#And shouldn't have to to enjoy the winter solstice
caspercryptid · 9 months
Hey. Remember you can celebrate the holidays non religiously and non denominationally. Decide that December 26th is going to be the day you buy lots of reindeer statues on sale. Decide its going to be reindeer statue day. Do this every year. Or pick a movie you like, doesn't have to be seasonal but it could be winter themed, rewatch that every year. Make your favorite food with it. Invite friends who don't have stuff going on for the holidays. Cook for them. Get on itch.io to find a game to play w your friends or buy a board game. If you don't look forward to this time of year you can give yourself something to look forward to. You can establish your own traditions. You can do this any time. Make this time of year a time of year you look forward to by doing things you enjoy doing. I believe in u
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biteofcherry · 4 months
Happy Wetnessday 💦
I think it's time for some King Steve, don't you? Here's a little this or that for your life with him:
modern day or medieval times
arranged marriage or king falling for "peasant"
summer or winter solstice wedding
castle in the nature or city centre
reads to you before bed or cuddles by the fireplace
No matter what you choose he's completely smitten and can't let his hands off you.
xoxo Wetnessday anon 💦
STEEVIE 🥹💖 back in my arms ❤️
And King Steve on top of it? You spoil me, Wetnessday Anon! Thank you!
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I'd pick medieval times, because I'm in deep need of wearing beautiful gowns daily, not just for shmancy galas. Also more forests and fields than skyscrapers and yelling car drivers. Besides, I want Steve with a sword, not just some ceremonial stick 😎
While I love me some romantic falling for who you shouldn't be with, I was never actually fond of such drastic class difference romance? Idk, I always thought of them to be bullshit in the making and maintaining 😂 How about we mix it up a bit? An arranged marriage, but not with a Princess equal to Steve's status, but perhaps a daughter/sister of a knight who was Steve's very loyal, close friend, but after death you'd be left with no protection and possibly some nasty distant uncle would claim all everything and decide on your marriage. So Steve arranges for your marriage to him, to protect you. And no one would dare make any claims on you and your dowry when the king himself has taken you.
The castle is built on a hill, overlooking the grounds below and the wide, blue ribbon of river crossing right next to it. There are fields and forests around; a long main road with hawthorns growing on both sides and blooming beautifully in spring.
Steve is absolutely wonderful. Your marriage may have happened due to his strong sense of duty and protectiveness, but he doesn't close his heart on the love that blooms between you two. He's absolutely smitten and most doting. Sometimes he will read out to you some formal replies, seeking your opinion, and sometimes you will visit him when he reads piles of letters, requests and reports. You'd pick one of the letters and read it in a silly, mocking voice to make Steve laugh. But one of your favorite ways to spend time with Steve alone, with no duties to fulfill, is to be in his arms as you sit by the fireplace, drinking some mead or wine and just enjoying the quiet, or some hushed intimate conversation.
Though you also love to go on rides with him. Especially in winter, when you're bundled in most lush coat lined with fur and Steve holds you in his embrace as you sit in front of him on his horse. Winter rides remind you of your winter wedding. How the light from the torches stuck in the snow reflected in the frosty layer as you were lead through the courtyard. The evergreens weaved into your hair, as a symbol for the solstice, white gold of the stunning jewelry you were gifted as brilliant as the sparkling snow. Steve awaited you at the bottom of the stairs and then, hand holding yours, lead you up and into the main hall where you were married.
It's also on winter solstice that you give birth to your first child (and Steve gets so happy drunk on mead he forgets you're married and asks you to be his queen 😆)
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redbleedingrose · 1 month
hey i really enjoyed your azriel fic and i'm wondering if you can write a one-shot where the reader is a peregryn warrior but she's been part of the night court and the inner circle for centuries since the war and fought along side the valkyries and on holidays like starfall and winter solstice she gets really drunk and then starts showering azriel with compliments like even if they're not in the same room, she'll hunt him down and shower him in compliments which makes az bed her every night bc at first its a good distraction from mor then it's a good distraction from elain and then he'll realize that the reader always make him feel seen and on their most recent night together she was complimenting his soul and the beauty of it despite his trauma and all that jazz and it woks him up until the point where he starts crying during sex (which is extremely soft for this part) but the reader doesn't notice bc she's too drunk. after this he becomes more protective of the reader and starts showering her with affection and doting on her and all that mother hen stuff and she doesn't mind also bc she oblivious to his shift in emotions until the inner circle has a meeting and rhys assigns her a mission but azriel disagrees and the reader feels insulted bc she's a warrior and shouldn't be coddled and starts tearing into him bc of her pride but az stands his ground and the reader is confused bc he's never acted out this way on her behalf so she starts questioning him and asks if its bc they share a bed every now and then . you can decide how it goes from there bc that's all i've got . also pls for the smut scenes i was thinking you could write some wingplay. az is the freakiest of the batboys so i hope you'll do him justice, also for the starfall smut it would be nice if you could incorporate the dust that would be nice. i was thinking two smut scenes for when he's hung over more then two more for when he's hung over elain the second one being the revelation. it would be really great if you took my request under consideration. thank you <3333
Hi sweetie!
