#And a portrait of THE rekha
Exams are sucking all my energy.
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liquorstorey · 2 months
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msraizada · 2 years
Rekha ji❤️
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davekominek · 2 years
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Rekha Dental Center | photography by David Kominek
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pastinawitheggs · 4 years
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study of Rekha in Umrao Jaan (1981 film)
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ourcolorfulmoments · 5 years
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What made you bust out loud laughing recently? From @rekha_s, originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: "I was talking about 'Cheer" (@navarro_college_cheer) with a friend recently, and told her I thought their team name was 'Narvard' when I first saw pictures, and her initial gut response saying the word "NARVARD?!" really made me laugh from joy and embarrassment at my reading skills."⁠
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hussyknee · 2 years
The reason I've hated Pride and Prejudice (2005) since it came out and have a personal prejudice against it (ha!) is that they cast rail thin actresses in the roles.
I had absolutely no idea about fat liberation when it came out, but I have always been a history nerd, and the changing beauty standards of history is so much a part of my love of historical romance. It's one of the reasons I adore the mini-series with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. She's exactly the kind of beauty that fits modern standards enough to not fit in with the Regency era's, and fits Regency era enough to just escape being cookie cutter Hollywood. In Sense and Sensibility, Kate was full-figured and tremulously lovely in a way that was absolutely perfect for Marianne Dashwood, and Emma Thompson's slender figure fit the fact that Eleanor wasn't considered very attractive by Regency standards.
It's the same when it comes to Bollywood biopics. Kangana Renaut looks fierce as hell as Manikarnika but the Jhansi queen was full-figured and probably well-muscled because she was a queen and a warrior, and there are portraits of her. Only an ill-fed peasant would have been as slight as Kangana. Even Bollywood beauty standards skewed to wide-hipped, full-throated and large-breasted bodies until around the 1970s.
(Rekha could still eat the role of Manikarnika, but that has nothing to do with her figure. I have no idea whether she's ever been fat or thin, because my god her eyes. Deepika gets the same reprieve, more or less, because her face fills the screen, but Priyanka Chopra was the one who looked like a believable Rajput queen. Not historically accurate one of course, because royal beauties of the time were a lot more well-fed, but also not someone who'd be laughed out of court.)
Now as a disabled person whose very life hinges on fat liberation, I have even less patience with the entertainment industry's casting choices. I don't even need most of them to be actually fat. Just at least find women with natural curves, like Jennifer Ehle, Kate Winslet in her younger years, or literally any brown actress. Or, you know, make the thin ones eat enough for their roles.
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thanveerfazal · 7 years
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Few images made for blog articles at Human Factors International, Mumbai. 1. On misuse of surveillance by the state.
2. Portrait style of the authors.
3. Miss Rekha Radwittiya
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pokeberry5 · 3 years
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i thought i was burnt out of drawing for a while but the @geraskeferbingo​ prompt for a Western AU and this picture of Rekha seized me by the throat and wouldn’t let me go.
this is a reverse!au for yen and geralt; yen is the witcher and geralt is the (excommunicated) mage bc yen with two guns!! on a horse!!
plot musings below:
yen’s been hired to retrieve an object heavily warded by beasts and magic and word on the street is that geralt’s one of the few that knows how to get past them. so when yen runs into the musician known to hang around him, well that’s just Destiny, right? either jaskier knows geralt’s secret or she can use him to lure in geralt. either way yen wins.
yen, unlike geralt, has no qualms about gagging jaskier when he starts talking too much. jaskier is terrified of yen for as long as it takes for him to realize that he’s being tied up by a beautiful woman who needs him too much to actually permanently harm him. besides the whole being tied up and having to walk thing, he’s having the time of his life. beautiful people! retrieving magically guarded objects! intrigue! himself as the damsel in distress! if only he could compose out loud!
geralt’s suffering through las vegas when he hears that jaskier’s been kidnapped by a witcher of all things and is being dragged out towards texas, and has to drop everything to go get him out of trouble again. (whether jaskier and geralt are already together at this point is a little up in the air but they’re definitely something.)
