#And then our mutual best friend had to explain to me whilst he was just sitting there about how he didn’t really have those feelings for me
robynlilyblack · 2 years
I didn't hear a single word you said with a hug that lasts a second too long when (gn! or fem! as you like) reader and sirius aren't together yet please? <3
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Hey Stranger
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Sirius Black x fem! reader
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Summary: Y/n and Sirius never seem to have enough time, but when they meet again after 5 years apart, will they let it all slip between their fingers again?
Warnings: swearing, old friends to lovers, first kiss, mutual pining, mentions of drinking, alcohol, being drunk and feeling sick, light angst, cute drunk remus, pregnant Lily and baby harry being adorable
A/n: 1.5k words, it says fem reader but I don't think there are any pronouns used for them x I love this so I hope you enjoy!
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist | Celebration
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“Finally” Sirius lets out a chuckle, Hogwarts reunion and you hadn’t managed to get one moment with your best friend the entire night
“I know right” you shake your head “5 years ago you couldn’t keep us apart” you smile, as does he, neither of you knowing your hearts ached in time
Everyone, including yourself and Sirius, believed you would eventually get together, but that blind hope was fatal in the end. With neither of you ever making a move life happened, school finished, you both graduated and ended up at opposite ends of the country, weekly letters turned monthly, and monthly ones turned into only on holidays and birthdays...
...but your hearts never stopped yearning for the other
“Funny how time just...flies” he says, shoulder finding the wall beside him in the little hideaway you both had sought refuge from the masses in
You do the same, head leaning on the wall as you admired your friend the way you always scandalously did, not knowing he was doing the same
“Very. Merlin, I mean you've got a big boy beard and everything now” you giggle, lightening the moon as you hand reaches out to scratch his chin ever so gently
He groans in the best way at that “You approve?” he asks, secretly hoping you do whilst hiding his disappointment as your hand drops back down
“Course, you look rather dashing” you say in a teasing manner yet hope he find the truth in your words “Almost like a grown up” you add to actually tease him
“You take that back” he points “I am as childish as ever” he disagrees
“Oh really?” you swat away his hand, moving a little closer as does he
“You doubt me?” he gasps, hand to his heart
You shrug, earning the cutest pout before shaking your head “Never” your eyes meet his, finding they sparkle…or maybe that was from the disco ball Marlene had enchanted to fly around
You both jump, being brought out of your little pining bubble to see James looking thankful he's finally found Sirius and then he spots you and smiles
“Oh hey there!” he gives you a wave “Long time no see”
“Hey” you wave back “I know its been so long! You’re a dad now!”
“I know! Scary stuff they actually let me have one though" he jokes before bobing his head "…well actually it’ll be two soon” he tells you with a sweet laugh while you nod about to say you spoke to Lily earlier when Sirius cuts in
“What’s up?” he asks, looking at James a bit funny
James doesn’t seem to clock it though “Remus may or may not have have realised the hot chocolate was boozy…oh and Harry pit up” he turns to show the damage on his back, earning a giggle from you followed by a quick sorry which James just waves off
“Okay...but what’s any of that got to do with me Prongs?” Sirius wonders, eyeing him 
“Oh. Ya see Remus was our driver and with me having a drink and Lily’s being too big to...” he explains before cutting himself off and frantically looking around “Not that she is in anyway large…merlin ya know I may have had one too many myself but you know what I mean she’s too…fuck it” he eventually gives up, cringing like crazy as he scolds himself while you try not to laugh too hard considering Lily said the same thing about herself earlier
Sirius nods smiling but inside his heart breaks “Okay. You go get Red, little Harry and Moons. I’ll meet you at the car in a few” he tells him, nodding towards you and giving his friend a way more obvious scolding look 
James resists the cringe again as he must realise and nods “Thanks Pads, nice to see you again y/n” he flashes you that famous James Potter smile before heading back into the party
You and Sirius turn back to one another “Short reunion” he says but lets the sadness seep through this time
“Yeah” you nod with a similar tone
“I’ll write more” he promises
“Ditto” you return it “Hug before you go?” you open your arms
He nods "Course" he smiles, resisting the urge to scoop you up and take you with him as he steps forward and into your embrace
Your arms slide around his waist while his wrap around your shoulders, fitting perfectly just like they always did. The hug should have lasted a few seconds but you and he only held each other closer as time ticked on, your nose nudging into his neck while his, your hair. Soaking up the feeling of each others arms for as long as the moment would allow
Technically neither of you end it, a third party does in the form of a drunk classmate bumping into you both “Sorry mate” he holds his hands up before staggering on his merry way
Your hands hold the other but your chests part, chuckling together at the drunken boy before your eyes meet. A million things could be said but as always they weren't, and instead yours and his eyes bared them all at once
“They’ll be waiting” is all he says, smiling sadly
You nod, returning it with a downturned smile
“I’ll write more” you repeat his promise from earlier, fingers griping his jacket harder for a moment before you release them, trying to just prolong the moment a second longer
“Ditto” he does the same, leaning down to place a lingering kiss to your forehead and suddenly it feels like a goodbye, a real one this time, one your younger selves never understood, nor got in the end
When his lips leave your skin you part, hands finding the others until he walks away and you both let go. No more words. Neither one of you can bare the word ‘goodbye’ so you smile at one another before turning away
Sirius moves through the crowd, not looking back because it's too hard. Exiting the venue he sees the car and observes Remus trying to get in it, the sight amusing yet he can’t truly enjoy it. Getting in himself he inserts the key into the ignition but not doesn’t turn it. He felt sick, throat closing up as he felt like he was leaving his world behind
“You alright?” James asks as his hand finds Sirius’ shoulder causing Sirius to look at him, eyes glassy
James’ eyebrows furrow but before he can say anything Sirius unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the door, darting out with a quick “I’ll be back”
The three adults watch him run back in, staring out the window intently, Remus, in fact, does so much he hits his head, earning laughs, even from Harry who lets out a little squeal of one
“Prongs” Remus slurs as he finally stops blinking from the impact
James leans back, looking at him through the gap in the seats “Yeah Moony?”
“Y-you owe me” he manages to get out
James looks at him in shock before turning back to his wife “He can barely function yet he can remember a bet we made ten years ago”
Lily giggles about to say ‘mans got his priories in order’ when her eyes widen “Jamie lower your window” she points at you, running out and sighing as you see the car hasn't left
“Hi” you approach the car, leaning on the car window as it opens “Wait” your eyes search “Where’s Siri?”
“He went back in” Lily reply, giving you a smile
You light up“He did?” you turn to Remus, and then James, although you do a double take on Remus who looks more than plastered but wears a gleeful grin
“Yeah” James gives you a smile as he confirms it, then his eyes wander behind you, smile widening “Behind you” his eyes return, gifting you a wink
Your heart flutters as you push off the door, turning to find a rather disheartened Sirius coming out, thinking he missed you and his chance again until you call out
“Hey stranger”
His head shoots up at your voice “Hey stranger” he sighs out in almost a laugh, his face brightening as he realises you went after him
You both just look at each other for a moment, eyes asking that all important question and when you nod he makes his way over to you, wasting no time in bringing your lips to meet his in a long overdue kiss while your friends cheered you on…well Lily and Remus did, James squealed with Harry who clapped with joy as he had been lifted out of his seat for a better view
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Thank you for reading ♡
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aiqingdemeimiao · 10 months
good boy's director, producers, and marion bailey did an interview on the life in film podcast, talking about the film, casting, funding, etc. it's about an hour long, so i just transcribed the ben bits (but the whole thing was quite interesting)
you can (legally!) watch good boy here (use a uk vpn if you're outside the uk)
HOST: How did you guys connect? And how did you guys all come together to make this?
TOM: Ummm well, what, oh I can't remember, did we have Ben when we started working together, Elettra?
ELETTRA: Yeah, we just about…
TOM: Yeah, so I knew Ben a long time ago, Ben Whishaw, who's umm the lead in it opposite Marion, and um we sort of left drama school at around the same time. We knew each other a long time, but we hadn't seen each other for a while, so after one of the lockdowns um we went for a big long walk on, um, on the Thames and um on the southbank. And, um, I was telling him about my writing stuff and, um, my mum had just died and so I was telling him about that. And, um, and then out of the blue he just, sort of, just was like "I think you should direct something". And he sort of gave voice to, um, and he was like "I think you'd be really good at it". And he sort of gave voice to something that I'd been feeling but hadn't acknowledged out loud to anyone before that. I'd really been wanting to direct for a while, I think. And, um, it was the kick I needed to go home and write the script and, um. So then I went home and wrote it and then a few months later sent it to him. And he loved it, and said he wanted to do it, which was, you know, gob-smacking and exciting.
TOM: And then so, obviously, I needed a producer, ummm, and then, like Elettra explained, a few mutual friends were introduced and that's how it all began really. And then, um, Elettra built the production team, herself, and then got Max and Kay onboard. And meanwhile Ben and I were talking. We both came up with lists of, ummm, the best person to play his mum in it, who would be, and the top of both of our lists was Marion Bailey. And so I couldn't believe it when, uhhh, the, her agent came back to say that, uh, the day after I sent it, to say that she wanted to be involved. And Ben and me were so thrilled. Ummm yeah, so yeah, that was it.
(re: the acting)
TOM: I think that they, uh, neither Ben nor, Ben isn't playing me and Marion isn't playing my mum. There's, they, our DNA is definitely in there but, uhhh, the characters are very different and their circumstances are very different to, um…
HOST: I hope so! Hahahaha
TOM: But what, um, what they both did was sort of hon-honour, I dunno, somehow honour the, umm, the energy of us and the DNA of our, of our relationship is definitely in there, um, which was, yeah. So I, yeah, I couldn't ask for a better on-screen version of me - oh my god - than Ben Whishaw, that's ridiculous. And equally, to have, my mum would be thrilled, Marion. Hahaha
HOST: The performances are just. I mean, sometimes you can't, I don't, maybe this is just me, but sometimes when I watch short films I don't expect to have this level of performance. Sometimes you're like, I was like, you know the scene with Ben when he loses it in the front seat of the van? And, ummm, you're watching that, you're just thinking "wow!" Like, I don't know. Like, in my mind, I'm like, "he could just phone this in". And he wouldn't, cuz he's Ben Whishaw, but you're watching and you're like "this is a BAFTA-level performance right there. And, um, is it mad? Is it, when you're there and you're directing this, and you're looking through the monitor like "yes! Yes, this is it!"
TOM: Well actually I was lying down on the… Um, yeah, it was, um, an enormous privilege to watch these two work, Marion and Ben, particularly how they worked together. And, um, no spoilers, we won't say what happens, but there is an emotional peak in the story, umm, or an emotional break through and it happens, um, a lot of it happens in, whilst driving around in a camper van. And for a lot of the shoot, I was lying down behind the, um, behind the front seats with this tiny little monitor whilst, um, it played out in the front seats in front of me. Um, and when it got to this emotional peak moment, which actually happened before I was expecting it to because Ben and Marion did a beautiful thing where they ran into the next scene but before I was expecting it and so it really hit me emotionally. And I, the, ummm, the synergy between the two of them and the, ummm, the emotional honesty coming from those front seats was, was, ummm, extraordinary and so raw and so real. And I, you know I've been around, you know like I said, I've been an actor for twenty years on stage and screen, and I've been around some amazing acting. I've seen some incredible acting up close, but it's really rare when… for the acting to be that good, you know. I've never been that close to such extraordinary acting. Sometimes actors, umm, like, change the molecular structure of a room when they open their mouth and a bit of magic sort of pours out. And that happened in this, umm, film with both Ben and Marion. Particularly in that scene. Um, so yeah, I was watching it going, uhh, I wasn't watching it from the outside, going "awww yeah, this gonna make the film!". I was just very moved and I was very in it with them, and all the.. the very… sharing and the emotional honesty of it, if that makes sense.
ELETTRA: I think after the first… before the first take of that scene, the crew was quite bubbly and, you know, we having a really good energy on set. And then Marion and Ben delivered that scene. They called cut, and there was absolute silence. Absolute silence. And we were all just… (whispering) "are we allowed to talk?", you know. It was, it was really, it's never happened to me before. It was really surreal, the first time that the entire crew just felt so drawn in to, you know…
TOM: Something happened. There was some magic. But what was so shocking to me was that then Ben and Marion were able to repeat it again and again and again. And they weren't doing it technically, they were doing it for real. And I was watching them and, yeah, that ability to just reset and go again, is just, mind-blowing to me. It's way beyond my, um, expertise as an actor, haha.
MARION: It was wonderful to work with Ben, a real joy. And um, it's lovely to see you say those things because that's always what you're hoping will happen. But yes, it takes a whole team, it takes a whole combination of elements to make that little bit of magic happen. Ummm. And a very nice thing, when the crew do appreciate the acting. Because normally they're doing their jobs, they're not really…
ELETTRA: It takes a lot of magic to get a crew to shut up, so…
(re: their sole financial backer pulling out 2 weeks before shooting)
TOM: I remember bumping into Ben- I remember bumping into Ben Whishaw at a party, and we'd just heard that all the money had gone, and he was like, "are we still on for April?". And I was like, "okay, don't panic… uhhhhh, we have zero money". And he was so cool. He was like… he went silent for a second, and I said, "are you panicking?" and he was like, "not one bit, not at all". And he said, "this, this happens, it will all be good." And I was like "ohhh… okay…" hahaha, um yeah. So…
MAX: [???] as well, because this film very much had its leads in order, and we all kinda fell in love with what it was going to be. And so the idea that, for example, Ben's availability only fit that weekend that we shot, if we weren't gonna do that then… Tom's story only fits the golden hour of Somerset, really, and you're only going to get that twice a year, ya know, in the spring and late summer. And so, ummm, there were some real conversations about "is this going to happen?" which none of us wanted to face because we were so in love with the project.
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beingstalked · 6 months
8th June 2019 - Phil first had signs of chicken pox. From the 8th we would video call on Facebook messenger, this was on my days off from work or after I'd finished work.
14th June 2019 - I saw him to take him a present to feel better and some treats. Even though I'd had chicken pox as a kid, Phil didn't want me catching it so we sat opposite side of the rooms. The photo I posted about seeing him was when we went out for a meal 31st May 2019. I even said in the post I couldn't hug and kiss him. I was sat opposite him for a max of 30 minutes and then I left.
23rd June 2019 - Phil was not contagious anymore. All his chicken pox had crusted over and started to drop off, so me and Phil saw each other, we had a hug and posted a photo a together. 16 Days after he first showed signs, I finally got to hug him. By the 29th June he was all clear and had no signs of chicken pox.
I'm addressing this because this was something else Liam, Stacey and the mutual friend made a big deal about discussing at a then 1 year olds birthday party. Phil didn't attend (the party was the 24th June 2019) purely because if there was the slightest chance he couldve passed it on to a young child, he didn't want that, so he bought a present and just explained he couldn't go because of chicken pox. He literally didnt want to pass it on and make anyone ill, but apparently it was the end of the world because Phil had seen his girlfriend whilst being ill. The reality probably was Liam got pissed because he once again wasn't getting all of Phils attention, he didn't like it and chose to bitch about it at the party and chose a 1 year olds party to cry like big babies, yet if anyone had caught chicken pox if Phil had attended, it wouldve been the constant blame game and "oh if you wasnt 100% clear you shouldnt have come and now we've all caught it" and bought it up in the last argument like it was a big deal, laughable. But the amount of health problems those people who chose to bitch have got, seeing my boyfriend from a distance to cheer him up and then seeing him 9 days later when he had cleared up was nothing compared to the ongoing stuff they have. So he can cry and be a big baby all he wants but its controlling trying to bring up something that Phil did with his loved one, getting mad and acting as if Phil had cheated on him by seeing his girlfriend. Whilst Phils not the cheat out of the two of them (this evidence is posted privately) Phil doesn't need Liams permission to see friends or girlfriends, so it's very controlling of Liam and the other 2, to make the biggest deal out of it. Its stupid I even have to address seeing my own partner, but that's how controlling these two were, because they only saw each other Saturdays, Liam wanted the time not seeing Stacey dedicated to talking or gaming with Phil, whereas because me and Phil had a relationship where we saw each other as much as we could, we was looking for our own place in 2019, we was trying to conceive a baby, we got engaged, there was so much we was doing that Liam & Stacey didn't know about because Phil only wanted to discuss that with his closest friend who's like a Brother to him, This is something Phil chose not to tell Liam, he told his Best Mate, Will but Liam didn't know any private stuff me and Phil was doing because we chose those closest to us to discuss it all. I'd also like to point out when Liam made a comment about his mates not talking to Phil much and they had apparently all called me controlling, Phil spoke daily to Will. Phil doesn't reply to all messages on messenger, he always chose to have longer conversations with Will, even if Liam had messaged, he would ignore the message to talk to Will, the other 2 friends had no idea about the comment because they spoke on messenger and to this day have a group chat on WhatsApp. Liam just wanted to act controlling and make it sound like everyone thought bad of me, possibly to try get Phil to split up with me, but Phil went directly to them and they all basically said that comment was bullshit. Oh and the comment where apparently Liam & Phil hardly spoke, I'll screen record the conversation, then see how often the two spoke and how that apparently still wasn't enough for Liam.
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enchantestuff · 3 years
hatred - Charles Leclerc
I think I might make this into a mini series with an enemies to civil with each other to friends to lovers kind of vibe but I'm still not sure, anyways here's Charles x reader wanting to rip each others throats but instead end up ripping each others clothes off
gonna dedicate this to the lovely @yungbludz​ happy birthday <33
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warnings; smut as per usual, Charles being very egotistical, choking, language, enjoy <3
2k words 
part two
It was safe to say you and Charles hated each other. You knew hate was a strong word, but you also knew that you felt nothing but hatred for the man. You hated his cocky smile and the fact that everyone seemed to be obsessed with him. You also hated the fact that you had to spend the whole weekend with him.
You worked for Ferrari, meaning that, unfortunately, you had to spend a lot of time with Charles. You were actually excited when you first got the job of being Charles Leclerc's PR manager. You had admired the driver and couldn’t wait to work alongside him, but that all changed once you actually met him and realised what an ass he really was. Everyone else loved him, of course, because he seemed to be nice to every single person on the planet except you.
You and a select number of the Ferrari team had been invited to a special charity event taking place in the ballroom of a luxurious hotel. You had all decided to check into the hotel the day before the event, in order to save time and familiarise yourself with the venue. Of course, according to your job description, you also had to run through the possible questions Charles could be asked with him.
Although Charles loathed you, he had to admit you were good at your job and managed to prepare him for every possible scenario, which is why he hadn’t begged Mattia to fire you, at least not yet.
You sighed as you reached the check in desk, all you wanted to do was flop onto the hotel bed and sleep until the morning. You gave the lady behind the desk your name and watched as she quickly typed on the computer in front of her. “Ah yes, Y/N and Charles, room 506”
Your eyes widened at her words as you shook your head. “No no, that can’t be right” you pleaded as you leaned your arms against the counter.
“Im sorry ma'am, but the booking is for the both of you” she explained with apologetic eyes as she handed you the room key.
“Take your time, Y/N. Not like we aren’t all exhausted from our long trip” you heard Charles scold from behind you. You quickly turned around and shoved the room key into his chest.
“Politetly, go fuck yourself, Leclerc” you muttered as you shouldered past him and walked straight to Mattia on the other side of reception. Mattia sighed once you walked over and gestured for you to begin arguing with him, he knew it was going to happen.
“Why? Why would you stick me in a room with that-that imbecile!” you snapped.
“Listen, Y/N, i know how much you dislike him and vice versa, but everyone had to be paired with someone and I thought this was the best option for you both” he explained with a soothing voice.
“Why do I have to be with her?” you heard Charles ask from behind you. You felt small standing in front of him, his broad frame practically trapping you between him and Mattia.
“Y/N is your PR manager, it's her job to prepare you for this event” Mattia once again calmly explained
“And she couldn’t do that over breakfast?” Charles inquired, you could feel his tense gaze on the back of your head and you whipped around scoffing at him as you placed your hands on his hips.
“Don’t act like this was my idea! Not everyone wants to share a room with you Charles, get your head out of your ass”
Charles opened his mouth to throw a rude remark your way but Mattia stopped him before he got the chance. “The both of you are sharing this room, whether you like it or not. I think everyone would prefer if you took this time to sort out your problems instead of bickering like children. I’ll see you both at breakfast. Goodnight,” he scolded as he walked off with his luggage in tow.
You felt your cheeks redden as embarrassment creeped up your shoulders. “Are you trying to get me fired?” you accused Charles as you grabbed your own luggage and made way for the elevator.
He shrugged in response, “Wouldn’t be the worst thing” he muttered, stepping inside with you. You pressed your floor number and sighed in frustration. “Can you stop breathing so loud?” he groaned, rolling his eyes.
“It was a sigh, dipshit.”
“Trust me, i don't want to be near you as much as you don't want to be near me”
“Glad we're on the same page” you replied, stepping out of the elevator and storming to your room, which in hindsight was a foolish idea as Charles had the key and you had to wait for him as he took his sweet time walking up the hallway.
He unlocked the door with a smug look on his face and stepped in before you, dropping his luggage on the floor as he surveyed the room. “You have got to be kidding me” he complained once he saw the double bed in the middle of the room.
“Oh what is it now, Charles?” you asked as you shut the door behind you “is the carpet not to your liking? Is it too bright? Are there no chocolates on the pillow” you continued and slipped off your shoes, “do you want me to - oh shit” you cursed as you saw the predicament you both were in. “Looks like you're sleeping on the floor” you shrugged whilst walking towards the bed.
“I am NOT sleeping on the floor,” Charles complained.
“What? And you think I am?” you argued, once again placing your hands on your hips.
“I don’t see why not,” he commented, crossing his arms across his chest.
“I am not sharing a bed with you, Leclerc! So you,” you jabbed a finger at his chest, “are going to have to step off your mighty throne and take the gentleman approach and sleep,” jab “on,” jab “the floor,” you snapped.
Charles raised his eyebrow as he stared at you. You could cut the tension between the two of you with a knife, it was almost unbearable. You had never fought this long, somebody had always interrupted you both before you got the chance to really push each other's buttons. “I'm going to say this nice and slow, sweetheart,” Charles growled, taking a step forward, you in turn took a step back as you removed your finger from his chest, “I’ll take the high road, we can share the bed just this once, as long as you stop acting like the spoiled princess that you will never be” he continued to walk towards you as he spoke and you were eventually trapped against the wall.
Charles moved his hand to lie on the wall next to your head, the distance between the two of you becoming smaller and smaller by the second. “I might be ready to step off my throne but are you ready to be a good girl and step off yours too?” he concluded. 
“Bite me, Charles” you retorted and something in the both of you snapped as you grabbed his face in your hands and he roughly grabbed your waist. Your lips violently pressed against his as your tongues practically fought against each other. You almost moaned at the force of his kiss, but refused to give him the satisfaction.
Charles pulled away, giving your mouth a final short kiss before he moved to mark your neck. “Come on, princess. Stop being stubborn for once in your life and let me hear the noises that you can make''
You however kept your mouth shut, Charles smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “If that's how you want to play it,” he smirked before gently grabbing your breast and slipping his hands into the waistband of your leggings. He rubbed circles on your clit as he pinched your nipples. “I want to hear you, sweetheart,” he grunted.
