#And the VA's are pretty good lmao. Not the English ones though
stormflower8 · 1 year
take some south asian!ballister headcanons
okay so ballister is, at least partially, based off of his va, Riz Ahmed, who is south asian/pakistani (like me!) and speaks Urdu (like me!), so I think I have some stuff to throw in the Headcanon Pot
when ballister was in the orphanage before he did his whole Jump The Gate Out Of Spite And Desire To Become A Knight, he primarily spoke Urdu and was in the process of learning english
also, when people learn english in countries that don't speak english, they typically learn british english, which ties in nicely to ballister's canon accent
this means that he had to learn a fair amount of english at the institute
he might've also been bullied for his questionable grammar and accent by todd and the other knights
ambrosius did his best to help in teaching ballister english and mostly helped in his grammar and vocabulary. they went through a little phase where ballister would pick up more obscure objects and ambrosius would say the english word for them.
ambrosius has only heard ballister speak urdu a handful of times, but every time it happens, he swears he falls a little more in love with him
after he was regarded as completely fluent in english, he didn't speak much urdu, but he never forgot it
post-canon, he once went on a tangent in urdu and nimona heard him and her jaw just DROPPED
"you're bilingual?? why didn't you tell me??" "you never brought it up...?" (doesn't think it's a big deal)
she thinks it's the coolest thing ever and went through a phase where she tried to piss off ballister JUST to hear him talk in urdu
eventually, he realized what was going on and had to sit her down and explain "you don't have to do all that, all you have to do is ask and I'll talk to you in urdu."
she definitely exploited that eagerly, but she still occasionally does the whole "piss him off just to hear the rambling of Words She Doesn't Understand" for fun
ballister has absolutely no idea that both ambrosius and nimona love how he speaks urdu or he would talk way more in it
honestly I love the concept of ballister speaking urdu, but almost always when I'm speaking urdu it's for a joke, so I've kinda ruined that language for myself LMAO
also, about the south asian thing of eating pretty much everything with one's hands,
first day in the mess hall. ballister grabs the food that looks the most familiar to him- rice
sits down at a table alone and starts to eat with his hands (or is it "eat with his hand"? he's only using one hand to eat but it feels strange to have hand in singular here)
immediately todd, who was going to go pick on him anyways, notices and makes a huge deal about it
the next day, ballister did his best to work with the fork, but it was an adjustment and he stuck out like a sore thumb with his clumsiness with the utensils
when he was befriended by ambrosius, they would sit together in the mess hall
at first, ambrosius tried to help ballister become more comfortable using utensils, and ballister was eager to learn
until one day he just thinks to himself "what am I doing? the same thing as todd but nicer?"
that's when he starts sneaking meals into his room so he and ballister can eat in there together- alone, peacefully, and with whatever damn utensils (or lack thereof) they want
ballister would eat with his hands, ambrosius used chopsticks, they would chill and vibe and, when they got older, slowly fall in love (or quickly, if you're ambrosius simp goldenlion)
ballister also teaches ambrosius how to eat with his hands there, and in turn, ambrosius teaches him how to use chopsticks
they continue to eat together in that room all the way until the knighting ceremony, and it was one of their favorite routines
post-canon, the trio had rice for a meal, and nimona saw ballister eat with his hands (probably his flesh hand- even though, culturally, you're supposed to eat with your right hand, I think a prosthetic is a pretty damn good exception)
she stared in shock for a few moments, then slowly dropped her fork and attempted to mimic his motions
ballister noticed and was flattered beyond measure, and was more than happy to help her out
rice is the ONE AND ONLY thing ballister can (and is allowed to) cook, so he makes it whenever he can
and when he makes it, everyone eats it however the hell they want, society standards be damned
I have more south asian related headcanons, but this is long enough already, so I'll do a part two later! :D
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hanbindans · 1 year
zerobaseone as IB students (headcanons)
some fun headcanons for my fellow students. please take these with a grain of salt, obviously I don't know them personally and these are just meant to be fun :) word count: 1.1 k (ca 140 for each) a/n: this is for a very niche target audience but it makes sense in MY head. also I have exams in less than 2 weeks so this is kind of representative of where my mind is at rn. and PSA if you're also an IB student please don't actually skip TOK <3
what's that?? "he's a 24 year old man, it's been years since he completed high school??" sorry I can't hear you too well I'll just go ahead and write this headcanon anyway <3
he's such a drama kid and he would take it even in IB, so theatre and korean lit would be his HLs
I feel like he would take bio and psych sl purely out of curiosity and then immediately regret it when he realizes how much content there is (but would be really good at psych)
aa sl!!! no particular reason tbh I just think he's kind of smart
doesn't understand tok. like...... at ALL. is saved by the fact that his psychology EE is pretty good because he pretty much flunks tok miserably
CAS defender because "guys it builds character I think it's great that we all do volunteer work :))" bless his heart
7 subjects :)
is good at tok probably
genuinely puts SO much time and effort into his cas and regrets it in the end but it looks cool on his resumé
psychology and korean lit HL, probably takes VA too but maybe as sl. he gives such lit vibes I feel like he would totally be a literature kid
chinese ab!!!! and maybe ESS because he can and doesn't like science <3
AI SL just because he's so social science but he gets 6s and 7s because it's too easy for him <3
basically he's all the social science subjects but because they're FUN not because they're easy :)
shares notes and study resources in the class group chat because he's cool like that
zhang hao
science kid
HL math AA, geography, and maybe chem or bio. maybe takes physics SL too.
definitely chinese lang/lit and korean ab (he could definitely do korean B but he can't be bothered)
you won't catch him anywhere without a comically large energy drink
completely numbed on the inside but also puts more effort in than everyone else and gets straight 7's
skips tok though because he can't be asked
does his EE on a very niche obsession of his and it gets a really good grade but he puts way too much effort into it
everyone wants to learn his ways but he doesn't do study groups because he gets too annoyed lmao. WILL tell juniors chatting in the library to stfu
he will complain about anything and everything any chance he gets but also catch him getting that 45 at the end of the day.
also science kid but a lot less intense
HL bio, chem, music, SL AA, korean lang/lit and japanese ab
he would complain SO MUCH about group 2 btw he's one of those science kids who really doesn't want to do 2 languages lol
really only cares about music to be honest but does the sciencey subjects because he thinks they're cool and gets pretty good grades
the type to do a hyper specific science IA and spend way too much time on it just for shits and giggles because he likes pouring things into beakers and swirling them
unintentionally does the most for his CAS, like "oh a service??? yeah I've been tutoring guitar for like 6 months does that count" and genuinely fails to see how other people struggle with it
also excells at tok, like genuinely writes an amazing philosophical TOK essay and gets full marks
ironically cares so little about IB but somehow does so well because he genuinely likes his subjects (and has an iq of like 150)
7 subjects :)
wants to do more languages than he's allowed because he's just built like that, he likes flexing his multilingualism
HL english lang/lit, french B, history. SL AA, bio, chem, psych
is annoyingly good at all his subjects like HOW are you doing all that and remembering everything?? secretly kind of a genius
does the mostest for his IAs for absolutely no reason other than he's just interested in his subjects and wants to do fun projects :)
also genuinely likes CAS for the same reason (play sports feed stray cats, what's not to like?)
super ambitious classmate who is somehow the only one still sane and always happy
encourages everyone before tests and exams like "come on guys we can do it!! :)"
this is more likely than you think like do you know how many rich international kids do IB??? in an alternate reality he's M23
visual art HL <33
probably business management HL too, but I could see him doing psych as well!! I think he'd enjoy the human relationships option
chinese lang/lit and english B because why do a bilingual diploma and struggle when you could just breeze through english B?????
