is why this dimension’s version of him saying the same thing struck such a nerve. But what bugs me the most is that Voltron came out of nowhere and continued the battle. The gateway into that dimension closed. We all saw it close. The dimension they were IN dissolved completely, so HOW did they get there?! How are they not dead at that point? This should NOT have been a thing. I’d have accepted it if they had just barely made it through the hole, but no. This is just another Dues Ex Machina, and I’m not having it. I'd have been absolutely fine with the series ending with Honerva in the alternate universe with her family, having to work to earn kid!Lotor's affection and recognition that she's his mother. That could have easily been worked on. A kid is a kid, no matter what. He'd have warmed up to her eventually. I think. And in that alternate universe, Lotor and Allura would have grown up (sort-of, she appears much older - at least a teenager at that point?) together, and more than likely still would have fallen in-love. With his father and mother there. Honerva would have had everything. 23) Did we actually need to go as big as the multi-verses being threatened? Nah. As cool as as they were, time travel would have been much easier for Honerva. And would have made a lot more sense, all things considered. If she went back to before she and her hubby were corrupted, she could have stopped ALL OF THIS SHIT from happening to begin with. THAT would have been a better ending, to have done time-travel and to fast-forward a couple years to seeing how everyone ended up. Allura and Lotor, married. ANd the rest of the cast? With the same ending as they had in the narrative, given that the original paladins either stepped down as Paladins of Voltron and let new people succeed them, or having never been involved with the plot as a whole BECAUSE the original paladins never died. I can understand that this would feel like a huge cop out, and that not everyone fancies time travel stories these days. There have been quite a number of them throughout the years. It would’ve worked here though, but I don’t think that was the point. I think the point of going to another dimension is that Honerva didn’t want to change the past - she wanted to start over, and leave the reality that she helped to fuck over.
24) What was with all of the Dues ex Machinas!? There were at least 3 or 4. That’s too many across a single episode, or even two. Like ZOOM, suddenly the Balmera were there. When did that become a thing? If it had been shown earlier in the series that they could do that, I’d have accepted it. But to bring that in so suddenly? No, the writers pulled that outta their asses. 25) And let’s not forget that Honerva used that one giant Balmera as a battery when Merla knocked out one of the towers. That mighta been a lotta crystals, but the power difference between several of those crystals and the energy of entire planets that had who even knows how much life on them, astounds and bothers me. Yeah, the crystals are used to power ships and all, but really? Those things have more energy than six planets? I need this in waaaay more detail somewhere, because until it is, this was also a Dues Ex Machina.
26) One of the two biggest issues I have with season 8 is Allurance - not because I’m against the ship nor because I dislike Lance’s character. My issue is with how it was portrayed. If you compare season 8′s Allurance with season 5 and early season 6′s Lotura, you’ll seen just how drastically different they are. We see Allura at her happiest with Lotor than we do in any other season. With Lance? She doesn’t look happy. That same spark just isn’t there. Its like she’s forcing herself to move on, and it just doesn’t work. I mean, consider the episode with the Dark Entity and how it primarily assumed Lotor’s form. She misses and longs for him, and the vision of her in the Altean robeast draining her beloved planet of quint to save it was - and I full heartedly believe this because otherwise it’s randomly there in the narrative - for Allura to feel and understand what it was like to be in Lotor’s shoes. And Lance? Lance doesn’t particularly look really happy either, honestly. Frankly, the boy looks miserable. More over, the fact that Allura has rejected him for six seasons only to sorta flirt with him in s7 and then date him in s8... Really bugs me. That’s akin to sending a message that if you persue a woman long enough, she’ll eventually cave and accept a man’s romantic feelings. No. That is not a message to send to kids ages 7 and up. Add to the fact that Lance has had thoughts of Allura clinging to his leg while he’s proclaimed as the winner and everyone is looking up to him, and that he tells Allura that he’s “great at winning prizes” which essentially hints that he thinks of her as a prize that he’s won - and this isn’t only disturbing, it’s outright revolting and sexist. If I were a parent, this is not the kind of message I’d want my child to have. Period. 