chase-omega · 2 months
If it was not for God I would not be walking. I should be in a wheelchair right now. Other gods (if they were real) have done nothing for me. Where was Buddha? Where was Baal? Where was Zeus? Where was Ameterasu? Where was Allah? Where was Ra? Not giving a fuck whether I live or die is where they were. Wouldn't piss on me if I was on fire. So I think I'll side with the one God who actually cares about me.
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devileaterjaek · 3 months
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Discord Twitch Ko-Fi
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kabutoden · 9 months
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okami is so funny to me god of all that there is decides that she wants to be a wolf for the benefits of 1. biting people 2. doesnt have to keep on clothes 3. nobody make her take a bath.
i remember as a kid seeing a bunch of skinny waifish ameterasus as people and no i think she’d look like a classic beauty like the ladies in ishuku’s paintings. she literally has bonus lives the more she eats and while I know issun’s passes at her weight whenever you break a bridge are supposed to be fatphobic humor its lost because I was replaying the game with the beefiest, fluffyiest skin there was. god woman is large she’s got to be to me mom of everything shes large to contain the great wonders of the world. other thoughts. she’d show up in the worlds most fabulous garment (unfinished here) and then slowly shuck the layers over time until she got to run around like dog again. woman who says there is an animal inside me. im the god of all that there is and I am going to run around in thick furs and howl moon and wield a giant sword because shes just the most awesome wolf ever i love ameterasu and ameterasu loves the world she made. thank you queen
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ashiribe · 2 years
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The Sun Rises
(piece from earlier this year!)
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domoz · 1 year
todays idea is: a reversed blessed au, where madara (or izuna) is born with some feature that the senju clan finds holy
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nin-jay-go · 9 months
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a MUCH NEEDED akita redesign. girl what is happening with your everything i am so sorry
referenced the images on the side! used for inspo actual inuit parkas and clothing, instead of whatever akita has going on (come on ninjago, seriously? a kitsune / ameterasu / okami design is fine and all, but when you try to make her native???? what are you on)
i kept some wolf ears on her hood though bc i thought it'd be cute :) i'm allowed to still add triangles to clothing
also! made her an older woman! because TOMMY AND I ARE CORRECT
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this really isn't to throw shade at people who hc her as being a young adult or whatever but i am going to explode if people try to make her lloyd's age. akita is a middle aged woman because otherwise the timeline is completely fucked, and she can't just stay a "young adult" forever. i'm throwing hands /j
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hwsevents · 9 months
Mythtalia March!
A Hetalia event for myths: Greek, Egyptian, Roman, Japanese, Norse, whatever you like!
Want to depict Hetalia characters as gods, goddesses, monsters, or other mythological figures? Then this event is for you!
You can put them in the roles of specific characters (e.g. Hades, Anubis, Ameterasu, Medusa, Odysseus) or you can depict them as a mythological creature in general (e.g. centaur, kitsune, rusalka). Ships are welcome, too.
Please let me know in the comments or tags if this idea appeals to you!
And please reblog so I can reach more people who might be interested.
@nsfhetalia @hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @hetaliacalendar
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paperpalooka · 16 days
Going through the missile tag and seeing all of the polls missile should have won and getting big mad. Fuckin ameterasu won best dog and Amy isn't even a dog! It's a wolf! Dogs are wolves but wolves are not dogs, it's a square to rectangle relationship.
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fanimalcreations · 2 years
If you can't appreciate me at my paper mache head and hot glued everything fursuit🙃
Then you don't deserve me at my badass snarling mechanism in the snout werewolf fursuit😈
(Ami was my first ever fursuit. Made somewhere around 2006? And my blonde werewolf was started in 2021)
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And no joke, I literally HOT GLUED every seam on that Ameterasu costume. I didn't have a sewing machine at the time 😅🫠
And the paper mache head was so heavy and hard it literally survived being stepped on.