AI and ESS sl because he cba, he just wants to pass fr.
to be honest he only really cares about visual art (does his EE in it and regrets it every day) and his social science a liiittle bit, other than that he's just doing exactly as much as he needs to pass
super chill classmate though like all IB kids need a Ricky in their class to humble our god complexes
IB but because he's an exchange student :') like he didn't even know what IB was when he started it
cramming the night before tests because he can't be asked to dedicate his whole life to studying
actually the nicest classmate though
eng b HL and breezes through it
ESS and AI sl together with ricky (they sit in the back of the class and snack together <3)
also like business management/psychology or something equivalent but he's REALLY good at it and gets easy 7's?? like he will be that 1 kid who has that 1 subject that he's an absolute god at
cries every tok lesson but it's alright
favourite part is ironically CAS because he has an excuse to volunteer at dog shelters and play basketball with his friends :)
peak IB child I bet he would take this programme for real
4 hls (economics, psychology, korean lang lit, chemistry)
I have no justification for these subjects btw I just spat out 4 that I think he would take. he definitely would do 4 HLs though because that's how he rolls
ALSO takes cas very seriously for absolutely no reason
also takes tok SUPER seriously- he will lead class discussions and get into heated debates about stupid shit like if newspeak would work in real life
AA sl and japanese ab because that's just his vibes
kind of overworked but is always helpful and shares notes with his classmates :)
does his EE in economics and ends up getting way too invested in it and becomes obsessed with economic development policies or something niche like that (nerd but affectionately <3)
very stressed and overworked but he WILL get those grades at the end of the day <33
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sasaranurude · 11 months
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Coly, the company behind Mahoyaku and Stand My Heroes, have announced a new game. Some friends and I realized that despite looking somewhat generic at first glance, it's got a handful of intriguing things going on with it! So here's a quick kind of long introduction to/my thoughts on Break My Case!
First: the website! The music on the site is really good! Go listen while you read this post!! There are 12 people listed as composers in the credits page, and it seems most every VA involved has at least a bit of experience with singing or music projects. The tone is a bit dark for a rhythm game (though I'm not ruling that out entirely), but otherwise it seems like there's gonna be a music focus. Cool! As far as other staff goes--the main scenario writer is also the writer of Stand My Heroes, and the character designer is Utako Yukihiro, who also did some work for B-Project.
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The story concerns a cafe with a myriad of eccentric employees that runs an after-hours service where they solve problems. The exact nature of all this is left pretty vague.
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And the draw for a game like this: The characters! Interestingly, they're divided into different departments at the cafe. What exactly those departments do isn't clear yet. As for the characters themselves--the more we looked at them, the more we liked them, lol. Quick summaries about what intrigued us about each guy. Note that these are not translations, none of us are fluent in Japanese (we all know just enough to get by with the google+jisho combo lol), and this should all be taken with a grain of salt.
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The Main Office, consisting of Ai Kosaka, Yuzuru Kise, and Roka Suoh. (Names are listed in western given-family order because that's what the site uses for romanized names.) Roka is the one who owns the cafe, is the oldest character in the bunch at 36, and is that fun "mysterious guy with unknown backstory and an endless amount of weird acquaintances, who acts incompetent but might actually be hypercompetent" type of trope.
On account of the whole acting-incompetent thing, Ai and Yuzuru run the actual cafe business. And normally I won't be including fullbody character art in this post but I have to make an exception just this once.
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Tumblr won't let me put four images in a row. Come on man. I wanna maintain the BMC's site style. Why are you mean to me. Anyways. The Simulation Department, consisting of Kou Ayato, Mao Ukyo, Akehoshi Hinomiya, and Yuragi Kanno. "Simulation" is its English name given on the site, but the Japanese given would probably read more like "relationship department".
Kou is a footloose playboy and Mao is a serious intellectual type, but apparently Kou will ask Mao to pretend to be his girlfriend so that he can avoid trouble with women. That's gay. I love that. (Mao is a guy [as far as we know], he just likes makeup--he's not the only one in that cast who does, either!) We all want Mao's outfit.
Akehoshi was a sleeper hit in the group chat, because his bio has a sentence about how he's the most normal-looking-yet-dangerous employee at the cafe, and also explicitly describes him as being like a dog, and naturally we all went crazy for the silly puppy as soon as we realized that he was in fact a silly puppy. Yuragi, on the other hand, likes cats. Such a classic for his character design trope, lmao.
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The Administrative Department, consisting of Taiga Tsukimoto, Haruhi Ichikawa, and Sei Okiya. Taiga looks cool but if you look at his fullbody he's wearing awful sweatpants and apparently he cries while watching anime. I love this for him. Haruhi is a streamer because that's like an obligatory character trope now I guess. Sei was very popular in the group chat for being the single most suspicious character in the cast. What's his problem.
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The Watchdog Department (or enforcement department, if you translate the jpn) consists of Shizuka Fushimi, Takeru Mikado, Soyogu Shinkai, and Shinobu Aizawa.
My friend described Shizuka as a "wet looking glasshole" and yeah. ok. unfortunately he does look like that. But it's ok he's allowed because his bio says he prefers quiet, orderly places with plants and no people and keeps to himself in common spaces but his own room is a complete mess. AKA he's an autism king. So I like him.
Takeru was obviously a hit because look at them. Takeru and Mao talk about makeup together, apparently. CUTE! Shinobu is the most fashionable guy in the cast and his bio says he has a few screws loose, which is amazing. Good for him. I have nothing to say about Soyogu I think I forgot he existed until I was putting this post together and I only looked at these all guys a few hours ago
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The Negotiation Department, with Kiho Arima, Kyoya Shido, and Riku Tateshina. I described this group as "grandma, grandpa, and Columbo" and then the group chat couldn't call any of them anything else. And I do mean grandma. Because. ok. another fullbody. Because oh my god we have to look at Kiho.
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GIRL. WHAT. IS. THAT. YOU'RE WEARING A CARPET. YOU'RE WEARING A COUCH. kiho is apparently a fortune teller and my friend acted as if this excused the outfit but i DONT agree i don't think anything excuses this. WHAT IS THAAAAAT
Kyoya is an artist and Riku is a psychologist so honestly this is a really fun bunch of jobs going on in this department. Riku is described as someone who falls in love easily, and he's most interested in Ai (from the Main Office, the very first guy in this post). We couldn't tell if the implication there is that he's in love with Ai, or if he falls in love with random people and yet his true attention always drifts back to Ai. Both of these options are gay.
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The ST (special tasks) Department, with Yomose Onda, Yu Nina, Kamiya, and Urara Manami.
Yu had his life saved by Tomose and has now dedicated himself to him, to the point of being ready to die for him. YOU GOTTA LOVE THAT. INCREDIBLE TROPE. UNBEATABLE. GAY AS HELL. All we know from Tomose's side is that he's "fond" of Yu. That's fine I'm sure you can learn to love him. Or learn to hate him. Whatever's more entertaining.
Kamiya has no memory, hence the singular name. I'm sure whatever's going on there is weird and interesting. Urara is the youngest character, at 20. THAT'S RIGHT. THE YOUNGEST CHARACTER IS 20. THERE ARE ZERO TEENAGERS! THE AVERAGE CHARACTER AGE IS AROUND 26. THIS SHOULDN'T BE AS NOTABLE AS IT IS BUT THAT'S GACHA GAMES FOR YOU. Anyways I like Urara because I think he looks like an angry kitty.
Anyways, that's the gist of what we know about BMC--or BreMai, if you wanna go for something closer to the jpn abbreviation--right now. More info might drop at/around Animate Girls Fest, since they seem to be giving out game beta codes there. I don't know if I'm completely sold on it just yet--coly did just have a detective-themed gacha game fail a few months ago with &0. But we're not even completely sure it is a gacha yet, or what kind of gameplay it might have otherwise, so... there's a bit of hope. Maybe it'll be a weird cool dark rhythm game! Who knows!!!
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roboromantic · 2 years
Episode 12
I don’t think there actually is a Zamboni Transformer 🤔 there should  be though
Jksfgdhjkshfdjk they’re so cute this show is so good
Like. This might be my new favorite Transformers show.                 Not exactly on the same level as Rescue Bots and it’s certainly never gonna replace it, but. Idk how to describe it. They’re co-favorites probably let’s just go with that
Jawbreaker’s head is so tiny compared to his hands
Oh boy
I noticed this last episode too but why are Hashtag’s hands so…beat up I guess? Idk I haven’t slept much and can’t think of words. The rest of her paint job is chipped too and it looks kinda weird compared to her face
Side note can I just say how glad I am that they’re not doing any of the “frame” nonsense.
