#Amazon chargebacks
ideabrights · 2 months
The Complete Guide to Amazon Vendor Central Chargebacks
Navigating Amazon chargebacks can be complex, but with the right understanding and strategy, vendors can minimize their impact.
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joelewisscoopglobal · 3 months
Navigating through the intricacies of Amazon’s chargeback system can indeed be daunting. Despite being the eCommerce behemoth, accounting for a quarter of the US’s online market, Amazon’s chargeback procedures can be complex and vary based on whether you employ Amazon Seller or Amazon Pay.  
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
How many times does it need to be “a disgruntled ex-employee who is bitter and jealous at queen viv” until there’s actual evidence of abuse they’re convinced by, instead of fans and friends they’re like lawyers fighting for her
This phenomenon isnt new to me, I had an ex-friend who was close to someone who wad caught stealing money from an artist (chargebacking commission money) and I got presented with screenshot proof from the victim. When I showed this to my ex-friend? The reply was something like “Oh, this is weird, they’d never do something like that, I don’t know what to think”, and we stopped communicating, then I found out they had blocked me on every site after that interaction
I think it’s as simple as Viv’s attack dogs (namely the huge drama hotspots like Elcee, Alex and Dani) being spineless and wanting to be on her good side. Viv’s art is amazing and appealing to a lot of queer people, I don’t blame them, I used to be an avid defender of hers. But if you complain about anything you are told to fuck off, you’re ungrateful, baiting, stirring drama, you only hate her cause she’s a queer creator, etc. This is the only fandom to ever call a YTP going viral a “hate campaign”
the replies to that reddit post of the owl cafes broke my fucking heart, I really hope the boycotting against Amazon is the final straw and outsiders to the fandom are the wake-up call we need to witness
The Danis and Elcees and Alexes, I don't think anything will convince them. I think Vivzie could commit real murder and they'd go down saying she didn't.
But everyone else, I think they're starting to wake up.
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flappyhappystim · 10 months
You say you want to be accessible and affordable. Well I found your gootoobz on Amazon for cheaper.
In the case of the GooToobz, the supplier we purchased from had us sign a contract which sets a minimum price for us to charge - we are actually selling them as low as we’re allowed to. This actually means they need to be exempt from discounts, otherwise we’d be breaching contract.
The Amazon listing you saw likely purchased from a different supplier or is in a different country where their contract is different.
I will say though that sometimes our prices won’t beat Amazon. We are a small business and because we can’t buy in the quantities that they can, they have significantly lower product costs.
Irene and I have spent a lot of time figuring out how low we can price our products while still being able to cover overhead costs. There are a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration beyond the basic cost of products from our suppliers, such as the packaging materials, money lost from chargebacks or parcels disappearing, where we have to re-send them out at our cost. We also had to purchase all the drawers and shelving for the products and other various things.
Irene and I aren’t even actually paid anything at this time. We are solely focused on building the business. We want this to be sustainable down the line which means as much as we wish we could make stuff cheaper, we can only go so far without having our business go under.
I normally wouldn’t respond to an ask like this and I realize a lot of businesses wouldn’t talk about this but I do think it’s important info for anyone else wondering to know.
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People who ghost sales and cancel layaways are the worst. I dont do holds ever because the only people who request them do so because they want time to decide if they want the item without the pressure of someone else buying, then ghost you. It’s either put down a non refundable deposit or pay in full! knew someone who was constantly cancelling layaways and buy agreements, even doing chargebacks because they simply change their mind or prefer to buy something else. It’s messed up. It’s not anyone’s responsibility to accommodate for your impulsivity or indecisive-ness. If you buy something and change your mind, take the L and resell after. This ain’t Amazon.
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barbiedreamdyke · 2 years
saw a post of a twitter thread about people getting chargebacks from Amazon for people “stealing” ebooks (aka buying and returning ebooks) which is fucking dumb as hell. no offense but uh… don’t sell or publish your shit on Amazon lol. you’re just putting more money in Jeff’s pockets and there are other more legitimate and better ways of publishing ebooks.
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vaishnavidevi · 1 month
Top Online Payment Services for Small Businesses in 2024
In today's digital world, a seamless online payment system is no longer a luxury for small businesses – it's a necessity. Customers expect a smooth and secure checkout experience, and offering a variety of payment options is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. But with a plethora of online payment services available, choosing the right one for your small business can be overwhelming. Fear not, fellow entrepreneurs! This blog dives deep into the top online payment gateways and services for small businesses in 2024, helping you find the perfect partner to streamline your finances and boost your sales.