yen is also suffering because she doesn’t know what to do with this musician who won’t stop talking and doesn’t seem to know anything useful besides (surprisingly beautiful) poetry but insists on looking at her with stars in his eyes. he also lost all trace of fear annoyingly quickly and won’t stop snarking at her.
yen and geralt’s first meeting is predictably antagonistic (yen holding geralt at gunpoint!) but jaskier can already see the sparks flying and he’s not mad about it.
they all end up going to retrieve the artifact together; who know what else happens along the way ;)
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ jaskier has a type
(ngl in terms of aesthetics a lot of their outfits are more based on photos i found related to the mexican revolution because i really wanted yen in bandoliers like a soldadera. jaskier is in a charro outfit. i told myself after yen’s portrait that i wouldn’t draw anymore embroidery but here we are i guess. it’s really important to me that geralt goes around in a dusty suit, a neckerchief and a hat. i also gave him a pocket watch—the only sign of the wealth he had in his former position as a court mage—since i can’t give him his medallion.)
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jq37 · 3 years
The Case File – Mice and Murder Ep 2
The Case of the Dismal Dinner
Welcome back to our flashback/Tisch fight already in progress where we learn what Daisy and Sly’s shared look was about while Rekha and Grant go for the proverbial jugular emotionally. It’s 12 years ago and Sylvester is tracking down a stolen diadem, the very same diadem that he sees Daisy swipe off the thief who has it (a jackal named Roscoe McCoy in case that matters). Sly swipes it back from her and, when she notices, she sniffs it down to his train car where he is sitting in the dark, waiting for her. He doesn’t turn the lights on, opting instead to dramatically strike a match to light his pipe, illuminating himself sitting in a big chair, holding the stolen item.
Daisy tries to bluff like she’s Virginia Chase, the owner of the diadem, but Sly knows that’s not true because he was hired by the real Virginia to track it down. Daisy is usually a better liar than this but she is insta-smitten by this figurative and literal fox and it’s throwing her off her game. But before they can continue their little tete-a-tete, they hear a gunshot ring out from Daisy’s room and know Roscoe and his guys are coming after her. Sly stuffs Daisy in a trunk before the boys show up and they actually seem a little impressed to meet him, him being a famous detective and all, but a Nat 1 deception means they hear Daisy being huffy in the chest and a fight/escape scene that Brennan takes over narration for ensues. 
After that, Sly and Daisy become close really quickly and partners in both senses of the word. Daisy tells him she’s an American PI and they work together on cases, travel the world, and become engaged within the year. But, the day before the wedding, when Sly is alone, he discovers all the documentation proving that Daisy lied about who she is, is actually a criminal, and has been using their partnership to sell information to other criminals.
She shows up and tries to pretend like she’s being set up but he replies, “You being duped is the only lie you’ve told I can’t believe.” He says that being with her changed him. He didn’t think he had it in him to actually love another person. He forgives her. He still wants to get married. Daisy is thrown by this reaction. She tells him she’s not gonna change for him and he might as well leave her. She’s being all unapologetic femme fatale about it but he gets the sense that under her bravado she’s low key pleading with him to give up on her. He doesn’t want to. He can’t. He still shows up the next day in his wedding tux. Daisy is nowhere to be seen. When he goes home, there’s a deerstalker cap on his porch and a note that just reads “-D”.
And we snap back to the present where Daisy is trying to figure out if she can take advantage of Lucretia’s fascination with the occult and all the rich vulnerable people present to make some money. Meanwhile, Sly has been totally rocked by seeing Daisy and is drowning his sorrows at the bar with Ollie, the otter bartender. Squire Badger (which is what I’ll be calling William) shows up and, in not so many words, threatens Sly for having not solved the case and making a fool of him. He says, “You’re not gonna rub my nose in this.” Move your nose then bitch, says Sly on a dirty 20 intimidation check. He’s sad about girl problems, not you! Squire Badger is scared off, but he looks like he knows something that Sly doesn’t. That someone is coming for him. 