It's crazy to see how far I've grown in skill. I'm so proud of my werewolf. I have been slowly learning new techniques specifically so I could make this suit for myself.
Here's to always learning and trying to improve to make your monster dreams come true ✨️
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Ameterasu: Sano, what did I tell you about calling Ebisu a devil?
Sano: That it's offensive to the devil.
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stopthebig3 · 8 months
Sasuke lied when he said Sakura and Kakashi don't matter and he only saved them because they were close to Naruto. He saved her at the beginning of the war from the juubi clones and tried to save her with ameterasu before Kakashi saved her with his power. He loves her
Sakura even realises it herself more than once that Sasuke does not care to save her.
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And Sasuke out of instinct saved Naruto, someone who doesn't even need saving instead of saving Sakura because he... uhh loooooooves Sakura so much. If he actually loved Sakura he would have went to save her without even thinking how it looks, that's how love works.
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But you SS keep inhaling that copium
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clingyduoapologist · 4 months
Inspired by these cut scenes but like as number 294948 on the list of things Ubisoft could have done with the Assassin/Templar dichotomy instead of just abandoning it for four games in a row the idea that the Templars dismiss so much of assassin ideology as a fantasy, as nothing more than imagination. Because like there’s so much interesting things you can do with that like, as an obvious one, acknowledging that the Templars are right here. Yeah, what the assassin’s want is infeasible, it is a fantasy and that’s okay. This idea that the assassin’s will never truly win is so interesting to me because that’s kind of the point. They’re playing a much different game than the Templars, who lord over the people as gods and view every action as a win or a loss. It’s why they’re the ones who shored up power over the centuries. They played the long con because they have an end goal. But that’s not what the assassins fight for. Nothing is true and everything is permitted. They don’t fight to stop Templars, they stop Templars because the Templars don’t get humanity. A world where the assassin’s lord over the people and punish those who stray from their creed, the world Al Mualim wanted, is a world that’s incompatible with the brotherhood’s ideology. Freedom means that some people will use it to do bad things. To the Templars, this is a failing, but to the assassin’s that’s just like. Life. A perfect society where everyone is free to do as they please and nothing will ever go wrong again trust 🙏 sounds dumb as shit because it is, but it’s also no less stupid than Templar Fascist McGee going I and I alone am smart enough to hold dominion over all humanity. At the end of the day they both share impossible goals. But the brotherhood isn’t about goals. It’s not about endgames. It’s about people. People who are flawed, and who are going to get angry, and who are going to fuck up badly, and repeatedly, for fucking centuries. Because that’s what people are. Or maybe they’re not idk. Believe what you want. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
Anyways can’t wait for shadows to come out so all of this can be ignore so fucking Ameterasu can be like btw I Love Fascism Now face my MAGICAL ATTACK YOU’RE TOO OVERLEVELED TO FIND CHALLENGING AHHHHHHHHH
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devileaterjaek · 2 years
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@the-east-art is amazing. That is all. Love this new wolf line she created for me! Please check her out on Instagram @eastern_criminal
Rookie: Lupamon (lupa is Italian for wolf)
Champion: Okamimon (ōkami is Japanese for wolf)
Ultimate: Lycamon (coming from lycan)
Mega: Amateramon (coming from Ameterasu)
Attack suggestions are welcomed!
