#Amazon Recruitment 2022
joblocatorsworld · 2 years
NTPC Recruitment 2022
नॅशनल थर्मल पॉवर कॉर्पोरेशन लि. भरती 2022 NTPC Recruitment 2022 NTPC लिमिटेड ही 70,234 मेगावॅटची स्थापित क्षमता असलेली भारतातील सर्वात मोठी ऊर्जा समूह आहे. आपल्या देशाच्या वाढीच्या आव्हानांच्या अनुषंगाने, NTPC ने 2032 पर्यंत 130 GW ची एकूण स्थापित क्षमता गाठण्याची महत्त्वाकांक्षी योजना सुरू केली आहे. एकूण :   864 पदाचे नाव & तपशील : इंजिनिअरिंग एक्झिक्युटिव ट्रेनी 1 इलेक्ट्रिकल 2 मेकॅनिकल 3…
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kashmironlinenews · 2 years
Amazon Jobs Recruitment 2022-23 Apply For Fresh Job Vacancies » Check All Details Here
Amazon Jobs Recruitment 2022-23 Apply For Fresh Job Vacancies » Check All Details Here
Amazon Jobs Recruitment 2022-23 Apply For Fresh Job Vacancies » Check All Details Here Amazon jobs recruitment 2022: Good news for candidates who are looking for a job in the e-commerce giant Amazon. Amazon India has invited applications from job aspirants who have the required eligibility for the post of Financial Analyst Intern. The selected candidates for the Financial Analyst Intern post will…
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thebearthatreads · 1 year
Writeblr Intro
Hi, so I've been a part of tumblr for quite some time but I've only really begun to be active again in the last month or so. I figured given my long absence perhaps it was time to introduce myself and open up to connecting with other writers here.
So who am I?
My name is Sasha Hanton (She/Her), I'm the author of It's All Magic To Me which was originally released in May 2022 (Re-releasing as Polishing Magic in May 2025). For a long time, I struggled with openly describing myself as a person of colour, coming from a mixed-race background it's always been a bit strange figuring out how to define myself. However I now feel more confident in how I describe and define myself.
I'm Australian but I have Eurasian heritage, meaning my family come from a combination of Asian and European backgrounds. I know some people don't like the term Eurasian, and that's perfectly fine you don't have to label yourself with something you don't identify with but for me, I'm proud to call myself Eurasian. My family have identified as Eurasian for more than three generations now, and we've always been proud of our mixed ancestry (feel free to ask me more about this if you're interested).
Coming from a mixed background I like to bring that mix into my writing, injecting influences from a variety of cultures and mythologies. Whilst I'm a cis, heterosexual, neurotypical woman I try my best to be an ally and am always happy to bring more diversity into my writing and to read more diverse stories (if you know any good books by diverse authors please send me your recommendations I'm always happy to build up my tbr).
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My writing
Currently, I'm in the limbo of waiting for feedback on projects and I generally try to stick to having one WIP on the go at a time (as otherwise I'm prone to overwhelm) . Predominately I write urban fantasy, generally with new adult-aged characters but written to be middle-grade and up friendly. Here's a quick breakdown of my works:
It's All Magic To Me - This is my novel, originally published under contract in 2022 but now out of contract and out of print but I will be re-releasing it in May 2025 under the new title Polishing Magic. It follows Willow, a university student, who discovers she has magical powers and goes on to be taught how to use them by Sphynx, a cat. Urban Fantasy inspired by the likes of Buffy, Charmed, Sailor Moon, and Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Themes involve family, responsibilities, and friendship. Venatores de Mythos Trilogy - My major WIP at the moment, I've written drafts for all three books but am waiting on feedback for book 1 before continuing editing. Urban Fantasy, follows three different characters who are all recruited by a mysterious agency that hunts and tracks down mythological creatures and artifacts. Globetrotting features a mixture of languages (Arabic, French, and Spanish with the main composition being in English). The main characters are from varying cultural backgrounds, each wildly different from the other with their own reasons for agreeing to join the agency. Percy Jackson kind of vibes. Chimera - Currently in the process of writing the first draft. Inspired by a short story I wrote for a recent competition following a mixed race, mixed species, witch and her family who are being hunted for parts. Dark Urban fantasy based in Australia, will feature lots of mythological influences. Adult because there's body horror, probably going to be some explicit sex scenes (not sure yet), and just generally dealing with heavier/darker themes. The Short Story Press Collection - A collection of short stories, currently available as an e-book on Amazon or in print (the print edition is newer and contains more stories than the e-book). Stories cover a range of genres from sci-fi, fantasy, gothic horror and more. Customerpocalypse - My first novel, currently available as an e-book on Amazon. Post-apocalyptic fantasy, written during a time when I was struggling with my mental health and it shows. If you've ever wondered why in post-apocalyptic video games there are NPCs who work in what's basically customer service then this might be for you.
Please shoot me an ask if you'd like to know more about any of my writing projects or about me. I'm hoping to share more on my WIPs here and to engage more, so please feel free to tag me in tag games!
You'll also see plenty of shares from fandoms I'm part of here, I have no intention of segmenting my Tumblr into two separate accounts so my apologies if you get spammed with Fairy Tail posts or DnD stuff (or anything else).
If you'd like to follow me on other social media or want to find my books here's a link you can follow for all of that: https://bit.ly/m/SashaHanton-Links
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pandoramsbox · 15 days
Sci-Fi Saturday: Five
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Week 29:
Film(s): Five (Dir. Arch Oboler, 1951, USA)
Viewing Format: Streaming Video (Amazon)
Date Watched: 2022-02-11
Rationale for Inclusion:
Late in the runtime of last week's film, The Thing From Another World (Dir. Christian Nyby, 1951, USA), as part of a monologue trying to convince his fellow occupants of the Arctic base not to destroy the carnivorous plant alien that has already drained the blood of multiple scientists and sled dogs, Dr. Carrington (Robert Cornthwaite) concludes his plea for the importance of the pursuit of knowledge at all costs with, "We split the atom." At which point, one of the airmen, Lt. Eddie Dykes (James Young), cuts in with, "Yes, and that sure made the world happy, didn't it?" The sardonic quip stops Carrington cold.
