#And more Kamen riders and super Sentai
ojamayellow · 11 months
listen, if people push me to watch a show multiple times then I'm never EVER gonna watch it :))
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aliencatart · 8 months
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a gathering of some dragon guys
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biomic · 8 months
Hi! I see a lot of screenshots and such from your blog for things like (I believe) Kamen Rider(?) I might be wrong please forgive me if so. I have always had a sort of vague interest in sentai media but never knew good hopping on points, do you have any personal recommendations for where an absolute beginner might jump in to watch shows like that?
if you're interested in tokusatsu, you can really start anywhere that looks cool or interesting to you! most seasons, aside from some anniversaries and the very rare sequel show, are pretty self-contained for the most part. diehard fans will make a big deal out of "good and bad starting points" but the truth is every show has been someone's first and hooked them on the genre, even the "bad" seasons (the poor quality of which is often exaggerated by fandom anyway) or the experimental entries not indicative of the wider franchise they're part of
but! if you want some real beginner friendly, you'll-probably-have-fun-with-this toku, my go-to recs for The Big Three™:
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if you want to follow a team of heroes grow together as they fight evil in increasingly silly scenarios, super sentai's probably the series for you (and my favorite ^_^)
watch kiramager if you want a straightforward throwback to classic sentai. it's a back-to-basics season that gives you a good baseline of what sentai as a whole can be, while elevated enough by its stellar cast and infectious energy so as to never feel generic
shinkenger takes a more dramatic approach to the usual sentai formula, following a team of samurai recruited to serve under a lord who isn't telling them everything he knows. an incredibly stylish show that's almost sure to leave an impression
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kamen rider began as a tragic hero, kidnapped by the villainous organization shocker and turned into a cyborg against his will, ultimately escaping and using his newfound abilities to put an end to their evil. since the original story, kamen rider has gone through a whole host of various different tones and storylines, arguably becoming the most versatile of the big franchises, though certain elements remain consistent like the near ever-present bug motif or our heroes using powers derived from evil for the sake of good
created in the wake of the 2011 tohoku earthquake disaster, kamen rider fourze was made with the goal to make children smile again, and that desire led to something really special. arguably The Power of Friendship™ show to end all others, and while its upbeat tone might not exactly be in line with Classic Kamen Rider™, it stands as a great entry point thanks to the passion behind it and its clear love for the genre
probably best experienced as blind as possible, kamen rider build is a rollercoaster of a series full of high stakes, mystery, intrigue, and Heated Drama Between Men™. if you want something more serialized that'll keep you on the edge of your seat throughout, build's one of the very best
i also wanna mention kamen rider gotchard, the currently airing series! we're only 8 episodes in at the time of this post, so you could catch up quick while still going through the backlog. very much a back-to-basics season, introducing pokemon-style creatures for our protagonists to catch in addition to the usual superheroics. it's been pretty cute so far :)
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ultraman is a sci-fi series that typically follows a defense team created to defend the earth from aliens and kaiju, aided by the giant of light, ultraman. as opposed to the other two franchises where there's often a serial plot to follow and a centralized villain faction, ultra typically thrives with telling standalone sci-fi stories, usually aligning with a show's overarching theme and often compared to shows like star trek or the twilight zone, though recent seasons have been more willing to switch up the format
ultraman x is for anyone who's ever asked, "but... what if we could be friends with godzilla?" young XiO scientist daichi becomes bonded with the alien ultraman x and work together to protect the earth and fight for a future where humans, aliens, and kaiju can coexist. to me this is like, the platonic ideal of what ultraman is, and a perfect starting point because of it. also features several crossover episodes with past ultra seasons throughout the show, but it's all still very new-viewer friendly and could even entice you to check out some of those shows yourself!
ultraman orb, the 50th anniversary of the series, changes course by making the defense team a background component in favor of following amateur investigators and the mysterious, lone wanderer who's suddenly entered their lives (hint: he's ultraman). another iconic entry in the Heated Drama Between Men Cinematic Universe and a nice balance between ultra's classic status quo and a more modern ongoing narrative
i'd also be remiss not to mention the currently airing ultraman blazar, which i unfortunately have not been able to keep up with due to outside circumstances but have heard NOTHING but glowing praise for. it's simulcast on youtube every week with english subtitles AND an optional english dub!
pretty much all of these can be snagged over at nyaa(.)si, and x and orb can be watched legally over on tubitv(.)com!
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morninkim · 25 days
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When the Hashiryan corrupt the Drive Driver into one of their monsters, Bundorio customizes a new Boonboom Changer to work in tandem with Shinnosuke's Shift Brace and Type Speed Shift Car
Enter BoonDrive!
