#And this surprises me even more after the recent bad news about the show!! 😅
krystal280791 · 2 years
I don't know if there's been an awakening of the Witcher fandom in the last week or if it's people from Twitter migrating here... đŸ€”
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weirdkpopgirl · 2 years
Starving Yourself | Dream Reaction #6
Reaction: When their gf skips meals
Genre: Angst, slight fluff
Warnings: subtle mention of eating disorders, body image issues, lots of crying (I apologize)
Word Count: 3435k
Author's Note: I've had this subject in the back of my mind for a while now. A few days ago, I just got into it and thankfully finished today. I want to first credit my friend who helped me come up with scenarios for this lol.
Just a little disclaimer, I wanted to say something for those with poor body image. I feel like you hear things like this a lot, and you might read more things like "oh I also struggle too," and "please don't feel bad about yourself." When I was working on this, I did write some of the stories based on experience. So I don't have any right to advise on improving your self-esteem or working to have better eating habits. I'd be a hypocrite if I said those things. All I can say is that I know how what self-hatred is like, and how it can take you down some dark paths.
Please stay strong. I am very sorry for how long this note is 😅
~ ~ ~
His life was going normally, being a workaholic as always. At the same time, he felt more at ease since he was dating you. The other night, you guys went out on a movie date to see the new Black Panther film. It wasn’t until near the end of the movie that he noticed the popcorn you bought was barely touched. But knowing your slight dislike for greasy foods, Mark didn't think too much about it.
After dropping you off, he returned to his dorm. He was met by the Dream members who appeared to have been waiting for him.  They watched quietly as their leader removed his shoes and took his jacket off.
“Hyung?” Jisung asked cautiously.
“Yeah? What’s up?” The Dreamies exchanged looks with each other that he couldn’t quite read. Was it uncertainty?
“I don’t think he knows,” Chenle murmured, causing Mark’s brows to furrow in confusion.
“Know what?”
Chenle glanced at his hyung, and back toward the members beside him. But he was going to tell Mark the truth no matter what.
“That (Y/n) collapsed at her university last week.”
Mark stepped back, clearly shocked by this news. “What? Why?!”
“Apparently she wasn’t eating much,” answered Jaemin.
“She’s your girlfriend. Didn’t you notice something was off?” Haechan’s voice raised slightly. As one of your good friends, the singer couldn’t help but show his irritation. He knew Mark had been so caught up in work recently. But you’ve been struggling for a long time now.
Now in distress, Mark ran a hand through his hair as he searched his memory for anything he might’ve missed. He paused for a moment, remembering the popcorn from earlier. Then he was dashing back out the door, despite it starting to rain.
That was how you heard the sound of your doorbell ringing close to midnight. Luckily you were awake, but you were surprised to see Mark soaking wet. He also looked as if he was about to cry any second.
Despite your befuddlement, you pulled the man inside so he could change into some dry clothes. Mark would bring up to you what the guys told him earlier. At that moment, you began to regret hiding your problems from your boyfriend. You’ve never seen him so worried before.
You spent the rest of the evening—or morning cuddling in bed. Mark kept repeating how much he loved you and apologized for making you feel like you couldn’t come to him. All he sincerely wished for was for you to be happy and healthy. He wasn't going to allow another incident to happen.
You had spent nearly an hour getting ready to meet up with Renjun’s parents. Seeing them was the first thing on your list for a weekend trip to your boyfriend’s hometown. It’s been nearly a year since you last met his parents, which made you more nervous than usual.
Renjun’s eyes lit up when you finally came out of the bathroom. He instantly recognized the white blouse with a dark blue floral print and the matching blue skirt you were wearing. It was the outfit he bought you not too long ago. 
“Wow, you look so pretty!” He exhaled. There was no hiding how taken away he was with you.
Even though you didn’t agree with his compliment, you thanked him shyly. Renjun noticed something wasn’t quite right pretty fast. The previous times you were about to meet his parents didn’t feel like this. But he couldn’t pinpoint why things felt strange with you.
Deciding to not dwindle on it, you guys left the hotel to meet up with Renjun’s parents at a restaurant. His mother quickly stood up when she spotted you two coming in. While she happily hugged her son, you exchanged greetings with his father.
“It’s so nice to see you again, (Y/n),” Mr. Huang smiled warmly.
You bowed your head politely, “Thank you. I’m sorry it’s been so long.”
Mrs. Huang pulled away from her son to get a better look at you. Her eyes filled with slight concern, and she took your hands. “You’ve gotten skinnier my dear!”
That's what it was. Renjun now knew what he was wondering about earlier. Preoccupied with carrying on a conversation with his mom and dad, you didn’t notice how he observed you throughout dinner. He waited until you guys came back to your hotel room to confront you.
“(Y/n), are you okay?”
Your body tensed slightly at his question. “Of course I am. What makes you ask that?”
“It’s just—you’ve become so thin lately. Also, you barely ate anything tonight, and you love Chinese food,” He pointed out. “Sweetheart, what’s going on?”
Honestly, you felt like you’ve been playing a game over the past few weeks. Wondering how long you could hide your unhealthy eating habits from Renjun. Of course, it didn’t take him very long.
Your eyes dropped to the floor. “Nothing—I just haven’t been hungry recently.”
“(Y/n)-ah, please don’t lie. You have to eat,” Renjun chastised. 
He walked over to your side and lifted your chin with the tips of his fingers. “Now I know why you’ve been so tired lately. If you keep this up, you can faint or something worse might happen.”
