#Amber frank
thetimelordbatgirl · 6 months
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...Hey, can we just burn Nickelodeon down at this point??? Because WHAT THE ACTUAL-
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archivist-goldfish · 1 year
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dannyboy1920 · 9 months
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Amber Frank
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redvellz · 2 months
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This person did NOT play lis💀
Literally all the antagonists are misogynistic men having control over women like how David try’s to control Chloe or how Mr. Jefferson and Nathan rips away Kate’s Agency or like how Warren is kinda to obsessed with max and the relationship between frank and Rachel
Misogyny is one of the main points of the game
This isn’t a silly game where a girl gets powers and reunites with her childhood best friend
This game has wayyyy darker themes
This game trying to speak out real world problems that needs to be told
(I also might start posting on Twitter when I’m back on my vacation)

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lifeisstrangearchive · 3 months
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Optional Graffiti: Episode 1
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silverflameataraxia · 6 months
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Is Not This
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And This
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Is Most Certainly Not This
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Diminishing Karen's importance in Frank's life because he also saved Madani is utterly ridiculous. Frank's reactions in those two scenes are not the same.
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kevinfeiges · 6 days
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MCU Dynamics → Dinah Madani & Frank Castle
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arcadiabaytornado · 5 months
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This aspect of the Amberprice relationship fascinates me so much because how much did Rachel hide, and how much did Chloe refuse to see? 
Did Rachel put on a sweet smile and lie that she was heading home when she was really going to hang out with friends that Chloe wouldn’t like? Or did Rachel tell the truth knowing that Chloe would make up a narrative in her head? Did Rachel admit to hanging out with characters that Chloe wouldn’t like, only to be met with the thought process of: “Well, she would never really enjoy hanging out with those people. She probably just wants her photo taken.” 
The game very much says that both are true, but we don’t have the finer details.  For example: Chloe says that Rachel lied to her about Frank, though we don’t know what the lie was or the maginitude of the lie. Did Rachel tell Chloe that she wasn’t romantically involved with Frank and she was crazy for even thinking so? Or did Rachel say that she was “just” flirting with him, and Chloe downplayed what that meant because she couldn’t face the idea that Rachel was moving on without her? 
It’s so interesting to think about because we only see Chloe’s side of the story. She feels like Rachel deceived her, and we know that’s true because of the junkyard letter where Rachel blatantly says that she’s keeping her “romance” with Mark a secret. However, I do sometimes wonder how much Chloe refused to see what was right in front of her, especially because her first reaction to Rachel and Frank was to go into denial and justify it to herself. 
This is one aspect of Amberprice I think about all the time because, while Rachel clearly wasn’t a 100% honest person, Chloe was clearly turning a blind eye to things as well. I think “How much did Rachel lie about, and how much was obvious but Chloe either downplayed or chose not to pay attention to?” is a genuine question because the answer majorly changes things about their dynamic. Personally, I imagine it as a bit of a 50/50 split, but that answer isn’t set in stone. 
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maxthesillyy · 2 months
thinking about how they gloss over how bad it was for rachel to be in a ‘relationship’ with frank. and.
on one hand i can understand how the game about Max and Chloe is gonna ignore a few things about Rachel. but on the other hand literally all they had to do was have Max make a comment about it.
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Said I'd do one of these for every 100 followers, and guess who just reached 1600! :)
Presenting: Life Is Strange: Before the Storm meets AO3!
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Credit for screenshots below the cut
In Order: @/inquizies, Santosx07 (YouTube), @/life-is-trange-but-i-am-more, Life Is Strange Wiki, GodisaGeek.com, Life Is Strange Fans, Steam Community, @/computergamephoto, @/nikkinikums, @/strangeionius
Tags from @/dear-ao3 and @/ao3screenshots
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whatsjulietslastname · 4 months
Hello do you think Chloe reacted so fast and so intensely when Frank started threatening Max with his knife because the last time someone threatened her friend with one of those it was Damon with Rachel and she ended up in the hospital goodbye
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tangent101 · 10 months
Have we gotten Rachel wrong this whole time?
