#And somewhere down the line Barbara gets in trouble and Jim is left alone
pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
Hi there! Here's another vampire AU for trollhunters.
• The night before sophomore year of high school, Jim is forcibly turned into a halfling. He does not remember who turned him.
• Barabra had went missing in his freshman year. Due to this, he is living with his Aunt Morgana.
• Morgana is a vampire, but she had nothing to do with her sister's disappearance. However, she used it to her advantage.
• The amulet chose Jim in this AU. Kanjigar was not happy with a halfling Trollhunter, despite Jim refusing to drink human blood.
• Claire and Toby both find out Jim is a vampire at some point. Not sure how. That part is up to you.
• Jim finds out his aunt is a full vampire. When Morgana learns her nephew is the Trollhunter, she keeps him a prisoner.
• Eventually Claire is brought to Morgana, and Morgana bites the girl. She releases Jim from the chains she had him in, but forces him to make a choice.
• The choice was to convert into a full vampire, or she would let Claire die. He chose to convert but refused to join his aunt.
• As a halfling, Jim can hide his fangs. He could only be invited into someone's house if they let him in. Strickler is a full vampire, and Morgana's servant. He switches sides upon realizing Morgana wasn't afraid to use her own family members or hurt them if they refused to join them. Jim only survived his aunt's wrath upon refusing to join because of Strickler helping him and Claire escape.
I do not know if Barabra is eventually found, but she definitely wouldn't be happy to find out Morgana hurt her own nephew.
How the rest of this goes is up to you. I will say this: Morgana is the one who ordered Jim to be turned. Merlin also doesn't find out his own Trollhunter is a vampire until Jim reveals his fangs during a huge argument. Douxie had 'mysteriously' forgot to tell him.
Well at least this time Barbara isn't dead lol.
Even then, her having gone missing for a year can't have been easy on Jim. Since likely if not directly Morgana who has Barbara locked up somewhere so she could try and (unsuccessfully) control Jim and make him one of her vampires, it's someone who equally wants to control Jim. So either Merlin, Angor Rot or Arthur. She would DEFINITELY be found though.
Strickler helping Claire and Jim escape, even knowing he would become a target too goes to show how he cares for Jim (and Claire) a lot. Although unfortunately Jim is a full vampire now. At least Strickler can help him adjust to that transition.
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scaryscarecrows · 3 years
I'd Crawl on Broken Glass to be the One That Laughs Last
Gotham’s gone straight to Hell in a handbasket. Scarecrow’s dead, which is no loss, but Bruce is missing, Arkham blew up for reasons unknown, and the Arkham Knight’s Militia is still in control. Oh, sure, there’s a fair chunk of them in lockup, but they’ve been getting steadily more riled as the days wear on (three days since the Asylum, their boss has to be dead, who’s in charge now?), and the tanks are still running patrols, the bombs are still in the road, and there are checkpoints and watchtowers everywhere.
Jim thinks they’re waiting for something. There’s been no assault, not like he thought there might be. The street thugs and any uncaptured Rogues are still allowed to run wild, though the watchtowers have been spotted taking shots at something big flying around out there. Honestly, they’re even leaving the police alone, for the most part...but they will still shoot at the cars if they get too close. It’s like they’re on babysitting duty or something until the Knight gets back. It’s unsettling.
He’s out doing a little exploration-he doubts they’ve killed Batman, or they’d be gone, but Bruce still isn’t around-when something drops onto the roof of his car. He hits the brakes, tires screeching, and narrowly avoids sliding into a tank crossing the road.
Jim has no time to go for his gun before the driver’s side door gets ripped open by what Jim can only describe as the Hulk. The man outside is only a little smaller than Bane*. There’s a rocket launcher on his back and Jim’s sure he’s not the one that landed on the car, because the car would be a pancake.
He’s proven right a second later when the polar opposite of the giant jumps down. That said, this guy might be tiny, but he moves like he knows half a dozen ways to kill you. The cherry on the disaster sundae? Both of them are wearing army fatigues.
Militia. Shit.
“Boys,” he says, already planning on how to get that rocket launcher from the big one, “don’t be stupid.”
The little one doesn’t say anything. The big one laughs and before Jim can move, he’s been pulled out of the car.
“Boss wants to see ya.”
So they have a boss. Who. Who is it? One of their own? Riddler? Penguin? Goddamn Deathstroke? Who is his new problem?
“Sorry.” The man does sound mostly sorry. “Not really askin’. C’mon.”
Jim tries to slam his elbow into the man’s collarbone. He doesn’t even really get to move before the little guy grabs his arm and wrenches it behind his back. Not hard enough to dislocate it, but hard enough to be a warning.
“We don’t want to have to hurt you, Commissioner,” the big man says. “We’re just picking you up.”
“Go to Hell.”
A gun presses against his back. Fine. He’ll go. But he won’t like it.
* * *
He’s disarmed, bundled into an APC, and blindfolded. After way too many sharp turns and double-backs, he’s...somewhere in the underside of the city. He’s thinking over near Drescher.
Wherever it is, he’s pulled out of the APC, taken inside somewhere, and handed off to new hands. When the blindfold comes off, his kidnappers are nowhere to be seen.
