#Alternate caption to this was “whats that saying about god and plans?” but then Id have to admit it was from that CJ the X videoessay-
dizzybevvie · 4 months
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Something about nostalgia
(click for better quality PLEASEEE)
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musicarenagh · 10 months
Unveiling Tzion's Lagoon: A Dive into Shoegaze, Garage Rock, and Post Punk" Tzion's lagoon is a creative artist who has spent years perfecting his craft to near perfection and with every production he leaves a mark to cement his prowess when it comes to music making, and in a recent interview with Mister Styx of Musicarenagh, we got the chance to delve into his mind to explore his musical journey, inspirations and future plans. Before following his dream Tzion used to be a dance but with the help of his dance teacher who motivated him to start making music and later taught him how to play the guitar. Tzion is well known for known for his unique blend of shoegaze, garage rock, and post-punk. The name Tzion’s Lagoon is a combination of his given name and a metaphor to emphasize on his dense and dark production style, reflects their artistic vision. In the interview Tzion’s Lagoon was asked about his main ispiration and his response was mind boggling, this is what he had to say “Im a Christian so id really say God and how i seen him everyday in my life and the world around me is my biggest inspiration, within that id say things ive experienced good and bad, stories ive heard good and bad, and the human experience inspires me and helps me create things.” His latest single Evergreen 01 has a lot to say about his musical style and his persona, join us as we get to know the man behind the pseudonym Tzion’s lagoon Listen to Evergreen 01 below https://open.spotify.com/track/6w3mFzLo5R9k1Pu4uQb5gH Follow Tzion's Lagoon on Spotify Instagram What is your stage name I am tzion's lagoon Is there a story behind your stage name? Tzion is my name, the lagoon part is because i wanted the production part to sound really dense and dark, like a swamp more than a lagoon but lagoon sounds better i think. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? It's something thats always been a part of my life honestly, since i was a kid ive always been making songs, kind of, they haven’t always been particularly good though. Are you from a musical or artistic family? Somewhat, my mom and dad sang in the choir at church, but my family generally wasnt full of music artist in the sense that i am. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? I used to be a dancer, and my dance teacher got me started making music and playing guitar, so thats really were a started on the road of being in the music industry. [caption id="attachment_52829" align="alignnone" width="2000"] Unveiling Tzion's Lagoon: A Dive into Shoegaze, Garage Rock, and Post Punk"[/caption] What musician do you admire most and why? I think my favorite artist is King Krule, i like the way stands out in indie music. From his voice to his production, and it also cool how different his live sound is from his studio releases. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? Yes my style has changed a lot, i started out making really lofidelity indie music, like a really muddy and washed out, and now i make shoegaze and garage rock stuff, still somewhat muddy but id say in a more tasteful way. Who do you see as your main competitor? Honestly no one, i think competition particularly in indie/alternative genres is super counter productive. What are your interests outside of music? I skate a little bit sometimes, but music is a pretty invasive hobby. It comes into alot of different aspects of life. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? I used to dance, and i used to box, so maybe one of those, but i'd probably be at some corporate job or something, maybe id be a missionary. What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? Honestly myself, figuring out how to navigate overthinking and underthinking music. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? I dont really know, i think everything comes with good and bad sides regardless. But i think the way that genuine art is sometimes very under appreciated sucks, so maybe that somehow.
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Sonic X Theory: the other Ultimate Lifeforms
In Sonic X’s adaptation of Sonic Adventure 2, they make an interesting claim about the Ultimate Lifeform prototypes on the ARK. When Rouge hacks into the base, she informs Shadow of one thing- he wasn’t the only prototype from Project Shadow that escaped the ARK massacre. 
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[ID: screenshots from Sonic X: one of Rouge looking up Project Shadow, surprised and reading “Shadow? Secure and dispose?” Another shot of two escape pods falling towards a planet, with the caption from a GUN soldier: “Our mission ended when we sealed away the prototype of the ultimate lifeform.” End ID.] 
Rouge makes the claim that neither of these escape pods was Shadow... so in X Canon, is Shadow even who he thinks he is? And just as importantly... who are the other prototypes? 
Full theory under the cut. 
So first off. Let’s look at Rouge’s claim that Shadow isn’t who he thinks he is.
Part One: Is Shadow from the ARK?
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[ID: screenshots from Sonic X of Rouge and Shadow talking, with the following dialogue:
Rouge: This is the progress report for Project Shadow, a plan to create the ultimate life form. The body they created is still held there.
Shadow: I know. That’s a prototype. I’m the Ultimate Lifeform they created afterwards- 
Rouge: Two capsules were ejected when the ARK was shut down. But neither was found. They couldn’t lock up in prison what they couldn’t find. Do you understand? I wonder who you really are.
Shadow looks troubled. End ID.] 
So two capsules were ejected and neither was found in the fifty years it’s been since the accident-- except I think Rouge is wrong about one thing. Shadow is who he thinks he is- because his capsule was sent out alone. It must have somehow not been logged. 
How do we know this? Shadow’s flashback of being sent away and the man who worked for GUN are completely different- first of all, the GUN soldier doesn’t remember her saying anything to Shadow, or Shadow even being there- it seems that she died to send away something or someone else. Second- Maria is in a different position around the lever in both flashbacks. See the GUN soldier’s first-- 
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Though we don’t see the full room, we get the sense that it’s small from the other shots that I don’t have the time to screenshot. She’s around an elevated platform not attached to a wall, and either facing the pod she’s sending away or in a completely different room. 
But, both of Shadow’s alternate memories of Maria sending him away-- the first one more stylized, the second one we can assume more real-- neither looks like this. 
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In both, she’s in a differing position. In the sepia flashback, she’s not facing him, and pulling a lever attached to a wall. In the second flashback, she’s already on the floor, and the lever pad we see would cause her to be facing away from Shadow. In neither of these do we see any evidence that anyone other than Shadow and Maria are in the room or even nearby. 
Shadow also has enough evidence he’s who he thinks he is- he has the right powerset, the GUN soldier says that they did, indeed, seal away an Ultimate Prototype, Gerald mentions Shadow enough in his monologues, and... honestly there’s really no evidence that he isn’t Shadow, other than the two pods. And two pods? Shadow was sent out alone, we saw no evidence of a second pod in either flashback. So he wasn’t with anyone else. 
So what’s the conclusion? The conclusion is that these are two different events- one where Maria releases Shadow, and one where she releases another- or, possibly, the others, the two pods that were logged as escaping. 
Maria either freed Shadow first and then the other two, or she freed the first two, got shot, and then managed to survive long enough to send Shadow away. Either way-- these events are separate.  
So what was in the other two pods? Two other prototypes of the Ultimate Lifeform, clearly, but nothing like the Biolizard, they’re too small. 
Now let me ask you something... wouldn’t it make sense for the Ultimate Prototypes to look similar, if they were similar lifeforms? 
And who do we know who looks similar to Shadow? 
Part Two: Sonic is an Ultimate Lifeform
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[ID: Shadow looking down at Sonic, and saying, “I see. We actually do look alike. It’s like looking in a mirror.” End ID.] 
Okay so like. Unless you’re very colorblind I think you’ve noticed that Shadow and Sonic are completely different colors. But let’s ignore that for now-- they do have a very similar silhouette... in fact, Shadow’s silhouette is incredibly close to SuperSonic, which is Sonic at full power. And in-universe, they look similar enough that in low lighting pretty much nobody can tell them apart. 
And not just that- Sonic has a lot of power for a seemingly “normal” mobian. [Yes, I know they don’t use the term “Mobius” in Sonic X but let me simplify this somehow.] His superspeed, ability to survive so much shit... he’s powerful enough that he presents a rival for Shadow without chaos emeralds (though Shadow is nerfed a little by the Inhibitor Rings- more on that later). 
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[ID: Sonic and Shadow racing; they are keeping up with each other. Shadow says, “It seems your appearance isn’t the only thing that’s similar to me. Who are you?” Sonic responds, “I’m me.” End ID.] 
Shadow’s right- their appearance isn’t where the resemblance stops. And of course there’s probably the most damning similarity-- they are the only two characters we see go Super and have the ability to control the Chaos Emeralds.
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[ID: First image is SuperSonic and SuperShadow, having absorbed the power of the chaos emeralds. Second image is from the Third Season, where a MetaRex shouts, “There are two individuals [referring to Sonic and Shadow] who can draw out the power of the Chaos Emeralds?” End ID.] 
