#Snowpiercer One Shot
Family Affair
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, cheating, violence, humiliation, biting, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your sister surprises you with good news but you find it difficult to be happy for her. (older, short reader)
Character: Curtis Everett
Note: Happy Curtmas.
For @the-slumberparty Naughty or Nice Challenge.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me 💞
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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Chatter buzzes from the front room as you brace the wall and lift your foot to unzip your wedge boot. You’re late and the guests are already in the throes of their celebration. You wiggle off both boots and set them amid the clutter of many. As you stand straight and gather up your gift bags and purse, you’re met with an unexpected sight.
You lift a brow, slightly confused by the unfamiliar man. He’s tall, his hair is cut short, and dark stubble adds definition to his well-formed jaw. His eyes are a bold shade of aquamarine but are glossed over with an almost indifferent gleam. He doesn’t say a word as your eyes meet and he just as quickly turns into the front room, hands tucked into the pockets of his black jeans.
It’s been a few years. You’re sure a lot has changed. You head down the hall, past the broad archway of the front room, and into the kitchen. As usual, your mother is there, readying another tray of finger foods.
She looks up from her intent work and gives a wide smile, “you’re here!” She chimes, “I was half-waiting for a call saying you wouldn’t make it.”
Her arrow hits the bullseye of your guilt. You haven’t been the most reliable. You can make excuses; the divorce, work, depression. None of that can assuage her.
“Sorry, mom,” you go to put the gift bags down and she stops you with a tut.
“Ah, ah, you go add those to the pile and say hello,” she demands, “you’re not hiding in here.”
You look at her, almost desperate. You love her but sometimes you wonder if that feeling is mutual. As much as she’s right, you hoped she might have some empathy. She’s been through a turbulent split, she’s had to start again, but she expects you to do it flawlessly. As she has anything else.
“Love you, mom,” you give a sheepish smile.
“Love you too, hon,” she goes back to arrange the spiral of cocktail weenies, “make sure you say hello to your sister. She’s so excited to see you.”
You nod and a real smile breaks through. That was the one light at the end of the tunnel. Your baby sister was always your favourite. Despite nearly two decades between you, she’s your best friend. In a way, you feel like a second mother, taking pride in her like you would a child of your own.
The front room is filled to the brim. Aunt Geri and Uncle Val sit on a sofa with their son, Miko. A cluster of similarly aged cousins stand at the edge of the couch chatting. Aunt Maureen argues with Aunt Kaya, and the latter’s husband stands by the window with a glass in hand and his mind a million miles away.
You always found yourself out of place at these things. When you were a child, you were the youngest one in the room. Too immature to understand the dialogue of your elders. As you got older, the other cousins came along and were too young for your angsty teenage self. Now, you’re caught in the desert between the eras; the retirees complain too much and the coeds talk too loud.
You peer around. A set of broad shoulders draws your eye in the corner of the room. It’s that same man you saw before. He has his back to you as he maintains a casual posture. As he leans on one leg, you see your sister, Adeline, gabbing to him. Oh, he must be with her…
As you drop your gifts under the tree, you mull the revelation. You suppose the assumption wasn’t obvious. At first glance, he’s older than her, or maybe he just looks it. She’s still a sophomore in college but you suppose that makes even more sense. These are the years she gets to figure it all out.
You face the room and stop as Aunt Maureen latches onto your arm, blindsiding you with Kaya as they close in like hyenas.
“There she is,” Maureen slurs.
“Not too good for us after all, huh?” Kaya challenges.
“What? No, uh, Merry Christmas–”
“Where’s Benny?” Maureen interrupts. You blanch, nearly choking on your tongue. The mention of your ex-husband has you breathless.
“Maur,” Kaya hisses, “remember…”
“Probably with his new girlfriend,” you say tersely.
“Oh my,” Maureen lets you go and slaps her forehead, “I’m so sorry. The wine…”
“It’s… okay,” you shrug. “Not talking about it won’t undo it.”
“He was such a charming man,” Maureen hums mournfully. You blink at her.
“His loss,” Kaya pats your arm gently, trying to clean up her sister’s mess. You know they all think the same. You had a good thing and you blew it. Even if you told them he fucked his co-worker, you’d be the one who threw it all away.
“Pity you never got a kid outta him,” Maureen sighs.
“Really, divorce has been final for a year, I’m good,” you insist and shuffle past them, “I’m going to make the rounds.”
“Don’t forget to have some wine,” Maureen calls after you, “takes the edge off disappointment, you know?”
You growl and shake your head as you stalk away. You wave hello to your other aunt and uncle, hoping to avoid a similarly humiliating encounter, and weave through the sea of guffawing cousins. You come out on the other side as Adeline beams up at her guest.
Her gaze is drawn by your movement and her face lights up. She bounces in place and throws her arms out. She rushes past the man and has you wrapped up in a hug. It’s kind of ridiculous how much taller she is. You’re supposed to be the bigger sister.
“You’re here!” She rocks you in her embrace, “eek! I’m so excited.”
You croak out a breath as she squeezes the air out of you. She releases you with a giggle, apologising as she steps back. She wears a long tulle skirt and a beaded sweater. She’s beautiful. You could never pull something like that off, even twenty years ago.
“Oh, oh, you have to meet Curtis,” she snatches your hand and tugs you over the tall man as he turns to face you. Those same vague eyes fall upon you, “Curtis, this is my sister!”
“Curtis,” you repeat, “it’s nice to meet you.”
You look between them with a brittle smile. He offers his hand as he returns the sentiment. You shake, his palm rough and calloused. Adeline vibrates with joy.
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” he says. 
“And I’ve heard nothing about you,” you grin at Adeline, “Addy?”
“I’m sorry,” she cups her cheeks guiltily, a sparkle on her ring finger. Your heart drops. “I didn’t know how to– the divorce and–”
“Ad,” you wisp and nearly sway on your feet, “what is that?”
You point to her hand and she quickly swipes it away, hiding it behind her back. “Nothing,” she gulps, the same way she did when she was a child and you caught her playing with your makeup.
There’s a tense silence as you gape in shock. Your mouth hangs open as you search for the words. Your eyes tinge with hot tears but you swallow them back.
“Congratulations,” you draw her into a hug, “really, I’m happy for you.”
She hugs you back, gentler than before. As you part, she looks nervous. Curtis clears his throat.
“Both of you,” you offer him a fragile smile. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little… shocked. Does mom know?”
Adeline nods as she clasps her hands together. You take a breath, and calm yourself. It’s not anything that she fears, you’re not jealous. You’re nervous, you’re afraid for her. It’s a big thing and she’s so young.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around to share the good news,” you say, “I’d love to help, if I can?”
“We got it,” Curtis insists.
“Oh,” you wince, “I didn’t mean– I could help with the planning or the engagement part–”
“We’re eloping,” he crosses his arms, “we’re not wedding people. Whole lot of money and fanfare for nothing.”
You nod, holding back your surprise as best you can. Nothing? It’s marriage. Even if they don’t want a big ceremony, it means something.
“I could help pay for the trip–”
“I got it,” he enunciates each word as he sidles over to sling his arm around your sister’s back. She looks away meekly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep. She’s my sister, I just want to–”
“If you wanted to help, you would’ve been around the last two years,” he interjects.
Adeline’s head snaps around as she gives him a look. She nudges him with her elbow and whispers his name. He glares at you as you wilt. You’re not sure what you’ve done or said.
“Well, I think maybe me and Addy can talk about that,” you look at your sister, “when you have a chance, of course. I don’t want to spoil the holiday.”
“Adeline,” he corrects you, “Addy is so juvenile.”
The benefit of the doubt splinters as his tone cuts through you. You bite your tongue. Perhaps a twenty-one year old is juvenile to someone his age. You’ll talk to Addy about that too.
“Adeline,” you force a smile, “I… I’m going to go check on mom.” You show a palm in deference as you excuse yourself, “we’ll catch up later.”
As you back away, your eyes meet Curtis’. He watches you with a scowl. You are taken completely off balance. How could she end up with someone like him? She’s so sweet and he’s so scary…
Maybe she’s afraid too.
Christmas Eve ends much the same as you remember. The elders sit around the dining table to play cards as the kids, now adults, disperse in the living room or outside to entertain themselves. There’s a vague stench near the front door that no one will comment on but everyone knows what it is as it wafts in from outside.
You find yourself in limbo, once more caught in the in-between. You hole up in the kitchen, staring at the kettle as you wait for it to tremble. You won’t be missed if you take a tea up to your assigned room without a good night.
You lean on the counter and sigh, your finger brushing over the brim of the white porcelain cup with the hen on it. Strange how your mother’s house never seems to change but your life is inextricably altered. Your melancholy dims the cheery decor around you as you wallow away from the voices of the merry.
“There you are,” Adeline startles you as she sweeps in, “oh, is there any of the hot choccy left?”
You smile at her question. Everything about her reminds you of the time passed, of her newfound adulthood, yet she’s just the same little girl you always knew. You turn and pull the tin forward, “one packet left, just for you.”
You pull it out and face her again. She pulls out a mug from the cupboard and sets it down. The kettle hums between you as it heats up.
She exhales as you linger in a tense silence. You both have so much to say but neither of you know where to start. She finds her words first. Despite being younger, she was always the more outspoken.
“Do you like him?” She asks.
You poke your tongue into your cheek, “well, I’ve barely spoken to him. He seems to like you though.”
Her cheeks bulb as she grins bashfully, “I love him.”
Your chest seizes as you recognize that glimmer in her eye. She’s genuine, she feels that love so deeply it consumes her. It’s a naive love but real nonetheless. The sort you can’t see for what it is until it turns sour.
“I can tell,” you reach forward to fix the bow on her headband, “I’m happy for you. And my offer still stands. Maybe if it’s not the wedding, a honeymoon, or help with a house…” you wet your lips and steady your voice, “I only want you to be happy, Addy– Adeline.”
“Oh, he’s just… he’s like that. I can’t even call him Curt. He balances me out,” she beams.
“Yeah,” you say noncommittally.
“What?” Her voice dampens.
“Nothing,” you distract yourself with the variety of tea bags in the wooden chest next to the breadbox, “it’s… a lot. I’m surprised, is all. I just hope it goes well.”
She sniffs and lets her breath out long and heavy, “I’m sorry, I knew– he kinda said you’d probably be upset. After Benny–”
“This has nothing to do with him,” you narrow your eyes at her, a bag of chai in your hand, “this is about you. I only want what’s best for you.”
“He’s so good to me, you don’t have to worry.”
“I can worry, you’re my baby sister,” you insist, “and…” You shake your head, refusing to let the thought escape.
“And what?” She challenges, her pitch squeaking.
“No, tell me. I can always tell when you’re dying to say something. What?”
You shrug, “it’s just… how old is he?”
She scoffs, “wow.”
“What? I’m just asking.”
“It’s not like he’s old enough to be dad,” she pouts and crosses her arms.
“I know, I didn’t mean– Ad–Adeline, I just— you have time to figure it out. So I hope you’re not rushing this.”
“I’m not,” she snips, an uncharacteristic edge in her voice.
“I believe you… but what about him?”
She’s quiet as the kettle clicks, signalling the boiling point. You turn and drop the tea bag into your cup and pour the water. She tears open the packet and empties it into her own mug.
“Sorry,” you utter, “forget it. I… I don’t know him so maybe I need to get to know him. I’m here, Ad, and I will always be here for you.”
She nods and reaches for the kettle, not looking at you.
“Really, I trust you. I just worry about you,” you clap your hand on her shoulder, “you’re my lil teddy bear.”
She chuckles and looks down at you, your statement made absurd by the difference in your heights.
“And you’re the big grizzly, scaring off the wolves,” she kids back.
“Adeline,” the deep rumble thunders in ahead of the man, making both of you jump. You pull back your hand as Curtis strides in, “hey, I’ve been waiting on you.”
“Oh, sorry, baby,” she preens at him, “I was just–”
“You said we’d call my family after dinner,” he interrupts.
“I forgot,” she squeals, “oh, I’m so sorry.” She glances over at you, “I did promise.”
“Go on,” you try to smile but you’re not sure it’s showing.
She spins and flits over to Curtis. His eyes meet yours over her shoulder. His brows arch as his jaw is set in stone. A chill runs up your spine at the ice in his dark pupils. He grabs Adeline’s hand and drags her out.
You’re left in silence. You look over at the unmixed powder floating in the steaming water. You chew your lip as you stare at it. It’s just hot chocolate but there’s something about her abandoning something she loves so much for him. You try not to let your own failed marriage echo over her relationship, but it just feels off.
Well, Benny always did say you never did handle change very well.
The night before Christmas is rarely a restful one. Even without the childish belief in Saint Nick, you find yourself awake, anxious but not for presents. You keep replaying the night through your head; not the awkward interactions with aunts and uncles, or the silent judgment from the younger crowd, but Adeline and Curtis. Let it go, it’s none of your business.
You huff and roll on your back. Sleep eludes you. You sit up and bend over the side of the bed. You hold your head. You’ll sneak out the bathroom and hopefully an empty bladder will help.
You drag your feet across the floor, the legs of your pajama pants too long and trailing down your feet. You open the door and yawn as you enter the hall, only to collide with another unexpected barrier. Before you can react, you’re being forced back into the guestroom, stumbling as your fingers claw at the door frame and slip off.
A hand smothers your mouth, rough against your lips, as a foot kicks the door shut with a sharp click. You murmur into the calloused flesh as an arm loops around your back, trapping you as you’re urged further into the dark. You grasp at the cotton clinging to muscular shoulder. You’re kept off balance by your attacker’s certainty.
“I fucking heard you,” Curtis’ silty grit seeps into your ears, “you think I’d hurt her?” He snarls as he stops you at the foot of the bed. His shadow looms over you, breath puffing from his nostrils as he growls like a beast, “I wouldn’t, but I’ll hurt you.”
He pushes you back so your legs meet the side of the bed. You teeter and clasp your hand around his wrist, squeaking as he easily takes you down onto the mattress. He pins you, your legs hanging off the end, kicking weakly as his other hand curves around your throat.
He bends over you, straddling your chest heavily. You can’t breathe. Your heart pounds until your ears throb. Your temples pulse violently and your throat dries to a sandy scrape.
“Stay out of my fucking business,” he snarls, sliding down your body.
You whimper into his hand as he drops his knees off the bed, holding himself over you. He squeezes your neck, choking out your voice as he drags his hand from your mouth. He feels along your chest and flicks open the top button of your shirt. Your eyes wet in horror.
“Fucking show you…” he sneers as his breath scours over your flesh.
