#For the record I was bored
circularcatinspace · 1 year
Has anybody ever seen this show called Jay Jay the JetPlane? It’s really weird and has poor cgi, like so bad that it reminds me of uncanny valley. It had to have been made in the early 2000s are something, you know, when cgi was considered super cool and amazing? But I hav a firm belief that there are some things that just shouldn’t be cgied and that show was one of them.
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xshinina · 2 years
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*Married life playing in the background
This idea was probably funnier in my head
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deadpoets · 4 months
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corpsentry · 3 months
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essektheylyss · 8 months
I am now thinking about Essek as, essentially, Anna Ripley for the Ruby Vanguard, and it's genuinely horrific to imagine but it's not a real timeline so it's hilarious. It is so funny in concept. He's a glorified postdoc with no mandatory ethics trainings, no future, and nothing to lose. Also he just got handed the power of a thousand suns with absolutely no oversight and a mandate to "do your worst".
This has such extreme "horse loose in a hospital" energy. No one knows what Essek will do next, least of all Essek! He's never been in control of the power of a thousand suns before! He's as confused as you are!
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my-name-is-apollo · 1 month
Why is Hera so hostile to Leto in a manner that she isn't with the other lovers of Zeus? I can't think of any other woman who was targeted so much by Hera. One could say she didn't want Leto to give birth because her children would be a competition to Hera's children, but why bother her even after she had already given birth? Is it because Leto herself is also a threat to Hera?
Sort of I guess?
I don't think Leto would ever be a threat to Hera's role as the queen of the gods but Hera might see her as a competitor for Zeus' affection, even though I think Zeus would not marry someone else and replace Hera.
The twins are definitely a big reason why Hera begrudged Leto - it is outright stated in the Callimachus Hymn to Delos that the reason Hera especially targeted Leto was because she was told that Apollo would be dearer to Zeus than Ares is. Zeus is very proud of Artemis as well. As he himself puts it, he doesn't mind facing Hera's wrath for children like her.
But the continued hatred even after the birth of the twins (like sending Tityus to rape Leto) could have been for different reasons. This wasn't like one of those affairs Zeus would have with mortal women where he'd leave them behind once the child is conceived. Neither could Hera, despite her many attempts, get rid of Leto like she did with the other lovers. Not only did Leto give Zeus children that he loves dearly, she also stayed on Olympus despite Hera's hatred towards her (which isn't directed to any of Zeus' other divine mistresses, btw). It might have also been because Leto herself is dear to Zeus, if the way she's treated on Olympus is any proof. In the Homeric hymn to Apollo, Leto stands next to Zeus - in the Olympian assembly - to welcome their son. Hera is completely absent from the scene, as if Leto had taken her place even if temporarily. Now you could say this is because Apollo himself is such a powerful and glorious son in a way that no other son of Zeus is, so of course Leto would get such an honor (the hymn itself presents it this way).
But here's another instance - in the Iliad, when Hera goes to seduce Zeus, he is obviously very smitten but before getting into the action, he lists some of his lovers (I believe these were his favorite lovers, as a lot of others are not mentioned):
"for never has such desire for goddess or mortal woman so gripped and overwhelmed my heart, not even when I was seized by love for Ixion’s wife, who gave birth to Peirithous the gods’ rival in wisdom; or for Acrisius’ daughter, slim-ankled Danaë, who bore Perseus, greatest of warriors; or for the far-famed daughter of Phoenix, who gave me Minos and godlike Rhadamanthus; or for Semele mother of Dionysus, who brings men joy; or for Alcmene at Thebes, whose son was lion-hearted Heracles; or for Demeter of the lovely tresses; or for glorious Leto; or even for you yourself, as this love and sweet desire for you grips me now.’ (Book 14, trans. A. T. Murray)
Notice how when talking about most of them, he also mentions the children they bore to him but when Demeter and Leto are mentioned, he doesn't bring up their children at all despite them being some of the most accomplished kids of his. What's more, he takes Leto's name just before Hera's. I mean, this is an interpretation but it looks like not only did Zeus love Leto the most out of all his mistresses - giving her a place second to that of his wife, but also his love for her wasn't necessarily only because she gave him two amazing children.
