#And while we’re on the topic of uncanny cartoons
circularcatinspace · 1 year
Has anybody ever seen this show called Jay Jay the JetPlane? It’s really weird and has poor cgi, like so bad that it reminds me of uncanny valley. It had to have been made in the early 2000s are something, you know, when cgi was considered super cool and amazing? But I hav a firm belief that there are some things that just shouldn’t be cgied and that show was one of them.
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doocentral · 6 years
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The 50th Anniversary for the Scooby-Doo franchise has been interesting so far and it just started. We’re beginning to see a fancy “50th Anniversary” logo popping up on Scooby merchandise, we received a movie that attempted to bring closure to “The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo”, and Shaggy suddenly became an all-powerful meme lord. But something that hasn’t been discussed as prominently or been in the spotlight as much is the potential sequel we are going to be seeing this year to “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island”.
Yes, you read that right. Evidence is emerging on the Internet and in Scooby-Doo media that suggest an upcoming “Scooby-Doo! Return to Zombie Island” movie. It hasn’t been a huge discussion topic and I find that shocking. 
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I’ve talked about this with other Scooby-Doo fans including the moderator for Scoobypedia. Jesse Silver is an animator and cartoon artist who has a history (on LinkedIn) of work on various Scooby-Doo projects including direct-to-video movies and “Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!”. He wrote a most in July on his LinkedIn page stating that he had just finished work on “Return to Zombie Island”. He had this project listed in his work experience along with a potential King Arthur-themed Scooby-Doo movie (both of these items have since been removed from his experience yet this screenshotted post remains).
Then Tumblr user @scoobyescubidu​ made a post regarding “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island” easter eggs appearing in the two most recent DTV Scooby-Doo movies (”Scooby-Doo! And the Gourmet Ghost” and “Scooby-Doo! And the Curse of the 13th Ghost”). I have yet to watch “Gourmet Ghost” myself but I did notice the “Zombie Island” reference in the “The Curse of the 13th Ghost” movie (reference my review of that movie).
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In “Gourmet Ghost” we can see a painting on the wall portraying what appears to be the Moonscar Mansion. And in “The Curse of the 13th Ghost” we see the unmasking of the Moat Monster in a photograph in Daphne’s bedroom. They’re very uncanny references to “Zombie Island”. Something to remember too is how the original four DTV Scooby-Doo movies (”Zombie Island”, “Witch’s Ghost”, “Alien Invaders”, and “Cyber Chase”) aren’t often referenced if at all outside of those movies. If I remember correctly, the only movie that does reference those four movies aside from “Gourmet Ghost” and “The Curse of the 13th Ghost” is “Scooby-Doo and the Legend of the Vampire”. The Hex Girls make an appearance in that movie and Shaggy and Scooby are seen playing what appears to be a “Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase” video game in the Mystery Machine.
But “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island” isn’t referenced again anytime after “Scooby-Doo and the Witch’s Ghost”. So why now?
Based on these recent references to that movie, Jesse Silver’s LinkedIn page, and the fact that the 50th Anniversary is the perfect time to celebrate the most celebrated and appreciated Scooby-Doo movie in the franchise, “Scooby-Doo! Return to Zombie Island” makes sense.
Let’s face it: it’s coming.
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I’m admittedly weary about this for multiple reasons...
“Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island” is one of the most important pieces of Scooby-Doo media ever made. It’s reignited a new generation of love for the cartoon after a stagnant period in the 1990′s. It held Scooby-Doo to a new standard (for the time). It took the existence of supernatural phenomena in the Scooby-world (which wasn’t new) and engineered it to create a compelling, dark, and complex mystery. It was also of great importance to my childhood.
I don’t want to reject a sequel to this movie because it’ll “ruin my childhood”. I’m not the target audience for Scooby-Doo anymore so that’s out of my control. But I don’t think a sequel to this movie is all that necessary or justifiable. Something that made “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island” a really memorable movie was its art style and mood. The animation was beautiful and masterfully set the tone for a cartoon that up until this point had been innocent spooky fun. Trying to reinvent the magic of “Zombie Island” in the fashion of a modern Scooby-Doo movie would be challenging and likely non-complimentary to the original.
