#And I gotta watch car robots too
ojamayellow · 11 months
listen, if people push me to watch a show multiple times then I'm never EVER gonna watch it :))
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killmeprettypleasee · 6 months
Price x Ftm!lieutenant!Reader general dating hcs pls and tyy
Dating headcanons W/ John Price.
Warning: SFW AND NSFW mentioned, clingy price, mentions of killing someone, slightly possessive Price, switch Price and switch reader.
Before you and Price started dating, the two of you are already close friends, you two joined the military together and trained together back then before you guys are in your current ranks.
He is very sweet to you and supports you being a trans person.
He found out you were trans waaaayyyy back then, and the way he reacts was kinda random..
"Wait.. so your one of those transformers robots????" He looked at you dumbfounded as he scanned the surgery scars on your chest.
He was very confused.. but still supports you!
When someone was being toxic to you he WILL and not hesitate to unalive them.
He loves you too much see😭
He'll give them the coldest death stared making their bones quiver in fear.
He will cuddle you, and be hella clingy.
You both at the halls of the base and he's just hugging you, not caring if anyone is watching.
He would call you to his office to just hold you and have you sit on his lap.
Hell, every once i a while he'll make you skip training just to have you there with him..
He will never let you out of his sight.
You're his sunshine afterall, his Marshmellow to the hot cocoa, his sauce to the spaghetti, his peach to the eggplant (okay thats just weird..)
When you're both at home, he wouldn't let you go out to buy groceries and insisted that he should be the one buying.
He's just scared because he overthinks that someone will kidnap you.
He doesn't even care if you know self-defense 💀
When both of you go out on a date he'll take you out to the beautiful restaurants ever, but he rather keep it simply
He'll even buy you beautiful clothes to match your date.
One time both of you went to a Chinese sea food restaurant that serves raw and fresh sea food.
He bought himself those tentacles cus he wanna try them out.
End up sticking to his face.
Both of you gotta go to the doctor cus the tentacles suction wont let go.
He was traumatized and both of you never went to those fresh sea food restaurant.
After ever date there should a spicy intimate time with him.
He would bend you over when you both in your car or at your house.
Just somewhere private where both of you could fuck.
He loves dominating you, but sometimes he also likes it when you're the one dominating him
He likes it when you overstimulate him till he's a whining mess when you're taking the lead.
You just loos so sexy ontop him while riding his cock while calling him a good boy.
It makes his cock twitch when you do that.
And the way you moan just sends him over the edge.
But when he's the one in control he would bend you over doggy style and hit your prostate head on with his tip.
He absolutely loves when you moan out his name.
Its just so cute.
He likes raw sex.
He wanna make sure to mark your insides aswell your body to show who you belong.
He loves it when your cunt squeezed his cock.
He'll call you a good boy for that.
When both of you are more on the romantic side he'll be gentle and loving with you.
He'll caressed your body and worship you.
He loves touching your scars btw.
He thinks its fascinating.
"God baby.. you're so damn beautiful.. such a handsome boy eh?.." He softly praised against your ear as he touched your scars.
He grunted when your cunt tightened around him.
"You're getting so tight around me baby boy.. such a good boy huh?"
He sometimes think about having a child with you sometimes.
This man has an extreme breeding kink...
Sometimes he'll rub your lower belly while he's fucking you cunt, whispering praises while he day dream of getting you pregnant.
He's glad you have a cunt ngl.
He could just impregnate you anytime..
But you're still a soldier and you still wanna keep the job so he respects that.
He'll wait when he's allowed to Impregnate you.
But he wont stop fucking you raw.
Sooo you have no choice but to go on birth control🤷.
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ameagrice · 6 months
chapter twenty-nine | little talks
percy jackson x fem reader
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“Help me,” you whispered, so lowly you worried it was too low for Travis to hear a thing you said. “I can’t stay here.”
The wind howled wherever he was outside of camp, and car horns blared in the background. Outside of your bedroom, your dad raged in the hallway, steadily making his way to your room. One by one, thick bangs indicated new holes in walls. Rachel was screaming, too, but not in anger—she was pleading with him to stop, as the baby screamed like he never had before.
That had set him off—Finney’s screaming in the night. Maybe it was a nightmare, or maybe he was in pain. Nothing changed. And you had no control over it.
“How far even is Sydney from here?” Travis asked desperately, exhaling slowly. “Like, a day’s flight?”
There was the issue of getting out. Getting here had been easy—your dad’s money; your dad asking for a do-over; your dad’s want. How was it possible to leave now, with ten dollars to your name, Finney in pain, and Rachel alone with him? How would you make it back to the States without his money? Which, he would without a doubt, notice missing.
“You’ve gotta help me,” you whispered helplessly into Rachel’s stolen phone, watching the sea from your bedroom window. It calmly lapped the shore.
Nothing but Travis, poor Travis, and his helpless breathing on the other end of the line.
“I’ll see you soon, Travis,” you uttered softly, taking the phone away from your ear, ending the call with a press of a button, before smashing it over, and over, against the corner of your drawer.
You’d find a way to pay Rachel back for breaking her phone.
As you threw things into a backpack—leggings, toothbrush, favourite plushie and iPod—you muttered aloud to whatever Gods you could think of.
Hermes, for safety, the patron of travellers.
Ares, for the strength your anger gave you, and bravery you needed, hands shaking.
And your mother, to save your life. To watch over you.
They were so into their arguing, nobody noticed you slip out of your bedroom and racing down the stairs, raincoat on, and sneakers messily laced. Every sense in your body screamed run! and your eyes drifted over a hole in the wall with no photograph to cover it just yet. Your bones physically ached to take Finney in your arms and hush him to sleep, to save his poor throat from the soreness that would come from all his terror.
Maybe Rachel would see sense.
Unbelievable to yourself, Ares was the god you prayed to, not stopping at the bottom of the stairs, heading straight for the front door.
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Annabeth’s house was the exact image of happy, and well-lived in. A little kid’s winter coat lay on the floor, and the whole house smelled of cookies. The coffee table in the living room was stacked high with books of all kinds, from wars to fairy tales, the wood stained with what must have been years of being used.
Her dad, for all the bad that Annabeth had said about him, seemed lovely. He seemingly wasn’t fussed about the children’s clothes on the sofa, or the gaggle of random teens in his house…the kind of parent you wished for.
You sighed, eyeing the home. Annabeth didn’t know how good she had it.
Photographs lined up along the walls, and stood in pretty framed on the windowsill. You were sure, almost certain, that if you moved aside the frames on the walls, there would be no holes underneath them, plaster torn through from anger, covered up in odd places with different-sized frames.
Your fingers itched just to see.
There were Lego robots on the stairs, when you turned around to admire the house, and a cat stretched out in a patch of dying sunlight at the bottom of the staircase. Jazz music floated throughout from the kitchen.
You were so jealous, you could have strangled Annabeth for giving this up.
“Dad!” A little boy screamed. You jumped easily. “He’s taking apart my robots!”
“Bobby,” Mr. Chase called absently, “stop doing that.”
“I’m Bobby!” The boy protested. “He’s Matthew!”
“Matthew, don’t take apart your brother’s robots!”
Annabeth’s dad turned to you, looking you over properly. He hadn’t so much as really looked at anyone since inviting you in. “Let’s go upstairs and talk in my study…”
You knew what it was the second that he paused.
“Are you…?” He blinked, wide-eyed. “Do you know my Annabeth?”
The eyes. Always the eyes.
And, Gods, would anyone talk about you like that? Earnestly, and wholeheartedly? Not as a possession to be moved around at will, as you’d experienced, but somebody who was wanted, and very clearly, loved. To belong to somebody with care.
Annabeth was due a lecture. You decided that firmly.
You shifted on your hip, hands in pockets. “She’s my sister.”
He ah’d silently, and then waved his hand briefly to you. “I figured. The—”
“Eyes?” You finished at the same time, and heat spread across your cheeks. “Yeah, I get that a lot.”
Your gaze fell behind Annabeth’s dad, to a pretty Asian woman standing in the doorway of the kitchen. She was taller than you, shorter than Mr. Chase, and her hair—god, you would have died for hair like that—was glossy-looking and tinted red, and she held a pair of kids’ shoes in her hand.
“Who are our guests?” She asked.
“Oh, uh…this is…”
He stared at your group blankly.
“Frederick!” She chided. “You forgot to ask them their names?”
You introduced yourselves a little uneasily, but Mrs. Chase seemed nice. Especially when she offered cookies.
“Dear, they came about Annabeth.”
You weren’t sure what you expected from her reaction-wise, but a simple concerned look wasn’t enough for you. “Alright. Go on up to the study and I’ll bring you some food up.” She smiled. “Nice meeting you, Percy. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
It was as if the blood in your body halted, and a strange feeling overcame you. Without really meaning to, you were sure you pulled a face. Thalia, beside you, snickered quietly.
The ‘study’ wasn’t what you’d expected at all, certainly not for a grown man with children. Then again, perhaps he’d built this just for them. The thought made you feel warm inside, and oddly, spiteful; planes you recognised from history movies dangled on clear string from the ceiling, circling over a home-made demonstration of a fort, all cliffs and grass and the sense of death.
A war, Frederick Chase had built in his home.
You didn’t care much for whatever they talked about behind you; Zoe muttering something about enemy lines, Percy’s butting in, and Mr. Chase’s answering patiently. Instead, your interest piqued at a globe sitting on a tabletop to the side of the room, surrounded by well-loved books, slightly dusty and sitting askew atop of one another. You reached your hand out, and gently pushed the globe around, spinning it idly. Your eyes wandered.
A ratty, once-adored stuffed animal, now vaguely resembling an elephant, sat alone in a corner made by books, staring up at you. Was this Annabeth’s? Had she at one point abandoned this little guy in search of peace the way you had recently done to Finney?
It hurt so bad to think about, that it didn’t bear thinking about at all.
Either way, your heart clenched for your family.
The afternoon light was quickly changing, darkening, and you found the strength to speak up and bring to attention the problems that needed solving—ones that you were not at all prepared to take on any time soon alone. Your mind, for all people praised children of Athena, was not well-equipped for these situations. You weren’t smart enough, you felt.
