#And the lights in the room are so fucking bright
klausysworld · 3 days
hey, so i’ve been having this scene in my head for days where y/n and klaus are kidnapped by some witches and they are put under a sex spell that makes both of them really horny. they gotta have intercourse for the witches to draw the energy that comes from simultaneous orgasms or something like that. they are reluctant at first especially y/n but klaus manages to convince/seduce her and they end up having the best sex of their life. could you write something like that pls?
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Timeless Desire
Klaus groaned softly, rolling onto his back and peeling his eyes open. The light stung at his pupils making then shrink momentarily before they expanded beyond their usual diameter.
His body ran hot and a familiar but much more intense ache rolled through his body, his lower body especially. With a stiff grunt he placed his hand over his crotch, an immediate cry leaving him with how incredibly hard he was.
"Fuck" He breathed, lifting his spinning head and forcing himself up onto to find himself in a plain, bright room. He was fully dressed but he felt the need to tear each material from his skin. Just as he started to tug at the hem of his shirt his attention was pulled to a soft moan, one that made his loins stir.
Klaus spun round to see a vaguely familiar girl curled up in the corner. Dressed in a floaty dress that meant that the delicious scent of her arousal spread through the room like a wild fire. His eyes found hers, she was afraid that much was clear and if he were honest, he was also a little nervous but she looked scared of him and he didn't understand why.
His lips parted to speak but before he could, someone else's voice piped up.
"Perfect. You're both awake!" The voice was cold and mildly amused. Klaus felt his anger spike, he knew this witch. Not personally but he knew who it was and the type of shit this guy did. But the girl didn't, Klaus could tell that she was lost. "Now I know you're a little scared honey, but don't panic, I'm not here to hurt you." The guy grinned, adressing the girl before gesturing to Klaus "But he might" He whispered to her and Klaus frowned, confused. Did he know her? "Now you should recognise each other just a little bit. This, honey, is Klaus Mikaelson" He smirked and she sniffed, backing further into the corner, "And this is Y/n Y/l/n, you met once, she's part of Jackson's or I suppose now it's Hayley's pack" The witch explained and Klaus's eyes went wide. Hayley had introduced them, once, and he had liked her. He had flirted and teased but nothing came of it, so why was she here? Why was he here?
"What is this, exactly?" Klaus questioned, brows furrowed and eyes darting to Y/n who was squeezing her thighs together tightly.
"You know what it is and you're not gonna fight it. There are dozens of us who will benefit from this ritual and you will complete it by the next full moon." The witch told him sternly and Klaus's expression darkened.
"You're sick" He spat, he knew the ritual he meant. It was a power draw. Two supernaturals, when simultaneously orgasming would release a specific type of power that could be used and twisted to perform some of the biggest spells. Werewolves especially, their hormones are so high. And Klaus? He was perfect for this type of sorcery.
"Sick or not, It's necessary. You have a month, get to know each other if you have to. Or if you want to get back to your daughter them make it happen as soon as you can, hm?" He snapped and Klaus growled.
He knew what the witch was suggesting and based on how Y/n cried "No" , she knew too. The magic wielder left and Klaus looked to Y/n who was shaking her head.
"Please don't" She whimpered and Klaus sighed, brushing his hand over his hair and groaning at the sweat that coated him from how his skin boiled.
"I'm not...I won't make you do anything" He told her, trying to keep his distance but suddenly the room felt so much smaller.
They stayed in opposite corners, silent and uncomfortable. Sometimes she would cry and he would whisper that it was okay and they would get out but he knew it was useless.
When night came it was freezing, unbelievably and her body trembled. He knew what they were doing. They wanted them to lay together to conserve their heat, to touch. Instead, klaus pulled his henley over his head and pushed it over to her so she may warm up.
They stayed silent for days before Y/n began to struggle. His eyes had met her fading ones in the centre of the night and he nodded, getting up and coming over to her.
"It's okay" He whispered, laying down beside her and spooning her delicate figure against him. His cock was solid and pressed right against her ass but he didn't grind himself or say anything, he just needed to keep her warm and alive until the night was over.
But in the morning, the temperature was all the way up and their bodies were practically stuck together. Y/n was dragging the henley over her head, her body pressed against Klaus's and it made him bite down on his tongue hard. Her hips shifted without meaning to and Klaus groaned, bucking his hips against her firm ass. A whine left her and he grunted.
"Fuck, I'm- I'm sorry" He muttered, crawling away from her. He felt like a dog, a weak, panting dog that was desperate for water. His mind was hazy with her so close, he wanted her. He wanted to taste her, to feel her, hear her. Y/n looked so soft, so perfect.
She had curves, he could see them through the dress when she laid and he needed them.
But he couldn't, she was still scared and he couldn't make her. He would do a lot of things but he would not force her.
Klaus tried to stay away from her in the day, only touch at night for heat but then they started to get hungry, physically. Y/n needed food and Klaus needed blood. The witches said Klaus must feed from her and if Y/n wanted food then she would have to earn it. The deal was that for each minute they kissed, she would get a pice or a slice of something. No specifications, just something to entice her.
She was famished when she looked up at him, eyes wet with tears that hadn't yet fallen. Klaus softened, again, and let her shuffle over. His arms wrapped loosely around her waist and whispered gently in her ear. "It's going to be alright sweetheart, just a minute so you can get something okay? I won't hurt you"
Y/n leaned close to him, needing to feel safe and he could do that. She knew the witches were watching and it was unsettling but she also knew that she needed to eat.
So she closed her pretty eyes and let their lips collide. It was supposed to be closed mouth and quick but once they both got a small taste, they yearned for more.
Y/n broke first, surprisingly, and moaned against his lips. As soon as her mouth opened, his tongue was inside and their little kiss became an intense make out session. The heat was too much again and Klaus was pulling her to straddle his lap whilst his tongue fucked her mouth passionately.
They were both blissfully unaware of the time passing by as their bodies rubbed together desperately and her legs spread invitingly for him to lay between as he pushed her onto her back and bunched her dress up. His cock was so close to tearing through his boxers as he dragged his jeans down his hips roughly. Y/n was tugging at him overly eagerly, needing him inside her.
However as soon as he hand grabbed at her panties, her eyes flew open. A gasp leaving her throat and her face pulled away making his wolf growl and hers whine. The fear was back and he could smell it. He panted and let go of her underwear. His eyes listed to meet hers and she whimpered, but she didn't look too scared, she was still lustful.
But they didn't have time to talk about it. Not when a tray had appeared in the opposite corner. Y/n had scrambled over there, grabbing at the pieces of pancake and the berries. Klaus cleared his throat and pulled his trousers back on, he felt embarrassed but he knew he couldn't be due to the circumstances.