OUGH BABY………………………. :cocoplead:
Yeah yeah wimin tough AND pretty. just pretend I put the Knuckles pic here again
Oh honey. Oof.
Are we gonna find out what he was before. Like I know it was almost certainly a Cybertronian tank but I Want To Believe in gun altmode
So no comment about them not being able to cry, I see. Interesting.
And he’s panting so he’s breathing, right. maybe the gas from last episode WOULD have had some kinda effect
Oh hun.
It’s interesting Elita’s talking about all this when she was also joking about scanning a streetsweeper earlier lmao
It’s also kinda interesting that they keep framing it as this highly emotional thing that they have to think deeply about when the Terran kids have mostly done it by accident, lol
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Oh hey more Tagalog! Google translate says “bagyo” means tycoon/hurricane/tornado/etc.  which is I guess what the pattern on the box is supposed to be, and “ang sarap” is delicious
Side note but I would guess maybe the Terrans know English because Robby and Mo know it, but I wonder to what extent they understand Tagalog
Side side note but Alex says he grew up in Bohol, which apparently has its own dialect of Cebuano or is considered a separate language depending on who you ask? My point is I don’t know if people from there are usually fluent in both Boholano and Tagalog but I’m kinda curious as to why the showrunners would make him from there and then only ever mention Tagalog, especially since according to Wikipedia Cebuano actually had more native speakers than Tagalog until the 80s, which actually idk when exactly Alex is supposed to have been born but I’d think probably the 60s? That’s a whole other paragraph but I’ve already gotten wayyyyy too sidetracked. Anyway maybe it’s cuz his VA (Jon Jon Briones) is NOT from Bohol? Idk if he knows any kind of Cebuano wait I’m looking him up on Wikipedia and apparently he has a guest appearance on St Trek: Picard and his daughter is a main character??? He’s also mostly known for musical theater so basically he’s super cool                    hmm can you tell I don’t have adhd meds at the moment.   back to the show
Wait I lied one more thing. Back in episode 6 Alex mentioned his lolo and Bee was like “what?” and he told Bee that he’s from Bohol and Bee’s like “oh cool! I used to race at this abandoned airport in Tagbilaran” so did Bee just like. Not learn Tagalog or did he just not know that Alex speaks it. I feel like if he was hanging around long enough to regularly race there he shoulda picked up the language          but then again Tagbilaran is the capital of Bohol so maybe he’d’ve learned Boholano but also afaik lolo is the same for both languages so –
“everybody else” Nightshade is RIGHT THERE
So y’all just aren’t gonna show us the final movie, rude.
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kaeyapilled · 2 years
Tbh I really like the... what's the word. Stuffy??? (That's not quite right but it works) sort of sound Kaeya's eng voice has on the early quests and voicelines, though I think they may have tried to slightly up the animeness(?) of it in some later ones (which doesn't sound bad, either; just an observation). It's very human and feels more like a real, genuine voice than the [generic smooth playboy Femme Fatale: Guys Edition] voice some people seem to think of him with would have.
He is smooth and witty and charismatic sounding by design (both his own in-character and by actual marketing character design), and that's good, and I'm definitely not saying anyone talks like he does irl* - I just appreciate them letting him have that smidge of Some Real Guy voice too. It adds character distinction and charm. Like you can hear it some in the "Knight of Favonius" line I think?? That I do hear people talk like in my daily life.
It's interesting, actually; I'm not actually that familiar with most characters' other language voicings (this is extremely still a stupid gacha game (affectionate) and I have a life, hyperfixation be damned), or know enough about the languages to distinguish tone beyond the most obvious, but there are definitely character differences.
I do often see fans of the Kaeya's Chinese voice complaining about his Eng character being more flirty-toned and sadistic, when in it he's a bit more friend's-older-brother-coded (my own 'what I'm reminded of', though the older-brother-ness sentiment def isn't original to me) and pranksterish. And I saw someone joke at one point that Korean Kaeya is just too chill to be the Kaeya in their fic because he's too calm to be bothered by any of it.
One other example I'm familiar with is Childe: ENG shows anger really well, and is a bit more childish and hypocritical, but [I forgot which language but I think it was Chinese or Japanese?] Childe was more resigned and accepting of Sometimes Lying Happens Back To You, if still upset about it, and slightly more mature about that incident. (I looked into his because I saw someone saying they thought that made more sense with him being someone who had to tolerate the Abyss, and I got curious.) And Korean Childe sounds slightly more violent, in my opinion, at least on some of the more playful english lines.
...I mostly specified eng Diluc because I don't actually know anything about his other voices
I think all of the characteristics are interesting, of course, and I suppose they're all 'canon' in each language. In terms of fan stuff, I think it just depends on what the goal is! I just go by preference, but I have seen people specify what "language" of each character they're thinking of for stuff before, and even mix and match a few times.
*(related: while I was looking into the voice differences I happened across a clip where his VA was going on this whole thing about how much breathing the Kaeya Voice takes. It is literally so full of air - catch in universe Kaeya silently inhaling as much as he physically can every time no one's looking at him.)
i have several bones to pick with the english voice acting (and most of them have to do with with the goddamned anime-ness which i am, most of the time, not super fond of) but i actually really like kaeyas voice! particularly early game lol which is also a constant with genshin voiceovers for me.. what i really like about kaeyas eng voice is like. the cadence of his words. the rhythm of his speech. it sticks in my head and i keep repeating his voicelines to myself like a stim lol but anyway. once again i digress.
those are really cool details to know about! i had never looked into it before; im not familiar w like.. any of the other voiceovers (stupid gacha game (affectionate) and all that) (i thought about switching to a diff language a while back but i was too attached to kaeyas eng voicelines and that singlehandedly made me decide against it lmao) but i think it's pretty fun how the tone of the voice actor and the words chosen in translation can slightly change the characterization sometimes. i think the smooth talker flirtatious tone kaeya has influences a little how i imagine him, like, what sort of persona he displays to others, what he wants people to believe he is like, etc. in the end its all subtleties! and i love the idea of mix and matching these little characterizations when making fanon content because that is what fandom is all about babey
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
LMAOOOO my b my b no isagism here!! I saw your other posts and I was also confused on why the little Easter egg cameo scene had everyone except Karasu basically LMAO like where is he….maybe they figure the audience can’t handle his beauty so they gotta wait for s2….
FR!! I think that was one of my main bird gateway moments the ost also slapped lowk….
SO REAL slow cooked aged fine dining dishes not lunchables LOL the rise of Karasu nation truly is upon us
That reasoning is so prevalent in the manhwa scene like as long as they look pretty the plot could literally be all over the place LOL and yes the closeted sweetheart trope >>>>>>
OOOOH I’ve personally only ever heard it when I saw people posting Isagis dub scene when he outsmarts Rin in the 4v4 LOL wait I know exactly what you mean for Karasu….i remember specifically looking him up too…something about his voiced felt too strained/almost grainy to me? Like it feels like a voice that might be given to a relatively lanky, disheveled villain of a show like I’m imagining dry crusty villain here it’s not deep enough and almost has some like high strung texture to it (this was such a bad explanation and I’m also going based off memory so excuse me if I’m remembering wrong as we know remembering is not my strong suit LMAO)
Ok but wait….not a new fav…Nagi…?? My other guess was gonna be Reo based off your earlier post but I can’t tell if when you said “haven’t written in awhile” you meant like a specific work for the character (which rules out Reo I think unless I read your masterlist wrong) or in general (which works with Reo via peregrine cameo) but I’m curious to see what it actually is LOL Safely avoided isagism I see LOLL
- Karasu anon
NO BECAUSE ATP IT’S TARGETED??? like wdym we only get a blurry shot of his chin in the season 2 opening…what do you mean he’s consistently not shown in the background w the rest of the characters…i’m convinced it’s smth to do with his hair like 100% they just can’t figure out how to do it or smth because why else do otoya and yukimiya get sm focus but not him???
the rio ost is so good and the animation too!! ugh maybe i need to rewatch and get some more bird inspo KFNDKSS
manhwa community is insane truly the things people will read because of an art style sometimes is like 😓😰 come on now are we not better than this 😭 i feel like i typically only start manhwas if i like the art style but that won’t be the reason i KEEP reading ykwim like it still has to hook me and all the art style is just a prerequisite!!