Another button undone as his lips tick along your shoulder. You squeak once more as he sinks his teeth into your flesh, biting a mean pinch until you spasm. The pain is unbearable. You feel the skin break as the hot flow of blood mingles with his spit.
He detaches only to bite you again. You can’t make a noise as his grip grows tighter on your neck. Even if you could scream, you’re too terrified and confused to understand what he’s doing. He’s like an animal tearing you apart. 
He lays a tortured path down your chest, lingering on the rise of flesh, gnawing into the tenderness there. His nails dig into your side, pushing up your shirt as he scratches hot lines into your skin. You push on his shoulders desperately but he’s too strong.
“Stop filling her head with your bitterness,” he growls before he bites into your nipple. 
You shake and beat on his head, shoulders, and back. You writhe and wrestle, trying to free yourself from him. He continues on, down your stomach, lingering on the soft flesh as his fingers hook into the elastic of your pants.
Your panic overflows with your tears. This can’t be happening. Why would he do this? He could talk to you? You would listen. You didn’t say anything wrong, you just want Adeline to be careful.
The very thought of your sister throttles you. Does he do this to her? Is this why she’s so defensive? The idea makes you sick to your stomach.
He lifts himself, his weight centering on your neck. You think he’ll crush your windpipe as he looms over you, snarling in the blackness. He pushes you higher onto the bed, forcing your legs open with his knees.
“Don’t make a fucking noise or I’ll make sure you can’t,” he threatens, giving a last squeeze before slowly slackening his grip.
You hold your breath. You believe him. Your body goes limp and you close your eyes. The bed shifts as he sits back on his heels. He pulls your pants down your thighs and you whine. He hushes you, a harsh tap across your cheek to get his point across.
You let your head drift to one side as you clench the blanket beneath you in tight fists. He keeps your legs trapped in your pants, knees bent as the fabric strains across his stomach. He tilts and movies around, his fingernails scratching the back of your thighs.
“Bet the husband couldn’t stand your fucking mouth,” he snarls as he pushes roughly against your cunt. “Didn���t know how to train you.” He jams two fingers into you, jolting your entire body, “dry bitch like you, he was probably thirsty as fuck.”
You seal your eyes tight, tears trickling through as a sob bubbles in your throat. You want to tell him to stop. You want to ask why. You want to scream. You can’t do anything as your body locks up.
He fingers you meanly, pulling his fingers out only to ram them in again, each time his knuckles hit you painfully. He keeps it up, growling with each intrusion as your muscles knots and pathetic noises rise from your throat.
He forces your legs higher, tearing his hand away from your pelvis. He adjusts his knees and you feel something else against your cunt. 
“No…” you whisper right as he ruts into you.
He splits you apart around him. You let out a holler and he quickly silences you with a crack of his knuckles. The back of his hand snaps off your cheek and turns your head to the other side. You gulp and sob, choking back any noise that threatens to bubble over.
He holds himself as deep as he can. He puts his large hands on your shoulders and pins you flat. He bucks, agony rippling up your spine. He snaps his hips, again and again, each time harder than the last.
“This is what you need. So fucking jealous, aren’t you? Dried up old bitch,” he pumps into you as his breath picks up, “why kind of sister are you, huh? Fucking your baby sister’s man. Fucking slut.”
You cover your face and heave. You’re drowned in pain and humiliation. You’re disgusted with him for doing this to you; and yourself for letting him.
“You don’t wanna hurt her, do you?” He growls, “that’s why this is happening… cause you wanna keep her safe, right?”
He puts his hand against your head and pushes it down into the bed, fucking you into the mattress. The frame pounds the wall, matching his furious rhythm. You reach to brace his thick arm, begging silently for it to end.
“Oh, it’ll be over soon,” he rasps as his hand once more frames your throat, “fuck, you got me ready to blow quicker than I thought.” He puffs, each thrust rattling your bones, “I love how weak you are.”
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babyjakes · 9 months
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lock them out and throw a feast.
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | kinkmas 2023
prompt | food play
pairing | soft!dark!curtis everett x front-ender!reader
warnings | soft!dark!curtis. non-con. crying. restraints. use of gag. fingering. minimal dialogue (curtis is a quiet guy.) oral (f receiving) with plenty of clit focus. messy food play (a whole bakery's worth of sweets.) forced orgasm. squirting. implied multiple (forced) orgasms. written in 3rd person for some reason. showered!curtis :D
word count | 1,698
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an | my snowpiercer knowledge is soooooo rusty i haven't watched the movie in years. this is kind of written in a universe where curtis and his rebellion were able to take over the engine. he picks out a pretty little front-ender as his reward and throws himself a feast... anyway, please ignore any details that might not align with the movie plot. this fic is dedicated to my sweet precious wonderful somny @onsunnyside, she isn't active much these days but of course i wanted to write her a kinkmas piece still, she is so special to me. and i know she loves curtis, so this felt like the perfect opportunity. love you, sonson<33 hope you're well and having happy holidays!
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Everything was just the way he ordered it. An empty car all to himself, with both exits locked, dark curtains drawn. Lights dimmed, just bright enough to see through the stilled air. One shining down stronger than the rest in the center of the room, illuminating his long-awaited bounty. His final reward. His feast, fit for a king.
The moment he had laid eyes on her, cowering and weeping as her family's luxury quarters were broken into, he knew she was his endgame. He promised himself he'd have his way with her once he made it to the engine and overthrew the elite. Now that the hard work was done, it was time for him to revel in his victories. And there was no better way to do that, he had decided, than to feed the hunger that had been eating away at him for as long as he could remember.
He stood back in the shadows for the longest time, just taking in the glorious scene before him. Sucking in a strained breath, he pressed a tentative hand over the bulge in his pants. They were new; everything on him was. As his trusted second-in-commands were preparing his private car, Curtis had disappeared to care for himself and his body for the first time in seventeen years. He had a long, tedious shower, taking his time to remove nearly two decades of filth from his tattered body. Once he was clean, he had first choice from an entire car full of clothing- everything brand new. He remained modest with his choices. All the glitz and glam of the elite had no appeal to him.
Taking a step forward, he let his dark brown overcoat fall to the floor, leaving him in the simple gray t-shirt and utility trousers he had claimed earlier. Biting his lip, he pried his hand from his raging hard-on. He would relieve himself, in time. For now, he wanted to savor every moment he spent building up to that release.
Her quiet whimpers were the loudest thing in the room, accompanied by the low rumbling of the train's machinery in the background. Her crystalline tears only made her more beautiful, Curtis thought to himself. There was something so exquisite about her agonized expression; it didn't matter how wrong or cruel this was. He had given it all, risked his life for that damn train. This was his; he had earned it. He would allow himself that.
His men had done a fine job with the setup. She was as captivating as he had dreamt for all those years- no, she was better. Her body sprawled out elegantly over the smooth oak finish of the table below her, tied to the corners by her wrists and ankles, she was nothing more than a piece of meat to be feasted on, a meal to be devoured. And Curtis hadn't had a proper meal in years. The rest of the table's surface was covered in all the sweets and confectionaries his subordinates could find. Ripe fruits, delicate cakes and pastries, bowls of thick chocolates and creams- and to top it all off, his main course had been decorated lavishly to the likings of the delicacies surrounding her. Her most sensitive places had been drizzled and dipped, sprinkled and powdered, making her the most divine-looking creature the man had ever seen.
He took another step forward, surveying her as a vulture would its prey. Her dewy eyes peered up fearfully at him as he slowly approached the side of the table. Voice slightly hoarse from all her crying and struggling, she whined weakly through the thick cloth gag secured snugly between her chocolate-smeared lips.
"Shhhh," Curtis breathed out, the steadiness of his voice and posture such a stark contrast to the girl who lay weeping and bound before him. As he turned to make his way to the end of the table, her bare feet thrashed and kicked uselessly in protest. He simply shook his head at her pitiful displays of defiance. "No use fighting it, sweetheart," he hummed, his voice almost consoling in tone. "You're not going anywhere. Not until I get a good taste of what's mine."
With heedless, eager motions, the man cleared the portion of the table that sat between the girl's trembling legs. As mouth-watering as everything he was pushing aside appeared, his only focus was closing the space between him and the one thing he was truly starving for. Lowering his front down onto the now empty surface, Curtis' greedy eyes trailed up his victim's messy legs, finding the sacred point at which they joined. He drooled at the sight of her perfect cunt as it sat before him on display, dribbles of cream and what appeared to be nervous arousal collecting beneath her rounded ass.
"Mine," he repeated, this time nearing a growl. His rugged hands came up to squeeze at her soft, heavenly thighs, earning tiny squeaks of fear from the poor girl as she shook her head pleadingly- but it was no use. He had her before him now; nothing would come between him and his feast. "This body belongs to me now, angel. Do you understand?" He brought a hand up to push back her mound, exposing her swollen clit and leaky hole to his prying eyes. The confidence he was speaking with was impressive, given the fact that he'd never spoken to a woman like this in his life. But after all he'd lived through, he felt entitled to that sense of authority. He held her life in his hands, quite literally. And he sure as hell was ready to make the most of it.
"This pretty cunt-" he dared to take his words further, his other hand dragging a finger up through the streams of sugary icing coating her thighs to begin prodding at her tiny hole. "-is mine. All mine," he hummed, perfectly happy to be stating these truths to only himself, if his new possession was so insistent on denying them with her angry sobs and harsh glares. She would come around in time; he knew she would. She wouldn't have any choice in the matter.
His finger nudged and teased at the opening a bit more before gently dipping inside, the man's patience wearing thin. At the feeling of her tight, slippery walls doing everything in their power to fight off his intrusion, Curtis wasn't ashamed of the way his cock only grew harder from her unwillingness. He savored the distressed grunts and groans she let out as he forced his digit in up to a first knuckle, then a second. Turning his hand in a fluid motion, he began fucking his finger up into her, groaning lowly at the sight of her quickly growing increasingly responsive to his efforts.
Free-hand momentarily moving back to grab harshly at her hipbone, Curtis licked his lips as his gaze settled in on the tiny nub sitting at the top of the girl's messy slit. Bringing his thumb and pointer finger back down, he forcefully spread her upper lips apart, exposing her poor little button to the cool air of the room. Her legs kicked and struggled as he drew his face in closer, letting out a low groan as the bundle of nerves was finally taken between his parched lips.
The girl let out a howl through her gag, choking on her cries and spit as Curtis worked her aching clit. Closing his eyes, the man savored the feeling of the tiny bump twitching and trembling against his steady suckling. Letting go of any last hesitations, he submitted to eating her fresh cunt like a beast that'd been starved. He paid no mind to being gentle or polite as he latched onto her helpless core, delivering punishing waves of pain and pleasure well outside the realms of her wildest nightmares.
When his lips grew sore from sucking, he switched to dragging his tongue over the pulsating nub, starting with slow, teasing licks before switching to fast, merciless swipes in the blink of an eye. The alternating paces reduced his victim to softer sobs and hiccups, her hips bucking up wildly as her body struggled to tolerate the intense stimulation. And as soon as he'd had enough of the tongue work, he was back to nursing at the poor button, now so puffy and swollen from receiving his undivided attention.
As the girl's thighs shook, Curtis could see something shifting within her. The noises she let out were becoming more desperate, more panicked, with an expression of impending doom appearing on her tear-stained face. At the realization that she was being brought to orgasm against her will, the unrelenting hunger in Curtis' gut only rose. "That's it," he grumbled lowly, her sweet, sticky juices coating his reddened lips. "You're gonna come for me now, babydoll. Come on, give it to me," his face was hardening with determination, his finger thrusting more forcefully up into her fluttering walls as she hurled towards her climax at full speed.
The cry she let out as she finally came was the closest thing Curtis had ever heard to an angel on earth. As the incredible pressure in her tummy finally shattered, her poor clit spasmed helplessly in the man's awaiting mouth. A flood of sweetness sprayed against his scruffy facial hair as she squirted, the sight of her body coming helplessly against his efforts nearly too much for Curtis to bear. Groaning loudly, he coaxed her through the spectacular high. Only when her sobbing turned to weak sniffles did he finally pull away, his darkened eyes trailing up to find her tender face.
As he went to remove his digit from her soaking heat, he could've sworn she almost seemed to cling to him, in a way. He brought the creamy finger up to slip into his eager mouth, the sugary taste of her climax making his head pound with want.
His next words sent her into a fresh fit of tears. "One more," he decided, lowering his head back down to her sticky cunt. One more, he told himself, before he'd finally seek some relief of his own.
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bigtreefest · 29 days
Pour Clueless Babes
Pairing: Bartender! Curtis Everett x Reader
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Summary: unbeknownst to you both, you and the broody bartender can’t help your want to be around each other
Word count: 1,751
Content/warnings: swears?, slight objectification and misogyny, attempts at hiding feelings, alcohol consumption, teasing from friends, a hint of idiots in love?, a small mention of Curtis’s rooftop herb garden, it’s mostly fluff and mutual pining
A/N: written for Siri’s Birthday Bonenanza!! Love you, babes, and happy birthday. @stargazingfangirl18
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Prompts: Babe is in love and cranky about it + Character A is frustrated at how fucking oblivious Character B is to their advances + “I’m sure you could talk me into saying ‘yes’ to whatever you want.”
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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“You just need to buck up and ask her out.”
Curtis rolled his eyes at his friend sitting in a lawn chair across from him in the rooftop garden, pairing it with a scoff before he took another sip of his beer.
“It’s not that easy, dude.”
Ari, Curtis’s longtime friend, co-owner and often co-bartender of the main dive in town shifted in his seat with a raised brow and tilt of the head. “Sure it is! You’re hot, and from the way you talk about her, so is she. I don’t see what could go wrong.”
Curtis grumbled and finished off his bottle, grabbing another from the bucket of ice and uncapping it. “A lot. A lot could go wrong, Ari. I don’t want a quick fuck and I sure as hell don’t have girls throwing themselves at me like you do on Friday nights.”
Ari scoffed, but had no rebuttal, it was true. Women flocked to Ari’s side of the bar, always creating a crowd where the regulars couldn’t get served. So Curtis took them, while Ari could be caught slinging dozens of fruity drinks for all the flirts who constantly mentioned how strong and attentive he was. The only reason Curtis didn’t complain was because they split tips, Ari getting several banknotes marked with phone numbers and salacious messages, and Curtis getting the peace of the calmer drinkers.
Sure, a woman here and there would come to Curtis for a drink, figuring Ari wasn’t worth the wait and the shoulder bumping, but that was few and far between. Until you.
From the moment he watched you walk through the door, he kept an eye on your searching gaze, smiling when you saw your friends, but making a beeline for him before you went and sat.
The next time you came up to him, though, Curtis made sure your drink was on the house. Anything for the pretty girl who smiled at him. Chose him. And was much more enjoyable than his grumbling regulars.
