#And a piglin hybrid can't forget that
faebriel · 9 months
6 and 19
hi cup!! :D
6. Do you like using the mcyt multiverse as a concept? (all SMPS and MC content exists in the same universe)
OKAY yes and no and kind of. i generally don't like doing this bc it gets confusing and oftentimes I haven't seen the other content, but also for some characters ik other SMPs are genuinely part of their backstory (eg cschlatt and cconnor and smplive). i used to be a No multiverse truther and then i started writing rousseau's man and went okay fine smplive and niki's background in perfectsmp can stay. MCC is fun as a location but i wouldn't take any MCC events as canon yk
i usually don't count things like origins or qsmp or the SCU as part of the world i write it, but i did think once it would be kind of interesting if multiple versions of someone did exist, just that their universes were so so far apart they would never meet (e.g. cniki, oniki and qniki are all running around somewhere, but they're so far away from each other that the odds of crossing paths is next to zero). would be an interesting concept to play with but would probably also do my head with the worldbuilding
19. Do you tend to take into account hybrid characteristics (avian, enderman hybrid, dragon hybrid, etc) when you are writing cubitos?
not really unless they're 110% solidified in my mind for me... i forget about what i've canonised. piglin ctechno yes, enderwhatever ranboo yes, ram hybrid schlatt because i just can't see him without the horns...... but yeah not many. if people want to imagine the cubitos with their own headcanons when reading my fics it is 100% encouraged
ask game!! 🎇
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Tonight’s Showing
Part 1 [CURRENT]
Part 2
DT: @bargledblocks my beloved <3 and @snapdragonfirefly my beloved <3
------------The screaming and yelling tore into his mind, filling him with pain. The screams, Tommy’s screams, called out to him, begging for him to save him. He didn’t want to leave the boy there, he never even dreamed of such a thing! That stupid security issue that occured a week ago had started all this, and Sam hated every bit of it. He didn’t know what to do in the situation. What was there to do? 
His eyes widened at the tone of Tommy’s voice coming through to him from the communicator. Tommy sounded terrified. He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t wait any longer. Rushing through the halls towards the main cell, Sam was fully prepared to get Tommy out of there. Fueled by the screams, he stumbled into the room, flipping the switch to undo the lava. His fear and adrenaline only grew the moment the screams fell silent. Why was Tommy silent? Before he could even see the lava fall, however, a bright light momentarily blinded him. Upon regaining his sight and senses, he was quick to draw his weapon, only to realize he had no weapons or armor on him. The only thing he had were his everyday clothes.
“Why am I here? Where is here?”
He quickly turned around to see that he was not alone in this confusing predicament. Everyone from the server was appearing into the strange room, all panicked and confused. Ranboo quickly rushed to check on Tubbo, who appeared to be digging around his pockets for some form of protection. Ghostbur, Techno, and Phil stuck close to each other, the latter two wary and ready to fight. Heck, even Drista was there! Everyone was the same, armorless and weaponless. Everyone, including-
Everyone turned to watch as Sapnap’s fist flew threw the air, connecting to a familiar mask. Dream. Dream struggled against Sapnap for a moment, his mask as crazed as his movements. Before the two could exchange any more punches, an invisible force separated the former friends. As the two regained their senses, everyone could get a good look at the freed prisoner. Whether the blood on him was from the altercation with Sapnap or not, no one knew. Standing there, mask facing mask, Drista could only stare as she questioned her older brother.
“What did you do?”
“He did something despicable and disgusting.”
The unfamiliar voice caught everyone’s attention, causing them to turn and face the direction of it. Standing there was a petite woman, watching them. Studying all their expressions, she snorted as she turned to face Dream, who was trying to walk forward. 
“Don’t even try leaving that small area, Dream, you can’t. Then again, I’d enjoy seeing you struggle, Bitch Boy.”
“Who are you?”
“Didn’t Tommy tell you guys? Wait, I forgot that none of you ever took him seriously when he mentioned me. The name’s Clara, I’m the lady in the sky.”
Lani played with her fingers, unsure of what to say or do. Sticking close to her brother, she gathered her confidence before speaking to the mysterious “lady in the sky”.
“Excuse me? Clara? Did you bring us here?”
“Yes! Well, with a little help, of course.”
Clara smiled as a grand being glitched into the room, his white orb of a head spinning in delight. Stopping the orb from spinning, his shoulders shook in joy as his prominent ‘XD’ presented itself to everyone there. Techno and Phil pressed their lips together as they shared a knowing look, obviously not expecting to see the god once again.
“Oh, you make me blush, Clara.”
“I do no such thing, we both know that. Did you give unhacked access for the others to join us?”
“Yes, they should be here any moment now.”
Just then, a dark door emerged from the ground. Watched as the knob twisted and jiggled, the residents of the server didn’t know what to expect. When the door opened, however, they could only watch in confusion. Everyone, that is, aside from Phil and Techno, who happily rushed to her side.
Said woman smiled and giggled as Phil gathered her in his arms, planting kisses on her face as his broken wings flapped in excitement. Her own wings, white and pure, happily fluttered behind her as she returned the gesture. Pulling away, she turned to face Techno, a hand on his face as she smiled.
“And how is my eldest child?”
“Eh, you know. Here and there.”
“Here and there, indeed.”
“I’m sorry, what is going on here.”
Quackity watched the scene unfold in genuine confusion. Who was this lady named Kristin? Why was she so important to both Phil and Techno? Where did she even come from? He wasn’t the only one confused, pretty much everyone in the room was. Smiling as she stood in front of both men, Kristin hummed as she extended her arms in a welcoming manner.
“My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself! Hello, my name is Kristin! I’m the wife of Phil, as well as the mother of Technoblade, Wilbur, and Tommy! I’m also Death itself.”
“I’m sorry, Philza Minecraft fucked death?!”
“Wait, Techno is Phil’s kid?! I thought they were just business partners!”
“Business partners? I thought they were just besties!”
