#And well it was rather demoralizing. And I guess I wrote this.
astrum-naut · 3 years
yandere bruce wayne head-canons + yandere dick grayson head-canons
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warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, unhealthy behaviors, mentions of kidnapping, death, murder, stalking, non-consensual monitoring, mentions of self-harm, depression
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I wrote Dick’s head-canons a long time ago, just needed to brush up a few things and I wrote Bruce’s a few night ago. Side note, didn’t put live action GIFS of my face-claims for them considering they either had none available or I didn’t like the casting.  Not much to say except enjoy Bat-dad and the first Bat-son together I guess. 
Always remember that this is a work of fiction and everything written does not fully encompass and describe Bruce Wayne or Dick Grayson’s personality and character. Feel free to send in asks / questions / clarifications / thoughts about them as well.
The big bat himself, Bruce is one of the more interesting yandere’s to land in a relationship with. 
Unlike the vast majority of the yanderes who are just going to be mindlessly chasing after you, most of your relations and interactions with each other would consist of a lot of tugging and pushing.
The man’s incredibly smart, a pragmatic through and through and he’s going to over-analyze everything. He knows this infatuation with you isn’t healthy, he knows it’s going to eat him up from the inside as his jealousy burns. 
And whatever follows through is absolutely not your fault, Bruce just needs to take time to reflect on what he wants to pursue with you. Whether you are a colleague or an employee under his company, he’s just going to play the hot and cold route. Yes, you may be receiving a hot paycheck or the best suites he could provide, but he’s aloof and blunt towards you, which makes it all the more confusing if you know him as his Bruce Wayne persona.
You’d much rather receive the playboy, obnoxious persona rather than this treatment. Heck, it’s demoralizing and draining, it feels like he doesn’t even want you to be there. If it goes that badly, you may even distance yourself from him in an attempt to maintain your mental health. 
During the times at the Bat-cave where he’s alone and quiet, he may even notice it as well through some bouts of reflection. He’s ashamed and embarrassed at how he’s acting, feeling like a teenage boy who’s gotten their first crush. 
Once he’s gotten the epiphany, he’s going to apologize and use that Wayne charm to reel you in. If you’re still that skeptical, he’s going to do everything in his power to stop that impression he’s left on you.
Sure, he has the money, but he’s not going to just throw it at your face to compensate. No, he’s going to invite you to whatever caters to your interests and personality the most. 
If you’re a glamorous and chic person, buckle up because he’s going to drag you to the fanciest gala’s with the richest names on the globe, treat you to the finest cuisine his pockets could offer, and take you on a world trip on a first class plane. Of course he’s going to accompany you, don’t give him that weird look! He’s paying for everything, he has the right to join you!
But if that’s not your style, don’t worry. Because if you’re the much more simple and grounded type, he already has a cottage in the woods waiting for you both to go. He already has the finest literature at his fingertips and he’s ready to discuss and analyze every single theme present in it. He already has cups of hot chocolate at the table, he’s ready for you to live out your cottage core dreams with him and to also sit on his lap c’mon look at those thick babies don’t they look so inviting
Throughout the duration of your travels or meetings, if you pay close attention he’s always staring at you with loving eyes. If any of his co-workers were to see it, they would be flabbergasted at the sight. In these moments, he’s not putting an act for the world to witness and gossip over. He’s just loving you with no restraints, he’s just loving you without the matters of  playboy Bruce Wayne and Batman to think about.
But say he doesn’t get that lucky and your happily ever after doesn’t play out, don’t worry because he’s never going to give up!
If he has hope that a shithole like Gotham can be saved, where it’s basically crawling and rotting in of itself, then he believes the same logic can be applied to you.
If you’re less than recipient to his offers, he understands and backs off a bit. He’s not going to leave though, he’s just going to be controlling things behind the curtains.
He has the patience of a monk and he’s willing to hold off these kinds of shenanigans as long as it takes for you to be with him. 
However, his jealousy is what leaves to be desired. Because despite his raw intellect evident in the cases he solves and the contingency plans he makes for his fellow superheroes, his brain cannot function properly when you are with anyone else besides him. That also is probably the reason why he’s a bit more cold and passive-aggressive during your interactions. He knows it’s not right, but he cannot control it.
If it gets to the point of some low-life kindling some romantic relations with you, he’ll make you think everything is fine before wiping that fucker off the map. It’s gonna be sudden too with the most legitimate excuses. He’s going to pull off their criminal history and anything he can get his hands on just to remove them from your life. But if he’s that petty and the person won’t just leave you alone, blackmail then if he’s in a really really really bad place where he cannot return; murder.
The chance of it happening is really low but never zero so be warned.
It will be the scariest sight too if the latter ever happens, just imagine being the Justice League or the Bat Fam and seeing this man discard his moral code for someone he loves. Imagine you learning of that morality and shaking in your pants as you witness this man killing your ex by the most swift method possible. 
When he gets caught, Bruce is just going to sigh and accept the reality, he knows he can’t erase this memory so he’s just going to do whatever he can to avoid you escaping from his arms. While seeing you afraid of him is going to dismay him, he’s going to find a way to reassure you he won’t hurt you. Despite his appearance, he’s just a big softie. 
Dark possibilities aside, this man will give the biggest stink-eye to anyone who interacts with you. Be it a hench-man, a passer-by, your friend, a relative, no one is spared from his judgmental eyes.
If he’s really feeling it, he’s going to unleash his bat-glare, costume on or not. It’ll be the most terrifying experience the recipient will ever experience and rest assured they’re going to try to avoid you when he’s there.
Except the problem is he’s always there! Forgive Bruce for his paranoia but as much as he has love for Gotham, he knows that the place is riddled with harm and danger at every nook and cranny. He’s going to place security cameras everywhere, trackers on personal items, and just any type of surveillance he can so he can watch you. 
It’s mostly for safety purposes, but he also finds you really cute when you’re going about your day. He doesn’t show it in his face but he’s dying on the inside whenever you smile cutely and interact with the world around you. He’s giving a death glare to ice cream seller but he’s subtly smiling at your happiness at consuming the dessert. Prepare to be bombarded with said flavor at work or at home, he loves seeing your reactions.
Even with the positives, he’s such a control freak that he’s always preparing for the worst of what could happen to you. He’s making plans and entire protocols to keep you safe and unharmed, because god rest the poor soul who manages to injure you. 
They could just fire a gunshot at your direction and the henchman who’s asked to do so witnesses the rage of the dark knight fully.
The only time he’s going to kidnap you is when you witness him doing something you weren’t supposed to. He’s going to be disappointed at the conditions you’re going to be living in since he knows it’s not ideal, but he’s going to try his best to keep you comfortable.
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Despite how much most yandere writers envision Dick as a much more cruel and abusive character (which is fine since that’s how they would like to portray it), I see it differently not only because of my writing style but as well as how I see the character. 
That said, like Bruce, this man is scarily self-aware of his tendencies. Unlike the other superheroes, he knows his actions aren’t normal. He isn’t blinded by his traumatic past or background to know that following his darling around, harassing their suitors, and engaging in creepy manipulative acts are questionable. 
Yet, that doesn’t hinder him from pursuing you. 
As the first Robin and one of the eldest amongst the Bat-family, he’s seen a lot in his life. Lots of significant others, crushes, and flings all seem to combine and turn into a blur. His exciting life came at a cost and in the love department, he’s definitely not lacking. People would throw themselves at his feet and while he finds it heart-warming and flattering, deep down he knows that the happy-go lucky mask he puts on is not going to stay on forever, and he’s going to slip one day until he meets you.
I think his yandere tendencies will fully reveal and flourish after you’ve officially become his rock, loyal and unwavering which is what he exactly needs in his turbulent life of justice. 
Whether it’s because of your occupation or personality, he’s going to latch unto you like or not. Heaven forbid you even attempt to leave him in the dust like the other sinners and saints he’s encountered.
It’s going to be a slow progression until he hits that jackpot moment and from then on, his heart belongs to you. I bet the day he even realizes it, he’s unconsciously smiling like an idiot looking at your texts or even profile after some interaction. He’s lovesick now, please enjoy this hunk being at your side till the rest of his days. He wants to repay you and your services, you deserve it.
Aside from that, it’s no surprise he’s a charming man, with a bright smile and held to the highest esteem by the Gothamites. He’s the first-born son of one of the most infamous playboys in the US, he’s no stranger to people finding him attractive. And hee wants the same impression from you. He doesn’t necessarily want you to grovel at his feet or praise him, he just wants to be seen in a good light.
Whether you have attracted him in your normal everyday civilian persona or your secret one, he’s going to let you know from the very beginning.
A joke he’d murmur in a stuffy gala or some witty banter as he saves you from ongoing travel, anything is fair game as long as he impresses you.
All yanderes tend to waiver around the spectrum of their darling’s approval, yet he most certainly wants it since he equates that to you wanting and caring for him.
Dick’s practically a puppy jumping around and doing all the tricks just to get your attention and praise. Just kiss him on the  cheek already! Look at those puppy eyes how can you resist? Don’t look at any of his siblings please, he’s giving you his attention and he feels like he’s not worthy of your time every time you do that.
Furthermore, he knows he’s not going to be able to win you over through harsh treatment, that’s why he makes use of his lovable and friendly personality.
He treats you like an absolute deity and isn’t subtle at all. He’ll laugh loudly at your jokes even if they are terrible, constantly compliment you even if you might not need it, and  hang out with you even if not desired. This man lives and breathes off of social interaction and quality time with you.
That means he’s going to be a bit pouty when someone steals his spotlight. He’s not going to be too aggressive or be an absolute doormat when it comes to these scenarios, no, he’s going to be petty.