SWEETHEART ASSHOLE FOR LIFE!! i just think it’s so funny to see this guy who’s lowkey a major jerk become all fumbling and emotional in front of a girl he likes…plus making characters like that be secretly in love with a girl for YEARS is so appealing to me like it’s just so them 😭 smth abt the sweetheart asshole type fits so well with major league pining idek why
NO I COMPLETELY AGREE it just sounds odd?? according to one of my friends he has the same dub voice as BAKUGO from mha which not that i rlly know much abt mha but from what i’ve heard bakugo and karasu do not have much in common 😭 and just going off of looks they do NOT feel like they should have the same voice LMAOAOAA but apparently he’s also connie from aot and i did like his voice there (even though it’s too high for karasu but at least it doesn’t have that weird gravelly quality??) so maybe he’ll surprise us…anyways karasu’s japanese va is rlly rlly good though maybe i’m just cursed to only like characters w weird dub voices (although i will say dub nagi is cracking me up he is 10x more unserious and sassy and a lovable asshole in the english version…his arguments w barou are actually funnier in dub somehow??)
YES IT IS NAGI BROOOO I MISSED HIM SM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 to be fair it might also be recency bias because he’s such a huge part of s1 and most of the other characters i like aka tabieitaken don’t show up until the manga but like…nagi 🥹 LMAOAAO i think part of it is the dub opening my eyes to the fact that he is also in fact lowkey a lovable jerk just in a less obvious way than karasu and barou 😩 the way he would literally be undefeated in s1 if he stopped shit talking his opponents during games is SO FUNNY like he directly leads to isagi developing his direct shot in team v vs team z, chigiri developing his no-stop dribbling in nagi barou isagi vs chigiri reo kunigami, and bachira’s awakening in the 4v4 ALL BECAUSE HE CAN’T KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT 😰 like bro genuinely cannot lock in and stop trash talking even though it’s the difference between winning and losing half of the time 😔 also i do love reo but he’s like so emo in season 1 that i can’t be attracted to him until season 2 i fear (although him in team v vs team z >>>)
I ALMOST FELL TO ISAGISM it was rough at first but lowkey seeing how short he is next to nagi and barou made me be like oh nvm…like yes he is still several inches taller than ME but he looks like a pocket sized child next to those two 😭 also while he has some good shots in the show he also has some crunchy ones icl meanwhile nagi is definitely the animator’s favorite because they yassified him SO HARD in the anime (he’s still cute in the manga but in the early chapters he looks so silly tbh)…wish they would’ve given barou that treatment fr i feel like they make him look goofy almost up until the 4v4 😩💔
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
oooohhhhhh 🦊 is a lovely choice!
Anyways, hi ⭐ (and lio!) thanks for the questions:
Who's your favourite character?
for genshin, its without a doubt xiao. ive mostly lost interest in the game (but that obsession will probably come back in a few months stronger than ever, just give it some time to cook lol), however he still has a special place in my heart, y'know? like, i wasnt that much of a fan before i found out how fucking bad his english translation was (no offence to laila, though. she's a sweetheart i just dont think she was a good choice for him :/). i also adore his chinese VA, kinsens voice is so good!
A few honorable mentions would be: venti, zhongli, guizhong, gorou, scara, yanfei and yelan
hsr is also a very quick answer lol. its yanqing! i first found out about him from the joke that he was xiaoaether's kid, since im very fond of that ship. and even when i started playing, something about him just made me love him, and i wanted to get him as the free five star (and i did! hes my strongest character yet). to me, hes very much "some kid" but thats what i like about him, hes charming, hes cute and has alot of story potential.
honorable mentions: tingyun, serval and dan heng
obv these arent the only fandoms im in but i wasnt sure if you where asking for every single one
Cat or dog person?
Yippee, a question that wont take two paragraphs to answer! Im very much a cat person, but i have owned a few dogs in my life (rip to čupko* and hepi (his original name was 'srećko' which basically means 'happy person' (masc.) in serbian but my grandpa changed it. little me was pissed lol)
I also have a cat now, her name is jinx and shes currently napping on my windowsill<333
Why did you choose the 🐌 emoji?
ok funnily enough i was actually racking my nerves trying to chose an emoji, i remember i wanted to try the 🦭 emoji, but chose the snail bc its one one my favourite animals. and now that i think about it, a snail fits the garden theme most of us have going on lol
sorry for sending this behemoth into your askbox lol (well idk its going to look like as an ask yet), but i absolutely adore answering questions, even if im awful at asking them. so if youll humor me, ive got some question of my own:
whats the most recent book you started/bought? (mines vol. 1 of beastars, super excited to start it!) what is some of your favourite media? (shows, books, movies, etc) and whats your favourite animal? mine are axolotls :3
your truly, 🐌.
HI 🐌 ANON I ALSO HAVE A CAT NAMED JINX!!!! HELLO...... she's a black cat with a little white spot on her chest and is the sweetest cat in my house <3 and none of you ever have to apologize for sending long asks! they're always welcome.
for me, if you want the most honest answer to the most recent books i bought... the two most recent books i bought were The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy With Autism and Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America for my ap english class AJDKCHKSSGJF but for a more fandom-y answer, i recently bought volume 2 of spyxfamily.
some media(s) i really enjoy. hmmm. to be honest, i haven't recently had the patience or attention span to watch a lot of new shows or read new books. so i don't have a good answer LMAO
and as for my favorite animal, i like cheetahs a lot!!!! they are so fucked over by nature and it makes me so sad sometimes. but i also like snakes, i think they're all so cool.... vipers are all so pretty. so dangerous, but so pretty. ball pythons have the cutest little faces and i cannot wait to get one of my own. i like a lot of animals i think!!!!! but those are two of the notable ones.
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daggryet · 1 year
idk much about fontaine, though I did see the trailer but for now I'm just like. Vibing.
I kinda want tighnari if I'm honest he's cute and also having another dendro would be good (I have Yao Yao and collei, cause abyss,
I pulled characters I wanted sort of by luck without really aiming at it like when I first started playing and pulled bei dou and ningguang on accident, because I didn't know how primogems worked and saved up a decent amount (that was so gay of them actually to show up together lmao). I pulled for tohma because hes my boy and for now I am very happy with what I have (got razor in that same time which I didn't expect but am very happy about cause he uses a two-handed weapon and also electro which is my fave element and is also a wolfboy)
So yeah. I don't actually know, I might try for alhaitham when he shows up again and kaveh (cause yeah I'm one of those people. I am not immune to bickering old married couple vibes), but it's far away for now and idk. I'll see how the wind blows or whatever the saying is
I rambled on huh. so yeah. also thank you for the offer of help I might take you up on it sometime later. I am in eu but our timezones are still pretty different and I'm currently starting a three day shift so I'll be out like a light when it's evening for me and somewhere in the day for you, so yeah. we'll see. Thank you though again it's very sweet of you!!!
same!! trying very hard to avoid leaks, but for now i'm vibing with neuvillette. i don't know what his deal if, if he's gonna be good, if i'll even be able to use him, but rn i have my heart set on him.
maybe it has to do with fyodor from bsd being his english va. Whooo knows
wishing as a newbie is a lot of fun because when you don't have a really good understanding of the system, you just pull for fun. even standard's great fun in the beginning
i have kaveh and alhaitham, and if i ever get a solid electro character that isn't a bow user (i can only handle one bow user per team... Charged attacks characters are not my favorite, but i will learn properly for tighnari), they'd be able to make a good team. in my head anyway
alhaitham is a very fun to play, so if you have the primos i'd definitely recommend him. and if your cousin gets her yae miko, that's 50% of a g-d tier team right there. kaveh was SO tough to get, i think i got him after like 70 pulls on the baizhu banner where he was featured 😭 a good investment tho because i had him as a main from that day till the day i pulled kazuha. through sheer force of will, anyone can be a good main
and of course, any time! work that changes your entire schedule is awful, just had my own two 5am starts, but i hope you made it through your shifts!