“I’m still not over the fact that Techno is related to Wilbur and Tommy.”
“I knew about Tommy being brothers with those two, as well as being Phil’s son, but I didn’t know about death being his mother! You’d think he’d tell me, given that I’m his best friend!”
“You knew?!”
“And you never corrected us?!”
“Thought it was just a dumb inside joke.”
Ignoring the chaos caused by those around her, Kristin made her way to Fundy, who was frozen in uncertainty. Smiling as she placed her hands on both sides of his face, Kristin gave the fox hybrid a sincere greeting.
“My my, what a lovely young man. It’s finally great to meet you, Fundy. Look at you, I’m so proud to call you my first grandchild.”
She knew that her words caused her husband to flinch, it’s what she intended. As much as she loved and adored her significant other, she did find it sad that Fundy was denied the right to be loved. He deserved to feel loved and important, because he was.
“I can’t wait to learn all about you during the free periods! Oh! Speaking of grandchildren, silly me.”
They watched as Kristin made her way back to her opened door. Peering in, she spoke out in a gentle voice.
“Twins? Can you two please come out? Grandma will make sure no one hurts you two.”
Everyone watched as two small figures made their way out of the door, tiny hands holding onto one another. Watching as the door disappeared back into the ground, the twins turned to face Kristin. Humming, she gathered the two in her arms as she presented them to the room.
“Family, not family, meet Clementine and William-”
“-I’m sorry, love. Meet Clementine and Wilbur! They’re technically Tommy’s children, born from the debris of his star.”
“I’m sorry, his star?”
“That will be revealed soon enough, no worries.”
Clementine just glared at the occupants of the room, her pigtailed hair bouncing as she turned to make sure everyone saw her expression. Wilbur, on the other hand, opted to hide behind his curled hair, painted in the same blond color as his sister’s. 
“Did he name his son after his dead brother? Because if so, that did not age well-”
“Fuck you!”
Everyone watched with apaled expressions as Clementine glared Dream down, flipping him off with her tiny fingers. Kristin shook her head in mock annoyance as Clara belted out in laughter, XD following in suit. Doing her best to regain her composure, Clara spoke up once again.
“Oh my Me, she certainly is Tommy’s daughter.”
“Well, as much as I don’t enjoy hearing my youngest son and my only granddaughter curse out their issues, she did do it in her brother’s and uncle’s honor, so I’ll let it slide.”
“Go on, go sit with your cousin.”
Kristin set the twins down back on the ground, smiling as Clementine immediately took her brother’s hand in her own. Pulling him along, the two happily ran up to Fundy, smiling as they did so. The moment was interrupted by Quackity, who was unsure of everything.
“As great as witnessing this family reunion was, why are we all here?”
Sam nodded as he agreed with Quackity, speaking up as he gave Dream a pointed look.
“Not to be rude, but I agree. Something happened back in the prison, and I haven’t been able to see what.”
“Ah, yes. That is exactly why we’re here. Kristin, XD, if you will.”
The two nodded at Clara before taking each other’s hands. Closing her eyes, Kristin began mumbling as XD stood there, waiting. Once Kristin finished her mumbling, XD released one of his hands from her, drawing invisible signs on the air. Once he was done, both deities gave a synchronized nod. Rumbling was heard as a tunnel emerged out of nothing. A train emerged from it, coming to a sudden stop. As the doors slowly opened, everyone froze as they watched the occupants walk out, confused and cautious. 
“And me, MD!”
Before anyone else could make a move or sound, Clara spoke up once more.
“As much as I want more of these sweet reunions to occur, we really do need to get a move on. Now, I am very tired of everyone treating my poor starchild with such unjust unfairness. Don’t get me wrong, Tommy does make mistakes and his narrative is in his perspective, but come on! Blaming everything on him? This is getting ridiculous at this point! Now, you are all going to sit here and feel and hear everything he did! I, alongside Kristin and XD, will be monitoring you all. And Dream? Don’t make me go over there.”
Without warning, the environment completely changed. The group suddenly found themselves in the vast emptiness of space. They didn’t know what they were looking for, no one but Kristin. Said woman could only grimace as she nodded to herself, unconsciously touching her stomach.
“I remember this.”
“Remember what-?”
The group turned to see another Kristin scream out in pain, her hand resting on the bump of the belly. They watched as she tried to take a step, only to double down in pain again.
Phil grimaced as he leaned away from his wife, who laughed as she kept sikeing him out with her fist. Wilbur snickered at the sight. Turning back to the scene before them, they watched as Clara quickly rushed to Kristin’s sign, obviously not enjoying her distress.
“Clara, I- Ah! I don’t think- think I can make it to the bo-OOOOOOAH! The boys! I know I promised, but I can’t.”
“Phil will understand, dear. Breathe with me, in and out, okay? I don’t know a thing about human childbirth, but I know starchildbirth. Allow me to help, okay? I don’t like to see you in pain, and neither would your husband or sons.”
Clara pulled out a small orb from her pocket, holding it in the palm of her hand. Gently holding it against Kristin’s belly. Closing her eyes, she mumbled as the dull like of the orb brightened, growing in size as it did so.
“What is she doing?”
“That orb in my hand? That’s a dying star that I collected that morning. I’m using it to dub Tommy a starchild so that Kristin wouldn’t struggle with giving birth.”
Kristin let out a sigh of relief, her screams and sobs subsiding. Taking deep breaths to try and calm herself, she rubbed her face as she tried to wipe away her tears. Mumbling out a thank you, she watched as Clara extended the bright orb to her.
“Here he is, a healthy little boy! He’ll shine brighter than the sun, I’m certain of it.”
Kristin smiled as she took the orb into her own hands, watching as the light dimmed, revealing the newly born child. Tufts of blond hair poked out of his head as she adjusted the blanket. Kristin couldn’t help but let more tears fall as she held him close, kissing his forehead.
“He already looks so much like his father. Oh, Phil will be upset that he missed this.”