Oh and SPEAKING OF Sonic/Shadow similarities-- there’s a scene in Season Three where Sonic is being lectured by the villain about how all life ends eventually so why bother etc. and Sonic says that life is worth the good bits, all that jazz. Here’s the scene:
And exactly 1:25 in.... guess what starts playing
This song is scarily similar to “Recollection of the Ark”... Shadow’s sad song about his memories of the ARK... while Sonic is being lectured about still having faith in humanity. You know. Like MARIA WANTED.
Interesting how we know absolutely nothing about Sonic’s past, huh-- pretty much all we have before he meets Tails is that he says he’s fifteen years old, but honestly... are we even sure about that? First of all, if Sonic was revived alone, there wouldn’t be a way to tell his age, he’d probably just accept the first age someone assigned him. 
Alternatively, we know from the end of Season Two and the beginning of Season Three that time works in a very wonky way from Earth to Mobius- in the ~2-3 days Sonic’s alone with Chris, a week passes on Mobius, despite the fact we know he can chaos control at any time. In the third season? Six years pass on Earth while six months pass on Mobius. So time doesn’t really work in a reasonable way, meaning it’s possible that Sonic is fifteen... and he lived fifteen years on Mobius after awakening, while fifty years passed on Earth. 
And we know for a fact that travel between Mobius and Earth was possible even before the events of Season One... because Eggman was born on Earth.
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[ID: Eggman looking shocked and turning around in a chair, announcing, “I was born in this world!” End ID.]
Eggman was born on Earth and somehow ended up on Mobius-- but he was young enough he didn’t realize until he saw that Gerald lived on Earth. So was he in the second escape pod? It’s possible, but I don’t think so-- he’d have to have information on Gerald, and it seems he had a picture of Gerald and Maria, so it’s likely he traveled with a parent or guardian, or at least some kind of family history, which I doubt Maria would think to store in an escape pod while everyone was running for their lives. This plot element was probably just to set up that travel between the dimensions happens more than we think. 
Neither escape pod from the ARK was recovered, probably because they ended up on Mobius. 
It’s most likely that they Chaos Controlled into the other dimension-- I know I said Maria probably wouldn’t think to store anything other than the lifeform themselves in the pod, but if the lifeform needed Chaos Emeralds to practice/control their powers, or the Chaos Emeralds were already stored in an escape pod for safekeeping-- or if, possibly, GUN was attempting to capture the Chaos Emeralds as well, and the Robotniks knew that they would use them in a destructive way-- all that combined could mean that the emeralds would also be important enough to send away in a pod. 
If even one of the pods had Chaos Emeralds, it’s possible that the lifeform inside could have sensed danger and unconsciously teleported them to the most safe place from GUN-- another world where GUN didn’t exist and couldn’t reach them. And even better-- a world where mobians like them lived. 
From Sonic X lore that I don’t have the time to find and screencap, we know that the two worlds used to be the same but split at some point in history. If this was after, say, the events of Chaos destroying the Echidnas-- which, sidenote, interesting how they disappear and nobody knows where they went, so it’s possible that Chaos straight-up split the dimensions just to get rid of the Echidnas-- then enough of their lore could remain. Old cave paintings, wall carvings, etc., could show enough mobians that scientists could probably think “oh, wow, that looks like a god figure. might as well design our ultimate lifeform after that, esp since they had this god that could control chaos and the chaos emeralds came from here.” 
Wanna know what’s interesting about those ancient echidna temples? Guess who’s there-- if we go by Sonic 3 & Knuckles, a game that ofc had been released by the time X was being written...
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Both the ultimate form of Sonic, and the silhouette of Shadow. 
So let’s say they find this on the ARK studies, and they’re like “okay so our ultimate lifeform goal is a hedgehog. Got it.” There’s two options after this:
They make Sonic, but deem him a failure for reasons and cryo-freeze him until they need him or can release him. They then proceed to make Shadow, who they believe actually is their ultimate lifeform. 
They made Shadow first, but after a while kept experimenting and making more prototypes, just in case, or possibly because they decided Shadow wasn’t powerful enough. However, the prototypes weren’t ready to awaken before the ARK massacre, Shadow never met them. 
So as I’ve made clear, I’m pretty sure that one of those prototypes was Sonic-- who, of course, has no idea. Either he only entered consciousness after arriving in Mobius, or his memories of the ARK were so vague, traumatic, early, or a combo, that his mind blocked them out. Either way, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that he and Shadow are both prototypes, which is what gives Sonic his power. 
And Sonic’s power, btw, isn’t limited like Shadow’s. Because he doesn’t have inhibitor rings. 
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If prototype!Sonic was sent away with inhibitor rings, he ditched them. Which would make sense, especially if he woke up with no memory of the ARK and didn’t know why these weird bracelets were on his arm. He would notice that the rings slowed him down and ditch them fast. And that’s assuming they even stuck rings on the prototype. 
But if we do assume they stuck rings on the prototypes... maybe we can find the other lifeform that was sent away along with Sonic. 
Part Three: Who is the Third Ultimate Lifeform?
Okay. Let’s do a headcount. 
Who, in Sonic X, 
Existed on Mobius at the same time as Sonic, 
Doesn’t appear to have a lot of power but has a lot of incredible strength if you pay attention, 
Sometimes shows strange abilities, such as far leaps into the air, a speed great enough that they can sometimes catch up to Sonic (though not as great, possibly because of the inhibition), even potentially the ability to summon weapons out of thin air, 
Looks similar to the Mobian Hedgehog-- or, perhaps, with influences from a Mobian Echidna, who were the ones who had the SuperSonic glyphs in the first place, and thus could potentially serve as a design point, 
Wears rings around their wrists at all times?
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[ID: Amy Rose being absurdly powerful in several screencaps, often glowing; though this is normal anime expressionwork, it is something that exclusively happens to Amy in Sonic X. End iD.]
And, of course, this beauteous moment: 
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[ID: A scene from the season two finale of Sonic X. Eggman’s ship, on which Amy’s hammer is stuck, is high above her, and Eggman taunts “It doesn’t matter if you’re angry because your hammer is stuck up here!” In the following image, a moving gif, Amy summons a hammer out of thin air, a puff of smoke coming from it, as she is still glowing with a fire-like energy. Eggman’s robots shout “She has another one! How many does she have?” End ID.]
That’s right! This was all an excuse to spout out my “Amy Rose could kill God” propaganda! But it’s not propaganda if I’m right!
Part Four: The Lifeforms
So. It’s been a couple months since I made this post, but I was rewatching Sonic X with my sister, and we did notice that you do see prototype lifeforms for a flash in the GUN soldier’s story.
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[ID: Screenshots from Sonic X; The GUN soldier narrates his story, as we see GUN soldiers arresting scientists, while standing in front of empty tubes of bubbling green liquid. The caption reads, “There were many rumors about ARK. Such as doing research for eternal life or creating the Ultimate Life Form.” The GUN soldier steps to a tube that has something in it. End ID.]
We see a brief flash of an experimental lifeform in this memory, as seen above; we also see two more, the ones that were explicitly stated to be the ones Maria was freeing.
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[ID: Screenshots from later in the same episode of Sonic X, the first showing two tubes with dark figures inside, surrounded by dark blue bubbling water. The next screenshot shows Maria preparing to free them, with the captions reading “An experimental life form? She’s planning to free it!” End ID.]
So, these silhouettes. Let’s uh. Let’s take a look at those huh
Now, the bodies are too thick to be standard mobian bodies- but we can also see wires attached to the prototypes, as well as, you know, whatever that liquid is. It’s entirely possible there’s something wrapped around their bodies, to keep them safe/asleep/etc.
But..... ok so I might be reaching here but analyzing the face silhouettes, using red lines to mark quills and green to mark potential laid-back ears, it really could be long-quilled sonic and short-quilled Amy.
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As well as this, in the shot of the GUN soldier looking at a prototype, I swear I can see a mobian ear.
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tl;dr this is all fascinating me and I think we should let the Sonic X crew return to making this show as if they never left so that we can get answers to this
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faithfulnews · 5 years
Wayne Grudem explains male leadership in marriage
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Man and woman working on a computer upgrade
I’m not willing to take advice on this from most pastors, but Wayne Grudem is someone I respect because he does such a good job of applying the Bible to political issues. So he’s practical.
Anyway, here is something he wrote that was shared by a newlywed couple I am friends with.
Someone might say, “Well, okay, fine. There’s a leadership role for Adam, and I guess that means husbands should have a leadership role in their marriage of some sort. But how does it work? How does it work in practice?”