Curtis was pulled out of this thoughts by Ari’s groan.
“Listen, I don’t think women throw themselves at me…”
Curtis looked at his friend with disbelief at the blatant lie.
“…that much. Not that much, I was gonna finish, jeez. Plus, what’s it matter, it’s not like I take them home…usually. Sloppy drunk isn’t cute and too many of them just keep coming back until I cut them off. No one has chatted me up like they want a date instead of in my pants because all I get are googly eyes, but this sounds different for you. She sounds good.”
Curtis sighed and wiped a hand over his beard. Ari was right. You were good. Probably too good for him. Plus, it’s not like you even noticed any move he tried to put on you. You were probably just being nice, not flirty. You probably didn’t even notice the free drinks using special ingredients made from the garden, the rare smile he’s never given another customer. It was kind of infuriating that he was so ready to give himself over to you and you had no idea just how deep it ran. How it affected him and stayed on his mind even in the off hours. Guys had to be throwing themselves at you, and he was just another one to add on to the bottom of the list.
“Yeah, yeah, I just…I don’t wanna mess it up, ya know? Am I even ready for this? Why now? Why do I have to feel something now? And I don’t even know if she feels the same way!”
Ari only offered a shrug.
“I don’t know, man. When it’s time, it’s time.”
That’s all he gave. Curtis groaned and wiped a hand down his face, rubbing back and forth over his beard once again. “Yeah….it’s just…ugh. I can’t think of anything else. I’ve got all these plans for bar improvement. The herb garden is finally coming in nicely and I was gonna meet with those brunch people from the city to talk about expanding our offerings beyond the few ideas I’ve come up with, but I can’t focus on a goddamn thing other than her.”
Curtis was almost mad it was affecting him so much—that he looked forward to seeing you. Yearned to make you another drink, hold conversation just a second longer. Nothing had ever stuck to his mind this much.
Ari only laughed as he looked over the edge of the roof at the town where the two had grown up. Over all that time, he had never seen his buddy this torn up.
Pulling two more drinks out of the bucket, he uncapped them and handed one to his friend.
“Well, here’s hoping you get this all sorted out. And by that, I mean, get your big boy pants on, fully admit your feelings, and ask her out.”
Curtis groaned and threw a hand over his eyes while his best friend simply smirked, knowing he was right.
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It was Friday night and you were hanging out with some of your friends at the bar you had been frequenting lately. Everyone around you was in deep conversation, but you were lost, zoned out, with your mind on only one thing: that gruff bartender.
You had already been up to see him three times this evening, insisting to be the one to get the next rounds for the table in hopes of garnering his attention.
You felt successful. Maybe? Every time you went up to him, his full attention was on you. And it looked like he was smiling, right? Well, no, he probably did that with everyone. Except…in the several times you had caught yourself staring at him, he never once made that same face at another customer. So it had to mean something, didn’t it?
You felt your shoulder shaking, pulling you out of your thoughts and blinked back into consciousness.
“What? What?” You shook your head and looked back at your group of friends.
Alana sitting next to you rolled her eyes with a laugh. “Your drink has been sitting empty for a minute, girl. We’re just surprised you haven’t gone back to the broody bartender, yet! Jenna said she dropped by and all she got was a scowl when she asked for green tea shots, but we see the way he looks at you. Think you could score us some good shots?”
You scoffed and leaned back in your seat, trying to deny what you felt, but didn’t necessarily see. “Oh please, I’m sure he doesn’t even notice me!”
The three girls across from you exchanged a glance before Jenna shook her head. “Um, wrong. One hundred percent wrong. I’m pretty sure you’re all he notices and he’s the same for you. Can’t believe you two are so blind to each other. You keep going up to him and you’re up to a total of what? Half a dozen free drinks over a few visits at this point?”
Everyone around you shared the same knowing glance and you were ready to concede. You couldn’t help the way your heart started beating faster with anticipation of going up to him again, but the alcohol flowing through your body, finally settling in, was enough to override any last ounce insecurity you had. You just wanted to be close to him that badly again, despite his apparent disdain for fancy shots. It was worth a try, though, so you sighed and nodded and stood up, saving your brain power so you could say something coherent to the beautifully beastly bartender.
As you steadied yourself in your shoes, the alcohol hit a little harder, but you weren’t going to stop now. As you began your steps across the wooden floor, your eyes locked with the man with the dark beard and buzz cut and watched as his deft hands slid another beer across the counter at a regular.
You waltzed up to the varnished bar and drummed your fingers on the edge as you looked up at the head between a towering pair of broad shoulders. If you’d have known better, you’d have said he was almost beaming at you.
“Hey sweet thing, what can I get you?”
A tingle went down your spine at that. You would’ve claimed it was the alcohol, if you hadn’t known that it usually numbed you instead of set your body alight. The bartender, who you’d come to know as Curtis, usually wasn’t that outright with the pet names. From what you had seen so far, he was pretty reserved. Something had changed tonight, though, and you couldn’t complain about that, so you threw it back.
“Well, handsome, I’m really sorry to ask this, but would you be willing to make me four green tea shots? I’m sorry if it’s a lot to ask…”
From your side, you heard a snicker, and your eyes found an older gentleman, likely one of the bar regulars. Curtis’s gaze had darted to him, too, except his eyes were stern. The gentleman knew that Curtis wasn’t usually one to make drinks with more than a couple steps, and especially not on more than one occasion in a night unless it was for someone pretty exceptional. And you seemed like both of those things. Curtis simply cleared his throat to regain your attention and pulled out the glasses before finding what he needed.
“Well lucky for you, I’m sure you could talk me into saying ‘yes’ to whatever you want.” He winked as he expertly tipped the bottles.
A blush crept up your cheeks along with the one the liquor had put there. You were gone enough on his behavior and your last few drinks that there wasn’t much to hold you back anymore before you blurted, “Does that include dinner with me next Thursday?”
Curtis stopped in his tracks, slamming the bottles down on the counter with a loud thud that startled you. His face was almost unreadable. Sure, before tonight, you felt like he may not have seemed interested, but in your small chats over drink orders throughout this evening, that changed. You didn’t read this wrong, did you?
You watched intently as his gaze which was fixed on the worn wooden table shifted upward to look at you through his eyelashes. Those gorgeous, long eyelashes. A true, genuine smile was on his lips. He had no idea you felt the same way as him. “Yeah. I think it does.”
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Bonus A/N: bartender!Curtis will return in the second part of this, and we’ll see much more about his herb garden and secret treats for his girl. This is the first thing I’ve written in months, so cut me some slack, okay, but I’d love your feedback in all forms.
Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly
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dbnightingale24 · 7 months
Fog In The Mind, Desire In The Heart
A Dark Curtis Everett Love Story
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Surprise! I decided to take a small break from the three novels I'm writing (I promise that your updates are coming!!), and finish the damn Curtis Everett one shot I promised you guys years ago. It may take me forever to get to the point, but I do eventually get there, in my defense. Anywho, this is a lot shorter than what you all are used to, but I hope you all enjoy it just the same! As always, thanks to the amazing @fuckingbyefor the moodboard! Here we go!
Word Count: 9911 (yes, you read that correctly)
Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI 18+), Slight Snowpiercer AU, Slight Age Gap between Edgar and Reader (work with me people), Curtis Everett, Daddy Kink, Non Con/Dub Con, Drinking, Plotting, Self Hate, Loathing, Betrayal, Swearing, Angst, Mild Violence, Anger, Pining...I think that's it?
Songs That Inspired This Story: I'd Walk Through Fire For You, Just Let Me Adore You
Summary: Everyone stuck in the tail section dreamed of a better life for themselves. Everyone except for Curtis. For him, his better life would start when you were happy and by his side, no matter who he had to force out of the way.
I do not give consent/permission for my stories/works to be posted/published elsewhere. I do not condone this type of behavior, this is for entertainment purposes only.
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For as much as you hate Curtis, he lives rent free in your head all day. You sit at the bar that Nam so lovingly bar tends day in and day out, listening in and out of the conversation he makes almost every night.
“Right now isn’t the time, but you’ll see...the world will be livable again. Maybe another year or so, but we’ll be able to get off of this fucking train,” he tells you tonight, an echo of the same thing he’s been saying every night for the last two years.
“What did Curtis say?” you snicker, putting your empty glass down as he reaches for your favorite poison: whiskey.
“He’s busy,” Nam simply shrugs, refilling your glass with ice and the dark brown liquid.
“When isn’t he?”
“Y/N, you know what happened to Edgar-”
“He’s gone, Nam,” you snap unintentionally. “Whatever the hell Curtis meant to happen, didn’t. Edgar has been dead for two years and all the while we wait for the great Curtis Everett to come up with a fucking plan to make all of this not seem so shit as it is,” you sigh before downing your drink.
Your reasons for hating Curtis are very simple and clear for everyone to understand.
Everyone except Curtis.
You remember when you first boarded onto the stupid train that “saved” your life. You remember them ripping you away from your Mother, who sacrificed herself so you could have a chance at life, and her promising you that she’d meet up with you later on in the train.
She never did.
You know she only did it because she knew it was the only way you’d board the train, but the anger feel towards her never leaves.
It never has and it never will. 
That was the first time you saw him.
You were put into a group of young teenage girls, a place you barely belonged since you were almost 17, and you felt a pair of eyes on you. 
It’s not like that was uncommon, but it didn’t help anything. In fact, as time went on, on the train, you found that a lot of men had their eyes on you. You were beautiful, soft spoken but also opinionated, and kind. You were so understanding and helpful, unlike almost everyone else on the train who gave up hope as soon as the doors closed.
They all did their best to make you notice them, Curtis more than most, but you were more than happy to keep to yourself. 
At least, that’s until Edgar came of age. While he was younger than you by a few years, he was persistent and the only one who could truly make you smile and laugh. For as tense and gloomy as things could be, Edgar always found a way to soften everything. The first few times he asked you out (well, too hangout on his bed), you said no because of the age difference. 
“Who cares?” he laughed as he followed you to the little hospital section they had set up in one of the train cars.
“Clearly I do!”
“It’s not that bad!”
“What could it hurt? We’ll split a protein block, a cup of water, talk a bit, and I’ll walk you back to your bunk. It’ll be fun!”
“You know you want to, I see it in your eyes.”
“No Edgar,” you smiled softly before making your way to the children’s bunks to read them a story.
“You’ll say yes, you’ll see!” he called with a soft smile, before he turned and made his way back to his bunk.
After that, he didn’t let up. He asked almost every day until you finally caved and said yes. From that moment on, you two inseparable (after you both finished your daily chores). You loved to spend time reading to the children and he was more than happy to accompany you. The kids loved him anyway.
“What do you think about us having one?” Edgar asked one night as you two laid together after sex.
“Having one what?”
“Fuck no!”
“Shh,” he laughed softly, stroking your hair. “Why not?”
“You can’t be serious, babe. We live on a fucking train, the shittiest part of the train I might add, the world is frozen, the front end comes and randomly takes children whenever they please-”
“It won’t always be like this, plus, Curtis has a plan.”
“Oh? What plan is that?” you scoffed
Edgar had always been Curtis’ biggest supporter.
“Why don’t you believe in him?”
“It’s not that I don’t believe in him, but I’m not willing to follow blindly behind him. Everyone else is, and I just don’t see a reason to,” you shrugged.
“You asked me a question and I gave you an answer. It’s not my fault that you don’t like the answer, baby.”
Curtis had always been the one thing that got in the way of your relationship with Edgar. Edgar would willingly follow Curtis, no matter what he said or what he did, and you weren’t buying into any of it. Sure, Curtis seemed nice enough and he was kind when he wanted to be, but there was also a silent anger to him. A silent anger that always seemed like it could go off at any time. 
Plus, it’s not exactly like he was thrilled when you and Edgar started seeing each other. Once again, a lot of the men weren’t, but everyone could see how happy you were. How well you and Edgar fit together. Curtis, on the other hand, rolled his eyes whenever he saw the two of you together. 
“Why don’t you come and help us tonight? You always have an idea-”
“No,” you laughed and Edgar scowled. “That’s your thing, not mine.”
“If you’d come, you’d see there’s nothing to hate about-”“I don’t hate Curtis!” you snapped softly and he rolled his eyes, “I just...something isn’t right there. You all just follow and believe everything that he says, and that’s not okay.”
“You always find a reason to doubt him and hes never given you a reason to.”
“And hes never given you a reason to trust him so much!”
“I’m not having another argument about this-”
“Good, because I’m tired of him somehow always becoming the center of our relationship.”
“You’re gonna be late. Go.”
You hated arguing so much with him about Curtis, but he didn’t know the things that you knew about him. Besides the fact that his eyes always lingered on you for far much longer than they should have, you knew about the things that Edgar was too young to remember. You knew what happened to his Mother, you knew what almost happened to Edgar, and you knew that Curtis would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.
Besides, by the way he watched you like you were his prey, you knew he’d stop at nothing to get you. So, when it was finally time for the “great uprising” you begged Edgar to stay behind with you.
“We’ve spent too long planning and plotting for me to stay behind-”
“You can stay with me!” you sobbed and he shook his head.
“Trust me! Believe in me! I can do this!”
“We’ll have a future, children, space-”
“I just want you! Please-”
“I’ll come back to you and you’ll see. I promise you, it’ll be okay. I love you.”
That was the last time you saw him alive.
When word got back to you how he’d been killed, and who let it happen, something inside you snapped. You became violent, you lost all patience, you attacked anyone who got in your way as you started on your own journey to the front, and you led everyone who had stayed behind to the front of the train with you. By the time you got there, Wilford had been killed and Curtis was the new leader. Of course, no one noticed all of the changes in Curtis’ attitude, as if you all owed him your lives, because he’d apparently made your lives better. He made changes that made years of suffering finally seem like they had been worth something. 
Everyone except you.
“Curtis wants to see you,” one of the girls tells you as she approaches the bar. 
Sansa, who’s his regular girl. 
“Just give him time,” Nam repeats softly, filling your glass one last time. 
You roll your eyes and down your drink before you follow Sansa to the very front of the train.
This isn’t the first time you’ve been called to his bedroom. Hell, it isn’t even the 100th time. Not long after the battle ended and changes were made, Curtis Everette made it very well known to everyone on the train, that you are his absolute favorite. Not so much with his words, but with his actions. He’d made it seem as if it were out of honor for Edgar, but the way he watched you let you know that, that was bullshit. No, he never called you into his bed, but he also made sure to never let you get close to another man again.
He made sure you never had to work, you never wanted for anything, you always had fresh clothes waiting for you, and you had one of the best rooms on the train. 
