#And I say ok so I’m not really concerned about fluffy feelings rn
jacepens · 1 year
*buries face in hands* I’ve done it again, I’ve put so so many feelings hiding under blankets in something that was supposed to be just smut. Where do these feelings come from? Who put them there?? Certainly not me!!
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murdrdocs · 2 years
Ok umm hi hello I just wanna say my name is Jeenni like legit I know that I'm anon but I hate my user so......yeah also u can call me jeans if u want so I just wanted to request if u could make a very sweet very cute fluffy Mike Wheeler fic it's just that everything I find is of him being a legitimate price of shit so I need something sweet in my life also my bf just broke up with me so this would honestly be life saving to my sanity
PS sorry I ranted it's just I have a lot in my mind rn <3
no no don’t apologize for the rant. also nice to meet you jeenni, i’m celeste :) and i’m more than happy to write this for you. i’m sorry (or glad, depends on how u feel) abt ur breakup btw :( i tried to make this a little bit longer for you. feel free to send me any request you have and i’ll be sure to get it done just for you <333
snippets of your relationship with mike
before he could call you his, before he even confessed, you knew how he felt.
you could feel his gaze, the emotions he attempted to communicate with just a look. most of the time, you pretended they didn’t exist, convincing yourself that they were just a figment of an overactive, hopeless romantic, imagination. but sometimes, just every so often, you would look at him, and he would look at you, and there would be something there. you weren’t a poet, your mind could barely conjure up a coherent sentence most of the time, but you knew that the way he looked at you was something so many people wrote about, painted about, yearned for.
something you’ve yearned for.
confessions are made over gas station slushees and sitting on the sidewalk. everyone else had already gone home, lucas and max riding together, and will and el riding with jonathan. your car was in the shop, so mike offered to give you a ride instead. you two did live close to each other.
you were getting ready to leave the diner, when mike half heartedly commented that he wanted a slushee. so that led you here, cherry and blue raspberry slushees in hand, mouths cold and tinted with food coloring. you’d stopped speaking for a while now, just sitting and watching the stillness of the night.
then he called your name, and you hummed, glancing over at him when he didn’t continue. “what’s going on, mikey?” you’d asked him. the nickname had become common for you to say recently, usually spoken when it was just you two as you feared the others would make fun of you or him.
he was looking head on, but after a deep breath he turned to face you.
“if i tell you something, promise you won’t hate me.” so you did, telling him that you could never hate him.
and when he spoke his mind, words almost whispered under shrouds of fear, anxiety and insecurities, you knew that you could never hate mike. never in a million years.
there’s concerns and suggestions shared between you on if you should tell the others. you both agree to ease them into the concept, but then mike kisses you when he’s saying goodbye and the secret is out.
he can’t really help it, not that he particularly tried. mike just can’t keep his hands off of you.
everyone surrounding you assumed that the “honeymoon phase” would die off within a few weeks, but it went on for months, and never really ended. kisses when you thought no one was looking, holding hands under tables and behind backs, knowing glances that yielded giggles. what was annoying to others, was endearing to the both of you.
you’d never felt loved, appreciated, and cared for like you do with mike. if you’re so much as saying a few less words than usual, mike is rubbing his thumb along the back of your hand and kissing your temples. he’s always there to listen to your rant about any and everything, immediately taking your side even if you’re most definitely in the wrong. he watches all your chick flicks, and nightmare inducing horror movies, with you.
and the entire time, you’re waiting for the other pen to drop. waiting for the inevitable to occur. you’ve braced yourself, mentally lowered your expectations, and waited. and when it does come, it’s minuscule, and nagging at the back of your brain.
mike couldn’t say The Big Three.
you’ve said it, slipped up a few times before you intended to say it. and despite what you tell yourself, you wished he would say it too. who doesn’t?
but either way, you knew that mike loved you, because his entire being showed it.
sorry for the abrupt ending i didn’t wanna leave this sitting in my drafts :(
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evera6234 · 4 years
Gotham’s Salty WIP: Chapter I
RATING: T (Teen for cursing and stuff, this may change)
Basically, the typical Daminette with a bit of lime and spice. Borderline crack fic bc i cant without humor. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng goes to Gotham whilst carrying three years worth of emotional baggage, what she does with it, we don't know. Does she lug it around? Probably. Does she kick it off a skyscraper? Not probable, but maybe. Does she use it to drop kick an unsuspecting liar. Most definitely.                ~~~> EDITED BY OLLIETHETURTLE ON AO3
Transferred from AO3. 
Lemme know if ya wanna be tagged
OK. Umm.. First fic on AO3. K. We doin this, and we starting with this god awful piece of trash. Yes. Life. Fuck. 
Things ur signing up for:
Big boi Mari & Chloe Friendship Good Vibes TM
My ass shitting on Adrien bc im a salty bitch (and if u aint about that life, its ok. U can leave bc im not interested in fighting with people. No offence or disrespect to adrien stans but yea)
And Adrien stalker moments
Lila and Alya salt (plz see “im a salty bitch”)
Shitty update schedule, if any. I’m counting on yall to harass me to write.
Marinette & Jason “sibling-esque” relationship bc we all need that
An obscene amount of cursing (as you can already tell)
The class will not be  “Our singular communal brain-cell is fucking dead, help.” levels of dumb, but still “I have the IQ of a wet potato sack” levels of dumb.
Eventual negation of canon bc we live that life
“Espresso with a dash of Depresso” Moments TM
I'm originally an MLB fan. So do what you will with that info.
The good old “Ozmav AU” but with some lime and spice
As slow burn as I can
Mental Health stuff and the repercussions of having multiple identities treated completely differently
And the crown jewel of this entire fic… Auntie Harley and Ivy.
And….. sorry…. Ppl will kinda be OOC but im trying my very best. 
Tbh I have no idea where this going rn but... i mean… it going somewhere (specifically hell) because everything does. Leave ideas plz, don’t kill me. Just bully me. 
So yea. Lemme know what u want and if I want to, I might just squeeze it into the fic (if it fit ofc, im not just gonna add random 50 year time-lapses). I'll try my best ;)))) (<-- my quadruple chin)
Chloe’s head hangs heavy on Mari’s shoulder as the pressurised air surrounding them vibrates with the sounds… of well… a plane. Chloe had a tough couple weeks; late night combat practises with the new team (LB, Hornet, Viperion and Ryuuko) has obviously taken a toll on her partner. Both wrapped in a thick velvet blanket that Chloe remembered to pack (thank kwami) sharing a pair of headphones, both were lulled into a peaceful slumber.
Alya laughs as Lila tips her small glass of diet coke (that a flight attendant painstakingly poured for her) on a sleeping Marinette’s side of Chloe’s blanket, effectively waking her up. “Oopsies! Sorry Marinette! You see, the cabin air has really been worsening my arthritis. I didn’t mean it! I swear! Cross my heart!” apologized Lila with fake concern as Alya giggles beside her. 
Marinette, literally seeing Lila’s crossed figures behind her back says “At least Chloe is still sleeping, she needs the rest.” Alya, Lila and her empty cup saunter beck to their seats nearby. 
Mari and her class finally land in Gotham’s cold December night. Freshly hushed into a private shuttle, the class are driven to their hotel. It is late: around 3:30 AM. With heavy eyelids the class gazed out the bus’s windows in awe. The merging view of traffic and Christmas lights chase them to their residence. No one really remembers or knows what happened that night. Just the feeling of falling, be it into a white fluffy hotel comforter or into the crisp Gotham air. 
“Oh! My! Gosh!!!” hears Marinette as Lila on the bus to Wayne Enterprise. “I feel so. At. Home!” In Marinette’s tired ears, there were more exclamation marks. 
“Of course… The only thing that can inhabit Gotham alleyways are cockroaches and villains,” Chloe grumbles beneath her breath, looking out the window.
“What have I ever done to you Chloe?” Lila cries, “I understand why Marinette bullies me, she is a jealous and vile girl. But I thought you, Chloe, want to be a better person, not a bully like that bitch, Marinette!”
“How dare you. How dare you. HOW DARE YOU!” Chloe yells as the recent words loop in her mind, 
“Not gonna call your daddy, huh?” Alya taunts. 
Chloe, with tears in her eyes begins, but is quickly interrupted by Marinette, “No she will not. She doesn’t need to. Chloe grew a lot over the last couple months, I’m so proud of her. She doesn’t need your bitch-ass approval.” Marinette grasps Chloe’s hand which previously wrapped itself around the fabric of Chloe’s heavy caramel winter coat.
“Quiet on the bus!”, A yell came from the front.
“But, Mr. Bus Driver… Marinette is being a…”
“Shut it! Y’all want me to kamikaze this shit into a building? I’m guessing y’all value your lives so shut it!” 
“Ms.Guardian, can I please have a cookie?” Pollen softly asks from the inside of Chloe’s giant white faux leather handbag.
“Shh… Pollen! Now’s not the time!!!” stresses Tikki.