In our own marriage, Margaret and I talk frequently and at length about many decisions. I can tell you that I wouldn’t be here tonight unless Margaret and I had talked about this and asked the Lord about it, and she had given blessing to it, and said, “Yes, I think that’s right.” Sometimes we make large decisions such as buying a house or a car, and sometimes they are small decisions like where we should go for a walk together. I often defer to Margaret’s wishes, and she often defers to mine because we love each other.
In almost every case, each of us has some wisdom and insight that the other does not have. Usually, we reach agreement on the decisions that we make. Very seldom will I do something that she doesn’t think is wise–I didn’t say never. She prays; she trusts God; she loves God. She is sensitive to God’s leading and direction, but in every decision, whether it large or small and whether we have reached agreement or not, the responsibility to make the decision still rests with me.
Now, I am not talking about every decision they make individually. Margaret controls a much larger portion of our budget than I do because all the things having to do with the household and food and clothing and house expenses and everything . . . she writes the checks and pays the bills. I take care of buying books and some things about the car. I have appointments during the day with students. She doesn’t get involved in that. She has her own appointments. She has her own calendar. I don’t get involved in trying to micromanage all of that. We have distinct areas of responsibility. I am not talking about those things. I don’t get involved in those things unless she asks my counsel.
But in every decision that we make that affects us together or affects our family, the responsibility to make the decision rests with me. If there is genuine male headship, I believe there is a quiet acknowledgement that the focus of the decision making process is the husband, not the wife. Even though there will often be much discussion and there should be mutual respect and consideration of each other, ultimately the responsibility to make the decision rests with the husband. And so, in our marriage the responsibility to make the decision rests with me.
This is not because I am a wiser or more gifted leader. It is because I am the husband. God has given me that responsibility. It is very good. It brings peace and joy to our marriage, and both Margaret and I are thankful for it. Now, I need to add very quickly, men, this does not mean that a husband has the right to be a selfish leader.
Just about three years ago, maybe four years ago now, we started the decision making process. Margaret had been in an auto accident in Chicago. As part of the aftermath of that accident, she was experiencing some chronic pain that was aggravated by cold and humidity, and Chicago is cold in the winter and humid in the summer. Chicago was not a good place for that. Some friends said to us, “We have a second house in Mesa, Arizona, if you would ever like to go there and just use it as a vacation place, we would like you to do that.”
So we did. We visited Arizona. Mesa is a suburb of Phoenix. Margaret felt better. It was hot, and it was dry. And so I said, “Wow, Margaret I would love to move here, but I am only trained to do one thing; I can teach at a seminary and that is it. There aren’t any seminaries here.” The next day Margaret was looking in the yellow pages–literally. She said, “Wayne, there’s something here called Phoenix Seminary.” One thing led to another and God was at work in that seminary, and it was starting to grow.
Then we went through a decision making process. When we were in the middle of that decision making process, on the very day that we were focusing on that, I came in my normal custom of reading through a section of scripture each day, I came to a Ephesians 5:28, “Even so husbands should love their wives as their own bodies.”
I thought if I would move to take a job in another city for the sake of my body, if I were experiencing the pain that Margaret had, and husbands should love their wives as their own bodies–then shouldn’t I move? Shouldn’t I be willing to move for Margaret’s sake? That was really why we moved to Phoenix.
Anyway, Dina and I were talking the other night about what would happen if – hypothetically – we suddenly found ourselves stuck with a child and responsible for it’s education. I said to Dina that I would have a meeting with her, and ask her to research all of the alternative forms of schooling, and look over the research on education and then come back with her recommendation about what would get us the most effectiveness for the least cost and risk. Dina said that she thought that was an excellent plan, but being the kind of person she is, she said that she would not wait to be asked to do this, but would instead pro-actively go and do the work and then present it to me to make the decision. A wife is a chief of staff, she does the research. She has to know all the politics. She has to do the face to face conversations. She has to make all the calculations. She has to be good at putting aside her feelings and being logical and analytical, in order to get results.
I think a lot of people worry that male headship means that husbands will micromanage like a tyrant, but that’s just wrong. That’s not at all what a man learns about how to lead others, in his workplace. A man looks for a wife with skills and experience to solve these sorts of problems for him while he is out working, and without needing a lot of guidance or monitoring from him. Micromanaging makes them both less efficient and more stressed. The more education and work history she has before she marries, the better she will be at solving problems on her own initiative. I always encourage young women to study hard things and to do hard jobs, but to stop working when young children appear (the first five years of the child’s life are critical). Learning hard things and doing hard jobs makes them more prepared for the roles of wife and mother.
Similarly, a wife does not want to choose a poor leader for a husband. She wants to choose someone who makes good decisions, and follows a plan through to a result. She should be looking at his decision making, especially in education, work and finances, and deciding whether he can do the male roles in a marriage.  She should be looking at his leadership style and communication ability. These things are well-defined, and she should be able to assess his ability by looking at his life to see if anyone follows his lead at work or outside of work on anything that matters. Does he reach the goals that he plans to reach? Is he realistic about risks and costs? She has to do an assessment of his leadership ability, because if she marries him, he will be leading her. Naturally, she will have to know something about leadership first, and know something about men, and what men expect to achieve with their marriages. What is his plan?
The easiest way for a man to avoid marrying a woman who resists his leadership is to not marry her. And the easiest way for a woman to avoid marrying a man who does not delegate tasks to her that she is better at is to not marry him. We are responsible for these decisions. As long as you don’t follow your feelings and intuitions, you’ll be fine. Don’t marry someone unless you have observed them demonstrating their ability to do the marriage roles cheerfully and well.
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Climbing Mount Sinai Peak – Everything You Need To Know Before
Climbing Mount Sinai Peak (2285-metre / 7,497 ft.) is one of those experiences that are on many people's bucket list - for a reason! The biblical Mount Sinai is one of the most important sacred places in the Jewish, Christian and Islamic religions because it is the place where a covenant between God and His people was established.
All these religions have in common that they believe the biblical Mount Sinai was the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments, which is why Mount Sinai is also referred to as Mount Moses. The locals call it Jebel Musa in Arabic. I'm using these words interchangeably throughout this article, they all describe the same mountain. 
Besides the Old Testament, it is also mentioned in the Quran, where “God prefaces a statement on the creation of Mankind by swearing to four sacred symbols: "by the Fig and the Olive, and the Mount of Sinai (at-Tur), and this City of security (Mecca)"(Sura 95:1-3)
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Don't confuse Mount Sinai with Mount Catherine though, which is the highest mountain in Egypt. On the peak of Mount Sinai, there is a Greek Orthodox Chapel (closed) and an open mosque, so if you're a practicing Muslim, this will be one of your most memorable prayer locations for sure.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2400"] The peak of Mount Sinai during sunrise[/caption]
Even when you're not religious, it's an incredible experience and you will feel the special energy in this place. It's definitely worth it doing this challenging hike.
I will not go into detail about the history and meaning of Mount Moses, as you can read that anywhere online, but will give you some practical advice instead. 
For more information about Saint Catherine, read my Ultimate Guide to St. Catherine!
I posted Instagram stories live on my account the whole time I was in St. Catherine and climbing Mount Sinai. If you want to have a look, you can find it under my highlights “Sinai Desert”.
Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links at no extra cost to you.
  1. Best Season For Climbing Mount Sinai
Sinai is a hot desert climate zone, with very little rain and warm to hot temperatures throughout the year. Higher regions like St. Catherine (1600 meters) receive 4-10x more precipitation than the rest of Sinai.
So what's the best time to do the Mount Sinai hike?
For me personally, spring is the best times to go to St. Catherine and hike Mount Moses. It's not too hot and not too cold. Spring is a fascinating time in the desert, as all the trees, plants and flowers in the desert start to blossom and turn it into a green scenery you would never expect to see in a desert. Summer and winter have their charm as well, though. 
Mount Sinai in Winter
Winter can be really cold in St. Catherine, often below 0 ºC. How crazy is that, going to a desert and seeing snow? Definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience and an incredible photo opportunity! On Mount Sinai, you will face extreme cold and snow is the norm, so come prepared and bring lots of warm clothes! During the day though, the sun usually keeps you warm, even in winter.
Mount Sinai in Summer 
Thanks to the high altitude, it doesn't get much warmer than 30°C in summer, which makes Saint Catherine a perfect escape from the hot beach towns such as Dahab and Sharm El-Sheikh, or even Cairo. Trees and fruits had time to grow and you get to taste some fresh delicacies. It's also hot enough to dip your toes or even swim in water springs.