“Edgar sacrificed his life so you could have a better one. It only makes sense that you have the best of everything,” he whispered the night that he’d helped you settle into your new room.
In return, you’ve made it known that you’ll always despise him.
“What?” you snap the second you step foot inside his room.
He looks at you with his bourbon shot eyes, and you scoff. He’s in one of his moods.
“You could be a little nicer to me, Y/N.”
“Everyone on this train is nice enough to you. Now, what do you want? What’s the point of giving me a room if you never actually let me stay in it.”
“What’s wrong with you today?” he sneers, pouring himself another drink.
“You’re still here and Edgar isn’t.”
“Edgar made his choice-”
“Edgar worshiped you and blindly followed you into battle, and you couldn’t give less of a shit about what happened to him.”
“That’s not true!”
You scoff and narrow your eyes at him, “then why do you call me here every fucking night?”
“I’ve never done anything-”
“I know you’re not drunk enough to lie to me,” you warn with a snarl.
No, technically Curtis has never done anything to you, but hes found ways to...mess with you. 
He’s had you stay in the rooms while hes fooled around with other women, sometimes multiple at once, if he gets drunk enough, he watches you bathe and get dressed, hes gone out of his way to show you just how badly he wants you, and he never lets you stay away from him for too long. No, he’s never forced himself on you and taken you, but hes always been just a few steps away from doing so.
With Edgar out of the way, he’s free to do whatever he pleases.
However, the problem is, Curtis wants you to want him. He wants you to burn for him just as bad as he burns for you. At one point, that would’ve been possible. It was never that you found him unattractive or unapproachable, something just always seemed...off. Now that, that’s been confirmed, you’re repulsed by the man.
Even if you do still find him painfully attractive.
A sick smirk comes to his face as he makes his way over to you, “I’ve never done anything that haven’t found yourself enjoying.” “Yes, because I love spending my nights watching fuck other women.”
“Could be you.”
“You can let go of that dream. If it never happened before, it sure as fuck isn’t gonna happen now.”
Without warning, he’s gripping your neck tight and forcing you against the wall, and you do your best to ignore the fluttering feeling in your stomach.
“You can pretend all you want to, but I know how bad you want it. I hear you at night when you think I’m asleep. The pathetic little moans and whimpers, and your desperate begging.”
Your eyes go wide and he chuckles darkly.
“You’re not as slick as you think, honey.”
“It’s not for you, so don’t go getting a big ego.” “It sure as shit isn’t for Edgar, even when you were fucking him regularly. He could never truly satisfy you. Not in the way you needed.” “You’re a bastard!”
“How many times did you picture me every time he fucked you, hmm? How many times do you picture me when you’re alone in that cozy little room of yours?”
You don’t know what the hell has gotten into him, because he’s never been this forceful with you before.
“You should be thanking me,” he growls, his grip on your neck getting tighter as he leans in close. “Maybe I should stop being so fucking nice to you and just take it.” “Don’t you fucking dare!”
“What will you do, huh? The only crying you’ll be doing is when I’m done with you and you’re begging for more of my cock.”
Of all the fucking times to be turned on.
“You fucking want it,” he continues, “even now, I know that little pussy is crying to be touched. To fucked until it’s ruined!”
You push him off of you and glare at him.
“Admit it! You orchestrated all of this so you could-”
“He knew what he was getting himself into! He knew the chance he was taking-”
“He trusted you!”
“That was his fault!”
There it is.
“So you admit it!”
“I’d do it again! Why did he deserve you but I didn’t?! I still don’t?! After all I’ve done for you?!”
“You’re monster!”
“Sticks and stones,” he smirks before pressing you against the wall again. “Maybe I should show you just how much of a monster I am.”
His lips are on yours and when you try to push him off of you, he doubles down on his efforts. Squeezing at the stitches in his other arm, he hisses in pain, dropping his glass and backs up for just a moment. He slaps you hard before going in for another kiss, but you’re quick to knee him in the groin.
You’re quick to run out and make your way to room, not sure of where else there is to hide, and before you can slide the door close, he’s pushing you in and slamming it shut behind him.
“Get out!”
“Get on the fucking bed!” “Curtis-”
“Fine, you want this to be rough? I can be as rough as you want me to be, baby,” he promises as he locks the door.
“No one is going to go against me, no one is going to save you, and no one is gonna feel bad for you. Scream all you fucking want, they’ll know you’re just enjoying it,” he promises with a sinister smile.
Seeing no other way out of this, you rush him against the wall and just start hitting him with all the power you have in your body.
“I’ve never had to work for it,” he taunts, easily pushing you back. “Never had to make a bitch admit just how bad she wants me!”
“I hate you! I want nothing to do with you!”
“Is that what you’d tell yourself every time you’d make eye contact with me while he was fucking you? Looking down at me as he fucked up into you, telling you just how much he loves and adores you?” he counters, easily wrapping an arm around your waist, easily throwing you down on the bed. “When you knew I was getting off to your hushed moans? You didn’t want anything to do with me then either? You didn’t want me making you scream?”
You hate that he has a point because, to an extent, you did want one him at one point. You wanted him bad. It’s part of why you’d turn down Edgar so many times. No, you never had any intention of pursuing Curtis, but you were attracted to him. Far more than you were to Edgar, and you felt incredibly guilty about it. You would’ve been content to be alone, but Edgar never relented and you eventually found it cute.
Of course you knew what Curtis was doing whenever the two of you locked eyes, but you truly never thought he’d let Edgar get killed so he could get you. The worst part of it is, even now that you know the truth of it all, you still want Curtis. In some sick way, the fact that he did something so horrible just to have you all to himself drove you insane in the worst way. You aren’t losing the fight because he’s overpowering you, you’re losing the fight because you’re tired of fighting it.
“Don’t get quiet on me now,” he snickers as pulls his top off and throws it across the room. “Don’t tell me that you’re a filthy little liar,” he presses as he rips your top open.
“Leave me alone!” “No, I’m done waiting around,” he husks, pulling your bra down. “Fuck!”
“You’re gonna shut the fuck up and you’re gonna enjoy everything daddy has to offer you,” he warns before dipping down and enveloping his right breast in his mouth; lewdly licking and sucking on it in the most depraved way.
“O-oh! Curtis!”
It’s been so long since you’ve been touched by anyone else.
“That’s right,” he mumbles before nipping on your nipple, while his other hand works on undoing your jeans, “I know exactly what you need, you little bitch.”
Your breathing comes heavier as his hand makes its way down into your panties, finding your overstimulated bundle of nerves.
“You’re fucking soaked!”
“Stop fucking fighting me!” he warns, his other hand making it’s way around your throat. “You fucking want it! You’ve always fucking wanted it!”
You’re not sobbing because he’s doing something wrong, you’re sobbing because he’s right. Edgar would probably be alive if you’d just kept saying no to him.
“That’s right, baby. Just let me take care of you,” he moans, easily sliding a finger into you.
“Curtis,” you moan, bucking your hips forward.
“So beautiful, baby,” he coos, finally giving your other nipple attention, “waited so fucking long!”
“Oh fuck!”
You do your best to block out all images of Edgar and every feeling of guilt you felt. For whatever reason, Curtis wasn’t letting you go tonight and you didn’t want him to.
“You can barely take two fingers,” he groans, adding another thick finger to your sopping cunt as you rake your nails across his back. “Gonna have to get you ready for me. God, these fucking tits!” he husks.
“Please!” you whimper, feeling both pleasure and pain at the way he’s pulling you apart, “don’t fucking stop!”
“We’re gonna be at this a while,” he promises with a smirk as he picks up his pace. 
He resumes his assault on your left nipple for just a bit longer, before he finally starts leaving a trail of sloppy wet kisses down your body, pulling your pants down along the way. 
You’ve never had a guy go down on you before. Before you’d been put on the train, you’d only had sex twice and the both of you were inexperienced. When you were with Edgar, you two weren’t free to explore much. The most you’d been able to do was give him a blowjob, even that was uncomfortable.
“So fuckin’ pretty for me,” Curtis purrs against your pussy lips, “been waitin’ for me.”
The first lick is just a tease and you whine in protest, the second is right against your clit and whine his name as you dig your nails into his shoulders, and with the third he’s finally diving right in and claiming you as his own with his tongue.
“Oh God! Don’t fucking stop!” you beg pathetically, your legs starting to tremble as he massages your clit with his thumb. “Fuck!”
The sounds of his of his pornographic moans and roughness of his beard on your thighs somehow make you even more feral, and you can’t resist looking down. The sight of him buried between your legs has you biting on your bottom lip to keep from screaming. As if he can sense your feral gaze on him, you he looks up with a devilish glint in his ocean blue eyes, which have now darkened with twinges of desire and lust, as he starts fucking you faster with his tongue.
Your mouth hangs open and you’re right on the edge when he removes his tongue.
“What the fuck?!” you cry out and he chuckles darkly.
“I shouldn’t fucking let you cum at all,” he bites as he thrusts two fingers inside of you, causing you to buck your hips forward, “but I’m gonna get this tight little pussy ready for me,” he promises again.
The intrusion of a third finger has you throwing your head back in both pleasure and pain, and you try to push his hand away.
“None of that, fucking take it! Take it and then you’re gonna take my fucking cock,” he demands gruffly, applying more pressure to your clit with his thumb.
“Ngh- too much! Curtis please!”
“Then fucking cum! What, you don’t know how? Was it really that bad with him?” he taunts with a condescending chuckle.
You shouldn’t clench around his fingers the way you do at that.
“Not such a fucking saint after all, huh? Just a hungry little cock whore. Say it,” he demands lowly.
Biting down on your lip to keep quiet, you shake your head ‘no’.
Slapping one of your tits hard, he repeats, “say it!”
“ ‘m a cock whore!” you cry out, squirting hard and coating his wrist.
That’s new.
“Jesus fuck,” he growls.
He fucks you through your high, lapping up the mess you made, while you try to come down from your high. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you know how wrong all of this is, but you can’t focus on that right now. The pleasure is all consuming, and you can’t think on anything other than how much you want Curtis.
How, in some dark and twisted way, you’ve always wanted Curtis.
The sound of him unzipping his pants brings you back to reality, and you know you’re going to hate yourself in the morning. Hell, you hate yourself now. 
“Don’t ever make me fight this fucking hard for you again, you understand me?” he warns, kicking his jeans and boxers off of him and your bed.
You watch him with wide eyes and it’s as if he can read your mind.
“Don’t you dare try and fucking run from me now. You’re mine, you’ve always been mine, and you’ll always be mine.”
He takes his angry red cock in his hand, stoking it a few times, before dipping down and kissing you like you’d finally been returned to him after years of being held captive. The taste of you and whiskey mix together perfectly, intoxicating you, and you moan into his mouth, as both of your tongues fight for dominance.
“You are mine,” he broods once you two break apart as he spears himself inside of you.
He lets out a strangled groan, “gonna make you feel better than you ever have before!”
He’s relentless as he fucks into you, knowing exactly what you need as you trail kisses down his neck. 
“Y/N,” he whines when you find that spot on the crook of his neck, biting down on it hard before using your tongue to soothe the pain. “Fuck! What a good girl,” he praises and you flutter around his cock. “My pretty girl likes that? Being my good fuckin girl?”
You’ve never been so full in your life and the only response you can muster is a pathetic moan, sucking even harder on his neck. 
“That’s right, baby. Mark me up...make sure they know I’m yours,” he growls, using one hand to pin your waist down, while the other pins your hands down to the bed above your head.
You don’t even care that he’s using you as his own personal rag doll, because you need it. You both need it. So many years of anger, frustration, and denial have finally come to a head, and it feels good.
It feels so fucking good.
“Oh God! Daddy!” you cry out, wrapping a leg around his waist as he finds a spot within you that you didn’t even know existed.
“Fuck, there it is!”
“Too much!”
“No it’s not, you’re gonna make a mess for me again,” he demands as his movements start to become erratic. 
The hand he’s using to pin your waist to the bed travels down between the both of you, and you let out a choked sob as he starts to massage your clit.
“So beautiful, baby. Love you so fucking much,” he grunts, and you’re not sure if he means you or your pussy.
Your mind is so full of fog that you truly don’t give a fuck.
You turn your head away as you feel the knot in your core tighten and he whines, “look at me...waited so long, let me see you, baby. C’mon...let daddy see you come apart.”
Forcing your gaze on him, there’s something equally soft in his feral blue eyes, and you know you’re done for. No matter what you feel in the morning, you’ll want this again and again.
You’ll want him again and again.
A silent scream leaves your mouth as your orgasm washes over you, the leg around his waist falling to the side as you make a mess between the both of you.
“That’s a good girl...milk my fat fuckin’ cock, baby,” he groans, resting his forehead against yours as he paints your inner walls with his love.
Well, you’ve fucking done it now. 
He peppers soft kisses from your forehead to your cheek, as he rides out both of your highs, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he finally releases your arms. When he finally stills within you, half hard, you let your arms fall to your sides and close your eyes, feeling more full and desired than ever before.
Feeling more guilt than you ever have before.
You’re almost asleep when you hear, “clean daddy off, honey. We’re just getting started.”
He chuckles when he looks down at the confused look on your face.
“I told you: we’re gonna be at this for a while.”
You’re not sure what the hell has gotten into him, and why he’s so forceful tonight, but he keeps you up for hours in positions you’ve never even dreamed of. Exhausting your body over and over again, his lips covering every inch of your body that they can, and his hands exploring every part of you. It feels like heaven, and there’s a pitiful shame that washes over you with each orgasm. You lose count of how many times he tells you he loves you, and how perfect he thinks you are for him, and soon you’re just a mindless doll ready and willing to do anything he wants. You’ll give him anything as long as he continues to lessen the embarrassment that’s come with you finally giving yourself to him.
“That’s it, baby,” he grunts from behind as you lull your head back, “ride daddy’s dick just like that. Like a fucking cowgirl!”
“I know you’re tired,” he coos against your neck, his beard making you shutter as he strarts groping your breasts with both hands, “gonna fill your perfect little pussy one more time, I promise!”
The thought of you leaking with his release again has you clenching around him.
“You love being so full of me, don’t you?”
You just nod as you grip his thick thighs, digging your nails into them.
“I know, baby. Just needed daddy to show you who’s boss, didn’t you? Too ashamed to accept what I was so willing to give you,” he moans, kissing your neck as one of his hands travels between your thighs.
“So loud for me and I fucking love it! You’d never be this fuckin’ loud for him, would you?”
You lazily shake your head ‘no’.
“Didn’t deserve you...he couldn’t make you happy like I can. Like I always will,” he promises as he slaps your cunt.
That’s all it takes. You scream his name as your body spasms and you make a mess for what feels like the millionth time. He pulls you close, filling you to the brim, as your body relaxes against his.
