#Amos is bae
its-a-bae · 11 months
É bizzaro a forma que 'agosto' se tornou um mês melancólico pra mim.
Sempre sonhei em dar início a uma família e cuidar de ti como o meu tesouro mais valioso.. Sinto que consegui por fazer isto por um tempo.
E infelizmente no meio disto, acabei me perdendo de mim. Me deixando de lado.
Jamais irei dizer que foi perda de tempo.. mas imagino que neste tempo todo, eu deveria ter me protegido mais. Me cuidado mais. Pra não acabar assim..
Com crises de ansiedade. Pânico. Saudade.
Eu te amo.
E imagino que será uma longa jornada para esquecer do meu primeiro amor.
Eu te odeio tempo | destino. Te odeio com todas as minhas forças. Pois você tirou de mim por duas vezes seguidas no mesmo mês (agosto). A pessoa que mais amei e que fazia meus dias felizes.
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– S
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The way they help each other. Even when there is nothing they can do about a situation. The offer stands. No judgment. Unconditionally.
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lunaverrse · 2 years
🍳 - my muse surprises your muse with breakfast in bed on a Sunday morning
Mingyu & Bae : feat @electramusing ❤️
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Uma manhã de Natal era o dia em que Mingyu, definitivamente, não pensava em levantar tão cedo. A noite anterior, como de praxe, tinha sido passada com a família, pelo menos até a meia noite. Depois disso, ele levou Bae para que encontrassem os amigos e ali gastaram um bom tempo entre risadas e bebidas. Nunca tinha se importado muito com a data, porque não fazia sentido em seu contexto, na verdade. Mas sua família comprava aquelas datas comemorativas muito facilmente, e o jovem herdeiro se via preso naquela obrigação em atender às vontades da mãe.
Mas aquele dia em especial, tinha sido diferente. Já havia algo mais sempre que olhava para a noiva. Sequer estavam casados ainda, mas já existia uma coisa diferente no ar, já existia uma vontade de ficar com ela o tempo todo, simplesmente porque Bae era a maior companhia que poderia querer. É claro que sua cabeça não entendia aquele processo como estar apaixonado, mas admitia que sim, era diferente. Por isso, quando os dois chegaram em casa já tarde da noite e se prepararam para dormir, Mingyu gastou um bom tempo observando a Gwan durante o sono. Mesmo estando visivelmente cansada, era a criatura mais linda que já tinha visto na vida e aquele pensamento causava um certo alvoroço em seu peito, mas também um sentimento de medo, era um pouco assustador. Foi com esse pensamento que Mingyu dormiu, e foi com Bae que ele sonhou novamente.
Evidentemente, era com ela que acordaria também, mas não esperava que seria daquela forma.
Mingyu acordou com um cheiro diferente no quarto. Na verdade, era uma mistura de muitas coisas? Parecia café fresco, mas também os pãezinhos da confeitaria favorita dele, logo do outro lado da rua. Estava sonhando? Ah, não, não estava, a cama estava se afundando ao lado dele e a voz suave o chamando de "querido" indicava que estava bem acordado. Ainda preguiçoso, o homem abriu os olhos e levou alguns minutos até se situar, mas logo já estava sorrindo para a mulher que se acomodava ao seu lado com uma bandeja grande, cheia de todas as coisas favoritas dele. — Isso parece uma cena de filme de Natal, sabia? — Bae o acompanhou na risada e se acomodou mais perto, gesto que incentivou Mingyu a envolver seus ombros com carinho. Era a primeira vez que recebia um carinho como aquele e tinha adorado, era o tipo de vida que não tinha conhecido até então e que até tinha se convencido de que não queria, pelo menos até o momento em que aquela mulher entrou em seu caminho.
Quem diria que, no fim das contas, um noivado de fachada faria Jo Mingyu considerar uma vida acompanhado? Apenas sua bela noiva parecia ter aquele poder.
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redcherryok · 2 years
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wosoragebaiter69 · 8 months
sometimes it’s hard
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leila ouahabi x fem!reader
request: here & here
A/N: leila is one of my fav players, like i don’t support city but i’ll always support bae ☺️(also i made reader english.. i don’t like england but for the sake of this story)
TW: swearing, women’s footballs worst injury (too painful to say after Sammy K)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I lined up in the tunnel, ready to play against Manchester City. The game means nothing but it was a friendly set up between 2 different clubs. To learn more playing styles what not. This meant though, that I’m playing against my secret girlfriend. Who also happens to be lining up with some of my England teammates. I share a quick glance with her before walking out.
After all offical motions are done, the on-field players get in position ready for kick-off. I can’t help but feel something off, in the pit of my stomach, but ignore it attempting to move on with the game that’s just started.
With Leila and I both being defenders, we both don’t usually cross paths often, so that’s good. The game is going pretty smoothly for Barça, 3 goals in the first 45, Leila has stopped quite a fair amount of our attacks on goal. Which is not surprising considering she knows the playing style having been on this team and playing with the Spanish players.