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sukea69 · 1 year
27. "How do we get out?" with Kagami or kid Tobirama? 🩵
how abt we double it up! kid kagami and kid tobirama, time travel
"How do we get out?" The Uchiha hissed at him, voice afraid and shaking. "I don't know why you're saying we." Tobirama replied under his breath. They huddled together far, far too close for Tobirama's comfort, but unfortunately Tobirama had run into a slight chakra issue and currently could not move. The only thing good about it was that his chakra was so low right now that sensors wouldn't be able to tell him apart from the tree he was hiding in. The Uchiha on the other hand— "We're a team, aren't we? We're working together?" "Did you see my happuri? We are not allies. I'm Senju." "Senju, yes, I know, but I think there are people trying to kill us?" "Trying to kill me. Surely you know that this is Uchiha territory now." There was a kind of peace settling over Tobirama's mind. He was going to die here, at the age of thirteen, and his big brother would mourn him alone. He won't even go out doing anything important. He just thought too highly of himself, overextended, and now he'll die at the hands of a brat or the brats clanmates when they come for him. The Uchiha was making a wheezing noise. "What about the village?" "What village?" "Oh, Ameterasu guide me please, I think I'm… I think I'm lost." Outside, the ember soft dance of fire tinged chakra approached, only a few trees away now. "You won't be lost for long. Your clan is coming." The Uchiha did not seem relieved.
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domoz · 13 days
Another drabble trade with @doveywovy, this one had the prompts 'Blessed' and 'Forbidden Technique'
Technically, all of the techniques unlocked by the mangekyo are forbidden.
A few generations ago one of Izuna's ancestors went through the painstaking process of trying to document just how severe the vision loss caused by each technique was. Not a single one could be used without damage.
(Shortly afterwards, that ancestor tried to catch the entire clan in a genjutsu and died from the chakra drain -- the notes Izuna had read had posthumous notes added with theories about how the mangekyo might affect the mind as well.)
But for a shinobi, being forbidden does not mean a true ban. The label stands only as a warning: Using this technique has consequences. If you are to use it, be aware of it. Izuna has heeded them -- he's never once used the higher abilities of his eyes, because if Madara is to have them someday they need to be in perfect condition.
He has Tobirama pinned at the end of a ravine. There's cover enough to make it defensible; normal fire won't do a thing here, and they're matched enough that Izuna can't be assured of victory if he tries to finish him with his sword -- especially when they're both as exhausted as they are. Every moment Izuna allows his opponent to catch his breath is another moment he might find an upper hand
It's not a quite snap decision. Izuna has imagined the easy victory he could win ever since he first manifested the mangekyo, he's just never allowed himself to act on it until this moment.
Ameterasu is the most self-damaging technique there is -- but he only needs to use it once.
The mangekyo manifests into his eyes with a dry burn, which quickly becomes a searing pain as Izuna pushes more chakra into them then he ever has before.
Black fire twists and flows. Izuna can see Tobirama's alarm at the new technique before the scene becomes blurry with the blood that wells from his eyes. He counters with water, as he usually does -- a huge wave of it, a panicked last defense that would have worked on any other technique Izuna could have tried. The suiton explodes into steam without slowing Izuna's black flames at all. It gives him enough space to wipe the blood from his eyes -- to see Tobirama burn.
Only there is no screaming, no scent of burning flesh. The steam drifts up and away and Izuna stares.
His fire remains, the pull on his chakra and the stinging of his eyes is proof that it's his, but it's changed. Where it's clung to Tobirama, the flames of Ameterasu have turned white, a corona of holy fire burns across his shoulders and makes the red of his eyes gleam.
They had been a sign, every Uchiha had known it. The second son of Butsuma Senju very well could have been blessed, but no one had ever tried to prove it. He's Senju. It was easier not to know.
Now Izuna has gone and given himself irrefutable proof. Tobirama is blessed by Ameterasu, so much so that her fires will not harm him.
(Izuna had always thought he'd seemed a little inhuman. This is just confirmation, really).
Tobirama tries to brush the fire away only to spread it to his hands, to drip from his fingers down his sword.  He's still wary, not yet ready to discard it as a genjutsu trick as long as he can't dismiss it, and Izuna must have some sort of expression on his face that makes him pause further when he sees it.
There's no time to catastrophize about what it all means. Izuna shuts his sharingan and the fires fade away, the sense of his chakra burning next to Tobirama's disappears and leaves a new emptiness behind. He sheathes his sword, bows, as though Tobirama is an honorable opponent, and takes the opportunity to retreat.
Izuna will just have to bring him home next time they meet.
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