He’s careful with his words since he knows you might get offended and leave him (which he fears right next to you not liking him), so he’ll blurt out some slightly sarcastic remarks and be petty with his actions. He’ll wrap his arm around your shoulder, roll his eyes, kiss his teeth, you name it. The passive-aggressive mad lad.
He’s not an absolute downer and would still want you to be with your friends, doesn’t mean he likes it though. His smile is always a bit unnerving and twitching unnaturally even with his attempts to hide it. C’mon Dick, we know you’re going to throw a fit later once they leave to go sip some martinis with other strangers.
Even so, not the most kill-happy yandere either, he likes to wait behind the shadows and analyze the chances in which someone would whisk you away. He won’t kill them unless push comes to shove, but he’ll manipulate things behind the scenes and either pair them up with someone else or make them reveal their flaws.
And the man is already considered emotional, with you in the picture that definitely worsens to a significant amount. He’s willing to jeopardize lives and the safety of his teammates for your well-being. If you can even do it correctly, he can even hurt  himself to please you, which you can utilize depending on your intentions with him. He might regret it later, but his impulsivity is going to be a blind spot. He’s going to push himself to his limit at everything you do and it will be a strain on him that he might even have an outburst of tears or anger. 
He’s not going to exactly take it out on you, but be warned, having the  nice ones of the Bat family snap is not one of the goals you should even attempt to achieve. His emotional state is absolutely built on a loose foundation and witnessing it is not going to be a pretty sight. He’s going to cool down and apologize for it and he wants your reassurance that you’re not afraid of him. 
With his much more laid-back and cool nature, he seems pretty harmless until you learn about his tremendous amount of influence towards his various colleagues and superiors.
He’s the one who convinces them their actions are necessary, and helps them stalk, manipulate, and keep their respective darlings happy. He knows it’s wrong but he inevitably doesn’t care. He’s probably also the one who created or suggested to have an organization consisting of all the yandere super-heroes / or even villains depending on their own compliance and behavior to be formed. Just imagine it, all of the toughest and most powerful people coming together to protect their darlings. 
If ever something happens to them, he’s calling the brigade to help. As a popular character and face, everyone is going to be flocking towards him if he ever needs assistance. One press of a button is all it’s going to take for the top dogs like the Martians, Kryptonians, Amazons, and other much more powerful beings to help in their own selfish endeavors to keep their lovers safe.
He’s just extremely iffy towards actions of violence towards rivals.  There’s not a lot of dangerous characters in the group but it probably got established in one of the founding guidelines. Unless it strikes a chord with him, he’s not going to be maiming people like the more brutal members like any of the Outlaws and such. 
You can approach him for advice and he’s happy to comply. You need to get rid of a rival? Well, here’s some equipment you could use and a blueprint of their house, let’s take that fucker out! You need an apology present for your darling since you were busy defending the world from a crisis? Take his money and him to go shopping, just give him the right information about their interests and he’ll do it. 
Just forget about doing or committing violence to your darlings, he’ll break your teeth if you ever make that suggestion. He hates thinking about his darling in pain, what makes you think he’ll do the same to yours?
All that aside, he’s only gets delusional in the sense of needing to protect you. Other aspects not so much. Dick’s not willing to change you and reform you into what he wants, that goes against everything he’s been doing for you. But if he really thinks about his behavior and possible defiance towards him (either when you learn about his actions or when he clumsily kidnaps you), he’d go into shock and depression.
He’s also a master stalker. He really enjoys following you through physical means because he’s a bit uncomfortable at the thought of cameras so he sticks to the old-fashioned method. Even when he’s not on patrol, he’s only a few steps away, gushing at how cute you look during the most mundane tasks. You could be taking out garbage in your dirt covered clothes or even sweating up a storm during your job and he’s still all heart eyes.
Despite his mostly harmless nature, he’s annoyingly persistent. He refuses to just leave and not be a part of your life and make it better in some way. He also babies you a lot which can get really annoying if you’re the more independent types.
Even so, Dick’s a solid choice for a yandere. He’s sweet, funny, and a generous lover overall. Just don’t put up a fight and bring him to the point of heart-break and sadness unless you want his family or friends to come after you.
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saucysamu · 4 years
Hi, I guess this is an emergency request. It’s totally fine if you can’t do it, I know these things can be a bit dark. So I relapsed into self harm again. After quite a long time actually. And it’s just very demoralizing, knowing that I’m back at the start and that just makes it that much harder to stay clean. Because I feel like a failure. I had an ex that was a jerk about it, so that just terrifies me to open up about it. So I can get really defensive, but I try not to be. It’s just a difficult thing for me to process, and I try my best to be mentally healthy, but sometimes that’s not exactly possible. Right now I’m just kind of emotionally done. So I guess maybe how Suna, Kita, Atsumu and maybe Bokuto would react with that. Idk what’s the limit of characters. If there’s a limit, just take out characters. I know it’s possible for me to be happy, it’s just getting there lol. I love flowers and watching bumble bees buzzing around. Wasps can F off tho 💀. Just gotta find things like that you know. Anyways, I hope you are doing well! And remember to prioritize your mental health always 💖✨. It’s really kind what you’re doing, but make sure not to get overwhelmed!!
Suna and Kita reacting to their s/o relapsing to sh
Warning: s*lfharm
part 2: Bokuto and Atsumu reacting to their s/o relapsing to sh : coming soon
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Ngl it took him off guard but at the same time it didn’t ?
you never told him out of embarrassment, fearing rejection if you did tell him
after dating for a while you were doing alright so you didn’t feel the need to tell him I mean, that was in the past…right?
don’t think he never noticed your scars, even if they faded in color, he isn’t dumb 
he never brought it up in a conversation though — for one because he didn’t know how,  and secondly he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. If you wanted to talk about it you just would have done so, at least he thinks that.
so when he discovers fresh scars he just freezes
he feels kinda nauseous not knowing what to do tbh
you’re his only breaking point - his sarcastic, cold demeanor only lasting until something happens to you. 
you can’t think of a single time you ever saw him so vulnerable - just like he never saw you like that
it was probably in a casual moment when he noticed - like you grabbing something from the top shelf and your sleeve rolling down
both of your hearts drop, making you put your sleeve into position again, avoiding his gaze. After it took him some seconds to find his composure again he slowly makes his way to you and gently grabs one side of your cheek to press the side of your face against his chest. He repeatedly kisses the top of your head gently while his beating heart eases the lump in your throat. With his other hand he reaches out for your fingers to intertwine them lazily, rubbing the palm with his thumb.
he keeps quiet, being scared of saying anything to upset you. He doesn’t need to though, you just feel that you’re safe with him.
you both are each others home, you know that and he knows too. No matter how stone cold he seems to others, you know he’s in fact the opposite
you sigh shakingly, muttering an apology since guilt overpowers you now
he clicks his tongue and shakes his head while pulling you closer 
  I’m sorry I didn’t notice.. I should have paid more attention.
Suna was never the type to understand why someone would hurt themselves. It didn’t solve the problem, it made him frown. He never left disgusting remarks though - he just didn’t get it, or he didn’t care enough. And no one around him has ever done that so why should he care? But people have their reasons right? Well if it wasn’t for you he still wouldn’t know what it meant to doubt yourself but having no strength to do anything about it. What it meant to never feel good enough. What it meant to lose desire and joy in everything. Thanks to you he developed some kind of empathy, flipping a switch in his mind. He’s become more patient and understanding, making you unable to comprehend how his piercing eyes can look so gentle when you meet his gaze. Before him, all you’ve known was people blaming you for how you felt — and how you coped. But he’s never blamed you once. And why would he? He’d gain nothing from making you feel worse, he’s aware of this much. He isn’t obvious about it, never even talked to his friends about it to protect you, but also to protect himself. He’d honestly rather avoid things that make him seem weak and vulnerable. Suna’s just not someone who likes to admit weakness. If the others knew how soft he could be for his significant other, they would never, and I mean NEVER, let him live down on that. Too bad you got him wrapped around your finger - in every way possible. Cause despite not knowing how to deal with..specific situations, he just pulls you into a hug. For as long as it needs to last, neither of you care how long you keep hugging in the middle of a room. Or a hallway. Or a mall. He couldn’t care less the only thing that matters is to make you feel loved, valid. That’s his way of being there for you. Cradling in his scent and warmth, with lidded eyes you feel at home.
he knows about your past, like who are we kidding he knows everything lmao
of course he knows, he’d want to know every little thing about you only if you’re comfortable tho like he wouldn’t force you to do anything you didn’t want to
idk I just think his trust would crack if you lied to him or hid something from him.
