#Andre Layton One Shot
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Chapter 5: Plastic Heart
Characters: Melanie Cavill, Alexandra Cavill, Andre Layton, Bess Till, Ruth Wardell, Josie Wellstead, Bennett Knox
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, heavy angst, mentions of blood and gore, melanie being a tortured soul, domestic fluff, older woman crying, cuddling, alex being amazing
So much was happening all at once, the train sounded like it would fall apart from the wind and well now there was a half-conscious Melanie wrapped up in those tinfoil blankets you would find in a small first aid kit, it had been more than 48 hours since they got her from the cold lock, she had been asleep for that long,
Alex checked by the hour on the wounds on Melanie’s abdomen to see if they were bleeding through or not, when they were Alex would carefully dab them with rubbing alcohol, Melanie was so out of it she wouldn’t be able to feel it and thank god she didn’t Alex thought, she would also replace the gauze so it would be a new and clean and pray it did not get infected...both of them...there were two wounds, both appeared as something stabbed Melanie through her suit like a raw ripped off piece of shrapnel or metal and it flew into her at quite a speed, they were deep too, Alex pondered on the question of what and how.
Besides the many visible cuts and scars on Mel’s body Alex sat by her and watched her sleep for as long as she could until she eventually passed out holding her hand in between her turn of keeping an eye on her mother, nobody knows how long she was out, not even Ben, he didn’t want to disturb them by going into the bunk and waking them both up, it was also clear to everyone else at they did not want to be disturbed.
Melanie had on an oxygen mask to help her breathe again properly, all of a sudden she began to cough very violently, and that woke Alex up to the sound of her mother in pain, so she put her hand on her arm and tried to calm her and say sweet nothings the best she could. Melanie began to mumble words that were not understandable underneath the mask to form sentences.
She grabbed the mask nozzle and pulled it off of her head still with her eyes closed “Go on, just take my plastic heart out! It’s not like I had a real one to you anyways...just take out my heart…..just rip it out…” Melanie’s sentences stopped along with her pulse, her breathing slowed down rapidly according to the small screen on the box attached to the wire.
Alex panicked and quickly snatched the defibrillators from the side of the machine and turned on the setting on the box for the heart starting mode, Alex rubbed the two defibrillators together so she could build up the tension between the two starters and forcefully pushed them onto Melanie’s chest, luckily she gasped for air and eyes shot wide open, she sat up and jumped out of the bed her arms reaching for anything to grab onto and her hands clutched the collar of Alex’s jumpsuit and pulled her close to her face.
“Who are you?! Who am I?- Where am I?! Where's my daughter?!... WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!!!”
Melanie pushed her up against one of the cabinets still from the collar rather violently picking her up a few inches, she was desperate for answers and her vision was far from good but right now it was starting to clear up from being exposed to room temperatures.
Alex was scared, scared like she witnessed Wilford again from when she was little, she hadn't felt this afraid in a long time, a tear dropped from her eyes.
“WHERE IS SHE?!!!-” Melanie was cut off.
“Mom? Melanie, it’s me, your daughter Alexandra, your name is Melanie Cavill, you’re on the first ten cars of the train you built ‘Snowpiercer’ to save humanity, I’m not going to hurt you...I never would-”
A pound on the door came “Is everything okay in there?” most likely Layton.
“Everything is fine!”
“Yes, mom it’s me” Alex smiled.
And just as Melanie’s eyes came back to normal and her memory was jogged back into place, she could see for the first time in what seemed like forever, she let go of Alex and as fast as she could she backed away slamming herself against the opposite wall, Alex let her tears fall a bit as she slowly walked over to her mother very slowly.
“Stay away, don’t come near me!”
“Hey hey it’s alright” Alex kneeled down to her and Melanie stood up, so Alex got up again, this time Melanie did not move, instead she just looked down towards her feet silently, crying, her lips were trembling trying to find words for her actions and what she just did. Alex slowly touched her mom’s cheek and tilted her face up, she noticed yet another cut on her lip, her mom did not look at her.
“You don’t have to be afraid anymore, I will never hurt you” she used her other hand to hold her’s.
Melanie finally looked at her daughter and she leaned into the soft touch, her heart breaks “I-...I- I hurt you- I hurt you-” Mel collapsed into Alex’s arms pulling her in tight as much as she could never letting her go, sobbing she kissed her forehead, Allie let it out too, wrapping her arms around her waist, she feels something trail down Mel’s black tank top.
