#i... did not shut up about kaeya this entire answer. sorry. this will happen again
kaeyapilled · 2 years
Tbh I really like the... what's the word. Stuffy??? (That's not quite right but it works) sort of sound Kaeya's eng voice has on the early quests and voicelines, though I think they may have tried to slightly up the animeness(?) of it in some later ones (which doesn't sound bad, either; just an observation). It's very human and feels more like a real, genuine voice than the [generic smooth playboy Femme Fatale: Guys Edition] voice some people seem to think of him with would have.
He is smooth and witty and charismatic sounding by design (both his own in-character and by actual marketing character design), and that's good, and I'm definitely not saying anyone talks like he does irl* - I just appreciate them letting him have that smidge of Some Real Guy voice too. It adds character distinction and charm. Like you can hear it some in the "Knight of Favonius" line I think?? That I do hear people talk like in my daily life.
It's interesting, actually; I'm not actually that familiar with most characters' other language voicings (this is extremely still a stupid gacha game (affectionate) and I have a life, hyperfixation be damned), or know enough about the languages to distinguish tone beyond the most obvious, but there are definitely character differences.
I do often see fans of the Kaeya's Chinese voice complaining about his Eng character being more flirty-toned and sadistic, when in it he's a bit more friend's-older-brother-coded (my own 'what I'm reminded of', though the older-brother-ness sentiment def isn't original to me) and pranksterish. And I saw someone joke at one point that Korean Kaeya is just too chill to be the Kaeya in their fic because he's too calm to be bothered by any of it.
One other example I'm familiar with is Childe: ENG shows anger really well, and is a bit more childish and hypocritical, but [I forgot which language but I think it was Chinese or Japanese?] Childe was more resigned and accepting of Sometimes Lying Happens Back To You, if still upset about it, and slightly more mature about that incident. (I looked into his because I saw someone saying they thought that made more sense with him being someone who had to tolerate the Abyss, and I got curious.) And Korean Childe sounds slightly more violent, in my opinion, at least on some of the more playful english lines.
...I mostly specified eng Diluc because I don't actually know anything about his other voices
I think all of the characteristics are interesting, of course, and I suppose they're all 'canon' in each language. In terms of fan stuff, I think it just depends on what the goal is! I just go by preference, but I have seen people specify what "language" of each character they're thinking of for stuff before, and even mix and match a few times.
*(related: while I was looking into the voice differences I happened across a clip where his VA was going on this whole thing about how much breathing the Kaeya Voice takes. It is literally so full of air - catch in universe Kaeya silently inhaling as much as he physically can every time no one's looking at him.)
i have several bones to pick with the english voice acting (and most of them have to do with with the goddamned anime-ness which i am, most of the time, not super fond of) but i actually really like kaeyas voice! particularly early game lol which is also a constant with genshin voiceovers for me.. what i really like about kaeyas eng voice is like. the cadence of his words. the rhythm of his speech. it sticks in my head and i keep repeating his voicelines to myself like a stim lol but anyway. once again i digress.
those are really cool details to know about! i had never looked into it before; im not familiar w like.. any of the other voiceovers (stupid gacha game (affectionate) and all that) (i thought about switching to a diff language a while back but i was too attached to kaeyas eng voicelines and that singlehandedly made me decide against it lmao) but i think it's pretty fun how the tone of the voice actor and the words chosen in translation can slightly change the characterization sometimes. i think the smooth talker flirtatious tone kaeya has influences a little how i imagine him, like, what sort of persona he displays to others, what he wants people to believe he is like, etc. in the end its all subtleties! and i love the idea of mix and matching these little characterizations when making fanon content because that is what fandom is all about babey
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Reader that can emit sounds from their memory(like as an aura)
Walk into a room? Why do I hear boss music
Comedic timing? Fuck yeah.
Bored? Jumpscare noise.
Zhongli talking? Jeopardy theme.
Someone is annoying? Earrape.
Think about it!
Hello! I’m the 12th Harbinger, aka as CHIL- bitch shut the fuck up, WHATS UP ITS YA BOY AQUARIUSSS- /ref
Tumblr media
lmao imagine you walking into a room like this in teyvat, with like that audio I SAVE BY GIVING IT CPR- TIGHT AS VIRGIN BOY DONT GET NERVOUS-
(also ill stop apologizing for the late replies to these, bc as we all know by now that im slow and u will get answered eventually i promise tumblr most likely didnt delete u guys asks im just hoarding them LMAO)
I’ve been super busy running in circles so sorry about ghosting! I still very much enjoy and love u guys and love seeing you guys enjoy my stuff :’) 
Still cant believe that, but thank you!
(tbh unless the person is super observant I dont think most ppl would get that it’s YOU causing this chaos lmao)
Like I can see Zhongli eventually getting it lol, other ppl I could see after the first few weeks of interacting with you (esp bc you mix it up, honestly it was only bc u kept playing the jeopardy theme over and over when Zhongli ranted on too long that he got it was you 💀):
Heizou (he’s the best detective on all of Inazuma’s islands, ofc he got it! no he will not acknowledge that he totally thought you were hiding a very musical tanuki somewhere on your person at all times lol)
Alhaitham and Cyno (haitham took like, two hours of walking around town with you and knew, bc he’s a little know-it-all lazy bastard like that, and Cyno is actually just really aware, despite what most ppl think, he’s the General Mahamatra and not just a regular Mahamatra for a reason after all)
Tighnari (i stg he can like, smell when bullshittery is happening in his vicinity …or... hear?)
Venti (unsurpringly, he’s totally in love with this power of yours, i mean he definitely loves you cares about you a lot he says, but you’re starting to think he’s just lying to butter you up into pranking Diluc, Barbara, Jean, and really the entirety of Mondstadt more often  including Zhongli just so he can laugh until he’s on the ground again, also he definitely once asked you to make a dragon sound that’s the equivalent of shouting FUCK at Dvalin when he was flying overhead one day)
Hm hm hmmmm
Who elseee, i need a characcctterrr lisstttt…
Albedo (duh, he’s albedo, you think he has an entirely too thick folder dedicated to your recent obsessions, you rant a lot about it while playing and also he can access your browsing history 👀, and he somehow doesn't know that about you?? You’re like, literally one of his long-term, there-for-life, has-bought-a-house-for-free-in-his-head-you- arent-even-on-rent-anymore, hyperfixations or special interests. Autistic!Albedo is autistic, Because I Am Your God, And I Say It Is So.)
Dehya (always knows when its you walking around near her bc you like to listen to your old world’s songs too often when you arent pranking bitches, she actually rlly likes it and your music tastes…)
SO not all in the same way or at the same time, or even the same length of time did they realize you literally change background music or some shit so I’ll let you just- you know okay- like you get it- you get it.
Xiao, Kazuha, Kaeya, Diluc, Ayato, Yae Miko, Keqing, Qiqi, Klee, Sara, Kuki, Nahida, Ningguang, Rosaria, Scaramouche/Babygirl, Dainsleif, Kokomi, Xinyan, Yun Jin, Yelan. 
Jfc got the whole damn pride flag up here
Anyway everybody else outta luck, at least takes em a month or longer to get it lol
Sorry abt the end there i didnt feel like writing out all those bitches bc the few I did before were already longer than I thought they’d be…
Also, I am posting these spam of drafts (and that old follower 100+ event possession headcanons in prep for the next 2 weeks bc I will be really busy, again :/
Got spring break shenanigans this week, then I’ll be running around like a cat with zoomies bc im getting ready to install/actually submit my artworks for the gallery exhibition! 
…wish me luck or prayers or anything good from any god you believe in, I need the strength. 
With love, safe travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Interest II
Characters: Kaeya, Xiao, gn!reader
Word Count: 3,020
Warnings: Swearing
Premise: Sometimes emotions can be confusing. In those times it can be easier to shut down. After all, wouldn’t finding the truth out be scarier?
In which the reader assumes their character is disinterested, and pulls away.
Author’s Note: I wrote a lot tonight! It was nice to write for multiple characters again, made me feel like the good old days, or something. 
Hope I’m finally getting back on schedule and hope you enjoy!
If Kaeya flirted with you, he also flirted with all of Mondstadt; or so you kept telling yourself.
You liked the cavalry captain, you liked him a lot. It was easy to like him, as easy as breathing air. The thickets of romance, the awkward looks, the stilted conversations, the dying words. None of those things existed in Kaeya.
If there were roses there were thorns too, and though you tried to convince yourself that this emotion, this easiness was something good, there was a part of you that fought back at the idea. The reason things were so easy with Kaeya was because of one simple reason. He didn’t like you. Or not the way you liked him. Kaeya flirted with all of Mondstadt after all, and you were merely one library assistant in the middle of an entire country. Your existence wasn’t one for the history books. Not compared to the man that you’d managed to fall hopelessly in love with anyways.
At first you tried to ignore those voices, that cynical side of yourself that existed only, it seemed, to make you unhappy. You weren’t necessarily an optimist by nature, but you were a bit of a hopeless romantic, and flirting or not you at least hoped to get your point across. Delivering Kaeya’s library requests first, always going up to him at lunchtime to talk, even giving him a special gift for the Windbloom festival. You really did try, you didn’t think that the opposite could be argued. Still things continued on as relatively normal however, Kaeya’s flirting never seeming to grow particularly towards you. Eventually it became harder and harder to avoid the voice in your head sneering you were wasting your time. Or maybe you were just tired.