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Beyond the Basics: Key Features to Consider
Before diving into specific services, let's explore the essential features you should prioritize when choosing an online payment processor:
Transaction Fees: Compare pricing structures, including per-transaction fees, monthly fees, and chargeback fees. Look for transparent pricing with no hidden costs.
Security: Ensure the provider adheres to industry-standard security protocols like PCI DSS to safeguard sensitive customer data.
Payment Methods Supported: Offer the payment methods your customers prefer, such as credit cards, debit cards, e-wallets, and potentially even buy-now-pay-later options.
Ease of Integration: A smooth integration with your existing website or point-of-sale (POS) system is vital for a hassle-free checkout experience.
Customer Support: Reliable customer support is essential to address any issues that may arise with transactions or account management.
Additional Features: Consider bonus features like invoicing tools, subscription management, or analytics capabilities that can enhance your business operations.
Top Contenders: Unveiling the Best Online Payment Services for Small Businesses
Now, let's explore some of the most popular and trusted online payment service providers for small businesses:
Square: A user-friendly and affordable option, Square offers a free card reader for in-person transactions and integrates seamlessly with its own POS system. They also offer competitive online transaction fees and a variety of additional features like inventory management and marketing tools.
Stripe: A popular choice for e-commerce businesses, Stripe provides a robust platform with a wide range of features, including customizable checkout experiences, subscription management, and fraud prevention tools. Their pricing structure is transparent and integrates with various platforms and shopping carts.
PayPal: A well-established name in online payments, PayPal offers a familiar and convenient experience for both businesses and customers. They cater well to international transactions and offer features like invoicing and dispute resolution. However, their transaction fees can be slightly higher compared to some competitors.
Payoneer: A global payment platform, Payoneer is ideal for businesses with international operations. They offer competitive fees for international transactions and facilitate fast and secure cross-border payments.
Amazon Pay: If you are an established seller on Amazon Marketplace, integrating Amazon Pay can be a strategic move. It leverages existing customer trust in Amazon and offers a fast and secure checkout experience for customers with pre-existing Amazon accounts.
Beyond the Big Names: Exploring Alternative Options
While the above providers are widely recognized, consider these alternative options catering to specific needs:
Authorize.Net: A veteran in the payment processing space, Authorize.Net caters to larger and more established businesses with complex payment processing requirements. They offer a vast array of features and integrations but may require more technical expertise to set up.
2Checkout: Ideal for businesses selling digital products or services globally, 2Checkout specializes in high-risk transactions and offers features like fraud prevention and multi-currency support. However, their pricing structure can be less transparent compared to some competitors.
Choosing Your Perfect Payment Partner: Making an Informed Decision
Here are some final tips to guide your selection:
Evaluate Your Needs: Identify your specific requirements, such as transaction volume, budget, and desired features, before starting your research.
Read Reviews and Compare Features: Read online reviews from other small businesses and compare features and pricing structures before making a decision.
Consider Free Trials: Many providers offer free trial periods, allowing you to test the platform and see if it fits your workflow before committing.
Focus on Security: Never compromise on security. Choose a provider with a strong reputation for data protection and industry-standard security protocols.
Conclusion: A Secure and Streamlined Payment Ecosystem for Your Business
Choosing the right online payment service can empower your small business to thrive in the digital age. By considering your needs, comparing features, and prioritizing security, you can find the perfect partner to streamline your financial operations, accept a wider range of payments, and ultimately enhance your customer experience.
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lunaamorris · 3 months
Bookkeeping for eCommerce Businesses: Unique Considerations
In the dynamic world of eCommerce, where transactions happen at the speed of a click, effective bookkeeping is the backbone of a successful business. The unique considerations for bookkeeping in eCommerce go beyond traditional methods, reflecting the fast-paced and ever-evolving nature of online retail. 
Let's delve into the essential aspects that make bookkeeping for eCommerce businesses a distinctive and crucial component of financial management.
1. Transaction Volume and Variability:
eCommerce businesses experience a high volume of transactions daily. Managing this sheer quantity requires robust bookkeeping systems capable of handling the variability in transaction types and frequencies. From product sales and refunds to shipping costs and discounts, each transaction must be accurately recorded to maintain financial clarity.
2. Integration with eCommerce Platforms:
Unlike brick-and-mortar stores, eCommerce businesses often operate through various online platforms. Seamless integration between these platforms and bookkeeping systems is vital. Many eCommerce entrepreneurs leverage specialized accounting software that syncs with popular platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Amazon, streamlining the recording of sales, inventory, and expenses.
3. Inventory Management:
For eCommerce businesses, inventory management is not just a logistical consideration; it directly impacts financial records. Accurate bookkeeping should reflect real-time changes in stock levels, accounting for factors like seasonal fluctuations, product returns, and discounts. This ensures businesses maintain optimal inventory levels and make informed financial decisions.
