#And then was specifically referenced as someone who was murdered onscreen
women-of-malevolent · 1 month
I genuinely don’t mean this from a place of malice, and do think the podcast both has a history of handling its women characters poorly and would like if it were better in that aspect. But I don’t understand the specific criticism of the work having a running theme of “male characters uncritically sacrificing their daughters.” (Key word uncritically.)
The titular Bella episode directly forces Arthur to confront the idea that him and Larson are similar, that the callousness they showed to their loved ones is intentionally paralleled. I don’t think it’s something the story is unaware of, and I’d hesitate to argue that Arthur (or Daniel, later) is presented as being in the definitive right. (In this regard.)
I don’t think you have to love the prevalence of the concept in the narrative, but I do think some of your critique feels like you’re taking the worst interpretation you could from the story and arguing that because the characters themselves don’t actively stop the plot to condemn it (and honestly, they do sometimes) it means the actions are presented as wholly value neutral. Some of your analysis feels like you’re starting from a conclusion and working your way back.
I want to reiterate: I really enjoy most of your critiques, and it’s refreshing to have someone in the fandom both document female presence in the podcast and speak candidly about its flaws. I’d honestly love to know if/why you disagree, either with regards to intentionality or necessity of inclusion.
Hello! Thanks for writing in!
I'm not sure which post you're referencing where I said the daughter-sacrifice theme was uncritically portrayed? Because I don't think it is. The story portrays daughter-sacrifice as varying shades of terrible, graded according to intent. These less-than-ideal men keep hurting the women they should have protected.
My problem with the daughter-sacrifice theme is the same as my problem the rest of the show: it's exclusively about men. Daughters aren't people, they're glass sculptures for men to carry for 18 years, and what those men do with that piece of glass in that time tells you about the character of that man.
Who are Addison, Faroe, Emily, Samantha, Murdered Daughter Of A Senator, fuck even Sarah, if you take away the men who hurt them? Looking at just the text of Malevolent, none of the liveplay games lore or headcanons etc, there's little to nothing to these girls.
You're not invited to spend time inhabiting any woman's life like you are with Arthur (or John, to a significantly lesser extent). You can, and I do, but it feels like reading against the text because their lives are boring, horrible, difficult to parse, and they usually end in childbirth or femicide. It's fucking miserable!
The men are trapped in the same bleak, violent story, and a lot of them die graphically and onscreen, but most of them also get some combo of moments of triumph, personalities, voices, independence, quirks that narratively make that violence go down smoother. (Also smoother because there are so many fun and fascinating male characters)
Also, honestly, I don't enjoy how the theme is explored. It feels shallow and lame to me. I personally, as a listener, don't feel like this specific story has ~earned~ (in my personal, idiosyncratic, things-I-like-in-fiction, subjective assessment) exploring the horror of femicide when 1) there are zero normal, living female characters (Marie is very close, but no cigar); 2) all it seems to really say is basically… murder is bad (sometimes) (usually?) (sometimes, at least), and it's extra bad when men kill their dependent women?
Standard disclaimer that it ain't over 'til it's over, what we got is not great so far but it ain't over
Thank you again and I'd be so happy to continue this conversation if you want!
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raimagnolia · 2 years
I'm losing my mind.
absolutely none of you told me Infinity Train was into the woods but on fuckin STEROIDS
What the fuck I just witnessed disinformation used to control ignorant masses, led by a sociopathic killer who's completely down with killing anyone, including other kids
There's also, like, a full-on older adult woman (who looks amazing as hell by the way) in this here children's program, who, very firmly, couldn't give a fuck about children
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taibhsearachd · 3 years
SO ABOUT THE ROLLING IN THE DEEP/INTO THE DROWNING DEEP mermaids, bc many people have expressed interest in talking about this with me...
I am putting this beneath a cut so as not to spoil people who haven’t read the series. And if you haven’t... I highly recommend you do go into it unspoiled. Just. Learning about the fun mermaid biology within the context of the story is ideal.
1) I am OBSESSED with the female sirens. None of them are shown “onscreen”, so to speak. Only referenced obliquely at the ends of both stories... which I think is for the best in terms of the actual stories, but as someone who very much cares about the sirens’ biologically, oh my god I want to know everything about them. Are they even the same shape as the (much smaller) male sirens? Do they have the same mimicry capacity? (And if so, where and why would they use it? Are they the ones generating the sound of the Atargatis so far beneath the waves, because their voices can reach frequencies their smaller counterparts can’t?) Also saying “they” feels incorrect, bc clearly female sirens are MUCH more rare than the males, and almost certainly it was the same female in both books.
2) The actual social structure of mermaids! They’re clearly social crethatures bc they live together in one space, attack together on the hunt, but... they don’t seem to be social in any way that we would recognize a social predator species. They don’t work together like wolves or lions, the largest functional groups we see are three sirens strong and even then, they don’t create ambushes, they just attack as a group... (The only sirens we see exercising ambush techniques are doing it solo, it’s not like other sirens DRIVE their prey toward an ambush the way we might see with lions.)