In 1951, only six years had passed since the United States had deployed atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in August of 1945. Whilst news of the destruction and atrocities were initially slow to spread, by the time the film takes place the scientists and airmen in The Thing no doubt knew the horrors inflicted upon Japan. Furthermore, the Soviet Union had detonated its first nuclear weapon in 1949, and the Cold War was very much underway.
With this cultural context in place, it follows that the post-apocalyptic film would make a comeback in the 1950s. Rocketship X-M (Dir. Kurt Neumann, 1950, USA) featured a post nuclear disaster society on Mars, but this survey has not featured a film where the central narrative is built around people trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world since natural disaster film Deluge (Dir. Felix E. Feist, 1933, USA). So when I encountered Five (Dir. Arch Oboler, 1951, USA) described as the "first to depict the aftermath of an Earthly atomic bomb catastrophe" whilst perusing Wikipedia's science fiction cinema list, I knew it was an essential film to view.
Five was an independent film written, directed and produced by Arch Oboler, a successful radio dramatist who followed in Orson Welles' footsteps in transitioning to filmmaking. Oboler had directed three films prior to Five, and to keep costs down on the production the cast featured relatively unknown working actors, the crew was recruited from recent University of Southern California graduates, and the primary filming location was a Frank Lloyd Wright designed guest house on Oboler's Malibu ranch.
With its limited cast and locations, Five is dominantly the kind of no frills character study that would become more commonplace during the 1960s. It is simply and competently made with aesthetics that may remind modern day audiences of episodes of anthology television series, like The Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits.
As implied by the title of the film, the small cast of characters includes five people: the pregnant Roseanne Rogers (Susan Douglas Rubeš), white everyman Michael Rogin (William Phipps), the aged bank clerk Oliver P. Barnstaple (Earl Lee), black everyman Charles (Charles Lampkin), and supposedly affluent adventurer Eric (James Anderson). Roseanne's sex and Charles' race become sources of drama, mostly because Eric exhibits a behavior described decades later by sociologists as "elite panic."
Lee Clarke and Caron Chess of Rutgers University coined the term in a 2008 journal article, in which based on available research and case studies of disasters from the 1950s through 2001 they determined that the source of panic in these scenarios was not the general public devolving into a mob, but by elites, fearing that their power and wealth would be violently stripped from them by a mob. Clarke and Chess specifically identify three relationships with panic that occur during disasters: elites fearing panic, elites causing panic, and elites panicking. My introduction to this concept came via an episode of the podcast Behind the Bastards recorded during November of 2020, when amid the COVID-19 pandemic and stress around the presidential election having a reminder that the majority of people are inherently giving, caring, communal creatures was a huge comfort.
In Five, after an initially violent encounter, Michael and Roseanne band together for survival, with Oliver and Charles later joining them. They compassionately deal with Roseanne's pregnancy and Oliver's mental dissociation and decline from radiation sickness amid their limited resources. Oliver's dying request to visit the nearby ocean results in the old man having as peaceful a death as available under the circumstances, and the discovery of a man washed ashore, Eric.
The injured Eric's explanation for how he survived the atomic bombing is bizarre compared to the banality of the others' explanations, who were shielded from the blast via being in an elevator, lead-lined hospital x-ray room, and bank vault, respectively. Instead Eric was actively climbing Mount Everest alone when a blizzard stranded him. When he made it back to basecamp he found other climbers dead. On foot and via abandoned conveyances Eric had made his way back to America, encountering no other survivors along the way, just dead bodies.
Eric's journey in its entirety sounds highly unlikely, but at first only one aspect utterly defied my credulity: who climbs Mount Everest alone? Mountaineering is not a pet topic of research for me, but I know enough to know that no serious climber attempts Everest without guides, frequently members of the local Sherpa community. "What happened to his sherpa?" I demanded aloud when we got to this point in the film. "Did he eat them?"
Given that Eric is gradually revealed to be a greedy opportunist, in retrospect his story may have been nothing but lies. It seems more likely he was in the United States the entire time and leapfrogged from one pocket of resources and survivors to another until he ended up washing up on the beach. Regardless of whether he actually was a billionaire or not--and the film does nothing to disprove his account--he nevertheless has an elite mentality: trying to hoard resources (including Roseanne) to himself. 
Eric is the sociopathic evolution of the wandering rapists from Deluge, and ultimately serves the narrative role of Michael's doppelganger. Michael may have initially tried to sexually assault Roseanne, but spends the rest of the film making up for that feral moment. Eric is predatory and ends up becoming a murderer in the course of the narrative; after being banished by the others, he goes back to steal supplies and kills Charles when he is caught. Michael is spared having to also become a murderer by the reveal near the end of the film that Eric has radiation poisoning and likely does not have much time left. The film makes it clear that Michael is a good man, and deserving of being the new Adam of the post-apocalyptic world.
Roseanne earns her new Eve status in part by being the token female, and in part because she is devoted to her missing husband until she finds definitive proof that he died in the bombing. Her dedication to her husband and baby are all that is needed to qualify her as a good woman. 
Unfortunately, her newborn dies for reasons of narrative convenience. Apparently it was too much to ask for Michael to be father to a baby he did not conceive. Instead it ends with Michael and Roseanne left alone. Despite the tragedies and threat of radiation sickness lingering, Five closes conservatively and reasonably optimistically: life will go on.
Before I wrap up, I would be remiss if I did not spend more time discussing Charles. His presence is itself a progressive act, given how the casts of most mainstream films surveyed thus far have been all or mostly white. However, he is introduced in a subservient role to an old white man, and spends the remainder of his time in the narrative as a litmus test to show who is the superior white man to repopulate the world: Michael or Eric. The notion that Charles might be a candidate for Roseanne's mate is never so much as suggested. For all the indignities Charles suffers throughout Five, he at least is spared the trope frequently placed on black men of being the first to die. Overall, Charles is a minor step forward for black representation in science fiction cinema.