Honestly, it looks like you have this whole fic thought out and plotted. You should absolutely attempt to write this yourself and tag me when you're done! You can def build on this, and honestly, I think this is a bit too detailed for me to add my own creativity.
You got this! Keep me updated if you proceed to write this! <3
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theowritesfiction · 2 years
'Winter Solstice Part 1'
I really enjoyed this episode because for the first time the subject of spirits and spirit world came up. And this is when I like Aang the most - him doing unique Avatar stuff, settling conflicts between humans and spirits. That's his bread and butter. The episode was just built up so well: the blind trust villagers had in the Avatar, Aang's first efforts failing spectacularly and making his success later feel very rewarding.
The creativity of the spirit world and it's creatures is such a wonderful feature of the setting. Hei Bai was truly terrifying when he went around destroying the village.
I really enjoyed Zuko showing some actual brain power by being the one to realize that Iroh has been abducted by earthbenders.
The first mention of Sozin's comet... literally gave me the chills. Such amazing foreshadowing.
This is the first episode where the pro-Iroh narrative starts to feel very blatant. Of course, we're supposed to feel for the charmingly befuddled old man who's being abducted by the evil earthbenders. And then the information that he led a 600 day long siege on Ba Sing Se is just casually dropped in there. I'm sorry, shouldn't he face justice for that? But no, we have to frame the victims of the siege as the bad guys.
Ok, so the Jerk Points going to Iroh are:
For trying to lure Zuko into a natural hot tub and then flashing Zuko, a serious WTF creep moment - 35 Jerk Points.  Also, even if Iroh ended up humiliated and chained up while being naked, it also meant that I was forced to look at a naked Iroh, which is just gross - 10 Jerk Points for being a naked old man in a children's show.
Jerk Points:
Bumi - 200 Aang - 60 Iroh, Zhao - 50 Zuko - 20
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queen-rainy-love · 2 years
Holiday Dash part 4
Party time! (Sorry for the long read. I may have overdone it.)
*The scene picks up two days later at the winter party. Everyone there was enjoying the festivities. Madeleine, Espresso, Latte, and Almond were talking about the Parfaedia Institute. The kids were playing close to the windows. The Madeleine sisters, Sablé, and Dark Cacao talked about their favorite sweets. Financier, Pastry, Black Raisin, and Whipped Cream were admiring the lights in the ballroom. Herb, Clover, Knight, Clotted Cream, and Wildberry were watching the Hollyberry family have a contest to see who could balance on the barrel the longest. Pure Vanilla, White Lily, Vanilla Sugar, Custard, and Light Cream were telling Cream Scone all the adventures the families had been through. Dark Choco and Red Velvet stood near the tree, admiring it.*
Dark Choco: I never thought...a tree could be this bright.
Red Velvet: Yeah. Dark mom always had a weird tree for the Winter Solstice. But it always looked like it was about fall apart.
Dark Choco: Yes. But at least she tries. *pauses* How has she been?
Red Velvet: The same. But at least she's not causing chaos. How are things with you and your father?
Dark Choco: It's fine. We've been getting better. There are still a few awkward moments but I know we're both trying. And it's all thanks to you.
Red Velvet: Huh?
Dark Choco: If you didn't go looking for me, I wouldn't have had a chance to be with my family again. Or even be with my friends.
Red Velvet: *smiles* No problem. Speaking of family, is there something going on between Dark Cacao and Sablé?
Dark Choco: Well...let's just say...the Dark Cacao Kingdom might be getting a queen soon.
*Red Velvet smiled and was about to say something when he noticed out of the corner of his eyes. Madeleine and Espresso were walking out to the garden while Wildberry and Clotted Cream walked out to the other room. Dark Choco noticed this too.*
Dark Choco: What's wrong?
Red Velvet: I...*realizes what's going on.* Those two sly bastards. Want to help me embarrass them?
Dark Choco: *narrows his eye* What are you planning?
*Meanwhile, Madeleine and Espresso were walking through the outdoor garden. As they walked, Madeleine pulled Espresso close to keep him warm.*
Madeleine: It's very lovely tonight.
Espresso: Yes. The moon is shining bright now. Moonlight Cookie is doing a wonderful job.
Madeleine: Yes. Very good job. *looks absently at Espresso.*
Espresso: *stops walking* Alright. What's wrong?
Madeleine: *startled* W-What? What are you talking about?
Espresso: You've been acting off for the past few days. You usually talk on and on as well as shower me with more affection than I could handle. So what is going on?
Madeleine: I...um...I...
Espresso: Well?
Madeleine: *takes a deep breath and faces Espresso.* I...You know that I love you, right?
Espresso: Yes.
Madeleine: And these past five years were wonderful. Right?
Espresso: Yes. I know this.
