#Definitely reminds me of uncanny valley
circularcatinspace · 1 year
Has anybody ever seen this show called Jay Jay the JetPlane? It’s really weird and has poor cgi, like so bad that it reminds me of uncanny valley. It had to have been made in the early 2000s are something, you know, when cgi was considered super cool and amazing? But I hav a firm belief that there are some things that just shouldn’t be cgied and that show was one of them.
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icaruspendragon · 8 months
to be clear, none of these hurt my feelings (except the sheldon cooper one), they were just so funny they’ve stuck with me.
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comfortless · 7 months
"held back by a leash that no one’s ever thought to untie, constantly growling and leaping at anything that gets too close just to simmer down to whimpering and begging the second he’s pet just once" ??? 😩 This is so real and relatable (I'm crying in the corner of my room). Lord have mercy, I need to kiss every ridge and groove on your brain.
The way I giggled when you mentioned his fleshlight is crazy. I was actually thinking of saying something similar but then I decided against cause the message would've been too long. I was trying to decide if he would be the type of man to get one of those insanely realistic sex dolls. Maybe he felt particularly desperate to have something in his bed (something that can't just get their clothes and leave before he wakes up) or he would just be curious. If he actually got it, by being impulsive, now he has this thing in his house and kind of regrets it. Yeah, it's soft and doesn't look bad, but it definitely doesn't look like a real woman either. It gives him the uncanny valley effect and puts it out of sight for now. How would he even get rid of something like that? Is it recyclable?
I've got brainrot when it comes to this man, I know. I might start reading Letters to Milena by Kafka so I can yearn more accurately for a man that doesn't even exist. This time I have no nice poems to quote but I feel like Konig is very much Sleep token coded. Idk what type of music you like but their lyrics are yummy.
P. S. Your fics are like vitamin D + Omega 3 getting me through this shitty British weather with my sanity more or less intact. Lots of consensual kisses!
oh my gosh and you are more brazen than me because i thought the same, just… kept that to myself!
if he has the money why would he settle on some little silicone tube when he could at least have something to cuddle up with, too? it isn’t like he has visitors often (or at all), though there are some nights when he definitely feels pathetic and disgusting for having it: haphazardly shoves the doll in the closet and settles for his hand instead…
also much to ponder in regards to his impulse control…! for the most part, he probably considers himself to be pretty rational; reasons with every decision by thinking well, x happened so then comes y. his dating life is shallow at best and utterly devoid of anything at worst, it’s… reasonable that he would have some sort of outlet, even if he knows that buying the damned thing has basically sentenced him to never having any sort of stable relationship. if some sweet woman actually gave him more than just the time of day, if she actually wanted to be with him but… she sees that mimicry of a woman’s warmth lying in his bed? she’s either laughing at him or immediately making up some excuse to leave. and if that happens, then of course he’s got to find a way to get rid of it. he’s tossing it in a hole in his backyard or burning it. sorry environment. this is König’s world now and the sex doll can no longer be in it..!
he would never pull something comparatively ridiculous in his career, maybe a few mistakes here and there but he plays a character when he’s König. and König is all menace or indifference, never the pitiful thing that gets so wound up over his own purchase he’s got to destroy it at all costs. though in the time that he did have it… the soldiers around him are certainly aware that he had some ‘girlfriend’ he spoke rather highly of at home that always had her legs open for him. he never seemed in higher spirits, though…
Letters to Milena is sooo quotable for him. i will give you this one: “Auch ist es vielleicht nicht eigentlich Liebe wenn ich sage, daß Du mir das Liebste bist; Liebe ist, dass Du mir das Messer bist, mit dem ich in mir wühle.”
i have an entire ridiculous playlist that is just… all over the place with songs that remind me of him, perhaps i will give Sleep Token a chance and throw a few onto it! ^^ i am always looking out for König-coded songs… Never Land by Sisters of Mercy is possibly my favorite to suggest when it comes to him. <3 the full length is my go to but - a fragment encapsulates it almost as well!
burying you in a world of hugs right now, anon! pleeease send your weather my way! it is HOT here! your messages are vitamin C and a lovely cup of earl grey to me! <3 i am glad that you appeared!
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tau1tvec · 1 month
I'm definitely going to watch some videos about inzoi but I don't appreciate their usage of ai tbh
And the sims are a little uncanny valley to me, too. But I do think the genre needs more games, so I can't complain too much
Yeah I'd seen the AI thing in action in acottonsocks' video sometime back, so I'm glad you reminded me!
They've partnered with Samsung, which is good bc more dev money, and our ZOI get cool real world gadgets, but I'm assuming that adding their AI search assistant thing was also a part of the deal.
Luckily it's just a tool, that I can ignore just like all the other ones invading my PC, and web browsers, and social media apps, and is something I've gotten quite good at thanks to the gaming and tech industry's love of invasive ads, pop-ups and shop buttons they've normalized over the years. 👍
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h-worksrambles · 4 months
I have a real bug bear with this strange assumption I see in a lot of online discussion of Engage. That if you didn’t like Engage’s story you must be some Three Houses newbie who doesn’t know what Fire Emblem is.
