#Amnesiac twink with a gun
omgjayaaa · 5 months
I don’t remember the name for Cinder x Jay but lately it’s been invading my thoughts
all I see are those silly Lego characters ;-;
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avaeeart · 4 months
GW2 Character List
Last updated Status: 06 June 24
Tag list of my Guild Wars 2 characters, info and factions
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Sidenote: I don't have a canon commander, though I play with the story on my main toon Ysaac.
Ysaac Verdriet |#Ysaac Verdriet | Toyhouse (He/Him) Once-human-now-ghost revenant, Revenant. Big sweetheart knight, big dumb with handsome face, toptier himbo, and the politest man in Tyria. Relationship: Husband to Ivar Alrekkin @norn-knot (#Ivar and Ysaac)
Caillastair | #Caillastáir | Toyhouse (He/Him), Sylvari, Ranger/Soulbeast/Untamed. Ex-Dreamer, Ex-Nightmare court knight, active Pale reaver, an emo loner with winterberry as hair. Doesn’t know how to socialize and keep to his own.
Percyvale Mystmoon | #Percyvale Mystmoon | Toyhouse (He/They), Sylvari (Cycle of Night), Elementalist/Catalyst/Weaver. Alchemist and teacher, absolute feral, insufferable, eccentric menace. Is active professor and scholar in the Priory. Alstroemeria’s brother.
Alstroemeria | #Alstroemeria | Toyhouse (She/Her), Sylvari (Cycle of Night), Mesmer/Mirage. Dollmaker and scummy tarot reader, dreamer and caring mender in the Grove. Elegant and carries a tailored mysterious aura. Percy’s sister.
Zante Dheshia | #Zante Dheshia | Toyhouse (She/Her), Sylvari Secondborn. Thief/Deadeye, Pirate queen, hates capitalism and loves to rob people. Independent and cunning #girlboss
Ghostpyre of Dawn | #Ghostpyre (He/Him), Sylvari, Ranger/Druid. Wandering mender and dreamer with a vague Wyld Hunt but kind and timid heart. (Transformers OC turned into OG OC, now turned into a salad bowl) Relationship: Boyfriend with @/gift-of-astralaria Seance
Kazmerina the Bard | #Kazmerina (She/Her), Norn, Mesmer/Virtuoso. Loves to sing about heroic tales and has the sharpest words against failed lovers for enough coin
Machinist Phibi | #Phibi | Toyhouse (She/Her), Asura, Engineer/Mechanist. Engineer and freelancer for the Iron Legion, small gremlin with braincells only interested in mechanics and how to make the coolest explosions
Vopisca | #Vospica (She/Her), Charr, Warrior. Hails from the Olmakhan tribe, big gentle warrior charr lady, skimmer rancher. Currently cruising through Tyria as tourist.
Atelier Lux | #Atelier Lux (They/It), Asura, Mesmer. Neutral Evil artist and material designer who uses light to weave material and create art not made for the humanoid eyes. Their biggest breakthrough was using Aurene’s crystal to see past the Mist and beyond, seeing unimaginable cosmic horrors which shaped them into an architect of doom.
Yuvia Cairlore | #Yuvia cairlore (She/Her) Sylvari, Elementalist (Tempest). Royal Astronomer of the Durmand Priory. She loves the stars and the stars love her - Aspired future astronaut and first person to be on the moon.
Runebear(er) Skædir | #Runebear Skaedir | Toyhouse(She/Her) Norn, Warrior, Chaotic Good runemaker and huntress. Bold and fearless, strong and straightforward, she has eye for the arcane and the hunt. Wields a harpoon gun to hunt the biggest of beasts.
Yue Tian Bei | #Yue Tian Bei (He/Him), Canthan Human, Mesmer. Diviner, astronomer and book author currently residing in a distant Canthan monastery. Relaxed, seemingly lazy yet intelligent extroverted gossip loving twink. Qingfeng’s older brother.
Real name unknown | #Fractal Stranger | Toyhouse (He/She/It), Engineer & Mesmer. He was once a Canthan Human (now his existence shattered into multiple versions of himself, most prominently human and sylvari body) Engineer. Ex-Aetherblade, now sails the Mist with in search for new mirrored dimensions. Too lost to return home. Now a multiverse breaking demon of the Mist.
Khayyir Al-Azeem | #Khayyir Al'Azeem | #MinSI AU Khayyir | Toyhouse (He/It), Largos, Thief (Deadeye/Daredevil). Amnesiac weaponsmith with a  mysterious past and enigmatic aura, just a creechure. Wellspoken, kind and loyal. Forgot about his past but his muscles remember the skills of fighting and smithing. AU Version: Khay Al'Azeem. Female version, she/it. Different AU, usually wears hair in high ponytail. Relationship: Together with Basir Amari @norn-knot (#Basir and Khayyir)
Farrah Al-Azeem | #Farrah Al'Azeem | (She/Her), Largos, Thief (Daredevil). A young and lone huntress, seeking to make her own name in the Depths, yet complicated relationship with her home. Daughter of Khayyir Al-Azeem.
Vĩnh Thảo Anh | (She/Her), Saltspray Dragon, Elementalist. Saltspray dragon in disguise as human. A semi trustworthy pawn broker for curios, relics and magical antiquities.
The Wandering/Astray Apothecary | Tsukinagi no Enji (Any pronoun), (actually a Shikigami) Nature Spirit, Druid. A wandering apothecary who was once summoned and bound by a court wizard to the Canthan Imperial Court during pre Jade Wind times. Was freed. An enigmatic soul who likes to snoop into mortal affairs and has an artistic talent, one of known famous ancient poets.
