#And how cute is the bear 😭😭😭😭
thebearer · 2 days
carmen walking in on you working on your laptop while amchovys watching old garfield on the large ass tv 😭
this is just too cute! i had to make it a little blurb <3
"Baby," Carmen called, pulling his keys from the door with a hard yank. He was counting down the days until you two moved out and into your new home, away from this apartment and all it's questionable fixtures.
Carmen could hear you before he could see you, piles of boxes filled with your belongings blocked his vision. Maneuvering carefully through the cardboard boxes, moving into the living room.
"Hey, baby," Carmen hummed, tossing his backpack onto the small table, the only space voice of boxes.
"Hey, Bear," You cooed back, voice still a little distracted. He knew he'd find you, hunched over your laptop, clicking and clacking away on your laptop.
His chest warmed at the nickname, a tiny flush in his cheeks. "Still workin'?"
"Just finishing up." You turned when he came into view, smiling at his post work state- curls wild from a day in the kitchen, matted from the ball cap he'd tucked them under. "How was your day?"
Carmen leaned down, lips catching yours in a soft kiss. "Long," Carmen sighed. He could've melted into you at that moment, exhausted from the day, and your lips just felt so good. Instead, he stood, running a hand over your shoulder sweetly.
"'M sorry." You gave him a soft pout. "Is it the new hires? The critics?"
"Yeah, I mean, some of it- yeah. Sugar's pissin' me off too. Keeps bitchin' at me to- Is that," Carmen did a double take, blinking over at the TV screen, then back at Anchovy, lounging in his scratch tower watching the screen.
Carmen grinned. "Is that Garfield?" He snorted lightly. "Fuckin' Garfield?"
"Yeah," You frowned at him playfully. "That a problem?"
"Seems a little obvious, babe." Carmen looked over at Anchovy, laughing at the little cat who had yet to stop watching the cartoon.
"He likes it." You grinned smugly. "He loves Garfield. I always put it on for him, so I can work without him trying to jump on my head or lay across my laptop every five seconds."
"Y-You do this a lot?" Carmen snickered. "This a daily thing?"
"Yeah," You grinned, moving your laptop to the side, sinking your knees into the couch, raising to meet Carmen. "We do a lot of things while you're at work, Daddy." Your eyes narrowed with mischief that had Carmen flushing.
"Stop that." Carmen muttered, swallowing around the growing lump in his throat when your nails raked over his chest. "I-I'm gonna take a shower. Then I'll make some dinner, alright?"
You hummed, fingers trailing up towards the neckline of his shirt. You could feel the heat of his blush burning through the cotton. "Mm, I think I'll join you." You purred lightly.
"Yeah?" Carmen leaned into your touch, hands grabbing at your arms. "What're you gonna do with Chovy?" He nodded towards the small cat, who was going through a painfully irritating clingy stage with you. Every time you and Carmen tried to be alone, just the two of you, Anchovy was chirping, yowling, crying until you relented and let him in.
"He's good." You looked over your shoulder at Anchovy. "He's watching Garfield. He's locked in. He won't even realize we're gone."
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musette22 · 2 days
Do you remember that video of Sebastian having that giant Teddy bear delivered to the kid who played his son in a movie (I believe)? It's honestly so sweet that he did that and then he's using the tiniest scissors to cut the wrapping of a gigantic bear...adorable 🤩 do you think of what Chris' reaction would have been to someone showing him that video?
Oh honey, do I remember that video 😭 It's just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life, I think about it so often it's a little embarrassing 🥺🧸 I'd never noticed how tiny the scissors were though, that just makes it extra cute 😭😭 And I also just noticed that he's still holding the scissors when the kid runs up to hug him, which is why he hugs him a little awkwardly because he's trying so hard not to accidentally hurt him 🥺 I'm sorry, but this is just in a whole new league of adorableness aaahhhh.
Oh, and Chris would've absolutely died at seeing this video, I have no doubt! Just like the rest of us poor, smitten mooks. Yet more proof that Sebastian is just the sweetest kid on the planet 🥹 (though the actual kid gives him a run for his money here 💗)
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spocks-kaathyra · 2 months
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my second born son <333
taking suggestions for who to make next!!
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shiro-sideblog · 4 months
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saltynsassy31 · 1 month
I was supposed to do more with this, but I am so beyond exhausted, this is all I can offer XD
This was supposed to be for the half-time win, too, so I'm HELLA late to this XD
🐇🍡Go, Team Bunny!🍡🐇
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I genuinely had hoped for us to win, but alas, what else should I have expected? XD
Regardless, we did well! And Frye is proud of you for just sticking around! And she thanks you for your service. All she hopes is that you all had fun! (Which I certainly did hehe)
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Not sure how hot a take this is but Twelve had the best regeneration sequence (at least in NuWho) by a landslide like good fucking god
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theflyingfeeling · 3 months
hi hello, @kraeuterhexchen and I have created something really adorable and we hope you'll like it because we had so much fun creating it all and yeah, pls let us know what you think 🥺👉👈
fic written by yours truly, the original story idea and STUNNING illustrations by @kraeuterhexchen 💖
Olli is a med school student struggling to make ends meet. He's not going back to the burger place (the smell of sizzling minced meat patties still made him want to vomit) and Joonas' suggestion is out of the question (Olli still wants to make his mum proud), so he becomes a children's party entertainer, because anyone can learn a few silly magic tricks to amaze a bunch of sugar-high kids, right? Well, not quite, but he does manage to amaze someone though...
Starring Olli as an amateur magician, Aleksi as the man of his dreams, Joonas as the amazing friend he always is, and Johnny as a DILF (literally).
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bitfruity · 6 months
why has it been so tame lately? what happened to showing ass and squaring over dildos? he was moaning for santa to come a couple days ago
and then santa comes and that’s it?? i’m gonna need more than that babe😩
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druidberries · 8 months
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petal has never known what she wanted to do for a career, and at this point, she didn't care. she's just moved to the city alone and she's broke as a joke, so when she found an opening at some secret agency, she jumped on the opportunity! who knows where this will lead 😅
previous // next
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jrueships · 9 months
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my wawa..
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crimsonkenjii-writes · 10 months
Oh my goooosh!!! Is this what you receive when you buy the teddy bear??? I WANT IIIITTTTT ♡
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dylanconrique · 1 month
gabby: "i wanna be detailed to arson" 🥺
boden: "why? why do you wanna leave me?!" 😠
gabby: "i-i'm pregnant!" 😨
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gorillaxyz · 2 months
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hes literally meeeeeee
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kdsburneraccount · 1 year
mina kimes in chargers schedule release i win
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bear-cubs-art-things · 10 months
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sungwanns · 6 months
ox tomorrow I feel hazy
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