You will need a jacket or warm sweater at night when you hike up Mount Moses though as it's so high, it's simply not possible to bet hot up there. cIt an also get pretty windy.  
  2. Book a tour or go by yourself? Sunrise or Sunset?
Organized tours (mostly from Dahab and Sharm El-Sheik) climb Mount Sinai in the pre-dawn hours to view the sunrise from the summit. It gets really crowded up there!
Climbing late in the afternoon to see the sunset is a much quieter, more tranquil experience, but it has two downsides. In summer, it can be pretty hot for such an intense hike in the sun, and you'll be descending in the dark, which can be a bit tricky because it's rocky terrain. 
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If you have enough time in Sinai, I would always recommend going without an organized tour from Sharm or Dahab. Going by yourself/with just your friends or family means you have all the time you need. You can start your hike at any time, you can take as many breaks as you like, and you can leave the peak whenever you like.
If you're not coming as part of a group, you can simply go to the monastery and hire a guide from the entrance. Especially for photographers, slow hikers or anyone with "special needs", this is the best option. 
It's also a much more tranquil experience on the summit because you'll get the chance to have the place all by yourself. The huge crowds on the top make it a bit busy and touristy, to be honest. They all leave at the same time to visit the monastery when it opens at 9am, so if you stay a bit longer, it will be quiet. You can also go up earlier to reach the peak first and watch the stars.
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If you want to see the sunrise, you should start sometime between midnight and 3 am, depending on your level of fitness. Those of average fitness should be able to get to the summit in no more than three hours. Alternatively, the sunset is also an impressive sight; for this you should start your climb in the early afternoon.
My ultimate tip is to hike up in the afternoon and see the sunset. Then you can make yourself comfortable for the night to sleep under millions of stars. In the last camp before the summit, you can rent mattresses and blankets so you won't be freezing. It gets really cold so you will definitely need them.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2400"] The last camp before the peak of Mount Sinai, this is where you can rent mattresses and blankets. We slept at the very left in this picture.[/caption]
If you don't mind carrying a sleeping bag up, that would certainly be more hygienic. But when you're traveling in Egypt you shouldn't be too concerned with everything being super clean anyway, or else you'll have a hard time here. Relax, you won't die.
I would say your chances of being the only people on the peak of Mount Sinai the whole night are like 95%. A bit before the sun rises, you will see massive amounts of people arriving, it's almost surreal. Don't sleep too long, set an alarm so that you get a good spot to see the sunrise.  
  3. Avoiding The Crowds At Mount Sinai Peak
As you already know, most tourists climb the mountain during the night, see the sunrise at the summit and visit the monastery during the day. Therefore, if you want to avoid crowds, climb the mountain for sunset or, even better, in the night before a Sunday when the monastery is closed to visitors. There will be much fewer groups because they wouldn't be able to visit the monastery in the morning.
  4. How Hard Is The Mount Sinai Hike?
There are two principal routes to the summit. The longer and shallower route is called Siket El Bashait and takes about 2.5 hours by foot. It's also called the camel route, since, obviously, you can use a camel to get up. If you're physically not able to do the entire Mount Sinai hike yourself, you can choose this option.
It's not an easy hike for sure, and you probably won't feel the need to do it again anytime soon, but it's doable. There are a lot of "cafés" on the way up so you have plenty of chances to take a break and have water, tea, coffee or some snacks.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1800"] Steep stairs - this is not part of the camel route, it's the harder one. The steps look small on this photo but they're quite high, at least for someone as short as me ;)[/caption]
I have seen many old people with walking disabilities though who have done the hike themselves - very impressive! They show it's possible, and the feeling of climbing a mountain by yourself is just different than being taken up there by a camel, the sunrise or sunset is your reward and you really earned it.
So, if you're physically able to hike, I highly recommend to do it. Go without a big group and just go slow, take as much time as you need. The Bedouin guides are super patient and will help you with whatever you carry.
The steeper, more direct route (Siket Sayidna Musa) leads up the 3750 "steps of penitence" in the ravine behind the monastery. Both routes meet for the last part to the summit.
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We took the camel route up and the harder route down because we wanted to see another wadi (valley). We really felt close to dying, it was a 12-hour tour in total. My legs were wobbly and shaking and I never wanted to find a bed as badly as that day.
Weirdly though, my muscles weren't sore the next day. That really surprised me, because I'm not exercising a lot. I was extremely tired though for a few days, skipping a whole night of sleep is easier when you're 20 ;)
I'd recommend you to plan in a few days of easy-going activities and do all the other hikes you might want to do around St. Catherine before you're climbing Mount Sinai.
  5. Tipping your Bedouin Guide
One thing I really want to ask everyone doing this adventure, from the bottom of my heart: Tip your Bedouin guide very generously!!! They only get a fixed price of 250 LE (May 2019: about 12€) for a whole night of extreme physical work and responsibility for you. The government sets the price, and since most people book a full tour from Dahab or Sharm, they don’t even know how much the guides earn.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2400"] Our Bedouin guide leading the way[/caption]
It’s an absolutely ridiculous amount of money for this type of work and for the cost of living in Egypt, which is rising and rising after the devaluation of the currency. So, please, support the local community and tip them as much as you can.
They're also incredibly kind people and as soon as they see you struggling just a tiny bit, they offer to carry your backpack or give you their jacket if you're cold. They'll do whatever they can to make the hike as easy as possible for you.
  6. Safety at Mount Sinai
Is climbing Mount Sinai safe? Aren't there terrorists?
YES, it's safe! NO, there are no terrorists!
Most people think that St. Catherine, Mount Sinai, and Sinai in general, are dangerous places. That's because the mainstream media doesn’t distinguish between North and South Sinai. All tourist destinations, including Mount Sinai, are located in the south of Sinai and are not more dangerous than most other parts of the world. In the very northern part of Sinai, there are unrests from time to time, but you wouldn’t even be allowed to enter that area.
Good to know: Don’t be scared or put off by the many checkpoints all over Sinai. The government is trying to make Sinai as safe as can be, and while military and guns seem intimidating at first, you have nothing to worry about. Just keep your passport handy at all times.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2400"] It's friendly everywhere in Sinai - SMILE :)[/caption]
Also, the Bedouins in Saint Catherine are securing the area by themselves, so don’t be surprised if locals stop you to ask a few questions about where you’re staying and so on. They’re adding an extra layer of security and vetting people themselves to make sure they don’t miss any suspicious activity. It's their land, after all, and they are the last people who would want trouble here.
As soon as you arrive, you will feel the special energy in St. Catherine and the Sinai desert in general. It is absolutely magical. You immediately start to feel a sense of calmness and peace. 
The media portrays Sinai as a dangerous place, but I can assure you that there are few places in the world where you feel as peaceful as here, certainly no other region in the Middle East can compare. All the different religions actually live together in peace here, even though Egypt is predominantly a Muslim country.
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I’m pretty sure you will feel right at home and perfectly safe and sound, at least the big majority of people do. I came as a tourist and am still here 3 years later, just like many other expats, and I feel safer here than in any city in Germany or Europe, where I come from. Please, don’t let the media scare you from coming to and climbing Mount Sinai.
  7. What To Pack For Climbing Mount Sinai
  As little as possible!
Cash for tea, coffee, snacks and mattresses + blankets
Second set of clothes
Thermo clothes
Light scarf/hat for hike down
  8. Trekking Rules In The Sinai Desert
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1. Look after water
Do not pollute water sources with soap, food scraps or anything else. Do not camp within a 100 m of water sources. Wildlife needs to drink too and will be disturbed by your presence. Do not go to the toilet within 100 m of water sources.
2. Manage your waste
Crush tin cans and plastic bottles and any other waste. You brought it in so carry it out with you. If there is no toilet, BURN YOUR USED TOILET PAPER and then bury your bodily waste. You may burn paper items and you may feed vegetable waste to the camels with the owners’ permission.
3. Respect Bedouin culture and traditions
Ask permission before using wells, as these are usually private property. Only enter private gardens if invited to do so by the owner. Ask permission before taking photographs of local people. Do not burn local firewood, use only gas stoves or firewood bought in town for cooking.
4. Respect Flora and Fauna
It is prohibited to remove any object from the Protected Area including rocks, plants, and animals. It is prohibited to disturb or harm animal or birds. It is prohibited to paint or carve graffiti, cut trees or uproot plants.