Either way the answer seemed to be obvious. You knew when the answer was to count your losses and move on, and surely this was one of those times. Kaeya wasn’t going to see you as a partner, he just wasn’t. That didn’t mean he wasn’t kind, or that your conversations with him weren’t lovely, or even that you weren’t still in love with him. Still, wasn’t it time to move on to kinder winds? You wanted a clean break, wanted an end to your painful waiting; didn’t want to experience that clench in your heart when you watched Kaeya flirting with someone else as the point just drove further and further home. You wanted reprieve, and the only way to do that was to admit the obvious. This wasn’t going to happen.
So you gave up, or did your best attempt at giving up. You still spoke to Kaeya, the gods knew you probably couldn’t stand not speaking to him. You still tried to keep as light as before, tried to retain the dynamic, for something was better than nothing. Yet your days of simply chasing after him were over, and as you settled into you schedule of new normalcy you found, though things weren’t necessarily easier, at least they seemed simpler. Besides, how much had really changed? Kaeya most likely didn’t notice.
“Kaeya, the manuscript you requested on Liyue trade history came in yesterday. There were also a few other things that came in, though Lisa told me they’re classified.”
“Oh Lisa, always a stickler for rules. Would you like to know what I requested?”
“Like you would actually tell me,” you snorted. “No, I’m fine. It’s none of my business.”
“Aw,” Kaeya pouted slightly, crossing his arms in front of him. He seemed to be doing that more often these days, though maybe you were simply imagining it. “Where’s your sense of adventure darling? You seemed to have lost it somewhere.”
“I’m just following rules,” you pointed out.
Something had shifted about the conversation at some point, and you were suddenly feeling an undercurrent that hadn’t been there before. Finding it uncomfortable you quickly removed the space between you and Kaeya, reaching out to place the brown paper wrapped books into his hands. Taking them Kaeya lifted an eyebrow. Turning around he went to put them on his desk.
The momentary reprieve in atmosphere you felt quickly died, as before you had time to turn around the cavalry captain was back, this time leaning closely towards you.
“What is it?” You asked. This was certainly Kaeya behavior, but it still startled you nonetheless.
“You’re acting funny.”
“What? I’m acting completely normal.”
“If you say so.”
But the tone conveyed that Kaeya didn’t agree one bit. A smirk painting his lips he turned around, though something bitter seemed to flash behind his eyes, and for a moment you wondered if he had somehow caught on to the secret you’d been hoping to keep to yourself.
After that things seemed to continue on as normal for a few weeks. If Kaeya’s books were secretly transgressive, they certainly weren’t doing anything actively, and life as an assistant librarian to the Knights of Favonius retained its languid, unhurried pace. Still a part of you had never forgotten about that weird snippet of conversation, one which was doing a surprisingly good job at eating away at you.
You were almost relieved when Kaeya brought the matter up again.
“Is something wrong darling?”
“You asked me that two weeks ago Kaeya.”
“Really? It’s been that long? I must be neglecting my duties,” he let out a careless sort of laugh, before his eyes steadied. “I was hoping that this time I might get a more honest answer.”
“So you think I’m lying to you when I’m saying nothing’s wrong?”
“But I’m not! How could I be lying to both you and myself.”
“I find that doing such a thing is a surprisingly easy task. Nevertheless, even if you aren’t lying, there is something wrong.”
“And what would that thing be, Mr. Expert?” For some reason this conversation was aggravating you. Maybe because you couldn’t decide whether or not he was right.
“I don’t know, I was hoping you could tell me. I can’t say sorry for something I’m not aware of, I don’t know what I did. You do though. So the sooner you tell me what’s wrong the sooner things can go back to normal.”
“What do you mean by normal Kaeya? If anything this is more normal. Not that things have changed that much. I’m sorry I don’t deliver your books first, if that’s what you’re complaining about. But frankly, I don’t see what you’re so upset about? You’ve got plenty of other friends, so why are you complaining to me?”
Maybe it wasn’t your best use of logic, but your ability to circle around the focus of the conversation, the unspoken emotions that still burned through you, was somewhat lacking.
“This is not normal. I’m not talking about library books, I’m talking about friends. Or maybe avoidance. You’ve been avoiding me lately, even if you aren’t doing it completely. It wounds me, you know. My dearest companion, what did I do to earn their ire?”
“You did nothing.”
“That’s obviously a lie.”
“It’s not.”
“It is,” Kaeya voice was clipped, matching your same tone. Even now he was shifting himself to better fit the atmosphere in the room, something you normally valued so deeply.
“It’s not. It’s really not! That’s the problem Kaeya, don’t you see?” Tears that had threated the corners of your eyes were now burning across your vision, as your emotions finally broke through the paltry excuse for a dam you’d been building. “You’ve done nothing, you’ve never done anything. You’re always nice, and flirty, and a bit shameless. And that’s fine! It’s not your fault that you don’t feel like I feel for you. I don’t want to make you feel guilty. You flirt with everyone, and that’s fine. I don’t care! I really don’t. I don’t want to burden you. Still, can’t you just let me feel upset by it? Can’t you just let me give up? Do you know how painful it is not to give up? Why won’t you let me at least do that, but no! Instead you come in here talking about how everything’s different, as if I’ve offended you, or as if you worry would change anything. Of course it won’t! And it shouldn’t! But damn it Kaeya, I just want to be upset!”
By this time Kaeya had closed the space between you two, wrapping his arms around you and running soft, slightly cool, fingers through your hair. You nestled into him, despite yourself. You were so tired and so angry, and right now it didn’t really seem to matter who you cried on as long as you were crying on someone. Letting yourself be carried away by your emotions you let your ragged breathing unleash itself inside the walls of Kaeya’s office.
Eventually you calmed down. Though you expected Kaeya to step away when your breathing evened out, instead he remained there, continuing to run comforting fingers though you hair, his other hand gently cradling your shoulder.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that was the reason.” It was simple, direct. Undeniably Kaeya.
“What else would be the reason,” you grumbled.
“I don’t know. It’s why I asked. Thank you for answering me.”
“You forced me into it.” There was no true venom behind your words. You were sure Kaeya knew that.
“Is there anything you want to tell me?”
“Not yet?”
You shook your head. “Not yet.”
“That’s alright. Now’s not the best time anyways, since I ought to look my best. Not that I don’t look amazing already, but I should dress up for an occasion such as that. Still, I hope that eventually you’ll allow yourself to live in a way that doesn’t make you unhappy. Sometimes we can’t do that. This time you can.”
“Good. I’ll be waiting for you darling, and you know how impatient I am.”
“What if you have to wait for a long time?” You were feeling quite contrary.
“Then I’ll wait. After all, I’ll have quite the reward for my patience.”
You smiled into Kaeya. Despite yourself, you knew it wouldn’t be that long.
With Xiao, the question was always boundaries. How far is too far? How far is not far enough? It was an endless maze, even if it was a maze you would gladly continue to explore, sure that the light at the end must lead to something truly beautiful. Still, you didn’t exactly need your emotions to come in and complicate something already so difficult to navigate.
At first you tired to ignore, to take a page from the book the yaksha you’d so hopelessly fallen for had written. Yet if was much harder than it ought to be, for loving Xiao seemed to come as naturally as breathing, and no amount of looking for faults seemed to be doing much to change that. After all, everyone has faults, and nothing could change the innate goodness you saw in Xiao, the wonder and light that he carried with him, despite his millennia of hardships.
At first you thought to tell him, to cross that border, find that boundary and test it with all the patience it had taken to test and cross those other boundaries.
“I, I have something to tell you.”
“I, I made you some Almond Tofu!”
Xiao let his eyes widen with characteristic surprise, before leaping down nimbly from his perch to take the dish you brought out from behind your back. You watched as he ate it happily, warmth running through your veins. Nevertheless a part of you cried in frustration, perhaps even pain, for you knew you had failed to do what you had set out to do.
It wasn’t simply that you feared losing Xiao’s friendship, feared losing his respect. It was the boundaries, those invisible lines you were so careful not to step over. Xiao needed those boundaries, you knew he did. Though he had told you very little about his past, what he had told was horrific, and you hardly doubted that Xiao’s survival, his failure to spin into madness, was because of those walls he’d carefully constructed around himself. You wanted him to shed those walls yes, to slowly emerge from the darkness which he held around himself. But you weren’t ready to push him to do so, or not very much at least. It wasn’t truly in your nature to do so anyways.
So you expressed your feelings as best you could, with tofu and flowers and all the kindness you had to offer. When you weren’t working, spending your time sewing for a high-end Liyue shop, you were with Xiao. A part of you assumed that it would be enough, that if you gave Xiao enough of your time and enough of your attention the barriers would magically break down. One day you’d wake up and they’d be gone and you’d be happy, having never pushed things too far.
As nothing truly seemed to change however you grew slowly discouraged. You weren’t really aware of your flagging hopes, not really. It was more that you were busy, you were so busy. Besides, Xiao hadn’t expressed much sadness over losing your company. Perhaps he was secretly relieved, perhaps you had pushed too far at some point and he hadn’t told you. Maybe it was best that you give his boundaries time, and not push it too far.