“Mom you’re bleeding”
Melanie did not move so Alex carefully moved her to the bed.
“Um alright” she whipped her eyes “here sit down” she did so guiding her and sitting her down, Allie got the kit again preparing the new gauze and rubbing alcohol, Mel just watched her do that silent, she came back over and grabbed a stool that was resting on the coffee maker “can you hold up your shirt a little bit?” Mel whimpered from the blood unsticking to the shirt “this is going to hurt like a bicth” Alex handed her another shirt to go in her mouth so she wouldn’t bite off her tongue “3, 2, 1-” Melanie let out a muffled blood-curdling scream of pain from the alcohol pad.
Hours passed after Alex patched up the one puncture wound Mel had, now they were both exhausted from the crying and pain so Allie decided to make some dinner for them, she made mac and cheese, a child-like meal that was innocent she thought of, while they were eating Melanie chimed in.
“I don’t deserve you, you’re too good for me”
Alex stopped eating not knowing how to respond to that she spoke something else and asked;
“Who were you talking to in your sleep? What’s a ‘plastic heart’?” she knew she shouldn’t have asked and instantly regretted it, Melanie responded with one word;
And that’s all Alex needed to know at that moment “plastic heart means someone who doesn’t have emotions or feelings”
“Oh,” silence was followed “you do not have that you hear me, you have a warm and kind soul” “I’m not sure anymore, I-” Melanie’s eyes welled up again “I know everything I felt, that’s for sure...I don’t want to go back out that door...I don’t want to know what will be waiting for me behind it...I know we are going back to the others… I don’t know how they will react to me, I know all the horrible things I’ve done, but I do know I am going to kill him, All I want is to be at peace Allie, to be your mom again, to take care of you...to do what we missed out on because I want to do so many things with you and I missed you so much......” Melanie’s tearing frown turned into a soft happy one “Actually, there’s one we can do now?”
“Oh yeah? Alex smiled “What’s that?”
It was officially dark out now, they were both in bed holding each other, cuddling was on Mel’s list and Alex wants to do it every day they can, Melanie had her arms over Alex holding her close, rubbing circles on her back, breathing in the scent of her hair, pressing kisses to her head to tell her she loves her, she couldn't be any more content than she was now, Mel was truly happy, and so was Alex, this has been the most relaxed she has ever felt in her life, Alex once again pondered the question ‘what happened out there?’ she didn’t want to start another break down right now so she’ll ask tomorrow when she knows it’ll be okay to do so. She nuzzled her face into Mel’s shirt even more to comfort the both of them.
“Oh god I’m so sorry Allie, I never in a million years would want to hurt you, do you understand?” her voice cracked.
Alex’s heart was breaking again from just the thought of Mel being this hard on herself “There’s nothing to be sorry for, you didn’t know it was me, but yes I understand” Melanie had the waterworks turned on again.
“I love you mom, I love you so much, please never leave me again?” tears rolled down her cheek
“No, never again, I promise, you are my top and only priority now, I love you so much honey, you are my hope, the love of my life and I wished I did everything and more for you, I am going to do that now, I love you, Allie, nothing is going to hurt you” she rubbed her back more as Alex was sobbing into her shirt seeking comfort.
“Nothing’s going to hurt you baby”
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Train- Andre Layton
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Pairing: Andre Layton x Reader
Characters: Andre Layton
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 415
Author: Aaron
“I hope you’re ready for a fight. One second too late and we’re waiting for this baby to circle the world before we get another shot. No way in hell we’re still alive by the time that happens.” Layton stretched a patched, thick, stone grey hat over his head and tucked a slightly thinner woollen cloth over his mouth and under his eyes. “I need to know that as soon as that train stops and people start running, and there will be a lot of people, that you are ready to run with me. I am not getting on that train without you.” From his perch, crouched out of the Snowpiercer’s guards view Layton outstretched his icy fingers and held tightly onto your gloved hand. The thundering, rhythmic churn of the trains engine pushing it’s one thousand and one carriages up the track could be heard from miles and miles away, if it wasn’t for the almost blinding light penetrating the ever falling snow you would have had no idea that the train was nearly here.
“I’m with you every step of the way, don’t worry about me. I am more than willing to dodge a few bullets if it means we get a spot.”