“Please Ms. Guardian!!! I’m so so so hungry. This bag isn’t very warm and it’s taking all my energy to keep warm. A lil blubber wouldn’t hurt…. please!!”.
“Of course Pollen,” quietly respond Mari with a grin, “Here you go.” She pulls out a couple cookies from a Tupperware and hands them to Pollen. “Please share them with Tikki,” whispers Marinette into the bag. 
Marinette and Chloe then hears two tiny “thank you”s followed by the sound that can only be described increasingly aggressive chomping. Both girls giggle quietly.
“Welcome to Gotham,” says an unenthusiastic man at the front desk. “Congratulations, you are…” He checks his computer. “On time? Interesting.”
“Yes, we are aware,” grumbles Mrs. Bustier, already done with the man’s attitude.
“Okay so before the tour starts I’m doing to need the student who set-up this field trip to sign a couple forms and stuff. Here ya go.” The man pushed a thicc pile of paper into the teachers hand. 
“Oooh! That would be me sir!” Lila chirped, intercepting the papers before skipping back to her posse of her’s. A few seconds after beginning to fill out paperwork Lila cries “Ouch! My wrist! My arthritis! Can someone help me filling out all these form.” 
“I’ll fill them out, I’m only going to need your signatures,” offered Max.
“Thank you Max, you are so sweet!” Lila complements. 
“Of course, your arthritis was badly affected by the altitude yesterday, you shouldn’t be staining your wrist so early!” Max blushed. 
“Maribug, you gonna to say something?” 
“Nah, just watch. Entertainment without a Netflix membership.”
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yikeswtfmate · 5 years
previous part // It’s All Fun and Games Series Masterlist // next part
main masterlist
Summary: The gang goes to Tony’s pool party. Y/N finds out that Bucky lost at Jenga.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: swearing; threats of violence
A/N: ok, i’m having so much fun with these that i don’t even care they became an entire series without me even realising it; plus, who cares i’ve already posted 4 parts in a week already????
ironic how i’m writing about a heatwave when we’re literally going through a huge storm rn tho....i miss summer so much 😭
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Y/N loves Tony. What she loves most about Tony, however, is his pathological need to throw a party for the most insignificant of reasons. It is no wonder then that he’s now invited all of his closest friends to his penthouse, that has a casually built-in pool, to celebrate the first day of the heatwave that’s supposed to torment New York for the next week.
Making her way out to the patio, idly chatting with Maria about a book they’ve both read, Y/N notices how there’s now a huddle of people right outside the glass doors. She can hear Wanda’s shout of surprise, while Clint doubles over in laughter, Viz just puts a hand over his mouth in shock, but she can’t see anything because Thor and Steve are right in front of what they’re looking at. Tony leans back, enough so he can see Y/N from behind Nat, and wiping away at a corner of his eye under his sunglasses, he calls them over.
“What’s going on?” Maria asks as the others break rank to let them notice it’s Bucky they’ve been judging.
“Aw, babes, I was wondering when you’d get here. I thought Sam’s gotten you hostage or something.” Y/N goes to hug Bucky, but she stops in her tracks when she notices the cap on his head.
There’s complete silence, as every gaze is trained on her, watching her narrow her eyes, a frown deepening between her eyebrows. She senses something is wrong, but she’s too focused on what’s wrong with Bucky to comment on their silly behaviour. He’s completely still, his breathing coming out in short bursts, as if afraid to scare her if he’d make any loud noise or move too fast. He licks his lips while one of her hands slowly grabs his cap and yanks it off.
Her mouth falls open, unhinged from its socket and someone takes the cocktail glass from her hand before it slips from her fingers. The blood drains from Y/N’s face and with an animalistic growl in his direction, she turns around and storms back inside. A door slams somewhere inside the apartment, before Bucky can even shout after her.
“Aw, man, come on! I thought she was gonna lose it!” Sam shouts in disappointment, suddenly breaking the eerie silence.
“Well, it could’ve gone so much worse.” Nat says, taking a swig of her beer. “I was expecting broken glasses and maybe a concussion.”
“Shouldn’t someone go after her?” Pepper asks, tone laced with concern, still looking into the direction Y/N’s disappeared.
“No, don’t worry.” Bucky replies. “She’ll come back out to punch me after she’s processed it.”
He brushes a hand through his hair, trying to get used to the short strands himself. He guesses he could’ve handled it better, maybe given her a warning before she took off the cap, maybe even told her before he’d done it in the first place. But he lost at Jenga, and the rules were set by Sam, which he now realises in hindsight were stupid to begin with. There’s nothing to be done now, he thinks with a shrug. Besides, hair grows back, and if she really hates it that much, he’ll just wear a cap around her until it grows back.
Tony slaps him on the back, congratulating him for not looking like a ‘ratty hobo’ anymore, although he himself concedes that Y/N’s going to kill him eventually and with that, everyone disperses into different directions to entertain themselves and enjoy the sunshine and the pool. Steve’s the only one left next to him, arms crossed in front of his chest, water still dripping from his trunks, and yet he still looks like a disappointed parent. Bucky sighs and moves towards the bar, trying to ignore his best friend who just follows him determinedly.
“I just want to say that for all I appreciate you finally deciding to give that ridiculous bun up, do you really think it was the right choice to do it because you lost at Jenga?”
“Hey!” Sam shouts, right behind them. “Last time I lost I had to wear all my shirts inside out for a week. This is fair. A loser’s a loser and he agreed beforehand.”
“Man, these were so easy on them, give me a break.” Thor’s head pops over the counter of the bar. He hands them each a bottle of beer and as they all sit on the stools, he points his finger towards Steve in warning. “Y/N made me tattoo a smiley face on my butt when she was playing, so be grateful she wasn’t there last night.”
As the conversation falls into the typical subjects like jobs, holidays, and how they can annoy the girls next time, Bucky realises half an hour later that Y/N still hasn’t come out. Just then, Nat places a hand on his shoulder, shifting his attention from the debate on who would win in an arm wrestling match.
“She’s in the last guest room on the right. You better go and talk to her or I’ll rip your eyelashes out.”
Bucky nods, leaving them behind as Clint announces that none of the guys would win because Nat would just beat them all up with her eyes closed. He makes his way through the apartment that feels more like a mansion, until he finds the room, which surprisingly is open.
Y/N is laying on the floor, head turned toward the windows, probably watching the fluffy clouds. There’s no point in him questioning her choice of position, considering there’s a perfectly made, heavenly looking bed a few inches away from her, so Bucky just lies down next to her, right in her line of sight. They look at each other for a few minutes, neither saying a word, and Bucky interlaces their fingers together between them.
“What did I say?” She finally grumbles.
“You say a lot of shit, baby. You’ve gotta be more specific here.”
“Don’t be a smart mouth with me, you little asshole.” Her free hand pokes his ribs, hard enough to make him wince. “What did I say?”
“You said I’m not allowed to ever cut my hair.” He sighs.
“And what did you do?”
“I cut my hair.”
“Because I lost at Jenga.”
Y/N sits up a bit straighter, leaning on her elbow, a frown still on her face. “No. You cut your hair because you’re an asshole. You could’ve agreed to literally anything else.”
“Fine, babe. You’re right.” He concedes. “Now, can you stop being mad at me and come out? The pool is really nice and I can’t chicken fight without my best partner.”
“I’m still mad at you, Barnes!” She pouts, trying in vain to escape Bucky’s arms as they lean on the side of the bed, but he manages to grab her and tuck her under his chin, blocking her with his legs.
“I’ll grow it out again if you really hate it that much.” He whispers with a kiss to her temple.
She looks up at him, her hand yet again going to his hair and she tugs at the strands in her usual manner. The curls bounce back, and she smiles softly. “I don’t hate it. It’s just…that bun was so you. I guess I just have to get used to it.”
“Hey, at least I didn’t shave the beard as well.”
Y/N’s eyes nearly pop out of her head and she punches him in the shoulder, earning her a laugh. “Don’t you fucking dare. I will end you, Barnes.”
“Eh, you’d live.” He shrugs. “You’d love me even bald.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Do you really want me to cut your balls and you don’t know how to ask?”
“Why do you insist on being so violent with me?” He asks.
“Because I love you?” She offers with a shrug.
“That’s a good reason.” He concedes. “But it’s not the answer to everything.”
Y/N shrugs again and extracts herself out of Bucky’s arms. She stands up, offering him a hand. He throws an arm over her shoulders, and with their fingers interlaced, they make their way towards the pool again.
“How the fuck did you lose at Jenga anyway?” She pipes up, a flare of anger emerging again. “Didn’t I teach you everything you need to know?”
Bucky just stops in his tracks, and leaning to the side in order to look at her, he frowns. “You’re shit at Jenga. You literally won only once.”
“And it was enough to bestow the best sentence in history!” She declares.
“I don’t know about that. Thor seems to love the tattoo.”
“That fucker. I’m going to so beat him at chicken fighting now.” Y/N yells, nearly dragging Bucky behind her now.
“Ah shit, here we go again.”