You rolled your eyes back in pleasure and involuntarily let out a moan. Charles felt his dick twitch in his pants and cockily grinned as he kissed right under your nose. “Good girl,” he whispered. It wasn't long before his trousers were discarded as well as your own leggings. You hadn’t moved however and were still pressed up against the wall. “Are you sure you want this?” he asked and although you felt your heart skip a beat you rolled your eyes at him and nodded.
“Yes, please just - just hurry up” you squirmed against the wall. That seemed to be all the validation he needed. He slowly put a condom on before easing into you. You scrunched your eyes at the uncomfortable feeling and tapped him to move. Your lips parting on their own accord as the feeling was replaced with pure pleasure. Charles forcefully grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist, providing him with a better angle for both himself and you.
“O-oh shit” you moaned as you scraped your nails down his shoulders to his arms, which left harsh red marks in their wake. Charles moaned at the feeling and you were almost aroused by the sound. Almost.
One of Charles hands were digging into the soft flesh of your thigh while the other moved to wrap itself around your neck, his signature pinky ring digging into the flesh of your skin causing you to mimic his actions and let out a moan at the pain.
“You like that?” he grunted as he continued to thrust into you, lightly placing some pressure on your throat, not enough to suffocate you, he didn't hate you that much, but enough for you to enter a state of pure bliss.
“I hate you, Leclerc” you found yourself muttering but you certainly did not hate him at that very moment.
“Feelings mutual, love”
You continued to scrape your nails across his back, desperate to pull more moans out of him. Charles however, didn't like being the only vulnerable one and removed his hands from your throat, he grabbed both of your hands in his own and shoved them upwards, beginning his assault on your chest.
Your toes curled as he hit all the right spaces, you knew you were close but you really didn’t want to be the first one to let go. Charles could feel the clenching of your walls and smirked into your chest. “Are you close, princess?” he asked, bringing his mouth to your lips and for some reason you found yourself kissing him back.
“No” you blatantly lied.
You moved your head closer to him when he pulled away but he refused to connect your lips once more and you found yourself pouting at the lack of attention. God, how pathetic had you become.
“Now, i knew you were a spoiled brat but i didn't take you for a liar as well”
“Glad to know your ego has no off moments, Charles” you scoffed and were about to start an argument before he began slowly pounding into you, his precise thrusts made it extremely difficult to formulate a sentence let alone hold onto the knot in your stomach. So, against your brain telling you not to, you let go.
You would have fallen onto the ground if it wasn’t for Charles' strong grip trapping you against the wall and his own body. The noises that he made as he reached his own high caused your heart to flutter in your chest and you began to wonder if having sex with him was a bad idea.
“Are you okay?” he asked after he had pulled away from you. You nodded your head as you furrowed your eyebrows
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you asked.
You were surprised the both of you were capable of having a normal conversation, but you supposed nothing could be normal between you after that.
Charles gently ran a finger across your neck and by the look on his face you knew you looked worse for wear. “I kind of lost myself in the moment, I’m sorry if I hurt you. Really I am” he clarified.
“Its okay” you sighed as you rubbed your neck, “lets just go to sleep”
“I’m still not sleeping on the floor”
“Just stay on your side of the bed, Leclerc”
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queenshelby · 3 years
My Friend’s Father (Part Nine)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Age Gap, Smut, Domestic Violence, Angst
Words: 3,064
Please comment and interact...it's what keeps this blog going
Almost a week had passed since you stayed with Cillian at his unit in Galway and, despite the fact that he was away, things had further developed between you as emotions grew with every day.
He was different to any man you had ever been involved with and, whilst your involvement with each other stemmed from purely sexual lust and hunger, you had evolved from this to something different entirely within a matter of days.
Of course, you knew each other for years and, whilst you had a crush on Cillian for as long as you could remember, you never thought that it would be like this and, for Cillian, this feeling had never been mutual.
Whilst he always considered you to be attractive and very intelligent and kind, he never felt any emotional connection or sexual attraction towards you, at least not until that weekend when you visited Denise, which was also the first time he saw you again after six months had passed.
On that night during which you slept with each other, he let his sexual hunger take over his reasonable thinking mind after he saw you, in his kitchen, making pancakes and you had since, quite openly, talked about it. He saw sleeping with you as a mistake but, ever since that night, he couldn’t get you out of his head.
For you, things weren’t just sexual anymore and you began to feel strongly for Cillian which worried you especially since he was open about the fact that he didn’t know where things were heading with you. The fact that you are his daughter’s friend and much younger than him clearly bothered him and he sometimes admitted to you that he felt strange about building such a strong connection with you. A relationship was not what he wanted but he liked you, a lot.
As such, during the past week, Cillian called you every day after he finished filming and you were talking to him more frequently than you were talking to Denise.
During his breaks, he would also text you and check in on you as you were in the middle of exams. He always remembered when you had a test and asked you how it went and, when you told him that you didn’t feel confident with your results, he reassured you that you probably did well and, even if you didn’t, it wouldn’t matter. According to him, a pass is a pass and you needed to lower your expectations of yourself just a little.
To your surprise, he also remembered appointments you had scheduled and things that bothered you which meant that, unlike other men you had been with, he was actually listening and was interested in what you had to say.
Some nights, you had spent hours on the phone or Skype, joking about things you had encountered that day or talking about books, literature and music, which is something you both enjoyed.
Politics and social issues were other matters you could discuss endlessly and, even when you were of different opinions, you would be able to argue in the most satisfying way. Cillian always treated you as an equal and even opened up to you about his divorce from Denise’s mother recently.
Another thing you learned from Cillian was that Denise was brining along her friend Amalie to Manchester to stay at his apartment and, when you gave him a warning about her and her intentions, he reminded you that he only had eyes for you. In fact, he always showered you with compliments and all of his compliments were genuine and came natural to him, helping you immensely with your self-consciousness.
Unfortunately, whilst you enjoyed how engaging Cillian was with you every day, like a teenager in love, with the constant text messages and calls, your father soon got suspicious and confronted you about.
“Dad, I am almost 22, you don’t need to be spying on me” you said somewhat frustrated as he asked you who you were talking to every day.
“You live under my roof and you answer me young lady” he said harshly and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes just as your mother stepped in, trying to calm him down. Your father was much older, approaching sixty and fairly old school in the way he expected you and your sister to behave.
“A friend…I am talking to a friend” you explained and your father asked again, telling you not to lie to him because he would know.
“And this friend of yours, you can’t meet him…you just text and talk? You can’t bring him to our house and introduce him?” your father asked along with a million other questions.
“No, I can’t. he lives in Dublin and I, most certainly, wouldn’t bring him into this…” you said somewhat irritated by the interrogation.
“Dublin, huh? So, you met him when you visited Denise?” he asked and you nodded.
“It’s not her brother, is it? Because I really don’t want you to get involved with him. I don’t like this family and their views” your father said harshly, causing you to chuckle.
“Their views?” you asked somewhat surprised and your father nodded.
“Yes, their views on what’s right and wrong. If I recall correctly, this girl you call your friend was going out with someone of the same gender for a while. God didn’t tell us to do this but her parents obviously didn’t have an issue with it which, apparently is called new age parenting. Everything is pro choice and lets their children decide what is best for them even if they lack experience” your father went on to say and you couldn’t help but shake your head at his absurd commentary but, he continued and you soon learned what had happened between your parents and Denise’s parents many years ago, before which your mother had called Denise’s mother her friend as well.
According to your father, Cillian had voiced his opinion to your father when it was found out that your sister was pregnant following a short affair with a man she had met through university.
Cillian’s ex wife had told your sister that she had options, causing your father to get rather angry with her, which is when Cillian stepped in, supporting what Denise’s mother had said.
She had offered your sister help but your father considered this to be a betrayal and, whilst your mother maintained contact with Denise’s mother for a while, your father refused to get involved with Denise’s family thereafter.
Cillian’s often all so public views angered him and he made this very clear. He didn’t want you to be involved with his children and you couldn’t help but laugh about the irony of it all when you found out about this incident.
“Jesus Dad, that was years ago and not everyone has to have the same views as you” you said before confirming that you weren’t seeing Denise’s brother.
“No, they don’t, but I am just looking out for you and, instead of acting the way you do, throwing yourself at guys with new age ideas, I would much prefer if you met a nice young catholic man” your father explained, causing your mother to fume in anger with him.
“Throwing myself at guys? Listen, I am not sure what slut you think I am but it’s nice to know that you think so little of me” you said before storming upstairs and into your room.
Having to deal with this crap bothered you and you knew that, when this semester came to an end, you could be moving out now that you saved enough money for a bond and rent.
As the evening went on, you spent all of your time in your room, reading a book until, finally, at around 9 o’clock you saw a notification on Skype.
‘Hey Beautiful’ Cillian said as you picked up and popped in your headphones.
Cillian apologised for calling through so late and informed you that he was finally able to speak to Laura, the woman he was seeing before you.
He knew that you wanted to know about it and he had no problem telling you what you needed to hear while telling you that you had absolutely nothing to worry about.
It was Laura’s first day back on set after a week-long break and Cillian told you that she wasn’t exactly impressed when he stood her down.
‘She probably likes you…I can understand that’ you said calmly but Cillian told you that he was pretty clear with her about what this was between them.
‘Well, in retrospect, I shouldn’t have gotten involved with her’ he went on and you were quite happy to change the topic by this point and told him that you were aching for him.
‘Well, I am not sure that I can help you with that’ Cillian chuckled.
‘We could have Skype sex I suppose’ you giggled.
‘Skype Sex?’ Cillian laughed before telling you that he didn’t think that this would be a good idea since you were at home with your parents and you had previously complained about the thin walls of the house.
‘Oh Jesus Cillian, my father already thinks I am a slut, so I personally don’t care if anyone hears me getting myself off. I’ve got my earphones in and am the only one who can hear you and my door is locked’ you chuckled.
‘Your father thinks that you are a slut? Do you want to talk about that?’ Cillian asked concerned but you shook your head.
‘I rather not. You met him and know what he is like’ you explained.
‘I do. He takes God very seriously’ Cillian said before continuing on. ‘But, if you have problems at home you need to tell me please. You can stay at my apartment. I can get my house keeper to meet you there with the key’ he offered.
‘You said you were going to stay out of stuff between me and my parents just as I would stay out of matters between you and Denise’ you then said, reminding him on the conversation about your respective roles which you had three days ago.
‘Yes I did, but I can’t if I have to worry about you’ Cillian said firmly.
‘There is no need to worry Cillian. I promise’ you reassured him. ‘Well, actually, I need you to worry about my sexual needs right now’ you then went on to say with sly grin.
‘Through Skype?’ Cillian asked again somewhat concerned.
‘Yes’ you said with a cheeky smile as you settled more into your bed with your laptop.
‘Alright then, show me what you are wearing” Cillian said as he cut straight to the point.
‘Can you see?’ you asked as you adjusted the cam and showed Cillian your dark blue lingerie.
‘Very nice…but…I think you would look even better if you were naked, don’t you think?’ Cillian said somewhat nervously and you nodded in agreement.
‘Well, I suppose I should strip for you and you should strip for me’ you giggled as you seductively took off your bra slowly, showing Cillian your perky breasts through the camera.
You heard him inhale sharply as he watched you and took his t-shirt off at the same time, leaving him in nothing but his CK briefs.
Without words you then scooted back on the bed and removed your undies, allowing him to watch before you sat down on the bed, spread eagle and naked, giving him a good view of your mound.
‘Jesus Y/N, you are so fucking beautiful and sexy…touch yourself for me, nice and slow’ Cillian breathed out and you let his soothing voice wash over you, knowing what he was trying to do and happily helping him succeed.
‘Like this?’ you moaned as you began to run circles over your clit with your fingers.
‘Yes, just like that babe’ Cillian groaned as he shuffled down his briefs and you were finally getting a good look of his hard cock.
‘Oh god, I want to stroke your cock so badly’ you moaned as you seductively opened your pussy lips with your fingers, opening yourself up before reaching for the black vibrator you kept in your bedside table.
‘Well, someone's particularly horny tonight’ Cillian chuckled as he watched you play with your pussy, and you could hear the smirk in his voice.
You mumbled a small "mhm," and he laughed.
‘Good, that's exactly how I like you, so naughty and needy’ Cillian said as he slowly began to stroke his hard member.
You barely registered his words enough to answer with another "mhm," but your subconscious managed it. Your weak answer elicited another delicious chuckle from the other end of the line.
"Why don't you show me how this little toy of yours works?” Cillian then asked as he watched you eagerly.
“I was just waiting for you to ask” you giggled as you began to run your fingers along your stomach and back up to your chest, leaving a trail of goosebumps their wake before reaching for the vibrator and turning it on.
“Put into your sweet pussy babe, let me see it” Cillian groaned and you moan in response, barely processing his words but still understanding enough to answer and do what he asked.
"I bet your pussy is already dripping” he said as you slid the vibrator into you slowly. He was right, you could feel your wetness pooling.
“I am so fucking wet and I wish it would be your cock inside me” you moaned as you began to stroke the toy in and out of you.
Cillian was groaning on the other side, his eyes full of lust and desire for you and you let out a quiet moan as you watched him with the same desire and hunger while you were pleasuring yourself.
“Good girl, keep going…” Cillian tells you and you moan again hearing it.
“Tell me how much you are aching for my cock” he then said you moaned again.
“I want your cock so badly, fuck…I want your cum inside me, dripping out of my wet little pussy” you moaned, eliciting a groan from Cillian as he began to stroke his cock harder and faster.
“Such a naughty needy girl, aren’t you? I can’t wait to be inside you again and make you cum over and over again” Cillian said with a laboured breath and you are barely listening at this point.
“I want you to cum for me and show me this dripping pussy when you do…I fucking love hearing your moans, so fucking sexy…common babe….let go” Cillian said, knowing that you were close and your orgasm rolled over you as soon as the word 'cum' left his lips, and although your sensitive clit was screaming at your hand to stop, you couldn't.
‘Oh god fuck, yes…’ you moaned as you came hard and fast.
“That’s it babe, don’t stop” he instructed as your moans continuously spilled from your mouth, and you were not even sure what you were saying or if you were forming words at all. The only thing in your head is a deliciously heavy fog and Cillian’s voice guiding you to do what he wanted.
“Don’t stop, keep fucking your sweet little pussy babe” Cillian ordered as he knew you weren’t done and, just as he did, you let out a high-pitched moan, bordering on a scream, as an even stronger orgasm washed over your body.
‘Cum for me babe…I want to see all this cum’ you moaned in return, focusing on the delicious image in front of you as Cillian was stroking his cock and, just when you finally come back down you heard Cillian groan loudly.
“Fuck” he groaned as he stroked his cock hard and fast you watched rope after rope of cum spurt onto his stomach.
‘Oh god, what a waste, I want to lick your cum off your skin so badly” you breathed out as Cillian came down from his high slowly and used a tissue to clean himself up.
‘Stop saying those things or you have to stay on the line for another twenty minutes at least’ Cillian chuckled as he could feel his manhood stir again.
‘Well, I think you shouldn’t cum again until you come to visit me in Galway the weekend after next…I want you to save it all for me’ you said, causing Cillian to cock an eyebrow as he pulled his briefs back up.
‘Fat chance babe’ he chuckled, knowing that going without an orgasm for nine days would be rather difficult for him.
Eventually, after a lot of begging, he agreed to try but he wouldn’t be able to make you any promises to this effect.
The following day, you went to work and then university thereafter but, when you eventually returned home, your father was in a worse mood than ever before.
‘Can you explain this to me?’ he asked angrily as soon as you walked through the door and you couldn’t help but gulp when he pointed to a white box which he had placed on the living room table.
‘You went through my personal belongings’ you huffed out as the box contained some lingerie and intimate items, including toys, that you were hiding in the bottom of your dresser.
‘Again Y/N, this is my house, my rules and I don’t want my daughter to own filth like this’ he said, after having heard small pieces of your conversation with Cillian on Skype the evening before.
It was obvious to you that your father was appalled and you were outraged that he had been snooping through your room and, as you would later learn, had even tried to access your computer.
‘I can’t fucking believe you dad. These are my personal belongings and you have no right to go through them’ you huffed out and, just as you did, you could feel a sharp strike across your face.
‘Get this shit out of my house and talk to me with some respect’ he said harshly, leaving you speechless and in tears as he walked away, leaving your cheek burning red.
   Tag List:
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
I'm sorry but i'm addicted to our boy Spamton- I have a little unique request here. So this takes place where Spamton just moves in the Queen's mansion, he meets the reader and immediately falls for their kind words and gestures. Weeks pass, and he goes to see them, but catches them talking and hanging out with Swatch.. He gets really jealous to the point of changing his style to match Swatch's
"Oh [y/n]! Have You Met Our Newest Guest?"
"Uh, I don't believe-"
"He's An Interesting Addison Who Made A Big Name For Himself! Ohohoho!" Queen laughed joyously, pausing to sip her glass of battery acid. "I Wonder How He Got So Rich...No Matter. As My Peon, I Order You Greet Him......Whenever It's Convenient For You."
"Sure thing. I'll go now." With a respectful nod, you set off to the mansion's guest chambers to meet this newcomer. You've lived here for a long time--and somewhat reluctantly since Queen decided to make you one of her peons one day. But life was actually pretty good.
It wasn't like you had anything better to do, so if she needed someone to help her with plans that..didn't seem all-that urgent, you'll offer your assistance. She let you stay in the mansion for free and never made you do anything if you weren't feeling up to it.
For a tyrannical ruler she was rather kind.
Yet you didn't wanna take advantage of her hospitality, so you'd just listen to whatever she says. And if she wants you to meet this celebrity as part of her endless lists of requests, then you'll happily oblige. But you were eager too since you've seen his face on TV a lot. It felt like an honor.
After wandering the corridors of deactivated puzzles, Mona Lisa-esque portraits, and meticulously-placed pottery, you finally arrived at the guest rooms. You hummed a small tune as you passed by each one, stopping when you noticed one door was open.
Peeking inside, you saw the Addison still setting up things. A phone was tucked between his shoulder and ear as he moved a box whilst rambling to whoever was on the other end of the line.
"Yea! I promise I won't let you down, okay? Soon I'll be bigger than ever before! I know I'm already a big shot but....haha, yeah, I shouldn't get carried away. Okay. Right..we'll discuss more of this tomorrow. Thanks!"
After hanging up the phone and returning it to the receiver, he finally noticed you and smiled. "Hey, hey! Haven't seen your face around here yet. But surely you know mine, right?"
"Yeah." You smiled, not wanting to shy away from talking with him. "Spamton, right?"
"Everybody's favorite number-one rated salesman!!" He laughed. "It's good you know me..'cuz soon ALL of Cyber World will know my name! It's a pleasure to meet you...?"
"[Y/n]. I'm one of Queen's peons." You shook his hand politely. The energy that radiated from him was so bright. Just as much as his pearly smile was.
Stepping inside, you glanced around at the luxurious furniture. He definitely got the higher-class rooms, with the addition of a large window that showed the neon green meridians that stretched across the night sky. It was certainly a beautiful view to fall asleep to. "Need help unpacking?"
"Oh--sure!!" At first Spamton seemed surprised by your offer, but he nodded. "If you want, be my guest. And while we unpack, I gotta ask you..how's it being Queen's peon?"
Weeks passed, and you've gotten to know Spamton more and more. You realized he was actually a sweet down-to-earth guy all around. Although he was on the phone a lot, he'd make time to hang out with you, so you two became fast friends.
He was truly living the best life. Posters of his car advertisements were littered all over the city, and the Swatchlings attended to his every need. Though one thing was hard to admit, even when it seemed like he had it all:
You were his only friend now that everyone else is intimidated by his status--as they would shy away from conversing with him--and the Addisons, well, abandoned him out of jealousy.
Obviously that made him worry about driving you away, especially when he's on the phone nonstop. But...the fact you've been so kind to him in every word and gesture, treating him like a regular person and not some untouchable celebrity, was quite endearing. Most admired him for his products, not his personality.
Your kindness made him fall for you hard and fast, ever since day one. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea; to let it get in the way of his business.
But what the hell? He was a big shot! He can afford to go a bit bigger and take more risks. Living in this mansion with someone who loved him would be the perfect dream.
There was a much bigger dream that his valued caller insisted he focused on, but that can come later.
So this morning, Spamton set out to find you to address these feelings once and for all. Yet he was rather nervous. Addisons were most confident in selling products, not so much...everything else. But he didn't wanna back down. He kept smiling no matter what.
As he checked inside the color café that he usually frequented, he saw you eating at the table. He noticed you weren't alone but with Swatch, talking and...
Laughing with them?
And just like that, his smile faded much like his hope.
Of course, the head butler had their ways to swoon people. He tried not to think of it as anything more than just their personality. It's just their way to entice returning customers.
That's all...right?
Spamton ducked behind one of the displays, listening in on your conversation to determine if he should proceed or not.
"By the way, we've known each other for a while and..I've always wanted to ask you something.."
"Yes? What is your inquiry?"
He held his breath. This is exactly what he feared. Knowing that you've been here longer, it's obvious you'd be closer to that damn bird-
"Your outfit."
Then he exhaled shakily, relieved. 'What are you getting so worked up for, idiot?' He thought in the back of his mind, but he continued eavesdropping.
"Did the Queen make it or give it to you? It's very stylish and really makes you stand out from the other Swatchlings."
"Ah, in fact I decided this look for myself." Swatch chuckled softly, raising a wing to adjust their glasses. "The tailor did marvelous work with my vision: black suit, tinted glasses. Very fashionable, is it not?"
"It is. I like it a lot."
"Why thank you. I see why our Lady Grace admires you. Just for that compliment, I'll give you a discount on any of our products in the gift shop."
"Should be every day if you ask me." You joked, earning another chuckle from them.
Seeing all of this and the way you two spoke like close friends was a jab in Spamton's heart-shaped object. 'So [y/n] likes people who stand out? Well I can stand out, too..' He thought bitterly as he stormed out of the shop without either of you knowing he was there.
Why should he settle with being a blank-slate Addison like the rest of them? He didn't consider himself one anymore.
Today, he told his valued caller, he was gonna be a whole new person.
It would help him get closer to both of his dreams, but there was only one on his mind now.
Later that night as you were getting ready for bed, you heard a knock at the door. You huffed in annoyance, assuming Queen needed you for something.
She had a knack for disturbing you at ungodly hours. But knowing better than to ignore her, you went to answer the door anyways-
To some strange black-haired guy in a black suit and white turtleneck sweater.
"Hi, um...can I help you?"
"[Y/n]? It's me."
"Yeah!" The salesman laughed, throwing his arms out and making a pose. "Whatdya think of me now?"
Perplexed, you looked him up and down. He ditched the lime-green pants, instead wearing white trousers. And his hair was slicked back. But what was most peculiar about him were his glasses, tinted with pink and yellow lenses.
Had you not known any better, you would've thought Swatch suddenly shrunk and became robotized.