Five, on the other hand, is a solid first representation of the post-nuclear apocalypse narrative. Later films built on the premise, like On the Beach (Dir. Stanley Kramer, 1959) and The World, the Flesh and the Devil (Dir. Ranald MacDougall, 1959), would result in better movies, but Five deserves greater attention within the sub-genre.
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exitrowiron · 2 years
What are your thoughts of all the layoffs announced by the tech companies? How would you navigate this if you were laid off or not from one of these companies?
Great question!
Unfortunately I'm not surprised by the tech layoffs. Before I retired in early 2022 my company was regularly losing good (and not so good) software engineers to Microsoft, Facebook, Salesforce and Amazon. The compensation offers were off the charts and I didn't believe it was sustainable. I didn't blame them for leaving, but the compensation seemed too good to be true and in my experience situations like that rarely last (ex. real estate prices going up 15% year after year).
Although some tech firms had begun to announce minor trimming of their work force in Q3, it seems like Twitter really opened the floodgates. Now more companies could follow and once all the big tech employers were cutting, there was less risk of losing the most valuable, talented staff to competitors. My heart goes out to anyone impacted by the layoffs, but I firmly believe this disruption is temporary and talented software engineers will be in demand for a very long time.
What would I do if I was laid off?
Set a deadline (no more than a week) by which time you will stop feeling sorry for yourself, etc. Most people can probably think of reasons why they shouldn't have been cut, but it doesn't matter any more. Accept the unfortunately reality of your situation and get to work.
Take advantage of any outplacement services offered by your former employer, especially resume writing. The last time I sent a resume it was read by a human. That's not the case today. Make sure your resume has the necessary key words to get past the AI screener.
Work your network - personal, college, family, previous employers, LinkedIn. It still helps to have someone recommend you to the hiring manager and/or recruiter. At the very least it may help secure an interview. Don't be shy about telling people you've been laid off. Anyone with any professional experience knows that this isn't a personal shortcoming. Layoffs can happen to the best employees.
Get your financial house in order. Do a cash-flow forecast and assume you'll be out of work for six months. Eliminate/minimize unnecessary expenses but be sure to sign up for COBRA medical coverage. Don't let a mountain of debt accumulate - take part time gigs if you need to.
Update your skills/certifications.
If you're a software engineer, make sure your profile/projects in GitHub are a positive reflection of your skills.
What would I do if I wasn't laid off?
I was a senior executive in the corporate travel industry before and after 9/11 and the financial meltdown on 2008/9. In both cases business travel plummeted and the survival of the company required layoffs. Unlike the tech companies today, we weren't guilty of mindlessly pursuing growth at any cost, but we had to do layoffs just the same. I helped determine how many cuts were necessary across the company and had to layoff members of my team. In each case we tried to minimize the number of layoffs by cutting expenses/compensation at all levels.
When laying off people it is important to act with as much empathy as possible and to try to do it all at once, rather than leaving the remaining employees with the fear that their job may be cut later. It just as important to be fair - HR has to carefully review the recommendations to make sure that no group (especially protected groups) is being unfairly targeted.
As an executive who hadn't been laid off, I had to accept that many current and former employees would view me as one of the bad guys. In a situation like this, people need someone to blame and for some people that person was me. Layoffs destroy or at least significantly degrade a company's culture, impact productivity, damage it's reputation with customers and potential employees and it takes a long time (years) for those things to recover. Time, patience and genuine empathy are required.
Regardless of your job situation, it is a good habit to update your resume every year. Your CV shouldn't keep growing longer, but you should keep it current with your latest accomplishments while trimming the details of past.
Thanks for the question. Hope that helped.
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This day in history
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I'm coming to Minneapolis! Oct 15: Presenting The Internet Con at Moon Palace Books. Oct 16: Keynoting the 26th ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
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#10yrsago Thomas Friedman: IHOP menu copywriter https://www.somethingawful.com/news/thomas-friedman-metaphors/
#10yrsago Amazon requires publishers to use Kindle DRM https://memex.craphound.com/2013/10/11/amazon-requires-publishers-to-use-kindle-drm/
#5yrsago Amazon trained a sexism-fighting, resume-screening AI with sexist hiring data, so the bot became sexist https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-jobs-automation-insight/amazon-scraps-secret-ai-recruiting-tool-that-showed-bias-against-women-idUSKCN1MK08G
#5yrsago Notre Dame and 73 other institutions secretly conspired with the Trump administration to deny birth control https://theintercept.com/2018/10/11/notre-dame-health-insurance-birth-control-trump/
#5yrsago Family separations: the Trump administration stole thousands more children than previously reported https://www.amnestyusa.org/reports/usa-catastrophic-immigration-policies-resulted-in-more-family-separations-than-previously-disclosed/
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#1yrago Shelter in place: Prison for homelessness and lock-ins for home owners https://pluralistic.net/2022/10/11/rene-descartes-was-a-drunken-fart/#out-of-doors
#1yrago Undetectable, undefendable back-doors for machine learning https://pluralistic.net/2022/10/11/rene-descartes-was-a-drunken-fart/#trusting-trust
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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wondyvillains · 2 years
Top 10 Wonder Woman Villain Moments of 2022
Trying something a little bit different this year... let's look at the top 10 moments of the year featuring Wonder Woman's Villains!
Medusa's Redemption - Medusa is one of Wonder Woman's deadliest adversaries, so many of us weren't too surprised when she emerged as a major threat on Themyscira in the pages of NUBIA & THE AMAZONS. What did surprise us was Nubia using her mythical spear to purify Medusa of her reptilian curse. Similar to Paula von Gunther in the 1940s, Medusa was ultimately invited to join the Amazons and continues to remain on Themyscira despite her past deeds. Compassion and rehabilitation have always been major themes for the Wonderverse, so it was truly a delight to see Nubia redeem Medusa this year.
The Villainy of Our Fears - One of the first supervillain teams to ever appear in comics is Villainy Inc., a group of Wonder Woman's archenemies who first appeared way back in 1948. While there has been a modern incarnation led by Queen Clea, the team hadn't been used for decades until 2022. Doctor Psycho takes command of the newest incarnation which is comprised of some… questionable members. While many of us would have loved to see the classic 8 members return, it's great to see the Villainy Inc. name live on.