It’s in the 63rd minute, I’m attempting to stop my national teammate Lauren Hemp from scoring when I feel a rip through my knee. It immediately crumples underneath me and I groan, trying to hold back tears.
I make out Lauren kicking the ball away nearing my side immediately.
“Hey, what’s wrong? What happened?” I can hear the worry in her tone.
“Hempo… I think it’s my ACL, please. I can’t continue.” I open my eyes and more people crowd around me. Chloe and Alex are also here, along with Alexia and Lucy.
“Hey, the medics are coming to assess you. Then they’ll take you off yeah?” Lucy speaks. I nod, I only want one person and she isn’t here.
“Can someone get Leila? Please.” All the girls look confused at the request but call her over nonetheless.
She comes rushing immediately, and I watch as she gets on her knees next to me. She arrives just before the medics and lifts my head up against her lap.
“It’ll be ok amor, I’ve got you. If this injury is what you think it is, I’ll be there for you ok?” Tears well in my eyes and I cry into her shorts, missing the exchanges between the other players.
The medics look at my knee.
“Can we feel it? We do suspect it’s the ACL and we’ll need scans.” I nod and they prob around as I flinch, my breath hitching.
“Yeah. we’re going to have to get you on a stretcher and off the pitch immediately. Then straight to hospital.”
“Ok.” Is all I meekly mumble, as I’m lifted up.
“Leila?” I ask, voice cracking.
“After the game, will you see me?” She looks heartbroken for me.
“Of course cariño. I’ll be by your side always.”
- - - - -
I’m in the hospital, the scans have come back with my worst fear coming true. It means I know I won’t be playing for months. If it doesn’t go smoothly then I’ll end up having more problems, like Alexia. It’s hard, for anybody.
I’m kicked out of my thoughts when Leila comes in, freshly showered and in Man City gear.
“Hey.” She says softly, placing her lips gently on mine. “How bad is it?” I sigh.
“Fucking ACL, I’m out for a hefty bit now.” I don’t even have the strength to cry anymore, I’m so exhausted.
“I’m so sorry, when’s the surgery?”
“Tomorrow, they’re keeping me here overnight.” She nods.
“So will I.” My brain freezes.
“No Leila, you can’t. You have to get proper sleep.” I try and argue, but to no avail.
“I told you I’d be by your side did I not? So I will be. After surgery, you could always come back to Manchester with me until you need to start the rehab.”
“You’d allow me to?”
“Of course cariño, anything for my favourite girl.” I smile leaning over the hospital bed rail, placing my head against her chest.
“Te amo.”
“Te amo mucho.”
- - - - -
After the surgery, we end up telling both of our teams about the relationship, and decide not to tell the fans because from the interaction they saw on the pitch… they know anyways.
People had surprised reactions but were happy otherwise. I end up going with Leila to Manchester, and to spend a long time with her in my hometown is the best thing to come around from this injury.
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damiansgoodgirll · 10 months
Okay I seen your prompts and I gotta request my boy Damian. A smut with Damian priest where the reader hadn’t had much experience with sex so can I request “Does this hurt?” And “let me look at you” with a soft smut with Damian Priest? Thank you love!!
damian priest x reader
reader is so me not gonna lie 💀💀💀 but here we areeeee
‼️ soft smut with this bae
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Let me look at you
you’ve never had any sexual experience in the past. not because you didn’t want to, you just never met the right person.
boyfriends were something you never really cared. you wanted to have fun with your friends and achieve all your goals so you never cared if you had a boyfriend or not.
but growing old you saw your friends getting married and having kids and you were - there.
being the auntie of the group, being the funny and single friend and even you started hating it.
why couldn’t you find someone who loved you?
everything changed when you met damian. he was kind and patient with you, he was loving and affectionate and you couldn’t ask for more. he loved you for the way you were and when you told him that you still had you v-card, you thought he would make fun of you or that he would laugh about it but he respect you and never shamed you about it.
“are you sure baby you want to this?” he asked you while you were both laying in bed. you told him that you wanted to have sex with him and even if he got immediately hard he wanted to be sure you wanted this.
“i do damian…i love you so much and i trust you…i wanna do this please” you looked at him with your doe eyes and he was a goner before you could even speak again.
“fuck…” he whispered under his breath.
he immediately got on top of you, helping you laying down better over the pillows.
“let me know if you want to stop okay? we’ll do everything you want to do, im not gonna force you to do something you don’t want to…you just gotta let me know if something is making you uncomfortable, okay princesa?” he asked and you said yes.
everything started as slow and passionate as possible, nothing new to you. he was kissing you like you’ve always loved. his hands moving from your face to your body, making you shiver a little.
“can i remove your nightgown hermosa?” he asked and you said yes. it took everything in damian’s power to not bend you over and fuck you like a whore. when he saw you naked, he almost had a heart attack. all you were left in was your pair of white panties that were making damian’s head going crazy.