And it was proving itself to be the case, too.
Just luck something in you persuaded. It’s all just bad luck.
You allowed Percy and Thalia to explain everything to Annabeth’s father, who, after paying great attention to even the side-tracking Percy inevitably talked, collapsed into an old armchair beside the desk you perched on the edge of. He laced his hands, looking worn and stressed.
“My poor brave Annabeth,” he said, quietly.
The cookie in your hand crunched and crumbled all over the desk, and pure bitterness scraped your insides.
“Sir,” Zoe brought you out of your thoughts. “We need transportation to Mount Tamalpais. And we need it immediately.”
He nodded. Mr. Chase blinked at his coffee table, absent in thought. “I’ll take you. Hmm…it would be faster to fly in my Camel. But it only seats two…”
Your mind snapped to attention. “Wait, you have an actual Sopwith Camel just chilling around?”
Mr. Chase nodded as though it was normal as anything. “Down at Chrissy Field. That’s the reason I moved here. My sponsor is a private collector with some of the world’s finest World War I relics in the world. He let me restore the Sopwith Camel—”
“Sir,” Thalia cut in, “a car would be just great. And it might be better if we went without you. It’s too dangerous.”
Mr. Chase visibly deflated in his armchair, frowning uncomfortably. “Now wait a minute, young lady. Annabeth is my daughter. Dangerous or not, I can’t just—”
“Snacks!” Mrs. Chase announced, bustling into the room with a tray of goods.
“I can drive, sir,” said Zoe. “I’m not as young as I look. I promise not to destroy your car.”
Mrs. Chase knit her eyebrows. “What’s this about?”
“Annabeth is in danger,” said Mr. Chase. “On Mount Tam. I would take them…but apparently it’s no place for mortals.”
To your surprise, Mrs. Chase nodded, not questioning it. Maybe she was used to this stuff by now. “They’d better get going then.”
“Right!” He jumped up, and started patting his pockets. “I…need to just get my keys…”
His wife sighed. “Honestly, Frederick, you’d lose your head if it wasn’t constantly in your hat.” Relatable. “They’re downstairs, on the peg by the door.”
Zoe grabbed a sandwich, and you stuffed a couple of cookies in your backpack, uncaring for the crumbs. “Thank you both. We should go. Now.”
Everyone headed for the stairs, Mr. Chase first—he walked quickly with urgency in his steps, and you wandered, would anyone ever act this way for you? Travis, maybe, at some point, if the time ever called for it. He’d shown that he cared. Or at least, you thought he did. Percy, too, who pulled you back-to-back with him earlier, protecting one another.
“Percy!” Mrs. Chase called. You waited at Mr. Chase’s side, at the front door, hands in your pockets. “Tell Annabeth…tell her, she still has a home here, will you? Remind her of that.”
For a second, you closed your eyes, and let yourself be lost in imagination. The sound of happy children playing, standing beside a father who cared, who was light with warmth and love. The feeling of pure safety in the home.
For a second, you let yourself feel this.
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After the car blew up, and you spent a good few minutes with Percy picking car pieces out of your hair and skin, you had thought perhaps nothing else could go wrong.
But this was a quest you were supposed to be a part of, so of course something else did go wrong.
“Silence, fool!” Zoe hissed, pulling Percy and big mouth down behind a rock. “Do you want to wake Ladon?”
“You mean we’re here?” You asked. This was it? The road was shrouded with thick fog, ahead of you, the mountain was even darker.
“Very close,” she said. “Follow me.”
Fog drifted across the road, and shivers crawled up your back. Zoe stepped out into it and disappeared completely.
“Focus on her,” said Thalia. “The Mist is really strong here. Just step into the fog and focus on Zoe.”
Apprehension became you, but you did as she said. Zoe was nowhere to be seen at first, but the more you concentrated on finding her, the dog cleared, and the road became dirt, and the dirt lead to the mountain. And then there was Zoe and Thalia, and Percy just behind you.
Your breath was stolen pretty quickly. The grass was thicker, the sunset a bloody slash across the sky, hues of peach and amber colliding. The summit of the mountain was closer, now, swirling with dark clouds and power above. There was only one path right in front of you, leaden with beautiful flowers and trees, pink blossoms and bright purples you couldn’t name. It lead to a darker forest of shadows and flowers that glowed.
You weren’t sure how you knew, but…
“The garden of twilight,” you muttered. Zoe’s head snapped to you.
The grass shimmered with silvery, dewy light, the flowers such brilliant colours they flowed and lit the darkness around you. Black, polished marble steps danced around a five-storey tall golden apple tree, literal golden apples, glimmering and glowing amongst the rich green leaves.
“Hera’s apples of immortality,” Thalia said lowly. “A wedding gift from Zeus.”
You were tempted to step right up and grab one, except you found the danger quickly.
The dragon, curled around the tree. The dragon, bigger than you could have ever imagined one, and with more heads than it was possible to count. He appeared to be sleeping.
Something in the darkness caught your attention. The shadows began to move, an eerie singing beginning. You clutched your dagger harder.
Four figures appeared, girls in white greek chitons. They were beautiful, and, with a shiver, you noticed they resembled Zoe Nightshade. Or, rather, she resembled them.
“Sisters,” Zoe said with a small sigh.
“We do not see any sister,” one of the girls said coldly. “We see three half-bloods and a Hunter. All of whom will soon die.”
“Don’t worry about being pessimistic,” you muttered. Percy elbowed you, firmly.
“You’ve got it wrong,” he stepped forward. “Nobody is going to die.”
But…you had that feeling again. The one before Bianca. And you couldn’t tell if it was anxiety or foreshadowing. Whichever it was, it made you feel sick, nonetheless, and helpless.
“Perseus Jackson,” one of them said.
“Yes, I do not see how he is a threat.”
“Who said I’m a threat?”
The first girl glanced behind her, toward the top of the mountain. “They are unhappy that this one has not yet killed thee,” she pointed to Thalia. “They fear thee.”
“Tempting, sometimes,” Thalia said. “But no, thanks. He’s my friend.”
“There are no friends here, Daughter of Zeus. Only enemies. Turn back.”
“Not without Annabeth,” she moved forward.
“And Artemis. We must approach the mountain.”
“You know he will kill thee. You are no match for him.” One of the girls scoffed.
“Artemis must be freed. Let us pass.”
“You have no rights here anymore.” Harsh. “We have only to raise our voices and Ladon will wake.”
“He will not harm me,” Zoe shook her head gently.
“No? And what about thy so-called friends?”
Then, Zoe did the last thing you wished she would. She clapped her hands, and yelled. “Ladon! Wake!”
The dragon’s eyes snapped open instantly. He glittered like a mountain of coins, just as everything in your body shivered.
Your heart took cover.
Zoe’s sisters scattered. One of the girls was furious. “Are you mad?!”
“You never had any courage, sister. That is thy problem.”
You’d never seen Zoe so forward, and confident. Confidence outside of your comfort zone was different. But you knew to be confident and strong against your family was a different kind.
Ladon was awake, now, a hundred heads hissing and swirling. You wanted to back up, and leave this place. Zoe, standing ahead of you all, looked up at him with nothing but surety. Thalia had shifted, and Percy was still as anything beside you, the two of you looking with your heads tipped back.
Your lungs chose the awfully wrong time to deflate. Because in the light of the glowing flowers, and the danger on the breeze, Percy’s eyes were bright green, his tan skin aglowing, and his dark hair looked glossier than ever. The perfect edge to his nose, shining ever so slightly. His mouth was slightly agape in—shock? Confusion? Horror?
The most heavenly boy to exist.
“Let’s go,” you decided, the first to make a move.
“Ladon is trained to protect the tree,” Zoe said, moving forward toward the dragon. She raised her arms out to him as if she were welcoming a best friend home, not a killing machine. “Skirt around the edges of the garden. I am a bigger threat. Go up toward the mountain. As long as I’m here, he should ignore thee.”
“Should?” Percy snapped. “Not exactly reassuring.”
Your body turned cold. “No. Come on. Let’s all just run for it. Nobody gets left behind.”
Thalia looked at you and nodded. “Zoe. Let’s go.”
“It is the only way. Even the four of us together cannot fight him.”
Ladon opened his mouths. The sound of a hundred heads hissing at once sent a shiver down your back, and that was before his breath hit your nose. The smell was like acid. It made your eyes burn, your skin crawl, and your hair stand on end. Combine all that with spearmint, and you were good to remember it for life.
Thalia and Percy had already left your side, skirting around the edge of the garden as Zoe had told them to. But something didn’t feel right about that, to you.
You crept up beside Zoe. Very firmly, you said, “I’ll stay with you. We ain’t leaving anybody.”
She looked horrified, and it was such an un-Zoe-like expression that it instantly freaked you out. “No—go, now.”
“No! You don’t leave friends behind!” You fought, gripping your dagger for dear life. An awful, awful feeling had taken over your body.
She pressed her mouth together unhappily, but some other look drew over her face, and she nodded once, determinedly.
She walked toward the dragon, voice calm. “It’s me, Ladon. I’m home.”
As long as I’m here, he should ignore thee, she had said. You waited for her to get closer to him before you shifted into gear, too. The aim being to draw attention away from Thalia and Percy. When they were past, you’d try to make your way up the mountain, and hope that Zoe going last would mean the dragon would let you mostly pass before you had to fight for your lives.
The eldest of Zoe’s sisters’ voice flowed in the air as they left. “Fool.”
“I used to feed thee by hand,” Zoe continued in a soothing voice. “Do you remember?”
There were many words you could think of to describe Zoe Nightshade in that moment and what had come before, but only one came to mind, full force—Brave.
She kept talking, and the heads switched their attention between you and her. Trying to keep it all solely off of Zoe, you watched it carefully, walking backward up the mountain, unable to watch your footing. Zoe caught on to what you were doing, and began to move, too.
For whatever reason, the air shifted.
The dragon lunged.