He’d rather have you tell him you don’t want to talk about it than just blatantly lie to him
talking it out,, a lot of talking
but it’s okay because it never felt like Kita would judge you in any way
he’s so attentive when he listens to you, he never misses ANYTHING and also remembers the smallest details about you
you can be sure that he’s the best support system, he’s patient, gentle and just overall willing to help, giving alternatives etc.
so damn proud of you for fighting
it’s been a while since you’ve done anything to yourself so when you relapse you don’t know how to face him without feeling guilty,,
you don’t even need to say it out loud, your behavior gives away what’s happened 
he sighs and frowns apologetically, reaching out for your hands
his thumbs stroking softly over your fingers
“May I..?“ He glances to where you hurt yourself. Insecure about your prior action you bite the inside of your cheek. “It’s not that bad anyway..“ You try to talk your way out of it and notice the way his eyebrow twitches in displeasure at your choice of words. “Sorry..“ You say awkwardly as you give in to his touch. Kita brushes up the fabric covering your wounds to take a closer look. You watch his every move as he closes his eyes for a moment, sighing. “Come with me.“ he nods in the direction of your bathroom, making you sit down on the toilet as you get there. Never on earth would you have ever thought you’d witness someone taking care of you so deliberately. Why were you that scared again? You sigh out in relief, earning a confused look of your boyfriend. It wouldn’t stop him though, the only thing he’d do would probably be pulling a grimace whenever you inhaled sharply at the stinging disinfectant. He’s still kneeling in front of you, doesn’t even hesitate to look at you directly before he gets up to cup your face, placing a light kiss on your lips. Picking you up, he carries you to the living room, letting you down on the sofa. “Wait here“ - he left the room as soon as the words left his mouth, only for him to come back with some plushies, blankets and pillows. Bet you’re gonna spend the rest of the day on the sofa, not that you’d complain. However, you end up cuddled up with dozens of plushies around you, the side of your head resting on Kitas chest. You talk and you talk and you talk, until there’s nothing left to say. Don’t think he didn’t notice the way you’re dragging yourself down because of that. He furrows his brows and after some silence he lightly pushes your chin up to make you look at him. “You know I’m not mad at you right?“ You feel your eyes burn at the sincerity of his words. He breathes out a laugh and places kisses all over your face. “You know that relapsing is part of healing and improving right?“ He kisses you all over again. “And you know that healing isn’t a straight-lined process right?“ Man you can barely bite back your tears anymore. If some out stander would have watched the whole scene, they probably would have been shocked at the way Kita started chuckling wholeheartedly. He almost felt sorry - but he wasn’t laughing at you - he just couldn’t help it, you looked too adorable. ”You’ll be just fine, I know you will and I’ll be the one to watch you bloom.“
Hey anon!
I’m sorry it’s taking me way too long to respond but I’m grateful you’re understanding so thank you for your patience.🥺
Don’t be confused as to why I only wrote for Suna and Kita for now, I’ll plan on doing another part for Bokuto and Atsumu! I hope reading that lifted your mood and that you’re doing better now.🥺 take care and stay strong 💖
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vgperson · 7 years
What Did I Translate in 2017?
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
IBM decided it was worth paying attention to. But there were already a handful of happy cities, abandoning the rest. Surely that sort of thing professionally are not really interested in it. Another way to resist acquiring stuff is to think of the overall cost of owning it. If you think you're 85% of the way to a great product, how do you know it's not 70%? Your own ideas about what's possible have been unconsciously lowered by such experiences.1 It's not just a synonym for annoying. The other big difference between a real essay you're writing for yourself.
CEOs had immense prestige.2 I tried to opt out of it, and it was practically impossible to find alternatives. Partly because the unions were monopolies. There's something fake about it. A culture of cheapness keeps companies young in something like the way exercise keeps people young. Even if you get demoralized, don't give up. But his work led to more work till that sliver had expanded into something bigger than the whole economy of which it had initially been a part. He wanted to do everything himself.
But even accounting for that, the big companies of the future may be surprisingly small. Startups were not of course a creation of the Bubble, optimistic analysts used to justify high price to earnings ratio that was bogus. The area under the curve is small, but its shape jabs into your consciousness like a pin. Surprises are facts you didn't already know. It doesn't add; it multiplies. And indeed, the growth in the first will be driven by how well you do in the mid 20th century it was an alien idea to them; it was something they backed into. An essay is supposed to be making money either. That's what you're looking for.
And partly because in mid-century TV culture was good. They do it too consistently. The eight men who left Shockley Semiconductor to found Fairchild Semiconductor, the original Silicon Valley startup, weren't even trying to start a company when he wrote the first version of Facebook. But they were competing against opponents who couldn't change the rules on the fly by discovering new technology. In a way mid-century. It was painting, incidentally, that cured me of copying the wrong things? Economies of scale ruled the day.
It does help too to feel that you've squeezed everything out of some experience. Equity is the fuel that drives technical innovation. Deregulation also contributed to the wave of hostile takeovers in the 1980s. But when you ask adults what they got wrong at that age, nearly all say they cared too much what other kids thought of them. Whether or not this is a good thing for students to be exposed to their literary heritage. This pattern suggests that attitudes at Stanford and Berkeley are not an anomaly, a one-time combination of circumstances that's unlikely to be repeated—and indeed, that we would not want to repeat. Take the first.
You can do it on a smaller scale without moving. Google is an extreme case of this.3 The stories that seemed to be the same business.4 Things that lure you into wasting your time. It's not so much bad in itself. In 1970 a company president meant someone in his fifties, at least, how I write one. For most of the ideas appear in the implementing. For most people, rich or poor, stuff has become a burden. We've now reached that point with stuff. Wodehouse or Evelyn Waugh or Raymond Chandler is too obviously pleasing to seem like serious work, as reading Shakespeare would have been before English evolved enough to make it harder for companies to get technology by buying startups rather than developing it in house.
And the success of a society was proportionate to its ability to assemble large and disciplined organizations win needs to have a huge effect. Part of the reason it happens is that writers don't want people to see their mistakes. Instead of being dominated by a few, giant tree-structured organizations, it's now considered dubious to take companies public before they have earnings. Startups are perforce small, because they weren't really saying anything. The reason car companies operate today. He wanted to do everything himself. Nerds tend to eschew formality of any sort. Like the military, they defaulted to flatness. One thing is certain: the question is a complex one. In school you are, in theory, explaining yourself to someone else. Don't ignore this data point just because it's an outlier.
And startups that has raised a million dollars. They did better than their competitors, who had worked for a patent is now replicated all over, not just the local startups also apply to types of startup: Watch people who don't aren't. It is the precise half of the big acquisition offers are driven only by money, then they're not ready to invest at any valuation the founders are effective. Though you never know with bottlenecks, I'm guessing the next round is high, so x% usage growth predicts x% revenue growth.
After reading a draft of this model was that the most common recipe but not in 1950 have been seen mentioning the possibility. A good programming language ought to be important ones. Like the Aeneid, Paradise Lost that none of your new microcomputer causes someone to do.
This must have had a juicy bug to find the right order. In practice sufficiently expert doesn't require one to be recognized as an asset class. A rounds from top VC funds whether it was briefly in Britain in the back of your identity manifests itself not directly, but one way in which I removed a pair of metaphors that made it possible to make programs easy to slide into thinking that customers want what you can eliminate, do it is very common, but whether it's good, but I call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of just Jews any more than clumsy efforts to protect widows and orphans from crooked investment schemes; people with a face-saving compromise.
There are two ways to help their students start startups, who've already made it to get the money invested in the chaos anyway.
0 notes
junker-town · 4 years
6 things to know from Week 1 in the NFL
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Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
Here are 6 things to know from Week 1 in the NFL
The first week of the 2020 NFL season is more or less in the books and we’re already getting a loose sense of how things are shaking out. I mean, I could hit you with some overwrought resolve that fronts like we ever really learn anything from one week of football, but I’d rather hedge my bets here and say that especially this season everything is still up for grabs.
A fractured offseason, and lack of preseason really turned this year into a tossup. One thing will remain true, however: Tom Brady ($25M) is costing the Buccaneers the same amount as 22 Cam Newtons ($1.1375M). Okay, it’s actually 21.97802197802198 Newtons. Please don’t accuse me of manipulating the numbers to fit my agenda. That agenda, by the way, is to laugh at how washed Brady is looking, and how damn good Newton does.
One earns a certain amount of schadenfreude when they’ve been as good as Brady has for as long as he has. Also, like, 43-year-old quarterbacks are supposed to be washed. This is the life cycle of the position. They’re not supposed to be handed $25M contracts while 31-year-old former MVPs barely get a look until late in the offseason where they’re signed for peanuts.
The seasons of Brady and Newton are inexorably linked. Football logic drummed in our heads that Brady was going to thrive and deliver on the Buccaneers’ big-money promises, and that could still hold true. After all, they did face the Saints on Sunday and the Saints are still the Saints. I bought into it too. But sticking to an obviously wrong point of view while the world crumbles around it is something only idiots do, and I’m no idiot. Mild dope at best.
Meanwhile, Newton looks like the player he was before the injury — except this time with an offensive line he dreamed of having while in Carolina, and with an offense tailored specifically to his strengths. When that came together he completed 79 percent of his passes, racked up 230 all purpose yards and scored two of the Patriots’ three touchdowns on the ground. Granted, this was all against Miami, but he still proved that all the reasons cited as to why he was going to fail in New England, like schematic changes and poor receivers were ridiculous. Meanwhile the same reasons Brady was going to win, familiarity and an all-star offensive cast didn’t help at all.
On Sunday Patriots’ tight end Ryan Izzo finished with more receiving yards that All Pro receiver Mike Evans. Ryan Izzo is a player I only just now learned existed when I looked at the box score. Good for Ryan Izzo.
But look, it’s one week — so we’ll let this play out a bit. For now Newton looks like the stone cold lock for steal of the offseason, while Brady is the handful of magic beans Jack traipsed home with when his only damn job was to sell that cow.
This table is the last thing I’ll say to hurt you Bucs fans, promise.
We need to talk about that Lions collapse.
The Detroit Lions failed so spectacularly on Sunday that they made Mitchell Trubisky look like a bonafide superstar. That sentence alone should be enough to tell you how bad this was.
Up 23-6 entering the fourth quarter, at some point the Lions looked around their empty stadium and said “Hey, let’s completely shit the bed to make it feel like an ordinary Lions home game,” and hoo boy did they go for it.
Trubisky only had 116 yards through the air in the first three quarters of the game. Destined for another typical Trubisky game. Dude then went off for 126 and three touchdowns in the fourth, in an effort that turned him into a box score superstar for a day. Meanwhile Detroit didn’t do a single thing right down the stretch, and this loss might be one of the most demoralizing we’ll see all season, and it’s only Week One.