“mierda…” he whispered. he was how your nipples were reacting to cold air and seeing them growing hard was making damian lose all the control he had “you’re making me crazy baby…te amo” he whispered lowering his lips to kiss your neck and collarbone.
his lips moved lower and lower until he took one of your nipple into his mouth, making you gasp. everything that you were feeling was new and very pleasurable. nothing compared to when you did things by yourself.
his other hand moved to tease your other nipple, making you whimper a little more.
“i can’t wait to taste you baby…i bet you taste sweet” he said while his lips moved closer to your center. he was quick to remove your panties and throw his face between your legs.
it was like he already knew you because he knew what buttons to push. you were already a moaning mess but when he inserted his middle finger inside of you for the first time you felt like heaven.
“does it hurt baby?” he asked when he realised how tight you were.
“no…just go slow please”
“of course” he said before attaching his lips and tongue back to your clit while his finger was teasing your walls.
“oh fuck…” you moaned when he hit a certain spot inside of you.
“i love this but i want you to come on my cock hermosa…” he slowly removed his finger and licked all of your juice off of it “yup…it’s delicious” he said making you smile. he was quick to undress himself and in that moment you realised that it was actually happening.
“dam…” you called him.
“is everything okay?” he asked “we can stop if you want baby”
“no…i don’t want to stop…it’s just…will it hurt? i’ve heard that it hurts the first time…” you were a little scared.
“probably…you will feel like a burning sensation but i’ll go away..i’ll make sure you won’t be in pain okay?” he said kissing your cheek.
“okay…can you go slow? please…” you were scared now.
“absolutely baby and if it hurts to much i’ll stop…i want you to feel good not in pain…” he was comforting you and you were so happy to have found someone like him.
he slowly dragged his cock between your wet folds to get him wet so it would slide in more easily. he lined up and slowly pushed in, making you feel everything. it was burning and damian saw the way you were feeling from the way you closed your eyes. once he was all in he waited for your signal to start to move.
“are you okay mi amor? let me look at you…” he said and you slowly opened your eyes.
“it’s okay…burning a little bit…please go slow…”
“i will i promise” he said and so he did.
he moved slowly and deep inside of you. his hands found yours and he was holding them like his life depended from it. his lips were never leaving your face, whether it was your cheek or your lips. he was making you feel loved and that was enough to bring you over the edge.
you came hard squeezing his dick and once you were calm again he slowly removed his dick from you just to cum all over your chest.
he was amazing afterwards. cleaning you up, making sure you weren’t in pain and making sure you were hydrated. he gave you your favorite drink and your favorite snack. he helped you change into something a little comfier than a nightgown and he scooped you over his lap when you picked the movie you wanted to see.
he was everything you wanted and more.
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i4bellingham · 2 years
INSTAGRAM FILES: joão felix x singer!reader
SYNOPSIS: in which you and joão slowly unveil your relationship together as you announce your new EP.
WARNING: incorrect portuguese to english translation
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❤️ 💭 ↗️      • •
Liked by oliviarodrigo, kaiagerber and 1,245,657 others
yourusername cooking something in the lab ⚗️
tagged: yourproducer
user1 are we having another album soon ? 👀
user2 after a year and a half the drought is finally oveeeeeeeer
user3 omg imagine if she features someone in a track with her 😣
user4 hmm, miss olivia rodrigo liked her post
user5 she literally follows y/n of course there's a possibility that she could like her posts lmao y'all reaching sometimes
oliviarodrigo 😍😍
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❤️ 💭 ↗️       • •
Liked by joaofelix79, jennaortega and 2,457,097 others
yourusername after eight months of working on this EP, i am very happy to finally announce that OUT OF THE BLUE will be out in a week!! the entire song genre is something that i’ve never worked with before but it is heavily inspired by the experiences, memories and happenings that i went through this year and i am proud to say that the songs featured in this EP are my ultimate favorites in all of my creations! i hope you guys will enjoy listening to my craft as much as i enjoyed preparing it!
p.s. to my muse, to the sole reason of this EP (you know who you are) thank you so much for the support and love you have given me relentlessly. this one is for you ❤️
conangray slay miss bae 😍
madisonbeer can’t wait for the release!!! 💗
user2 this is a live broadcast of y/n stans losing their minds bcs of this ep announcement + the soft launch 😭
user3 user1 mood 😭😭
jennaortega ❤️❤️❤️
user4 joao what r u doing here fam
user5 can he not be a y/n stan like the majority of us lingering in her ig posts my god
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❤️ 💭 ↗️      • •
Liked by yourusername, enzojfernandez, chelseafc and 987,463 others
joaofelix79 an out of the blue beach trip ⛱️
user1 damn u look fine as fuck
user2 ive never wanted to be a seat so bad in my entire life
user3 that caption ???? anyone noticing something ???
user4 wait are u a y/n fan too? 😭
user3 user4 she's my wife ❤️
user5 please provide context for us uncultured people in the back
user3 user5 so basically y/n posted her new ep entitled OUT OF THE BLUE just last week and joao has been liking her ig posts and now we have his caption 🤔
user4 not only that but y/n soft launched someone in her ig feed too and then we have joao posting that middle pic holding hands with someone AND Y/N LIKED IT
enzojfernandez have fun brother!