How do they raise their offspring? Into the Drowning Deep brings up the possibility that siren nymphs are very unlike mermaids, mature as something unrecognizable and metamorphize into the murderous siren form... which is entirely speculation in-universe and out, but it’s fascinating to think about. (Was that murderous stabby shrimp a baby siren? Probably not but we won’t know until there’s another book, WHICH THERE SHOULD BE.) But even so, even if those baby shrimp that live in siren hair are baby sirens...
They have a language. They have to learn that somehow. I definitely get the sense that adult sirens will eat a baby if they’re particularly unsatisfactory by whatever terms sirens judge young ones, but they can hardly eat all of them... and somehow you gotta teach the babies how to sign to each other. I have some thoughts on the potential here, but going into it on this post would draw this even more than I meant to.
3) So I’ve been listening to these books while falling asleep, so 1) I wasn’t paying as much attention to the text as I was when reading it and 2) I may have missed a specific line while falling asleep. But I am convinced there was a line about mermaids having thin, flexible fingers (this is undeniable canon) that seem designed to fish the meat out of an abalone, a conch, any kind of shellfish, just... fingers built to drag sustenance out of a spiraling protective shell. I literally don’t know if this is a real line or if I just made it up in my head, but I fixate on it, bc once the female sirens surface... all I can think of is their slender, flexible fingers, meant to tease into the secret, defended places where the best morsels hide.
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ziracona · 5 years
Thinkin about how the NOES 2010 movie is so good. Listen…listen. It has really unusual structure. Most of the time, a horror film follows either a single unit (one person, one family) through a whole plot (The Witch, The Babadook, Saw, Halloween) or a group of victims with one pretty obvious final girl in the mix (Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I Know What You Did Last Summer), but NOES 2010 doesn’t do that. It takes you through several protagonists, one at a time, moving on from one teen to another when your initial protagonist is killed, starting with Dean, moving on to Kris, then Jesse, and then Nancy and Quentin when they’re the last two standing. It’s a fresh take, which makes everything so much less sure, and gives narrative weight to the characters who die instead of just making them bodycount. Everybody gets treated like the final girl, not canon fodder, which is extremely important to the story the film is telling. Nancy and Quentin don’t even become the film’s focus until almost halfway through the story.
Probably someone who is unfamiliar with the original film would assume Kris is the protagonist until she is killed thirty minutes in a little ala Psycho. It makes everything seem less certain, and makes the characters who you lose as important as the ones who make it, which is a really responsible way to tell something. A lot of the time, the characters in horror are kind of assholes (which is great and another rant for another day, because since the stakes are so low [literally you just have to care enough to not want the character to be brutally murdered], you can get an audience invested in an willing to explore the complexity of even a shitty  person—but like I said, that’s a wholeass other rant), but in NOES2010, they’re not, which I think is important. Never does the film want you to feel like the characters either suck and deserve something happening to them, or are stupid (look, when the publicist in Scream 4 got out of her car in an unlit parking garage in the middle of a Ghostface chase, I saw the wholeass theater stop cheering for her to live because she was so stupid we just couldn’t root for her anymore—it happens) and to care less about their outcome that way. Everyone fights hard and tries hard and it’s just not enough.
Obviously it’s a slasher, but NOES 2010 is really like a thesis work film on CSA and how it affects people, and the commentary is both responsible, and really, really well done. As someone who has had to write a character who has committed that kind of crime, and walk the fucking razor’s edge between making them duly awful, and not crossing the line into anything exploitative or gratuitous, I can say with certainty that is not an easy thing to do. Because you want to give weight to the suffering that has been inflicted and realistic portray of the depravity of your villain, but again, you really don’t want to show anything more than you have to. That’s not what it’s about, and honestly, you can talk about that kind of a serious issue without actually showing things on screen. A film about CSA would be kind of defeating its own purpose if anyone who had ever experienced that shit went to watch the movie and went away more traumatized. The film does a really responsible job of walking that line. Freddy is awful, and there’s a constant threat with him—especially in the film’s climax—but he never actually assaults anyone onscreen (or off, except in the referenced past. The worst thing he does onscreen is lick someone, which is still incredibly disgusting), and the film still manages to keep how awful he is very, very real.