Buckster (and Ian too btw) clocked the above conversation and sidles up to Sly at the bar. See, not only does Buckster know about Sly and Daisy’s history, he knew it was happening *while* it was happening. Sly used up all his cool swagger on the Squire so by the time Buckster shows up he’s a whole mess over Daisy. Buckster starts implying that maybe they can help each other out since they both dislike the Squire and with Sly’s Nat 20 Insight, they can totally clock each other’s double meanings perfectly. It’s a very cool game thing where Sly and Buckster are having an innocuous conversation about the weather or whatever but Grant and Sam are just saying what they mean. It’s like they’re having a telepathic conversation. Sly agrees that the enemy of his enemy is his friend and he’ll go along with Buck’s plans as long as he can keep his hands clean, even if he doesn’t really care for Buck himself. 
At the same time Gangie is in the kitchens getting fed (see the notes for a full list of kitchen staffers and other NPCs) and after the staff leaves, Gangie is told by Ambrose Harding (the Squire’s turtle valet) that there’s is business for him to attend to after dinner. 
Buckster talks to Lawrence Longfoot--the rabbit photographer from last ep who we learn runs a trash newspaper. He and Buck bond over being trash and he gets a pic of Sly and Buck together. 
Vicar Ian goes to talk to the Squire and basically tries to (openly) suss out whether the money was a bribe or a setup or what? Like, people are fully there (including the Lady Fawnbrook and her gossipy cat wife Tabitha). They snipe at each other a bit and then the Squire reveals that he’s talked him up to the Cardinal and the Cardinal agreed that he’s such a good vicar, he should be moved to Siberia. The decision has already been made and Ian doesn’t have the pull in the church to do anything about it. Yikes. 
Before dinner, the rat butler catches Buck and asks if he has time to talk to Squire Badger. Buck agrees to go with him and he’s taken to the billiards room where the Squire is along with Harding and James Hawkins, Squire’s Hawk war buddy (a literal war hawk). Buck immediately puts his foot in his mouth by messing up the Squire’s title with his American ignorance of British peerage rules which annoys him, the elitism of it all. The Squire’s friends leave and then Buck starts talking about PR and how this whole situation has been bad PR for the Squire and it would be a shame if his PR got even worse. The suggestion of blackmail sends the Squire into a full honey badger don’t care style rage and he knocks TF out of Buck, flips the pool table, and then catches himself and scurries off. Daisy, Sly, and Gangie all hear this conversation from their positions in the house via the pipes running through the manor. Buck picks himself up and, on a 25, realizes that two of the mouse maids were hiding behind a curtain, hearing the whole thing (specifically, Edwina Thimble and Carolyn Dickory--oh like hickory dickory doc, BRENNAN) . They were playing hooky so he flips them a coin each and they all agree that no one saw or heard anything. “Two blind mice, see how they run,” he quips as they leave (sidenote, what a morbid nursery rhyme to exist in that world--to be fair, it’s pretty morbid as is).
Lucretia decides to turn the séance into a post dinner séance but still brings Daisy and Lars to see her occult room which is full of crap from, as Rekha said, “1800s Party City”. Lucretia does a hilariously vague read on Daisy and says that there’s something happening with her involving a man she knew or maybe still knows but she’s in her feelings about Sly so it kinda shakes her up. She tries to get Lucretia to charge for her “””incredible gift””” (so she can skim off the top of course) but Lucretia thinks it would be a misuse of her ~talents~. She does give Daisy an incredibly broad as to be useless even if magic exists blessing before she leaves. 
Once she does, Daisy scopes out the room (which she realizes must have been retrofitted for Lucretia and wasn’t previously a séance room) and sees that the one thing in the room that doesn’t really match the aesthetic is a giant portrait of one of the previous squire badgers. On a 24 she notices two things: (1) the painting has recently been restored with new paint and (2) the frame is bolted to the wall. She wants to check it out but Lars is right there so she makes a note to check it out later and leaves. 
Lars, being a very ride or die friend for Sly, bounds after her and basically calls her trash and tries to tempt her with garbage so she’ll lose composure and start chowing down. She drools at the sight but keeps it together and leaves. Lars runs off to tell Sly that they were a good good dog and gives him a full play by play. 
