bumbburger · 1 year
So I found this AngelSoap +Human Ghost au drabble I started writing and don't remember a thing about it but yall can still see it
Simon stepped out of the bathroom of his modest apartment. No steam followed him, despite him just finishing a shower. He never used the warm water, too good for him, he always thought. Luxury was never his desire. He never sought it out, far too good for the Ghost. He put on his boxers and far-too-worn pair of sweatpants, electing to skip the shirt tonight. He brought his towel up to his head and rushed it over his hair until he was satisfied, the pale gold no longer dark from the water. He sighed, throwing the towel back into the bathroom, knowing he'd just pick it up later. He fell back into his equally modest bed, just long enough to suit his height and bulk, and laid awake to stare holes through his ceiling. He wiped a calloused hand over his face and turned his head rightly into his cold pillow.
Another long night, not that they bothered him anymore. A loud crashing outside disturbed his already unrestful night. First, he turned opposite to his single door and window from which the noise emanated. His eyes glued to his clock, bright red numbers burning his corneas.
1 A.M.
He pealed himself from his bed and reached for an old sweatshirt on his rickety wooden dresser, slipping it over his head. Attached to the seam of the hood was a half-skull mask. He pulled it over his nose quickly and rushed to his door. A flashlight he had mounted to the wall, he pulled it down and kept it in his off-hand as he reached for his door. If only he didn't absolutely live for shit like this.
He felt so alive, opening his door to pursue something he couldn't see. Something he wanted to find, he was drawn to it. His socked feet moved themselves down the steps and onto the gravel, his brain in autopilot. His eyes flickered along the line of bramble that sat clutched to the opening of the woods. There was something out there, and he wanted to find it. Had to find it, whatever it was that had the audacity to disturb his sleepless rest. He cleared the brush with ease, tracking through the woods. It was cold, but no wind bit his bones. No breath escaped his mask. He trudged on, carried by the sound of soft thumping beyond the trees. Half a kilometer, his expertly trained ears predicted. That surpassed the woods, something was flailing on the moorside beyond.
Ghost needed to find it. He cleared the forest in a matter of minutes, suppressing his footsteps on the decaying foliage that littered the ground. The pale moonlight cast an eerie glow on moor, like a melancholy painting that you could feel hollowing your heart. The land was layered, gently sloping down at several points. Ghost listened for the thumping again, which he surely thought to be from one of the natural dips. He moved forward silently, using sparse patches of rock, and graciously placed long grass to cover himself. He stalked forward, never making a sound. The rustling became closer, clarifying into the sounds of a struggle. Ghost quickened his pace, heartbeat steady as a drum.
He was certain now that he was just about 10 meters from the scuffle. He posted up behind a conveniently sized rock, just enough to conceal his figure. Slowly, he peered out from his cover and immediately identified the silhouettes of three men. The two with the upper hand in the fight were quite some sizes larger than the man they had on the ground, who had his hands over his face defensively. The smaller one was not armed, nor was he intent on fighting; so what was the other two's angle?
Ghost's hand itched on his holstered knife, one of many on his person. He quickly calculated in his head that he wanted to help the defenseless man and ask questions later. He picked his target, electing the man closest to his right side. He pounced in one jarring motion, completely ripping the bigger man away from the engagement. With one stunned, he turned sharply to dig his knife into the calf of the second attacker, dragging him to cold ground. When Ghost's eyes met that of the smaller man's, he was only greeted with a mortified stare. As if he was mortified that Ghost had intervened.
In Ghost's slight daze, he faltered just a moment. A moment long enough for the attackers to turn on him. This would prove to be a frugal effort. The instant one grabbed Ghost by his arms, the smaller man jerked upward from his defensive position.
"Shut your eyes!" He all but pleaded with Ghost, his accent proving to be Scottish. Ghost didn't know why, but he trusted him. His eyes fell shut with his free left arm covering them. He swore he saw splashes of light peer in over his sleeves, and suddenly, the deafening silence of nighttime fell upon the moor again. Save for the laboured breathing of one man in front of him.
Ghost dared to open his eyes now. They first scanned scene of the attack, searching for the enemy. There were no enemies to be found, but in moonlight Ghost saw two scorch marks on the cold grass.
What the hell.