“I’m sorry. I guess, I just wanted to look my best for you and your parents,” You admitted, after a short pause. 
In return, Renjun pressed his lips against your forehead. “For the record, my parents love you, and so do I. You don’t need to change anything about yourself. Especially if your health is at risk.”
You melted into his touch, and let yourself sink into his embrace. Renjun was always there to reassure you that you were more than enough for him.
Jeno and you were a newer couple, after having met through mutual friends at university. His major was computer programming, while you studied creative writing. So your schedules were different, but you did share one class. 
Your boyfriend was the one to convince you to take dance. Honestly, you were a little reluctant at first. But you ended up signing up for the class to spend more time with him. Since Jeno was more athletic, dancing was a lot easier for him. You
not so much. It was still fun, despite the increasing levels of anxiety the class gave you every week.
One afternoon, you met up after both of your classes finished. That’s when he asked to eat lunch together later. Yeah, a typical thing for a just-got-into-a-relationship boyfriend.
You agreed to his sweet offer. But you didn’t think when you jokingly added that it felt weird since you usually ate one meal a day. Jeno turned to you in astonishment.
“What? Only once?!” 
Confused by his reaction, you slowly nodded. “Yeah
He stopped walking and moved his hand to your shoulder.
“(Y/n)-ah, that isn’t healthy,” He lightly scolded. 
But you quickly brushed off his concern for your eating habits. You took his hand and dragged him to the school’s dance studio. “It’s not a big deal, Jeno-ssi. We better hurry, class starts soon.”
In spite of Jeno being slightly wary, you seemed to be learning the new dance routine fairly smoothly. That was until you were changing formations and you started to become dizzy. Huffing quietly, you shook your head to dismiss the slow onset of a headache and kept up with the next moves. This feeling was something you were used to whenever you did any intense physical activity. 
However, things were different when the room suddenly began to spin. Your legs were the first to give out, shortly after. Wincing, you pressed your knuckles against your forehead. Gasps and words you couldn’t process only irritated you more. Fortunately, Jeno rushed to pick you up off the ground and carried you to the health office.
The nurse checked up on you after getting settled. “Did you eat anything today?” She asked. 
Jeno couldn’t hide a scoff when you told the woman you had. He frowned when the nurse advised you to rest. Once she left, Jeno allowed himself to sigh.
“(Y/n), you need to eat more.”
“I-I think I just need rest,” You contradicted him.
The boy crossed his arms in persistence. “How can you rest when you have a headache because you don’t eat three meals a day?”
His tone softened a bit when he realized how fatigued you were. Lecturing wasn’t going to help you in this state. With another sigh, he made his way to the chair you were sitting in.
“Rest for now,” He said gently. “I’ll bring you something to eat.”
Jeno petted your head and pecked you on the lips before dashing out of the room. You waited anxiously for about 15 minutes before your boyfriend came back with assorted types of kimbap. He must’ve bought some from the nearby stand owned by a halmeoni.
You almost cried when he opened the wrapper and fed you. For the first time, someone showed you that they cared. Though you were both early in the relationship, you couldn’t stop yourself from falling deeper for Lee Jeno. Most likely, love.
Due to upcoming exams, you and Haechan spent your Saturday afternoon in the library preparing. Studying on a weekend may not be an ideal date in Haechan’s opinion. At the same time, he knew how stressed you got when exam season came around. But that didn’t stop him from complaining now and then.
“Aish, I missed breakfast because Jaemin was taking too long,” Haechan groaned.
He pouted when he received no response from you. His salty mood prevented him from getting anything done. On the other hand, you were ultra-focused on finishing up an essay for one of your English classes. However, you snapped out of your zone by Haechan’s hand tapping on the corner of your laptop.
“Are you hungry too? Did you have breakfast?”
Almost instinctively, you replied to his question with a simple “no.” You shook your head when he asked if your roommate was also running late this morning.
“I just forgot,” You said absentmindedly.
He watched your eyes flicker back to the computer screen in front of you. It kind of seemed like you wanted to end the conversation quickly. But you couldn’t escape your boyfriend that easily.
Then he asked, “How do you forget to eat breakfast?”
The cool expression on your face slowly faded, as you stopped to think for a moment. Lately, finals haven't only been your source of stress. This past month was spent traveling back and forth between Seoul and Pohang to take care of your sick mother. On top of that, you were balancing school life and hiding your problems from everyone. You guessed self-neglect was a result of all that.
Haechan noticed your sudden change and instantly became worried when tears formed in your eyes. He proceeded to reach his hand across the table to take yours.
“(Y/n), is everything okay?”
You promptly clasped your opposite hand over your mouth to muffle your sobs. At least you still had half the mind to cry quietly, remembering you were at a library. Usually, you were the last person to have an emotional outburst. But Haechan’s question made you realize how not okay you were.
Fortunately, your boyfriend was quick to act and rushed to your side. His arms wrapped around your shoulders, holding you in a tight embrace that would hopefully calm you down. 
A few minutes later, Haechan closed your laptop. “Okay, you’re going to stop thinking about school for the rest of the day.”
” You wanted to argue, though you knew he was already standing up and packing your things away.
“You can tell me what’s been bothering you over lunch,” He added, “Does jjamppong sound okay?”
Haechan had no idea what was causing you to break down, or why you weren’t taking care of yourself. But getting you to eat was his priority, and he started by recommending your favorite dish. 
Since then, he’s become a lot more protective and gone out of his way to take care of you more. Whenever he was down, you were always there to support him. So that’s what he was going to do for you.