"Cool but..you kinda look like Swatch a little bit. Was that on purpose?" You mused.
"...haha....yeah uh..funny story. Um.." He dropped the act, losing his trademark grin as he wondered how to explain himself and this sudden transformation. You could tell he wanted to talk inside the room, so you let him in and shut the door.
"I don't recall Queen mentioning any costume contest-"
"It's not a costume." He muttered, uncomfortably rubbing his hands together as he looked at you with sadness. "This is who I am now. The new me."
"..huh? You serious?" When he nodded, you frowned slightly. "I'm confused. You don't look like an Addison anymore-"
"That's the point...! I...I don't wanna be associated with them anymore. I decided to stand out, y'know? If you're gonna be a big shot, ya gotta stand out from the crowd!" He forced a laugh that sounded rather glitchy.
You didn't buy it. It wasn't like him to do this out of the blue.
"Spamton, why imitate Swatch of all people? And why out of the blue like this? I mean..I don't mind if you like their style. But I didn't even recognize you until you spoke."
Try as he might, he couldn't make any better excuses. So seeing that he was cornered made him finally admit his jealousy, overhearing your conversation with Swatch while he was browsing--when he really wasn't, but he didn't wanna come off as creepy.
His voice glitched further due to stress, accidentally blurting out some kind of...flirtatious term as he explained how much you meant to him since day one.
You weren't sure if he meant to say "hot single" on purpose. Though you were flattered that such a famous guy like him...actually had a crush on you, an ordinary Darkner who just fetched the Queen's stick wherever she threw it.
You found it hard to believe he thought of you that way..so you kept your own feelings buried. So to see that it's mutual was a relief, and it made you smile.
Spamton, on the other hand, was stressing the hell out. So much so he didn't even see your smile. He just saw himself being stupid the more he rambled on.
It was such a stupid, stupid reason to get insecure--to the point of changing his entire appearance without warning. All because you were friends with a butler who was doing their job???
How selfish can he get when he already had everything he wanted and more?
When he did acknowledge your small smile, he thought you were holding yourself back from laughing. But you had every right to laugh and call him a joke for thinking this will get your attention.
As he finished talking, he could see your smile fade and huffed. He waited for you to tell him how stupid he looks and to go back to being the plain old Addison you met.
Instead of ridiculing him you...hugged him?
At this point you were sitting on the bed together. Of course yours wasn't as massive as his was, but it was big enough for you two to share.
"Spammy, I'm flattered you like me in that way but...you didn't have to do all of this to get my attention. I promise there's nothing going on between Swatch and I. We're just friends. They're not replacing you or anything."
"I know, it's just.." Taking off the glasses, he set them aside before hugging you tightly, head buried in your chest. "I don't wanna lose the only person in this damn place who makes me feel like myself. Who loves me for me, not my success. And...I-I felt like I had to change something about myself to make sure of that."
"Well..you don't need to change anymore. I love you no matter what you look like."
He blinked, his face turning as red as his cheeks.
You could sense his embarrassment from the way he tensed up in your arms and chuckled, patting his hair softly. "Just..don't feel pressured to change for me..or anybody for that matter, okay? Or at least let me know if you're gonna change things up again."
"You don't think..I look stupid or creepy like this?"
"No. Honestly you look pretty handsome. Black hair suits you well."
Hearing those words made him breathe a small sigh of relief. He nodded and hugged you tighter.
His new looks were staying for good.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
an artist’s eye // Benedict Bridgerton
Summary: Benedict Bridgerton was an artist, even if his inspiration had no idea of what he feels.
A/N: I promise to slow down with the fics! I go back to work in a couple of days anyway so I’ll definitely slow down. I hope you all like! It’s shorter than my last few fics so I’m sorry for that!! My taglist is open so if you’d like to be on it, let me know and I am considering opening my requests for Bridgerton fics... considering.
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of food and drink, pining, mutual pining, sketching, art, drawing (I am not an artist, I cannot draw a stick man so I apologise in advance), kissing.
Word count: 1.8k
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The graphite point sits heavy in his hand as Benedict struggles to remember the lines he needs. With only his memory to aid him, Benedict struggled more with the portraits he preferred to draw than the landscapes that were growing increasingly popular among the highest of London society.
Sighing, Benedict presses his fingers to his eyes as if it will help jumpstart his memory to bring forward the correct image he needs. He regrets the action as quick as he had done it when he thinks of the mixture of graphite and charcoal coating his fingers.  
Rubbing his face with the sleeve of his shirt, he feels a moment of pity for the servants who would no doubt grumble and complain at the state of it. However, as he glances down at the sketch – the arch of his subject’s smile, the depths of their eyes – he cannot bring himself to care too much.
It wouldn’t see the light of day. Once complete, the sketchbook would be tucked away in the drawer in his desk. If it was to fall into the wrong hands, then as much as he is confident of his artistic talent, he would not recover from the fallout. Benedict worries for the day that the look in your eyes changes; once you realise the extent of his feelings for you.
He hadn’t meant to fall in love with you, but he had. There were a lot of things in Benedict’s life that he hadn’t meant to do and has regretted completing such an action once done. However, he cannot find it in himself to feel bad about falling in love with you even when he had not meant to.
As much as he puts on airs and graces, he would not approach you with his feelings. He wasn’t ready though you made his heart sing like no other.
One day, he tells himself as he finally remembers the swoop of your neckline. One day he will tell you as he picks up his graphite point and charcoal once more.
Not yet, however.
The drawing room remains quiet as Benedict silently adds to his sketch collection. His mother sits across the room, content with a stitching pattern for the arrival of Daphne’s new baby. Eloise lounges on the couch, a book in her hand and a box of chocolates on her stomach, eyes pouring over the pages hungrily.
The only sound in the room is the roughness of his pencil on the paper. It didn’t matter what angle he approached this drawing at, he could not get it to look right. It was going to vex him until he had bested it.
“Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N) has arrived,” The Butler announces to which Benedict suddenly sits up straighter, closing his sketchbook, leaving it on the table.
“Wonderful,” Violet Bridgerton smiles, “Show them up, please.”
“I didn’t know (Y/N) was calling today,” Benedict comments lightly as the Butler disappears from the room, trying to sound as if his heart isn’t currently pounding in his chest.
“(Y/N) always calls on a Thursday,” Eloise states, voice puzzled. She shares a look of confusion with her mother when Benedict suddenly stands, announcing to them both, “I shall clean myself up a bit, make myself look presentable for our guest.”
The look of confusion soon turns into one of understanding as both women watch their son and brother dash from the room. As if at the same time, a smile crosses both their faces when they realise that their beloved son and brother has fallen in love and with a dear friend of the family too.
They do not get to discuss the topic, however, for you are shown to the drawing room, greeting both women with a large smile and buoyant conversation.
“Help yourself to tea and biscuits, dear,” Violet invites, gesturing to the tea service now being laid on the table. Your stomach rumbles at the sight of the biscuits, unable to turn down the buttery goodness.
“Thank you,” You reply, taking a seat at the table, reaching for a biscuit and the teapot.
It’s then that you see it. A leatherbound book left on the other side of the table, barely hidden by the cake stand of treats.
Curiosity being your besetting sin, you reach for the leatherbound book on the table and begin to flick through the pages. A sketch of a pair of hands at the beginning; they hold a single flower – a rose, though what colour is impossible to tell since the sketch remains firmly in shades of greys and blacks. Enraptured, you turn the page to find a detailed image of a parasol, still sketched in the same greys and blacks as the previous picture. The artist has captured the lace trimming perfectly. The longer you stare at it, you come to realise that the parasol is being held by someone, but it isn’t clear who.
It isn’t until you reach a sketch of your side portrait that you come to realise that the previous sketches – the hands, the parasol with just a hint of a shadow under it – they’re of you.
They’re all of you. Each stunning sketch is of you.
Your breath quickens in your chest when you see who the sketchbook belongs to; when you spy the initials written on the inside sleeve of the front cover. ‘B.B.’ written in his elegant script – an artist in every aspect of his life. Whilst you had observed that Benedict sometimes appeared with smudges to his fingers and paint stains on the cuffs of his tailored white shirt, you had never seen a sketch or a painting until now. He truly had a gift; a talent worthy of being displayed in Somerset House.
You hadn’t been aware of his feelings for you though, but you would not be the first to admit that you found yourself attracted to the Bridgerton. Taught at a young age, you knew it was not wise to share such feelings with others. Instead, you dampened them down, hiding them away where they grew unattended – they rooted in your heart, making it very difficult to find another love worthy.
Bringing a hand to your mouth, you hide your smile, not wanting to give too much away to ever observant Bridgerton matriarch. You turn page after page, letting yourself fall deeper into your feelings for Benedict now that you find there is hope of them being requited.
Benedict’s breath leaves his body in one fell swoop when he returns to the drawing room and he realises exactly what you hold in your hand. He hadn’t moved it upon your announcement; he thought he had, but instead, like a fool, he left it sitting there on the table.
A fool. He was a fool. How quick, Benedict thinks to himself, how quick a life can change – mere minutes he had been gone and now he was to have his love for you outed.
You haven’t noticed his presence yet, and for that Benedict is thankful. It gives him time to come up with something – anything – to explain the numerous sketches of you. His mind is running too fast; he cannot come up with a thought good enough to excuse the sketches in his book. His heart continues to pound in his chest; it had not slowed down since your announcement though at this point it reminds him that is, indeed, alive and not suffering from a night terror.
As if finally sensing the extra person in the room, you glance up. Your eyes meeting the deep blue of Benedict’s, and you freeze in your spot. Violet and Eloise glance between the two of you. Violet, not one to usually ignore tradition, hurries her daughter from the room – knowing the conversation that was about to take place.
“I’m sorry,” You whisper at the click of the door shutting. You close the sketchbook, placing it on the table as far away from you as possible to keep your temptation at bay.
“I think I should be the one apologising,” Benedict confesses, taking one more step into the room. He tucks his hands behind his back, ever the picture of grace and elegance as he thinks of how long he has left without before your opinion of him changes forever – artistic talent or not.
“I knew you were an artist; I had seen the smudges on your hands, but I didn’t think…”
“I didn’t think you were drawing me.”
“Surely you know?” He asks, voice loud in the quiet room. When you remain silent, he continues, “Surely you know of my feelings for you?”
You shake your head, eyes glancing between the taller Bridgerton and the leatherbound sketchbook lying on the table. “I didn’t know,” You whisper, voice breaking as you take in the distraught look on his face.
“Well,” Benedict murmurs, clearing his throat, “You know of them now.”
“I do,” You murmur,
“I hope I haven’t offended you,” Benedict remarks, “Those sketches were not meant to be seen by anyone else.”
“Only if I haven’t offended you by looking through them.”
Benedict shakes his head, “You could never offend me.”
“Then I am not offended either. I’m quite flattered, you’re very talented.”
“Thank you,” Benedict says graciously, nodding his head slightly.
“You need to know that your feelings are returned, Benedict,” You declare suddenly and plainly, displaying your feelings for all to see.
“They are?” Benedict asks, voice awed as if he didn’t take into account this reaction.
“They are,” You state firmly, meeting his gaze proudly as if you could ever be ashamed of your feelings for the brunette.
Benedict stalks across the room; tradition and etiquette be damned as he reaches for your hand to pull you from your chair. His hands settle on your waist as you tilt your head back to look at him. A silent question reflects in his eyes to which you answer with a nod of your head.
His hands move from your waist to cradle your face as he dips down, pressing his lips to yours. It isn’t hurried; it’s perfect as Benedict takes control of the kiss, groaning softly at the feel of your mouth and your body pressed against him. You smile into the kiss as your arms wrap around Benedict’s neck, pulling him ever closer to you.
Benedict’s mouth brushes against yours as he asks, “Would you like to accompany me to Lady Danbury’s ball next week?”
“As in you would court me?”
Benedict chuckles softly, “Yes. I would like to court you, is that okay?”
“More than okay,” You smile before pressing a kiss to the corner of Benedict’s mouth and stepping away.
Turning back to the sketchbook, you open it to image that had kickstarted your heart into an irregular rhythm. Benedict stands by your side as your eyes pour over his sketch; each line and angle, each section of shading. “You truly have an artist’s eye,” You say quietly, tangling your hands together.
“Thank you,” Benedict whispers, bringing your entwined hands up to his mouth whereupon he lays a gentle kiss to the back of your gloved hand.
“Will you show me more?” You ask, turning to face the man that had turned you into a work of art.
“Darling, I’ll show you them all.”
Bridgerton Taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore @dreaming-about-fanfictions @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown @janelongxox @aspiringsloth20 @wallwriterstuff​ @magicalxdaydream​
723 notes · View notes
atinymonster · 4 years
[cont. of LOVEBUG] help, jiyu!
ateez 9th member.
what went on in the boyz’s dorms after sunwoo and jiyu became official.
requested by a lovely anon <3 also, apologies for the really long wait in between updates and requests! :(
➴ masterlist
➴ taglist: @galacticstxrdust, @jiyeons-closet, @banhmi07, @jaeminpeachy
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It was like lightning struck the dorm—everyone instantly shot up from their beds and practically stormed Sunwoo’s room. Changmin was staring wide-eyed at Sunwoo’s phone, whilst Eric was currently escaping Sunwoo’s wrath.
“Are we dreaming or did we hear Changmin say Sunwoo has a girlfriend?” Sangyeon sleepily muttered, rubbing his eyes to try and keep himself awake.
Changmin hopped off Sunwoo’s bed and showed the phone to the eight sleepy boys. “Look, look!” Upon Changmin’s excited yelps, they all leaned closer to the tiny device and read the messages. 
Out of the corner of his eye (as he was practically manhandling Eric), he saw all of their eyes widen and he instantly felt his stomach and sanity drop to his toes. He was in for a whole lot of questions, not to mention endless amounts of teasing. “Wait—”
Before he could explain himself, the boys erupted in shouts of awe, happiness, or just plain cringe from the amount of lovey-dovey messages. He sighed as his grip on Eric loosened. Eric took that chance to escape from Sunwoo. “You should be thanking me!” he fake glared. 
“For exposing my secret to her?!”
“For helping you!”
“Do you know what’s funny, though?” Hyunjae laughed as he scrolled back up to a particular part of the chat log. “Sunwoo was claiming that he would make the first move a while ago, but it turns out Jiyu did it first.”
Sunwoo snatched the phone away. “Leave me alone, at least it ended with us feeling mutual,” he smirked. Despite poking at his members, he still couldn’t believe it. It all felt like a fever dream, or something that his subconsciousness brewed up. He had pinched his arm multiple times before rereading the messages. And it never changed, he wasn’t dreaming.
“His back may be towards us, but I can tell Sunwoo has a really dreamy yet creepy smile on his face, someone take the phone away from him,” Chanhee pointed out. 
Younghoon quietly leaned over Sunwoo’s shoulder to peer at his phone, and he couldn’t help the giggle that escaped when he saw him scrolling up and down to reread the messages. Sunwoo whipped back, and seeing Younghoon’s face right by his shoulder, he immediately turned his phone off. 
“I haven’t seen him this excited since Road to Kingdom,” Younghoon teasingly laughed. 
“No, I definitely think he’s way more excited now,” Haknyeon added. “His ears are red.”
All of their heads whipped to Eric, who had sneakily dialed Jiyu when they were so entranced with Sunwoo’s successful love confession. Sunwoo immediately dove towards Eric. “Are you kidding me right now, Eric?!”
Eric put Jiyu on speaker. “JIYU! YOUR BOYFRIEND’S TRYING TO MURDER ME!” he yelped as he started running away from Sunwoo for the second time that night.  
“Well no one told you to provoke him!” they heard Jiyu remark. “And why did you call me?”
“I was actually going to Facetime you so you could see what you did to Sunwoo, but judging from—AHH I’M SORRY SUNWOO!” The poor boy was tackled down onto the bed by Sunwoo, who grabbed a pillow and started wacking him with it. 
“I feel like we should help him, but it’s pretty amusing to watch,” Hyunjae commented. “It’s not often we see Sunwoo this flustered since he’s always the one teasing us.”
“...Guys, please lower your tone before we actually receive a noise complaint from the neighbors,” Kevin meekly advised, not wanting to be caught within their screaming matches. However, it was like his warning bounced off the two wrestling boys since they paid him no attention. 
“Well...I need to go since we have a recording schedule tomorrow, so...good luck Eric! I’ll check up on you and Sunwoo tomorrow morning if I get the chance! Bye!” Jiyu frantically hung up. 
Hearing the three rings indicating Jiyu had hung up, Sunwoo and Eric froze mid–pillow attack to stare at his phone. The others waited with bated breath for their next move, almost a little to eager.
“Again...you’re welcome,” Eric mumbled, praying that he wasn’t going to get smacked full force with the pillows once again.
Sighing, Sunwoo climbed off the bed and pinched his nosebridge. “Fine...just this one time...thanks,” he mumbled before running off back into his own shared room, closing the door, and locking it.
Staring after the shy boy, Chanhee smirked. “The tips of his ears were totally red.”
“He’s probably rereading the messages again and blushing,” Hyunjae theorized.
At that moment, Sunwoo was indeed rereading the messages while curled up underneath his covers and happily giggling to himself.
“Ahh, my two best friends are finally togeth—wait, that means I’m the third wheel?!”
“Eric, why did that take you so long to realize?” Jacob laughed.
Kevin incredulously stared at the closed door across the hall. “Can we talk about where I’m sleeping tonight if Sunwoo locked the door to our room?”
160 notes · View notes
Shower Friends (Miya Atsumu x F!reader)
The dorm you live in has co-ed bathrooms. Why that’s remotely a good idea is beyond you; and recently, your precious shower time is being interrupted by a certain blonde haired setter for the volleyball team. When he lies to his teammates that he has a girlfriend, somehow you get roped into his scheme.
genre(s): college!au, fake dating, angst, fluff, mutual pining, enemies to lovers (kinda), eventual smut (maybe)  words: 3.5k
a/n: ah the sweet sweet smell of mutual pining. also 3 more chapters are planned, not written yet though bc i just decided i’d be writing them lmao. hopefully can get started on that this weekend and post them next week 🤗
taglist:  @apollochjld @kurosarium @vicassa @carbs-need-more-love @underratedmage @idek-at-thispoint @wtfeverbrandi @food8me @yikes-buddy @ntimacy @nyxiie @oikawasbooty @chocolate3010 @sugawarabby @greenyiplier @kritiiiii @tokyosdawn @youstydiaa @h3llok1ttygirl 
one | two 
Chapter Three
“You want me to help you with what?” You ask, a bit stunned when he showed up at the door, a terribly annoying but also cute pleading expression on his face.
He groans, his shoulders hunching forward in exasperation. “Ya really gunna make me repeat it?”
You peer closer at the top of his head and see that he’s being serious. The roots of his hair growing in are a dark brown and it had never even occurred to you that he dyes his hair the blonde color you’re so used to. “No, but why do you need my help?”
This is so embarrassing. Normally his roommate or a teammate can help him but none of them are available today and he’s already let the roots grow longer than he likes. But when one of them suggested you help him out instead, something inside him rebelled. For some reason, the thought of having you dye his hair for him made him uncomfortable, like he’s showing you an intimate part of him. This hair has been a part of him so long he can’t remember the last time he’d let it grow out.
“I can’t see if I got everything,” he admits. It took a lot of pacing around his room and staring at his roots for him to get up the courage to come over here to ask you. He can’t really explain why he was so against it, especially since you don’t seem to mind after you got over the initial shock of realizing this isn’t his natural hair.
A wave of relief washes over him when you sigh, conceding, “Alright. Just let me change into something I can get bleach on. I’ll meet you at your dorm.”
While he waits for you, he busies himself with mixing the dye together so it’s ready for you, and when you arrive in a t-shirt and shorts with paint splatters all over them, he mentally kicks himself for thinking about how even wearing something so simple you still look better than anyone he’s ever seen. Crossing your arms, you motion for him to take a seat at his desk. Before he does so, he reaches behind his neck to grab at the collar of his shirt and pull it over his head.
You stand there dumbfounded for a moment, it taking you a second to process that he’s now standing before you shirtless and you’re free to ogle his muscular chest and arms to your hearts content. He doesn’t pay any attention to you, knowing if he meets your gaze, he won’t be able to stop the heat threatening to crawl up his neck. Instead, he wraps a towel around his waist to protect his shorts and sits in the chair to wait for you.  
Except now, you have free reign to stare at his back, which is just as defined as the front of him and you need a few more seconds to reel your thoughts back.
“Whaddya waitin’ for darling?” He drawls, throwing you a glance over his shoulder, not expecting you to be standing there frozen, eyes pinned to his now bare chest.
He opens his mouth to tease you further, but your eyes snap to his and you practically shout, “Do you have another towel?” He just cocks a brow and then points to his closet where another towel is hanging on a hook. Snatching it, you return to him and drape it over his shoulders, hiding most of his annoyingly toned body. “Don’t want to get any bleach on your skin,” you explain, no way in hell ever admitting to him that you’re finding it hard to focus with him on display like that.
Absentmindedly, he hands you one of the clips he bought a long time ago, one that’s almost completely bleached itself and you start running your fingers through his hair to section it. He closes his eyes, focusing intently on the soothing sensation of your fingers on his scalp, doing his best not to groan out loud at how good it feels. With anyone else, this isn’t anything special, normally he sits as patiently as he can whilst trying not to annoy whoever is doing his hair (lest they decide to ‘mess up’ as punishment). But with you, it’s a different feeling entirely.
It's jarringly intimate as you clip his hair back and reach over him to grab the plastic gloves that came with the dye. Lathering up the applicator brush, you start slathering it onto his hair, trying your hardest to make sure it’s evenly distributed and surrounding each strand. As you do so, you ask, “How long have you been doing this?”
He resists the urge to shrug, not wanting to jostle you, replying, “Osamu and I started in middle school.”
“Osamu dyes his hair too?”
“Yeah, he goes for gray. But I’d heard blondes have more fun so—here we are.”
He grits his teeth as your fingers skim over his scalp, glad for the towel you wrapped around him to hide the goosebumps skittering along his bare skin.
“Let me guess,” you muse. “You guys did it because people couldn’t tell you apart?”
“That,” he laughs, “And we thought it would look cool. The first time we did it, it looked like shit.”
Your answering laugh warms his heart as you unclip a section of hair and keep working. “I can’t imagine your mom being too happy about it.”
“Livid. We got bleach everywhere.”
You laugh, continuing to move through his hair methodically. It doesn’t take very long as you’re just dying his roots and they weren’t that bad to begin with, contrary to what Atsumu thinks. When you finish, he gives you a sheepish look and has to swallow his pride to ask you to help him wash it out. Every time he’s tried to do it himself, he always ends up leaving a huge chunk of bleach somewhere.
You oblige, following him to the bathroom, not bothering to care about the looks you get along the way. If they want to stare at a shirtless Atsumu and then glare at you for having that all to yourself, that’s their prerogative. It does wonders for your confidence, regardless that all of this is a ruse.