His eyes fell upon a huddled shape on the ground. The small man was curled up, away from Ghost and breathing raggedly. Ghost stepped closer to him, remaining cautious.
"You alright...?" He asked him, voice hardly more than a whisper.
The small man still flinched at his voice. However, he did raise his eyes. Beautifully blue moonlit eyes met Ghost's amber stare.
"Been better..." He slurred out, accent heavy. His eyes scanned Ghost up and down. "Are ye hurt-?" He questioned.
Ghost was taken aback slightly. What should he care if he's hurt? He wasn't the one getting beat on the cold ground just moment before.
"M-me? I- yeah, I'm alright." Ghost replied.
The man grunts a bit.
"Mmf. Dinnae want 'em gettin' their hands on you... dangerous things, they are." He seemed genuinely concerned for Ghost.
Ghost was stunned. This stranger cares about him? How odd...
The man's head lulled back as he let out a huff. He had his left hand plastered to his side, a puncture wound lying beneath it. Ghost was certain there were various other injuries, but that one seemed the most dire. He didn't come all this way to start a fight and leave a presumably innocent man to bleed out on the ground.
"Well, I can't very well leave you out here, it's freezing." He knelt down by the man and positioned himself to scoop him off the cold grass. When he got no signs of disapproval, he proceeded. He elected to carry him bridal-style back to his own apartment. He had plenty of first aid there from patching himself up at home. He spared a glance back at the scorch marks, finding the whole situation completely fucked. He gave no more thought to it.
The man awoke in an unfamiliar room, graced with an unfamiliar fabric covering his legs. A blanket, he determined. There was, however, a familiar masked face in the small kitchen that was attached directly to the bed area. He grunted as he propped himself up slightly. The man with the black balaclava, adorned with a skull print, had turned his head to glance at his guest.
"Up yet? I've got some questions for you." He ceased from what he was busying himself with in the kitchen and moved into the bed area to sit himself on a wooden chair beside it.
The smaller man looked down at himself, bandages covering his midsection. A gracious gesture from the bulky-skull man, he thought.
"Er, what'ye wanna know then?" He glances over the deep brown eyes that gazed right back at him. He'd never felt so intimidated by a human man-
Bulky-skull man crossed his arms across his broad chest.
"What's your name, then."
"'M name's Johnny- what're you called...?"
Skull-man's eyes lit up just a bit with amusement.
"Well Johnny, you can call me Ghost-"
"Oh I dinnae realize we're usin' our made up names- everyone calls me Soap."
Ghost was taken aback again. He stared holes into Soap. The audacity to get snarky with the man who gave up his bed and resources for a stranger's comfort-
Soap shifted uncomfortably. He avoided the Ghost's gaze, entirely worried that he'd offended him.
"I- I didn't mean to offend I just- I mean, I also have a nickname-" Soap rambled anxiously.
Ghost ceased his hellish stare.
"Relax. I'm not going to beat you up more after all the trouble to get you here. I've got more questions anyway." Ghost relaxed his posture and watched Soap close his mouth and loosen up a bit himself. His eyes met Ghost's again, attentively.
"What exactly happened when you had me close my eyes? I saw light."
Soap was silently hoping Ghost wouldn't mention... any of that. It all suddenly became complicated for him. He hesitated before he spoke, but ultimately decided to tell the truth.
"Soon as those beasts laid a hand on you, I had to smite 'em."
Ghost found the answer to be infuriatingly vague and cryptic.
"Alright, you're gonna have to give me a bit more than that." He watched Soap fidget with his hands a moment.
"'M not really s'posed to tell you..." He averted his gaze to his hands.
Ghost huffed through the fabric around his face.
"Take a look around. You're in my bed, in my apartment, using up my first aid. Now I'm not sure why in the hell I decided to let you in here at all, but we'll say it's because I'm intrigued by you. You owe me answers, and honest ones." Ghost's voice was a low growl, it made Soap shiver.
Soap interlocked his fingers and rested them on his lap. He glanced at Ghost for just a second but averted his gaze again.
"I'm uh... an angel. This is m' first time down here with all the humans... I'm the youngest one so I insisted on goin' off on my lonesome. Always wanted to explore down here, da's prettiest planet. But ah, the demons caught m' scent pretty easy. I wasn't really... prepared for 'em." He paused for a breath. When his eyes did finally meet Ghost's again, they were full of thought, and deadly attentive. Soap continued.