“That’s fine, but are you willing to push other people off? Are you willing to barge that mother and screaming child into the snow if there’s only space for us… or them?” You’d seen the faceless soldiers, clad with armour and armed heavily with rifles and arms, you knew that they would be willing to do whatever it would take to keep you from stepping onto those tail carriages. Not once though had you considered how ruthless you would have to be regarding other people fighting to attend.
“Yeah… I’ll help who I can but if it’s between us and them, I’m wiling to do whatever it will take.”
“Good.” The rumbling of the train became louder and louder until a harsh whistle of the brakes engaged and the train rolled for what seemed like miles to a stop. Once the train had stopped the guards disengaged their safety, brought the sights to their goggled eyes, and waited with great purpose. “We’ll let the first wave go… nobody on the first wave makes it, after that stay as low as you can and just run. Nobody except me cares about what happens to you here, at least that’s how you must see it. Don’t worry though, I’ll keep you safe.”
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If you could only take 5 episodes of snowpiercer with you to a desert island, what would they be?
Only five?!!!! Ughh! This is cruel. How can I possibly survive without the utter brilliance of season 1 in its entirety?! Am I to make due with just scraps?! Aggghhhhh!
But, okay, okay. In all seriousness, if I was stuck on a deserted island in desperate need of entertainment, I would choose:
(in no particular order)
1x06 Trouble Comes Sideways
Highlights Include: MY GURL JINJU! Mel and Jinju doing yoga! Besties. Labor strike! Till having her moral crisis and standing up to Osweiller. Josie! Josie being such a good spy! Josie organizing everything! Josie telling Zarah she can't tell her anything because she knows she can't be trusted. Lights and Aus helping Winnie and The Tail see outside for the first time in forever. The contrast of Melanie addressing Third while they shout insults versus later when Ben gives his speech and they're all so grateful not even knowing she saved them. Pelton! Layton being the literal worst patient ever. Melanie listening to the train. Mel and Ben flirting in the middle of a train crisis. Running away to Tahiti. The dream. Audrey's outfits. Boki! Boki and the kids! Melanie mentoring baby Miles! Ruth's speech! Layton and Melanie in the subtrain. Melanie explaining the drawers. They're lifeboats. The emotion in her voice. Melanie saving the goddamned train. Again. Piece of cake. With that little strand of hair out of place. God. Love it. Melanie and Ben hearteyes. Read the room, Audrey. We're alive.
2x06 Many Miles from Snowpiercer
*Highlights include: MELANIE OPENING MONOLOGUE. Her little orange vest. (The one she survives in 😭) Melanie journaling. Her little beanie. Powerful hallucinations. The stupid avalanche. Melanie being smart af for 50 minutes straight. (aka her hot girl summer science bitch winter) The sweeties from Ben. (That's love bitch) The way Melanie says 'i am patched into the climate modeling program'. Flashbacks. Hallucination Wilford being evil and fabulous. Thrilling climate science. Hallucination Layton being smug. Rat kebab. Melanie humming. The calendar. ����. Hallucination Alex being willing to forgive. Mom, I think I understand, now. Melanie gets a hug. (Sorta) Traumatizing final goodbyes. Everything that is said over the radio actually. Allie...I tried. I really tried. And I thought this time could be different. Gut-punch ending. The fucking train on fire.
2x03 A Great Odyssey
*Highlights include: ALL OF THE Alex and Melanie scenes. The music is nice. Melanie and Ben cuddles. OnE mOnTh 😭. Wilford Monologue. Jupiter! Big Alice is a Ben Free Zone. Wilford on his throne. Actually all the Wilford and Mel banter. Alex trying to see if she has her Mom's train powers. Emilia! 'Hi, I'm Alex's Mom.' Alex's drawings! Also all of the outside train shots. Ruth being salty. Tristan's voice crack. Wilford making Alex drive over the curve--that whole scene. Isn't it wonderful working as a team again, Melanie? I'm proud you're here, Alex. Push her over the hill. She'll be gone again. God, Alex's face when they do make it over because she knows it means she has to say goodbye?! Speaking of--all the goodbyes! Melanie and Ben kiss. 😭 Melanie and Ruth. 😭 Good luck Andre. 😭 MELANIE AND ALEX IN THE COLD LOCK. I wanted to keep you here longer. But we did what we had to do. I love you Allie. I'll see you in a month, Mom. (😬) THE HUG!!!