Another problem is the voice actors. The voice for Daphne in “Zombie Island” has passed away and every other character besides Fred had voices provided by actors who haven’t been affiliated with Scooby-Doo projects in recent years. (And I doubt Warner Bros. would go to the trouble of bringing them back -- even if those actors were at all interested).
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It’s not often a sequel or reboot of a classic movie or franchise goes well. That goes for Scooby-Doo movies too. “Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed” made about $9.5 million less than “Scooby-Doo”. And “Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins” had a rating of 6.1 million on its premiere night while its sequel the following year had 5.1 on its premiere. (And let’s face it, who even cares about “Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster?)
Maybe the fact it’s a sequel won’t doom the movie from the beginning. But what about the story? “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island” had awesome characters, villains, settings, and mysteries. And the movie concluded pretty neatly with the cat creatures dying, the zombies being able to rest, and the curse of the Harvest Moon being broken. What else is there to say? What could the gang possibly be returning to Moonscar Island for? What could be bringing them back? I just don’t see a sequel being able to wow me when there doesn’t seem to be anything that would revive the story without suggesting that Simone, Lina, and Jacques somehow didn’t die.
What if it’s a reboot though? Or a remastered version of “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island”? Would that be at all desirable or needed? That’s up for debate I guess but I don’t think we need it.
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What do you think of the idea of “Scooby-Doo! Return to Zombie Island”? Is this something you want to see or are you wanting it not to happen? Or do you not care either way? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this because “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island” is a special part of the Scooby-Doo world. Let’s talk about it!
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mollyamory-again · 5 years
And then I wrote a really long reaction post for Endgame...
Here’s the short form:  <3 <3 <3... ??  @#(*$A)(@#*!?! <3.....<3 ....?<3? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 !!!
The super long form is below the cut...
So, I went into this movie with a lot of feelings, and I came out with a lot of feelings, and it's taking me some time to process them.
The first, and maybe the most important thing I want to say, is that regardless of my personal fannish/emotional reaction to some of the events -- the film itself was an absolute triumph.  I mean - it was amazing.  There were a great many things to love - and that is a list that includes some things I hated.  Love/hated.  Both!  The fact that they could bring a series of films that spans over a decade together in a way that had people laughing and crying in the theatres, often both at the same time - it's just truly, truly awesome.  It says something that they were able to build these real and true characters who feel important enough that their fates can actually break our hearts.  
So I applaud that, and I hope the film industry takes a good long look at these films and learns from them.  Audiences are willing to wait for the pay-off, we're willing to tackle difficult things, we're willing to fall in love with what we see on the screen if the writers and producers and directors put the effort into allowing it.
That said...
I really liked this movie overall, but I went into it really wanting two specific things for myself, and I didn't get them.  In fact I kind of got the opposite of them, and a lot of my coming to terms with the movie has been coming to terms with just... not getting what I wanted.  And finding a way to be okay with that.  
I wanted Tony to live - and if you're back here behind my spoiler cut, you know I didn't get that one.  It was really hard to lose him.  He was my favorite character in this whole crazy cast. I loved that he could be so wrong sometimes, and with so much utter conviction.  I loved that he could be terrified out of his mind and then just do the terrifying things anyway, because somebody had to, and he could.  I loved how smart he was, and how vulnerable he was, and how he built walls of words to defend himself and define himself.  I loved how hard he loved the people that HE loved, and how much he was willing to do for them.  I loved how great he was with kids (and I love that he got one of his own!) and I love how that seemed at least in part because he never finished growing up himself.
So while I am wrecked that this is the end of Tony in this particular strand of the comics universe, I can't deny that it is 100% true to who he was. He was always going to be the guy who would do this, if it needed to be done.  And it did, so he did it, and it broke my heart - but in the end I have to be okay with it, because yeah.  That was Tony Stark, distilled down to his purest self.  I hated it, but I also loved it, and more importantly I think, I bought it.