“What a good girl,” he praises softly, his own breathing shallow as he guides your waist to ride out both of your orgasms.
You’ve never been so exhausted in your life.
You honestly have no control over your body at this point, so Curtis has to guide you off of him and onto the bed. You flinch when you feel some sort of fabric between your legs, cleaning you up.
“I know you’re sensitive, just a few more moments, baby,” he coos.
Well, he’s certainly much happier now that you’re a useless and mindless mess.
You feel the bed dip from behind you as he gets in, pulling the cover over the both of you before pulling you close to him. The fight that’s left in you isn’t enough to kill an ant. Instead, you just relax against him as you drift off into unconsciousness, hoping that all of this is just a very strong dream crafted from loneliness and desire.  
The last thing you hear before you succumb to darkness is, “I love you.”
“Y/N,” a soft voice calls as a pair of hands shake your gently.
You blink a few times, coming back to reality and trying to separate your dreams from reality.
“Y/N? Curtis wants to see you in his room.”
All of a sudden the pain in your face and body catapult you back into reality. Shame washes over you, as well as an intense amount of guilt, and you curl into yourself. God, how could you give into him? How could you get off to some of the cruel and lewd things he said? What the fuck is wrong with you?
“Y/N? Did you hear me? Curtis-”
“No,” you respond softly, pulling the blanket tighter around yourself.
“He told me not to take ‘no’ for an answer,” the woman responds mournfully.
You say nothing, silently crying to yourself and wishing you were anywhere else. Wishing you could get away from your one true forbidden desire.
“Y/N, please,” the woman begs.
It’s not lost on you that she’ll more than likely have hell to pay, but you can’t face him. The more memories come flooding back, the more you want to the train to swallow you whole. To add insult to injury, arousal pools between your legs as desire takes over your body. What the hell came over the both of you last night, and why did you let it win? There was a time that you would’ve fought till the last breath in your body to keep Curtis off of you, but last night, you barely put up that much of a fight. You didn’t want to.
You hear your drawers open and what you assume are clothes landing on your bed, and you just pull the cover over your head. He got what he wanted out of you, so why can’t he leave you alone? What else could he want from you?
‘I love you.’
There’s no possible way he could’ve meant that. He was drunk. He treats every other woman on this train like his own personal pleasure toy, so what makes you any different? So special?
“What did I tell you last night about making me fight for you?”Curtis sighs as he walks into your room, closing the door shut behind him.
You were so lost in thought that you hadn’t even heard the woman leave.
  When you say nothing, he pulls the cover from you, “come on, Y/N. Don’t make me get forceful.”
You just pull your legs tighter to yourself and cry harder.
“Please...just go away.”
“Y/N-” “You did it on purpose, Curtis. He loved you and you just...”
“You didn’t seem to mind that confession so much last night.”
“Which makes me just as awful as you if not worse,” you sob, once again realizing just how terrible you are. 
Edgar loved you unconditionally and you let the man responsible for his death fuck you like a beast, willingly giving him orgasm after orgasm.
“Honey,” Curtis tries to reason, going to touch your arm, but you pull away.
It’s insane how you can long for and hate someone’s touch so much at the same time.
Letting out another frustrated sigh, he pulls the cover back over your body and steps away, “fine.”
You can hear the pain in his voice, but he should feel like garbage. You both should. The sliding door to your room opens and closes again, and you’re finally on your own again. As you continue to cry, you if you’ll ever know peace again. If you aren’t, how long will it take you to allow yourself the comfort of Curtis?
Curtis’ P.O.V.
What the fuck is wrong with me? It’s not the first time I’ve gotten drunk and tormented you, but to attack you like that? Confess the truth in such a condescending way? Of course you want nothing to do with me now that the fog has cleared. Yes, what I did was fucked up, but I’ve been right about you since day one.
You wanted me all along.
It’s not like I didn’t care for Edgar, and he deserved more from me, but he didn’t deserve you. Watching him with you was like a knife to the chest every day. Hearing your moans and whimpers every night that he was inside you? Those were mine. They were for me. That’s why you always kept your eyes focused on me. You knew it just as well as I did. Maybe you’re the real monster in all of this, because you used him just as much as I envied him. 
You weren’t happy, you were never going to leave him, so I took charge. I didn’t expect for any of it to work out like it did, but it did nonetheless. I figured if I gave you enough time and space, you’d come to me, but my patience could only last so long. Venting to Nam night after night only helped so much. 
Two fucking years.
Two years of me watching you, two years of me making every other man on board afraid to get close to you, two years of me being a lesser version of myself...two years and you still never cracked. I have a fucking train to take care of, I couldn’t keep spending all of my time and energy just trying make you jealous enough to give him.
I was all set to let it go and let you do whatever the hell you wanted, until I walked past your train cart yesterday morning.
“Fuck Curtis...fuck me just like that,” you whimpered so softly, I thought I imagined it.
Looking into your room made me cum instantly. You were completely naked, eyes closed, head lulled back, and riding your pillow. You’d never looked so fucking hot before, and that was my name leaving your mouth. Not Edgar’s, mine. I no longer needed you to fucking say you were mine, but you’d just confirmed it.
“Gonna cum so soon, daddy! Fuck!”
I couldn’t get it out of my mind, and my frustration wouldn’t leave my body. Why the hell were you fighting something you so desperately wanted? 
Because you’re not a monster at all.
Even without my confession, you’d always known the truth. I could’ve saved Edgar, but I didn’t. I made a million excuses as to why I couldn’t, and everyone believed them. Everyone except you. Of course you wouldn’t allow yourself to be with me. Not without force. So, after I finished up everything I needed to take care, I got drunk. I had planned on being level headed, but you came in with that fucking attitude, and I fucking lost it.
How the hell were you annoyed with me? I made sure you had the best life, and you were still ungrateful. Once again, I could’ve saved Edgar, but you wouldn’t have left him. You would’ve married him and had his fucking his kids, and what right did he have to you? What right do any of the guys on this hell hole have to you? None of them will ever love you like I do, they’re not gonna satisfy you like I do, and they’re never gonna care for you like I do.
You just needed to be shown, so I decided that I was done waiting. I knew you’d put up a fight, but I didn’t expect it to get me so worked up. I didn’t mean to hit you so hard, but you were being difficult. Squeezing the stitches in my arm? You knew better than that. It wasn’t as easy as I’d hoped, but when you finally surrendered, it was more than worth it. You were a fucking dream, better than anything I’d ever had or imagined.
How could I feel bad about Edgar when I finally had you right where I wanted you? Where I’d always wanted you. I didn’t have to say all of things I did, but we both knew they were true. You’d always wanted me, he’d never truly satisfied you, and you’d always wanted me. Whatever your reasons were for choosing him over me didn’t matter anymore, because you finally admitted everything. Yeah, it bothered me that you never said ‘I love you’ back, but I also know I can’t have everything I want at once. I know you do, and when you’re ready, you’ll admit that too. 
“She’s not here,” Nam says softly, pulling me out of my thoughts as he enters.
“No, she’s back to hating me,” I mutter with an eye roll. “I did everything wrong.”
“Did you explain?”
“Nope, I did the exact opposite. I took what I wanted and expected her to fall in line.”
He lets out an irritated sigh as he runs a hand through his hair, “Curtis.”
“Yeah, I fucking know, alright?”
“What now?”
“I’ll go back and see her tonight. I’ll talk to her. She loves me, she just needs some encouragement to see it. To admit it.”
“Be gentle, Curtis. You get angry and you don’t think.”
He’s not wrong.
“Did you hurt her?”
“We both hurt each other, but it’s not like she didn’t like it.”
“Is that what happened to your arm?” he asks, pointing to the bruise.
I scoff with a nod, “yeah, little devil.”
“She’s tough, I’ll give her that,” he laughs, taking Kronole out of his pocket.
“Will you stop with that shit?!”
“You beat women, I get high,” he shrugs.
“I don’t beat women,” I quickly counter, trying to keep a lid on my anger.
I really didn’t mean to hit you so fucking hard. Fuck.
He just rolls his eyes, “Should I send Yona to look after her?”
“No, we have work to do and we need Yona and her ability. I’ll send one of the girls to check on her and give her food.”
I know I should be the one to do it but with how you were this morning, I know we’re basically right back where we started.
“Curtis, should I send for Y/N again?” Sansa asks, poking her head in, disdain dripping into her words.
I can see the pain in her eyes, but I can’t bring myself to feel bad. She may be a regular, but she always knew she wasn’t permanent. All of them know. 
“I’ll see to her later. Make sure no one comes in except Yona,” I instruct dismissively.
“Yes sir.”
Yeah, I’m an asshole, but I’m an asshole who’s in love with and made better by you. The sooner you see that, the sooner things will be as they should. In time, you’ll see.
In time, you’ll understand.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Here, take mine,” a deep soft voice told you.
You looked over to your right to see that Curtis had taken a seat next to you, and he was holding out his protein block.
You shook your head and pushed it away, “oh no, it’s perfectly fine-”
“You’re hungry-”
“What will you eat?”
“I don’t like the way they taste,” he shrugged.
You laughed to yourself, “no one likes the way they taste.”
“Won’t haunt you like the taste of human flesh though.”
He had a point there.
“Go on, take it,” he offered again.
“You have to eat something. We’re all barely hanging on as it is.”
You offered him a half smile, “we can split it.”
He contemplated your offer before he nodded, “deal.”
You miss that Curtis. The one who showed remorse for his actions, cared about those around him, and was actually trying to help everyone and not just himself. Ever since Gilliam took him under his wing, there was an heir of arrogance to him, and it made you want him that much less. It got worse after Edgar got killed and Gilliam soon followed.
God, how could you still fuck him after his confession? If anything, that should’ve made you fight harder. Instead, in a sick way, it turned you on even more because it showed you just how much he wanted you. How much he’d do to make sure you’d always be his and his alone. 
Maybe being on the train for so damn long that it’s fucked with you more than you thought, or maybe you’re just that awful.
The servers have been trying to feed you all day, but the only thing you’ve consumed is alcohol. It’s the only thing that’ll keep demons and thoughts of self-hatred at bay. Plus, for as much as you shouldn’t, you do feel bad for Curtis. The man told you he loves you a handful of times last night, brought you to euphoric bliss time and time again, and you let him hold you close last night, just so you could ice him out today.
As much as you don’t want to believe that the mad man loves you, somewhere deep down inside, you know it’s true. A man doesn’t let the closest person he has to a best friend die over someone he doesn’t love. Yes, you knew Edgar could get on his nerves sometimes, but never enough for Curtis ever want something truly awful to happen to him. It’s not like you ever meant for things to become a sick and twisted games, but they had and the end result was the sweetest man you’d ever known getting killed.
All of this was your fault.
“You haven’t eaten today,” a soft voice rings out, stepping into your room.
“Please go, Curtis. You got what you wanted. Just go, I’m sure Sansa and the others will be happy to keep you company tonight.”
He sits down in front of you and takes your face in his hands, “I don’t love Sansa and the others.”
“Why have you been crying all day?”
You’re more than sure the look on your face screams, ‘really?’.
“It’s not like it was something you didn’t already know-”
“Stop being so fucking callous about it!”
“Why? I’d do it again, honey. I have no problem admitting that. If I had to do it all over again, I would without hesitation.”
“What the fuck is the matter with you?!”
“I love you, Y/N. I think I’ve made that pretty clear for some time now, and I’m not going to watch you be with some other man. I don’t give a fuck who that man is.”
“You can literally have whoever else you want-”
You yelp when he effortlessly picks you up and pulls you into his lap.
“The world could be the way it’s supposed to be and I still wouldn’t want anyone else. You were meant for me and I was meant for you. If people have to die for you to understand that, then so be it. I will never love anyone the way I love you, so stop thinking that this is just some fling to me,” he warns, his gaze on you tense and serious.
His words should make you afraid of him but, instead, they make you want him more than you did the night before.
“You don’t-”
“Who else do you want me to make disappear, hmm? How do I make you believe me?”
“I love you.”
“That’s not love-”
“Why should I go about this the normal way? We’ve all had to fight to stay here, and I’m willing to fight for you. I will always fight for you because you’re mine, just like I’m yours. I love you.”
For now, you’ll just blame the alcohol as you lean in and kiss him softly. Just like the night before, he runs one of his hands through your hair and grips it tight as he deepens the kiss, his other arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you as close as possible.
He broods against your lips once you two break apart, “that’s right, baby. You’ll always be mine.”
“This isn’t right-” “Who gives a fuck about right and wrong when it feels this fucking good?”
“Just give into me,” he pleads before kissing you again, “give into me because you love me just as much as I love you.”
Once again, the fight leaves your body and you’re just giving into what you want. You kiss him deeply as your legs wrap around his waist, grinding against him. 
“That’s it honey,” he breathes with a moan, the tip of his nose ghosting over the outline of your cheek. “I won’t take anything you don’t wanna give me. Just like last night.”
You know good and damn well he’s saying that because last night he did force himself on you, but you both knew you were desperate for it. You both know you’ve been desperate for him for a while. It’s evident that he wants you to acknowledge that, but he’s gonna need to work a little harder for that. 
“If you truly love me, then show me,” you sigh as he bites and sucks on your neck. “Show me how much you need me to be yours.”
You must have awakened something feral in him because, instantly, he’s picking you up and standing up with almost no effort at all, and carrying you out of your room, quickly make his way towards his. Part of you wants to protest, because you’ve seen what he’s done with other women in his bed, but another part of you is desperate for it because it is his bed. Anyone else who was on it before you won’t ever matter again, because you’re all he needs.
He growls as he tosses you onto his bed, “take your fucking shirt off before I rip it off.”
You honestly don’t need much prompting. Between the amount of alcohol coursing through you, and the desire that you’ve been suppressing for years, you’re once again willing and ready to do anything that he wants. You whimper when he pulls his off and tosses it to the side, quickly getting to work on undoing his pants.
Yeah, you’re still sore from yesterday, but the pleasure always outweighs. You’ll take aspirin after.
“I thought I already fucking showed you,” he husks roughly, fitting your legs around his waist once on the bed and on his haunches. “I didn’t get my point across last night?”
You bite your lip and shake your head no, holding his gaze as you wrap your arms around him. 
He smirks as that devilish glint comes back to his eyes, “let me be firmer this time,” forcing you down on his cock.
He keeps a firm hold on your waist as he starts bouncing you up and down on his cock, “you’re mine, Y/N. Always have been and you always will be!”
You cry out as you lull your head back, “oh fuck, daddy!”
“Eyes on me, baby. Gonna make sure it sinks in this time,” he chuckles darkly.
