#Roci family dynamics
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Bobbie bets Amos he can’t not mention Holden in every/all conversations.
Don’t take that bet Amos. 😉
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oswaldthatendswald · 17 days
For the fruit emoji ask game!!
🍈 and 🍇
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Rad questions! I'll answer them in the order I think flows best.
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
I mean, the obvious answer is Minion Island. That kind of haunts my Cora Lives AU (Then Somebody Out There Loves You). It's kind of the perfect tragedy, in that if one thing had gone differently, Cora might have survived-- or Law might have died. Plus, sacrifice is just so tasty. Absolutely ideal writing fodder. The secret bonus answer is Marineford, because you have no idea how many Marineford AUs I've plotted out but not written.
The rest of this is going to get SO long, so I'll put it under the cut.
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
I really enjoy writing about familial relationships, whether biological or found. More specifically (and I think this is pretty clear from my works on AO3) I'm compelled by dysfunctional sibling relationships. There's a famous bit from the play Antigone (by Sophocles) that I think about a lot (I am sorry I need to be pretentious just for a second). She says that if her husband died, she could marry another, if her child dies, she could bear another, but it is her brother that has died, and she can never have another. She's saying that sibling relationships are irreplaceable (I could go into details on this quote and why it sticks with me, but that'll get so long). I'm interested in what happens when those relationships sour. What do you do when the person you've grown up with, who should have known you best, becomes a stranger-- or worse, an enemy?
I also really like writing parent and child relationships, but that's because I saw X-Men with Hugh Jackman at a very formative age and it convinced me that the accidental father figure trope was incomparably sexy.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
I mean. It's Cora. Rocinante is my favorite character in One Piece and also maybe anything ever? He's just so goddamn interesting. I could talk about him literally for hours. At this point I have written some 100 000 words of Cora-centric fic (or published words, I should say. There's a lot more in wips and fics I decided not to post). There's a lot of random headcanons I have for him that really only make sense in the context of my AU. I suppose I shall simply reveal my thought processes behind some of what's going on there!
This is going to be so long. I'm not sorry, you asked for this.
I tend to write Cora as suffering from a lot of guilt, and fairly self-destructive as a result. My favorite example is the long-standing coffee thing in my AU: he drinks his coffee sweet when he's in a good mood and bitter when he's feeling bad. The implication is that it's a very quiet self-harm behaviour (though that's meant to be very subtle in the fics-- but note that Law will add sugar to Cora's coffee on a bad day. He knows what's up). I also really... enjoy? Is that the right word? Anyway, writing self-sacrifice as a form of self-destruction. That's, uh. Foreshadowing for some of the themes in Cry Havoc. It might also give you some context for things that have already happened in the AU though!
I also really love playing with Cora's name. Different characters call him different things, and that's meant to reveal parts of how they see him. He calls himself Rocinante, and so does Sengoku. Law is the only character to call him Cora-san, of course. Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo (as well as the rest of the Hearts) call him Cora. Doflamingo calls him Roci in his internal perspective (as do their parents), even when he calls him Corazon in dialogue. Another bit of foreshadowing: we're coming up on the perspectives of some characters that will be calling him Corazon (and perhaps other names? Who knows!) (me. I know).
The hill upon which I will die is that Cora is not just competent, but a little bit scary (or terrifying, if you're on the wrong side). He might be a silly goofy guy, but he also spent six months burning down hospitals. The bit where he steals the Ope-Ope is SO good in the anime; it really struck me how powerful his Devil Fruit could be in the right hands (his). That weaponized silence is an idea that's only hinted at in canon, but the more I thought about it, the more I was like Oh Shit That's A Nightmare Actually. Besides that, he was undercover in a pirate crew for at least three years! He knows what he's doing! He's exceptionally good at his job. I do think sometimes I overcompensate; he is supposed to be goofy as well, and I don't always remember to incorporate that part. But it's not my fault! I just think he's so goddamn cool.
Thank you very much for the questions! I had a lot of fun answering them (obviously-- I think I went a little over the top)!
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rocicrew · 1 year
Hiya! From prompt list. Roci family dynamics. “I am home.”
this took a bit of a different turn than what i originally intended to write but i'm personally quite satisfied with that, and i hope you enjoy too anon ! Angst/fluff Prompt List, accepting
When he picks the crew of the Scopuli, Holden doesn't know that they have one thing in common.
Alex is a great pilot, Naomi and Amos could keep a rust bucket afloat with only a couple of tools, and Shed's their medic. It's simple as that. And if they do run into trouble, the distress call seems like, Amos is someone you want on your side. It's logical, not personal. Common values play no role and, at first, it doesn't seem like they have any. Not in the way they can't decide on a joined course of action.
But, they've all been running from home.
He didn’t know and didn't care about their past. Everyone on the Cant was running from something. It only mattered who they were now.