I also really would have loved to have a kind of on-screen farewell to my pairing, and I didn't get that, either.  I'm a Science Boyfriends kinda gal, and there was almost zero interaction between Bruce and Tony - there was zero relevant interaction.  But it is what it is - this was never going to be everything to all people, and that's one of the relationships that didn't get priority.  I'm okay with that, too - mainly because its absence means they didn't do anything TERRIBLE to it, either!  When it comes to my pairings, I'd far rather TPTB leave them alone than do something I don't like.  That said - it would have been nice if they'd you know, exchanged a couple of lines?  And it would have been SUPER nice if Bruce had been around to react to Tony's death. Getting past it, getting past it.... ;)
My biggest fear going into this movie was that it would kill my fannishness about the Avengers.  I just recently rediscovered it, and I've been writing like a MAD thing.  I've stayed up too late writing, I've gotten up way to early to write... I've written through nights when I was supposed to be raiding with my online pals, or watching stuff with my housemates.  I've definitely done quite a lot of writing when I was supposed to be working! And it's been fun, and it's felt really good, and I just didn't want to lose it.  I missed fandom and other fans, and I missed caring so much about characters and pairings.  Having it all back again these past couple of months has been a blast -- so I went into Endgame a) pretty sure they were going to kill Tony and b) pretty sure that killing Tony would kill my fannish joy.
I am happy to report it did not.  I'm still in love, and I'm still writing like crazy.  I gave myself some pretty stern talking-tos in the lead-up to the movie, along the lines of "Are you really going to let a couple of rich white geekboys decide what happens to YOUR Tony Stark?" and in short form, "CANON IS NOT THE BOSS OF ME!"  I think it helped.  I'm still here, anyway!
There are a few other things I really didn't like.  One - the CGI for Bruce was a horror show for me.  It landed right in the Uncanny Valley, and I could barely stand to look at him on screen.  Every time he showed up, it was like a cartoon character appearing in my live action show.  I think that actually may have helped me with the Tony thing, though -- because it yanked me out of the movie when Bruce was onscreen, and that gave me the distance I needed to not become a puddle of shivering misery on the floor when Tony died saving the world.
Don't get me wrong - I really do like that he's able to integrate now.  I like that he has control.  Still, I'm not sure this is a road I ever really want to go down in my writing.  I like Hulk too much to want to see him essentially killed by Bruce (which is kind of how I'm reading this.)  I get that Hulk IS Bruce IS Hulk and if I were his therapist I'd be all over it.  But I'm not his therapist - I'm one of his slashfic writers.  And as such, I prefer him splintered and angsting over it.  :)
I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Natasha, and I'm not sure they're particularly coherent.  I think if Endgame had happened exactly the way it did, WITHOUT the disgusting Ultron lines about how she's a monster because she can't have kids, I'd be fine.  As it is, Ultron happened and then Natasha gave herself up for a guy with a family, and from a purely Doyle-ist perspective I find that sequence of events suspect, and deeply gross.  
On the other hand, from a purely Watsonian perspective, I fully agree with what  <a href="https://cesperanza.tumblr.com/post/184622436895/i-cant-believe-that-as-a-prominent-woman-in">cesperanza had to say about Nat</a>, so I'm just going to let that stand for me, too.
Probably the final thing I didn't like was fat!Thor.  I do get the arguments on the other side of this, that it's cool to show even a super hero can get depressed and live off cheez whiz and get fat and disaffected. But I also think that's not all there is to this; I think you don't make Chris Hemsworth run around in a fat suit without on some level doing it for the point-and-laugh. And I find that kind of "joke" toxic and disgusting.  I'm not going to go on and on about it here, but in short just - a world of no from me on that.  
So what's my score so far?  2 things I wanted but didn't get, 3 things I didn't like?  But on the bright side...it's now time to move along to the bright side! And the bright side is pretty damn bright.
I was incredibly happy that Tony and Steve were able to repair their relationship.  Civil War was such a tough movie to watch, and while there was at least a thread of hope for them at the end of it, this resolution was a long time coming.  They're so very different in their worldviews and methods, but so very alike in their absolute dedication to protecting people and doing the right thing - the friction has always made perfect sense, but getting to see them come to terms with each other ... that's something I have really wanted for a long time.  I was extremely sad watching Tony just chew into Steve at the beginning of Endgame, but not at all surprised - Tony was completely done in, physically, mentally and emotionally.  Just seeing Tony that physically wasted and weak was hard.  Steve's reactions to it were perfect, though, just perfect.  I don't think I could have asked for any more than I was given for the two of them.  