Gangie meanwhile is watching a small argument between the butler and Harding in the servant’s quarters hallway and he realizes that he’s being talked about in veiled language. The butler is questioning Gangie’s employment and Harding says that, as servants, they shouldn’t question their master and that Gangie is employed for reasons that Squire Badger is aware of and reasons he is not. Hmm. Gangie realizes that Harding knows about his past which is weird because Gangie’s criminal record doesn’t follow him. There’s no internet. So what reason would this guy have to know about him?
Gangie doesn’t like this and decides to dip and steal some silverware on the way out. Mrs. Molesley (who I’ll be calling Mrs. M from now on) helps him (lol I’m not entirely sure if she didn’t know what he was doing or if she’s just down with stealing) and says that she’s been working there since Squire Badger was in diapers (she was his nanny) and if anyone bullies Gangie, she’ll take care of them. She also offers to make him a sweater so he doesn’t get cold and she’s just so nice that Gangie has to say yes. He looks to make sure no one is around and gives her a dandelion he picked. Cute!!!
And now it’s time for dinner and our very first box of doom roll for the most terrifying encounter of all: how close you have to sit next to your bitter ex! This is of course for Sly and Daisy with higher than a 15 meaning they don’t have to sit next to each other and anything lower meaning they have to sit pretty close. It is the first BOD roll I’ve ever wanted them to fail (mmm, except maybe Adaine’s werewolf roll but that’s a different conversation). 
It’s in the 6-10 bracket which means they’re sitting across from each other (below that would have been them next to each other). Everyone is seated based on how on Squire Badger’s shitlist they are. So you have Ian at the absolute back. Sly to his right and Daisy on his left. The Buckster and Lars to the right and left after that. Then Armond (armadillo lawyer guy) and a snail guy because Brennan is a madman who cannot be stopped. Constance (Squire’s daughter) makes a toast to her dad wishing him well even though they haven’t always seen eye to eye (hmmm).
Buckster fills in Daisy on his confrontation with the Squire quietly enough that no one else hears. Daisy then turns to Sly and says she hopes they can be civil. Sly is like, “Sure Ms. DUMPSTER.” They’re the kind of exes who know exactly how to hurt each other but are also super open to being hurt. Emotional glass cannons is how Brennan describes it. 
Buckster is given a note by Harding from Squire Badger and, once dinner is over, he takes Daisy off to the side to read it. Gangie follows, unseen. Ian, who recently prayed to God and got not super clear results goes to talk to Luecretia to see if maybe ghosts can help him instead. She is, as usual, not super helpful but does rush out to get her very necessary ritual dagger and declares to everyone that if anyone sees a ghost they have to tell her. As she says this, there is a flash of lightning and, through the window, Sylvester sees just for a moment the form of his nemesis, Fletcher Cottonbotton (who is by the docks).
Anyway, Buckster reads the note. It’s a document from the Squire selling his interest in BB Industries (Buck’s oil company) to Hazel Hogswallop who is another small shareholder in BB Industries. But, in doing so, it names Josiah Jackrabbit (one of his competitors) her proxy which means he’ll be able to vote on things (and with a lot of power with all that stock).  The contract was written in fresh ink which means (1) it was probably written after their fight and (2) hasn’t been mailed yet (I smell a heist attempt). Buck rolls insight on the writing (mastermind rogue ability) and with a 27 senses that the Squire has gone off his rocker. This isn’t going to make him any money. Josiah doesn’t have enough liquid cash to pay him what this is worth. And the thing with Hazel would have taken time to set up. This has been in the works for a while and he’s been sitting on it until the time was right. And he senses, like Sly and Gangie did earlier, that someone besides the Squire is pulling the strings. 
Then Gangie suddenly hears Constance’s distressed voice through the pipes from upstairs: “Father you’re possessed! You’re a mad man! This will never work. Speak of this to me never again.” And she slams the door (Buck, Daisy, and Gangie all hear). Constance comes downstairs and Squire Badger follows, looking upset. Mrs. M checks in on him too see if he’s eaten and he kind of gruffly has her follow him (along with Mr. Harding) into the drawing room.
There is a scream. Something drops. Silence. Footsteps. A door opens. Then a voice, “My God!”