On a particularly hard night, he wonders if Shed was too. If he'd be one of them, close as they are now.
A part of him struggles at accepting this is true for himself. He grew up with open fields and trees and eight parents all over him. What right does he have to be running from home? For home, a paradise to others, to be something he runs from?
But is sure of one thing. He wouldn’t trade their little ship for anything in the system.
Every time he hears Naomi's laugh and gets lost in her lips. Every meal Alex prepared in the galley. Amos clapping him on his back as they pass each other in the hallways. Bobbie wordlessly points out things he's missed in a tactical report. Clarissa fixing the coffee machine before he has time to notice and leaving a cup brewing for him, saying her apology even years after.
Every time he sits next to them, laughs with them, breathes the same air, touches, hugs, lives with them. He knows that's truly what home is and everything else fades away.
Naomi grows up without a home.
Her mother has a contract that doesn't allow children on board and she's never met her father. She's been raised in stations and ships, by tios and tias, by the Belt. Always moving, never looking back. The promise of a home being all too distant and yet always burning in her. Sixteen years old and thinking she finally found it, only to fall into a trap that she had to kill a part of herself to escape.
Those scars fade over the years but they never leave completely.
Long hauls become a solace but they're never home. She doesn't get attached to people or to places and she likes it that way. It's safer that way. Then, she understands a thing or two better about the way she was raised.
Wanting more is dangerous and she can't let that happen again. She fears the cost will be too much the second time around. But before she realizes it, she loses another home.
If you ask her, she wouldn't describe the Cant as her home, but after watching the first ship she allowed herself to stay longer than two hauls become unidentifiable debris, the loss feels entirely too familiar.
She also doesn't realize that it gives her another home. Her true home.
Naomi still can't trust it, no matter how right it feels. (Holden pulling her into an embrace when she's upset. Alex making her a cup of tea when she's too focused on a specific problem. Amos wordlessly working by her side to keep their home in one place.)
She nearly loses it. With her decision, their behavior, Clarissa's revenge, a missile sending them right into the Ring. She nearly loses it, because this time it has to be a home and not a cage. Because she was raised by the Belt and has blood in it, and that has to mean she has a place there too.
She tries everything to make sure this time, she has no regrets. And the only place she has in thirteen thousand systems is a stolen Martian warship.
The regrets catch up to her anyway.
Because she'd die for them and they'd die for her. Did die for her.
When she and Bobbie share a bottle of brandy, of her making, in the galley trading stories about Alex, and Claire helps her make a pot of red kibble, balancing the spices and saltiness between their tastes, she knows she is home.
One that changed, but is able to hold her changed version as well.
Amos isn't looking for a home.
Amos isn't sure he knows what a home actually is. At least, in the full sense of the word, when people talked about it fondly. Home to him is the bunk he sleeps in. Doesn't matter the job, or the ship. Occasionally home is a well-run brothel in the station he has his shore leave.
If he has to guess, that last one is closer to what people talk about when they think of home. If anything, it is familiar.
He never goes looking for one. His focus had always been survival first and foremost.
But first came Naomi, and after the destruction of the Canterbury, Alex, and Holden. Three people that as time passes, he knows he'd do anything to protect. They aren't like him, but they care for him anyway. He doesn't always understand it but he doesn't argue.
Their journey isn't one without ups and downs. It's more like keeping a ship afloat. Parts come and go. People walk into their lives and leave. Some hold more importance like Prax, and others that are just passing, like Monica and Cohen. Things break apart and are glued back together. His relationship with Naomi rings close to that.
Alex always calls the Roci home, but he doesn't always believe it. The word family is a big word. He's not familiar with that either, it's easier to reject it all.
But as time passes again, he understands more and more how Alex is right. He's not a person that wants things. But little things pile up. The sound of Alex's music always brings a tingling feeling to him. Naomi's absence pulls at the cave in his chest. The faith and trust Cap has in him are unfamiliar. Bobbie always pulls him back at himself either by sparring or a word. Caring for Clarissa unlocks something in him. A realization of what home is and what he has already. Of what he wants her to have.
He's still not entirely sure about home, but one thing he's certain of is that he'd die to protect each and every one of them.
Alex has a home.
Mars and his family and an honorably discharged career in the Navy. He's a model citizen. Did everything right for the good of Mars and what was expected of him.
None of it had been enough when everything pointed that it should be. He lives the greater part of his life as someone that wasn't entirely himself.
He'd flown ships since he was barely an adult, but in those twenty years it hadn't been the kind of flying he had always dreamt of. When his honorable discharge comes, his dreams of flying in battle, crash. And Mars' domes feel more suffocating than the ships he's worked on.
He doesn't fly but he flees to outer space with the excuse of finding a home job.
The first time he flies the Roci, everything he'd thought of as home pales in comparison. He'd be beyond happy just sitting in that chair for the rest of his life.