The men in charge of him now (and only for now, give him time…) are less...unnerving...than the other two. One is wearing the white uniform of a medic, and the other is having a snack. Cashews? Cashews.
The medic is a man on a mission. Jim doesn’t even manage to get out a, ‘you’ll be sorry’ before the man’s turning on his heel, jaw working furiously, and snapping, “Come on.”
“Where are we going.”
“Boss wants to see you, won’t listen to reason. This way.”
He stalks off and the snacker chuckles.
“Suit yourself.” They follow the medic down a crumbling hallway. “They didn’t scare you too much, did they?”
“What’s with the good-cop-bad-cop routine?” he demands. “Is your friend up there gonna come back and threaten to carve my face off?”
The man just laughs.
“Probably, but he does that to everyone.”
“Sometime today!”
Jim thinks they might be in the old mall. Scarecrow had been driving that way when something had happened, and, well, if Jim were going to have an evil base of operations, this would be a good one. Lot of ways in and out, nobody ever comes down here anymore-too dangerous-and it’s big, big enough to hold tanks and soldiers and whatever else these boys have. When they round a corner, he sees a familiar logo and decides that yes, that’s where they are. Hm.
They round another corner and end up in the back of the building. Jim’s not sure what this was, but there’s a corridor lined with doors. The medic stops in front of one and turns, hands clasped behind his back.
“Twenty minutes and no more,” he snarls at Jim. “You’re lucky you get that many minutes. You try anything, you might live to regret it. Might. You tire him out, out you go, I don’t care if it’s been two minutes. Don’t touch shit, don’t knock shit down, don’t--”
“I think he’s got the picture,” his other escort soothes. “Don’t terrorize him.”
“Humph. With the amount of work I had to put in to keep his dumb ass alive, I’m entitled to terrorize people.”
“And I’ll tell you something else. You lay a finger, one solitary finger on him, you so much as breathe too hard--”
“There won’t be anything left to bury,” the other man says, smiles with all his teeth. “Here you go, Commissioner.”
“Twenty. Minutes.”
And then he’s shoved into a room with--and good God, how--the Arkham Knight.
The Knight is lying in bed. He looks the worse for wear, but Jim can’t quite muster up pity for him. This...this is his fault. Gotham, Bruce, Barbara…
He swallows down the rage. Not because it’s the right thing to do, but because the Knight’s not alone. Jim supposes they wouldn’t just leave him unattended, not with those injuries, but still.
The Knight doesn’t seem to notice Jim. He’s certainly not looking at him. He’s looking at the laptop the other man has. Right now, at this exact second, he looks like a sick kid, wan and tired, eyes fluttering like he’s fighting to stay awake. But he’s not. Robin or not, he’s...the Knight’s not that boy anymore. Robin wouldn’t have done this, any of this. Robin’s dead.
“Sir.” The other man here isn’t wearing a uniform, he’s wearing jeans and a raggedy flannel that hangs open over some sort of band shirt. But his bearing is still that of a soldier’s, and the rifle leaning against the wall by his chair is top-of-the-line. “Gordon’s here.”
“Remember? You wanted to see him.” The Knight blinks a few times, heavy and confused, and tries to lever himself up before his companion reaches over to pin his shoulder. “Don’t do that.”
More confused silence. Now that he’s moved his head, Jim can see his pupils are blown wide. That’s not a surprise. He’s pretty sure he was in Arkham when it came down, and he hadn’t looked well before that.
Serves him right, he thinks, remembering the cuts on Barbara’s cheeks and chin. Serves the bastard right.
He keeps his mouth shut. The laptop has been closed and set aside, and the rifle is now in its owner’s lap. It’s casual enough, but the threat’s there all the same: you’ll go through me to get to him.
He wonders, a bit, what drives these men. He doesn’t really care, but he wonders a little all the same. Even the ones in the cells have been resolute that ‘the boss’ will get them out, that he’s got everything in hand, just you wait and see.
...in their defense, Jim had thought he had to be dead, and yet here he is. So.
“S’right,” the Knight finally breathes. He sounds terrible, and Jim suddenly matches the purple swelling on his throat to handprints. That scares him. Not out of pity or sympathy, but because what little he’s seen of the man says he can handle himself. Whoever did that… “S’right.”
“You up for it?”
He’d better be. Jim was kidnapped off the street for this.
“Yes.” Good. “Glad to see you’re unharmed.”
No thanks to you, Jim doesn’t snap, resolutely ignores the memory of the Knight holding up his hands and telling Scarecrow, voice painfully earnest, to take him and let Jim and his men and Robin leave in one piece. He settles for a curt nod, can’t quite muster up a, wish I could say the same.
The Knight pulls in a painful-sounding breath and drops his head to the side.
“Bring up the footage for Commissioner Gordon, would you?”
“Yessir.” The laptop returns, balanced delicately over the rifle. Jim doesn’t know if he wants to know what’s going on. “Hang on...give it a sec to load…”
The Knight moves and visibly bites back a wince, but the new angle means that Jim can see the full extent of the bruising on his neck.
“There we go--you okay, boss?”
“Ribs,” he breathes. “They don’t like it when people zipline into them.”