3x09 A Beacon For Us All
*Highlights include: The split monologue between Ben and Mel. (Soulmates confirmed.) Flashbacks of Mel being the ultimate survivor. Black veined Melanie. The way she cried out for Ben when she was scared and alone. 😭 Smug Wilford. ALL THE REUNIONS. (so worth the wait) Layton carrying Melanie. Melanie and Alex being adorable. You're real. I kept you alive. Melanie and Ben. I knew you'd find me. Mel and Javi hug. Welcome home. Melanie AND HER TRAIN. With the little hula dancer in its spot. Melanie being a science bitch first and a team player never. Melanie and Ben kiss. Layton telling Josie he loves her. THE PARTY. Ruth ordering all the champagne. Alex wanting to look good for Carly. Melanie looking at Alex so adoringly. Melanie's party outfit. The Reveal. And victory strut to the Engine. Twist ending. (Rip Jackboot Tyson)
1x01 First the Weather Changed
*Highlights include: Introductions to so many characters I love! Getting to see the different cars for the first time! Head of Hospitality Mel! Voice of the train Mel! Uppity Lilah Folger. Crazy LJ from the start. Ruth and her furs. Audrey and the Nightcar! Revolution! ALL THE TAILIES! Mamma Grande! Josie! Baby Miles! Murray! Strong Boy! Pike! Old Ivan! Layton and his grilled cheese. Till and Osweiller sibling banter. Roche being a tired dad from the start. Melanie and her strawberries. Jinju and the aquarium! Besties! Melanie being everywhere and scheming. Layton being suspicious. Gotta get back to the Tail. THE REVEAL. You have the train, Mr. Wilford.
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twdbegins · 4 years
A Better Life
Pike x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Language, Mentions of violence and gruesome acts, Sex references.
A/N: Decided to give this a go. I want to make a full disclaimer. This was a challenge considering we know very little about Pike (hopefully we get a season 2). Personality wise, I sort of created him to be rough but *maybe* has a soft side? So, this might be lacking detail, but I attempted not to lead it in a direction where it was necessary. This is purely a trial run fic. Hope you guys like!
Word Count: 1,774
“But this is the only way we can at least try to get some satisfaction out of living.” 
You would even be the one to admit that The Tail was definitely not where any normal person would want to be. Some of your fellow tailies would do anything just to have a shot at being in third. The chance to have decent food, nicer clothes, rewarding labor, entertainment, etc. Life in The Tail just plain sucked most days. Food rations constantly being cut, sickness always lingering in the air, being packed together like sardines, and everybody being treated like they weren’t worthy of breathing? Yeah, not exactly a great life. 
Despite all these things, you tried your hardest to be positive. After all, you could be a frozen corpse in what was left outside somewhere. Maybe this life wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but it was still precious to you. You valued every moment that your heart was beating. You cherished the relationships, the family, that had been created in The Tail. You had seen more loyalty in the last six years than you had ever seen in your entire life. Sure, there had been some people leave for the wrong reasons and would forever be marked a traitor. But not everybody is built for surviving in The Tail. So you tried to let it go.
You were the one everybody went to if they needed to talk. You were often referred to as “The Tail’s Psychiatrist”. You encouraged your peers, reminding them what they were surviving for. The little ones in The Tail needed positive reinforcing to be able to live a healthier life. You had no problem being that reinforcement. All of these people in The Tail had been through hell and back. Every living soul here was here for a reason. They had lost loved ones just trying to survive. It was heartbreaking. You had seen so many people reach their breaking point.
Andre was a great leader. The kids looked up to him a lot, Miles especially. Layton was great with kids. He reinforced a little bit differently than you. He encouraged them to fight, but not always to resort to violence. Pike, on the other hand, was another story. He took the violent approach most times. He was all hard exterior, but he was a broken guy inside. Everybody was. 
He rarely was able to see the light side in things. He was a textbook pessimist. Which is why it was so weird that you two worked as well as you did. You still bumped heads (sometimes literally considering The Tail’s overcrowded space) from time to time, but not nearly as much as you would think. Your running theory was that his negativity and your positivity balanced each other out. Either way, you had a “steady relationship” going for you. Still, you often had to use the same positive energy skills you used on the kids on him as well.