“Go and see your family, I’ll cover your shift for you.”
“Thank you.”
Kristin summoned a door, adjusting her youngest son as she walked through it. Navigating through the dark void, she came across another door. Opening the door, she stepped outside into a secluded area in the woods. Walking down the path, she approached the cozy cottage that proudly stood there. Knocking on the door, she cooed at the child in her arms as she waited for the door to open.
“Meet your son, Phil. He looks so much like you.”
The group watched as Phil dropped everything in his hands, startling his sons from the other room. Holding his newborn son and wife in his arms, he wept tears of joy as a tiny Wilbur and Techno rushed in, prepared for the worst. Seeing that it was only their mother, their worried looks morphed into joyful expressions.
“My boys! Come, meet your new brother.”
The two boys staggered for a bit, eyes widening at the revelation of the newest addition of the family. Watching as Phil and Kristin stared down at the bundle with great love and joy, they couldn’t help but feel excited at the sight. 
“Can we hold him?”
“Of course, just be gentle with him, okay boys?”
The twins carefully cradled the bundle in both their arms, working together to keep him safe and secure in their arms. Watching the sleeping child, they were in awe at the sight.’
“He has golden hair! Just like papa!”
“Gold! Gold! Gold!”
Kristin and Phil both laughed as they watched, joy and love filling them. Humming, Phil spoke up in a gentle tone.
“Well? What’re you two gonna name him?”
The twins just watched their baby brother as he slept soundly in their arms. Suddenly, startling the twins, their new brother yawned and squirmed in their arms. Rubbing his eyes with his tiny fists, he blinked his eyes open for the first time. Blinking up at them, he tilted his head as he squirmed. It wasn’t until Wilbur spoke up that he reacted.
“Tommy. Let’s call him Tommy.”
Everyone gasped as the feeling of immense love and wonder filled them, something they weren’t prepared for. Doing their best to cope with the feeling, they watched as the baby let out gurgles of giggles, reaching for his brothers. It was only then that they realized that Tommy was a very emotion-driven person, and they were going to feel every bit of that.
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elliotl · 3 years
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so i did a thing and asked you all for dialogue prompts and i would either write c!rivals, c!drunz OR mix of them so this is the prompt by @zenaeco and i loved writing it. [not revised or edited]
part one | part two | part three
Eh Just A Little Banter
“He’s not going to talk,” Punz whispered and Techno spared him a glance. Dream just clenched his fist tighter as he sat on the chaise in front of them. He kept his book aside and looked at them.
“What? We’re gonna play therapy or something?” Dream asked, ridiculed by Techno’s behaviour.
“Well he better start now then,” Techno looked back at Dream again ignoring the earlier comment from him. Dream wasn't able to read Techno. He wasn't sure what was going on in his friend's mind.
Dream tilted his head slightly as he held eye contact with Technoblade. “Otherwise?”
“Nothing. Maybe you’ll just see me helping you as just a resource provider.” Even Punz looked at Technoblade surprised at his words. Techno looked at the floor. He hoped this worked. He hoped because he would never abandon Dream.
“Come on man,” Dream spoke, taken aback. “You can't pull this shit.”
“I can actually, if you’re going to be stubborn and be angry at yourself while also punching me almost everytime we fight,” Techno stood up from his chair abruptly, anger and sadness alike on his face. “You need to talk. You need to talk to us.”
Techno took a few steps towards Dream, standing in the middle of the room as he looked at his rival very subtly trying to stop the shaking of his hands. The piglin hybrid calmed himself down a bit.
“Each scar tells a story, some we are desperate to forget, others mark the beginning of something beautiful, you know. I for one have come to terms with my past, have you?” Technoblade looked back at Punz who just gave a nod. The mercenary was quiet this time like most of the time. Piping in only to smack some logic into their heads.
Dream clenched his jaw. His heart was threatening to burst out of chest. He would rather punch Techno like several times he had done before when they were frustrated with each other than tell the truth. Spill his heart out. He stood up and started to walk towards the door.
“Don't walk away,” Punz stated calmly. “Don't walk away this time. You never know you’ll regret that you never talked to us, Dream.”
“Dream please. You know I'd never say please to you so this is pretty serious man. Have you looked at yourself? You’re goal yeah we’re working towards, the three of us against the world, it but it is not going as you want and you know it. You know it and you’re frustrated at yourself but you won't budge. You stubborn idiot,” Technoblade stated calmly, shaking his head. “Because maybe Punz doesn't know what happened in there. I doubt you told him anything. But I know. You told me and I have seen with my own eyes. The cell, the stench of flesh and blood. Everything.”
Dream turned to face Techno, jaw clenched as he tried to compose himself. “Yeah? Why dont you speak about how painful was it when the anvil crushed you to death, how it felt to be crushed in pieces or how painful it was when Quackity cut you open with shears or how your stupid heart was so broken when Ranboo died that you didnt even space me a glance and left me out in the cold?!”
Techno glared at Dream. “Dont-”
“No stop,” Dream cut him off and looked at Punz. “and you. You little shit. Why don't you speak about how it felt to be out of control and serve some higher power while you were supposed to keep an eye on things.”
“That's a low blow man. It happened when I was investigating the egg. You know i was fucking worried cause you wouldnt show up at all and all the times i waited. You know what happened, Dream. Fuck you making this about us. Why don't you speak, huh? I don't know what happened in that stupid goddamn prison and you came out looking like a fucking mess. I can assume things and this stupid man here doesnt tell me anything,” Punz pointed at Techno. “Says it's not my story to tell. Guess what I should be mad at BOTH OF YOU. YOU BOTH KEEP ME IN THE DARK.”
Punz was fuming. His blue eyes glaring at Techno and Dream angrily who were taken aback at the outburst. Dream hurt him. For real this time. “I have to handle your banter. Be here to patch up both of you because you’re fucking whiny little bitches who refuse to acknowledge anything. Just fucking speak!”
“This is not about me,” Techno frowned.
“Well guess what it is now!” Punz snapped.