chelseafc enjoy joaofelix79 ☺️
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❤️ 💭 ↗️       • •
Liked by jenassainte, madisonbeer and 5,675,870 others
yourusername guess we're doing this out of the blue 🤷🏻‍♀️ the last year had been absolutely memorable for me with you by my side. i can never thank the universe enough for letting our paths cross, for letting us create all the beautiful memories we have together. i love you always, my muse ❤️
tagged: joaofelix79
jennaortega you guys are so cute please 😭
masonmount the cat’s finally out of the bag!!
oliviarodrigo finding someone willing to change spots with me when they start acting all lovey-dovey 😍
chelseafc beautiful couple ❤️
joaofelix79 poderia escrever muitas páginas para dizer o quanto te amo, mas agora ambos sabemos que nenhuma palavra poderia ser suficiente para o quanto significas para mim e o quanto te amo. por causa disso, continuarei a fazê-lo mostrando-te o quanto em vez disso. tu fazes de mim o amor mais feliz, eu amo-te tanto ❤️ i could write a plenty of pages to say how much i love you but by now we both know no words could suffice to how much you mean to me and how much i love you. because of that, i will continue doing so by showing you how much instead. you make me the happiest love, i love you so much.
comments on this post have been limited.
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naheeport · 8 months
Boa noite anjinho, eu amo muito suas capas! E queria te dar algumas sugestões de idols para capa juntos:
Yeonjun (TXT) + Yeji (ITZY)
Chaeryeong (ITZY) + Taehyun (TXT)
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⠀⠀⠀📌 nota: e sugestão recebida é sugestão feita 🤓☝️ !! ⠀⠀⠀muito obrigada pela sugestão e pelo carinho, bae ♡ ⠀⠀⠀espero que goste dessas. (créditos ao theo pela última!)
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[feitas em 20/01/24-01/02/24 ♡] gostou? adote-as: aqui! psd's por @colour-source ♡ insp em: @bearwry & @xmaeve !
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
P FKN R!!! 🇵🇷 (Warning Harsh Language!)
Miles is always proud of his Puerto Rican side. Hell, he's the first one in Spider Society to burst out his Boricua music out loud. He wears his flag on his back when there's any Puerto Rican holidays or parades. Hell, he made a special suit with the Puerto Rican flag on it when he felt like showing off his culture, his Pride!
Yet today a racist asshole test him! Miles flew in the air using his venom strike, absorbing energy to give him a boost to do a flip before launching his webs to swing! The 19 year old wore his black, and red suit with the Puerto Rican flag on his chest to his torso.
Miles blasting Bad Bunny song "P FKN R" as he sings out loud as he swings from building to building: Si no sabes de dónde soy, no me ronquen, no -getting pump as he fight a rodder trying to steal from an elderly woman- Si no sabes de dónde soy, eh-eh, (ey) eh-eh, (ey, ey, ey)! -he beats up the robber as he give the purse back to the older woman before going up in the air to look for more crimes-
He sings along to his music: Yo soy de P fuckin' R (hoo)! -bangs his head as he swings- WHOA! Bad Bunny, you know me so well! -he chuckles as he went on a building keeping watch on the City's mainstream. The roads were closed off for Puerto Rican Day parade, he knew he needs to be home early to celebrate with his family. His mom took the day off for this occasion. Little Billie is probably wearing a cute dress with the Puerto Rican flag and her hair with ribbons matching the flag's colors- I should get a closer look to see if everything is good! -he saw the parade is about to start, so he should make sure no hate crimes were gonna be committed-
A familiar voice: Luv, what are you wearing? -Miles turns around to find Hobie standing behind him-
Miles happily smiles underneath his mask to find his boyfriend: OH hey, bae! -he went to hold his partner's hand- I'm glad you came! I thought you would miss today!
Hobie arched his eyebrow being masked: I never missed anything you invited me to. Now, what is this? -he eyes on the flag- A bit too Patriotic?
Miles chuckles giving him a kiss on the cheek with his mask on: Mi amor, it's my Puerto Rican pride.
Hobie: Isn't it a bit much?
Miles pouts: No! I think it's cool! -sounding a bit upset- You don't like it?
Hobie quickly change his statement: I meant, to be devoted to a country... the government, I meant. You know, how I feel about it. -he looks down at the parade seeing massive crowds- Isn't America's way to manipulate Puerto Ricans to appreciate being part of America? When they colonize your country and set up a military base! -he did a quick research on his partner's country and it's history-
Miles understood what he meant: Well, that may be true, but! -he hugs his partner's arm- Look, mi amor! You see how everyone is excited to celebrate being Puerto Rican! It runs in our blood, our pride, our culture is who we are! We may lost too much, hell Puerto Rico never had independence, but we're still here. Still Boricua! Still proud of our flag! It's who we are, and we throw the craziest parties, baby.