Honestly, all you can do is hold on to him, and he doesn’t even make that easy. He spits on your cunt a few times before easily wrapping one arm behind your waist to keep you in place, and shamelessly slapping your clit with the other hand.
His condescending chuckle only makes you clench around him, “fucking pathetic.”
He dips down, the tip of his tongue lightly licking between your breasts and moaning as he licks up the sweat, before latching his mouth onto your right nipple and sucking on it as if it’s his favorite lollipop to exist.
You whimper, feeling safe in his strong hold, as you run a hand through his buzzed hair, “feels so good, daddy! The way you love me feels so good!”
Releasing your nipple with a ‘pop’, he looks up with brooding dark eyes, “and no one else will ever make it feel this good,” he promises.
Without warning, he starts massaging your clit with more pressure than you’re prepared for, and you’re screaming out his name as you make a mess between the both of you.
“So messy and all mine,” he praises, his voice strained as continues to fuck up into you. “Always been all mine, haven’t you?”
Once again, you’ve been turned into a mindlessly babbling toy.
“No answer?” he taunts, his breathing as he stops all together, laughing sadistically at your pathetic whimper. “Guess daddy still hasn’t made his point clear.”
He drops you down onto the bed, flips you over with ease, fixes your knees so your ass is propped in the air, before thrusting himself inside of you again.
“You’ve always been mine, haven’t you?” he growls, fucking into hard and fast.
You just whimper into his pillow as claw at his bed, but he isn’t having that. Wrapping one arm around your waist and snaking it up between your breasts, he grips your throat while the other hand grips your hair tight, and he pulls you right.
“Use your fucking words,” he demands gruffly, fucking into you harder, “you’ve always been mine?”
“Yes who?”
“Y-yes...y-y-yes daddy!”
“Always gonna be mine?”
“A-an-anything you w-want!”
He growls into your neck as you feel him spill into you, “fuck baby!”
Once again, there’s nothing going through your mind but fog and your body is exhausted. If he wants more from you, you’ll give it to him, but you can honestly fall asleep in his hold right now. He loosens his grip on your neck, and you take a deep breath, not even realizing how tight he’d been holding onto you. Lazily fucking you both through your high, he presses small, wet, open mouthed kisses along your neck.
His breath comes heavy and he sounds just as tired as you feel, “get the message this time?”
You nod as weakly attempt to fight off sleep, “mhm, you love me.”
The next question comes with a hint of fear, “do you believe me?”
“Mhm, yes.”
“Do you love me?”
The answer comes effortlessly, “yes Curtis.”
He’s gentle with you as he pulls out, growling as he watches the mix of your juices run down your thighs, and he lays you down. Once again, you wince when some fabric gently wipes over your extremely raw and sensitive flesh, and he gently hushes you. This time, when he gets in bed with you, you’re pulling him close and resting your head on his chest.
You’re too tired to fight it.
“I love you,” you repeat before effortlessly falling asleep.
Once again, when you make up, you need a moment to adjust to your surroundings. The soreness is quicker to make your acquaintance this time, and you remember that you’re in Curtis’ room.
The very front of the train.
That’s when you realize you’re alone in his bed, and you’re slow to sit up and look around.
“I’m here,” he calls softly.
You look to the side and see him sitting across the room, sweatpants on only, hunched over, and resting his head on his hands.
“You should lay back down, I’m sure you’re sore.”
You keep your eyes on him as you slowly lay back down, “what’s wrong?”
He’s not wrong about you being sore. 
Scoffing as you prop yourself up on your elbow and rest your head on your hand, “you’re gonna start lying to me after the last two days we’ve spent together?” and he laughs softly.
“It doesn’t matter right now-”
“Curtis, what’s wrong?”
There’s a softness to his features, and it’s a softness you haven’t seen in a long time.
“I love you.”
You look down and play with the hem of the bed sheet.
“That’s the problem right there.”
“Curtis-” He sighs as he sits up, “I’m not complaining.”
“It’s not so easy for me, okay?”
“It was last night when you were drunk, and I fucking knew better. I knew better, but my emotions...” “There’s a lot that I have to come to terms with, and I’ve only had two days to do it.”
“Well, do you?” “Curtis-”
“It’s a simple yes or no question-”
“It’s not simple! I was with Edgar, and no matter how I may or may not have always felt about you, I did love him and you let him get killed. No, I’m not innocent in all of this, but he loved and trusted him and you betrayed him.”
“That was different-” “How? How am I supposed to know you won’t ever do something like that to me?”
“Because this is different! This isn’t even remotely close...since I laid eyes on you, I knew that you were meant for me, and I for you. I may have been 17, but I’d never been so sure of anything in my life. I still haven’t been,” he states, slightly hurt that you would even make a claim like that. “I know what I did was fucked up, that’s not lost on either of us, and I’ve done my best to show and prove to you that I’m sorry, because it wasn’t right. Edgar didn’t know, but you did. You knew and you felt the same for me.”
“Well you did, you can deny it all you want, but we both know it’s true.”
“It doesn’t matter-” “Well, why you’d pick him?”
You scowl and lay on your back, “you don’t want the honest answer to that question.” “I can handle it.” “Lets not-”
“Just tell me!’
“I really don’t think I need to, Curtis! There’s something wrong with you! Something in you is unhinged and it shows!” you snap, sitting up and facing him.
He sits back and lets out a heavy sigh, and it breaks your heart, but he’s the one who wants to know so bad. 
When he says nothing, you continue, “there’s something that flips a switch in you, and this darkness comes over you. You’re moody, argumentative, and violent. Anything can set it off and, while I get it to an extent, enough shit had happened and I didn’t want to deal with it. You would be so soft with me at times, but you could easily lose your temper with anyone else...with the exception of Gilliam. Edgar was kind, funny, and sweet. No, it wasn’t ideal, but I felt safe with him and I didn’t have to worry about him losing his shit on me. So yes, I had feelings for you, but I chose him. I know you took him under your wing out of guilt, but you were also jealous. The more he trusted you, the more you took advantage of that. It made me resent him. Then, when he went off with you for the uprising, I knew he wasn’t coming back. You wouldn’t let him.”
You can see the anger in his eyes, but he knows that he can’t call you a liar. Everything you’re saying is true and he’s not about to try and make a fool out of you.
“I did it for you,” he responds after a moment. “You don’t have to believe it, and I know you didn’t see it, but I did it for you. I’ve always wanted to keep you safe, take care of you, and have you by my side. Everything I’ve done has been for you, and while some of it has been less than humane, I’d do it again if it meant you could be happy. If it means you can have a better life, I’ll do it, and I don’t care who I have to hurt.”
“I don’t care how crazy any of it sounds, because you have to be crazy to survive in this world. I’d do anything to give you a better life and see you happy. I love you, Y/N,” he tells you softly and sincerely.
You shouldn’t feel an overwhelming amount or love and joy for him, but that doesn’t stop it from washing over you. Is there a shrink on this fucking train, because you both need your fucking heads examined.
“I’ll ask you again, do you love me?”
Slipping out before you have a chance to stop it, “yes. Yes Curtis, I love you.”
Your heart swells at the small smile that comes to his face, as he finally gets up and makes his way back to the bed, and gets in next to you. You ignore the shameful amount of guilt that overcomes you, because what happened in the past can’t be changed. All that counts is right now and the future you and Curtis will create together. 
You rest your head on his chest and make little circles it, “how are you so sure, Curtis?”
“So sure of what?” he asks, stroking your shoulder and finally relaxing.
“That you love me. How do you know it’s not just an overwhelming sense of lust?”
He laughs to himself and kisses the top of your head, “because when all the fog in my mind settles, there’s still a burning desire for you in my heart. A burning desire to protect you, make you happy, hear your voice, see you smile, and to love you until there’s no breath left in my body. When the fog clears, there’s always a desire to love you with everything I have in me.”
Pressing a soft kiss to his chest, you look up at him, “I’m sorry it took me so long to finally get here.”
“You don’t have to say you’re sorry, just promise to never leave.”
“I promise.”
“I love you, honey.”
“I love you, Curtis.” 
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Chris Evans Masterlist
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Here you will find all of my Chris Evans works, arranged by character and type of work.
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Don’t Take My Sunshine Away (possibly on hiatus)
Bright Like The Moon (ongoing) - Lloyd is a minor character.
Pretty As A Picture - Explicit - Lloyd Hansen x F!Reader - What started as a hobby day in the park turns into Lloyd Hansen showing you why taking photos of strangers is a bad idea.
Power Play: After Hours - Explicit - Lloyd Hansen x Assistant!Black!Reader - What happens when Lloyd sees you, his assistant, in something other than what you usually wear? Well, you should be worried about what he does when he sees you.
A Duke and His Duchess - Explicit - Soft!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Chubby!Black!Fem!Reader - The night takes a dark turn when you are harassed at the club, but Lloyd comes to your rescue.
Family, Quirks/Hobbies, Sleep
What happens when the reader starts dressing to match Lloyd?
Interesting quirk (an ask I submitted to stargazingfangirl18)
Daddy Dearest | Lloyd Hansen + Female Reader + Daddy kink + “Can you feel how much I want you?” + Darkfic (Sweet Treats Events 2024)
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Oxytocin - Explicit - Ransom Drysdale x Older!Black!Fem!OFC - At a New Year’s Eve party, Ransom Drysdale’s life is forever changed by a chance meeting with Ivy Kensington.
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Don’t Take Your Eyes Off It - Explicit - Sugar Daddy!Steve Rogers x Black!Fem!Reader - It’s Valentine’s Day, and you have a surprise for Steve!
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No Good Deeds - Explicit - Landlord!Ari Levinson x Reader - Moving out on your own is challenging, but your landlord, Mr. Levinson is kind and helpful. But he may want more from you than your tenancy.
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Do It For Daddy | Jake Jensen + Female Reader + Daddy kink + “I told you, you would eventually start begging.” + Smut (Sweet Treats Events 2024)
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Sweet Redemption - Explicit - Dennis Baker x Female!Reader - You move into the neighborhood and meet Dennis Baker, a man in the middle of a divorce. Trying to keep yourself honest, you keep him at a distance. But you’re drawn together after a mishap online. Will it end sweetly or on a sour note?
“Don’t run from me” Dennis x Wifey (facesitting)
Brunch with the family (slice of life)
Late night on the beach with Wifey
Ass worship
Nicknames and height
Panty sniffing?
Running into the ex-wife in the grocery store
Dennis comforting Wifey after a long, stressful day
how Dennis finds out that Wifey is pregnant
Dennis' zodiac sign
Does Dennis' wife like to be spanked during sex?
Is Dennis a horndog?
What are Dennis and Wifey's love languages?
Dennis tells you about his and his ex-wife's fight on the day you met
Dennis comforts Wifey after her day doesn't go as planned (slice of life)
Dennis being the most capable father and husband (slice of life)
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Lloyd Hansen (The Gray Man)
Andy Barber (Defending Jacob)
Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out)
Steve Rogers (Avengers films)
Curtis Everett (Snowpiercer)
Ari Levinson (The Red Sea Diving Resort)
Nick Gant (PUSH)
Jake Jensen (The Losers)
Frank Adler (Gifted)
Dennis Baker (DENNIS)
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oswidower · 16 days
Snowpiercer 4x09 Spoilers and Reaction (yes, I watched it 4 days early)
"Shh" "You shush me again and I'm gonna use you as a human shield." Oz and Bess bickering like siblings while taking cover, I love them down bad 😆
This is an Oz/Bess sibling stan account. SINCE SEASON ONE BABY!
Hahaha they couldn't agree on who would be the sniper in the mountains so they played rock, paper, scissors best two out of three. I forgot that was their thing way back in season 1! Oz won. Aaaaand then Bess goes off to do it anyways while Oz is explaining the game plan. I would watch an entire spinoff purely of these two.
Alex is so smol.
Close call wit hLayton and Alex being trapped up there and almost shot! Till to the rescue.
Z-Wreck and Sykes on engine protection duty. Good first hit aaaand then they get knocked out by the gas.
Till just put a coat on Oz like a blanket while he's knocked out. My heart-! Major big sister vibes here.
Ummmm I just realized: Where the heck are Roche and Carly in all this madness? Neither of them are in the episode. Are they taking care of Liana? I thought Miles is taking care of her?
Rut hand Josies talk about vengeance reminds me of Kane and Octavias from The 100. Josie is Octavia while Ruth is Kane. "Justice and vengeance are not the same thing." "To me they are."
NIMAS THE DONER. HE'S ALEXS FATHER! I CALLED IT! I CALLED HIM BEING THE DONER AND HER FATHER!!!! Mel and Nima never gave off romantic vibes to me but I knew Mel liked Nima just as a person. Alex and Nima are both super smart with some similar mannerisms.
Uh oh.
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frostbitebakery · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
I got tagged by the lovely @thejediandthemandalorian thank you 💜💜💜
1.) How many works do you have on ao3
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
147,444 words
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
"Writing" is such a strong word. Codywan is the one that inspires me the most at the moment to the point I want to add little backstories.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
I Got My Head Checked
Outtakes of IGMHC
Art for IGMHC
Codywan Art and Hubris
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to!! When someone is kind enough to leave a reaction, I should thank them at the very least! Excuse Number 1: I get overwhelmed easily. Excuse Number 2: Especially with long or thoughtful comments, when I answer those I feel like that's the end of that interaction and I don't want that to end
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's gotta be one of the Mood Color Panties that ended with an emotional cliffhanger...
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhhh in terms of happy ending to fic setting ratio? Probably the MCU/Snowpiercer crossover that ends somewhat like the movie wherein they discover that not everything on the outside world is dead and gone.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet? *crosses fingers*
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have written smut. With BDSM and lingerie. But I don't feel the smut groove anymore. Once in a while I do like to dabble in erotica when drawing though
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've officially written one (1) crossover of MCU/Snowpiercer. Unofficially, I've chucked words at friends about The Covenant/Fantastic Four where Johnny Storm and Chase Collins are roommates for whatever reason and Chase is trying to close a portal to Hell and fighting off demons while Johnny is oblivious to it all until his Lucky Charms are gone.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. Plenty of art got stolen though.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yus! A smutty stucky one-shot got translated into Russian
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Does The Unlucky Ones count??? I just wanted spoopy Cody but I can't not do backstory for AUs, so my mind is churning out the lore. Then @adiduck was like, “hey, I have some ideas for TUO, how about--“ and then I buried her in the sandbox. The only bits I wrote (with Adi's blessing) are the snippets on the artworks. She is writing the fic while we both excitedly yell at each other.