“Need me to call--”
“No.” He swallows hard and beckons Jim closer. “M’fine. Just sore. And stiff.” He clears his throat, grimacing. “You worry too much.”
“I worry exactly the right amount.”
“M’just not used to being still this long--”
“Deal,” his friend says sharply. The Knight just grins, but that annoys the other guy. “Did you miss the flatline bit?”
“I--never mind.” He makes an irritated noise in the back of his throat. “Never mind...okay, all set.”
He turns the laptop around and Jim hesitates before perching on the very edge of the bed. Nothing terrible happens to him.
“This is footage from my helmet. How it kept going after that level of trauma, I’ll never know, but my IT department managed to recover it remotely.”
The footage picks up in a dark area, abandoned sewer network or something, probably, and it’s glitchy and stuttery.
Bruce has been caught on camera before, but not like this. This is...savage, animalistic. He comes out of nowhere, dodging gunfire and seemingly oblivious to the shouts of surprise, and moves in via a flying kick to the camera itself, which goes white and static-y for a second. A few of them come up behind him and suffer backhands and powerful kicks for their troubles, and then Bruce fills up the frame, shoulders positioned like he’s got his arms out and...and...
He looks at the Knight, looks at the bruises around his neck, and looks back at the screen in time to see Bruce going down and being dragged backwards.
“He do this to you?”
The look the man gives him is so reminiscent of the little boy Jim remembers that it makes his head spin. It screams, I know you’re not really that stupid...right?
“Well, I didn’t do it to myself.”
“--okay, sir, I’m just gonna…”
The helmet moves and Jim spots the medic from earlier before it gets set on the ground, facing Bruce. Bruce is chained to a pipe, seemingly unconscious.
“Don’t talk, just nod. Can you breathe okay?”
There’s an obvious cut--they don’t want to share it all, apparently--and then Bruce stirs and starts...giggling. Jim knows that giggle.
“What the hell.”
The Knight shudders and burrows under his blankets.
“It’s complicated. We’re reasonably sure he’s been eliminated, or at the very least contained, but--” A hand moves, presumably indicating himself. “I made it out. He might have, too.”
His friend closes his laptop and sets it aside.
“We’ve got teams sweeping Arkham’s grounds to the best of our ability,” he says. “Unfortunately, we are not a rescue team and as such are not fully equipped to handle the more unstable areas. That said, given the police department’s...track record...we would very much prefer that your men stay out of our way until we either find the individual formerly known as the Batman, or definitively confirm his demise. We’re hoping that at the very least, any injuries he may have sustained slowed him down, but we can’t prove that, given the lack of video footage for the incident.”
“It’s our understanding that Batman has, at least for the time being, lost his fight against the effects of J.” The Knight swallows. “Of Joker’s blood. I attempted to contain him--”
“Contain, my ass,” his friend grumbles. The Knight ignores him.
“I attempted to contain him,” he says again, “via...ah…”
“He blew up the goddamn asylum with himself and Batman inside,” comes the sharp interjection. “In case you managed to miss that.”
Jim had not managed to miss that, thank you very much.
“I noticed,” he says dryly. The Knight huffs a painful-sounding laugh and falls silent.
There’s. There’s a lot Jim wants to say. The Knight was Robin, and Joker killed him (and made sure they all knew it, that tape, good God, he’d sent it to everyone and Jim remembers Dove bursting into tears when she tried to tell him), but he’s not dead now, and look at what he’s done.
Much as he’d like to demand answers--or at least bring half of that up--he won’t. He doubts the man with the laptop will react well; now that he really looks, the man’s tense, clearly poised to move if he has to.
Jim can probably take him. He absolutely can’t take the others that will come at the commotion.
There’s a small dinging sound, and silence, and then an urgent, “Sir. Sir.”
“We got something.”
The Knight blinks a few times before half-surging up and demanding, “Let’s go, let’s go, then, help me up--”
“Chair or Trent?”
“Chair or Trent.”
“Chair,” he grumbles after a second. “But I can walk on my own--”
“Yeah, but if the doc sees you, he’ll be mad. Here it is.”
Jim moves, semi-prepared to offer to help but not really wanting to, but they must have a system, because the Knight’s in the chair with a blanket in short order.
“I feel like a cheap Bond villain,” he’s complaining now. “One that rolls down a ramp into an electrified pool or something.”
“Maybe next time, you’ll consider your life choices, sir.”
“They weren’t supposed to come back to haunt me!”
“I know, sir.”
“Christ...what do we have.”
Should he…? Sure, apparently.
What a day. He needs a drink. A good strong one.
“My understanding is it’s better seen than explained, sir. No body, I don’t think.”
“Fantastic...the bastard’ll survive anything.”
Jim privately thinks the same applies to him, but he doesn’t share that thought. He doubts it will go over well.
The computer room isn’t crammed full of people. There’s one guy on the monitors and another one-one of the ones from before, actually, the one with the cashews-lounging in a chair next to him, drinking a Coke.
“What’s going on, you said something turned up--” He doesn’t quite hide a shiver, but when the other people in the room zero in on him, he shakes his head and insists, “M’fine.”
“Boss, I can link this to a laptop if you’re s’posed to be in bed--”
“M’fine. Pull up the footage.”