He came and sat by her whilst she ate, he was watching over her. Klaus had become protective. The witches had come in one night and tried to take her clothes, to speed the process and since that night he made sure to stay close. He had to fight them off, he almost turned and they knew not to touch her again. He knew that they were still winning, they wanted him to feel possessive and it was working.
He would look around the room, searching for where they were watching them from. He could never find it. In the end his attention would end up back on Y/n.
Once she had devoured everything on her plate, she was snuggling up to him and ready to sleep. There wasn't much to do bug struggle and sleep. The only issue was when she needed to sleep in the daytime. In sunlight hours, it was far too hot to be touching, as the next week came by Klaus ended up sitting in just his boxers during the day. Y/n had torn her dress so it was shorter but eventually it was shredded entirely and she was left in her bra and panties.
It felt so much better in the day but at night? Klaus often worried she would die. Even with their werewolf bodies generating heat, she wasn't strong enough for the temperatures they were putting them through. He would be wrapped around her, on top of her, holding as much over her as possible so that she was as warm as he could have her. It was in the night that he would feed from her. It felt so intimate, too intimate and he couldn't have the witches seeing and he couldn’t have the combination of the heat, her body and feeding all at once so he did it in the cold and dark.
Sometimes, his hands would stroke her skin whilst he fed and when he pulled his mouth away from his neck he would give her little kisses as a thank you. But little kisses weren't a thing. They got sloppy fast and they would be dry humping in minutes.
Too many times one of them had cum in their pants. It resulted in them both completely naked. Y/n had clung onto her bra but he had torn it off her when in a frenzy.
Their lack of clothing made everything difficult.
Klaus wished that the witches could've drawn power from the times he had cum against her leg in the night but he knew that had to be inside her and they had to do it in unison. It was the only way.
He missed his family. He needed to get home, Hope probably thought he had left her but whenever he looked at Y/n, he couldn't ask her to do it. How could he? In the span of weeks he felt that he loved her, he couldn't hurt her.
They had been lead together all night and all day, despite the heat. Their mouths seemed permanently attached, always kissing, licking, loving. Klaus didn't realise how it would feel to cum without any friction. To simply get so hard that he couldn't hold it in. His cock felt like it had exploded with ecstasy. Y/n had giggled when it went all over her stomach, she had stroked his hair gently while he panted and let her kiss his jaw.
"I love you" He whispered to her one day, it was on the fourth week but they didn't know that. Time wasn't real to them. It felt like months had passed with the amount of time they had spent together.
Y/n didn't reply, it hurt him but he understood.
"Would you lie to me...so that you could get out of here?" She asked him a while later, voice weak and eyes avoiding him.
"No" He whispered. "If I were ever going to do that, I would have done that in the first few days. I promise you, I won't ever hurt you. That full moon and come and go, they can torture me but I will never-"
"We have to...I know we do...I just- I"
"I know" He murmured, stroking her arm. "I'll take care of you" It was a promise.
"They'll watch..." She whispered, and he could see that inkling of fear again. It only appeared when the witches were mentioned or showed themselves.
"I'll hide you" He whispered, he pulled her into his hold. "We can be right up in the corner, they'll only see me."
"They've already seen me" She uttered and his heart broke, he was sure of it. He cupped her face and pressed their foreheads together.
"I'm going to rip their eyes from their heads as soon as we get out of here, I promise you" He told her, his voice incredibly low so that they couldn't hear. Y/n nodded silently and sighed softly.
"Maybe just...try something smaller first?" She questioned and he tilted his head but caught on when she shyly touched his hand, his fingers.
"Yeah...we can do that" He whispered, caressing her hand gently and lifting it to kiss her palm. "I can do that for you" He nodded whilst his hands glided down her sides, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Y/n whimpered softly and closed her eyes, focusing on the intoxicating sensations he created.
His lips pressed to her cheek before scattering down her neck, sucking briefly to make her moan whilst his hands massaged her thighs. Y/n pressed herself right to him, her skin on his and her breath against his ear whilst he brushed his touch between her legs.
A low groan left him when he felt how wet she was, not that he expected less. She had been permanently soaked since they were put here. He had felt it through his clothes at the start, when they would move against one another; more recently she would grind on his thigh but he hadn't been able to really touch her how he wanted. She was much more aware than he was which surprised him with his years of restraint and experience.
Many moments of weakness had struck him. He would stroke himself as quietly as he could but he knew that she knew. They were both far too physically sensitive to feel the psychological shame. To begin with they did but now? They had accepted the desperation. They were submitting to it.
That was obvious when his forefinger slipped inside her with ease. Y/n whimpered and curled her fingers against his shoulders whilst her pussy clenched. Klaus pushed a second finger in with only slight resistance and slowly moved them in time.
"It's alright" He mumbled, kissing the side of her head "You're nice and wet for me" He whispered and she moaned softly. Her eyes squeezed shut and her head rest against his neck to muffle her sounds. His thumb hovered over her clit, encouraging her to move her hips in time with his hand.
They started tentative and gentle but the heat took over soon enough. His digits moved inside her as quickly as physically possible, her hips bucked in a frenzy and her moans were no longer hidden and quiet. She was loud, desperate, hungry for him.
Klaus bit down on his tongue to shut himself up as he pumped three fingers into her enthusiastically. He was certain he could stretch her wide enough for his whole hand but he didn't need to. She bit down on his shoulder when she came around his hand with no warning other than a broken cry.
He expected her to be exhausted but she only seemed more eager for him to finally fuck her. Her mouth was on his in seconds, begging him to take her. His fingertips rubbed her clit, trying to bring her down from her high but it only riled her up further.
"Love" He mumbled, a groan to his voice, "Sweetheart"
Eventually she stopped and looked up at him. Her pupils were blown and he fought against every instinct as he cupped her sweet face and kissed her forehead.
"I'm sorry" she whispered "I got carried away"
Her cheeks were blushed red and it made him smile. "It's okay, I just didn't want you to keep going if you didn't actually want to" He murmured, knowing that the intensity of the witches magic was sending their bodies into overdrive.
Y/n nodded and glanced down at his hand with embarrassment.
"Why don't you go see if they've filled your tray?" He suggested softly so that her attention shifted. Y/n went to her feeding area and was able to relax and eat her only meal of the day whilst Klaus went to their usual sleep area. The remains of their clothes worked as some sort of bed and he sighed softly at the reality they were living in.
He promised himself that he would have her wrapped in the finest silk sheets, clad in the softest of clothes and fed the most exceptional of meals. He would care for her, he would get to care for his daughter again and see his family. He hoped they'd be happy to see him.