Madeleine: And you've talked about living in the Vanilla Kingdom once you retired-
Espresso: Madeleine. Are you still worried about taking over the Vanilla Kingdom? I told you that I would be by your side when the day comes.
Madeleine: But you didn't tell me what you would be to me.
Espresso: What?
Madeleine: Espresso...I don't think I could find a better Cookie to be by my side, especially these past two years. And I think you should be treated as such. *grabs Espresso's hand and kneels to one knee. Espresso's eyes widen.* I know I'm not a perfect Cookie, but I hope I'm perfect enough for you. So Espresso Cookie of the Créme Republic, *pulls out a small black box and opened it to reveal a golden ring with a black gem. This caused Espresso to cover his mouth.* will you do me the honor and be my husband?
*Espresso stood there, shocked. This caused Madeleine to start freaking out.)
Madeleine: (Did I do this too soon?! Maybe I shouldn't have done this during the winter. Maybe this wasn't romantic enough. Should I have done this at the diner?! Maybe-)
*Espresso hugged Madeleine, causing both of them to fall back. Madeleine wasn't sure what was going on. It wasn't until he felt Espresso quivering.*
Madeleine: Ah! Espresso! Are you-!
Espresso: Yes.
Madeleine: Huh?
Espresso: *lifts himself enough for Madeleine to see tears threaten to fall* I said yes, you fool. I'll marry you. I'll be by your side until the end.
*Madeleine smiled and pulled Espresso into a kiss.*
*Meanwhile, standing at the balcony that faces the garden. The Pure Lily family, the Madeleine sisters, Herb, the Hollyberry family, Pastry, Latte, and Vanilla Sugar. It wasn't long until the Madeleine sisters started cheering. This startled Madeleine and Espresso, causing them to look up at the balcony.*
Lemon Madeleine: Oh my Divine Light!!
Lime Madeleine: Such a beautiful moment!
Orange Madeleine: We must celebrate!
Latte: I agree! And we can plan the wedding too! I know the perfect place!
Red Velvet: That would be a great idea! And we do have a Cookie here *gestures at Pure Vanilla* who can do weddings!
*Madeleine and Espresso blushed like crazy. Madeleine nervously smiled before pulling Espresso into a hug.*
*Meanwhile, in the other room, Wildberry and Clotted Cream were standing there. Behind his back and in his hands was the small gray box.*
Wildberry: Was there something wrong?
Clotted Cream: No, nothing is wrong. I just...*blushes* wanted to give your gift a bit early.
Wildberry: *smiles* I see. Then I should get my gift for you too. *about to leave*
Clotted Cream: *stops him* Wait...I can wait for that gift. But I can't wait for this gift. *brings out the small box while blushing* Here.
*Wildberry took the box and opened it. He was shocked by what he saw. Inside was two silver rings with pearls engraved in them. He looks at Clotted Cream.*
Wildberry: Clotted Cream...
Clotted Cream: I know jewelry isn't something you would wear, especially rings. And I have had this since Aunt Oyster and Uncle Caviar's wedding which was at our four-month mark. But I wasn't sure if that was a good idea to give it to you then since it's not a proposal ring. And if you don't like it, I can get you something else. A-and I can return this back to-
*Wildberry pulls Clotted Cream close and kissed him. Clotted Cream froze but quickly melt into the kiss. It only lasted a couple seconds before Wildberry pulled away.*
Wildberry: Don't. I will wear this. I just...*look around until he spots a string on a table. He picks it up and took one of the rings. The string slips through the ring and Wildberry tied the string around his neck.* Here we go.
Clotted Cream: *smiles* It looks great on you.
*Wildberry smiles and took the other ring out of the box. Then he grabbed Clotted Cream's hand and put it on.*
Wildberry: This will have to do for now.
Clotted Cream: *blushes* F-for now?
*Wildberry smiles before kissing Clotted Cream's head and pulling him into a hug. While all this was happening, on the other side of the door was Dark Choco, the Custard family, Cream Scone, the Berry family, and Sablé. Most were trying to keep quiet.*
Custard III: (We need to come up with wedding ideas. Big brother deserves them!)
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walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years
Saturnalia and The Sol Invictus: The First Pagan Festivities in being suppresed
   Saturnalia, was a festivity dedicated to The Roman Deity of Harvest and Agriculture; Saturn, and was one of the most important feasts in Ancient Rome: It was celebrated from Dec. 17, 'till Dec. 23; during which ocurrs the Winter's Solstice. (Public banquet, private gift-giving; Non-Stop Parties, and an Carnival-like ambient, and the social norms were relaxed in that time: Masters served to their Slaves, and Women ruled the House and Gambling was allowed) It was a celebration for the End of The Harvest, and as a little restoration of The Golden Age; when Saturn was the Ruler, and humans lived in total freedom.