CSA is a really shitty thing to go through, obvious, it feels incredibly of dumb to type that—any assault is. Obviously. One of the big things in dealing with it after is a lot of the time, victims can feel broken, or damaged, and even worse, be talked about like they’re some kind of ‘damaged goods’ by incredibly shitty people in their life, but the film doesn’t even give that enough weight to bring it up. There have always been two big ways in film to combat ideas, one of which is direct confrontation (IE a film specifically about something being wrong—Do The Right Thing talking very openly about racism for instance) and by just straight up not doing the thing (Star Trek dropping a woman of color in as both a major cast member, romantic interest for people of other races, and someone working in a position of power, and just being like Yup. This is just normal). Both of which are very necessary and useful approaches. In NOES 2010, all four of the protagonists are in romantic relationships at some point (and so is Dean, the mini-lead protag). It’s not played out voyeuristically, and you don’t get any hot makeout seshes, but they’re definitely in comfortable, functional, physical relationships. In a silent but fucking hardcore stance, while Kris and Jesse spend the night together early in the film, there is not a single on-screen kiss until Quentin and Nancy have found out the truth about what happened to them as kids, and a few minutes later, right before their final confrontation, they kiss. Not even a second thought about anything, except how much they really need and want to kill this piece of shit coming after them, as it should be. It’s a rockhard solidification that not only do the characters not see each other differently because of what happened, but it has done nothing to change who they are or what they can be.
The movie is only an hour and a half, which isn’t that long, but still manages to pack in not only multiple different realistic reactions, (Quentin goes through some hardcore withdrawl/denial after finding stuff out initially, Nancy gets fucking mad), but to cover some of what this is like for their parents. In one conversation with Alan, Quentin’s dad, he tries to explain the mob enacted justice on Krueger years ago by telling him that he hopes someday when he’s a parent, he never has to experience how it feels having utterly failed to protect your child. Even though they only have like thirty seconds of flashback to work with, the script gets in one of the parents in dismay asking what other choice they have about hunting Krueger down, because the alternative is making their three-four year olds get on a stand and tell a room full of strangers what happened to them. It’s a horrible, awful situation to be in. Although it would be really easy to make some drama between characters and their families, even the characters who die have good relationships with their families, and neither the dead teens or their parents are ever narratively ‘punished’ for anything that happens. Kris’ last words to her mom before she leaves on a flight, about eight hours before Kris is murdered, are, realistically, “Love you.” The last thing Nancy says to her own mother is, “I know you were just trying to protect us. Thank you,” and her mother’s last words to her are, “I’m just glad you’re safe.” Characters still die, but they at least get the peace of deserved last words to each other. The film also not only definitely does not vilify the parents for burning Freddy to death for assaulting their preschool aged kids, but comes down in its finale openly supporting that vigilante justice decision, with Nancy’s last words in the film being thanking her mother for protecting them.
Even the whole nightmare theme fits in well with the story being told, because nightmares are a very common side-effect of past trauma, symbolically, there’s a lot people have to fight through in their lives when that kind of shit happens to them, even years later, and it genuinely isn’t given enough weight by most people. As kind of icing on the cake in the film, not only does Nancy get to kill Freddy, he dies in a very ugly, undignified way, with a slit throat and gross expression on his face, after getting his ass handed to him in a like a thirty second fight in reality with two very motivated teenagers.
Plus, Quentin Smith is canonically ADHD, and Nancy Holbrook is a really underrated protagonist who reads autistic and I love her.
Anyway. This movie does a great job about using horror as a medium to talk about a topic usually only people already interested in that specific topic would check out, plays out its narrative very responsibly, comes down hard with a big two thumbs up to murdering your local pedophile in a bonfire, and says fuck you to assault victim stigma. My only real beef with this film is that they were so dead set sure they would have a sequel that instead of ending with real resolution, it’s got a stinger at the end (on rewatches I always skip the last scene lol).
Not that it’s a flawless film—it’s got budget parents, which I think is both hilarious and fantastic (meaning everyone except I think Dean has only one parent, the same gender as them, and it’s hilarious and I adore it). They had rushed filming for some of the end. Etc. But it’s really solid, and doesn’t get enough credit as a film. It’s very different from the original—less campy, less funny. But it’s supposed to be. It’s telling a different story. And it’s telling a really good one.