What are you doing? We need him to talk, Techno mouthed to Punz who just ignored him. “So Dream… you going first cause man it’ll suck if something happened to any one of us while we’re out doing anything. Nothing’s going to happen to me but as we know you both are always targeting someone somewhere. So fucking find me when you decide to speak.”
Punz stormed towards the door as two pairs of eyes followed his actions hoping for him to stop. The door banged shut as Punz left the house leaving the rivals standing looking at each other.
“So..” Dream started. “I’ll go get him.”
“I’ll get the fireplace working,” Technoblade looked awkwardly as the fireplace and nodded.
“Yeah yeah do that,” Dream walked backwards towards the door.
“And bring those rabbit feet from outside. And wear your cloak before you go out.”
“Yeah. Stew. Punz likes rabbit foot stew. You get that armour we were working on for him..,” Dream hastily fixed the cloak around him.
“I’ll get it upstairs. You go.”
“Okay be right back with mister grumpy.”
“No no. Don't say that to his face.”
Dream chuckled. “I’ll try not to”
Dream gave Techno an apologetic look before closing the door behind him.
“Bruh,” Techno sighed as he went to open the hatch to the basement.
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aslitheryprinx · 3 years
Who needs sleep? All I need is tiny Michael and his two giant dads!
If you don't want to read it on ao3, fic is below the cut:
CW: none. This is pure fluff hours.
A Gift for Michael
Ranboo watched with a dopey grin as Michael spun in place. The tiny piglin wobbled as he turned in circles, little giggles spilling from his lips as he got dizzier and dizzier. Finally, the dizziness was too much, and Michael fell backwards with a squeal of laughter.
The enderman hybrid let out a little vroop of delight. He could watch his son toddle around all day… if it weren't so hard on his back.
Because Michael was so small, only a couple of inches, it wasn't safe for him to wander around the larger rooms he and Tubbo used. Michael had his own little bedroom, as close to his size as they could manage. Since he was still a toddler, and oblivious to the dangers of falling from high places, the room was on the floor, in case he managed to wander out.
Thus, if Ranboo wanted to fulfill his dreams of doing nothing but watch his son's adorable antics, he had to do so while lying flat on the floor in order to see into Michael's room. Entirely worth it, in his opinion.
"Boo!" Michael cried, tapping a hand against the baby gates that kept him inside. He looked at Ranboo with a grin on his face, his one eye wide and excited.
Ranboo nearly burst into tears.
"Hi, Michael," he said softly, his tail thumping against the ground.
"Ranboo!" Tubbo shouted suddenly, bursting into the room.
Ranboo jumped, slamming his head against the underside of the table Michael's room was hidden beneath. He made a noise in Endspeak that he was about 70% sure was a curse.
"No swearing around the tiny baby," Tubbo chided instantly, not sounding upset in the slightest.
"I don't think he can actually make that sound, Tubbo," Ranboo said with a laugh.
Of course, Michael proved him wrong a second later by making an incredibly close approximation to the probably-swear.
"Awwww, is Michael's first word a swear?" Tubbo cooed. "Uncle Tommy is going to be so proud."
"No, no," Ranboo protested. "He said my name a second ago! Can you say it again Michael? Can you say 'Boo'?"
"V-wirirp," said Michael.
"Yeah… if I'm gonna be honest, even if he said 'Boo,' that wasn't his first word either," Tubbo said.
"What do you mean, even if-"
"Cause remember he said chicken the other day?" Tubbo finished.
If by 'chicken' he meant something that sounded like 'tickee' then yes he kind of had.
"And 'appa,'" Ranboo said with a smile.
"I think you mean apple, boss man," Tubbo corrected. "Our Michael only says the most sophisticated words."
"So ch and l's are too hard for you, but you can perfectly copy an Endspeak swear?" Ranboo whispered to Michael. "What's that about, huh?"
"Boo," Michael said solemnly.
"Huh," said Tubbo. "He really did learn your name."
"Mmhmm!" he said with a happy flick of his tail.
"No 'ran,' though, probably too hard for him."
"You can't expect him to run, he's still learning to walk!" Ranboo said with a smirk.
Tubbo was unamused.
"Puns are banned in my house," he said flatly.
"Your house?" Ranboo repeated. "The magnificent mansion that you are paying monthly installments of diamonds for?"
"Ok, fine. Puns are banned in my country," Tubbo shot back.
"Hmm," he hummed, still not impressed. "It wasn't really a pun, more like wordplay."
"Well I'll play… your… words," his husband said. Ranboo snorted.
"Ooh ouch, got me there."
"Are you going to get out from under the table sometime today?" Tubbo asked, apparently giving up. Ranboo was about to say no, he was fine right here, but he frowned. There was a fuzzy feeling at the back of his mind, the kind that happened when he was forgetting something… so pretty much daily.
"Did we have something to do today?" He asked, furrowing his brow.
"Yup," his husband said with a grin. "We're going shopping for the G-I-F-T."
Ranboo felt a familiar buzz of happiness he got whenever Tubbo didn't make a big deal out of his memory problems. Then, he processed what the other hybrid had actually said and let out a gasp of delight.
"Michael's birthd-!"
"Shhhhh," Tubbo hushed him quickly.
Ranboo managed to calm himself, though his tail was flicking back and forth rapidly with his excitement.
"I don't think he knows the word birthday yet, 'Bo," he said with a small amount of amusement. Tubbo rolled his eyes, but didn't comment.
"Ready to go?" he asked instead.
"Yes! Wait not yet," Ranboo said quickly.
He turned to Michael, and reached over the baby gate, holding his hand out flat. The little piglin instantly jumped into his hand, grabbing onto his thumb. Ranboo curled his fingers around his son, and carefully lifted him out of his room.
He held Michael up to his face. The piglin leaned forward, hugging Ranboo's nose with all of his might.
"Bah! Bah! Boo!" He babbled. Ranboo chose to believe he was saying goodbye.