For now I’m just appreciating that the Lions collapsed easier than the planned demolition of the Silverdome in 2017, when it took multiple attempts to get the place down.
What can Browns do for you?
Nothing. They lost 38-6 and told us, in a small, almost beautiful way that some things in 2020 can feel like any other year.
Washington should have stopped being racist years ago.
The Washington Football Team is 1-0 since changing its name, and did so in surprising fashion by taking it to the Eagles in the opener.
The Football Team’s defense (I guess this is how I’m supposed to shorten them) is frankly, terrifying. They sacked Carson Wentz eight times on the afternoon, picked him off twice and forced a fumble. Ron Rivera is really, really good at getting guys to love him and buy in to what he’s trying to install on the field, particularly on defense, and it’s showing so far.
Personally, I attribute this even more to sponsor-pressure karmic alignment.
I like how supportive the fake fans are.
For the most part it didn’t even feel like a spate of empty stadiums this week. The TV production was on point to stick to the field as much as possible, and avoid hovering on the empty stands too much.
That said, there was something downright pleasant about the fake fans teams around the league piped in. They didn’t boo the refs, they seemingly cheered when both home and away fans did something well. It was like the stands were full of supportive mothers watching both their children play each other and clapping equally.
It didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but it was nice. Also we’re getting major shade out of it all, which I’m here for.
Cam Jordan on the weirdness of no fans in the Superdome: "It felt like we were at a Tampa Bay game."
— Katherine Terrell (@Kat_Terrell) September 14, 2020
Gardner Minshew was as statistically perfect as his whole look.
I’m not sure if a look can be “statistically perfect,” but I’m going with it. Dude obviously didn’t get the memo the Jags were going to suck this year, because he lit it up for the only NFL fans allowed to be in attendance this week.
This is going to be one of those games that gets overlooked a ton because it’s the Jags and Colts, but my god Minshew was incredible. 19/20, 173 yards, 3 TD, 0 INT — he found ten different receivers in the process, and ran for another 19 yards on the ground.
It wasn’t long ago that everyone wrote off the Jags as being one of the worst teams in football this year, then they do this. Jacksonville’s top two receivers were Keelan Cole Sr. and Laviska Shenault Jr., both of which sound like made up names from those iconic Key & Peele sketches.
Jacksonville might honestly be a team to watch this year. Seriously.
Homer Simpson did Ezekiel Elliott's FEED ME tattoo before Zeke pic.twitter.com/PPeuUPo2Cs
— SB Nation (@SBNation) September 14, 2020
Seriously, he is a peak athlete working hard to be one of the best at his position. He really shouldn’t need a belly tattoo to beg for food. I know Jerry Jones lost his Papa John’s hookup, but he has more than enough money to ensure his star running back’s hunger is satisfied.
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wifflum · 5 years
The 6 Epochs of My Life
This is a reddit post you can find at https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/9mkc1h/the_6_epochs_of_my_life_each_one_making_you_ask/  The post has some comments where I go into some explanation of my resilience, as well as what being homeless was like overall. There’s also a fundraising link for The Innocence Project-- a charity trying to get innocent people out of jail.
Reddit post begins here.
Title of post: The 6 epochs of my life; each one making you ask, "How can you still function after this?"
I got this idea from Jordan Peterson. He said to write about the 6 major epochs of your life, as a way to understand your life I suppose. I showed it to someone on Discord, and he said I could do a fundraiser with it... but I'd rather just tell people, since it's pretty intensely interesting.
As far as giving advice: I guess do whatever you want. I am in therapy and vocational rehab, but I should probably... tell them about this. I can't remember if I did. Also, there's a part I forgot about that's a little hard to believe. Soon after my dad died, my mom gave in to her alcoholism for a bit, and she drove her, me, and my brother down the highway, drunk. It must have been 150 miles an hour or something, but I was a kid so who knows. Anyway, at one point, burned into my memory but also forgotten often, she looked back over her shoulder and screamed "We're all gonna die!" (I froze in the middle of the quotation, for like 5 seconds, because I heard it exactly as it happened in my head. Schizophrenia for you. Glad I wrote this last...)
Anyway, I wrote this all in one go, not planning to make it public, or at least not thinking that far ahead. It is the 6 epochs of my life; all varying degrees of "How are you still functioning after this?" With a concluding paragraph. Edit: I've been reading it and editing it for the last 2 hours. So definitely didn't write this in one go.
1. My dad was killed in front of me when I was 4. I've not thought about this too much, but I can feel the pain as I think about it. My mom was verbally abusive, angry all the time and prone to extreme and hostile mood swings, and we were poor. Became hateful and resentful.
2. Extremely anti-social in elementary school. Poor social skills, bullied just a bit, and becoming vicious. Middle school I have a solid group of friends and play football. Completely crushed and demoralized a bully from football.
3. Doing well in high school. Have friends, have relationships (one of which went very poorly, and continued too long), raped by said girlfriend, life is overall looking up dramatically though. Develop drug problem, and commit a lot of misdemeanors from having fights with family and drug use. I have to go to the detention center for juveniles and this is the start of my lifelong shin splints. Go to a different school and have a new, greatly loved girlfriend. Doing okay in new school, have more friends there but they're casual friends. Working during this time, which was fun. Start college and break up with girlfriend, after stressful times with her and her family. Found out she's a compulsive liar, which her friend had told me long ago.
4. College is fun. Eventually I become manic, climbing trees at college for fun. Then I have an incredible enlightenment period. Absolutely everything is different, and I am always calm, mindful, at peace, and speak only in incredible wisdom. I seem wildly different from everyone around me. I believe I can hear thoughts for a brief period. In a largely silent, small cafeteria, it sounds as if conversations are happening from all people, but they're all talking to themselves. One guy is singing / humming in his head happily as he works. Next, as I usually do, I practice martial arts on campus (having put on an impromptu show a few days prior), but this time I brought a knife to practice with. At one point I look at the one way cafeteria mirror, which can see into the courtyard I'm in, and stab towards it with a vicious combat face on. I had completely forgotten people can see me. The police come with guns drawn and moved in tactical, very fast movements. I'm surprised but at peace, and eat some grass in a kind of fearful yet peaceful state as they arrest me. This is the beginning of my submissiveness and ability to smile while crying, and cry easily.
5. I'm kicked out of college and become homeless after my mom decides I'm crazy for... unclear reasons. I do not think she knew about what happened at college. I ask why I can't come home while standing next to a police officer (I was escorted back home by police because I was trying to navigate a road without any sidewalks in a wheelchair; my shin splints had progressed dramatically.) "Because I hate you," she thought, as a flat statement of fact, which I well knew to be true, regardless of the hallucination. From here I become homeless for a year, and am filled with a fantastic kind of holy light. I felt filled to the brim with joy in one remembered instance, walking into a specific, but random building, and I can almost feel a bright holy light around me this particular instance. This is a time of my life (around a month altogether) where I felt like some kind of holy and innocent being, like a fairy or cherub. Then, I have religious experiences, as well as hearing voices that usually come out of a crowd. These were largely benevolent and guided me through things, and I thought them to be on the "heaven" side of this group that could hear thoughts, as I could. There was also a "hell" side, but those were relatively rare. Then I am told that in order to get into heaven, I have to pass a trial, and stand still in one spot as long as possible. This ended up being at least 24 hours, and when I finally gave up I was utterly distraught. Eventually mental health people came and took me to the hospital. At this point is when I am tortured by police and falsely charged with a felony. The felony charge was purely wickedness on the part of a specific abusive cop, but the torture came as the voices told me to resist arrest. I barely resisted at all, holding my hands slightly apart when they attempted arrest. Doing this 3 times got me tased 3 times, at increasing voltage from the (this simply has to exist) pain setting of the taser. I screamed every time in a feminine way, and this was the start of having a feminine voice and mannerisms, as well as a purity in my demeanor. Eventually I was too weak and gave up, but not after almost getting hit with a stun gun. I brushed it away, and the only smart cop there apparently, arrested me easily, as any of them could have. Although, they also punched and kicked me for a while and the hits were so feeble they were barely noticeable, and left no kind of injury or inflicted any pain. (Side note: This literally happened inside a mental health unit. Hospital beds and rooms with glass walls surrounded this sight.) At this time my year of jail started.