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the-tubort · 1 year
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t-u-i-t-c · 5 months
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Toku Wrapped 2023 │ Top 5 Relationships - Familial
The Tokiwa Family - Kamen Rider Zi-O The Ogami Family - Kamen Rider Saber The Igarashi Family - Kamen Rider Revice The Hoshikawa Family - Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman The Husty Family - Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
(In no particular order)
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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Flying Magazine Spring/Summer 2014 Issue ft. Gaku Sano, Masato Yano, Yu Inaba & Taiko Katono Fashion Shoot + Short Interviews (translations below)
Gaku Sano
Sano: I love clothes, so I was excited that I got to wear three different outfits this time (laughs). Rather than having a preference for a particular brand, I tend to focus more on the shape and overall image of clothing, so when I have the opportunity, I often go to stores by myself to look for these things. Among the ones I wore for this shoot, I like the dark gray setup the best. Short pants or sarouels with boots are my favorite style!
"Excited to pass the role of a Kamen Rider, which he longed to play! He heads towards Gaim, evolving everyday with passion burning in his heart."
Sano: I truly never thought that I would be able to become the Kamen Rider that I had been so fascinated with as a child, so I was really happy when I was chosen for the role. I have no experience in action, but I'm confident in my physical strength, so I felt like, "Come on, I accept!" and I'd even act out the toughest scenes without doing voice over. I still have a lot to learn, but I want to improve myself and grow little by little, so that when I look back in six months to a year, I'll be able to confidently say that I've grown!
Masato Yano
Yano: Basically, I like simple styles, but I try to bring out their points of interest, whether it be with the pattern or color in one specific place or another. I also like parkas, especially this leaf patterned one I'm wearing, which definitely has a spring like seasonal feel to it! Parkas are not only easy and comfortable to wear, but you can buy them almost anywhere. I once went on set wearing a different parka for an entire week (laughs).
"A young talented actor discovered by Ninagawa Yukio. He continues to be active with appearances in numerous stage plays, dramas, and movies."
Yano: I'll be appearing in three separate films that will release throughout the course of this year, and in the Summer, I'll perform for the third time in a stage play directed by Ninagawa-san. It's been a while since I've worked in a production by Ninagawa-san, so I'm really looking forward to it! Recently, I've started to receive alittle more praise than usual (laugh), so I'll do my best to show you that I've atleast grown alittle.
Yu Inaba
Inaba: I want to wear as little clothing as possible during the course my life (laughs). My favorite style is wearing a single t-shirt! This sukajan is abit unusual for me, but, it's comfortable to wear and fits my look well. It's surprisingly refreshing. I tend to wear mostly black, so I like the monotone look of these items.
"Aiming to become a "highly sought after actor" while growing from his many experiences on doing stage plays."
Inaba: When I entered the Junon Super Boy Contest, I had a very casual mindset, but soon after my debut, I performed in a series of stage performances, where I became more fascinated with the joys of "performing." Recently, I've been cast in many dramas and movies, as well as more stage plays, so I feel as though I'm living a very exciting and fulfilling life. Right now, I cherish these works and encounters with people, but someday, I want to be an actor where people will say, "I want to go just to see him!"
Taiko Katono
Katono: Usually I wear leather jackets and slim pants, so today I went for a fresh, cute, spring like look with a white cardigan. I like cardigans because they're so comfortable to wear. The one I'm wearing isn't too light and is more firm than I expected, so it feels very nice to wear! The color tone is also gentle, it's very "springtime coordinated."
"Aspirations hidden under a cute face. Looking forwars to facing future challenges with a positive outlook!"
Katono: Recently, I was cast in the drama "Team Batista 4: Raden Meikyu", which was a pretty big deal for me. I thought, "I'm going to be apart of that popular series?!" I was so shocked. In this field, I've learnt alot and am reflecting. I think I've grown alittle thanks to it. I hope to gain experience in this way one at a time, and in 10 years, I hope to be an actor with roles that only I am able to play. For this reason, I'll do my best to do these things one by one!
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sophibeans · 11 months
Hi! I wrote a book about a twentysomething burnout henshin hero using their secret identity and homemade power suit to explore their gender and pay the bills through social media! Now I’m posting it online! You should read it!
When early-20s burnout Alice tries to track down the local Portland superheroine Sky Horizon, she finds out that the heroine's true identity is none other than her old classmate Oliver, another early-20s burnout who uses the transformation to volunteer and survives off his Patreon. As he sheepishly explains, he designed the suit after his favorite tokusatsu superhero shows like Kamen Rider or Power Rangers.
When the suit's design gets leaked, however, he'll have to fight in earnest to keep his creation out of unscrupulous hands, and confront parts of himself he didn't think he was strong enough to face.
A YA-ish superhero story about shame, about responsibility, about how loving an idea enough is all you need to make it real.
I plan to update every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday for the next couple weeks- give it a look!
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admrlsnackbar · 10 months
Happy 30th Anniversary, Power Rangers!
It's another special day! Happy 30th Anniversary, Power Rangers!!! I was exactly the right age to become obsessed with my first real exposure to tokusatsu.
MMPR is a huge turning point in my hobbies and interests, pushing me to pursue films, shows, content, and games to voraciously enjoy. Naturally, it got me into Super Sentai and other adjacent shows like Kamen Rider as well.