But that's not all there is. He finds his people too, and it's not Mars or a traditional family unit. It's placing stupid bets with Amos. Having Holden check up on him every time he stays a little too long at the cockpit. Cooking for all of them, his way to take care of them. Keeping contact with Bobbie because Mars might not have been for him but it still means something.
It's risking it all for Naomi. Because whatever she's been through, is certainly hell and he won't let her die all alone in a death trap.
It comes with a cost.
But he spent the greater part of his life not living. Dying for the people that gave him a life he actually loved... It's worth that last flight.
Bobbie has Mars and the MMC.
It feels right. The kind of right you're supposed to do for your life. She's fighting for her planet. She has her team.
They end up being expendable and she's the only one that survives.
It flips her life upside down and she gets a view of the other side. Avasarala gives her a perspective she hadn't been able to see but she still doesn't give up on Mars. She gives everything to Mars.
Her team, her work, her morals, herself.
But as much as she's trying to hold onto it, Mars is dying. And the whole system goes to war. Grief put on a pause to do her job. The only job she's ever done. To be a soldier.
Turns out it involves a lot more politics than she likes, but it also sends her right into a former Martian ship.
It's not the first time they ship together, but this time, something is different. Everyone's grieving for one, but- that's not it. It feels permanent, when before it felt drifting. Mars is dying. She never had a place on Earth, anyway. (Even if she cares for people- a person, there.)
The ship is an option. Something martian, turned anew. After everything that happened, it might be home.
Despite the arguing, she comes to realize they already treat her like crew. Holden doesn't question her authority when she first comes on board, just listens to her tactical plan. Naomi isn't particularly warm, but she sits to explain every modification they'd done to the ship over the years when she takes over as pilot. Clarissa stays mostly in the shadows, but every time she stops Bobbie from trying to steal food while she's cooking, the playful bickering warms her. (As an apology, she sets the table.) And she's pretty sure Amos might've saved her life. He has her back that's for sure.
Alex... Alex's absence takes a while to get used to but she thinks he'd be happy she's here.
The drifting feeling fades. If she has a place in the system, it's right here.
Clarissa feels like an outlier.
She had a house with riches most people could only dream of, but she didn't have a home. Not truly. Not with a functional family.
She ruined her life to prove the opposite. When love is absent from home, a child will try anything to gain it.
She's not proud of who she was or what she'd done, but she gets another chance anyway. She doesn't go looking for it, it's given and that might be the hardest part to accept.
But the thing is, she tried to destroy this family and their home. What right does she have to be a part of it?
The others don't question it as much as she does. Well, Naomi does, but she understands that. For the first month, every time they happened to cross paths, she sees the metallic hand she had on Naomi's throat.
So she puts her head down and does her job. Nothing will be out of place on the ship, nothing creaking or squeaking. It's the least she could do.
Somehow, they warm up to her little by little. Amos is obvious. He's the one that gave her the chance in the first. She'd chosen to reach out to him and some days it feels that's all it took. Holden does too rather quickly if you take into account that she tried to destroy and kill him. Still, he nearly falls trying to steady her whenever she stumbles. Even if she could never get hurt to the degree she tried to hurt him. Bobbie is easier. They don't have the same past, and a large part of it comes from being able to repair her Goliath suit after the Ring battle.
Naomi is last, but it's still more than she ever expected. She's apologized already, even if she knows that's not enough. It's early in the morning, still, when Naomi leans close to her to tell her it's nice she's not the only woman on board after Holden and Amos do something juvenile. It's on the border of a joke and telling the truth. She doesn't look into it any further.
It's more than her father would ever do for her. These people have been kind to her, kinder maybe than she deserves.
She'll cherish the fact they let her into their home until her last breath.
"I'm home," Holden calls from the intercom as he enters the Roci with a duffel bag. 
It takes three seconds for Naomi's voice to cut through and give him the reply, "In the galley."
He should expect that they'd all be gathered in the same place with Naomi's reply, but seeing them all together in one place and chatting over their assortment of teas and coffee warms him up. 
Now, he's home and so are they. 
"Hey, Mr. President," Bobbie teases the moment she notices him stepping into the room. 
"Ex-President," Clarissa corrects and he smiles at her while he heads straight for the coffee machine.
How they have the energy to tease him after the multiple rounds of alcohol they had after his press conference the other night is beyond him. "Why am I the only one still nursing a hungover?"
He probably shouldn't have asked that because it's Amos that replies. "Because you're a lightweight."
Before he has time to flip him off, Naomi takes an interest in the bag.
"What's all that?" she asks. 
Oh. Right the bag. Regretfully he leaves his coffee on the counter, to rummage through it and pull out two uniforms. 
"It's for you," he says to Bobbie and Clarissa as he hands over the fabrics.