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icharchivist · 2 years
The whole dub discussion thing is pretty funny to me because recently I always kinda default to listening to dubs because I feel like there's a lot of nuances to voice acting that kinda get lost if you can't actually understand what they're saying, but at the same time I tend to default to English dubs than dubs in my actual native language, even though our dubs tend to be pretty decent for the most part
oh man ahah
personally i think it’s a question of being used to the language. I’ve been watching original versions of movies for as long as i could (and i’ve done some Cinema studies in the past so we had to watch foreign indies movies so we didn’t really have a choice or anything and we heard a huge spread of language). I think when you do it only once in a while, it can fly right over you yeah, but if you do it rather often you start to pick it up. Like any language, it’s all about practice right? 
But you do have a point about how, when you’re not used to a language you feel like you’re missing a lot and maybe the dub will catch it.  Personally at least, French dubs have been extremely unequal and i’ve heard too much Dubs where the intonation completely betrays the original intention, not mentioning the times translation itself fails completely. 
Personally i’m really a “original dub no matter what” person, but since it’s not easily accessible sometimes i just have to bite the bullet. We don’t have the worst dubs ever either and sometimes we have really good gems, but man.
One thing i know happened in France at least that fucked over the dub industry is that, in the Before Internet Time, there was at least 6 months between the release of a movie in the USA and its release in France. That long time was used to polish the translation and for the voice actors to genuinely figure out what they want to do.
But then internet and piracy started to happen. Movies in English with subs started to be accessible right after the release of the movie in the states, and Canadian Quebequois would also release a quick French dub that was usually a bit rushed, but came out close to the American parution. 
So basically, that’s when they started to shorten the release in between the french and english version, which translate also with a rushed translation work and dub actors not always having the time to adjust and prepare. 
I’ve felt it like, seeing Disney movies especially, because you see translations for the songs especially of the 90s movies, and they’re usually so damn pretty. Not Disney, but i still think about how Once Upon a December by Anastasia is so poetic in french so much so i saw foreigners mention they like it better than the original, because the translation, or more like, localization, really nailed it.
And then you see anything past the mid 00s and it’s a trainwreck and a half. like completely missing the point of the song and stuff like that, because they had to rush it as fast as possible. I once was furious when i heard the English version of I’m Still Here from Treasure Planet, because i learnt there that the song was beautiful and deep as hell and the French version is a complete travesty of it, and i grew up with it, so i was just wtf is that betrayal. 
but it’s hard to fault anyone in the industry either so it’s so....
coughs anyway i got carried away, i see your point tho, completely, i’m just not trusting French dubs at least lmao
But in THAT case i’ll trust it. 
And it’s nice to know we do have a choice and we can genuinely have an alternative, hearing English folks complain about a bad English VA, of going “so glad i can decide to never listen to it <3″, that’s really nice ahah
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irisbaggins · 6 years
Have any of y’all heard of the game Among the Sleep? That one horror game where you play as a child?
I think it was meant to be a lot more emotional than what most people perceived it as. One part might be just because non-Scandinavians (especially non-Norwegians) don’t know a lot of our history, but also is in part….because a bad dub.
What I mean with that, isn’t that «you have to be Norwegian to understand» or «only Norwegian’s can». No, by that I mean most Norwegians (and Scandinavians in general) have a lot of emotional attachments to elements in the game. The two most important parts are: the lullaby and the teddybear.
Here’s the thing: the lullaby is a very known Norwegian (and Scandinavian) lullaby. Most Norwegians know it. It’s comforting. It’s good. And I think that’s one of the best parts of the game. That it lures you in with comfort and security, and then flips it on its head. The lullaby turns out to be a callsign for monsters, signaling they’re coming for you. It makes something that you thought were good turn into something horrifying, much like the the main antagonist as well. You trusted them, but they weren’t what you thought they were
And the there’s Teddy.The Norwegian Teddy VA is Ivar Nørve, who is probably most known for being the voice of the Norwegian Winnie the Pooh. Which makes you trust him and what he says, because he’s Winnie the Pooh. Why wouldn’t you trust that? You know him! He’s warm and fuzzy and he’ll keep you safe and sound, away from monsters.
That’s where, I think, the English version fails. The lullaby aspect of the story is missed by most, which I find sad. People just find it creepy. It’s not just creepy, it’s unsettling. Because you want so desperately to trust it but you can’t, because it’s bad and it’s going to hurt it and you need to run from it. And Teddy is downright creepy in the English version. The voice is off-putting and makes him distrustful. But the Norwegian version makes me want to smile and hug the bear so tight to my chest. Because he’s familiar and home in this cold and treacherous world.
Anyway, I have a lot of emotions about this game.
And they did Teddy dirty.
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dorkshadows · 3 years
Monkey King Reborn (2021)
After what, 100 years?? I finally watched 西游记之再世妖王 | JTTW Return of the Demon King! Or Reincarnation of the Demon King. And I learned that both those titles are wrong now LMAO The OFFICIAL English name is now Monkey King Reborn (it has nothing to do with Nezha Reborn however). 
Watch here (Chinese subtitles only)
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So I wasn’t really expecting anything fantastic since the movie didn’t exactly do anything groundbreaking for audiences in mainland China when it was released back circa April. Critical consensus was that it’s OK, not the worst thing, but not a “good” film. Objectively, that’s probably right LOL this is by no means on the level of Monkey King Hero is Back (2015) or Ne Zha (2019). Structurally, it’s also not as paced as Nezha Reborn (2021). My thoughts:
Compared with every other animated and online JTTW film we’ve had since 2015, it’s a Masterpiece. Could be better, but was surprisingly watchable and has enough going for it to override the flaws. Tonally, it’s all over the place asdfasdf. Hero is Back + Ne Zha + JTTW17 + Netflix Kingdom + AVENGERS ENDGAME. (*More on this below the cut because I am not exaggerating.) Don’t go in expecting an award-winning script and it’s really entertaining.
Basic plot: Centuries ago, the Golden Cicada used his spirit to seal the demon king, Yuandi (the first demon TM), under the earth. The rensheng tree grew from that energy and Zhenyuanzi has been in charge of it since. The pilgrims come to Wuzhuang Temple per canon, get into baby fruit shenanigans, and Wukong destroys the tree. Yuandi escapes and steals Sanzang, meaning to consume his essence. At the same time, the tree’s own life essence takes the form of a living baby fruit who claims to be the pilgrims’ only hope of sealing Yuandi. 
Some jokes actually made laugh though (watch out for a hilarious take on the silver horn/gold horn arc). Favorite one was this:
Bajie: “You almost scared me to death!” Wukong: “Then die.”
And this:
Yuandi: Who’s Sun Wukong? Some kind of monkey!? Minion: Yeah, he is a monkey! How did you know?
The pilgrims are the film’s strongest suit. They all had their unique personalities and never once do they try to undermine each other. I think this is the first time I’ve seen a jttw film where the pilgrims were a solid little found family from beginning to end. The disciples genuinely loved each other, loved their shifu, and vice versa. Which is Wild because you can’t tell that they were this loyal a group from the trailers. So that was a nice surprise. They really were like, a family that goes west together DIES TOGETHER.
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1) Sun Wukong. We’ve been waiting on 21!Wukong’s personality since forever and I can confirm that it was worth it. He resembles Kenny Lin’s 17!Wukong quite a bit (and the design totally plagiarized 15′s) but he overall feels like his own character. He’s more of a punk than an emo lol; confident, snarky, cool (but it doesn’t stop him from getting peed on by a piece of fruit). And surprisingly mature for someone who also has a reckless temper, so this was a pretty successful adaption of him. His voice isn’t what you’d expect (the character has monkeyish moves but the voice doesn’t seem animalistic), but when you get used to it, it’s.. good. Just wish the VA could go even louder during the climax.
**I guarantee 21 will awaken something in some of you.
2) Zhu Bajie. He was literally himself from the book. A gluttonous pervert, which was surprising because animations usually remove the lust part LOL. Literally a complete pig as lazy and indulgent as you’d expect, but also Wukong’s #bro to the end. And there’s a cool show of his powers in the third act. A great Bajie.