He had been walking towards you when he accidentally banged his foot into one of the metal frames sticking out from one of the shelves. He yelped in pain and lifted his foot in his hand;
“Shit,” He hissed with a growl; “Why the hell have I done that three times today?” 
You looked up from what was the beginnings of a small blanket you were currently knitting in your lap. You gave him a scolding look and furrowed your brows;
“Language.” You warned. 
He lowered his foot to the ground and made a face that read what-the-fuck-are-you-on-about as he responded;
“These kids have heard it all. I don’t think anything I say will be a new word to their vocabulary.” He said truthfully.
He had a point. Mostly everybody in The Tail cursed like sailors. It was just another hand in the whole rough and tumble crowd. The kids usually had pretty clean diction, but you still tried to shield them from it. 
“I’m just saying, you could always set a better example. For all we know, they could be the future of this train.” You commented, knowing that Pike probably wasn’t listening to a word you were saying.
“[Y/N], come on. For now, their futures are here in The Tail and that’s it,” He said sitting next to you, resting a hand on your leg; “Poor kids.”
As positive as you tried to be, you were often discomforted by the thought of the younger ones being left behind to run The Tail. You were pretty sure that was ones of the main reason there had been talks of a rebellion...again. Although, the rumors were slowly coming true. You believed a rebellion would only be successful if done for the right reasons. Revenge and anger didn’t need to be the root of it. And the tailies had plenty of anger to go around. You didn’t love the idea of it. Sure, if there was a chance for a more equal opportunity at a “normal” life then you were usually down for it. However, this was different. 
If this rebellion failed, and you had a sneaking suspicion that it would, there was no telling what Mr. Wilford or Melanie Cavill would do. They could cut rations even further, kill everybody involved, put people in drawers, or even detach The Tail portion of the train. That way, nobody here would have a future to look forward to. Pike knew your concerns with it. You didn’t like the bloodbath that was probably going to entail. You didn’t want the attempt to improve living to end up making it worse. He had much more bravery and was always more willing to take a risk than you. 
“Hey, P?” You asked quietly so you wouldn’t draw any unwanted attention from anyone around you. 
He had been leaning against the wall, but sat up to be closer to you upon hearing your tone change. 
You sighed heavily, feeling a growing anxious feeling in your chest;
“I know we’ve talked about it already, but are you and Andre absolutely sure this is going to work?” You asked looking to him for an honest answer. 
That was one thing you loved about Pike. He was usually a pretty straight-forward person. He gave a breathy chuckle;
“No. But are we ever sure about anything?” He asked rhetorically. 
You shrugged in understanding. I guess that was kind of the point of taking a risk after all. 
“Baby, I know you’re worried and that’s okay,” He said keeping his voice low; “But this is the only way we can at least try to get some satisfaction out of living.” 
You didn’t want to admit it, but he was right. The Tail had a lot riding on this rebellion. You knew what would have to happen if it failed. You set your knitting craft aside to fully invest your attention on him. 
“I just want to make sure that all of you know what’s at stake here. The punishment if it doesn’t work...” You trailed off, not able to complete your thought. 
Pike only shook his head. He didn’t want to think about that. The Drawers were not where anybody wanted to be. Being put into a medically induced sleep for an undetermined amount of time was a horrifying thought. It was worth the risk to Pike though. A silence fell between the two of you. The only sounds were the train itself and other bits of scattered conversations across the car. You fidgeted with your hands, not able to look at him. You couldn’t bear the thought of losing him. 
“If we are successful, which I’m sure we will be, just think of all the things we’ll get to have that we’ve been missing out on.” He said diverting the conversation. 
You were still stuck on thinking of Pike knocked out in one of the Drawers with no sight of being awakened. You shook your head;
“Or the things we’ll lose if you’re not.”
His hand was still on your leg, his thumb leaving soft strokes. He couldn’t help but feel a little guilty that you felt this way. However, he did smirk and laugh with his reply;
“That’s not very positive is it, sweetheart? When did I become the optimist of this relationship?” He asked nudging his knee against you.
You returned a laugh. It was rather ironic how the tables had turned. He pulled you back against his chest so you were both sitting against the wall of the train together causing another round of laughter to escape you. 
“Think about it,” He began to say; “Clean sheets every night, being able to actually know what the fuck you’re eating, a shower...” He said naming all the benefits of the higher classes.