Luckily, the bathroom is empty and Atsumu dutifully bends over the sink to let you start washing the dye out of his hair. He’s immensely grateful his eyes are shut, and his face is shoved into the sink to hide his flushed cheeks as he thoroughly enjoys your fingers running through his hair. The sensation of your fingernails lightly scraping over his scalp makes him ball his fists as he has to bite his lip to keep from making any sounds.
You’re unbothered, until you notice the towel has slipped from his shoulders and with the way he’s bracing himself against the counter every muscle in his back and arms is on display for you to see. It’s an effort to continue your task as if nothing is wrong and force yourself to look off into the distance instead of eyeing him up.
It’s no easy feat. Especially when you finish and he rises, scrubbing at his face with the discarded towel before moving on to his hair. You press your lips into a firm line and let yourself indulge just a little bit looking at the way his muscles flex with the movement, droplets from his damp hair trailing down the planes of his chest towards the waistband of his shorts and—your attention is broken at the sound of him chuckling and you snap your gaze to his.
You find him staring at you with mischief sparkling in his eyes, so you speak before he can tease you. “Is that it?”
“We have to actually dye it now.”
“Oh.” You turn on your heels desperate to escape his gaze. “Let’s go then.” A smirk plays across his lips, but he refrains from teasing you, solely because he very much enjoyed the way you were looking at him and doesn’t want you to stop.
And yeah—sue him if he thinks about your hands in his hair for the rest of the day. In the end, he might be a little grateful no one else was available to help him.
When mid-semester break arrives, it comes as a surprise that you actually miss each other. What surprises you even further, is that he’s the one to bring it up. Within the first night, he video calls you, a sheepish expression on his face, explaining he needed someone to complain to.
“What do you mean?” You teased. “Sounds like you’re getting stuffed with good food from Osamu and you have plenty to brag about.” You winked, smiling devilishly at him and pointing to yourself. You’re only joking. Slightly. You aren’t sure what will come about if he tells his family about you, or if that’s even a good idea. It’d be much easier to break this off cleanly without the involvement of each other’s families.
He sighs, flopping down on his bed and scrubbing his face with one hand. “They’re just dyin’ to meet you now.”
Your brows lift, half-expecting him to have tried to keep this a secret. “You told them?”
“I wasn’t gunna,” he explains. “But apparently some college sports news channel caught um—,” he coughs awkwardly, remembering very vividly this day, yet the two of you haven’t acknowledged it since. “Our—uh—celebration.”
Eyes widening, you stare at him a moment before the both of you burst out laughing. Between your giggles you manage to say, “Oops.”
Laughing alongside you, he grins, despite the pang in his heart at the voice in his head desperately trying to remind him all of this isn’t real. You aren’t his girlfriend and the moment all of this ends, you probably won’t bat an eye at him ever again. He hates how much that hurts.
Forging onward towards his demise he discloses, “I am now a very proud owner of a very jealous brother now, so thank you.”
That only makes you keep grinning, setting a hand on your cheek and dramatically saying, “What? Of little ol’ me?”
He fights the urge to tell you that yes—jealous of little ol’ you. The girl who is slowly becoming the girl of his dreams. The beautiful, funny girl who deals with him and everything that comes with him. He swallows all that, keeping the mood and saying, “He refuses to let me try any of his onigiri. A crime, really.”
“Of the highest caliber,” you agree, stifling your laughter. “Though I’m sure you steal some when he isn’t looking.”
“Yeah, but he caught me and hit me on the head with his spoon.”
“How dare he. Lucky for me, my family is clueless.”
“What do they think yer doin’ right now then?”
Shrugging you say, “I told them I had a project to work on with a classmate. Which isn’t entirely a lie, I do have a project to work on. But someone interrupted.”
He smirks. “Wonder who that could be.”
“Beats me.” His responding grin does something to you that’s been happening a lot more frequently lately. Making you feel like all the air has been punched out of you and like your heart is going to beat out of your chest. Though, you’ve gotten quite good at hiding it.
In the distance, you hear someone calling his name. He panics, it’s bad enough his family knows about you now, but he isn’t sure if he’s ready for them to meet you. Especially Osamu, who he has the sinking feeling is already suspicious of this. It’ll be a miracle if he can slip this by him.
“Gotta go!” He says quickly, and before he ends the call, he hears you chuckle and say, “Beware the spoon.”
Every day his situation only gets worse.
The next night he can’t get Osamu off his back. Enough that when he tries to retreat to his bedroom to give you a call, pathetically missing you again, Osamu bursts in when he’s about two minutes into the video call with you. He tries to shove him out, embarrassed and afraid Osamu will see straight through him. But Osamu is stubborn, and he hears you laughing on the other end of the call before saying, “Aww, Atsumu won’t you at least let me try to charm the pants off him?”
He grits his teeth, the thought that he wants you to charm the pants off of him, not his brother flitting through his head before he can stop it. But he relents, letting Osamu sit backwards on his desk chair to join the conversation.
He isn’t sure how, but somehow you get Osamu to believe this is real in a matter of minutes. You have him laughing and talking about culinary school and he almost feels jealous that your attention is now on Osamu instead of him. It’s a ridiculous notion, he knows it, but it doesn’t stop him from keeping the camera on him as much as possible.
When the call ends, Osamu looks at him seriously, and for a moment Atsumu thinks he’s just been pretending to believe you this entire time. However, he breaks into a smile and smacks him on the back saying, “Got yerself a keeper, there.”
Atsumu tries to grin with as much sincerity as he can. Yeah—he knows he does. But that isn’t going to stop this from ending.
That night, both of you go to bed feeling like you’re getting in too deep.
And as per usual, when school starts back up again, neither of you bring it up. You’re happy to keep ignoring it, hating yourself for liking this arrangement and him more and more every day. It sad really, how much time in your day is spent thinking about him. Wondering if there’s any possibility that the two of you could just transition to a real relationship. Because to you, that’s already what this is. Nothing would change, but at least you’d stop feeling guilty every time you enjoy his hand in yours or the soft press of his lips to the top of your head.
A few days after returning to school, you find yourself alone with him in his dorm room studying. He’s sitting at his desk, hunched over a textbook while you lay on his bed, head propped up by an elbow. You can feel your eyes drooping, the words blurring together, it becoming harder and harder to stay awake. His bed is too comfortable and smells overwhelmingly like him, a scent you’ve come to enjoy every time you’re pressed up against him. A mixture of his body wash and the ever-present faint smell of the volleyball court. Eventually you’re powerless against the solace of sleep.
When Atsumu notices you, his heart jumps into his throat. You look so serene and peaceful, your chest rising and falling ever so slightly, part of him wants to crawl in beside you and press his face into your neck and fall asleep right along with you.
But he too has begun to feel like this game has gone too far. The moment he had to tell his family, lie to Osamu, he knew he’d crossed a line. It isn’t fair to you. No longer does he need to pretend for his teammates that he can have a serious relationship, there isn’t a reason to torture himself and keep you tied to him anymore.
Yet, thinking about not being without you, no longer eating lunch together, studying together, or having you in the stands at his games wrenches his heart in such a way he actually feels like it’s crumpling inside his chest. He hasn’t been able to admit it, but at some point along the way, he thinks he fell in love with you. And it just hurts too much to keep pretending. Especially when you’re only doing this for peace and quiet during your showers.
For you, he shouldn’t drag this on any longer.
So, a couple days later, you texted him telling him you were in the library and can join him anytime if he wants. A harmless text, one you’ve sent him many times since this whole thing started, but this one makes his heart sink. Knowing this is the opportunity he’s been waiting for to talk to you. He tries to not think about it, trying to let volleyball take over his thoughts, but it’s futile. All he can think about is saying those words to you, and how it’s quite possibly going to utterly destroy him.
But you take it well, as he expects, squashing the hope that you might feel something for him too.
That night in the library feels particularly lonely. There’s no quick-witted remark from the boy who carved himself a place in your life, no one there to make you laugh when you’re struggling with a problem. Instead, you’re met with nothing but the darkness and silence of the library. It’s almost too much to bear, and once the silence starts closing in on you—you force yourself to leave, refusing to let yourself wallow.
The next weeks are hard. He never imagined that he’d think that after all of this was over. He keeps showering in the mornings to avoid you and uphold the deal you two struck months ago. He ignores the empty hole in his chest when he eats lunch without you, or studies late alone. The most jarring thing is your absence at his games. He constantly finds himself searching the crowd for your face, before remembering you won’t be there. He misses that intense gaze he could always feel on his back, the one that kept him awake at night when he let his thoughts run wild.
He feels as though something has been ripped from his life, leaving nothing but a gaping hole behind that seems intent on devouring him whole.
The same can be said for you.
Who knew you’d ever miss his teasing remarks while you shower? Or miss how you could complain to him endlessly about classes and then have him comfort you in the warm solace of his arms? Even the little things like walking to class together, now that you do it alone, it feels like there’s something missing.
The two you go on like that, thinking of the other every night before sleeping, tossing and turning with the thought of what could have been.
And eventually, you reach the point where you’re over it. Over pining after him day after day, peering out your door to make sure he isn’t around, or taking detours just to avoid him in the hallways. You’re over it. Enough that you’re willing to swallow your pride and confess to him, even if he doesn’t feel the same way—maybe you can fucking move on then.
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you stomp to his dorm room, his roommate opening the door; his eyes widening upon seeing you. Immediately, he grabs his keys saying into the room, “I forgot I need to go to the store Atsumu, see you later.”
He leaves no time for Atsumu to protest, out the door in a matter of moments, leaving you standing in the doorway. Atsumu is just sitting in his desk chair, looking dumfounded at you, having fully expected to never see you again.
The gears in his head grind to a halt as you say, “This is stupid.”
He gives you a bewildered look, unsure what exactly you mean by that.
You steel your courage and press on. “I like you. And you like me. I think. And all this pretending that we don’t is stupid.”
After a few moments, his lips curve into a smile, the mischievous one you used to hate but now feel relief seeing. He can’t help the joy building in his chest at your confession. How many sleepless nights thinking about this very moment did he endure?
“You said it,” he teases.
Despite giving him a look, you do nothing to stop the grin rising to your lips. “Well, it didn’t seem like you were going to.”
His smile only widens, and he motions you into the room. “Get yer butt over here already.”
You move on instinct, striding into the room and climbing into his lap, settling your legs on either side of his you wrap your arms around his neck. The overwhelming sense that yes—this is exactly where you want to be, washes over you. He smirks up at you, his large hands resting at your waist, waiting for your next move.
“I can’t believe I actually missed that stupid smirk,” you say, lowering your lips to his, fingers slipping into the short hair at the base of his neck.
His smile hasn’t faltered, muttering against your lips teasing, “Does this mean I can shower at night again?”
A laugh bubbles out of you, but he smothers it in another kiss and refuses to let go.
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ktheist · 4 years
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final installment to the to my dear friend series.
prompt.“don’t confuse your party friends with your real friends.” (x)
muses. jungkook x reader
genre. university au. fwb. f2l.
words. 8.9k
first installment. friend in me.
warnings. implied smut, mentions of name calling
synopsis. the goody-two-shoes. the girl who always sits in one of the front rows in class. that girl that has literal models as friends while she comes to classes in sweats.
you identify with all of these.
but what you don’t ever want to be known as, is that freaky girl who had sex at a semi-public place, in the back room of the student lounge with the most drool-worthy man at the faculty.
and that’s exactly what kim namjoon, your ex-boyfriend, manifested when he publicly announced to everyone from your faculty of your oh-so-sweet time together, “come on, ___, everyone wants to know if you begged me to be your first and how we fucked in the back room of the student lounge.”
the moment jeon jungkook’s name which you have saved as koo, flashes across the screen - time stops. so does your heart as you meet taehyung’s eyes which were just fixed on your phone before you flip it over and press the stickers engraved case with the your hand as though afraid he might be able to see through the aluminum and read the text jungkook sent you.
which is just-
koo: heyy
“um, excuse me,” jisoo, having been more focused on the group you lowly pointed out to be stealing glances your way and unlike you, she’s in the middle of raising her hand with an index finger pointing upwards, deep maroon lips pursed in annoyance as the group begins to whisper amongst them and looking back at your table as though in disbelief that someone would actually call them out, “yes, you guys - especially the girl with the fake channel jacket - ever heard of minding your damn business?”
“jisoo,” you hiss, yanking her hand back down and slamming it against the table, “i don’t care, they can say whatever they-“
“at least have the decency to be original if you wanna shit talk someone,” lisa speaks over you, as though she can’t hear your protest.
“taehyung, stop them,” you lean over the table in a hushed whisper, catching the man’s blank gaze whilst he slurps on his smoothie as though he sees nothing wrong with the whole setting. and it’s definitely not the nasty bruise around his eyes that’s impairing his vision - nor judgement for that matter.
“what?” he chirps, willfully unaware of the tension in the air.
“oh god,” you finally slump into your seat, head lowered in an attempt to let your tresses fall over your face and cover it as you pretend to rub the temple of your head, hoping - wishing a hole would open and up and swallow you right here and now.
hurried footsteps of the group trying to pretend like they’re not in a rush pass behind you. words like, “rude much?”, “ugh, we don’t even care”, “attention whore.” among other things echoing in murmurs into the air before the tranquil blanket of silence settles back over the vicinity.
lisa’s glare of death takes on a much cheerful light as she grins at the older girl as they high five over the table.
“guys, thanks but you didn’t have to do that,” is the first thing you say after you lift your head, a half-hearted smile on your lips, “i don’t really care and quite honestly they have every right to be here as much as we do.”
“sweetie, the fact that you were laughing with us just a minute ago and stopped all of a sudden means you do care,” jisoo says pointedly, deep maroon lips pursed together in a ‘don’t lie to me’ manner and once she sees your lips clamping together and possibly said lie getting swallowed into your throat, she continues, “- and that’s completely valid. they should’ve know to keep their mouths shut if they wanna eat here too.”
“okay, maybe i do care but i can’t stop them from stealing glances or pointing me out to anyone who doesn’t know me or doesn’t know how i look which i’m sure is just meh,” before lisa could interject, you hold up a finger, “i know i can look pretty at times,” you offer an assuring smile before sighing at your next words, “but honestly, at this point, i can literally hear the ‘that’s the girl that tricked namjoon into dating her last year’ everywhere i go and i’m kind of used it.”
“but you didn’t trick him and he started it first,” taehyung doesn’t exactly slam the cup onto the table but he doesn’t gently set it down either and the sound is audible enough the little corner you’ve booked for yourselves.
“does it matter? that’s what word has it around here anyway,” shrugging, you take a spoonful of the vanilla ice cream into your mouth.
“it sucks,” jimin, ever the listener and the one person who’s never put his phone down until now, finally speaks the word of the day - not a particularly profound one but they fit the situation, “but i mean, this’ll all blow over in a month.”
almost as though they share the same wavelength, lisa and jisoo begin grumbling out protests
“ugh, jimin.” lisa narrows her eyes at him, face contorted in disgust while jisoo gasps, wide-eyed, “park jimin, i raised you better than this.”
“what?” the man in question - questions, crescent eyes turning into a pair of full moons, shining with utter confusion as he looks he repeats the same word over an over again with increasing remorse, “no- seriously, what did i say?”
“it’s easy for you,” jeongyeon chirps from next to you, perfect nude acrylics gleaming mutedly as she holds a fry she stole from his plate in the air, “you’re a guy,” and only then she pops the fry into her mouth.
“where did she come from?” a frown etches itself onto taehyung’s face as he stares at the newcomer as though she grew another head.
“unless jeongyeon has witchery powers then my best bet is through the door,” shrugging, you pick up the vapor dotted cup, the sound of ice clicking against each other as you twirl the straw around gets drowned by the series of agreement from the two girls.
“what does that even mean?” with hair mussed from and eyes almost as wide as a mad man in search for the truth - the only thing he’s missing is an overgrown unkept beard - jimin’s raised voice brings you back to the issue at hand, spurred by jeongyeon’s ominously vague prophecy.
“it means,” you set the cup down after sipping on the chocolatey goodness , “guys get worshipped like some sex god when their body counts get exposed and people will be lining up to get laid by him but when it’s a girl who gets her, for once, healthy sex life and keeps to one partner like me gets ‘exposed,’” hands raised, you curl your index and middle fingers inwards in an indicative nature, “let’s just say it doesn’t really help me climb up the social ladder.” 
shrugging, you continue, “like yeah, maybe it’ll blow over like you said and our friends probably don’t care - they’re treating me the same but i can see our mutual friends becoming distant even though they don’t show but just this morning i went up to jennie kim was the to ask about the thing we have to do for a group project and i can kinda see it in her eyes. she sees me as that girl who begged kim namjoon to have sex with her, dumped him and got with the next cute guy of the century. and that impression of me is always gonna keep lurking in the back of everyone’s minds whether they do it consciously or not.”
a pause lapses in between you, not quite as profound as jimin’s jaw-drop is making it to be but maybe it is for him. the others continue to munch on their fries and jeongyeon just stole jimin’s drink, opened the cap and took a sip instead of using the straw, murmuring something about not taking any chances because ‘don’t know where his mouth’s been.’
it’s several heartbeats until jimin recovers from the load of information before he lets out an-
“yeah,” lisa nods, shooting him a ‘now you know’ look before turning to you with a pointed expression as though she’s ready to move on to a more pressing topic which was absurd because what else could be more pressing than your mid college term crisis-
“and you should say what you said just now to jungkook instead of ghosting him” 
-except the fact that you thought you were subtle enough in flipping your phone’s screen upside down and pretending like you were listening to whatever whoever was speaking.
all of a sudden, the heat of five pairs of eyes are on you. but those who are truly stricken by the news are jimin and jeongyeon, the latter’s gaze being unavoidable because she’s sitting smack dab right next to you, “wait,” a tense pause wedges its way in the miniature space between you and her, “you’re ghosting jeon jungkook?”
“i-i just-“ there’s something in the way her tone rises at his name and the sheer absurdity of it all that makes your heart wrench in guilt and discomfort, “i’m not gonna ghost him for forever-“
“you should though.” taehyung waves a fry in your face before popping it into his mouth.
“-i just need time to like, process everything. i mean, it happened just yesterday,” by the end of your attempt to explain yourself, you can feel your shoulder line falling as you sigh, back leaned against the chair, the fries no longer looking appetizing.
“it’s partly his fault for flaunting out your sex lives to the entire world,” taehyung points out.
“shut it, tae,” jisoo hisses before turning to you, “take all the time you need, sweetie,” she rests her cheek on your shoulder as she side hugs you, probably finally comprehending the level of confusion and frustration all at once that forbids you from texting jungkook back the moment he texted you which was just minutes after the car disappears around the intersection and his figure disappear from sight last night.
the moment jeongyeon stepped through the crowd and stopped next to you with the clack of her boots and the sheer ‘oh honey, you’re not ready for that talk,’ nature, you decided right then and there, if jeongyeon asked you to shave off your hair and hand it over in a tray, you would in a heartbeat.
“since ____ didn’t wanna say anything, i figured she did get you to sleep with her but felt bad about it,” the hand she kept tucked under her arm falls away to reveal the hundred bucks she’s holding in your face.
by then, you had a hunch of what she was planning in that wonderful head of hers but the weight of the tens of pairs of eyes had made you wary. it was jeongyeon’s plan, all you had to do was just run with it, not run it.
wordlessly, you took the folded note, smoothed the cripple out of it as best as you could before folding it in two and tucking it into your bra. the bouts of gasps that broke out was what gave you the push to meet namjoon’s gaze with a blank one and shrug, “what? i went through all the trouble to get you to sleep with me and put up with dating you for six months - i should at least get my pay,” murmurs echo through out the room as well as several ‘ooh’s at the revelation.
the man’s face had turned several shades darker. eyes trained on you like you were all he sees. like a predator to his prey. once upon a time, you might have found the way he was so rapt with something heartfluttering - attractive even as you sat at the bleachers, cheering on your secret boyfriend whilst he instructed his team through the mic. circuit breaker had never came out anything but victorious when kim namjoon was that focused. 
if only looks could kill, you’d be dead. 
“that’s right, it was just a bet we made in first year,” jeongyeon’s tilted crimson smirk had been tucked with something like wicked humor as her shoulder line jolted with her laughter.
first year, you were that lost kid who bent over backwards to be everyone’s friends and ended with none. namjoon knew that, like how he knew this was all a lie and yet perhaps that was why you could almost picture the brood of clouds looming over his head. the same look that would settle over his face as he shifted through courses of action to take for that one possible outcome that lead to circuit breaker’s victory.
your heartbeat stuttered when he began to stand straighter, arms crossed over muscled chest. his naturally tall stature had allowed him to look down on you like gum under his shoe, “quite pathetic that she had to beg to win a bet.”
the ground opening up and swallowing you whole right then and there had remained but a wishful thinking. the seconds seemed to stretch on for hours on end with gazes burning right through your skull. you could almost hear the ghostly whispers of “oh my god,” “who does she think she is?” “what a slut.”
“wasn’t that like a year ago?” somewhere from your other side, a snicker hit the air like a mockery and a hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a familiar scent of lemongrass and musk. how your own arm went around his to side hug his waist had been a surprise to you too, the action was as natural as breathing.
“i mean,” jungkook drawled with a shrug, “kinda sad that you’re still hung up over a girl but i get it - i know how amazing ____ is,” with a slight lean towards the older man, the low murmur couldn’t have been any louder, “we did it on the side of the street once,” a gasp from the ever loyal audience, “the balcony,” another gasp, “under a bridge,” there isn’t any more gasps - the audience must have ran out of responses, “in the changing room,” just when you thought he was going to spell out every single spot you had sex at on the list, jungkook finally laughed, “honestly any place you can think of - but yeah, keep dreaming about the back room of the student lounge cause that’s probably the most adventurous a dude like you would ever be.”
the shock painted over jimin’s jaw drop, jisoo’s eyes glancing from left to right, jeongyeon’s pursed lips and muted whistle didn’t exactly go past you. but you were more focused on the way the man in front of you, the one you thought you gave everything to, was the one speechless between the two of you.
the smile you wore was a lazy one but the words you threw back at him didn’t bloom in your chest with satisfaction of retribution the way you thought they would, “get over it, namjoon.”
in hindsight, you should’ve known it would come back and bite your ass. but you didn’t think the reaction would be this immediate. by monday morning, you were already getting strange looks and one not-so-pleasant experience of hearing snide laughter as you passed a group of students with the faintest but clearest, “what a whore.”
by noon, your reputation was pretty much set in stones - though your closest friend circle tried to convince you that it wasn’t as bad as it seems. that was, until another group of students walked into the cafe and most of them kept glancing at you like you’re some wild animal in a zoo.
“oh!” you could almost see a light bulb going off on jeongyeon’s head - as though a thought just crossed her, “i forgot what i came here for but anyway, i got tea!”
“girl,” lisa raises her brows with an obvious ‘what-are-you-waiting-for’ smile, “spill.”
and from the way way everyone else is quiet but focused on the woman, including you, it’s safe to say lisa’s words spoke for all of you. knowing that she holds the sole attention of the people at the table, jeongyeon smirks playfully, “guess what?”
“what?” taehyung says plainly.
