#Aman Debt Collection
lurking-gyomei-fan · 2 months
Yakuza!Hashira AU Thoughts
This has been floating in my head for a very long time and I finally compiled my thoughts on what role would each Hashira play if they were in a yakuza group. ...I also didn't research too heavily into the actual structure of the yakuza so please don't come at me for that lol Feel free to use these ideas also, but I'd love to read or see what you do with them.
Beware of long post- don't say I didn't warn you.
These ideas play more into the chivalry aspect of Yakuza. The government has too much red tape and is unable to enforce any meaningful rules or changes in the community.  They also cannot be mobilized as fast as the yakuza, who often take matters into their own hands to provide immediate results.  The government/police view the other yakuza and the underworld as a necessary evil and impossible to truly eradicate, and would much rather deal with the Ubuyashiki's group because they are much more reasonable...but every once in a while they need to be reminded why the Ubuyashiki Group has lasted for centuries.
The Ubuyashiki group is an old, powerful group in the Underworld, but not the oldest- that would belong to the 12 Kizuki group that is run by Muzan Kibutsuji.  The Ubuyashiki group was a sub sect of the Kizuki group a century ago, but in a violent and bloody revolt, they separated and ruled over a different area instead.  They have clashed multiple times throughout history, but time and modern technology has mellowed out their conflict into a small but intense rivalry. 
Ubuyashiki clan: 
Kagaya Ubuyashiki: The sickly but charismatic head of the clan, assisted by his wife Amane who steps in during days when he is too sick.  (Please note that Kagaya is older for the sake of this AU.)
Usually women are not held in high regard amongst yakuza, but in the Ubuyashiki clan, women are treated as equal.  Amane is a true partner and extension of Kagaya’s will. Between Kagaya’s incredible foresight and direction, and Amane’s poise and organization, they have built the Ubuyashiki clan to its strongest point in its entire history.   Other Yakuza clans have tried to slow the explosive growth of their clan by dismissing Amane during meetings when she is present, but she is fiercely defended by all of the Hashira. 
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Gyomei-  Second in command; Punishment / Rule enforcer.   He is the external representative when it's too dangerous for Lady Amane to fill in for Kagaya.   When Kagaya is present, he acts as the main bodyguard. He is the most trusted confidant for both Amane and Kagaya, and will occasionally watch their kids so they can have a date within the compound. 
Gyomei had grown up in an orphanage where food was regularly witheld as a form as punishment, and funds were embezzled to fund the principal's lavish lifestyle. Gyomei relied heavily on religion to give hope to the other children and stay strong in the cruel environment they lived in. Gyomei would often go hungry to give food to the smaller kids, and used his tall build to physically shield them when the adults would vent out their frustrations on them. It was during such a night when one of the "caretakers" was in a violent, drunken spree and Gyomei was forced into a life or death situation. In that moment, he chose to save the children and himself-and beat the attacker to death with his bare hands.
Ubuyashiki's group happened to arrive that evening, intending to collect the gambling debts of the principal and other staff, even ready to charge a higher rate after discovering the origin of the funds and the extent of the abuse- but walked into a homicide scene instead. Kagaya sensed the physical and emotional strength within Gyomei, who had resolved himself to be turned in to the police for his crime, and convinced Gyomei to join his group in exchange for taking over the management of the orphanage and covering up the death of the caretaker.
10 years later, he is akin to a judge with the highest level of authority within the Group (other than Kagaya and Amane) to decide how punishment is to be rendered or how a high level conflict is to be resolved, especially for internal matters or people within their own organization. Despite his intimidating presence and powerful frame, he is patient and fair. He is diligently follows the laws that Kagaya put in place, and continues to be pious despite the sometimes gruesome nature of his job. He has a large, intricate tattoo of a serene Buddha on his back.
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Sanemi- main external punishment enforcer.  In charge of handling external conflicts with rival groups, or hunting down people with outstanding debts to the group. Leads the most violent group and is well known on the streets and instantly recognizable from all the scars he has gained from the many fights he had been involved in through the years. Sanemi also has connections with the police department via Genya, who works for the police department with his friends, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. 
Sanemi was desperate to keep his family afloat after the death of his abusive father and taking care of his mother, who had become mentally unwell. Sanemi had found himself in a similar situation to Gyomei- forced to save his family one night, wrestling with his mother to prevent her from hurting her own children during an unusual fit of violent mania. It had happened so quickly that no one could tell what happened. She might have tripped over the futon; or perhaps she lost her footing on the tatami mat or on the slick pool of blood that had dripped from Genya's facial wound- but regardless of how, she ended up falling out of their 4 story apartment window and slipping into a coma after crashing onto the roof of a parked car.
With the medical debts rising and already saddled with the debts from his deceased father, Sanemi turned to the Yakuza to get cash quick and take care of the immediate needs of their family, and eventually he would discretely pay for his mother's hospital bills under the guise of a charity organization. Knowing that any association with the yakuza could harm the wellbeing and social standing of his siblings, Sanemi intentionally lashed out at them so they would leave and find new lives elsewhere. Only Genya stayed, worried about his brother and knowing that he shouldered their entire family burden. Sanemi continued to harshly push away Genya to keep him away from the Underworld, and nearly had an aneurysm when he saw Genya roaming around with a rival yakuza group- only to find out (courtesy of being tackled by Tanjiro lol) that Genya was working deep undercover for the police. Deep down, Sanemi is proud of his brother for finding his own way and having a legitimate job. Despite his angry bluster, Sanemi would take extra pains to secretly ensure Genya’s safety as he continues his undercover missions. (The rest of the Hashira know. They just don't say anything because they're tired of hearing him scream his denial.)
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Tengen- head of information gathering.   He compiles reports to give to Kagaya/Amane.  His 3 wives are in charge of multiple avenues of information: one to keep track of internal investigations (alleged wrong doing, checking for spies, etc), 2 others for tailing people/undercover work, and processing all the data by working with Muichiro’s team. Tengen himself will go out on investigation missions if needed.   He also owns multiple high class escort clubs and bars, perfect grounds for finding the latest juicy gossip. He also runs several flashy entertainment companies ranging from legit show business to shell companies.