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"Because as much as there's a part of my brain which keeps questioning some odd things about Robert/Ryan's exit" I wondered what these strange things are for you? because even I always thought something was wrong with its release but maybe it's just my wish 😂
And here I was thinking I’d made that comment subtle enough that no one would even notice it… :P Haha. Sorry it’s taken me a while to get around to this. Although since you sent me this, I’ve seen a fair few people voice this thought and have been discussing it quite a bit with @nooneelsecomesclose17 so we are far from alone in this, wishful thinking or not! :P Although I’d just like to note two things… One, I do keep trying to tell the “part of my brain” I referenced to be quiet and not get my hopes up but alas… And two, I guess it’s less specific concrete things and more of a vibe… And the vibe this whole storyline has been giving me is one I can only compare with 2015 when they tried to convince us Ross was really dead… Which he obviously wasn’t…
So it’s this vibe which then leads to overanalysing things which absolutely do not need overanalysing (unless we’re right and everyone involved are #LyingLiarsWhoLie :P) and these things become niggles of doubt… So, these are the niggles:
1. The current narrative. And by that I mean how involved Robert still is in the show. He’s been mentioned so much, and not just by Aaron. But almost every episode Aaron has been in over the last 7 weeks or however long it’s been (it feels like longer but also yesterday, you know) has directly mentioned Robert. I’ve never seen an exit like it. Look at Bernice; two unaired phone calls and that’s it. And she and Liam were supposedly “soulmates”. (#JusticeForAndy!) Which brings me to;
2. The references. To Robert. And to Robron. Not just within Aaron’s storyline. There have been what I consider multiple nods to them in other characters’ storylines too. Noah with the liars line during a big episode for Aaron/Robron is a prime example. Others include Graham filing for divorce shortly after Robert did and Kim telling Graham that he could only get the divorce right now "if I cooperate"… And Bernice’s own exit; in which she spoke of soulmates, lamented over the fact that she and Liam didn’t have a song, turned her nose up at the wedding gift of an engraved watch (which itself had already just been returned to in Robron’s storyline, as had the song) and instead gave Liam props for his murder mystery hobby (now imagine #WhoKilledGraham is also a smokescreen because there’s been another murder mystery going on all this time - that someone else finished Lee off in that hospital… And the poignancy of Robert hitting Lee with that shovel during the village's big murder mystery event... #LetTheLukeTheoryRiseED), then couldn’t bring herself to tell the man she loves that it was goodbye for good but gives back the sentimental wedding jewellery… Now, we can all say “It’s a soap. It’s lazy writing.” But these exits were so close together, to my mind these parallels had to be intentional. And I’m sure there have been others I can’t remember right now, but combine all of this with the regular Robert mentions, the fact that things like his car are still around (because Aaron taking Robert’s car to the woods wasn’t necessary to serve the plot any more than if he’d taken his own) and now this new mug, the new photo we know is going to be up in the Mill some time in the new year… Something about this just doesn’t add up. Ordinarily when an actor leaves, the plot moves on to ignoring their existence pretty quickly. It has to because otherwise the remaining characters involved would become stagnated and unable to move on. So why is this one so different? Why aren’t they ready for Aaron to move on?
Now, I’d love to think that it’s credit to Ryan / Robert / Robron and how much the show has valued the last 5 years of their story. That they’re giving the time for this drawn out (and more realistic) exit to give Danny/Aaron this character-driven story and by which keeping the integrity of Robron intact. If that’s what it’s all about, then that’s amazing and I’m here for it. But the fact is, Emmerdale is a soap and this is so vastly different to how exit storylines usually go… Which is why it kind of feels like Ryan’s on an extended break, rather than left for good… Because the other aspect of the narrative -
3. The 2017 parallels. So much of Aaron’s plot following Robert’s exit feels like an exact replica of the break-up parting in 2017 and Robert’s own breakdown. But the overall objective and destination that the 2017 storyline was always heading to was Robron 2.0. So why are they emulating so much of that plot now, when a reunion can’t be on the horizon?
So they’re the things we’re seeing onscreen which set off the question marks in my mind, but there have been a few things off screen, too… (Imagine being in the public eye and having such scrutiny over your lexical choices, I can only apologise to the poor people I’m about to quote haha!)
4. That tweet with Robert’s cell which used to be Maxine’s office. Specifically “#RobGone?”. Specifically the question mark which followed it. I fully acknowledge that this was nothing more than an innocent “does this hashtag work?” but how it read following the previous sentence couldn’t help but make me wonder if there could be a subliminal message to it; “Not much has changed. #RobGone?” So because of those vibes this storyline has been giving off, I couldn’t help but think what if..? What if Robert isn’t as gone as we all think?
5. Danny’s beautiful tweet after the final episode. “Farewell for now”. I’m sure for now just meant that Danny will obviously see Ryan again whatever, but what if..?
6. Ryan’s goodbye video. The whole of this seemed so final, but there was one tiny moment, when he was talking about Robert being a dad to Seb, where he said “I guess” we won’t get to see that now. I doubt it means anything beyond a turn of phrase but we’re overanalysing things here and in Theory Realm, everything means something. :P
7. #RobronForever. From what I’ve seen on here, Emmerdale have tweeted this a few times since it “ended”. They also set up that page on their website. While I strongly approve and support this, naturally haha, it does make me question what their long-term plans for Aaron are… Because if Ryan really isn’t coming back, as much as I don’t like it, at some point they will have to have Aaron move on properly… Which means somehow ending the narrative that Robert was it for Aaron… So why prolong it? Except what if..?
The things which make me think this is all just wishful thinking is because I was convinced throughout Robert’s exit storyline that we would get a cameo around Christmas / the new year but that last episode with the montage felt so final I changed my mind on that. And also the people who have spoken about Ryan leaving, but especially Ryan and Danny’s interviews. They feel very real. But then again…they are incredibly good actors!!