27) But the most disturbing thing about season 8, and the reason it was essentially ruined, was the fate of Lotor. There were several moments throughout s8 where he could have been there. And we can clearly see in the closing scene where the lions are flying out into the cosmos that it’s not just Allura’s outline in the stars. She’s clearly with Lotor, as if he was supposed to have been there the whole time and was supposed to share her choice. Season 8 had the potential of being the most beautiful redemption story tied into a Heroine’s journey that I’ve ever seen. But instead, we see an abuse survivor that only wanted to do good, a victim of neglect that longed to be loved... Get the most graphic death in the series with absolutely no chance to redeem himself. All of his plot points are left forgotten and untouched. We’re only given more of his abusive backstory to make him a more sympathetic character. He was never given a real chance to explain his half of the story concerning the Colony; we never see the point that he killed Narti come back up between him and his generals at all, almost as though it never happened to begin with; his potential as the Black Paladin, shown when he used the Black Bayard to kill his father, is left completely unexplored; and being as he wasn’t given a redemption arc, we don’t see him get to have another chance at the White Lion trial and succeed. What we are given is the desecration of the animus, the death of a dark youth character, and the light youth Allura thus being unable to complete her heroine’s journey. The disturbing message that this sends to children, particularly to children that are/were victims of abuse themselves, is completely unacceptable. I stand with @leakinghate and @felixazrael and the others on this point. This is not the story that was written originally, and we see that in the choppiness of certain episodes, as well as the conclusion with both Allura and Lotor in the stars. Legendary Defender was always meant to be their story. I don’t personally believe that the writers who put so much thought, so much care, so much love into these characters would write them to end up as we see them in the season 8 we were given. If you haven’t already, please sign the petition to release/explain the original season eight.
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mizulekitten · 7 years
Nothing Ever Goes Bad AU
So this has been on my mind forever so... it begins
Takes place back in time with the Original Paladins, but with a few twists. Firstly, humans are alive and well and have several alliances going on with the Galra, Olkari, and Alteans. The Quintessence Monster does not exist, nor does any of the “bad” quintessence that came from the void. The OG Paladins still become paladins, and everything is good.
Where does this leave our paladins?
Keith is still a mix of Galra and Human. His mother was sent to Earth to scout it, and help decide if the Galra were going to extend a treaty to the Humans or not. There she met Keith’s dad, and when she was called back to the Empire, he was allowed to accompany her. They decided not to introduce themselves to Humans yet, and thus Keith is raised off of Earth, but with both of his parents.
At first.
Things happen, and Keith is left an orphan. His Galra traits are much more visible, his lack of head ridge and leaner build being the only real hints to his human nature -as well as his “unnatural” black hair- While in the Foster Care system he meets a young Kolivan and they become friends.
Fast forward, they both join the Empire’s Army, and quickly excel. It’s there that they meet Antok, Thace, and Ulaz. Keith eventually becomes a highly trusted general under Zarkon, and he is one of the first responders when the comet crashes onto Diabezal.
Being close to Zarkon allows him to eventually form the Blade of Marmora with Kolivan, Thace, Ulaz, and Antok; although they spend more time on base and leading than Keith does. Also, he later monitors the building of the base on Kerberos as a way to get a closer peak at Earth, the other side of his heritage.
Shiro is human through and through, still the poster child of the Galaxy Garrison, and still chosen to go to Kerberos with Matt and Sam. Instead of being taken prisoner, their ship’s inner functions fail and they are stranded.
The Galra save Shiro, Matt, and Sam, and unwittingly become part of the Galra traditional Peace Talks. Whenever the Galra first become known to a planet, on an official scale -and seeing as Shiro and Co. represent one of Earth’s main space garrisons, its more or less official- the first individuals they meet engage in a large majority of the peace talks. Namely, bonding with one of the Galra they first met.
While the Galra are negotiating terms with the rest of humanity, Shiro and Keith spend a large amount of time awkwardly, at first, hanging out. This leads to them sparring a lot, and then entering into the Arena.
The Arena isn’t a blood sport, its more like... more dramatic wrestling? There’s rules and such, and sometimes the Galra will have people that are being put to death compete -cultural differences- but mainly its become a sport that any can enter if they are strong enough. Here, Shiro becomes the Champion.
Once the treaty is secured, Shiro becomes one of the first generals allowed to explore deeper into space. He manages to do this pretty safely a number of times. One day, his ship and crew are attacked, and it’s in this attack that Shiro is captured for a period of time and loses his arm. He is eventually saved, and Keith gets Honerva, at this point an Empress, to build Shiro a new one. From this event his PTSD arises.