@imma-new-soul​ | @feelmyroarrrr​​ | @bxrnsfeyson​ | @welostkirsten​ | @free-as-fishes​​ | @jessyballet​ | @fckdeusername​
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girl i'm so sick rn and i would love if you could write a one shot smth like reader gets sick and the rest of the boys send roger to check up on her but they hate each other (except roger has a soft spot for her) and then they kinda get along? make it fluffy/angsty or however you want btw love ur stories xx
Ok I think you mean Roger and Reader hate each other, so that’s what I’m going for here. Whipped this up real quick so I hope this is what you wanted. Hope you feel better soon, sweetie! ♥️
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“Where is she?” John asks. “She’s usually here by now and has the board set up and the drinks and snack laid out.”
“She’s not coming,” Brian tells him. “She’s sick.”
“You mean I spent all week studying the dictionary so I can finally beat her and she’s sick?” John jokingly moans.
“It’ll be nice not to hear her yap,” Roger groans. “Can we just play? Stop worrying about her.”
Freddie starts to laugh. “Rog is gonna miss her more than we will, boys.” The others start to laugh too, except for Roger, who is rolling his eyes and getting annoyed.
“Maybe she’d like some soup,” Brian suggests, smirking over at Freddie and John who immediately pick up on what he’s implying.
“Yeah,” John agrees, trying not to giggle. “One of us should go get her some.”
“Well I can’t,” Freddie quips. “I have to… brush my hair.”
“And I can’t,” Brian says. “I have to make sure…”
“Oh, stop it,” Roger says as he gets up. “I’ll go because if I don’t you three will just sit here and make stupid excuses all night and we’ll never get started.” He grabs his jacket and storms out the door, leaving the other three in stitches.
“Well that was easier than it should have been,” John smirks, resting his hands behind his head. “Almost too easy.”
* * *
There’s a knock on your door, and you groan, not wanting to get up, but the knocking is ridiculously annoying since it’s just a steady knock with no pause. You wrap yourself in the blanket and shuffle your feet to the door. “Oh God, just when I thought I couldn’t feel any worse,” you groan when you see Roger standing there. “Are you trying to kill me or did you just want to see for yourself that I’m crap?” You smirk because, oddly, throwing insults at him, no matter how minor, always cheers you up.
“I think you’re looking rather lovely,” he tells you as he invites himself in. “Much better than usual.” He walks to the living room and puts down the soup container. “Chicken noodle good enough for the princess?”
You slowly close the door and walk over, suspiciously cautious. “Did you poison it or something? No way you’re being nice to me because you want to.” You sit down on the sofa and cough.
“You’re right. I don’t want to,” he says as he walks in the kitchen and grabs a spoon. “But I do want to play Scrabble and that’s not going to happen until someone makes sure you’re okay.” He taps you on the shoulder with the spoon and hands it to you before walking away again. You want to make a snide remark but you can’t, because you can’t stop coughing. When you try to speak, you cough. When you try to breathe you cough so you give up. He comes back, this time around the front of the sofa and hands you a glass of water before sitting down. “You’re pretty pathetic, you know,” he snarkly chuckles. “I mean, you always are, but you’re even more pathetic right now.”
“Oh, fuck…” You can’t say what you want. You cough again so you decide to just flip him off as you take a sip of the water. “Thanks for the soup,” you say, finally getting words out of your mouth.
He grunts and leans over to open the soup. “Do I have to feed it to you, too?”
“Please?” you sarcastically reply. “It’ll be the most useful thing you’ve…” You start to cough again and he starts to laugh. “Fuck off,” you groan.
“I do think this is more entertaining than Scrabble ever will be,” he grins as he props his feet up on the coffee table and leans back on the sofa.
You cover your head with your blanket and grunt. “Roger, get out.”
“Absolutely not!” he laughs. “And miss all of this?”
“You’re so annoying,” you groan as you start to lay down, but he stops you.
“I brought this fucking soup. You’re going to at least taste it.” He pulls the blanket off your head and grabs the soup from the table, getting a spoonful and holding it up. “Open,” he tells you.
“I’m not a child,” you groan and try to grab the spoon, but it spills on his lap. “I’m sorry,” you laugh. “I’m sorry. Really. I didn’t mean to do that.”
He hands you the spoon, this time with nothing on it, and holds the bowl close to you, silently commanding you to eat some. Once you make it in your mouth, he smiles. “Now was that so hard?”
“I’m still not convinced you’re not trying to kill me,” you giggle. “But this is good.” You eat more as he keeps holding the bowl for you, but soon you have enough and curl yourself back up in the blanket.
“You really look terrible,” he tells you, not to be mean or be a snarky bastard, but because he’s actually concerned. “Are you taking anything?” You nod your head and point to the stash of medicine you have on the table next to you. “Is it helping at all?”
“A little,” you say. “I took some right before you came so it should be kicking in soon.” Your eyes are getting heavy and you want to sleep. That’s all you want. But you don’t want to fall asleep while he’s here. But you also can’t help laying your head down on the arm of the sofa, and you fall asleep almost immediately.
Before he leaves, he grabs a pillow from your bed and puts in under your head, carefully so as not to wake you up. There’s a light tap on the door, so he goes to answer it. It’s Brian, and he’s wondering what’s taking so long. “You all play without me,” Roger tells him. “She’s a pain in the ass, but I can’t leave her alone. She’s not doing well.”
“Really? When I saw her earlier she was coughing a little and a bit congested…”
“She’s doing worse,” Roger says, clearly fibbing, but Brian lets it slide. “I’ll come when she goes to sleep.” Brian can hear you snoring, but again, he lets it slide. Roger closes the door and walks back to the sofa and stays next to you until you wake up the next morning.
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inurnctdreams · 6 years
ice hockey player - mark!au
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:: i feel like this is such a cliche but i haven't actually seen any ice hockey mark yet so?? enjoy some canadian mark idk 。.:*・゜゚・*
right ok so this kid is just naturally crazy talented
combine that with the fact that he's been skating since he was like six
and the fact that he loves sports
boom! youngest captain the junior league has ever had
but it's been a couple years now, and he's the oldest in the team now and will have to graduate soon
he's even started playing a lil with the older, nearly pro team to get a feel for it
but he loves his team rn so he's just gonna try and make the good times last while he can
this boy can also be a lil forgetful
so trust him not to remember to change his alarm clock on the night the clocks go back
so instead of getting to practise for 9am, by the time he rushes down to the rink it's actually only 8:20am
he'd been too busy rushing and thinking he was gonna be late to check his phone
so he figures 40 mins early is better than 20 mins late, and decides to hang around, maybe get some food and extra practise
so he grabs the breakfast he should've gotten before he left the house and wanders up to the main rink, backpack on his shoulder, bacon sandwich in one hand and skates in the other
only to stop dead at the sight of someone else on the rink
he didn't even think it was open before 8:45, he only has a key bc he's the captain and is v trustworthy and hardworking
but here you are, at 8:27, skating around the rink like you own it
shooketh mark aside, he's also in awe at how talented you are
gliding around the ice, twisting and turning effortlessly
"wow" and he shocks you into screwing up your landing and falling on your ass
"oh shit im so so so sorry are u ok?!!!"
forgetful boy drops his sandwich and skates and runs onto the ice in his vans
which makes him slip just as you were getting up
and boom he accidentally tackles you three feet down the ice and then you slide until you hit the other end of the rink and now he's on top of you
(uh and that's a long ass ride)
"y/n! we're opening up n- y/n?!" and that's your dad
"down here!"
you and this v clumsy but vv cute boy roll off each other with burning cheeks to see your dad looking at you with a raised eyebrow
"oh! mr y/l/n! sorry sir i accidentally startled her so she fell and i tried to help but slipped and we fell an-"
"just get off my ice in your sneakers, lee. you good sweetie?"
and now he's confused. sweetie? this graceful skater knew the owner? well he guesses it made sense if you were there before opening hours an-
"fine dad, we just fell"
oh. dad.
"alright well the boys are in the locker rooms now, you better join your team, cap"
and now it's your turn to be confused. cap?? team?? you knew the juniors practised at 9 but this clumsy fluff ball?? team captain?? no way is this the infamous mark lee your dad's always going on about
you've never really been into hockey, more into your figure skating which is more of a hobby than anything... even though you started when you were 3
but by the time you've processed and gotten off of the ice he's gone so you make your way to the girls' changing rooms
when you get out you can hear them so you decide to stick around a lil and watch out of curiousity
and wOW
where's the shy clumsy fluffy boy who was so concerned you'd hurt yourself he ran onto the ice in vans??
team captain mark lee is a badass
he's so focused and in charge, cutting up the ice with his swift tackles and sharp turns
he knows what he's doing and he has no problem reprimanding his teammates and showing them the right way to do things
it's a lil hot ngl
before you know it the practise is over and mark's in front of you... well one of his teammates you'd heard him calling hyuck pushed him but still
"oh hi... um y/n was it?"
and here's the shy fluffy boy back
wow what a contrast (shawty give me whip-whiplash)
"yeah, you're mark right?"
he just nods until hyuck nudges him
"yeah, i'm mark... sorry about accidentally tackling you earlier..."
