#Anne Gillette x reader
cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends (Multi-char)[NSFW]👼
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Multiple SP characters x fem!reader
Xandra, Billie-Dean, Ally Mayfair, Anne Gillette, Audrey Tindall, Wilhemina Venable, Ellie Staple, Diane Sherman, Mildred Ratched.
👼Slice 1👼
Co-authored with @billiedeannovak even though she’ll deny it.
👼Wordcount: 3111👼
👼Published on AO3: Read Here👼
👼Content (some for later parts):Super AU, Dubious consent, slow-burn, manipulation, face-slapping, drug-use, alcohol, smut, cunnilingus, strap-on, cum, choking, degradation, sex-work, court, mentions of murder-suicide, descriptions of violence, bruises, choking, spit, mommy kink, humiliation, public sex/teasing👼
👼D.A. Novak:      What was the reason for the altercation?
Clark:                There was a customer that had been trying to… Pressure Ms. Gillette into giving him information about how she is able to obtain such wonderful pieces for her gallery. She had asked him numerous times to leave but he didn’t. Instead he had grabbed her wrist and tried- tried taking her to somewhere out of view but she had punched him and broken out of his grasp. The man retaliated by pushing her causing her to fall in which she twisted her ankle and fractured her wrist. She was able to get up with my assistance where she then punched him with her uninjured hand.  👼
                          ANNE GILLETTE
 Court:             Members of the Jury, Anne Gillette has been charged in two counts with the crime of murder in violation of Penal Code §187. The information alleges that on or about December 17, 2010, in Manhattan, New York, the defendant, Anne Gillette, did kill Bert Gillette and Elaine Gillette, in violation of Penal Code §187. To this charge, Anne Gillette, has entered a plea of not guilty.
Court:             District Attorney Casey Novak you may call your first witness.
D.A. Novak:   Your Honour, the People call Adeline Clark.
D.A. Novak:   How are you employed, Miss Clark?
Clark:              I am employed as an assistant at Ms. Gillette’s Art Gallery.
D.A. Novak:   Back in early April, 2010, did you call the police to the gallery because the defendant, Anne Gillette, had injured and been injured in an altercation?
Clark:             Yes, I did.
D.A. Novak:     Do you remember which officers responded to the call out?
Clark:               No. I wasn’t introduced to them once they arrived. I had been tending to Ms. Gillette’s injuries.
D.A. Novak:     Do you remember what the altercation was about?
Clark:               Yes, I do.
D.A. Novak:       What was the reason for the altercation?
Clark:               There was a customer that had been trying to… Pressure Ms. Gillette into giving him information about how she is able to obtain such wonderful pieces for her gallery. She had asked him numerous times to leave but he didn’t. Instead he had grabbed her wrist and tried- tried taking her to somewhere out of view but she had punched him and broken out of his grasp. The man retaliated by pushing her causing her to fall in which she twisted her ankle and fractured her wrist. She was able to get up with my assistance where she then punched him with her uninjured hand.
D.A. Novak:      How did you manage to call the police so that they would arrive before the perpetrator fled?
Clark:               I was able to call the police with the earpiece we have to take calls while we are away from the phone so that was how I was able to help Ms. Gillette get up. The man had been knocked back and looked like he was a bit surprised by Ms. Gillette’s actions so that’s how the police arrived before he was able to make a run for it.
D.A Novak:       Is this the first time that Ms. Gillette has been involved in some altercation while you were present?
Clark:               No. There have been a lot of people that harass her while we are out and about. I am usually able to stop them from getting to her but sometimes they get too close.
D.A. Novak:      Were you with Ms. Gillette the day of Bert and Elaine Gillette’s murder?      
Clark:               I was.  
D.A. Novak:       Where were you both between the hours of two and five am?
Clark:              We were getting ready to go to Paris to meet connections in the art world so that we could get a wider variety of pieces for the gallery.
D.A. Novak:       Did Gillette leave at any point during those three hours?
Clark:               No.
D.A. Novak:       Do you see Ms. Gillette in court today?
Clark:               I do.
D.A. Novak:       Could you please point her out for the jury?