Two thousand years of training kept Zoe alive. She jumped over one set of heads snarling and snapping at her and tumbled under another set, springing to her feet. You ran together, at pace, at the same footsteps, toward the others. Your heart pumped furiously, pushing you onward, getting ready.
Percy had drawn his sword, but Zoe panted. “No! Run!” She screamed.
Something tensed inside of you. You looked to Zoe at your side, and your eyes widened, horrified. “Move!” Your hand reached out…
Too slow.
The dragon snapped at her side, and she yelped, crying out. Her footing slipped, but you didn’t hesitate to snatch her by the arm, holding her up. She didn’t stop, despite the obvious pain she must have been in.
You ran up the mountain, Thalia and Percy not too far behind. The dragon hissed and stomped, but as Zoe had said, he was trained to protect the tree. So he moved no further, no longer persuing you.
A song was in the air. Of sadness, of death.
At the top of mountain were ruins, blocks of black granite and marble as big as houses. Broken columns. Statues of bronze that looked as though they’d been half melted.
“The ruins of Mount Othrys,” Thalia whispered in awe.
“Yes,” Zoe said. “It was not here before. This is bad.” You watched for any aspect of pain, heart pounding.
“What’s Mount Othrys?” Percy asked.
“The mountain fortress of the Titans,” Zoe said. “In the first war, Olympus and Othrys were the two rival capitals of the world. Othrys was—” She winced and held her side.
“You’re hurt,” you said. “Let me see.”
“No! I’m not. It’s fine. I was saying, in the first war, Othrys was blasted to pieces.”
“But…how is it here?”
Thalia looked around cautiously as you picked your way through rubble and dirt, blocks of marble and broken archways.
“It moves in the same way that Olympus moves, right?”
Thalia blinked. “Right. It always exists on the edges of civilisation. But the fact that it is here, on this mountain, is not good.”
“This is Altas’s mountain,” said Zoe. “This is where he holds—” she froze. Her voice was ragged with despair. “Where he held up the world.”
You had reached the summit. A few yards ahead, grey clouds swirled in a heavy vortex, making a funnel cloud that almost touched the mountaintop, but instead rested on the shoulders of a twelve-year-old girl with auburn hair and a tattered silvery dress: Artemis, her legs bound to the rock with celestial bronze chains.
Zoe gasped and rushed forward. “My lady!”
Artemis shook her head as best she could, shaking. “No! It is a trap! You must go now!” Her voice was strained, and she looked to be in so much pain, that your soul cried out to help. She was covered in sweat, and visibly struggling.
Zoe was crying. Despite what Artemis said, she ran forward and dropped to her knees before her, tugging at the chains.
A booming voice spoke from behind you. “Ah, how touching.”
Everyone turned. Zoe sniffled, shifting on her knee to look as well. There the General stood in a brown suit. At his side was Luke Castellan, worn and weary-faced, alongside over a good hundred dracaenae bearing a golden sarcophagus. You didn’t need anyone to explain. You knew who that was for.
A head of dirty hair caught your eye. She was small next to Luke and the monsters, with a gag in her mouth and her hands bound. Luke held the tip of a knife against her throat. Her eyes were wide with pleading, and glassy. Annabeth. Your sister.
She met your gaze. And sent you only one message.
“Luke,” Thalia snarled. “Let her go.”
Luke’s smile was weak, so weak, and pale. “That is the General’s decision, Thalia. But it’s good to see you again.”
Thalia spat at him.
Observant, as you always were, you paid attention to many things all at once; Percy’s awestruck eyes on your sister; Thalia’s pure disgust; Annabeth’s pain; Zoe Nightshade falling to rest from her knees; Artemis’s silver eyes drifting between every member present.
The General chuckled. “So much for old friends. And you, Zoe. How is my little traitor? I will enjoy killing you.”
“Do not respond,” Artemis groaned. “Do not challenge him, Zoe.”
It clicked instantly.
“Wait a second.” As it did for Percy, too. “You’re Atlas?”
The General’s eyes laid lazily on him. “So, even the stupidest of heroes can finally figure something out. Yes, I am Atlas, the General of the Titans and the terror of the Gods. Congratulations.” He drawled. “I will kill you presently, as soon as I have dealt with this wretched girl.”
“You’re not going to hurt Zoe,” said Percy. “I won’t let you.”
“You have no right to interfere, little hero. This is a family matter.”
“A family matter?”
“Yes,” Zoe said bleakly. “Atlas is my father.”
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Pain. That’s all it is.
Y/N understands girls watching out for girls, and friends looking after friends. Nobody gets left behind.
songs I listened to writing this chapter:
— little talks, of mice and men
— riptide, vax
— dog days are over, Florence
all on the capsize playlist! :)
Taglist: @bl6o6dy @embersparklz @lilyevanswhore @rottenstyx @rory-cakes @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @marshmallow12435 @lantsovheiress @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @twsssmlmaa @gayandfairycore @padsfirewhisky @emu281 @charlesswife @jessiegerl @crackerphobic20 @jessiegerl @mata0-0mata @jccc1000 @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @nothankyou138 @i-love-books-and-the-bible
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azulock · 6 months
Day four it is! Shidou's drabbles really have like the hightest wordcounts, this one I had to cut stuff out and it's still big. They are the only ones to break into 900 ewords, go figure.
summary. when you spend long enough trying to hit on someone, but they are just too dense, you gotta start appealing to cheap shots. For Shidou, the cheap shot comes with a Christmas flavor, cause who knows, maybe Santa Claus could ignore how he is on the naughty list and give him what he wanted here.
pairing. Shidou Ryusei x Reader
wordcount. 932 words
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4. Under The Mistletoe - Shidou Ryusei
A gush of warmth hit Shidou the minute he stepped out of the snowy night outside and entered the large house. Its vast living room filled with people made it hard for him to tell if the warmth was from the heating or from the sheer number of bodies. Honestly, he was a bit thrown off at how full this Christmas party was. It was held by one of the club's board members - at what was his winter home, gaudy as fuck.
When Shidou got the invitation, he really didn't plan on attending. What made him change his mind, though, was when he heard you would be there. You were part of the team's medical department, and he'd been trying to hit on you for a couple of weeks now. Trying being the operative word, because you were so immensely dense that he was wondering if you were a robot or something. Not that he would stop if you were, but he was kind of running out of excuses to talk to you.
This would also be the first time he saw you outside a work setting, he'd never heard of you going to any of the work events so far. So, this was his chance to test if you were just way too professional, and maybe see if you'd be a friendly drunk and give him a hand there. Great, now he just had to find you in this sea of people.
It didn't take long for him to spot you, drinking with a group of people and laughing about something. He wormed his way into the conversation and from there on worked to spend most of the party around you, hoping that he could get at least a moment with you alone. By this point, he'd probably make it happen if it just didn't naturally.
You were tipsy, not drunk but happy, friendly. It was a welcomed change from your typical serious demeanor. Not that he disliked the usual you, but now at least you were responding to him better. And soon enough you were both alone sitting at a window nook away from the crowd, but you were still damn dense. Fuck it, he'd have to take matters in his own hands.
"I almost had to slap someone for this, stupid people standing in my fucking way," he grunted, coming to sit back down at your side as you watched the snow fall outside.
"Careful that you don't punch someone important by mistake," you laughed, looking back at him and taking the beer he offered you and clinking your bottles together before taking a swing.
"Hey, I'm not that stupid," Shidou protested, pouting in your direction for a moment.
"But you are that crazy," you laughed again, nudging him with your shoulder before you turned back to the window, leaning forward to watch the movement of the cars in the entrance below. "Fuck, look at all those expensive cars outside, do you imagine how crazy dangerous those sports cars are in the snow?"
That was the moment Shidou saw his chance. If you were that blind, maybe he could get a little help from the holiday spirit to make things move along. When he went to get your beers, he snatched a mistletoe from one of the garlands and figured a way to just glue it to the arch over the nook you were on.
"Oh, doctors, so worried all the time," he snickered, long arm stretched as he glued the mistletoe in place without you noticing. "Do you wanna take one of these for a ride and find out?"
"No, thanks, I wanna keep my life after I leave this place," you sneered.
"Oh, you got anything planned after here?"
"Not really," you shrugged, turning back to him. "I'm not an energetic sports star like you, I'm boring, I'll go home."
"Well, I could help you change that," he responded, shooting you a mischievous smile.
"Sure," you laughed, closing your eyes and relaxing against the window.
"Hey," Shidou started, too impatient to wait for you to notice the thing on your own, "did you notice we are under a mistletoe?"
"What? No, we aren't, I'd have noticed that," you said, eyes snapping open and turning towards the arch above you. "Hmmm, that looks out of place."
"You are thinking too much, come on, you know what we gotta do," Shidou tried to distract you, leaning forward and invading your space.
"There is no garland here," you muttered, moving around him and turning to look at where the mistletoe connected before turning back to him. "Hey, that's stuck with gum. Ryusei, was this you?"
"Me? Nonsense."
"You know, if you wanted to kiss me, you just had to ask," you laughed, leaning in closer with a tipsy smile.
"Ask?" He couldn't help but laugh at your words, not even noticing when you got closer. "This is what I've been trying to do the whole nig-"
You silenced him by with a kiss, soft lips molding into his own. It started off soft, but quickly it turned more passionate, his tongue finding its way into your mouth as his large hand held your face in place while you braced yourself on his shoulders. After so long, he was finally getting what he wanted, and it tasted so much better than he could imagine.
"Oh," you blurted out the minute you had to break the kiss for air, "I thought you were just messing with me."
Holy fuck, you were the very definition of dense. Good thing he liked you anyway.
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shout out to: @fivenightsatwhoreville @minarinnn @loser-vxbez @pinksodacan
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osamusriceballs · 7 months
The Accident - Part VI
Atsumu x fem Reader
Warnings: None
Words: ~ 1,1 k
About: The flashback ends- but what will you do next?
Part I II -> Next Part
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"You're not getting married."
Osamu's sharp remark did not have the intended effect. Both of you were still clinging to each other, acting all lovey-dovey.