“You’re not gonna like it,” monitor-guy says, spinning around and wheeling over to make room. “Looks like he got out, same as you.”
“Would I joke when it mattered, sir? Here, look. See this?” He makes the screen bigger. “That look familiar to you?”
It certainly looks familiar to Jim. Bruce’s cowl is difficult to mistake, and there it is, crumpled in the rubble. It’s singed, and one of the ears is broken, but it is Bruce’s cowl.
“Damn,” the Knight breathes, and...Jim doesn’t like admitting it, not after tonight, but...he looks so young. A scared little boy, that’s all. “That’s not good.”
“What do we do, sir?”
“We don’t even know for sure if he’s out.” The Knight’s friend leans over the chair to get a better look at the monitor. “Maybe he tried getting out and died, we don’t--”
“I made it out,” the Knight says quietly.
There’s a wave of annoyed grumbling that includes at least one, ‘self-sacrificing dumbass’ and a, ‘in spite of your best efforts’. Jim has to wonder about that one. He can’t muster up that much sympathy, but he does wonder.
The Knight just sighs and adjusts his blanket around his shoulders.
“Fair. Anyways, seeing as I found a way out, it’s not unlikely that he’s done the same, barring the. The possibility of an instant death. I suspect we wound up in a pocket, though, so.”
“You didn’t notice anything on your way out?” Jim demands. “Was he right with you?”
“I was--”
“Concussed and bleeding to death,” a new voice snaps. “And in no shape to be walking, let alone note-taking. What the hell are you doing out of bed?”
“Briefing the--”
“Literally anybody else can do that.” The angry voice belongs to the medic from before. “You don’t seem to understand what ‘flatline’ means, sir, or maybe you’ve just got a death wish, but tough fucking titty, said the kitty, you’re not dying on my watch. Say bye-bye to the commissioner, you’re going back to bed and staying there or on God, I’ll put you in a coma and keep you there until you don’t have so much as a bruise. Do I make myself clear?”
Jim expects argument. None of the Robins ever let Batman boss them around to that extent, and he knows damn well that if he’d backtalked his superiors like that, he’d be in, frankly, deep shit. But the Knight just sighs.
“He’s been here long enough, anyway.” Long enough for what? “Keep your men out of our way, Commissioner. No offense, but Batman existed for a reason. You can’t handle him.”
Jim bristles.
“Can’t handle--”
“You know it’s true,” he snaps, and straightens up, turns to the man with the cashews. “Call everyone back.” All of a sudden that’s no longer a little boy playing Soldiers. That’s the man that crippled Gotham within hours. “I want everyone off the streets and back at base, now. Do not engage under any circumstances.”
“Get into the street cameras,” he continues. “If a rat comes out of a sewer, I want to see it. I want whatever drones we have left out and searching, but leave the car alone. That hasn’t worked so far and I’m not losing more--”
He must breathe wrong, because he suddenly starts coughing, harsh, violent whoops from down in his chest.
“Get him back to bed,” the medic orders once the coughs cease. “Or he’ll be Snow White and believe you me, nobody is getting in here to kiss him awake.”
“We can handle this, sir. We’ll let you know if something comes up.”
“You trained us for this, remember? We’re professionals.”
The Knight falls silent, one hand still pressed against his ribs, and finally melts back into his chair.
“Fine,” he says at last. “Bye, commish.”
He doesn’t recognize the men that take him back. The streets are empty, though, barring the patrolling drones, and they make it back to the GCPD unscathed.
Unfortunately, Jim returns to, quite frankly, a disaster. The officers on duty are tied up, and the militia cells are empty. Not a man left. He’s just freeing Cash when the broadcast screen crackles and the Knight appears on it, face serious.
“I mean it, Commissioner,” he says. “Keep out of the way, or I’ll put you in a cell instead.”
“Tell Bullock hey for me, would ya?” He leans forward. “Stay safe.”
*I’m figuring Bane is bigger than the Giant Mooks because his boss fight consists of you jumping on him to slash his Venom tubes AND because he can and will run you over, while Giant Mooks of any affiliation are not rideable and don’t run.