"You're telling Avasarala paid for these with that stunt you pulled the other day?" Bobbie asks with narrow eyes.
"I'd already ordered them, beforehand. And, they came from our cut, actually." He'd run it by Naomi and Amos, sometime between negotiations. As a way to make the officially crew. Amos was confused given how he was supposed to become President of the Transport Union but agreed, and Naomi who knew, thought it was a great idea.
After giving them some time to let it sink in, Holden sits next to Naomi and takes out the other object from the bag. A bottle of Ganymede gin. 
On any other occasion, they'd probably crack a joke about his hangover but Naomi and Amos know the true reason behind the bottle.
"I thought maybe we could all cook together some dinner," he begins explaining, "and have a toast to celebrate you joining us and..." but his voice falls short.
"Remember family that isn't here," Naomi continues off of his words and he squeezes her hand in return. Both as a thank you and for the price that has on her.
"Sure thing, Cap," Amos says loudly, clapping him on his back and taking some of the weight of the room.
He groans in return, placing his head on the table. "No Captain either," he huffs out, "I'm putting you all in change and not touching my hand terminal for the next three to five business days."
The room erupts into laughter and various forms of teasing in his way. As long as he hears them laughing, he'll take the gentle mocking.
Later during the night cycle, they all still gather in the galley with the bottle. Trading stories, and emotions and being more open and intimate than they did in the months before. Outside the meals, another tradition is born.
It's not easy to grieve or heal. To find a way to move forward. But families change and sometimes they give their way to new wonderful things. It'll be alright, as long as they have each other.
Because they are home.
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naomiholden · 3 years
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day two,  favorite dynamic(s):   space  found  family
or the roci crew and all the people they’ve picked up along the way
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cosmic-day · 3 years
The Expanse Appreciation Week: Days 3 – 5 since this week has got away from me:
day three: favourite scene
Bobbie rescuing Naomi. The way this scene is shot, with the camera focusing entirely on Naomi, with only ambient sound, and then the muffled thud and Bobbie’s voice coming faintly through the comms…the isolation, the quiet, the desolation and then the hope. It’s stunning.
day four: favourite location(s)
The Roci. Boring answer, but every found family needs a home.
day five: favourite story arc
Tough, but Naomi trying to get Phillip away from Marco. The dynamics at play between all three characters was so well done.
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jamesholden · 4 years
huhuhuhuhuhu i can finally share my finale theory with all of you
so there’s a scene in the trailer we haven’t seen yet, and I think it’s the only scene we have yet to see. Holden’s on the Roci, and he says to Bull “they wanted a fight, we’ll give them one”. i used the quote on my S5 character gifset way back when, so it’s been on my mind
Drummer has been tasked with killing Holden, which she doesn’t want to do because Naomi loves him and she loves Naomi and that is Naomi’s home. Also because like Holden is kind of an invaluable ally so like it wouldn’t do her much good to kill him, but it would protect her family from Marco’s wrath. So what can she do to both a) appease Marco b) protect ger family and c) help Naomi’s family?
I think Drummer is going to clue Holden in, and they’re going to work together. If she can make it look like she tried to follow Marco’s orders, but lost, Marco would be hard pressed to punish her. It’s not like Holden is incapable of coming out of a fight like that alive. Especially if the two ships sent to help them are also destroyed, or something happens to Karal/with Karal that keeps her from finding out or reporting back. 
Even if the trick fails, she can count on Holden’s ally-ship if she helps him, and it allows her to come back into the fold of whatever coalition if banded together to stop Marco or whatever.
Either way, her best chance of saving Naomi, and saving her family is to work with Holden to make it look like the fight was a lost cause. And I think that’s what Holden’s talking about, a show fight to make Marco think Drummer followed orders.
So we shall see. I don’t know what’s going to happen, this theory has just been on my mind a while and I usually don’t speculate for fear of being wrong or letting myself down with my expectations. 
But I’ve been dying to see Drummer and Holden work together again. They’re so alike and their dynamic is so funny and I would really like to see them work together instead of against each other, or pit against each other because of what connects them AND what separates them. EDIT: I also just remembered how they keep telling Holden they can’t take on more than a few Free Navy ships with the fuel/weapons they have left.......... which means he might need help...... and help from the inside...... what i’m saying is Holden would need Drummer’s help as much as Drummer would need his.