So yeah, this is just a bunch of random things which individually probably mean nothing but together have given way to a whole conspiracy theory! Haha. Ultimately, it just feels like something is off… And maybe it’s because Aaron isn’t moving on yet (#I'dLikeThisToLastForeverToo)… Or maybe it’s because we ourselves aren’t moving on because we’re all still here, still talking about it… Maybe it’s just that lack of closure… But something, whatever it is, just doesn’t feel right.
I’m glad there’s a few of us feeling this though, whether it amounts to anything or not haha!
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Why did (do?) the Magivians film you with rage?
Racism, homophobia and anti-survivors trifecta. They had an epic case of Bury Your Gays back in S1 where like, their gay character had to kill his new love interest in self-defense after that guy was possessed by the bad guy, and then when he was understandably upset afterwards because they’d made a point to hype this guy up as the first guy he’d ever had real feelings for, his friends were like boohoo get over it, which was like…swell, lol. Oh and then that same character ended up forced into a marriage with a woman for the sake of some fantasy kingdom he didn’t even give a shit about and was all of his friends’ quest way more than it was his, and only then did they decide to have him say a line about how he was mostly gay but was occasionally into women so bi a little bit even though he’d always ID’d as gay before then so it felt like a patch job to cover up the fact that they only belatedly realized oh hey forcing our gay lead into a hetero marriage he doesn’t want to be in is maybe Not A Good Look. 
Oh and I do remember catching a bit of a S2 episode where like, the gay character was throwing an orgy in the palace to make himself feel better for being stuck in fantasy land ruling over a fantasy kingdom he gave no fucks about and was bored and lonely in….only to get chewed out by his wife slash queen (a native inhabitant of fantasy kingdom) about how rapey and coercive that was and an abuse of his power as king because his subjects didn’t feel like they had the option of opting out. Which to be perfectly clear, is an absolutely valid point to make….BUT the fact remains that like, they chose to write in that angle, and they chose to make their gay character the one to learn that Important Lesson About Consent and Power Dynamics….but oh yeah, they ALSO chose to write this particular gay character as forced into oh yeah, a hetero marriage he did not ask for and clearly did not want, for the sake of mystic prophecy bullshit resulting from someone ELSE’S personal quest. And that was just….so…oblivious to me? Its like….ummm….could you not have the Straights educate The Pervy Deviant Gay on Consent Issues WHILST FORCING HIM INTO A HETERO MARRIAGE WITH ONLY HIS EXTREMELY RELUCTANT AND DUBIOUS CONSENT AT BEST??? Hellooooooooooooooo??
Then the racism side of the Awful triangle was like, their only two PoC in the first season (other than the blind black headmaster who was all kinds of Tropey ‘Cryptic and Thus Untrustworthy’ from the way the narrative was framed which, no, stop)….the only other two PoC in the first season and main cast were the girl who just so happened to be set up by the plot as the one revealed to be the ‘traitor’ or whatever who was there at the school under false pretenses and just stealing magic for other hedge witches. Like yes, she was under duress because they were threatening her mom I think? But I mean it was still like super predictable having her be the character that was put in that position and forced to fill that role. And then Penny, the man of color in the main cast, like, again I only watched the first season sporadically because I was like Nope every other episode and just skimmed in the hopes it would get better cuz everyone I knew kept raving about it, but I specifically remember one scene where like Penny was singled out by one of his teachers and told how he was super powerful like way more than any of his peers because he had like wild magic or something…BUT then the teacher went on to basically tell him this was more of a curse than a gift because his own power would eventually burn him out and destroy him or something like that. It was definitely framed as an inevitability, like, just his fate, a natural consequence to being the kind of magician he was innately…super powerful but with a shortened lifespan essentially as a trade off, with no way around that. 
And he was something like a Traveler, able to take himself and his friends between worlds? Which was great and super necessary for the plot but also a big part of what made his magic so destructive for him himself in the long run, so essentially the man of color got set up to be a glorified taxi cab for his white friends aka the LITERAL plot vehicle, with it announced to him very early on in the show that like ‘dont be too happy about how mad powerful you are, cuz its basically just gonna kill you way before all your friends end up biting it, sucks to be you kinda’. Again, this was early on in the show so I don’t know if that changed or they added more context to that later, but just the fact that his character in particular, like Kady’s, just so HAPPENED to be the one singled out for that particular plot niche and accompanying fate, like….that was fucking bogus from the jump.
Oh and also there was that really cool (in that not all sort of way) and totally not at all predictable (in that it totally was sorta way) antiblackness that reared its ugly head the second S2 introduced the oft-mentioned ‘barbarian kingdom’ that bordered Fantasy Land…..because hey guess whether or not the first appearance of more than one black person at a time on the show was when a whole bunch of black people showed up in S2 as oh yeah, you guessed it….the natives of the neighboring BARBARIAN Kingdom. Classy, Magicians. Way classy.