Pidge / Katie Holt and the Holts
Katie never has a reason to infiltrate the Galaxy Garrison, and, thus, never has a reason to go by Pidge. It is still a common nickname that Matt will call her, but for the most part it’s Katie. She is also bullied still, sadly, and follows much the same path of ambitions that Pre-Kerberos Katie follows. When Matt and Sam discover aliens, she’s ecstatic.
As soon as the treaty is made -and maybe a bit before that because they’re impatient and curious- they’re moving their whole family off planet, and travel for a bit. It’s this way, and through a bit of help from Shiro’s friend Keith, that they find the Olkari. The Holts love it there, and their genius only grows and grows under the new environment. It’s difficult, being the only humans there, for awhile at least, but its perfect for cultivating Katie’s mind, and she adores it.
She makes a name for herself across the Universe, as does the rest of her family. She ends up meeting Trigel because of this, and they study the lions together and other sciences. Her software becomes integral to many different societies defense systems.
Living with the Olkari doesn’t cure her dislike of nature, but it does dampen it a bit -but seriously, fuck mosquitoes and their alien counterparts-
Sam and Coleen spend several more years meeting as many different aliens as they can (it was Sam’s dream after all) before they inevitably settle down for good on the Olkari.
Matt studies all sorts of biologies, and he and Coran have a field day when Katie introduces them to one another.
Lance is royalty damn it. Remember Blaytz? Well, Lance is Blaytz’s brother, and when Blatyz got married to Queen Luxia? Guess who just become nobility by association? Even before then, he was low-key nobility due to Blatyz’s high standing amongst their people, especially during the war with the Galra -before the Lions, before they made peace, way back- Lance honed several skills during that time. While Blaytz was on the front lines, Lance was handling the domestic side of the war. He was giving speeches and handling domestic matters, and when push came to shove, he’d grab his gun and go to war.
Keith’s squadron may have defeated an outpost that Lance was defending once, and that may be where the hostility started. -Granted, now their relationship is much more a “I’m going to annoy the hell out of you because my brother works with your close friend and we see each other all the time-
His childhood was shrouded a bit by war, due to the Galra and whatever race they are always being in such high tension, but he never let that bring him down much. He does suffer some insecurity from the fact that his brother is a Paladin of Voltron, and married to Queen Luxia, but he’s still managed to carve a role for himself. He often shows up in peace talks of all kinds, and does his best to calm situations -even when he’s the one who accidentally starts some of them.-
The Balmera are a liberated people, working alongside the Alteans to cultivate and harvest Balmeran Crystals in as safe and friendly way as possible.
Hunk’s love of food still thrives, and he becomes fascinated with Altean cuisine -more so because it’s so different from the Balmeran’s food, not because any of it is... that good (sorry Coran)- He has bits of magic, due to how Balmerans give back to the Balmera, but his expertise lies in innovation. He wishes to make the lives easier for Balmerans, seeing as they aren’t as technologically advanced as all the other races they seem to be meeting, and its that drive that makes him build. Grygan has a habit of visiting the Balmera, and it’s he who gives Hunk more chances to thrive, and thus, allow the Balmera to thrive more.
Hunk grew up alongside Shay, and she was often the confidence that eased his anxiety. They were a power duo, Shay finding the problems, and Hunk fixing them. This pattern continues even when they begin making treaties with other races. When Shay starts to rise up to lead their people, Hunk is beside her, despite his fear.
Allura is a wee bab. Heck, depending on where you are -pre voltron or post voltron- she might not even be born yet xD Her story -and friends- gets a bit into what ships I’m pairing with this AU, that I’m going to get into that another time.
Everyone is aged up significantly in this AU, minus Allura.
When Hunk and Lance meet they hit it off immediately and it scares Blaytz and Shay considerably. -Shay finds good humor in it, but Blaytz is... he’s terrified-
Keith, while still socially awkward, has found a family in Kolivan, Antok, Ulaz and Thace, and is fairly close to both Honerva and Zarkon.
Pidge actually knows Thace, she helped construct the code that defends the BoM’s data. They, along with Trigel, send silly viruses to one another to try and break one another’s firewalls.
Potential Story?