St. Katherine Protectorate was declared by the Prime Ministerial Decree under Law 102 of 1983; illegal activities can result in prosecution. 
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Basically: Leave no traces behind, and take nothing with you.
If you have some more time in Sinai, make sure you read my guide to St. Catherine as there are plenty more amazing things to do other than climbing Mt. Sinai and visiting St. Catherine's monastery. Did you know that you can even sleep in the monastery? Find more insider tips in this Ultimate Guide to St. Catherine!
Climbing Mount Sinai Peak - PIN this guide for later!
  Pictures of the Mount Sinai Hike
Here are some more pictures of my Mount Sinai hike:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1800"] Yes, there's a toilet right before you reach the summit of Mt Sinai[/caption]
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  [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2400"] One of the gardens the monastery owns in the mountains around[/caption]
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[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="2400"] Finally, the monastery was in sight again![/caption]
  [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1080"] The details of our hike. Note that we did a big detour on the way down to see some more wadis, the regular route is shorter.
Please don't use any of these photos without my written permission, I'm a member of Copytrack and you will get an invoice. The payment will be enforced by lawyers and in court, if you do use my photos.[/caption]
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Post Source Here: Climbing Mount Sinai Peak – Everything You Need To Know Before
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mhsn033 · 4 years
Melanie C: ‘People think I’m mouthy, but I’m really quiet and gentle’
Image copyright Conor Clinch
This time last year, Mel C became once bouncing all around the UK’s football stadiums, bringing the Spice Ladies abet to existence for a celebratory toddle by their biggest hits and craziest outfits.
Then, as soon as she stepped off the stage with Geri, Emma and Mel B at Wembley, she jetted off on a world tour of Satisfaction events with LGBTQ collective Sink The Purple.
And once that wrapped up, she went straight into the studio to work on her eighth solo album, and saved going till lockdown hit.
“Even as you evaluate my 2019 to my 2020, which that you just would possibly not compile extra varied,” she says.
“, I became once travelling one day of the arena, I became once having fun with stadiums with the Spice Ladies, and now I’m barely ever out of my pyjamas.”
This day is now not plenty of days. The singer joins us from her home in Hampstead, North London, surrounded by scatter cushions, hair scraped abet to show her earbuds, and wearing a sublime, marble-enact t-shirt.
“Or now not it is one more day in Zoom-land,” she sighs. “Oh my God, I’m so over it.”
Her Zoom ID, incidentally, is now not Sporty Spice or Mel C or Melanie Jayne Chisholm. It will not be even Melanie C, as she kinds herself today time. As a change she’s caught with Scarlett, her 11-year-old daughter’s title.
“Agh! I even need to alternate it abet every time I originate something,” she laughs. “I originate now not know how you compile it to stay.”
Image copyright Getty Photos
Image caption The singer has launched seven solo albums
Devour many families, they’ve struggled with home school for the length of the quarantine. Chisholm confesses they’ve managed “the bare minimal”.
“I loathe it,” she says. “My itsy-bitsy woman’s pretty heavenly nonetheless she excellent can’t be bothered.
“And , someone said pretty early on on this total thing: ‘Concentrate on how sophisticated it is, as an adult to encourage your self at home – so accept as true with being a kid.’
“After that I believed, ‘OK, that is ethical. So long as she’s doing something, it be better than nothing.'”
It became once handiest when school resumed on a restricted basis at the close of June that Chisholm totally understood how lockdown had affected her daughter.
“She purchased so touchy and uninspired. It became once laborious even to encourage her to scurry and have a run, which is so out of persona,” she says.
“When they’d the opportunity to return… having a routine, socialising with her chums, I purchased my itsy-bitsy woman abet.”
‘Evil one at the abet’
It would possibly perchance possibly appear savor a trite comparison, nonetheless rediscovering your self after a interval within the emotional wasteland is the theme of Chisholm’s new album.
The 46-year-old has always sung about her issues with self-acceptance, from the title observe of her 1999 solo debut Northern Star to her 2017 album Version Of Me. This time, though, there’s a newfound power and compile to the underside of.
“Once I survey within the replicate, I finally savor who I peek,” she declares on the gap observe, Who I Am. Over the next 35 minutes, she sings about letting scurry of old dangle-ups, having nothing left to camouflage and refusing to conform to expectations. “I originate now not are looking out out for to be your acceptable version of me,” goes the refrain of roller-disco jam Overload.
Her struggles with despair and eating complications are well-documented. They started within the course of the Spice Ladies’ thoughts-boggling toddle of chart and media dominance within the stupid 90s. The band supplied 31 million files, scored nine #1 singles and upended song alternate conventions relating to the viability of woman bands.
Merseyside-born Chisholm became once the handiest dancer and strongest singer, nonetheless she became once caricatured within the tabloid press as “the undeniable one at the abet, who doesn’t truly originate worthy”.
She didn’t recognise the particular particular person that became once being portrayed within the media, amplifying her feelings of inadequacy.
“Because I had this tomboy whisper and I cherished my football, people thought I became once a itsy-bitsy mouthy, a itsy-bitsy loud, fragment of that ladette culture.
“And, , I’m truly pretty composed, and I’m truly soft. That became once laborious for me for about a years. I came all over it truly confusing.”
Image copyright Getty Photos
Image caption The Spice Ladies in 1997: Mel C, Geri Horner, Victoria Beckham, Emma Bunton and Mel B
Her avenue to recovery started with remedy for scientific despair within the early 2000s. The advent of her daughter in 2009 moreover marked a turning point.
“Being a mum became once so liberating on legend of for the predominant time in my adult existence, it wasn’t all about me,” she says. “It made me now not handiest realise I had a large responsibility to her nonetheless I in point of fact have a large responsibility to myself. In being her trainer, I needed to treat myself better.”
However the care-free positivity of the brand new album can truly be attributed to re-connecting with the Spice Ladies last year. Though the band had reunited sooner than, in 2007, Chisholm wanted to be convinced to originate it. This time around, every thing felt varied.
“Being on stage with the girls made me truly feel so buoyant and so determined. We didn’t truly compile the total legacy and the impact till last year.
“And then doing Satisfaction one day of the arena, it became once this kind of joyous year of finding the self-acceptance I would always been shopping for.
“I spent a few years having so worthy feel sorry about relating to the non-public issues I had with despair and eating complications and I excellent thought, originate what? In space of being ashamed of that time and seeing it as a failure, I believe it be time yelp: ‘I became once there and I purchased myself by it and right here I am to say the account’.”
Image copyright Andrew Timms
Image caption The Spice World tour won rave evaluations, despite initial sound complications in Dublin and Cardiff
Chisholm’s new-came all over self assurance moreover rekindled her ambition. She says she’s been inspired to “scurry better” with this album, embracing the pop sensibility that she’d been “barely bit embarrassed” about in her 20s and 30s.
“Working with the girls last year reminded me of this total world,” she says. “We were so fortunate to have this global charm and I would get to tour all these locations all once more.”
She’s chosen her collaborators fastidiously, working predominantly with female artists on the frosty, credible fringes of British pop – the likes of Shura, Rae Morris and dirt large title Nadia Rose.
All of them are younger sufficient to were first-wave Spice Ladies fans, which precipitated about a awkward moments within the studio.
“There became once a host of, ‘Let me excellent compile my fangirling out of the ability after which we are in a position to compile all of the device down to alternate,'” the singer smiles, stressing that she can get “apprehensive the total time,” too.
Image copyright Getty Photos
Image caption In the studio with the Spice Ladies in 1998
Working with Rose became once a highlight. They crooked up after one of Chisholm’s DJ sets and got right here up with the concept for his or her duet, Daring, on a automobile drag.
“We started talking about being a girl within the song alternate, pursuing your dreams, and how petrifying so many things are, whether or now not it be turning as a lot as anyone’s condo you’ve got gotten under no conditions met to originate a writing session, or going out on stage in entrance of hundreds of people.
“And I said, ‘, you wish to be mettlesome,’ and we excellent felt savor that became once this kind of stupendous thing – to study out and empower [our fans] to originate, on legend of we would both came all around the ability to be mettlesome now and then.”
For her fragment, Rose can’t pretty think relating to the song exists.
“As an enormous Spice Ladies fan, savor a enormous Spice Ladies fan, that is now not going to ever in point of fact register as accurate to me,” she says, “as worthy as it has happened, and it is accurate.”
“However it became once an wonderful experience and he or she is so frosty.”