I was there at the beginning, karate chopping my younger brother in the neck because a man dressed in dinosaur-themed spandex was kicking ass on our TV.
Whether it's the highs of the mid-Disney era, or the lowest lowest of Super Mega Force...I have a fondness for the Power Rangers' franchise and its earnestness. The crew and the teams are all trying their hardest to make colorful explosions to entertain us all.
Meeting David Yost at NYCC meant so much to me, he listened to me ramble about how important his role as Billy was, how helpful it was to see a group of friends that included the shy, less confident kid. He was such a class act, as I'm sure he's heard that a trillion times. I'm so happy he's back in the franchise!
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Happy Anniversary, MMPR! Thank you for the morphs!
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sleepy-bunbun-ace · 11 months
do not think for a second my technical yuusona comes from a normal world. fun fact: i love tokusatsu, specifically ultraman. i may have an au where isekai my favorite ultraman to twst but shhhhhhh.
anyways, yuu comes from the ultraman world. kaiju are a normal occurrence at this point and they actually have the qualifications to join the the defense force against the kaiju since they took the test. he was actually waiting until he was old enough to join but then she got sent to twisted wonderland. it does explain a lack of reaction to a lot of stuff like overblot monsters and magic.
anyways, what i'm trying to say here is that between the powerpoint cater made and peer pressure from their friends in a discord call while said friends were evacuating bc of a kaiju, she made the social media accounts for nrc using his world's social media. oh boy,,,
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kamenwriter · 1 year
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The monsters of the week in King Ohger are suddenly looking a lot cooler. Did they change designers or something?
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Garos and Ultras and Sentais and Riders
Sometimes there even might be a few spiders
Hot men in Spandex all tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things
Kicking and punching and hitting and yelling
You might not think so but it's quite compelling
There's acts of true love that give the feelings
These are a few of my favorite things
Drama between men that can be quite heated
There will be no villains left undefeated
There can be Switches or Medals or Rings
These are a few of my favorite things
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lightningspiral · 1 year
Battle royal of sentiments in my brain regarding a lot of the fandoms I’ve been into for ages:
Sentiment 1: The new version is sterile corporate advertisement
Rebutting Sentiment 1: The version I loved was also sterile corporate advertisement
Sentiment 2: I might have just outgrown this franchise
Rebutting Sentiment 2: But I got into it as an adult or otherwise still liked it as an adult before now
Sentiment 3: Honestly the things I liked about this franchise were tied to its status as children’s entertainment and I’m alienated by the attempts to turn it into something more for adults, I would rather be an adult fan of a franchise for children than an an adult fan of an adultified version of the original text
Rebutting Sentiment 3: But like I still believe that the franchise can be used to tell stories for adults and I have had rapturous enjoyment of other iterations that were for adults
Sentiment 4: Maybe it’s Bad Actually for franchises to just go on forever without breaks and that makes new iterations without sufficient changes feel meaningless so I have no need for them because it’s no longer interesting or daring when they do certain things with it
Rebutting Sentiment 4: The things I’d want from a lot of big franchises are kind of objectively unmarketable ideas that I should write as fanfiction if I really want them to exist
Sentiment 5: There’s also a distinct effect where the sheer number of cool things I could be following is hard to sift through because pop culture has become so fragmented that things that used to stand out no longer stand out, there’s so much good stuff out there that I’m kind of overwhelmed trying to find something new
Sentiment 6: Maybe I’m just tired
Complimenting Sentiment 6: Yeah and people are more interesting than fiction and toy franchises so I’m spending my time well by devoting more of it to the people in my life and it’s OK that I’m not constantly adding to the list of Things I’m Into because life’s pretty good without it
Rebutting Complimenting Sentiment 6: But it would be nice to have a better idea of what’s going on in the general cultural sphere instead of retreating into nostalgia bubbles
Complimenting Rebutting Complimenting Sentiment 6: After all, I gave up on being an academic because I didn’t want to obsess over a bubble and think it was What Was Happening In Culture
Rebutting Complimenting Rebutting Complimenting Sentiment 6: But also who gives a fuck about What Is Happening In Culture when I can just be a happy weirdo
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 2 years
Is anyone gonna tell the yugioh players who think certain cards are Power Rangers that it's actually Super Sentai???
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cowboymantis · 6 months
(And I love them sm)
(Also hate that you can only add one video per post oh well..)
Real btw !!
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the-tubort · 1 year
Ex: (Yes it's Toku cause it's what inspired it) in Kamen Rider Ex-Aid the various toys and props make sounds such as Gashuun or Gashatto which are sometimes either fully translated to what it would mean in English or is kept to a romanization of what is being said. This could also apply to terms that do have translations into your preferred language but could sound awkward literally. Such as Shinkenger uses Ippistsu Soujou as their transformation call which means iirc with these brushstrokes we report to the emperor that also gets shortened to imperial report
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