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Muichiro- head of digital/cyber security and hacking.  A prodigy with an incredible ability to process information and create programs that can sift through an ungodly amount of data.  The team under Muichiro handles offensive cyber attacks and regular upkeep on their digital security.  Muichiro finds it fun to hack into some rival companies owned by the Kizuki Group and lock some of their accounts.  They know it's him because it forces them to play a near impossible password game...and it helps that there is a chibi icon of him with an akanbe expression.  Muichiro has caused them great financial pain because they have to keep buying more resources to get around his cyber attacks.
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Obanai- Main arms dealer/broker.   Obanai uses his familial connection with the underworld to provide a steady supply of weapons and defensive supplies, and handles the logistics of securing the supply chain along with his partner and lover, Mitsuri. 
His family had been a sub group of the Ubuyashiki clan, choosing to follow the Ubuyashiki Group during the split with the Kizuki Group. They made many connections through the years, and would ruthlessly exploit anyone and everyone- including their own children. His family had become overly greedy and arrogant, believing their vast connections would help them succeed in overthrowing the previous head of the Ubuyashiki group, but they were discovered before the coup could be completed. They had tried to set up Obanai, their own child, as the instigator- but Kagaya, the young master who had taken charge of the incident on behalf of his father knew the truth: the person who had reported the family's misdeeds was Obanai himself, after catching wind of their plan to sacrifice him if their coup failed.
Obanai struggled for a while with the guilt of destroying his own family with his admission, but knew that it was the best action. Witnessing Mitsuri's positive outlook and her love of life allowed him to be at peace with his decision, easing the guilt of removing himself from a toxic family situation and finding joy in the small, quiet victories in daily living. He often wears a face mask because of a facial scar given by his family, a last form of physical torture before they were dispatched for good by Gyomei under Kagaya's orders. He also wears the face mask because mitsuri gave it to him and it was better than the wide strips of cloth he was using before.
Obanai dotes on his pet white snake, Kabamaru, who is often seen draped about his shoulders. There was a time when Gyomei was very upset because Kabamaru had gotten out of his room one evening and got dangerously close to some stray kittens that Gyomei was not so secretly fond of.
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Mitsuri- head of supply and distributing; also manages legitimate cover front.   Her team works with Obanai to provide other basic supplies for the group and arranges transportation and  deliveries by using her food business to camouflage the underground trade. Was almost scouted to be a j-pop music idol but she liked food too much. 
It was for the better, because the company that tried to scout her was actually a front for adult films. They would pretend to hire young and beautiful girls with the promise of helping them debut as an idol girl group, only to exploit and traffic them. The management company that tried to scout Mitsuri tried to pressure her to sign with them by harassing her parent's small convenience store. Tengen, who has huge sway in the entertainment industry did not appreciate a small group having the audacity to try to do business in his territory, without even the courtesy of introducing themselves. Tengen and his wives ruthlessly exposed them after a week of research and inadvertently saved Mitsuri's parents.
Inspired by how cool Tengen and his wives were when they swooped in to save the day, Mitsuri decided she wanted to help prevent girls from falling for the same scheme that nearly ruined her. Her family also gave their thanks and decided to back the Ubuyashiki group, considering they saved their beloved daughter and responded faster than the police, who had dismissed them outright. Because of the nature of her role with the Group, she found herself working together with Obanai often. After months of courting, they officially became a couple.
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Kyojuro- legitimate cover front; assists with finding other assets like promising business ventures, real estate, etc.  Has a great relation with the police force and within the community and city.   His business is sometimes used to help launder money, but he is far more useful being on the right side of the law. That isn't to say that Kyo isn't willing to get his hands dirty if it means the safety of the group and civilians- he is very competent and efficient in making rival groups disappear.
Kyo has an incredible buisness sense; he is able to quickly assess and rapidly consider the pros and cons of a situation, the boldness to confidently make a decision in the heat of the moment and with expert timing, and the foresight to create the opportunities to help himself or his clients shine.  Kyo is passionate about the community he serves, and wholeheartedly believes that building others up is how entire comunities grow exponentially. His companies often fund charities and law firms dedicated to helping low income victims find legal justice. He is regularly invited to speak at schools or colleges and other community functions to inspire others. Kyo is proud of his family's long history of working with the Ubuyashiki family to keep the balance between regular society and the underworld.   
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Giyuu- Bookkeeper, Head of Finance.  He is in charge of keeping track of the money flow in and out of the group.  He is detail oriented and hard working. He has a hard time communicating his thoughts so he'd rather not speak much, but he doesn't mind other people's company.  Not easily swayed and hard to bribe, he takes his job seriously and efficiently. He is, however, weak towards acts of kindness or favors done for him, and will generously return those ten fold. Most department heads dislike him purely because they must constantly make their case on why they need more budget, and Giyuu makes them submit the proper paperwork and will review it meticulously, even sending the paperwork back if its incomplete and staring placidly back at the person who inevitably comes into his office yelling expletives at him for it.  The quarterly arguments with Sanemi regarding higher budgets for external raids are explosive, and Gyomei regularly needs to step in to settle Sanemi down.  
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Kanae- Head of medical division.  Can also harvest organs with a smile :)  Is well connected and obtains medical supplies through their cover front organization called 'The Butterfly Mansion’, where they assist children in need for complicated medical cases.  Together with Shinobu, they’ve been able to make great medical advancements for childhood cures.   
Shinobu- drug maker/identifyer, responsible for identifying tampered or dangerous drugs. She is the head of the research and pharmaceutical division of The Butterfly Mansion. While the Ubuyashiki group does not prevent its sub groups from distributing drugs, there are rules that are heavily enforced: no distribution of tampered or mixed drugs, no selling to minors, and adults are responsible for their own debts.  If they can't pay, they go after any asset owned by the debtor.  If all they have left is the family, they can “negotiate” (still forcing, let's be real) with the family to work and payback the initial amount with a fixed interest and a payback time that depends on how badly the debtor fucked up.  Payback means working for the group as a servant/mule/supplier, or whatever capacity they feel they can assist with.  The Ubuyashiki group aren't the type to cut off fingers, (what good is a severed finger to them?), but they will beat your ass to teach a lesson.  Aoi and girls also work as internal supply distributors, and they assist with daily upkeep at the Butterfly Mansion.