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Gotham s4ep21 “One Bad Day”  Personal Review
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“It´s an odd time for a nap” Warning spoilers below 
* “Oh, Jim, you still think that you're the only one who can save the city.” Okay that one was lovely. Almost a bit like that one Pirates of the Caribbean movie.  I love how everyone was vaguely rooting for the same thing: Save the City! while trying to as well reach their own personal goals.  > LUCIUS FOX of course is the precious cinnamon roll that he is and just wants to save the city.  > JIM GORDON kind of just wants to save the city as well. But I do think this whole talk with Edward, as entertaining as it was it was jarring plot wise. Of course we do have the “We're gonna settle this. No, Jim. This isn't the GCPD. Here, I make the rules, so we're not gonna do this until we talk about what I want to talk about.” line that claims Edward is the one that wants to discuss  relationship stuff while Jim is the one who wants to stick to saving the city. But Jim actually brought as much into the conversation as Ed did. Especially if he indeed thinks Leslie is just using Edward he should have just kept this to himself and let Edward run into his misery and laugh about it over the whiskey into which he usually cries. But for Jim it´s at least as important as it is for Ed to plant his flag in that conversation. He´s still asserting “ownership” (for the lack of a better word..) over Leslie Thompkins by claiming he knows her better than Ed does. Ed might have the relationship and the sex but Jim still got the connection to who Leslie really is, ha ha take that Ed (to be read in Jim´s voice.) > TABITHA GALAVAN worries about the city, BUTCH GILZEAN doesn´t comment it but both want a cure for Butch.  > BARBARA KEAN was really endearing in the scene with Jerome. She goes from “not really??!” to “absolutely not on my watch”, her personal stake in it was being nice to Tabitha. How Sweet.  > OSWALD COBBLEPOT is a bit more used to situations like this. He´s just keeping an eye on his goals: Money. While waving the city issue aside “Of course not” just to scramble and struggle and scurry to do all he can to make things better once they went astray. > LESLIE THOMPKINS want´s her “legal knots untangled” and of course save the city as well. It´s a win win thing.  “We solve it and we trade the information for clemency.” “I'm trying to protect what we've built.” > EDWARD NYGMA is bound to act in Leslie´s interest “Well, then the mayor would be wise to forgive Lee and I our indiscretions.”  But he´s in fact kind of the only one to declare that he personally doesn´t give a damn about Gotham. “If Gotham becomes a rock pile, I mind zero percent. I'm only helping you because I'm with Lee now.”  The situation is however one that he´s trying to use to figure out more about his nagging “does Lee even like me” question. > Oddly the show sent BRUCE WAYNE on a much more personal quest this week. By getting him out of the GCPD he´s separated from the Save Gotham plotline. Of course you could say everything that´s against Jeremiah could be useful for that other goal but there´s a split. SELINA KYLE also is just there to “be there for Bruce” what a muffin. * “I almost got killed fighting your ex-boyfriend's rotting corpse.” Everyone is so nice and grown up to each other. I don´t like the whole Tabs, Babs, Butch relationship mess but I really like how they keep treating each other. BARBARA KEAN sees how important BUTCH GILZEAN is to TABITHA GALAVAN and just a small reminder how Tabitha was there for her is more than enough to have her agree to helping her.   JIM GORDON and LESLIE THOMPKINS agree that the past changed things but they still care for each other and respect each other. As icky as the whole situation including Edward Nygma is (rant above and below), that is sweet. Then the third trifecta is SELINA KYLE also despite all the ups and downs being there for BRUCE WAYNE and even explicitly voicing this! It´s not a I hate you but I´m here. It´s also a unmistakable I like you. Progress.  And while we´ve had all those unusual little moments of agreement between Alfred and Bruce we have ALFRED PENNYWORTH acknowledge her by basically asking her to stay for dinner. Sweet.  So JEREMIAH VALESKA and BRUCE WAYNE. I´m not feeling it > Jerome still tries to tell everyone he´s better than his brother and saneTM.  “Are you out of your mind?!” “Why do you keep insisting I'm insane? What's insane about having a backup plan?” / “I'm nothing if not sane. And reasonable. Two things my brother never valued. Which is why I'll be successful where he failed. Well, that and being vastly more intelligent.” > He´s then again acknowledging that his brother was right that there was something inside of him.  “Jerome gave me what I thought was the worst day of my life. But only by losing everything was I  able to face what was inside me.  And I believe I've seen something very special inside of you as well. But to free it, you'll have to lose everything and everyone you hold dear.”  > I feel vaguely remembered of how RA´S wanted to kill everyone that Bruce loved to change him. > While talking to Selina Kyle Bruce wonders if that one day made part of him insane and if Jeremiah saw this and wanted to bring it out. I somehow could not care less. I don´t really feel medias obsession with that “beast/evil inside man” or whatever. Like just don´t? Even Jeremiah made an effort to “just don´t”, and it would have worked if it weren’t for him getting poisoned. That´s hardly relevant. > Then we have RA´s AL GHUL and Jeremiah both obsessing over Bruce Wayne and teaming up. Okay.  > On a side note: Ra´s what good are your visions if you have to makes sure yourself that they happen? How´s that different from you know ordinary people, usually that´s called having an idea. 