"Bye-bye, Michael," he said with a smile. He gently nuzzled the toddler. "I'll see you soon, ok?"
With great reluctance, he pulled Michael away, and lowered him back into his room. He tilted his hand gently, and Michael slid off, going right back to spinning in circles.
Ranboo gave himself one last look at the adorable sight, then began the awkward ordeal of actually getting out from under the table. He banged his head once or twice, but finally managed to squirm out with most of his dignity intact. He stood, and brushed himself off, turning to his husband.
"Ready now!" He said, practically bouncing with excitement.
Tubbo had an achingly fond look on his face. The goat hybrid reached forward, grabbing his wrist. After a couple of tugs, he linked his arm through Ranboo's, and they began walking towards the door.
"Where to first?" Ranboo asked.
"Well, I happen to know of a shop close to L'm- close to the museum," Tubbo said, barely stumbling at the mistake.
"What kind of shop?" Ranboo didn't mention his slip. Tubbo was considerate enough to not mention his faulty memory. He would return the favor the best he could.
"I don't know, one that sells things?" Tubbo said with a shrug.
"Helpful," said Ranboo dryly.
"We'll just find out when we get there," came the airy response.
Tubbo tugged his arm gently, bumping their shoulders together- quite a feat considering the enderman hybrid's shoulder was about a foot higher.
Ranboo smiled. Even if the shop was a bust, he knew he wouldn't regret going. Spending a day with Tubbo would always be worth his time.
The shop did indeed sell things. Shocker.
It was actually a gift shop, or something along those lines. The stock seemed to be made up of various knick knacks and novelty items. None of it was very impressive, but this type of shop was perfect for their needs.
Unsurprisingly, shopping for a three inch tall toddler was not an easy task. Not only was it hard to find toddler safe wares, it was impossible to find toddler safe wares that were Michael's size. Choking hazard they may be, but tiny toys were the only thing small enough for their son to interact with.
A gift shop like this usually sold nothing but cheap junk. However, a lot of that junk was pocket sized. Michael sized. Weird keychains and figurines weren't the most traditional of toys, but Ranboo and Tubbo had learned to be creative while raising a child the size of a finger. The hope today was to find something a little more traditionally toy-like for Michael's birthday.
Tubbo had wandered towards the jewelry- sometimes the charms made for decent toys- while Ranboo gravitated towards the keychains. Even without his mission to find a gift, he would enjoy browsing the keychains. Most of them were shiny, made from gemstones that caught the light in a particularly pleasing manner. But they weren't what he was looking for.
Ironically, he didn't see something that caught his eye until it did the exact opposite. Instead of drawing his attention like most, his gaze slid over one keychain. He glanced back a second later, realizing it wasn't a gemstone one, and his eyes went wide.
"Tubbo!" He called, gingerly lifting the keychain from where it rested. "Tubbo, I found it."
His husband rushed over from the other side of the store, nearly bowling over an elderly couple in his determination. He slid to a stop beside Ranboo, eyes automatically falling to the keychain he held cupped in his hands. He gasped.
"It's perfect," he said reverently.
Eret squinted down at the object in their hands with just a hint of bewilderment. Two button eyes and a nose of thread poked out of a fluffy face. The head was topped with two little ears and a keychain attachment. Despite its size, barely an inch, it was shaped just like any other teddy bear.
"I'm sorry, you want me to what?" They asked.
"Take out it's guts and stuff it with something softer?" Ranboo repeated a little sheepishly.
Eret gently poked at the bear. Despite the soft outside, it was very firm. Whatever made up the material inside, it wouldn't make for a very huggable teddy. However, for a keychain meant to hold its shape, it was very practical. Their skepticism must have shown on their face, because Tubbo spoke up.
"Please, Eret," Tubbo begged, giving them the sad eyes he used to use whenever he wanted something. It had been a while since they'd seen that. "You're the only person I know who can sew and shit besides Tommy- and he'd give the bear fucking angry eyes or a tattoo or some shit."
"That… that still doesn't explain why," Eret said.
"It's for Michael," Ranboo said quietly, glancing around to make sure nobody else heard. Eret instantly softened.
They were one of the few people who knew of Michael's existence. It had been an accidental discovery, but they were determined not to betray Ranboo and Tubbo's trust- especially Tubbo's, after everything.
Any weakness in this world was dangerous. Attachments were taken advantage of and destroyed with barely a second thought. Michael was a toddler, an incredibly tiny one. Both made him very vulnerable, and the two husbands protected him with a terrifying amount of resolve.
As far as they knew, the only other people who knew about Michael's existence were Tommy, Phil and Fundy. The latter two's discovery of Michael had been as accidental as their own, and Fundy had nearly had an axe buried in his skull when he handled Michael a little too roughly.
To be trusted with anything Michael related, no matter how small, was beyond an honor. To be trusted at all again was more than they deserved. It was something to be treasured.
"I'll do it," Eret said, handling the bear with even more care now that he knew its purpose. Of course Tubbo and Ranboo wanted it stuffed with something softer; it was for their beloved son.
Ranboo hadn't realized how time-consuming Eret's job would be. Restuffing the bear took several hours, and the size seemed to make it harder rather than speed anything up. Each movement and stitch had to be made with the utmost care, or Eret risked tearing the delicate little bear. It was dark by the time they finally got home.
If Michael had been a human or even a hybrid, they wouldn't have left him alone for so long. But, though he was a toddler, he was also a piglin. Even as infants, pigling young needed far less supervision than human babies. Though snacks wouldn't hurt them, they really only needed to eat once a day, so there was no need to feed Michael every few hours. Because his room was very thoroughly baby-proofed, there was no risk of him hurting himself while they weren't watching.
Still, neither of them liked leaving their son home alone. Ranboo hoped he liked the gift, otherwise they'd been away from him for nothing.
Tubbo carefully held the stuffed bear, which was now incredibly squishy and sewed shut with golden thread. Ranboo slipped under the table to get Michael. He managed to avoid bumping his head this time, which was a huge plus.