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
I wanna like Alex, I really do, but from the beginning he was like a puzzle piece that never really fit in with the rest of the crew, he was mostly just there because they needed somebody to fly the ship. He was the one always insisting the Roci crew was a family, but he never really fit in with that family and I was never really able to forgive him for what he did to his wife and kid, I know the narrative doesn't really expect you to forgive him, but at the same time it doesn't make me like him especially since there's never really any redmption given to him for that choice he made and considering he's supposed to be a likeable main character it just ends up adding to the reasons why I don't really like him instead of keeping him in that likeable status. And not to mention the allegations made against his actor rewatching the show with that in mind makes me like him even less, it also doesn't help that I think most of my issues with Alex come from the actor's portrayal of him too, because the writing of Alex's character is stellar just the way it is for every other character, he's a good actor better than many others I've seen, but his portrayal is also just not charming enough in the way I can see the writers' wanted this character to be and the fact that he doesn't quite fit into the charm the writers were trying to give him also adds to how it doesn't feel like he fits with the rest of the team. He didn't really have the best chemistry with the rest of the cast which with the allegations against him in mind could be the reason he never felt like an equal member of the found family dynamic and why all the times they tried to insist he was a member of the family fell flat. Maybe I'm overthinking things, but I really never did like Alex even when I first watched the show before we knew any of the allegations and how everything in season six worked perfectly fine without him is another testament to how on the outside of everything his character felt
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tellmewhatyouc · 4 years
any combo of Law/Cora/Doffy for both/either ship asks
ship ask memes: 1 | 2
gonna throw all this under a cut bc 1. spoilers and 2. people who do not vibe with these can just scroll on by easily
first off yes i ship all combinations oh my god
What made you ship it?
as soon as i knew there was some Fuckery going on between law and mingo, i was 👀 because i just. love whump esp law whump and god that dynamic is full of it
doflacora for similar reasons, like. it’s just plain fucked up and i knew i was gonna be into it before i even met roci. regardless of the label on their relationship, their whole dynamic is just So Terrible and Tragic and i am here for it. we love angst in this house
i had a feeling i’d ship coralaw before i even met roci, a couple of my friends were like “UR GONNA LOVE CORALAW” before i’d even read the flashbacks and they were CORRECT
and all three of them started JUST A TAD BIT out of spite bc people being like “this is Bad” or complaining about a ship just makes me curious (tho i actually really genuinely enjoy them aside from the spite and am trying to channel it into positive things instead of just getting upset over people being mean)
What are your favorite things about the ship?
doflaw: the HISTORY they have, it makes for such an interesting and fucky dynamic and i feel like a lot can be done with that
doflacora: just the terrible mess of mingo being this irredeemable villain yet his little brother still believes he can change and still cares about him and then he just fuckign kills him in cold blood and goD
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
that they are all good and valid ships and i love them dearly <3
i’m gonna do the rest of the asks for coralaw bc that’s the only one that i could write in a remotely functional or healthy way here we goooo
How did they first meet?
oh there’s so many possibilities. i can Definitely fuck w an idea closer to canon where roci met law in the context of the family, maybe they left together and everything actually worked out okay, and once law got older they came to terms with their Feelings.
but i also like modern aus where they meet when law’s already an adult, like maybe roci works somewhere and law keeps coming back or he’s a teacher  or (like i enjoy with every law ship) they meet because roci is injured or smth and law has to do his Doctorly Duties
What was their first impression of each other?
god u know it was not great in canon
i like friends to lovers with them. or like. at least friendly acquaintances to lovers. they get along well (once law gets over,, maybe his initial impression that roci is just a clumsy dumbass) and the other Emotions come later
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
gjfkdg mingo is Not happy with the arrangement, though i’ve read a couple fics where the family dynamic is a little nicer and he encourages it and i’m into that too
Who felt romantic feelings first?
law definitely, maybe he didn’t realize what it was at first because he was just a little kid but it makes more sense as he grows up
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
YES <3 i am so here for the “oh god i’m old enough to be this persons father i Cannot be attracted to them” trope and that has so much potential with this ship (tho their age gap isn’t actually that big??? what is it like 13 years idk roci can still suffer)
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
i feel like law would be very >:( about the concept of soulmates and maybe roci would have a crisis but they’d work it out eventually
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
well uhhhh if u really think about it law would probably be dead and roci might be alive so. hm.
but i do think roci really like,,, Fixed law. like he showed him that there are in fact things worth living for, and even if they didn’t spend a Ton of time together, he still had a huge impact.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
i feel like law would have to do it bc roci would be too concerned about overstepping boundaries
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
i don’t think it’s anything Official like they hang out anyway and then one day it just clicks
What was their first kiss like?
law initiating it in the heat of the moment
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
oh i love the idea of roci being law’s first Everything
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
ROCI’S SO FUCKING TALL but even i a modern au i’d probably put him at like 6′5″ or taller
and i think they’re 13 years apart yeah
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
sweats next question
Who takes the lead in social situations?
i think roci is def more friendly and extroverted so probably him
Who gets jealous easier?
i feel like both of them are pretty laid back?