Hobie hears the loud music and many families gathering around to celebrate: I guess so.. you know how I am.
Miles: Hey, you're here so you're gonna get the full effect! Come on, let's check around. I know, you may judge America for their crazy ass colonization, but remember, you love protecting POC! There might be racists trying to commit hate crime!
Hobie became alert: Oh! I have no problem beating up a racist! -he grins under his mask, he follows his partner. As they got lower to the parade. The crowds cheers as they saw their Spiderman swinging by-
A random woman: Look! Mira! Mira! Es Spiderman! Boricua Spiderman!
The crowd in the parade cheers playing louder music and getting hype: Spiderman! Spiderman! Te amo!
One guy shouted: He's Puerto Rican?
Miles laughs: Por supuesto que soy puertorriqueño! -as he got low taking a balloon to give a little boy being carried by his mother-
Hobie saw the crowd wearing their flags in outfits, makeup, all sorts to show their pride. He follows Miles through the parade seeing no crime, yet. The music plays outlaid from the parade: Yo soy de P fuckin' R (P fuckin' R) Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh (ah)!
Miles turns around swinging backwards to look at his partner while singing along: Los maliante' con la' R! Prr-prr-prr-prr-prr -he chuckles- Come on, bae! Mejor que la boca cierre, ey Ah-ah-ah-ah
Some of the crowd started to sing or dance getting hype for their parade: Antes que los mío' te entierren (oye) Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh (yeh)
Hobie chuckles: You know what, I get it.
Miles smiles under his mask: I'm glad. You know, my mom made a lot of food so you can try.
Hobie: Yum, I didn't eat just to be prepare. -The two swing side by side-
Miles laughs: She made a lot of food! So you better eat like five plates! Also everyone is coming by for the roof top party! Isn't it exciting! -The loud Bomba music plays as they watch the parade starting having the female dancers following the rhythm of the music. Everyone enjoying the large floats, organizations, and other groups walking as they wave their flags.- Wow, it's bigger than last time!
Hobie saw a small group of men looking a bit suspicious: Aye, luv. Looks like we found a couple of muppets...
Miles looks over seeing them holding up microphones: Huh oh! Let's check it out! -being quick to get over the group-
The hate group had a leader preaching out about God and shouting at the Puerto Ricans: GO back to your countries! This a hate on America! You don't belong here -causing the crowd around to get upset-
A woman speaking in Spanish: No tienes derecho a estar aquí! ¡Estás arruinando el desfile! Déjanos en paz, Puñetas! Pendejos! Mama a tu culos! -some of the other crowd tried to held her back seeing they didn't want the cops to come in or worst stop the parade-
Miles flew down seeing the group of men: Hey fellas, what's going on here?
The hate group scowls at Spiderman's outfit with disgust. The leader had his microphone on: You are an American! You are disrespecting our country's belief! USA! USA!
Miles could only scowl under his mask: Hey man, people are allowed to celebrate where they come from!
The leader kept over talking Spiderman: Your just Spiderman 2! You're not even the real Spiderman! WE WANT SPIDERMAN!
Hobie crosses his arms getting super pissed off. Miles stops him: I got this. -he turns to the group- I kinda suggest you all to leave! Your ruining-
The leader of the hate group: FUCK YOU! GO BACK TO MEXICO! -the crowd behind Miles started to get super mad, almost riling up with anger. The racist insult was enough to cause them to shout back. MEXICO? Miles got mad too. This group is testing him- You and all your Mexican, pals should go back to your country! USA! USA! -the hate group chanted wearing their American flags-
Miles: I'm giving you one chance to apologize to me and my people! Before-
The leader over talks him: Or WHAT? You're gonna hit me? I'm using my first amendment! FREEDOM OF SPEECH, BUDDY! YOUR NOT EVEN A REAL SPIDERMAN WITH THAT TACKY FLAG YOU HAVE ON! -The older leader grins widely to pissed off Spiderman-
Hobie took out his guitar: That's it. I'ma beat this bloke! -the crowd behind him agrees-
Miles push him back: NO! We are better than them! -He turns to the group- you left me no choice!
The leader said: Oh yeah! You're nothing but a dirty sp- -Miles quickly uses his webs to shut up the leader then quickly uses his webs to tied the group, then he swing them high on the building-
Miles smiling happily: Ah-ah-Ah! Tsk. Tsk. I give you a chance to apologize and to go home, but since you want to harass me and everyone here. I think I have the right to shut you up! -the crowd cheers out loud as they saw the hate group being web against the building up high. Some took photos and laugh out loud-
Hobie grins widely seeing one of the dumbass racist pissing himself crying about his fear of heights: Wonderful, luv! -He slouches on Miles being a bit handsy with him-
The leader of the group shouted spotting the two Spidermen being a bit too close for his liking: UGH! YOUR NOTHING BUT A FUCKING FAGGOT! UGH, DISGUSTING! YOUR GOING TO HELL TOO!