"Michael? We're back. And we brought you a…" Ranboo trailed off as he peeked into Michael's room.
The little piglin was fast asleep, curled up in a pile of blankets with a happy smile on his face. Ranboo felt a wave of happiness at the adorable sight, but he was also a little disappointed.
"He's asleep," Ranboo told Tubbo in a whisper.
"Oh," said Tubbo, sounding just as disappointed as he felt. "Should we just stick the bear in with him?"
"What? No!" Ranboo said, giving his husband an indignant look. "That ruins the whole point of the gift!"
"He's a toddler, Boo," Tubbo said in exasperation. "He's not gonna understand gifts anyways."
"He's a toddler," Ranboo repeated with narrowed eyes, "so he won't understand that we gave him the bear if we put it there now. He'll think it appeared out of nowhere."
"So, what if he doesn't trust it? What if it scares him? What if he hates it? What if he hates us for not protecting him??" Ranboo's voice rose with each new possibility.
"Alright, that's a little bit-" Tubbo began.
"Boo?" A tiny voice cut him off. Ranboo turned to the source, finding a bleary-eyed Michael blinking up at him.
"Hey buddy," Ranboo cooed. "Did I wake you up? I'm sorry."
"Bee?" Michael said a few seconds later.
"B-? Oh, Tubbo?" Ranboo guessed. "He's here too."
Tubbo stuck his head under the table, and Michael leapt to his feet, jumping and pointing.
"Bee!" The toddler enthused. Ranboo blinked back the moisture in his eyes at the precious nickname Michael had for Tubbo.
"That's right, Bee and Boo are back now. You wanna come out?" He asked.
"Ow?" Michael echoed. He held up his arms, which Ranboo took as a yes.
Ranboo carefully reached out, scooping Michael into his hands. The piglin leaned into the warmth with a yawn, still drowsy from his nap. Ranboo's heart melted as his son nuzzled against his fingers, making a chuffing sound he'd heard Techno make a few times.
It was a lot harder with his hands full of such precious cargo, but he wiggled his way out from under the table and slowly stood. He checked on Michael, who still seemed comfortable, then turned to Tubbo with mounting excitement.
"Now?" He asked.
"Now," Tubbo confirmed with a grin.
"Michael, we have a gift for you," Ranboo told the toddler. Michael looked up at him with an expression void of any thoughts.
"Michael, look here," Tubbo crooned, catching their son's attention. The piglin's gaze swiveled towards him, and Tubbo held out the little bear.
He reached out, and Tubbo and Ranboo moved as one, cupping their hands together so Michael could reach. The toddler crawled forward, stopping in front of the plush bear. He tentatively extended his hand, petting its soft fur. Then, with a delighted little noise, he pulled it into his lap and hugged it.
"Ben nen! Bah bah!" He babbled ecstatically.
Tubbo nodded along, pretending to understand the baby talk. Then he looked up at Ranboo with a serious expression.
"He says the bear's name is Benson," Tubbo announced solemnly. Michael let out a happy shriek, seeming to confirm this.
Ranboo snorted. He could kind of see where Tubbo heard 'Benson'… except Michael couldn't say his S's yet.
"Are you sure he didn't say Bennen?" he asked.
"That's not a name," Tubbo scoffed.
"Then Brennen, perhaps? I don't think he has R's down either."
"Brennen," his husband said with disdain, "is a stupid name for a bear. That's a last name, only an American would use it as a first name."
"You sound like Tommy," Ranboo said.
"Take that back," said Tubbo with a mock glare.
They fell silent, both content to watch Michael puttering around in their joined hands. He toddled back and forth, babbling and holding up Benson the bear whenever he noticed their eyes on him.
Ranboo glanced back and forth between his husband and his son. Something desperately, achingly fond surged in his chest. He wouldn't trade anything for what he had right now.
Soft moments, in the dim light of a mostly empty mansion. Here, in his home, with the two most important people in the world.
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honeybunnybeez · 4 years
Just little hybrid things (FLUFF) (HEADCANON)
♡Members involved: c!Fundy, c!Philza, c!Quackity, c!Schlatt, c!Technoblade
♡Gender Neutral Reader!
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♡Oh my god he's very handsy with you, he wants to hold your hand, give you kisses, hug you tight and never let go, the whole nine yards. He likes to sit in your lap and nuzzle up to you too whenever he feels at peace. Having you by his side reassures him a lot, he just needs something to let him know that you won't leave him too.
♡His ears and tail are very expressive but one thing you didn't expect from him was his little chirping. Whenever you're stroking a certain area close to his ear or chin or praise him for what he's done, he unconsciously lets out happy little noises while wrapping his tail around any part of you he can get.
♡The fox part of him loves food and often times he'll just offer food to you out of nowhere. You have no idea how but often times he just knows what food you're craving and will gift it to you excitedly. He likes to keep you fed so rest assure that when you're with Fundy you definitely won't go hungry.
♡This man steals shit for you, he sees a shiny thing that he thinks you'll like and he'll grab it without hesitation. You have a chest filled with all the things he's gotten for you and he gets very happy when he sees you wearing them.
♡He likes to preen you by running his fingers through your hair. No matter if your hair is long or short, he always asks if he can comb it out for you. While it may seem like a normal thing for you, it's quite an intimate affair for him. Offer to do the same to his hair or run your fingers through his wings and he's just complete putty in your hands.
♡Speaking of wings, he is very proud of his pair. He likes to make use of them when he can and this means pulling you closer to him with them, caging you so he can give you kisses and cuddles while feeling like you two are isolated from the rest of the world. Call his wings beautiful and watch as they puff up with pride.
♡This man is definitely a song bird, dude will serenade you at the weirdest of times. He'll switch his voice over to his 'auto tune' mode and start singing the most obscure shit to you. Depending on the timing, it is pretty hilarious and he loves making you laugh. Whenever you two are alone though, he starts singing sweeter songs as a lullaby if you ever have trouble falling asleep.