The first thing he did after getting out of bed was to look for you. He was a little sulky that you didn’t get to wake up together. Especially since he hasn’t seen you in one month and two weeks. Jaemin loved his job, but he hated how it also brought this distance in between you two. What made him feel worse was how you never complained. Not even this time, when he showed up at your apartment at one a.m. Instead of scolding him for coming over at such a crazy hour or for walking to your place in the cold, you simply led him into your room to get some much-needed sleep.
Luckily, it didn’t take long for Jaemin to find you. He was greeted by one of his favorite aromas when entering the kitchen. And there you were at the counter, carefully pouring a pot of steaming dark liquid into a blue mug. Watching you he realized you had gotten up early to make coffee for him.
As his heart swelled with a dozen emotions, he walked up to stand behind you. Barely startled by his presence, you merely glanced upward to see the tired grin on his face. 
“Did you sleep well?” He responded with a delicate kiss on your exposed neck.
His arms circled your waist, gently pulling your back to meet his chest. It was then, did he notice how his girlfriend’s waist was practically nonexistent, or in other words, thin. Thinner than usual and definitely not healthy.
Jaemin’s smile contorted into a look of concern. Slightly pulling away, he turned to you.
“Jagiya, have you been eating well?” His tone was soft, despite his deep voice.
Automatically, you could tell your boyfriend wasn’t speaking in a casual small talk way. Nonetheless, you pretended not to be fazed.
“I’ve been on a diet
” You set the coffee mug down.
He frowned. “What kind, if you don’t mind me asking?”
You cursed in your head, as you hurriedly made up a lie.
“A low-carb diet,” You tried your best to sound assertive.
“A low-carb diet or a no-carb diet?”
You froze in place when you noticed the hint of anger in the last part of his question. Jaemin slowly turned you around to face him. “(Y/n), be honest. Have you been eating well?”
Several seconds of silence passed by, as you couldn’t even look him in the eye.
“No.” There was a catch in your throat, as your lips quivered.
Jaemin brought you back into his embrace when you began to cry. His chin rested on the top of your head, as your tears soaked his shirt. His heart broke at the sound of your sobs. All he could do was press kisses into your hair, and pat your back.
You sniffed, “I just
I just see pictures of us, and I hate how I look when you’re so perfect.”
“I know it sounds stupid. But I want to be a girlfriend who is also beautiful.”
Jaemin cupped the right side of your face and sighed, “(Y/n)-ah, you’ve always been beautiful to me. You don’t need to lose weight or do anything else to prove that.”
As comforting as his words were, Jaemin knew that it would take more than that to make you feel better. From then on, he didn’t miss a chance to shower you with compliments and affection. He loved you and had no problem making sure you believed that.
You were currently on opposite sides of the room. Chenle was watching Instagram videos on his phone, and you were writing the next chapter to a story you started a while ago. This was agreeably considered hanging out with each other. Doing your own thing until someone broke the silence. And this time, it was Chenle.
His stomach growling did not go ignored by him. Naturally, he pulled up a delivery food app. He then paused and looked over to you who was typing away on your computer.
“(Y/n)-ahhh, I’m ordering food. What do you want?”
“I don’t know,” You replied, without looking up.
Chenle sat up in his spot on the couch. “Do you want tteokbokki?”
“Um, I’m not in the mood for tteokbokki.” He saw your head shake behind the computer.
“Haechan will be upset if we eat that without him.”
“How about gukbap?”
“Okay, what about-”
Losing concentration, you shut your laptop in frustration. “I’m not hungry! Just order something for yourself.”
“I want to eat with you though,” He whined. You closed your eyes for a moment and sighed before starting to speak again. 
“No buts. You’re going to come here and help me choose something.”
Just as you opened your mouth to protest, Chenle already decided he had enough. He lifted you from your chair which earned him an “are you crazy?” look. Then he brought you to where he was previously sitting. While doing so, he noticed that you were very light.
“How are you not hungry?” Chenle asked. “Your stomach is practically crying out to me.”
You wrapped your arms around your waist self-consciously. “You’re exaggerating, Chenle.”
Even though you made it sound like not a big deal, Chenle had a feeling there was an underlying problem here. He knew that you had a small appetite, but having no desire to eat was separate. For someone who was such a big foodie, the idea of his girlfriend starving herself worried him.
“We haven’t had a meal together in so long,” Chenle pretended to sulk. “But if you really don’t want to eat, I won’t force you.”
Ugh, you just couldn’t resist the rare look of sadness on the boy’s face. He knew you hated to be guilty.
So with a sigh, you slowly made a new suggestion. “Actually
maybe we can get tteokbokki. Can we just share the bowl?” 
As if he wasn’t moping a second ago, Chenle smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “Of course. Anything for you, Cutie.”
He sat patiently in the lobby, waiting for you who was at a doctor's appointment. You insisted this was nothing but a normal check-up. But that didn’t stop Jisung from accompanying you. He stood up in slight surprise when you came out earlier than expected.
“(Y/n)-ah! You’re done?” You bobbed your head and grabbed his hand with a small smile. 
Jisung noticed you were being quieter than usual during the drive to your place. But he thought you might be tired from a long day of classes before having to visit the doctor’s office. You’d probably feel better when you got back home.
Once you guys arrived, Jisung was left alone when you went to change into more comfortable clothes. As he plopped down on your small couch, his eyes darted to the medical papers you had previously left on the coffee table. Out of habit, Jisung picked up the papers to organize them. 