Everyone rolls initiative. Ian moves first and, upon hearing all the commotion, gathers everyone together to go towards the sound (interesting choice but sure). Daisy recognizes that the scream heard was Mrs. M but barely knows who she is. She goes towards the commotion anyway. Gangie also goes towards the scream. Buckster grabs his gun (well he says “weapon”, but it’s gotta be a gun, right?) and makes like he’s following her but actually hides. Lars and Sylvester go towards the scream. 
With everyone gathered, Ambrose opens the door. Inside they see Mrs. M, her hands covered in blood (my guess? From trying to stop the bleeding), kneeling on the ground over the dead body of the Squire. The room is a mess and stuff is scattered everywhere. There is a bloody knife in the Squire’s hand and a stab wound over his heart. Ms. M, who is distressed as hell, says there was something wrong with him. There was a flash, and she looked down and he was stabbing himself. Everyone thinks this is suspicious as hell. She was the only one in the room. Everyone looks to Sly, the famous detective who is not in the presence of a murder case in progress. What does Sly say? “Lady Lucretia. I’ve seen a ghost.”
Case Notes
I have to acknowledge how ON FIRE Grant was this episode. Like everyone was. Buck was great with the Squire. Daisy and Lars sniping at each other was fun. But man Grant had so many good lines. The “move your nose”. The heartbreak with Daisy (ugh, so sad!) And that blackout line!!! I am biased towards foxes as you can see from my avatar so I am very here for this great fox rep.
Based on the way their staredown went last ep I kinda thought Daisy was the wronged party but ugh. Slyyyyyyy. He forgave herrrrrrr. And he still went to the alter. Daisy how you could youuuuuuu?
Also, sigh, Fox and the Hound. I keep getting hit with these after the fact. 
I loved Rekha’s “Of the Chase Sapphire’s?” improv.
That racoon/mink line was so sleazy. Weird compliment but Brennan is good at being animal-racist. Sidenote, Daisy makes a comment about being careful being a fox in England which I presume is a ref to fox hunting and like the implication of that are como se dice troubling. 
Here are all the new NPCs for this ep and here’s a full NPC guide that also includes the list of names Gangie gave Buck which Buck shares with Daisy this ep.
And on that topic I can’t get over the concept of a married couple named Millie Molton and Mollie Milton. Like, did they get married solely for the bit???
The best Ian-ism of the ep was him talking about getting rejected from Siberia. Poor guy.
Fave OOC moment was everyone at the table getting aggressively patriotic in response to the Squire being dismissive to Buck. There is nothing funnier than someone singing a purposefully overwrought version of I’m Proud to Be An American. 
“It’s 2020 for us bitch!”
The moment Mrs. M said she was gonna make Gangie a sweater I was scared for her. Sweaters take a long time to get made. I was like oh no. The plot is gonna stop you from making that sweater isn’t it. I’m willing to be proven wrong (Brennan loves his maids with secrets, see: Cathilda) but she seems super sweet and if anything happens to her I’m going to be upset. 
What’s behind the painting Brennan. I know there’s a door. I know this house is full of secret tunnels and revolving bookshelves and all that. Let me see it!
One great little moment was when there was a flash of lightning and the minis for Sly and Lars like stop motion moved to look at it. Just great attention to detail. The work that gets put into this show is incredible.
Edit: A note I forgot to mention. There’s gotta be a secret door in the room where it happened, right? Like, creep in, flash of light to mess up her vision, do some shenanigans, peace out.
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sketchofsun · 3 years
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Portrait of Dilip Kumar.
#dilipkumar #dharmendra #rajeshkhanna #rajkapoor #bollywood #rekha #amitabhbachchan #hemamalini #sairabanu #jeetendra #govinda #dimplekapadia #zeenataman #vinodkhanna #parveenbabi #rishikapoor #vyjayanthimala #jayaprada #sridevi #devanand #amritasingh #madhubala #anilkapoor #meenakshiseshadri #mithunchakraborty #neetusingh #sunnydeol
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rareselectmodels · 7 years
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When your man says something dumb you just have to look at him like. #REKHA Knows. • • • • #aesthetics #art #inspiration #fashion #photography #styling #beauty #beautiful #film #travel #studio #editorial #style #inspo #create #creativity #artist #portrait #portraitphotography #magazine #model #design #📷 #likeforlike #london #life #bollywood #classic #actress
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crackedvertebrae · 7 years
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Rekha Garton
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kunalsoriginals · 4 years
Pearls of Wisdoms for Pakis
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Beloved Janta of Pakistan,
I would also like to share a secret with you, which you might never apprehend from a person from any other country, especially from an Indian. We LOVE YOU, We are obsessed with you. We enjoy infatuation comparable to that of a 14-year boy who has one on a girl living in his neighborhood, like that teenager whose heart warms up with the girl's sight. Still, he tends to tease her or plays whimsical pranks on her. It is his way of showing his affection.