♡Another one who likes preening, but he's very hesitant when it comes to it at first. Schlatt wasn't uh- wasn't very gentle with his wings so he's still kind of scared of letting others near them but once you prove to him that you're incredibly gentle with them he can't stop begging you to stroke through them whenever you two are alone.
♡Man likes his comfort and his nests, catch him dumping all your clothes and pillows onto the bed along with his own. He'll drag you away from whatever you're doing just so he can lay on you and make you stroke his hair. His grip on you is tight so there's little chance you're escaping the nest without him hanging off of you and whining.
C!Schlatt (Oop minor angst-):
♡Whenever he sees you after minutes or hours of not doing so, he likes to greet you by headbutting the side of your head. It satisfies him in multiple ways. 1, because it annoys you, 2, because it asserts his dominance and 3, he just really likes the feeling of nuzzling hard against your cheek for a moment. In the morning, his headbutts are more like nuzzles as he tenderly rubs against your neck sleepily. He threatens you to never ever tell others about it though.
♡Whenever you two are together, be it in public or in private, he likes touching you and having you by his side. In public? His arm is constantly around your waist, staring down those who dare to look at you with any sort of interest. In private? He claims his lap is the best seat in the house and it's all for you, baby. He thinks of you as a trophy he should be showing off proudly, a trophy he knows deep down that he doesn't deserve.
♡When he thinks you're not looking, he loves to stare at you adoringly. As much as he hates to admit or show it, he loves you to bits, he just sucks at lowering his bastard wall and showing you a more vulnerable part of him. When he stares at you for too long, he starts to ask himself why you still stick around with a guy like him when others seem to be better suited for someone as lovely as you. When those thoughts threaten to consume him, he can't help but call you over to give him affection, as a way to convince himself that you still and forever will love him.
♡This man is a little overprotective of you in the same way that piglins are overprotective of their chests. Don't get him wrong, he is more than aware that you are a person with your own rights but he can't fight that piglin instinct to fight away those who touch you because of how precious you are to him. Only a few people are allowed to touch you and that's only because he trusts that they won't steal you away from him.
♡He loves making you armour and weapons out of gold and even goes as far as to enchant each one of them too. He's incredibly shy when it comes to personally gifting them to you though so he always places them on the bed you two share before he leaves for his daily tasks around the server. There'll always be a note stating that the gifts on the bed are for you because he cherishes you dearly and it never fails to make you smile when you wake up and see them.
♡When he's dead tired he likes to lay on your lap and make loud happy piglin noises while asleep. You once brought it up to him during dinner and he was pretty embarrassed to say the least. He swore internally that he'd never lay in your lap again but always ends up forgetting that promise to himself when he finds you reading on the couch late at night after his little hunts. You're just incredibly hard for him to resist.
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A/N: Hello hi again- guess who just wanted to make a whole hybrid post with a bit of angst in the middle? ^^' This was just a quick bit so I hope it's okay and I hope you all enjoyed reading it!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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reporterleroux · 3 years
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"I can't live this life anymore."
Characters: SBI x postvillain!reader (/p)
TW: Mentions of lack of drinking and eating
A/N: this is based of a prompt I found on Google cause I have no ideas lmao
Prompt: You were born to be a villain, but you find yourself leaning more and more towards the good as you get older.
Life started out simple for you as a kid. Being born into the richest family in town was a luxury for anyone, and you were just lucky enough to get it. You could get anything you wanted, not even having to ask twice. As you grew older, about the age of 4, your parents wanted to develop your use of villain-like skills to get you into their work and craft. That's how they got rich. They never worked hard for it. They wanted you to follow in their footsteps. And that you did. You started off by stealing back toys your parents would guard. It was a very fun "game" for you at that age, you didn't know any better. By age of 10 you were out stealing in the markets. Anything from produce to canvases, which you would then sell on for a tidy profit. This was the life for you. All you ever knew. Now making your own income, you never had to ask for anything, and your parents didn't care. They just wanted you to be successful. The next 5 years of your live included blowing stuff up, robbing and overthrowing the government, and more serious matters. But it started getting less entertaining. You never had friends, you grew up for 15 years with barley your parents for company. You didn't want this anymore. It was enough.
"I can't live this life anymore."
You kept up the act for another year, planning the night after your birthday on how to escape this place.
"It's finally time."
You said to yourself, looking at your watch. It was 11:30, everyone was asleep by now. You gave yourself half an hour to grab stuff you needed. This involved food, money, tools and just basic life necessities, before stuffing it all in your stachel, slipping on your shoes and grabbing a compass as you darted out of the door, and out of the town at the cover of night. You left absolutely no clue to anyone about your sudden disappearance. You had to climb over the walls, knowing you couldn't go out the main entrance to the town. Luckily, it wasnt overly tall, so you traversed it easily. You were finally free. You ran and ran and ran. There was no going back now.
You had been running for a few days before you even saw sight of a new wall, a new town. You sighed in relief, sure you rested when night came but it was all exhausting for you. You forced yourself to run the last stretch, planning to sneak in and keep a low away from anyone. You reached the walls, the entrance ones to be precise.
You said. There was no one guarding the entrance, strange considering where you came from. There was still a bit of villainy in you, and it was making you stroll in and steal some life essentials. And that's what you did. It was early morning, so you had a bit of time before you suspected the area woke up. Since there were no stalls open, you just decided to steal some berries from the community forest and rest nearby. You set your stuff down where you wanted to stay and had a small wander around the area. Soon there was the chatter of people to be heard, so you ran back to your spot, snacking on a few berries.
You kept up this act for a few more days, before you ran out of berries.
You cursed to yourself. You were starving, but it was midday and too risky to go out. You sat there, forgetting to do anything, including drink, and eventually you passed out due to the lack of water and food you consumed. Little did you know, about 5 minutes later, a figure from the town turned the corner and saw you. Panic kicked in, and he immediately ran over and checked your pulse, just incase you might've been dead. Luckily for the both of you, you weren't. He was still worried though, and instantly picked you and your stuff and ran as quickly as he could to get back to his house.