I loved Tony's relationship with his daughter - in fact, I love Tony's relationship with every character below the age of majority that he's ever been on screen with.  Tony may be my OTP (One True Parent) in fact - he's just so deeply interested in these kids (Harley, Peter, Morgan) as human beings.  And he treats them oddly as equals, while still somehow managing to parent well for each of them.  He's hilarious and snarky and caring and he connects.  I don't know, I just adore it.  We didn't get to spend a lot of time with Morgan, but it was obvious she adored Tony and was well on her way to growing up to be just like him, and I wholly approve.  
And before I leave the topic of kids - Tony mourning Peter broke my heart, and his love for Peter when he came back knitted it back together again (that hug omg, </3 -> <3) and then Peter's breakdown when Tony was dying, finally calling him "Tony" instead of Mr. Stark or sir...there it goes, heart broken again.  BROKEN.
I and the rest of the universe loved Steve wielding Mjolnir (and Thor KNEW it!). We all saw this coming from way back at the party in Ultron, and a part of what this series of movies has managed to do that I love is take moments like that, a billion movies ago at this point, and pay them off one by one.  Sure, it's fan service, but because they were patient, it feels earned.  I adore it.
I'm going to wrap this up for now because if I don't, it's never getting posted - I have a ton of thoughts and even MORE feelings about this movie, and I'll be posting more of them because how can I NOT.  But I do want to talk a little about one of the major things that literally filled me with joy: 
The return to Avengers 2012!!! <3 <3 <3
I just want to go back and live there - like, I want to build a tinyhouse with a telescope in the window and just stare at it all from the shadows forever.  I could literally sit for days upon days of "what happened in Avengers 2012 around what we saw on the screen in Avengers 2012" - that could be an entire TV series and I would tune in for every freaking episode.  It was SO. MUCH. FUN!  From "feel free to clean up..." to "take the stairs" and "SO MANY STAIRS" to Loki pretending to be Steve and Loki stealing the tesseract and poofing out to Thor saving Tony with his hammer and both of them so jazzed about it... OMG.  I just love it all, and I'm so happy they did it.  I loved everything around it - I loved Bruce trying half-heartedly to smash, I loved the Sorceress Supreme up on the rooftop fighting the Chitauri, I loved Bruce getting smacked out of Hulk and Hulk on a lounge chair with a sunhat over his face.  EVERYTHING.  I just.  <3
I went into Endgame expecting the worst for my favorite character, and I got the worst for him.  But the more I think about this movie, the more I find that it's a happy place for me. It gave me what I didn't want and it made me like it.  Like - a LOT.  I went into it expecting/fearing that it would kill my fannishness about Avengers, and it's done the exact opposite - it's brought me back into fandom, back into contact with fans, back into thinking all the thoughts and feeling all the feelings and wanting to share them with other people who are thinking and feeling about the same thing.  
I feel like this entire series of movies, this slate of characters, this universe they've built - it's a gigantic wonderful amazing heartbreaking heartmending accomplishment, and I'm just super glad it's all here, and that I got to experience it all.  
(And I can't wait to write a metric fuckton of stories that ignore it! Tony may be gone in this timeline, but he's never going to die in mine, damn it!)
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ogdengeorge29-blog · 5 years
Or enjoyment transpires obedient? Advantageous or else detecting on the web appropriate?
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topfygad · 5 years
Say What?! British Slang and Phrases
We’re in all probability all aware of one thing being smashing at this level. (As in, this weblog is smashing.)
The utilization of slang phrases all over the world will be very amusing to these not within the know. There’s one thing uncanny about listening to a phrase, career, or object you’re aware of being referred to in a brand new manner.