Shinobu and Kanae were children of a wealthy doctor who was well respected in the medical community. Dr. Kocho believed in the oath he took as a doctor and did not turn away anyone in need of medical care. He was a secret friend to the previous head of the Ubuyashiki head, who had approached him to help his deathly sick son, Kagaya. While Dr. Kocho was unable to fully cure Kagaya and he would remain sickly for the rest of his life, he was at least out of danger of imminent death. Kagaya's father was moved by Dr. Kocho's dedication to his son despite being of a yakuza family, and they became life long friends. He even visited and celebrated with Dr. Kocho's family after Kanae and Shinobu were born. Kagaya's father avenged his friend by mercilessly destroying the group that had ambushed Dr. Kocho and kidnapped his daughters, and mobilizing his entire group to track down and secure the little girls. Gyomei was part of the group that infiltrated the enemy group and personally carried young Shinobu on his back and lead Kanae by the hand amidst an intense firefight, protecting them the entire way to the extraction point. From that point on, the two have been under the direct protection of the head of the Ubuyashiki Group.
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Those are all my thoughts for now-feel free to use these ideas if you want but I'd love to be tagged in your work to see how its utilized. any likes/reblogs are also appreciated. :)
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kenresearch1 · 1 year
UAE Debt Collection Market is Expected to Reach More Than AED 5Bn by 2027 Owing to Rise in digital collection techniques and Improvement in UAE legal system related to debt collection, bankruptcy and insolvency: Ken Research
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UAE Debt Collection Market Ecosystem
Tahseel, First Solution Management Service are the market leaders in UAE Debt Collection Market; the market is highly fragmented consisting of many players. The UAE Debt Collection Market is composed of many players which are operating across the borders and not just within the UAE.
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 Key Market Findings:
Digital collections are being extensively used which leverages analytics to make the process more
Collection agents are being trained to equip them with latest technology and to adept them to various consumer situations for providing more feasible solutions.
The industry is slowly becoming more customer-centric in its approach.
Interested to Know More about this Report, Request for a sample report
IT Policies and Proper Documentation: Companies are maintaining proper documentation and proof for all debt provided by them to corporates and individuals. This makes it much easier for debt collection agencies to recover the debt in case of a default both amicably and legally as well through payment order method. Collection companies which provide settlement plans to debtors have start taking post-dated cheques as a proof for future payment. Changing IT policies require companies to maintain complete confidentiality of client information due to threat of data breach. All this factors will provide more growth to collection industry.
Emphasis on NLP Techniques: Collection agencies are extensively using various speech analytics tools to record and analyse customer conversations. This enables to maintain security and gain insights into client expectations. In addition, the information gathered can further be used for training of employees adapting them to different situations while negotiating and hence, improving their performance which would act as a key growth driver for debt collection companies.
Favorable Changes in UAE Legal System: The new legal system at UAE makes it possible to recover debts via court in merely within 7 days if all the documents are readily available. The new Bankruptcy law also provides safety for debtors and changes the shape of debt collection industry. Ultimately, act as catalysts for the industry.
Analysts at Ken Research in their latest publication- “UAE Debt Collection Market Outlook to 2027- Characterized by fierce competition and high growth prospects” by Ken Research provides a comprehensive analysis of the potential of the debt collection market in UAE. Rise in digital collection techniques and increasing use of AI and ML for recovery predictions are expected to contribute to the market growth over the forecast period.
UAE debt collection market is expected to grow at a robust CAGR over the forecasted period 2022-2027.
Key Segments Covered
Segmentation by Segment
Segmentation by Type of Firm
Debt Collection Agency
Law Firm
Segmentation by Age of Firm:
0 to 10 yrs
10 to 20 yrs
20 to 30 yrs
Segmentation by Geographical Presence
Abu Dhabi
Umm Al-Quwain
Ras Al-Khaimah
Sub-segmentation of insurance segment & financing segment
Sub-segmentation of insurance segment:
Motor & Transportation
Liability & Others
Sub-segmentation of financing segment:
Real State
Financial institution
Visit this Link :- Request for custom report
Key Target Audience
Existing Debt Collection Companies
Law Firms
Financing Companies
Non-Financing Companies
Insurance Companies
Debt Collection & Management software providers
Government Agencies
Finance Consultants
Time Period Captured in the Report:
Historical Period: 2017-2022
Base Year: 2022
Forecast Period: 2022–2027
Companies Covered:
Debt Collection Companies
Aman Debt Collection
First Solution
Credit Recovery
AW Holding
Derby Group of Companies
Alpha Debt Collection
Fort Equity
Quick Action
Law firms/Debt Collection
Regulatory Bodies and Judiciary
Central Bank of the UAE
Judicial Department
Insurance companies
Etihad Credit Insuranc
Emirates RE
Financing companies
Emirates NBD
Commercial Bank of Dubai
Dubai Islamic Bank
Non-Finance companies
Etihad Water and Electricity
Abu Dhabi Distribution Companies
Asian Paints
Majid UL Futaim
Key Topics Covered in the Report                            
Global Debt Collection Market Overview
Ecosystem of UAE Debt Collection Market – Demand and Supply Side
Value Chain Analysis – Amicable Settlement and Litigation Settlement
Market Size and Segmentation of Debt Collection Industry in UAE, 2017-2022
UAE Debt Collection Market Industry Analysis
Software used in UAE Debt Collection Market
Market Shares of Major Debt Collection Companies in UAE on the basis of Debt Collected, 2022
Competitive Analysis
Future Outlook and Projections, 2022-2027
For More Insights On Market Intelligence, Refer to the Link Below: –
UAE Debt Collection Market Outlook to 2027
Related Reports by Ken Research: –
KSA Debt Collection Market Outlook to FY’2026
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amanlegal · 2 years
Debt Collection Lawyer in Dubai
Debt collection lawyer in dubai are complex and often require specialised knowledge and experience to successfully complete. At Aman Legal, we provide expert consulting and project management services to help our clients make the right decisions and meet the challenges of the ever-changing corporate landscape. We will offer you innovative solutions tailored to your unique needs and will work to ensure that all of your debt collection is completed in a timely and cost-effective manner.