Similar thoughts swirled through his mind each night as he lay with her curled in his arms. Sometimes she would ask what he was thinking and he would tell her whilst she silently hoped that she would get to stay with him once they escaped.
As the full moon neared their scents became stronger and each little, harmless touch became much more intense. They both became more animalistic. Touch, food and sleep was all they wanted and it was all they got.
Klaus was far too happy with the recent development of being allowed to touch that sweet pussy of hers. His fingers were always inside her however after hours of having her fall apart on her hand she needed more. Which was how Klaus ended up with his mouth attached to her cunt for an entire night.
Much to his embarrassment Klaus had borderline begged her to touch his cock. Y/n had felt guilty for letting him struggle and stroked him until he was as much a mess as she had been.
They weren't aware that it was the night of the full moon when their lust overpowered them both.
The witches had the rest of their ingredients ready to draw from the two wolves once the moon hung high.
Klaus's mouth had moved up and down her body three times mover before his cock finally spread her pussy lips open. Her hands grabbed at his skin, her nails dragging up his back to pull him closer.
"Are you sure?" He breathed though he wasn't sure if he could actually stop himself if she said no. Thankfully she was all the more eager.
"Please Klaus, I'm sure, I'm ready" She begged, her eyes pleading with his and making him nod subconsciously and push into her.
The first few thrusts were as slow as he could manage as his fingers curled to grasp at the ground beneath them. His claws extended without him knowing whilst his cock thickened inside her and pushed against her soaking walls.
His head fell forward whilst hers went back and her own claws sunk deep into his flesh.
It only took a minute before control was tossed and Klaus's mind went into overdrive. His hips started to snap aggressively to hers, his ears longing to hear that harsh slap of their skin meeting and the immediate moan that left her lips.
His hands slid under her back to hold onto the back of her shoulders to get a good grip on her whilst he thrust into her roughly. Her legs were up around his hips and he could feel the heels of her feet hit against the base of his back with each thrust.
"God, I love you" He panted, his eyes burning gold as he clung to her tightly and pressed his lips to her jaw. Her cunt was so wet and hot, he never wanted to leave. She squeezed him so delightfully that his vision would go for a moment here and there.
Y/n couldn't close her mouth for even a second, her sounds were endless whilst she begged.
"Harder, Klaus. Please!" She cried, her claws shredding the skin of his back. He obeyed her demands and bucked his hips harsher, hitting that spot with more force.
Klaus watched her eyes roll back whilst her body tensed and tightened.
"Not yet, love" He murmured through a strained voice. He gripped her tighter and moved faster, chasing what his body desperately needed. Klaus groaned loudly, his mind was on fire, his body too. A fire of desire set them both aflame.
The witches gathered in a circle, their chanting synchronised as they felt the power start to flow.
Klaus held himself up with one hand whilst the other slide down the front of her body to dip between her legs. His cock continued to slide back and forth roughly within her whilst his fingertips began to circle her swollen clit.
Y/n was borderline screaming for him when she came undone, her jaw open when he sheathed himself to the hilt and released inside her.
Their foreheads pressed together, sticking with sweat as they panted warm air against each other's mouths.
Y/n felt the weakening first. It hit hard, as though every ounce of her energy was dragged out of her soul.
Klaus noticed her skin paling and worry settle dover him before he felt the same struggle. He muttered incoherently, trying to tell her it was okay but his mind went fuzzy but this time it wasn't due to pleasure.
He knew that the witches had completed their ritual but he hadn’t expected the effects to happen so quickly or be quite so intense. Unfortunately his thoughts were cut short when everything went dark.
It felt like days had passed when he woke again.
His head rang and his arms shifted to hold onto Y/n but she wasn't there.
Immediately he pushed himself up, ignoring the blaring ache throughout his muscles. His eyes were wide when he saw the familiarity of of his bedroom. Relief flooded him before the confusion and the worry.
"Y/N!" He yelled, his throat raw. Elijah appeared in the doorway, rushing over to his brother.
"Niklaus-" He spoke, voice clear as he put his hands on the hybrids shoulders. "It's alright- we got the coven, the majority are dead. We kept the leaders back for you to deal with and-"
"We have to go back right now!" Klaus told him, eyes wide. "Y/n's still there, tell me you didn't hurt her-" He yelled before a throat cleared and Klaus pushed Elijah out of the way.
Y/n was stood slightly behind Hayley, dressed properly for the first time in weeks and looking up at him with a tired but genuine smile.
He took fast strides before pulling her into his chest and smelling her now clean hair. He looked ahead of him and smiled when Rebekah came into view with Hope on her hip.
Y/n pulled away so that Klaus could hold his daughter and she rubbed her eyes. Hayley placed a gentle arm on Y/n's shoulder and gave her a smile.
"Welcome to the family" She told her, a lighthearted tone to her voice in hopes of keeping the positive energy of their rescue alive rather than the haunting memories of their time in the room.
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brn-t · 2 days
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eyy where my plant fuckers at? 👀🌱🌿 you can read it on AO3 here
I don’t think I should have taken this plant home…
Like, when I saw it baking in the sun in that alley outside my building, it’d looked like it had a lot of potential! It was all shriveled but the leaves branched out from a thick basal stem like a monstera almost and there were these bright red blotches on its roots that looked super cool!
When I brought it in (heavy!!) I could tell just by looking how root bound it was, so I popped it out of it’s cheap decorative planter (poor thing was probably never repotted) and yup, there were more roots than dirt.
I had no idea what the hell it was. Inatural had no frickin clue. It looked like a tropical plant with it’s broad green leaves and knobbly aerial roots, but the ground roots were so thick they looked like tubers!! 
I have to admit I was fascinated, but I should have gotten rid of it then…
It spent uh, a couple weeks underneath my shitty little plant light, the one in my room. I was quarantining it in there until I knew it didn’t have any critters on it, but it seemed happy with its repotting and daily soakings for the most part.
The thing really liked water
Like, I started off watering it once a week, and it did perk up, but it didn’t really change much until I started dousing it every morning before work.
And man when it started goin off, it really went off.
It seemed like every time I came home it had sent out a new aerial root or new leaf! The thing was voluptuous as hell! When it got too big for my pathetic little plant light I moved it to the window sill next to my bed. 
It was kinda nice! Like a natural blind or something once it got its runners going up the screen.
I didn’t mind, it was always hot as hell in my little apartment and my landlord couldn’t be arsed to install an AC. I just had to be careful not to accidentally crawl over the little shoots it was sending out all over when I got into bed.
I guess where I fucked up is when I found out about.. its uh.. nutrient preferences
I swear it was a complete accident the first time!! 