Accept it, my fellow former Countrymen, you guys are in deep love with us as well. I have felt it first-hand. You folks love watching our Movies and fantasy our starlets. Sing Bollywood songs while proposing to your love. Ache to enjoy Mumbai and Delhi's nightlife. Some of you would even love to reside permanently here for a better future. There is also constant discrimination in every viewpoint; it may be Cricket or politics; in all honesty, you think of our day and night.
Keeping this indefinable affection for each other aside for a while, there is a bitter revelation that you people will have to accept and even feed it in the brains of the future generations to come. I am sure that maximum people over your side of the border should by now have conceded that India will never ever surrender Kashmir in your Lap. It won't be possible in at least another century ahead.
You see, in the manner where India's GDP had expanded from 10 Thousand Crores in the 1950s to more than 10 Lacs Crores in 2019, our sentiment of Nationalism has additionally, grown in a comparable pattern. There was a phenomenal hike in this feeling after India's general elections 2014 onwards; the reason for such an increase is unknown to me. So, the moral is, with such a vast Nationalism level in the hearts of the Aam Janta here, I don't think so parting away an inch of land to anyone would be possible.
Won't it look dishonorable for us in the front of the entire world if we lose the land to you guys who are quite behind then us in all the aspects? You will have to accept that technically both our countries are 73 years old this year. Over this side of the border, we have gradually upgraded in all aspects a Nation has to grow. I could virtually challenge you in where you guys can prove to be better in any improvement zone. This is the land wherein the year 1981 Indian Actor Amitabh enacted on the evergreen song "Dekha Ek Khawab " and his Dame Rekha in the movie Silsila hence parting away with Kashmir is painful to us as it will not only hurt our Ego and furthermore offer grief to Amitji.  
Forget the BJP led NDA, Even the Congress-led UPA cannot think of such a gormless deal. The primary reason is that they want to come into power next term too to provide Public service. Now you people only tell which government will be such dimwits to kick their own rear and be signed on the history textbook of 10-year-old kids as the People who gave away Kashmir.
Realize this, Pakistani Government, Your Army and also ISI can't withhold the idea of getting the region of Kashmir in your Nation's Map, even they know that your national flag will never rise in Capital of Srinagar but since it was an Inaugural Political Agenda when your Country was created in where the principal objective of this agenda was to collect vote from you guys and funds from other countries in the name of Kashmir. It is their lollypop for you fellows that their respective parties if came in power, an ideal environment will be created where; a newly wedded couple from Lahore can drive to Srinagar for their honeymoon without a stamp on their Passport and enjoy a bite of Kashmiri Apple laying in the front deck of a Shikara in Dal Sarovar. It's All Fake, acknowledge it, and move on.
So to my Indian friends,
There was a massive inspiration for me to compose this article. It was shocking that it came from the other side of the border. In the great Indian lockdown of 2020, I who was ideally workless like many of us all, I went through many videos of this Pakistani Newsreader and Political Debate Show Host Dr. Fiza Akbar Khan on YouTube. By her venomous language, the passion for thrashing India and people over here and that high pitched voice made me think of another Indian Debate Show Host.  I am convinced that they are unquestionably biologically related to each other. So I should not have a problem with her blabbering rubbish towards my Country as her Bhaiya here likewise.  
But I have to admit that her language did hurt me because, unlike her Bhaiya over there who trashes Pakistan in the English language, she uses Urdu, which sounds quite similar to the Hindi language to illuminate unpleasant garbage, the reason is entirely psychological for me being hurt. For example, If somebody calls you a Motherfucker, you might not be offended in the same manner if you are called Madar***d (Pardon my Language).