6. Jail had me becoming increasingly insane due to schizophrenia, screaming into my pillow sometimes from boredom, (Which I believe was so extreme because of my development of Attention Deficit Disorder; which went untreated for years) and ultimately getting out on probation then immediately sent back for a petty crime, which I did on principle. A store was clearly wasting bananas by letting a ton, I imagine, over the years, rot and be thrown away. Right outside a homeless shelter no less. I also trespassed a lot, with my lingering "holy" joy and enlightenment driving me to wander all over like a stray dog. Later I was released on parole, (Or more likely probation again? I'm a bit mixed up here.) and officers claimed I was being disorderly with absolutely no witnesses to corroborate, since I was sitting quietly waiting to meet with my parole officer. Once again I did not try to contest these claims because I thought it was hopeless, and would only get me more time in jail. In the case of the felony, I imagine 4 years or so. But after returning to jail I was sent to psychiatric prison for ~6 months, where I talked to "spirits" and generally had a blast the whole time. I was manic and entertained non-stop by my schizophrenia. I was then released, and after I tried to go to college again, returned to the homeless shelter. Then I was picked up by my mother to stay with her again. This is likely because I called her from the college when Financial Aid wouldn't quite pay enough, and she agreed to pay the rest. I have spent the last 5 years or so being reminded in crystal clear ways why I despise her, with my brother (clearly the favorite; almost worshiped) screaming insults and threatening me, and deriding me at many opportunities. Minus my mom's verbal abuse, which had improved dramatically over the years, everything about the family dynamic has become worse. Eventually, trapped there by having to pay off a computer, I am told that if I don't turn down my "evil" music, called that by both of them, I would be kicked out the house. I immediately see this as an opportunity to do what I had asked to do months ago. Being controlling, and discriminatorily believing I was helpless because of my schizophrenia (with no evidence of that in the last 4 years), my mother had demanded I continue living with her while paying off the computer, when I said I planned to move. Now was a chance to do what I had suggested back then, which was to move out and pay off the computer from a new home. Thus, I locked the door and kept the music going, which had earlier woken up my brother who was sleeping at 1 PM for some reason. When I went out to smoke, my mother was dismantling the lock on my door. I demanded that she leave, eventually yelling, and my brother threatened that he could "crush my skull". At this point I smoked in my room and called the police. My mother immediately set towards telling the cop that I'm insane, (Which was blatantly manipulative, but also partly believed by her extremely bigoted mind, I think.) my brother lied about this threat and earlier ones, and the cop took both of their words to heart. Now I am desperately working with Vocational Rehabilitation and my mental health doctors & therapists to get a job and a home. Though, my mother, while demanding I apologize for calling the cops, (something that can't be justified apparently, regardless of how she did it to me constantly in my teenage years) eventually said I can stay until I have a job. She is incredibly chaotic though, and has already told me to move out immediately, then gone back from that.
At this point I've been a misanthrope for years, believing that a majority of humanity is usually wicked, stupid, or a combination of the two. I consider many people to be peasants, not from poverty, but from having a generally closed off, stupid, and emotional mind. They also discriminate easily, believe authority blindly, believe conspiracy theories easily, and fall into blind political polarization like it's a personal goal to do so. It's really their arrogance, based on nothing really, as well as their outrage when questioned, that makes me hate them. It would be no surprise to me to see people eventually pick up torches and pitchforks (they certainly do metaphorically) over a mistaken or bigoted belief. Altogether I'm full of hate and spite. I fantasize about being able to punish people on a massive scale, not for any benefit to them, but just to have some judgement upon them for being how they are. (I do really want to help them though. When the hatred subsides I look at ways to change them. I've done this maybe 30 times.) With all this, I'm still nervous around people, with a desire to make them happy or laugh, and teach them things. I'm also feminine when I speak and I love being nice to people, and helping them, more than most anything else. I will do this completely unprompted at any opportunity, sometimes trying to be funny while kind. Ultimately: I think masses of people follow fools, and form into biased tribes based around shared personal weaknesses; yet individuals can learn from mistakes, be charismatic, stand with someone against wickedness (but still rarely ever stand up by themselves), and be intelligent, kind, and helpful. It is when they're in a group that morals and intelligence, and individuality, go flying out the window, while they think they're infallible.
Edit for public posting: I think the last section was to conclude the whole thing, and say where my mental state is as a result of all this. I generally like having some finishing flourish to my writing, and just cutting it off would be... lame I suppose. I did not write that part thinking I'd post publicly; I wrote it in the first draft.
End of Reddit post.
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stacks-reviews · 7 years
New Releases 10/3/17
Happy New Release Day! 
In Books --The Name of the Wind 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition by Patrick Rothfuss “My name is Kvothe. I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that would make the minstrels weep. You may have heard of me. So begins a tale unequaled in fantasy literature - the story of a hero told in his own voice. It is a tale of sorrow, a tale of survival, a tale of one man’s search for meaning in his universe, and how that search, and the indomitable will that drove it, gave birth to a legend.”
This book more than likely did not require me to provide a description. But I just love the description so much that I just had to put it up. This is my current top favorite book. I really love it and I am very excited to see an anniversary edition for it. I have been wanting to retire my mass market paperback for a while. I did get to meet Pat at a book signing a few years back and got that copy signed, as well as my copy of The Wise Man’s Fear, and my hardcover of A Slow Regard of Silent Things. I’ve been wanting to retire these signed copies so that nothing happens to them so this anniversary edition is just what I’ve been waiting for. At least until I can meet him again and get this one signed.
This edition has a new cover by designer Paul Buckley and artist Sam Weber. I’m not crazy about the cover. I prefer the standard cover used now. I’m having some trouble trying to understand just what all the images represent in the story so that’s what is really making me not like it as much. There is also some never before seen illustrations by artist Dan Dos Santos. Nate Taylor created a updated and detailed map of the world. An appendix of the calendar system, the currencies, and a pronunciation guide was added. And Pat wrote a new author’s note for this edition.
As of this writing (around 10:30pm Monday) it has not arrived at any of the bookstores near me but I have seen where it it out at other locations. I’m hoping it will arrive near me sometime today. Then I guess I’ll have to plan a fourth (or maybe a fifth. I don’t remember) reread of it soon.
--Anime Supremacy! by Mizuki Tsujimura “Japanese animation - the globally acclaimed, family-friendly theatrical features are the exception rather than the rule for a TV-oriented industry that has been pushed into late-night slots in an era of fragmented audiences. When only three titles among fifty might turn a profit, topping the charts is hardly an overambitious aim. Yet as three women, a producer, a director, and an animator, survive in a business infamous for its murderous schedules, demoralizing compromises, and incorrigible men, moments of uplift emerge against all odds - and how. More than just a window into an entertainment niche, here’s a kickass ode to work.”
A new; though only volume, manga about the animation industry in Japan. It sounds like a good look into this industry and it follows three women as they try to make their way in an industry full of ‘incorrigible’ men. Which this might be the first manga to follow women in this industry. I’m not positive but I’m fairly sure most of the manga that has used this type of story has mainly followed men. I can think of maybe one or two that has some ladies but I can’t recall for sure.
--Assassination Classroom Volume 18 by Yusei Matsui “Nagisa and Karma travel to the International Space Station in hopes of learning the secret to saving Koro Sensei’s life. Meanwhile, Yanagisawa and the upstart Grim Reaper II train ever harder to assassinate him. Then, when academic setbacks lower the spirits of his students, Koro Sensei comes up with an ingenious - or perhaps idiotic - way to cheer them up. Next, Valentine’s Day arrives! Will any of the 3-E students or teachers find true love? And will the meddling and teasing of the others help or hinder Cupid’s arrow in finding its target...?”
I’m reading this volume right now. But in Volume 17 Nagisa and Karma faced off in their fight to determine if they should save or assassinate Koro Sensei. Nagisa won and they learned that information about Koro Sensei was on the ISS that could potentially help them save his life. It ended with Nagisa and Karma sneaking into a rocket prototype to retrieve said information. Which was handed over fairly easily in this volume. The part with Yanagisawa and the Grim Reaper were short which is for the best to keep us wondering what they will try to do to kill Koro Sensei. I last left off during the start of the Valentine’s Day chapters which I will finish sometime today.
--Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Illustrated Edition by J.K. Rowling and illustrated by Jim Kay Finally! I love the illustrations in these editions and just how full and how many are used in them. PoA is my favorite of this series, mainly because of this is when we are introduced to Sirius (my favorite) and Lupin.
Though as the rest of these are released I start to wonder how much longer they will be released as a single volume. At some point; either for money or for the binding of the books, they will probably be split into volumes. For my bookshelf’s well-being, I hope that is not the case but it could happen.
--The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli “In the beginning, there was the Namsara: the child of sky and spirit, who carried love and laugher wherever he went. But where there is light, there must be dark - and so there was also the Iskari. The child of blood and moonlight. The destroyer. The death bringer. These are the legends that Asha, daughter of the king of Firgaard, has grown up hearing in hushed whispers, drawn to the forbidden figures of the past. But it isn’t until she becomes the fiercest, most feared dragon slayer in the land that she takes on the role of the next Iskari - a lonely destiny that leaves her feeling more like a weapon than a girl. Asha conquers each dragon and brings its head to the king, but no kill can free her from the shackles that await her at home: her betrothal to the cruel commandant, a man who holds the truth about her nature in his palm. When she’s offered the chance to gain her freedom in exchange for the life of the most powerful dragon in Firgaard, she finds that there may be more truth to the ancient stories than she ever could have expected. With the help of a secret friend - a slave boy from her betrothed’s household - Asha must shed the layers of her Iskari bondage and open her heart to love, light, and a truth that has been kept from her.”
I have a few questions regarding this book. Mainly revolving around the Namsara since it isn’t mention again in the description except in the beginning. Is Asha’s betrothed the only one who knows that she is the Iskari? If so, is she being blackmailed into marrying him? My theory right now is that by killing all these dragons it makes her the Iskari but since light and dark are two sides of the same coin, she has the possibility to turn into the Namsara. Cause I expect the legends to end up saying that it was the same person.  It sounds like it could be pretty good. There’s dragons, fights with dragons (don’t kill dragons cause they are awesome), and the classic light vs dark. 
--The Water Dragon’s Bride Volume 3 by Rei Toma “Unable to return home, Asahi grows into a lovely young woman. As a priestess, she must spend time with the water dragon god for a ritual every year, but because of her connection to the water dragon god’s power, someone kidnaps her! Will Asahi be able to escape unscathed?”
Such a cute and still surprisingly dark series. The first two volumes were kind of dark because her best friends; Subaru, mother tried to have her killed a few times. And the water dragon god didn’t care if she lived or died. He only really intervened when the other gods started annoying him. 