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amanloans-blog · 4 years
Greetings, From Aman Loans and Overdues Rescheduling Services LLC
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AMAN Loans and Overdue Rescheduling services LLC, provides you with the following services:
- Debt Collection.
- Loan settlement.
- Cases and problems related to credit cards.
Contact us and get a free consultation, wish you a happy day, thank you very much. 05 03297772.
شركه أمان لتحصيل الديون و تسويه القروض و المطالبات تقدم لكم الخدمات التاليه :
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اتصل بنا و احصل علي إستشاره مجانا، تنمني لكم يوم سعيدا، شكرا جزيلا. ٠٥٠٣٢٩٧٧٧٢
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newstfionline · 4 years
Trump Threatens to Send Federal Law Enforcement Forces to More Cities (NYT) President Trump plans to deploy federal law enforcement to Chicago and threatened on Monday to send agents to other major cities—all controlled by Democrats. Governors and other officials reacted angrily to the president’s move, calling it an election-year ploy as they squared off over crime, civil liberties and local control that has spread from Portland, Ore., across the country. With camouflage-clad agents already sweeping through the streets of Portland, more units were poised to head to Chicago, and Mr. Trump suggested that he would follow suit in New York, Philadelphia, Detroit and other urban centers. Governors and other officials compared his actions to authoritarianism and vowed to pursue legislation or lawsuits to stop him. “I’m going to do something—that, I can tell you,” Mr. Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. “Because we’re not going to let New York and Chicago and Philadelphia and Detroit and Baltimore and all of these—Oakland is a mess. We’re not going to let this happen in our country. All run by liberal Democrats.”
Chicago restaurateur joins mission to feed America’s hungry (AP) Before coronavirus arrived, Manish Mallick’s trips to this city’s South Side had been limited to attending graduate classes at the University of Chicago. Now Mallick is a South Side regular—and a popular one. He regularly arrives bearing food for the hungry from his Indian restaurant several miles to the north, in the city’s downtown. “Thank you, sugar, for the meals. They’re so delicious!” one woman recently shouted to Mallick outside a South Side YWCA. “God bless you!” she added, raising her arms for emphasis. Mallick has personally delivered thousands of meals cooked and packed by his staff—among them, chickpea curry and tandoori chicken with roasted cottage cheese, sweet corn, peas and rice. Volunteers from neighborhood organizations then take them to children, retirees and the multitudes who’ve been laid off or sick during the pandemic. “We all need to help each other,” Mallick says. “That’s the best way to get through a crisis.”
American tourists are banned from the Bahamas as coronavirus cases spike (Washington Post) One of the few countries to welcome U.S. tourists has changed its mind, citing soaring infection numbers. The Bahamas will close its borders to most visitors from the United States starting Wednesday, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said Sunday. While commercial flights from Canada, Britain and the European Union will still be allowed to land, all visitors must show proof that they tested negative for the coronavirus at an accredited lab in the past 10 days. Other international flights will be banned.
More and more countries are making masks mandatory (Washington Post) As countries around the world reopen their economies amid ongoing novel coronavirus outbreaks, governments are increasingly embracing what remains in some places a divisive public health measure: mandatory masks. In France, face coverings will be required in all public enclosed spaces as of Monday. England is set to begin enforcing new rules that make masks mandatory inside supermarkets and other shops, effective Friday. In the U.S., there is no national mask requirement. But at the state level, a growing number of mask requirements have come into force.
EU agrees on $2.1 trillion deal after marathon summit (AP) After four days and nights of wrangling, exhausted European Union leaders finally clinched a deal on an unprecedented 1.8 trillion-euro ($2.1 trillion) budget and coronavirus recovery fund early Tuesday, after one of their longest summits ever. The 27 leaders grudgingly committed to a costly, massive aid package for those hit hardest by COVID-19, which has already killed 135,000 people within the bloc alone. “Extraordinary events, and this is the pandemic that has reached us all, also require extraordinary new methods,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said. To confront the biggest recession in its history, the EU will establish a 750 billion-euro coronavirus fund, partly based on common borrowing, to be sent as loans and grants to the hardest-hit countries. That is in addition to the agreement on the seven-year, 1 trillion-euro EU budget that leaders had been haggling over for months even before the pandemic. “The consequences will be historic,” French President Emmanuel Macron said. “We have created a possibility of taking up loans together, of setting up a recovery fund in the spirit of solidarity,” a sense of sharing debt that would have been unthinkable not so long ago.
Breached levees trap thousands as flooding in China worsens (AP) Breached levees have trapped more than 10,000 people in an eastern Chinese town as flooding worsens across much of the country, local authorities said Tuesday. High waters overcame flood defenses protecting Guzhen, a town in Anhui province, on Sunday, the provincial government said on its official microblog. Flood waters rose as high as 3 meters (10 feet), the official Xinhua News Agency quoted Wang Qingjun, Guzhen’s Communist Party secretary, as saying. About 1,500 firefighters were rushed to carry out rescues in the province, where weeks of heavy rains have disrupted the lives of more than 3 million people, Xinhua said.
Britain suspends extradition treaty with Hong Kong (NYT) Britain on Monday suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong amid worries about a new national security law that Beijing imposed on the former British colony. The suspension comes as London and Beijing find themselves at increasing odds over a variety of issues, including Britain’s move to bar Chinese tech giant Huawei from its 5G wireless networks and growing public anger in Britain over the treatment of the Uighur minority in Xinjiang, an autonomous territory in China.
Japan helps 87 companies to ‘exit China’ after pandemic exposed overreliance (Washington Post) Japan is paying 87 companies to shift production back home or into Southeast Asia after the novel coronavirus pandemic disrupted supply chains and exposed an overreliance on Chinese manufacturing. Alarm bells started ringing in Japanese boardrooms as soon as the virus emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan, a major hub of the auto parts industry. Japanese automaker Nissan was forced to temporarily halt production at a plant in Japan in February over shortages of parts from China, while a Japanese consumer goods company, Iris Ohyama, found itself unable to meet surging local demand for masks after supplies to its factory in China were disrupted and export controls out of China were tightened. In March, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the government wanted to bring production back home and diversify into Southeast Asia. The following month, the government set aside $2.2 billion in its coronavirus economic recovery package to subsidize that process. China is Japan’s largest trading partner, but Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has been trying for several years to reduce the country’s dependence on its giant neighbor. The 2008 global financial crisis, the 2011 northeastern Japan earthquake and the coronavirus pandemic all disrupted supply chains, while U.S.-China trade tensions are also a factor.