AU!Keith getting somehow sent to CanonVerse. Safe to say it’s a... culture shock he does not take kindly to. AU!Shiro, Lance, Hunk, and Katie eventually follow, sent because of their skills and budding friendship to try and get them all back to the other side -and research along the way.- It’s basically Canon!Voltron trying to navigate the vastly different culture of AU!NotVoltron and vice versa
I have a lot more than this, I have the OG Paladins and the BoM with changes a bit here and there. Then there’s Team Sincline and Allura xD
And then there’s my unconventional ships...
All of this I have planned xD
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sketch scribble thing for the Altean-born-Olkari-raised Pidge and Princess Allura au
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stardust-and-blades · 7 years
A New Star in the Sky: Chapter 1 Part 3
part 1 part 2 
Still waiting on that damn AO3 request ;-;
“What you’re asking is on par with invading a weblum.”
“Is anything truly safe now, Princess?” Lotor said. He stood across from Allura, a dark, towering contrast to the princess’s diplomatic and welcoming aura. They glared daggers at one another, and if not for Shiro remaining by Allura’s side she would have called off the meeting immediately at Lotor’s suggestion.
She balled up her fists at her sides. “You want us to help you enter another reality for an abundance of quintessence? The last time it was attempted Zarkon was born and Altea was destroyed. Your plan is not only a poorly constructed theory, but places voltron on the line.”
“That is true,” He started, pointing at the diagram of the solar system and lions. “But technology in the Galra empire has advanced in the past 10,000 years. They have not continued to discover other realities, but they have stabilized what was considered defective during Altea’s existence.”
He moved his finger towards the lions, his lips curving upwards. “Plus your lions are made out of pure quintessence. If anything is to survive the jump, it’s them.”
“Why should we help you? You haven’t exactly been friendly.” Pidge asked, skeptical of Lotor’s intentions.
“Zarkon’s witch is more determined than ever to eradicate the universe of your presence. While its true they no longer dabble in alternate realities, previously she managed to bring forth a species from another realm to aid her in her experiments and ensure Zarkon’s long lasting reign.” A dark shadow took over Lotor. “There is no telling how far she will go.”
“Oooookaaaayyy...So evil witch lady wants to kill us. That is nothing new. How again would this benefit us?” Lance waved his hand in the air to emphasize his point.
The prince folded his arms, the shadow over his eyes dissipating and his back straightened. “If the witch can find a special species to further her plot, then you may find a weapon to give you an upper hand against the Galra empire.”
Saying Lotor expected gleeful acceptance is a lie. However he did expect some form of interest in the slightest possibility of taking down his father faster. To be met with a slew of narrow eyes and silence...Not quite his plan. The princess closed her eyes and took deep breath, no doubt to tell him she did not agree with his way of gaining an advantage and would refuse any form an allegiance with him. It would be a strategic move--but foolish.
“Princess?” Shiro softly exclaimed. He laid his metal hand on her shoulder as she turned to him, her frown deepening as she stared at him. She narrowed her eyes. With a huff she requested Lotor to stay outside the premises for the paladin’s and leaders of the Blade and Rebels to discuss the issue. With a knowing grin, he bowed to the princess, no need to fight her on the matter. He believed they would make the right choice.
“You can’t seriously be considering this.” Keith exclaimed as soon as the door closed behind Lotor. He wasn’t a leader, but he’d be damned if they thought they were going to leave him out of a potential trip to an alternate timeline. He already knows how that went down. Shiro has no idea what dangers lie ahead if they go through with this.
“I’m with Keith on this one.” Lance said. “We have been to an alternate reality, Shiro. It wasn’t good. By opening another reality we leave a chance for whatever threat on the other side to invade our reality.”
“That is what alternate Alteans wanted to do.” Hunk further explained. “ Heck, they could still be trying and who knows if we would enter that same one. We may have voltron, but that doesn’t make us invincible.”
“I’m aware.” Shiro said. He had his metal hand to his chin, juggling the thoughts of the team and himself. “But...”
“But what? The last time you went against our judgement we ended up stuck in a ticking time bomb. If not for Allura we would be dead.” Lance was agitated enough with their near death a few hours ago. Now was not the time to put everyone in jeopardy for another round. Especially not for the likes of Lotor. Keith and The Blade he can accept as Galra allies due to their desire to end tyranny and spread peace. From what Lance has experienced with Lotor, his intentions are bound to be corrupted in some sort.