Clark:               She’s sitting right there. (Pointing to the defendant)
D.A. Novak:      No further questions, Your Honour.
Court:             Defence Counsel Rita Calhoun, you may cross examine.
Calhoun:           So Ms. Gillette is often subject to unwarranted harassment while you both go about your day?  
Clark:              Yes she is. I have tried convincing her to get private security, but she insists that it isn’t necessary.
D.C. Calhoun:   Do you have an opinion as to whether she has done anything to warrant such treatment from the public?
Clark:               She has done nothing but try and run her business. She has me send ten percent of profits to charities at the end of each business month.
D.C. Calhoun:   By the way, Ma’am, who provided Gillette the funds to start her gallery in the first place?
Clark:               Her parents, Bert and Elaine Gillette.
D.C. Calhoun:   She had backing by her parents?
Clark:               Yes she did. They hoped that she succeeded at something for once in her life.
D.C. Calhoun:   Now, when you were at her residence the day of the alleged murder, are you positive that Gillette did not leave the property?
Clark:               Positive!
D.C. Calhoun:   No further questions, Your Honour.
Court:             Miss Clark you may step down. Any additional witnesses on behalf of the People?
D.A. Novak:       Your Honour, the People call Nigel Prestwick.
D.A. Novak:      How do you know the defendant Ms. Gillette?
Prestwick:       She had been accused of stealing money from the Prestwick Foundation, making donations to recipients which supposedly were her. However, the case was closed due to the money being replaced.
D.A. Novak:      Despite this, recently you decided to press embezzlement charges, correct?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection! Mr. Prestwick was put under duress and blackmailed to press charges by Detective Olivia Benson and Detective Ashok Ramsey.
Court:             Objection sustained.
D.A. Novak:      Requesting permission to approach the bench, Your Honour.
Court:             Granted.
Casey runs her lithe fingers through her hair as she lets out a frustrated sigh, glaring at Rita as though the woman herself had committed the murder. Rita simply quirked a brow, an amused smile tugging slightly at her lips, “What is the issue, Novak? We both know that Prestwick was blackmailed into pressing those charges by Benson and Ramsey.” The Judge gives Casey a look of disbelief “Is this true?”
The red head supresses the urge to roll her eyes and cuss Rita out and deny it, but she was under oath and getting caught out in a lie wouldn’t end well for anyone. “It’s hardly blackmail. Benson and Ramsey just took a photo of Prestwick in a compromising position and said that he either go ahead with embezzlement charges or they show the videos of him to his wife. At least it’s not fuc- At least it’s not murder” she hisses out angrily.
Rita shakes her head and looks at the Judge “Can the witness be removed from the stand because of this, Your Honour?” The Judge nods and motions for them to return to their respective places. A thoroughly perturbed Casey makes her way back and scribbles something down on paper, throwing one last glare at Rita; The older woman returns to sit beside the defendant, whispering in her ear “the Judge is going to dismiss the witness. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are found not-guilty.”
Court:             The witness, Nigel Prestwick is dismissed due to unscrupulous methods being used in order to get charges pressed against the defendant.
Court:             Mr. Prestwick you may step down. Any additional witnesses on behalf of the People?
D.A. Novak:    Your Honour, the People call Detective Ashok Ramsey.
D.A. Novak:      Detective, how do you know the defendant?
Ramsey:           I have been investigating her for a while now for tax evasion, and embezzlement.
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection! Relevance. We are here because the defendant has been accused of murder, not tax evasion and embezzlement where the charges have already been dropped.
Court:             Objection sustained. Change line of questioning or dismiss the witness.
D.A. Novak:      Fine. The prosecution rests.
Court:             Defence Counsel Calhoun, do you wish to cross-examine?
D.C. Calhoun: No, your Honour.
Court: Detective Ramsey you may step down. Any additional witnesses on behalf of the People?
D.C. Calhoun:   The defence calls the Chief of Detectives, Muldrew.
D.C. Calhoun:   Fancy seeing you here, Chief Muldrew.
Muldrew:         It has been awhile, Ms. Calhoun.