Jordan to reopen airports to tourists in August (AP) The Jordanian government says it will begin reopening airports to international travelers in August after sealing its borders in March to help halt the spread of the coronavirus. Travelers from a list of approved, low-risk countries must pass a coronavirus test at least 72 hours before departure and will get a second test upon arrival in Jordan, Transportation Minister Khaled Saif says. Jordan will require incoming tourists to download Aman, the government’s contact-tracing mobile application, for the duration of their stay in the country.
Swapping the stage for a deli: Israel underemployment rises (AP) A year ago, Cijay Brightman was doing sound and lighting for a Madonna performance in Israel. Now, after the coronavirus wiped out live events, he’s making sandwiches, slicing cheese and serving customers at a Tel Aviv deli. Brightman spent the last 15 years perfecting his craft and doing what he loves as a stage technician. But in the wake of the pandemic, he has been forced to abandon his passion and profession—like thousands of others in Israel—and find any job that will pay the bills. Underemployment is plaguing workers around the world. Although there are no global statistics yet, the phenomenon is expected to grow as the economic crisis around the world deepens, said economist Roger Gomis of the International Labor Organization.
King Salman hospitalized (Foreign Policy) Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz has been admitted to hospital with gallbladder problems, state media reported on Monday. The 84-year-old monarch is the second aging Gulf leader to seek medical attention recently, after 91-year-old Kuwaiti ruler Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah underwent surgery on Sunday for an as yet unnamed ailment.
Uganda’s Museveni seeks re-election to extend rule to four decades (Reuters) Uganda’s long-serving President Yoweri Museveni has collected papers to seek nomination as the ruling party’s candidate in next year’s presidential election, the party said on Tuesday. Securing a new term would potentially extend the 75-year-old former rebel fighter’s rule to four decades. Though no date has yet been fixed for the 2021 vote, it is typically held in February. The strongest opposition presidential aspirant is pop star and lawmaker Bobi Wine, 38, whose music endears him to the young. In power since 1986, Museveni’s tenure is only surpassed in Africa by Equatorial Guinea’s Teodoro Obiang, who has ruled since 1979 and Cameroon’s Paul Biya, who has ruled since 1982.
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lotr-sesa · 6 years
LotR SeSa 2018 masterlist with author names!
Masterlist for LotR SeSa 2018 The authors have now been revealed! The mods would like to thank everyone who participated, and would also like to extend an extra thank you to our pinch hitters, Ysilme> and Savageseraph. We owe a particular debt of gratitude to Ysilme for stepping up very close to deadline and completing the pinch hit in record time. Thank you so much for your invaluable help! ♥ We hope all of you enjoyed your gifts! All story links in this masterlist lead to the LotR SeSa collection on AO3. An Exceptionally Handsome Dwarf for gambitsgeekyprincess Written by Melime (Gimli/Legolas; rated G) Summary: A conversation between Legolas and Gimli leads to Legolas realizing that Gimli was the one that he saw in Glóin's locket many years before. Exile for Talullah Written by Empy (Empyreus) (Tauriel, Dúnedain; rated G) Summary: "You are banished. There is nothing for you here." Fire In The Sky, for Melime Written by Monkiainen (Gimli/Legolas; rated G) Summary: Gimli's thoughts before and after the final battle against Sauron. In the Chamber of the King for Savageseraph Written by Galadriel (Thorin Oakenshield/Thranduil; rated Explicit; warnings for non-con) Summary: After enduring the horror of Spiders in so many, many ways, Thorin finds himself confronting a new peril, alone in the chamber of the King. Love comes in many forms for monkiainen Written by Ysilme (Legolas, Gimli, Arwen/Aragorn, Legolas/Aragorn, Thranduil/Celeborn; rated Mature) Summary: All Gimli wants is to travel to Erebor to show Legolas the splendour of his home of old. But they are joined by an unexpected companion, and things do not turn out as Gimli expected, or wanted. Or do they? A Midwinter's Ride for Galadriel Written by Savageseraph (Aragorn/Boromir; rated Explicit; warnings for non-con) Summary: Gondor’s winter had been unseasonably cold. Frost rimed the leaves carpeting the forest floor and silvered the bark of the trees. The wind buffeted Boromir, wormed its way under his cloak and furs, and soon, the only thing warm about him was his anger. Ouch! for lynndyre Written by Elwen (Elwen_of_the_hidden_valley (Aragorn, Legolas, Éowyn; rated G) Summary: A tiny scene set in Helms Deep, using P Jackson's events after Aragorn's arrival. Reach for strength for Elwen (Elwen_of_the_hidden_valley) Drawn by Lynndyre (Celebrían/Elrond; Art; rated G) Summary: Reunion in Aman. The Return for Empy (Empyreus) Written by Isilloth (Glorfindel, Glorfindel's Parents, Mandos, Estë, OCs; rated G) Summary: Glorfindel is allowed to return from the dead. Snow in the Valley for Fragiledewdrop Written by Talullah (Maglor, Elrond; rated G) Summary: Elrond is tired but is happy with an unexpected visit. Splash for Isilloth Written by Quinngrey (Aredhel/Celegorm; rated Teens) | Summary: In which Tyelko and Írissë take a break in a natural spring. Two Flames for quinngrey Written by Fragiledewdrop (Curufin/Finrod; no rating given) Summary: When Curufin arrives to Nargothrond after Dagor Bragollach, he shares a moment with Finrod.
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phati-sari · 6 years
Arshi FF: Charade - Interlude 3
Chapter 26 // Read on FFnet // Read on Wattpad
Interlude: Avalanche
"Thank you, Sir. We're ... we're in your debt."
Mohan's brother — Ravi — shook Arnav's hand for the sixth time since they'd arrived.