Even looking back it was hard not to call the logic sound, or at least sound to you. In some ways you and Xiao were cut of the same cloth, and though that brought with it an understanding, it also brought its own set of issues. Neither of you were willing to walk over the line that the other drew, even if you could not see where they had actually drawn it. Even if not doing so was painful, the fear of what pain might come if you did was too great a discouragement.
So you began to slowly fade away, without being entirely aware that you were indeed doing so. You were busy after all, and Xioa was most likely too. He was still a yaksha after all, a being whose life was almost completely disconnected from your own. Surely it wouldn’t be that surprising if his views were similar? Maybe you truly had crossed a line, and that was why he never seemed to enquire after you. Or maybe it was that you hadn’t mattered all that much in the first place.
It was a wet, cold autumn day. You sighed slightly as you unlocked your door, having gotten drenched by protecting a bold of fabric you were bringing home to cut and pin. Letting out a huff, you opened the door and went to take a nap. You must’ve been tired, for it took a few seconds for the screech of surprise to leave you mouth at the sight of the unexpected intruder waiting for you.
“Xiao! You scared me!”
You stared at the yaksha, very much surprised by the sight of him. Your surprise had very little time to register though, being quickly replaced by concern for the storm so clearly gathering in Xiao’s eyes.
“You were gone for so long.”
“I’m sorry Xiao. It’s just been so busy you know, everyone’s preparing for the change in season. Besides…”
“I didn’t want to bother you. I mean, I know you also have a job, and though I want you to find happiness outside of it, I don’t want to pressure you.”
Xiao’s facial expressions evidently conveyed that he was not impressed. Searching for the right words you let your gaze drift towards the floor. You weren’t sure that you were ever going to be ready for a conversation like this, but certainly not in the state you were now. Still, you owed Xiao some sort of explanation. Of course you did.
“I’m really sorry Xiao. I should have found time for you. It’s completely my fault.”
“That’s not what I want.” Xiao’s tone was gruff, frustrated. You found the frustration mirrored within yourself.
“What do you want?”
“I,” Xiao flushed. “I don’t want you to apologize. I’m not blaming you for anything. You shouldn’t apologize for nothing.”
“Sorry,” you mumbled.
Xiao shook his head. For a moment he just stood there, eyes stormy. Slowly though he reached out to take your hand. You found the act surprisingly comforting. You had missed Xiao’s hands, delicately built, calloused beyond believe. They felt comforting and warm and safe, and you wished you could never let go of them. Drawing strength from that you slowly raised your gaze slightly.
“What do you want, Xiao?”
At first Xiao said nothing. Perhaps he was staring at a line, contemplating whether to cross it. You had half the mind to apologize again, but managed to stop the words from coming out. You knew that it was just a force of habit. Besides, Xiao hadn’t said anything yet. A small spark of hope burned inside you, the hope that something might go well.
There was a gentle tug on your wrist and suddenly you were in Xiao’s arms, his hair gently tickling your nose.
“This,” he mumbled. “I want this.”
For a moment you felt yourself freeze in shock, but soon enough you found yourself melting into his embrace, wrapping your own arms around him. Xiao was warm like a heater, warm beyond that too. It was as if there was something in his soul. Gentle, flickering, it brought you happiness that you never thought you could imagine. You wanted to bask in it forever, it was worth any twists and turns you might have to take to reach it.
“Don’t disappear again.”
“I won’t.”
“I should have come earlier.”
“It’s alright. Hey, Xiao?”
“What?” Xiao’s arms tightened around you slightly. You didn’t want to talk much more either.
“What do you think of me?”
Xiao let out a soft snort. “I thought that was pretty obvious.”
“I love you.”
It was more than you could have ever hoped for.
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bumbleklee · 3 years
just read your unplanned pregnancy hcs and first of wow second could you maybe write a continuation to them like maybe during the pregnancy or once the baby (or babies they could have twins) are born. Albedo's had me appdiisodhs like i need answers and i need some closure lmao
sorry this has taken so long anon, been a crazy couple of weeks lol. part 2 to this
diluc's is kinda short bc his ended on a happy note (o´∀`o)
before reading: reader is written as afab and goes by they/them pronouns but feel free to change it to whatever you want in your head, pregnancy, babies
he adjusted the best he could when you decided to keep the baby
neither of you were expecting a child anytime soon but like you said before, maybe it was a sign
and with diluc's status in mondstadt, no one even batted an eye wrong in his direction
in fact, you were showered daily with gifts or food from the townspeople of mondstadt (there was a rumor that some thought you were bearing an heir to the invisible throne of mondstadt)
in the rare occasion someone said something negative about the pregnancy, usually someone drunk at the tavern, diluc was quick to shut them down
After you gave birth to your babies (yes, you had twins), you thought the overwhelming support from the people of Mondstadt would stop. Instead, it only increased.
When you and Diluc entered the city, each holding a baby, you were always crowded right away. Elderly woman would knit your babies clothes and the young teenagers offered babysitting services. It should have been overwhelming but since your pregnancy was unexpected (having twins was even more unexpected) the extra help was greatly appreciated.
Woodworkers built you cribs for free and shop owners happily donated extra stock for your children.
After a long day in Mondstadt, that was supposed to be a quick trip, Diluc collapsed on the couch. He had both babies in his arms, cuddling them to this chest, while you carried multiple bags full of goods.
"People are so generous," You huffed out, putting the bags down and falling back next to Diluc, "Almost too generous."
He laughed tiredly and readjusted himself so you could snuggle into his side. "It's better than them being hateful, right?"
You nodded in agreement, "Much better."
he was right about no one crossing him during your pregnancy
when you went for walks around liyue around, people turned their heads and paid no attention to you
to zhongli, that was delightful - no one cared
to you, it was uncomfortable
you had mortal friends in liyue who had gotten pregnant after marriage and they were praised from strangers on the streets and given free food or wisdom from elders
but not you
You were almost to term when Zhongli wanted to take you out to dinner at the Liyue Pavilion. Childe had given him a hefty check as a Christmas gift and Zhongli wanted to spend it on you and your unborn baby.
The restaurant was packed for a weeknight and Zhongli left for a moment to use the restroom. You sat at the table, absentmindedly rubbing your belly and shoveling noodles into your mouth.
"Isn't that the town whore?"
The words made you freeze. You heard the voices behind you and refrained from spinning around and glaring at the young women.
"It is! I heard this is the third time she's gotten knocked up and her boyfriend wouldn't let her kill it this time!"
"Boyfriend? She's not even married? I would be so ashamed to have her as my daughter - her poor family."
You stopped eating then. The women giggled and their voices faltered away. Your hand stopped rubbing your belly and laid there, your other hand clenching your chopsticks.
You didn't even realize you were crying until Zhongli came back to the table and alerted you.
"Oh, um, hormones," You lied, dropping your chopsticks to roughly push away your tears. Your sniffled and looked up, dabbing at the corners of your eyes to try and stop the tears. "I'm really not hungry anymore. I'll meet you outside, okay?"
You struggled to stand up and once you did, you waddled outside of the restaurant. You tried to pull your cardigan over your belly but since you were so far along, there was no way to hide it. It felt like the world was caving in on you. People could be so cruel.
Suddenly, you felt two arms wrap around you, pulling you into warmth. You smelled Zhongli's scent and clutched onto his shirt, letting even more tears fall.
"A worker told me what happened after you rushed out," He whispered into your ear, "I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?" You sniffled.
"I wasn't there to protect you from them."
You looked up at Zhongli and he wiped away your tears. "Can we go on a vacation?"
When you said vacation, you didn't mean a week away to the beach. Honestly, you didn't feel safe in Liyue and you certainly didn't want to raise a baby in a city this strict.
"Of course we can," Zhongli said, immediately knowing what you meant, "Have you even been to Mondstadt?"
the minute you returned home on that eventful day, albedo began packing your bags
he knew what the knights were capable of and frankly, he didn't fully trust them right now
you were on the road by night and within two weeks (horses and carriages did wonders to help you), you had safely arrived in fontaine
you stayed in the country for your entire pregnancy and when your son turned a year old, the three of you started your journey back to mondstadt
When you stepped inside the gates of Mondstadt, you swore you could hear every hushed whisper rush into your head. Albedo stood firmly by your side, his hand on the small of your back as he urged you to continue walking towards the headquarters.
Your son wiggled in your arms but you didn't put him down. Until you knew exactly what was going to happen with the Knights, you weren't going to let your son out of your sight.
Fortunately, both Kaeya and Jean were doing paperwork in her office when Albedo knocked. He walked in first and they jumped up, extremely concerned with his absence.
You hesitantly walked in after Albedo and your coworkers stared for a moment.
"Wow," Kaeya said, "You did have the baby."
"We did," You confirm.
There's an awkward silence. No one knows what to say since the last encounter with each other ended so horribly. Jean is the one to finally speak up, "I think we owe you two an apology."
Kaeya nods in agreement. "After you two left, we realized we may have been too harsh on you both. We are getting to that age, after all."
Albedo glances at you from behind his shoulder and you smile softly to him. He turns back to Kaeya and Jean, "We'd like our positions back in the Knights of Favonius."
"You never lost them," Kaeya cheekily says. Albedo nods his head again, not wanting to say the wrong thing. You step forward and rub your son's back, getting his attention. You introduce him and Kaeya bends down towards the baby, "Why, hello there."