This Pakistani Anchor goes on and on that How Poor, Uneducated, Physically and Mentally Weak, Shelterless, we Indians live in this Country where our economy is going into the drain. We are foolish people to elect Shri Modi as PM of our Country and that too twice. There is a vast level of discrimination on minorities over here. The world's biggest Democracy is over. In the distant future, if Kashmir is not given to them its freedom, then Islamabad will be the next capital of Pakistan and India.
Can you believe this, she has mentioned all this on her show and that too in a language which can easily pierce in our heart. Let's not get also angered about this and start calling her names. She is just doing her job. She is giving favored content to people of over there what her Bhaiya is doing over there.
As pragmatic as I can get about whatever she says on her show about us, I just can't accept it, I am too egoistic as an Indian to even reply or curse on her Video on YouTube comment section. Hence, I planned to dedicate this entire blog to Dr. Fiza Khan, whom I seriously don't mean to offend as Women, her Nation, and especially not her Religion and would like to give her some advice.
Avoid Echoing about Nukes: A round of applause towards Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan for building Nuclear Weapons, a program from a stolen uranium centrifuge design and a network of grey-market suppliers. But stop jabbering in your show that Pakis can nuke India in case a War erupts between us. Even If Jinnah Sahab from Heaven above commands your Arm Force to it, they will effortlessly deny his orders and don't stress. We likewise won't squander our atomic weapon on you. These weapons are like those expensive Portraits which you can proudly hang in your Living Room, but can't take it out on a date. Stop even using the word Nuke in your show.
Comparison between the PMs: PM Imran Sahab seems to be a jolly good fellow who also appears to try to administrate better than any other PMs or Military leaders of your Country. Let me tell you bluntly that there is no comparison with his Counterpart over here; in fact, he even doesn't stand anywhere nearby India's previous Prime Minister.    
Paki's Diplomatic Policies Debacle: This is a typical miscue. You and many colleagues of you have repeatedly misguided your Citizens that Pakistan can easily use the benefit of its diplomatic relationship with a few First World Country and pressurize India on Kashmir Issue. Well, Honey, This is an open challenge to your PM, along with Mr. Qureshi Sahab go to any so-called super Power for assistance or call end numbers of meeting in OIC ( Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ). Nobody will be ready to intervene in the Valley issue for one of the main reason, Why would any country create enmity with the Country will more than 100 Million Population which is a significant business open doors for their corporates.
Playing Second Fiddle: I initially watched your Debate show of earlier years. You always mentioned the US as your elder brother and will still stand next to you along with Saudi Arabia. These were the two countries which you saw as your personal ATM. Lately, these ATM machines stopped removing Cash and Kinds, which they earlier showered on your Country, so you bashed them and accused both these Super Power for adultery. These started leaning towards us. Then you went to China and become a Virtual Puppet who dances on their tunes. Now the problem arises that the entire world started forming against your elder brother and accused them as the creator of the Pandemic of 2020. So you began a rigid assembly against them as well, and now your nation is in an arrangement for another development with Malaysia and Turkey. Understand this dear Fiza ben that in distant future you will have to abuse these two countries also while your government will go and beg to some other countries, maybe North Korea.
Last but not least, which I have already mentioned why Kashmir will never be part of Pakistan earlier in the blog. Read repeatedly till the concept is glued by heart, and if possible, explain it to your people there.
Defense products will be purchased in the name of Kashmir. For Fiscal Year 20-21 Defense expenditure of Pakistan is 1,289 Billion Dollars. India's expenses on the same would be around 66 Billion Dollars. Can you believe these Figures? This Moolah could otherwise be used in Infrastructure and improving the lifestyle of citizens of the respective Country. Civilians and Soldiers' blood will be shed on the name of Kashmir. Approximately 120000 deaths have been registered since 1989, which also includes unsympathetic deaths of militants and terrorists. Television Media will go on with Live debates inviting aficionados and enthusiasts to increase their TRP on the name of Kashmir. Newspapers and magazines will publish viperous articles vocalizing each other's blame for being troublemakers on Kashmir's name. Many commercial Movies and Web Series will also be produced on Kashmir's name. Still, by endeavoring all means of Peace or War, this dream of some of yours will never be fulfilled.