In England, there’s an notorious Cockney Rhyming Slang that was invented by market merchants and avenue retailers and was in all probability first used to disguise what was being mentioned from passers-by. Cockney Slang makes use of language in one of the vital fascinating methods, by rhyming with what you imply however substituting completely different (and dissimilar) phrases. For instance, “I’m Hank Marvin!” interprets to “I’m ravenous” and apples and pears to stairs.
Nevertheless, relying on the place you might be in England, colloquialisms or slang might differ, or be a utterly completely different kettle of fish.  In the event you go as far north as Newcastle, you would possibly hear somebody name themselves clamming, for ravenous or confer with a set of stairs as dancers. 
Learn on to learn how to make use of phrases like “This climate is pants” or what your British aunt means by telling you “It’s parky on the market!” when she visits on her subsequent vacation.
Don’t be such a wind-up service provider
Interpretation: I is perhaps foolish and a bit gullible, however please cease teasing me!
Don’t get shirty with me
Interpretation: The individual you’re speaking to is getting aggravated and also you’re in all probability not completely happy about it. Consider sassy, bad-tempered, and a bit aggravated.
Play some footie
Interpretation: Once you’re going to go play some soccer, as in soccer, as in soccer.
Having outdated chinwag
Interpretation: Once you’re having an excellent chat with buddies, greater than probably with some gossip concerned.
To be an anorak
Interpretation: You’re such a geek or nerd. Breaking this one down a bit, it means an individual who has a really sturdy curiosity, maybe a bit obsessive, in area of interest topics.
Interpretation: Once you’re completely surprised or stunned and end up at a whole loss for phrases. This makes a bit extra sense when you already know that the phrase gob is slang for mouth.  Then, take this as a reference to being shocked by a blow to the mouth, or to clapping your hand to your mouth in astonishment.
All the things has gone all pear-shaped!
Interpretation: All of these well-laid plans have gone terribly, terribly awry. Principally, this implies every little thing has gone unsuitable. Perhaps the plans began as apple formed?
I’m knackered
Interpretation: You’re so exhausted you can’t do the rest. Really, this one has a little bit of a darkish previous because it derives from the slang phrase knacker which implies to kill. So, while you’ve utterly drained out or simply can’t go on, you’re knackered!
Interpretation: Cockney Slang referring to Newton Heath, an space of Manchester, England. This phrase is a kind of enjoyable rhyming ones…are you able to guess? Okay, right here’s a touch: What if we instructed our kiddos to, “Stand up these apples and pears & brush your Newtons since you have to be simply knackered by now!”
I’m quids in
Interpretation: Discovering your self in a really favorable or advantageous place or while you stand to make some huge cash from a guess or enterprise enterprise. In the event you gained the lotto, you’d most undoubtedly be quids in.
Interpretation: Opposite to being quids in you can too be skint which implies to be broke or out of luck. It’s also possible to ask somebody for some money, let’s say when you overlook your pockets, by asking them in the event that they’ve bought any dosh? (Quids in = flush with it, skint = broke, dosh = so broke you’re borrowing from your folks. )
It’s parky out
Interpretation: It’s very chilly out, placed on a sweater.
A Bobby or Dibble 
Interpretation: Corresponding to American slang phrases corresponding to warmth, fuzz, or gumshoe, these phrases refer an individual on the police pressure. Bobby is used as a nickname for Sir Robert Peel, the founding father of the London police. Dibble can additionally refer to the police and comes from the cartoon Prime Cat and Prime Cat’s primary foe Officer Dibble.
Nineteen to the dozen
Interpretation: To talk quickly and energetically. Consider it this fashion, there are 12 in a dozen, 13 in a baker’s dozen, and 19 in somebody’s dozen who’s attempting to get all of them to suit as quick as potential with out realizing there are literally solely 12 spots.
Give your ‘ead a wobble
Interpretation: To rethink one thing, or suppose it over. Perhaps you would give your ‘ead a wobble over being shirty.
That’s Pants! 
Interpretation: Principally that is used to explain one thing that isn’t superb, or possibly didn’t prove the way you thought it will. “That’s pants! I simply washed my automobile and now it’s raining!” or “Maya’s PowerPoint celebration was pants”.