Miles arched his eyebrow under his mask: Oh yeah? Well -He lift Hobie's mask to reveal his lips, then he lift his own mask to show his lips. A bit of his nose showing his pierced Septum. Then his lips pressed against Hobie's without a care who was watching. When he pulled his lips away then to hide his lower mouth- I RATHER BE A FAGGOT THAN A FUCKING RACIST!
Hobie froze being too in shock by his partner's action, he felt Miles' hand pulling down his mask to hide his mouth. He could've never love any more than he already did- No, he's falling in love with Miles all over again! Miles grab the Pride flag from one of the civilians having to tie it around his neck, flaunting it. Hobie could only awe at his boyfriend.
The crowd cheers having mix reactions from being shock to joy about the scene. Hell, most of their reactions were positive. The hate group were making loud taunts, until Hobie shut their mouths up with his webbing. Then he got close to the leader: Aye, mate. You're lucky if it wasn't me! I would've throw you in the Hudson River and let you all drown! -his voice low and menacing- I'll left you off with a warning, mate. Start another racist shit, and I will fucking kill you myself, huh? -the men looked horrified.- So you will stop this crap and not bother my darling, do you hear? -they all nodded- Good! -he harshly patted the leader's cheek almost slapping him-
Miles shouted: Come on, we gotta patrol some more, bae! -he launched his web shooter causing the to swing as he wave at the crowd-
Hobie follows him seeing the crowd being so happy, they can have a peaceful parade. The hate group being stuck on the building to be made an example of. As they made their rounds, the two got up on a building to watch one last time. Miles being happy by the parade, then he heard Hobie being breathless: I love you, Miles.
Miles being surprised: Huh, what made you say that? -he giggles being so bashful-
Hobie pulls Miles close to him for a close hug: You were amazing! No Spiderman would've done what you did!
Miles: Hahaha are you implying not even you would've stop them racist assholes?
Hobie shook his head: You know, what I mean. You kissing me in front of the crowd? Heh, New York City is gonna go crazy for you being bisexual, Sunflower.
Miles snorted: Pfft, good! Let them know that this bisexual boy issuing their asses! AND HE'S PUERTO RICAN! DOUBLE PUNCHES! -he chuckles- I love you, too Hobie.
Hobie: Can I get another kiss, Brooklyn?
Miles chuckles: Do you have to ask?
Hobie holding his love: Consent is important, luv.
Miles smiles widely: Sure, baby! -The two lift their mask to reveal their lips to kiss again. This time Hobie holds Miles like his special gem, being oh so gentle. The parade being loud and proud as the crowd celebrates their Puerto Rican Day while Yo Soy Boricua, Pa'Que Tu Lo Sepas by Taino plays in the background.-
(Sorry for the harsh language! Was listening to Bad Bunny and saw a post that made me inspired @babyhellboy post and comic photo also another comic post of Hobie Brown saying he rather be a F-word than a Fascist. Hehe, you know his Sunflower is heavily inspired by him😉.)
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putadohs · 3 months
uma one do Louis todo empresário, dono de uma franquia de hotel restaurantes algo assim (ele na era de cabelo com o topete, terno alinhado, homem de negócios que tem a Harry bem estilo de hotwife, só tem um problema, Harry é a amante de Louis, e ela adora provocar ele, principalmente quando eles brigam, ela enviava fotos nos status de visualização unica com as lingerie que o Louis deu a ela. Até um dia ambos silenciados, até que ele, de bermuda vê ela relaxando toda empinadinha em um biquíni nos braços de outro na área da piscina nas coberturas privativas e mostra pra ela quem é o dono daquele rabo.
Por favor, faça ele perguntar quantas vezes o tal macho fez ela gozar enquanto ta chupando a buceta dela e ele prometendo que fará ela gozar duas vezes mais, além de por favor, o Louis marcando ela em tudo que é lugar.
ele assim https://www.tumblr.com/faithinlouisfuture/753178380137054208/unbothered-moisturized-happy-in-my-lane?source=share
É isso, muito obrigada, e eu amo a sua escrita bae 🍨
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tgyverse · 4 months
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publicado el día 12 de mayo de 2024.
Brigitte Delacour con Romee Strijd.
Dolores Umbridge con Camila Mendes.
𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐨́𝐧.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚.
Ninguna pendiente.
Mina Lima, Ellie Dowson, Wendy Slinkhard, Lily Potter, Sirius Black y Adora Greengrass ― 15 de mayo / semi hiatus.
Personajes de Andy ― 28 de mayo / semi hiatus.
𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞́𝐧 𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
Alfie Smith.
Grace Davies.
Robbie Flint.
𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝.
𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
orden del fénix.
Alice Longbottom con Florence Pugh.
Dedalus Diggle con Manny Jacinto.
Dorcas Meadowes con Laura Harrier.
Emmeline Vance con Simone Ashley.
Fabian Prewett con Asa Germann.
Frank Longbottom con Dev Patel.
Gideon Prewett con Björn Mosten.
James Potter con Jonah Hauer King.
Lily Potter con Abigail Cowen.