My dude, this ain’t my first rodeo. I’ve played a pretty good chunk of the series at this point. I played Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones. I played Awakening and Shadows of Valentia. More recently I finished both Tellius games and Genealogy of the Holy War. I know Fire Emblem writing can and has been far better than whatever the hell they were doing with Engage. Hell, I like Three Houses but I don’t think it’s the best Fire Emblem story by a long shot. I could write a whole other piece on my complicated relationship with that game’s writing.
Playing the other games just better highlights to me how Engage is definitely trying to tell a story that harkens back to those games, but routinely comes up short. It wants to be breezy and colourful like the GBA games, but its aesthetic and character design is far less cohesive than any of those three games. It wants to cleverly marry gameplay with story like the SNES Jugdral games but is too scared to let its player punches last longer than a chapter. It wants to key into Awakening’s simple yet heartfelt nostalgic template but fails to clear even that middling bar due to an inability to set up any of its big emotional moments. It repurposes multiple plot points and story concepts from Fates, but doesn’t really improve on any of its shortcomings in setup and character writing.
Most of all, it’s at war with itself, unable to decide whether to be a campy romp that is pure self indulgent fanservice, or a more heartfelt story with genuine dramatic moments. It opens with a wonderfully cheesy tokusatsu esque transformation sequence and never reaches that level of camp again until near the very end. Meanwhile, there are rare moments of genuinely good character stuff. But they’re the exception to the rule as most of the story’s big emotional moments are utterly lacking in buildup. The writers just had a cool scene in mind and didn’t bother to put the work in to earn any of them. What we get is an uncanny valley that ends up simply being boring. It’s too dry and self serious to embrace its naive camp. And it’s too phoned in and sloppily written to really be earnest. There’s a burgeoning theme of family and self identity that’s begging to be explored more but never goes anywhere. Between Alear’s past and hints of a character arc, the clumsy half integration of the Emblems, and other half formed concepts and characters like Veyle, Lumera and Sombron, Engage is a story with a finger in several pies at once, but never placing more than the tip on any of them.
It’s not ‘just a simple story’. Shadows of Valentia and Sacred Stones are simple stories. Engage is honestly one of the more out there and wild plots in the series. Nor is it ‘not taking itself seriously’. It’s absolutely trying to make you feel something. But it rushes through and fumbles every good idea it has. Engage reminds me more of modern Pokémon than anything. It wants to play at being a big RPG. It wants to make you sit through hours and hours of cutscenes, give you a huge colourful cast of characters, and end on a big anime-esque finale. But its dialogue and cutscenes are flat, the characters never hit their full potential, and the big hype moments are totally unearned and out of left field.
If Engage’s story really was just safe and simple, I wouldn’t even mind. If it had more respect for the player’s time, and trimmed down its cutscene length, acknowledging that it’s not doing anything ambitious and just letting you get to the gameplay quicker, that would be fine. Conversely, if it actually did go all the way with any of its half formed themes and characters, it could be genuinely interesting. Hell, it could even have a been a totally bat shit, campy spectacle thar leaned utterly into the cheese and I’d probably have loved it. But it’s none of those things. It’s just incompetently put together. Sloppy, irritating and painfully dry.
The unending Three Houses Vs Engage discourse just misses the forest for the trees. That not only has Fire Emblem not fixed it’s worst writing habits in over 10 years, they’ve actually gotten worse.
It’s apparently too much to ask for a story that can walk the line between falling apart under the weight of its own ambition, or doing the bare minimum and relying on melodramatic spectacle to hide its own shallowness.
It’s too much to ask for a game that is able to give its main character real depth and flaws to grapple with because that would get in the way of the player’s power fantasy, letting them feel like the world’s most special little chosen one who everyone loves unconditionally.
It’s too much to ask for a 50 hour RPG with over 7 hours of cutscenes to reach even the standard level of acceptable-to-good generic fantasy writing that most of its franchise’s predecessors reached.
Engage’s story isn’t a ‘return to form’ because it’s ‘simple.’ It’s not ‘prioritising gameplay over story’. They were trying to tell a story and failed, nothing more to it. It’s an anniversary game that tries to harken back to the series’ past but only repeats its worst qualities with none of the strengths.
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redshoes-blues · 5 months
Alright, now that I’ve watched the new Doctor Who episodes, here are my thoughts (below the cut because it turns out I had a lot to say!):
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First, Space Babies:
— I thought it was…okay? It was a serviceable first episode, though I do wonder what the thought process was behind starting an intro season with such a weird concept. Throwing new viewers into the deep end?
— Lots of exposition, and I feel it could’ve been done a bit more naturally, but it isn’t a big deal. I’m watching the show with my brother who is twelve and new to DW (he’s only seen Nine’s season), so that infodump was helpful for him and new viewers even if it could’ve been handled a bit better.
— THE RANI MENTION!! Obviously exciting, but I may be even more intrigued by the lack of mention of the Master. Clearly lots of hard feelings there.
— The butterfly thing. Okay. What was happening when Ruby transformed into that green creature? I have many questions. Maybe it was just an example of a butterfly effect, but why is she that creature? Because it was a Changling she was swapped with? Sometimes things fly over my head so who knows.
— Major uncanny valley with the babies, which kind of made me wish they went a bit more in a horror direction with them, but ah well.
— WAS THAT CORUSCANT?! Maybe not *literal* Coruscant, but it has to be a reference, right? I mean, they referenced Star Trek too!