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
law,,,he likes to egg him on
Who said “I love you” first?
roci for sure
What are their primary love languages?
in most law ships i like the idea that law shows love thru gifts, i think roci is just very affectionate but maybe also does the same
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
roci and law HATES IT
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
law isn’t big on pda but sometimes he tolerates it
Who initiates kisses?
roci mostly
Who’s the big and little spoon?
law is the little spoon but sometimes roci is too
What are their favorite things to do together?
fuckin they like to cuddle and watch movies :’)
Who’s better at comforting the other?
roci is better at comforting law naturally
Who’s more protective?
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
law’s more verbal, roci is more physical
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
heart-shaped hologram gives me A LOT OF FEELINGS
also. for some reason i’m feelin in the best case scenario we’d die at the same time
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
not rlly a nickname but i like the idea that law is short for lawrence and roci calls him that sometimes and he HATES IT
also cora in itself is a nickname ig
Who remembers the little things?
hmmm i’d say they’re both pretty observant but maybe roci moreso
(taking out questions about marriage/kids bc i do not think so)
Do they have any pets?
i just wanna give everyone a cat
Who worries the most?
law probably, but roci worries about law so it all evens out
Who kills the bugs in the house?
How do they celebrate holidays?
mostly quiet celebrations at home
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Who’s the better cook?
law, roci isn’t allowed in the kitchen after one too many burns and fires
Who likes to dance?
ROCI, law does not care for it
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babygirlgeralt · 4 years
Lapita’s Ascension
Bobbie settles into her new crew. Her family. 
5k words / E rated read on ao3 (preview under the cut)
i wrote this piece about Bobbie settling into the Roci dynamic, somewhat coming out, somewhat just chillin’. i just really love Bobbie Draper...
When Bobbie arrives at the bar- more of a lounge, really- Alex is laughing so hard at his own story he can’t finish telling it. It’s an old one they’ve all heard before, but the familiar groove of the telling is a comfort. Naomi and Jim, Clarissa and Amos, are sitting either side of Alex in a low booth. There’s a gap by Amos, facing the door. Left for her. Something in her chest loosens a little.
She slides into the booth, clearly designed for Earthers' stature, and watches as Alex sloshes most of his beer out of his glass as he gesticulates. The music at this place has the deep percussion that really draws her in, tapping her foot just a little. Clarissa is bobbing her head slightly, weaving side to side, trying to be unobtrusive.
“And- and then-” Alex bursts into another fit of giggles. Naomi smiles and rolls her eyes.
“How many rounds behind am I?” Bobbie asks Amos.
“Not as many as Alex would want.” He smirks across the table, but pulls up the holographic menu at the centre of the table and orders her favorite. She likes that about Amos. Problem, knowledge, solution.
"Bobbie. Please tell me you can either finish this story or shut Alex up." Naomi leans towards her, eyes bright with humor.
"Hey!" Alex rounds on Naomi. "It's a great story! One of my best."
"Of course, of course." Naomi pats the air, then turns back to Bobbie. "You really didn't miss much."
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blue-mint-winter · 4 years
Could you do A, E, T for the ask meme, please?
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I really love family dynamics, Skywalkers are my all time favourite, especially Luke and Vader. Right now I also love Roci crew from The Expanse, their dynamics are great. Miller and Holden in Leviathan Wakes are just my jam. Recently, I enjoyed Hargreeves siblings’ bonds in The Umbrella Academy. I enjoy Zuko and his family (dys)function in AtLA (I am reading fics and getting serious feels).
From romantic side, the Miller>Julie thing will never not make me wonder about what-ifs. The newest ship that got my casual interest was Andy/Quynh from The Old Guard.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Lol, I did write some Star Wars parody fics way back. Some of it was because I had to cope with EU going off the rails and butchering Jacen and others, some were just for lols like the fics about Luke’s funeral or about Maul on Tatooine.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Usually I would defend important canon things that people and creators wrongfully disregard. Other than that - Revan was a woman and Revanasi was real. EU ended on The Unifying Force, DNT AND LOTF WERE JUST A BAD DREAM.