Feral - While Greg Rucka has established quite possibly the best version of Cheetah in her 79 year history, subsequent writers have fallen back into the habit of treating Cheetah pretty poorly. However, the current comics by Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad are showcasing Cheetah as a powerhouse and a reluctant ally for Wonder Woman. While it remains to be seen where her character is going, seeing her interact with Steve, Etta, and Siggy on a regular basis has been very entertaining, to say the least.
Dolos, the Duke of Deception - The Duke of Deception was a major archenemy from the 1940s to the 1960s, but modern Wonder Woman stories have pushed the Duke to the wayside in favor of other villains like Deimos and Phobos. 2022 saw the Duke's return, with a major addition to his mythos: he is now Dolos, a figure from Greek myths and the embodiment of trickery and deceit. Fans have long speculated that the Duke and Dolos were one in the same, but it's great to see it confirmed in the comics.
The Men of Historia - If you haven't read WONDER WOMAN HISTORIA, you don't know what you're missing. The male Olympian Gods are outraged when Athena, Aphrodite, Hestia, Demeter, Artemis, and Hecate create the Amazons. Zeus, Ares, Poseidon, and several others appear as the antagonists in some of the most beautiful pieces of art ever put to page.
Dark Crisis - Several of Wonder Woman's rogues gallery appear throughout this major event. Ares is one of the first recruited into Darkseid's Dark Army, though he is later joined by Cheetah, Giganta, and Angle Man. While none of the Wondyvillains get too much spotlight, it's great to see some representation even if they're all possessed by the Great Darkness.
Giganta vs. Nubia - We're still waiting for a big, iconic Giganta story, but for now, we'll take this fun romp from DC PRIDE 2022 SPECIAL. In this segment of the anthology special, Giganta joins the Babes of Bodyslam, a group of female wrestlers, as part of her parole. This ultimately leads to a clash with Nubia, a breakout Wonder Woman character in her own right.
Trial of the Amazons - The first big major event featuring Wonder Woman since War of the Gods (because Amazons Attack should always be ignored), Trial of the Amazons is a decent story that unfortunately doesn't feature any classic Wonder Woman villains in a major capacity. While Chaos serves as the major antagonist, we do get an Echidna appearance as well as Altuum the Survivor, a new villain introduced for 2022.
Hell Hath No Flurry - Blue Snowman's had quite a year in 2021, but we haven't seen much of them in 2022 beyond this chapter of SENSATIONAL WONDER WOMAN SPECIAL #1. Byrna has been gender-bending since the 1940s, and it's fitting that they'd be the antagonist of a story about a young boy who dresses as Wonder Woman.
Gigantaur - 2022's JURASSIC LEAGUE was… a choice. Fans weren't sure what to expect… but the series ended up being quite a fun ride. Featured in the series is a dinosaur version of Giganta who serves as arch-nemesis of Wonderdon (Wonder Woman as a triceratops). Ares also makes a brief appearance.
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
2 minute read
The Met Police will start using data to identify the 100 "most dangerous" men in London who prey on women and children.
The plans aim to gather data on tens of thousands of men recently convicted of domestic assault, rape, sex offences, stalking, and harassment.
It comes amid plans to reform the force following several damning reviews.
Met Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley announced the details in a speech on Tuesday.
Speaking at the Institute of Engineering and Technology in Westminster, Sir Mark said the force has "a practical plan for turning things around", adding: "I expect to be held accountable for how that transformation of London's police service evolves in the weeks, months and years ahead."
Sir Mark said the Met would focus on three priorities including "targeting men who perpetuate violence against women and children", building "the strongest ever neighbourhood policing", and "taking an increasingly proactive approach to reducing crime".
He stressed the force would be "cracking down on men who are violent predators", by adopting "counter terrorism and organised crime" tactics, including using intelligence to build a list of tens of thousands of violent male offenders and to target the 100 most dangerous men.
"Most crimes are committed by a small number of individuals, and a small number of victims and areas are the most impacted by crime," Sir Mark explained.
Stop and search
In addition, the commissioner highlighted "countless examples" of where the Met's stop-and-search programme had intercepted criminals, but said the force's goal was to "create better data" by identifying hotspots of violence in order to minimise unnecessary stop-and-search activity.
It comes after figures from the London mayor's office last month showed black Londoners are still three times more likely to be stopped by police.
Sir Mark added the plans would also see an "overhaul" of neighbourhood policing, "becoming more visible, more engaged and more responsive to local crime and anti-social behaviour - precisely targeting priorities identified with local people".
As part of his mission to modernise policing, Sir Mark said the force's recruitment and pay systems must also be improved to attract officers with "core traditional skills" who also specialise in areas like cyber security and fraud.
BBC London's home affairs correspondent Sonja Jessup
The public outcry over the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving police officer, along with a series of cases of misogyny within the Metropolitan police, has put the force under pressure to take tougher action on male violence against women and girls.
But why this approach, using science and technology - and why hasn't it been tried before?
It's being driven by commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, who took up his post in September 2022, and spoke about the difficulties of what he calls "Woolworths policing in an Amazon age".
As a former counter-terror chief he says the same work that goes on there - ranking which individuals present the most risk to the public - can be applied to predatory male offenders.
Will it work? Could it stop men like Jordan McSweeney, who murdered Zara Aleena? He had a string of previous convictions for offences such as assault on a young woman, as well as a restraining order - but police said he didn't fit the normal profile for someone later labelled "a danger to any woman."
It's not yet clear exactly what criteria will be used to measure risk, and Sir Mark says it'll take a few months yet for the data to be pulled together.
'Met must change'
The commissioner also emphasised the Met's progress in making policing more "innovative" and "efficient" such as decisions to issue every officer a mobile phone, put more 'fast response' patrol cars on the streets and build a new Met leadership academy.
London's mayor Sadiq Khan responded to the plans on Twitter, saying: "Sir Mark is right - the Met must change for our communities and for our officers and for our staff who serve them.