— I immediately adore Fifteen and Ruby’s dynamic. They have wonderful best friends energy and Ncuti has already proven himself as an amazing Doctor.
— Very intrigued by both the snow (clearly a recurring thing) and the DNA scan the Doctor is doing at the end of the episode.
— In terms of the snow, I wasn’t expecting to get emotional so early on in this series, but that and the scene where the Doctor is talking to the baby about his past made me well up. Beautiful writing there in an otherwise pretty silly episode.
— The little call-out of how hypocritical anti-abortion people are. Love to see it.
— Also the babies never being hugged before?! I’m sorry but that’s so devastating oh my god.
— Clearly a major theme of the series is going to be adoption, where the Doctor and Ruby came from, as well as their found families. I’m a huge sucker for found family, so I’m quite excited to see this inevitably come up again throughout the season.
— I love RTD for refusing to ignore that the Timeless Child is a thing that happened, and not only for that, but also for actively working to make it a serviceable aspect of the Doctor’s character now. It wouldn’t have been my choice for a plot, but it’s here, and I’m glad it isn’t being retconned. And I love how it parallels Ruby’s story. Also: the line about the baby Doctor being left in the void of space was so sad.
— I enjoyed the callbacks to The End of the World!
— Overall, the episode was fine, nothing special, but there were some lovely moments.
The Devil’s Chord
— Okay. WOW. I loved this episode so much. This is by far my favourite of all the episodes we’ve gotten with Fifteen and Ruby, and I can see it becoming a new favourite in general too.
— I loved when Fifteen and Ruby stepped out of the TARDIS and we got a little Abbey Road moment. Expected? Yes. But it was very adorable.
— Maestro was an incredible villain and Jinkx was giving everything!! Are they a child of the Toymaker? I feel like that was sort of implied, but either way they’re definitely part of his liege. I’m sure we’ll be seeing many more of the people connected to him throughout the series.
— Conceptually, I loved this. I love when DW takes a big concept asks questions. Like what would the world be like without this thing that’s so integral to humanity that we take for granted? It reminded me a little bit of the Yesterday movie (“what if the Beatles’ music didn’t exist?”) if it was good and thoughtful lol.
— I loved the slight corniness of seeing the world without music and how devastating that is. It made me cry seeing Ruby and Fifteen in the 2024 post-nuclear earth without music. And then seeing the joy Ruby’s song brought to people?! That song itself was absolutely beautiful and I’m so thrilled Murray Gold is back because wow. Stunning. Made me cry!
— We also learn that it’s June (or July?) 2024 now, which means they’ve been travelling for about six months. That’s quite a substantial chunk of time that we haven’t seen. Which leaves a lot of wiggle room for Big Finish audios. And that’s always welcome!
— The Doctor’s soul is split in two?! Woah. That’s a big deal and was brushed over really fast? Which is fine, maybe we won’t come back to that. But that in itself is very interesting.
— The Harbinger again. Hmmm.
— Also: Susan Twist again? What is happening!! She appeared in the previous episodes too.
— Ruby and Fifteen’s outfits were so fuckin good, I know so many people will cosplay them and look incredible doing it. I need Ruby’s dress badly.
— The part when Maestro was trying to steal Ruby’s song inside of her soul (very cool concept) and CAROL OF THE BELLS PLAYED OH MY GOD. The callbacks to the church are crazyyy and I’m so intrigued. I’m loving the mystery.
— SUSAN MENTIONED! All of these classic who references…Susan, other Time Lords, etc. are making me wondering if they’re just unsubtle easter eggs OR if they’re building towards something.
— Maestro referred to Ruby as a “creature” which is another tidbit that may point to her not being human, which I’m very intrigued by.
— I enjoyed the fourth wall breaks, which were slightly unsettling and especially the theme song beginning in piano which was such a cool callback to the original DW theme.
— THE SNOW IN THE TARDIS?! What is happening omg. The collision of that memory into the current time where Ruby is…what’s going on?! I’m scared but so, so invested.
— Musical number at the end was so much fun. Was it necessary? Not at all. But it was good camp fun and that’s why I watch DW, so I’m here for it!!
— There’s definitely more I’m forgetting to mention because this episode had a lot packed into it, but basically I loved it so much and am adoring Ruby and Fifteen as a duo. This was strong writing and a great episode for me!
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pale-fairytales · 6 months
Naruto rant leggo
Okay. Neji, right? Neji fucking Hyuga.
I always loved him. I don't even know why, I just always felt weirdly connected to him. 12 year old me just looked at him and said "he is my little meow meow." And I still love him.
But god I just realized the depth of how tragic his situation is.
Imagine this; your dad is an identical twin. Your dad/your side of the family isn't as valued as the main one. And your dad volunteers his life to protect your clan. And following the day you lost your dad, every single day, you see someone walking around who looks just like him, but you know it isn't him.
Imagine it. How many times must Neji have accidentally called him 'Father' when he was younger just because for a moment, just a moment, he wanted to pretend that his father was still around? How many times must Neji think he's seeing a ghost when he looks at Hiashi, wondering if his father would have looked any different from Hiashi now if he hadn't had to die? How many times must he have reached for hands that he knows will never reach back?