But every other Spice Ladies tour?
Free up plans for the album were thrown off-route by the lockdown – nonetheless Chisholm presented the document’s completion last week with the originate of In And Out Of Devour, a lightwave beam of pure disco.
The video became once shot in a abandoned Alexandra Palace three weeks within the past, with the huge title sharing a socially-distanced dancefloor with likely the most crew from the Spice Ladies tour.
It became once a reduction, she says, to be doing something out of doorways the condo.
“I loathe movies in most cases. They’re so bloody wearisome and exhausting. However this one became once pretty magical, I believe maybe on legend of it wasn’t in my living room on Zoom.”
Attentive listeners will hear nods to Rozalla’s 90s dance traditional Each person’s Free (To Feel Factual) apart from as Dua Lipa’s retro-pop anthem Invent now not Originate Now – nonetheless Chisholm knows it can even be laborious to compete within the brand new pop landscape.
“Obviously, I’m making a pop-dance document and I’m a dilapidated artist, so I even need to settle for that some radio stations are now not going to be having fun with me anymore. That’s something to beat.
“However I favor people to experience this album, I favor people to bounce to it, I favor people to be empowered by it. And when coronavirus has in the end completed one, I are looking out out for to compile obtainable and compose it are living.”
Image copyright Conor Clinch
Image caption The singer has a tour planned for 2021, lockdown measures allowing
She’s moreover starting up to 1 more Spice Ladies tour, announcing the band are “talking about it always”, although fans need to not encourage their breath.
“Belief me, it be a miracle we ever originate anything, on legend of we’re now not seemingly,” she says, “nonetheless when we originate, it be savor the stars align and magic happens”.
There are ethical reasons to position the band abet together, too. No longer least on legend of Five became Four for last year’s reveals.
“No longer having Victoria on stage last year, , it became once bittersweet,” she says. “The reveals were extraordinary nonetheless there became once someone lacking.”
Apart from, the band realised too stupid they ought to composed have filmed the 2019 tour for posterity.
“We shied a long way off from having a DVD, on legend of people got right here from one day of the arena and they also saved and they also spent all this money to study us, so there’s fragment of you that wants it to be a varied experience, this magical moment in time.
“However so many folk were upset about it – and we are too, in point of fact, on legend of it can even be shapely excellent to survey abet and experience it one day of all once more.
“So with any luck, if we compile our act together, we’ll compose all over all once more to compile up there and compile it recorded effectively.”
Melanie C’s self-titled album is out on 2 October.
Comply with us on Fb, or on Twitter @BBCNewsEnts. Even as you have a legend recommendation e-mail [email protected].
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plxyboi-blog · 5 years
Beyoncé Promotes 22 Day Diet, Some People Are Not Happy
New Post has been published on https://healthy4lives.com/beyonce-promotes-22-day-diet-some-people-are-not-happy/
Beyoncé Promotes 22 Day Diet, Some People Are Not Happy
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Singer Beyonc&eacute poses for photographers on arrival at the ‘Lion King’ European premiere in central London, Sunday, July fourteen, 2019. (Photograph by Joel C Ryan/Invision/AP)
What’s &quotevery woman’s nightmare&quot? Not a shark on fireplace with a chainsaw using an e-scooter shooting laser beams? Effectively, in accordance to singer, songwriter, product, dancer, and actress Beyonc&eacute, it has one thing to do with having on a toilet scale someday just after offering start to twins and then stating, &quotthis is my bodyweight, a hundred seventy five. Long way to go.” This occurred near the commencing of the adhering to YouTube video in which she promotes the &quot22 Times Nourishment&quot eating plan:
The video then claims, &quotBeyonc&eacute followed the 22 day method&nbspfor 44 days to meet her ambitions for Coachella.&quot Up coming, a voice, which is seemingly that of her trainer and developer of the &quot22 Times Nourishment Diet plan,&quot Marco Borges, chimes in, &quotwe’re heading to go one hundred% plant based from now by Coachella.&quot&nbspAfter this, Beyonc&eacute claims, &quotI am again on phase just after offering start to twins. I was a girl who felt like my physique was not mine.&quot She did not say whose physique it was.&nbsp
The video delivers really couple aspects about what precisely the eating plan is. It includes plenty of buzzwords like having &quotrid of more than-processed foods&quot, &quotmaking healthy selections,&quot and &quotplant-based,&quot&nbspthat really say really minimal. &quotPlant-based&quot could signify a huge assortment of possibilities. For example, eating practically nothing but deep fried cannabis would be technically a &quotplant-based eating plan.&quot So would grazing on your neighbor’s lawn.
The video flashes pictures of veggies and&nbspBeyonc&eacute&nbspworking out but none long ample to figure out specifically what she was doing top up to Coachella. The conclude of the video reveals&nbspBeyonc&eacute accomplishing at the concert, but does not assurance the similar effects (i.e., accomplishing at Coachella) if you do the eating plan.&nbsp&nbsp
Accompanying the video is a blurb that claims, &quotLately, they launched the 22 Times Nourishment Meal Planner which delivers users accessibility to tools and foods that empower anyone to turn into their healthiest self by good nutrition. Marco has teamed up with Beyonc&eacute to present the Hive particular accessibility to the 22 Times Meal Planner.&quot If you are questioning who &quotthey&quot are, it is Queen Bey and Borges, which alternatively than Air BnB&nbspwould be Queen BnB.
Even even though Queen Bey definitely has several lovers, the video did not elicit all beneficial reactions on social media. For example:
Y’all know I appreciate Beyonce. Maybe a minimal as well much.
But, I am let down to listen to her contacting her bodyweight article-twins each individual &quotwoman’s nightmare&quot, and selling a Really restrictive eating plan.
Maybe use your star electricity to market physique positivity and natural beauty at any physique dimensions. #IMHO
— Joelle Tomlinson (@CTVJoelle) July 25, 2019
Then there was @AliciaMcElhaney, who tweeted: &quoti am commonly a beyonce stan but make sure you for the appreciate of god do not give this rich woman your funds for a (bleep)&nbsp22 day extreme eating plan. She has nutritionists, trainers, plastic surgeons &amp a personalized chef to make her search the way she does. No eating plan will do that for you.&quot
And @mchambers__ offered this together with quite a few underscores just after in her Twitter cope with: &quotI’m actually shocked that Beyonc&eacute is selling this. She is the epitome of women of all ages empowerment and is so much far better than this. This just sets an unrealistic intention for the each individual day girl #22DaysNutrition&quot
Not the most beneficial halo.
In a piece for Vice, Anne Gaviola pointed out that in Homecoming, the documentary of her Coachella general performance, Beyonc&eacute sighed, “I’m hungry,” and also claimed, &quotI definitely pushed myself additional than I understood I could, and I figured out a really worthwhile lesson: I will by no means, ever drive myself that much all over again.&quot
Without the aspects on what specifically&nbspBeyonc&eacute did to prepare for Coachella, it is tough to evaluate what eating plan she could have employed. Even so, &quot&nbsppushed myself additional than I understood I could,&quot seems a bit like&nbspa crash eating plan.
This As/Is video reveals 4 individuals attempting what supposedly was&nbspBeyonc&eacute’s Coachella Homecoming eating plan for a week:
Not specifically the most resounding endorsements.
Beware of crash meal plans or massive variations in meal plans, in standard. They could support you drop bodyweight in the limited operate but not always in the&nbspright destinations. You could be shedding much more muscle mass than extra fat. Crash meal plans, dependent&nbspon what they consist of, can leave you limited of unique nutrients. Also, your metabolic process could gradual down, mainly because speedy variations in eating plan could tell you that there is danger and a standard deficiency of foodstuff. Your physique could then gradual its metabolic process to conserve energy. This can direct to bodyweight regain or even bodyweight acquire further than in which you have been just before you commenced the crash eating plan.&nbsp
The most effective way to accomplish and preserve a healthy bodyweight is to make gradual, progressive, maintainable variations in your eating plan, actual physical action, and other habits like slumber. Success in just about something&nbspdoes not appear overnight but rather will take time and constant exertion. Of training course, some &quotplant-based&quot could work perfectly in some predicaments, but not all &quotplant-based&quot meal plans are the similar. And &quotplant-based&quot meal plans could not be for anyone.