However, your recorded weight on the first page caught him off guard. His eyes widened in horror at the number. He knew you were small, especially compared to his size. But he didn’t think you were underweight to the point that it was dangerous. This must’ve been why you barely said anything earlier.
Tears flooded his eyes in an instant when he saw you walk out of the room. Suddenly confused as to why your boyfriend was crying, your lips parted to ask what was wrong. Then you spotted the slightly crumpled papers in his hands.
“Jisung—I can explain,” You spoke calmly, in an attempt to keep your voice stable. 
Jisung looked at you in despair. “Is this why I haven’t seen you eat lately? Or how you don’t want to go shopping together anymore?”
Your confirmed silence made him feel worse. Regardless he rushed up to hug you, engulfing your small frame into his taller figure. The two of you stayed in that position for a long time. Your fingers stroked his back as you also tried to calm him down. You made sure to reassure him that you knew you had a problem and were going to try to build better eating habits. Jisung would offer any support he could give you.
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rose-riot-johnson · 2 years
Hey Tumblr Peeps😃👍When I 1st started watching My Hero Academia, in 1 hand there were characters I'm keen on and/or fascinated with, while in the other hand either I am (or was) just neutral with certain characters or it just took me time for them to grow on me or maybe both even if they did fascinate me (don't worry I'm saying it as a good thing😅)😃👍However, in this case, with this My Hero Academia character I'm writing about, I did became fascinated with him, while I guess, I kinda masked my fascination for him without knowing it, then I basically realized recently I did unconsciously repressed that I have been fascinated with him for sometime...đŸ€”đŸ˜…Anyways it's time to write about him now🐋
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Why He Thinks You're Beautiful (Kugo Sakamata, aka Gang Orca x Any Gender Reader)
Genres: Some Fluff, Light Hearted, Cuddles and Snuggles (In The End), Just The Mentioning Of Alcohol Warning (unless reader picks otherwise) ⚠ (reader gets the option to pick non-alcoholic if reader chooses, if reader chooses to stick with alcohol then the reader can do so as well)
When you first became a pro hero, you decided to go on your first mission, which involved defeating a villain, who turned out to be (any villain of the reader's choice). You did have a little trouble fighting this villain, however you managed to defeat him/her/them after (s)he/they underestimated you. (S)he/they was wrong to even think that you're less capable, than you actually are, which definitely backfired on him/her/them.
The next day, you realized you defeating (any villain of the reader's choice) made it in the headlines of the news and it even became one of the most talked about things on the internet. Even when you were in the grocery store, all you can overhear everyone talk about is how heroic you are. There were even people who noticed you in the grocery store who want to chat with you and at times ask for an autograph. You basically become (accidentally) famous. As much as you enjoyed the fame and all, you didn't expect to be this famous that fast.
The next thing you know, you heard a voice saying, "So you must be, (Any Gender Reader Name). In this case congratulations on your battle against, (any villain of the reader's choice)", then you turned around and saw Gang Orca, as he continued, "Here. Let me introduce myself. My real name is Kugo Sakamata, however you can call me, Gang Orca. Nice to meet you.", as he offered you a handshake. You blushed from just looking at him, as you were shaking his hand, then you said, "Nice you meet you meet you too...Um... Mr. Orca... Sir...". While managing to hide his smirk (his hero gear (or suit) obviously, as part of it is his mask), as he goes, "I didn't mean to scare or make you nervous or anything. I just think you make a fine pro hero.", as he unconsciously flirted without showing, while he consciously is testing you, to see what you would say. You felt bad as you said, "Oh no. I wasn't scared or nervous or anything...I was just surprised...That's all...", as you unconsciously tried repressing you're blushing from just the sight of, Gang Orca. He's easy on you with your blushing, since he knows instantly that you are unconsciously masking the fact that you're atleast fascinated with him.
He then decided to ask you to meet him at a nightclub for later that night, so you accepted his invite, because (you letted him know that) you enjoyed the nightclub he asked you to meet him at and you somehow unconsciously liked him alot (without knowing this), even tough you were unconsciously were repressing that type of fascination for Gang Orca. Then after you accepted his offer, plenty of your fans came to you to meet you and stuff, while some of them are pro heroes themselves. That's when Orca told you, "See you later tonight then, (Any Gender Reader Name), then he winked at you (you didn't realize his winking meant a gentle flirtatious, thank you), as he found it cute seeing more of your new found fame, then left the isle to get himself cashed out before leaving the grocery store. Tough, wheather you have fame or no fame, he would be happy for you either way.
Later that night you went inside the nightclub you enjoyed, so much, which Gang Orca asked out to meet him there, then a few minutes later, he went inside the nightclub. You basically eyed at him, unconsciously, in a blushingly way. Gang Orca noticed you were unconsciously getting your enjoyment out of starring at him, in a like, like crushing fashion, so he decided to ask catching you off guard with a smirk on his face, "So, (Any Gender Reader Name). What do you think of my suit that I'm currently wearing tonight?", to test to see what you would say. "Well... Orca... Sir... You look... Really nice... In that suit of yours...", you answered not realizing you're blushing. He went to the barstool part of the nightclub, while he's motioning you to join him.