“you’re supposed to guess, idiot,” she rolls her eyes but recovers from the brunette’s lack of effort as she basically bounces in her seat like a ball of excitement, “kim namjoon got kicked out of circuit breaker! the dean himself had a ‘little word’ with him. just. now.”
it would have come off as a pleasant news - cheer-worthy even. if not for one simple fact: that the dean is none other than jimin’s mother.
“oh my fucking god, yes!” lisa yelps, while jisoo extends her arms across the aforementioned woman to reach for the giggling man on her other side, “come here, let me hug you park jimin!” since it’s a round table, it makes the notion of hugs more plausible but since lisa is sitting between them, she ends up sandwiched with jisoo’s arms around her and jimin leaning into her in order to let the rest of jisoo’s arms encase around his neck.
“to be fair, he got kicked out because he and tae got in a fight,” the bleach blond man chuckles, “so tae’s punishment is being professor yoon’s unpaid assistant.” the position doesn’t seem ideal but the three doesn’t seem to mind - they look like they enjoy it.
“it was worth it,” taehyung shrugs when he catches your eyes, knowing full well the wave of guilt that rushes through you so instead, you mouth him a ‘i owe you one.’
by the time lunch ends (for you and jimin at least since the others seem to have another free hour before their classes start), you find yourself taking up jimin’s offer to sit with him at the back instead of the fifth row from the front that was just perfect for a not-so-serious-but-not-so-laxed-student vibe. 
“hey, jimin - thanks,” you say in between the class filling up and him texting someone on his phone which he puts down on the table after your words of gratitude fill the air, “for talking to your mom for me.”
“that’s the least i can do,” he fixes you with a half-hearted smile - probably wishing he’d be able to throw a punch where it was needed but you know park jimin wouldn’t be park jimin if he wasn’t this adorable, good natured person with the kindest heart that could barely hurt a fly let alone a person. even if that person is a douchebag like namjoon, “‘sides, mom’s always preaching about equality for both genders and kim basically sexually harassed you, i’m sorry i couldn’t stand up for you like tae-“
“no, don’t say that,” you frown, hands tugging on his biceps. slipping your around the aforementioned biceps, you rest your head on his shoulder, feeling the rising tension of your pursed lips, “everyone has their own friendship language - and finding a peaceful way to get back to someone who hurt your friend, is yours. so thank you for being you,” you pause just for the briefest moment when you accidentally meet the eyes of one of your friends - the flash in their eyes projecting their not-so-friendly thoughts at the sight of you, “thanks for being my friend, jimin.”
 something soft bumps the top of your head as you feel his neck crane briefly, “thanks for being my friend too- jisoo would beat your ass for saying this though.”
at the mention of the spirited friend of yours, you both break out into fits of giggles. “jisoo would probably buy chicken tie my to a chair while dangling a drumstick until i promise to stop saying ‘weird things.’”
by ‘weird things’ it meant thanking them or even projecting any form of gratitude which shouldn’t even be a thing to be grateful for because, as she would aggressively yet lovingly insist, and as jimin acts out, “she’d probably be ‘it’s obvious we’d be friends because you’re the baddest bitch - girl, you’re that bitch.’”
it’s even funnier when he tries to mimic her way of speech and tone. for a moment, as you continue to narrate what your two other best friends would have done in the setting, both of you laughing into each other’s faces, the watchful eyes don’t seem all that intimidating.
throughout the evening, you spend it with your friends. watching movies and sleeping over at jimin’s - since he’s the only one who owns an apartment and doesn’t have a cranky roommate, going to class with yesterday’s jeans and jimin’s stolen hoodies to which he looked slightly perturbed at the realization that that’s three hoodies he probably wouldn’t get back even though you promised to wash it and give it back. but he the matter seems to fly out the window once you stopped by mcdonald’s for breakfast.
you may or may not have neglected pending projects group work but your friends didn’t seem to care -jisoo and jimin were rushing to group meetings this morning but after lisa’s five minute therapy-esque session for you to stop apologizing for inconveniencing them when you thought they must have (they did) pushed back on a lot of plans just to spend time with you and make sure you’re okay, you’d finally turned the ‘sorry’s to ‘thank you’s.
it was some time when you were walking to a class you shared with taehyung, that his looming frame easily catches what exactly you’re doing on your phone and begrudgingly points out, “ugh, you’re still texting him? after promising you’ll choose yourself first?”
to be fair, it was a short and sweet text saying ‘hey, i’m fine. sorry i didn’t reply to your texts, just have a lot going on atm’ without any emojis but also no period at the end because you didn’t want to seem like you’re mad. but besides that, you’re not entirely sure what exactly you feel for jungkook because like taehyung said-
“he‘s a different kind of asshole,” his tone was light but if there’s anything a whole year of knowing kim taehyung did, it was catching onto the way his voice strains and his avoidance to look at you as he speaks, “does he even know what he did to you? what you’re going through right now?”
it was true that the after effect of jungkook listing out the places you both had sex at has finally come to bite you in the ass. but-
“nobody would’ve thought the things jungkook said would backfire like this,” and yet you tug on the sleeves of jimin’s hoodie, voice small.
the man’s abrupt stop forces you to stop too, leaving you no choice but to meet his frowning face, “everyone knows what stuff like that’ll do more to girls than guys.”
it’s the pause that you took. the hesitance that taehyung must’ve seen shining brighter than your reputation allows it.
“you know what- do whatever you want,” and with that he leaves you on the side of the corridor to stare at his broad back as he walks away.
there’s no way you’ll go up and sit with him at the back like you did with jimin. but it wasn’t the empty spots next to you that made your heart clench - it was the way he deliberately turned away from you when your eyes met as you entered and he took a seat.
it’s some time after the professor left the class, whilst your phone vibrates rapidly with onslaught of messages, do you finally pick it up with one goal in mind.
koo: oh okay
koo: hope you’re doing okay
koo: i’m here if you wanna talk
he hasn’t finished typing when you tap out a simple ‘sorry’ and switching to-
you: thank you really but i think it’s better if we don’t text anymore
only to see another blue bubble pop on the screen at the same time as yours.
koo: i miss you
by the end of the very, very, very long day, you’re finally able to throw yourself onto your soft plush bedsheets. your friends don’t know that taehyung’s mad at you and isn’t talking to you - his sporadic off-days being the reason for them to assume that this is one of those days.
and they didn’t really push you to talk either, choosing to give you space after they robbed you off yours by kidnapping you to have a best friend’s night last night.
much to your dismay, not even five minutes into melting into the comforts of your bed, your stomach starts growling like a wild animal that hasn’t been fed in weeks. despite distantly remembering finishing the last pack of ramen last week, you still drag your feet to the kitchen in search for a instant noodles that, after opening the cupboard, you confirm, isn’t there.
and that’s how you end up trudging down the streets with flip flops and hair poking underneath the hood of jimin’s hoodie. a surge of gratification shoots through your veins when you see the last cup of your favorite spicy ramen on the shelf. not bothering to go back, you take a seat at one of the high stools facing the wall-sized window after paying for it.
it takes a few texts and scrolling through instagram before the ramen is ready. but it’s jeongyeon’s panic-induced tone that takes up most of your time.
jeongyeon: ok so ik you’re gonna be mad at me but pls don’t be 
you: what issit tho 
jeongyeon: you gotta promise 🤙
with a growl of your stomach demanding to be fed, you place your phone down with a misspelled loophole ‘yea i pro mizz 🤙🤙🤙’
and if getting a certification as your faculty’s resident hoe isn’t enough, in that moment, with ramen dangling from your mouth and puffed cheek, your eyes stops on a brunette boy who stops dead in his track when he sees you.
somewhere on the smooth surface of the table, your phone vibrates with a pop up notification.
jeongyeon: ok so jeon jungkook texted me about you and i kinda told him he should ask you himself but then i thought it kinda indicated that something’s wrong 
another ping.
jeongyeon: i didn’t tell him anything else tho!!!
“i don’t know what to say - i’m sorry, didn’t think it would be this bad,” jungkook confesses, head hung low, hair hiding most of his face and disallowing you from reading his emotions.
after jeongyeon ominously told jungkook to ask you about why she can’t tell him anything about how you’re doing now, jungkook had rushed to your place because it was obvious that his texts would be left on read, “maybe i should’ve taken it for what it is but i-,” he’d stopped short of what he wanted to say before he’d met your gaze with wishing stars in his eyes, “i just needed to see you and make sure you’re okay.”
“it’s not,” you admit, “most of the time they just look at me like i’m some animal in the zoo but sometimes it still gets to me.”
“you didn’t seem like the person who would care,” he says smally, almost as though it wasn’t meant for you but for himself.
you want to laugh, “that’s cause that’s what half-drunk me is most of the time and you’ve only ever known her - but on campus, i’m that girl who walks in the hallway with her head down and wanna be as invisible as i can... because i hate conflicts and being seen means i’ll most likely get into some shit... like i did with namjoon.”
kim namjoon saw you when no one else paid attention. mostly because the outstanding ones in your batch were taking the spotlight in freshmen year. the positions became apparent a little over two weeks after the first class. and you were still wondering around, in search for like minded beings. instead of finding friends, you found a god.
or so what they call a once in a lifetime genius.
“yea- i don’t really know you,” if it isn’t for the way his head snaps your way and the heartbreaking strain in his voice, you would have had a better time holding out, “i don’t even know what your favorite color is but i promise i’ll never hurt you like he did,” when he meets your gaze, all control seem to seep out of you and all you want is to take everything back
“i’m sorry- i just- it’s stupid, cutting you off just ’cause of that-“ the sound chains of the swing echo into the chilly night air as you prop your elbows on your knee, torso bent forward while you cup your face with your hands, maybe if you rubbed hard enough the stupid will come off, “i know it’s nobody’s fault but then there’s tae and he was the only one who thought i should stop talking to you- but he’s also the most reasonable person in our friend group and i-“ you almost choke on pure air, “i’m sorry.”
and so you end up at a park a few blocks away, you choosing to sit on the swing whilst he leans against the monkey bar a few feet away.
“it’s not okay,” jungkook’s voice fills your ears - he doesn’t sound as mad as you thought he’d be but his words say otherwise.
until you hear the scrape of soles on dirt. and just as you thought he was leaving, a hand lands on your knee, “but i forgive you.”
the smile you see when you peek through your fingers is familiar. boyish like its owner but endearing all the same,“and nothing that makes you feel like your peace is disturbed, is stupid,” but then the smile down turns into a frown, eyebrows knitting together, “i just wish you told me so you didn’t have to go through this alone.”
“i wasn’t alone - i had my friends,” it’s right after the words hit the air and a flash of disappointment crosses jungkook’s eyes, do you belatedly realize that you were indirectly calling him a non-friend.
“right,” the smile he fixes you breaks your heart - even more so when you see how he’s struggling to be happy for you whilst pushing down the hurt in his eyes, “that’s great - it’s great that you weren’t alone.”
or someone outside of your exclusives-only circle. well, he was - he isn’t exactly someone you’d befriend like you would your current friends. but it must have sounded like he was demoted to a friend who you say hi’s to and don’t share personal hardships and happiness with.
“yeah,” you echo in agreement before biting your bottom lip, gaze switching from his hand to his arm and finally his deep brown eyes that appear hazel underneath the light of the lamppost, “can we still be friends?”
the short but straightforward, “no” on jungkook’s part echoes in the air.
it takes a moment for you to register the two-letter word, as if it’s the hardest to fathom and before you know it, your jaw is on the ground, after a surprised, “what-”
in all honesty, you were the one who wanted to cut jungkook off from your life - for an absurd reason at that - but still, with how he patiently listened to you and even forgave you, you thought he’d at least want to stay friends. maybe he doesn’t want to be that kind of friend anymore. or maybe he doesn’t want to be your friend if you’re not that kind of friends anymore. maybe-
“i don’t wanna be just friends,” the confession falls out from his lips when you least expect it. almost as though you weren’t the only one who could read the other like an open book.
but despite his confidence the first time, you still see the traces of hesitance in the way he takes a moment longer to continue, “i... i want to know you- not the drunk you, not the campus you, but you you.”
this time, you can’t control the trickle of laughter that tumbles out of your mouth. it’s dry and a little bit broken, but still comes from a humorous place, “you’re probably gonna be disappointed as hell.”
“is that a yes?” the flash of starlight in jungkook’s eyesmile causes your heart to swell with a sort of fullness. the chains clink into the air as he grips it with his hands, using them to hoist himself up - but he doesn’t stand straight. instead,he leans his forehead on yours, “say yes.”
the smile that slips on your face is involuntary. completely out of your control as you affirm, “it’s a yes.”
“so is that tae’s hoodie?” jungkook asks as you walk down the street to your apartment.
the “what?” that slips out of your mouth is more surprised than anything else but it seems like that’s what made the man rush out his explanation - which he didn’t really need to but you appreciate it anyway.
“it’s just- you’re not a hoodie girl,” you don’t miss the way he scrunches his nose as he struggles to find the proper words, you think it’s cute - you think jungkook’s cute, “you’re more like a sweaters girl - or like, that’s what i see you wear in the morning before you kick me out.”
chuckling, you relieve him of his curiosity with a “no, it’s not tae’s.”
he beams at you like a morning sun until you add, “it’s jimin’s.”
“o-oh,” he nods but doesn’t press on.
“he’s also one of my best friend - they dragged me to movie’s night and we crashed at jimin’s last night,” you say.
“oh.” the pearly whites peek from underneath his lips again, eyes lighting up like stars.
but then, before you know it, you’re standing at the entrance of your apartment. 
“thanks for walking me home,” on your part, you don’t really want to part.
“yeah, no problem,” if you didn’t know any better, jungkook’s foot scuffling against the dirt doesn’t really give off a willing farewell vibe either.
until you both blurt out at the same time-
“do you wanna come in?”
“i mean it when i said i missed you.”
an echoing silence settles between you for the longest moment - or in fact, just a second too long but with all that’s happened and the friendships you can see breaking, jeon jungkook’s is one you’re not going to let go that easily.
not again.
“come inside,” you say.
and this time, you’re not asking.
 jungkook’s breath is hot against your neck as you groan from the impact of your back and head hitting the door as soon as it closes, his hands under your thighs.
but you’re fast to recover, hands snaking up his chest until they reach his strained jawline, tilting his head and forcing him to look at you, “show me how much you missed me.”
 a familiar glint flashes across his eyes at your challenge before his gaze falls to the borrowed deep blue hoodie you have on, “take that off. now.” 
deciding against taunting him some more, you pull the piece of clothing over your head before dropping it next to the can of beer, snacks and energy bars you bought from the convenience store.
it doesn’t take much for you to lean into him enough not to let yourself topple over backwards - maybe it’s the hundreds of times he’s carried you like this, maybe he’s the only person you trust to grab you by the bottom of your ass and you’d instantly know where to wrap your legs around. 
or maybe, just maybe, you missed jungkook too.
but either way, you kiss him once after he slams you against your bed. you kiss him a few more times as he slides in and out of you like every crevice of your core is made for him. you’re in the middle of kissing him when he hits ghat sweet spot that gets you moaning mid-kiss. he doesn’t seem to mind as he bites your bottom lips, letting you ride your high whilst he dedicates himself to you. to your pleasure.
and you kiss him when he thrusts deep into you as you both reach a different kind of euphoria together, holding each other tightly as if the other would fade if you didn’t.
since your bed is a single bed and you were occupying most of it, you have to scoot to make space for an extra person. you let him have the pillow while you keep your head raised midair until he slips his arm under it, his other hand pulling your back against his front before he pulls the cover over you.
the digits in the corner of your phone tells you that you’re probably going to end up rushing to your 8 am tomorrow but at the moment, with the moonlight pouring through the window and a distant sound of cars in the main street filling the room, there’s nowhere you’d rather be than right here.
“it’s orange - my favorite color is orange, like the sunset,” you’re pretty sure your voice is half-slurred from the fatigue of the day creeping up to you, but jungkook surprisingly heard it right because-
“we should go sunset watching someday,” he suggests.
“mhm,” you hum, not opposed of that idea at all, “what’s your...” you drag out, shifting through words until you find the one you’re most curious about, “favorite dessert?”
“besides you?” he chuckles when you let out an involuntary gasp at his insinuation before humming in contemplation, “ice creams.”
“are you free this sunday?” you ask.
“yeah, why?” his voice is laced with a hint of wonder.
“let’s go to an ice cream parlor,” by now, you’re pretty sure he barely understands what you’re saying as your eyes begin to droop, “let’s do things people do outside of parties - i wanna get to know you, koo.”
for the longest moment, you thought it’s him that’s fallen asleep because of the lack of affirmation. 
that is, until he murmurs with the smallest voice, “yeah, i’d like that.”
you wake up to the sound of your daily alarm blaring across the room. but much to your dismay, when you slip your hand under the pillow -  which unnaturally becomes a texture of spiky but fluffy treads - you come to a morbid realization that isn’t there.
which means wherever your gosh darn phone is, you’re going to have to find it to hit the snooze button because you can’t sleep with that deafening noise but if you do get up, you won’t be able to fall back asleep.
that is, until a different kind of sound, one that knows your name, grumble out a, “___, turn that shit off,” while a hand band around your waist, pulling you into a whole body.
for the briefest moment, you forget about the sound, heart skipping a dangerous beat as your mind shift through your memories, searching for something you can use for a self defense before it finally settles down with a realization that the only other person who could be complaining about your alarm because they were in bed with you, is jeon jungkook.
“god damn it,” you grumble with eyes barely open and mind half-awake while you pick up each article of clothing that are strewn across the room, “where did you throw my phone, jungkook?”
the man in your bed slurs out some incomprehensible words, leaving you with nothing but your wits and your wills and a little bit of urgency because your roommate may not be home most of the time but she definitely is in the morning. her schedule is more unpredictable than yours.
after a good one minute, you finally found your phone not on the floor but under the sheets right next to jungkook’s thigh. considering you spent a good chunk of your remaining sleepiness looking for it, you’re now out of the sleep essence and wide awake.
it looks like you caused quite a stir. jeongyeon’s text alone amounts to 36 notifs while each of your friend private messaged you an average of 5-12 texts each. the lowest being jimin and lisa who teetered on the line of ‘hey jeongyeon told me’s and ‘text me when you see this’ while jisoo’s are full out capsing and taehyung is a mixture of jimin and lisa with a missed call.
but what you don’t expect to see among the pile of notification, is the one pushed to the bottom by your friends’.
“oh, wow, kim namjoon texted me,” you blurt out, not knowing that a slip of tongue would cause a burst of reaction from the sleeping male in your bed.
shooting up with the sheets still covering his head, he yanks them down and fixes you with a wide-eyed, disbelieving gaze, “kim namjoon what now?”
it takes you a moment to digest the fact that he couldn’t even form a proper sentence or even grope around on the bed to help you look for your phone yet a single name and a verb could literally shock the sleep out of him. but you’re not one to hold onto grudges so you casually say, “he texted me.”
when you don’t offer anything else, the man finally asks, “well... what did he say?”
“’hey,’“ you echo the one worded text before slinging your towel over your shoulder.
“and?” hurried steps follow you into the hallway, an awkward ‘don’t-look-pressed’ laugh accompanying them, “...what did you say?”
“why?” you turn around abruptly, almost causing your follower to run right into you before he quickly halts himself, eyes slanting to the wall as he scratches his unclothed chest.
“i- uh, i don’t know - just curious i guess,” he mumbles out.
at that, the chuckles you’ve been holding back spills out of your mouth like waterfall. he opens his arms for you when you slip yours around his waist, locking your hands on his back, “i didn’t reply but if i did, it’s probably to tell him to stop texting me.”
the heartwarming ‘oh’ that tumbles out of his mouth is followed by a tuck in the corners of his lips, doe eyes filling with a sort of heat that makes your heart skip a beat.
that is, until fear flashes across his face, “wait, what time is it? don’t you have 8 am’s on tuesdays? i should leave-”
“nah,” you shake your head, a smile making home on your lips, “i’m skipping. you wanna get breakfast at mcdonald’s?”
instead of an affirmation, jungkook’s panicked face turns to a frown, hands coming to cup your cheeks as he twists it from left to right, as though looking for something and you know why-
 “who are you and what have you done to sober ___?” he demands.
laughter trickles out of your mouth as you struggle to get out of his grasp while he demands you return you back, “___ would drag my ass to the door at ass crack o’clock when she has 8 am’s. bring her back!”
but in your fit of giggles and his exorcist-esque shouting, jungkook stops and pecks you on your mouth, “just kidding,” you don’t think you can ever get used to that boyish smile of his, “i would love to have our first sober date at mcdonald’s.”
as if a giggle switch has been switched on, you laugh some more, cheeks hurting and tears pooling in the corner of your eyes at the way he makes it sound like you’re asking him to a date.
and you’re not quite against that idea.
so you find yourself at the mcdonald’s five minutes away from your campus. if you have any fucks at all to give, you would be worried about meeting your casual friends. but something about jeon jungkook and your friends’ - your real friends - endless support from yesterday has turned you into a woman of steel. or, really, just mixed party-you and sober-you together.
“apparently he wants to get back together because he thinks it’ll help fix everything but i know he just wants to save his ass - oh, did you know the dean, jimin’s mom, kicked him out of circuit breaker?” you casually say before chugging on your coffee before the sound of someone choking a whole lung drums in your ears.
turning to you with flushed cheeks and post-lung cough, jungkook demands, “you can’t just dump things like this on me- you gotta give me a warning first.”
“i did,” you counter, and just as his face spells ‘when?’ you quickly add, “at home - when i said kim namjoon texted me.”
“babe, that was 30 minutes ago,” jungkook says, in a matter-of-factly.
but all you hear is the name he calls you, “i kinda like that.”
he smiles shyly but still say, “what? babe?”
“yes,” you place your phone on the table, forgetting the open text as you lean closer to jungkook before enunciating the word “babe?”
his hand finds its way to your chin while yours slip underneath his shirt as he guides your face to his lips. but just before you’re about to kiss, the sound of voices - familiar ones at that - pour into the otherwise quiet vicinity. drawn by your curiosity, you tilt your head just the slightest bit to peak at the newcomers when you feel the heat of pairs of eyes burn into your head.
“shit,” you blurt out.
“oh my god,” jisoo gasps while lisa lets out a muted whistle, murmuring a “whew, chile, the audacity of some men.”
jeongyeon snickers as she leans away from lisa who’s holding your phone with namjoon’s text open, “i know what’s going on,” she waves a hand gun at you, “you’re doing great now and he’s sad and lonely-”
“or he wants to show the dean you guys made up so he can get into circuit breaker again,” taehyung chimes in, leaning against the chair, volunteering to pick up everyone’s order from the counter, “you know, just a thought.”
“no, no, no,” lisa interjects, “it’s more than just that with these men - he wants you to think that he’s the only one that can... ‘save’ you.”
“from what?” jimin asks, innocent round eyes looking around until jisoo sighs.
“god, jimin, it’s obvious,” she fixes him a pointed look, “___’s being labelled a manipulating bitch,” she turns to you and winks, “which you aren’t, manipulating - mean but a bitch? yes, and the baddest,” and then she shifts her attention to jimin, “and he’s saying if she gets back with him, he’ll ‘clear things up’ because apparently people tend to take men’s words more seriously than women and he knows that.”