   The Sol Invictus, (The Unconquered Sun, in Classical Latin) celebrated the born of a new Sun than defeated Darkness, making than days became larger: This feast, started at Dec. 22, till Dec. 25. (Exactly: The same day, than is celebrated today; as Christmas.) The Cult to The Sol Invictus, was mentioned until the 387 AD; and by the fifth century, there were still enough followers of The Sol Invictus; than Augustine of Hippo, preached against them!
    Saturnalia and Sol Invictus, were Festivities than were originated of South Europe; specifically, of Ancient Rome, (Today's Italy) and were the first Festivities; than Christian work hardly to eliminated. Now, you may wonder, ''Why this post?!''... Simple: 'Cause we shouldn't never forget, than we are still struggling for being respected as Pagans/Wiccans/Witches; including being able someday, to celebrates openly our Sacred Dates and Festivities without being mocked; persecuted, and/or being threated with violence or suffer threats; for expressing our faith. (For this, we must know the reason behind we have to sadly celebrates in private this Sacred Days and Festivities; when our Ancestors and Ancestress, don't have to live any of this; and enjoy their Celebrations, with the full joy of their hearts.)
    When Christianity, became one of ''The State Religions of The Roman Empire''; they started to banned any Public Festivities, related to Paganism; mostly with sucess, except... For two great Festivities, than were very popular in those times: Saturnalia and Sol Invictus. For The Roman Church, this was an big issue; so they decided to do the only thing than occurred to them...
   ...Overshadowed both festivities, with a campaing of misinformation!
    In the churches, they started to said; ''Christ was borned, in Dec. 25th!''; and repeated evertime they could, until people started to believed it; as the absolute truth, and never questioned it. (You know: People tends to believes easily to Religious Authorities!) Well, before I go on in this post; I'm going to point quickly three important things, of why this claim is not based in the truth:
There is not early, or trustful information; than said than Christ was borne in Dec. 25. (The Gospels, were wrote 70 years after Jesus left The Earth; and the more late an historic event is wrote, the less accurate became: Is not the same having all the information in paper, days; weeks, months, years, a decade or two... Than having the same information, disperse and mostly losed; after 20 years or more, when most witness have died; or have serious memory's troubles.) 
The Gnostics, (A belief sistem of The Primitive Christianity, than blends Greek Phylosophy with Jewish and Orientals Beliefs; including Magic) always celebrated Christ's Birth, but... The Celebration, was in Mar. 20: The start of Spring, in most of the years. For this, and many other reasons; The Church started to persecuted to The Gnostics, until they thoughted nobody was part of this menacing faith, anymore. (Maybe was too, because Women lead The Eucaristic’s Dinner, and lived in equality of rights with Men; in this Primitive Christian's Community?!... ''We will never know!... We will never know!...'')  
The last, but not less important: In a few docummentaries about Jesus's Birth, had show than this event; couldn't have ever happen in the date forcibly ensured by The Church, for these reasons:
The story, talks about lovelies scenes with Angels, Shepherds and Animals; but doesn't mention snow, or any freezing phenomenon. (Why doesn't mention any of that, if all of this happened well inside; The Winter's Season?) 
''The Star of Bethelem'', was a phenomenon which scientists tracked; to two possible events: A supernova, and... A Conjuction of Jupiter with The Moon, in Aries. The first, happened in February; and the second... Was in August. (...Way to FAR, of Dec. 25; Isn't?!) 
And, the most obvious detail, is than in those docummentaries; Today's Sheperds, were interviewed of how they handle their work in Winter; and... Surprise, surprise: They said, than they never works in Winter; because... ''The cold is so cruel, than is feel inside the bones!'' (And that was, when we started to see the dire effects of Climate's Change in The World, so... It means, than the scene of The Shepherds seeing and hearing Angels; never happened in Winter, and neither... In Dec. 25!)
    As the Chief of Campaign of Hitler, said: ''A lie told a 1,000 times, becomes the truth'', and that was what happened with this two Mayor Festivities: The Sol Invictus, became the official date of Christ's Birth, (Now, call Christmas) at some point of the first two or three centuries; after The Legalization of Christianity, to the point than most of Today's World; believes than always has been like that. And Saturnalia, was rearranged in such way; than even today, people do public banquets days before Christmas, do pranks to family and friends; do private gift-giving, parties in every corner, and... There is an atmosphere of joy, and feeling more free. (In some Countries, there is even a ''King of Misrule''; which is other of the many traditions than still remains of Saturnalia!) and Saturnalia, was forgotted in name and purpose.