"Okay, (Any Gender Reader Name). Here's the thing. I'm willing to buy you a drink, if you like. Obviously you're allowed to pick alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages, so any beverage you like, considering I'm not crazy about booze much, however there's a catch on my end. Any drink, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, I will be picking the same exact drink out for me regardless of what drink you pick. So, I will obviously be drinking whatever you pick and I will still be paying for the drinks obviously.", Gang Orca mentioned, as he's letting you have all the options, you decided to pick the beverage of your choice, as he picked out the same for himself exact drink, as you picked for yourself. As time went by, you heard a song you have heard in the late 2000's that ended up (somehow) reminding you of, Gang Orca, the next thing you did was blush alot more than you did earlier today, then Gang Orca basically offered for you to dance with him (Reader gets choice on, if (s)he/they decide to dance or not. Either way he will still hang out with the reader either way and let's the reader decide), while you and Orca enjoyed the song that was playing at the time. He offered to take you to the hotel, which you accepted his invite as well.
So, after you and Gang Orca, finished your drinks (which he had the same exact drink you did), the both of you left the nightclub and since the hotel isn't far away from the nightclub at all, Gang Orca decided to carry you in his arms, as gentleman like, as possible. You were also surprisingly, comfortable being carried in both of his arms. Gang Orca noticed that look on your face, as your comfort delighted him alot. On your way and Gang Orca's way to the hotel, as he was carrying you he did talk to you alot.
"As you can see (Any Gender Reader), I really liked you alot, not because of you being famous from defeating (any villain of the reader's choice) yesterday and not just your looks. I'm not stalking you or anything, I promise on my life on this, however I should make myself clear that, eversince I first saw you in the grocery store earlier today, I have been watching you whenever I'm around you, your facial expressions, your blushes, you unconsciously being fascinated with me, your unconscious repression of your unconscious crush on me, you name it. I just find everything I noticed about you so cute.", Gang Orca said confessing how he felt, as you gave him a confused look on your face. Gang Orca continued his confession, as he said smiling, "You don't fully get it, I take it, (Any Gender Reader Name). I know we only met earlier today and earlier in the nightclub earlier tonight, however I just know there's something about your personality that I really love, so damn, much about you. I just can tell there's something about you that's just, so damn, amazing. And since I'm instantly in love with you, that's I ask before I plan and I let you have options of choices for what you decide on. You're not just cute, however because of your personality, I honestly think you're just, so damn beautiful, that I will not tolerate anyone saying one bad thing about you". You have began to realize what he meant and that made you very happy to hear all this now.
After you and Gang Orca got to the hotel (as he got finished carrying you, as well), you and Orca managed to book the same room, where the both of you will also be able to spend the night in the same hotel room as well. After you and Orca made it in the shared hotel room, as it turned out Orca definitely had been planning some surprises to spoil you with, after all. He spoiled you a few things that you might like and he even spoiled you with lots of nice clothing that might be to your liking. From what you're understanding about the clothes he got for you he seems to have great taste, when it comes to clothes.
Then he said, "I want to makesure you're not trying to be a "yes" person, when I ask you this, so be honest with me when I ask you this question, and be sure about this as well, (Any Gender Reader Name). I want to makesure I'm not pushing you into anything you don't want to do". The next thing he did was he asked, "So (Any Gender Reader Name), would you like to be my significant other.", then, he continued, "If it's a yes, then I would be happy. However if it a no, then we can be just as friends as well. I want you to makesure whatever you decide is something you want to do.". You thought carefully about it, then after you finish thinking about what Gang Orca asked you, you have made your final decision pertaining his question.
"Gang Orca, I have been thinking about what you asked me, and I also have been thinking about everything that happened today, especially all the times I have been around and every second of even seeing your face, every second of knowing you more, even with your personality, as well. For me, in your case Orca, it's not about your looks or what you spoil me with, it's actually about what's on the inside of you that's really won me over, infact you're the most thoughtful being who ever roamed the Earth. You're very thoughtful of me.", you explained to Gang Orca. Then you continued, "So, my honest answer is... Definitely yes, I will become your significant other, because just as much as you've proven in just one whole day and one whole night that you truly love me, I want to prove how much I love you as well, despite of the fact you see my love for you through me, before I did see that with myself. And, yes. I am sure I want to do this.". From hearing your reason on why you said, yes to, Gang Orca, he was surprised and more than happy hear about everything you just said.
After you and Orca finished your conversation with him, you decided to get changed into some pajamas that Gang Orca, bought for you (with the other clothes he got for you) inside the bathroom. The pajamas he got for you are (the description of the pajamas is for the reader's imagination, so ofcourse it will be the pajamas of the reader's choice), and these pajamas are becoming you favorite pajamas ever. Once you finished changing into your favorite pajamas, you noticed, Gang Orca has just got done getting into his night clothes, while his neck was uncovered. He definitely looked different without his suit covering his neck, while he was a little embarrassed that you immediately saw his uncovered neck, however you assured him that he's still handsome and that he's still the same Gang Orca, who you said yes to.
When you and Gang Orca finally decided to lay in the shared hotel bed to eventually sleep in, you both snuggled, cuddled, chatted, (and anything else to the reader's imagination, if the reader chooses to (optional). Otherwise,...), etc... A couple hours has passed where both you and Orca feel asleep, while holding eachother in the shared hotel bed. Next morning you and Gang Orca woke up next to each other, as it seems in one day and one night that the both of you have chemistry, are compatible, and are comfortable with eachother, also as if it felt like eternity in a good way.