D.C. Calhoun:  You have had previous encounters with my client where you, and a previous witness Mr. Prestwick-
D.A. Novak:     Objection. Relevance, what does this have to do with the current case?
D.C. Calhoun:   There will be a follow up question, your Honour.
Court:             Overruled. Get to the point, Calhoun.
D.C. Calhoun:   As I was saying… Your previous interactions with my client have been in regard to previous charges being dropped, yes?
Muldrew:         Yes, that’s correct.
D.C. Calhoun:   Is it true that with this case, you said to Olivia Benson, Ashok Ramsey, and Elliot Stabler that unless they can prove definitively that my client, Ms. Anne Gillette was the culprit, that they would be on their own?
Muldrew:         Well…
D.C. Calhoun:   Is it true or not, Chief Muldrew?
Muldrew:         Yes it is.
D.C. Calhoun:   Did you think that there was enough evidence that pointed towards Ms. Gillette before the investigation had begun formally?
Muldrew:         It was hard to say at that time-
D.C. Calhoun:   It’s a yes or no question, Chief.
Muldrew:         No, I didn’t.
D.C. Calhoun:   Upon finding out that Ms. Gillette was in the company of Miss Clark, whom I might add has no criminal record, the time Ms. Gillette committed the alleged murder, did you think that your team was desperate to get her behind bars seeing as she has gotten off previous charges?
Muldrew:         …yes.
D.C. Calhoun:   My apologies, Chief Muldrew, I didn’t quite catch that, could you repeat yourself a bit louder into the microphone please?
Muldrew:         Yes I did- do think that the detectives were just wanting to see Ms. Gillette put behind bars because they were unable to get her on prior charges.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were you aware of the methods the detectives used in order to get Mr. Prestwick to go through with pressing charges?
D.A. Novak:       Objection. Relevance.
D.C. Calhoun:   It was during this current investigation that Mr. Prestwick was blackmailed. The question is relevant.
Court:             Overruled. Might do you some good to pay attention, Novak.
D.C. Calhoun:   Chief Muldrew, your answer please.
Muldrew:         No, I was not aware of it until today.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were you also unaware of Ms. Gillette being set-up so that a confession could be coerced out of her in unusual and stressful circumstances?
Muldrew:         No, I wasn’t aware of that. By this point I did not see enough solid evidence to link Ms. Gillette to the crime, so the team were off on their own.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were you aware of what Detectives Benson, Ramsey, and Stabler were up to, would you have let them continue on their warpath?
Muldrew:         No, I wouldn’t have. There is a right way and a wrong way to go about investigating crimes, especially ones as high-profile as this.
D.C. Calhoun:   No further questions, your Honour.
Court:             District Attorney Novak, you may cross-examine.
D.A. Novak:       No thank you, your Honour.
Court:             Chief of Detective Muldrew, you may step down. Defence Counsel Calhoun, does the defence wish to call any witnesses?
D.C. Calhoun:   The defence calls the defendant, Anne Gillette.
D.C. Calhoun:   Ms. Gillette, prior to the incident, how was your gallery doing?
Gillette:           It was doing well thanks to my assistant.
D.C. Calhoun:   When did you hire Miss Clark for that position?
Gillette:           It seems like so long ago. I think it was roughly around mid-January.
D.C. Calhoun:   Why did you decide to hire Miss Clark as an assistant after unsuccessfully trying to run galleries in the past?
Gillette:           My- My parents they… thought that I deserved one more chance to do something that I was- am passionate about. I didn’t want to disappoint them again because that’s all that I seemed capable of doing. So… I looked around and discovered that most successful gallery owners have assistants to help them.
D.C. Calhoun:   Has Miss Clark met the deceased before?
Gillette:           She has.
D.C. Calhoun:   Was she aware of you being the sole heir to the estate?
Gillette:           She was not until my parents brought it up in conversation one day.
D.C. Calhoun:   Was she, Miss Clark, aware of how strained your relationship with your parents had been?
Gillette:           No. I didn’t think the past would be beneficial towards the future of my business as well as re-building the relationship with my parents. I wanted her to have an unbiased opinion of them.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were your parents still happy together?