"Samuu, you don't understand. She's my soulmate. I love her." Osamu's eyes almost popped out of their sockets while he kept watching how you two clung to each other and smiled like idiots, your hand on his cheek after he had said these words.
"You don't even know her. And stop touching her like that in public."
Atsumu's hands started wandering on your back, his fingertips teasing the bare skin on your back much to your delight - but to Osamu's horror.
"I don't mind - but who are you?" You turned towards him, and he paused for a second. You were beautiful, that much was certain. Shiny eyes, glossy lips, and a dress that looked like it had been made for you - but he quickly discarded every thought about your looks when he knew that he needed to stop this nonsense.
"I'm Osamu Miya. His brother."
"Oh." Your eyes widened as you took in his appearance, probably only then realizing how similar he looked to the man whose lap you were currently sitting on.
"Samu, we gotta go. The barkeeper told us that there's a priest next to this club."
"You're not getting married."
No matter how many times he repeated the sentence, it seemed like Atsumu was unable to understand.
"And then you convinced me to get your car to drive us home. Wouldn't stop bickerin' about how it's expensive and designer and about how it costs more than Onigiri Miya will ever make. I'll definitely kick your ass for that."
A muscle under Osamu's eye twitches when he mentions the comment, and you have to hold back a snort at this. He's kind of cute when he's angry.
"And then?"
"You were gone. Found ya at the church, but it was too late. You idiots already signed the contract."
You slowly step back until your knees reach the bed, and you heavily sink down on it. It feels like he's telling you a story right out of a movie, not something that has happened just a few hours ago, the whole thing still too absurd and unreal.
"Can we redeem it?" You look at Osamu, like he's the only one that can save you now, and he somehow actually is. You still have hope that you can get out of this without negatively impacting the rest of your life.
"I've talked to our lawyer. It's a waterproof contract. Very surprising because the church was more than just a bit shady. You're both bound for a year until ya can file for divorce." His words feel like a death sentence, and you find yourself at a loss for words. You gulp at his words, blinking a few times to suppress your tears. You're an idiot—an idiot for getting in a situation like this.
It's silent.
You don't dare to look at either of them, your gaze only focused on the phone in your hands, and every passing second makes you feel even more uncomfortable, until you can't stand the silence anymore.
"I'll get going."
You stiffly get on your feet, your movements robotic and lifeless while you make an attempt to leave, but you're quick to get stopped by Atsumu before you can even make more than getting up. "Wait- I- I don't even have yer number!"
"Oh." You pause, standing there for a few moments while you watch Atsumu getting closer to you, until there is not much space left between the two of you when he stands right in front of you. "Hey- are you okay?" Concern laces his voice while he looks down at you, and you manage to nod with a forced smile. "Peachy."
Osamu snorts at your comment and shakes his head, a movement that you barely see in the corner of your eyes. He probably feels guilty for the whole situation too, the dark cicles under his eyes similar to Atsumu's, certainly because he tried to find a solution for this and did not sleep at all during the night. "People who say 'peachy' are anything but fine."
"Hey, look at me." Atsumu ignores his brother's comment and brings his hand to your cheek. You're startled but allow him to turn your face upwards until your eyes lock. "I'm not letting ya go when ya can't even walk properly. You'll eat something, then you'll take a nice hot shower and get in some clean clothes and then I'll bring ya home. That alright with you?" There is something about the way he softly states the words that sends a comforting wave of warmth through your body, and you find yourself nodding and trusting him.
"Hmm. Good girl. Now just eat the rest of the fries while Samu gets ya some clothes. Right, Samu?" Atsumu breaks the eye contact with you to look sharply at Osamu, who only sighs and nods. "I saw a souvenir shop at the lobby. Better than nothin'." You now look at Atsumu's side-profile, admiring his sharp jaw line, unable to do something else but wondering if there is even one bad angle on this perfect man, while Osamu leaves the room with another deep sigh.
"Shouldn't I have given him some money?" You take a deep breath and wipe your hands on your dress, noticing how clammy they got. Probably a side-effect of the nervousness.
Atsumu snorts and returns his gaze to you, an amused smile on his lips. "That serves him right. He always brags about how much he makes with his stupid restaurant." Atsumu looks so similar to Osamu when he rolls his eyes; it's almost comical. "Don't tell him I said that, but he really makes the best food ever. I'll take ya there and show you."
You hum approvingly, feeling somewhat a tingle run down your spine at the prospect of him taking you out for dinner but try to ignore it. "C'mon. Eat the rest of the fries. I saw how ya inhaled them. You can have mine too." He grins, something that makes him seem absolutely adorable, and you find yourself smiling back at him, a warm feeling running through your body.
"I'm not hungry anymore. I'll take a shower then?" You questioningly raise your brows, and he nods. "Yeah, of course. When Samu comes back, I'll put the clothes in front of the bathroom."
Thank you," you raise your hand as if to pat his shoulder, but you halt the movement just before reaching him. You shouldn't touch him. Technically, you don't even know him. His gaze flickers to your hand, and he appears to consider taking it. However, he quickly steps to the side, giving you some space to move to the bathroom.
Without looking back at him, you close the bathroom door, take a deep breath, and glance at the phone in your hand. You scroll until you find the picture of a bright-haired person—
and decide to finally make a call.
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callsign-relic · 9 months
Heyo! Can you please do First Contact with a Male!Reader X TFP Smokescreen? PS, your work is fire and I'm obsessed with the First Contact AU.
But seriously thank you for being my first Smokescreen request!! He’s underrated as hell I love this rookie white boy. His personality fits the First Contact AU absolutely perfectly 😈 and thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: SFW, Male!Human!Reader, First Contact AU
When Smokescreen decided to go out for a drive on a whim, he never thought he would be as lucky as he was to find you.
You were merely walking on an otherwise desolate street way too late at night. You knew it was dangerous, but you were too close to your home to turn back— and besides, it wasn’t like you were going to spend money somewhere to stay for just a night. You check your phone and scoff at the unreasonably late hour, only hurrying your steps more.
That was, until you heard the roar of an engine behind you.
Despite your better judgment, you turn on your heel to look at the speedily approaching vehicle. You couldn’t see it very clearly through the darkness, but aided by the dim light of the yellow street lights above, you could tell it was a race car. And an expensive looking one, at that. White base with a glittery blue streak running down the top middle and the sides, and a bold number thirty-eight on the checkered door.
Based on the speed it was running at, you had a feeling it was just passing by, so the most you did was huddle into yourself a bit as you stepped further into the sidewalk. It was going too fast to stop near you, but there was no harm in being safe.
But then, you heard more than just the roar of an engine.
The car seemed to fall to pieces in front of you, but rather than dropping to the floor in a mess of steel, the metal pieces wove in and out of each other like a self-solving puzzle. Your gaze reared upwards and upwards and you couldn’t help but freeze in your place as the car transformed into… a robot??
You didn’t have a chance to process the sight before you heard a gasp as gray flashed before you, and you were quickly plucked up from your spot into the fist of this overeager mech.
“No. Way. A human?!” A grin spread wide across Smokescreen’s faceplate as he practically bounced in his place, leaving you nauseous in his hold. “The others were telling me about you guys! They were saying earth’s creatures were small, but I didn’t really believe them. But, hah! Here you are! And you really are so tiny!”
You could barely follow as his bright blue optics flicked about you, the bot yammering away though you couldn’t understand him. In his haste to pick you up, he left only one of your arms free, so you did what any adrenaline-filled person would do in this kind of situation and you slammed your hand down onto the metal of his servo, trying to get him to at least loosen up his grip.
The rookie’s grin falters into more of a confused look as he watches you intently. “Oh!” He blinks, and you’re shifted about in his hand to where you’re sitting atop his flat palm. “Heh, sorry. I thought Ratchet was exaggerating when he said you guys were sensitive, but, guess I was wrong.” Slowly, he reaches a free digit out, poking lightly at your stomach. “Made of flesh, not metal. Gotta’ remember that.” When you recoil at his touch, though, he’s quick to pull back.
You can only stare up at the bot as he offers an apologetic smile. You shake off the awe of being quite literally face to face with a giant alien and think to look to your phone. It was only getting later, and despite the fact that your home was right down the street, you felt like everything was getting in your way of actually getting there.
Smokescreen watches as you turn your head to look down the street, turning his gaze in the same direction with a slight tilt of his head. He turns to look back at down you, “Were you going somewhere, little guy?” and he points a thumb down the direction you were looking at.
You blink too, slowly nodding at the sight.
“No worries! Lemme’ drop you off.” You lurch in your spot as he suddenly begins down the street, and the mech above doesn’t seem to notice, but you find that you don’t really care. You were more thankful you met one of the nicer ones of these apparent aliens. You latch onto one of his fingers for support against the rock of his heavy footsteps, and Smokescreen continues. “Sorry for the excitement, by the way. It’s just— I’ve heard Optimus say so many good things about you and the rest of your kind! I was stoked to finally meet one for myself. You guys are cuter in person.”
And while his coos flew over your head, you weren’t sure if it was from the exhaustion of your walk thus far or the crash from coming down from the adrenaline or a strange mix of both, you end up resting your forehead against the finger you clung onto, breathing a deep, relieved sigh.
If anything, the big mech at least saved you from a half hour’s walk.
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
Five nights at Freddy’s but it's Batman.
If you were expecting this to make sense....Don't.
I started ranting about this while half asleep.
I'm not following any time line just game order.
Also we're skipping fnaf 2.
Barbara Gordon is Charlotte "Charlie" Emily.
She is killed by Joe Chill aka the Joker aka William Afton aka the Purple Guy.
Her father, Jim Gordon aka Henry Emily is devastated. He has no idea how this occurred.
Not a clue.
Totally didn't see the purple car at the crime scene.
A purple car he sees every morning.
... Nope.
He goes to the cops but it's Gotham so they don't do shit.
However, because it's Gotham Batman shows up to help.
But unfortunately no one knows who killed poor Babs so gotta do some investigating.
Also there's been a string of dissappearances around the restaurant.
People are loving calling it "the missing children's incident."