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Just one???? All of them have a special place
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any fic WIPs atm
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh quite a lot of people pointed out that my pacing is good, and some people like my humor! Thank you <3
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm too rushed. And like, a whole lot of technical stuff I don't know.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like it. It can add a lot of things to the characters, plot, or setting. What I personally don't like if the words in another language are in italics.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Weiß Kreuz. It's in German and the forum it was posted on is long gone. There's an FMA fic on ff.net still. You won't find that one either.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
I Got My Head Checked :D It started as a naive "lolol what would I want Sithywan to look like? just the once", grew to "But listen, Glimmer, it would be so funny if Sithywan is like "I need a week" as his estimation for how long he needs for Cody to spill every secret ever to him, and it ends with Sithywan just getting up in the cell like he's never been injured/tortured at all and going like "Thank you, that's all I need" like some method acting Black Widow type, but internally starting his journey of “omfg I want him carnally and emotionally””, and then it spiraled into 75k words with more catharsis for me as a person than should be possible. And a greenhouse. More IGMHC trivia!!
Oban Ouaine, Qui-Gon's Cody's Venator, is Gaelic for little green bay. I wanted a connection of Qui-Gon and his fandom plants. And I thought Oban Ouaine sounds a little bit like Obi-Wan
the original plan was that the whole Venator is like a jungle with plants everywhere. @elwenyere brought up "they have a greenhouse?" and I ran with that instead, not knowing it would turn into a central stage for hope and healing for the characters
TAG YOU'RE IT: @adiduck @elwenyere @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing @meebles @merlyn-bane @wrennette @lttrsfrmlnrrgby and anyone who wants to bc this was fun!
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akajustmerry · 8 months
does anyone else remember the ouroboros episode of snowpiercer that's set in layton's subconscious? the one where he's under hypnosis to try and remember the map to the warm place he saw at the science station??? does anyone else remember how his subconscious landscape is the train? how the series implied your mind is only as big as your world? does anyone else think about how layton is lost in there until it turns out the memory of zarah in his subconscious is the only person with a map to his memory? the woman he loved and saved at the end of the world? the mother of his child, the woman he lost the future as he knew it with, do youse remember how she was the one who had the map of his mind that lead him to a memory that would restore a future for the whole world?? anyway I'm so normal about that and even more normal about the fact that the final season of that show was shot and edited but never released. everything is fine!!
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 months
Sorry for the delay! This felt like it needed laptop time...
Family themed headcanon
Father forgive me the idea of baby Pikelet has grown on me like mould and now I can't let it go even with s4 happening.
It's not like she'd never wanted children. It just hadn't really been on the cards before, between the B&B, then the Dreamliner, and then - well, you know - the end of the world. Ruth had always had other priorities. Only now, she was struggling to see those priorities past the growing bump, no longer hidden under woolen jumpers and fur lined coats but instead jutting out ahead of her, announcing its presence in every room. Headwood had told her early on that she might find things harder than most women, given her age, and Ruth was sure she was still running on spite from that conversation 6 months later, as she prepared the town hall for Snowpiercer's imminent arrival.
Sleep themed headcanon
Till counts the slats under her bed again. She knows there will be thirteen, there's always thirteen but she counts them anyway, wondering if one day she'll wake up and find a luckier number. It seems quieter with the mattress above absorbing the clatter of her neighbours and the corridor doors beeping, but the rumble of the train beneath is amplified. Occasionally, she thinks, the subtrain must be passing underneath with a gentle whoosh. Mostly though, it just seems safer. Holed up, some small dark space where the pain of the world seems less oppressive. Eventually Till will sleep like this. Not for any long stretch, but better than if she was laid on top. Eventually she will wake and count the slats and sigh and put on her uniform and go and follow orders. But for now, she counts.
Home themed headcanon
The conversion didn't take long, and with the life insurance payout Ruth more than covered the cost of the extra furniture, a lick of paint, and her one extravagance - the Aga stove in the kitchen. She'd started so late in the season she almost didn't think it was worth opening until the following summer, but the empty echoes of the building followed her around like ghosts until she finally switched on the "vacancies" sign in the last week of August, and made herself a celebratory Full English on the stove.
Pain themed headcanon
Sorry to everyone reading this but we're continuing on the first theme.
Ruth woke with a start, unsure why at first as she blinked in the emergency lighting that served as a night light in her new accomodation. As she rubbed her eyes she became aware of the ache in her lower back, dulling even as she noticed it, and ebbing away slowly as the seconds ticked by. A noise startled her, until she realised it was just a snore - Melanie laid still fully clothed on the sofa, cushions and limbs dangling precariously over the edge.
Ruth let herself smile a little at the sight. It wasn't like anything was happening here. Not really. Not yet. But it felt good in that familiar sense. Comforting.
Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Ruth wiggled her hips to the edge, and used the side of the headboard to bring herself carefully up to sitting, rubbing her tummy protectively. Grabbing a blanket from the end of the bed, she padded as softly as she could across the room until she was stood beside the sleeping figure. She draped the blanket carefully, not wanting to disturb Melanie just yet.
As she stood there, enjoying the cooling of the metal floor on her swollen feet and watching Melanie's brows furrow in her sleep, seconds ticked by. Ruth cried out. The pain in her lower back returned, stronger this time, and she braced herself with her hands on her knees. Melanie's eyes shot open.
Weapon themed headcanon
Once upon a time, Ruth would have looked upon the weapon with revulsion. But now, well nothing was the same these days was it? And it's not like she'd have to use it. The threat of it would be enough, wouldn't it? Just insurance, just tipping the balance if things didn't go her way. Wilford's way, she reminded herself, shaking out her hands before removing the gun from the confiscation locker.
Clothes themed headcanon
If Ruth cared she was missing a shirt, she didn't say anything. Mistakes happened in laundry sometimes, and besides which they were both so busy that Melanie wondered if Ruth would have noticed either way. But none of that mattered right now. Right now as she tried so desperately to fall asleep for the four hours between shifts, tossing and turning in her bunk, holding a pillow to her chest, wrapped in a shirt that somehow smelt far better than train detergent.
NSFW headcanon
Ruth always started out thinking of Him as her hand trailed between her legs. A personal commendation for her service to the train. Strong hands, those she'd shaken so readily, and sharp eyes, those that had watched her over his glasses as he dried out next to her fireplace. The feeling of being special, of being chosen.
Her hand doesn't slow as the anger bubbles up. Another was chosen. Green eyes, alongside the blue. Softer hands gripped in His. She watches them move in sync behind her eyes, skin on skin, in what she imagines to be the Engine. The dark haired woman getting own her own reward for services rendered.
Ruth feels herself get closer as the figures do. Her own breathing mingles with the pants and moans she hears inside her head and some small part of her wants to open her eyes, blink them away, but the baser part of her can't stop watching. Watching the way He presses into Her.
The way Her back arches, and Her breasts rise and fall with laboured breaths. The way She moves Her hips and bites Her lips. The way Her stomach rolls and Her body tenses as She... Ruth topples over the edge before she realises she's close.
She's got to stop thinking of Him, she thinks.
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Chapter 5: Plastic Heart
Characters: Melanie Cavill, Alexandra Cavill, Andre Layton, Bess Till, Ruth Wardell, Josie Wellstead, Bennett Knox
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, heavy angst, mentions of blood and gore, melanie being a tortured soul, domestic fluff, older woman crying, cuddling, alex being amazing
So much was happening all at once, the train sounded like it would fall apart from the wind and well now there was a half-conscious Melanie wrapped up in those tinfoil blankets you would find in a small first aid kit, it had been more than 48 hours since they got her from the cold lock, she had been asleep for that long,
Alex checked by the hour on the wounds on Melanie’s abdomen to see if they were bleeding through or not, when they were Alex would carefully dab them with rubbing alcohol, Melanie was so out of it she wouldn’t be able to feel it and thank god she didn’t Alex thought, she would also replace the gauze so it would be a new and clean and pray it did not get infected...both of them...there were two wounds, both appeared as something stabbed Melanie through her suit like a raw ripped off piece of shrapnel or metal and it flew into her at quite a speed, they were deep too, Alex pondered on the question of what and how.
Besides the many visible cuts and scars on Mel’s body Alex sat by her and watched her sleep for as long as she could until she eventually passed out holding her hand in between her turn of keeping an eye on her mother, nobody knows how long she was out, not even Ben, he didn’t want to disturb them by going into the bunk and waking them both up, it was also clear to everyone else at they did not want to be disturbed.
Melanie had on an oxygen mask to help her breathe again properly, all of a sudden she began to cough very violently, and that woke Alex up to the sound of her mother in pain, so she put her hand on her arm and tried to calm her and say sweet nothings the best she could. Melanie began to mumble words that were not understandable underneath the mask to form sentences.
She grabbed the mask nozzle and pulled it off of her head still with her eyes closed “Go on, just take my plastic heart out! It’s not like I had a real one to you anyways...just take out my heart…..just rip it out…” Melanie’s sentences stopped along with her pulse, her breathing slowed down rapidly according to the small screen on the box attached to the wire.
Alex panicked and quickly snatched the defibrillators from the side of the machine and turned on the setting on the box for the heart starting mode, Alex rubbed the two defibrillators together so she could build up the tension between the two starters and forcefully pushed them onto Melanie’s chest, luckily she gasped for air and eyes shot wide open, she sat up and jumped out of the bed her arms reaching for anything to grab onto and her hands clutched the collar of Alex’s jumpsuit and pulled her close to her face.
“Who are you?! Who am I?- Where am I?! Where's my daughter?!... WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!!!”
Melanie pushed her up against one of the cabinets still from the collar rather violently picking her up a few inches, she was desperate for answers and her vision was far from good but right now it was starting to clear up from being exposed to room temperatures.
Alex was scared, scared like she witnessed Wilford again from when she was little, she hadn't felt this afraid in a long time, a tear dropped from her eyes.
“WHERE IS SHE?!!!-” Melanie was cut off.
“Mom? Melanie, it’s me, your daughter Alexandra, your name is Melanie Cavill, you’re on the first ten cars of the train you built ‘Snowpiercer’ to save humanity, I’m not going to hurt you...I never would-”
A pound on the door came “Is everything okay in there?” most likely Layton.
“Everything is fine!”
“Yes, mom it’s me” Alex smiled.
And just as Melanie’s eyes came back to normal and her memory was jogged back into place, she could see for the first time in what seemed like forever, she let go of Alex and as fast as she could she backed away slamming herself against the opposite wall, Alex let her tears fall a bit as she slowly walked over to her mother very slowly.
“Stay away, don’t come near me!”
“Hey hey it’s alright” Alex kneeled down to her and Melanie stood up, so Alex got up again, this time Melanie did not move, instead she just looked down towards her feet silently, crying, her lips were trembling trying to find words for her actions and what she just did. Alex slowly touched her mom’s cheek and tilted her face up, she noticed yet another cut on her lip, her mom did not look at her.
“You don’t have to be afraid anymore, I will never hurt you” she used her other hand to hold her’s.
Melanie finally looked at her daughter and she leaned into the soft touch, her heart breaks “I-...I- I hurt you- I hurt you-” Mel collapsed into Alex’s arms pulling her in tight as much as she could never letting her go, sobbing she kissed her forehead, Allie let it out too, wrapping her arms around her waist, she feels something trail down Mel’s black tank top.
“Mom you’re bleeding”
Melanie did not move so Alex carefully moved her to the bed.
“Um alright” she whipped her eyes “here sit down” she did so guiding her and sitting her down, Allie got the kit again preparing the new gauze and rubbing alcohol, Mel just watched her do that silent, she came back over and grabbed a stool that was resting on the coffee maker “can you hold up your shirt a little bit?” Mel whimpered from the blood unsticking to the shirt “this is going to hurt like a bicth” Alex handed her another shirt to go in her mouth so she wouldn’t bite off her tongue “3, 2, 1-” Melanie let out a muffled blood-curdling scream of pain from the alcohol pad.
Hours passed after Alex patched up the one puncture wound Mel had, now they were both exhausted from the crying and pain so Allie decided to make some dinner for them, she made mac and cheese, a child-like meal that was innocent she thought of, while they were eating Melanie chimed in.
“I don’t deserve you, you’re too good for me”
Alex stopped eating not knowing how to respond to that she spoke something else and asked;
“Who were you talking to in your sleep? What’s a ‘plastic heart’?” she knew she shouldn’t have asked and instantly regretted it, Melanie responded with one word;
And that’s all Alex needed to know at that moment “plastic heart means someone who doesn’t have emotions or feelings”
“Oh,” silence was followed “you do not have that you hear me, you have a warm and kind soul” “I’m not sure anymore, I-” Melanie’s eyes welled up again “I know everything I felt, that’s for sure...I don’t want to go back out that door...I don’t want to know what will be waiting for me behind it...I know we are going back to the others… I don’t know how they will react to me, I know all the horrible things I’ve done, but I do know I am going to kill him, All I want is to be at peace Allie, to be your mom again, to take care of you...to do what we missed out on because I want to do so many things with you and I missed you so much......” Melanie’s tearing frown turned into a soft happy one “Actually, there’s one we can do now?”
“Oh yeah? Alex smiled “What’s that?”
It was officially dark out now, they were both in bed holding each other, cuddling was on Mel’s list and Alex wants to do it every day they can, Melanie had her arms over Alex holding her close, rubbing circles on her back, breathing in the scent of her hair, pressing kisses to her head to tell her she loves her, she couldn't be any more content than she was now, Mel was truly happy, and so was Alex, this has been the most relaxed she has ever felt in her life, Alex once again pondered the question ‘what happened out there?’ she didn’t want to start another break down right now so she’ll ask tomorrow when she knows it’ll be okay to do so. She nuzzled her face into Mel’s shirt even more to comfort the both of them.
“Oh god I’m so sorry Allie, I never in a million years would want to hurt you, do you understand?” her voice cracked.
Alex’s heart was breaking again from just the thought of Mel being this hard on herself “There’s nothing to be sorry for, you didn’t know it was me, but yes I understand” Melanie had the waterworks turned on again.
“I love you mom, I love you so much, please never leave me again?” tears rolled down her cheek
“No, never again, I promise, you are my top and only priority now, I love you so much honey, you are my hope, the love of my life and I wished I did everything and more for you, I am going to do that now, I love you, Allie, nothing is going to hurt you” she rubbed her back more as Alex was sobbing into her shirt seeking comfort.
“Nothing’s going to hurt you baby”
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tikus-library · 1 year
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Snowpiercer AU - One Shot
Characters: Curtis Everett
Posted: Sept 23rd
A/N: Literally had a dream and it gave me Curtis vibes so here, have this unfinished unpolished thing. Also, I picked the above gif cause dammit I liked it so I guess my version of Curtis comes with hair? It's based off a dream! XD
Like, Comments, & Reblogs are always appreciated and loved.