"So they got to beat the piss outta me, think they had a lot o' fun with that. Then along came you, n' you broke 'em offa me. But when they turned on you, I think my er, proper angel instincts took over. It's like a pulse of light, meant to cook the fuckers and send 'em back to hell. Y'know, I had no idea I could do that- never went well in my trainin' upstairs. Guess you changed that, though."
Soap took a breath and looked up at Ghost, expecting him to throw him out any second.
Ghost sat up a bit straighter. He took some time to formulate his next sentence.
"So you're heavens littlest Angel?" The question was moreso to poke fun at him.
"I guess I am... I mean, I'm only 27. M' siblings are all eons old celestial waves and- oh that's a joke isn't it?"
The amusement returned to Ghost's eyes. Oddly enough... he believed Soap's batshit fucking crazy story. The man- Angel- seemed quite lost himself. Ghost knew his next question.
"Have you got wings then?"
Soap nodded curtly.
"...Can I see?" Ghost asked.
"I dunno, can I hear your real name?" Soap offered.
Ghost scoffed lightheartedly. A counter offer? How bold.
Soap gazed at him, only now noticing the tufts of pale blonde hair that dared to peak out from his mask. Simon, Johnny liked that name.
Satisfied with Ghost's answer, Soap held up his end of the bargain. He leaned forward, allowing the once hidden wings to plume from his back and fill the room.
Ghost found himself stunned for what felt like the thousandth time that night. They were magnificent, incredibly well-kept wings. They were divinely white with baby blue hues striking down a few feathers, the same blue he held in his eyes.
"Where'd you hide those?" Ghost asked, breathlessly.
"Have to hide 'em because I'm not supposed to let you humans know what I am... like uh, blendin' in I suppose. House rules'n all..." Soap answered honestly, a bit crestfallen now.
Would this encounter get Soap punished? Ghost wondered if he'd made some horrible mistake in intervening now. Soap must have caught the nervousness in Ghost's eyes, because he spoke again.
"Don't worry Simon, heaven has much better things to do than peep in on me anymore, I hardly fit in up there. Still feel it's my duty to protect you though- demons might'a caught your scent too..."
Ghost almost laughed.
"I feel I'm the one who's done the protectin' so far. Anyhow, I've had enough holy talk tonight. I'm making some stew. You're gonna have some and then you're gonna get some rest while I try and find better accommodations for a little Angel like yourself." He was doing that thing with his voice, making it deep enough to rattle Soap's brain just a bit.
Soap realized he was a little hungry... he'd never been hungry before in his life. The earth was such a bizarre place, but now that he met Simon, he wasn't so terrified of being on his own.
Ghost got up to return to the kitchen. He was cooking now, cutting up a white onion on a paper plate. Soap watched him cook, he seemed very focused. Was this really how it was to live as a human? It was sort of cozy to him. The apartment was lit by soft yellow lamps and overhead lights, not so bright as to burn Soap's eyes but gentle enough to ensure he stayed sleepy.
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margaritabloom · 3 years
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Cupid soaps scented in peony and colored PINK! Of course! For Valentines Day! $4.50 for all three or place an order and get one free as a freebie in your order!! 🌸🥰🎀💞💕 www.margarita-bloom.com . #margaritabloom #pinklover #pinkpinkpink #cupid #soap #savon #soapmaking #angelsoap #cupidsoap #noveltysoap #peony #happyvalentine #ilovepink #smallbusiness #handmade #pinksoap #prettythings #pinkfeed #valentines #valentinesgift #sweetcore #larme #shabbychic #senseandsensibility #pinkroses #floral #cottagecore #cottagecoreaesthetic #cottagestyle #angelcore https://www.instagram.com/p/CYemD-Jul-1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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alicechavez1 · 5 years
For just $7.25 A beautiful little handmade bar of soap with an Angel or Cherub on the face. 3 D, so it makes a great little decorator soap for your bathroom or that of a friend or family member as a gift. It is a mix of Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Almond Oil with a hint of Bali Spa Scented Essential Oil.