You hummed dreamily, continuing his list;
“Warmer clothes, the nightclub, maybe even a glass of wine here and there.” 
Pike wrapped his arm around your shoulders. Your skin tingling when his next sentence rumbled low in your ear;
“Think about having more than enough time to ourselves. Or not having to be quiet at night.” He mewled.
Your eyes dashed around the surrounding area to make sure nobody was listening as a hard blush and grin appeared on your face;
“Pike.” You whispered back, knowing where he was going.
“A room to ourselves. Oh God, you don’t even know the half of the things I’d do to you. I’d make some of the fucking prettiest noises come out of you.”
You were a deep shade of red now. He knew how to get you excited. Of course, physical intimacy was near impossible in your situation. If you wanted to have sex, it was always going to have to be a hard, fast quickie in the very, very back where there was a curtain with a silent prayer that nobody would come in for just five or ten minutes. Even then, you had to be quiet and not draw any attention. That was fun at times, the thrill of being caught made it a little more passionate. But sometimes you just wanted to be able to moan his name louder than a whisper. 
“Okay, well, for now that’s going to have to wait until post rebellion.” You said clearing your throat afterwards to shake off his dirty comments.
Pike kissed your head and grinned;
“Then by hell and high water, this will be a damn successful rebellion.” 
He just wanted a better life. Everybody did. You never once blamed him for that. For now though, you’d just have to make the best of where you were. Just a bunch of tailies just barely getting by. It wasn’t a total loss though. You were together and depended on one another.
You were a family.
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elocinnicole · 3 years
Requests Rules
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Welcome to my Blog! It’s Nikki here, below are what I write and requests rules
Characters I Write For
1. Daveed Diggs
2. Collin Hoskins (Blindspotting)
3. Hamilton Fam
4. Ashley and Miles Turner (Blindspotting)
5. Andre Layton (Snowpiercer)
6. Blindspotting Film & TV Series
I may add other characters/people in the future. If you have a specific character or person that is not listed, please still free to ask.
What I Write
One Shots
I’m still new to smut, so if you request it, please be gentle, (no pun intended, or is it?😏) it may take me a while to get to it. This is a safe space, so don’t be shy in your requests.
If you want to request, please, send an ask or inbox me.
This is a blog for adults. IF YOU ARE NOT 18+ DNI
I love to write and share my work. Enter my house respectfully or you’ll be asked to leave
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bondwalker37 · 4 years
Snowpiercer Season 2: All That You Can Expect
If you are still somewhere in the middle of season one of the show and dislike spoilers, look away. Snowpiercer is a member of post-apocalypse genre merged with science fiction. This TNT series made its debut in May 2020 and ran a successful sprint of 10 episodes in the first season that wrapped up in July this year. With a cast composed of gems like Jennifer Connelly as Melanie Cavill and Daveed Diggs as Andre Layton, the first season’s story bore no resemblance to the 2013 directorial venture of Bong Joon Ho, a film by the same name.
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Season one of the show made our acquaintance with a plethora of captivating characters who are the only remaining members of the human race. An environmental holocaust eradicated all other people, and these remaining ones are living on a 1,001-car-long Great Ark Train. Depicting a scenario seven years after the holocaust, where all world has frozen over, Layton, the train’s detective is informed of murder on board. The detective was pulled from the tail section of the train, which is reserved for all lower-income people. The murder mystery led to a shocking revelation that Melanie was pretending to be the train’s messiah figure named Mr Wilford. Wilford was never on the train, to begin with. Layton saw it as a brilliant opportunity to free all prisoners on the train.
He does it to save them from the cruelty they face owing to the class system that prevailed even after all that destruction. This system was put in place by Melanie to ‘govern’ the train well. The show progresses into a gory and expensive revolt by the lower sections, Layton and Melanie team up and support them against their mutual enemies. And when the entire train is facing this sudden upheaval of power, there emerges another passenger train that harbours Mr Wilford. The show is summarized with a severe cliffhanger and the season two is supposed to answer many questions that season one raised. The season two was to conclude production by May 2020, but the current pandemic halted everything midway. Leena Hall, the lead actress in the show, said that the last two episodes of the show are yet to be shot and hence they cannot predict when the show will resume its shooting and subsequently, air it. The producers have estimated that season two may be pushed to summer of next year.
I’m Bond walker . I’m a web developer living in New york. I am a fan of technology, a publisher of guides at yellow book design, and programming. You can read my blog with a click on the button above.