D.A. Novak:       Objection! The defendants answer would be hearsay.
Court:             Objection sustained.
D.C. Calhoun:   Did you have concern for your father’s mental well-being before he killed your mother before himself?
Gillette:           Of course, but I- I didn’t- I never thought he was capable of… killing my mother… He was your typical man, didn’t really like discussing mental health but I knew that he would occasionally see someone. I- I don’t know what changed in those twenty-four hours…
D.C. Calhoun:    Why was the trip postponed until the day the deceased were found dead?
Gillette:             I suggested that they wait another day because my mother was still recovering from the flu. I didn’t think travelling at the time would be a pleasant experience due to her still being ill. I know from personal experience that traveling while sick is absolutely miserable, so I only wanted both my parents to enjoy their time.
D.C. Calhoun:    Were you and Miss Clark actually packing at that hour for a flight to Paris?
Gillette:           Yes we were.  We had done an online check-in for the flight so that by the time we made it to the airport we wouldn’t need to stress over running late.
D.C. Calhoun:     No further questions.
Court:               Cross examination, District Attorney Novak?
D.A. Novak:       Ms. Gillette, you have a history of failure and criminal charges, correct?
D.C. Calhoun:    Objection. Relevance to the current case as no charges were successfully pressed.
Court:             Sustained. Change line of questioning.
D.A. Novak:     You spent all the money you were given in your trust fund from your parents, correct?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. Relevance.  
D.A. Novak:     There will be a follow-up question, your Honour.
Court:         Overruled. That question better be relevant, Novak.
D.A. Novak:       Thank you, your Honour. Ms. Gillette, your answer please.
Gillette:           I did, yes.
D.A. Novak:      Is it true that you were upset that your mother had been discussing whether or not to remove you from their will?
Gillette:           I was, but-
D.A. Novak:       Did you threaten to kill your mother if she did not keep you on the will?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. Leading question.
Court:               Sustained.
D.A. Novak:     Why was your name still on the will if your mother had reason to remove you from it?
Gillette:         How would I know that?    
D.A. Novak:     Miss Clark said that you often find yourself getting involved in altercations, is this true?
Gillette:         Yes. She said it under-oath so why would she lie when the consequences would be more severe than just telling the truth?
D.A. Novak:     I’m surprised you know the consequences, Ms. Gillette, but it’s not entirely surprising seeing as you have had run-ins with the law before-
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. What is the point?
Court:             Sustained. Hurry up and get to the point, Novak.
D.A. Novak:     Your history of run-ins leads one to believe that you are rather volatile. Have you ever hit or injured one or both of your parents?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. Relevance.
Court:             Overruled. Novak, continue.
D.A. Novak:     Thank you. Ms. Gillette?
Gillette:         No. I haven’t.
D.A. Novak:     I find that hard to believe, Ms. Gillette seeing as, if we are to believe what Miss Clark has been saying is true, you often react physically when an altercation arises.
Gillette:         I act in self-defence. I have never gone out of my way to deliberately injure someone! You can’t blame me for my parent’s death when I wasn’t even there!
D.A. Novak:     Yes, Ms. Gillette, I do blame you. No further questions, your Honour.
Court:             Ms. Gillette, you may step down. Defence Counsel Calhoun, any further witnesses?  
D.C. Calhoun:   The defence rests.
Court:             We will now hear closing arguments of counsel. District Attorney Novak you may proceed.
D.A. Novak:     Members of the jury – the evidence is undisputed that the defendant, Ms. Gillette brutally murdered her parents. The evidence shows that Ms. Gillette has a history of run-ins with the law as well as physical altercations. She also is clearly incapable of being smart with her money, and seeing as she is the sole heir to the Gillette Estate she has more than enough motive to commit this atrocious act. Ms. Gillette’s mother had been contemplating removing her from the will which, the defendant admitted, upset her considerably. The detectives investigating this case have reason to believe that this was indeed a homicide committed by Ms. Gillette and not a murder-suicide committed by Mr. Bert Gillette!
Court:         Defence Counsel Calhoun, you may proceed with your closing argument.    