Just. Imagine how heartbreaking that must have been. It absolutely doesn't excuse how he treated Hinata during the Chunin exams, and it definitely doesn't justify his resentment towards her. But god. This poor kid had to grow up not even being given the opportunity to decide his own destiny—he's mired into a box imposed by his clan, his father is essentially the sacrificial lamb.
I feel like the tragedy of Naruto is how much everyone loses all the time. Everyone has lost someone in horrific ways in Naruto—but it seems like no one in the show/manga can see that. Maybe it's just so normalized that there isn't really any semblance of 'this should not happen!' Or 'this should not be normal!'
Obviously, it could be worse for Neji; he could be like Sasuke, or Naruto, or any of the other orphans who don't have anyone. But god it's so sad to think that every day he has to see someone who has always treated him differently because he's a side branch of the Hyuga, someone who his father died for, and he reminded that his father is not here anymore. I feel like it's even worse because Hiashi looks just like Neji's father! It's that uncanny valley effect—like seeing a ghost but knowing it isn't that person who died!
Alright, okay, rant over.
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brittlebutch · 6 days
the thing is, you’re absolutely right! because what neurotypical people sometimes don’t understand is the massive difference between the average level of social interaction that they themselves vs other people get outside of organized or scheduled events like work or school, and also don’t understand the massive difference between what failure looks like, and how those two things overlap. i’m told that among the average neurotypical person, they’ll make a point to talk to people in their lives or hang out with friends or go on dates or chat with other people in public spaces, al to have casual interactions, multiple times a day, multiple days a week. meaning, if they have a failed social interaction, it’s buffered by the many successful interactions they’ll go on to have. failure most likely won’t mean complete isolation, because they have multiple avenues of interaction to fall back on. and, moreover, a failure in a social interaction when you have (on average) fewer than most means that now rather than that person going “oh that was a weird interaction, i talk to them a lot and it’s not usually like that, maybe it was an off day” they go “huh i don’t know that person very well maybe they’re just like that?”, which means that the odds are way different on whether relationships stay good after mistakes.
social skills are not actually as inherent as neurotypical people like to think. it’s just that when you’re always in practice, always getting back on the proverbial horse, the advice “just get back out there!” does actually work very well. but if you’re not able to do that for any variety of reasons, you can’t play the game the same way. my advice is not “try harder”, it’s “lower your expectations for yourself on what a good interaction and a moment of connection might be”. just as it’s possible you’re somehow unintentionally upsetting people, it’s possible you’re unintentionally making them feel happy, or valued, or heard, even in small, passing interactions. remind yourself that you’re working with fewer resources and a much more limited data pool. a lot of the advice being given is coming from someone who assumes they understand what the math looks like for you, because it’s very difficult to imagine that other side. so instead of trying to overlay a system made for someone who has resources that you just don’t have, you need to figure out what a functional system of interaction looks like for you, and adapt the advice given to fit your situation. my advice, bearing that in mind, is that finding communities and groups can look like a lot of different things, and getting your social needs met can come from a lot of sources, and ideally should! you would understand best what your situation is, and there’s no shame in changing tact to accommodate for your own needs and boundaries.
forgot to answer this for a bit lol BUT yeah, the post was a little bit more about the Conceptual argument than it was about me specifically, so I'm definitely already with you re: 'finding out what your Individual social goals are and working based off of those instead having high expectations based off of other people's metric' stuff. You definitely have a huge point with the "social buffer disparity" between NT people and ND people, where failures are both less demoralizing internally and less impactful externally when you're able to have a greater average of interactions generally also
but I really appreciated the "just as it’s possible you’re somehow unintentionally upsetting people, it’s possible you’re unintentionally making them feel happy, or valued, or heard, even in small, passing interactions" aspect of this message. I do definitely have a recurring problem of like, labeling Myself as an Uncanny Valley Person and automatically assuming that every interaction I'm involved in must be some level of uncomfortable for the other person -- it actually was kind of a revolution moment reading this and realizing that OH it does make sense that if I can unintentionally make people uncomfortable, it's statistically just as likely that I can unintentionally lift people's spirits in one way or another! So thank you very much for that!!
#like this is kind of tangentially related but i have been watching a lot of the smsh reading redit videos and#a story in one of them was this guy posting about how he had a coworker who Really liked Transfrmers and talked about it constantly#and it annoyed him so much that he eventually told her to Shut Up and That's where i tend to assume i push people socially#BUT the flip side to the story was that his Other coworkers told him off over it bc when she Did stop talking about Transformers#at work they really missed it -- like they had genuinely enjoyed listening to her and they wanted Him to apologize so she'd continue#and this ask was the thing that actually made that idea click in my head lol; that weirdness/intensity is not universally Derided#and plenty of people Can and Do appreciate it just as much as others might dislike it.#i wouldn't say i've been wanting to be More Social lately but I HAVE been thinking a lot about like. Talking More?#confusing phrasing. like i'm not particularly pressed/interested about Making Friends but i have spent years sort of holding my#tongue in ways i didn't when i was a kid; which is a habit i have been interested in breaking bc i miss being That enthusiastic#i've been like. trying to build up confidence with like 'i will be annoyingn people and that's Fine' but this ask is like a whole other#- more Positive - aspect of 'it's just as possible your enthusiasm would be a Boon to others' that i wasn't thinking about at all#it's nice to keep in mind! it's definitely more in the spirit of enthusiasm than being braced solely for negativity lmao
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releasemefromthevoid · 7 months
EP1 - EP3
We all know that ATLA’s character arcs and just. character building in general is one of if not its absolute biggest strength. This show has a lot to live up to on that front, and if it can manage it, then that’s all the better. I’ll probably be critical of this aspect in particular, keeping in mind that this is generally meant to be an alternate canon which leads to Some changes in order to fit a shorter form.