"it's cool, like you said it was an accident. i was surprised at how clumsy you were until you put on your skates though, you were seriously awesome out there!!"
cue blushy shy mark again
this boy just can't take praise
"t-thanks... you were good too. amazing actually, that's why i was so shocked and scared you" but boy can he compliment you
"thanks, i can't believe we've never seen each other before, my dad's owned this rink since before i was born"
"mark's always late to practise" donghyuck helpfully supplies
"dude not cool" he hisses
by this point you're just giggling at them
"well it was nice to meet you guys in person, but i'm gonna be late to meet my friend for lunch so..."
"WAIT!" and you turn so swiftly in shock and mark's there with red cheeks agAIN
"yes mark?"
"c-could i maybe um... it's cool if you don't want to but... maybe if you don't mind-"
"yes mark?" you giggle
"can i have your number?"
he turns back and you're already holding your phone out with the new contact 'mark 🏒💙' ready for him to put his own in
so y'all exchange numbers
he just grins and mumbles out an "i'll text you later" before shuffling back over to his team
and you bite your lip to hide the cheesiest smile as you scurry out to meet your impatient friend
right so dating this cutie would be a rollercoaster
bc he'd be slowly coming out of his shell and he'd surprise you with confidence in random bursts
like the time on your 2nd date when he walked you home and grabbed your hand
or when he took you to the fair and you said his cotton candy looked really good even though you'd gotten a churro so he just straight up ripped a bit off and put it in your mouth
or the best time when all he'd done was shyly peck your check and after a few weeks you were getting a lil impatient but he shocked you in the best way by tugging you towards him on the ice where you'd been messing about before his practice one morning (both with skates on this time) and went for it, straight up kissing you on the lips
of course this had to be when his teammates walked in and hollered at you guys, leaving you both with fierce blushes
speaking of skating!!
you started going to all his games and cheering him on
and it was sorta tradition to just have fun on the ice before his practise on saturdays, holding hands as you took turns skating backwards or twirling each other around and just having fun
you also shocked him after one game when he'd won and you'd gone for ice cream after to celebrate and you'd started reeling off all this hockey language, complimenting him on how well he'd played technically
and he's like "did you... learn all this hockey stuff for me??"
"well duh, i kinda need to know what everyone else was going on about. plus i wanted to know what i was saying when i cheered you on other than 'go mark!' and yelling when you scored"
and he's so touched that he just straight up leans over the table and kisses you
he's not overly fond of pda but sometimes he just needs to give you a peck here and there when you're extra cute or sweet
like you guys hold hands and shit but anything more than a quick peck is saved for behind closed doors
like everyone knows you're dating you don't need to brag about it
genuinely the sweetest though
i feel like he'd be such a good cuddler like as you guys watched a movie with hot chocolate
and he'd kiss your choco stache off with giggles
and if it turned into yet another make out session taking advantage of the empty house then nobody needed to know
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liesyousoldme · 7 years
can u do one where richies a punk kid skater boy and eddie is kinda snob and one day they end up at the same party (as teens obviously) and richie tries to get eddie to try weed and eddie at first is hesitant bc his mom would kill him and eventually eddie gives in and they do cute romantic stuff while high and they sneak off and smooch and cute fluffy stuff like that
yes lets do it. ok so warning for drug use obviously but other than that it’s sfw
ok so it’s really hard for me to picture richie as a punk?? like imagine that fuckin nerd with a foot-tall mohawk and chains on his leather pants and it’s honestly laughable. the guy was 1000000% grunge. he traded his hawaiian shirts for flannels and wears band shirts and ripped skinny jeans and converse and has perpetual bedhead
(beverly is grunge too in high school but honestly is that even relevant to this idk)
so eddie could definitely go the preppy route. polos and khakis and combed hair. he’s a little stuffy lbr
somehow though. somehow since basically the beginning of high school they’ve both had crushes on each other
they’ve been friends throughout high school bc of stan
stan and eddie are friends bc they were both the only freshmen on student council 
eddie doesn’t understand how stan is friends with richie bc richie’s so cool? even though he’s in their advanced classes he just seems so.. effortlessly cool in a way eddie just does not understand
but stan and richie have been besties for forever, in the way eddie and bill have been besties for forever
ANYWAY soearly on in freshman year, eddie and stan decide to study together after school, and eddie’s at stan’s house chilling when.. richie fuckin tozier just walks right in the front door?? doesn’t even knock he just goddamn walks in like he owns the place
and eddie’s like wide eyed expecting stan’s mom to start smacking this dirty looking kid with a fuckin broom but instead she’s like “oh richie dear!!! how are you!!!”
and richie’s like “hey mrs uris, i’m doing great, my mom says hi”
and eddie’s like …..literally what in the fuck is happening rn
but richie hangs out and he’s cool and funny (and loud and maybe talks too much for “studying” but eddie finds himself not minding?)
he calls eddie ‘eds’ and eddie pretends to hate it but that’s only bc it gives him butterflies
so they don’t sit together at lunch or in their shared classes but richie always makes sure to say hi to eddie or ruffle his hair or call him eds and leave eddie blushing
(because honestly richie has a crush on eddie too)
but neither of them do anything about it. for literal years.
it’s junior year and eddie is sitting with bill at lunch talking about what they’re going to do this weekend
when suddenly richie tozier appears out of no where and plops in the seat next to eddie
“hey eds, you busy tonight?”
“um.. no??”
richie throws an arm over his shoulder “well now you are. you too, big bill. bev marsh’s aunt is going out of town, so we’re having a small get together, cool people only”
“don’t know why you’d invite us then,” bill says pleasantly, but the smile on his face says that he’s excited
“what!!! eds here is the coolest chap i know!!!!”
“don’t call me eds” (but he’s 100% blushing)
“so i’ll see u there right?”
eddie tries not to smile but he’s very bad at not smiling in front of richie, even though he looks like he hasn’t showered in 4 days (he asked richie about this once. richie actually showers daily, but he uses Too Much Product on purpose to make it look like he just rolled out of bed hungover. it’s his Aesthetic, he claimed. eddie stopped asking questions after that) and eddie knows if his mother knew he was friends with someone like richie tozier she would have a literal heart attack, eddie just likes him
so he agrees.
he shows up that night and he’s nervous af
“bill. we’re gonna get there and he’s not even going to talk to me the whole night. this is stupid. we should just go home”
“shut up eddie”
they walk in and surprisingly there’s not a lot of people there??
they’re all in beverly marsh’s living room, drinking out of red solo cups like high school cliches, and there’s only about ten people, including bev, richie, and stan
so they come in and richie jumps up, all excited
“eds!!! you came!!!!!!”
and beverly snorts into her cup but richie ignores her and takes bill and eddie to the kitchen to get drinks
richie goes straight to the punch that eddie knows is spiked and shakes his head right away
“no sorry, i don’t drink”
“i do” bill says, letting richie fill a cup for him. he heads back to the living room, sending eddie a wink over his shoulder
eddie stands awkwardly, watches as richie grabs another cup
“i’m serious, richie, i don’t drink”
“you really need to try loosening up eds” richie tells him, but grabs him a soda from the fridge anyway
they go back to the living room and richie pats the spot on the couch next to him, so eddie sits and sips his soda
everyone’s talking and laughing eddie feels a little out of place but richie keeps making sure to include him in the conversation which is… nice.
in fact, richie is all around nice, and he’s got his arm over eddie’s shoulders, and eddie’s trying really hard to convince himself this isn’t a date (he’d hate to get his hopes up only to see richie making out with beverly marsh at the end of the night)
after a bit they decide to put a movie on, and everyone starts to get settled in, but richie grabs eddie’s hand and pulls him up off the couch
“where are we going”
“i have to show you something”
eddie’s slightly concerned but idk ur crush doesn’t grab your hand and invite you somewhere alone every day so
richie takes him down the hallway, past the bathroom and into beverly’s room
he’s a little offput by how… comfortable??? richie seems in bev’s bedroom
“are you and bev…dating?”
richie looks up at him from where he’d been digging through a backpack in the corner of the room
eventually he laughs
“me and bev?? fuck no. she’s my best friend”
“i thought stan was your best friend”
“i thought only being allowed to have one best friend was an elementary school thing, looks like we’re both wrong”
eddie rolls his eyes but then they widen when he sees what richie pulled out of the bag
“oh my god richie is that marijuana??????”
richie wiggles his eyebrows and sits on the floor
“sit down eds, your legs are gonna get tired”
eddie sits but he’s staring freaking out
he knows how bad weed is
his mom told him it’s a gateway drug
who  knows, by this time next week richie could be addicted to heroin or crack
so he tells him that
richie laughs at him as he rolls the joint
“you really need to loosen up, eds. and stop listening to ur fuckin mom, isn’t she the one that gave you a fuckin fake inhaler?”
eddie pauses. “…..that’s besides the point”
richie’s still laughing as he takes the first hit
“cmon eds, just take one hit. one won’t kill you, i promise”
richie’s got some fucking great puppy dog eyes and eddie is doing everything he can to avoid looking at them
“eds seriously. you’re wound so fuckin tight, i promise you’ll feel so good afterward. you’re so tiny you’ll need two fuckin hits to be high af”
“two?? yOU SAID ONe”
richie ignores eddie’s screeching and takes a second hit
“i mean u don’t have to. i’m happy just hanging out with you, but i thought it’d be nice for you to not be so anxious for a bit” richie finally says, shrugging. eddie sighs. he knows, logically, that his mother is crazy, that she exaggerates and that weed probably isn’t that bad for you (clearly, richie smokes it every weekend and is still one of the smartest kids in school) but he’s still scared
“are you sure nothing bad will happen?”