Source:- Snowpiercer Season 2: All That You Can Expect
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Review: Snowpiercer starts slow and builds to intense cliffhanger finale
Daveed Diggs co-stars as Andre Layton, with Jennifer Connelly as Melanie Cavill.
The titular Snowpiercer is a giant train carrying the survivors of a climate apocalypse.
Melanie is the Voice of the Train.
Sending messages through pneumatic tubes!
Layton is asked to investigate a murder.
The first-class passengers live in luxury.
Indoctrinating kids into the train’s social hierarchy starts early.
The cold can be deadly.
Melanie checks in with the “nightclub” car.
Fighting for freedom.
A shadowy figure in the snow flurries.
The train goes on. And on.
Snowpiercer debuted Sunday night on TNT, and Deadline reports more than 3 million viewers tuned in, making it the cable network’s best showing since its adaptation of The Alienist in 2018. Whether those viewers will stick around for all 10 episodes of this first season remains to be seen. This is one of those slow-burn shows that takes a while to build, which could try viewers’ patience. But that patience is rewarded when everything kicks into high gear for the final few episodes, ending on one last cliffhanger twist.
(Mild spoilers below, but no major reveals.)
Snowpiercer is essentially a reboot of the critically acclaimed 2013 film by Oscar-winning director Bong Joon-ho (Parasite), fleshed out into a full-length series. Bong’s film itself was an adaptation of a 1982 French graphic novel Le Transperceneige, about remnants of humanity trying to survive an ice age inside a 1,001-car train. The train is run by a reclusive transportation magnate named Mr. Wilford, who has separated the passengers according to class and has a nefarious plan to ensure life on the train remains sustainable.
The film starred Chris Evans as revolutionary leader Curtis, with Tilda Swinton as second-in-command Minister Mason. Bong shot much of it on a specially constructed set: a train mounted on a giant gyroscopic gimbal, the better to mimic the movements of an actual train. Snowpiercer earned critical raves and went on to gross $86 million worldwide against a roughly $40 million production budget.
TNT’s series is set seven years after the climate catastrophe that produced the ice age. Daveed Diggs (Hamilton, Blindspotting) plays Andre Layton, a prisoner at the tail end of the train who gets caught up in a revolutionary struggle against the imposed social hierarchy abroad Snowpiercer. Jennifer Connelly (Alita: Battle Angel) co-stars as first-class passenger Melanie Cavill, who is the Voice of the Train, responsible for daily public announcements and the train’s smooth operation (both mechanically and socially). The show’s large ensemble cast also includes Alison Wright (The Americans, Castle Rock) as Lilah Anderson, who works in the train’s spa, and Mickey Sumner (The Borgias, and daughter of musician Sting) as brakeman Bess Till, whose recent move to second class to be with her romantic partner is threatened when she starts to question the train’s status quo.
Bong Joon-ho’s film is a juggernaut of almost nonstop action, as the lowest-class passengers revolt and fight their way to the head of the train, with Curtis leading the way. The TV adaptation necessarily takes a more leisurely approach, given S1’s 10 episodes, fleshing out the details of life aboard the train, along with bits of expository backstory. And it introduces an onboard mystery: Layton is tapped to investigate a brutal murder that just might be the work of a serial killer—like a dystopian version of Murder on the Orient Express.
A new day dawns abroad Snowpiercer.
Rise and shine!
Work is one of Mr. Wilford’s three principles (along with honor and order).
Onboard evening entertainment.
Alison Wright plays Lilah Anderson, who has higher aspirations
Meanwhile, rebellion is brewing.
Preparing for an attack.
Mickey Sumner plays Bess Till, a brakeman and part of the train’s security force.
Layton finds his inner rebel.
A scene of carnage.
I enjoyed how the series spent time on many of the day-to-day details of life aboard Snowpiercer in all the classes, from dealing with energy limitations and unexpected constraints on food sources to the black-market bartering and drug trade and various interpersonal conflicts among passengers. So-called “Tailies”—the unticketed refugees in the tail of the train—are punished for insubordination by having an arm stuck through a portal into the cold outside until it freezes solid and is shattered off. There’s also a prison car whose occupants are kept in suspension, although the drug used to maintain that state has some serious side effects.