Without going too far into it, I’ll say I will continue to be a little worried about the new spin on Aang’s character arc until I can see it play out all the way through. 
I’m also a bit worried about Zuko’s character. He seems a bit more willing to hurt people than in the cartoon, so I think they’re gonna have to play that pretty carefully moving forward. 
There are, of course, some things they’re doing incredibly well. Zhao’s character is On Point, and Suki feels about right too. I also am generally liking how they’re adapting plot points so far. There’s at least one episode from the original cartoon that I can tell won’t be adapted because of something in this episode, and it feels natural enough, I guess. I don’t have too many complaints on that front. 
Stay tuned for episodes 3-8! Live reactions/spoilers under the cut!
really fucks with me to not start with The Monologue
still don’t know how i feel about this iroh yet. is it just bc he isn’t mako? idk it’s like. uncanny valley iroh
also still not a fan of aang being so serious already. hopefully there will be a substantial enough character arc to replace that
katara so far is reading the most like the original to me
gran gran. just had a waterbending scroll?? i mean. i guess. bringing back the southern waterbending style. i do think i like the original more in this case, it’s just a little more horrifying to have that style basically wiped out completely. that being said this is definitely a way to consolidate the waterbending scroll episode right? i shouldn’t expect to see pirates?
ok the iroh and zuko dynamic in the marketplace was on point
there is NO unagi, where is she
SUKI!!! suki looks GREAT no notes.
suki’s. mom? interesting.
kyoshi island seems a lot less welcoming to aang, even though they know he is in fact the avatar, which does a lot to remind us that they were supposed to be a neutral party in the war. this is not a bad change
zhao definitely has the right vibes
omg, suki 😭get some queen
okay so we finally get to see aang being a kid for a minute (please just let them be kids sometimes it’s okay)
SUKI IS EATING AND LEAVING NO CRUMBS. love that we still get the classic suki beats sokka’s ass scene
oh,, is that what they’re doing with aang in this series?? not a learning to be serious thing,, he’s learning to deal with the fact that he is powerful and he has to control that so he doesn’t hurt people. that’s interesting, so i’ll reserve judgment until it plays out. it just. doesn’t feel the same
the sukki romance is almost playing out in a more believable way than the cartoon, so that’s pretty great
so like. what happened to avatar roku? is he just gonna be replaced with kyoshi? like she’s a badass and we love her, but. why?
sokka is not hearing a goddamn word suki is saying. he is Too Entranced. i have never been more on board with this ship
how are they dealing with this without the unagi
gotta say the spirit world appearance is really cool. chromatic aberration was a good choice
oh yikes kyoshi that’s a bit harsh. i miss roku
was zuko. about to kill katara?? he would never. tell me he would never.
ok so this is a winter solstice at the fire temple moment. happening now so it doesn’t have to with roku later? interesting.
“only call upon the past avatars when i’m at their shrines” lol okay. fair enough. roku did Not adhere to that in show
zuko’s digging himself a hole with zhao here. bro IMMEDIATELY called the fire lord
ngl i’m loving this iteration of zhao. absolutely despicable vile man. hate that guy. great character. 
liking: SUKI <3, Zhao's characterization, set designs, sokka and suki's relationship
worried about: aang's character, zuko's character
disliking: roku's absence (though i do love kyoshi, god bless), no unagi :(
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didasgomas · 1 month
Family Dinner
Day 13 of @augusnippets
Prompts: Drugging/Poisoning/Cannibalism
Trigger Warning: Familial and generational cannibalism
Part of "In Mortality", an au of Cut Down The Altar (creator will be in the tags)
Author's note: I decided to go with a more uncanny valley feeling to this one, as in you have a couple of reminders that these people are cannibals, but other than that, it feels like a normal family meeting
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April 18th, 2002
She took a bite out of the soleus she had placed in her plate.
"Pamela cooked this one, right? I must say, your skills have improved a lot since three years ago, girl!" Coral said from across the table.
"Ali, don't speak with your mouth full, you're making a mess." Her father James reprimanded, followed by an agreeing nod from his sick and no longer able to speak wife Bruna.
It was family tradition to have a banquet every night from the 17th to the 20th of the month in order to celebrate Easter. Though, opposed to the tradition of only eating fish during the Holiday, they of course indulged in a large meal of their favourite type of meat, cooked hairless and tender.
Now since her uncle Chris had married a woman from the Evenska family, who too ate other humans, even sold pastries with that meat at great profit, there was always extra chairs for those of that family for whenever they chose to share a meal with them.
Pamela was the daughter of Chris's middle sibling, Clover, and his college sweetheart turned wife Jillaine Dockra, both present but uninvolved in the conversations. Since her aunt Charlotte's sons, Tucker and Brian, had their father's last name of Gardener, and with her being older than all her six cousins, she was supposed to be the heiress, the one who would inherit Lime county's original Wendigo Hotel, and pass on the family's traditions down her own line.