0 notes
metukika · 2 years
Got any blog recommendations for aesthetics?
for cute pastel aesthetics: @/therosypinkprincess, @/honeyrolls, @/honeysake, @/ari-kanon, @/iyim, @/blesspng (that's where I rb these stuff at), @/heartemoij, @/beautymylove, @/pastel-blaster
feminine aesthetics: @/angelsoap, @/seraphiiic, @/yoonjunghan, @/ughworstever
nostalgic warm aesthetics: @/ancientsstudies,
cat pottery cat pottery cat p: @/ponypeople,
lowkey unsettling: @/sweet-toofs, @/1o9 
dark and ominous: @/lionfloss, @/brokenightlight
nature: @/winter-beauty-christmas-bliss, @/90377
kind of random: @/bribes
"pure white": @/lttlestlamb
that's all I could find rn!
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angesirene · 5 years
21 Questions
Rules: answer 21 questions then tag 21 people you would like to know better
tagged by @balletpinklipglow  thank you very much sweet angel! ♡
1. Nickname: luni (that’s where my url came from)
2. Height: 5’7″ or maybe 8″
3. Age: 26
4. Last thing I searched for: “love nikki happiness” happiness is a new event in the phone game Love Nikki, which i love ♡
5. Favorite musician: Cat Power, Fiona Apple, Billie Holiday, Lana, Amy Winehouse, Björk, Florence, Bat for Lashes, i know this asked for one and i mentioned like 10 people
6. The song stuck in my head: right now? Happiness is a butterfly
7. If I had a time machine, would I go to the future or the past: the past
8. Do I get asks: not really, this blog has only existed briefly though
9. How many blogs I follow: 200
10. Would I rather be rich or famous: famous. if i can elaborate, i love meeting new people and going places, and famous people get to do just that, without necessarily being rich
11. How much sleep do I get: 10-12 hours, i’m perpetually sleepy
12. Favorite food: does chocolate cake count as food? i hope it does because that’s my answer
13. Favorite books/films/shows/games:
books: agua viva/the stream of life, diaries of Anaïs Nin, Song of the Simple Truth, Le Visage Émerveillé, a lot of poetry, some of my favorites are: Renée Vivien, Delmira Agustini, Julia de Burgos and Anna de Noailles
films: the virgin suicides, sleeping beauty, cinderella, romeo + juliet, the red shoes, funny face, sixteen candles, beauty and the beast, alice in wonderland
shows: i’m that awful boring person who never takes the time to watch tv shows nowadays, i do spend a lot of time watching ballet though.
games: Love Nikki, it’s a really cute fashion mobile game
14. Lucky number: 7
15. Instruments I can play: i can play the guitar, but i have not done that in some time
16. What I am wearing: a pink blouse, jeans and pink flats
17. Dream job: ballerina! or an actress
18. If I were an animal who would I be: i was told once i’m like a little deer, so i’ll go with that.
19. Favorite season: spring
20. Zodiac sign: aquarius sun, libra moon, gemini rising
and the lovely blogs i tag: @lilaceas @babynectar @peoncessagnes @swanwing @roseibe @lolida @angelsoap @sweethomethestars @fawn-soul @lunaflowerfae @emmagabri3lle @breakfastatvogues @overly-sweet @quietballerina @niimph @wavyiness @alexandra-rvse @diamondsdoll @dior-etoile apologies if any of you sweet angels did this already ♡
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jwadika · 6 years
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Shop link in bio - Sea angel silicone soap bar mold #thehandmadecharm #angelmold #seaangel #angelsoap #soapmold https://www.instagram.com/p/BnZx9z2BI7c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9ud8dm4e0es
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lcvelie · 6 years
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My Boos :
blogs I love, message if you want me to check out your blog! 