* “Ah, Lucius. It's making some kind of weird noise.” “What kind of a noise?” “A bad one, and and it's it's, uh, getting all glowy.” HARVEY BULLOCK so we got the message that mob mentality wise the GCPD  is still pissed because of the Pyg scenario and blames Harvey. But all it takes to get them clapping again is some (dumb) luck of choosing the right 50% option. Okay, okay and the willingness to run up to a bloody bomb. But to be fair all the police still in the city took kind of the same risk, so we are down again to the luck thing.  Look, I love Harvey. But the dynamics of “followers”, including the Valeska ones on this show are just ridiculous. * “Detective. Don't lie to me.” “It's not looking good, kid.”  Harvey keeping to lie to himself about Jim´s likely demise was sweet though. Also hooray for another case of directly addressing an issue (Does it show that I´ve been around too much passive aggressiveness lately, and tbh struggle with that myself .. ) *  “Leave Gotham. Start a new life somewhere else. Alone.” JIM GORDON telling LESLIE THOMPKINS that she should leave Gotham and should start a new life again (2x15). Like that one time when he already did, and she left and started a new life and then Jim shot her husband. Am I a bit sensitive here or is that additional “alone” kind of not okay? Like it feels like an implied if Jim can´t have her no one should. She´s  been through so much and has done so much that she´s not worth anything more than a life in solitude? Like I get why Jim would think that Leslie couldn´t have feelings for Edward (and I agree #Kristen #framedJimlostchild etc)  but hey how about she might think it´s nice that someone is around that cares about her, and even is ready to suppress his own narcissistic goals and ways for the sake of her.. While the scene with EDWARD NYGMA and Jim Gordon tattling about Leslie was funny I hate it in terms of plot. And if Leslie & Ed´s split is going to be about Jim Gordon or in general a “this is my wifey” conflict I´m gonna murder someone. There´s already been plenty of tension in between them before they mashed Jim into this. This could be about Leslie´s ambitions and goals. As much as I´m kind of meh about the whole atoning for her Virus related sins (or her injecting herself the virus in the first place .. ) thing I like that her character got a goal in doing god (even if they haven´t really shown how she wants to reach a better situation for her people in a way that does even seem slightly plausible) while at the same getting some badass scenes and now I fear this is going to be pushed to the background for the sake of everything being about Leslies feelingz. Nothing wrong with emotions but how about we can get her not being about her feels for men and about her feels for what she thinks is her duty. * JIM GORDON got some advanced phone trolling going on. Him being on screen just like the Valeska´s before is almost as good as him keeping hanging up on Jervis Tetch.   * And “A PALE imitation of Jerome”  how on earth could he drop that one with a straight face :D * “It doesn´t matter”  What kind of crap interlude was the SCARECROW scene? Like I appreciate the view, thanks. I also very much relate to just abandoning the task once it turns out to be more difficult than expected. Like a girl against three villains who would have guessed that much trouble. But that´s just a waste of a potentially so interesting character. Like do something with that beanpole of terror Gotham! But hey .. at least his lack of commitment to the task DID in fact matter in the end!  * And srsly why is the one that got tortured going to make dinner? I get that none of the three had an easy day so how about just ordering some food? ALFRED honey make that shower a very long hot and bubbly bath, that´s the least. * On another side note: Why did they spare Alfred? Why have a stand in? Why keep Alfred alive? Did they have something more sinister planned? Bruce killing real Alfred 2.0?  * “ You do realize the city is about to be blown up? It's an odd time for a nap. “You know that she drugged me.” “Yeah. Don't really care.”  * Think. Think. Think, think, think, think, think, think” * “ sighs You're behind me, aren't you?”  * “Would you believe it? They put me on hold.” Whoever wrote JERMIAH´s lines, bless you. They are so polite, polished and yet vaguely unsettling. I love them.  Of course bless Cameron as well! * “I hope you didn't catch a cold in my brother's grave. I know those things aren't exactly designed for the living.” * “No, not Alfred”  Oh hello there Theo Galavan, long time no see ..  they really refuse to do the “beautiful morning” thing with Theo (Aka you can´t have a dying character talk about something going to be a beautiful morning  2x11 and then have them be revived 3x6 and not have them say something like oh what a beautiful morning or not as beautiful as expected) but then repeat that one line with another character ??! Gotham?!   * Oddly it´s even nice to see Oswald getting a dose of what others that went against him had to put up with buuut .. let´s get back to Oswald having the great Plan B´s n stuff again soon pls
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rosemaidenvixen · 5 years
You are my Sunshine
Chapter 9: Ten
Barbara had to tiptoe to get the last sticky note on top of the ceiling fan. It was pretty far out of the way, but Jim had specifically told her he wanted it to be extra hard this year.
Right on time the doorbell rang, Barbara darted over to get the door. When she opened it Nancy Domzalski’s smiling face greeted her.
The elderly woman proffered up a large baking dish covered in foil “I made a casserole, I figured the boys could use something to balance out all that sugar,”
“Thanks, come on in, the bus will drop them off any minute,”
Nancy stepped inside and handed over the pan “Just turn on the oven and put the casserole in. No need to bother with preheating, it’s already fully cooked so it just needs warmed up,”
“Got it,”
Nancy got comfortable on the couch while Barbara went into the kitchen to pop the casserole in the oven. Right as she stood up from sliding the pan in, she saw the bus pull into the cul de sac through the window. Almost immediately after it came to a stop, a werewolf and a zombie jumped off and ran up to the door.
“Trick or treat!” the zombie shouted while letting himself in.  
“That’s not til later Toby,” the werewolf corrected.
Nana pulled herself off the couch and greeted the two with a hug “Did you boys have fun at school today?”
“Yep,” Jim answered for both of them “Each class made a jack-o-lantern and did math with the seeds, then we had our Halloween party!”
“Check out our loot!” Toby said proudly while holding up a large plastic bag, practically bursting with candy.
“That’s quite a bit of candy, especially considering you went to the trunk or treat last Saturday,” Nana was clearly of the opinion that the amount of sweets had crossed the threshold into too much “Maybe you should donate some this year,”
The boys exchanged panic-stricken looks while protectively clutching their bags.
Seeing their horrified reactions to the thought of a few less Nougat Nummies drew a chuckle out of Barbara.