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kaimariephoto · 5 years
Rekha Garton
              I can’t remember how exactly I came across the work of Rekha Garton but I do remember seeing her work and instantly being in love. No work I had seen before made me feel the same way hers did. Something about the colours and the lighting made me feel both happy and at peace yet careful and slightly off kilter. It was so interesting that I had to follow her and see more of her work, learn more about this style and what she used it for.
              Each one of her images tells a whole story in a single shot which is so impressive as for most photographers it takes more than one to truly communicate the whole plot. Whilst she does photograph models her big start came with a self-portrait she had done when she was young. From reading her blog (which unfortunately is no longer active) it turns out an image she uploaded on some random stock website was used as a book cover without her ever realising! Imagine just walking around one day and seeing an advert for a book with your image on the cover, what a wild thought. This is how she started out and it is honestly really interesting to me. Her work has the kind of style that I want, this weird almost dark aesthetic made from stories within her own head that she brings to life with these amazing stills. For years I was stuck with what use images like mine could ever have, they are pretty yes but what kind of commissions would I get that match my style and what could I do with the images I already had? Rekha Garton had the answer. Book covers!
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              She is also incredibly talented in her post production not to mention her ability to create a cohesive and identifiable style. When you look at her work you can so clearly tell it is hers. Between the styling of the shoots that she often does herself and the colouring of the images you can instantly recognise an image as hers. This isn’t to say that she is 2D in the work that she is creating and that she never branches out. In her use of Photoshop she knows when to mix it up and get creative. The images that look like glitches of a laptop are all artfully created by her to match a theme in her head and it always yields amazing results. It is a simple yet powerful knowledge she possess that makes her one of the best photographers I have seen.
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              Working with Arc Angel Agency, she has amassed a portfolio of over 1000 images and a great reputation. Her work is largely historical and can be seen on period books, romance ones especially and they get people reading the books they are on all across the globe. She does also do a lot of thriller inspired stuff which is more to my tastes as a horror/thriller fan. She makes use with what she has around her, often photographing in fields and the woods near where she lives and using her own wardrobe. It is this kind of creativity that I greatly admire as being a broke student you often don’t have access to the ornate costumes that more seasoned professionals might be able to get their hands on.
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              I guess the reason I love her work so much and why it inspires me so much is because she makes it seem attainable. Too often I look at others work or interviews and they talk about being picked up by some major client and how it was just dumb luck, almost like it was easy. Rekha Garton feels more real, she is honest in her struggles and it shows in her work and I appreciate that greatly.    
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newprostudio · 3 years
A glance into the beautiful traditional wedding of Srinath & Rekha Congratulations to the happy couple! May your life together be filled with unforgettable moments ! The highest happiness on earth is marriage. #Prostudio #Srinath #Rekha #cinematography #newprostudio #prostudioevents #davangere #prostudiobengaluru #photography #wedding #couplegoals #weddingdress #weddingphotography #photoinspiration #candidphotography #indianwedding #video #prostudiovideo #weddingday #cinematic #cinematicvideo #nammadavanagere #nammaphotography #weddingstories #weddingvideo #celebration #destinationwedding #dreamwedding #instawedding #marriage #perfectday #weddingphotographer #weddingphotography #weddingplanning #weddings #AllYouNeedIsLove #BetterTogether #TiedTheKnot #PerfectPair #justmarried #JustTheBeginning Portrait | Wedding Photography | Best Candid Wedding Photographers | Model photography | Drone photography | Wedding & Event planners | Aerial photography | Newborn photography | Best wedding Photographers in Davanagere https://bjli.in/Prostudio ►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prostudioevents/ ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prostudio_official07/ ►Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBEHy1OvS8Dpn0tjIb3aMyw ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/newprostudio ►Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/newprostudio ►Tumblr : https://newprostudio.tumblr.com/ ►nodiswamy : https://nodiswamy.com/@newprostudio ►Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/newprostudio
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