Your boyfriend cautiously watches from a distance as his friend dotes on his son. Eventually, Jean comes over to meet the child too.
If you thought about the situation hard enough, you still got upset. But seeing Kaeya and Jean love on your son instead of exiling him made you feel a lot better. Of course, you wished it didn't go down the way it did but the past was the past.
And as Albedo reached out to squeeze your free hand, you knew he felt the same way.
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the-kaida-family · 3 years
Life and Death in the Unknown Land Miscellaneous Tales
Drink Mixers and Dungeon Crawlers;
God Is a Bartender?!?
A semi-Genshin Isekai/SAGAU fic revolving around Jackie and her best friend Minato Arisato. It’s based off the new events announced in the 2.5 update Special. So there may be slight spoilers.
There’s established poly relationship with Jackie and (separate) Minato is a pining idiot. There are also spoilers for everything up to the latest Archon quest and the entire Persona 3 story.
@neetra has an Isekai story that inspired me, so go check them out.
“Three parts coffee and one part cream?” Jackie noted.
“Yes ma’am,” the customer confirmed. “It’s a surprise to see another bartender for the Angel’s Share. And such a cutie too.”
Jackie slapped his hand away with a strained smile. “Please do not touch me, good sir.”
Jackie made her way back to the bar. She looked over the orders and pulled out the mixes to make their drinks.
As she heard the door open again, she turned and began to welcome whoever it was. “Welcome to Angel’s Share Tavern— Xiao! Albedo! Aloy!”
Jackie vaulted over the bar to hug her friend and boyfriends.
“Good to see you all again! Though I never thought it’d be in here,” Jackie smiled.
“Jackie!” Charles scolded. “Don’t jump like that again. You almost knocked over the drinks.”
“Sorry, boss.”
“I think we can say the same thing,” Aloy smirked. “Didn’t know you could mix alcohol at your age.”
“Seeing a god in a bar. I’d be surprised if I hadn’t seen Venti in here before,” Albedo mused.
“Oh hush,” Jackie huffed. “One: I’m at least as old as Albedo. Two: I’m not working, nor will I ever work, with alcohol of my own free will.”
“So Minato is completing commissions today?” Xiao asked.
“Yep. C’mon. I gotta mix some other drinks then I can make some for you guys,” Jackie offered.
The three joined their team leader at the bar and took their normal seats. Jackie quickly finished her previous orders and attended to them. “So what can I make for ya?”
“I think I’ll try the coffee. Three parts sugar,” Albedo ordered.
“Gimme the tea with lemon and mint,” Aloy smirked. “Let’s see if you live up to the rumors.”
“You seriously haven’t heard?” Xiao scoffed. “You’ve been catching everyone’s attention with the non-alcoholic stuff. The parents can’t shut up about it. Especially the hot cocoa paste and milk mix.”
“You want the hot chocolate too, Xiao?”
“Shut up.”
Jackie snickered as she conjured a small flame and two pots. “Don’t worry. It’s selling like crazy, so it wouldn’t be surprising if anyone saw you drinking it.”
Everyone talked about their day as the water and milk came to a slight boil. Jackie listened to them then shared stories of her own.
“So both Venti and Kaeya tried to get you to mix Dandelion Wine with the chocolate paste?” Aloy laughed. “That can’t taste good.”
“It didn’t, according to them.” Jackie did the final mixing as she recalled the disgust on their faces. “They should go to an expert like Diluc if they want to try that. He’s better than me.”
Xiao looked back at the door as Jackie doled out the drinks. “They’re later than normal,” he mumbled. “Did Minato’s team run into trouble?”
“I’m sure they’ll be alright,” Jackie reassured. “They’d call you or me if they were in trouble. My friend isn’t as stubborn as you.”
Xiao didn’t answer as he picked up his drink.
Another thirty minutes passed before anything interesting happened. In that time, Charles’s shift ended and he left. The rest of the day patrons also left. Jackie hummed as she cleaned the glasses and prepped for the night shift.
The door swung open with a bang, catching the four off guard.
“You witch!”
“Hey Min Min,” Jackie greeted casually, not at all phased by Minato’s murderous aura.
Behind him, Diluc and Ganyu entered, followed by Kazuha carrying Xingqiu. They all looked tired.
“That domain was Hell,” Minato groaned. “Why’d you make it like that?!?!”
“Xingqiu has passed,” Diluc deadpanned.
“Quit telling everyone I’m dead,” Xingqiu said from Kazuha’s back.
“It was definitely more challenging than the commissions,” Ganyu detailed. “It took more complicated tactics to finish in time.”
“I don’t want to do it again,” Minato said as he let his head fall onto the bar. Jackie offered him some coffee as an apology. “Made just like Shinjiro’s,” she whispered. Minato perked up at the sound of his passed friend’s name.
“Aww. What of the rest of us, Jackie?” Kazuha fake-whined.
“You’d have to actually tell me what you want,” Jackie retorted. “I live with this idiot. He’s practically my twin brother. So I know what he likes to drink.”
Everyone took a seat somewhere. Diluc offered to take over the bar, but Jackie declined and told him to rest. Ganyu spoke with Xiao about her training as Xingqiu tried to eavesdrop. When they caught him, he made haste to Aloy and struck up a conversation about history. Kazuha sat with Minato, who kept his head pressed to the table. His ears turned red as Kazuha shared his ideas for poetry. Albedo sat in the corner and pulled out his sketch pad.
Jackie delivered everyone’s drinks, kissing Xiao and Albedo on the cheeks as she passed them. After she gave Minato a refill, she heard a knock at the door.
Jackie opened it, ready to shoo them off. But she stopped short when she saw empty space.
“Cocogoat,” a small voice mumbled. Jackie looked down to see Qiqi.
“Hello, little one.”
“Miss Jackie. Cocogoat milk,” Qiqi pleaded.
“Hahaha. I’ve got some in stock, just for you.”
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bukojuiice · 3 years
farewell, my dark knight. — diluc ragnvindr
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ೃ ft. diluc x gender neutral! reader
ೃ 6k words
ೃ tags and warnings: angst. a sweet and lovestruck diluc. reminiscing memories with him. he writes you letters and talks to you about his day. he’s very soft and he’s very much in love with you.
ೃ requested by anon:  “hi! could i request a diluc x reader, in which diluc dies from a mission, and as reader is cleaning out his room, they find letters neatly packed into drawers, and with closer inspection, they are letters diluc wrote to reader every day, so when he isn’t around anymore, reader can read them and not forget about him? sorry i’m a sucker for angst and your writing omg” (thank you for this request! and for making me cry while writing it! <3 i put a lot of work into this, so i hope everyone enjoys!)
ೃ genshin impact masterlist
ೃ if you want to be a part of my taglist, answer this form! ♡ (please like and most esp. reblog if you enjoyed! it means a lot!)
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They say all your senses and your feelings are heightened when you are broken and mourning.
You hear things more clearly like the tenderness of his voice because it’s better than listening to the drum of your heart.
You feel the sun, the air, and his gentle touch on your skin because you are trying to feel things instead of shutting down. 
You smell his perfume and the scent of the pancakes he used to make- everywhere. 
You still feel his fingers as though they are knotted through yours and it makes you cry.
It hurts.
It pains you. 
This is the most tragic day of your life.
“Sir Diluc has.. passed away.” Jean announces, reaching for your hands and squeezing them in support. She pulls you inside a spare and lonely room in the Ragnvindr manor. Lisa is at her side, for extra emotional support, handing you a spare handkerchief as they break the news to you. 
Your heart sank. 
You were not the first to know. But, even if you were… there was no possible way.
 You were a traveling adventurer in search of something that will quell your curiosities; disappearing for days or weeks on end. There were times when Diluc would come with you on your travels and the two of you would just go wherever your heart desires. Staying in Qingce Village and mingling with the elderly townsfolk, Visiting the Adeptus abode, strolling around Springvale or vacationing in the summer islands… there was nothing that could stop the two of you together. 
As two of the heroes of Mondstadt from the Stormterror incident and his status as the esteemed owner of the Dawn Winery, you were famed and loved by all. Though as Diluc was not one for friendliness or casual interactions with others, It was all because of you that he had befriended some particular members of the Adventurer’s guild and the Knights of Favonius. You had even asked them if they could visit the Dark Knight hero at the winery from time to time. 
Well, aside from the regular visits of Venti and Kaeya to satisfy their quench for wine, Jean accompanied by Amber and Lisa to ask for advice, uncommon visitors such as Klee and Albedo had even come by to accompany him now and show him their wonderful new experiments and discoveries….
 You had given him a reason to have hope in the people of Mondstadt once again. His previous faction with the Favonius knights may have been imperfect, but Jean had proved to be amazing enough to rectify all these past mistakes that had eased Diluc’s resentment to the knights.
You continue to count back to all the things that he has done for you. As someone who’s had no home and who’s been traveling all their life, Diluc became your home. He had fallen for you and your wondrous soul. He was your living reminder that you can find home in a person. Someone who you can rely on, someone you will come back to after a long tiring day, someone who will love you for who you are and who will kiss your flaws away.  
And now, he’s gone. Just like that.