“promise,” richie says, then his eyes light up and he holds up his pinky. “PINKY promise”
eddie reluctantly interlocks his pinky with richie, then takes the joint
“alright. what do i do.”
ten minutes and a hit (and a half (his first try didn’t go so well)) later, eddie is feelin it. he’s loose, so loose in fact that he tells richie “hey rich..richie.. rich. i am loosey goosey.”
he takes another hit. “richie? there’s cotton balls inside my head.”
richie can’t stop giggling. he is admittedly feelin it too.
eventually, they’re both laughing, and eddie topples over onto richie, and somehow they start play wrestling. it’s very mild, as neither of them have the arm strength to actually move the other. it mostly just leads to them curled up together, legs and arms tangled
their giggles fade off, and eddie opens his eyes (when did he close them??) and richie’s face is right there, inches from his. he’s suddenly aware of richie’s breath on his lips and he gasps. 
he’s not sure which one of them actually moved but suddenly their lips are pressed together
it’s lazy and slow and tender and when they pull back, richie whispers “whoa”
“yeah” eddie whispers back
they lay down on the floor of bev’s bedroom, still pretty tangled up together, and richie laces their fingers together
it’s quiet for a minute, and then eddie starts giggling at nothing, and then richie starts laughing because eddie is laughing, and then richie leans over and kisses eddie again, harder this time, more passionate
“i’ve wanted to kiss you for three years, fuck”
eddie whimpers, grabbing at richie’s back and tangling a hand in his stupid hair that he works way too hard on
“me too”
eddie’s a little too high to keep moving his lips against richie’s, feeling pretty tired and chilled out, so richie moves down and mouths at his neck, shuddering at the feeling of eddie’s hands slipping under his shirt
he finally stops, but doesn’t go far. richie lets his head fall in the crook of eddie’s neck, his leg thrown over eddie’s waist. their hands find each other again, fingers interlocking
“isn’t bev gonna want her bedroom eventually” eddie asks after a few minutes
richie giggles
“she knows we’re in here”
“i kind of….. planned this???”
“i mean.. i invited u here and i wanted to try and see if you’d get high with me.. the making out was an unplanned surprise but i don’t think bev would be all that shocked”
“bev knows we’re making out?”
eddie’s brain is just.. not working very well and he doesn’t understand
“no she’s in the living room”
“i know”
“i dont know what you’re asking me eddie”
“me either”
and then they’re giggling again 
beverly finds them a few hours later after everyone’s left, cuddled up and fast asleep on her bedroom floor. she puts a blanket over them and turns off the light and decides to sleep on the couch
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charlieism · 7 years
Of Ink Stains and Love Notes
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So I’m a few days late in posting this but!! I hit 400 followers, what the heck?? Thank you so much!! I decided to write a pretty long (around 5000 words), fluffy fic to celebrate haha. It’s a Prinxiety one, of course :) thanks to @use-it-ironically for letting me yell ideas at them until I get inspired and to @princeyandanxiety for telling me to write it because otherwise I would still be procrastinating rn. Also tagging @lekawaiimelon and @mylasagnaisraw :)
Everyone has a soulmate. Almost everyone finds their soulmate and forms a relationship with them, be it romantic or platonic. Some people have the link, an anomaly in which anything that is written, drawn, or doodled onto one person's skin will appear on their soulmate's skin, in the exact same place. Roman has the link.
Or at least, he likes to believe he does.
Everyone has a soulmate. Almost everyone finds their soulmate and forms a relationship with them, be it romantic or platonic. Some people have the link, an anomaly in which anything that is written, drawn, or doodled onto one person's skin will appear on their soulmate's skin, in the exact same place. Roman has the link.
Or at least, he likes to believe he does.
To be honest, he isn't really sure. He imagines that he is one of the special people, one with the strongest bond to his soulmate. To the person he is destined for, to love and cherish forever. The one who Roman will 'just click with.' The one who will love him and understand him, the one Roman is perfect for. What a glorious idea! The idea of a soulmate is something Roman has fantasised about forever. He's tried to imagine what his soulmate will look like, but it always changes. He's dreamed of their meeting, he's imagined the first time his soulmate's writing will appear on his skin, he's dreamt about the feeling of meeting someone who's soul, who's very being is so perfectly suited for Roman, and he is always filled with a feeling of awe. That one day, he will meet someone who he is perfect for.
Only problem is, it can't come quick enough.
Roman has been writing and drawing on himself since as long as he was able. At the beginning, before he knew how to read or write, before he knew how to draw so you could decipher what the picture showed, he would just grab marker pens of pretty colours and scribble up and down his arms in lines and patterns.
No new ones ever showed up.
Then, when he learnt to read and write, he began by writing tiny little things, like 'hi' or 'I'm Roman', then went on to write long messages or start conversations that nobody ever replied to.
And when he learned to draw, well, it fast became one of his favourite things to do. To pick the colours he knew went well together, to decide what pattern or drawing he wanted to create, to press the cool pen tip to his skin and let the lines flow freely, springing from his imagination onto his skin (and hopefully somebody else's skin too.)
And for years, nobody replied. No new writing appeared on his skin, nobody's handwriting but his own, nobody's artistic creations and doodles but the ones he drew himself. But Roman never let it get him down; there were stories everywhere about soulmates who didn't meet for years, about links that didn't start up for a long time. It was common knowledge that no link started from birth; many took years to activate. Roman just couldn't wait! He wanted to feel the tingle of somebody else's drawings coming through to him. He wanted to see the writing appear. It simply couldn't come quick enough.
A few years on, and Roman had a routine. He would wake up, eat breakfast, get ready for the day, snatch up a pen and doodle something quick on his wrist. Be it a 'Hello!' or a 'Good morning!" Or simply a quick drawing of a flower, he never failed to add something daily. And it wasn't that he had lost hope, no, Roman would never do that. It wasn't that he though he didn't have a link; he did! He knew he did. He couldn't explain it, he could just feel it. It was simply that his soulmate had never replied, that their link hadn't started yet, so he didn't pay much attention to the quick drawing of a crown he had just doodled. He didn't think the link would be activated suddenly, and so his soulmate was at the back of his mind.
Later in the day, Roman was lying in the park with his best friend Patton. Patton, aka Morality, aka Dad, (he was the Dad friend and had an unabashed love of dad jokes) was sitting in the shade of a tree as the hot beams of sunlight shone down onto the ground. He was trying to make the longest daisy chain ever, and then trying to make it a necklace for Roman. Roman was lying on his stomach, kicking his legs absently, sketching in his sketchbook. He was trying to draw a rose (how terribly cliche, he knows), but his right arm had started itching a few minutes ago and it was driving him mad. It was like a strangely strong mix of itching, and tingling. Like a frustrating case of pins and needles. Roman was determinedly trying to ignore it, but the tingling was annoyingly persistent, and finally with an agitated groan Prince shot his hand out and rubbed his wrist, glaring and frowning in annoyance. When he lifted his hand away and his eyes focused on the wrist, however, Roman's eyes opened comically wide and he gasped in shock, springing backwards into the grass and cradling his arm, staring at it in amazement. For underneath his hastily sketched crown, a tiny drawing of a pair of headphones was slowly appearing on his skin, fading up from nowhere.
As soon as Roman glanced at the drawing, the frustrating itching went away and left only a pleasant, magical tingling.
"Holy shit. Holy shit!" He yelped, the full realisation of what just happened hitting him. "P-Patotn! I knew it! I- I knew it! It happened! It's happening! I have it, I knew it! There's someone for me, it's real, it's happening!" He rambled, yelling for his best friend, who immediately scrambled towards Roman. He looked panicked; apparently Roman wasn't doing a very good job of describing what had just taken place.
"Are you okay? Princey? What's wrong?" He asked, eyes full of concern through his glasses. Roman stared in awe at the small doodle scrawled upon his arm. It was evidently just that: a doodle. An absent drawing, right underneath Roman's crown, which meant that Roman's drawing probably hadn't transferred over. So what would he say? What was the first thing on wrote to their soulmate? Or did he just draw? What did he do? Roman couldn't remember a single thing that he had daydreamed about. So, casting one more look to his arm, he thrust it out and presented the drawing to Patton. Patton inspected his friend's arm, then his eyes flew wide open.