Mundungus Fletcher con Sohan Pague.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Remus Lupin con Andrew Garfield.
Sirius Black con Enzo Vogrincic.
Sturgis Podmore con Evan Roderick.
Aether Li con Shen Quanrui.
Alecto Carrow con Alice Pagani.
Amycus Carrow con Freddy Carter.
Antonin Dolohov con Henry Zaga.
Augustus Rookwood con Thomas Doherty.
Baptiste Travers con Christopher Briney.
Barty Crouch Jr. con Adrian Öjvindsson.
Bellatrix Lestrange con Kristen Stewart.
Casius Wormwood con Joe Keery.
Corban Yaxley con Federico Russo.
Lucius Malfoy con Nicholas Galitzine.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Rabastan Lestrange con Michael Evans Behling.
Robbie Flint con Tom Glynn-Carney.
Rodolphus Lestrange con Regé Jean Page.
Severus Snape con Charlie Heaton.
Yvette Lévesque con Suki Waterhouse.
Adora Greengrass con Jessica Alexander.
Agatha Figg con Lily Rose Depp.
Alastair Montague con Lorenzo Zurzolo.
Alfie Smith con Louis Tomlinson.
Alyssa Abbott con Kim Jiwoo.
Amelia Bones con Maia Reficco.
Amos Diggory con Leo Woodall.
Andrea Prewett con Luca Hollestelle.
Andromeda Tonks con Daisy Edgar Jones.
Arthur Weasley con George Mackay.
Aurora Rowle con Lily Collins.
Bertha Jorkins con Halle Bailey.
Bertie Higgs con Jordan Fisher.
Bertram Aubrey con Timothée Chalamet.
Betty Braithwaite con Maitreyi Ramakrishnan.
Charity Burbage con Brie Larson.
Daisy Hookum con Eleanor Tomlinson.
Dane Higgs con Barry Keoghan.
Danny Wood con Jung Jaehyun.
Darcy Brown con Aimee Lou Wood.
Davey Gudgeon con Song Kang.
Dawn Withey con Kathryn Newton.
Doris Purkiss con Macarena García.
Edric Brown con Luke Newton.
Eleanor Parkinson con Camila Morrone.
Ellie Dowson con Hayley Lu Richardson.
Emma Vanity con Sofia Carson.
Finnick Snow con Cha Eunwoo.
Gilderoy Lockhart con Dacre Montgomery.
Gladys Gudgeon con Han Jihyun.
Glenda Chittock con Elle Fanning.
Grace Davies con Josephine Langford.
Greta Catchlove con Olivia Holt.
Gwenog Jones con Ayo Edebiri.
Hestia Jones con Nana Komatsu.
Isolde Higgs con Gigi Hadid.
Ivan Davies con Thomas Brodie-Sangster.
Jacob Davies con Rudy Pankow.
Jane Diggory con Havana Rose Liu.
Jason Denbright con Jackson Wang.
Jonathan Nott con Tyler Young.
Kirley Duke con Joseph Quinn.
Lenore Bagman con Willa Fitzgerald.
Lorcan d'Eath con Kim Jiwoong.
Lucinda Talkalot con Savannah Lee Smith.
Lucy Karoonda-Wood con Madelyn Cline.
Ludo Bagman con Yankel Stevan.
Maria Jefferson con Fiona Palomo.
Mary MacDonald con Bae Suzy.
Meg Vouttier con Ruby Cruz.
Melissa Greengrass con Renée Rapp.
Michael Bones con Xolo Maridueña.
Mina Lima con Meltem Akçöl.
Minerva MacMillan con Samantha Logan.
Miriam Strout con Davika Hoorne.
Milton Mouser con Tanner Buchanan.
Molly Weasley con Karen Gillan.
Narcissa Malfoy con Kiernan Shipka.
Nicholas MacMillan con Jeremy Allen White.
Ollie Scamander con Lee Felix.
Olivia Avery con Milena Tscharntke.
Pandora Lovegood con Anya Taylor Joy.
Penelope Goldstein con Melis Sezen.
Phoebe Elliot con Madison Bailey.
Rita Skeeter con Katherine McNamara.
Rosalind Bungs con Ana de Armas.
Scarlett Travers con Sabrina Carpenter.
Sorcha MacFusty con Anne Hathaway.
Stubby Boardman con Hwang Hyunjin.
Sybill Trelawney con Maya Hawke.
Ted Tonks con Paul Mescal.
Tiberius McLaggen con Milo Manheim.
Wendy Slinkhard con Jenna Ortega.
Xenophilius Lovegood con Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen.
Zabrina Davies con Elizabeth Lail.
Zachary Parkinson con Alejandro Speitzer.
Zephyr Crouch con Cierra Ramirez.
Zoe Nettles con Sophie Turner.
TOTAL: 109 personajes ocupades.