   The name of this post, gives an idea than this Celebrations doesn't dissapeared; but were modified in their meaning, until they losed their original meaning; and today, are only Public Festivities; where Polititians, The High Class and Famous; showed us their ''Kinder Faces'', until Elections came; or Famous and High Class People, will ignore us for the rest of the year. (That's why I dislike to having to greet people in Christmas: Why, hugging me and saying ''Merry Christmas!''... If you will ignore me and don't talk to me, the other 364 days of the year?! [People need to hear an kind word say to them, once a day; and recieved a hug once in a while, you know?!... 'Cause as Human Beings, we all need minimal shows of affection for our own mental's health; and feel we are loved and cared?!]) Anyway, Saturnalia and Sol Invictus left their mark in The Winter's Festivities; and even in popular representations: Sol Invictus, was represented as a young man with a radiate golden crown or golden rays; coming out of his head, in a chariot pulled by four white horses; and while Helios is said to be the owner of the same, the opinions points to Elagabalus; (The Arab-Roman Sun God, of Syrian Origin) or Malakbel, the Syrian God of Palmyra; as the pissible candidates. They were replaced in representations, with a savior than pulls four white horses; in most of The Ancient and Medieval Churches of Europe, North Africa and Minor Asia.  
    Saturnalia and Sol Invictus, are held in Today's Paganism; mostly in private. If you can make a least a little banquet with your Family, or with your Pagan Friends; under a friendly and joyful atmosphere, then... Consider yourself, as a very lucky person! (I hope to have the chances to do that myself, someday!)
    This is all in this post, hoping this year we will be more close; to fulfill our desire to being respected and being able to practices openly, (Or at least, find friends than shared our beliefs) and our right of belief being respected, and being protected by law and society; for being a religious minority, and for being; human beings.
     Have all of you an Amazing, Peaceful and Happy 2023; with our Beloved Deities, Ancestors; Family and Friends... So Be It!
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dragonmasterhiccup · 2 months
Her smile widened even further at the mention that the baby dragons enjoyed being held. “You should totally let me keep one.”
“I know it’s a great idea, it came from me, and I only have the best ideas,” she said dramatically, placing a hand over her heart.
“Every time you tell me not to, it just means I’m closer to actually doing it, I don’t think you’re helping yourself out here Hiccup.” She scoffed playfully. “Okay, I’ll just allow myself to do it, does that make it easier? You can just sit back and watch! That’s not too hard I hope.”
“Hey, if I want to spend my first Snoggletog with food poisoning, I will be spending my first Snoggletog with food poisoning. But don’t worry, I promise to not to tell Astrid anything- unless given a valid reason,” she said with a playful smirk, although she clearly wasn’t being sincere. She’s not that much of a jerk.
She leaned back against the headboard and crossed her legs. “So how long exactly until this Snoggletog exactly?” She took another bite of her apple while looking up at him.
"You could, if you want to. But just know, they grow fast!"
He playfully rolled his eyes. "Oh, of course, yeah, you always do."
"A-actually, it is kind of hard to watch..." He shuddered, remembering his first taste of yaknog five years ago. "That drink...it sticks with you. Drinks shouldn't have to be chewed. But hey, if that's what you like, who am I to stop you? I'll just make sure you have a bucket handy."
He placed his hands on his hips. "Well, we have a week or so until the decorations go up. Snoggletog falls on the winter solstice, so it's a month away right now."
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List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
I'll do my beloved boy Douxie!
He's going to be the tallest Consort in Carrington's history when Richard abdicates and Ana takes the throne, standing at just over 6'3"/190 cm.
Christmas/The Winter Solstice/Winter Holidays have always been his favorite time of year. He and Ana get REALLY into it (Ana gets a little bit more into it then he does, but Douxie is still the one putting up the tree the second it hits midnight on November 1st)
He's constantly debating with himself as to whether or not he wants to look into who his biological parents are. All he knows is that it was a closed adoption and his birth mom was young. Not even his moms know anything beyond that.
Douxie does not like the heat. Not at all. He prefers to stay inside in the air conditioning, but if Kris wants to go outside into the toddler pool or on the swing set in the backyard... well, of COURSE he's going to go and do that.
He did not like his time in the military. At all. He didn't enjoy it when he was away from Ana for a year before they got married, but the three months away after Kris was born were the hardest three months of his life because it literally broke his heart to see Ana struggling so much. He's made it clear to everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) that Kris shouldn't be forced to partake in military service. He should only do it if he wants to.
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zephyrblacktree · 3 years
For my partner for the gift exchange @rambles-on-arcana! Sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy!
The Winter Solstice was in full swing, with the warmth of the fireplace filling the Palace with a beautiful and calming atmosphere. Normally Illia would find the darkest corner and go pester Muriel, but that wasn't an option this time. For starters, she was doing damage control by the drinks table. Asra found a magician friend who shared a trouble streak, and the two of them messed around with all of the drinks rather than one. So far no one's gotten a glimpse of Asra's mysterious new friend and Valerius once again became a victim to the magical mishaps, leaving Illia to reverse some of the damage. It wasn't as bad as it could've been thankfully, but Illia isn't sure how or why he's always at the mercy of magical pranks.
"What color is my coat?" Illia asks, waving her sleeve in his face. The Consul groans as his eyes adjust to seeing various colors again.
"Red." he answers. "Maroon if you need me to be more specific. Who even wears shades of red during winter?"