"Techno! Wilbur! Get the potions and some water!"
Before they could even question him, they were forced on with a stern now.
"Tommy! Get some food!"
He looked through your satchel beforehand, assuming you passed out from lack of hydration and food consumption, which you did. Wilbur came running back with some water, and Philza took it, carefully making you drink it.
It wasnt long until you woke up, almost choking in shock at the sight of the 4 leaning over you.
"Wh-what? Where am I?"
You began to panic. This is the complete opposite to what you planned out, so opposite as a matter of fact you were beyond panicked.
"Hey, hey kid calm down, your safe here, we won't hurt you. Can you sit up?"
You made a slight thinking face before you moved your arms to push yourself up and turned so your legs were over the edge, the others moving as you did so.
"Here, eat this."
One of the 4 boys said, passing you a plate. You took it an began eating it, it was actually pretty good.
"I found you passed out by a tree, I couldn't just leave you there."
You finally managed to make stuff out, before you there were 4 people, a blond boy, a brunette boy, a piglin hybrid with pink hair, and a bird hybrid, with black wings behind his back.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry bout that, my own fault really."
They all looked at you confused.
"What do you mean?"
The brunette questioned. You sighed, before deciding to tell them what happened.
"I ran away from my old town. I was forced into some form of villainy growing up, and it was enjoyable at first."
You paused for a moment, catching your breath before continuing again.
"I was enjoying it less at 10, but only a tad. It was only when I turned 15 I decided I had enough, but kept up the act until I turned 16 a few days ago. The night after my birthday I began planning. It didn't take long. All I needed was food, water and my savings from selling off the stuff I stole. I even took a chunk out of my parents money just to piss them off. We were the richest family in town anyways so I didn't really care. I climbed over the walls and ran for days before even catching a sight of your towns walls. I snuck in and I guess it's just the events we just experienced after that."
You felt slightly embarrassed ranting to these people you just met, they probably didn't care, just didn't want you to die in their walls. But they sat and listened. There was silence in the room until the piglin hybrid spoke up, voice monotone.
"Damn. Did you overthrow the government?"
Which got a slap from Phil and a chuckle from the rest of you.
"As a matter of fact, yes. Yes I did."
They all looked shocked at your response.
"I like this kid, Phil. Can we keep them?"
You turned to who you assumed was Phil, before he said
"Only if... Shit, what's your name?"
You forgot the fact you didn't know any of their names and they didn't know yours.
"My name's Y/N, what about the rest of you?"
The blond spoke up first, quite loud but you didn't mind.
"I'm Tommy, and I'm definitely the better one."
You laughed, while the brunette slapped him across the head.
"Alright dumbass, shut up. I'm Wilbur."
You smiled at the 2 of them before the monotone voice from before caught your attention, making you turn your head.
"I'm Technoblade, just call me Techno."
You turned to the final person in the room.
"And I'm guessing you're Phil?"
He nodded as a response.
"So Y/N, would you like to stay with us?"
You looked at the welcoming faces in the room, settling on a very definite decision.
"Yes Phil, I would like to stay here."
It was definitely going to be a better life for you.
A/N: ok I actually proof read this time LMAO also my dad asked me midway through this "what you writing?" and I low-key panicked
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raakih · 3 years
Song recommendation: Bellas Lullaby
this is my first work, I hope you enjoy! ^^' (Pardon any spelling mistakes, or grammar mistakes. English is not my first language.)
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The tall Hybrid patiently waited for you downstairs, his ears turning towards the soft sound of your feet coming down the stairs. He sat in a dark leather chair in front of the fireplace, looking like a god waiting for his meal. You recalled how you got into this situation, but really all you remembered was that he came to visit you every day. You chose to live in the Tundra, yet far away from the prioritized citizens. He brought you warm soup, although sometimes you could see little flakes of frost forming on top, but you appreciated his kindness. You questioned why he did this for you, not sure rather to be afraid of the man who once let Withers upon the Country that striked with pride, or to be thankful you'd experience his gentle side on these cold, lonely nights. Sitting in front of the fireplace as he softly hummed melodies to you that tribes and faraway folk taught him on his adventures, other times he would read mythology books to you in the most caring and soft voice, lulling you to sleep. All while threating his slim fingers through your hair, occasionally rubbing your neck and shoulders. He took the time out of his day to come to you every night, not because you asked him to, he just seeked your presence. You would stand on top of a hill with him, his hands over yours as he tutored you how to use a bow correctly, arrows disappearing into the night sky. Although you could only faintly remember these events, or occasionally forget his name, you could never get the experience out of your mind. "Y/n? You look like you saw a Ghost. Are you alright?" the man now towering over you, gently shaking you out of your memories. You nodded, giving him a faint smile to confirm your attention was now on him. "I wanted to show you something." he continued, taking your small hands into his calloused ones, leading you outside his front door. The biting cold uncomfortably hugged you, until the Piglin carefully placed his heavy coat around your shoulders. "Today is a night that only repeats itself every 200 years, y/n." He pointed towards the sky. "look, you can see every star and Asteroid as clear as the sun in the noon." you gasped, looking at him in awe. Did he plan this? "I want you to remember this, it's the only night where I won't be bringing you food, or teaching you important skills." he turned to you, taking your hands into his again, gently smiling at you. "tonight I will love you, remind you that none of the gods could compare to you. I will make you feel safe and appreciated. Because I can't keep on going to visit you, or sit by the fire with you, listening to your soft snores all while I have these feelings stuck in my chest." he confessed, making you tear up, which visibly broke his heart a little. You fell into his arms, rapidly sobbing and crying out into his chest, all while smiling and nodding, rubbing your cheek against him in pure joy. You couldn't tell where this was coming from, given the fact that you were never quite aware of your emotions towards this man, but you sure knew that you would never forget this moment.
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