¡Muy buenas a todes, pequeñes! Dejamos por aquí el recuento quincenal correspondiente. Debemos decir que estamos sorprendida de que ya tenemos 109 personajes en el dash. Jamás tuvimos tantos en todos los años que llevamos por aquí, así que queremos agradecerles por su entrega al verse, su compromiso, los bellos threads que tenemos suerte de leer y su presencia. En verdad es impresionante, estamos muy contentas y prometemos continuar otorgándoles un ambiente agradable para su escritura. Muchísimas, muchísimas gracias por su confianza. Les queremos mucho. Sin más que decir, les deseamos una bonita semana. ¡Gracias! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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jooeunw · 2 years
red velvet & akb48 bios ☆
wendy e erii parem de arrancar o cabelo uma da outra eu disse que namoro e Amo as duas
jurídico bae joohyun como posso ajudar
smt (saho meu tudo
dni " fãs " da joy pq eu sou a unica q pode ser fã dela
tomochin vc esta ai? *caneta mexe* mDs
webnamorando c a yerim desde 2018
vc falou da yukirin e ainda quer que eu dê rt na sua mãe desaparecida kkkk hmm
kang seulgi’s hot girlfriend
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kaiispost · 2 years
Hi 👋 I’m normally the one receiving the requests, I’ve never actually requested before but could I request a Gavi X Male Reader maybe?☺️
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Pablo Gavi x male reader
Fc: Zayn Malik
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Tagged yourinstagram
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Pablogavi fifth Christmas with you 🤍
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Joaofelix79 you two been together that long🤯
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↳ Pablogavi yeah idk how I survived
Yourinstagram 🤍🥹
Liked by Pablogavi
↳ Pablogavi 🥹🥹🥹🥰
Arianagrande cutest
Judebellingham ugh obsessed 🤩
Billieeilish too cuteeeeeeee 🥰
Liked by Pablogavi
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Tagged Pablogavi
Liked by Pablogavi, billieeilish en 5,479,207 others
Yourinstagram fifth time saying merry Christmas to you<3
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Pablogavi love you 🤍
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↳ Yourinstagram ❤️
Billieeilish cuties
Sza merry Christmas bae
Joaofelix79 goals
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↳ yourinstagram 🫶🏼
Zendaya love you boo
↳ yourinstagram love you too sis
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Ynupdates (pretend you guys are kissing)
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Tagged Pablogavi and yourinstagram
Liked by Pablogavi, yourinstagram, Judebellingham and 195,406 others
Ynupdates We wish @Pablogavi and @.yourinstagram and everyone else a marry Christmas and a happy 2023! 🎆 And thank you for exclusively sending us this photo to post!!
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PablogavFan for free🤯
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↳ Pablogavi for free 🤭🥰
Ynfan1 ugh their literally a fever dream!!
↳ pabgavifan1 word for word bar for bar!!!!
Ynhater1 when you think about it yn is a pedo
↳ ynfan1 if you’d do your research you’d know they stopped “dating” so yn would get in trouble 
↳ ynhater2 what, they told you that💀
↳pabgavifan1 no, but it’s literally in their pinned post on instagram, tiktok and Facebook etc. So next time when you call someone a “pedo”… do your research <3
Liked by yourinstagram and Pablogavi
Ynfan2 yn doesn’t deserve the hate, they’re literally both so unproblematic <3
↳ ynfan1 only facts were spoken
Yourinstagram yw loves and merry Christmas and happy new years!!
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Tagged pedri, Pablogavi, billieeilish, Sza, joaofelix79, Zendaya and Arianagrande
Liked by pedri, Pablogavi, billieeilish, sza, joaofelix79 and 9,407,379 others
Yourinstagram happy new year🤍 Last night was FUNNNN
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Pablogavi te amo<3
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↳ yourinstagram amoo
Billieeilish this was fuuunnnnn
Sza I wish I had a Time Machine
Zendaya thanks for throwing a lit party
Judebellingham thanks again for inviting meee
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Tagged pedri, Pablogavi, billieeilish, Sza, joaofelix79, Zendaya and Arianagrande
Liked by pedri, Pablogavi, billieeilish, sza, joaofelix79 and 9,407,379 others
Pablogavi amo’s
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Yourinstagram love of my life🥰🥹🫶🏼🎆
Liked by Pablogavi
Sza Was fuuunnnnn
Billieeilish still having a hangoveerrrr
Judebellingham went crazy
Joaofelix79 🫶🏼
Arianagrande 🫧 🤍
Pedri amoo
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Actually cute byeee
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nizynskis · 5 months
tagged by santol @lodish to shuffle favorite playlist and post the five songs that come up thank you bae 🫶trying to understand lodish thru the vibe
no vibe at all this is so scattered. well tagging @qatos @cordeliaflyte @fearfylsymmetry @lycanthrology
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mrvampirerock · 5 months
Me dejaste sin palabras. Como siempre lo haces, mi amor de mi vida. No puedo describir cuánta felicidad se extiende a través de mí. Estoy eternamente agradecido y orgulloso de que me estés haciendo papá nuevamente. Te amo, Bae y a nuestros hijos. ❤️🖤❤️‍🔥🩷🩵💙 @pxecedm
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