"Oh! You didn't draw this! Oh my goodness, Roman, your soulmate!" He squealed, eyes lighting up in excitement. "What are you going to say?" Patton gasped. Roman shrugged helplessly at him.
"I don't know!" He wailed. "They're my soulmate, the one person I'm destined for! It has to be perfect, but I don't know what to do!" He yelled.
"Ok, ok, don't worry! Anything you write will be perfect! Like it's destined to be. Go ahead, just write something, Prince!" Patton urged. Prince took a deep breath.
"Okay. Okay, thanks Morality. Okay." He grasped his black felt, and had a mind blank. He had no idea what he was going to do. So he started off easy.
Roman pressed the cool tip of the pen to the base of the crown he had drawn, and traced it carefully. When the crown had a perfect other layer of ink upon it, he wrote a single hesitant message. Prince guessed he was still in shock. In his elegant, loopy handwriting Roman wrote, 'Oh my goodness, I suppose we're soulmates. Hi.' He and Morality waited with bated breaths for the reply, and after a minute quick words appeared atop Prince's skin. The handwriting was small and pretty messy, the angles of letters sharp.
'Holy shit, you're my soulmate. I have the link. Hi.' Roman no longer had a filter, he was just saying the first thing that came to his mind as he traced the sentence scrawled upon his wrist by another hand.
"Eloquent." He mumbled absently. Patton laughed.
"Ask his name, lover boy." He teased. Roman blinked.
"Oh! Of course!" He exclaimed, fumbling for his pen. 'It's nice to finally meet you! (Well, write to you, I suppose.) My name is Roman. Who are you?'
The reply came quickly. 'You can call me Anx. So, Roman, now that we're soulmates I suppose we should know a bit about each other."
And thus it began.
The conversation they had, scrawled along arms until there remained no room, letters dropped across knees and sentences rubbed off to make room for new ones. They talked until the sun began to set, at which point Roman was lying with his head in Patton's lap, Morality weaving daisies into his hair and watching the conversation between Roman and Anx flow. They learnt that Anx was a boy, ever so slightly younger than Roman, complete with quick wit and scathing sarcasm, yet undertones of friendliness. Eventually Morality had to snap Prince back to reality.
"Listen, Ro, you gotta go home, it's getting late."
"No, I'm talking to Anx! My soulmate!" Roman sighed dreamily.
"I know, Princey, but why don't you just swap phone numbers? You've run out of places to write on anyway." Patton offered, making Roman jump up in excitement.
"Of course! Thank you, Mo!" He beamed, before hastily writing his phone number in large, loopy letters on his already ink stained skin. Moments later a scribbled number appeared underneath it, followed by a winking face. Prince blushed and Patton cooed teasingly at him.
Later that night, Prince was standing under the warm water spray of his shower, watching sadly as the ink rinsed off his skin and swirled down the drains in pale clouds of black and blue. His first conversation, his first few hours talking with his soulmate, the first few precious facts he now knew about Anx, the beginnings of Roman's crush, gone with the water. It was depressing and suddenly Prince was full of dismay and sadness.
Until, when he stepped out of the shower and got dressed into his pyjamas, his phone dinged. And when he checked it, Anxiety's phone number flashed on the screen. It had only been about half an hour since they talked last, but the thought that Anxiety wanted to talk to him already made Roman's heart flutter.
Heya, Princey. Was the simple message.
Roman smiled.
After that, he and Anxiety talked daily, be it by texting or writing. Sometimes they simply drew and smiled at the now familiar tingling sensation. By now, they were dating, even though they hadn't actually met each other yet. It was just the obvious option; they had both developed crushes straight away, and the feelings only bloomed and developed and flowered into something stronger as time went on. Roman, being the romantic sap he was, had been writing Anxiety love letters and notes every morning since they had started dating. Today's one was silly and cheesy and Prince was smiling as he wrote it.
'Anxiety, my love, my sunshine, my chemically imbalanced romance, my darkly dressed wonder, my Disney prince, my angel, you're looking adorable today! You look so cute, especially stunning, absolutely ravishing, you beautiful, magnificent creature. Also, don't forget I love you!' He could practically see Anx's blush (although he'd never actually seen Anxiety; he was too shy and, well, anxious to send a selfie, But that was okay, Roman didn't care about what Anx looked like. He already loved him.) A moment later, the words faded a bit like Anx had halfheartedly attempted to rub them off. Prince grinned.
Shut up, you idiot. Was Anxiety's reply. And then, scrawled underneath that, I love you too. It was a Saturday, so Roman just lounged around the house, talking to his soulmate for a bit (sometimes he still couldn't believe he was lucky enough to have Anxiety as his soulmate.)
It was barely an hour later, when Anxiety sent him a short message so abruptly and unexpectedly that it made Roman fall off the couch.
I want to meet you.
He stared at the message in shock, excitement and happiness bubbling up and surging through him, making a beaming smile leap out onto Roman's face. He had been waiting for this! He'd been wanting to meet Anxiety for weeks, but he hadn't wanted to pressure him into anything's he wasn't comfortable with. And now Anxiety finally trusted Prince enough to meet him! Yes! When he realised he still had to reply, he scrambled desperately for the pen he had accidentally thrown at the wall as he fell. He basically jammed the marker against his skin, writing the words as fast as humanely possible.
Oh my goodness are you being serious??? Yesyesyes!!!!I I would love to meet you in real life!!! Glancing back over the extreme reaction, Roman was suddenly worried he'd overwhelmed Anxiety. Thankfully, his boyfriend's reply came quick.
'Lol calm down pretty boy. Um so hey if we're doing this, I remember we talked about this place a while ago, there's that park a while away from both of our houses?' And then 'btw, im really excited too.'
That made Roman smile fondly at his own wrist. But yes, he knew the park. It had been the source of some of their conversations, being the place that Prince was in when the link started working and the place Anx used to love going to as a kid. It would be the perfect place to meet; it was now officially Prince's dream meeting spot.
It didn't take long for them to organise the meeting, The park was pretty close to both of their houses, and it wasn't too big, which meant they should be able to find each other pretty easily. Now, Roman had to get ready!
He put a simple white shirt on and his favourite white, red and gold jacket, and dark skinny jeans (that he knew made his legs looks great). He styled his hair until it was impeccable and checked his face in the mirror, and sprayed some deodorant on himself. Then he took a few deep breaths while looking in the mirror, gave himself a quick pep talk because jeez, he was about to meet his actual soulmate! And then, before he knew it, Roman was walking out his door and down the road.
When Prince arrived at the park, he looked around but couldn't see anyone who looked his age. There only seemed to be adults or little kids milling about. Sighing, a bundle of nerves still heavy in his chest and weaving through his ribs, Roman decided to make his way to the tree where he first started talking to Anxiety. It was one of the biggest trees in the park, its sturdy, sweeping branches looping and twisting around each other, the bright emerald leaves fluttering and swaying in the wind, their glossiness reflecting the bright sunlight that shone down upon the earth. Prince wandered up to it, lost in his thoughts and fantasies and wondering about how he was finally going to meet Anxiety!! He was going to meet his soulmate!! That was both exciting and terrifying. He absently lay his hand on the tree trunk, the familiar bark comforting underneath his fingers. He couldn't say how long he lingered there, lost in his own mind, until an oh-so-familiar tingling sensation began emanating from his wrist.
Behind you
Anxiety was feeling anxious, but that was only to be expected. He was also more excited than he had ever been before He was about to meet his real life, honest to god, actual soulmate! The guy he'd been talking to for weeks, the one he'd been dating without ever actually seeing his face.
Heck, how was he going to know who Roman was? He had no idea what he looked liked!
Wait, all the cheesy movies said there was some kind of pull, maybe that was a real thing, maybe it would lead him to Prince.
Or maybe it wouldn't.
Maybe he would just see someone with the same writing as him, that way he would know exactly who Roman was!
Or maybe he would never find Roman, ever. Even thought that was incredibly unrealistic as they could just arrange another place to meet. In the end Anx decided to try to ignore the nervousness and focus on his excitement. Even though he'd never actually seen Prince, and Prince hadn't seen him, Anxiety's crush on the dramatic boy was stronger than anything else he'd ever felt. It was almost scary, but it was also feeding a fire of excitement in him with every step closer he took to the park. He was about to meet Roman!
When Anxiety arrived in the park, he was suddenly flooded with emotions and memories from his childhood. He used to come to this park all the time; he had loved to roll down the hills and throw sticks into the creeks and climb the trees. There had always been one tree in particular that was his favourite; it was one of the tallest in the park, and its branches curved and were low enough to clamber upon and sit on. Anxiety took a quick look around him, in case he suddenly saw his soulmate, but he felt nothing. There were only a few adults stretching in the bright sunshine and some kids running around and laughing.
Well, he had no better plan. He might as well head to his favourite tree.
Anxiety climbed up the grassy hill the tree grew on top of, steadily ignoring the heat beating down on him. He looked good in black, so he was willing to suffer. He was strangely excited about going to the tree, but he pinned it down to just being happy about childhood memories. Running a hand through his dark floppy hair, Anxiety took the last step up the hill and looked towards the tree, then froze.