And the cops are doing nothing so Batman is also investigating that and wonders if the two are connected.
Bat's makes the great decision to go undercover as a nighttime security guard.
And despite the fact he is very clearly billionaire Bruce Wayne in a security uniform.
No one recognises him.
He is now Mike Schmidt.
... You know still a better name for his cover than Matches Malone.
And because I recently watched Batman: The Doom that came to Gotham.
Great, one of the weirdest things I've ever watched.
... Don't watch it if you like Talia because... Yikes.
Anyway, so Bruce is very much on his fear works because villians are superstitious and cowardly.
I don't believe in magic, everything can be explained by science.
...And than Golden Freddy bursts into the office.
Had to rework a few things than.
It takes him less than 5 nights to figure it all out.
Beats the shit out of and gets Joe Chill arrested.
But it's Gotham and FNAF so it doesn't even go that far.
Not that they know for years later.
During this time Bruce adopts another kid, Jason.
Yeah Dick is here but he left to another city.
He's officially the smart one.
No he doesn't have a character equivalent he's just... There.
Jason however later turns out to be Jason Chill aka the son of Joe Chill.
Aka this worlds Michael Afton.
Gets wind his real father isnt Willis Todd but Joe Chill.
Goes after him, despite him being in hiding for years.
Does this by working at Fazbear Frights as a nighttime security guard.
Witnesses Joe Chill destroying the animatronics.
Releasing the spirits and causing Joe Chill to back into his Spring lock suite.
Multiple springlock failures occure.
Jason gets on tape that he's the murderer and killed Barbara Gordon.
Bruce and Jim show up and together they set the place on fire with Joe Chill's body inside.
But no body is ever found.
One of the old locations starts up again.
Bruce finds out Joe Chill had another son, and adopts him.
Leaving out the whole... We set him on fire.. Maybe.
This kid is Tim Chill aka the crying child.
Who Jason likes to mess with and Tim messes with him back in turn.
Jason plays a seemingly harmless prank on Tim... That he ends up taking too far.
And in his defence no one knew that the Golden Freddy animatronic had the jaw strength of a shark.
Bruce goes into mourning.
The body goes missing.
Jason wanting to fix things does his own investigation and finds Circus Baby's entertainment and rentals.
Ran by Chill robotics.
Turns out Joe Chill decided to literally put his child back together.
And infused Baby with his remnant.
His lil clown.
Though both sides of Tim, both Joker Jr and the brother of Jason fight over Jason's fate.
Whether he should live or die.
Joker Jr I mean Baby wins and Jason is scooped.
Dick, who was staying in Gotham for Tim's funeral, realises Jason has gone missing.
And goes out to search for him.
Finding the his brother now a disturbing shade of purple and an undead zombie.
Gets Jason back home, Jason is basically catatonic only repeating "You won't die, you won't die" over and over.
Bruce gives him a big hug, apologising for blaming Jason and pushing him away.
Though Jason is convinced Tim's fate is his fault.
He ends up puking up Ennard, which Bruce captures and puts in the Batcave.
They take what's left of Baby and upload Tim's consciousness to a robotic version of him Jim just... Had on hand.
Along with a robot Barbara.
... Yeah don't, don't worry about it.
Jason apologises profusely, Tim calls him a dumbass, things are finally right with the world.
Butt this isn't enough for Jim who realises an animatronic can't replace his Barbara.
Decides if I can't have my happy ending none of you can.
Has a redo birthday party for Tim and sets the place on fire.
... Except it does literally nothing and Bruce shoves him in Arkham and just takes Babs back with him.
Way to go smart guy.
Damian Wayne aka Gregory shows up at some point. He got told he couldn't go to the pizzaplex.
And went anyway.
Gave everyone a heart attack, stole Glamrock Freddy and made a friend in Cassandra Cain aka Vanessa.
A trained assassin who Joe Chill was trying to hypnotise into killing for him.
They tried to kill each other if the cause of a night so they're friends now.
Bruce adopts another child all is well with the world.
Until Jonathan Kent aka Cassie shows up because of a fake message luring him to the pizzaplex saying Damian was in danger.
The mimic gets it's butt kicked, Bruce lectures Clark about not keeping an eye on his son.
The hypocrite.
And everyone goes home.
Oh and Jim and his wife got divorced when Babs died.
His wife taking and raising their son, James Gordon Jr aka Sammy Emily.
Who's just off living life and is still a serial killer.
Soo... Yeah.
... Idk what this is but it exists now.
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rpstartersinc · 10 months
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
“ more enemies are landing, we won't be safe for long. ”
“ i'll hold him off, buy you some time. ”
“ this is my fight. ”
“ you have such a beautiful world. ”
“ i ain't your butler. ”
“ no names over the airwaves. ”
“ no real names, they're listening. ”
“ ain't no secret government agencies worried about us. ”
“ don't forget to laugh at all their jokes, white people love that shit. ”
“ you fighting this alone or we fighting it together? ”
“ stop touching everything. ”
“ when you gonna let me put your skills to work and get you some real money? ”
“ it's my own personal way to protest the vampiric nature of modern-day capitalism. ”
“ i figured if i stopped to call, that would make me later. ”
“ don't be a problem, don't go looking for a problem, or else we're gonna have a problem. ”
“ i just really need a break. ”
“ you don't know anything about me. ”
“ superman went on a bunch of interviews before he got his job on the daily planet. ”
“ life ain't a comic book. ”
“ no one's coming to save us, we're alone in this. ”
“ you gotta relax, man, your energy is really affecting my chi. ”
“ i was nervous my first time too. ”
“ i get it, you don't like to chit chat back and forth. ”
“ you got a robbing mixtape? ”
“ just act like you own the place. ”
“ try not to look suspicious. ”
“ what're you doing, making friends? ”
“ this won't hurt a bit. ”
“ i ain't no thief. ”
“ are you having an existential crisis now? ”
“ you're just on an adrenaline high. ”
“ don't draw any attention to yourself. ”
“ that was fun, man, you're fun, dude. ”
“ this is probably a lot for you, huh? ”
“ i thought after the car chase we were boys. ”
“ tough guy, i like that, i like it a lot. ”
“ give me a little tap, there you go, now we're friends. ”
“ i'm nobody, i ain't even seen nothing, i'm not even seeing anything right now. ”
“ i mean, you looking pretty rough yourself. ”
“ what we need is a quiet way in. ”
“ we make a great team. ”
“ what about for friendship? ”
“ wow! that was corny when i said it out loud. ”
“ i do not want you going to that drive-in theatre anymore. ”
“ man, it's about time you showed up. ”
“ i enjoy that look of confusion, when an inferior being meets a higher power. ”
“ i'm not following you, i'm just escaping in the same direction! ”
“ oh cool, you're still alive! ”
“ this is my fault, it should've been me. ”
“ i can't sleep. ”
“ i know you're a robot. ”
“ yo! you scratched my paint! ”
“ man, they didn't treat e.t like this. ”
“ you need someone to watch your back. ”
“ way to be incognito. ”
“ if you keep your eyes and your ears open, life will show you everything you need to know. ”
“ guess it's a night mission then. ”
“ that's some indiana jones-type shit. ”
“ you had a gun this whole time? ”
“ did someone call for back-up? ”
“ i won't ask a second time. ”
“ that doesn't look so good. ”
“ there is more to them than meets the eye. ”
“ didn't i kill you already? ”
“ you fought for yours, as i fought for mine, when we should've been fighting the darkness together. ”
“ i ain't done fighting yet. ”
“ it sound like we're all going to die. ”
“ if we are to die, then we will die fighting, all as one. ”
“ he was mine. ”
“ you think you're nobody, but you're the strongest guy i know. ”
“ let them know who you are. ”
“ you think you can take me on alone? ”
“ i'm getting really tired of you humans. ”
“ i have come here to kick ass. ”
“ who are you, like the cia or fbi or? ”
“ strictly off the books. ”
“ no idea what you're talking about. ”
“ we could really use someone like you. ”
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quartergremlin · 1 month
Top 5 anime?
what have you dome. there was so much litigation for this one. i had to consult people (one guy) (it was fun).
Im going to only include tv shows, not movies or (only)manga. And exclude "american anime" (it is very valid its just too many new options) and shows that are currently being released.
1- Soul Eater:
Beautiful animation, beautiful fights, beautiful story. Its funny and thoughtful and I wish the ending wasn't as jank as it was (as an anime from a manga that got cut short). I have the whole series second-hand from a friend's brother who knew how to burn dvds and watched it religiously through my early teens. Maka and soul's relationship drives me insane. Romantic or not, they are completely devoted to each other and on rewatch i love how their individual strengths work with their dynamic even in their introduction episode.
2- Ouran High School Host Club:
It definitely shows its age in some places, but years later ohshc is still a fun watch. Its cute! Its got romance! Its got gender schennanigains! It was my first brush with anything queer as a kid and kassanoda - bisexual king - deserves the world.
3- Blue Period:
One of the only anime ill only watch the sub of. Every episode fucks me up artistically (sometimes positively sometimes negatively) and it helped me understand composition better than art school did. I enjoy the large cast with a wide range of views on art and school and paths and their personalities clash beautifully! Cons: Too many characters with y names. I get confused.
4- Mob psycho 100:
You know why. Its beautiful. With a beautiful message.
5- Deca-dence:
THIS ONE GOES OUT THE FIVE OTHER PEOPLE WHO'VE WATCHED THIS SHOW MWAH! Do you like gay robots? Found family monster hunters? Post-capitalism post-apocalypse city car with a giant fist on top?? Wait where are you going come back the main character is disabled and it isn't "fixed" hey-
+1- My Dress-Up Darling:
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Im a dirty cheater but I already cut so many things from this list let me live. I've gotta insist on the dub for this one, the sub reads as a more literal translation and the characters personalities (esp marin's) really shine in the English dub! The romance is cute, but marin and gojo's budding friendship is even cuter! they bring out the best in each other and it explores the technical details of cosplaying in a way thats genuinely interesting!