You have been gone for three months prior to all of this as you were on a secret commission to fight off a huge group of treasure hoarders in Natlan. Although you were able to travel back to Fontaine shortly after, you had to wait for further instruction from the guild before you could come back to Mondstadt. At the time, the only thoughts to occupy your mind was Diluc who had been waiting for your return and your longing and desire to run into his arms and for him to kiss your tiredness away. 
However, it took two agonizing days before Jean’s letter had arrived. All you could do was weep and worry endlessly at the inside of a quaint inn at the heart of the bustling and picturesque region that was Fontaine. Inside her letter were updated reports of Diluc’s disappearance; he had been missing for three days without telling the maids or any of the inhabitants of the mansion and the winery of his departure. He left without a trace…
As soon as the sun had risen that same day, you quickly left the region and made your way back to Mondstadt. With no knowledge or premonition that at the same day…
Diluc would be found.
On the road to Mondstadt, the staff at the Winery had been going on their merry day to deliver the wine to the city, when they came across a body. Battered and bruised. Upon closer inspection, it was their dearest master; the current head of the Ragvindr family. Further suspicion arose when a hoard of Fatui members had been defeated; lying beside the riverbend not too far from the manor. The Knights of Favonius had quickly deduced that Diluc had crawled all the way back to the outskirts of the Manor but had unfortunately succumbed to his injuries. 
From that day on, the sun had never shined again. 
Your stomach was in knots. You had a feeling that something had happened and yet, you didn’t expect for it to be something like this. You didn’t expect to hear about the state that he was in when he was found.
He’s strong. He’s the Dark Knight Hero, One of the protectors of Mondstadt; Hell, he’s one of the most powerful vision users of the region.
Yet… how did this happen?
A knock on the door had brought you out of your trance. With a simple “Come in.” said by Jean, the guest in question was revealed to be Kaeya who peered out from the door. A forlorn expression plastered upon his face. His head turns and your eyes meet his, “(Y/N)... how are you doing?” His voice gentle and melancholic. 
“N-never been better.” You remark in between sobs. “I-I need time to process this.” Wiping your tears with the handkerchief, you stand up, about to take your leave. “I-I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
“According to the Favonius accords, Sir Diluc must be buried tom-”
“To hell with the Favonius accords!” You snap, still trying to fight back the tears as the three knights stare at you in shock and in empathy. “M-master Jean… p-please. Just one more day. Before I have to say goodbye to him forever… Let me have one day to reminisce about him.”
The Acting Grandmaster hesitates, as if collecting her thoughts first before she speaks. “Very well. We will be arranging the burial and other matters in the near future. For now, please get all the rest and recuperation you need. Thank you for your time, honorary knight. We’ll see you in a few days.” Jean holds your hand and gives it another reassuring squeeze as she and Lisa watch your walking figure make your way out of the room. 
Kaeya, who was still in front of the entryway, moves to the side to give you some space to make your leave. “Before the maids fully clean up his room, why don’t you tune in there for the night? I’m sure Diluc would love that.” 
“He would.” You smile half-heartedly, the indigo-haired man giving you a reassuring pat on the arm. “T-thanks Kaeya. I will.” 
“I’ll be staying in the manor for the rest of Diluc’s memorial if you want t-to… talk about him. See you around.” You nod at him before shuffling down the stairs to enter the manor wing that led to Diluc’s room.
Oh, how you wish you were as calm as Jean and as emotionally mature as Kaeya right now. 
How are they able to hold up so well? How are they able to take this all in and not be on the verge of breakdown like you are? They’ve known Diluc since childhood. Hell, Kaeya was his adopted brother. His brother in arms. How are they able to accept his death just like that? 
Are you just… not as strong as them?
You take a left turn around the manor wing that leads to Diluc’s room to be surprised by Adelinde who greets you in front of Diluc’s door, a torn and bloodied folded paper in her hands. “Honorary knight, we have a letter addressed to you. The staff at the winery found it tucked inside Master Diluc’s pocket. You might want to read it.” She gingerly hands you the folded piece, patting your hand gently once she places it in your palm.
“Thank you, Adelinde.” 
You turn your attention to unlocking the door, fishing for the spare key that he had given you and inserting it into the knob, you hear the head maid speak behind your back. 
“Whilst you were away, there was never a day that Master Diluc had not spoken about you with such love and praise. I hope you know in your heart how much he loves and cherishes you. As there was never another person in his life who he had loved the most after Sir Crepus’ passing.” She recounts, her voice is slow and meek. “Thank you for loving Master Diluc and for showing him what it truly means to be a part of a family again. The entire staff sends our deepest condolences and we will be here for you and Sir Kaeya whenever you need us.” From the side of your eye, you see Adelinde bowing deeply before she subsequently takes her leave and disappears into the hallway.
With a heavy sigh, the door clicks and you enter your beloved’s abode. 
Not one thing has been touched. It still looks and remains the same.
His coat is still hanged on his wardrobe door, his usual button up black dress shirts folded neatly on one of the drawers, books that he’s read to you time and time again are shelved properly, a hearth in front of the bed that reminded you of your endless cuddles in front of the fireplace, his gloves neatly placed on his bedside table, and pictures of the two of you together in the Golden Apple Archipelago taken with the Kamera are hung on clips and strings on his desk.
It was like he never left. 
Like his physical being had just gone off on a long adventure.
Yet, it feels so empty. 
Because his soul and his presence is no longer here with you.
And it hurts. Everything hurts.
You take a seat on his bed. The mattress slightly creaks as you reach for an unusual piece of paper sticking out of his bedside drawer. Opening the cabinet slowly, your suspicion and curiosity heightens when what is revealed to be inside was a wooden box. Engraved were Diluc’s initials and letters that spelled out “Do not touch” 
Curiosity overwhelming you, you gingerly open the wooden box to be surprised with folded letters written by Diluc that were all addressed to you. Along with the date and time it was made. 
He wrote letters every single day. Hoping that once you came home, you could finally read them. Trying your best not to burst into tears, you carefully look through all of them and notice that they were all written during your absence. During those three agonizing months that you were gone. 
Although his daily letters were short and simply written, he never fails to write to you an encompassing message at the end of the week. In each weekly letter, he entailed many things: Like writing to you about his day, how much he misses you, how much time has passed, and discussing particular things he found during his nightly patrols or interesting things about his day. He wrote letters to you as if you were right there with him. His words etched with simplicity yet full of love. He wrote these letters to be whisked away from a minute of his otherwise mundane life. And despite how uneventful they may be, he still shares them with you because he knows you will listen. He knows you will take your time to read everything. As even though the two of you may be thousands of miles apart, your hearts will still beat as one.
You finally find the one that he had written for you the day after your departure, and begin to read it’s contents. Preparing yourself for an overflow of emotions that you were not ready for. 
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As much as I hate to see you go, I realized that life has plans for all people. Even if those plans separate us from the ones we love. For the recent years that have passed, I have seen staff at the winery and maids in the manor come and go. And yet, I still haven’t gotten used to seeing you go off on your adventures. There are times I wish I could just be free of all of these responsibilities and come along with you on your escapades. But alas, I will presume that life is not for me. Always know that no matter where my life takes me or yours takes you, I will love you whether there are 1000 miles between us or none at all.
I miss you already, my love.
May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us.
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A week has come to pass since you left and I’ve been trying my best to keep myself busy. Kaeya has come to visit me and so has Venti, but they have done absolutely nothing to alleviate my boredom. In fact, they’ve all been a pain in the arse. When I tossed them into two of the guest rooms for passing out drunk, I was suddenly reminded of the times that you would wait for me at the Angel’s Share and help me drag Rosaria back to the cathedral, Kaeya back to his residence, and Venti back to the tree in Windrise. Then, we would take a night stroll around the city as the dwindling lights of the shops and houses being the only things illuminating our way. I cannot wait to do all of this with you again. It feels like the universe closes in around us whenever we’re together. But… the moment is so fleeting and you are gone again. The universe is awfully large and I am awfully small,  unable to hold the world with my hands. I just wish you were here to make me feel as if the universe is close enough to reach once more. 
Good night, my love.
May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us.
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It is 9 o’ clock in the evening as I write this. Today, Bennett had visited and asked if I could train him to control his vision. I said yes as I had nothing much better to do. Fischl and Razor were there to accompany him as well. To be quite honest, they’re quite a convivial trio. It’s nice to see them remain free-spirited despite everything that has happened recently. I could not bear to remain as cheerful as they are amidst the constant abyss order and Fatui attacks. After our training, Razor had come up to me and told me that you and I are lupical. I didn’t quite understand at first, but with Fischl’s long and heavy explanation, I had come to understand what it meant: Family.
Perhaps… we can be a family? Have a family of our own?
Oh… wait. I know, it’s too soon. So, please disregard my wishful thinking for now. I’d like to apologize if that may have come out the wrong way.
Thank you for reading today’s letter, my love.
May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us.
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I finished a book I borrowed from the Favonius library today. Lisa said you've been eyeing the tome for a long time. However, since Ella Musk was borrowing it at the time and you had to leave shortly for your trip to Natlan, you never got the chance to. I'd like to apologize for having been able to read it in advance. Perhaps, I can read it to you once you get home? Maybe in front of the fireplace, blankets hugging us for warmth, and cups of hot chocolate in our hands? Anyhow, there was something I found interesting about it.