"Arnav," he corrected, "and Mohan is a part of our household. I'll take care of everything."
Ravi nodded and turned towards the room Mohan was resting in. Di, Khushi and Payal had exhausted the man with their basket of home-made foodstuffs and collection of sundry items for "comfort". The women now sat next to the sickbed, conversing in hushed whispers as Mohan slept. Perhaps Khushi noticed his stare because she chose that moment to look up. She smiled serenely, blushing a little, before replying to whatever her sister asked her.
Arnav studied his driver from the doorway. Mohan was pale. His left leg was in a cast, as was his left wrist. There was a bandage around his head, and another hidden under his shirt. He had suffered a mild concussion, three fractures, a few broken ribs and a collapsed lung.
"These eight days would've been so much harder if you hadn't called the hospital," Ravi admitted.
Has it only been eight days?
Arnav thought back to their long conversation with Mohan's doctors, "He's recovering well. The doctors are optimistic."
"They mentioned post-traumatic stress," the other man said uncertainly.
"I said I would support your family through everything. I meant it. He saved my sister's life."
"How is Anjali-ji?"
"The police don't think it was an accident."
Arnav exhaled slowly, "They're still investigating."
In fact, the police investigation was proceeding so slowly that what little faith he had in the public justice system was waning away to nothing. And to add to the stress, Aman had requested an extension of leave to attend the hastily-organised engagement of a younger sister.
Not only that Aman had asked, but that he'd agreed.
Arnav was distracted from his thoughts as Khushi withdrew from the women and approached. She wore the sari he'd helped her select, pink with green velvet accents.
That was also eight days ago.
She came to a standstill a short distance away, fiddling with her bangles. Just like her sindoor and mangalsutra, she never failed to wear Mamma's bangles.
"My wife, Khushi," Arnav introduced her, "and Khushi, this is Mohan's brother, Ravi."
"Namaste," Khushi brought her hands together, "How are you?"
"Fine, thank you for visiting my brother and cheering him up."
"He's like family, Ravi-ji, no need to thank us. It made Di feel a lot better to visit him and see how he's doing. Arnav-ji, I think we're finished. Mohan-ji is sleeping."
Arnav, distracted from his study of the way the sari accentuated the flare of her hips, cleared his throat before he attempted speech, "I'm ready to leave when you are."
She left after flashing him a final smile. He watched the sway of her hips as she walked away.
He'd been momentarily robbed of speech when she'd stepped out of their bathroom wearing that sari this morning. She'd paired it with a gold blouse with puffed sleeves and pompoms, and wore a simple gold necklace that Di had gifted her. Her hair fell in a sleek ebony waterfall down her back, begging his hands to tangle in it as they had yesterday.
His attraction to her was taking over, his mind almost continually played out one impossible (and sensual) fantasy after another. The latest had involved her against the wall, twisting her hands in his hair as he'd kissed and sucked and bitten his way down her body. Her short, gasping breaths had done wonderful things for the bounty hidden under her blouse. She'd moaned when he'd traced her collarbone with his tongue. His hand had wandered down, pushing aside her sari and circling her navel before delighting in the way her muscles had tensed and jumped as he ventured lower to chart new territory. She'd bucked desperately, needing more, and he'd been more than happy to give it to her.
His recollection of the delicious fantasy was broken abruptly as the women exited the room. When Khushi looked at him quizzically, having apparently picked up on his distraction, he shook his head before extending a hand to Ravi.
"I'll stay in touch and keep you informed if there's any new information."
The other man shook his hand vigorously, "Thank you, Sir, uh ... A-Arnav. I'll do the same."
Outside, he helped Di into the car, watching out of the corner of his eye as Khushi hauled herself into the front. For once, she buckled the belt without a reminder. The drive to Shantivan passed without incident, though he noted that Khushi glanced in his direction often. She remained seated after Payal had helped Di out of the car, so he waited with her.
"Is there something you need?" he asked when the other women had disappeared inside.
She looked out the window, nervously twisting her sari in her hands, and spoke softly, "Can you ... can you stay?"
He was confused, "Why?"
"N-n-nothing, forget it."
Khushi reached for the door handle. He stopped her with a hand to her shoulder and offered a compromise.
"I'll come home early, after the meeting."
Love makes us do strange things.
"Okay," Khushi offered him a strained smile as she alighted from the car, "Take care."
He was late.
Despite his best efforts, he was late, and the mid-afternoon Delhi traffic was doing its best to exacerbate his distress. He battered the horn in frustration.
A small part of him argued that it was unreasonable of Khushi to expect that he abandon his obligations towards the company he'd build up from the ground at a moment's notice, but the rest of him hated that he'd broken a promise.
When he was finally in Shantivan, Arnav waved away a passing servant and jogged up the stairs, intending to change before searching for his wife. But what he saw from the doorway froze him in his tracks. The room was dark. Khushi sat on the bed, knees curled against her chest, oblivious to his presence.
"Why me?" she snatched at something next to her and hugged it to her chest with a sob, "Why did Shyam-ji choose me to run his scheme on?"
Any response he could've made was forestalled when he recognised what she held -- his blue shirt. Bands tightened across his chest as guilt roiled in his gut. She looked small and frail and utterly vulnerable. She spoke again before he managed to gather his thoughts.
"And why ... why doesn't Arnav-ji believe me?" Khushi sobbed into the shirt.
She didn't cry delicately. She cried as if her heart was breaking, as if her very soul was wounded, and some part of him realised that it likely was. Arnav's heart filled with sorrow and dread and half a dozen other things he had no names for.
He stepped into the room as Khushi howled into the shirt again, her shoulders shaking violently. "What else ... what else can I do? I t-tried everything. And ..."
Unsurprisingly, she didn't notice him until he was standing beside the bed. Her tear-stained features caused his breath to stall. She was strong, but not strong enough for this, not alone. The realisation brought tears to his eyes as he climbed into the bed to gather her in his arms.
Khushi struggled, pushing on his shoulders and kicking a little, but he ignored the voice of warning in his mind and held tighter. She needed this as much as he did.
She calmed, the hands that had been pushing him away pulling him closer. Her tears returned, thick and fast as she sobbed into his shoulder.