The End
Anyways my Tumblr Peeps, I hope you enjoyed this fanfic with non other than, Gang Orca in this same fanfic🐋Aside from the unconscious repression of my fascination for Gang Orca a while ago, I'm not really sure why I didn't write about him earlier, honestly. I did put some thought for this fanfic, including the name for this fanfic. The previous fanfic I did worked on I did accidentally forgot to name, which not naming my fanfics is very unlike of me to do, so I'm trying to avoid not naming my fanfics😅Back to talking about this Gang Orca fanfic, just incase, if I'm a little off topic... Anyways, aside from stopping the unconscious repression once I started to realized what was I unconsciously masking the fascination I have for him character wise, there were plenty of things aside from wanting the readers to have options with certain parts of this fanfic that brought inspiration (which this fanfic is no exception), there was 1 of the songs from the late 2000's (I think 2009, however I'm not 💯% sure, just incase of an accidental exaggeration😅) and listening to this particular song from that part of the decade quite often, recently and this particular song really had me decide on how I feel might fit this fanfic some, plus I figured this song might be part of Gang Orca's taste in music😃👍As for the clothing...đŸ€” Aside from him having good taste in clothing (my positive opinion), considering every1 has different taste in clothing including pajamas, I decided if I put pajamas as part of this fanfic I rather the reader decide to their imagination on pajamas of their choice, out of consideration that every1 had different preferences pertaining pajamas. My point is that, I feel it's more fun for the reader to get options on certain parts of the story, than for me to choose everything for the reader without letting them have the option. So I do plan on letting reader get options to their imagination in certain parts a little more often in future fanfics when writing them. Hopefully this Gang Orca, fanfic makes your day and/or night, my Tumblr Peeps🐋😃👍
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lasats-are-lovely · 1 year
Hey not trying to be rude (really!) but it looks like you're into other things now... and I want to know if you ever plan on finishing your lazytown fics?
A fair question - I haven't posted anything related to LazyTown or updated any of my long standing fics in a minute 😅 to say the least.
I don't know if I would say I'm done with LazyTown in any sense though, despite the fact that I now post almost exclusively about star wars. I mean, LazyTown was the show and fandom that quite literally saved my life - and it was the reason I met my gf of nearly 6 years now (and future wife uwu), so it's always gonna have a special place in my heart.
Anyway, the "short" answer to your question is:
Tumblr media
... the long answer though?
Probably not anytime soon. Probably.
It's not necessarily from a lack of interest, it's just that... I'm an adultâ„ąïž, an adult with adult responsibilities that take a lot of my time, as well as an adult who is in a very fulfilling relationship. Whenever I have free time, I'm usually spending it either recovering from some bs at work or I'm spending it with my lady. Very little time for something as time consuming at writing.
That, and I haven't been in the best of health. Had a stress episode mid-2022 that has caused me to have long-term physical side effects that make me exhausted and mentally distant far more than not. I've recently started some medication that should help, and have so far.
I want to write. Don't go assuming that I've lost all interest in that. And there are a lot of projects, old and new, that I still very much want to work on.
Sunflowers on Purple Cake has only 2 more planned chapters - one full chapter, as well as an 'epilogue' of sorts. That absolutely will be finished because it's so fucking close to being done and it will bother me to no end if I leave it where it is now.
Lazyrinth though...
I gotta give you some backstory first.
The entire reason I wrote Lazyrinth was to impress my gf. I think it was something she had joked about, and my little gay-ass was all like "I could do it!" because I had it bad... and I mean, it worked. How could she resist me after I did something so crazy? lol.
I spent the time between our interactions writing it for her because I loved watching her read it when we were together (well, together in the sense of being together in a voice call, as we started our relationship over 2000 miles apart). It was something that caused me to fall even more in love with her.
For the first half of Lazyrinth's chapters she was actively reading it, as well as proof-reading it for me before I posted it for everyone else. She was my main audience - it was easy to find motivation when I could see the excitement for more in her eyes.
But as time went on, and we finally ended up moving in together, she found other interests... and as of now she doesn't really have an active interest in LazyTown or LazyTown fanfiction. And that means Lazyrinth too.
So... I've had a hard time having the motivation to write it when the main reason I ever wrote it, to get with the most wonderful woman I have ever known, worked so well that we were telling each other I love you before I even started posting the fic to AO3. And now that she doesn't even read it anymore...
It's not that the magic is gone. It's just... it feels a bit like it's served its purpose in my life. I've reread it about 100 times now, I've had it's entire plot in my mind for so long that it's not as interesting to me as it was before. That, and my writing has changed and grown a lot since I first started, and there are things I wish I could change about the story that is now too late to go back to.
My gf wants me to finish it though. She tells me that she remembers the late nights I spent shaking from excitement talking about the new ideas I thought of. She wants me to finish it because of how important it was to us and to me.
And a surprising amount of people want me to finish it too. I never expected it to get as popular as it did, and I especially didn't expect it to be popular enough that it would pop up in a ColeyDoesThings video. It's strange, because even though I have reasons to stop writing it, I have just as many reasons to finish it.
... and it will be a long time coming, but I'm gonna do it.
No timeline on when. I don't want you or anyone to have any expectations on when it will be done, because at this rate you'll be waiting until 2026 (knock on wood....) but as long as I'm able to write, I plan on getting it done. There's only, like 5 planned chapters left after all.
Though because of how wordy my writing is, that means there's at least 8...
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doesntseeyourbeauty · 11 months
Elizabeth!!!! Hiiiiii!!!! đŸ€đŸ‘»đŸ€đŸ‘» I'm sorry I've been absent these past days, I've been a bit overwhelmed with work and reading two silly books that I'm enjoying so much. How are you??