I had just gotten home from another 10 hr day and I was tired and smelly and needed to jerk off pronto. I hosed myself down and threw myself into bed, still steaming from trying to scrub off the smell of fried food from my skin, and cracked open my laptop.
Now, fun fact, there's this thing that plants do where they move towards things. Most of the time its towards light, but they can also be attracted to heat! It’s called thermotropism. So I dunno if it was the heat from my ancient laptop or the steam off my skin, but just as I'm about to nut I feel something brush against the head of my dick.
It took me so much by surprise that I came right there, frickin coating a leaf in my jizz. The thing had turned completely around from facing the window above my bed to nearly touching me with its broad soft leaf.
Even for a tropical plant that’s shockingly mobile.
So I cleaned it off as best I could but I guess some of my spunk got absorbed into the soil, I dunno, I passed out shortly after that. I didn’t wake up until nearly nine o clock the next morning because the room was still completely dark thanks to the density of the wall of leaves covering my window. The plant had frickin doubled in size and the terracotta pot I had repotted it in had some fresh cracks in it where the aerial roots were exploding out through.
I didn’t have time to freak out about it since I was once again late to work, but I gotta admit, I was digging the jumanjI vibes it brought to my otherwise very dull room 
So.. I may have started jerking off into it every night?
What! It’s like, natural fertilizer, or whatever!! And the plant seemed to like it? 
I even got it to flower!! It started putting out these crazy flower stalks that closed up during the day but unfurled at night giving off this crazy floral fragrant scent.
It made me remember being a kid and running around in the woods behind my stepdads rental cabin, so I let it keep spreading.
I realize now, this was not the smartest idea, but fuck it, my landlord all but explicitly told me I wasn’t getting the deposit back unless I sued him for it so when it started putting its roots into the drywall, I let it.
It was nice honestly, coming home after seeing nothing but concrete grey for hours and then throwing myself into my little tropical nest. And the smell of the flowers really set the mood when I was jerkin it.
Embarrassingly I think my mind started associating the smell with orgasm because I swear I walked past a florist shop the other day and had to walk bowlegged to the 7D train.
The trouble really started when it started sending its roots in my direction .
Now, I ain’t proud of it, but I more often than not just sleep on a bare mattress. Its got one of those memory foam layers on top and I just couldn’t be bothered to put a fitted sheet on it half the time.
So when I started feeling a bump underneath me as I lay in bed, I just thought it was like, a sock  or something that had gotten shoved underneath there, nbd, until that night… 
I was feeling particularly pent up and kept grinding my ass against that spot on the mattress. I don’t know why I did it, I just wanted more friction and the blooms on the ceiling above me were gettin me wound up with their heavy fragrance. Anyway, it feels like there's a soft tear below me and suddenly something hard and Wide and cold is pressing right against my gooch.
I kinda jump (because it’s cold!!) and look down to find that the frickin plant has grown into the mattress !!
And it was a fat root too, no idea how I didn’t notice it more earlier.
It was kindof freaky to be honest how fast it had grown, the thing really must have liked my semen, but at that point with how humid the room was and how dizzy the flowers were making me feel… I went with it.
 I ground my ass into it and when the thick ridge popped in past my ring I swear I came harder than I ever have in my life dude
I felt like I blacked out a little at the end there because the next thing I knew, it was morning and I'm absolutely painted in my own cum. I guess at this point I should have realized what was going on but I think the pollen those flowers were putting out were scrambling my brains a little. When I woke up, there was a network of thin bright red roots crisscrossing my body, sending out these feathery little things, absorbing the frankly ludicrous amounts of cum I had shot out last night. They pulled at my skin a little as I tore them off but part of me was still a little horny. So I cleared them away and and pulled out my phone.
Fuck it, right? It was my day off and I had no responsibilities that day anyway.
I just rolled over and started going to town on my morning wood.
My ass twitched around something and that's when I noticed...
The fuckin root was still in my ass from last night!!!
I'm trying to use one hand to milk my dick while the other one shoots down in between my legs and sure enough, that fuckin root had buried itself who knows how deep! I tried in vain to pull the thing out, but it was rooted in the mattress after all and didn’t budge. So, humiliatingly, I had to pull myself off of it.
I have to admit, I came a little just from feeling how much of it was inside of me, there was a good 7 inches of thick knobby root dragged out of me, grinding against my prostate as I pulled myself off of it.
I just lay there breathless, staring at the root, sticking straight up out out of my mattress now that it was no longer buried in my ass. My inner walls twitched and contracted, trying to close around the space it had carved out in me.
I guess I still had some sense then because I did actually prune the plant after that
I pulled the root out of my ruined mattress and trimmed all the stalks and roots near my bed. I started jerking off in the bathroom and yea the leaves wilted a bit but that was too much for me, you know?
Well, I don’t know if plants can get pissed but I must have pissed this one off because it responded to me suddenly not “fertilizing” it by sending out these little sticky climbers that got everywhere.
I woke up one morning to the fuckers wrapped around my tiny nipples. I went to sit up and yelped because they got yanked by the fuckin things, pulling my chest to the side. I tried to pull it off as delicately as I could, but the thin stems snapped in half, bleeding a reddish sort of liquid all over my chest!
It sort of burned but I just yelled at the plant, wiped it off and got dressed for work.
Now, I don’t know if I was allergic or something, but for the rest of that day my nipples stayed hard and puffy, poking out visibly from underneath my thin uniform shirt and earning more than a few snickers from the girls up front.
Good thing I had a vacation week coming up.
It had been asked for months in advance, and was the first one I’d had in a decade. I was supposed to drive out to the lake across the state to hang with a buddy of mine at his parents bougie lake house. Well, that night was the night before I was due to head out, and I went to bed in my travel clothes so I could just pop out of bed in the morning. Not wanting to ruin my clothes, I watered the Plant like usual and saved the jerking for when I got to my buddies place.
I was just on the edge of unconsciousness when I felt something moving up my shirt sleeve. I couldn’t tell if I was dreaming it or not so I just laid there, feeling the thing slowly snake its way up to my chest, resting on the sensitive swollen bud there 
I only really tried to react when I felt a second tendril branch out from the first and start oozing that same irritating sap over my OTHER nipple!
Groggily I straightened up, falling for the same headphones on the doorknob trap as last time, but this time it felt a lot better.
My nips hadn't really gone down since that last time so when they got yanked I thought a yelp of pain was what was gonna come out of my mouth, so imagine my surprise when a full bodied moan slipped out instead.
I immediately got super red in the face and yanked off my shirt.
This, unfortunately, snapped the thin tendrils stem, causing it to bleed more of its spicy sap all along my side and chest as I shucked off my shirt.