There are plenty of theories about Rachel Amber in the LiS community. Some folks like to think of her as a manipulator who only was out for herself. We have others who think she was deep in love with Chloe and would never cheat on her and everything she did was to get her and Chloe out of Arcadia Bay. It seems like everyone looks at Rachel and sees something new. But… what if we were all wrong? What if Rachel was something else… someone who tried avoiding conflict by talking to people and agreeing with them… and thus everyone saw her as they wanted to see her?
There is actually some evidence toward this in the game. First, Chloe herself points this out, though in a way that is perhaps less than flattering: "She blended like a chameleon. Clearly more than I knew… or wanted to know…." People take this as to Rachel was able to see what makes a person tick and just become the person that someone else wanted… but we can see several people who had a rather negative view of Rachel. So what is it about those people that had a negative viewpoint of Rachel?
First, we have David Madsen, who detested Rachel and saw her as a bad influence and a criminal. He was investigating Rachel and had photographs he felt were of her being a drug mule. Next, we had a truck driver who talked about Rachel really wanting to get out of town. And of course there is Mark Jefferson who also had a… twisted view of Rachel, though it also seems Rachel was so enthralled by Jefferson that she may have been sleeping with him (and both Stella and Victoria seem to be interested in what's going on in Jefferson's pants as well, though I'm not sure why, he's not that charming).
The truth is that Rachel was something other than a manipulative gold-digger or the like. She were a teenage girl who disliked conflict and was adept at listening to people and when talking to them would agree with them? I mean, consider her two breakup letters, one to Frank and one to Chloe? Rachel so wanted to avoid conflict that she left a letter to Frank because he scared her. She did not want a fight. She wanted out. So she left… with a note basically giving her reasons and essentially ending things. (Frank thankfully accepted that.)
Chloe also got a letter. Honestly… given it was all crumpled up, I half-wonder if Chloe had read it while high one time and crumpled it up and forgot about it afterward. But we have a very important line here: I don't want you to hate me. I don't want you to hate me. That's a very interesting thing to say. There is no deliberate malice, this is someone who has found someone else who just rings all those bells but wants to keep the friend aspect. She still wants the laughter, the moments of sharing a glance and both having the same thought, the things she envisions friends do… but to walk away from the sensual intimacy.
Remember what Victoria Chase said to Max in the Dark Room, that she was just a teenage girl? That's Rachel. Rachel Amber was not a seductress or a narcissist or a monster. She was a teenage girl who was avoiding conflict in her life, but in doing so ended up in a shallow grave in a junkyard. Because quiet girls don't make history… they end up used, abused, and discarded. They end up on the rooftops willing to throw themselves to their deaths because no one would listen to them. They end up abandoned because they were not good enough, because they ultimately were not willing to stand up to those who would use them.
Max, before Chloe reentered her life, was one of those quiet girls who ends up used and discarded. The reason folks keep seeing Rachel in Max is because Rachel stayed quiet and let people make up their own minds about her. And they saw in her what they wanted.
Or at least, it's one way to interpret Rachel Amber.
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lizzybugg · 11 months
We’ve finished The House of Hades. We’re starting The Blood of Olympus now.
Amber cried at “Bob says hello.”
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angel8kisses · 2 months
Life is Strange Themed Playlists 🌪️
Nathan Prescott📸 Rachel Amber❤️‍🔥
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Chloe Price🦋 Frank Bowers🍂
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Damon Merrick🗡️ The Vortex Club💊
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making a kate marsh, max caufield and veronica chase playlist soon! 😋
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gwydpolls · 9 months
Lucian's Library 4
Feel free to suggest never written or never completed books you wish you could read.
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lifeisstrangearchive · 4 months
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Chloe's Room (episode 3)
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