A guy was leaning against the tree, one hand resting on the bark, his back to Anxiety. He looked like he was staring off into space, daydreaming. He was tall and lean, but looked strong at the same time. The dark jeans he was wearing made this guy's legs look great. He was wearing a white, red and gold jacket, and had neat, light brown hair. Anxiety couldn't see his face, but just judging from the back of him he was attractive. Like, really fricking hot.
And then Anxiety saw the back of the man's hand.
Drawn on the back was a large, elegant, looping infinity sign that merged seamlessly with Roman's loopy handwriting, spelling out the word love then flowing back into the infinity sign. The word love then had a thin line crossed though it, with the word pizza written in a messy scrawl underneath. Anxiety knew all the details about the silly little drawing, because he had the same thing formed on his own hand.
Which meant... that this was Roman.
Holy shit.
Holy shit!
This guy was his soulmate?? This was Roman?? He was Anxiety's boyfriend?? How the fuck had Anxiety gotten so lucky? What kind of flaw in the universe's system had gifted him with this guy? He didn't really know what to do. He didn't know what he wanted to say.
So he decided not to say anything, and to simply write. So he took the pen out of his hoodie pocket, looked for a space between the drawings and words and ink stains that already dotted his skin, and wrote Behind you.
Anxiety watched nervously as the ink dried on his skin, and watched the words fade up onto Roman's own skin. It was so strange to see something that he wrote appear on someone else's skin. Anx was full of apprehension as he watched Prince look at his arm in surprise, then stiffen.
Then slowly, slowly, Roman turned around.
All the breath whooshed out of Anxiety's lungs as their eyes met.
Behind you. Two words, that probably shouldn't hold so much meaning. How could two words possibly hold how important the meaning behind them was? How could two small words create so much feeling and emotion within Roman?
Behind you. He was about to see Anxiety, he was about to see his soulmate for the first time. All he had to do was turn around.
He was suddenly full of nerves, but he had to face his fear. There was no use waiting any longer! So Roman turned around, looked behind him, saw his soulmate, and promptly forgot how to breathe.
Eyes. The first thing he noticed were Anxiety's eyes; they were wide and stunned, their colour a beautiful hazel. It was an delightful swirl of shining emerald green and deep brown, complete with flecks of gold twinkling in the sunlight. They were rimmed in expertly applied dark eyeliner, that brought out the colour beautifully.
The next thing he noticed was, well, everything. Anxiety had skin like snow, clear and pale, and he had a light dusting of cute little freckles. His hair was a brown so dark it was almost black, and it flopped over Anxiety's face and eyes slightly. It looked so soft and smooth that Roman had the sudden urge to run his hands through it. He was wearing a large, soft looking hoodie and black jeans, and he was shorter than Prince! It was adorable! Anxiety in general was adorable. And beautiful. And hot. And exquisite and amazing and really good looking and heavenly and stunning and holy shit how did Roman get so lucky?! He must have been blessed.
Roman found himself moving closer, steps clumsy and stunned. Prince knew his expression was probably comical, he could imagine that it was full of awe and adoration and shock. Prince was relieved to see that Anxiety was drifting towards him too, his expression equally as awe filled and stunned, hazel eyes wide.
This was Roman's soulmate! And he was more perfect than he could have ever imagined.
Anxiety was in awe. This was his soulmate! He just wanted to stand there and gaze at Roman forever.
His boyfriend's skin was smooth and tanned, and was Roman blushing slightly? There was a dusting of pale pink adorning Prince's face as he stared at Anxiety. And holy shit, that was probably the most adorable thing Anx had ever seen. Wait, no, Roman in general was the most adorable/hot/attractive thing Anxiety had ever laid eyes upon.
His eyes were a warm chocolate colour, that shone with kindness. Prince's twinkled and sparkled in the light, and Anxiety felt like he could gaze into them all day. Roman's hair was a light, chestnut brown, styled immaculately bar a few fluffy strands being ruffled by the breeze. He was tall, taller than Anxiety, and slim, but still muscular. His jeans clung to his legs and showed them off in the best way possible, and he was wearing a simple white shirt underneath the soft looking jacket. Suddenly Roman was far closer to him, and Anxiety realised they had both been stumbling closer to each other, and then they were meeting in the middle and holy shit this was his soulmate.
Anxiety's breath caught in his throat as he and Roman stared at each other, drinking each other in, their expressions mirroring each other in terms of awe, affection and shock. Then Roman blinked and slowly his hand came up to cup Anxiety's face. The touch was gentle and fleeting, light as a feather.
"I know I said you were magnificent before, but... you truly do exceed even my expectations. You're exquisite. More stunning than I ever imagined, than I ever dreamed you would be." Roman breathed, eyes roaming over Anxiety's face. Anx could feel himself blushing, but this was the first time he had heard Prince's voice, and he could listen to it all day. It was velvety smooth, rolling and eloquent, and Anxiety's new favourite sound.
"I-I'm not that cute." He automatically stammered. Roman looked genuinely shocked.
"Nonsense! You're the most beautiful human I've ever seen. You're truly gorgeous." There was so much sincerity in his words it took Anxiety's breath away. Again. He didn't know what to say, he wasn't good with words, not like Prince was.
"You're not bad yourself." Was the first thing that came to his mind, and therefore the first thing he said. "Wait, no, scrap that. You're so fucking good looking, what the heck?" Anxiety's hands absently reached up and gently touched Roman's hair. It was really soft. Roman blushed and smiled.
"Glad you like what you see." Anxiety rolled his eyes, but Prince was still smiling and now he was too.
"Lucky you, I really do." He giggled. Roman's smile got even brighter, and it was adorable, and suddenly Anxiety was looping his arms around Prince's neck and pulling him into a crushing hug because he just- he needed to be closer to his soulmate. The urge was irresistible.
Roman responded almost immediately, his arms wrapping around Anxiety's waist and pulling him closer, and Anxiety had his head buried in the crook of Prince's neck and Roman's chin was resting on top of Anx's head and he felt so safe and happy and something else, a feeling that was indescribable. It was like there had been a piece of Anxiety missing all his life and now he finally had it, like the last piece of a jigsaw had just been fitted in, like something clicked inside him and suddenly Anxiety was so happy he could barely contain it. Roman was warm and strong, and his jacket was soft, and he smelt really nice, like vanilla and deodorant and it was all so perfect it was making Anxiety's head spin. Their chests were pressed tightly together, and Anxiety felt Roman relax completely against him. He subconsciously did the same, the bubbly feeling of bliss as he hugged his soulmate residing slightly and leaving him smiling like an idiot against Prince's shoulder.
Eventually they separated, standing back and smiling at each other, before deciding to leave the park and wader around the city. They walked around holding hands all day, their little adventures including showing each other their favourite places (the library, the theatre, that one cafe), exchanging stories and facts, talking about their friends Logan and Patton, Prince buying them both ice cream and taking countless cute, cheesy, couple-y selfies and posting them on every social media he owned. Patton, of course, liked and screamed about every single picture.
However, every day has to come to an end. So as the sun began to sink down below the horizon, and the flames of sunset's light grew and shone in bright colours through the sky, illuminating clouds and painting the sky a vibrant masterpiece, Roman and Anx made their way back to the park they met in. They walked so close together their shoulders bumped, hands held tightly and fingers laced together. They were silent for the first time all day, each enjoying their soulmate's presence for the last few moments that day. Each slowly growing sadder as they realised they had to part ways again soon. When they reached the park, they each lingered and held hands for a while longer, looking at each other sadly. Eventually Anxiety couldn't bear the silence anymore, but he didn't know what he wanted to say, and he didn't want to leave. What did he want to do?
"Do you wanna climb the tree?"
Roman looked at Anxiety in confusion, which quickly cleared up when Anxiety gestured with a tilt of his head towards the centre of the park. Prince grinned.
"Sure, I did that all the time when I was a kid."
"So did I! Let's go, Pretty Boy." Anxiety took off, full of childlike excitement again. Roman laughed and chased after him, and together they ran up the hill towards the tree.
"Hey, the branches are pretty high up. Need a boost, shorty?" Roman teased. Anxiety scowled at him.
"Haha, very funny, asshat." Anxiety shot back. Roman placed his hand over his heart in mock offence.
"Rude peasant." He grinned, then moved around Anxiety to climb up the first few branches. He found a branch that dipped in the middle to make the perfect place to sit in, and a second later Anxiety was clambering up and sitting next to him, pressing close to his side. Roman wrapped an arm around his shoulders and gazed out of the tree around the park. The view was great, as they were on the top of a hill. They could see to the very edges of the park, and could see all the leaves of every tree swishing in the gentle breeze. The sun was about to set, and he was sitting in a tree with his soulmate, with Anx, and everything seemed perfect. Roman turned his head to look at his boyfriend, only to see that Anxiety was already gazing at him. Anx looked away when Prince caught him staring, but there was already a tiny, pleased smile dancing across Roman's lips.