There are Sumeru philosophers who claim that the past, present, and future all exist at the same time. That there are parallel universes. It had me thinking, in another universe... Would we still be together? Will fate bring us together? Could there be more for us outside of this blue sky we share?
I'm sorry for making you worry. It's probably my insomnia kicking in. These past twenty days have been quite lonely without you.
Goodnight, my love. May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us. 
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I can’t believe that January has finally come to pass. It feels like forever since you left. I know, I know, I sound like I’m sulking. But… the thoughts I had from finishing the book last week still have not left my mind. If only I could close my eyes and find myself in the place wherever you are right now. Kind of like…. What were those called? Waypoints? Yes! Those. Mayhaps, I should pay Sucrose or Albedo a visit and ask if they could make a portable wayfinder for me or a potion that can teleport me anywhere? Well, at least I have something interesting to do tomorrow. 
See you soon, my love. May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us. 
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The day you left, I went through all my old journals, frantically looking for the first mention of you. Searching for details I can no longer recall and any morsel of information that may have been lost. It honestly made me laugh at how different I used to think of you back then. You were always a kindred soul and yet, there was an eccentric air around you that I just couldn't quite understand. It was the good kind, of course. I have never thought ill of you since the beginning. Ever since the tragedy that befell my father, I would push everyone away from me. I told myself that if you didn't form close bonds with others, then you wouldn't get attached to them. They would be easier to let go and you could. But... you were the first who went out of your way for me. The first time you entered Angel's Share and challenged me to a game of chess solely because someone from the Adventurers' guild told you so? I knew there was something about you. Something wonderful. I wish to show you these old journals soon. Mayhaps you can get a clearer picture of my thoughts and impressions of others once you read them. 
For now, all I can do is count the days until you are home once more.
 Goodnight my love, may the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us.
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People should fall in love more. Fall in love with how the dandelions blow with the wind, Fall in love with the safe and comforting feeling of being in the middle of a bustling city that is Mondstadt, Fall in love with the stars and the night that shines before us and Fall in love with the idea of being in love or loving someone. Having recently realized these things, I had the most spontaneous idea of wanting to get married in the Winery with you. In the future, of course. I know it’s not much. But I know you’re not the type to want anything fancy, so it’s the perfect area for the most beautiful moment of our lives to take place.
I had gotten a little too into the idea of planning our wedding and I aimlessly listed down those who will be attending. All our closest friends and family. Can you imagine Little Klee as the flower girl? Kaeya as the best man? Jean and Lisa as the maids of honor? Maybe we can even ask Eula to choreograph our wedding dance for us? Most importantly, have the wonderful honor of having the Lord Barbatos to officiate our marriage?
Once again, I hope you can pardon me and my blissful escapism. I can’t wait for the day to arrive where we can plan all of this and make it a perfect wedding.
As always, thank you for reading my constant rambles and inner thoughts, my love.
May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us.
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If you were taken away from me, this place called our world, I would cry.
Sighing, wringing my hands, and wondering why.
How can the archons and those up in Celestia dare to take the most precious soul in the universe from me?
But... what if I would be the one who would be taken away from you? Will you feel the same way too?
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Please excuse me for everything I said in my message last week. I may have sounded somewhat selfish and I'd like to apologize for making you overthink when you already have so much on your plate. I cannot wait to mail out these letters to you, but the postal office in Monstadt doesn't deliver letters to Natlan, unfortunately. I guess I have to wait until you reach Fontaine. Putting those aside for a moment, something happened today that I wanted to share with you. Whilst I was feeding Noctua, I had realized something. What about the little birds who dream of flight? Those who gaze into the starry night and think that one day... they might be a part of that same sky? To be free, to explore, and to have the feeling of air and light coursing through their wings. Is... this the same feeling you felt before? Is this why you go on adventures?
I'd love to talk to you more about this once you get home. For now, all I can do is write you a letter and bid you goodnight. 
May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us.
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March 7TH, 45 BP
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Whenever I write a letter addressed to you, I feel a raw ache in my bones when the ink seeps into the paper— for I feel the bittersweet sorrow of wanting you to be right by my side, to have my fingers intertwined with yours, and to be exhumed by you because you have always seen past all my flaws and imperfections. I miss you. So much. At this point, it feels as if I have no right to. Tell me... is it right to feel this way? Am I being selfish for wanting the days to come by? For April to be in our midst? Can I blame the archons for wanting to have you in my arms again? There’s something happening next week, and to be honest, I’m quite excited for it. See you soon, my love.
 May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us.
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March 14TH, 45 BP
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Today is the first day of the Windblume Festival. How I terribly wish you were in Mondstadt right now. This would have been your first year and I know you would love the events. I remember when Father brought Kaeya and I to the festival for the very first time, and oh how my eyes were filled with wonderment and unshaken innocence. He gifted us a harp that day, and I still play it when I have time. It’s a wonderful keepsake with a lovely name, (The Windblume Ode) and it never fails to remind me of my father. I wonder if… Kaeya still kept his? Nostalgia aside, Venti caught up to me on the way home and told me I should see what he has in store for the second week of the festival. I know that the bard has a lot up his sleeve, but this particular encounter with him filled me with curiosity. What could it be? What does he have in store for me?
Before I end this, I bought you a bouquet of Dandelions and Cecilias today. They have a different color than the usual wreaths and posies, as these ones only bloom during Windblume. I placed them inside the vase on your desk just a few minutes ago. I do not necessarily have green thumbs, so please do not blame me if anything bad happens. I made sure that they’re still in season once you get home and I can’t wait for you to see them.
Goodnight my love, May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us.
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Once you get home, please do assist on reprimanding the bard for me. Can you believe he had tricked me into attending his love poem-making classes? Since a lot of the cityfolk have been dying to take writing classes under him and were willing to pay if he did, he had decided to take this opportunity to receive mora and “get rich.” Venti brags to the cityfolk that he will use their compensation for good reasons… but we all know he’ll just spend it wasting away at Angel’s Share. I won't let him pass me when it’s my hour to manage the tavern, of course. But… maybe one drink as a prize for all his hard work wouldn’t be too bad? After all, I did learn a lot of things from him. He was also quite smart for incorporating such an activity with Windblume. As during the festivities,  the people of Mondstadt offer Windblumes to Barbatos and to those they love and adore. 
I spent all day being mentored and trained into creating “the most romantic poem written in Teyvat” I know Venti is bluffing and was just trying to soften me so I wouldn’t get mad at him, yet he was actually genuinely impressed with my poetic skills. I didn’t want anyone else to read it before you did, but he snatched the paper from my hands as soon as I finished so that he may critique it. I… didn’t expect him to shed a tear. 
Here is the poem I wrote for you, my love. I hope you’ll like it.
“I wish one day, I'd be able to lay you down on a bed of roses with
the stars watching over us.
I wish one day we will be able to see the world together, to touch the stars and become planets.
After all, darling, stars, like life, is what you make of it. 
 I wish you knew how much I've loved you for all these years, so quietly, so loudly.
One day these roses will never compare to the redness in your cheeks, the softness of your heart.
 One day you will see kingdoms rise and the sun dance on your eyelids.
 And one day the moon will hang from your fingertips, waiting for you to refract your light and hope onto others.
You are an enigmatic being. A beautiful soul. Sometimes I think that you’re not from this universe.
 You have enraptured my soul; my whole being. You taught me how to love. 
Everything about you is out of this world and I am merely a human amazed by your interstellar presence as if you are written in the stars.”
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 MARCH 28TH, 45 BP
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I think I’ve gotten the hang of writing poems. I’m quite confident in my lyricism and in my writing now. So, here’s an excerpt of another poem I’m writing for you. 
 “I will love you through all the days and nights we are apart.
I will love you through every day and as the darkness turns to light. 
It is four o’ clock in the afternoon and this is the hardest part.
But this is the way I love you, even if most days we are apart.” 
 That’s all for now. I’m afraid you’ll only see the final draft once you get back. I hope you’re having a wonderful time at Natlan. Take care always, my love.
 May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us.
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I’ve been pondering about something again today. And It’s all because of Kaeya and Jean. They came over and we reminisced all day long about our childhood memories with tea and crumpets to accompany us. It was a nice feeling. To be able to look back on your childhood with such wistfulness. With such warmth. And with that, I realized something soon after: We’re young, but not that young. Some of the folk in Springvale are sixty-five and still feel young. Even Lord Barbatos feels young. Just because we have years ahead of us doesn’t mean our love isn’t going to last a lifetime. But… that’s the thing. We don’t have an entire lifetime to show love and affection towards each other and to others. Which is why we have to make the most of it. Live in the moment. Make the most of every minute that your heart is beating. Love endlessly. Be kind to others. That’s… what you always told me right? Even if we don’t have the rest of our lives to be with each other, I will still love you anyway. Every day, deeply, wholeheartedly, even if we are young and even if we are old. My love for you will be gentle, but fierce and bold.
That is all for now, my love. May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us.
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April 11TH, 45 BP
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The words are melting in my mouth like snow, and I feel like I'm running on empty, but there are only 5 days until you come home. I have dreamt every night of the morning we are together again. You will be drinking dandelion wine and I will be talking about how the orchard will finally bloom. Then in the next few months, we can do everything we dreamed about. We can go around the winery, have picnics amongst the stars, walk around Mondstadt and go on adventures once more. Soon, you will be home, and I will watch the leaves and patiently wait for time to pass by  until we are together again. 