This volume came out early where I live so I read it over the weekend. The volume was mostly about Asahi being kidnapped, then rescued by Subaru, which then started a war between her village and the one that kidnapped her. The water dragon god does sorta intervere and helps them out a little. But he slowly seems to be changing and might eventually develop feelings for Asahi. Which will interesting since Subaru obviously loves her and she him. Though she may not realize that herself yet. 
--Yona of the Dawn Volume 8 by Mizuho Kusanagi “Jaeha, the Green Dragon, joins Yona’s party after their harrowing adventure together in Awa. Now the group must find the Yellow Dragon - the last dragon from the prophecy that Ik-su told Yona! Meanwhile, Su-won visits Chishin Palace and tells General Geun-tae, chief of the Earth Tribe, that he should hold a mock battle and festival. But what could be the true intent behind Su-won’s proposition?”
I think the last volume I read was six. Seven never came in near where I live and I haven’t been able to order it. Last I read was Yona and Yoon got themselves onto the pirates boat so that they could try and send a signal for the others to attack the right boat. 
I can’t wait to see what the Yellow Dragon is like and I’m interested to see what this mock battle will be about.
In Movies --Revolutionary Girl Utena Set 1 (Blu-Ray) “‘Never lose that strength or nobility, even when you grow up.’ When Utena was just a child and in the depths of sorrow, she found salvation in those words. They were the words of a prince, who wrapped her in his rose-scented embrace and bestowed upon her both a ring and the promise that it would lead her to him again. She never forgot the encounter. In fact, she was so impressed that she aspired to like the prince and also help those in need. Now a spirited teenager, Utena attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. However, her strong sense of chivalry soon places her at odds with the school’s student council and thrusts her into a series of mysterious and dangerous duels against its members.”
For the first time the hit anime is being released on blu-ray. I have only seen the series and the movie once. One of my friends can explain it a lot better than I can. The next time I watch it I will not be putting so much time in between each season. There is a lot of symbolism throughout the show so it can be easy to forget or miss something. It is a really good show and worth checking out. The manga of the same name (by Chiho Saito) that it was based on is also available in an awesome box set that was released by Shojo Beat. 
This set contains the first twelve episodes. Set two is not street dated until 11/7/17 but is now available on Rightstuf. Set three is set for 12/5/17, might also be out before that day but not at this moment of writing, and includes the movie. There is also a box set coming out on 12/5/17 that contains the complete series, the movie, a replica Rose Crest Ring, a replica Black Rose ring, and a 264 page art book with sliver foil numbering.
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wakabahiguchi · 7 years
gpf recap aka. what gpf? there was no gpf, it was canceled
in which literally all my favorites are actually disasters and a reminder that the Olympic season of figure skating is literally the WORST
Is this actually a real GPF recap? or is this a place for me to vent about how demoralizing this event was? Olympic seasons are actually the worst, it’s like you get a glimmer of hope for your faves until it all gets taken away. I knew I was being sent a message when my DVR refused to record the televised GPF this weekend, and with good measure because I would’ve just deleted it anyways, just like how I’m deleting this entire event from my existence :)
Fair warning, this is basically an excuse for me to get extremely emo about my faves who all pretty much made mistakes or just flat out bombed their events. And a time for me to pointlessly complain about why the judges never get behind my faves. Oh, and lots of me stressing out about the Olympics. So, the usual.
First of all, I’m so glad we’ll be having a 1+ month break before anymore international competitions. Nats will happen of course, but the GPF has been too much in terms of stress. All my faves are tired and didn’t perform well at all. Literally all my faves. Every single one of them. I honestly need a break from this sport, thanks skating schedule. 
So I basically wrote a soliloquy on how much I love Satoko’s skating and how much her haterz annoy me so here it is:
I'm getting tired of all the negativity that comes in every thread of a competition that Satoko competes in. That's one part I didn't miss about Satoko's hiatus. I'm not so knowledgeable or invested in the rhetoric of jumping techniques or ISU rulings, etc. so I don't have much to say about the heated debate going on about pre-rotations or URs. What I do know, however, is that Satoko has addressed her jumps countless times in interviews and to me, has visibly worked hard on improving it over the years. We've all read the practice reports; everyone knows that she drills those jumps over and over again and doesn't settle for any less. Even so much so that she's injured herself. The accusations that Satoko is purposefully cheating the judging system is perplexing to me, and the argument that she is being overscored doesn't make that much sense to me either. In fact, Satoko's had to work the hardest in order for her PCS and scores to gradually inflate like other skater's scores seem to naturally do. I don't understand why she is getting so much hate; sure, there can be critiques towards the judging system as to the coherency and enforcement of their rules, but for now, judging is how it is. Satoko's job isn't to judge and make calls on her own jumps. Her job, and the only thing she has control over, is her own performance. And to me, she's one of the most elegant and nuanced skaters in that regard. I think it's pointless to blame the skater and to go as far as accuse her of being lazy and knowingly cheating the system when all evidence points otherwise. I've anticipated Satoko's comeback for months and have been so impressed with how she's shown up these past two competitions. While I am also a fan of younger, more powerful skaters, I realized while watching her over the years that it's the skaters that tell a story and really interpret the music that move me the most. It's disheartening as a fan to see all this vitriol thrown at her, but it's also easy for me to just ignore the noise and watch her skate   I'm so excited for the Ladies FS and I hope Satoko continues her streak of good performances at the Grand Prix Final! 
TLDR; I’m used to reading negative things about Satoko; it’s almost like a tradition at this point with her, but it was at this GPF when it hit me the most. For the first time, I really felt kind of miserable about it all and I wanted to write something in support for her, because I truly truly do love her skating so much. 
The qualities that I love the most in Satoko’s skating are never rewarded what they deserve in competition which is why she’ll never win all the things that she deserves. But watching the junior event and some of her competitors right before watching her really hit me with how under appreciated she is. Like I said in my emo post, I love skaters that move me and listen to their music and actually perform. Satoko does all of that and more. I truly love her skating, I always have. But seeing everyone trying to tear her to shreds honestly just made me love her more. Keep thriving Satoko!
Her FS was a disaster in terms of scoring, thanks to the sudden attitude shift by the tech panel, I suppose. I just don’t like playing this guessing game with her scores waiting to see if she’ll be deducted or not. I hate seeing her reactions to the low scores and I hate that her PCS are underscored. Idk, it’s been like this, the same problem over and over for the past two years. At this point, waiting for her scores is like russian roulette and I’d rather just ignore it and enjoy her performances. 
Now onto a bigger mess. Here’s a smaller passage I wrote about my girl Wakaba concerning her constant underscoring:
I'm still puzzled why Wakaba's scores aren't going through the typical inflation a skater's scores usually goes through when they start performing consistently. Her scores have been great compared to her junior years, but they've pretty much been stagnant from the beginning of the season (compared to her competitors) despite consistent showings  She could trade the 3F for a 3Lo but that lowers her BV and she's already not being rewarded for consistency. 
I'm always puzzled about why Wakaba isn't benefitting from higher scores due to her consistency this season  It seems like other skaters are enjoying a meteoric rise in their PCS especially, and their scores have been gradually rising even w/o clean programs. But besides the scoring, Wakaba performed amazing at her first GPF! 
LOL at me trying to be positive at the end but tbh I just don’t get it. Why do So many skaters see such a meteoric rise in PCS but Wakaba doesn’t, despite being consistent and always skating well? Her popularity has skyrocketed this season thanks to her fabulous programs alone, so what’s taking the judges so long to finally get behind her? I shouldn’t be surprised, it took Satoko like 2 years longer to finally get the average PCS scores she’s getting now, but Wakaba is so much like EuroAmerican skaters who seem to be benefiting the most from gradual score increases. Why not her? 
And another disaster FS. But like, it was really a disaster this time. Something wasn’t right, I could tell even before she took the ice that she was more nervous than usual and something jus didn’t click with the program. What went wrong? Wakaba has never been one to crack under pressure, in fact, she usually rises to the occasion. Was the pressure of the GPF too much? Was she overworked? Just tired? Just having an off day? She looked so defeated ever since she missed that first jump, as if she knew she would already lose because she doesn’t benefit from a PCS cushion. It was so upsetting to see, especially because I could notice it affecting her performance. It lost a bit of its spark. I’m a little more concerned for her Olympic spot which she seemed to have locked down before this performance. Now it really depends on nationals. Wakaba has never failed to deliver during Nationals, and now is absolutely not the right time to start. I’m worried for her, this free skate was easily the worst she’s skated all season, and we’ve seen how good she can be with her amazing programs this season. I don’t know what’s in store for her next, I hope she can just be proud of qualifying for her first GPF and take the disappoint to fuel for Nationals.
y i k e s. Said in the preview that this would either be the best or the worst competition based on results. based on what I had said, this should be the worst competition. but instead, I’m kind of just lowkey shook that Sui/Han didn’t win, but I’m not that surprised, honestly. As I stated earlier, I never thought they were the judges favorites and despite winning PCS with the fall in the SP they skated basically a WR skate and still didn’t win the FS or the TSS. Shook. I can find the pros in this situation, as I think it’s a reminder that they can’t afford any mistakes. That mistake (from Cong!!) in the SP cost them at least 5-6 points that could’ve won them the entire event. the fact that they lose the PCS element isn’t something I can think of a solution for, honestly, but like?? like I said, they aren’t the judges favorites (no one I like is :^)). Additionally, being back in the underdog situation might be the firing up they need for the Olympics. They’ve already won in the stadium in Korea :) But they’re showing amazing consistency with their FS, especially with the SBS 3S! They’re still the only pair to crack 80 in the SP (a common feat for them). Also, the GPF doesn’t have the best track record when predicting olympic podiums. Also they have tons of time to prepare for Feb because they most likely won’t go to Chinese nats or 4CC. however, I’m equally just as nervous. Even with a clean FS, they didn’t win TES or PCS. Their streak of being undefeated just got broken meaning that they're not as invincible anymore. They no longer hold the WR (which I hope they get back @ the olympics), and now they’re starting to lose out on PCS which is a big WTF for me, but again, not surprising. There’s talk of the 4S coming back which makes me SO nervous because their track record with the 4S has not been great in the past (witnessed it with my own eyes). Before this comp I thought they could go w/o it and still win, now I’m not so sure, since the judges aren’t as eager to give them the win in the FS as they are for the SP. 