D.C. Calhoun:    Members of the jury. My client, Ms. Gillette, is not guilty of this charge. The investigation was unjust from the start; Ms. Gillette was coerced into her confession under rather dubious circumstances, and Prestwick was blackmailed into pressing charges. The detectives have been gunning for Ms. Gillette to be sent down from the beginning. We have even heard from Chief Muldrew that he thought the detectives were out of order and were behaving inappropriately considering how high profile that this case is. Miss Clark and Ms. Gillette were at Ms. Gillette’s residence preparing for their flight and we have heard in Miss Clark’s testimony that Ms. Gillette did not leave the premises between the hours of two and five am. It is clear that there is an unfair bias towards Ms. Gillette which has narrowed their perspective. Bert Gillette had a history of mental health issues and unfortunately it seems that they got the better of him resulting in the untimely death of Elaine Gillette before he took his own life. Ms. Gillette did not kill her parents. She is not guilty.
Court:       Court is adjourned while the Jury retire to deliberate.
As soon as the Judge has left the room as well as the Jury, the courtroom is filled with the sound of people talking, only just able to be passed off as aggressive whispering. Rita lets out a breath she felt like she had been holding since Anne took the stand but surprisingly, she held her own and didn’t have one of her notorious outbursts. She sorts her papers out and puts them in her folder, a somewhat cocky smirk on her face, “I have a good feeling about this, Ms. Gillette.” Anne laughs lightly and stands up alongside Rita “I would expect nothing less from you, Ms. Calhoun. You are one of the best after all.”
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cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼'Cause There's No Salvation For A Bad Girl[ (Anne Gillette)[NSFW]👼
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Anne Gillette x fem!reader
👼Part 1 of SP getting reader pregnant👼
👼Posted on AO3: Read Here👼
👼Wordcount: 2599👼
👼Content: NSFW, forced pregnancy, graphic depictions of violence, super dubious consent, choking, blood, strap-on, wlw magic, blackmail, bribery. Just a shit storm of not healthy.👼
👼You tried to tell yourself not to succumb to her charm, the buying of you- giving you things in an attempt to buy your compliance to whatever she asked, you weren’t a crooked cop. You weren’t. Whenever she would “accidentally” walk in on you while you were drying off after a shower, she would comment on how good you look with no clothing on, and how much you would suit a necklace hanging from that nice neck of yours, a part of it long enough to sit between your breasts. You would blush at these comments but pretend like they had no effect on you, you couldn’t give her anything she could use against you should she need to. You weren’t a crooked cop. You weren’t going to let her buy your compliance.👼
It baffled you how your colleagues thought it was perfectly acceptable to let a potential murderer go about her life, pretending to be a grieving daughter when you know that she was the one that slaughtered her parents. When has this ever worked out well? It was only a matter of time before something bad happened, and you would be right there with a smug grin on your face to say, “I told you so.” Sure, you could see the benefits of doing this, but the risks were far greater, the woman wasn’t exactly known for being stable emotionally.
The leader of the case, Benson, had put you down to be Anne’s personal chauffer/ companion in order to keep an eye on the blonde woman’s activities. Were you happy to do this? No. Who would want to be some entitled killer’s lacky? You certainly didn’t. You would rather stick with finding evidence and building a case that way rather than going around with the criminal. To make the situation even worse for you, you had also been told to stay with the woman to make sure nothing “untimely” happens to her while the case is being built.
Anne’s house wasn’t anything to whine about, it was beautiful and definitely showed her wealth and refined taste. She, the ever-considerate host, made sure that your needs were catered to- you had a rather lush room with an ensuite bathroom as well as her buying you clothing despite you not actually being allowed to accept such a thing, but it’s not like you could say no to her.
Initially you had been reluctant to wear anything that she purchased for you, claiming it wouldn’t look professional, but she had worn you down, helping you try the clothing out, her breath ghosting against your ear as she stared into your eyes in the mirror, telling you how good the items looked on you. Her touch would often linger on your body long after she had made sure the clothing was fitted properly, it was always light, but it still managed to make you shiver.