It left an angry red trail of raised sensitive skin, swelling my nipples far beyond what was normal, and they stuck out of my chest like two puffy toilet plungers out from my swelling pecs.
I tried to pull the tendrils off of them but they were too tight and my nipples were too big now.
I looked up from groping my chest to see how many of the plant’s flowers had opened up above me, showering me in who knows what.
I couldn’t take it anymore, I was openmouth panting, inhaling the perfume and palming my shorts which had at some point started to fill out. I ripped my shorts off too, and only after a few strokes realized how deeply I had just fucked up
If you guessed “that idiot just smeared a sap he’s clearly allergic to all over the most sensitive part of his body” you would be correct...
I was howling in pain as it started to burn, but after a minute or two I was thrusting into the air and moaning like a whore, the fire had turned into an electric storm of pleasure.
My dick was swelling way past normal hardness and I could only continue to try and fuck the hell out of my hand.
It was entirely too humid in that room, everything felt wet and sticky, so when I came finally, I barely even felt it on me
I screamed so loud the neighbors probably thought I was dying I probably did die a little... I think I shot into my own mouth at one point??  I collapsed immediately after, and when I woke in the morning, the whole plant looked shiny and glossy, like it was gloating over the fact it’d gotten me to come for it yet again.
I know it was just a plant but I got mad
I jumped out of bed, completely ignoring the tendrils still wrapped around my nips, put a thick jacket over my shirt and left the room with my suitcase while flipping it the bird.
I felt bad that I would be gone for a week but I’d set it up with a slow release watering pitcher, so I figured it’d be fine without me.
What I didn’t plan on was how I would do without it.
What should have been a great vacation turned into the worst case of blueballs seen this side of the Mississippi.
Not only did my nipples constantly pulse and throb against the tendrils, but I found out later when I went to go use the bathroom that one had slipped around the base of my dick as well, which had also refused to recede back to its normal size. The woody chord was a bit thicker and it wrapped around the base and balls, completely blocking any and all attempts to even get hard.
So instead of focusing on the boat ride or my friends stupid alcohol choices, I was stuck in a constant struggle of being aroused by my throbbing nipples and being unable to address it at all. I was actually filled with relief when the final day came and I was saying goodbye to my hosts.
I flew home after that in my tiny little beater car, shifting uncomfortably at my seatbelt rubbing directly against my chest. I practically kicked the door in, shedding all my clothes in a line to my bedroom and threw myself into bed.
I yelped when I landed on several thick somethings beneath my body creak under my weight, poking me through the thin layer of foam.
The Plant was the worst I’d seen it since I brought it home, with several dead leaves deposited on the bed and an explosion of fuzzy white runners running the length of that bedroom wall.
The roots jabbed into me like it had planned this.
“Ow!” I’d said, “ I'm sorry ok? I just needed a break!”
As a response, I watched a giant cream white flower slowly expand and burst open, sending a shower of shimmery yellow pollen floating down directly over my face.
Things uh, got a little out of hand after that…
The tendrils had finally loosened enough around my dick to where I could pull them off but that just led to all my pent up semen literally dumping into my balls as soon as the tie was removed. I moaned as I could physically feel them growing heavier as a weeks worth of pent up jizz dropped into my balls. They felt like leaden weights.
It was almost painful how quickly I got hard, and it didn’t take more than a stroke or two before I was yelling and releasing said load all over myself and the plant.
You could visibly see it perk up, opening up more buds, showering me with pollen and dusting the bed. The two substances got mixed by my frantic motions and soon I was lightly cheeto dusted with the stuff,
My skin was on fire but it also.. uh, felt really good somehow... So once the high of the first orgasm died down, it wasn't long before I was rarin to go for a second round.
I palmed my recovering erection and was just about fully hard when I felt it.
Again, at my ass!! Was one of the plant’s thick basal roots!! Except this one looked a little weird..
First off it was tremendously thick, about the width of my wrist, and secondly it was covered in all these little backwards facing ridges, like a drywall sink
Man, I don’t know what wires go crossed but between the way my ass was twitching and the pollen I was huffing, I put my ass right against that thing
It must have reacted to my bodyheat because it felt like as I was pressing down on it, the thing was pushing into me as well.
It was intense, there was no give to its turgid walls, so I had to stretch myself out around it to get it past my ring.
Once it was properly seated inside me I started going to town on my dick, which at this point was leaking like my kitchen sink maintenance had refused to address for weeks.
I swear I could feel the root get deeper and deeper inside me as I jerked and spasmed around it I was panting and moaning like a bitch, I can’t believe how horny I was
at some point I felt something at my mouth and wouldn’t you know it, an equally thick tuber had been drawn to my hot breath and was poking at the corner of my lips
I was way past the point of rational thoughts at that point, I just leaned forward and let it creep into my mouth.
The further it got the hotter I felt. My tongue swiped across the underside and that’s when I tasted something sweet
Was this root leaking sap??
Turns out the itchy nectar tasted amazing so I ended up suckling it as I frantically jerked my dick. The root inside my ass had reached my prostate at that point and thats when things got really hazy for me.
I remember exploding all over myself, I would have been screaming if not for the thick root tunneling its way down my throat
I was jerking and spasming to the best of my ability but the roots were getting a little out of control, they were budding from the base of the main roots and expanding all over my body, and every couple of inches they would plant a sticky little node like a command strip onto my skin and keep going, until I could barely move.
The only part that hadn’t been covered was my right arm, which was moving too fast jerking myself off for the tendrils to colonize.
The root in my mouth seemed to expand further, and suddenly I realized that I could still breath despite it feeling like it had reached my guts almost.
My tongue felt a small hole on the underside and sure enough, I could breath just fine.
Good thing too because that’s when I noticed the two thinner roots making their way up my nose, expanding into my nostrils and plugging them completely.
The root in my ass must have had the same idea...
At this point I was slowly starting to realize, like, “oh shit, I really can’t move” and started trying to pull things off of me to escape bu t I honestly couldn’t budge. My left arm was completely rooted to the mattress and my right arm couldn’t be lifted above my waist, just enough to reach my dick but not enough to reach my face.
Leaves were starting to branch out from the tendrils, and with them came more flowers.
They were visibly crawling all over me now, moving fast enough for me to track with my eyes, and I watched in horror as several thin tendrils spiraled up my cock.
I wish I could have broken away but I was quite literally rooted to the spot watching these tendrils poke at my leaking pisshole and worm their way inside.
I screamed and cried but the progress was unceasing, it steadily tunneled into my dick until it hit the base and pinched my prostate against the root in my ass, which at this point must have reached high up into my guts.
I screamed against the root as I came, but no semen escaped my completely plugged dick.