Illia hums, content with his answer. "It's my color. Anyways, you'll be fine as long as you don't touch any of the other drinks. Maybe see if Nadia can replace them."
"Honestly, I shouldn't be surprised that magician would try and ruin the drinks again. And now, he's found a partner in crime." Valerius bemoans. Illia nods, pretending to listen as she scans the crowd for white fluffy hair. Asra would be a fool if he stuck around after pulling a stunt like this, even if it was in good fun. She isn't sure if she should be worried for him or the guy stuck with him for the rest of the night. Probably both.
"Well, that's not any of my business. Enjoy the rest of the Solstice, Consul." Illia smiles, quickly putting as much distance between them as she can. She had to listen to him whine the entire time and she's more than ready to go back to enjoying herself. Adjusting her coat so the hood covered her hair, Illia decides to brave the outside and enjoy the snow.
A gush of cold air smacks her in the face when she opens the door, but the enchantments on her outfit makes it bearable. It's as lively outside as it is inside, if only a smidge more chaotic. That's to be expected with the former Count rallying the people into snowball fights left and right. He's certainly good at getting others excited, she'll give him that. She walks in the footsteps of others who've trudged through the snow, following the path to a small bench near some snowmen. She takes a seat, enjoying the scenery of everyone laughing and in high spirits. "Nadia really outdid herself this time," Illia thinks. "Not sure how she'll top any of this next year."
Lost in her thoughts, it takes her a second to recognize someone sitting next to her. They look like they've gazed at Death, shivering like crazy despite being bundled up in the finest and softest fabrics available. Like her, they aren't dressed in the normal blue and white outfits many have chosen and instead have chosen to wear an abundance of yellow. Tousled black hair is covered with a light dusting of snow. They glance at her, almost going still as they notice her nonchalance to the cold. "I must look like an idiot, huh?"
She nods. "The enchantments aren't helping much?"
They laugh and nod, allowing some of the snow to be shaken off. "Nope. We don't really have winter where I'm from. It's pretty much summer all year long with the only difference being how long it rains." They hold their gloved hand out for Illia to shake. "I'm Ny— uh, Jinx."
Illia stifles a laugh at the obvious lie and shakes his hand. "Illia. So, Jinx, what are you doing out here in the cold instead of inside?"
"Well…" he points towards the open space where most of the snowball fights have been taking place. Julian has made his way over from the ice rink and seemed to be arguing with Lucio. It was hard to make out words, but it seems like they're having some kind of banter. Illia can't figure out if it's in good fun or not because Lucio likes to take everything personally. "That guy arguing with Lucio? He's my friend's boyfriend and I want to mess with him a little. Throw a snowball or two in his face."
Ah, she remembers Julian talking about that. She's still not sure how he managed to get a partner so fast but from what she's heard, they're a good match for each other: two troublemakers constantly on the run. "And Lucio?"
Jinx smiles. "I just wanna throw snow at him."
She looks back at them again to see a small crowd has formed. Seems like another snowball fight is about to begin. It'll keep her blood pumping at least. She leans forward and whispers conspiratorially "You go on Lucio's side and I go on Julian's. If they do another one, we switch sides."
Jinx's shivering seems to stop at the idea of running around. He happily gets up, winks, and runs over to Lucio's side to take part in the fight. Illia waits a few seconds before strolling towards Julian, putting on her best poker face and pretending to not know Jinx on the other side. Julian smiles when he sees her.
"Ah, Illia! Come to take part in a little rough housing?" he asks. Over the moon when she nods, he yells to Lucio's side "You're already outmatched! We have a magician with us!" The crowd cheers and praises her, believing they'll win simply because she knows magic.
Lucio grins like a madman. "Oh yeah? Well—"
Jinx is behind him, frantically shaking his head.
"We have royalty on ours!"
So that's why he was so worried about his name. Illia doesn't really care about stuff like that, but she supposes a prince partaking in a snowball fight could be considered scandalous. The crowd cheers him on too, and the tips of Jinx's ears go red. Regardless, the teams are quickly sorted out and everyone makes a dash onto the open field. Snowballs immediately start flying, with lucky shots managing to get people out before the game could properly begin.
Illia focuses her attention on hitting Lucio. He's surprisingly good at these games, but Illia's seen him play enough to get a sense of how he fights. With some quick calculations she throws her first ball, missing him by only a few inches. He stares at her with wonder and slight fear in his eyes. 
"Woah, Illia! Trying to get the captain out early? Well you gotta try harder than that!" He throws a snowball at her, followed by a few smaller ones as she dives for cover behind a nearby tree. Shrieks of joy fill the air as snow goes flying all around her. Sometimes it almost feels like a battlefield rather than a game. There's a good gap between them where there's no cover. Well, there's no rules regarding how magic should be used in a snowball fight.
She rushes forward, catching him off guard with her boldness. He charges, only to quickly stop when snow lifts off the ground. A small snowman army soon springs to life, rolling their way towards victory. A few people take a moment to stop and watch her, including Julian. She holds back a chuckle as she sees Jinx shove snow down his back. Lucio, meanwhile, does his best to avoid her army. He puts up a decent fight before the sheet numbers overwhelm him.