There was just one problem.
"Uncle Ivan, my offer that Tucker be the one to succeed aunt Charlotte in the business still stands. My girlfriend and I would have no problem with-"
"Relax, Pammy, this is a celebration." Ivan Gardener let out his signature guttural chuckle, "And we've all already talked about this: you and your girly can run things for as long as you want, and then one of Tucks' or Bran's kids can come after you. Why continue to stress things out?"
"Definitely gonna me though, cause Brains over here isn't going after girls." Tucker jokingly commented about his brother, sitted right beside him on his left.
"You prick! Don't just call me out like that!" Brian retorted. The two brothers bickering was an almost daily sight, even if they were now both in their early 20s. It was all just for fun though, and they obviously cared for each other.
"Tucker acts like being gay means no kids, but being bitchless also means childless." The needless argument was interrupted by Jake, uncle Chris' older son, though not eldest child, who sat from across the table.
"You- You're only 19, I'm five years older than you! You probably never even had anything close to a partner!" Though visibly flustered, Tucker tried to argue back.
"I've had more bitches than you have years as an adult."
Uncle Chris, Jake's father, nearly spit out his drink from laughter, but was fortunately stopped by his mother-in-law, Veronica, also James' sister, who although no longer had the energy to participate in the family's conversations as much anymore, still had some left for other things that weren't speaking. Though Chris' wife, aunt Lucille, and their two twin sons, both named Jack, were in the bedrooms of the Bilcannas' grandiose apartment on the hotel's last floor, sleeping due to an ill-advised but irresistible snack on the way to the meeting, and although his eldest child, his daughter Samantha, was something along the lines of another family disappointment, the humor Jake had inherited from his grandma and went on to perfect always brightened up the mood.
The also entirely needless argument between cousins was finally broken up by a very small voice from close to one of the table's edges.
"Mommy, what does "bitch" mean?" Asked Ingrid, known as just "Lily" by most, the 7-year-old daughter of Coral and her half-Mexican husband John Piña.
"Mi hija, that is a very bad word." Not that John wasn't fluent in English, because he was and he liked to talk a lot, but he also had a bad case of social anxiety, thus whenever put in the presence of more than five people, he'd find himself only able to say short phrases, so at meetings like this, he preferred to remain silent and let his wife Coral do most of the talking.
"Like your father just said, so don't repeat it, okay?" Coral said with the sweet tone she used only when talking to her child, so very different from her usual loud and brash voice, a demeanor she had inherited from her mother before her laryngitis worsened to the point of muteness.
Lily put a finger to her lips, doing a cute pondering expression before something out the window caught her eye.
"Look! Look! It's raining! Mama, papa, it's raining!" she jumped up and down in her chair from excitement that only a child as young as her could have.
Uncle Clover stood up without warning before the others could giggle at Lily's childish cuteness, and with his incredible stature from being the tallest of his siblings, and half-full glass in hand, he spoke up for the first time in the past two hours, in his inherited from both parents deep and charming voice:
"Well then, let's drink a toast to this April rain, shall we?"
He would always go along with anything the kids in the family did, as he really cared for children and could never bring himself to cause harm to a child.
The other adults liked his idea, and soon almost everyone was raising their glass as well.
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lackablazeical · 2 years
I don't blame the anon for being scared of addams donnie
Any humanoid thing that can STRECH its neck is NOT A GOOD THING
Same goes for Raph , its Canon he can unhinge his jaw in rise , I don't even want to imagine Addams! Raph
Ya see, Anon. My friend, my pal. Sit, sit with me. Have a cookie, maybe a cracker. You've made a mistake. You've reminded me Raph can unhinge his jaw. I forgot about that. YOU HAVE OPENED UP SUCH A NEW AVENUE FOR ME AND I KISS YOU SO SWEETLY WITH CHERRY LIP GLOSS ON/POS /P
But yeah! Don was definitely meant to be kinda off putting to look at, especially as you look closer at all his fine little details. His neck was inspired by the fact, like, soft shell turtles have long necks! So his can stretch just a bit longer to reference that! And give him some uncanny valley in a way <3333
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k00295837 · 11 months
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My initial disrupt brainstorm, exploring ideas around the Disruption of Thought.
When brainstorming for this project, I took a more psychological approach, one that leans in the direction of human emotion and reaction. Disgust, disturbance, discomfort. Anything that would disrupt the train of thought in any way. Things like this can include crimes, criminality, non-standard social things such as a unique gender presentation, and the human body. The human body, body horror and everything in between, was one of the more interesting things I thought of in this process.
Horror genre, literature or movies, uncanny valley phenomena, protest and social disruption, are all the sorts of things that occurred to me while brainstorming.
The term 'disrupt' also reminded me of a phrase I heard a lot during my Leaving Cert, "Disrupt the natural order of things", referring to Macbeth. Shakespeare's play has tons of symbolism and supernatural references that I could definitely use as inspiration and direction over the course of this project.
PS, I recently had tech issues and am now updating Tumblr as it should have been all along :,)
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plumsaffron · 2 years
Seems Lila had a big enough mouth at that moment to get a exposed this time according to leaks. This reminds me Luke Atemy.
This was definitely a weird kinda desperate way to get her but hey worked.
I kind of thought something else like Uncanny Valley would get her.