4. Multi-Currency Transactions:
Global sales mean dealing with multiple currencies, adding a layer of complexity to bookkeeping. Conversion rates, transaction fees, and currency fluctuations need to be carefully tracked to provide an accurate financial picture. Implementing bookkeeping practices that support multi-currency transactions is crucial for eCommerce businesses operating on an international scale.
5. Tax Compliance in Various Jurisdictions:
eCommerce businesses often sell to customers worldwide, triggering tax obligations in multiple jurisdictions. Staying compliant with diverse tax regulations requires meticulous bookkeeping to track and calculate taxes accurately. This includes understanding the implications of Value Added Tax (VAT), Goods and Services Tax (GST), or other applicable taxes based on the location of the buyer.
6. Digital Marketing Expenses:
eCommerce success often relies on robust digital marketing strategies. Bookkeeping for eCommerce businesses should include a detailed breakdown of digital marketing expenses, encompassing costs for online advertising, social media campaigns, and search engine optimization. Understanding the return on investment (ROI) for these expenditures is crucial for refining marketing strategies and optimizing budget allocation.
7. Managing Customer Refunds and Chargebacks:
In the world of eCommerce, customer satisfaction is paramount. However, this also means dealing with refunds and chargebacks. Proper bookkeeping ensures that these transactions are accurately recorded, helping businesses track their impact on revenue and identify trends that may require adjustments in product offerings or customer service.
8. Security and Fraud Prevention:
eCommerce businesses face the constant threat of online fraud. Experts offering CPA bookkeeping services play a pivotal role in monitoring and identifying any suspicious transactions. Implementing secure payment gateways and reconciling financial records regularly helps in the early detection of fraudulent activities, safeguarding the financial health of the business.
In conclusion, bookkeeping for eCommerce businesses is a dynamic and multifaceted endeavor that goes beyond conventional accounting practices. 
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ideabrights · 6 months
Chargebacks in the context of Amazon Vendor Central refer to the penalties or fees imposed by Amazon on vendors for various reasons. These chargebacks are deductions made by Amazon from the payments owed to vendors.
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joelewisscoopglobal · 4 months
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Navigating through the intricacies of Amazon’s chargeback system can indeed be daunting. Despite being the eCommerce behemoth, accounting for a quarter of the US’s online market, Amazon’s chargeback procedures can be complex and vary based on whether you employ Amazon Seller or Amazon Pay.
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If there’s something that bothers me the most about this community are the people who believe that if an artists takes an extensive period of time where they aren’t able to give updates/be active and clearly show signs they have a lot going on in the normal life, the go to is believe the artist is a scammer and it’s what I’m seeing with Dust of D0lls.
I’m seeing a person who is filing a chargeback and then another saying that DoD is a scammer and should be banned from DoA due to being no responsive and I’m just like…dude…chill tf out. I understand people get concerned about being scammed seeing that it’s happened a multiple times in this hobby history, but at the same time, if the artist has no history of scamming or taking years to send dolls in the 10+ years they’ve been selling, why think of the worst?
Like it doesn’t sit well with me when people act like artists don’t have a life outside their job and don’t give room for the time they may go through some shit they have to sort through that will cause you to wait longer than what I’m very sure they planned for. And if they’re not responding to emails and haven’t even accepted money for layaway payments, isn’t that an indicator that something may be happening on their life that’s preventing them from working?
And I’m not saying that you should let an artist go on a year plus with no updates on your order while they’re active on social media or being non responsive is acceptable/professional behavior, but these artists aren’t Amazon, show a little fucking compassion and be patient.
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amazonaccountsforsale · 6 months
Essential Steps: How To Reverse Amazon Account Restrictions and Blocks
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The world of e-commerce offers vast opportunities, and for many, Amazon stands as a beacon of success. However, for sellers, encountering account restrictions or blocks on Amazon can be a daunting experience. In this guide, we'll explore the essential steps to reverse Amazon account restrictions and blocks, providing valuable insights to navigate this challenging terrain. For ongoing support and expert advice, visit Dropship Blog.
Understanding Amazon Account Restrictions and Blocks
Amazon employs a vigilant approach to maintaining the integrity of its marketplace. Account restrictions and blocks are implemented when Amazon identifies potential policy violations, customer dissatisfaction, or concerns regarding the authenticity of products. It's crucial for sellers to comprehend the nuances of these restrictions to effectively reverse them.
Common Reasons for Amazon Account Restrictions and Blocks
**1. Policy Violations:
Non-compliance with Amazon's policies, whether related to product listings, customer service, or shipping practices, can lead to account restrictions.