You tried to tell yourself not to succumb to her charm, the buying of you- giving you things in an attempt to buy your compliance to whatever she asked, you weren’t a crooked cop. You weren’t. Whenever she would “accidentally” walk in on you while you were drying off after a shower, she would comment on how good you look with no clothing on, and how much you would suit a necklace hanging from that nice neck of yours, a part of it long enough to sit between your breasts. You would blush at these comments but pretend like they had no effect on you, you couldn’t give her anything she could use against you should she need to. You weren’t a crooked cop. You weren’t going to let her buy your compliance.
One evening you were in your room, leaning against the wall as you spoke on the phone to a colleague, they were busy recounting how the interview with Anne went earlier that day. You found yourself laughing at some of what they said, adding your own thoughts about the woman. “A psychopathic break? She’s busy telling me that she would never lose her cool. She is a very refined woman, you know. She would never allow herself to be so emotionally volatile.”
You snorted at your own comments, even you didn’t believe them “honestly, the fact that she is so committed to lying about how she slaughtered her parents is rather impressive. I can’t say she has commitment issues because this shows she clearly doesn’t. What was it she said? ‘If you think I can do this to someone I love. Imagine what I can do to someone you love.’ Shit- She’s coming up the stairs, got to go. I’ll keep you updated.”
You hang up and toss your phone onto the bed as you try to make yourself look busy tidying the room, you hoped that she was on the other side of the house so she couldn’t hear you speaking, because otherwise it may cost the case and you could not let her get away with this.
You went to stand up but found a body pressed quite close behind you making you freeze in fear. “You really think that I am capable of such a thing?” You feel her hands run up your sides slowly, her lips brushing softly against the back of your neck “you have no idea what I can do to people, detective.” Her hands rest on your shoulders before she pushes you roughly onto the bed, a startled gasp escaping you.
You took the opportunity to turn onto your back and back away from her as much as possible before she had another chance to grab you. “I suggest you quit what you are doing, Ms. Gillette before I have you arrested for sexual assault on an officer.” Your cheeks were flushed, and despite your threat you couldn’t lie to yourself about how much her minimum touch had affected you.
She laughs lightly and brushes her hair behind her ear before she climbed onto the bed, making her way over to you were she grabs you by your throat and pushes you harder into the bed, ensuring that you can’t move.
“You are going to tell no one of this because otherwise I’ll let them know you’ve been accepting bribes. Did you really think I was buying that clothing for you because I was feeling generous? Need I remind you about the time I said I was going to donate to charity, but I went on a shopping spree at Dolce and Gabbana?”
You wrapped your hands around her wrist, trying to get her to loosen her grip on your neck, but all that happened was she tightened it making it even more difficult for you to breathe. “Ms. Gillette- Ms. Gillette you won’t get” you wheeze in an uneven breath “get away with what you have done.”
Anne leans in close to you, her lips brushing against your cheek before she moves to bite your earlobe gently, a faint moan falling from her lips “oh detective… I will get away with it. You are under me and not doing anything to change the situation… You are trained to deal with situations like this yet you’re lying here and letting me choke the life out of you bit by bit…”
You growl weakly and wrap your legs around her and try flipping but all that happens is she presses herself harder into you, her black pencil skirt riding up to her waist revealing the beautiful expanse of her legs, golden and smoother than silk. Your grip on her arm loosens as your body struggles to get enough oxygen in, your legs soon falling back onto the bed as the fight is forcibly removed from you. “It- I am- I am not” you cough slightly and heave in another weak breath “I am not- not letting you do-“
She lets go of your neck just enough for you to breath properly, sputtering as you’re finally able to get oxygen you desperately need. You think she is going to let you go before you feel something hit your face solidly, a crack filling the room before your cry of pain replaces it. Anne grabs your hair and forces you to look at her again, her eyes black with what you hope isn’t lust.
You move your hand to touch your face, wincing when you touch your nose which turns out to have been broken from her hit. You push your hand hard into her shoulder in a pathetic attempt to get her off but all that happens is she hits you again, hand tugging your hair once more so that you’re looking at her.