"C'mon, we should go soon." Anxiety mumbled after a minute, and began to slide down to the ground. Roman followed just a second later. He jumped down and landed on the soft green grass, running a hand through his hair absently. When he looked up again, however, he was struck breathless again.
The sun was setting, casting beams of golden, orange and pink light to Earth. The rays of light illuminated Anxiety's face like a halo, managing to make him look even more like a true piece of art. He was beautiful, and Roman couldn't stop staring. Eventually Anxiety realised Prince wasn't moving and turned, hazel eyes puzzled, hand brushing his dark hair out of his eyes.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He joked.
"I was just thinking that you look really nice." Roman said flippantly, making a pretty pink blush appear around Anxiety's freckles, very noticeable against his pale skin. "And that I really want to kiss you right now." He added shyly. This made Anxiety's head jerk up, and his eyes widen. But then he relaxed, smiled at his soulmate, and said, "Then do it."
So as the sun began to sink down below the horizon, and the flames of sunset's light grew and shone in bright colours through the sky, illuminating clouds and painting the sky a vibrant masterpiece, Roman slowly leaned in. He cupped his boyfriend's face shyly, eyes fluttering shut, and gently kissed Anxiety. Anxiety kissed back immediately, equally as gently, and the indescribable feeling of happiness came back. The kiss was sweet and slow, innocent and happy, a perfect first kiss. When they pulled apart the two boyfriends hugged again, Anxiety being short enough to simply bury his face and smile in Prince's shoulder. Roman wrapped his arms around his soulmate's waist, and they stood in the sunset for a minute longer, softly swaying back and forth in peaceful silence, enjoying the sunset and their soulmate's presence. And when they finally parted ways again, both heading to the own homes, it was with a smile on their faces, a pen in their hands, and ink stains littering their skin.
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onlyjihoons · 8 years
boyfriend!jaemin pt2
@nananavivienne :  hi mgirl!! if you're taking requests, could you do a boyfriend! jaemin one? i fjkbiabh loved your hyuck one uM i felt personally attacked reading that????
thank you for requesting omg and also for liking my hyuck bf!au im rlly touched aHHHH❤💕💖
so i did a bf!jaemin the last time around and i said that i would do a part 2 so here it is! i do suggest reading the first one first so you can get the hang of what i’m babbling about here hehe
and it has been raining since last night, and the weather rn is super comfy i want to sleep ugh 
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hi friends 
we are back w a part 2 of bf!jaemin
shall we start
ok let’s go
you and jaemin have been together for like, let’s say, 100 days?
and on friday it was the day of your dance recital and 100 days anniversary
so jaemin wanted to surprise u w lots of things
bc you have been there when he was feeling stressed about debuting etc
but his wallet restricts him from doing so
he specially requested to become the emcee of your dance recital
no doubt all of his fangirls were so hyped bc they could see their oppa on stage
but this oppa is alr yours so they felt stumped but nonetheless excited
yo and get ready for lots of mushy and fluffy stuff so:
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bare with me friends
so on that day jaemin would introduce himself (duh)
and all his fangirls were screeching
rip jeno was seated beside them
���to celebrate the eve of seollal, we have our school’s dance majors performing this morning!please put your hands together to welcome them!”
and being a ballet major aka me
ya’ll did a ballet/classical version of Secret by WJSN
its rlly short and ngl you had to rush to backstage to change to the street dance outfit
so jaemin spotted you running to backstage to change and 
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“babe!!!!!!” -clingy jaemin
“why are you like this omg”
“happy 100th babe ;-)”
ngl it totally slipped your mind that it was your 100th day anniversary
“omg im so sorry i totally forgot,, happy 100th to you too oppa!”
and you planted a quick peck on his lips and ran off to go and change cause damn jaemin made you late
as soon as you ran off he was bLuShInG
but its ok bc it was one of the rare times you initiated skinship awh
and after the performance emcee jaemin wrapped up with a very special ending ment
“today is y/n and i’s 100th day anniversary, this might come as a shock to all of us but please give y/n lots of love as much as i do”
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pls don’t kill me
then everybody was cheering and stuff
including the teachers
mark lowkey cried
ok and after the whole fiasco you went backstage and everyone were cheering for you and jaemin
and you hid your face in jaemin’s chest blushing so so hard
yo and he made it worse by holding you closer and burying his head next to yours
save me
after school jaemin brought you to eat
bc eating churros on your 100th anniversary why not
and jaemin followed you home after that
you didn’t know why so you pressed him,
“did you do something wrong, oppa?”
“then why are you following me all the way back home?”
“because i want to let your parents know that we’re dating”
with that you turned the opposite way
“are you crazy?! my parents don’t want me to date till i’m older! what’s more they will force you to break up with me since it might create scandals with your idol life!”
jaemin’s kind looks dissipated and frowned,
“so you don’t want to be my girlfriend anymore? because of my idol status?”
“is it because of the hate? y/n! i have told you countless times that i will bear the consequences and no matter what we will be in this together!”
you had nothing to say and you let tears stream down your face
“i thought you would trust me, y/n. i guess not.”
with that he walked off into the distance
ngl you broke down immediately on the staircase of your home 
and you didn’t know how to react
jaemin was not having it nice either
he was holding in his emotions all the way back to his dorm
and when he came back mark sensed it immediately
��jaemin-ah! how was-”
mark tried knocking on jaemin’s door several times but to no avail
when jaemin heard mark’s footsteps go away he immediately burst into tears
for an hour or so
then the door opened
it was his roommate, jeno
“what happened?”
“is it regarding y/n?”
and jaemin burst into tears again
his best friend patted him on the back and comforted him many times
basically jaemin and you cried yourselves to sleep
the next day nct dream were excused from school for practice
as soon as jaemin stepped on his hoverboard he felt a sharp pain on his spine
and the usually good jaemin fell off his hoverboard a few times
mark was legit concerned so he alerted his manager 
and he went to the hospital
turns out jaemin had a herniated disc 
luckily sm let him rest and get treated in the hospital
tbh the news spread fast and soon everyone in class were gossiping 
you had no idea why as you tried to call jaemin countless times but he didn’t pick up
and your bff was like
“y/n! did you know what happened to jaemin sunbaenim?”
“uhh no, we kinda fought yesterday”
“he had a herniated disc and he’s in the hospital now”
you literally dropped your books and whipped your phone out of your uniform pocket
“nct dream’s jaemin will not be attending any activities due to his herniated disc”
you literally speed dialed chenle who wasn’t in school
“woah chill y/n, i’m at practice rn”
“where is jaemin oppa?!?!?”
“he’s at the dorm-”
i’m having the chinese feels rn 
“wow okay y/n i didn’t know you could speak chinese-”
“just tell me or i will skin you alive when i see you”
“okay okay chill he’s at dongdaemun hospital.”
“good ok i love you chenle have a nice day bye”
with that you literally rushed out of school to board a taxi to the hospital
and wow it was snowing and it created traffic
ngl you were super anxious 
and super sorry 
when you reached you bolted out of the taxi and into the hospital
“excuse me may i know which is na jaemin ward?”
“i’m sorry miss, i’m not able to disclose our patient’s personal information-”
“i’m his girlfriend, y/n. please tell me where he is. please.”
“ah y/n! please follow me”
and so you followed the nurse to the swanky part of the hospital
like the vip wards
“jaemin-ssi has been asking for you ever since he has been warded, but please be reminded he is not allowed to move okay?”
you thanked the nurse and entered the ward nervously
jaemin’s eyes flickered open from his slumber and he was shocked
jaemin was seated upright due to his spine
seeing jaemin in the helpless state made you cry
and you broke down immediately
“y/n! why are you crying?did i do something wrong?”
you just walk over to his bedside and burried your head in his hands and cried
“i’m so sorry if i made you doubt yourself oppa, i have been a really bad girlfriend”
jaemin just smiled and shook his head,
“its okay babe, stop crying. i’m fine now you see?”
as you continued crying jaemin dusted the snow off your puffy jacket and slowly help you take it off
when he saw your uniform underneath he gasped,
“babe!why aren’t you in school?”
“i literally rushed here when i heard the news, and i might have scared chenle a little...”
“you threatened him, did you?
“how did you know?”
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“wow ok”
“what did you do?”
“i said that i will skin him alive if he doesn’t tell me where you were...”
jaemin laughed so hard his sides hurt omg
fastforward 2 months later
you wee in the nct dorms to take care of jaemin after school
bc he’s a literal baby that can’t take care of himself
its actually bc he wanted to see you cook
“i miss you so much”
“i literally left your side a minute ago”
and you began to whip up some simple dishes
like ramen and sausage and egg
idk and curry too
once you were done you called jaemin over to eat or he would starve to death
“i won’t move unless you give me a kiss”
you complied bc injured jaemin is super whiny
when your lips were about to touch jaemin flipped you over to his side
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i shall end it here before i faint
i hope you like it my friends
thank you for reading✨♥
have a nice day/night!
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