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Many people actually DON'T dislike the 2003 Astro Boy dub
But seriously, from what I've seen 99% of fans love the dub just as much as they love the sub, including myself, with many of us growing up with the dub version and growing a strong attachment to it especially due to it being nostalgic for many of us. I hardly ever see many complaints about it, even on the very rare videos that compare the sub and dub 99% of it is just talking about the scene and Astro and only 1% at most complaining about it for their own reasons.
Because es it does have it's issues like cutting out scenes, mostly regarding Tobio's past, but that's no one's fault as although censorship wasn't as aggressive in the 2000's as it is now they still weren't comfortable displaying much of Tobio's past which, like it or not, is pretty valid as I don't think many of us kids wanted to see a 9 year old child get hit by a car head on and die instantly with none of it being off screen. The rest of the issues though are kind of just- eh? Like they are a problem but it's not too prominent except some line changes here and there and sometimes the dub voice lines not matching up with the expressions but nothing that really badly affects it as the points still get across all the same. AND SPEAKING OF THE VOICES, OH BOY GET READY FOR THIS
Yeah there is nothing bad about either, most fans don't really care and those who do most likely jumped on a band wagon. The only difference is that Astro's voice is a tad bit rougher in the dub but people need to realize EVERY SINGLE VOICE DUB MC CHILD CHARACTER *HAD THAT VOICE* BACK THEN, ASTRO FROM ASTRO BOY SOUNDS A BIT LIKE HOW ASH FROM POKEMON SOUNDED IN THE EARLY DAYS OF POKEMON AS WELL WITH ASH'S VOICE BEING A LOT MORE ROUGHER THAN ASTRO'S. Actually they felt so similar to the point I actually had to look up the voice actor upon rewatching it because I thought they were both voiced by the same person. It was just a 2000's dubbing thing back then that always led them to have that kind of voice, I don't know why they went with that but the shows were successful and I loved them so I guess it worked either way. The point is, almost no one here gets their pants in a twist about it and you shouldn't either, because, fun fact, IT DOESN'T *MATTER*, you wanna know why? Because it's still ASTRO. The changes never affected his character and I know that because upon growing up with the dub he was still the same innocent, lovable, caring robot we all know and I saw him as such the same way people saw him as in the sub. Because despite it's minor flaws it was still Astro with every action, words, and lessons that he took, spoke, and learned. SO WATCH WHAT YOU WANNA WATCH AND LIKE WHAT YOU WANNA LIKE, THE DUB IS GREAT AND SO IS THE SUB, EITHER WAY HE IS STILL ASTRO ALL THE SAME AND IT DOESN'T AFFECT HIS CHARCTER AT ALL. To leave you on an important lesson, don't jump on a bandwagon when introducing yourself to new shows that involve sub and dub and instead watch one and take a look at the other and form your own opinions on them, we are all chill and welcoming so there is no ripping eachother's faces off about it here, trust me this is not the My Hero Academia fandom, you are safe.
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icepoptroll · 27 days
What’s ur favorite impractical jokers punishment?
Holy shit, you're a Jokers fan too????????? You are even cooler in my eyes now!!!!
I've been watching the guys since season 1 (about 13 years now!) So it's hard to pick One favorite, but I think I gotta give this one to drive drive drive drive drive, a punishment very close to my heart- the other guys made Q drive all over NY and NJ delivering food to them in a car containing several singing robot muppets that sang one 15-second song on a continuous loop. He was in muppet hell for over 11 hours!!! such a perfect punishment for the COVID times too, it was safe to do as it didn't involve big crowds or much face to face contact, but it's so timeless that it's still funny outside the context of there was a pandemic going on and they had to punish him without getting lots of other people involved. I was also working as a med tech and nursing assistant at some very heavy-hit assisted livings at the height of COVID and at the time I was dealing with a lot of people sick with and dying from a disease we didn't know much about; those were very sad, scary times and this punishment made me cry laughing while times were tough so to me it's very special. I've also heard on the IJ podcast back then that the puppets were made by a nonbinary artist, a relative of one of the show's producers!!
This video has most of the punishment if y'all haven't seen it:
An over 11-hour loop so that you guys too can experience the joys of driving and being alive:
And here's one that represents a very happy and more recent memory for me: not sure what venue this clip was filmed at but they also had this when I got to see the boys with my sister, brother and cousin at the Prudential Center. Q brought the puppets on stage and played the song and said he wouldn't stop it until he was satisfied that every single person in the audience was singing it. The house lights went down and all we could see was the puppets. Everyone was signing and waving their cell phone flashlights around and singing this song lmao. It was so much fun and very unifying!!!
6 notes · View notes
keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right, People, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 14: Out of His Head
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
00:48 - I’m pretty sure that’s what pupils actually do when you shine light in them.
00:52 - Ratchet’s using a torch fr.
00:58 - *sigh* here we have an example of TFP skipping over recovery arcs, although there probably wasn’t much to Optimus’s.
01:05 - ‘OlD fRiEnD’ tryin to convince us they ain’t married.
01:07 - Ratchet making sure Bee got credit, aww
01:08 - They’re so proud of him.
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01:12 - Tryin to be modest as if he didn’t do that.
01:15 - with confidence ‘did you just say that?.’
01:18 - gotta bring focus back to husbands recovery.
01:24 - ‘Megatron shouldn’t be a problem, Arcee probably killed him.’ Not too confident with that one though.
01:28 - they looking at Arcee. How would they not have noticed something was up with Bee?
01:36 - these shots would be useful if you needed a reference for Bee’s hands.
01:39 - It’s annoying that Optimus doesn’t notice something’s wrong sooner.
01:46 - Megatron chilling in the dark could mean one of two things. 1. Bots that are awake don’t have a mind scape or 2. Bee doesn’t have a safe place to imagine himself if that he can rely on.
03:08 - Bulkhead’s just chilling watching Bee as if he couldn’t go defend.
03:19 - I know someone who passes like that. It would constantly jar my fingers while trying to catch her pass.
03:29 - not even slightly concerned about Bee pegging the ball at your head?.
03:42 - oh no! Babee!
03:51 - one would thank that for closeups of Megatron’s face they’d make sure he was looking forward.
04:24 - really entertaining himself, huh? Also this plot is only here to get the boys out of the building.
04:33 - where has he been keeping that? …up his as-
04:48 - Starscream’s so entertaining to watch.
04:53 - so… Megatron’s child?
04:57 - I recommend watching that scene on loop while playing ‘bet on it’
05:01 - why he gotta lean like that?
05:13 - Robots bowing gotta be(e) one of my favourite genders fr
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05:17 - Huh…
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05:20 - H OL UP Raf has parents, right?? Can’t he go to them to drop him off? Do they know that an expensive ass car is driving their son to school?
05:41 - What exactly is Megatron doing? If he was smart he would’ve been snooping in on the bots or is he seriously just waiting?
05:45 - The camera’s very fair away from Bee and there’s a loud noise. How haven’t the other bots noticed something’s wrong?
05:50 - this is much uncomfortable. Between Megatron being able to control Bee to the tone he uses when encouraging him.
05:59 - the transition from Megatron to Bee is so smooth I can’t breathe. + Ratchet calling out his name causing Bee to regain control is beautiful.
06:02 - Look at hiiiimmmmm awwww
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06:03 - RATCHET’S SO HEAVILY ANIMATED I CAAAAN’T it’s almost like the animators forgot they are metal.
06:05 - with confidence ‘what?’ Also this is how my dogs look when I put their food in their bowls.
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06:07 - I don’t understand why or how, but Ratchet looks stunning here.
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06:11 - Bee proving that if he was bitten during an apocalypse he would tell the people around him.
06:14 - so remember before when I said that Megatron chilling in the darkness means one of two things?. Will the first one couldn’t be true, otherwise this line wouldn’t make sense.
06:17 - There’s something so interesting about the way Bee powers down.
06:19 - This shot just looks cool.
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06:21 - Optimus looks so concerned. + Heavily animated Ratchet.
06:25 - Heavily animated Raf, huh.
06:25 - Optimus just silently standing their looking between Bee and Ratchet. It’s slightly upsetting to realise that he doesn’t say a word during this scene as if he wouldn’t have something to say.
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06:33 - Man, I wish I could get that.
06:47 - that ‘why?’ is so done with Fowler.
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07:13 - good thing.
07:40 - I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t. We are talking about the Arctic, right? As in the place that is sheets of ice floating on top of water? If it was the Antarctic, sure, but I’m pretty sure ice that melts without land underneath just melts, rather than increases water levels. I could be wrong though.
07:42 - my face when I realised that they added in this stupid B plot so that the A plot could focus on Bee, Ratchet, Raf and Megatron, but that came with the price of Bee struggling with something and the rest of team Prime choosing not to get involved or say a word on the matter, including Optimus.
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08:28 - this means that Power down mode is not like a coma. Raf’s honestly wasting his breath because he’ll have to repeat the story later.
08:49 - 👁👄👁
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08:52 - That’s how it feels when someone shows me a photo of a baby and goes on about them, while I try my hardest not to tell them that the baby looks kickable.
08:57 - Honestly, most realistic reaction. There’s probably something here that could be used as a parent Ratchet & child Bee fic prompt.
09:02 - The way Ratchet dismisses Raf until he links it back to Bee + the subtlety of Ratchet’s eyes widening + the cue of the music coming in.
09:03 - THE SMILE CAUGHT ME SO OFF GUARD I CRIED. YOU KNOW THAT HE’S FRAGGIN PROUD OF BEE- MY HEARRRRRT. (Fun fact, I was showing my friend this shot later and they got very worried because I started crying in class)
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09:09 - ngl, kinda forgot his was standing their unconscious.
09:13 - BOOOOOOO! M’kay, Imma stop hating on the subplot now. Just hope I’ve made it clear that I don’t like why it’s there.
09:21 - This is so amusing to see because it’s such a Scooby Doo sorta thing.
09:27 - Optimus flexes his hand just to ball it up again.
09:38 - Here we have a time when Prime is not a good start off show (that and because your standards get raised really high and you get thoroughly disappointed when other medias aren’t the exact same) because they don’t explain wtf ‘the end run on Polyhex’ was.