I could feel it making its way inside my through my internal passages, rooting itself straight into my balls, 
At that point I really did pass out, whether from lack of oxygen or overstimulation I couldn’t tell.
Well, I'm awake now and I am utterly fucked, the roots have expanded into nearly every available orifice, even trying to fill out my belly button and uh.. they might have broken through the skin...
I can see ridges beneath my skin.. little hard lines were they’ve penetrated me.
I'm being constantly milked and I can’t even move as they constantly grind against the inside of my cock
I'm not even thirsty or anything, the liquid being drip-fed down my throat fills me up and I'm just kept in a constant state of bliss.
I dunno what to do bro, I have my phone but even texting is getting hard with one hand and roots slowly crawling down my fingers…
you’re the only one close enough to me, theres a key underneath the mat..
you gotta help me man before it's too la
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inkys-garden · 2 days
Ikemen Prince OC: Louis Augustus
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One of the generals of Jade Kingdom.
Age: 27
Height: 5'9
Eye colour: Light green
Hair colour: Pink
Crest animal: Horse
Louis is Keith's 2nd cousin from his mother's side. They both have been close ever since they were children.
He is aware of Keith's "dual personality" and knows how to handle that side of him. Between the two cousins, there are no secrets.
Louis' father died when he was young. After his death, it had always been his dear mother and him. Louis holds his mother in very high regard. The love and respect he has for her can never be measured, and of course, she adores him just as much. The relationship between them is incredibly warm.
He joined the army when he was 20, and Louis' combat skills proved useful. After that, he kept climbing the ranks. Soon, he reached the position of a general.
Louis accompanies Keith on his trips to other countries. Both, as a friend and as his personal guard.
Personality/About him:
Louis stays quiet most of the time. He's not rude... just introverted. But if the conversation requires him to actively take part, then he has no problem doing that. He is quick to form smart replies and uses his words carefully. He always has a calm mask on.
He is... gentle. Strong yet gentle. His sole goal in life is to protect the weak. Those who can not raise their voices to plead, those who are never given the chance - Louis wants to protect them all.
Louis gets embarrassed fairly quickly. He has a cute boyish smile that everyone compliments.
He likes to sketch and paint in his free time. In fact, he has around 100 artworks in his manor. Some are on walls, while the others are in the spare rooms.
Louis had a lover in the past. Her name was Lily, and he loved her so much that Louis proposed after a year of getting together with her. However, she broke his heart by declaring that she was in love with Keith and got together with him just so she could get closer to his cousin.
His heart was torn apart. That is one of the reasons why he stays away from women. He doesn't hate them, no. Not all of them are like... her. But he can't help but keep his distance.
The princes' comments:
Chevalier: "Hm. The Jadean general? He is alright. He is not a bright person in any regard, but I sense no malicious intent from him."
Leon: "Ah, Louis! He's a good friend of mine. He doesn't speak much, but he's a great guy. Don't talk about art in front of him, though... the guy never stops talking. I once fell asleep."
Clavis: "Ahahaha! He always looks so tired of me. My, it's surprising, however. Louis always seems to know about my traps."
Nokto: "I have never interacted with him much, but Louis seems to be disinterested in politics. Makes you wonder why he even joined the army..."
Luke: "Who? Uh, I never met the guy. It's probably because I joined the Palace a while ago."
Jin: "I can never understand why that guy's so uninterested in women. Once, when I took him and Keith to a tavern, some ladies were practically throwing themselves on him, but he kept waving his hand with a disinterested look on his face. Other than that? He's a nice guy."
Yves: "Oh, Louis is a sweet person. I don't know much about him, but he doesn't seem to like sweets a lot."
Licht: "Louis is strong. It's fun training with him when he visits Rhodolite."
Gilbert: "Louis, hmm? Hehe, he once threatened me. What did I do? I was 'joking' around with Keith. Hehe."
Silvio: "Dunno what the fuck is wrong with him. He seems to hate me."
Keith: "He's one of the most important people in my life. Louis is always there for me... I respect him from the bottom of my heart..."
Kagari: "He once drew me a sketch. I looked amazing in it."
Azel: "That guy seems to hate Silvio-sama. I wonder what the deal with him is. Overall? 5/10."
Mathias: "Louis doesn't seem to be interested in finding his soulmate. When I asked him about it, he politely changed the subject. But he's a great guy."
Sariel: "Louis-san is kind and straightforward. He has never caused trouble when he comes to Rhodolite. I respect him."
Rio: "He's always so silent, but he has kind and understanding eyes."
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aero127 · 1 day
clearing the puck!
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pairing: hockey player!haechan x fem!reader
genre: a fluffly crackfic w a bit of angst? i guess lol
word count: 1.5k (for now..)
synopsis: you befriend the school’s star hockey player in order to get some votes on your student council campaign, and in return, he asks for praise on your newest journal column to impress some scouts. what a friendly deal, right? …right?
author’s note: hey everyone! this is my first ever fic here and i couldn’t be more excited !! this is just a little wip of what could possibly become my biggest work … just to test the waters lmao if you have any tips PLEASE let me know since i actually hate how this is written! anyways i hope u like this bit! ♡
warning(s): none, for now
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"Please stop shaking your legs. You're making the entire table move." Renjun gives you a nasty look, and you roll your eyes. You shake your legs even faster, just to push at his buttons a little harder. "Ugh— Stop that!"
"Maybe if you guys were helping me prepare, I wouldn't be so nervous!" You let out an angry huff as you stared at your computer screen, which was blindingly bright. Why are you still insisting on using light mode? Stupid student council elections and stupid columnist work. What use was it if you couldn't even complete a stupid campaign work?
"Y'know it's no use if you're a loner, right?" Chenle perks up from the other side of the room, his body strewn on a spinning chair as he turns around in your direction. He doesn't even dare to look up from his phone, his thumbs messily pressing against the screen. Was he playing Clash of Clans again? "You kinda have to be popular to gain votes. And, contrary to popular belief, I don’t do miracles.
"What do you mean? I'm popular!" You scoff in disbelief, looking over to Renjun for moral support, but he simply shakes his head. Huang Renjun, you are useless.
"Writing a column for our college journal doesn't make you popular."
You grunt in frustration, dropping your head to your keyboard. You let out a long sigh before slamming both of your hands on the table and looking up. The loud crash startles both boys, and they glance at you with wide eyes. "Fine. What do you suggest?"
Chenle and Renjun look at each other and back at you, and you swear there’s a mischievous glint behind their eyes.
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You’re never listening to them again. Especially if it’s fucking freezing outside!