And then the anti-survivors angle of the Triangle of Suck, like, the show fucking HATES ‘bad survivors.’ You know, survivors who don’t embrace forgiveness and tra-la-la their way into the sunset and recovery while weaving daisy chains and leaving all their anger and thoughts of vengeance and retribution behind them in the past? Like, god forbid a survivor fucking HATE the person who hurt them and want to make them pay, which was essentially Julia’s S2 arc I believe? And boy was she fucking punished for that. Shit just got worse and worse for her, and it only got better when she decided to try the Healing Power of Forgiveness! Unlike one of her fellow survivors, raped by the same bastard who hurt her, who was also on the same Vengeance Quest as her, except she got murdered extremely graphically and painfully onscreen in like…narratively framed as a See Kids This Is Why Revenge Is Bad And You Should Not kinda way, that Julia was pretty clearly meant to learn from and Make Different Choices. 
Oh and let’s not forget that the initial antagonist of the series, the dreaded Beast who killed tons of people and was the one who possessed the gay guy that the other gay guy had to kill right after their makeout session in self defense cuz lol why would that be traumatic…yeah, that Beast…..let’s not forget that he was another Bad Survivor, a guy who was molested by one of the series’ Significant Backstory People years and years ago when he was just a kid. And thus he was pretty blatantly a case of Look How Stewing In Your Hate For What Happened To You Instead of Forgetting All Your Worries and Your Strife Will ABSOLUTELY Turn You Into A Literal Monster Who Murders People and Is Evil and Bad And Must Be Slain For the Good of Alllllll the Land.
And there was actually a lot more than just that because Survivors was a definite Thing on the show, with lots of them showing up and established as being survivors in various ways and almost all of them like….being the focus of the series like….perpetual hard on for torture and torturous death scenes for various satellite characters. Like don’t get me wrong, the series pretty much kills people left and right, its just it weirdly just so happens that the first people standing in line to either the left or the right tended to be PoC, women, survivors, gay/bi characters or characters who lucked out and got to be all of the above for the handful of scenes before they met their untimely ‘Wouldn’t Wish It On My Worst Enemy Let Alone On My Or Any Friend of Mine’s Only Representation On This Show’ demise.
Anyway, yeah I hate that show and it dinged all my NOPE alarms hard from day one and I kept checking back in on it over the first season and then a little bit off and on after that in the hopes it had gotten better because I kept fucking hearing all over twitter and tumblr how amazing it was and progressive it was and I’d watch the latest episode, jump up, yank my hair out and screech like a gibbon monkey while speaking in tongues and asking the universe to help explain to me what the fuck was I missing here, where was all this lauded Progressivism I was supposed to be taking away from all the miserable, tortured and murdered  - and also abused, raped and exploited  - PoC and occasional white gays or women tossed in to round out the variety pack??!?! Just did not see it, at all, Error 404 Not Found, Did Not Compute, and then I’d hop back on tumblr and see people raving about the same stuff that just whipped me into a frothing rage and I’d be like I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE WHAT IS GOING ON ARE WE USING THE SAME WORDS OR DO I NOT KNOW WHAT THE WORDS MEAN CORRECTLY OR….
Ugh. Yeah. So like I said….nooooot a fan. And also, fans of the show plz don’t @ me if I got things mixed up there or inaccurately remembered a scene I referenced, I’m not claiming to have perfect recall of a show that was actively pissing me off while I watched it and thus I was kinda TRYING not to pay full attention to. I just know that I definitely got a full helping of racism, homophobia and anti-survivor bullshit in SOME form or another from each and every episode I did watch. I freely admit that like, I’m not necessarily describing or denoting the actual things that pissed me off or registered that way to me, like.. for sure accurately here….again, I haven’t watched the show at all in a couple years and I’m not trying to be like This Is Definitely What Happened In This Scene and This Scene. Its more just one of those things where like, I definitely remember these are reasons I hated the show and I’ve put a lot of effort into NOT thinking about it or remembering it, so this is just how that jumbled mess all came out right now while trying to sort through it all and remember specific instances of the Triangle of Suck that made me rage so hard. There’s a reason I’ve never gone around actively engaging in Magicians Discourse or encouraging people not to watch it, lol, I don’t claim to be an expert on it or to have taken extensive notes of my Rage Reasons at the time of watching. Just that like….they were definitely there, and this was the general vicinity of the ones I can think of off the top of my head. 
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syrupwit · 5 years
Just Married Exchange 2019 Letter
Hello, and welcome to my letter for Just Married Exchange 2019! Thank you very much for considering creating a fanwork for me. This letter is intended to provide optional details and potential inspiration; my primary intention in writing it is to make things easier for my assigned creator. If it’s not doing that for you, please feel free to disregard it.
My AO3 profile is here.