To throw (or put) a spanner into the works
Interpretation: A drawback that prevents one thing from occurring the manner that it was deliberate, much like the phrase throw a wrench within the plans. It might be an individual that foils the plans or the misplaced pockets proper earlier than a street journey, regardless, it’s finest to maintain spanners out of the works. 
(10-1, guess you learn these in a British accent.)
All, language
British slang, Cockney Rhyming Slang, colloquialisms, Europe, featured, gobsmacked, guided trip, knackered, London, say what?, skint, slang, Slang in numerous nations, journey, Journey Ideas
Arianna Ambrutis
Having spent a lot of her life as nomadically as potential, Ari discovered a house with GET. So far as her travels have taken her, she’s labored on an archaeological dig in Israel, sailed round Greek isles, skilled a loopy sunburn in Turkey, adores tomatoes in Italy, and thinks Paris and New York are simply the bee’s knees. Along with her diploma in Cultural Anthropology, Ari loves exploring a tradition’s traditions, colloquialisms, and (most significantly) cuisines.
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/say-what-british-slang-and-phrases/
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topfygad · 5 years
Say What?! British Slang and Phrases
We’re in all probability all aware of one thing being smashing at this level. (As in, this weblog is smashing.)
The utilization of slang phrases all over the world will be very amusing to these not within the know. There’s one thing uncanny about listening to a phrase, career, or object you’re aware of being referred to in a brand new manner.
In England, there’s an notorious Cockney Rhyming Slang that was invented by market merchants and avenue retailers and was in all probability first used to disguise what was being mentioned from passers-by. Cockney Slang makes use of language in one of the vital fascinating methods, by rhyming with what you imply however substituting completely different (and dissimilar) phrases. For instance, “I’m Hank Marvin!” interprets to “I’m ravenous” and apples and pears to stairs.
Nevertheless, relying on the place you might be in England, colloquialisms or slang might differ, or be a utterly completely different kettle of fish.  In the event you go as far north as Newcastle, you would possibly hear somebody name themselves clamming, for ravenous or confer with a set of stairs as dancers. 
Learn on to learn how to make use of phrases like “This climate is pants” or what your British aunt means by telling you “It’s parky on the market!” when she visits on her subsequent vacation.
Don’t be such a wind-up service provider
Interpretation: I is perhaps foolish and a bit gullible, however please cease teasing me!
Don’t get shirty with me
Interpretation: The individual you’re speaking to is getting aggravated and also you’re in all probability not completely happy about it. Consider sassy, bad-tempered, and a bit aggravated.
Play some footie
Interpretation: Once you’re going to go play some soccer, as in soccer, as in soccer.
Having outdated chinwag
Interpretation: Once you’re having an excellent chat with buddies, greater than probably with some gossip concerned.
To be an anorak
Interpretation: You’re such a geek or nerd. Breaking this one down a bit, it means an individual who has a really sturdy curiosity, maybe a bit obsessive, in area of interest topics.
Interpretation: Once you’re completely surprised or stunned and end up at a whole loss for phrases. This makes a bit extra sense when you already know that the phrase gob is slang for mouth.  Then, take this as a reference to being shocked by a blow to the mouth, or to clapping your hand to your mouth in astonishment.
All the things has gone all pear-shaped!
Interpretation: All of these well-laid plans have gone terribly, terribly awry. Principally, this implies every little thing has gone unsuitable. Perhaps the plans began as apple formed?
I’m knackered
Interpretation: You’re so exhausted you can’t do the rest. Really, this one has a little bit of a darkish previous because it derives from the slang phrase knacker which implies to kill. So, while you’ve utterly drained out or simply can’t go on, you’re knackered!
Interpretation: Cockney Slang referring to Newton Heath, an space of Manchester, England. This phrase is a kind of enjoyable rhyming ones…are you able to guess? Okay, right here’s a touch: What if we instructed our kiddos to, “Stand up these apples and pears & brush your Newtons since you have to be simply knackered by now!”
I’m quids in
Interpretation: Discovering your self in a really favorable or advantageous place or while you stand to make some huge cash from a guess or enterprise enterprise. In the event you gained the lotto, you’d most undoubtedly be quids in.