“word,” lisa shakes her head.
“but ___’s not gonna get with namjoon because she has a jungkook,” jeongyeon’s proclamation isn’t entirely baseless yet the way all eyes turns to you tells you that it’s not exactly an established fact - especially when everyone at the table knows that you were ghosting jungkook just yesterday.
“i mean,” jungkook begins from next to you, fidgeting in his seat but avoiding your gaze when you turn to him, “___ can do whatever she wants.”
a pregnant silence lapses between you as you feel your friends exchanging dubious looks with each other. taehyung’s disapproving frown is the hardest to miss because it must have come across as jungkook not being serious enough with you.
but knowing the aforementioned man and how he never assumes your needs and wants - unless you’re having sex because he knows exactly how you like it - you know he doesn’t want to pressure you to be with him.
“i’m not getting with namjoon,” you announce for yourself, shooting the him a smile just before taehyung leaves to get your food.
“i’ll go help tae,” and with that, you skip over to the taller man, catching onto jisoo’s interrogative “so, are you guys like, exclusive now?”
“hey,” you greet the man that’s about to lift the tray of cheeseburgers, drinks, apple pies and mcflurries.
he echoes your greeting with a passive one and you both walk to the chili counter in silence. when he sets the tray down, you’re already picking up one of the tiny paper cups, “so, jungkook came and check up on me yesterday and stayed over to make sure i’m okay.”
he doesn’t need to know you had sex in between.
“he’s a really good guy - and he only said what he said just now cause he doesn’t want me to feel pressured to choose between being with him, or with namjoon or just being single,” you add when it doesn’t seem like he doesn’t have anything to say.
“i’m sorry for acting like a dick yesterday,” he finally breaks his silence with a one breathed sentence, his hand picking up the chili sauce filled cup off your hands.
and that’s when you see your opening, “it’s fine,” you quickly accept but stand your ground, “but jeongyeon also said something about a bet but you didn’t criticize her- i’m not trying to point out who did what worse but it looks like you’re more critical of jungkook because you don’t personally know him.”
“i thought i know a fuck boy when i see one,” he grunts like a sulking child.
“honestly, what does fuck boy even mean?” shrugging, you raised your brows at his okay-get-to-the-point look, “jimin’s kind of a fuck boy if you think about it but we love anyway.”
when he doesn’t seem to deny your allegations, you continue, “and if jungkook’s a fuck boy, then i’m a fuck girl because i-“
“uh,” he recoils like a teen getting sat down for the birds and bees talk,“okay, okay. i get it - spare me the details.”
rolling your eyes at his dramatic reaction, you end with a “see, name calling doesn’t make sense, not to mention hurtful to the person being called that name. they’re a a human being with feelings.”
it’s the ‘i know’ at the end that got him. even though he hadn’t seen you being taunted and ridiculed that day, didn’t mean it stopped. you were just good at masking it because you knew  better. knew that you had friends that would stand by you all the way - heck, jisoo even made a scene out of people looking at you the day before.
“i’ll try to not be so judgy,” taehyung announces before scrunching up his face, “but is him hanging out with us gonna be a permanent thing?”
“thank you for trying,” you fix him a proud smile as he picks up the tray to head to where the others are, “and he’s my friend too so yes, it’s going to be a permanent thing.”
“... say ‘cactus jack sent me’?” jeongyeon is in the middle of putting jimin up to walking over to the counter and saying the infamous line to the worker when you slip back into your seat.
“and travis scott’s burger,” and apparently lisa too.
jimin’s eyes disappear behind his lids as he chuckles at their attempts but he doesn’t exactly oppose the idea.
“hey,” jungkook’s eyes lights up when he sees you.
“so how was the interrogation session my girl friends?” you can’t help the devious grin that slips onto your face at the admittance that you may or may have not purposely left jungkook with your friends for the ice breaking slash interrogating session whilst you patch up your own friendship with your other friend.
“not bad,” he shrugs, “they even showed me your sleeping pics to scare me off but they forgot i wake up to that face almost every few days a week.”
at that revelation, your jaw drops to the ground, mind recalling the many times your open-mouth sleeping pictures have been sent into the group chat as a meme and it was not pretty.
“they did not,” your cheeks heat up as you make a mental note to gather everyone up and force them to finally delete that picture.
“don’t worry you’re not getting rid of me that easily babe,” unaware of the extent of the war raging inside you, he pecks your forehead and continues eating his fries.
“do i really look like that when i sleep?” you finally ask after clicking on the safety belt.
even though you could have rode with your friend in jimin’s car, jungkook insists to send you to class as a proper mark for the end of your first date.
“mhm,” jungkook hums casually as he turns on the car.
“and you still like me?” you’re not sure what kind of face you’re making but it has to be something between disgust and bewilderment because damn, he’s a real one.
“what?” he says between chuckles - as if he doesn’t see anything wrong with the picture and it makes your heart bloom with a sort of endearment while your core heats up with a sort of want.
throwing him a sly smile, you cock your head to the side, “get in the back.”
with a mixture of surprised and impressed blink, he doesn’t need to be told twice to unbuckle his seat and climb over to the back seat. long legs spread out to welcome you into his lap.
taglist: @gukksluv​ @illwritetomorrow​
shout out to my biggest bestest friend in me-loving baddest b @koochiekoo​ !!! highkey without you, i probably would take longer to finish but you’ve been super supportive and i love you so this fic is for you neinya!!!
note. the first part (friend in me) wasn’t showing up on searches no matter how many times i posted it and my earliest readers would remember it being called ‘to my dear friend’ before i changed it to fim bc i wanted to see if it’ll show up on searches but it didn’t. idk if this one will but i dont have much hope bc the preview also didn’t show up on searches (weird) but i have lost the rest of the f’s i have and decided to post this with a mindset that it’ll reach the right people though probably be less than 50 ppl. but i hope those who came this far enjoyed the fic!
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sandwichrin · 3 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 22)
Chapter 22 - He messed up.
Word count: 4.5k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance.
A/N: Hello~ Things are about to get intense now, wops!
Chani’s face was so close to yours you could literally feel his breath blowing in your face.
This isn’t what you expected it to be though. Never in your mind would it occur to you that your close friend in this place would like you this way.
Chani continued staring at you, his fingers still holding onto your chin in a gentle manner, waiting for your response.
“Chani…” you said slowly, your eyes averting away from him. “I really had no idea…”
Chani smiles at you and lets go of you. He lowers his head and lets out a forced laugh.
“Ah, don’t worry about it. I just want you to know how I feel about you. Clearly you don’t feel the same way but yeah, it’s really fine,” his smile was tight, and you could tell that he was upset that your reaction wasn’t mutual to his.
You felt bad seeing him forcing his smile at you and so you let out a sigh.
“Chani, listen. It’s not that I don’t like you at all. I do like you. But maybe I don’t like you the way you like me…”
Chani ruffled his own hair, still trying his best to smile at you. “I get it. I mean, we’ve only known each other for couple of weeks too, so it makes sense for you to not have feelings for me,”
You nodded, showing him an apologetic smile.
“Ah! But it’s okay! I won’t give up! As long as you don’t have a boyfriend, I’ll continue doing my best to win your heart,” he suddenly said, his voice filled with a newfound motivation.
You laughed at his quick change of emotions. “Sure, sure. Just as long as you don’t become a homewrecker,” you joked.
Chani grinned at you. Your laugh somehow made him feel better even though he knew how painful it felt when you avoided looking at him for a brief second after he confessed. He’s decided that even if you can’t return his feelings now, just having you here, laughing and smiling beside him, is good enough—for now.
The both of you sat back down in your seats, ready to move on from the short drama you both had.
You pulled the stack of modules towards yourself and started flipping through the pages.
Wait a minute.
You turned your head to your friend beside you.
“Whoa, what??” Chani responded, startled that you had suddenly mentioned his name.
“What the hell are you still doing here?? Shouldn’t you be back with your group downstairs??”
“Ahh. About that…” he paused. “I uh, switched groups. I’m now in your group! Isn’t that great?!” he said cheerfully.
Your eyebrows raised, not believing what he said. “I—what??” you shook your head. “How is that possible? I thought Bomin said that all groups are final and that no one can change their groups?”
“Hey, I have my ways, okay?”
Suddenly, your phone started ringing. You held up a finger to Chani, signalling him to keep quiet as you answered the phonecall.
Chani waited as you talked on the phone for a while.
Once you were done with the call, you placed your phone on the table and turned to your friend with a skeptical look on your face.
“Chani, did you really switch groups?”
“Yeah, I did. Why?”
“Uhuh, okay then, explain to me why did Kevin call me up and asked if I knew where you were because you had been missing from your meeting room for almost half a day,”
“Huh?? But I already told Kevin-hyung that I was switching groups!”
You raised an eyebrow. “How did you tell him?”
“Yesterday after lunch I marched into my group’s meeting room and told it straight to Kevin-hyung’s face that I won’t be joining his group anymore and that I’ll be joining yours!”
You blinked a few times. Well, it does sound like what Chani would do since he has quite the guts to behave that way.
“Huh…then what did Kevin say to you after you told him that?”
“I’m not sure,” Chani shrugged. “I immediately left after I said all those things to him. I feel like he did say something but I was already walking out of the room,” he continued.
Your jaw fell. “What?? Chani! You should’ve waited and listened to what he said first! And where did you go after that?? You didn’t even return to your meeting room after that??”
“No, I just went to hang with the iKon hyungs in their practice room,”
“Oh my god, Chani,” you groaned, facepalming at your friend’s behaviour.
It was after lunchtime that you had dragged Chani to go meet his original group leader; Kevin. And after a long discussion, Kevin agreed on letting Chani go under your supervision for the remainder of the week. I mean, it’s only for another 2 days? What could go wrong?
Ding! The both of you stepped out of the elevators, Chani being in front of you, whilst you try to keep up with his steps behind him.
“Slow down, Chani. I’m not done talking,” you huffed.
“Well I’m done, y/n.” he said, as he walked forward, not even turning to look at you.
“Chani! This is serious!”
Chani stopped walking. He turns around to face you, his height making you have to lift your head up slightly to talk to him.
“This is serious,” you repeat.
Chani lets out a loud sigh. “Look, y/n. I told you, it’s gonna be alright,”
You shook your head. “No Chani. Didn’t you see Kevin’s face earlier? He was reluctant to let you go! Clearly you need to stop acting like as if your dad owns this company and just listen to what your higher-ups tell you to do!”
“So what?!”
You were startled when Chani raised his voice at you.
“I said, so what?? So what if I treat as if this company was owned by my dad? What can you do about it?!”
Your mouth hung open. You were too speechless to even argue with him back. You had a lot of answers but then again it took you by surprise how Chani was lashing out at you right now.
Chani realised how harsh he had been on you so he started rubbing the temples on his head, trying to calm himself down.
“Look, y/n. I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you. I just—” he paused. He lets out an exasperated sigh. “Why does it seem like you don’twant me to be your mentee? Or…do you not like the idea of me being around you all day in that cramped meeting room of yours, huh?”
“Oh my god, did you just insult my meeting room??”
“Oh god y/n, you’re not really flipping over that. Tell me, you just hate the idea of being stuck with me, right?!” Chani added, admitting his insecurity of you not wanting to be with him at all.
“I—what?? I never said that!” you argued back this time.
“Then what is it?? Why won’t you just let me off the hook?! Yes, Kevin-hyung didn’t want to let me switch groups, but I did it, didn’t I?? It happened! I just wanted to make you feel like you had someone to tutor! You said it yourself, you felt useless when you found out no staff signed up to be in your group,”
You pursed your lips tightly. What Chani said wasn’t a lie. You were this close to asking for a demotion from Mr Bae when you had lost motivation in your work earlier this week. You felt tears brimming up your eyes, you tried hard not to let it flow down your cheeks.
“Ehem,” both you and Chani heard the person clearing their throat.
Chani turned around to see who it was behind him, and it was none other than Jihoon and Junkyu.
You moved slightly to see who it was as well, and you hurriedly blinked back your tears when you saw who it was.
“Oh hey, hyung,” Chani greeted them.
“I’m sorry to interrupt you lovebirds’ fighting but uhh, could you maybe do it on your own floor?” Jihoon asked, giving a sarcastic smile.
“What?” You said, not understanding what he meant.
Jihoon pointed at the signage above your head, and both you and Chani looked at it.
“Oh? How did we end up on the 3rd floor??” You asked, baffled at how ridiculous it is for the both of you to end up on the wrong floor.
“Aish, I must’ve pressed the wrong button earlier,” Chani said.
“Whatever, let’s get back to our floor,” you said as you sighed.
You were about to leave the spot when Jihoon called out to you, “Y/n. You alright?”
“Huh?” you asked back.
“You look a bit…upset. You want to hang with us for a bit?” Jihoon asked.
“I…” you began to say. You stopped halfway when your eyes met Junkyu. He had his usual clueless yet cute expression, his eyes blinking a couple times, not understanding what was going right now.
“I guess I could use a breather…” you continued.
“Ah but y/n, we need to get back to work, don’t we? Maybe next time hyung?” Chani interrupts you. He immediately wraps his arm around your shoulder, earning sharp glares from both Junkyu and Jihoon.
Now, usually you would have gone with Chani’s flow and let him have his way but right now you were still upset with how he had been behaving today so instead of agreeing with him, you pushed his arm off of you and shot him a glare as well. “Enough, Chani. I’m leaving.” You faced both of your Treasure friends and forced a smile at them. “I’ll talk to you both next time then? I’m heading towards the offices upstairs to send in some reports,”
“Oh? You’re not heading back to the meeting room? I can accompa—”
“You head back to the meeting room and complete modules 1 and 2, Chani. I’ll see you later,” you interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.
With that, you turned your heel and left the three of them.
Chani was about to chase after you when Jihoon’s voice stopped him.
“Huh. I’ve never seen y/n that upset before. Already stirring up drama again, Chani?”
“Oh come on, hyung. What do you guys have against me??” Chani shot back.
“Nothing! I was just surprised to see y/n worked up like that,” Jihoon said in a calm manner.
“Yah, Chani. Quit it. I know how much you care about y/n, but try not to push her around too much, okay?” Junkyu suddenly spoke up.
“Please, hyung,” he scoffed. “You’re just jealous that y/n spends more time with me and not you,”
“Hey, what’s with the sudden attack? I was just advising you,” Junkyu said, frowning.
“Okay chill it you two,” Jihoon stepped in between them before they could walk up towards one another.
“Chani, just go back to your meeting room, okay? Y/n would be more upset if she comes back to see you not doing your work.”
Chani lets out a deep exhale and nods at Jihoon. “I’ll be going then.” He walked away, not saying goodbye to them.
“Wow, he’s gotten rude,” Junkyu said in an upset tone.
“Aigoo, he’s just upset, that’s all. I mean, they fought a little too loudly, don’t you think?” Jihoon chuckled.
“Why do you look so happy? Y/n looked like she was almost crying,”
Jihoon wrapped his arm around his best friend’s shoulder. “Aww, look at you being concerned with y/n! Why didn’t you say anything earlier while she was here though? I bet it would’ve made her feel better if you had said something,”
Junkyu pouted at this. “You know how I get around y/n when you guys are around me. I just couldn’t say anything,”
“Aigoo you’re too cute Junkyu-ah! No wonder y/n likes—” Jihoon immediately covered his own mouth and giggled. “Wops! I almost said too much, didn’t I?”
“What? Y/n likes what?”
“Nothing~ Just continue staring at that picture I sent you like you did when I entered your studio,” Jihoon said in a teasing tone as he unwrapped his arm from Junkyu’s shoulder.
“H-hey! I wasn’t staring at her picture! I told you I was busy reading an article!”
“Eyy, sure you were,” Jihoon smirked.
YG Building (3rd Floor / Evening)
It was close to the end of the day when Junkyu exited his studio to hurry towards their usual practice room.
It’s usually at this time, isn’t it? He thought to himself as he passed by Yedam’s studio room, not noticing that his friend had just exited his studio door as well.
Junkyu glanced over his phone to look at the time.
One more minute!
At this rate, Junkyu had sprinted towards the practice room, to the point that he couldn’t hear Yedam calling out his name behind him.
The moment he arrives in front of the practice room, he noticed a figure on the opposite side of the building, just a floor above.
“Ah, I was right. She’s always out of her room at this time,” he muttered to himself softly, a smile forming on his lips.
Junkyu collected his breath, not wanting to sound out of breath if he calls out to you.
Ah, but then. Wouldn’t it be too coincidental if he called out to you at this time? This was the exact time he noticed you were always outside, getting ready to leave work.
Just like the first time he saw you that time.
Junkyu gulped, hoping he wasn’t coming across as a stalker now that he’s always watching out for your presence. Not to mention the timing too now…
Junkyu shook his head, shaking off his lingering thoughts. He raised his head to look up at your figure that was nearby the railings—but not close enough for him to catch your attention.
What should he say? Should he just call out to your name? Text you first?
“Hyung!” a voice approached him.
Junkyu turned to look who it was. Ah, Yedam.
Yedam waved his hand at Junkyu as he made his way towards his hyung.
“Hyung, what are you doing here? We don’t have dance practice today, do we?”
“Ah, no. We don’t…”
“Right? Aigoo, I was flustered earlier when I saw you running past me, hyung!” Yedam chuckled. “So, what brings you here, hyung?”
Junkyu wanted to answer his friend but at the same time he was distracted with wanting to call out to you before you leave.
Yedam noticed Junkyu’s eyes looking over to the other side for a brief second, which makes him look at the other side as well.
Yedam was about to worry over why his hyung was staring at an empty hallway on the other side of the building when his eyes glanced over a moving figure on the floor above.
“Oh? Isn’t that y/n?” Yedam pointed out.
Junkyu chuckled nervously. “Ahuh, yeah.”
“What a coincidence! I haven’t seen her for a while now too,” Yedam said. “Should I call out to her?” Yedam asked further.
Junkyu shrugged at the younger member beside him, his eyes still watching over how you were busy checking your bag thoroughly.
Yedam raised his hands to his mouth, wanting to call out to you—when suddenly an arm wrapped itself around your shoulder.
Yedam stopped his action, a startled expression forming on his face.
Junkyu on the other hand, had a frown on his face, since he knew who that arm belongs to.
A second later, Chani’s figure showed up near the railings. He looked like he was trying his best to make you laugh but clearly you weren’t in the mood for it.
Junkyu lets out a sigh. Again, Chani was there with you. How is that possible, though?? How did it become ‘Chani is everywhere’?? Shouldn’t it be ‘Treasure is everywhere’?? Wasn’t that the right slogan??
“Hyung…are Chani and y/n dating…?” Yedam asked, his voice slow.
Junkyu swiftly turned to look at Yedam. “What?”
Treasure’s Dorm #1 (Weekend)
Aaaandd we’re time skipping towards the weekend now. Nothing exciting happened throughout the remaining of the week too, to be honest. You were busy mentoring Chani, the both of you spending most of the days at work together that week, which made Chani happy, and you, well, you were unaffected in any way.
You were just glad you finally got some real work to do, as usual. And being with Chani no longer got on your nerves since he listened well and behaved his best throughout the week.
You didn’t bump into or talk to any of your Treasure friends though, since you had been caught up doing work and busy tutoring your ever-needy friend, Chani.
As for Junkyu, he had made it a point not to look out for your presence after countless of times catching Chani clinging on to you everywhere you go at any time. It was starting to annoy him too much. His only solace whenever he misses you was to stare at your photo that Jihoon sent the other day.
Now, back to where we are today—
The boys have all gathered at Dorm 1 for a group lunch to celebrate Asahi’s success in writing half of their songs for their soon-to-be released album in the few months to come.
“Yeahhh Asahi-hyung!! When they said they’ll be picking 4 of your songs for our next album, Haruto almost cried, did you know that?” Yedam jeered.
Asahi smiled and nudged Haruto who was sitting beside him on the sofa.
“That’s not true! Something got into my eye at that time,” Haruto responded, trying to cover up what Yedam said.
“Yedamie~ Could you help out in the kitchen for a bit?” Jihoon’s voice called out from the kitchen.
“Sure! Be right there!” Yedam called out to his hyung.
Treasure’s Dorm #1 (Kitchen)
“Okay but who’s idea was it to let the kids help out in the kitchen?” Junkyu asked as he watched Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk laughing and tossing flour at one another.
“Aigoo Junkyu-aa, you’re not much of help either,” Jihoon said in return.
“Heyyy that’s not fair! I’m watching over these kids—that’s a lot of help,” he said as he points at both of the younger members who looked like they had just run through a rain of flour.
Jihoon laughed as he saw Jaehyuk’s and Jeongwoo’s face covered in patches of flour.
“Okay kids~ Let’s get cleaned up~” Yoshi said as he approached them. He pulled both of them along with him to exit the kitchen, leaving traces of white powder on the floor as they passed by those who were in the kitchen as well.
“Okay! Role-check!” Jihoon said as he stood in the middle of the less crowded kitchen.
Doyoung, Mashiho, Yedam and Junkyu stood up straight upon hearing Jihoon’s voice.
“Doyoung, you work on the kimchi jjigae with Mashi. Yedam, you help me chop up these veggies for the stir fry. And junkyu…” Jihoon’s voice trailed off, thinking of what to let Junkyu do.
“I can help chop the veggies too,” Junkyu said.
“No way,” Jihoon shook his head. “Remember the last time you tried to slice that onion? It took you minutes to slice half of the onion.”
“Maybe Junkyu-hyung can just rest in the living room with the others?” Yedam suggested.
“Nooooo I wanna helppppp,” Junkyu whined.
“Aigoo this kid. Fine, you help me and Yedam to separate the veggies into two piles, okay?”
“Yup, so you just need to put in the veggies that are hard into this bowl here,” Jihoon said as he showed the first bowl to Junkyu. “And then the softer veggies you just add it here,”
“Okay, got it.” Junkyu replied confidently.
“Alright then, let’s get started!” Jihoon said in a motivated tone.
Doyoung and Mashiho started prepping for their jjigae on one side of the kitchen, leaving the middle kitchen island to be occupied by Yedam, Jihoon and Junkyu.
Since Doyoung and Mashiho were in charge of cooking first, the both of them had swarmed over the kitchen stove area, completely focus on making their dish.
Jihoon and Yedam started on chopping their vegetables, facing Junkyu who was standing opposite them, waiting for both his friends to finish chopping so that he could start doing his task.
Junkyu’s back was facing the kitchen entrance, which makes him turn around to see who it was that passes by every time he hears any noise coming from outside the kitchen.
Junkyu turned around again, hearing the laughter that came from the living room.
Jihoon noticed his friend’s behaviour and said, “Hey, Junkyu-aa. You can join them inside if you want to. There isn’t much to help yet here anyways,”
Junkyu turned to face his friend. “Nah, it’s okay. I wanna stay here. I want to help around too,”
“Okay, fine.” Jihoon smiled at him.
“Oh, right. Where did Hyunsuk-hyung go to? He’s been out ever since I first arrived just now,” Yedam asked as his eyes stayed focus on the carrot he was chopping.
“Oh yeah. I think hyung went to the lobby downstairs to get his package from the office.” Junkyu answered.