"Never surrender!" he cries, but about five of the snowmen flop on top of him, covering him head to toe in snow. His head pops up from underneath the small hill as he spits out snow. He laughs as he pulls himself out. "That was great!"
Illia takes a look around the field. It looks like it's a tie with both leaders and a decent amount on both sides out of the game. Jinx is part of the few who made it to the end, happily throwing snow into the air as he laughs and celebrates his victory. Illia makes her way over to him as Julian and Lucio congratulate each other on the game.
"Not so cold anymore, your Highness?" She asks.
Jinx nods, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah. I'm sorry about not being honest. Let me start over, " he holds his hand out again, "I'm Nyx."
She recognizes the name but not his face. His inability to handle the cold makes a bit more sense now, Truiya doesn't really have winter or snow. "Nice to meet you."
The bells ring, signaling Nadia's speech is about to begin. "Let's warm up." Illia suggests, heading back inside the Palace. Nyx follows, waving goodbye when they step inside and quickly making his way towards Asra. She gets a glimpse of purple hair next to him, and assumes that's a friend of his. As she settles for a spot in the middle of the crowd, she sees Lucio appear next to her, bits of snow tangled in his hair.
"That's the most fun I've had in ages!" he laughs. Illia sighs and gets on her tiptoes to brush off the snow. "Thanks, love." Lucio tells her. Nadia appears at the top of the stairs, reciting her speech about the excitement of the new year and celebrations. When the crowd disperses, Illia can't help but smile. Another perfect Solstice in the bag.
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iheartlaz · 3 years
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍 | 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦
𝟑. 𝐢 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲
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It’s then that Dream realizes that perhaps everyone around him was trying to escape this fate. Working against a tradition of centuries. Yet while the rest of the world struggles to find an out, he’s standing still. He doesn’t get to walk away that easily. If not for his little brother. If not for an entire nation counting on him.
Summary: or, Dream is prince to a kingdom that is cursed and he desperately tries to outrun the inevitable.
Chapter Summary: Dream is forced to grow up and it hurts.
Tags: royal au, platonic soulmates, curses, gods & goddesses
Warnings: depictions of violence, anxiety attacks and memory loss, mentions of death
Note: third chapter of the fic, hope y’all enjoy!
Dream hates the smell of blood.
In fact he has a general disdain for the crimson liquid. The sight of it makes him nauseous while the taste causes him to gag, but the smell—the smell has always been the worst. Somehow, the scent of freshly spilled blood makes dread swell in his stomach. It’s a threat, a warning that something terrible has just transpired.
When he was seven, there was an attack on the palace during their Winter Solstice celebration. Most of that early morning was a blur. He could only recall fragments. Like Philza handing him a present wrapped in red cloth, or Sapnap’s upset stomach after eating “trop de bûches de Noël'' (or at least that's what his mother had said). The guests had all gotten drunk on sweet wine and the merry atmosphere.
The attack happened whilst everyone had already retired for the night. Whatever joyful mood they had been in was promptly shattered by the sound of panicked suffling, then screaming. Philza came bursting into his room frenzied. He grabbed Dream and threw him over his back, not uttering a word of explanation. He’d thrashed until tears ran down his cheeks.
A part of him wonders if that's why he gets so antsy around the king.
It wasn’t until Philza brought him to the gardens that a young Dream realized what had occurred. His mother stood stall, blade in her right hand and his little brother carried by her other arm. Blood stained her dress, coming from a wound on her shoulder. Philza ran to her side, giving a frightened Sapnap to Dream before checking her injuries.
In complete horror, Dream watched as his mother nearly collapsed from blood loss. Some part of him could hear the dangerously slow heartbeat that banged in her chest. In that secular moment his mother was dying. Dream could feel it in his very bones, to the way a strange marking began to carve itself on his wrist. He looked down to find his skin, mutilated by his own genetics. As if the burden of the Evergreen wanted to latch itself onto the next host as soon as it sensed the current one in danger.
However, his mothers will to live was stronger. She fought and won the physical battle against enemies sent to kill them, now she would fight to give her son a few more years before he took the burden. The next day his mother was still breathing and Dream’s skin healed over without leaving a trace.
But the smell of blood stayed with Dream. Years have passed and he still can’t stand it. A perfect reminder of the day he’d almost lost his mother, or even worse, lost himself to the curse.
That's why even though he knows he shouldn't, he steps in front of George. He knows there’s no avoiding Technoblade’s attack. It’s coming at full force towards him, sure to cut deep and make piping hot pain rush through his body.
The moment the dagger touches skin, he doesn’t even feel it. The impact sends him back a few paces, George still behind him. Dream focuses on how to stop Techno from striking again. He crouches before running at full force towards the other prince.