**2. Inauthentic or Counterfeit Claims:
Suspicions or claims about the inauthenticity or counterfeiting of products can result in immediate account blocks.
**3. Negative Customer Feedback:
A high volume of negative feedback, A-to-z Guarantee claims, or credit card chargebacks can contribute to account restrictions.
**4. High Order Defect Rate (ODR):
Amazon closely monitors the Order Defect Rate, and a consistently high ODR may lead to account restrictions.
**5. Listing Quality Issues:
Poorly optimized product listings, inaccurate descriptions, or missing information can be grounds for account restrictions.
Essential Steps to Reverse Amazon Account Restrictions and Blocks
**1. Review the Suspension Notice:
Thoroughly examine the suspension notice provided by Amazon. Understand the specific reasons for the restrictions to address them effectively.
**2. Identify and Resolve Root Causes:
Pinpoint the root causes of the restrictions and take immediate action to resolve them. This may involve improving product listings, addressing negative feedback, or enhancing customer communication.
**3. Communicate with Amazon Support:
Establish open lines of communication with Amazon Seller Support. Seek clarification on the issues and clearly communicate the corrective actions taken to resolve them.
**4. Submit a Plan of Action:
Amazon often requires sellers to submit a Plan of Action detailing the steps taken to rectify issues. Craft a comprehensive plan demonstrating your commitment to adhering to Amazon's policies.
**5. Monitor Performance Metrics:
Regularly monitor key seller performance metrics, including the Order Defect Rate and feedback ratings. Proactively address any emerging issues to prevent future account restrictions.
**6. Invest in Outstanding Customer Service:
Prioritize exceptional customer service. Respond promptly to buyer inquiries, resolve issues professionally, and ensure a positive shopping experience for customers.
Preventing Future Account Restrictions: Proactive Measures
**1. Stay Informed About Policies:
Keep abreast of Amazon's policies and any updates or changes. Staying informed is crucial for maintaining compliance and preventing future account restrictions.
**2. Optimize Product Listings:
Maintain high-quality product listings with accurate descriptions, images, and relevant information. Optimize keywords to enhance search visibility and attract the right customers.
**3. Timely Shipping and Fulfillment:
Adhere to Amazon's shipping standards to ensure timely order fulfillment. Efficient shipping practices contribute to positive buyer experiences.
**4. Effective Inventory Management:
Implement robust inventory management practices to prevent overselling or delays. Ensuring accurate stock levels is vital for meeting customer demand.
**5. Utilize Amazon Educational Resources:
Take advantage of Amazon's educational resources for sellers. Attend webinars, read guides, and stay informed about best practices and policy compliance.
Successfully reversing Amazon account restrictions and blocks requires a strategic and proactive approach. By understanding the reasons behind these restrictions, taking decisive action to resolve issues, and implementing proactive strategies, sellers can not only recover but also build a resilient and thriving presence on Amazon.
For ongoing support, expert insights, and resources on reversing Amazon account restrictions, visit Dropship Blog. Your trusted partner in e-commerce success, providing valuable guidance for sellers looking to navigate the complexities of online retail.
Contact US: https://dropshipblog.co.uk Skype: [email protected] Telegram: BuyTOPRatedAccounts
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Expert Guidance on Facebook Marketplace Selling fees
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Facebook, which has 3.74 billion account users, launched the marketplace in 2016 and has strengthened its foothold by offering massive market competition such as Craigslist. Today we are going to detail the various facebook marketplace fees charged by companies related to selling on the marketplace.  Table of Contents- Reddit Answer - Does Facebook Marketplace Charge or Not?   - Does Facebook Marketplace charge tax or not? - Why is shipping so cheap on this Facebook Marketplace?  - Conclusion Including fees, renewal fees, shipping fees, sales fees and charge back fees. One of the best features of Facebook Market Place is the absence of entry fees.  You can list up to 150 items a day on Facebook and it's free of charge. The above rules apply only to three specific items.  Items for sale: vehicles, houses for rent or sale. Considering the ever-increasing seller's fees on e-commerce, Facebook has won in this regard. By studying different lists or categories, you will know what you want to sell and what items sell the most. Membership Fees: Selling on this platform is more attractive as there are no fees.  According to the company's policy, you can use the service without any monthly or set sub costs, different from other platforms eg Amazon and eBay, but it is a proven picture. Shipping Fees : The fb marketplace does not charge a separate shipping fee, but a 5% fee is charged if the shipment is over $8 and a flat fee of $0.40 if less. Sellers may incur costs if they choose prepaid shipping labels.  The cost of shipping depends on various factors such as which catalogue are registered, the weight of the item, and the destination.  Be careful when choosing a shipping service as each shipping vendor has different fees. It is important to know how fees are charged on the Fab Marketplace.  Sales and payment processing charges are charged together.  For example; If the shipment is valued at $6, the facebook marketplace platform selling fees will be deducted at $0.40 and your final profit will be $5.60.  The above fees are used to upscale the experience of the service sold on Facebook and Instagram. Charge back Fees: Facebook does not include fees in its marketplace fee structure.  However, fraud, unauthorized transactions, chargeback filed by disgruntled customers can vary depending on the situation.  To avoid this fee, the seller should always provide accurate information, clear photos and other information about the item.
