#And like... Then he goes into TXF and meet a curly haired boy that turns his fucking world upside down
theirloveisgross · 8 months
wait wdym chicago it's about hannah? 👀
oh, that's just my theory, anon. and i believe a few other people's as well.
it just makes so much sense to me, with all we knew about them back then. and i believe we don't know anything about hannah in recent years... so, who knows where she is, how she's doing, etc etc.
louis has also said it's about someone (duh), and when he played the album for jojowright everyone was like 'omg who's this about?' but obviously he wasn't gonna say.
now, naming it chicago... that's classic louis behavior. he knew EVERYONE was gonna focus on the city AND make the connection to danielle, etc etc. i mean, hannah could be living in chicago for all we know, tbh.
just- really listen to the lyrics and think about their relationship. to me the line about knowing someone's number is one of the biggest clues... because back then you knew people's numbers by memory. sure, there were cellphones that stored contacts and stuff already, but- you had to be there, hajshajs. i still remember a few phone numbers that no longer work... and louis is only 2.5 years younger than me, so...
alright, this was meant to be a short answer... but i got carried away. i love this song a lot, and in this context it gives me so much warmth too. they did love each other... they were, like, best friends! but... IT JUST WASN'T MEANT TO BEEEEEEEEEE.
because gay.
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Honorable Mention Larry Fics of 2016 Part 1
These are the fics that didn’t originally make the Top 25 Larry Fics List of 2016. The original list was published according to kudos. These are fics that I consider underrated and I hold very close to my heart or just barely made the cut for the last list. Unlike the last list, this one is in no particular order. I encourage everyone to add to this list if they don’t see their favorites mentioned.
-Bloodline by @banana-louis (177k)
Louis doesn't know how to feel when his best friend, Liam, finds out about a brother that he never knew, who was placed for adoption before he was born and is bursting into his life at twenty-four years old.
Louis is very wary of the man who might replace him. He has always thought of Liam as his own brother.
What if Liam doesn't need him anymore? What if there's no room for Louis? After all, blood runs thicker than water.
Louis doesn't like Liam's new brother and he doesn't even know him. That's irrelevant, though.
He doesn't like him. He doesn't trust him. He doesn't want him hanging around. He doesn't want anything to do with him.
That is, until he meets him.
-All My Sense Come to Life (Cause You’re the Only One) by @larryismyotpuniverse (20k)
"I swear your life is a cheesy rom com."
"Oh and yours isn't?" Liam banters back, voice going deep like he's narrating a film. "Punk boy leaves home in search of something new. He never though he'd find love with the boy who wears crop tops and heeled boots. They pine after each other for a ridiculous amount of time until the best, most attractive character, Liam, comes to the rescue - "
"Really Liam?"
"Okay, okay. Point is, you and him, you're meant to be."
-For All the Things My Hands Have Held (The Best by Far Is You) by @mytinylou (3k)
“When will we sleep for more than three hours uninterrupted?”
“Eighteen more years,” Louis replies jokingly, his laughter rumbling through Harry’s body. “We’ll get through it.”
“The dream team,” Harry says, and Louis pulls him in closer.
Or, the one where Harry worries about raising two kids, but Louis knows they'll always be okay.
-Just Lucky by @mysticbelievexx (13k)
Jay looked uncharacteristically thrilled by her daughter’s latest choice of boyfriend but that could be because the guy was smiling at her in, what could only be described as, a charming manner. Louis inexplicably found himself wishing that smile was directed at him.
Harry couldn’t possibly be his soulmate…could he?
-Let Me Tear Down Into Your Heart by @aimhkink (1k)
Louis likes to pretend he's going into labour, but Harry doesn't.
-It Starts and It Never Fades Away by @mytinylou (4k)
“Niall told me I should put an ad out in order to get a date, and it’s three days before Valentine's Day, so everyone is already gonna have a date, but to get him to shut up, I’m doing this.” Louis turns his computer to face Harry, revealing the word document where he’s typed out the most ridiculous, unappealing, horrifying letter he can think of. “This’ll get Niall to fuck right off, I reckon.”
Or, Louis puts out a flyer to help him get a date he absolutely doesn't want. He gets more than he bargained for.
-Some Promises Are Meant to Be Broken by @miniature-lou (15k)
“Just come back in one piece yeah?”
“You know I always will.”
or. Louis is Spiderman and there is something that could break his and Harry’s only promise.
-Catfish: The TV Show - Louis and ‘Curly’ by Mie1412 (24k)
Minutes went by and Louis got more and more restless. What if Harry wasn’t coming? Had something happened? Had he changed his mind? What if he just didn’t want to meet Louis anyway? Louis wouldn’t be able to bear it. He was so close now. He had to show up.