It’s the cast that ultimately makes Snowpiercer work, most notably Jennifer Connelly as Melanie, whose brisk, professional, tightly controlled veneer is gradually stripped away to reveal a woman haunted by personal loss and the hard decisions she’s had to make to keep the train running for seven years. Snowpiercer presents one continuous Trolley Problem, where those in charge must regularly consider sacrificing a few—sometimes quite a few—lives to save everyone else. Needless to say, the first-class passengers rarely have to make those sacrifices.
Equally compelling is Wright’s scheming, manipulative Lilah, who has an unhealthy obsession with the mythic Mr. Wilford and a chilling ruthlessness when it comes to maintaining order. She would like nothing more than to replace Melanie as the Voice of the Train, and she isn’t above exploiting the building unrest to achieve that goal. Summer brings just the right blend of toughness and vulnerability to Bess Till. Diggs has a tougher job making Layton likeable; he’s a bit preachy and self-righteous. But his affection for a young boy named Miles (Jaylin Fletcher), and Miles’ foster mother Josie (Katie McGuinness), softens the character considerably.
The show has a few cons. The obligatory voiceovers before each episode can get annoying, and the dialogue is a bit hackneyed in places. Plus, the murder-mystery subplot isn’t particularly compelling and is mostly an excuse to get Layton out of the tail so he can do a bit of reconnaissance on behalf of the brewing rebellion.
On the whole, however, this is a solid, entertaining series that sets the stage for an even stronger second season. TNT greenlighted a second season before the pilot premiered, hence the cliffhanger finale, although it might be a while before we can continue the story. Production of S2 began last October, and principal photography was nearly complete when the production was forced to shut down in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
New episodes of Snowpiercer will air Sunday nights at 9pm ET on TNT.
Listing image by TNT
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/2AMn7u3
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Snowpiercer characters as Moby songs:
Melanie cavill- Be the one
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Andre layton- Porcelain
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Ruth wardell- Everloving
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Miss Audrey- Shot in the back of the head
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Alexandra cavill- Mistake
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Josie wellstead- Lie down in darkness
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Bess till- Signs of love
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Joseph wilford- The perfect life
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Bonus: Everyone- When it's cold I'd like to die (kinda fits Melanie and Alex relationship though)
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I've been listening to moby for a while and the music is just too good, like sad emotional, so something fun, cause why not. TNT needs to hop on this music though asap, this is some powerful shit.
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Cell- Andre Layton
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Pairing: Andre Layton x Reader (Platonic)
Characters: Andre Layton
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 408
Author: Aaron
“Psst.” You peered at Andre’s almost lifeless, beaten body that hunched in the corner of the small jail cell. “Layton!” Still no reply, he was clearly awake but either didn’t care to be harassed by another member of the law or clearly didn’t care for guests. You found a small something at your feet, upon closer inspection it turned out to be a pen lid but it would be more than good enough to throw at him without causing any damage.
“What?” He scoffed without raising his head.
“Layton, it’s me, y/n… I left the tail like… 3 months ago.”
“Huh?” He slowly brought himself onto his unsteady feet. “What the fuck, we though you were dead?” With heavy feet he shuffled over to you. “They… they told us you were dead?”
“They pulled me one night whilst I was sleeping, real scary shit. Turns out they needed people to help cultivate the crops and they found out that kind of used to be my forte. Turns out it’s kind of a rare speciality around here so I managed to bargain myself a cushy life in second.” Layton sneered and backed himself over to where he originally slumped.
“It’s alright for some, glad to know your shit’s all together. They are using me as an unpaid, beaten homicide detective but you don’t see me swanning around second class.”
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you all, I got stuff going on! I’ve got schedules noted down.” You turned your voice down to a whisper. “I’m figuring out whose running what, what would be the biggest hits, if you know what I mean?”
“Don’t give up your new life for us, don’t be a fool.”
“Please! As soon as they’re done with me I’m either gonna be chucked out of the train or thrown right back in the tail, these guys don’t care what happens as long as they get what they want. I haven’t forgotten about you all. Besides, life in second isn’t all It’s cracked up to be, you work all day, barely get any time think, never mind anything else. I’m still getting those shitty rations you get and I’m looked down on by everybody I work with and pass in the hall. I’m keeping everybody fed and all I’m getting is a slightly comfier bed.” Layton chuckled.
“Well once you get out give us what you know, maybe then we can bring some justice to Snowpiercer.”
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