"Why don't you trust me?" she asked, her voice watery and broken.
And when she said that, he heard the question she did not give voice to.
Why don't you love me?
The full extent of the damage his brother-in-law had caused was suddenly made clear. It was not only the deception of the family and the betrayal of his wedding vows, it was not only the treacherous engagement and subsequent threats, it was not only his abominable lust and avarice.
It was this; the marring of every good memory and the annihilation of every hope.
"What did you think, Arnav? That she wanted you? The dancing, the earring, that kiss by the poolside? Did you think it was real?"
Arnav's tears disappeared into his wife's hair as he took a deep breath. Shyam had extinguished a flame in its infancy, but perhaps he and Khushi still held the tools to rekindle it.
"He ... he told me it was all a lie."
Her sobs quieted, and Arnav took it as a sign to continue.
"He told me you never wanted me. That all of it — the kiss, the dance, the earring — it was all a lie. A deception."
She twisted so they could see each other.
"A distraction," he finished in a whisper, "so I wouldn't notice ..."
"Never!" Khushi's denial was vehement.
"I can't tell anymore," he confessed, "It never goes away, his voice."
There was a brief silence, in which her bottom lip trembled as she placed her hand, palm flat, over his heart. After a few moments, he covered her hand with his to hold it here. She blinked back fresh tears with a sniffle.
"Khushi," he said softly, "Is it necessary to cry over every little thing?"
She gave a watery giggle, clearly remembering the other time he'd asked that — on the day he'd first kissed her by the poolside. She smiled as she shifted her weight to lean against the headboard.
He shifted too and, feeling something sharp underneath him, rescued a small gold star from under his knee. Now that he thought to look, he saw gold and silver stars scattered all over the bed.
"What's this?"
Khushi looked around, "My stars. I wanted to put them above the bed but you ... you don't have anything like that here."
A memory rose to the surface of his mind.
"I was eight years old when my parents died in an accident. I believe my parents have become stars, so I sleep with stars hung over my bed."
She was speaking to her parents.
He watched the nervous motion of her hands as she spoke, "I ... I mean ... Is it ok-okay?"
"Yeah, it's fine. I can help you if you want."
He called down for HP after urging Khushi to clean herself up in the bathroom and asked the head-servant to bring up a drill and some hooks. When she was done, he took a quick shower before joining her at the foot of the bed. She'd collected all the stars into a pile.
"I'll drill the holes," he offered, "while you tie the stars to the hooks. Then I'll put the hooks into the ceiling."
They worked in companionable silence for a while, but she eventually spoke when he paused in his drilling, "Arnav-ji ... Di thinks I should get a sari for the reception."
"It's black and has a pink border. I took a photo of it for you to see."
Arnav lowered the drill, "Why didn't you just buy it?"
"Uhh," she blushed, avoiding his eyes, "It's your money, I thought I would show you first."
"Just buy it next time."
They both froze, watching each other warily as the words seemed to echo between them.
Next time.
He wondered if she knew how much he wanted to step down from the bed, if she knew how much he wanted to kiss her, if she knew how much he wanted to promise there would be a next time, and many more after that.
He turned back to his task, now hyper-aware of her stare as he worked. Glancing down, he saw that she focussed not on his hands, but on his midriff, where his shirt had ridden up.
He cleared his throat and watched as she jumped a little before meeting his eyes. He grinned. She blushed.
And for the first time in a long time, he felt that they were going to be okay.
Chapter 27
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whittlebaggett8 · 5 years
Kashmir to miss fragrance, tenderness of Pakistani miswak this Ramadan
Srinagar: Miswak, the teeth-cleaning twig, is usually in massive desire in Kashmir for the duration of Ramadan. But, this calendar year, the well-known kinds from Pakistan are missing from the marketplace as the trade throughout Line of Handle (LoC) lies suspended. In accordance to traders, Pakistani miswak kinds brought by means of cross-LoC trade would cater to substantial desire of people for the duration of Ramadan. “People will skip the softness and fragrance of imported quality miswaks this Ramadan, primarily the most important two varieties Zaytoon and Peelu,” said Abdul Wasay, operator of Aligarh Attar House, a shop at Maisuma marketplace. He stated he would provide extra than 15,000 sticks of miswak all through the fasting thirty day period, which intended a earnings of a lot more than Rs 30,000. Nonetheless, he is now running into losses as the provide did not access him pursuing the suspension of LoC trade. “I have purchased some parts of Indian assortment from New Delhi but these are not so common,” Wasay said. He mentioned the Pakistani miswak, the kinds brought from Karachi via LoC trade route, value Rs 8 for every stick as as opposed to Indian miswak (Peelu wide range) which are accessible at Rs 15 for each stick. “Customers inquire for Pakistani miswak because of to its tenderness, fragrance and high-quality,” Wasay said. Miswak is a natural toothbrush-cum-paste obtained from Salvadora persica, a tree commonly identified as peelu in Pakistan and arak in Arab nations. The twigs are collected and brought to Karachi and other large towns of Pakistan, where they are soaked in rose-h2o, slash into small parts, packed and despatched to marketplaces all about the planet. From Kashmir, the miswaks are provided to diverse Indian states like Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Mumbai and New Delhi. The twigs have quite a few overall health positive aspects as they incorporate pure antiseptics that get rid of dangerous microorganisms in the mouth. They also have tannic acids that shield gums from condition and aromatic oils that increase salivation Rayees Ahmad Koul, a trader, stated that twigs from Pakistan would cater to a enormous market place in Muslim the vast majority J&K and many areas of India. “But now we are not equipped to meet up with the need soon after the cross-LoC trade was suspended,” he explained. Two months in the past, Ahmad sent a big consignment of spices to a trader in Pakistan-administered Kashmir across the Line of Command. This thirty day period he was expecting the pre-booked source of miswak in return. “There are lots of vans stranded across LoC carrying practically 7,000 cartons of Pakistani miswak. Every single carton carries 720 pieces of sticks which implies far more than 50 lakh sticks,” Ahmad stated. Most of the businessmen working in Pakistani twigs are facing big financial debt as they have now sent different nearby objects throughout LoC as section of the barter trade. “If trade proceeds to continue being suspended we will flip bankrupt,” reported an additional trader, Sajid Banday. The cross LoC trade by way of the Uri route was suspended in March following the authorities cited repair service function on the Kaman Aman Setu bridge, which connects the Indian side of Kashmir with the Pakistan aspect. The trade ongoing through the 2nd route, in Poonch, in Jammu area. On the other hand, on April 18 the Ministry of Household Affairs issued a notification suspending cross-LoC trade indefinitely in response to “reports that the Cross LoC trade routes are being misused by Pakistan dependent features for funnelling illegal weapons, narcotics and phony currency etc”. “We have appealed to the authorities to end the suspension buy on cross LoC trade simply because hundreds of traders are dependent on the business enterprise. We are hopeful that our ask for will be read,” stated Hilal Turkie, Chairman of Cross LoC Traders Union. He claimed that lives of countless numbers of households are at stake right after the cross-LoC trade has been suspended. “All the traders are in favour of foolproof security. But this should really not be created justification to suspend the trade,” he mentioned.