3) Sha Wujing. This Wujing is amazing and I cannot stress this enough- he is a NERD. A bookworm. He carries one of those scholar backpacks filled with books and scrolls, so he can read aloud to his brothers and share cool trivia with them. Blown away by this take on Wujing. He’s not even a big or intimidating demon- he really looks like a fishman here, and once again, he is a NERD. FANTASTIC WUJING.
4) Tang Sanzang. I like the design- they remembered that he’s supposed to be a beautiful monk TM. But he was barely in this film?? The big bad kidnaps him within the first 15 minutes and the rest of the movie is about the disciples going to rescue him. From what we do see though, his personality kinda resembles Sanzang’s from A Chinese Odyssey LOL. Always believes in the best of their group. Ditzy, but genuinely loves his disciples, which you don’t always see so obviously in jttw adaptations.
One Big change here is that Wukong is the disciple Sanzang’s always indulging  instead of Bajie. Pretty clear that Wukong is his favorite in this one ;) 
5) Bailong. The horse’s eyes are distinctly dragonlike and his mane too. But ALAS, the filmmakers forgot about him after the intro. Ao Lie really nowhere to be seen after Wuzhuang asdfasdf
The animation wasn’t perfect. I felt like they were skipping frames in the beginning, and it’s very obvious that the budget went into Act 2-3. Just a lot was going on. There’s also an obvious difference between the quality of the main cast and the nameless side characters LMAO. But the ending makes up for it imo.
Solid characterizations
The pilgrim bond TM
Every time Wukong pulls the staff from his ear, it looks Cool
There’s a rendition of the Bimawen theme! And when the disciples visit a random village, everyone reacts to them like they’re monsters, as they should haha
A truly sick version of the 1964 Havoc in Heaven theme (instead of Dagger Group Prelude) when Wukong powers up at the very end; not going to spoil it, but his design in that scene is pretty cool too
Watch past the first credits for the Guanyin cameo! She’s buddha-sized.
No pacing. Things happen so fast with no transition asdfasdf. Unless you’re alerady connected to the characters, I don’t blame you if you don’t feel anything because the movie doesn’t stop long enough for you to. 
The movie’s message is about how demons can choose to be good or evil. But that’s not a lesson the disciples actually had to learn because they just weren’t bad people at any point in the film LOL like, they were ready to die for a sentient fruit. they already worked out all of their problems before the movie started so who is learning what
The... style of the movie?? We went from an accurate portrayal of the baby fruit arc to Monkey King: Hero is Back to Avengers Endgame...
The villain’s initial look was interesting. Then he reached his “final form” and he honestly is Zack Snyder’s idea of a jttw villain. He talks, acts, and looks like one.
They tried very hard to make the baby fruit endearing, but I just found it disturbing and I was glad when it “died” adfasdf
Things that make you go “eh?”:
Yuandi is the Demon of demons that everyone has heard of. Except Wukong for some reason. I also don’t know what Yuandi’s so smug about since he’s not the one who caused havoc in heaven. The lack of respect smh
Wukong’s temper was inconsistent (for me personally); he seemed to overreact a lot at Wuzhuang, but was perfectly “mature” for the rest of the film
Worldbuilding was hard to follow, especially why Yuandi kept Sanzang alive instead of eating him immediately, the Golden Cicada’s connection to the talking baby fruit, and why the disciples are soooo fond of that thing in the first place. I just do not get it.
The baby fruit is a cannibal- it eats other fruits to rebuild energy LOL
Things that make you go asdfasdfa (SPOILERS BEWARE):
The first half of this movie is family-friendly. Even the part where Yuandi’s minions zombify a village- it’s all very PG. Then in the climax, Zack Snyder takes over and Yuandi kills the disciples on screen. He MURDERS Bajie and Wujing right there for us to see.
Then he spends like, 20 minutes, beating up Wukong. It’s not super graphic (I think?), but the monkey is literally coughing up blood in this animated movie??? 
Yuandi also “kills” Sanzang by taking the Golden Cicada’s essence in front of Wukong after he spent 20 min beating him into a pulp asdfadf. And at that point, literally all the pilgrims (except Bailong who was forgotten) die on screen. After Yuandi kills the baby fruit, it gives itself to Wukong and he powers up enough to beat Yuandi. It doesn’t have the feeling of the tragic comeback from the finale of Hero is Back, but it is very pleasing to see happen anyway. Also because that Havoc in Heaven electric guitar theme SLAPS.
Then the pilgrims come back to life because baby fruit powers. And we’re like, “damn, zhenyuanzi was right. the fruit tree is special!”
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And this is the final shot of the movie (before the first credits scene). The classic Sun Wukong-looking-over-shoulder parting shot!
Overall, 6/10. Not the best, but certainly not a bad JTTW adaptation.
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pega-chan · 3 years
anyway TIL that Ejen Ali is streaming on Disney+ Hostar Indonesia—just the two seasons, but not the MOVIE, like i was hoping for, even though all the AniMy movies are available on Disney+ Malaysia—simply while i was browsing the platform bc they didn't actually advertise it anywhere on their social media. to rub salt in the wound, the only available dubs for streaming there are the Disney English dub and the Indonesian dub, both of which i mildly despise. weirdly enough, there are Malay subtitles but they couldn't provide for the orginal Malay dub? anyway here are some of my thoughts on them:
English Dub
i've actually heard this one before on disney channel, but i skipped ahead to season 2 bc i was deathly curious about the young agents' voices
Jet: rich boy voice, it suits him ig
Roza: yeah her voice is deep but at first i didn't think it suited her that much, but in later episodes she actually sounds pretty good
Mika: 0/10. her voice is too high and nasally; bro it's supposed to be androgynous. at least they knew she's a girl and casted accordingly but i hate her english voice hhh
Chris: as the token White Character, he does sound like a white boy, and that's good enough for me. it suits him, but it sounds vaguely british. all the white characters in Ejen Ali sound british but Chris is like, the least british even though he's like a slice of white bread amongst all his malaysian classmates lmao
Iman: her voice suits her! i like it
Bulat: PERFECT. flawless as always. i love my son
Khai: love Khai's voice, it's nice
Moon: she sounds adorable. love it
Rudy: i heard from foreign fans who watched EA on disney channel that his voice was attractive, and they were right. holy shit. what a great day to remember i'm bi
Leon: for some reason he has a british accent JFBSJDBJ???? i thought he was malay, did the casting director think he's white? was he actually white and i just didn't notice???
Geetha: not...soft and motherly enough, but it's tolerable.
Bakar: i like it enough, he's jovial enough to fit the part
Karya: he's pretty good too! he's as suave as his malay counterpart
many of the OG malay VAs were brought in to reprise their roles in the english dub so of course the voices fit, i'm just reviewing the voices i haven't heard before
Aaron/Nueve: FULL ON BRITISH ACCENT, and he sounds great! grade A casting
Sies and Siete: they do sound sleazy, i give them that. they're a meh for me.
Sinco: 8/10, i don't have much to say except his voice fits.
Also they translated "teras" as "core" JFNJD i'm DYING, the official translation from Wau staff is "pillar". IT'S PILLAR GODDAMMIT
Indonesian Dub
Ali: he sounds adorable. i think he's voiced by the same VA who did Indonesian Naruto, he sounds a lot like him
Alicia: her voice is okay tbh but her acting needs a little work. she's too expressive for Alicia, who always sounds controlled and menacing. also the indonesian VAs pronounce her name as "Ah-lee-see-ya", which throws me off
Bakar: his VA nailed it! he's fantastic
Rama: to his credit he has the gruff general tone down pat. what REALLY bothers me is how the script writers decide to tamper with his quote, even though it's literally the same in Indonesian and Malay. in this dub, they switched it around and made him say "segera bertindak", it sounds so off
Uno: i think he fits, almost like the OG VA, 9/10
Jenny: this one was surprising. Her voice isn't as high-pitched as Meirysha's, but still fits Jenny. however, Meirysha was directed to voice Jenny so she sounded cold and flat no matter how friendly she was, and this didn't translate into the indonesian dub. 8/10
Rizwan: very similar to Azman?! wow. also the acting is good (good enough for the dialogue, which is stilted and formal). 10/10
Jet: HE SOUNDS LIKE A JAKARTAN AJDBJDNF okay but legit expected him to break out into english the way rich jakartan kids do, he sounds like a radio personality to some extent jxjfjf
Roza: her voice isn't deep enough, and doesn't suit her
Mika: OKAY THIS ONE IS FUNNY SJBF they first thought Mika was a boy so they casted her with this really manly voice in her first appearance. they rectified this in the later episodes, where, like in the Malay dub, she had an androgynous voice that was MARVELOUS, but i was still distraught hearing a teen boy's voice come out of her mouth. congrats
Chris: i was half-hoping they would give him a Minang accent but he sounds just as city-boy rich as Jet.