**Please Do Not Repost or 'Fix' My Work**
You spotted him in the crowd, there were a few people surrounding him and you maneuvered your scooter around the parking lot before you found a place to stop taking off your helmet and heading his way.
The dark beach was illuminated by one of the bonfires set up and you hated that even after all this time you still questioned yourself– well, that was going to change.
Continue Reading
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jaimehwatson · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by: @sybilius thank you! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I'm currently sitting at 99! I'll have to do something a little special for my 100th :)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The ones I've written for the most are Our Flag Means Death, Warhammer 40K (mostly the Ciaphas Cain series, my favourite boy), Snowpiercer (the TV show), and Sharpe! But there are quite a few more I've written at least a one-shot for - I get inspired by a lot of different things, and I also love exchanges like Yuletide!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Restless Nights (OFMD)
You're the sun that makes me shine (OFMD)
Want to do something weird? (OFMD)
The Hidden Places Where The Fire Burns Hot And Bright (Stranger Things)
Sounds kind of dumb when I say it, but it's true: I would do anything for you (OFMD)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Almost always! I really appreciate nice comments so I make sure at least say thanks :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The first one that came to mind was one of my Sherlock Holmes fics, Some things you do just to see how bad they make you feel, which deals with Holmes's depression and drug use negatively affecting his relationship with Watson. It's a really sad one that I didn't come back to add a happier sequel to until a year later!
But I've written some pretty angsty Our Flag Means Death ones too, particularly I hope it stays dark forever, I hope the worst isn't over and It isn't that much fun, staring down a loaded gun
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think a lot of my fics are pretty happy! If I'm not writing something fucked-up and sad I'm usually writing a happy couple having good sex and a generally nice time. But if I had to try to pick one, maybe my little trilogy What makes Ed happy?, which gets a sweet Ed/Stede reunion at the end
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've fortunately avoided that so far! The comments I get are 99% lovely and maybe like 1% something kinda weird that maybe comes across a little bit negative but just makes me shrug my shoulders and say oh well
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Often! If there's any particular kind I gravitate towards it's probably characters slightly awkwardly but excitedly exploring a bit of light BDSM for the first time
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
One of the first fics I posted on Ao3 was a crossover between Death Note and The X-Files called The エクス-Files! (Translator's note: エクス means X) It was a really fun writing experience, and if that idea sounds fun to you at all, you should definitely check it out
But my craziest crossover (and maybe my only other one so far unless I'm forgetting something) is definitely my 2023 Yuletide fic Danger and Dance, in which Remington Steele and Laura Holt investigate a mystery involving DJ Crazy Times of "Planet of the Bass"!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, is that a thing people do?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so but I'd be honoured if someone did!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not yet co-written anything that's published anywhere, but a good friend and I once put quite a bit of effort into a story taking place in the universe of The Dark Crystal like a decade ago - now I want to dig that up again and see if it was any good, I remember we had fun with it!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Ciaphas Cain/Amberley Vail! The Ciaphas Cain books and Warhammer 40K in general were what really got me into writing fic regularly and participating in fandom more. Part of what made the ship so initially appealing to me, beyond just how much I like the characters, was that they're 100% canon but their relationship isn't the focus of the canon - you just get little hints and references to the fact that they're definitely fucking offscreen while the main thing going on is fighting aliens and shit. So it provides a great opportunity to speculate about what goes on when they're alone together and you don't see it, and how it might tie into their character development and the events of the canon storylines.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I mostly write a lot of shorter fic, so I don't really have any longer WIPs that gradually fizzled out the way I know some other writers struggle with. That being said, I do have plenty of sparse drafts that I started writing or outlining a little bit of and then never sat down and finished because I got distracted by some other idea. One that comes to mind was a Warhammer 40K fic that would have involved Cain and Yarrick meeting and getting involved in a Wild-West-style saloon shootout in space - fun idea but it never really went anywhere
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at character voices, especially when I write fic for books I love and I can imitate the style of the narration
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't think my description is as good as my dialogue. A lot of my writing experience before I got into fic was in theatre and video games, two mediums where you're much less likely to have a narrator, so I don't have as much practice at it. I find it difficult sometimes to really get across the image in my head in a way that makes sense and flows naturally. But I do think I'm getting better at it all the time!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've never really done that beyond the occasional word here and there! If I was going to, I'd want it to be a language I can actually speak, and/or have a friend who speaks it look over it. Maybe one day I'll get to use my French skills in a fic but it hasn't happened yet!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In the sense of actually deciding "I am going to write fanfic and put it on the internet for other fans," it was the Pathologic games! But in a more general sense, I've been making up stories about my favourite characters since I was a little kid. A while back my mom found something I wrote in high school based on Lord of the Flies that was really cute
20. Favorite fic you've written?
My proudest accomplishment is my OFMD wrestling AU, Tonight on Ring of Revenge!
Tagging @augustmourn @grandmastattoo @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book @scyllas-revenge if you feel like it!
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babyjakes · 2 years
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angel's aid. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | feb '23 blurb night
summary | when the tail-end's chaos gets to you, curtis knows just what you need.
pairing | friend!curtis everett x reader
warnings | me not (ever) really knowing how to write snowpiercer, curtis and reader don't have any established relationship (i imagine they're just friends in this), mentions/depictions of sensory overload and being overstimulated, soft sweet comforting understanding curtis, this seems to be some sort of routine for the two of them- curtis helps whenever she needs it
word count | 474
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requested by @brandycranby | for the hc blurb night, maybe curtis + reader being sensory overloaded? 🥺
an | ooooh yes yes yes yes yes thankyou for this request friend!! i was hoping to write soft!curtis for this event and i love this idea so much, i imagine being on that god-awful train would just feel like a literal prison at times so i love the concept of curtis trying to help you through that- i hope you enjoy!! (also thanks so much to my bestie @starksbabie for helping me focus on writing this lol you are such an angel and a blessing i could not do this life without you)
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"Come on, y/n- I got you. Almost there."
All you can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other as you trail along behind Curtis, your hand wrapped firmly in his as he guides you through the mayhem of the train car. It's nice to have his hand; it always is- it's something to focus in on, a singular sensation to hold your attention amidst the whirlwind of chaos surrounding you. Warm and steady, his support is tangible.
When the two of you reach your destination: the tiny closet tucked away at the back of the cabin, Curtis ushers you in gently before securing the door behind you. "Alright petal, we made it. You're okay, you're safe."
Your body knows where to go- over to the small makeshift bench in the corner where you can finally collapse into a mess of shaky, uneven breaths. Curtis is down beside you before you can even blink. Not too close, careful not to crowd you in, "Easy, angel," he soothes, "let's get that coat off of you." It's amazing how he knows, he just knows. This is certainly not the first time he's been through this with you. "Can I help?" he asks, not wanting to bring his hands near you without your permission. Trembling, you nod.
His movements are heedful as he eases off your outer layer. Noticing just the slightest improvement in your state after the simple modification, Curtis smiles mildly at you. "There you go, sweet girl. You countin' your breaths for me?" You offer him another nod. It had been surprising the first time he guided you through the breathing techniques; you never would have guessed the cold, rough man would be so adept at aiding in a situation like yours. But if there's one thing you've learned about Curtis over the course of your friendship, it's that he's so much deeper than he might seem. Beneath his grumpy, distant, quiet-and-damaged front, so much empathy and care exist within him.
"You wanna talk, honey? Or not yet? It's okay, there's no rush, y/n." You raise your hand slightly, signaling the need for more time. The man nods understandingly.
"Curtis?" As he glances up at you, a hint of warmth shines in his eyes, his brow softening at the sound of your voice. Swallowing down your hesitation, you ask, "h-hand?"
There isn't a word that could describe the tenderness that graces his face as he stares back at you, there in that dark, lonely closet. "Of course, angel," he coos, taking both of your smaller hands in his. "Just focus on me, sweetheart. Hands and breaths, that's all you gotta think about."
"Hands, breaths," you repeat.
Curtis smiles kindly at you, giving one of your hands a gentle squeeze. "That's right, petal. Doing so good, you're sounding better already."
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2,3,6 and 13💜
Thanks for the ask @roxynmae I noticed you changed your profile picture, it's cool, I like it! 2. Do you read/reread your own fics? I do indeed read and reread my own stories. Sometimes for fun or if I can't find anything that is new or updated with a certain tag/vibe I want to read. Other times I will reread a work if someone leaves a comment and comments on something that I don't remember where I'm like "Gotta go refresh my brain." Other times I do it out of boredom, and just to see my own work in a less critical eye. Because as I am reading fics, I sometimes forget the name of the author, and I've done that before with my own stuff, where I will read it, go and look at the author name and I'm like "Oh, that's me. Well, that was a pretty good story." 3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? I don't know if I have an all time favorite story that I've written. I have a handful of stories that I would label a favorite. One that certainly seems to be a favorite among other readers if I look at my statistics is There For You for The Umbrella Academy fandom, which is pretty good if you ask me. I also like most of the Newsies stories I've written. My Snowpiercer content is also good too imo--I have a one shot that is over 10,000 words which is my longest ever! In regards to Avatar fandom, I like A Sleepwalking Spider probably the best at the moment--puts a smile to my face everytime. 6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time? Hmm, yes, there are. Reread and or read when it's updated. I particularly like your "Sins of the Father" and also "Stolen Laughs"; those are both good rereads! Also waiting on you to update Live and Let Die Also, @lanzzo story "Frakrr Say", there's one chapter I keep rereading for a guilty pleasure. @naavispider stories Caught and Cat's In the Cradle. @stupidlytiredstudent story "You'll Be in My Heart"--freaking love how they write! @fictionramblings "Left For Dead"--like the Japez action they're throwing in there. And also their All You Have is Your Soul. @imeanwhynotbruv The Blood of Children"--make me cry why don't you and"Brother Mine". And idk if this person has Tumblr, but on ao3 CheeseSnack's "I Wish I Could Let You Go". And then also @dumbass-tumbler-cryptid "Mama's Boy" and "Cabin in the Woods"-love that they're making this a choose your own ending type thing! @mayfriend "Tabula Rasa" and @futureslaps "The Captive". And I am not sure if these people have Tumblr either, but on ao3 GobiBSide's "Custody" and Quickbow's "Radiator" Sorry, that's a long ass list! But they're all great reads! I am sure there are more I could list but thee ones that are complete are ones that come to mind now and again. The ones that are in progress also come to mind quite often as well.
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)? Share it! I don't have Spotify and I'm not one for making playlists normally. Sometimes, one or two songs will pop into my head for something I am writing. Right now, with the smutty WIP I got, "Mommy Issues" by Cloudy June is probably at the top of the very small list.
Thanks again for the asks. And, sorry to anyone that I @ if you didn't want to be.
EDIT: I realize I was looking at the wrong damn number for the last one. Oops. But whatever, I'll answer 12 too. So to answer 13. How much planning do you do before writing? I do a little bit of planning. I will normally have a general outline, and if not, I will know how the story begins and have an idea when/how the story will end.
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When did Chris and minka get together? 2013?
The first time was a very short-lived time in 2007. Supposedly that's when she dumped him to chase after John Mayer and it broke his heart.
Then, it seems like they started talking online through Facebook again while he was in Prague shooting Snowpiercer in 2012. (Per "the Hacker.") Not long after he got back to the states after that finished the first sightings of them together on the East Coast started.//
They said he was with her in 2015 right before Jenny, Did they try 3 times? 2007, 2012-2013, 2015
Yes. Also, she made a very brief cameo in 2014 around Labor Day.//
Would this look like that she had the upper hand meaning he was the one in love and her picking him up when she wanted type situation thing?
I always thought he was calling the on/off shots after the 2007 episode. The official reason they broke up in 2013 was conflicting schedules. It was when he was in pre-production on Before We Go and about to start filming it in a few months. To me it felt like he didn't want any other thing (ie: a girlfriend) to get in the way of his concentration on that.
Then, her brief 2014 cameo just seemed like him calling her up for a pap pic outing when he needed more press as Before We Go released "wide."
There's differing opinions on 2015. I felt it was a "real" attempt at something again, others felt it was just him being cuffing season lazy. But I still feel that break up was her finding out something about the Jenny situation, and deciding that was the last straw for her.
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jackalopesao3 · 1 year
💫My Inbox Is Open!💫
Obey Me!
1. If you only want specific characters or just a few excluded - please tell me. Otherwise I will be including all of them (aka Thirteen, Raphael, and Mephistopheles) except for Luke for obvious reasons.
2. You are allowed to ask for a second matchup if you’re curious or didn’t like the results of your first matchup.
3. Preferred pronouns? Hobbies? Tell me anything you’d like about yourself.
1. Absolutely no Luke included in anything NSFW. I will not do an “aged up” Luke either. Do not ask. Your request will be deleted. He is a child.
2. I try to do ALL characters for my HCs. Sometimes I get tired or crunched for time so if there are ones you specifically hope to have included - let me know.
3. I will write for dark AU versions of Obey Me. @getlitaesthetic’s version is my main inspiration for this but sometimes I make it just a bit lighter. Please check her tumblr out if you’re into that! I’ll happily do HCs for any type of dark Obey Me AU. The only things I won’t write are: animal and child abuse.
4. If you request something involving another fandom/crossover and I am unfamiliar with it, please be prepared that I may be unable to fulfill the request. I will try my best to research anything I’m unfamiliar with but please be understanding if I mess anything up.
Fic Requests
1. Rules from HC’s also apply here.
2. One-shots preferable and any sequels will be at my discretion.
3. Do not ask me for a word count/ specific length. I write what I feel is necessary to convey the story and project the emotions.
Shining/Love Nikki HC’s
1. No NSFW with minor characters. I will not age them up either. They are children and will remain so. Any requests like this will be deleted.
2. Follow OM!’s HC rules.
I am just coming off of a year long hiatus. I am chronically ill with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, POTS, Gastroparesis, as well as intermittent migraines. I work full time in case management so it’s mentally exhausting. I do answer all my asks but sometimes it takes a while.
I also took a break from OM! in general due to an old phone and crappy internet. However, I have a new phone and high speed internet now so I’m all caught up in SWD and current in NB!
Much love!
They/Them She/Her
Fandoms I’m knowledgeable about besides OM! & Love/Shining Nikki: Pokemon, Time Princess, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Dragon Age, ASOFAI, LOTR, Walking Dead, several Webtoons, Snowpiercer, Bleach (have not read or seen new stuff but did read the main manga until the end), some GTA V (only bc Steven Ogg is delightful) Music: Soccer Mommy, Queen, Mitski, P!ATD, Ghost, AFI, MCR, Blaqk Audio, Alice Glass, Dreamcar
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