"I am committed to holding the Met to account as we work together to build a safer city for all Londoners."
A draft version of the policing plans is set to be published in the next few days, after which the force will seek community and partner feedback.
A further version of the plan will then be published before April.
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rookie-critic · 1 year
Rookie-Critic's Top 25 Films of 2022: #14: Top Gun: Maverick (dir. Joseph Kosinski)
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I'm just gonna say it, I don't like the original Top Gun. I think it's mostly fine, but really it's disjointed and it all just feels like a giant recruitment tool for the Air Force (which, to my understanding, is exactly how the Air Force felt about it at the time, too). The only things I really liked about the original film were Goose, Iceman, and the dogfight scenes. One could argue that those are the reasons that most people think the original is a classic, but two good characters and good action does not a good movie make. However, Maverick manages to overcome the trappings of its predecessor and be a better film in just about every single way imaginable. Even outside of the technical advancements that allowed the aerial scenes to look even a million times better than the first film's, which were very good for the time, but the acting is better, the story is better, even the beach sports montage scene is better (in the context of how it fits in with the movie, I don't mean to disrespect "Playing with the Boys" or Mr. Kenny Loggins, in the slightest). The dynamic and trajectory of the relationship between Tom Cruise's Maverick and Miles Teller's Rooster (who is the son of Goose from the first film) taps into one of the few things that worked in the original and distills the essence of it into something very raw and emotionally gripping. There's not a whole lot I can specifically say about Top Gun: Maverick aside from the above because it's just a film that has to be experienced for oneself. I'll leave it at this: This movie was so incredible it made me nostalgic for the original which, on top of not really loving, I had only watched for the first time a little over 12 prior to watching this. Currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video and Paramount+. Read my original review for Top Gun: Maverick here.
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wedding-shemp · 2 years
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I posted 2,464 times in 2022
582 posts created (24%)
1,882 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 621 of my posts in 2022
#acnh - 53 posts
#tunez - 15 posts
#spotify - 13 posts
#scream - 12 posts
#my art - 10 posts
#z0mbievalentine - 10 posts
#borderlands 2 - 6 posts
#king shit - 6 posts
#flashing - 6 posts
#bl2 - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but like am i gonna go bloop da bloop heres 16gb of ram i got on amazon and try to put it into my computer only to discover its incompatibl
My Top Posts in 2022:
look man here's the thing. i hear people talking about ai "art" and saying "well it's bad that the datasets they're trained on are using stolen assets but the technology isn't inherently bad" and look. no. no, listen, the stolen assets are a symptom of a larger problem. these programs are made by and for people who see art as a commodity. that's why they feel entitled to art they do not own. framing this as "ai art would be fine if they used data they owned" is missing the forest for the trees. this contempt and hostility for working artists and their livelihood is a symptom and not a bug. you can't do an ethical version of technology whose end-goal is to eliminate the already shrinking pool of entry level art jobs. this is hateful vile technology that is going to have devestating consequences on the art community and the fact that I'm seeing people who dislike ai "art" being framed as snobby elitists who want to ruin other people's fun makes me want to chew glass. this is not hipsters being mean to poor widdle proletariat tumblr users who want free pictures of their ocs and can't afford a commission this is working artists who are already scramnling to stay afloat in an industry that devalues them at every turn watching techbros build a Push A Button And Free Art Comes Out machine and realizing that no matter how shitty that art is the people with money will choose free art over good art whenever they can. but you guys want to make this into Let People Enjoy Things. okay.
130 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
obsessed with these new armed forces ads that are blatantly saying "modern life is empty and alienating, come join us to have a semblance of purpose" like not to be one of those armchair cult experts but are those not the exact same recruiting tactics of a cult
165 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
Actually international woman's day was originally a pagan holiday that honored the pagan goddess Woom-hæn. They won't teach you this in high schools
265 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
i know everything about it sucks on a deep systemic level but idk i thnk it's kind of adorable that england has a queen, like im sorry to you gus about the monarchy and all but its very very funny that you have one very old lady who is like the Head Old Lady and there's a big party going on about how long she has been the Head Old Lady. that's DEMENTED and I love it.
298 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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it is his birthday.....
430 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
the fact that two of my most reblogged from blogs were my own blogs...
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oliviajames1122 · 2 years
O cardo and Next
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Ocado and Next cut sick pay for unvaccinated isolating staff
Ocado and Next have cut sick pay for unvaccinated staff that must self-isolate because of Covid exposure, the BBC has learned.
Both retailers will continue to pay full sick pay to unvaccinated workers if they test positive for the virus.
Furniture giant Ikea is also among employers making similar moves, as staff absences rise.
Next said it was an "emotive topic" but that it had to balance staff and shareholder needs.
It is unclear when next made the change but it is believed to have been recent.
Online grocer Ocado confirmed on Thursday that it had adopted the same policy as Next this week.
Next currently pays store sales consultants and stock assistants between £6.55 and £9.21 an hour and warehouse operatives between £9.30 and £11.26 an hour many business listings.
But unvaccinated workers who are required to isolate could now receive as little as £96.35 a week - the Statutory Sick Pay minimum - unless there are mitigating circumstances.
· Who needs to self-isolate now and for how long?
·Ikea cuts sick pay for some unvaccinated staff
·Covid staff shortages will continue into New Year
·How can I get my booster jab?
Last month, official self-isolation guidance was relaxed for people who have been jabbed, meaning they do not need to isolate if they have been exposed to a positive case.
But there was no change to the guidance for unvaccinated close contacts, who must still self-isolate for 10 full days after their date of exposure.
What are your sick pay rights?
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is the minimum amount employers must pay, but some employers offer more than SSP - this is normally known as a company or contractual sick pay.
Beth Hale, the partner at employment law firm CM Murray, said claims of direct discrimination due to this kind of sick pay policy were unlikely to succeed as being opposed to vaccination was "unlikely to be a protected belief for the purposes of the Equality Act."
"While the policy may have a disproportionate impact on those from certain ethnic or religious groups (which could give rise to a claim for indirect discrimination), an employer may well be able to justify the policy on the basis of their legitimate business needs," she added.