He draws his blade once more, but Dream has already got his arms wrapped around his torso. He tackles Techno to the ground. The Wild prince yells obscenities in his ear, desperately trying to escape Dream’s tight embrace. He refuses to let go, fueled by the adrenaline coursing in his veins.
Dream can hear the shouting of George as he continues to hold Techno down. The commotion seems to be enough to grab the attention of people in camp. A few guards run up to Dream’s side, attempting to pull him off Techno. He doesn’t let go, he can’t let go. Not until he knows the prince won’t try to hurt George.
He doesn’t respond, voice drowned out by the sound of waves crashing against rocks. Techno’s expression is not one he’s ever seen on his friend. His eyes are red, redder than they’ve ever been. He bares his teeth as if he were an animal, for lack of a better word.
“Dream!” Again.
There’s a million different questions running in and out of his head. He’d known about “the voices,” but Dream had assumed Techno was joking this whole time. If the other prince was harboring this much resentment, why act now?
And why not towards Dream? Why did it have to be George?
He opens his mouth to speak, to ask, but he’s pulled off Techno by George before he can.
He watches as Technoblade is picked up from the ground by none other than Wilbur. He forces his brother to look him directly in the eyes, muttering what Dream can only assume are words of comfort.
The next to come are his mother and Philza. She seems utterly mortified when her attention lands on Dream. He shakes it off.
“What the hell did you do?!” Philza’s loud voice booms over them. “Answer me!”
Puffy walks towards Dream, standing by his side. “Isn’t it quite obvious Phil? Your son attacked mine.”
George lets Dream go.
“No, Dream was just defending me. Technoblade—he tried to hurt me.” he explains.
Philza’s expression goes angry, “You expect me to believe a word this boy says? He tried to kill my son last time!”
“Don’t you dare call him a liar,” Puffy defends, “George is a good person. He’s proven far more than trustworthy.”
Despite the fight they’d had not even an hour ago, Dream is grateful that his mother is here.
“He’s right,” Wilbur says, finally making his presence clear. “Techno attacked them. The voices, father, they got too loud for him.”
Philza shakes his head. The anger on his face disperses, and transforms into frightening realization. Like he knows exactly what his son is talking about.
Dream would feel sympathy if he hadn’t just faught Technoblade off. The pain is beginning to set in. His sides ache from being pushed back, vision in his left eye slightly obscured. The world starts to spin.
George calls his name for the last time.
Then, nothing.
[read the rest of chapter 3 on ao3]
twt & ao3 & wattpad @/lazarus_r_us
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talesofbritain · 6 years
A Saxon Yule Feast: THE LAST YULE
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With only a week and a bit to go until our 2018 YULE special live show maybe we shouldn't be sharing free stories, but well, it's Xmas, so do find linked above the full – and rather boozy – one-man rendition of THE LAST YULE, last year's free Xmas story for you all, which you won't find in the book (though we now have seen the full cover, and are getting very excited about next month's release at last!), but will be performed live for the first time by Brother Bernard and Sister Sal in the show on Saturday week!
Plus as ever, we will have a GREAT BIG PIE packed with free sweeties, of course! This is the closest we can get to a traditional Saxon Yule feast, but do feel free to bring your own suckling pigs!
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Today's story concerns a first millennium Christian, an Italian called Augustine, who was sent by the Pope to convert the English Saxons to their funky new lifestyle choice – and the danger their zealotry posed to the Winter Solstice fun that we had all been having for many centuries, long before the bread-and-wine-themed religion had been invented! It's a tough folktale to track down – my first hearing of it was in Stephen Fry's Paperweight (ahem, the official Fry & Laurie story SOUPY TWISTS is still in shops, should you be short of a present for a discerning comedy fan friend!), but this retelling is greatly expanded and jollied up in full Tales of Britain style, so whether you enjoy it right now on YouTube or live on Saturday, we hope you enjoy it!
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The Yule feast is essential to the story, it's the riotous, rich, warm scene where Augustine takes his gamble, to convert the drunk Saxons to his religion, and to this day we're all still trying to recreate the mouth-watering, rich yumminess of those Saxon feasts every Christmas – it's the groaning board which inspired Dickens' A Christmas Carol's most loquacious passages, the boar's head enjoyed by weird people every December 25th, the true essence of what it means to celebrate life at this time of year, with the yule log crackling in the grate and the snow battering at the windows.
It's also, of course, a largely true story, attached to the Kent locales of Ramsgate and especially, of course, Canterbury, as Augustine was made the very first Archbishop of Canterbury after managing to wangle the Saxons into buying into the whole Jesus thing. Luckily, the Catholics made damn sure not to ruin anyone's yuletide traditions – they knew they had to keep these barbarians on side, and so their faith came packed with endless feasting opportunities! A millennium and a bit later, Christianity may have come and all-but gone from popular observance in Britain, we have never stopped celebrating Yule every December 25th!
Long may this be so, no matter what your personal beliefs. HAPPY YULE! And eat up.
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