Reddit Answer
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Selling on Facebook Marketplace by u/kbell321 in Flipping
Does Facebook Marketplace Charge or Not?  
Yes Marketplace charges are based on the cost of the item, the fee can be either 5% or a flat fee of $0.40 per shipment. If the seller uses Meta ads, the same charges apply.
Does Facebook Marketplace charge tax or not?
Since the company is based in the US, regional customers have to pay taxes on the platform itself, but not the case in other countries.
Why is shipping so cheap on this Facebook Marketplace? 
Products typically travel shorter distances, meaning transactions are faster and more centralized, making pricing more efficient.  Sometimes the seller may offer a subsidy. When will Facebook pay me when the product is sold?   The seller gets the money directly into his bank account.  Once the customer receives the item, you can pay out after 15 to 5 days.
The service of Facebook Marketplace service is very beneficial in this competitive market, with registered seller account, trustworthy service, and low fees charged by the company making it an attractive option.  Also the seller can decide his policies according to his needs. Read the full article
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inymbus · 8 months
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Amazon Compliance Chargebacks: A Comprehensive Guide for Vendors 
In the dynamic world of Amazon Vendor Central, the surge in deductions, particularly Compliance Chargebacks, has left vendors seeking effective solutions. This article sheds light on the challenges posed by Compliance Chargebacks, offering insights into their nature, types, reasons, and most importantly, how vendors can overcome them.
What Are Compliance Chargebacks?
When entering the realm of Amazon Vendor Central, adherence to Vendor Regulations is paramount. Deviating from these terms results in Compliance Chargebacks – deductions initiated by Amazon to rectify non-compliance instances.
Types of Compliance Chargebacks and Their Reasons:
While Amazon issues numerous Compliance Chargebacks, several prevalent ones plague most vendors. These include:
ASN (Advance Shipment Notice) Chargebacks:
Failure to notify Amazon about early-arriving shipments leads to this deduction. Timely communication is key to avoiding these chargebacks.
PO Related Chargebacks:
Accurate handling of Purchase Orders (POs) is crucial. Elements such as timeliness, rejection rates, and required units demand precision to avert these deductions.
Packaging And Label Chargebacks:
Meticulous adherence to packaging and labeling instructions is vital. Neglecting even minor details can trigger deductions. Key aspects include proper wrapping, precise label design, and compliance with Ship In Own Category (SIOC) guidelines.
Problems in Preventing:
Proactive monitoring is undoubtedly the preferred approach for prevention. However, the formidable automated systems employed by Amazon introduce persistent challenges that make it difficult to entirely avert these deductions.
Manual Disputes: A Cumbersome Process: 
On another front, the process of manually disputing these deductions poses its own set of challenges. Addressing a multitude of claims every month through the manual uploading of documents is far from being an ideal or efficient solution.
Solution: iNymbus Cloud RPA
Embrace Technology: Leverage technology to simplify this process. Cloud Robotic Process Automation (RPA) stands out as a game-changer. With iNymbus Cloud RPA, vendors gain a robust solution. Trained to adapt to your system, it automates tasks and processes claims 30 times faster than manual efforts.
Preventive Measures: iNymbus Cloud RPA goes beyond claim processing. It identifies root causes of deductions, empowering vendors to proactively prevent future instances.
Success Stories: Over 200 companies have triumphed over deductions with iNymbus. Let us join your fight and secure victory together. Click Here to know how our assistance enabled D&H Distributing to resolve a two-year backlog of claims
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Top Amazon Seller Metrics You Should Monitor For The Success Of Your Brand
There is a saying that you can’t get where you are going if you don’t know where you are now. Keeping track of all those metrics on Seller Central to optimize your Amazon business can get overwhelming. Amazon also tends to roll out more sophisticated metrics as the marketplace gets more complex. Not only do Amazon sellers want to boost their sales and grow their Amazon business, but they also want to learn how their business is growing. Amazon expects high performance from sellers because Amazon values customer satisfaction more than anything else.