Interpretation: Opposite to being quids in you can too be skint which implies to be broke or out of luck. It’s also possible to ask somebody for some money, let’s say when you overlook your pockets, by asking them in the event that they’ve bought any dosh? (Quids in = flush with it, skint = broke, dosh = so broke you’re borrowing from your folks. )
It’s parky out
Interpretation: It’s very chilly out, placed on a sweater.
A Bobby or Dibble 
Interpretation: Corresponding to American slang phrases corresponding to warmth, fuzz, or gumshoe, these phrases refer an individual on the police pressure. Bobby is used as a nickname for Sir Robert Peel, the founding father of the London police. Dibble can additionally refer to the police and comes from the cartoon Prime Cat and Prime Cat’s primary foe Officer Dibble.
Nineteen to the dozen
Interpretation: To talk quickly and energetically. Consider it this fashion, there are 12 in a dozen, 13 in a baker’s dozen, and 19 in somebody’s dozen who’s attempting to get all of them to suit as quick as potential with out realizing there are literally solely 12 spots.
Give your ‘ead a wobble
Interpretation: To rethink one thing, or suppose it over. Perhaps you would give your ‘ead a wobble over being shirty.
That’s Pants! 
Interpretation: Principally that is used to explain one thing that isn’t superb, or possibly didn’t prove the way you thought it will. “That’s pants! I simply washed my automobile and now it’s raining!” or “Maya’s PowerPoint celebration was pants”.
To throw (or put) a spanner into the works
Interpretation: A drawback that prevents one thing from occurring the manner that it was deliberate, much like the phrase throw a wrench within the plans. It might be an individual that foils the plans or the misplaced pockets proper earlier than a street journey, regardless, it’s finest to maintain spanners out of the works. 
(10-1, guess you learn these in a British accent.)
All, language
British slang, Cockney Rhyming Slang, colloquialisms, Europe, featured, gobsmacked, guided trip, knackered, London, say what?, skint, slang, Slang in numerous nations, journey, Journey Ideas
Arianna Ambrutis
Having spent a lot of her life as nomadically as potential, Ari discovered a house with GET. So far as her travels have taken her, she’s labored on an archaeological dig in Israel, sailed round Greek isles, skilled a loopy sunburn in Turkey, adores tomatoes in Italy, and thinks Paris and New York are simply the bee’s knees. Along with her diploma in Cultural Anthropology, Ari loves exploring a tradition’s traditions, colloquialisms, and (most significantly) cuisines.
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from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2UyBaeG via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
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topfygad · 5 years
Say What?! British Slang and Phrases
We’re in all probability all aware of one thing being smashing at this level. (As in, this weblog is smashing.)
The utilization of slang phrases all over the world will be very amusing to these not within the know. There’s one thing uncanny about listening to a phrase, career, or object you’re aware of being referred to in a brand new manner.
In England, there’s an notorious Cockney Rhyming Slang that was invented by market merchants and avenue retailers and was in all probability first used to disguise what was being mentioned from passers-by. Cockney Slang makes use of language in one of the vital fascinating methods, by rhyming with what you imply however substituting completely different (and dissimilar) phrases. For instance, “I’m Hank Marvin!” interprets to “I’m ravenous” and apples and pears to stairs.
Nevertheless, relying on the place you might be in England, colloquialisms or slang might differ, or be a utterly completely different kettle of fish.  In the event you go as far north as Newcastle, you would possibly hear somebody name themselves clamming, for ravenous or confer with a set of stairs as dancers. 
Learn on to learn how to make use of phrases like “This climate is pants” or what your British aunt means by telling you “It’s parky on the market!” when she visits on her subsequent vacation.
Don’t be such a wind-up service provider
Interpretation: I is perhaps foolish and a bit gullible, however please cease teasing me!
Don’t get shirty with me
Interpretation: The individual you’re speaking to is getting aggravated and also you’re in all probability not completely happy about it. Consider sassy, bad-tempered, and a bit aggravated.
Play some footie
Interpretation: Once you’re going to go play some soccer, as in soccer, as in soccer.