Shiro lifted his gaze towards Lance. “I don’t trust Lotor either, but we need all the help we can get. We lost a vital amount of the rebellion in the fight, and the Blade is running out of men to send on missions.” His gaze lowered, concern and sadness overlaying his features. “If we don’t take the little, maybe even risky, help we can get, we will be out of resources soon.”
Keith, still not fully convinced, angled his body towards the Marmora leader. “Kolivan, is there any news about the new recruits?”
“There is. We are slowly gaining some numbers. But not as fast as we are losing them. I’m afraid many of the Galra are too petrified to rise up now that Zarkon is back on the throne.”
Keith sighed, not finding an alternative that wasn’t already rocky. Allura tapped her fingers against the pane of the ship’s controls. Alternate Realities were a sensitive subject for her. She stumbled upon a reality with Alteans, yet they went against everything Allura believed in. As much as Allura wanted them as valuable allies, she ended up wrong in her personal opinion. Risking the team--her family--all over again would be a lethal mistake. Keith was the voice of reason to her in the other reality, this could be no different. On the other hand, Shiro had a point.
Their forces were severely depleted. They withhold no extreme weaponry besides Voltron, and while the coalition gathered a significant amount of allies, their odds of finding more is under a time constraint. They may be able to enlist the help of the Olkari in technical advancements as the Galra had, but determining if it is enough is up in the air.
She closed her eyes. “Bring in Lotor and get some rest. Tomorrow we attempt an alternate reality jump.”
Lance whipped his head towards her in disbelief. “But princess--”
She raised her hand to silence him. “I know. But as Shiro said, we are at a severe disadvantage. If there is any signs of deceit we will call it off, but as of now we are to follow through.”
“He STOLE a COMET from us!”
“Keith! That is enough. A decision has been made.” Shiro said with a glare. “If you have a problem with it, you are free to stay out of the mission.”
Keith gritted his teeth, keeping his mouth shut. He ignored the concerned glances from Hunk, Pidge, and Lance. Shiro had hardly snapped at him in such a way; save for the time Keith arrived too late to pilot the black lion and save his teammates from being slaughtered. All due to his negligence.
Maybe Shiro is right. Maybe there is a benefit to Lotor’s help. Keith has been wrong on many occasions: attacking Zarkon head on, dragging his teammates on a failed hunt for Lotor, him possibly being a reason to Zarkon’s tracking, the list goes on. Keith has been wrong tons of times, its no wonder Lance refers to him as a Hothead. A dropout. Shiro...Shiro was a calming wave, careful and admired. The little push in one’s confidence, the gentle wind amidst a harsh storm, the comforting pat on one’s back after a long day of fighting exams or your inner demons. He is wiser and far more valuable than disciplinary issue Keith.
“Uh...Keith? Buddy? You okay?”
He jumped at the higher pitched tone. Lance had turned to him fully, light brown eyebrows furrowed in small wrinkles, hand on hip, and crystal blue swimming with worry. Lance hardly showed any concern for Keith. Most of the time they were bickering or poking fun at one another. Right now though was not open to fun and games, and if not for Keith’s racing thoughts he would be burning under the gaze with an intensity rivaling the atmosphere of their previous fight. Shiro may calm Keith down, but man does Lance sure know how to bring the nerves back.
In a strangled voice he said, “Yeah. Don’t worry about it.”
Lance stared at him for a moment longer, but eventually let it drop. Allura excused everyone for a night of rest. Lotor was escorted in by Coran, and the two plus Shiro devised a plan for the transport.
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chibi-pix · 10 months
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Not an exact redraw of this ancient piece, but it is based on it with partially the same dialogue. I had originally tried it as an exact redraw, but. I decided re-envisioning it would be better. And I'm proud. I love Pidge looking more shocked than weirded out. And Bandor. Look how happy he is. And. Uh. Ulaz? Please put that knife away, we shouldn't be scaring the child. I know you think no one is worthy to court Pidge, but still. Play nice. Also, Krolia's just shocked and caught by surprise. She's been hoping Keith would court Pidge, but here Bandor is just automatically putting on the moves.
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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mmochabear-moved · 7 years
Why does Lance have four arms in your 'everyone is an alien' au? It's a very unique design
:0 It’s been a while since I thought of that AU! It mostly stems with weird obsession with distorted body forms, mostly with arms. I think it began when I started watching Steven Universe all those years ago, with fusions and what not!