Hounds don't stop being hounds, they may just switch owners.
Anyways, Sabrina better be on gaurd. Even more than who was spying. As much as Marinette.
Rejoice maybe. But then again, This Tragic Clown is a dead ringer user. And she collected a few 1-ups in her life.
Season 6 hell awaits.
That last thing about getting her dad to send her to jail is kind of funny considering Chloe used to probably used to have the power to be able to make that happen before season 4. And then you remember Lila, She's not a maneater.
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“You’re Beautiful”
A cringy story written by me about my John Doe OCs
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Fluff, angst, bad attempts at comedy
TLDR; Ferret starts crying because Paige called her beautiful
There was a soft rain pattering outside. Well, maybe not “soft” for the rest of the world, but it was pretty soft for the Uncanny Valley. Usually when it rains, it’s an extreme rain storm with sleet and strange things falling from the sky. But today, it was a little less extreme.
Paige was just laying on her side on her bright purple couch watching whatever strange TV show was on at 3am. She didn’t have work the next day so she decided to stay up. She was just kinda zoning out, not exactly paying attention, when suddenly…
“Hey babe!”
It was as if a flashlight was shined right into her eyes like she was being interrogated by the FBI, but no, it was just her girlfriend. Paige wasn’t sure if it was a Regular Guy thing or if it was just Ferret, but it makes it pretty obvious when she’s around.
She put her hands over her eyes and sat up. She closed and rubbed her eyes, smearing her black eyeshadow. That definitely woke her up.
When she looked back Ferret was still staring at her, looking up at her, their face resting on the edge of the couch, hearts in her eyes.
Well more like hearts AS her eyes. Their eyes shift shape depending on her emotions. When she sees or thinks of something she loves her eyes turn into hearts, usually when they see fire.
Paige yawned and looked at her girlfriend. Most people don’t like being jumpscared, including Paige, but when it’s her girlfriend she really doesn’t mind. She giggled and cupped Ferret’s face, a soft blush spreading across Ferret’s cheeks.
She pulled her up on the couch and sat them next to her. Ferrets immediately wrapped their arms around her, doing a weird side hug.
“So what you watching?”
“I’ll be completely honest, no clue. I was just, like, zoning out before you flash banged me”
“Oh, it looks like Rats and Friends, it’s one of my favorites!”
When she actually paid attention to the show for more than a second, yeah that made sense. There were a lot of rats in the show. Like too many. Even for Paige.
They both just sat there for a while. Paige was trying to ignore the bright light shining on her face from her girlfriend’s eyes, but it was getting annoying because it was shining right in her left eye.
“Uh, hey babe, can you put your head on my lap?” Paige requested, looking Ferret right in the eye, her eyes straining.
Ferret squealed and immediately fell onto her thighs, looking at the TV. Hurt like a bitch, but Paige didn’t really mind. She started to run her hands through their hair, or at least she tried to. Ferret purred as she did, that was one of Paige’s favorite things about Ferret. It reminded her of the old cranky barn cat they had back at her home in Texas.
They just sat there watching the strange television show in silence, you know, besides Ferret’s purring.
Paige started to slowly fall asleep, but then Ferret broke the silence.
“Hey babe, why do you love me?” Ferret asked, looking up at her.
Paige worried for a little bit, she knew they had some insecurities, but she still had a smile on her face, so her worries faded a little.
“Okay, loaded question. Uh…” Paige thought for a moment before speaking.
“Well, you’re funny, you bring excitement into my life, which is why I moved here. You know, besides the whole lighting things on fire on accident thing…” Paige and Ferret giggled after that. Sometimes Paige accidentally lights thing on fire just by touching them. Which wasn’t a very good thing when you lived on a corn farm.
“Uh, what else? Oh, you get a lot of money,” she giggled at that last part “and you’re beautiful”
Ferret went strangely quiet after that. Paige could feel them tense up. She didn’t really think much of it, until she heard her crying.
Ferret had large tears running down her face. She had closed her eyes, which was rare with Ferret, and was burying her face in her hoodie.
“Oh babe, what’s wrong? Did I say something wrong? Are you alright?” Paige cupped their cheeks and made them look up at her. She wiped their tears from their cheeks as Ferret opened her eyes.
“Oh, it’s just… I haven’t been called beautiful, since like, ever heh” She held Paige’s hand and looked up at her. She had a small smile on her face, her eyes half-lidded.
“You’ve never been called beautiful?” Paige questioned.
“Yeah. I never really acknowledged it before, but I guess that word has a lot of meaning with me. My sister constantly got called beautiful and I…” Her smile faded and she looked down “I got called a pest”
Paige had an almost terrified expression.
“Oh, never by my family or my sister, just by people who saw me back when I lived on the streets. I’m fine, don’t worry.” She spoke quickly and tried to move away, afraid she would scare Paige away.
Paige grabbed their shoulders and pulled them back onto her. Ferret was shocked and just stared. She suddenly grabbed her face and pulled her into a soft, warm kiss. Ferret closed her eyes and let her tears run down her face.
After a few minutes she pulled away and made them look at her.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that. Just know that you’re the most beautiful person I have ever seen. I love you,” she said, her expression softening as she spoke.
Ferret’s smiley slowly crept back on her face as she wiped her tears with her sleeve. Her face was very red and she hugged Paige, burying their face in her shoulder. Paige wrapped her arms around them, holding them close.