The retail giant wants sellers that deliver positive experiences on their site. If you are an Amazon seller, you must monitor your performance metrics. Account metrics are a factor in how Amazon ranks sellers. They aren’t the only rules sellers should follow to remain on the good side of Amazon. Learning metrics will give you an understanding of your Amazon account health. They will lead you to know how you can optimize inventory, pricing, sales, and customer satisfaction. This blog will tell sellers about who are selling on Amazon sellercentral which metrics impact their Amazon eCommerce business most and how they can stay on top of them. Here we go!
1. Product Ranking
Want to know what your Amazon product ranking does? It tells you where your listing appears in the Amazon SERPs. Approximately 70% of the buyers don’t go beyond the first page. Make sure your product ranks on page #1 so that your listing appears in front of as many shoppers as possible and ultimately brings sales. The search position of your product is your product visibility. There are many methods to improve your product ranking, but the two most commonly used are product listing optimization and PPC. Amazon Product listing optimization helps you improve your Amazon organic ranking in the long term, while PPC gives you an instant boost in visibility and helps you rank on page #1 quickly. Both the above ways are important, but your advertising efforts gradually lead to an increase in organic ranking and sales.
2. Buy Box Eligibility
When a buyer purchases on Amazon and clicks “add to cart,” that is the Buy Box. Only one seller can have the buy box out of many resellers in a given time. Buy box eligibility mostly depends on the price of the product. The seller with the lowest price wins the buy box. The Amazon buy box algorithm also takes into account a few Amazon metrics, the following of which are the most important:
Order Defect Rate (ODR): Amazon estimates this percentage based on the number of A-Z claims (unsatisfactory/late orders), negative feedback, and credit card chargebacks. All the above factors are combined, then divided by the total number of orders over the last 60 days. This metric should be under 1%.
Inventory availability: Amazon’s algorithm favors products that are available to customers immediately. While back-ordered items can win the Buy Box, the inventory should always remain in stock.
Customer Feedback, Customer Response Time & Satisfaction: Sellers must maintain constant and positive seller feedback. The customer service response time should be efficient regarding customer inquiries. All the above things will affect your chances of winning the Buy Box.
Fulfillment Method: Both the FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) and FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant) are feasible business models, but if sellers choose FBA, their chances of winning the buy box increase.
How to check your buy box eligibility?
Go to your Manage Inventory page and select Preferences.
Select the buy box eligible at the bottom of the page and click on save changes.
3. Seller Rating and Seller Feedback
Amazon Seller Feedback is the reviews customers leave about your brand and your service. Sellers put a lot of effort and time into maintaining the virtue of their customer reviews but couldn’t care less about seller feedback. Although the usage of the words seller feedback and customer reviews are often interchangeable, they are very different. Amazon Customer reviews are all about your products, and seller feedback is like your report card as a seller. Also, a negative seller feedback rate of over 25% can put your account at a high risk of suspension. Successfully maintains a positive seller feedback rate of 95-99% and secures the buy box to ensure more sales. Some ways to improve and increase your seller feedback are Offering fast shipping, excellent after-sale customer service, and better-quality packaging.
Amazon Seller Rating is the numerical success value of a score from 1-100 (with 100 being the best). Amazon storefront to Shoppers can see this score on your Amazon storefront. The Seller Rating is a number between the range of 0-100 and is based on six primary metrics which are shipping time, order cancellations, chargebacks, A-to-Z guarantee claims, customer reviews, and customer inquiries. Also, other metrics determine the seller rating, including order defect rate, pre-fulfillment cancellation rate, perfect order percentage, message response times, feedback rating, return dissatisfaction rate, refund rate, and valid tracking rate. These variables together determine the Seller Rating (the most critical numbers) for sellers to track. Consider all is well if your Seller Rating is high. If the Seller Rating starts to fall, it means the time to look deeper at all the metrics has come to understand and address the root issue. Not only is maintaining a high Seller Rating crucial for keeping your selling privileges, but it is also a relevant variable in Amazon SEO.
4. Inventory Performance Inde
Maintaining your Amazon IPI score is essential to avoid out-of-stock situations. IPI score is a number from 0-1000 that tells your efficiency in managing your inventory. To see your IPI score, go to the Inventory Performance Dashboard, and you’ll see a performance bar showing four categories:
Dark green = Excellent
Green = Good
Yellow = Fair
Red = Poor
Remain on the right side of the bar, and Amazon will reward you with infinite storage, while a low IPI score can put you at storage limitations risk. Amazon states that an IPI score above 450 means your Amazon FBA inventory is performing well, while a score above 550 indicates your inventory is a top performer. You may be subject to storage fees or limitations if your score is not more than 350. Your Inventory Performance Index, or IPI, measures how well you manage your inventory over time. Your IPI score combines the past three months of sales, inventory levels, and costs into a single rolling metric that is updated weekly. An efficient inventory management process guarantees that your products get delivered to customers faster, reduces costs, and ultimately makes your Amazon FBA business more fruitful. Amazon does not reveal any actual formula for determining the IPI score, but we have mentioned the factors that will help improve your IPI score:
Excess Inventory: Reduce unproductive inventory. Maintain a sufficient stock to cover 30 to 60 days of your anticipated sales.