As for the in-story reason why Lance has four arms is because of experimentation! Pidge and Lance are the only two not born on Earth (besides Allura and Coran ofc). Pidge was raised by the Olkari, whereas Lance was born into Galra captivity. He was born fully altean, but was quickly separated from his family.
- He was experimented on for most his life; the druids loved to use him as their guinea pig and try out new drugs and tech on him.
-one concoction caused him to grow another set of arms. At first he was completely weirder out by it, but eventually he got used to the extra limbs and learned how to use them to his advantage.
-another drug enhanced his chameleon abilities to the point where he could change his appearance completely. He uses that ability and his four arms to stage an escape. He runs into Pidge who helps him out and they end up back on the Olkarian planet.
-they are sent to Earth to find the Blue Lion. Lance ends up in Cuba (he’s fairly young at this point, still--in my mind, Alteans age slower than humans), and he finds a family there, and he grows close to them and they accept him as their own. He eventually goes to the Garrison, with Pidge staked out near by.
-It’s funny because Lance is an amazing pilot when it comes to alien tech, but this, this old earth technology is so frustrating. Its too old and clunky for Lance to get the hang of and sometimes he wants to revert to his bigger, four-armed altean form and let out some anger.
-he gets his wish when the Galra come. It’s also around the time Shiro escapes and crash lands.
I donn’t really have much after that, but it basically follows the plot of the show but everyone is an alien lol
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chibi-pix · 1 year
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There's been a Realities Collide with ABOR thought in my brain for some time. And that's with Altean Pidge growing to be massive during a sort of fight/misunderstanding and scaring the crap, figuratively and possibly literally, out of others. And. I never knew how to draw it. Until last night/now. I finally got it done in a series of shots, insinuating that Lance of Voltron Force was the one who messed up. But there's an issue. Altean Pidge not only has minimal experience with growing (colour changing is her specialty), but she went way too fast. Now, I don't know the limits on Alteans changing size, so why not go all out? Make her a freaking giant and scaring Lance like no tomorrow. It's perfect. Also. A little comedic comment from Daniel. Don't worry, buddy, I'd have said the same thing. VF Pidge, though, is a bit tired; he probably told Lance to be careful, not to go and cause issues if they were in pursuit of the Altean. And now he has a broken ass from being dropped, he doesn't have the energy to deal with Daniel's commentary.
Also, a big thank you to @rubymoon-snape for helping with a bit of the dialogue.
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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chibi-pix · 9 months
Keith explains his journey through the Quantum Abyss with Krolia and their discovery of the Alteans on the planet beyond it.
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chibi-pix · 1 year
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Apparently I needed more sleepy snuggles, especially with Regris. And then it hit. Altean Born, Olkari Raised. Besties Pidge, Keith, and Regris totally snuggle up in a nest for bed. They deserve this. And! And they have Kosmo! As they deserve!  Perfect sleepy bleps from team pup. Also, Pidge isn’t upset or having a nightmare. She’s just talking in her sleep and snoring, but the lads can handle that. 
Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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chibi-pix · 1 year
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I was thinking about VF Pidge getting VLD ABOR Pidge stuffed crust pizza. And I was thinking that ABOR Pidge needed to try more Earth things. So, she and Shorty go out and got burgers from various places on Earth. And VF Pidge is shocked. They got food? WITHOUT HIM!? Don’t worry, they got you some too, buddy. 
Also. Those burgers be huge!  And they’ll probably end up downing four each. Plus fries and onion rings. Pidges be snack holes.
Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this one! Until next time.
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chibi-pix · 2 years
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Sometimes you just need a Realities Collide situation where Pidge of VF gets Altean Pidge of VLD (Altean Born, Olkari Raised) her very first slice of stuffed crust pizza. He’s being a good other-reality big brother in treating her.  She’s such a happy little Altean.  While it may not beat peanut butter, it’s probably a close second. 
Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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chibi-pix · 9 months
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Alfor finds his place with Bandor and Romelle, working hard and doing what he can to not cause trouble. Meanwhile, Keith and Krolia find their way to the hidden planet and the Alteans calling it home.
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chibi-pix · 9 months
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Bandor is a descendant of Altea, an Altean generations far down along the line. But though modern and living a simple life, it's not enough and he looks to artifacts of the past to help feed his curiosity as he wishes to know more. Especially about what has been going on with his town and people in the past months.
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