She said where employers are struggling with significant staff absences because of the large case numbers, it "seemed reasonable" that they may want to take steps to encourage vaccination amongst their workforce in this way.
But she added that employers need to be "careful that policies are communicated carefully and sensitively" to avoid employee relations issues.
Many companies, including next, faced labour shortages in 2021 and some are now are seeing mass absences due to the more infectious Omicron Covid strain.
This week it emerged that Ikea, which employs about 10,000 people in the UK, had changed its policy on unvaccinated staff that have been exposed to coronavirus.
Sick pay cuts will also be implemented at Wessex Water and in the US several major companies have started penalizing un-jabbed workers.
However, the major UK supermarkets and Amazon told the BBC their policies had not changed.
NeXT’s move comes days after it said it was putting up its prices to offset higher wage and manufacturing costs.
The retailer said prices for its spring and summer clothing and homeware ranges would climb by 3.7% from a year earlier, while it expects a 6% rise for autumn and winter goods.
The company forecasts full-year sales to rise by 7% overall, but it warned it could face a tougher trading environment in 2022 given the financial pressures facing households, such as higher energy bills.
In October last year, Next boss Lord Wolfson said the retailer had struggled with labour shortages because workers were not available in the places needed and seasonal workers had proved difficult to recruit.
The executive, who supported Brexit, said the problem could be solved by companies hiring overseas workers and paying “visa tax" business listings.
Ikea cuts sick pay for unvaccinated staff forced to self-isolate
Ikea has cut sick pay for unvaccinated staff that needs to self-isolate because of Covid exposure and in some cases for workers who test positive.
The retail giant acknowledged it was an "emotive topic" but said its policy had to evolve with changing circumstances.
From this week, sick pay cuts will be implemented at Wessex Water and in the US several major companies have started penalizing unjabbed workers.
It comes as firms struggle with mass staff absences and rising costs.
At Ikea unvaccinated workers, who do not have mitigating circumstances, who test positive will be paid in line with company sick pay.
Unvaccinated workers, without mitigating circumstances and required to isolate owing to being identified as close contact, could now receive as little as £96.35 a week - the Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) minimum.
Self-isolation guidance for people who have been jabbed was relaxed last month. However, there was no change to the guidance for unvaccinated people who come into contact with positive cases, and who must still self-isolate for 10 full days after their date of exposure to the virus.
·Covid staff shortages will continue into New Year
·Ikea to raise prices as supply problems bite
Average wages at Ikea are between about £400 and £450, depending on location and, as is the case at many companies, staff gets enhanced sick pay. The move was first reported by the Mail on Sunday.
Ikea, which employs about 10,000 people in the UK, said in a statement: "Fully vaccinated co-workers or those that are unvaccinated owing to mitigating circumstances which, for example, could include pregnancy or other medical grounds, will receive full pay.
"Unvaccinated co-workers without mitigating circumstances that test positive with Covid will be paid full company sick pay in line with our company absence policy free business listings.
"Unvaccinated co-workers without mitigating circumstances who have been identified as close contacts of a positive case will be paid Statutory Sick Pay."
In England, people who are vaccinated with at least two doses need not self-isolate if they have been in close contact with someone infected with Covid. Unvaccinated people contacted through the government's test-and-trace system must still isolate by law.
Many companies complained of labour shortages throughout 2021, and now are seeing mass absences due to the more infectious Omicron Covid strain.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson repeated on Monday that the data continued to show those people most seriously affected by Omicron remained unvaccinated.
Wessex Water's sick pay rule change comes into force this week.
Any employee without at least one Covid-19 vaccination - who does not have a valid medical reason - or does not have a confirmed vaccination appointment, will get only statutory sick pay if required to self-isolate due to close contact with someone testing positive.
A Wessex Water spokesperson said absences have soared this year: "The vast majority of our workforce has been vaccinated and it's important as a company providing essential services with key worker employees, the remainder gets vaccinated to protect themselves, customers, and their colleagues.
"Absences due to Covid have doubled in the last week, so we need everyone to be available so we can continue to provide uninterrupted essential water and sewerage services."
Legal risks
The company said that throughout the pandemic it had not furloughed staff and those self-isolating had received full payment.
Last year, supermarket Morrisons cut sick pay terms, while several companies, including banking giant Citigroup, introduced a "no jab, no job" policy. Delta Airlines imposed a surcharge on unvaccinated staff members of its healthcare plan.
Ben Willmott, head of public policy at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), told the BBC there were pros and cons with changing sick pay terms for certain workers.
It could encourage staff to get vaccinated, but others might be less likely to test themselves or self-isolate because they could not afford time off work at the statutory rate of about £96.
His organization's official guidance was not to differentiate between employees, as the consequences could be complex and there were potential legal problems.
"You would have to manage it on a case-by-case basis because of legal risks," Mr Willmott said.
Earlier this month, David Josephs, boss of food importer and retailer All Greens, told the BBC that staff at some firms was ignoring Covid rules for financial reasons.
"We know that in our sector a lot of staff does not get paid sick pay. Ours do - but staff that are on limited contracts or on minimum wage cannot afford to be off work," he said.
Employment lawyer Sarah Ozanne, of CMS, also warned of complex legal issues and said striking the right balance was difficult.
"This action [by Ikea] seems more of a reaction to staff shortages and how to manage them than any intended 'discrimination' of the unvaccinated," she said.
"But employers should consider whether their actions are proportionate as a means of achieving the aim of getting employees back into work."
More on this story
·Covid staff shortages will continue into New Year
·Ikea to raise prices as supply problems bite
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joblocatorsworld · 2 years
CISF Recruitment 2022
केंद्रीय औद्योगिक सुरक्षा दलात भरती CISF Recruitment 2022 वेतन स्तर-5 (पे मॅट्रिक्समध्ये रु. 29,200-92,300/-) तसेच नेहमीच्या भत्त्यांमध्ये केंद्राकडून स्वीकारल्या जाणार्‍या सहाय्यक उपनिरीक्षक (स्टेनोग्राफर) ची तात्पुरती पदे भरण्यासाठी पात्र पुरुष आणि महिला भारतीय नागरिकांकडून ऑनलाइन अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहेत. एकूण :  540 पदाचे नाव & तपशील :  1 असिस्टंट सब इंस्पेक्टर (स्टेनोग्राफर) 122 2 हेड…
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sumit272 · 1 month
Which college in Lucknow has the best placement record for 2022-2023?
Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (IIM Lucknow)
Placement Record:
Average Salary Package: The average salary package offered to MBA graduates from IIM Lucknow is among the highest in the country. For the 2022-2023 placement season, the average package was around ₹30-32 lakhs per annum.
Highest Salary Package: The highest domestic salary package was approximately ₹70-80 lakhs per annum, with international packages potentially higher.
Placement Percentage: IIM Lucknow typically achieves near-100% placement rates, with most students securing offers before the end of the placement season.
Key Highlights:
Top Recruiters: IIM Lucknow attracts leading global consulting firms, investment banks, and multinational corporations. Some notable recruiters include McKinsey & Company, BCG, Goldman Sachs, and Amazon.
Diverse Roles: Graduates find opportunities across various sectors, including consulting, finance, marketing, technology, and operations.
Global Opportunities: The institute’s strong international connections lead to opportunities for global roles and postings.
Other Notable Colleges in Lucknow for 2022-2023:
1. Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow
Placement Record: Jaipuria Institute had a strong placement season with significant percentage of students placed in reputable firms. The average salary package offered was in the range of ₹6-8 lakhs per annum.
Top Recruiters: Includes companies in sectors like FMCG, retail, finance, and consulting.
2. Amity University, Lucknow Campus
Placement Record: Amity University also reported a good placement record with average packages around ₹5-7 lakhs per annum. The university had placements across various sectors.
Top Recruiters: Includes firms from finance, marketing, IT, and consulting sectors.
3. Institute of Management Sciences (IMS), Lucknow
Placement Record: IMS Lucknow had a respectable placement record with average salaries in the range of ₹4-6 lakhs per annum.
Top Recruiters: Includes companies in finance, marketing, and consulting.
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Admission process eligibility criteria fee structure for MBA
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Master of Business Administration is a two-year post-graduate degree programme available in various specializations at best MBA colleges in Jaipur. India’s most prestigious colleges/institutes offer MBA admissions via entrance exam at the national level. Students can take the MBA in different ways like distance, regular online, or regular education.
There is an open admission process for MBA programs in 2022. Top universities administer tests to determine MBA admission. Candidates seeking admission to the MBA program in the academic year 2022 should take a state, national, or university-level entrance exam like CAT, XAT, etc. MAT and ATMA registration have opened. Prior to being considered for MBA Admission in 2022, candidates must pass WAT/PI in renowned colleges/institutes.
MBA programs includes two-year postgraduate courses in business and management. Universities hold entrance exams followed by workshops, group discussions, and personal interviews for MBA admissions. Exam dates, admission process, and more are important for MBA applications. Some colleges have a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) comparable to an MBA. The primary difference between MBA and PGDM is that MBA is a degree program offered only by colleges that are affiliated with universities. Similarly, PGDM is a diploma programme provided by independent institutes.
Why Study MBA?
There are several benefits of studying MBA from top MBA college in Jaipur. A Master’s in Business Administration is a rewarding career choice. The course helps you develop management skills. Top colleges for MBA provide students with average placement with a pay scale of minimum INR 5.45 lakh to INR 25 lakh per annum. Individuals can learn about marketing management, supply chain management, operations management, strategic management, and more that will help grow business.
What Is MBA?
Business Administration Master’s Degree is a graduate programme. The duration of this course lasts two years and is broken into four semesters. Students can pursue an MBA at reputable universities and the list of MBA colleges in Jaipur or via online learning as per their preferences. Leadership, Technical, and managerial abilities are taught in this programme.
Banking, HR Management, Finance, Marketing, Foreign Trade, Telecom, Branding, Advertising, and Sports are all MBA employment sectors. Apple, Deloitte, Amazon, Accenture, and Bain & Company are top recruiters today. Brand Managers, Account Managers, Risk Managers, HR Managers, and Project Managers are some of the well-known jobs in management industry. Microeconomics, Financial Modelling, Principles of Accounting, Marketing Research, Corporate Finance, and Business Intelligence are among the topics included in the curriculum.
Eligibility Criteria for MBA Admission
MBA course is for individuals who already have a graduation degree. A minimum of 60% aggregate is required in pursuing graduation under any recognized university. Students must appear for entrance exams to pursue MBA. Some of the standardized exams include CAT, GMAT, SNAP, MAT, NMAT, and XAT. In some colleges, students under OBC, SC/ST, can get a relaxation of 5%.
Entrance Exam Syllabus for MBA Graduates
MBA admissions in 2022 are based on the evaluation of the overall aggregate or cut-off marks from entrance examinations. Most of the MBA colleges provide admission based on marks from the entrance examination. The most common entrance examinations include CAT and CMAT. The pattern and syllabus of the MBA Entrance examinations are similar. The syllabus involves different sections with different sub-sections into DI, QA, LR, & more. The selections are made to test the skills and knowledge of the applicants.
Quantitative Ability
This subject is comprised of various topics and subjects like Number systems, LCM and HCF, Progressions, Binomial Theorem, Surds and Indices, percentage, Inequalities, Interest(Simple and Compound), Permutation and Combinations, Profit and Loss, Probability, Speed, Time and Distance, Probability, Time and Work, Functions, Average, Set Theory, Quadratic Equations, Mixtures and Alligations, Geometry, Ratio and Proportion, Linear Equations, Coordinate Geometry, Complex Numbers, Trigonometry, Logarithm, and Mensurdia.
Data Interpretation
Data is shown on tables, graphs, and charts. This section analyses students on how to interpret the shown data and use it to answer questions. The section includes Tables, Bar Graphs, Column Graphs, Line Charts, Pie charts, and Venn diagrams. The charts and graphs can be combined or linked together to represent data.