“Hyung, how many spoonsful of red pepper powder again do we add if it’s this much water?” Mashiho spoke up in all of a sudden, directing his question to Jihoon.
Jihoon stopped chopping and placed his knife onto the cutting board. He walked up towards the stove and glanced over the pot that was placed over the hot fire.
“Hmm. Just add in 3 tablespoons. I think that’ll do.”
Mashiho nodded and poured the red pepper in, making the whole kitchen engulfed in its smell.
“Woo! That smells good already!” Jihoon cheered as he watched Doyoung stir the broth.
“Haha, this reminded me of that spicy jjigae we ate with y/n that one time,” Yedam chuckled.
“Oh? I don’t remember eating that with y/n,” Doyoung said.
Everyone turned to look at Yedam now, curious of when he actually ate with you without them knowing about it.
“Oh silly me! It was that time when Jaehyuk-hyung and the rest of our dorm members visited her place to retrieve his banana milk!” Yedam laughed slightly. “Man, that was a long time ago,” he said shaking his head.
“Hmm. It’s been a while since I last saw y/n. I kind of miss her,” Doyoung said.
Again, this time, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Doyoung. Doyoung was busy looking at the broth he was stirring so he didn’t realise that everyone was looking at him.
“Y-yah, why are you suddenly missing y/n,” Junkyu spoke up.
Doyoung lets out a short laugh, finally looking up from the pot and noticing that everyone’s eyes were on him. “Of course I miss y/n. Don’t you all do? She was always so fun to have around,” he responded.
“True,” Yedam nodded. “Oh, speaking of y/n! Hyung, didn’t we both watch something interesting the other day?” Yedam gestured at Junkyu, asking his hyung about this.
“Hm? What about y/n?” Jihoon asked.
“Yeahh hyung! Junkyu and I saw Chani-hyung and y/n being very close the other day,” Yedam said.
“How close?” Jihoon snickered, not believing fully what Yedam had seen. “I mean, remember that time when you kids tried to lock Chani and y/n in that practice room during their building tour? You guys said they were being too close with each other too. And that was all a misunderstanding ‘cause we’re that close with y/n too, don’t forget that.”
“Noooo this one is different! They looked like a couple! Isn’t that right, hyung?” Yedam asked Junkyu.
Junkyu shrugged. He had lost interest in the conversation the moment Chani’s name was mentioned.
“Huh. Now that you mentioned it, I do notice Chani being around y/n a lot lately. Like, they were already close. But nowadays they looked extra close,” Mashiho suddenly spoke up.
“Hyung…is it really alright to let y/n be that close with him though?” Doyoung asked, a worry expression forming on his face.
“Pfft there’s no need to worry. Y/n will be fine. Beside, she’s got us, isn’t that right, Junkyu?” Jihoon said confidently.
Junkyu lets out a loud sigh. “I don’t know. I don’t care.”
“Hm? You don’t?” Jihoon stopped chopping the green beans he was holding. Usually, he would’ve assumed Junkyu to be joking when he said he doesn’t care about something but judging from his tone and expression, Jihoon knew something was off.
Junkyu lets out another loud sigh. “I really don’t. They can do whatever they want. He’s literally leeching on her so yeah, if she gets burnt along the way for getting involved with him too much, that’s on her,”
Mashiho shook his head, showing that he disagrees with what Junkyu had just said. “That’s not very nice, hyung. They’re both our friends. We should look out for them whenever we can. You know, so that they won’t get into trouble with you-know-who,”
Yedam, Doyoung and Jihoon all nodded at this.
Junkyu lets out an annoyed scoff.
“I’m back! Where is everyone??” They heard Hyunsuk’s voice saying from outside the kitchen.
“I’m in the kitchen, hyung!” Doyoung called out back to his hyung.
“Yah, Kim Junkyu. You better watch out on what you say. You don’t really mean that,” Jihoon suddenly said, resuming the conversation they had earlier.
“Why wouldn’t I mean it? Y/n is a nobody! She’s just someone we literally know for months—hardly achieving a year! Who cares what happens to her? She can hang with whoever she wants.” Junkyu replied in a bitter tone.
“Junkyu…” Jihoon said slowly.
“No, no. Don’t try to sweet talk me into talking good things about y/n. She doesn’t care one bit about us. We’re always looking out for her, but what do we get in return??” He paused. Junkyu took a deep breath before adding, “Y/n is annoying,”
Jihoon laughed nervously. “HAHAHAA very funny Junkyu! Look at you! What a horrible joke to make!” he continued laughing awkwardly.
Junkyu shook his head. “No, I wasn’t kidding! Y/n really is annoying. She’s a bother—”
“HYUNG STOP!” Yedam said loudly, shocking everyone.
Junkyu was too shocked to speak now since Yedam has never raised his voice towards him. Junkyu was about to get mad at him but then he noticed the fear and worried looks on everyone’s faces.
And that’s when he felt cold sweat dripping behind his neck.
He slowly turned around.
And there at the kitchen doorframe, stood you and Hyunsuk—both eyes wide and speechless.
Junkyu swallowed the lump in his throat.
“Y-y/n…” he began to say, his voice small now.
You stood there quietly, your fingers fiddling over the small paper bag in your hand. You stared back at him, your heart beating loud by the second.
To be continued…
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poedameronloverx · 3 years
Finally Meet You
Hello lovely people. I’m back for my second week of Writer Wednesday If you don’t know what that is and it sounds fun to you then check out @autumnleaves1991-blog​ for all the info :)
This is my first ever time writing anything in the Oscar fandom that’s not Poe so if it’s not very good then sorry, I’ll try and improve more :)
I wrote this at work so if theres any mistakes blame the fact I was being sneaky because we were quiet ;)
Pairing - Santiago Garcia x Reader
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A phone booth. To most people, it was something you walked past in the street and didn’t give a second thought, some people used it to shelter from the rain. Very rarely was it ever used for calls anymore. To you it was a life line, it was the only contact you had with the love of your life. Anyone who heard your story would probably laugh at it. You were in love with a man you had never even met. Technically he was your boss. You were both working undercover to bring down a large gang in London. All you knew about him was he had an American accent, and his name was Santiago Garcia. You’d never seen him, the people in charge of the mission said it was for the best. You were working for the gang and gathering all the information you could, you’d been on the inside for almost 10 months. You went to the phone booth at 9.45pm each night to report back to Santi with anything you heard. The information you’d gathered had already put a stop to handovers of massive amounts of drugs. The gang were starting to get suspicious, they knew someone was working against them but so far they hadn’t worked out it was you. You’d had to sleep with the leader of the gang to keep yourself away from suspicion and keep yourself safe. It had made you feel cheap and disgusting but Santi had assured you, that it was the right thing to do.  
 You’d just slipped into the phone booth when it rang. 
“Are you okay?” Santi’s calming voice asked 
“For now” you replied “They’re getting really suspicious. He killed one of the gang members today because he thought it was him leaking the information. The second in command is really suspicious of me. He doesn’t want me leaving the house. I’m going to be kept under watch all of the time as of tomorrow. He said if I have nothing to hide then there won’t be an issue, but it’s going to be pretty obvious when nothing else happens to them that it’s been me. I’ve probably only got a week left Santi” 
“I can’t let that happen” he replied “We have to move now” 
“But they haven’t given a date yet for the weapons handover”  
“It doesn’t matter sweetheart, I have to get you out of there. Like you said, if nothing else happens in the next week your covers blown and they’ll kill you. And I’m not going to let that happen” 
“What are you going to do?” you asked 
“Don’t you worry about that, just know that I’ll have you out of there in a few days. Just hang in there until then” 
“You promise?” 
“I promise” he replied “I can’t wait to finally meet you” 
 The next few days were rough, the second in command in the gang was watching you like a hawk. The weapons handover had set a date, it was what you’d been working for the entire time, you had to stop it, but now you had no way of getting the information to Santi. Another man had joined the gang, he had kind eyes and seemed shy. He kept his distance but you saw him watching you whenever you were all in the company of the gang leaders. On the day of the handover, the shy gang member volunteered to stay back with you whilst everyone else headed out.  
“How do you know my name?” you asked 
“My names Frankie, I’m a friend of Santiago’s. He sent me in to keep an eye on you plus feed him information” 
“So he’s going to have his team there today?” you asked 
“Yeah, and we’re getting you out today” Frankie replied “I don’t know if it’ll be him or our friend Will, but someone’s coming for you in the next few hours. Just sit tight for now” 
 The next few hours felt like days. You just wanted out, and as far away from the house as possible. Frankie seemed completely calm, he trusted his friends to get everything done and get both of you out safely. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Santi, you just didn’t know him or his team the way that Frankie did, so there was always that thought in the back of your mind. You heard a car pulling up outside. Frankie looked out the window and turned to you. 
“They’re here! Let’s go!” 
You followed Frankie downstairs and out of the house. He opened the back door of the car for you before jumping in the front. The car sped off as soon as you were inside. You glanced to your side to see the most handsome man in the entire world looking at you. He smiled. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you” 
“In the flesh” he chuckled “We’re going to get you somewhere safe” 
“This is Will” Frankie said, turning your attention to the driver 
“Hi” you replied “Thank you, for getting me out of there” 
 They took you to a hotel next to the River Thames, Will and Frankie left but Santiago stayed with you. He booked you in and followed you up to the room. You had a river view and the room was massive. You headed straight for the window, being able to see the outside world after days cooped up in the gang home made you feel instantly calm. 
“You’re going to stay here for a few days” Santi explained “Just until we know for sure that we got them all, then we can all head back to Florida” 
The company you and Santi worked for was based in Florida. You hoped you’d be on desk duty for a while. The mission had been stressful and mentally exhausting, but the thought of it finally being over after a long 10 months made you want to cry with happiness.  
“Thank you” you said, turning to face him “For sending Frankie, for getting me out” 
“I wanted to make sure you were safe, plus planting Frankie meant we could still find out what was going on. A new face with a very good CV was never going to have any suspicion on him, plus he was there if they tried to hurt you. I was never going to leave you sweetheart” Santi replied “I don’t know about you, but I’ve grown quite attached to you these last 10 months” 
You smiled “The feelings mutual. That stupid phone booth felt like a life line to me. All I wanted was to hear your voice” 
“I was always so glad to hear yours” he replied “And now seeing you in the flesh I’m even more interested” 
“Feelings mutual” you repeated, watching as Santi took a few steps closer to you. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked 
“Yes please”. When his lips met yours, you were sure there were fireworks going off somewhere. He was everything you’d ever dreamed he would be and so much more. You hoped that the dirty old phone booth was the start of something beautiful. 
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fishytrouble1 · 3 years
Sidemen meet Childhood “Friend”
TbjzlxReader Fanfiction
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Of course you knew about the Sidemen, you had followed them on YouTube since the beginning but nobody knew the real reason behind why you followed the Sidemen.
You knew the Sidemen filmed a lot around the Westminster region of London but you were hoping you wouldn’t run into them. You were afraid of seeing HIM again.
You had known Tobi since you were 3 years old and, not that you had admitted this to anybody but him, you had been in love with him since you were 10. Now you knew this sounded ridiculous but it was true. 
Growing up together meant you knew him better than anybody. And when he met Josh in year 7, you were glad he had another friend and once you met Josh he was instantly the brother you never had. It was the three of you against everything. 
When you and Tobi became official at 13, you kept it a secret from Josh at first scared about what he would think, or even how it would affect your guys’ friendship.
What you didn’t expect though was for Josh to bust you both one day in the cafeteria. You thought you had a minute just to sneak a kiss but just as you did Josh walked through the door. However, josh didn’t care, he was ecstatic that his two best friends were together and was the biggest advocator for your relationship.
You were together all the way through high school and even in sixth form and university but you both mutually agreed to end it when Tobi moved to London to start his YouTube career with the Sidemen. Obviously, you didn’t want to break up but you did it for him, you walked away from, who you believe to be your soulmate for him and his career.
Presently, you were walking along Westminster bridge hoping to get home soon. About 5 years after your breakup you moved to London yourself to become a nurse in the city and you couldn’t be happier but you always felt as if something, or someone, was missing.
You kept your head down and tried to rush home before the rain came but you were knocked to the floor by some guy who was also hurrying. He helped you up and when he went to hand you your phone, which he picked up, you couldn’t believe who it was.
“Josh!” You exclaimed.
“Y/N, oh my gosh. How are you?” He says whilst grabbing you into a bone-crushing hug.
“Jo..sh. Can..t breathe.” He releases you and apologises. “Thank you and I’m doing alright, how’s it going with you and the Sidemen?” 
“I’m alright and yeah it’s good, I didn’t expect you to be such a big fan.” He admits laughing.
“Yeah well, someone has to know all the deep dark secrets of Zerkaa’s youth and compare it to his videos today.” You both laugh at the type of secrets you mean.
“Josh... how is He?” You ask sadly.
“Y/N He’s good and happy, but I know he’s not completely happy and he’s even told me that. He’s also told me why. It’s you. It always has been. He’s always regretted leaving you behind for his career but at the same time if you hadn’t of done it, he wouldn’t be where he is now. Look I’m meeting up with the lads now, do you want to come and meet them and see Tobi again?” Josh offers.
You hesitate and think it over but before you can answer, Your pulled in the direction Josh was originally going. You give up trying to resist and just follow closely behind Josh, both of you chatting as you make your way to somewhere you have tried to avoid for so long.
As you entered a random looking apartment you could hear laughter and joy coming from another room. 
“Hey Guys!” Josh shouts, “I’ve brought someone along with me who wanted to meet you all.”
You here HIS voice shout back, “Josh it better not be a fan again.” Again you here a bunch of laughter in reaction to Tobi’s joke. You decide to reply upon entering the living area.
“Only the original.” You smile hesitantly, as you enter the room. The boys all stare at you with curiosity but Tobi just stared at you in shock. 
“Hey guys, I’m Y/N.” You then look at Tobi and smile. “Hey Tobes.”
The other guys all turn their heads to Tobi, confused at what was happening right in front of them. He stands up abruptly and exits the living room and entering a room to the side. Josh goes to follow him but you grab his arm.
“Let me. I’ve always known how to calm him down, just explain everything to that lot.” You signal to the Sidemen before leaving in search of Tobi.
You knock on the door, you saw him enter through, before entering yourself. You see him sat on the bed, deep in thought. You sit beside him and start talking.
“You know I follow everything you do. I’ve been there since day one and I couldn’t be prouder of the man I’ve seen you become. There’s been so many times I wanted to reach out but I thought you wouldn’t want to hear from me. Josh has also said some things, not that I believe them, but I need to know if you feel the same as me?” You ramble whilst tears flow out of your eyes.
“Y/N I know you follow everything I do. I see you comment and like everything and I wanted to reach out to, but I was scared of what you would think of me know. And if Josh has mentioned that I’ve not been able to move on from you because...well... I still love you, then it’s true.”
As he finishes admitting his continuous love for you, you grab his face and pull him in for a kiss. You’re interrupted by hearing noise coming from outside the door, so you pull away from Tobi and smirk at him.
You quietly get to the door and pull it open causing Simon and Vik to fall through the door whilst the others are just stood there, looking like deer's caught in headlights. 
You smile then turn to Tobi, “These are your friends you chose to replace me.” You said jokingly, causing everybody to laugh.
“Boys can you give us a minute, I’ll introduce you all but we need to finish talking.” Tobi asks the boys to which they oblige and leave.
You turn back to Tobi to see him stood up and smiling at you.
“Y/N I’m sorry about what happened in our past and I know this is going to sound really peculiar, but I can’t just not have you in my life. So, please can we pick up where we left off?” He is nervous but you nod causing him to burst out into a smile.
“So boyfriend shall we go introduce me to your friends? I have a few embarrassing stories I’d like to tell.” You smirk and he shakes his head.
You didn’t quite think that this was how your day was going to go, but you also couldn’t imagine being any happier. You had reconnected with your two best friends, one of which being your true love; as well as connecting with a bunch of new friends who you were grateful to for looking out for your man while you couldn’t
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queenshelby · 3 years
Conflicts (Just Friends Part 6) - Cillian Murphy Imagine
Featuring: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: SMUT
Words: 3518
Driving Home
The next morning it was time for you to make your way back home to Dublin. You had another few days of annual leave but your grandmother was scheduled to drop Max off at your house the following morning after his trip with her to Galway.
Whilst you enjoyed your time alone with Cillian, you did miss your son Max terribly and couldn’t wait to see him.
Cillian had been rather quiet since last night, ever since he made the phone call, and you were somewhat concerned.
He didn’t want to talk about it and you thought it to be appropriate to give him some space. Surely, he would come around once he was ready.
During the car drive you talked about the boys and school and things you had planned for the upcoming week but Cillian’s mood seemed somewhat low.
‘Are you sure that you are ok?’ you asked.
‘Yes, my mind has just been somewhere else. Sorry’ he responded.
‘And where has it been?’ you asked.
‘Work’ Cillian said.
‘Alright’ you said. You could tell that he really didn’t want to talk about it.
‘Filming starts again in six weeks and I’ll be gone for a while’ Cillian said as he placed his hand onto yours.
‘For how long?’ you asked.
‘4 months, but I’ll come back to Dublin for a week in between’ Cillian said. ‘And maybe you can visit me?’ Cillian asked.
‘I would love to visit you, if you want me to’ you said.
‘Of course, I do’ Cillian said with a smile on his face.
As you were still driving back to Dublin, Cillian received another two phone calls from someone called Sarah. He didn’t answer but rather sighed with annoyance when he saw the call come up on the dashboard of his car.
‘You can answer it if you like’ you said, curious about who Sarah was.
‘I rather not’ Cillian sighed.
‘Alright then’ you said, an awkward silence erupting between you and Cillian which lasted until the moment Cillian pulled up in front of your house.
Just as the car stopped, you collected your thoughts. You really didn’t want to have your first possibly about nothing.
‘Thank you for the amazing weekend’ you said before kissing Cillian gently.
‘I love you’ he said in response, caressing your face.
‘I love you too. Will I see you tonight?’ you asked.
‘Of course, I will be around at 6’ Cillian said before giving you another kiss and driving off.
Who is Sarah?
After you unpacked your clothes and had some time to do some household chores, the doorbell rang.
You almost forgot that you had a coffee date with your and Cillian’s mutual friend Leah that afternoon.
As you opened the door it was pouring rain again and Leah was rather soaked. You offered her some dry clothes of yourself, which she gladly accepted, and boiled the kettle for some tea.
After Leah had time to get changed into your clothes, you both sat down at the kitchen table.
‘So, how was your time with Cillian?’ Leah asked. ‘You know, I really didn’t expect you two to get involved with each other’ she added.
‘Why is that?’ you said as you sipped on your tea.
‘I don’t know, I just didn’t see it coming. You make a cute couple though’ Leah said.
‘I suppose’ you said, looking down on your cup.
‘You suppose? Did you guys have a fight or something?’ Leah asked.
‘No, it’s just…’ you said before discontinuing your sentence.
‘It’s just what?’ Leah asked.
‘He received a few phone calls last night and this morning and he’s been really quiet since. I suppose I am just a bit worried’ you explained.
‘Phone calls from whom?’ Leah asked.
‘Someone called Sarah’ you said, causing Leah to choke on her biscuit.
‘I am not surprised then. Sarah is his ex’ Leah explained.
‘I thought his ex-wife’s name is Natalie?’ you asked surprised as you recalled having met her once at a BBQ when she dropped off the boys. She had remarried and was there with her new husband.
‘Not his ex-wife, his ex-girlfriend. They broke up five months ago but they still work together on Peaky Blinders, which might be a bit of an issue’ Leah explained.
‘Right’ you said with worry, remembering what Cillian had told you in the car. He was going back to filming in 6 weeks.
‘You honestly don’t need to worry about her Y/N. It was Cillian who ended it. Although I don’t know why he would even bother picking up her calls’ Leah explained.
‘I suppose my self esteem has taken a bit of a hit since these comments on Twitter so I worry about stupid things’ you said.
‘I think you need to stay of social media Y/N’ Leah said before changing the topic to a more pleasurable conversation.
Leah had recently found out that she was pregnant and was excited to add to her family with a third child.
After talking about kids, setting up nurseries and so forth, Leah asked you whether you had discussed this topic with Cillian.
‘Jesus, we’ve only just started dating. Despite, we have three kids between the two of us, that’s plenty’ you laughed, causing Leah to laugh as well.
After Leah went on to discuss schooling for her eldest son, you recalled that you did, in fact, have this conversation with Cillian but before you were dating.  
You remembered him telling you that he was done with having children. He did not want any more but rather wanted to concentrate on bringing up the boys in the best possible way.
You also recalled him mentioning to you that this was a cause of conflict between him and his ex-girlfriend and you began to wonder whether this had anything to do with their breakup.
Trying not to ponder on about this too much, you caught up on the conversation you had with Leah about schooling.
You couldn’t even put your mind at the possibility of Max attending school any time soon but the truth was that it was only a year away.
After two hours had passed, you had to say goodbye to your friend Leah. After all, you had a date with your boyfriend that evening.
Date Night
Your plan was to cook for him and surprise him wearing some nice lingerie.
You weren’t really a good cook but decided to give it a crack anyway and make lasagne.
After you prepared the lasagne and put it in the oven, you had a shower, put on some make up and done up your hair.
You put on black lace lingerie with stunning satin stockings which were affixed to your waist.
Just as you finished the final touches, the doorbell rang.
‘Hi babe’ you said as you opened the door.
‘Fuck’ Cillian said in response, gazing over you in your black lingerie.
‘Hey, this is no way to speak to a lady’ you said, pulling him in for a kiss.
‘You look incredibly sexy in this’ Cillian said with wide eyes.
‘I know’ you smirked. ‘Common in before the neighbours see me like this’ you added.
‘Something smells…’ Cillian said as he walked inside and, as soon as he said this, you remembered the lasagne.
‘Burnt’ he added as he watched you race to the stove.
‘Goddammit’ you yelled as you opened the stove and took out the burnt lasagne in your sexy lace lingerie.
‘I wanted this to be perfect’ you said frustrated and upset, some tears running down your face, while Cillian looked around and saw that you had lid some candles and put on some slow jazz music.
‘Just being with you is perfect in itself’ Cillian said as he lifted up your chin with his thumb, gazing into your eyes before kissing you.
‘You are sweet Cillian’ you said, sinking into his arms.
‘Now do you want to tell me what’s really wrong, because you aren’t the type of woman who gets upset about some burnt lasagne’ Cillian asked as you walked over to the lounge and sat down.
‘The phone calls…You were so quiet after them and I know that it was your ex who rang. I couldn’t help but worry about whether you still have feelings for her. I mean, why did you even call her back?’ you said.
‘I can assure you that I don’t have feelings for her Y/N. In fact, I broke up with her because I didn’t love her and I felt as though I was wasting her time. She wanted children and marriage, none of which I was prepared to give her, so what’s the point?’ Cillian said.
‘So why didn’t you tell me?’ you asked.
‘Because I still have to work with her and because I fucked up, a few months ago. Even though this all happened before you and me got together, I had to think of a way to talk with you about this’ Cillian said.