The &quot22 Day&quot label emerged from the declare that it will take 21 days to improve a habit. This is entire baloney (which incidentally is not plant-based.) There is no magic established duration of time that it will take anyone to split any habit. It is really not as if offering up at 20 days will be unique from offering up at 22 days. Depending on the habit, it can take some just a day to quit and other individuals weeks, months, and even several years. Your ability to split a habit relies upon on the habit, the period of the habit,&nbspyour individuality, and the situation around you. For example, I managed to cease seeing and dancing to&nbspNSYNC videos as soon as somebody walked into the room.&nbsp Of training course, if you have plenty of guidance, like a staff of trainers or chefs around you, breaking a habit could be a ton&nbspeasier.
In addition, a woman’s or a man’s &quotworst nightmare&quot should not be having on a scale and viewing a sure result. There are a ton even worse items&nbspsuch as discovering that a cat is piloting your airplane or getting a key wellness issue. Our culture is currently much as well look-oriented in a subjective way. Videos, tv, and other forms of entertainment drive a sure physique style, skin colour, and set of features. That’s why you do not are inclined to see Asian American males as passionate comedy qualified prospects or&nbspNative American women of all ages as motion stars in Hollywood flicks. Selected physique dimensions are pushed or not pushed as perfectly.
As well as,&nbspBeyonc&eacute&nbspgave start to twins on June 13, 2017, for Bey’s sake. The physique variations during being pregnant for a reason, to guidance being pregnant, and are not able to just improve again rapidly like a Barbie doll. If you have received bodyweight during being pregnant, do not be in these types of a hurry to drop the bodyweight. You usually are not Beyonc&eacute. You do not know what she is doing at the rear of the scenes or what she could have that you do not have. As well as, you possibly won’t be accomplishing at Coachella, except if, of training course, you will be or are Queen Bey.&nbsp&nbsp
Singer Beyoncé poses for photographers on arrival at the ‘Lion King’ European premiere in central London, Sunday, July fourteen, 2019. (Photograph by Joel C Ryan/Invision/AP)
What’s “each individual woman’s nightmare”? Not a shark on fireplace with a chainsaw using an e-scooter shooting laser beams? Effectively, in accordance to singer, songwriter, product, dancer, and actress Beyoncé, it has one thing to do with having on a toilet scale someday just after offering start to twins and then stating, “this is my bodyweight, a hundred seventy five. Long way to go.” This occurred near the commencing of the adhering to YouTube video in which she promotes the “22 Times Nourishment” eating plan:
The video then claims, “Beyoncé followed the 22 day program for 44 days to meet her ambitions for Coachella.” Up coming, a voice, which is seemingly that of her trainer and developer of the “22 Times Nourishment Diet plan,” Marco Borges, chimes in, “we’re heading to go one hundred% plant based from now by Coachella.” After this, Beyoncé claims, “I am again on phase just after offering start to twins. I was a girl who felt like my physique was not mine.” She did not say whose physique it was. 
The video delivers really couple aspects about what precisely the eating plan is. It includes plenty of buzzwords like having “rid of more than-processed foods”, “earning healthy selections,” and “plant-based,” that really say really minimal. “Plant-based” could signify a huge assortment of possibilities. For example, eating practically nothing but deep fried cannabis would be technically a “plant-based eating plan.” So would grazing on your neighbor’s lawn.
The video flashes pictures of veggies and Beyoncé working out but none long ample to figure out specifically what she was doing top up to Coachella. The conclude of the video shows Beyoncé accomplishing at the concert, but does not assurance the similar effects (i.e., accomplishing at Coachella) if you do the eating plan.  
Accompanying the video is a blurb that claims, “Lately, they launched the 22 Times Nourishment Meal Planner which delivers users accessibility to tools and foods that empower anyone to turn into their healthiest self by good nutrition. Marco has teamed up with Beyoncé to present the Hive particular accessibility to the 22 Times Meal Planner.” If you are questioning who “they” are, it is Queen Bey and Borges, which alternatively than Air BnB would be Queen BnB.
Even even though Queen Bey definitely has several lovers, the video did not elicit all beneficial reactions on social media. For example:
Y’all know I appreciate Beyonce. Maybe a minimal as well much.
But, I am let down to listen to her contacting her bodyweight article-twins each individual “woman’s nightmare”, and selling a Really restrictive eating plan.
Maybe use your star electricity to market physique positivity and natural beauty at any physique dimensions. #IMHO
— Joelle Tomlinson (@CTVJoelle) July 25, 2019
Then there was @AliciaMcElhaney, who tweeted: “i am commonly a beyonce stan but make sure you for the appreciate of god do not give this rich woman your funds for a (bleep) 22 day extreme eating plan. She has nutritionists, trainers, plastic surgeons & a personalized chef to make her search the way she does. No eating plan will do that for you.”
And @mchambers__ offered this together with quite a few underscores just after in her Twitter cope with: “I’m actually shocked that Beyoncé is selling this. She is the epitome of women of all ages empowerment and is so much far better than this. This just sets an unrealistic intention for the each individual day girl #22DaysNutrition”
Not the most beneficial halo.
In a piece for Vice, Anne Gaviola pointed out that in Homecoming, the documentary of her Coachella general performance, Beyoncé sighed, “I’m hungry,” and also claimed, “I definitely pushed myself additional than I understood I could, and I figured out a really worthwhile lesson: I will by no means, ever drive myself that much all over again.”
Without the aspects on what exactly Beyoncé did to prepare for Coachella, it is tough to evaluate what eating plan she could have employed. Even so, ” pushed myself additional than I understood I could,” seems a bit like a crash eating plan.
This As/Is video reveals 4 individuals attempting what supposedly was Beyoncé’s Coachella Homecoming eating plan for a week:
Not specifically the most resounding endorsements.
Beware of crash meal plans or massive variations in meal plans, in standard. They could support you drop bodyweight in the limited operate but not always in the right destinations. You could be shedding much more muscle mass than extra fat. Crash meal plans, depending on what they consist of, can leave you limited of unique nutrients. Also, your metabolic process could gradual down, mainly because speedy variations in eating plan could tell you that there is danger and a standard deficiency of foodstuff. Your physique could then gradual its metabolic process to conserve energy. This can direct to bodyweight regain or even bodyweight acquire further than in which you have been just before you commenced the crash eating plan. 
The most effective way to accomplish and preserve a healthy bodyweight is to make gradual, progressive, maintainable variations in your eating plan, actual physical action, and other habits like slumber. Success in just about anything does not appear overnight but rather will take time and constant exertion. Of training course, some “plant-based” could work perfectly in some predicaments, but not all “plant-based” meal plans are the similar. And “plant-based” meal plans could not be for anyone.
The “22 Day” label emerged from the declare that it will take 21 days to improve a habit. This is entire baloney (which incidentally is not plant-based.) There is no magic established duration of time that it will take anyone to split any habit. It is really not as if offering up at 20 days will be unique from offering up at 22 days. Depending on the habit, it can take some just a day to quit and other individuals weeks, months, and even several years. Your ability to split a habit relies upon on the habit, the period of the habit, your individuality, and the situation around you. For example, I managed to cease seeing and dancing to NSYNC videos as soon as somebody walked into the room.  Of training course, if you have plenty of guidance, like a staff of trainers or chefs around you, breaking a habit could be a lot easier.
In addition, a woman’s or a man’s “worst nightmare” should not be having on a scale and viewing a sure result. There are a ton even worse things such as discovering that a cat is piloting your airplane or getting a key wellness issue. Our culture is currently much as well look-oriented in a subjective way. Videos, tv, and other forms of entertainment drive a sure physique style, skin colour, and set of features. That’s why you do not are inclined to see Asian American males as passionate comedy qualified prospects or Native American women of all ages as motion stars in Hollywood flicks. Selected physique dimensions are pushed or not pushed as perfectly.
As well as, Beyoncé gave start to twins on June 13, 2017, for Bey’s sake. The physique variations during being pregnant for a reason, to guidance being pregnant, and are not able to just improve again rapidly like a Barbie doll. If you have received bodyweight during being pregnant, do not be in these types of a hurry to drop the bodyweight. You usually are not Beyoncé. You do not know what she is doing at the rear of the scenes or what she could have that you do not have. As well as, you possibly won’t be accomplishing at Coachella, except if, of training course, you will be or are Queen Bey.  
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susielindau · 8 years
Have you ever taken a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation class? I took one for a babysitting badge when I was in Girl Scouts. I remember the plastic dummy and going through the routine while hoping to God I’d never have to use it. Flash forward a few decades.