Having outdated chinwag
Interpretation: Once you’re having an excellent chat with buddies, greater than probably with some gossip concerned.
To be an anorak
Interpretation: You’re such a geek or nerd. Breaking this one down a bit, it means an individual who has a really sturdy curiosity, maybe a bit obsessive, in area of interest topics.
Interpretation: Once you’re completely surprised or stunned and end up at a whole loss for phrases. This makes a bit extra sense when you already know that the phrase gob is slang for mouth.  Then, take this as a reference to being shocked by a blow to the mouth, or to clapping your hand to your mouth in astonishment.
All the things has gone all pear-shaped!
Interpretation: All of these well-laid plans have gone terribly, terribly awry. Principally, this implies every little thing has gone unsuitable. Perhaps the plans began as apple formed?
I’m knackered
Interpretation: You’re so exhausted you can’t do the rest. Really, this one has a little bit of a darkish previous because it derives from the slang phrase knacker which implies to kill. So, while you’ve utterly drained out or simply can’t go on, you’re knackered!
Interpretation: Cockney Slang referring to Newton Heath, an space of Manchester, England. This phrase is a kind of enjoyable rhyming ones…are you able to guess? Okay, right here’s a touch: What if we instructed our kiddos to, “Stand up these apples and pears & brush your Newtons since you have to be simply knackered by now!”
I’m quids in
Interpretation: Discovering your self in a really favorable or advantageous place or while you stand to make some huge cash from a guess or enterprise enterprise. In the event you gained the lotto, you’d most undoubtedly be quids in.
Interpretation: Opposite to being quids in you can too be skint which implies to be broke or out of luck. It’s also possible to ask somebody for some money, let’s say when you overlook your pockets, by asking them in the event that they’ve bought any dosh? (Quids in = flush with it, skint = broke, dosh = so broke you’re borrowing from your folks. )
It’s parky out
Interpretation: It’s very chilly out, placed on a sweater.
A Bobby or Dibble 
Interpretation: Corresponding to American slang phrases corresponding to warmth, fuzz, or gumshoe, these phrases refer an individual on the police pressure. Bobby is used as a nickname for Sir Robert Peel, the founding father of the London police. Dibble can additionally refer to the police and comes from the cartoon Prime Cat and Prime Cat’s primary foe Officer Dibble.
Nineteen to the dozen
Interpretation: To talk quickly and energetically. Consider it this fashion, there are 12 in a dozen, 13 in a baker’s dozen, and 19 in somebody’s dozen who’s attempting to get all of them to suit as quick as potential with out realizing there are literally solely 12 spots.
Give your ‘ead a wobble
Interpretation: To rethink one thing, or suppose it over. Perhaps you would give your ‘ead a wobble over being shirty.
That’s Pants! 
Interpretation: Principally that is used to explain one thing that isn’t superb, or possibly didn’t prove the way you thought it will. “That’s pants! I simply washed my automobile and now it’s raining!” or “Maya’s PowerPoint celebration was pants”.
To throw (or put) a spanner into the works
Interpretation: A drawback that prevents one thing from occurring the manner that it was deliberate, much like the phrase throw a wrench within the plans. It might be an individual that foils the plans or the misplaced pockets proper earlier than a street journey, regardless, it’s finest to maintain spanners out of the works. 
(10-1, guess you learn these in a British accent.)
All, language
British slang, Cockney Rhyming Slang, colloquialisms, Europe, featured, gobsmacked, guided trip, knackered, London, say what?, skint, slang, Slang in numerous nations, journey, Journey Ideas
Arianna Ambrutis
Having spent a lot of her life as nomadically as potential, Ari discovered a house with GET. So far as her travels have taken her, she’s labored on an archaeological dig in Israel, sailed round Greek isles, skilled a loopy sunburn in Turkey, adores tomatoes in Italy, and thinks Paris and New York are simply the bee’s knees. Along with her diploma in Cultural Anthropology, Ari loves exploring a tradition’s traditions, colloquialisms, and (most significantly) cuisines.
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from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2UyBaeG via IFTTT
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