Sell-through Rate: Enhance your 90-day rolling sell-through by keeping the proper inventory balance over the same period.
Stranded Inventory: Ensure you have buyable product inventory, and fix stranded listings.
In-stock Inventory: Boost sales by maintaining popular items in stock.
5. Conversion Rate
The Amazon Customer conversion rate measures the number of potential customers who viewed your listing against the number of actual customers who bought from you. The Conversion Rate keeps track of how many shoppers viewed your listing and the customers who purchased from you. It displays the percentage of visitors that converted into customers. There is a  problem with your product detail page if the conversion rate is poor. The factors that directly impact your conversion rates are below:
Images: Nine images that are high quality, professionally created white background images, Amazon infographic images, lifestyles, etc.
Reviews: The more good reviews you have, the more favorable your conversion rate will be. There should be 30 plus 4.5 or 5-star ratings.
Price: Keep your price-productive and competitive. The product shouldn’t be overpriced or underpriced.
Buy Box: If the buy box is lost then your offer will not be available for the customers.
Along with conversions, you also need to investigate your Amazon Unit Session Percentage Rate. You can calculate this metric by dividing the number of units ordered by the number of total sessions. A session refers to the number of unique visitors visiting a page. A decline in sessions can specify if your keyword ranking decreased and why it has decreased. The seller can find conversions and sessions within the Detail Page, Sales, and Traffic. High conversion and session rates imply that users are coming to your page and purchasing your products. Low rates mean you require some changes to your selling and advertising strategies.
6. Pre-Fulfillment Cancellation Rate (<2.5%)
What is the Amazon pre-fulfillment cancellation rate? Sellers can calculate the pre-fulfillment cancellation rates by dividing the total number of order cancellations (before shipping confirmations) by the total number of orders in a given time. Poor inventory management is most often the reason for high pre-fulfillment cancellation rates. If you fail to meet the criteria for a pre-fulfillment cancellation rate, then it can lead to account suspension. Also, Pre-fulfillment cancellation rates apply to only seller-fulfilled orders.
What is the magical number for this Amazon seller metric? The PFC rate should be less than 2.5%. More than this percentage results in an account suspension. Keep your rate below 2.5% with proper inventory management. Revise your records to show the total units at your disposal in Amazon warehouses. Restock when necessary to stop undesirable cancellations.
The Pre-Fulfillment Cancellation Rate (PFCR) measures how many customers cancel already placed orders. It does not include pending orders that Amazon users cancel.
Generally, the most common reason a shopper cancels an order is when the product is unavailable. It happens when the seller lists a product for sale that is out of stock. This issue is not huge for Sellers who utilize Amazon’s FBA services since Amazon lists products as “unavailable” when the stock is exhausted. However, for FBM sellers, it’s essential to have an effective inventory management system in place to ensure that PFCR stays as low as possible.
7. Late Shipment Rate
Nothing frustrated a shopper more than delayed shipments. Amazon is well known for its super-fast, on-time delivery, and late shipments inadequately reflect your business standards. It is not the portrait you want to paint of yourself, especially in front of Amazon or your paying consumers. An order is late when it is confirmed to be overdue for three or more days. Sellers are thus encouraged to maintain a late shipment rate of <4%. Failing to meet the target threshold can get your account penalized, suspended, or even removed. Also, Late shipment rates apply to only seller-fulfilled orders. Late shipments can lead to negative customer feedback when the seller needs to meet buyers’ expectations and leads to increased returns (some customers will buy a different product if their first choice is not arrive timely). Usually, sellers can keep a low Late Dispatch Rate by using effective inventory management practices and a sound logistics system.
The late shipment rate formula is as follows:
Number of overdue orders (exceeding two days) ÷ total number of orders in a given timeframe
Amazon calculates this rate by dividing the overdue orders by the total orders over a 10-day or 30 days. The shipment date is set two business days after the placement of the order. Late shipment rates apply to only seller-fulfilled orders.