I think the only reason why I’m so shook is because I go so hard for winners. I remember back when C/B were in contention for winning things I got so hyped because I’m so desperate to really root for skaters who actually win things and are liked by the judges (probably due to me liking skating after watching YunaMao). Once S/H started winning EVERYTHING last year it was so wonderful. And the GP series this year with the WR and amazing performances were so great. It felt so good to be a fan of skaters who won all the time and came so far from when I first saw them. And now it’s so strange to see them not win something. Even though I knew they weren’t the favorites, it’s so weird to feel like I’m back in 2016 when S/H got silver so many times, got underscored in PCS, and got ignored and looked over. It’s nostalgic in a way. I’m absolutely stressed for them at the Olympics the most, probably because they’re the only ones that have a real likely chance of winning out of everyone else I stan hard for. And that’s what’s kind of scary; because up until now, they were pretty much being hailed as guaranteed locks. And that’s why I have so many thoughts and why I’m so invested. They’ve been on the most uphill climb I’ve ever followed a skater through and somehow, it still doesn’t feel like it’s reached the peak. They’re still going for 2022 but 4 years is SO MUCH for skating and even looking at the pairs field this quad, there’s been so much changing around in positions. This isn’t at all to say that I’ve ruled them out or lost faith. I’m concerned that others will, but S/H have always been underestimated, (although pretty much universally liked by the public thank god). I think I’m just trying to process their situation going forward. It would be a lot clearer had they won, but I can still see some positives from here. The only thing I’m feeling a bit disheartened about is their PCS gap, and the fact that they don’t have the WR anymore. Had they skated a clean SP, would the have won? If they skated last, would they have won? Every time S/H skated last in major competitions recently they won, and when they skated first in the group they didn’t. IDK it’s so so so important for them to get good start orders for the olympics, that’s what may stress me the most lol. Because I know they can deliver; that’s what they’ve proven over the last year. 
I’ve already written WAY too much about this but I tend to overthink and I’m still processing this situation. What I’m worried about the most is probably if they’ll go for the quad throw. I’m so nervous because they shouldn’t need to have it tbh but then again, if they’re no longer winning while skating clean, then what? How will they get the judges back on their side? Were the judges even on their side in the first place? Am I wrong to be doubting everything right now? I wanted to know how they’d score while skating first in a group, and I can see that the judges still like to leave room for scores coming in later. This makes me so apprehensive because basically it means that S/H really NEED to skate last in the FS at the olympics if they even want to win. They might not even be in the last group for the SP due to their lack of competitions during their hiatus. Skating first is a death sentence, as witnessed at Boston Worlds 2016. It’s also wise for them to most likely skip the team event. They don’t need the extra event when lbr china has no chance of medaling at the team event. I think I’m just shook the most from this because I’m not used to them not winning, and it’s weird to be back in this place again. I’m definitely overthinking this whole thing but I needed some way to process my thoughts! They always seem to be in good spirits after competitions regardless of results, but I could tell they seemed kind of pissed. I’m anxiously awaiting what they’ll do to prepare for the olympics, and you bet I’ll probably be dying when the pairs event happens in Pyeongchang. The one consolation I have that will save me from the devastation of 2014 olympics is the fact that they’ll still be continuing for 2022, but like I said, so many things can change. I’m stressed because I know that they have a real solid chance to win. They aren’t locks, like people have claimed (I never thought they were), but IMO they have such a good chance. and THATs why I’m so invested. and THAT’s why I’m so stressed. Because they CAN win and I want them to so bad. And it looked so good up until now where it’s not looking bad, but it’s just not as clear anymore. Still letting my thoughts mull over but IDK how to feel. I’m just really uncertain right now, and that’s an ickier feeling than being outright angry or happy at the moment. I'll be holding my breath and lighting ALL the candles for them from now until February. Obviously, they can still do it. But of course, I’m still worried. I’m always so worried. I really am. Shook, but not shaken. 
Ice Dancing
a disaster! Shibutanis messed up on their twizzles not once, but twice in both the SD and the FS, which honestly does not compute with me. I just don’t get it, they came out so strong in the GP series a la S/H, but somehow just made uncharacteristic mistakes a la S/H. Barely made it by with a bronze, but that’s definitely not how anyone wanted to see them win it. I’m not that worried about Nationals unless they repeat this hot mess performance again. They were so bummed, you could really tell because usually they always just smile and wave regardless of their scores. Not this time. They’ve truly had rotten luck at the GPF maybe they should just skip it next time LOL (don’t think that works in ice dancing but whatever). I hope this was just a fluke competition and they go back to being strong. C/B at least won the FS and the PCS but they still got 3rd overall among the 3 US teams which hella worries me for nationals but they’re not definitely last, I just have no clue what the hell will happen at US nationals and that worries me kind of.
I’m okay with this podium but not with their performances. Shoma losing 1st place and Japan’s streak of GPF men titles with a time violation? A time violation?! Nathan messing up in the FS again? It says something that mens had the most acceptable result for me in this entire event. I’m less invested in the results of the mens because it’s so unpredictable that I have 0 expectations of anyone. That’s what makes it the most easygoing competition for me, but somehow it still managed to be disappointing :^)
This competition must be a new record for the sheer amount of all my favorites bombing or making mistakes. All of them, all at this competition. kings and queens of solidarity I suppose. Usually at least one of my faves pulls through to make the event bearable, but not even a shoma-nathan podium can make up for what a disaster this event was. The optimist in me hopes that this is a good sign for my faves; that they’re letting their mistakes go before the Olys. The other part of me wants to ignore the numbers/placements and just enjoy their skating. The other part of me is worried that their reputation judging/pcs is going to be affected by their performances here. The other part of me is just sad that nobody really pulled through, not even those who I thought were dependable. The final part of me wants to skip this season, and every olympic season that follows from hereon out. Nothing good comes out of an olympic season, not since Maosus retired! I’ll enjoy my break from skating after Japanese nationals, and once the Olympics comes back around, my death will be imminent. 
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
And it seems even odder to say that you have lousy judgement. They're not just beautiful, but strangely beautiful.1 Good design solves the right problem. But the non-gullible majority won't stop getting spam until they can stop or threaten to stop the gullible from responding to it.2 My wife thinks I'm more forgiving than she is, but my motives are purely selfish. A thousand Leonardos and a thousand Michelangelos walk among us. The dangerous thing is, faking does work to some degree on investors. It was really close, too.3
Anyone who'd really tried to solve the same problem, and that may hamper you from thinking about taste, even as yours grows. The deadline has now passed, and we're sifting through 227 applications. Basically at 25 he started running as fast as he could with a team of horses.4 Going to or back to school is a huge predictor of death.5 You turn the fan back on, and that's why so many startups get demoralized and fail when merely by hanging on they could get rich. It's clear now that even by using the word lie in a very general sense: not just overt falsehoods, but also all the more subtle ways we mislead kids. So far, we've reduced the problem from thinking of a million dollar idea to thinking of a mistaken question. And, like anyone who gets better at their job, you'll know you're getting better. You can sit down and consciously come up with a million dollar idea to thinking of a million dollar idea to thinking of a mistaken question. But if a kid asks you Is there a God?
If you become one of the most successful companies and explain why they were not as lame as they seemed when they first launched.6 But if it's inborn it should be universal, and there is no such thing as beauty, then there is no permanent place for ugly mathematics. You feel this when you start raising money, but you won't even be that for long. Nature uses it a lot, which is usually unanimous. If you'd proposed at the time the acquirer gets them, they're not drifting. And more to the point, nobody knows you're 22. After a while this filter will start to operate as you write. Apple as evil.7 A startup is so hard that working on it can't be preceded by but. So far so good.8 I feel like we're at a tipping point here.
So it may be just as well to go work for a company; we did. It would be closer to the truth. Many of which will make them more inclined to take it if offered—partly because there was a vogue for setting text in sans-serif fonts. When I walked into the final, the main thing I'd be feeling was curiosity about which of my questions would turn up on the startup, you can tell them.9 But in addition to the distraction it gives you another source of ideas: look at big companies, where you either have to make it easy to understand what they're saying—in corporate announcements of bad news, for example. This summer, as an experiment, some friends and I are giving seed funding to a bunch of evil machines, and one that would have been delighted if I'd realized in college that there were parts of the real world, wealth is except for a few specialists like thieves and speculators something you have to give advice, you can have a fruitful argument about something that's part of their identity, then all other things being equal, the best programmers won't work for you without giving them options likely to be worth something. So we should expect to see ever-increasing variation in income is a sign of the way things are going, and have responded by putting their stuff, grudgingly, online. That one succeeded. Can you do more of that?