 But.. since I cannot wait no more, I plan to travel all the way to Fontaine to see you. I will not be telling any of the maids or the staff where I’ll be going. They would worry if I left again. This is all going to be a surprise and this letter will proof of that. I want to be beside you once more and I cannot bear to wait for five more days. I will be leaving at Dawn tomorrow! I’ll treat this as a little vacation. I rightfully deserve it as a treat for my birthday, hoping I can spend it together with you. Maybe… we can take a quick detour and go on a little adventuring? Just the two of us. I know you’ll be weary from your trip, but we can continue to stay at Fontaine but we can go once you’ve fully recovered.
 I cannot wait to feel your warmth and your love in person again. See you soon, my beloved.
 May the stars of Teyvat always shine upon us. 
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That was it. That was the last letter stored in the box. 
 You stare into nothingness, unable to find the words to say. 
 Tears began to form in your eyes, your vision blurring and your hands quivering at the thought of him. All these letters he’s written to you all throughout these months and the fact that he was planning to surprise you by meeting with you at Fontaine? It hurts you so much thinking of all the things that could’ve been. Thinking about what could’ve happened if this tragedy did not take place.
 You call out for his name. Hoping there is an answer. 
 But… of course there isn’t. 
 Your hands absentmindedly graze upon the corners of the  bed when you suddenly remember the torn letter Adelinde had given you. 
 You open the letter with slight hesitance, noticing the dark stains that presumably came from Diluc’s torn and dirtied clothes. With a heavy sigh and as you dry your tears, you begin to read the letter. 
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Ever since you left, I felt as if we were breaking the whole world's heart. But... all this time, it was always the other way around. It was the world that was slowly breaking us. 
 Even in these last moments, I cannot fathom that I will be disappearing from this world without even seeing you again. It hurts. My body. There are bruises and wounds all over. My hands are trembling in fear and weariness. I can barely move my wrist and I can hardly think of the words I want to say. I feel the end is drawing near. Not for the world, not for you, but for me. Everything is caving in, my senses are slowing, my eyes are falling, and just waiting for the rest of my system to put me into an eternal sleep. 
 Would... time be so kind as to slow? Can the world stop for a minute and listen to my plea? To my call? A miracle to happen that could magically transport you to me? I w-wish we could have spent more time together. All these letters I’ve written for you these past few months… were they an omen? Was I foolish to think I could have a future with you? Is this the price to pay for having been separated from you for so long? Is it… still possible to attain it? The life I’ve always wanted with you?  Maybe in another world, we can. 
We will share every innocent dream and talk about our fears. All your hopes and dreams. I will listen to the sound of your voice and the echoes of your soul. I will kiss your forehead, your knuckles, and your lips. I will stand by you in every new day even when people seem so unkind. I will join up all your insecurities, bundle all your flaws, and make them into a constellation so that I may find them and wish them away. I will do everything to make you feel safe. I will do everything to make you feel loved. There was never a day that I doubted you. You are everything to me, (Y/N). You are a free and wandering soul. I wish I could be behind you to support you wherever you may go, but alas, that fate is not for me. And… I think that’s fine.
 Remain as you are. Continue to love others like you have loved me. Teach them what it means to live. Like you have taught me.
 Please… don’t be sad. This is the momentary sadness to a new beginning, my beloved.
I love you to the stars and back. 
I hope that in another world, our paths may cross again. 
May the stars of Teyvat always shine on you.
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A heavy yet comforting feeling fills your heart as tears continue to stream down your cheeks. Folding the letter and putting it into the box amongst all the others, You clutch your hand to your chest, looking up at the ceiling.
 “Diluc, my love… if you are out there. I will love you forever. Through all these months of my absence, you have never left my mind and I wish I could have been there  for you. I wish I could have given you the same amount of love that you have given me. There are so many things I wish I could have done with you. Every letter and every word you’ve ever dedicated to me will forever remain in my heart. These handwritten sentiments will be one of my reminders that you are still with me, no matter where I go. Even if it hurts so much, I will continue to live for you. Honor your memory. I will show the world that I have only loved one man in this lifetime. Thank you for everything.
 You have now become one of the stars that shine down upon me. Soon, we will once again meet in the same sky and there, we will have our happily ever after.
 Farewell, my dark knight.”
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ೃ taglist: @ganyuuxs @mignonextte @inlovewithadeptusxiao @duhsies @qimiie @kozu-zumi @volleybloop @latteshinsou @catgirlkomi @reaped-winnower @monaa @dibhachu @sugurus-princess​ @midnightangelfox​ @call-me-moonflower
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cynettic · 3 years
Hii,I’d like to request a fanfic about kaeya and venti(seperate) comforting a gn!reader after losing their pet
Summary - Venti and Kaeya comfort you after the loss of your pet.
Pairings - Reader x Venti / Kaeya
Warnings - Pet angst
Penpal - Sorry for getting to you late! If you did by chance lose a pet like that I’m so sorry to hear that- I tried to make it extra comforting for that case. If not and I’m just overthinking it- I hope you enjoy it either way :)
A/N - Ahhhh- I havent posted in so long ;-; sorry sorry, been stuck with 40-50 hours of work this entire week, and when I get home I just grind Inazuma. I havent even caught up to the archon quest, just exploring lol
Comfort after Losing a Pet
Venti has lived for a very long time, and even with his cheerful chatter and harmless jokes, he’s gained a strong sense of wisdom from these years. He has no doubt attached himself to people throughout these years and lost them, but instead of feeling sad for them, I feel like Venti would keep them close to his heart instead.
He’d urge you to do the same.
Things like these take time, taking in the death of someone important to you is not easy, he understands that.
Venti can be incredibly patient, even though it might be hard for him to put himself exactly in your shoes, he will wait alongside you.
Unless it’s a cat.
He’s allergic to those little fuckers- and even if he doesn’t share a particular hatred towards them…
Jk jk he’ll comfort you and mourn your pet with you either way, he just wants to see you smile again.
What Venti could best give you is words and time, he doesn’t really have much archon duties so he’ll spend the day doing things with you. He’ll even skip a few nights at the bar just to cuddle with you and make you feel safe and like you have someone to rely on.
As for words, we all know Venti is a smooth talker- who’s to say he isn’t good at soothing someone either?
He probably won’t be as touchy as Kaeya will, and will rely on the things he can do to cheer you up. Playing his lyre, telling you jokes, and just being by you.
"People and animals come and go, I know for sure that -pet name- loved you dearly Y/n. And even if they can’t be here with you," Venti pressed a loving kiss to your chest right where your heart was. "They’ll always be right here with you.”
“They’re gone.”
You slowly sank to your knees, lips pressed firmly shut as you tried to blink away the tears. Shock coursed your body as you tried to understand just what had happened. But every time you thought about it, your heart thud a bit too loudly against your chest, and suddenly you wanted to cry all over again.
Venti, who was right beside you didn’t know what to do. His hands were outstretched to bring you into his arms, but he was unsure of whether it was the contact you need at the moment.
He decided to simply rest his hand on your back.
The two of you had just been on your way back home after having to put your pet down, something you’d been trying to delay, but knew you had to with their age and actions. Venti had stood with you through it all, but you hadn’t shed a tear back then.
But the shock gradually faded away, and you were a sobbing mess.
Venti rubbed his hand on your back, whispering soft promises and loving words into your ear. It hurt him to see you like this, and even if he was close and had known your pet well, it didnt affect him nearly as much as it did you. However, when you continued to sit crouched on the floor, he knew he needed to take action.
Slowly, he lifted you to your feet, opening the door to your home and slowly helping you inside. Tears continued to trickle down your face as he walked you over to your bedroom, a firm grip on your arm so you wouldnt fall. His thumb gently brushed the skin of your arm, a contact that reminded you he was there.
He gently sat you on the bed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Y/n,” he began gingerly, already taking off your boots and unnecessary accessories. “Take a deep breath in.”
You did just that, but another sob broke past your lips and suddenly you were wiping them away.
“No no,” he took your hands in his, your wrists encased in his gentle grip. “I’m not asking you to stop crying… I just want you to clear your head a little.” His gaze was soft as he looked up at you from his crouched position. “Being sad over this is completely normal, I’ll be with you through it all.”
He slowly brought your fingertips to his lips, pressing a featherlike kiss to each of them. So soft that by the time he’d finished, you’d stopped crying. His touch made you feel warm, a bright reminder that he was here with you, that you wouldnt be alone during this.
“(Pet Name) loved you Y/n. I want you to know that they were happy till the end, happy with you. I know you need to grieve, but don’t ever think that you’ll have to do it alone.”
Kaeya may not as lived as much as Venti, but he has certainly gone through enough to understand handling a loss. He’s lost a great amount of family, and has lost his relationship with his brother. He probably hasnt had a pet before, but knows the importance they hold.
He probably got to know your pet too, formed memories and came to love them as well.
It wont hit him as hard though .
Kaeya will also be patient with you, theres no rush to heal over what happened or finish your grievances. Expect him to be there with you for the majority of the time, he might ask for a couple of days just to stay with you.
But Kaeya still needs to work, hence time not being one of the main providers he can give you. Instead, he would wrap you in his arms and wouldnt let go. Physical contact and giving are what he’s gonna be doing.