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sodrippy · 5 years
the expanse for the "send me a show and I'll tell u..." thing?? :)
oh thank you!! i wish i was further along in the books to have more options but alas
The first character I fell in love with: amos! shoutout to that anon who was like ‘called it’ bc it really was love on sightThe character who is my ‘baby’: i actually dont know that i have one of Those for this series funnily enough but maybe bobbie,,,my wifeThe character who I do not understand: i dunno man, just every freak whos trying to unleash multiple wars on the universe for no reason?The character that I think the show ruined: i wouldnt say the show ‘ruined’ them but i much prefer the roci dynamics in the books, though i do still love the show versions too- i find show amos a little flat compared to his book counterpart, and i think they really do naomi a huge disservice by kind of making her a weird mix of straightlaced narc and rebel saviour type (my two biggest gripes- so far- are her sending the protomolecule to fred without telling the others, and the entire shitfest on the somnambulist which was so frustrating overall and especially fucked up re: amos, made worse bc it doesnt happen AT ALL in the books?? dumb.) also i recently read amos giving alex a bear hug when they all reunite again and like THIS is the family i want to see on screen yknow fhdjfjdThe most attractive male and female character: wes chatham..hot...frankie adams...HOT...The character death that was the worst for me: literally cant remember whos died but cotyar.....rest in peace snarky kingThe character that is the most like me: absolutely no one lmao everyone in this series is way too obsessed w surviving, like i would just take a forever nap rather than choose what Kind of shitty nasty life i want to live out The character I think the writer(s) love: holden obviously, and i think avasarala as wellThe character that I just want to be happy: i think this series is really refreshing compared to a lot of other media where it feels like good people get dragged through glass over and over for nothing, vs here its good people dealing with much bigger external problems without like, suffering immense personal losses and stuff? that being said i want amos to be happy, and alex to feel valued and loved and get more screentime damnitMy four favorite characters, past or present: bobbie, alex, cotyar, praxMy four least favorite characters, past or present: erringwright, every bureaucratic fuck we encounter, the nasty evil scientists on the protomolecule project, strickland
send me a show and ill tell you my thots 
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cosmic-day · 4 years
So the Expanse season 5 - basically I loved it.  More thoughts under the cut, with spoilers for all of season 5.  I haven’t read past Cibola Burn - so feel free to comment or reply, but please no book spoilers.
First of all, this was Naomi’s season, and Dominique Tipper’s chance to shine, and boy did she ever grab that chance with both hands. Everything about Naomi’s story this season was electric: her grief and guilt over Filip, her determination to put it right, how horribly trapped and manipulated she felt on Inaros’ ship, and most of all her incredible feat of endurance and ingenuity to survive the death trap Inaros had set up for the Roci. I love how Naomi approaches and solves that problem as an engineer. I love her figuring out how to alter the message. I love the symbolism of the switch from “I am in distress” to “I am in control”. I will never stop having goosebumps when I think about it. “Tell James Holden I am in control.” Naomi Nagata everyone. Biggest badass in space.
The final rescue sequence, with Bobbie appearing out of shot, her voice muffled as Naomi floats back into consciousness, was breath taking. No pun intended, given that I think I was holding my breath in sympathy by that point.
My other favourite, Camina Drummer, also had a tough time this season, but without the happy ending. I loved seeing her with her poly family – polyam belter fam for the win! – but it killed me watching the impossible position Inaros left her in, and I hated that she lost that new found happiness by the end. My only finale nitpick is that everyone else got to be happy back on Luna and we never see them even talk about how Drummer saved the Roci or wonder what that means for her.
Amos’ backstory in Baltimore and how that shaped him really helped expand Amos’ character. I’m kind of indifferent to Peaches though – I mean, the scene of Amos inviting her on board the Roci was comedy gold, but she did attempt to murder them all in cold blood. I’m not sure I’d be crazy about having her on board.
Marco Inaros is an excellent villain – genuinely hateful but with enough understandable motivations that he is not reduced to mustache twirling. I mean nothing justifies what he did, and his blithe conviction that they’ll just switch to artificial food production and it will be fine after a few “lean years” is typical deranged demagogue stuff. Oh the other hand, when he points out that people were already dying, just more slowly, well that’s true too – and  the inners were always going to ignore that unless forced to confront it.
Everyone else basically took a back seat and that’s fine, but man am I looking forward to seeing Avasarala and Bobbie working together.
Finally, Alex’s death. Given the situation, I think that was done as well as they could. It honoured the character, while removing the actor as they really had to do. Alex died flying to save his family, and you couldn’t ask for a better end. The scene of Naomi and Holden mourning him, while playing Naomi’s message, was incredibly moving.
I’m curious as to who will replace him – Bull is the obvious choice, and I guess it would make for some interesting character dynamics but I’m not sold on that yet. Can’t see any other obvious options though.
Now to endure the long, long wait for season 6.
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radiofreeeros · 8 years
The Roci Fam
Can we get some love for the Roci Family at the start of Season 2? I mean...
Dad Holden: Trying to keep it together. Adulting is hard. Runs on coffee and guilt.
Mom Naomi: Really in charge. Can do math really fast. Actual queen.
Older son Alex: Flies the family spaceship, likes to go a little too fast around the corners. Looks forward to his turn to make dinner.
Younger son Amos: Tries to do math as fast as mom, fails. Ride or die loyal to the fam. No, really.
Crusty uncle Miller: Can’t be bothered to shave. Tells weird anecdotes about cheese farts at dinner.
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“... not the cheese story again...”
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venndaai · 5 years
Okay episodes 8 and 9!