  anti-Kashmir procedures, LoC Trade, Ramadan
The post Kashmir to miss fragrance, tenderness of Pakistani miswak this Ramadan appeared first on Defence Online.
from WordPress https://defenceonline.com/2019/05/10/kashmir-to-miss-fragrance-tenderness-of-pakistani-miswak-this-ramadan/
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kenresearch1 · 1 year
UAE Debt Collection Market is in the Growing Stage, Driven by Changing IT Policies and Documentation and Rise in Awareness Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic among the Population: Ken Research
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The Collection Industry in UAE peaked right before and during the pandemic. Increased amount of lending along with rising defaults presents great opportunities for debt collection.
Covid Led Growth: COVID-19 pandemic bough certain challenges for debt collection agencies in terms of worsening the financial situation of debtors leading them to refuse paying their debts. However, it made the public more aware about the existence of debt collection services which motivated them to fulfil their debt obligations. Pandemic also increased the number of default accounts bringing more business for collection agencies and inducing growth.
Rise in Digital Collections: Debt Collection companies used to rely on phone-calls to make recoveries which led to terrible customer experience and wastage of time. Digital collections are being extensively used which leverages analytics to make the process more efficient and act as catalysts for the industry.
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Growing focus on Regulatory Compliance: Debt Collection companies have started to place more focus on complying with all regulations for a better customer service. They are maintaining proper documents, getting cheques as proof for future payment and amending the penalty terms.
Changes in UAE Legal System: The new legal system at UAE makes it possible to recover debts via court in merely within 7 days if all the documents are readily available. The new Bankruptcy law also provided safety for debtors and changed the shape of debt collection industry.
Analysts at Ken Research in their latest publication- “UAE Debt Collection Market Outlook to 2027- Characterized by fierce competition and high growth prospects” by Ken Research provides a comprehensive analysis of the potential of the debt collection market in UAE. Rise in digital collection techniques and increasing use of AI and ML for recovery predictions are expected to contribute to the market growth over the forecast period.
UAE debt collection market is expected to grow at a robust CAGR over the forecasted period 2022-2027.
Key Segments Covered
Segmentation by Segment
Segmentation by Type of Firm
Debt Collection Agency
Law Firm
Segmentation by Age of Firm:
0 to 10 yrs
10 to 20 yrs
20 to 30 yrs
Segmentation by Geographical Presence
Abu Dhabi
Umm Al-Quwain
Ras Al-Khaimah
Sub-segmentation of insurance segment & financing segment
Sub-segmentation of insurance segment:
Motor & Transportation
Liability & Others
Sub-segmentation of financing segment:
Real State
Financial institution
Visit this Link :- Request for custom report
Key Target Audience
Existing Debt Collection Companies
Law Firms
Financing Companies
Non-Financing Companies
Insurance Companies
Debt Collection & Management software providers
Government Agencies
Finance Consultants
Time Period Captured in the Report:
Historical Period: 2017-2022
Base Year: 2022
Forecast Period: 2022–2027
Companies Covered:
Debt Collection Companies
Aman Debt Collection
First Solution
Credit Recovery
AW Holding
Derby Group of Companies
Alpha Debt Collection
Fort Equity
Quick Action
Law firms/Debt Collection
Regulatory Bodies and Judiciary
Central Bank of the UAE
Judicial Department
Insurance companies
Etihad Credit Insuranc
Emirates RE
Financing companies
Emirates NBD
Commercial Bank of Dubai
Dubai Islamic Bank
Non-Finance companies
Etihad Water and Electricity
Abu Dhabi Distribution Companies
Asian Paints
Majid UL Futaim
Key Topics Covered in the Report                            
Global Debt Collection Market Overview
Ecosystem of UAE Debt Collection Market – Demand and Supply Side
Value Chain Analysis – Amicable Settlement and Litigation Settlement
Market Size and Segmentation of Debt Collection Industry in UAE, 2017-2022
UAE Debt Collection Market Industry Analysis
Software used in UAE Debt Collection Market
Market Shares of Major Debt Collection Companies in UAE on the basis of Debt Collected, 2022
Competitive Analysis
Future Outlook and Projections, 2022-2027
For More Insights On Market Intelligence, Refer to the Link Below: –
UAE Debt Collection Market Outlook to 2027
Related Reports by Ken Research
KSA Debt Collection Market Outlook to FY'2026
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amanloans-blog · 4 years
Greetings, From Aman Loans and Overdues Rescheduling Services LLC
office 105 - AL safa C - Khalid Bin Al Waleed Rd - Dubai
AMAN Loans and Overdue Rescheduling services LLC, provides you with the following services:
- Debt Collection.
- Loan settlement.
- Cases and problems related to credit cards.
Contact us and get a free consultation, wish you a happy day, thank you very much. 05 03297772.
شركه أمان لتحصيل الديون و تسويه القروض و المطالبات تقدم لكم الخدمات التاليه :
- تحصيل الديون.
- تسويه القروض.
- تسويه المعاملات الخاصه ببطاقات الائتمان.
اتصل بنا و احصل علي إستشاره مجانا، تنمني لكم يوم سعيدا، شكرا جزيلا. ٠٥٠٣٢٩٧٧٧٢
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