You feel hungry for eggs and bacon? Chef Kaeya to the rescue-
Tbh I dont even know if he can cook.
Like Venti, he will remind you constantly that he’s there. Because he knows that its exactly what he needed back when Crepus died. He’ll remind you through his words, actions, and contact.
24/7 Cuddle buddy.
He most definitely calls you nicknames all the time, but the names before the death of your pet might have been more like, babe, doll, honey. He might’ve switched to love, dear, dearest, stuff like that for a little.
Idk- but ‘Your pet loved you doll,’ doesnt sound as nice as, ‘Your pet loved you dear.
“We made so many memories with them,” he whispered into your ear, arms around you. “You were always there with them, loved and took care of them, I know they loved and appreciated you for it.”
“I’m fine Kaeya,” you mumbled as he held the cup of tea to your lips. Your hands could easily grasp the sides, but for some odd reasons he insisted on being the one to do everything for you. You knew it was partly because he’d have to start going back to work soon, and he just wanted you to feel comfortable.
“I know,” he simply said, a smile playing at his lips. “But I want to spoil you with love, just take it.”
You felt your throat go dry and your chest thud painfully, something you’d gotten used to since yesterday. The loss of your pet struck hard, but you found it all the more bearable with Kaeya, who stood alongside you through it all.
Finishing the tea, he climbed into bed with you, hand coming to pull you close to his chest. His fingers slowly brushed the skin of your back, soothing patterns that would send you to sleep right away. But instead, you nuzzled your head deeper into his chest.
“I miss them,” you spoke softly.
Kaeya didnt stop with the motions on your back, but instead drifted his other hand to the back of your head. He brushed his fingers through your locks, lowering how own head down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I know you do,” was what he said in a whisper. “Theres nothing wrong with it either, you will miss them for an eternity.” He spoke from experience, but was never harsh with his words as if he expected you to know. “But eventually, you will solely remember those good memories with (Pet name). Those are the only ones that matter, because you made them happy, and they made you happy.”
The deep breath you took in was painful.
But he was right, you knew well that their memories and your yearning for them would turn into a past adoration. You would never forget them, but you’d come to accept their loss and always remember them in a happy light.
“Thank you,” you mumbled softly to the boy, wrapping your hands around his waist. “You always know what to say and do… thank your for being here for me.”
“I will always be here for you,” was his answer.
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
;; 𝖇𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖙
otherwise read as: bennett has a crush 
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❧ masterlist
The side of your face was smushed on the table, a bored look on your face as you watched Sara serve customers at the Good Hunter.
"Ugh...I'm so tired..." You closed your eyes, thinking of things you might be able to do, but ultimately coming up with nothing.
"Hey! Watch out!" Not a moment later after the words were yelled, a searing liquid spilled on your shoulders, making you sit straight up as you squirmed, trying to get your shirt to separate from your back.
" Hot hot hot hot!!" You whispered, looking around to see what had happened. Looking up, you saw Sara staring at you with a surprised and slightly horrified look, an empty soup bowl in her hands. It looked as if she was about to say something, but before she could, something cold spilled onto your back, splashing onto your hair and the rest of your clothes.
"What the..."
"Sorry! Um..." You turned around in your seat and saw Eury behind you, standing there with a now empty glass pointed in your direction.
"Oh my Archons, I'm so sorry (Y/N)! Are you alright!?" Sara said in a panicked voice, trying to vigorously wipe off your shoulders with a rag. Wincing, you waved her off, a pained smile on your face from the towel rubbing against the tender skin.
"Ah, it's fine Sara, really, no worries!" You gave her a thumbs-up, although it did nothing to ease the panic off her face.
"I-I'll give you a meal, on the house! Two free meals! Come by whenever, just please don't tell anyone about this!" She begged, almost about to get on her knees and beg.
"It's fine, I'm not gonna go talking to all of Teyvat about it, it's no biggie. I'm gonna go change my clothes though..." You stood up from your seat, waving at her before heading to the Adventurer's Guild, sighing as you looked at your clothes.
Man, and I really liked these too...hopefully it doesn't stain with Cream Stew for eternity...
Bad luck has always followed you wherever you've gone, whether it was slipping on a rock or having an entire camp of Fatui Skirmishers attack you while you were asleep. It was non-stop, so you weren't exactly shocked that something had happened in the short amount of time you had been sitting at the Good Hunter.
There was only one solution to your luck; cancel it out.
"Hey (Y/N), is that you?" An enthusiastic voice called out. A small smile appeared on your face as you waved to the figure running towards you from the direction of the Guild.
"Yeah, hey Bennett." Waving at him, he ran up to you looking like he was about to say something, but then he noticed the mess on your shoulders.
"What happened to your shirt?" You laughed nervously, looking to the side.
"Oh, Sara accidentally spilled some Cream Stew, y'know? That's all!" He looked at you curiously and swiped from some of the soup that was still on your shirt with his finger, tasting it. A slight flush filled your cheeks, as you stared at him in disbelief.
"H-Huh!? Bennett, what're you doing!?" He just gave a big goofy smile and grabbed your hand to start pulling you towards the Guild.
"Well, now that I'm here, nothing else will happen! Also, that stew is still pretty good!" You didn't say anything, attempting to keep calm as you tried to keep up with his fast pace.
The boy looked over towards a nearby windmill, seeing Captain Kaeya salute him with two fingers before striding off towards the Knights of Favonius HQ. His hand slightly tightened it's grip around yours, sudden nervousness making him almost hesitate.
C'mon Bennett, you got this! No hesitating!
Before you knew it, he had dragged you to a patch of grass behind the Guild, where a picnic table had been set up with an array of sweets and snacks.
"Surprise! Fischl told me the other day the adventure you guys went on didn't go exactly as planned because I was gone, so I decided to make it up to you! I, uh, hope you like it!" He said, his hand resting on the nape of his neck.
You didn't even know what to say. Nobody had ever done such a grand gesture towards you before, so it felt surreal, especially since it was coming from Bennett.
"I-! Um, thank you! You really didn't have to though!" You noticed that he was still holding onto your hand with a tight grip, though you weren't sure if it was intentional or not. Your opposite hand rested on your cheek, trying to hold yourself together and not completely fangirl right in front of him.
The two of you sat down, and you inwardly groaned when he let go of your hand, a mumbled apology coming out his mouth accompanied by awkward coughing. A few moments went by before he spoke.
"Well, dig in (Y/N)! It's all yours y'know!" You didn't even know where to start with everything. It seemed that he had put out all of your favorite desserts, and it looked like Razor helped him too by the look of the hashbrowns.
"Ah, okay!" You decided to start off with the Almond Tofu, because who doesn't love it? As soon as you put it in your mouth, the taste was like nothing you had ever had before, and you immediately turned to Bennett.
"This! This is so good! How did you make it!?"
"Oh, is it really that good? I had the Traveler help me with it, and I'll tell you, he is a master cook! I would never have expected it! Here, wait, try this!" You figured that he was just going to point out what to eat, but instead, he grabbed a forkful of cake and held it out to you.
While he might have looked calm and cheery, he was inwardly freaking out.
What if she thinks I'm weird!?  If this plan backfires on me I'm moving to Sumeru and I will never step foot in Mondstadt again.
His heart was pounding as he saw a confused look on your face. The realization probably dawned on you after that, especially when one could plainly see the flushed look on your face as you realized.
Hesitantly, you opened your mouth and ate the cake on the fork that he held out, chewing thoughtfully before your eyes widened at him.
"Uh, yeah...?"
"THIS IS SO GOOD!" The tips of his ears were burning red from the adorable look on your face, and he had to cover the bottom half of his face with his hand as he could feel the red get more and more intense.
"(Y/N)!" You looked up from the cake that you were pigging out on, a look on your face like you had been caught doing something you shouldn't have.
"Uhhhhhh...yeah?" You slowly started moving your forkful of cake towards your mouth as you waited for his answer.
"Listen! I-! I really, really like you! A-And it's fine if you don't feel the same, I just wanted to tell you because I don't like keeping secrets from my friends and I think I made it awkward now so I'm just gonna-mmph!?"  Instead, you shoved the forkful of cake into his mouth, looking away with a furious blush on your face.
"Just shut up okay! Of course, I like you too, why wouldn't I!? So, um!" He looked at you with an incredulous look in his eyes as he chewed the cake, but you just so happened to notice that there was some frosting on his lip.
Yolo it bruh, don't be a coward.
Leaning closer, you swiped your thumb across his lip, collecting the frosting and tasting it as your heart pounded.
"Hmm...still tastes good!" Bennett didn't say anything, he just stared at you, and you started to get nervous and were about to apologize for your actions.
Suddenly, his hand slipped behind your head, pulling you close, but he paused right before his lips could touch yours.
"Um, can I kiss you?" (consent asking king, this is canon, he asks for consent)
"Y-Yeah!!" Not a moment later, he touched his lips to yours. It was a warm kiss, almost as if you were in front of a fireplace, and the way you gently moved his lips in sync with yours felt like you were home.
When the two of you pulled away, you hesitantly leaned your head on his chest, and hearing his accelerated heartbeat made you giggle a little bit.
"H-Hey, what's so funny?"
"Oh, nothing Bennett...just very happy."
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