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me”
“I could say the same thing”
First time writing a story on Tumblr. Im not the best, but I thought I’d share it lol
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oricor985 · 2 years
Stream of Consciousness
Theres a static, an anemoic grasp for something that I don't even want, a struggle I can never understand, and yet that I feel a strong connection to.
A break up that never happened, but which is rooted in a real, past, terrible experience.
The clouds, with distance between them and me, creates the very same sense of distance I feel with a part of me.
Whether the sun graces their white-grey forms is irrelevant, whether they contain rain and cold, or a slight, momentary shade, they bring forth songs to mind.
Songs which have only been recently discovered, but which pull on memories which never existed.
A nostalgia based on a terrible experience.
A nostalgia based on a time and a place which has already passed, and which can never be reclaimed.
The sadness with which that nostalgia is regarded, a past which could have been, but which never was.
A reminder of childhood, but one that never occurred.
And yet, such a childhood is not so desirable, and to even desire it is a self-destructive act.
But without it, there is a disconnect between here and there, between now and then, between what is and what could have been.
And there is where I am stuck.
The in-between.
The uncanny valley.
Never one, but never the other.
Not making efforts towards doing better, but unable to return to the other, not comfortably.
Overextension, stares, up at the ceiling, never face it head on.
Facing it head on would be what a predator does.
Staring, analyzing, justifying, unable to convince yourself that you are not the problem, even when there is no problem to begin with.
Warped perception, warped views, warped appearance.
What standards do I conform to? Am I ready? Is it all too fast? Yes, but is that my fault?
Helpless, before the future, before others, before unknown social forces that can rob me of those very things tomorrow
Overexaggerating, over-justifying, feeling like I don't deserve the benefit of the doubt, even as it is afforded to me.
What do I deserve? Definitely not all that I have, but it's all I can do to take advantage of it while it's here.
But isn't that exactly what I'm afraid of? Taking advantage of something?
And therefore, a new struggle is developed.
One I wish never existed.
One I wish no one had to go through
And I'm one of the lucky ones.
Overstatement of the obvious.
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d1d11818 · 3 days
I’ll be honest I fell off my bed while trying to read your responses. Not anyone’s fault but my own obv but it was really funny and I felt the need to share. Ow :[
This is also going to sound weird but I really like the way you think about things, 1818. I was going to have a whole like, paragraph about some inane stuff on like altruism and anthropology but it’s not interesting so. Anyway, I think you’re already doing really well on the ‘being a good person’ front, from the very limited amount of time I’ve known you (Does this count as knowing? I don’t mean to overstep.)
I cannot say I wasn’t a tiny bit worried but I was also mostly confident you knew what the game sort of entailed. :,]
I really really like horror as a genre as well! I’ve been watching a lot of ‘horror’ movies, though I don’t think I’ve actually really been scared by any thusfar. Which is bumming me out because I WANT to be scared. I’m not sure if you’re much of a movie person though, so I won’t suggest anything, but if you’ve got a favorite I would totally love to add it to my list!
- 🐠 (I’m fine with any, really, but my favorites are they / them and a set of neos but I’m always nervous to tell people that.)
- Oh come now, I'm not so funny you have to fall over.
- Ha!
- In all seriousness, do be more careful.
- Human bodies are remarkably weak.
- I'd hate to see you struggling with pain.
- As much as I can see, anyway.
- I'm pleasantly surprised you think that way.
- You're right, it is weird to find my way of thinking likeable.
- It is not a common opinion.
- Most people consider it a betrayal to my beginnings as a human.
- Even if I was like this back then, too.
- They always seem to ignore that fact.
- I think the notion of 'you need empathy to be likeable' is absurd.
- It refuses to take into consideration those who struggle with it, while denying that claim in response.
- But anyway.
- We're all a little weird here, aren't we?
- There's no shame in that, but rather pride.
- I'm speaking in a powerful and reassuring way to hide my overwhelming reaction to a compliment.
- I... do not get much praise.
- As for the inane paragraph, you have personally captured my interest.
- Although I doubt my colleague will be as patient about it.
- Moving on.
- I'll stop rambling, so D1d1 gets a chance to talk.
- Never fear about overstepping, my friend.
- I'm just grateful for the company.
- Distancing myself can get a bit...
- ... lonely.
- My turn, edgelord!
- And in response to the plant post, 1818, I'm not a moron!! I'm just intellectually challenged.
- I love horror movies!! But I definitely relate to your struggle. The concept of fear is kind of null with me. I don't know why. I've tried challenging it but nothing works! My system just constantly reminds me that they're fake, and I can't find myself frightened by that.
- The closest I've ever come to fear is more discomfort, and that came curtesy of Junji Ito. Is that the right curtesy? Courtesy? It feels incorrect either way. Anyway, the discomfort came less from thinking the situations could be achieved, but more where the ideas came from. The thoughts of such realities sprouting in a mind I can't even comprehend is uncomfortable to me, and I don't know why!
- That balloon one especially... I got awful uncanny valley with that one.
- My favourite horror film though, is probably Trick r Treat! I think it's fun!
- Also feel free to share your neos if and when you're comfortable! We support those here! :D
- Look! I made a tiny face! :D :D :D
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