You let out a sigh that quickly transforms into a puff of cold air as you look around, spotting the banner hung up above the building entrance. “66 LEE DONGHYUCK — THE NCIT DINOSAURS STAR CENTER” with his face nicely printed on the side. Inspecting his face, you almost laugh at the stupidity of the plan. Befriending the school’s star hockey player in order to socially thrive. Well, befriending is a strong word. You would be offering him a friendly deal, that’s for sure. And it’s not like he would be leaving empty-handed. It’s a win-win situation.
You sucked in a deep breath between your teeth before walking straight into the ice rink. You could hear shouting and the sound of the puck sliding neatly across the ice. It didn’t even take you long to notice your target. You watched him for a while. He’s obviously a natural, every move purposeful and graceful. No wonder he was the team’s star.
You quickly look away when you notice yourself staring. Shit.
Figuring it would be better to just wait until practice was over, you hopped on the grandstands, next to a group of 3 girls that you recognized from around the campus. They were wearing the team’s classic red and blue jersey with a big “66” plastered at the front.
You jumped in your seat with their hysterical screaming, quickly turning your head back to the rink. Donghyuck was planted by the fence, looking up at the benches, winking and flashing his infamous cocky smirk at the girls. You could swear that his gaze lingered on yours for a while, but you shook your head, dismissing the thought. As he finally moved away, the girl sitting directly next to you still shook her arms to get his attention.
Practice went by surprisingly fast, much to your dismay. The coach whistled and next thing you notice, the team was already off the ice. Everyone around patted Donghyuck on the back and sang praise at the boy, who just grinned. A slightly taller, and what appeared older guy, swiftly threw his arm around Donghyuck’s shoulder, revealing the back of his jersey. “MARK, 2”. You couldn’t distinctly understand what they were saying but you could only assume that he was teasing the blonde, the way Donghyuck seemed to sulk at his words. As Mark started pushing Donghyuck to walk away to the locker room, you panic, afraid to miss your shot to talk to the blonde.
“LEE DONGHYUCK!” Your shout reverberates all throughout the rink. Your survival instincts really took over this one. Good work on first impressions! You feel your cheeks heat up as all eyes are now on you. You both stare at each other with wide eyes. How you wished you could just dig the biggest hole on the ground to hide yourself forever.
“Uh, yes?” He asks reluctantly, looking around as if he wasn’t the only Lee Donghyuck there. “Can I help you?”
“Uhm— Yes! I need to talk to you.” You internally curse at yourself for stuttering so much. “Alone. If— If that’s alright.”
Mark, who still stood next to his friend, looks over at him. Donghyuck nods at the rest of the team and gives off some kind of excuse, sending them on their way. They reluctantly walk away, leaving you both alone by the grandstands.
You feel your stomach turn as you watch him approach you, practice bag messily thrown over his shoulder.
“What’s up?” He’s rather calm for someone who just got shouted at by a complete stranger.
You gulp. Is this really a good idea? He notices your hesitation and raises his eyebrows, gesturing for you to talk.
“Well— This is going to sound really weird… But we need to be friends from now on.”
He freezes in his spot, obviously taken aback by your offer. He looks at you with a confused frown until something clicks in his head. His pursed lips curve into a smile and he scoffs at you. “Look, I get it if you have a crush on me, but you’re horrible at this.”
What? You quickly wave your hands dismissively in front of him, shaking your head. “That’s not it!”
“Then what is it?”
You sigh and stare back at him, shit-eating smirk plastered on his face. Well, you asked for it, Lee Donghyuck.
“As you probably don’t know, the student council elections are coming up and I’m running for president. The problem is that, according to my friends, I’m not “popular” enough to get voted on. And since you’re probably the most popular person in this school, if I become friends with you, I’ll be popular by association, which means I might actually have a shot at the elections. Obviously, I know that this is a weird request but we can make some sort of deal — If you’re up for it.” After a completely venting (and probably rapping) at him, Donghyuck stares at you dumbfounded. Great, now you scared him.
Seeing the look on his face, a wave of failure washes over you and suddenly you’re rethinking everything. You knew this was a stupid plan for the start. Oh, Huang Renjun. You were going to kill him! You have embarrassed yourself astronomically and now you could say goodbye to your dear presidential spot—
Okay? “Okay?”
“Sure. Why not?” You look at him with a mixture of disbelief and confusion and he just shrugs. “Plus, you said that we could make a deal.” Of course. He was only interested because he was getting something out of it. You’re a smart man, Lee Donghyuck.
“Yeah— sure. Do you have anything in mind?” He seems to stop for a moment, briefing on what to say. You look at him impatiently, tapping your fingers rhythmically against your arm.
“You write a column for the school’s journal, right? Isn’t it something like… “Like It Is”? Yeah, that’s it.”
“How did you— Whatever. What do you need?” His smirk grows bigger as he stares back at you.
“We have a few NHL scouts coming over for the playoffs.” He crosses his arms. “To add up to my amazing playing skills, I need you to write a column about me. Y’know, to impress them.”
“And what makes you think that they’ll listen to me?”
“Because you actually write things as they are.” He sniffs. “You have an honest reputation around the school. They’ll believe you.” You ponder.
“Well, I–” Donghyuck quickly turns around as someone calls out his name.
“As much as I would love to continue our lovely convo, I have to go. Lovely seeing you, (---).” He prepares to walk away but quickly turns back. “You have my Insta, right?” You simply nod in response and he smiles, finally walking to the locker room.
“Bye bye, my sweetheart!”
“Wait, Donghyuck— That’s not—!”
Before you can say anything, you’re all alone in the rink.
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for challenge monday 'fics with 6/6 chapters' i'd like to rec Sugar's Sweet (And So Is He) by PradimeShifts @paradimeshifts7
Sugar's Sweet (And So Is He) by ParadimeShifts
Rating: Explicit
42,372 words, 6/6 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Sugar Baby Steve, Lit Professor Eddie, author eddie, Rich bitch Steve Harrington, Awkward Eddie Munson, Reverse Pretty Woman vibes, Steve has dyslexia, POV Alternating, Dom Bottom Steve Harrington, Sub Top Eddie Munson, light degradation, Rough Sex, Angst with a Happy Ending, Smut, Slow Burn, in the way that they're fucking the whole time, They're Just Emotionally Constipated, Friends to fuck buddies to enemies to lovers, thigh fucking, Semi-Public Sex, Panties, Fucking by the fire, Switching, Spit Kink
“I mean it,” Steve pushes, a soft clink echoing through the room as he sets his empty bottle down atop the glass coffee table. “I’ll show you the ropes, and you…” he makes a vague motion with one of his hands, “entertain me. What do you say? I help you, you help me?” His face is so devastatingly charming that Eddie wants to rip out his own hair about it. Fuck it, he thinks, and clinks his bottle against Steve’s, earning him a bright smile that warms his core better than any booze ever could. He watches Steve take a sip, his sinfully pretty lips tucked around the opening of the bottle, and wonders what the fuck he’s just gotten himself into. OR The sugar baby!Steve and lit professor/author!Eddie au, wherein Eddie is a disaster at fine dining, and Steve helps him out.