09:39 - Bee’s wings, when he’s powered down, rests at a lower angle, but when he’s awake we know that they point up. One idea could be that when he’s awake, they rest at a higher up state (cue fanfic prompt where a bot realises Bee’s awake because of the wings).
09:47 - ya’ll seeing what I’m seeing?
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09:48 - That’s the opposite way to how he powered down. Literally. The angles, the movement. It the exact same, just in reverse. This ain’t a bad thing by any means.
10:06 - I highly recommend watching the way Bee’s pedes/feet work. It’s interesting.
10:30 - why doesn’t Ratchet think to a) call Optimus or b[ee]) FOLLOW BEE?? Why is he just standing there??
10:50 - why are so many bots blind in this episode?? HOW DID YOU MISS THAT?!
10:56 - from this you can tell that Megatron’s not used to controlling Bee’s hands/servos because he kinda fumbles when originally trying to pick it up.
11:14 - YES. YOU SHOULD!
11:17 - I get it. I do. But here’s the thing.. Bumblebee had just gone into Megatron’s mind, then later mentions that he’s seeing Megatron’s face, he’s now gone to the location that he doesn’t know after waking up from a forced power down! YOU COULD AT LEAST LET OPTIMUS KNOW
11:30 - *grabs child’s wrist*
11:31 - *child immediately opens hand to show what he’s holding* it’s a muscle memory.
If anyone tries to deny that Ratchet is a parental figure to Bumblebee, I’m going to bite them.
11:34 - It was this moment we got to find out what it would look like getting punched by Bumblebee.
11:35 - RATCHET NO!
11:36 - Okay but that pose- damn Bee.
11:38 - Why is he whispering?
11:42 - I get this is menacing and all but he looks like he’s doing this: Ò^Ó
12:02 - now we watch as he DOESN’T CALL OPTIMUS.
12:07 - ‘I’m fine. More importantly is Bumblebee?’ Making me tear up.
12:26 - when you mess with the wrong medics child:
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12:41 - … to be fair… yeah.. Ratchet did his research, he should’ve known.
12:54 - This episode could’ve gone differently if THE HAD CALLED OPTIMUS. THIS ONE I AIN’T LETTIN GO.
12:59 - Raf, listen buddy… someone needs to man the ground bridge while all bots are in the Arctic. Also you’re gonna get hurt, ya dip.
13:05 - *cri*
13:09 - I’m like 90% sure this is men in the bathroom.
13:29 - Starscream’s worse than Megatron.
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13:43 - love that ‘evil’ laugh for ya, king
14:32 - When characters believe a character that’s being mind controlled can ‘fight it’ is so incredibly frustrating. It’s mind control, not a physical fight, there’s so much more to it.
14:57 - Once he knew it wasn’t his child, all bets were off. Ratchet attaccs.
15:01 - ya know who would be really useful if this sort of situation? OPTIM-
15:09 - Reminder this is not a memory issue, this is a warlord CONTROLLING BUMBLEBEE FROM THE INSIDE OF HIS HEAD. Raf is an idiot.
15:13 - it’s the listening part that got him, not the ‘remember me’ part.
15:14 - Aww.. the babies trying his hardest. Watching the way Bee’s eyes shift is genuinely heartbreaking.
15:17 - he looks adorable.
15:21 - the way Bee’s wings are so high up-
15:27 - NO! He’s obviously in pain.. I can’t!!
15:44 - YES! (But imagine how much easier it would’ve been with opt-)
15:50 - Raf’s genuinely making me mad. WHEN HAS THAT WORKED THIS WHOLE EPISODE??
06:00 - … H o w D o e s T h a t W o r k ? Is he actually beeping? Is that actually Megatron’s voice? Is he beeping but it sounds like Megatron’s voice??
16:27 - weirdly pretty.
16:31 - oooh~ love me some height difference and from Megatron’s perspective.
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16:51 - I was kinda expecting ‘daddy’s home’
17:02 - Man, I had the Mandela affect on this. I always thought the Megatron said ‘I outta thank you for your hospitality, Scout. Deceptions, finish these pests.’ Might’ve been from a fanfiction but I swear I’ve seen it. + this shots remind me of the scenes that Megatron was talking to Bee in Sick Mind.
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17:17 - dunno how I’m supposed to feel about Ratchet leaving Bee in open fire.
17:35 - HE CAN FLY
17:37 - that was cool ngl
17:39 - if he kept his legs closed he would’ve had a gymnastics technique going there while he mounted the spike. If you know you know.
17:53 - Sorry Arcee, you don’t got those strong legs like Bee.
18:04 - Transformers on ice. (Decided to see if it’s real and omg)
18:23 - that’s rich, ain’t it?
18:27 - I love that so much.
18:41 - So light em up up up, light em up up up-
18:49 - If I had a dollar for every time the screen went white in this episode, I’d have two dollars.
19:29 - and you’ll never believe who brought him back
20:45 - oh I see, so the guilt of failing to fight off Megatron’s control and bringing him back is gonna come later, got it!
20:52 - On the scan Bee’s head and chest are red.
20:58 - ignore me, that’s normal.
21:04 - Why is Optimus wearing his battle mask? Wait why is everyone so excited?
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So that was Out of His Head!
I really enjoy the episode, but wish they had done a bit more with Bee being controlled by Megatron, especially if they had touched on the group noticing the little things more.
I mentioned at that start that TFP skips recovery arcs and that is certainly the case for Bumblebee, especially considering that for a bot loyal to Optimus, bringing back Megatron could be viewed as traitorous. Not by Optimus, but by Bee himself.
I also thought that Raf’s role was pretty weak. He didn’t actually do anything for the plot.
Then you have the very apparent part of Optimus not being as involved with the A plot as he should’ve been.
But I thought the animation was beautiful, the dynamic between Ratchet and Bumblebee was enjoyable and Bee being common ground for the dynamic between Raf and Ratchet.
Despite all the negatives, when you’re just watching the episode and not deconstructing it the way I do for the notes, it’s very much an enjoyable watch and I sincerely hope I haven’t ruined the episode.
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yellowhollyhock · 1 month
Roches songs Donny analysis
Big Nuthin
I was on a TV show, that everybody said
Would change the course of my life that night by the time I went to bed
Tinkling glass and candlelight, your look of tenderness
I was full of cozy hope, sweet taste of success
Cozy hope describes Don so well. This verse makes me think about the ways he connects with the outside world as a scientist (I think he calls himself a scientist sometimes? I think he uses engineer more often? at least once he just said tech geek. huh, he refers to himself a lot. Anyway), both as a teen following Stockman's robotics and Finn's cryptid hunt, and later at O'Neil Technologies. Also as a ninja he has lots of opportunities for Big Moments.
Just this fond little daydream about 1) being useful 2) being noticed. accomplishing little tasks like making your car remote controlled to fill the void in the meantime
It was a big nuthin', ooh, big nuthin'
Turned out to be a big nuthin', nuthin'
btw you're a mutant turtle nobody knows you exist and they never will
You don't have to cross the street, when you see me comin'
Too much trouble, when you see me comin'
So the love we think is lost
Things that never happened, stranger
It was a big nuthin', ooh, big nuthin'
Exactly like a big nuthin', nuthin'
mm. unrequited crushes. normal teenage stuff (hurts)
anyway. Coping with one's own insignificance by taking a casual attitude about the insignificance of the entire universe. Also coping with the stress of big pressure moments (Triceratons caught you, your brain is on display, smile you're on camera the UN is watching) by calling it nothing (did I do all that? I always was an over-achiever)
Ooh, late last night we argued, when you weren't there
All of my disappointment screamed into the air
Just about to fall into the deep hole that I dug
Saw myself pretending with a shovel and a shrug
We argued when you weren't there--ohhh yeah that's Don. Listen. I think his total chill and forgiving nature is 100% real. I also think he is a teenager and deals with all kinda of insane situations (grieving Kirby is literally one of the tamer ones that comes to mind) and there is No Way he isn't screaming into his pillow or muttering under his breath about how annoying Leo was being an hour ago while he fiddles with the heating system. The 2003 turtles are especially codependent imo; I see Mikey and Raph doing a lot of the emotional expression for the whole group. What I mean is, when they're all frustrated and scared and Raph needs to get out and "blow off steam," he's kinda doing it for the group. Somebody's gotta scream about how unfair it is. Same thing with Mikey acting way more scared or expressing frustration with having to go on some missions. Anyways my brain is fuzz and I think this is probably a separate post. What was I talking about?
Oh yeah, Don and anger. He doesn't like feeling mad and has a hard time expressing it. I think he'd scream at his computer, maybe even throw his tools sometimes, when the frustration build up too much. Then when someone comes to see what's wrong he's like 'oh haha it was just taking a bit to load' and continue to not mention (insert whatever horrors he has most recently experienced or loudest thing Mikey has most recently done).
It was a big nuthin', big nuthin'
Wasn't it a big nuthin', nuthin'
You don't have to cross the street, when you see me comin'
Too much trouble, when you see me comin'
So the love we think is lost
Things that never happened, stranger
It was a big nuthin', ooh, big nuthin'
Kinda like a big nuthin', nuthin', yeah
It's all fine. It's all good. It was nothing. Splinter was alive after all. Honeycutt ended up being okay. Got the plutonium core out of that bomb, didn't turn out to be the end of the world. It was an alternate dimension. Your brothers are in the other room; that didn't happen here, it was an alternate dimension.
It's nothing.
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brimbrimbrimbrim · 2 years
Hellllo 👋🏻, I follow you on Ao3, I hope this isn't annoying or anything, just genuinely wanting to know. I really enjoyed the LowRes and Josh and Nancy Drew series, was just wondering if you're still writing for them or if it's done. You don't have to answer.
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Ya'll some thirsty bitches... here's a sneak preview of what I'm writing for Kinktober. <3_<3
You strum your fingers on the metal door frame and make a face, “Jesus… this guy’s baby dick energy is so massive it probably never occurred to him that people like us existed.”