Nonnus does something similar in the Dionysiaca (but this time Zeus is enamored with Persephone instead of Hera) but more notably, when Typhoeus attacks Olympus and Zeus is discouraged, Nike takes the form of Leto to encourage him and it's pretty telling of what Leto meant to Zeus.
One interesting similarity between Hera and Leto is that they both had a giant try to rape them. Porphyrion tried to violate Hera (Zeus inspired him to do this) and Tityus tried to violate Leto (upon Hera's order). Though both of them were killed, only Tityus got an eternal punishment in Tartarus of having his liver/heart eaten out by vultures so Zeus seems to have taken a greater offense at Tityus trying to assault Leto.
Again, I don't think Zeus would ever take anyone other than Hera as his permanent wife - she is irreplaceable to him. There's an entire myth about Hera leaving him and Zeus winning her back. Their relationship is obviously complex and involves all kinds of emotions including love and hate. But Leto is continually dear to him as well and that's something Hera can't do much about.
#Zeus#Hera#Leto#if you think about it Leto is like the opposite of Hera#she is a great mother#she bore children that Zeus is actually proud of#she never rebels and even begs for forgiveness when her son rebels against Zeus#she's generally mild natured and never lashes out#also if you look into this obscure myth of how Hera established an altar in the name of Leto#because Leto's name was used to cover up the secret relationship between Zeus and Hera#(which kinda sorta implies that Zeus was *maybe* courting or even married to Leto at that time)#it all gets even more complicated for both Hera and Leto#ALSO in the texts that record the syncretism bw Greek and Egyptian gods#Some authors make Hera the mother of Apollo#and Leto was Apollo's nurse#Those texts also mention that this Apollo defeated Typhoeus and became the king of Egypt#So he was like the ideal son of Zeus and Hera#And it's so interesting to me#how this Apollo - the perfect son of Hera - transitioned into a sort of rival figure to Hera in the greek myths#and Typhoeus who was defeated by Hera's son became the son of Hera in the Greek myths#on a different note#to this day I can't understand why Zeus would inspire Porphyrion to do such a thing#was it to get back at Hera for the Tityus incindent?#I shall headcanon it that way (even though I prefer to ignore this version)#well of course not that Zeus would have ever let Porphyrion actually have his way with Hera regardless of the reason#but yeah that was such move and it's wild that the mythographer didn't tell us that reason behind Zeus' action#I've also seen people hc that it was because Zeus wanted Heracles to save Hera so that she's accept him finally#which is also an interesting explanation#especially if you consider that Heracles was also given Hera's breast milk (without her consent)#anyway that's enough rambling ig
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colliholly · 1 year
Draw the slot machine duck again! He’s waaay funnier than some boring old chainsaw!
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I'll do it for u anon... in honor of the buck plushie
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 8 months
If Killer has a stuffed friend, I think all the others should have one too *gifts plushies to all the boys*. I hope these at least help you guys feel better while you recover! :)
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Nightmare: …cute.
Horror: ah, thank you Background text: 20% off Background text: hfdjk Background text: please pretend i drew- Background text: -food on the shelves
Dust: snrk… it's baby sized. Cross, amused: you're holding it like a child too. Dust: i'm naming xem Bismuth Technetium Hydrogen Dust's shirt: bone hurting juice Cross's shirt: GAY (in the colors of the aromantic flag)
Cross: !
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starbuck · 11 months
we need to defend a protagonist’s right to suck ass and be boring and do everything wrong
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lumii-n0us · 3 months
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einherjar 1-3
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bonefall · 4 months
On the topic of Flight Rising (as a fellow FR enjoyer) I'm curious what flight(s) you've been in? If you dont want to share thats fair but it's interesting to hear peoples reasonings. I joined in the early days of sign up windows, didn't have internet and got put in Lightning by a friend who made the account for me. It has been years and years, don't even know that friend anymore and am still a die hard Spark.
I was actually a Light flight to begin with! Which is another thing that must be an Absolute Shocker, I'm sure. Girlboything who likes writing was in the flight well known for being full of weird writers.