Yeah, that's understandable, work sometimes is really draining and it also uses so much of our time, đŸ˜©. Well, those are pretty too, I love to see the colour combos people choose for the songs. Yes, yes, yes, me too!!!! đŸ„°đŸ˜đŸ˜
AAAAH thank youuuu for saying that!!! Now I'm even more excited about it!!!! It's going to be so cool! đŸ€­
How was the eras movie???? Tell me everything!!!!
Hehehe good food always wins!
Oh that muppet twilight thing seems very promising! Hehe
Definitely!!! I also think that's so interesting that she has worked with do many different people, but her essence is still unmistakable!
Hahaha people should mind their business instead of trying to figure out who is dating who. Hahaha that must be awkward sometimes. 😅😝
Hahaha Kayla seems like such a sweetheart, even though she's a food thief! And Winnie is talkative, that's so sweet! I wish mine were too!!!
Yes, I do think Olivia shows growth in guts! It's so amazing, there isn't a bad song on it!!
Have a wonderful week!!! Muah đŸ˜˜đŸ€đŸ€đŸ€
HIIIIIIII!!!! I hope you're doing well despite work being overwhelming! <3 What silly books are you reading? (I'm always looking for new books to read!)
It can be! I used to only work 4 days a week so it's been taking adjusting to being at work everyday except the weekend, but I'll get there soon! Same! I know for me, I try to use colors that I associate with the album the song is from but sometimes I like to choose the color based off what color I think the song would be! So for the eras tour movie, I made a cold as you bracelet and I chose blue for the beads bc it just felt fitting!
You're gonna have such a blast at your show, I already know! I still go back and watch the videos I took from my show and I love that you get to have those memories too!
It was AMAZING!!! My theater was sold out (it was on the 13th!) and the vibes were amazing!!! Everyone had an understanding that there was going to be singing, the chants, and I danced in my seat for the most part, but at the end, we all stood up to dance to Karma! The surprise song section was so much fun as well, and one of my favorite parts was the credits! I'll go ahead and say it but I did sob during marjorie and tolerate it (I recently got out of a long term relationship) but other than that it was a blast!!!
It does! I'm a big food person, after all, I grew up in the Southern United States and food is a big part of our culture. So food is always one of my top things about places or better yet the outdoor options they have for adventures!
It's so funny!!! This is the link to the one I saw and it made me laugh so hard! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l9mjSeAVW0
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Taylor has always been a songwriter first and has been passionate about the music she puts into the world. It's also just so amazing to me to see how fast she can create such amazing lyrics (like how she wrote the Last Time in roughly 10 minutes) and they become some of her best work. She's just amazing in general but that's me!
Oh I agree! It can be but we've had it happen all our lives. We once had someone ask if my older brother and our mom were married. Which is insulting to my older brother because damn he doesn't look that old (our mom is in her late 40's now), but also I guess it's a compliment to our mom? Idk, I never like to assume about people's relationship status, speculation can be a negative thing!
They both have such amazing personalities and I'm very grateful to have both of them! I can't imagine existing without them lol
AGREED!!! Guts has been on repeat since it's release for me and I have no regrets about it!
I hope you have the loveliest of weeks!!!! <3333
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jeongjaebae · 2 years
yes yes !! it is i, squirrel anon!! i've just been lurking around every month or so and saw you had a few gaps on not posting so i wasn't sure if you were that active anymore !! (glad you still are active though)
i'm doing great! i'm not sure if i ever revealed my age group?? (oh well) college apps have been quite stressful and the thought of after hs scares me 😭 jacob and i are still together! i actually gave him a nickname cobbie bc i was like why not with tbz jacob too HAHAH. i was supposed to visit my family in the north so i can experience snow again but sadly they said the tickets were too expensive ㅠㅠ. how are you? any life changing events? oh remember about my new year's resolution last year? i've made it to 8k!! while i've been slacking a bit i'm so proud of myself :D
oh no was whisper bad? i mean i watched and listened to the song but like i don't remember anything at all 😭 thought it was an average kpop song i guess... still love tbz though !! but yes i did watch wednesday! ever since i saw the trailer i promised myself to watch it... and i finished watching it in the same day... i also love one of the actors tyler đŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ«¶đŸ» i haven't really seen any special stages (‱ ‱;) aside from that one han jisung part and yuna stage. i hope you know what i'm talking about HAHAH.
awww i'm so glad my message made you happier! hope you're having a good day cherry <3 (btw idk if the spacing is going to be weird for you? but the spacing on here seems so wide 😭) -đŸżïž
haha i wouldn't say... i'm too active on here :') like i'm pretty much out of material to post for now until i finish one of my long wips or until tbz's comeback next month magically sucks me back into the fandom LOL
ohh are you an 05 liner then? ah i figured as much!! college apps are indeed a stressful time and picking a major even more so 😭 the fear is understandable, i guess it's kinda hard to picture your life until you get there? hopefully it'll be a smooth transition for you! aHHH that's good that you and jacob are still together!!! omg you nicknamed him cobbie HAHA that's cute, does he know tbz at all? and yeahh everything is so expensive these days, i hope you do get to visit family and experience snow again one day!! it's been a fairly warm winter here so far so it hasn't snowed much, but it's been soooo gloomy all the time 😔 oooh your resolution was clearing photos right?!? 8k is decent progress!! i probably said i had like 2k last year but... here we are at 7.5k this year (it's the many concerts i went to... i wanna keep svt and ateez on my phone forever, they're beauuutiful HAHA)
i'm doing well but life is kinda boring atm 😅 hmm in terms of life changing events... i got a job!! also did a bit of travelling and went to 8 kpop concerts within the past 6 months, and a few of them were life changing (skz, svt, ateez). also started a kpop album/merch collection which was unintentional but... here's where my newly earned money is going LMAO
whisper was... well, i think they were going for thrill ride 2.0 but it didn't meet expectations? i personally didn't like the song and thought that the concepts they teased weren't really related to the song đŸ„Č but hopefully next month's comeback will be better!! ahh i still have not watched wednesday but... will start... one of these days :') ooh is the actor you're talking about hunter doohan? just googled him rn LOL. the only thing i know related to the show is that emma myers is a huge svt fan HAHA. and yeahhHH i know that stage, the one with han's iconic hockey uniform that everyone went Wild over!!