Thanks for the rec!
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks!
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bungalowbear · 3 days
I Won’t Say: Prologue
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Pairing: Rengoku Kyojuro x reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, death
Word Count: 830
A/N: The Mugen Train arc really fucked me up. But it also endeared me to the incredibly wholesome being that is Kyojuro! This is the first part of a series inspired by this idea. I’d love to hear what you think. Reblogs are appreciated! I hope you enjoy!
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Rain pelts down on the roof of your small home in the countryside. A flash of lightning illuminates the silhouette of the intruder, casting their long, menacing shadow across the tatami. You were warned about them. The villains who appear after the sun goes down. They are like mindless attack dogs. They don’t ask questions. All they know is to strike and to kill the ones you love.
Your mother’s decapitated head lies three feet from her body, facing the direction of the closet where you hide. The sliding door is cracked open less than an inch. It’s enough for one of your eyes to peek through and witness the last moments of her life.
The intruder hovers over her body, waiting for the evidence of his violence to be swept away. But you silently pray to the gods for a miracle. Hoping against hope that even if she can’t put herself back together, your mother at least won’t disappear and leave you alone in this world.
Your prayers go unanswered as a thin outline of orange heat begins to consume her slowly, inch by inch until half of her face is gone. Her red eyes stay steadily fixed on you. Tears swell into pools, dripping like crystals out of the corners. Your own tears blur your vision of her but you blink them away to watch her lips move one final time.
I love you.
Soundlessly spoken, her sentiment makes your chest constrict and your hand fly over your mouth to stifle your sobs. You choke on the lump in your throat as you watch your mother dissolve into ash. 
It happens so fast, and yet in slow motion. One moment your mother is there and in the next she isn’t. You don’t want to believe that she’s really gone. How could you? After years of living away from larger human populations, where no one would catch onto what your mother really was, you had hoped that this would give you more time with her. It seemed a given that she would watch you grow old while she remained the same. It was the only hope you had. But that hope now lays dead in a pile of crumbled ash.
The demon slayer lets out a huff. A quick swipe of his sword sends your mother’s blood flying off the bright red metal and splattering onto the wall. He sheathes his weapon with a long shiiiing then turns sharply on his heels to escape the scene of his crime.
Red and yellow flames burn themselves brightly into your mind as they billow at the end of his long white cape, leaving your home as swiftly as they came. Lightning strikes again. He’s gone.
After a long time, only when you’re willing to take the chance the demon slayer won’t return, you carefully slide the door open another inch. When the house remains still you abandon all caution and sweep the door aside. You crawl to your mother’s remains and finally allow yourself to weep openly.
You don’t know how much time passes as you cry over the black stained tatami, salty tears mixing with your demon mother’s ashes. Hours must pass. But when you finally run out of the energy to cry, it’s still dark out. The sun is yet hours away.
A creak sounds at the front of the house and you look up, expecting the flame bearing demon slayer, but your body goes rigid upon seeing the figure in the doorway. His face is like porcelain with red eyes like your mother. Only, his seem to glow bright like precious rubies. And his aura is nothing compared to your mother’s. Even with her demon blood she still extended a gentle and caring presence. But now, your body is bogged down by a heavy darkness, old and angry, as this demon looms in between the darkness of the night and the weak light of the lantern that remains undisturbed in the corner of the room.
“What do we have here?” Despite the smooth cadence of his voice, your tongue is trapped inside your mouth by fear. You don’t answer. Can’t answer. “A human mourning a demon? How…intriguing.”
The demon steps forward. He’s dressed in clothes much finer than your own. Black strands of his hair hang at chin length as they shine in the soft light. He crouches down in front of you, a gesture that should make you feel leveled with him but actually makes him more menacing, and takes hold of your chin with two graceful fingers. 
You manage to utter one word.
His lips turn up at your pathetic plea, amused. You don’t even know what you’re asking for. What do you really want? Death, so that you may join your mother? If he spared your life what would you live for now? Revenge? 
But there’s no need to decide. He’s already done that for you.
“You’ll do just fine,” he says.
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i do not have a taglist. please follow @bungalowbear-archive and turn on notifications. 
star divider by @/enchantings. line divider by @/firefly-graphics.
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machathecat · 7 months
Venting in the tags
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strongermonster · 1 year
i'm in the middle of painting my bedroom, which is going Eh bc i want a very specific colour, but the lightbulb colour + basement darkness has made this an annoying trial and error in paint matching. however, i discovered only now in my life that plain ol' black + regular old yellow makes green.
i didn't know that??? i feel like... i shoudl've known that. was i not taught this when i was 8 or something?? it's making me feel 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ that i didn't know? it makes such a good green too
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i hate this bc i feel like it was something that—now that i'm looking at it swatched out—i'm like "duh yeah, that's obvious, you knew that." but i just spent 4 days in a paint-fume-fuelled mania mixing greens, yellows, blues, reds, coppers, whites, blacks, etc to find a Perfect Green, and she was there in 2 colours all along...
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mossflower · 8 months
‘i don’t even have a hangover’ she said, blissfully unaware of the horrors she was about to go through
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yeehawwillow · 1 year
it still frustrates me endlessly that basically every game nowadays INCLUDING HORROR GAMES WITH JUMPSCARES give flashing light warnings and some even give accessibility options to turn them off. meanwhile spirtifarer still has no warning and no plans to ever give an accessibility option making the game unplayable for ppl like me unless i am willing to risk my health. love it.
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wildpiercy-art · 2 years
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This year’s Sexy Pyramid Head September is here!
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hickoryhorneddevils · 9 months
god. the little quiet/relaxation/meditation room that my school has maybe actually makes this fucking tuition worth it.
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they--slash--them · 1 year
oh wld you look at the time (it's 10 pm :) that's beddy bye time :)) i'm so excited to go to bed :))) )
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xo8ball · 1 year
growing up is understanding conventional weapons is a banger of an album
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tyltos · 1 year
Ok Blizzard. Let's have a little chat, you and me. Let's talk about Diablo 4. It's a pretty game Blizzard. Credit where credit is due. You made it pretty. But goddamn it Blizzard, why? Why would you make your textures so pretty, and then NOT LET ME SEE THEM???
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transthatfag · 2 years
fine I just won’t sleep then since you’re so fucking complicated
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