My move was to the Wind flight because minty green is my favorite color. I do love the aesthetic of the wind, the kites, and the traveling, but I'm actually saving up gems to go to Earth next. I think I vibe the most with its lore, even though its scenery is a little uggo. I love how many cities are there, I love the idea of the crypts and the hidden treasures, preserving and documenting history.
I kinda wish you got a free flight change every like... 5 years. That's more than long enough to be fair I think. I've been playing since 2016 which is actually 8 years so... idk give me free flight change. let me out. im literally from the travel guys let me travel
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wosemi-sama · 7 months
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bestfriend! asmodeus, who begs you to tell him who you have a crush on. hes just curious!!
bestfriend! asmodeus, who upon finding out who you like, has frown on his face. but before you realize, he smiles, as if the disappointment was never there.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who will wingman for you, giving you confession ideas and drawing hearts on fogged up windows with yours and your crushs first initial just to fluster you.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who helps you write a confession letter and quietly watches as you slip it on your crushs seat, wishing it was him.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who painfully watches as your crush accepts your letter.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who slowly begins to distance himself from you, unsure of what to do.
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guysonroblox · 1 year
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strawbxttries · 16 days
am i autistic? well i have a 40 minute long video of me explaining the dc robin timeline umprompted. but i’m not sure. i really don’t know.
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nerdz-hq · 2 months
Listened to Two River mts for the first time in MONTHS today, and I just forgot… what Will Connolly sounded like…
He just sounds so annoyed at like- all times- like bro who hurt you- 😭😭
I was so put off by the tempo changes aswell, like it’s so slow EXCEPT for the “christineeee” part.. WHY DOES HE SING IT FASTER THAN THE REST OF THE ENTIRE SONG??
And again.. he just sounds so annoyed.. EVEN WHEN TALKING TO MICHAEL- WHY WAS BRO “you’re listening to Bob Marley again aren’t ya? :/“ like dude- that’s your one friend- I would NAWT be pissed off, personally
Im a hater.. im a hater at heart 😔😔
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i-am-dulaman · 9 months
Why I hate Golf
This is the Takapuna Golf Course in Auckland, New Zealand.
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It is in the middle of Auckland's north shore suburbs.
According to their website, they are one of the most popular golf courses in Aotearoa and have an annual visitor count of 60,000 people. They don't clarify if that is individual unique visitors or recounts, but lets be generous and say its unique visitors. 60,000, not bad.
This is Eden Park Stadium (the little square on the right) and oh look there's another golf course on the left there, ignore that one for now.
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(the above two images are at the same scale)
Eden park has a capacity of 50,000 people. Ed Sheeran was here earlier this year and sold out the two nights he performed. That's 100,000 people in a weekend all in that little red square. 60,000 in a year no longer seems so great.
60,000 people per year is also only 160 people per day. 160 visitors to a golf course that is 470,000 square meters in area. Now the average property size in Auckland is 500 square meters. So the golf course takes up the area of 940 houses.
940 homes worth of land for 160 people.
And that is Auckland housing sizes. Auckland is horribly designed and very spread out. Let's instead look at Barcelona, considered one of the most well designed cities in the world.
This is Takapuna golf course side by side with Barcelona
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(The scale is as close to being equal as I could get them, I don't have ArcGIS data for Barcelona so had to use google maps)
Each red square overlaid on Takapuna Golf Course is exactly 133m in height/width, the same size as each city block in Barcelona, road width included.
There are 23 Barcelona blocks worth of space in Takapuna Golf Course with room to spare. About 640 people live in each Barcelona block, that's 15000 people.
15000 peoples worth of homes and living spaces, sacrificed so 160 people can play golf in a day.
Now this is just one golf course in a big city, what's 15,000 people to a city of 1.6 million, who cares right?
Here is a wider shot of Auckland City.
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Those red dots? They're golf courses.
There are 16 golf courses inside the metropolitan area of Auckland City (4 not pictured as Auckland is too spread out to get one clean screenshot). Keep in mind these are not rural golf courses out in the country, these are right beside housing developments and shopping malls. And for the record I could not find a single golf course in the Barcelona metropolitan area, you had to go out into the country before finding one.
So lets multiply that 15,000 people by 16 golf courses?
240,000 people.
With Auckland City's golf courses you could house 240,000 people comfortably with some good urban planning.
That is why I hate golf.
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