and dw the spacing looks fine!! not surprised that it might look weird bc tumblr always does things like that, also i think they went through a recent update? things are a bit wonky HAHA. anywayyy hope you're having a good day too and that everything goes well with college apps and acceptances!! <3
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nikethestatue · 2 years
I’m apologizing in advance because this a long one, but once I get going sometimes I just don’t know how to stop 😅
I’m a new follower of yours and for awhile was just a casual ACOTAR reader. After a recent re-read I decided to jump into the online fandom and *wowzers* was I surprised to discover the massive shipwars happening. Being a casual reader like many, (and not having seen nor even possessing the knowledge of the Azriel bonus chapter) I was always under the impression the next couple to be was Elriel. After seeing all the hullabaloo and noise regarding Gwynriel, I was confused and sought out the BC. Here is what I would like to contribute to the conversation after reading it

First let me explain what I do for a living and how it applies to my thought process. I produce unscripted television episodes - my official title is Story Producer. I work in post production and am responsible for assembling and tracking the story for my designated episodes. Now, obviously television and books are wildly different mediums, however, the art of storytelling is universal and as a professional storyteller I’m banking all my chips on Elriel. Their ship has been seeded many times throughout the earlier books and I do not believe that the addition of the Gwyn character is going to change that rather than merely shake things up. I see a lot of Gwynriel supporters screaming why would SJM even have the interaction with Gwyn and Az if it wasn’t important
 I think the answer to that is simple - It’s classic misdirection. Even though it’s a chapter that clearly not everyone is even aware of and takes place middle of the book’s timeline, I believe it’s ultimately meant to be treated as a cliffhanger. And what storytelling device is often used in cliffhangers??
 misdirection. A tactic we employ often in the shows I work on. Even the wording surrounding the dancing shadows and the glowing necklace image seems very deliberately misleading and can be interpreted in multiple ways - which we have already seen from all of the ship camps (I myself am a supporter of the Gwyn lightsinger theory).
Given the types of meetings I experience at my job discussing character arcs, relationships, likability, audience perception, etc., I think it’s possible that similar conversations happened with SJM and her editing/publishing teams regarding Elain’s book. (Yes! I, too, believe her book is next!!!) And based on what I’ve seen to be a large portion of the fandom’s negative and grossly misogynistic attitude towards Elain, it’s possible they felt the need to drum up more interest for sales. Personally, I don’t think you need more interest than having Rhys outright command Az to stay away. I know what non-Elriels are squawking about enemies to lovers reigning supreme or whatever, but to me a forbidden romance (along with a broken or rejected mate bond) sounds soooo deliciously refreshing
 but maybe the publishers were worried it might not have been enough to convince Elain nay-sayers to tune in next time, cue the Gwyn/Az cliffhanger.
I am by no means stating that everyone should listen to me because my profession dictates that I am 100% right in this (I’m just a storyteller of a different kind waiting on pins and needles for Sep 8th just like everyone else!!). I’m merely chiming in on the discussion from my perspective. And despite some very vocal Gwynriels deeming Elriel a “sinking ship”, I truly don’t believe SJM seeded said ship for three books only to change her mind before it even comes to fruition. That would be some very strange and bad storytelling. And no - Tamlin, Chaol, etc. isn’t the same thing. Those weren’t just multiple books of only build up, so that is a useless argument. And I definitely don’t believe she set up Azriel to “only want sex from Elain” after all this time. That obviously wouldn’t make him very likable and I highly doubt that is the goal for one of her beloved batboy creations, especially after making us wait all these years for insight into his character.
I have several other thoughts about the delusion of Elucians and Elain “not looking good in black” theories, but I’ll stop here haha. Sorry for rattling your ear off 😂 I’m just such a fan of your blog and wanted to share my two cents while we all eagerly await the *hopefully* upcoming news!!!
No, rant away, because this is actually perfect!
Because that's what we've been saying for years! It IS misdirection and somewhat of a lame attempt at an additional conflict and a cliffhanger.
Because if SJM wants to make this book spicier in terms of 'choice' it's nice to have people wonder, since a choice between just between 3 people isnt always all that interesting. But if there is another figure seemingly in the mix, it would seem like something else is going on.
It's kind of like Rhys expressing shock in ACOTAR and just disappearing. I don't think this is at the same level obviously, but it also makes people pause and wonder.
And no, she will not have an unresolved romance which she'd been building up for years just not happen. That's ridiculous.
it's the same thing as with Elrocan in TOG. They were built up over a course of many books. They were the background love affair, and they didn't consummate until the final book. Now imagine, when suddenly.........nothing happened. Elide met someone else and walked away from Lorcan. How would people feel about that?
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