Inside the van, behind you, Wrench grins loudly, “Did you seriously say baby dick energy? Now all I can picture are penis lasers,” and, with robotic static, adds, “Pew-pew-right in the dick!”
You roll your eyes, backpedal inside the safety of the van and plunk down on the swivel chair and desk setup bolted to the floor. There’ll be enough mansion ogling when you’ve finished Ray’s algo anyway and if you get Wrench riled up too fast, then nothing productive is getting done today.
Wrench stays quiet for two-point-three seconds, then collapses into a playgirl-esque pose on the computer desk in front of you. Before he can knock over your milky coffee drink with his elbow, you scoot it out of the way with a pointed glare, all without taking a hand off the keys. 
“Ya know you’re supposed to be the lookout, right?”
Pixel arrows point at the ceiling happily, “Nothing’s happened since we got here. The prodigal son is out,” he waves a tattooed hand like he’s brain farting on a particular word, “prodigality-ing… or something, and you’re waaaay nicer to look at than the adult LEGO set that fucker calls a house. Plus, you still owe me for losing that bet last night.”
While Wrench can be insufferable at times and you actually take pride in your work ethic unlike ‘someone,’ he is utterly charming to a fault, so you hide a smile and ignore his finger-gunning crotch motions. 
“You so would pick something sexual for that,” you respond as dryly as possible. 
Watching his emotes go from seductive hearts to underscores then inward slashes like a sad puppy dog was worth the finger flick he lands on your cheek, especially when the movement makes the hem of his hoodie ride up his stomach, exposing a sliver of hard abdominals, inked with scatch-hearts. It wouldn’t be all that wise to get distracted this way, but Wrench is a jack of all trades and a master of many; he’s mastered the art of LowRes seduction very, very well.
You blush a little, but only after he readjusts the denim creases around his junk, rubbing at what looks like an oil stain from the events of last night. The algorithm from T-Bone gets typed in a tad slower due to some minor ‘distractions’ but all in all, this lil’ mission Marcus sent you both on is going swimmingly.
“Gotta admit,” Wrench wonders aloud, “this dude’s got way too many lemon-flavored goodies to not have some sort of protocol against hacker babes like us.”
You nod while typing in the final line of code, then throw down the enter key with a puff of breath, “No shit. It’s almost too easy. Like, suspiciously so.”
“Hmm, want me to check the digital keypad while you run that thing?”
“Probably a smart move,” you agree, lifting your laptop and drink off the desk as he wiggles like spawning salmon off the edge - heels smacking the metal floor with a lurch over the wheels. He kicks open the back doors - ever the subtle criminal - and starts judging the keypad.
The van and the two of you are currently stationary in Ahed’s four-car garage which is unsurprisingly empty since the McMansion was still being shown to high-end clients for future mass development. Rich assholes weren’t always the smartest people, as much as they thought they were. Opening their lives up to hackers through everything from toaster ovens to smart showerheads was only gonna make groups like DedSec stronger. Bring it on, you think with a tiny smile.
“Ooooh, looks like fart boy had his dingleberries install a monitoring chip,” Wrench’s voice crackles from around the van, “I could just… right…” something metallic stabs and clicks, “there!”
He swings himself back inside the van, close enough you can feel the furnace that is his body temperature lather on your right side. Double-carets smile at you as he hunches over, presenting a little, toothy microchip between his fingertips. 
 “See, it’s all in the wrist.”
“Mmhmm,” you can't help but smile, “your technique is not in question, don’t worry.” His skills are never really in question, at least not when it comes to you, but you add a little insinuation to your words considering he’s been threatening you with a good time since this morning.
Your tone does not go unnoticed. 
As the algorithm does its thing - rendering the security firm obsolete via a fake firewall - Wrench tosses the offending chip over his shoulder and props his spiked chin in his fist, lowering his voice to Barry Manilow levels, “Only thing I’m worried about is when I get to stick my cockerdoodle in your-“
“Shooosh,” you interrupt hastily, looking dramatically behind him, “do you hear that?”
“Hear what now?” His mask blinks question marks.
The silence continues.
Wrench goes silent as a bricked system and looks over his shoulder, knowing when it’s time to get serious.
With a tight lipped-smile and your best dramatic tone locked and loaded, you whisper, “It’s the sound of a rare Wrench not saying something pornographic for five seconds.”
Side-eyeing underscores turn to you, but the leather below his digital display creases, proving that beneath the glare, he’s grinning
“Pffff,” he raspberries, “it was way longer than that!”
“Well, maybe seven seconds.”
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Esther Maisel is ten years old, and starting to realize that her father’s promises don’t mean very much. 
He’d promised to meet her before the adults disappeared for dinner so they could catch lightning bugs, but he’d passed right by, apologizing, saying he was just too busy.
“But we’re on vacation!” Esther had called. “You’re not supposed to be busy!” 
“Another time, I promise!” 
She’s starting to realize that being ten is too hard. She’s not old enough to do stuff on her own like Kitty and Ethan, but she’s not little enough to garner attention the way Xiulan still is. 
The sun starts to set and she sighs, watching the lightning bugs float around. At least they’re beautiful to watch. 
“That is some frown.” 
Esther huffs out a breath and tries to smile. “Hi, Lenny.” 
“Hello, Darling,” he says, walking up to stand next to her on the porch, nudging her gently. “Why the sad face?” 
“Pop was supposed to catch lightning bugs with me,” Esther tells him. “But he was too busy today.” 
Lenny sighs. “That stinks.” 
Esther nods. “It stinks big.”
He sheds his suit jacket (he’s ready for dinner) and rolls up his shirt sleeves. “Well...I like lightning bugs. I’ll catch ‘em with you.” 
“But what about dinner?” 
“There’s a fully stocked kitchen right behind us in the bungalow,” Lenny chuckles. “I can miss a dinner. C’mon.” 
Esther smiles slowly and follows him down to the grass, and they let lightning bugs land on their hands, inspecting their glowing behinds. 
When it get dark enough that the stars come out, the two of them lay on the grass, looking up. 
“Hey, Dad?” Esther asks. 
“Do you ever think about aliens?” she whisper conspiratorially. 
“All the time,” he whispers. “There’s so much space. There’s so much we don’t know. It’s arrogant to think we’re alone in the universe.” 
“Do you think they’re nice?” 
“I hope so,” Lenny says. “I like to think they watch us then make jokes about how silly we are.” 
Esther giggles. “Like when Mama tells jokes on stage?” 
“Exactly,” Lenny grins. “Humans are so dumb, they don’t even know how to talk to each other through their televisions.” 
She giggles more. “Humans are so dumb they...they have to drive themselves place. They don’t even have robot cars to drive them.” 
Lenny chuckles. “You’re a pretty cool kid, you know that?” 
Esther sighs. “I wish Pop thought so. I think maybe he only wanted one daughter.” 
“Nah,” Lenny assures her. “He loves you a lot. I think he’s just bad at juggling things sometimes. But he shouldn’t have blown you off.” 
Esther nods. “Thanks for hanging out with me, Lenny.” 
He reaches out, sliding her to sit closer to him so he can place a kiss on the top of her head, and rub her arm. 
He herds her inside a few minutes later to make them some sandwiches, and they each them on the porch, waiting for the the rest of the grownups to come back.
“There you are,” Midge smiles as she walks up the stairs. “What are my two favorite troublemakers up to?”
“Mama, we caught lightning bugs and looked at the stars and then Lenny made us sandwiches,” Esther tells her.
“That sounds like so much fun,” Midge beams, sitting in Lenny’s lap. “I’m sorry I missed it.”
“Maybe another night,” Lenny promises, feeding her a bite of his sandwich. 
“Mmm, peanut butter and jelly,” Midge praises. She smiles and reaches out, kissing Esther’s temple. “You should go get ready for bed.” 
Esther nods as she finishes her sandwich. “Okay, Mama.” She hops up and hugs her tightly. “Love you Mama. G’night, Lenny.” She leans in past Midge and hugs him, too, garnering a kiss on the head.
“Goodnight, Darling, sweet dreams,” Lenny tells her. 
As she goes she can hear them talking.
“She’ll be okay,” Lenny assures her mother. “We gotta get Joel to stop being an asshole again though.” 
Midge sighs softly. “A never-ending battle.” 
Esther tries not to giggle as she heads up the stairs to bed. 
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Prepare for a new rabbit hole.
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*as the computer turns on, a video file appears* Now let's see...
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???: He...hell... hello hello? Yes yes, is this thing on - heeeello~!
???: Darn these things I swear this should work or I'm breaking it, puhuhu~! Wouldn't that be despairing?
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Geez... finally got it on now...!
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I swear, I suck at computers; maybe I should get Monaca to work on an upgrade or better instructions... yeah, I really should!
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Oh hey look, it's on now...!
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...Well, this is awkward, they probably saw me looking like a dumbass, better start from the top.
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This looks to be pre-recorded...
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*ahem* Sorry for the delay but I guess whoever is watching this or maybe it's the main character Makoto Naegi or that thorn on my side, Kyoko Kirigiri...
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Congraaaaats! You got my stuff and I bet you were surprise by the explosions - I totally bet you were, right? right? Riiiight~!
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Seriously, you gotta agree that expulsions are the best, like that one movie series with the cars changing into robots and even getting a Monokuma to stall you guys must of been quite the surprise like that Joestars, huh?
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Or maybe you beated it up sooo easily, honestly I wouldn't be surprise but dang... I worked hard of giving that Monokuma so much protein and here I thought Sakura's advice on protein would do the trick...buhuhuuu...!
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...Or maybe your here for anime girl porn, I can provide that too y'know!
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Still as talkative as ever I see, huh Junko...?
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Or maybe... your aren't here for any of those, huh? Your probably here to learn of my reasons to why I did what I did, aren't you?
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Honestly that sounds sooooo boring but hey, I guess you do deserve it after everything you work to get this thing so yeah... I guess I should talk about the boring stuff, huh?
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Now then... what do you want to learn? Well I guess you can consider this my will in a way and before you ask, this is all pre-recorded but if you have questions; I'll answer them... if I can, puhuhu~.
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