“Louis…” Nev then suddenly said and Louis looked up, his erratic heartbeats being the only thing he could hear.
[Or, Louis have been talking with Curly for three years. It's now up to Nev and Max to finally bring them together.]
-Taste on My Tongue by @bethaboolou (77k)
Louis Tomlinson, second place winner on TXF four years ago, is looking to reinvent his career.
Harry Styles is a baker who is desperate for a bakery of his own.
Louis doesn't bake. Or cook. Or know how to use an oven.
Take Louis. Take Harry. Add in a heaping cup of sexual tension. Another cup of delicious (and not so delicious) food. A smidgen of competitive spirit. A dash of hopes and dreams. And you get Kitchen Wars, a TV show that promises to be the must-watch event of the fall.
-Tell Me What You Want by @alienproof (10k)
Based on the following prompt:
"Harry is looking for a new roommate after Liam moves in with his girlfriend. After a few bad dates he’s done with men for the moment and wants to concentrate on school. That’s why he’s looking for a female or a straight male roomie. When Niall tells Louis about the free room he leaves that little detail out. Louis, desperately looking for a room, pretends to be straight, thinking it would be easy, until he discovers that Harry likes to be naked at home. His best female friend posing as his girlfriend doesn’t work very well either."
-If My Heart Was A Compass, You’d Be North by @cheekiestcheeky, @heartsoftlouis (55k)
All Louis really cares about is his skateboard, tattoos, football, and his family. He has a job that he (mostly) loves and a (small) handful of good friends, and at 24 he is pretty content with his life... until he nearly crashes into a boy with wild curls and cratered dimples, he begins to think maybe he's been missing something he never knew was missing. That missing piece is apparently big enough for two.
[Or the one where punk Louis likes to think he’s not clumsy, but he suspects he’ll have to accept it when he falls face first into a relationship with a head full of curls and his tiny human.]
-Like Safety and Home by @illouminating (5k)
Harry pulls Louis into a tight tight hug once the cameras have gone away. Louis holds on for longer than she needs to. Harry doesn’t let go either. She smells like suncream and saltwater and strawberry body spray and Louis doesn’t think she’s ever loved someone’s smell more.
-Just Like a Tattoo (I’m Falling For You) by zayndotcom (2k)
Harry shut the apartment door behind him, shaking his hair and the negative aura out. Who cares what Zayn thinks anyway? He wasn't the one who had the phrase, Are those fucking flamingos on your shirt, mate?, permanently tattooed onto his body so his opinion was irrelevant. It was a strange time growing up with that tattooed on him. There was a lot of explaining he had to do in school, but it's not like he could do more than just shrug his shoulders and say, "Soulmate mark?"
in which harry and louis are soulmates and their first words arent the most... romantic ones.
-Second Time’s the Charm by @cherrystreet (8k)
Louis’ mother is convinced she met her son’s soulmate at the market. Louis is extremely hesitant to go on the blind date she’s set up, but she’s persistent, begging and pleading, pulling out all the stops. After all, mothers do know best.
(Or maybe they don’t.)
-Take Me Higher Than I’ve Ever Been by @crimsontheory (51k)
Harry is pretty simple. He goes to work everyday, comes home, then watches Netflix with his cat. And if he happens to have a tiny little crush on his coworker, then that’s just his own business.
[Or the one where Harry and Louis work together and Louis starts to notice Harry back. Featuring a wedding, a sassy cat, and first times.]
-You and You Are Sure Together by @churchrat (48k)
“I’m sorry to bother you twice in one day,” Harry says, settling on Louis’ beanbag—thankfully clear of dirty socks, as Louis had become keenly aware of his room’s being a tip after Harry’s stumbling departure and had gone on one of his intermittent tidying sprees right after he’d left, which consist mostly of shoving clothes into the hamper and papers into his rucksack or one of his desk drawers. Louis’ never been all that good with cleaning. He’d skipped lunch (which is absolutely not a problem) so thankfully all the dishes are clean, including the mug he’s designated for his residents in need of tea during a crisis.
Which—right, Harry’s here. Again.
- AU. The first day of fall term, Louis hits one of his residents in the face with a door. Later that day, said resident seeks refuge after a fight with his roommate.
It becomes a thing.
And then it becomes something else.
-Fallin’ Into You, Falling For Each Other by @therosiestofdaggers (20k)
After years of not trusting Slytherins- even though he and Harry constantly bump into each other, almost like fate- Louis puts aside his inter house bias when his younger sister is sorted into that very house, meanwhile those feelings of hate for Harry change rather quickly.
or the Hogwarts Au nobody asked for.
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