For this exchange, I’ve requested fic only for the following fandoms and pairings, divided into themed sections for ease of browsing:
Dishonored: Corvo Attano/Delilah Copperspoon, Delilah Copperspoon/Emily Kaldwin
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Peter Parker/2012!Tony Stark [Endgame spoilers]
The Umbrella Academy: Allison Hargreeves/Luther Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy/Vanya Hargreeves
Hopeless or unremittingly dark endings
Underage sex
Non-canonical permanent major character death
Onscreen animal harm/death (referenced/implied nonspecific death is fine)
Onscreen child abuse (referenced/implied past abuse is fine)
Bestiality, necrophilia, scat, permanent non-canonical significant body modification
Characters in requested romantic ships being written as asexual/aromantic
Character or ship bashing
Humor: ludicrous/cracky premises treated seriously or unseriously; comedic action sequences; comedy of errors; hijinks; absurdity; gallows humor.
Romance: first times; get-together; pining; friends to lovers; enemies to lovers; UST; belligerent sexual tension; flirting, especially when one character doesn’t think the other is being serious; flirting in established relationships; possessiveness and jealousy without entitlement.
Action/Adventure: time travel; interdimensional/multiverse travel; escaping from captivity together; camaraderie, teamwork, unusual team-ups; missions/cases and snippets thereof; undercover as XYZ; identity porn; road trips of the terrestrial, extraterrestrial, aquatic, and supernatural varieties; space travel; visiting other planets; wilderness survival; climactic warehouse confrontations; wacky foes/locations/circumstances for battles; bar fights.
Smut: characters feeling overwhelmed; lots of emotions; awkwardness; praise kink; unexpectedly compatible; kink discovery/exploration; characters being really into their partner and/or what they’re doing and/or how into what they’re doing their partner is. I will read pretty much any kink besides my DNWs if the characters are jazzed about being together and doing the specific act(s).
Miscellany: atmosphere, mood, immediacy; character studies; missing moments; surrealism; slice of life; domesticity; appetizing descriptions of food; diners; carnivals; big scary buildings with tragic histories; mansions; abandoned mansions; secluded or remote locations; forests; beaches; holidays; seasons; weather; thunderstorms; getting caught in the rain.
Corvo Attano/Delilah Copperspoon Delilah Copperspoon/Emily Kaldwin
Delilah! She's the best/worst. What if her coup in Dishonored 2 taken a slightly different approach? Alternately, what if she'd shown up earlier to claim the throne? I'm tickled by her creeping on Corvo as the Heart and her tension with both Corvo and Emily. I'm fine with UST or weird feelings/foe-yay instead of straight-up romance for both pairings.
Please note that I love these games + world/lore and am spoiled for everything.
Freeforms Requested:
Disastrously Incompatible Political Marriage: Because it so would be. How might future history books characterize a Corvo/Delilah or Delilah/Emily co-rulership? What about journalism of the day? How would they fare resolving problems in the empire? Diplomacy? Daily life? Or maybe they suck as co-rulers, but unexpectedly discover that they’re okay at fighting together or living an average life?
Disastrous Wedding Ceremony Everyone Will Gossip About For Years: PLEASE. How rushed or drawn-out was the wedding planning? Has one of them been trying to sabotage the ceremony with clashing decor choices, or perhaps with murder? ...Does the Outsider crash the reception?
Is my spouse trying to kill me | Someone's trying to kill me and I think it's my spouse: Grouped together for being thematically similar. I feel like Delilah is a more likely candidate for the role of spouse-attempting-murder, but I’m intrigued by the reverse as well.
Marriage is Interrupted by an Assassination Attempt and they Continue After they Take Care of Them | planned assassination during wedding night goes wrong: Again, grouped together for thematic similarities. Who hired the poor assassins? If Delilah or Corvo / Emily end up having to use their powers, how do they deal with the aftermath?
.[Buffer space for Endgame spoilers below!]
Peter Parker/Tony Stark 2012!Tony Stark/Peter Parker
Wooooo! \m/ This is my MCU OTP at the moment. I adore their mutual importance to each other, their easy teamwork and camaraderie despite the age gap, and the potential for ANGST ANGST ANGST and pining as well as humor and fluff. I love stuff where they’ve been pining mutually and self-awarely for a long time, but also stuff where one or both parties don’t realize their feelings until XYZ catalyst forces them to.
Please note that my underage DNW does apply here, although UST and feelings/pining while Peter is underage are fine with me.
I'm totally down with Infinity War / Endgame compliance or canon divergence AUs (e.g., the universe where Thanos disappeared in 2014, AUs where they defeated Thanos in IW, Civil War was resolved without Tony recruiting Peter, etc.). Please feel free to run with the freeforms as-is, or check out the expansions and prompts below.
Freeforms Requested:
Accidental Travel to an Alternate Universe With an Unexpected Spouse | Permanently Transported To Alternate Universe Where They're Married To Person Who Is Dead In Theirs | Temporarily Transported To Alternate Universe Where They're Married To Person Who Is Dead In Theirs: I’m intrigued by the idea of Peter traveling to an alternate universe where he’s somehow married to Tony, but also by the idea of Tony -- post-IW Tony, perhaps -- stumbling on a world where he’s married to Peter, perhaps in the course of trying to reverse the Snap.