‘You fucked up in which way?’ you asked.
‘We slept with each other. We both had too much to drink and it was a mistake’ Cillian said.
‘Cillian, Jesus’ you said annoyed.
‘She wanted to give it another try and I told her that I wasn’t ready for another relationship and, well, then I fell in love with you which doesn’t look very good now does it? So, I called her back that evening because I thought that I owe her at least an explanation’ Cillian said.
‘I love you Y/N. I never planned to fall in love with you, but I did’ he added.
‘Well, I can’t really be upset about a woman you’ve been with before me. But I don’t like the fact that you will be working with her again soon’ you said.
‘Neither do I, trust me’ Cillian said.
‘When you film, do you have any intimate scenes with her?’ you asked concerned.
‘One I think’ Cillian responded, causing your heart to drop and tears building up in your eyes again.
‘It doesn’t mean anything Y/N. It’s just acting’ Cillian said as he cupped your face.
‘It does to her’ you said.
‘But it doesn’t to me. I love you, not her, alright?’ Cillian said, causing you to nod.
‘In fact, I fell in love with you after our first night together, although I didn’t want to admit it to myself’ he added.
‘So did I’ you said before climbing across Cillian’s lap, facing him and pressing your lips onto his.
As you were exchanging passionate kisses, you rocked back and forward on top of him and began running your hands over your breasts suggestively.
‘This is very nice lingerie’ Cillian said as he couldn’t keep his eyes of your breasts.
‘Perhaps I should visit you on set one day, wearing this beneath my clothes and let Thomas Shelby have his way with me?’ you smirked jokingly, causing Cillian to laugh.
You had only recently began to watch Peaky Blinders and could certainly understand the fascination other women had with Tommy Shelby.
‘That could be arranged’ Cillian said as, suddenly, you found yourself beneath Cillian on the sofa.
Within seconds, his t-shirt fell to the floor, shortly followed by his jeans, leaving him in nothing but his black Calvin Klein briefs.
‘Should we take this to the bedroom?’ Cillian asked between gentle kisses while he was running his hands over your breasts.
‘No’ you said as you pushed backwards a little, making him sit up.
‘Watch’ you said just as you stood up in front of him, beginning to touch your breasts and then slipping your hand into your panties.
Cillian’s eyes were on you, full of excitement, while his erection pushed against his briefs.
You seductively removed your bra and began playing with your nipples.
You could see in Cillian’s face that he wanted to touch you badly. He was desperate to feel your skin.
Just as reached his hand out towards you, you grabbed a pillow from the lounge and threw onto the floor in front of him.
Without words, you kneeled in front of him, right in between his legs. Your fingers hooked into the waistband of his briefs, pulling them down and exposing his hard cock.
No time was wasted until you lowered your head and, while your hand held onto his thick shaft, your tongue licked the precum from the tip of his cock.
‘Fuck’ Cillian moaned as your mobile tongue slid over the length of his cock front and back before returning to the very tip, feeling him cringe and hearing him moan.
Your lips closed over the head of his cook and you began to slide your mouth up and down the smooth, sweet tasting skin of his shaft, loving the flavour of his pre-cum.
Meanwhile your tongue continued to swirl across his sensitive head and your hand pumped him while the other gripped his ass cheek, holding him in position.
Cillian gasped and moaned as he could feel every inch of your tongue lapping his head.
After about 10 minutes, it became more difficult for Cillian to hold back and he tried to look at the ceiling rather than you.
Another 5 minutes and this strategy was no longer working either.
‘Fuck Y/N, you need to stop’ Cillian said.
Giving him your most slutty look and not breaking eye contact, you slid your lips slowly down his length and back up, moaning around his thickness.
‘I want you to come in my mouth’ you said eagerly in between your movements. Up and down, making the most exquisite noises.
‘Oh God!’ Cillian cried, throwing back his head.
Shortly thereafter, you saw his knuckles go white with how hard he gripped to the blanket covering the lounge beneath him. Then, in what seemed like slow motion, you felt him spasm and the creeping approach of his cum up his cock.
With one loud moan, he filled your mouth with his sweet cum, the first bit of which almost instantly hit the back of your throat.
There was a fair bit more than you had expected but you managed not to spill a single drop.
‘Fuck’ Cillian shuttered as he came down from his high while starring at you, licking your lips seductively.
After you took a sip of your wine, you joined him back on the lounge, exchanging a passionate kiss.
‘Lie down’ Cillian whispered just as your lips drifted apart and he gently pushed your back into the lounge before taking his position in between your legs.
He pulled your lace panties down gently and placed your legs over his shoulders.
Cillian’s eyes were fixed on the junction between your thighs as he slid his head back down in between them.
As you felt his hot breath on your already wet entrance you couldn’t help it but moan.
His hands brushed over the lace tops of your stockings then the soft milky skin of your inner thighs just before you could feel his wet tongue run over your slit gently.
‘Cillian, oh god’ you moaned as his tongue entered you slightly while he pushed your thighs back tilting your bum towards him.
His tongue dipped in and out of you before it made its way to your already engorged clit, drawing circles over it.
For a moment you couldn’t help but arch your back and push against him, but Cillian pushed you back down almost instantly before slipping two of his fingers inside of you.
You let out what sounded like squirrel as his fingers arched upwards and hit your g-spot. He was the first man to have found this spot and you struggled with the intensity of the feeling when he stimulated it.
‘Just relax and let go’ Cillian instructed as he knew that, every time he reaches your sweet spot, you tense up.
You took a deep breath and let yourself get lost in the moment. His fingers thrusted in and out of you, continuously hitting this sweet spot of you, while his tongue continued to circle your clit.
You gasped loudly while you held onto the lounge and your body began to shudder beneath Cillian’s lips.
‘Oh god yes’ you moaned as your orgasm washed over you.
Cillian slowed down his movements to let you come down from your high, his lips covered in your sweet juices.
‘You are so damn good at this’ you giggled as he climbed up and in between your legs.
‘So are you’ Cillian smirked before positioned himself in between your legs.
You couldn’t believe that he was already hard again as you felt the smooth head of this cock press open your labia and lodge in the opening.
You wrapped your arms and legs around him as he began sliding his hardness into you until it was seated deeply inside.
‘Oh god’ you moaned, loving the feeling of him inside of you.
He allowed you to adjust for a moment before beginning to thrust into you gently.
As he was moving in and out of you at a reasonable he speed, he held you tight, pressing his body against yours while kissing you gently.
You felt suspended in this moment. Every cell of your body felt everything with every thrust and every kiss.
Slowly all the tingling pleasure began to gather together and concentrate in your core, moving down to center where your were so intimately connected.
You gasped and trembled as the intensity began to overwhelm your. Your hands clenched and tried to pull him even closer, trying to fit yourself into his skin.
‘Cillian, oh god’ you panted as your walls tightened and your orgasm engulfed.
Moving in sync with you, Cillian wasn’t far behind you and the tightening of your walls around him sent him over the edge.
Panting equally loudly he filled you with his warm cum.
After you both came down from your highs, you curled up with each other on the lounge, pulling the blanket on top of you.
After more gentle kisses and some talking about the situation with Sarah, Cillian ordered some take away and you watched a movie together before heading to the bedroom for some more intimacy and to catch up on your sleep.
Meeting Grandma (Again)
The next morning, you heard the door open at 7am. Your grandmother had a key and was dropping Max back from their trip.
‘Hi Nan’ you said as you walked out of the bedroom, wearing a t-shirt and some cotton underwear.
‘Hi darling’ she said, giving you a hug just as Max came out of the bathroom.
‘Mum, I was busting. I thought I was going to pee in nanna’s car’ he said causing you to laugh before giving him a big hug.
Just as Max disappeared into his room to unpack his bag and you sat down with your grandmother in the kitchen, Cillian walked in wearing nothing but his boxers.
‘Oh, uhm, hi’ Cillian said, his face flushing and your eyes widening.
‘Oh hello again Mr Murphy’ your grandmother said with a big grin as she looked up and down on him as if she was assessing him.
‘Excuse me, I will be right back’ he said slightly embarrassed, picking up his clothes from the living room floor on the way back to the bedroom and pushing your lace panties and bra under the lounge discreetly in the hope that your grandmother wouldn’t notice.
You certainly didn’t expect her to arrive so early.
‘So…’ you said, your face flushed, lost for words until your grandmother began to laugh.
‘Now, this just made my day sweetheart. Wait until I tell Erna, she will not believe it’ your grandmother giggled.
‘Nan! Please!’ you said with some embarrassment.
‘Oh darling, I am just kidding. I won’t tell Erna of course. But who doesn’t enjoy a bit of eye candy now and then, right?’ your grandmother said, making you flush even more.
‘Jesus, nan’ you laughed as Cillian came out of the bedroom, now wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
There was an awkward silence between you, Cillian and your grandmother as Cillian sat down at the table with you.
‘So, when is the next season of Peaky Blinders coming out?’ your grandmother asked to break the ice.
‘Not sure, but we start filming again in six weeks’ Cillian said.
‘So, you will be gone for quite a while I would assume?’ your grandmother asked concerned.
‘Four months. Although, I am hoping for Y/N to come and visit me in between’ Cillian explained.  
‘You should be able to arrange that darling, right? And, while you are there, you and Cillian can visit your parents. Maybe they could even look after Max for a change and you can have a date night’ your grandmother said.
‘Your parents live in Birmingham?’ Cillian asked, causing you to nod with a sigh.
‘Yes, about 20 minutes outside Birmingham’ you responded.
To be continued….
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blitzosblog · 4 years
Demonstration - J•S
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Request by @13reasonswhystan - Ok so y/n is Italian and came from a Christian household she moved to small health and got a job as a barmaid at garrisons she has a temper and attitude which caught johns attention and he fell for her right away so they got married. One night they are in bed talking and she says that she saved herself until marriage and John was the only man she’s slept with and he’s shocked but then she says just because she didn’t have sex doesn’t mean she didn’t do other things with guys and John gets confused and she shows him so like a blowjob and mutual masterbation . Sorry it’s long hope it makes sense xx
Pairing: John Shelby x Reader
Warning: Swearing, fluff, mentions of sex, smut, mutual masterbation and blowjobs.
Rating: 18+
Me and John had met at the Garrison during one of my lovely displays of customer service. I come to Small Heath, England from Sorrento, Italy, the change in atmosphere, temperature and people was a shock to me and it took me a while to adjust to everything around me, luckily I'd just gotten a job at a local pub call The Garrison and had been a barmaid for about a week and half now, I'd found my way round the town well enough, luckily I'd known English well enough to get by.
Unfortunately for some I'd still not got used to the rough and unruly behaviour of some customers. That's how the two of us were introduced; I'd been working a long shift and need for sleep was coming through which didn't assist my composure.
A ma approached the bar and started blindly rambling on and yelling at me, my temper getting the best of me, so I punched the man in the face resulting in his friends trying to hold him back from me as he yelled more.
Suddenly three men entered the bar and everyone went silent the man stilled but was frisgeting out of anger.
"Whats going on here?" One of the men asked.
"Nothing Tommy just an idiot thinking he own the place" Harry spoke, I began cleaning up the man's spilled drink when another one of the three men walked up to me.
"You shouldn't have to do this love" he spoke.
"Its my job sir" I replied, he smiled grabbing the rag from me and cleaning it up placing it behind the bar.
"My names John, and you?" He asked taking my hand in his a kissing my knuckles.
"Beautiful name" he said as whom I assumed was Arthur Shebly the oldest of the three, he pat John on the shoulders whispering in his ear, I watched John smile and turn back to me.
"I'll see you" he spoke walking away with his brother to a secluded booth. And he did he saw me more and more, we would talk into late nights, one night he asked me to go out with him away from the Garrison and that where our relationship begun.
Two years later me and John tied the not having a lovely big wedding.
It had been a weeks since that day and I found myself laying in bed with John, snuggled into his side as he peacefully read the daily newspaper and I laid idly drawing circles into his bare torso.
"John?" I call out to him, he hums in response.
"Did you save yourself for marriage?" I asked, I knew it was a strange and most likely pointless question but I was curious, he smiled and put the paper down on the bedside table whilst blushing.
"Well, no I didn't" he said, now rubbing my back.
"Oh, well I did" I exclaimed.
"Aw my innocent girl" he said kissing the top of my head, I sat up slightly turning to face him with my hand on his stomach slighlty.
"I said I saved my virginity for you which I only did because of my families beliefs, not that I was innocent" I spoke, as his face changed slighlty.
"Love, I'm confused as to what you mean" he said looking at me, I gave him a devilish smirk.
"Well I've done other thing John" I said smiling, to which John's eyes widened in surprise, here he thought his wife was a innocent christian girl when in fact it may have been the complete opposite.
"Care to explain?" He asked getting slighlty excited at the thoughts currently occupying his mind.
"Well what if I showed you?" I asked. His mouth widened into a smile as he leaned forward to kiss me only for me to push him back and lean on a bed post on the opposite corner of the bed from him.
He watched as I lifted my nightgown, revealing my legs and bare warmth to him, his eyes turned dark and he began fidgeting, I dragged my hand down my body slowly pushing them up and down my slick folds as he watched.
"Your turn" I said, as the dots finally connected in his mind, he quickly removed his hard length from his slacks and wrapped his hand round it pumping as he watched me dip my fingers in and out of myself.
"Fuck darlin', so gorgeous" he moaned as he pumped himself faster, I died another finger in arching my back slighlty, quiet moans and sound of heavy breathing filled the room as we continued to please each other.
One another's gaze as audience. I was close to my climax as I curled my fingers a high pitched moan release from me.
"So close John, so so close!" I moaned pumping faster.
"Me too love" he replied, we continued our actions riding out are highs as I came round my fingers and John released onto his stomach.
We calmed down slighlty as I cleaned my hand and John cleaned his stomach with a napkin laid in our bedside table; he finished cleaning as I crawled in between his legs, wrapping my hand round his slighlty harden memeber.
"What you doing Y/N?" He questioned shifting slightly.
"Just the other thing I wanted to show you" I replied looking him in the eys as I wrapped my mouth round the tip, lowering my head taking him all in, he threw his head back and groaned from the sensitivity and new feeling of my warm mouth round him, I'd never done this sort of thing for him before.
His hand found its way to my hair and he gripped me tight as I hollowed my cheeks, pumping what I couldn't take in.
"Fucking hell love, you've been holding out on me" he groaned bending his legs t the knees as he reached his second high of the night, I kept bobbing up and down whilst my tongue traced the underside of him shaft going over his thick vein, hearing him whimler slightly cause me to groan around him, he gripped tighter leaning forward slighlty.
"Shit, shit!" He moaned cumming into my mouth, I leaned back swallowing every drop as he attempted to calm him self, I situated my body in his side again as his breathing evened out.
"That was bloody amazing love" he exclaimed holding me.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it" I replied, he smiled down at me, adoration in his eyes as he relaxed with me.
"Tomorrow its my turn"
Masterlist here
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tillthelandslide · 4 years
Photographer : Henry Cavill Fake Instagram
Author’s note: Hi everyone. Hope you enjoy another fake instagram post. I really do enjoy making this so keep sending me requests, this one wasn’t a request but my own idea, I’m slowly working my way through some different careers so people can relate more to each one if they see their career being represented. Unfortunately, Tumblr on my phone keeps messing up, I usually like to include emojis here and there because to me it feels more real but it wouldn’t let me.
Anyway hope you enjoy - L
Tagged: @harrysthiccthighss @thereisa8ella @magdelen69​ (if you want to be tagged in my post please message me :)
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yourname_photography had an amazing day shooting with @henrycavill such a pleasure working with you love.
Liked by henrycavill and 1,891,201 others
View all 80,000 comments
fan2 your photography is so good
  ↳ yourname_photography aw thanks love
  ↳ fan3 honestly one of the best photographers out there atm
henrycavill thanks for the amazing day, I had such a nice time, you are so talented
  ↳ yourname_photography oh hush sir, was a joy working with you, you make my job very easy, lets just put it that way
henryfan “love” are they dating or not, we need answers
  ↳ ynfan she’s british, she calls everyone love, but if they were then we should all be happy for them, they don’t owe us answers
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henrycavill it is always such a joy when I get to work with amazingly talented people like @yourname_photography. So lucky to have you in my life, let alone get the opportunity to work together
Photo by @yourname_photography
Liked by yourname_photography, GQ and 991,892 others
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yourname_photography oh hush, you’re the talented one in this relationship kind sir
  ↳ henrycavill <3
  ↳ fan5 relationship? are they dating?
  ↳ fan6 think they’re just friends but I’m happy for them if they are dating
anyachalotra so talented, these are epic
  ↳ henrycavill she sure is
  ↳ yourname_photography thank you Anya
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freyaallan I had such a nice time shooting today with @yourname_photography. Thank you to @henrycavill for making it happen, now I understand why you love her so much. And thank you y/n for making me look so beautiful, think these photos are the best I have ever recieved from a photoshoot.
Photo by @yourname_photography
Liked by yourname_photography, henrycavill and 431,839 others
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fan3 “now I understand why you love her so much” ?? omg they are dating
  ↳ freyaallan I meant he loves working with her and loves the photos she produces, she is one of his favourite photographers
  ↳ fan2 good save
yourname_photography you were beautiful all on your own, needed no help from me miss. It was such a joy working with you, for sure have to do it again sometime
  ↳ freyaallan oh hush! and i’d love that
henrycavill glad you both had such a good time on set, i have always loved y/ns work, she has such a keen eye for this stuff
  ↳ fan2 this post is basically become them trying to convice us all that y/n and henry aren’t dating when we all know they are. good attempts though
photographydaily these photos are clean af
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celebrumourmagazine Famous Actor Henry Cavill and the photographer Y/n are now rumoured to be dating. The pair have had many photoshoots together and have a history of confusing fans with their comments on each others posts. But what is really tipping people off is a quote from Freya Allan, Cavill’s co-star in the Netflix show; The Witcher, where she said “I had such a nice time shooting today with @yourname_photography. Thank you to @henrycavill for making it happen, now I understand why you love her so much”. Allan then tried to cover her tracks by commenting on how y/n is one of Henry’s favourite photographers. Cavill too posted “I have always loved Y/ns work, she has such a keen eye for this stuff”. Seems fishy to me, wonder if we will get an explanatio soon. C’mon we deserve it.
Photo by @yourname_photography
Liked by 267,092 people
fan3 the level of disrepect in this post is on a new level. 1. referring to Henry as famous and then not using the same terminology for yn who has worked with so many famous actors, musicians, polticians etc and is renowned for her amazing word. 2. “Cavill’s co-star” she’s her own person sis. 3. “we deserve it” no you don’t, you haven’t done anything to deserve anything from them
  ↳ yn-hen-fan thats the tea sis
geraltofriviafans ffs leave them alone. there is the little thing people like to have. its called privacy
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celebrumourmagazine Famous actor Henry Cavill and Photographer caught kissing on a boat whilst on vaccation with friends and family. We knew they were dating!
Liked by 393,209 people
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fan5 annoying that they didn’t say anything we all would have been okay with it
  fan3 your comment perfectly shows how you wouldn’t have been okay with it. maybe they just wanted some privacy
  fan2 I just found out that this photo amongst a few others were leaked from their phones. Ffs why can’t people respect their privacy y’all wonder why they didn’t say anything; this is why
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henrycavill well the cats out of the bag... not the way we intended to tell you guys which is a shame. We are very sad that this is the way you all had to find out. With both of our jobs being very demanding (we love them nonetheless and are very grateful) we don’t often get to spend time with each other so wanted some time just to ourselves, we wanted to share this amazing relationship with all of our fans when were ready but unfortunately that opportunity was taken from us. We hope you can understand: you all are very important to the both of us and we truly did want to share this with you, but both got a bit too caught up with having each other to ourselves. These photos were taken by one of our mutual friends whilst we were on holiday and were leaked from our phones. I am so shocked that they even managed to do this but I will not let them get anymore attention than that.
To my love @yourname_photography: the last couple of months with you have been bliss, I found myself falling more in love with you everyday. Your dedication to your work is truly inspiring, how deeply you care for and love those around you is second to none, you have taught me so much about so many things but the main thing I will cherish is what you have taught me about myself; you have taught me to truly accept myself and have taught me to see myself the way you see me. I love you more than I can even begin to explain and I can’t wait for what’s to come. Having you to myself has been truly wonderful but sharing how amazing you are not only to me but all those around you is something I am going to enjoy. Everyone should know the amazing things you do not only in your photography career but in other aspects of your life <3
Liked by yourname_photography, anyachalotra, freyallan and 1,203,028 others
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yourname_photography this is too sweet Hen, I love you so much. The past couple of months with you have been absolute perfection and I will cherish them forever. You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am beyond lucky to have you and have had you to myself but I’m ready to share you and to share us with the world
  ↳ henrycavill lets do this shit
freyaallan I was worried that I was going to be the one to leak the news and although I’m annoyed it came out like this I’m glad it wasn’t me XD, wish you could have announced it on your own terms though. I’m beyond happy for the both of you
    ↳ yourname_photography the sweetest girl <3 I thought you recovered quite well in that post XD
anyachalotra the cutest couple of all time... there, i said it
   ↳ yourname_photography said it you did. we are beyond grateful for you and how supportive you were of us from the get go 
   ↳ henry cavill thank you anya, your support means the world to us
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yourname_photography to my beloved Henry: the love you have shown me was one I didn’t believe in growing up, the kind of love I thought only excited in fairytales, books and movies. Boy oh boy was I wrong. The love you give is the kind of love everyone deserves, the kind where you give yourself to someone else fully without any selfishness or expectations. To most people you are Superman, Geralt, August Walker, Charles Brandon, Napoleon Solo and many others. But to me you are all those things and more. You are the guy that brings me my favourite soup when I’m sick, the guy that sits with me for hours trying to pick which photos from a shoot are the best, the guy that brings home lillies because you know they’re my favourite flower, the guy that sends me care packages when you are away, the guy that sends me goofy selfies of you and Kal, the guy that rubs my back and plays with my hair when I cant sleep, the guy that introduced me to my second family: the Cavill’s, the guy that works his god damn hardest everyday, the guy that puts in so much effort to raise awareness for endangered species and the fight that Durrell do, the guy that does so many amazing things yet expects nothing in return. You are the epic love of my life and I do not deserve you <3, you amazing, beautiful human, never change <3
Liked by henrycavill, anyachalotra, joeybateyofficial and 1,583,039 others
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fan4 this post got more likes than henrys bc everyone realised they cant not like her
   ↳ henrycavill you made me cry ): now come give me kisses
   ↳ yourname_photography im coming, oops nearly tripped over kal
   ↳ fan 8 haha she’s commenting as she’s doing it how cute
joeybateyofficial all the haters be like “hmm, fuck” bc they realise there is -9182 reasons to hate you
   ↳ yourname_photography thanks for bringing the geralt comments here, someone had to do it :)
   ↳ joeybateyofficial it’s a honour :) happy for both of you... always knew he was a big soft... despite his rock hard abs
   ↳ yourname_photography spend a lot of time looking at my boyfriends rock hard abs much then? XD
   ↳ henrycavill not as much as you @yourname_photography, ayeee XD
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