Iman: she has the opposite problem to Roza's; her voice is TOO deep. i feel like their VAs should've been switched and it would've sounded better, though neither of them suit their characters that much
Bulat: they got his voice down nicely. see? my son sounds great in any dub. he shines regardless of the circumstances
Khai: he sounds exactly like Khairul holy crap, 10/10
Moon: this is the opposite to Alicia's problem; her acting isn't expressive enough, but her voice sounds cute.
Rudy: it's meh. he really could've been better, he doesn't sound sullen enough either.
Geetha: now THIS is good casting. actually sounds motherly and i like her acting
Leon: he doesn't sound gruff enough :(
Karya: love this guy's voice, i think Karya's character shines through with his acting
Dos: it's like. adjacent to Dos' malay voice. it's good enough
Tres: Tres is easy to cast for, since he sounds so typical, so of course he sounds identical to the OG voice
Aaron: he has the same tone as the OG Aaron, god bless his VA. 10/10
Sies and Siete: they sound like the guys who degraded me in middle school, eugh. in other words, perfect casting
Sinco: i like how he sounds, and i think his acting is okay
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abbacchiosbelt · 2 years
i am enjoying fire emblem warriors: three hopes much more than i thought i would! well, i knew i'd love seeing the characters again, but the warriors style gameplay has never really appealed to me... it's kind of mindlessly fun, though? i'm playing on normal difficulty plus casual (so no one dies permanently... i'd be too sad...) and it's been entertaining without being difficult. of course, it's only the first little bit of the game, so it remains to be see what the challenges will be like later in the game.
i'm very happy we're getting an expansion on some of the ~lore~ that three houses mentioned but didn't expand upon, and also that we're seeing the actual faces of mentioned family members in 3H. (even though uhhhh so far they've all been pretty ugly LMAO) i'm interested to see where the story will go from here. i think the 'twist' on how the story progresses is a good choice, but as many fire emblem games do, it could get worse as it goes along. we shall see!
dimitri is as Dimitri as ever and i love him for it. i finished the azure gleam demo, so now i'm working on scarlet blaze. after, i'll do claude's route, which i cannot remember the name of at the moment
i am also a big fan of arval and shez. i picked f!shez because of course i did, and i really like her voice! i am playing with the japanese audio but once the full game releases, i'll have to go back and relisten to some of the supports with the english VAs. the english cast is generally great (with a few stand-outs, like dimitri, dorothea, felix...) but i much prefer the japanese audio.
anyways surprisingly fun, would recommend checking out the demo if you've never played a warriors game
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flamewing · 4 years
KnB Season 1 Dub Thoughts!
Finished watching the first season of KnB on Netflix sooo here are my personal thoughts on/reactions to the dub :3
In general:
Some of the voices started out iffy but they got better as the show progressed, I think
Probably the main problem was some of the Americanized pronunciations of the characters’ names but I’m guilty of doing the same in my head so- [plain text: but I’m guilty of doing the same in my head so-]
Also the lack of “-san”/“-chan”/“-kun” like now there’s no difference between Aomine’s and Momoi’s nicknames for Kuroko, for instance TwT (and Takao was calling Midorima “Shin-chan” at first but it seems they just shortened it to “Shin” in the end)
But all in all, it’s pretty decent imo!
Relishing the fact that I correctly predicted Kise’s and Momoi’s voice actors last year asdfghjkl [plain text: Relishing the fact that I correctly predicted Kise’s and Momoi’s voice actors last year asdfghjkl]
Kinda felt like I was watching KnB for the first time! Even though I actually already know the whole story and what’s coming, I’m glad I could (sort of) experience that initial thrill once again ☺️
As for some specific characters:
Kuroko: all I can say is Khoi Dao nails the soft-spoken voice (and Nigou’s barks) 😂 sounds practically how I thought he would!
Kagami: one of the voices that improved over time. Like it started not as “rough” as I was expecting, but that hotheaded voice that I imagined came soon enough. Still a little inconsistent here and there, but it’s not too bad
Seirin: they’re all good for the most part! Though, Tsuchida’s voice is higher than I thought it would be, and sadly it seems not all of Izuki’s puns could be translated (but I guess that was to be expected) 😭 also I had only ever heard Kiyoshi’s VA once before and it was as a villain so it took me a little getting used to lol
Riko: I always thought she’d sound like Chie Satonaka from the Persona 4 anime (voiced by Erin Fitzgerald), so I was a little surprised at the more.. mature(?)-sounding voice she officially has. But it sounds great~ Abby Trott was my voice claim for my KnB OC though so uhh guess I might have to change that ;w; [plain text: Abby Trott was my voice claim for my KnB OC though so uhh guess I might have to change that ;w;]
Kise: not.. quite what I imagined even though his VA is the one I figured would voice him. Expected it to be higher-pitched (his voice does go higher occasionally but like I thought that would be the case more often). It’s ok though, I suppose it kinda works for the more arrogant side of manga!Kise we don’t otherwise see *shrugs*
Midorima: ok I will say I almost spat my drink out the moment he first started speaking LOL [plain text: ok I will say I almost spat my drink out the moment he first started speaking LOL] his English voice isn’t as deep as what I’m used to, and he doesn’t seem to have a verbal tic like he does in Japanese (which is… a little disappointing, but ah well I didn’t even notice until the last few episodes >w<). Other than that though, it works I think? It suits his character and sounds closer to his age lmao and it’s kinda sexy in its own way yes I’m biased don’t @ me [plain text: and it’s kinda sexy in its own way yes I’m biased don’t @ me]
Aomine: tbh I had thought Ben Diskin would voice Takao (his voice as Caspar in FE3H is close to what I would’ve expected) xD I didn’t know he could pull off the voice that he did for Aomine but I’m glad he can bc it is perfect
Murasakibara: sounds more… laid back than bored? His usual voice could be a bit lower perhaps, but I guess I can see it working. Judging from the OVA (and from some of his previous work and knowing how versatile he is), Robbie Daymond can definitely pull off Mura when he’s angry so that’ll be interesting to see in S2 👀
Akashi: oook so his voice is probably the only one I’m really questioning like WHY IS IT SO DEEP [plain text: why is it so deep] 😭 it’s not that the voice by itself is bad or anything it just.. Does Not Fit (now if Akashi were taller then maybe but he’s a shorty) [plain text: (now if Akashi were taller then maybe but he’s a shorty)]. Buuut I’m willing to give it a chance, maybe I just need to hear more of him
Regardless of any flaws, I’m sure the cast is doing their best and working hard to breathe new life into these characters and bring the show to a wider audience, and I’m excited to see what they do with the remaining seasons! Here’s to the KnB fandom’s revival 🏀❤️
Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3
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astro-break · 4 years
Thoughts on the 12th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima. Spoilers beware
Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 & 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7 | Ep. 8 | Ep. 9 | Ep. 10 | Ep. 11
I am the definition of Fear.jpg rn please help
MTR are so cute, just celebrating their win. Look at how happy they are!