“It’s your candy boys, you can do what you want with it,” she joined them in the living room and held out a sticky note “Now why don’t you get started on the scavenger hunt,”
Jim gleefully snatched up the offered note “ Your next clue is hidden somewhere bread goes in, but doesn’t come out ,”
Toby’s face instantly lit up “I know, the toaster!”
And with that, they were off, racing eagerly from clue to clue while dragging Barbara and Nancy in toe. Twice Barbara had to make them stop so that poor Nancy could catch her breath from all the scurrying back and forth.
After what seemed like hours of going from note to note, but was probably closer to forty minutes, the boys found the final clue stuck on top of the ceiling fan.
Toby read it this time “ I’m cold and hot and warm, and I spin around and around ,”
They struggled with this one for longer than the others. After a few minutes of puzzling over it Jim gave her a beseeching look “Can we get a hint Mom?”
“Let’s see,” Barbara tapped her chin and made a show of thinking it over
“ Please  Dr. Lake,”
“Ok,” she relented “The part that’s hot and cold and warm is water,”
It only took them a few seconds to put one and two together.
“The washing machine!” Toby cried out.
They made a mad dash to the basement door and sprinted down, taking the stairs two steps at a time.
“Slow down boys,” Barbara said while following them into the basement, albeit at a far more relaxed pace, with Nancy just a few steps behind her “It’s not going anywhere,”
The boys had already pried open the washing machine lid and pulled out their prize; a plastic cauldron containing DVDs of scary but age appropriate movies and full size candy bars.
“This is the greatest!” Jim gushed “Thanks Mom,”
“Thank you Dr. Lake,” Toby parroted.
“You’re welcome,” Barbara gestured to the elderly woman behind her “Don’t forget to thank Nana, she got you the DVD’s,”
Toby and Jim dutifully recited their thanks to Nana before running upstairs, did they really have to do  everything  at a breakneck pace, to make simultaneous use of the candy bars and movies.
Barbara made to follow them, only to be stopped by a gentle hand on her shoulder. She turned to face Nancy, who looked troubled, but determined.
“Barbara, can we talk?”
A nest of butterflies burst to life in her stomach.
The melancholy look on Nancy’s face, waiting until the boys were gone, isolating the two of them in the basement. She had a feeling this was not going to be a light, casual conversation.
“Oh….ok,” she leaned back against the banister while Nancy took a seat on a box of old textbooks “What’s going on?”
Nancy let out a deep breath “I want you and Jim to go trick or treating with us this year,”
Barbara stood rooted to her spot, paralyzed by dread and desperate not to show it.
This was exactly the conversation she did  not  want to be having.
Nancy continued “I know how much you must want to keep Jim close to you, to keep him safe, especially after losing his father,”
Barbara opened her mouth to refute that statement only for the elderly woman to hold up a hand, effectively silencing her before she could get a word out “I know, you didn’t lose James the way I lost Ralph, but loss is loss,”
“Doing this by yourself is hard, and believe me, I understand the urge to hold him tight and keep him from ever being hurt,” she looked desperately into Barbara’s eyes “But being cloistered and protected from everything….that’s no way to live,”
Nancy’s next words cut her deeper than any knife ever could.
“So please, come with us tonight,”
Barbara couldn’t speak; throat closed off with emotion, she kept staring down at the basement floor as if it held all the answers to her problems. It took every last drop of her concentration to keep her facial expression and body language neutral. She wasn’t completely successful, the cool, wet sensation on her palm told her that fist had tightened to the point her fingernails had broken the skin.
If only she knew.
Sometimes Barbara almost managed to convince herself that Jim’s blue form existed in its own bubble, confined to regular hours with no impact on the rest of their lives. It was only when incidents like this happened that the ugly truth was forced back into her face.
Jim’s nightly metamorphosis sent out ripples that affected every aspect of their lives. Everything they did revolved around keeping his transformation a secret. These unusual routines did not go unnoticed. Others saw how they lived, and recognized it for what it was, abnormal.
Nancy wasn’t the first person to approach her about her supposed overprotectiveness of Jim. Hell, she wasn’t even the first person to imply that she did it due to baggage from her  dearly  departed ex-husband.
As much as it stung her pride, as much as Barbara yearned to scream that she hadn’t given that bastard a thought in years….it was too damn convenient.
If people assumed they knew the truth, that Barbara kept her son close due to abandonment issues from being left by James, they wouldn’t dig any deeper.
It made her burn with shame every time someone suggested it, but it was safer than the alternative. If she corrected them they might start looking into why exactly Barbara Lake never let her son out at night. And that could lead to someone finding out she left her ten year old home alone for hours on a regular basis. That would bring in social services and CPS investigations and police. And somewhere down that line, Jim’s blue form would be discovered.
And that would open up an even uglier can of worms.
Barbara raised her head, forcing herself to look Nancy in the eye.
It wasn’t that she mistrusted the elderly woman, far from it. Ever since Nancy had moved in across the cul de sac, she had been a constant source of comfort and companionship to Barbara. They shared a connection as two women who unexpectedly found themselves raising children without any other family to help. Barbara considered Nancy one of her closest and dearest friends.
But there were certain aspects of people that never came to light until they were put through trial by fire.