(Ex) Enforcer Xu’er | (He/him), Asura, Warrior. Ex-Inquest agent who left on his own will after a betrayal. Chill and cool guy but takes no shit. Like to upgrade vehicles and racing.
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Ministry of Supernatural Investigation RP (Original) MinSI shitposting: #minsi shenanigans
Abbreviated MinSI, is an obscure ministry of the Canthan government. Its main focus and task is to surveil and investigate supernatural occurrences and its threats || OG MinSI - Original MinSI (Thea and Mine independent original) Feel free to ask about it!
Info Post 1
Members of MinSI field Division 2:
Yue Qinfeng | #Yue Qingfeng | Toyhouse (She/Her) , Canthan Human, Guardian/Willbender. Leader of Division 2, a loser who has anxiety but in a funny way. Raised in monastery and moved to New Kaineng, skilled with the sword and #fail girlboss #go give us nothing girl #pathethic meow meow
Vellichor Quill | #Vellichor Quill | Toyhouse (He/Him) of Night, Sylvari, Necromancer/Reaper. A cold heart, pragmatic bastard with an unhealthy obsession in poison,dark magic - fueled by his vague Wyld Hunt. Currently works as field agent in Division 2. Relationship: Currently ??? with @/gift-of-astralaria Adonis.
Zhao Xifeng |  @norn-knot​ OC
Adonis Chrysalism | @norn-knot​  OC
Members of  MinSI field Division 4:
Ryuzu | Ryuzu(It/She), Sword (and Human avatar), Revenant. It is Shiro’s cursed sword who has gained sentience. Bloodthirsty, dangerous and powerful. Likes dogs.
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Café & Hotel Enchanted
Yvalris | #Yvalris | Toyhouse (She/Her), (once human) Sylvari, Necromancer/Harbinger. Local tax evading (p)harmacist, owner of Café Enchanted and totally not near centuries old. Loves money and baking, immortal from ancient Canthan times and acts as cool granny
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Nightmare Court
Noctivares | #Noctivares | Toyhouse (It/They), Sylvari, Thief/Spectre.  Nightmare Court Knight/Hunter whose sole goal is to hunt zealous  Dreamers. Straight out of Bloodborne. Giant moth kinda.
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Guild Wars 1
Ciannait Áilleacht | #Ciannait (She/It), Human, Mesmer. She is a mesmer clown.
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Courts of Seasons Own Pale Tree Idea
Caillastair | Lone Prince of the Winter Court (he/him)
Witch of Briar Thorn | The Witch of the Last Autumn Court (she/her)
Knight Rhodon | Knight of the Spring Court (he/him)
Strelitzia Reginae |Devoted Bishop of the Summer Court(she/her)
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Toons who legally possess my account
Bag Slot Expansion | God’s little pocket
Doctor Garfield Lasagna | It’s him, Doctor Garfield
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st-just · 3 years
Honestly Vi being an amnesiac with VI tattooed on her face like she's the 6th in some line of orphans who were the subjects of evil science experiments was such an interesting if cliched mystery and it's kinda underwhelming to learn that Vi just stands for Violet.
The shipping discourse is exhausting tho, I for one am happy to see Riot outright confirm it in the show because people have been shipping Cait and Vi in lore for ages now since Cait was so heavily involved in Vi's story. I think Cait and Vi was the most popular ship, possibly tied with Vi/Jinx but that was before it was confirmed they were sisters. Without confirmation people just saw them as rivals with this fun cat-and-mouse game going on and I can see where people might ship that but here we are.
Now they need to confirm Graves and TF like this. We've got a pair of... well, generally criminals? They do a lot of things and we've got Graves the dumb-as-rocks gun-slinging tobacco-smoking gruff loudmouth, and Tobias, the smooth-talking magic-card-throwing twink who tries to sound cooler than he is by calling himself Twisted Fate and sports the posh equivalent of a southern accent.
Now these two are perfect for ships because they're fucking morons, the both of them, and all the best stories with them involve wacky antics, gunfights, bullshitting, and a whole lot of luck. It's all best summarized in the Tales of Runeterra video about Bilgewater. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbJhZW-iN0s
These two morons need a buddy-criminal show, where instead of going around solving crimes and making police look either good or worse, they just go around causing problems on purpose for profit.
Okay yeah when I first saw art of her I really thought the tattoo was VI the numeral too. It really looks more like a creepy lab marking than a self-done prison tat, you know?
And like yeah Caitlyn and Vi have a cute and extremely well executed but incredibly predictable/traditional romance subplot (but gay for once) and are fun enough to watch and like would obviously have been the main ship regardless so from a representation standpoint it's, like, Good that they're canon I guess but I just really truly do not get how angry people (or, well, person, probably? Better than even odds it was all the same anon I guess) people get about it. But yeah shipping discourse generally is a bit alien to me.
Anyway the two dumb pirates have a very fun dynamic (real, I don't know, Jasper and Horace energy?). Also that really is the funnest/best of the shorts I've seen I think. They're all like low-tech Borderlands characters (also oooooh that's where the redhead pirate everyone cosplays is from)
(And you know 99% chance it's just my filter bubble but now that I'm thinking about it it feels like all the really big queer fandom ships that have actually been canon recently have been wlw? Like the closest with two guys I can think of is Destiel. Which lol. So yeah riot should do something with the pirate bros).
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