*no order*
invain / softjoy / liquorbaby2 / byebabybyee / fulltimeangel / silkfaun / moonflights / porcelainbrunette / rottenskinangel / cutesoftangel / rosemagick / angelkilos / underwata / gfgender / simena / innocentspit / mindfuc / suonko / cemetaryfaerie / faengelia / bebemoon / luleth / angelpuke / pinkwlw / suaveydelicada / babyaddams / usagifluffy / melonsodaa / sapphicseance / thesecretsgarden / softpinecone / sparklingdior / deathinxpink / gardensofeden / petitegirl / roseware / annaichor / angelgh0st / 365daysofwhitegirl / pr1nz3nguts / strawberryflavouredguts / angelmoods / pearltiare / butdoitagain / sweetembalming / finebrat / cheruib / barbiespears / elizabethcatarina / nyamilk / chewedbubblegumpink / coolestbaby / rotttedangel / angelcorpsez / ninachu / sugarfaerie / fairywhimsical / uuuglyangel / petalcheeks / brattiezzz / lapetitefille / mypalepinksoul / sweetdaydreamingbunny /lildaisyheart / sugardaisiess / angeltraumatized / dollyps / barbiecartel / angelsoap / niceangel / delusionalangel / bombonfairy / pinkhipster / darlingdaisy / sleepyflowergirl / rnortal / timbllr / kittybandaids / cherubictears / furnacecold / pinkandglitter / b4byr0t / nurserydolly / childishlies / yungputa22 / spjrit / babyabagail / angelbambina / princessvictoria / polonaises / babydolldemise / shyfaun / etc.!
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tearzah · 7 years
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patreon reward for @angelsoaps !
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cutesoftangel · 7 years
Can you give me some blogs similar to yours? I can't find any good ones! :(
hi angel!! here are some similar blogs to mine!!
angelfleece, angelic-eyes, angelicsoft, angelsoap, anna–adore, antiqueprincess, babycure, blushykitty, bombonfairy, shyfaun, churchyardchild, coffinbaby764, darlingdaisy, dollribbons, mgf, fawn-milk, glossberry, holylamb, honeysuckledthighs, iwishiwasafairy, kinder-fairy, malnedott, mint-chipfairy, raspberryfaery, rosarybaby, rosey-ballerina, softiescars, unpetalled, etc.
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alicechavez1 · 5 years
For just $6.50 Angels and fairies are considered a positive product for their bathroom. This 3-D angel/fairy soap is really very beautiful and will be a complimentary addition to the bathroom. It is rectangular in shape, and the picture is in 3 D mode on the top.
0 notes
alicechavez1 · 5 years
For just $6.50 Angels and fairies are considered a positive product for their bathroom. This 3-D angel/fairy soap is really very beautiful and will be a complimentary addition to the bathroom. It is rectangular in shape, and the picture is in 3 D mode on the top.
0 notes
alicechavez1 · 5 years
For just $7.25 A beautiful little handmade bar of soap with an Angel or Cherub on the face. 3 D, so it makes a great little decorator soap for your bathroom or that of a friend or family member as a gift. It is a mix of Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Almond Oil with a hint of Bali Spa Scented Essential Oil.
0 notes
alicechavez1 · 5 years
For just $6.50 Angels and fairies are considered a positive product for their bathroom. This 3-D angel/fairy soap is really very beautiful and will be a complimentary addition to the bathroom. It is rectangular in shape, and the picture is in 3 D mode on the top.
0 notes
alicechavez1 · 5 years
For just $7.25 A beautiful little handmade bar of soap with an Angel or Cherub on the face. 3 D, so it makes a great little decorator soap for your bathroom or that of a friend or family member as a gift. It is a mix of Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Almond Oil with a hint of Bali Spa Scented Essential Oil.
0 notes
alicechavez1 · 5 years
For just $6.50 Angels and fairies are considered a positive product for their bathroom. This 3-D angel/fairy soap is really very beautiful and will be a complimentary addition to the bathroom. It is rectangular in shape, and the picture is in 3 D mode on the top.
0 notes
cutesoftangel · 8 years
I feel so annoying reblogging like everything you post but your blog is just so good !!! Can you recommend any similar blogs ?? *o*
no it's ok angel!! i'm glad you like my blog ♡♡♡ some of my favourites are –angelfleece, angelic-eyes, angelicsoft, angelsoap, anna--adore, antiqueprincess, babycure, blushykitty, bombonfairy, shyfaun, churchyardchild, coffinbaby764, darlingdaisy, dollribbons, mgf, fawn-milk, glossberry, holylamb, honeysuckledthighs, iwishiwasafairy, kinder-fairy, malnedott, mint-chipfairy, raspberryfaery, rosarybaby, rosey-ballerina, softiescars, unpetalled, etc.
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