Barbara wanted so badly to believe that Nancy would continue to be the kind, generous woman that she was upon learning about Jim’s metamorphosis, but she couldn’t gamble his safety on the alternative.
She gave Nancy a small smile, hoping it didn’t look as forced as it felt
“Thank you for the offer, but my answer is no, Jim and I will be spending Halloween at home the way we always do,”
There was no explosion following her refusal, no debating or bargaining.
Nancy didn’t look sad or angry or even surprised; just disappointed, so very disappointed.
“Alright,” she said in a voice that was barely above a whisper “But maybe next year?,”
“Maybe next year,” Barbara replied, knowing full well her answer would be the same next October.
Deep down, she thought Nancy knew that to.
They trudged up the basement stairs in silence, emerging to the joyful noise of the boys wolfing down their candy bars over the sound of the DVD they had started.
In an effort to maintain a casual mood, Barbara went into the kitchen with Nancy to pull out the casserole. They managed to get the boys to each have a serving of the dish before they went straight back to gorging themselves on candy.
Meal complete, Nancy poured them two cups of tea and the two women started making idle conversation. It almost felt like one of the many casual evenings the Lakes and Domzalski’s spent together, almost.
A barrier had gone up between Barbara and Nancy, like a sheet of glass separating the two women. And as much as she wanted to remove it, Barbara knew that to take down the glass would be to risk her son’s life.
She kept one eye on the clock at all times, and soon enough, it was fifteen minutes to sundown and the credits were rolling on the boys’ movie. Time to send the Domzalski’s on their way.
Barbara stood up and went into the living room, picking up the remote to halt the scrolling credits “Alright guys, it’s been fun, but now it’s time to wrap things up for the night,”
Protesting only slightly, Jim and Toby gathered up the spoils from their school party and scavenger hunt and soon Barbara was escorting the Nancy and Toby to the front door.
“Thanks for coming over tonight, be sure to have fun trick-or-treating,”
“Happy Halloween Dr. Lake,” Toby gave a quick wave goodbye before dashing out onto the sidewalk, already eager to get a head start on his trick or treating.
Nana still lingered by the door, she placed her hand on the frame before Barbara could shut it “Come with us,” she begged “Both of you. Please.”
The only reason Barbara was able to keep her emotions in check in that moment was years of practice.
“Have a good night Nancy,” she shut the door, slowly but firmly.
She waited a few seconds, to make sure that they had walked away and weren’t still standing right outside, before sliding the deadbolt into place.
Barbara let out the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. Another holiday over and done with no incident.
She didn’t know whether to be relieved that the song and dance was over, or dejected that that’s what holidays had become to them.
The sound of the Gun Robot theme song saved her from deciding. Jim had put on cartoons and was still tucking into his candy, no doubt to take his mind off the fact that he was going to spend the rest of Halloween alone. Figuring she was in need of a distraction herself, Barbara went into the kitchen to clean up the casserole dishes.
A few minutes later she heard Jim call out from the living room.
“Mom….I need help,”
Jim was fairly independent for his age, asking for help like this meant that he was really in a fix. Dropping what she was doing, Barbara went into the next room to see what the problem was.
Jim was still sitting on the couch in his werewolf costume, only now it didn’t appear to fit the way it should.
“Did you get stuck in your costume after you changed?”
“Uh huh,”
So that was the issue, Jim had transformed while he was still wearing his costume and now it he couldn’t get out of it on his own.
“Hold still honey, I’ll give you a hand,”
The shirt and gloves came off easy enough, but the straps of the mask had gotten tangled up in his horns. For a while she thought that she might have to cut them to get it off, but eventually she was able to detangle it.
Barbara took note of Jim’s horns as she smoothed his hair. The tops of them were peeking out of his hair now, and if she wasn’t mistaken they were starting to thicken and develop a slight curve as they grew.
At this point it was anyone’s guess what shape they’d be by the time Jim stopped growing
“All better kiddo?”
“....yeah….,” Jim replied while looking glumly down at his candy, now rendered inedible, effectively ending the holiday for him.
Or so he thought.
Barbara smirked “That’s good because I have one more surprise for you,” going over the closet, she reached in and pulled out a large gift bag.
“Here you go,”
Wide eyed, Jim tore into the bag and pulled out a pair of heavily used work boots. A jubilant smile spread across his face “Cool Mom, Thanks!”
In a move that surprised her, Jim reached around to the floor on the other side of the couch, picking up a ziploc bag full of butterscotch and Kit Kats, her personal favorites, and held it out in her direction.
“These are for you,”
Moved by his generosity, Barbara tried to graciously decline “Jim, that’s your Halloween candy--”
“And I can do what I want with it,” he continued holding out the bag, determined that she take it.
Barbara knew when she was beaten “Thank you Jim,” she accepted the bag “Do you want to start another movie?”
“Yuh huh,” he mumbled past the steel toe now wedged between his teeth “Ocus Pucus,”
Barbara popped the DVD into the player and sat back on the couch with Jim reflexively curling up against her side. She put an arm around his shoulders and gave Jim a gentle squeeze “Happy Halloween kiddo,”
The opening credits started to roll, Jim finished chewing and swallowed the steel toe of the boot, “Happy Halloween Mom,”
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