Trapped In Fake Perfect World That Includes Marriage They Don't Believe They Can Ever Really Have: Oh no! Who’s trapped? Who’s the fake perfect spouse? What compels the trapped party to give up the fake perfect world, and how difficult is it and why?
Always Married to Same Person When You Dream | Marriage within dreams becomes real: Is the dreamer pining, mourning, or experiencing a more complicated situation (e.g., a spell, meetings on the astral plane, meetings in a temporary afterlife, meetings in a space between universes, premonitions of a breach between universes, etc.)? I am very fond of dreams and surreality in fic, so I would love to see that sort of atmosphere incorporated too if it floats your boat.
Aliens Make Them Get Married: YESSSSS. Whatever the justification, I love this trope.
Characters Keep "Forgetting" to Annul Accidental Marriage | Series of Mishaps Prevent Annulment of Accidental Marriage: This seems like it could be hilarious. :D
Carried Over The Threshold: I just really like this image! Though I’m partial to Peter carrying Tony, the other way around appeals to me too.
.[Buffer space for Endgame spoilers above!]
Allison Hargreeves/Luther Hargreeves
I will admit I wasn’t sold on Allison/Luther during my first viewing of the series, but subsequent viewings have decidedly awoken me to their charm. I’m super interested in the idea of an incongruously sweet connection arising from the fucked-up-ness of their upbringing, and in exploring how that connection carries over into their adult lives.
Allison became a superstar; Luther spent four years alone on the moon. How did they part, back when the siblings went their separate ways as young adults? Where was Luther during Allison’s wedding? How did Allison learn what happened to him? Did they keep in touch directly, or just hear about each other incidentally from the people they did maintain contact with?
If you can tell from the selected freeforms, I am here for tropey fluff and angst for this pairing. I also really like canon divergent AUs -- The Day That Wasn’t, handwavey “we averted the apocalypse after all” AUs, for want of a nail, etc. -- and futurefic. I enjoy Claire and would love to see her meet Luther. In general, though, I’d just like to explore these two more.
Note: I would prefer that any fic written for me in this exchange not focus more than briefly on the incest aspect of this pairing. Outsiders can be horrified that the adopted siblings are getting it on, but the Hargreeves children don’t seem to care a lot in-universe, and I’d like it to stay that way in fic.
Freeforms Requested:
Asking someone to be their witness
Character fantasizes about getting married
Crying With Happiness During Wedding
Wedding Fluff | Wedding Planning | Something Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue
Crashing a Wedding to Prevent a Bad Marriage | Crashing A Wedding So Character Can Marry One Of The Participants Instead | Objecting during the marriage ceremony
Road Trip Honeymoon | Road Trip to Marriage Ceremony
Trapped In Fake Perfect World That Includes Marriage They Don't Believe They Can Ever Really Have
Undercover as Married While Mutually Pining
Time Loop Can Only Be Ended Through Marriage
Number Five | The Boy/Vanya Hargreeves
So. Five is a dick to everyone, but he’s slightly less of a dick to Vanya. What’s up with that? Or: How close were they as kids, and how might they reconnect as adults?
I’m really interested in how a relationship might develop between these two in a future fic or canon divergence AU. Maybe Five only zapped forward in time for a little while, or was able to return at an earlier point in time than 2019? Maybe Vanya was able to learn to control her powers as a child and grew up as a participating member of the Academy? Maybe -- maybe! -- the siblings managed to avert the apocalypse, and they’re adjusting to life together in the aftermath? I don’t know! I’m interested in all kinds of things.
I love the idea of Vanya and Five as a battle couple or married coworkers, and of them getting together while on a case/mission. A while ago, someone on FFA brought up the idea of them undercover fake married in 1950s suburbia, and I am SO into that -- both the specific setting, and the concept of Five/Vanya going undercover as a fake married couple in various eras/locations.
Please be advised that my underage DNW includes Five having sex while in his younger body. UST is fine, but I’d like Five to physically be an adult for any sexual situations.
Note: I would prefer that any fic written for me in this exchange not focus more than briefly on the incest aspect of this pairing. Outsiders can be horrified that the adopted siblings are getting it on, but the Hargreeves children don’t seem to care a lot in-universe, and I’d like it to stay that way in fic.
Freeforms Requested:
Blood-Splattered Wedding Dress
Fake Marriage Results in Surprise Real Feelings | Obviously Fake Marriage Leads To Third Party Realizing Their Feelings For Half the Couple
Pretending to be married to access information
Undercover as Married | Undercover as Married Leads to Unexpected Feelings | Undercover as Married While Mutually Pining
Honeymoon Heist | Road Trip Honeymoon | Working While on Your Honeymoon
Time Travel Backward To Fix The Past Also Results In Unexpectedly Getting Married
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