On March 9th, I flew back to Wisconsin for my mom’s eighty-seventh birthday. My brother, Joe McCartan, ordered a cake and I picked up flowers. Mom was so surprised! Over dinner that night, she told us she planned to live a long time. For her one-hundredth birthday, she wants a stylist to dye a blue streak in her hair. I love her attitude.
My brother is the king of joking around. I couldn’t get a picture of him when he wasn’t mugging for the camera.  When I left Colorado it was seventy degrees. Check out the temperature on my brother’s iPad.
Two days later, Joe drove to the butcher to buy steaks to grill and went to a chiropractic appointment. In February, he slid on black ice and crashed his car into a telephone pole. It exacerbated an already sore back.
Later, the three of us watched the UW Badgers cream Northwestern by thirty points. Being a yawnfest, Joe texted on his phone. He’s a highly sought after, free-lance, on-location sound technician for major networks, television, movies and corporations. Very excited, he read the thread out loud. It regarded a commercial he had been hired to record. The company wanted to shoot tight shots of musicians playing the oboe, violin and cello. He had texted the high school music teacher, who had all kinds of ideas.
“The kids will love being in a commercial.” Joe was stoked.
“Sounds like you contacted the right person,” I said and yawned. “I think I’ll take a quick nap.” I walked upstairs to my room.
When I returned downstairs, Mom played Words with Friends in the kitchen while the steaks thawed in a pan. I had planned to walk the dog, but Joe had already left with Charlie. I opened my laptop and wrote my last post about daylight savings time. After dinner I thought it would be fun to play a game and take some group selfies.
Always pretty high energy, Joe burst through the door led by their Collie.
“I just missed you,” I said, looking up from my computer.
“Yep,” was all he said. Then he ran up the back stairs to his apartment behind my mom’s Victorian. I heard his footsteps overhead and then settled in to proof my stupid post.
He moved in a year before my dad passed away and has been taking care of Mom. He’s been a godsend, taking her to appointments, shopping and the little things, like setting the table for meals. He brings her tea and puts her eyedrops in before bed. My mom is super sharp, but has glaucoma and hasn’t been able to drive for years.
When Joe didn’t come downstairs, Mom said, “What’s taking him so long? We need to get the steaks on the grill.”
I shrugged and more time passed.
“Go check on Joe,” she said. “I don’t want to eat at 8:00.”
“Give him a few more minutes,” I said, knowing he liked his privacy.
A few more minutes passed and I ran upstairs.
I opened his door and peeked inside. “Hey, Joe!” I shouted. You have to walk through a kitchen to get to the large open, living and dining space.
“Joe! Time to make dinner,” I shouted through the doorway.
No response.
I stepped inside and saw him chilling in front of the computer. His arms relaxed on the armrests, his head was cocked backward and his mouth hung open.
“No wonder you didn’t hear me. You’re sound asleep.”
Still no response.
Something was wrong. “Joe! JOE!” I raced up to him and patted his pale cheeks.
No response.
“Oh, my God!” I felt for a pulse in his neck, but couldn’t find one. His lips were white. He wasn’t breathing. I screamed to my mom. She called 911, hysterical when the operator didn’t understand what was going on. I used my fingertips on his wrist and heard quick taps racing across the surface. Were they mine? 
Just like I’d been taught all those years ago, I started mouth-to-mouth and alternated with the CPR technique I’d learned on the Internet. One, two, three, four, staying alive, staying alive… I’m sure only minutes passed, but it seemed like an hour before the first responders arrived. They tried everything, but couldn’t get a pulse. Hope slipped away.
The paramedics came and hooked up a CPR machine and breathing tube. I went downstairs to check on my mom. Her friends, Kathy and Roger Roth, consoled her on the couch. Time passed. I ran back upstairs. “Did you get a pulse?”
“No, nothing,” one of the paramedics replied. I felt so guilty. I didn’t do it right. I could have saved him, but I failed! I couldn’t stop sobbing.
After answering tons of questions about his health, I went back downstairs. By that time, the funeral director, Bill Hurtley, and the priest from across the street, Fr. Dooley, had arrived. I got to know and love both of them when they took care of my dad’s funeral. Bill brought my mom back from her catatonic state with his dry humor.
Anxiety filled my empty stomach with broken glass. I turned to Bill for support. “I wrote a stupid blog post and didn’t come upstairs in time. I screwed up. I could’ve saved him.” Tears streamed down my cheeks.
He looked me in the eyes and said, “You found him relaxed in his chair, right?”
I nodded.
“There was nothing you could do. He threw a clot,” Bill said.
“A blood clot. Believe me, I see a lot of dead people,” he said. “It’s what I do. Heart attacks are pretty uncomfortable. The victim has time to react, so we usually find them on the floor. Throwing a blood clot is painless. It happens to runners all the time. They go for a run and as soon as they sit in a chair, they die.”
“Why am I here if I couldn’t save him?” I asked.
“For your mother,” he said. “If she would have discovered him, it would’ve been a shock she would never have recovered from.” He took a moment and added, “Don’t blame yourself. Even if someone throws a clot in the hospital, no one can save them.”
An autopsy would have cost five to six thousand dollars. Bill insisted it would be a waste of money. Pulmonary embolism. It’s what people get from sitting too long on planes. Who knows where Joe got his clot. Surgery two years ago? The accident? Bumping into something and not telling anyone about it? We’ll never know. He wasn’t on blood thinners. I’m taking a baby aspirin now.
Alive and vibrant one minute and then gone the next. I couldn’t wrap my mind around it.
My little brother, who towered more than a foot over me, who did lotus position yoga with me when he was little for giggles, who I took to all kinds of concerts and events when I was in high school and college since I feared our almost ten year age difference would cause us to drift apart. My little brother who I loved dearly is dead at forty-nine years old. I was only a few steps away. How can that be?
He was a saxophone player in a band and was a local celebrity. He worked with people all across the United States. His Facebook and funeral home page are filled with heartfelt shock and condolences. We planned his funeral for March 25th at St. Paul’s Church across the street from their home in Evansville.
Being the writer in the family, I had to write his obituary. It was tough enough when I wrote my dad’s and felt tremendous pressure to do Joe’s life justice. His friend and co-worker, videographer Eric Janisch helped fill in the work details. You can read Joe’s obit here.
Two things I discovered on my own might help others.
I couldn’t get the image of him sitting in the chair out of my head. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw him. I must not have blinked the whole time I ran toward him. I stayed up all night. It was the same the next day as neighbors and relatives arrived. My husband, Danny, flew out that afternoon. As I drove toward the Dane County Airport I noticed some perfectly formed trees silhouetted in the snow. I picked one and stared at it as I drove toward it. I closed my eyes and saw the tree. It totally worked. That horrific last image of Joe disappeared, at least from my retinas.
Exhausted, I didn’t dare take a nap. Experiencing the shock all over again upon waking is the worst. In the past it has taken weeks for my brain to wrap itself around death. I wondered if saying it out loud to myself would speed up the process. I gave it a try. “Joe is dead. He died and you couldn’t save him. He’s not coming back.” I repeated it again before I picked up Danny and then twice before falling asleep. It worked.
Danny and I have lost half our families in two years; his bother and mom, my dad, then his mom’s boyfriend of fifteen years and now, my brother. It’s devastating to lose the people we love.
What about that quick tapping in Joe’s wrist? I hadn’t told anyone. Even though others shared the cause of death idea, I still wondered if it was instant as the funeral director and doctor claimed.
Days later, I remembered. “Make sure to lay your fingers across the wrist or you’ll feel your own pulse,” the instructor had told the Girl Scouts. I held my husband, Danny’s wrist in a different way. A strong slow pulse throbbed beneath his bones. No quick tapping on the surface. It had been mine I felt, not Joe’s.
There was nothing I could do. He had already passed.
How am I? Better. I’m grateful for the time we had together. Looking back, the timing of my visit seems serendipitous. I’ll embrace my grief and will remember him always.
Spring is emerging after a long winter dormancy. I see everything more intensely now and understand life’s fragility. Everyone will die. Life is impermanent. The trick is to live each day with appreciation and wonder.
In memory of my brother, I will start a nightly journal. I’ll list three positive things that happened during the day. He would’ve liked that.
What about my mom?
Many of her friends have offered to help. At this point, she won’t consider moving to Colorado with my brother and dad inurned in Madison. We’ll do whatever it takes to celebrate her one-hundredth birthday. I want to see her rock that blue streak.
I Celebrated a Birthday, But Failed to Save a Life. Have you ever taken a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation class? I took one for a babysitting badge when I was in Girl Scouts.
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