Logical Reasoning
This section contains questions from charts and graphs. It tests the students’ logical and critical reasoning. The section consists of Venn diagrams, line charts, column graphs, Pie charts, bar graphs, and tablets.
Verbal Ability
In this subject, the questions are based on vocabulary, sentence correction, jumbled paragraphs, and close passages. The type of questions in this section are depends on Facts, judgments or interferences, Grammar or English Usage, fill in the blanks, Reverse Analogies or Analogies, Meaning- Usage match, Verbal Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension.
CAT examination questions consist of numerous vocabulary questions. Here, students are tested if they know the meanings of words, idioms, usage, secondary shades of meaning, phrases, related words, and antonyms.
Steps Required for The Admission Process in 2022
The MBA admissions process in 2022 at private MBA colleges in Jaipur for almost all MBA programs across India is made by screening applicants as per the entrance test and then group discussions and personal interviews. There are various stages involved with this MBA application process including the following:
1. MBA test for admission is administered at a national, university, or state level.
2. Candidates are chosen by the scores obtained during the entrance examination and academic profile and work experience.
3. Participation in WAT/GD/PI, and other tests for assessing personality.
4. The last selection of MBA admission is made by considering the performance during the three steps.
What Are Job Profiles for MBA Aspirants?
Some specific job roles for MBA graduates includes Project Manager, Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Business Development Executive/Manager, Analytics Manager, System Manager, Data Processing Manager, and Business Analyst.
Source: Click Here
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laresearchette · 2 months
Saturday, July 20, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
BRITISH OPEN (TSN/TSN4) 7:00am: Third Round
MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 1:00pm: Rays vs. Yankees (SN) 2:30pm: Tigers vs. Jays (SN) 7:00pm: Red Sox vs. Dodgers (SN Now) 9:30pm: Astros vs. Mariners
NBA SUMMER LEAGUE (TSN4) 4:30pm: Bucks vs. Wizards
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN4) 7:00pm: Argos vs. Ti-Cats
MLS SOCCER (TSN3) 7:30pm: CF Montreal vs. Toronto FC (TSN/TSN3) 10:30pm: Vancouver vs. Houston
ABSOLUTELY CANADIAN (CBC) 8:00pm: Women of This Land -- Part 1: Imelda Perley Opolahsomuwehs, a revered Wolastoqey Elder and linguist from Tobique First Nation; shalan joudry, a captivating Mi'kmaw storyteller and ecologist based in Bear River First Nation, Nova Scotia.
CURIOUS CATERER: FATAL VOWS (Global) 8:00pm: Amateur detective Goldy Berry agrees to cater an elaborate wedding, but a dead groom and a missing bridezilla bring her together with Detective Tom Schultz again.
SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED: A TALE OF THREE LETTERS (CTV Life) 8:00pm: The Postables try to identify the intended recipients of a trio of dead letters which have a surprising, personal impact on all of them.
WNBA BASKETBALL (SN1/TSN5) 8:30pm: WNBA All-Star Game
LGBTQ+ NEW COMEDIAN OF THE YEAR 2022 (Out TV) 9:00pm: A night where emerging talents take the stage; with a panel of esteemed judges, including the likes of Stephen Bailey and Zoe Lyons, the competition is fierce; a celebration of diversity, humor, and raw talent.
THE HUNGER GAMES: THE BALLAD OF SONGBIRDS & SNAKES (Crave) 9:00pm: With the annual Hunger Games approaching, 18-year-old Coriolanus Snow is assigned to mentor Lucy Gray Baird. Uniting their instincts for showmanship and political savvy, they race against time to ultimately reveal who's a songbird and who's a snake.
THE MADONES (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: Members of a one-hit wonder sister act fall on hard times.
AMISH AFFAIR (CTV Life) 10:00pm: Hannah knows her secret relationship with Aaron, a charismatic Amish leader, has them both living in sin, so she decides to end it. However, when Aaron's wife suspiciously dies, she finds herself framed for murder and fighting to prove her innocence.
JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS PART ONE (adult swim) 10:00pm: The Anti-Monitor (the Monitor's evil counterpart) is released into the DC Multiverse and begins to destroy the different Earths that compose it. The Monitor attempts to recruit heroes from across the Multiverse to fight back.
ALL SOULS (Crave) 11:40pm: A young woman is pressured by the police to go under cover and infiltrate a local drug cartel.
THE WOLVERINE (CTV) 12:35am: In Japan and vulnerable for the first time, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) confronts lethal samurai steel and grapples with the ghost
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allthenewsworld · 3 months
India seeks report on iPhone factory hiring practices
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The Indian government has sought a detailed report from Tamil Nadu state following media reports that Apple supplier Foxconn was allegedly rejecting married women for iPhone assembly jobs.
A Reuters investigation alleged that Foxconn had excluded married women from jobs at its main India iPhone plant near Chennai, citing their greater family responsibilities compared to unmarried women.
The federal labour ministry says the law "clearly stipulates that no discrimination (is) to be made while recruiting men and women workers".
Neither Apple nor the Tamil Nadu state government responded to requests for comment from Reuters.
The BBC has also reached out to Foxconn and the Tamil Nadu labour department for a response.
Foxconn, the largest supplier of Apple iPhones, set up its first factory in Tamil Nadu in 2017 but has since been aggressively expanding its operations in India.
In 2023, it began assembling the iPhone 15 in the state and earlier this year, Foxconn tied up with Google to make Pixel smartphones in Tamil Nadu.
Rights activists say the reports about the firm's hiring practices in India are concerning, given that thousands look to its factories for employment opportunities.
Reuters said it spoke to numerous employees and Foxconn hiring agencies for the story.
The report said that hiring agents and Foxconn HR sources "cited family duties, pregnancy and higher absenteeism as reasons why Foxconn did not hire married women at the plant".
This isn't the first time the firm has come under the scanner for its labour practices.
In 2018, a US-based rights group had accused the firm of overworking and underpaying temporary workers at its factory in China that manufactured products for Amazon.
In 2022, its iPhone factory in China saw protests by workers who claimed that they had not been paid certain dues.
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