So in general this season has been very consistently quality, all the episodes have been pretty good but there’ve been no extreme standouts like ‘Home’ or ‘Fallen World’, and because they’ve all been following one season-long arc without many cast/location shifts we also haven’t gotten any that stand out for being particularly tailored to my interests, like ‘Cascade’. (Man... a moment of fond nostalgia for the transcendent experience that was me watching ‘Cascade’ for the first time.) But anyways... I think episode 8 is the closest I’m going to get to a standout, particularly memorable, particularly “asajhgdshgjk” season four episode, and I wish it had a better name than “The One-Eyed Man.” 
So. Drummer. Holy shit, that was good. I was just thinking how much I missed the Fred & Drummer relationship and then the ep opens with her socking him in the face, thank you show I love you too. I do want to say much as I love it when my fave dynamics get some tension in them I do hope she doesn’t go down Michio’s book route of absolutely hating Fred’s guts :/ That would be a bit painful for me. She just seems very alone sometimes and I want her to keep some connections.
Speaking of which, her and Ashford, <3<3<3 Their final goodbye was so good.
This season has continued to exacerbate the problem of having all of the wealthy imperialist Earthers played by people of color while focusing on white Belters as the face of Belter suffering (Lucia and her family) and it was really good and important to give Drummer/Cara Gee that speech about the Mormons, that moment (and it feels significant that David Strathairn has a native Hawaiian grandparent.) While I loved the conceptual coolness of Drummer running Medina, it does feel more right and exciting for her to fully take on Michio Pa’s role as independent pirate queen. (But my God, can we please make her canon non straight already? More on that once I finish the season.)
The other “asfhdgjdg” part of the episode: Amos. So obviously Jamos is real and oh my God, being given so much more than I ever dreamed of. I haven’t always been a fan of Steven Strait’s acting in the role but at this point I have to admit, he is excellent at looking like he’s deeply, tenderly in love with his scene partner, and wow does he deliver on that in those scenes with Amos. Woof. 
Wes Chatham also does a really, really good job with Amos’s dissociation. Eesh, I got sympathetic chills.
I liked the Amos backstory reveal. I think it was just about as subtly and tastefully done as possible, clearly implying what happened without going for shock or melodrama, focusing on how Amos is feeling now rather than on what happened to him then. 
The Avasarala plot is not quite hitting the mark for me. It’s like. Almost there? In theory I’m so down for Avasarala being calculating and full of hubris and having to deal with consequences in her personal and political life. But it’s like the show can’t quite decide what it’s doing, and that sucks when everything else this season is very tight. But part of it could just be my continued resentment of New Arjun. 
I don’t fucking care about Bobby’s hookup dude. I will never care, show. Never. The books didn’t make me sit through this and I resent you for doing it to me. 
The Roci/Barb tethering plotline was done so well and so beautifully!!! Loved the Lucia/Felcia feelings, loved the visuals, loved Alex finally getting some moments of his own, and oh my god Naomi jumping out to catch freefalling Lucia was so tense and dramatic and amazing. A+++. 
Hey remember what I said about Strait being great at looking like he’s tenderly in love with his scene partner. Well the Holden/Miller scenes were uh. Good
Very :/// about the Wei thing in both the book and show, but I will say I’m glad of how they filmed it. That was just about the least exploitative/romanticized violent death of a woman I’ve ever seen on a screen. 
The Miller/Elvi chapter was my absolute favorite in Cibola Burn and I’m so glad some of that got translated to the screen. sad we only got a little moment with roboMiller but it was worth it I loved him.
The ‘angry eye of God’ looked great
Sad we didn’t quite get the full impact/humor of Murtry’s racist asshole monologue about civilization and then Holden shooting him in the leg to shut him up, because that was pretty funny in the book, but we did get “if Amos is dead so are you” and that was nice.
that final shot with all the alien tech waking up all over Ilus!!!!! that was Cool As Heck!!!!
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the-roci · 5 years
Does it look like they’re replacing Amos with Alex? If you pay attention to Holden’s background, it’s mainly Alex next to him and Amos next to Murtry.
I’ll have to go back and re-watch - oh no, poor me! From what I understand, the roci fam is going to start together and then split up because, you know, gravity doesn’t sit too well with some of our crew members 😭😭. If that’s the case, and the split does happen, then I’m more than happy to see Alex spend some quality time with Holden. As much as I love the family together, and I love Nolden, and Amos and Alex being buds, and Amos and Naomi being buds, I’m also super invested in seeing other dynamics.
Naomi and Alex in particular do something for me. They have these tiny, tender moments that I would love expanded on. With Alex being the first to extend he olive branch to her, there’s room for more tender and sweet moments and I’m already grabbing my tissues hoping I get them!
Starting the show with various crew members bonding, and then that shifting, will make me a happy little camper...as happy as I can be with the roci crew being separated anyway.
After the trailer though - gimme all the fucking Amos and Murtry scenes. How am I supposed to wait another month to see them on screen together? Honestly, block me now because they’re literally the only thing I’m going to talk about.
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