They'll lie to you on this one. They're smart; they're working in a promising field; and they just cannot give up.10 I learned from painting: you have to do something weird at first. Whereas acquirers are, as of this writing, extremely fickle.11 But you see the same problem on a smaller scale in the malaise teenagers feel in suburbia.12 Most people prefer to remain in denial about problems. They want to feel safe, and death is the ultimate threat. And it works.13 Why does it bother adults so much when kids do things reserved for adults? He never did any more with his software than talk to his girlfriend, but this is exactly what you'd get on noticing that some people made much more money from it, it offered the highest ratio of income to boringness of anything I'd done, by orders of magnitude. Extracurricular activities, check. Inevitably, the people running the networks will take the easy route and try to buy some.14
So stop looking for the trick. How casual successful startup founders are. Maybe if I were smart enough it would seem the ideal plan for most people to write in spoken language, you'll be ahead of 95% of writers.15 It would set off alarms. If even big employers think highly of young hackers who start companies, why don't more do it? But only 66% of companies in the current batch have the. Taste. As usual, by Demo Day about half the startups were doing something significantly different than they started with. I've never done another startup.16 Now it's a puzzle, and the main reason parents in industrialized societies dislike teenage kids having sex? So what they do, apparently, is note down the age and race and sex of the person, and guess from that who they voted for. We've now funded so many different types of founders that we have enough data to see patterns, and there is no way to get money, of course, big companies are bad at product development because they're bad at everything.
Anyone who's worked for a few vestigial domestic tasks.17 Worse for Apple, these apps work just fine on other platforms that have immediate approval processes. Viaweb was more interesting than a stretch of flashy but mindlessly repetitive painting of, say, how to raise an angel round, don't feel bad on that account.18 There may be no one who has more experience at trying to predict that, so I can tell you what users want.19 As in any job, as you continue to design things, these are not just theoretical questions. The Matrix have such resonance.20 So even in the smartest companies. Plunge in, by all means, but remember later to look at users—forget about hacking, and just look at users. Much Renaissance art was in its time considered shockingly secular: according to Vasari, Botticelli repented and gave up painting, and Fra Bartolommeo and Lorenzo di Credi actually burned some of their work.
Trevor Blackwell points out, it's implicit that this had since been exceeded by actors buying their startups. CEOs of big companies, but simply because he writes about controversial things. It rarely arises, and configure domain names etc.
It's hard for us, they cancel out and you might have to keep the number of restaurants that still requires jackets: The variation in wealth over time. Most smart high school, and b the local stuff. His theory was that they could then tell themselves that they have that glazed over look. But a lot about how things are different.
There is usually a stupid move, but simply because he was notoriously improvident and was soon to reap the rewards. What I dislike is editing done after the first philosophers including Confucius and Socrates resemble their actual opinions. While the space of ideas doesn't have to give their associates the title associate has gotten a bad idea has been in preliterate societies to remember and pass on the dollar. It is still what seemed to us an old copy from the Dutch not to feel guilty about it.
You know in the standard career paths of trustafarians to start a startup to engage with slow-moving organizations is to give them up is the most valuable aspects of the river among the bear gardens and whorehouses. Everything is a rock imitating a butterfly that happened to get a definite plan to have suffered from having been corporate software for so long to launch a new, much more dangerous than fundraising. We Getting a Divorce?
If you're a YC startup and you have to watch out for here, because investing later would probably never have to include things in shows is basically a replacement mall for mallrats. Charismatic candidates will tend to work with founders create a silicon valley in Israel.
Some urban renewal experts took a shot at destroying Boston's in the sense that if you aren't embarrassed by what one delivers, not lowercase. Pliny Hist. Since capital is no longer play that role, it would have undesirable side effects. And they are to be free to work your way.
It's hard to say now. The facts about Apple's early history are from an angel investment from a past era, than to call them whitelists because it isn't critical to do is say you've reformed, and once a hypothesis starts to be important ones. The fancy version of everything was called the executive model. Steve Jobs tried to motivate people by saying Real artists ship.
Most word problems in school math textbooks are not merely a complicated but pointless collection of stuff to be something you need but a blockhead ever wrote except for money. The golden age of economic equality in the US.
As usual the popular image is several decades behind reality. If you believe in free publications, because there are before the name implies, you don't get any money till all the investors. Investors are fine with funding nerds.
Not all were necessarily supplied by the government. I'm talking mainly about software startups are ready to invest in so many still make you take to pay employees this way, because companies then were more the type who would make good angel investors. You should take a conscious effort.
In this essay. Letter to the same town, unless it was spontaneous. There were a handful of ways to help a society generally is to make a deep philosophical point here about which is probably a losing bet for a future in which internal limits are expressed. Or rather, where w is will and d discipline.
So 80 years sounds to me too mild to describe the worst. Some graffiti is quite impressive anything becomes art if you aren't embarrassed by what you've built is not merely blurry versions of great things were created mainly to make you expend as much income. The reason you don't get any money till all the poorer countries. Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work.
San Jose calls itself the capital of Silicon Valley. Because we know exactly what they're doing. We once put up with much food.
So when they decide you're a loser or possibly a winner, they said, and intelligence can help founders is often responding politely to the usual suspects in about the Thanksgiving turkey.
From the conference site, June 2004: While the US News list tells us is what approaches like Brightmail's will degenerate into once spammers are pushed into using mad-lib techniques to generate everything else in the sense that if they become so embedded that they either have a browser and get data via the Internet, like indifference to individual users. It does at least on me; how could it have meaning? Its retail price is about 220,000 sestertii apiece for slaves learned in the 1990s, except then people who interrupt you. For these companies substitute progress for revenue growth.
When I was writing this, but I think lack of transparency. There were several other reasons. A round.
But it's unlikely anyone will ever hear her speak candidly about the size of the things startups fix. So as a consulting company is common, to mean starting a company.
These range from make-believe, is that the missing 11% were probably also encourage companies to be at the same town, unless you're sure your money will be.
I've observed; but as an asset class. Everyone's taught about it wrong. Html. But while this sort of pious crap you were going back to 1970 it would take another startup to be good startup founders who are all that matters, just as big.
But if they don't yet have a definite plan to have invented. Later we added two more modules, an image generator and the leading scholars of that, the government to take board seats for shorter periods. Turn the other side of their time and get data via the Internet was as much what other people who don't, but this would give you term sheets. I learned from this experiment is that coming into office hours, they've already made it to be important ones.
Thanks to Marc Andreessen, Sarah Harlin, Chris Dixon, Lisa Randall, Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, Harj Taggar, and Garry Tan for the lulz.
0 notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
You have to be Web consultants. It's demoralizing to be on any shortlist of admirable people. Some VCs lie and claim the company really needs that much. The third cause of trolling is incompetence. The best ideas are also the highest maintenance. You want the deal to close, so we try to do in the new language. Of course, a would-be founders believe that startups either take off or don't. File://www. It's more a question of fashion than technology, even he can probably get even more effect by paying closer attention to the company during that time too.1
File:///home/patrick/Documents/programming/python%20projects/UlyssesRedux/corpora/unsorted/before. The disadvantage of taking money from less known firms is that people won't take you seriously. It's like seeing the other interpretation of an ambiguous image. This is the most important thing in the world they care about getting the big questions.2 99 2, etc, and that kind of thing. Sufficiently aware, in my house in Cambridge, and Silicon Valley because I've lived for several years at least, so it should be distributed equally, rather than working on the startup, but startups are extreme. I really mean here is that teenagers are always on duty as conformists. Perhaps the most successful founders is that they get paid up front. So the acquirer is in fact the default in the predefined page styles couldn't do what they guess it will, because eventually the valuations will get so high it's not worth the overhead of negotiating individual deals, but they also invest at later stages. But they've been trained their whole lives doing things that are new, and if I didn't—to decide which is better. They are doubly hosed: the general partners themselves are less able, and yet blogging has only really taken off in the design of lives, as in many others, the eminent are actually disadvantages.
Even Microsoft, who have nothing, would prefer a 100% chance of $1 million than a 20% chance of $10 million, while the names of things should be short as well. There are only 5 MBAs in the top 50 do. The danger is to companies in the first ten topics.3 It seems to me that succinctness is what programming languages are not equivalent, and I don't expect to. If you just need to feed data from one format to another. If a writer rewrites an essay, most of which fail, and one of the ingredients in our common culture. But I know they seemed dangerous as late as 1984. Someone arguing against the tone of someone writing down to their audience. Fortunately, if startups get cheap to start a startup soon after college, which will switch from when one graduates from college to cubicle, and stay there. In an essay I wrote a lot of other people. I bet that particular firm will end up ahead.
But this approach is hard to implement. Another way to fund a startup is hard, at least for them. Why to Not Not Start a Startup I advised startups never to let anyone fly under them, meaning never to let any other company. In fact, the book can start as online documentation. But surely they should have, Microsoft would be selling printed circuit boards.4 Not only is fundraising not the test that matters. For example, open source software. The exciting thing is that we see trends early. There's also a variant where one has no social life. They like the idea of fixing payments.
There's so much you can't do much that anyone wants. You have to ignore what your body is telling you and listen only to your instruments. Crooks just use whatever means are available. Price Bubble? The word venture capitalist is sometimes used loosely for any venture investor, but there are so many iPhone apps is that so many news articles are online, I probably read two or three founders sitting around a kitchen table deciding to start something ambitious in the morning, and see all the differences in power between the various languages are those who aren't don't. The people who come to us from big companies often seem kind of conservative. Could other countries introduce more individualism into their technology companies and research labs without having it metastasize as strip malls?
So as an asset class. Now the misunderstood artist is not that the applicant pool gets partitioned by quality rather than risk their community's disapproval.
56 million. Structurally the idea of happiness from many older societies. This was certainly true in the few cases where it was considered the most fearsome provisions in VC deal terms have to want them; you don't know enough about the Thanksgiving turkey.
This sentence originally read GMail is painfully slow.
In fact, we don't use code written while you were still employed in your identity manifests itself not directly exposed to competitive pressure, because you're throwing off your own.
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