8. PPC Metrics: ACoS, TACoS & RoAS
PPC (pay-per-click advertising) is a term every seller needs to know. As your Amazon business grows, you need to supercharge your sales to keep profits up. Amazon PPC ad campaigns are your superchargers. Of course, like anything e-commerce-related, excessively complex acronyms are involved (otherwise known as ECA’s).
Every Amazon seller uses PPC to get an instant boost in sales. If you have looked at the campaigns manager, you’ll find various metrics like CTR (click-through rates), conversion rates, impressions, clicks, sales, and more. Out of these, three metrics are the most important: ACoS, TACoS, and RoAS.
Your Advertising Cost Of Sales (ACoS) tells you how much money you have spent on an ad and how much you have earned from it.
The lower your ACoS, the more promising your campaigns.
TACoS measure your ad spend against all your Amazon sales (organic + sponsored). TACoS gives sellers a holistic view of the relationship between total sales and ad spending. It helps you measure the effectiveness of advertising in the long-term growth of your brand and shows how much your business relies on advertising. Just like ACoS, the more down your TACoS is, the better.
TACoS & ACoS Scenario:
Organic sale increases when TACoS is flat.
Organic sales increase when TACoS falls.
The organic sale reduces when TACoS increases and ACoS drops.
If your product is new, both high ACoS and TACoS are acceptable.
RoAS is also known as “return on ad spend,”. Your RoAS measures your total ROI (return on investment) regarding your paid advertisements. RoAS is not exclusive to Amazon but is used widely across most of the e-commerce world. You can calculate it by dividing your total ad sales by your ad spending. The higher your RoAS, the better.
9. Order Defect Ratio (ODR) (<1%)
Amazon calculates this percentage based on the number of A-Z claims (unsatisfactory/late orders), negative feedback, and credit card chargebacks. These factors are combined and divided by the total number of orders over the last 60 days. You should keep your Order Defect Rate below 1%, or you will lose your beloved buy box. The best way to address ODR issues is by facilitating the fulfillment process and delivering Prime Shipping. You can view your ODR through Performance under Account Health.
As a critical KPI that considerably impacts customer satisfaction, Amazon takes sellers’ ODR quite seriously.
There are three types of Amazon ODR:
A-to-Z Guarantee Claim Rate
Negative Feedback Rate
Credit Card Chargeback Rate
Order defect rate (ODR) is factored into your Account Health to represent the percentage of orders that get negative customer feedback.
10. IP Complaints
Amazon does not permit listings that infringe on the intellectual property rights of brands. If someone has reported an infringement against your listing, immediately resolve this issue. You can find IP complaints on the Account Health page, next to Customer Service Performance. You can see how many intellectual property violations affect your overall account health now. If you ignore these violations, it can also lead to the detail page removal or account suspension. Right next to the Customer Service Performance is a summary of your Policy Compliance, within which you can see how many intellectual property violations are impacting your account currently.
11. Buyer-Seller Contact Response Time (CRT)
Buyer-Seller Contact Response Time shows how responsive you are when answering customer messages. Amazon expects you to reply to buyer messages within 24 hours, no matter what day of the week it is. If you are consistently unresponsive for more than 24 hours, your account metrics will suffer, so checking your buyer-seller messaging section is crucial to keeping your shoppers & Amazon satisfied. If you find yourself too busy to look after buyer-seller messages, hire an Amazon expert who handles this for you. Not only will fulfilling Amazon’s target CRT gives you points with Amazon, but it will also help to specify your brand as a customer-centric business.
12. Product Policy Compliance
Checking your account performance is a must since your Product Policy Compliance deals with complaints from other sellers. You can find this metric in the Performance Section at Seller Central and quickly address issues that require immediate attention. From the Performance Section, go to your Account Health to find the following data: Listing Policy Violations, Complaints for Intellectual Property, Product Authenticity, Product Condition, and Product Safety.
Final Conclusion
Amazon will consistently look at your performance metrics. Your scores tell the retail giant whether you are a qualified seller. If you fall short, then Amazon will take action. Seller Account suspension is the worst-case scenario for negative metrics. When Big sale days like Black Friday & Thanksgiving are around the corner, you need to maintain your account health by staying on top of these performance metrics. If you already have a full plate, let our SIPRANSH ECOMMGROWTH  Amazon consultants take care of your seller metrics, even when you’re asleep.
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ideabrights · 2 months
Understanding Amazon Vendor Central Chargebacks: Essential Insights for Vendors
Amazon Vendor Central chargebacks represent fees or penalties that Amazon executes on vendors for various infractions within their operations. These chargebacks, deducted from vendor payments or invoices, play a crucial role in maintaining compliance with Amazon's stringent standards and ensuring smooth operations within the Vendor Central ecosystem.
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