... Oh well thats new. I like how Ichijauku has a tiny bit more agency in throwing out ideas (it really shows how close her and otome trust each other) but it also completely retcons a part of hypmic lore that was established with the Drama tracks. If you’ve heard “” then you know what I’m talking about
ahaha doppo i love you so much youre so adorable you deserve to be happy
MTR as a family is just soo good. Both as familial or 
Hmm.... yes Samatoki has the right to be angry but that flattens him to a good for nothing thinks first asks questions later type of thug which is absolutely not what his character is. Especially with how the anime portrays him, it seems like there's only one emotion that he feels at any moment and that is anger. Which, fair he is an angry boy, but thats just one facet of his character. He’s also logical and not that sore of a loser, seeing that he still has room to grow (if you want an anime example, refer to the previous episode where he genuinely wonders what he could have done to treat Nemu better)
I think my biggest gripe with the adaptation is the flattening of all the characters TBH. I only really see it in Samatoki since I understand his character the most but I also see hints of it with Rio, Hifumi, and Gentaro. Most of the characters are just flattened into 2D tropes and made to act those tropes out. Which, y’know is the basis of each character but the series has built upon each character so well that its kinda jarring seeing them all so flat
I’m not sayin that I hate what the Anime has done with MTC but I hate what the anime has done with MTC
I expected a “Brocon” “Siscon” fight not this. What the fuck
☆ミ+。゜H A C K I N G ゜。+ミ☆
ahaha Ichiro you’re too trusting and pure for your own good
Okay why does all the animation budget go to making Samatoki look hot as fuck?
Ahaha they really do get along like cats and dogs. Jyuto being the voice of reason is kinda weird tho but oh well I can live with it
Tom saying “hai warat~e!” is so cute wtf?????? Lemme pet your head please
Im getting second hand embarrassment from Ramuda lmao
Slightly suspicious about how these group of reporters know the underground layout of Chuuoku so well
Oh well see I was right to be suspicious
That Unit name is really funny considering the whole Galatic Federation thing ahahaha
Oh that english! that was super clean and enunciated really well
Good intentions, bad execution. His reasoning is a bit flawed but its at least sound
hmmm usually I’d be happy about Doppo giving Hifumi his jacket but in this context not so much. See, Doppo gave it to Hifumi mostly because they had to fight, not because there were woman (which let me remind you Hifumi is deathly afraid of and the jacket acts as a wall between him and his gynophobia)
...... uh Interesting choices of microphones for Secret Aliens. Tom’s is a recording studio mic which makes some??? but not much sense. like Tom is a street photographer, not a radio host. Iris’s mic is.... I’m sorry what is that? Some sort of keyboard and.... something. idk what it is on her finger. And T. Rex just ripped out a purple dinosaur spine, stuck a mic onto the neck and called it a day. Nice
At least their speakers are somewhat better. Iris has Iris plants which. hilarious, but also very modern looking and sleek fitting of her more tech savvy nature as a hacker Theres also phone cameras which makes sense but the butterfly imagery which is present .... Fear.jpg. Rex again just went with a T. Rex Speaker which. Thank you rex for being very predictable, we love you so much. That soundwave looks like DNA too which is cool as hell. Tom.... Idk man Tom are you okay? What exactly is your speaker? are they those aperture umbrella things that photographers use? Im so confused, photographers in the fandom please help
YOOOOOOOOO THAT RAP THOUGH IRIS SOUNDS SO PRETTY?!?!?!? Can she please sing me to sleep? its so smooth and rolling. If I had to describe it, I would say that its the type of voice that I would hope would sing the ballads that I compose, the voice of a mother who still holds on to something after loosing everything she has fought for. 
Too bad Iris doesn’t get a verse to Rap in but holy shit what? Secret Aliens just might become one of my fave divisions based off song alone
Ah theres the cancellers. Thats fun, nice to see that there isn’t an adaptation induced plot hole in this One instance. Lets see if they can patch up the other plot holes created because the anime and source material went into different places
Dice, bad. no cheating. Bad dice
Ahaha there the flash bomb. That high pitch wailing was awful though. please never do that again
Hah, typical Ichijaku. We love it
Oh look at them. Working together. How cute. I really like Rio and Saburo interactions mostly because theres so much potential
Oh noooo i worry for FP
That growl from Ichijaku though. That did things to my heart oh my god
Aww I do like that enthusiasm from Ramuda. I do hope that things turn out at least somewhat okay for him. He’ll probably suffer 
Wait why is Saburo’s left eye purple? Is it the lighting or something else? I hope its just the lighting bc if anything happens to Saburo i will be very very sad (I rewatched the episode and Saburo’s eye is blue all the way up till he gets hit by Secret Alien’s attack. Even in a brightly lit area, it looks purple... i hope it isn’t forshadowing but then again Saburo’s eye has always been a darker shade of blue so it could just be the yellowish lighting since Ichiro’s red eye looks fuchsia)
Ichijaku with an angry face is kinda hot ahaha. Her deep rolling voice of anger just. Ugh very very good. Major props to her VA for pulling it off
oh there’s a 13th ep
well thank fuck for a 13th ep bc if they ended the season like that i think id actually cry lol
Ugh so I guess that next week will be the last episode. I was so prepared for today to be the last episode but its kinda surprising that they have 13, slightly different from the normal season
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eunique · 3 years
☕️+Genshin Impact :)
Bro where do I begin?
First off, this game is F R E E. Like how is a game with amazing yet loveable character designs and STUNNING graphics free!?
The world building, lore and story is so good. Each little bit tells a story from the novels you collect to the artifacts you farm. Its so well developed and references other aspects of lore around Teyvat unlike other games (that being our good old brave frontier where they just don't know how to connect their fucking lore or cross reference it Jesus christ). The characters are so lovable and endearing. I really like that some dialogues and story are restricted until you level up their friendship so you gradually get to know them the more you play them.
Soundtrack is a fucking 11/10. Bless Yu Peng Chen for creating such good osts for Genshin. Highly recommend people listen to the soundtrack. I cannot praise the music enough as a music student!
Also major bonus points that some of the Haikyuu!! JP VAs voice some of the characters in Genshin. Man I miss Haikyuu!! so much-
You've mentioned a lot of the pros to Genshin and I absolutely agree with a lot you said about it. Though with pros, there are cons to Genshin.
As you mentioned Genshin being unsuited for mobile gaming, while i don't 100% agree to the statement, Genshin is admittedly really awkward to play on mobile. I play Genshin on mobile and yes it is playable, it's just sometimes verycumbersome. Especially when you play bow characters (says the person here that has both Ganyu and Venti in one team). Trying to collect crystalflies and butterflies is a nightmare. The only time mobile players had the high ground was the rhythm minigame during the windblume festival lmao. The lag is pretty bad too and my phone does heat up quite a bit when I play-
Another con isn't with the game but more with the growing fandom. Things like people who already had Venti upon Genshin's release sending death threats towards those who got Venti on the rerun banner because it didn't make them "special enough". The fetishisation of characters who are canonically minors. Not to mention people in co op trashing on other people's mains (esp if you main the starter 3) and stats.
The micragression (though idk if it does count as micragression but imma count it anyways) towards what honorific Childe should use to address Zhongli and claiming that just because they play the game with the JP dub, that sensei is the correct term. As well as the fact that people who say that JP is the sub and CN is the dub. Some going as far as to make some racist remarks towards Chinese as a culture, and language which I've seen on Instagram. Trust me, I've seen 2 comment threads and as someone who is ethnically Chinese, it was really upsetting and uncomfortable to read.
Of course, I'm not calling out everyone who wasn't entirely aware. If they didn't know, that's okay. As long as they've learned their mistake. I'm just calling out the minor few who for one, ain't Mihoyo and two, clearly didn't do their research.
To clear things up. Mihoyo is a game company based in Shanghai, China. Genshin Impact is a Chinese game, making the Chinese voices the sub and Japanese voices the dub alongside the Korean and English voices. It's fine if you have a preference to which voices you prefer but just because JP is the preferred version, it doesn't make it the sub.
As for what honorific to use when people want Childe to address Zhongli in fanart or fanfic, I wrote an explanation here which explains which honorific to use for who and what situation.
I honestly hope that Genshin doesn't become a suffocating and toxic fandom. The game is so fun and I've had so much fun playing Genshin and Co oping with people over the past maybe half a year and it's given me joy (after haikyuu!!) People really need to do better and not be pricks or racist. Full stop.
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