“Look at you… Letting me lash out and be emotionally volatile. How considerate of you, detective. I must admit… You look ravishing with a face covered in blood. I should have done this sooner.” Anne leans down and you flinch, thinking she’s going to do something to your face, yet she focuses her attention on your neck, lip and teeth making their way down it.
As she made it to the juncture between your neck and shoulder she sucked aggressive marks into your skin, forcing a moan to fall from your lips. You bite your lip quickly afterwards in an attempt to stop yourself from making any more noise but when you hear dark laughter you feel shame and arousal surge through your body. “I heard that, detective. I had a feeling you were a masochist. Let me see just how much of an effect I’ve had on you, hm?”
You squirm under her, trying to get away, only stopping when the hand around your throat tightens again. Her free hand slips down between the pair of you, running lightly over your stomach before dipping into your pants and underwear. She lets out a soft gasp, a satisfied smile gracing her face when she feels how turned on you are. “My my… You can’t deny this, YN.” She slips her hand out and shows you her glistening fingers before she forces the two into your mouth, making you gag on them. “Suck.”
You look up at her pleadingly, wanting her to stop this…whatever it is but she just pushes her fingers deeper into your mouth until you give in and start sucking on her fingers. Your eyes flutter shut as you get caught up in the feeling of it, saliva escaping your mouth and trailing down your chin as you suck her fingers desperately. “Oh look at you… Such a messy little thing…”
Anne removes her fingers, smearing your saliva with the blood that had made its ways down to your lips. She gets up briefly so she can undo your pants and tug them down along with your underwear. You go to get up but the look she gives you makes you lay back down, it gave you an idea of what her parents must have seen before she took their life. She takes her own underwear off, revealing what she had hidden underneath, your eyes linger on the toy, lips subconsciously falling open as you get lost in imagining her fucking your mouth.
“If I fuck a baby into you, detective… You will have no choice but to drop the case due to conflict of interest… Double jeopardy will come in…and I will walk free.” She climbs her way back onto the bed, grinding her hips down into yours, the strap running against your slick folds. You moan and rock your hips up into hers “no- no please- no don’t- I’m- My- my job… not safe for-“
She slaps your face hard, reigniting the pain in your nose and causing a fresh surge of blood to flow free. “You won’t have that fucking job after this. You really think they’ll let a cop that’s been bribed…been knocked up by a criminal they’re investigating… continue working for them? Oh you are so naïve.”
Anne guides the tip of the strap to your hole before sliding into you, bottoming out in one smooth movement. You want to grip her shoulders but you’re exhausted from the physical abuse you’d just been through. Anne starts rocking her hips into you, the hand around your throat giving a firm squeeze as you tilt your head back to expose more of your neck.
You spread your legs wider, moaning when you feel her somehow fuck even deeper into you. The sound of skin hitting skin soon filled the room as Anne sped up, her own breath now ragged as she fucked you. “Fuck- Fuck you feel so good around me. Oh detective… I should have fucked you in the interview room when I first saw you. Fucked a baby into you right then and there. In front of everyone. In front of them so they could see just how easy you are. How desperate you are to be fucked and used.”
You tried to deny what she was saying but you only managed to make pathetic sounds of pleasure and breathy repetition of her name. You didn’t think it would have turned out like this. You didn’t think you would end up being forcibly fucked by the woman you were trying to put behind bars. How could you? You thought you were capable of getting out of potentially dangerous situations, yet you just lay there and took it.
You let her assault you, break your nose, violate your mouth, and now you’re letting her fuck your embarrassingly wet cunt just so she can get you pregnant to help herself escape criminal charges. She was just using you like you were nothing more than a womb to her, just there for her to knock-up, just there for her to ruin your career for you.
“An- Anne I-“ You moan as she crashes her lips into yours, her tongue sliding between them and into your mouth, gliding over your own as you fought for dominance. The hand around your neck moved to rest beside your head on the bed, her hands gripping the sheets tightly as her thrusts became more frantic. “Fuck… Oh god it’s going to be so fucking good seeing your career crumble and fall. All because you just let me bribe you, and fuck a baby into you. What were you thinking, detective? That I’d love you after this? That I’d love you for doing everything for me?”
You let out a broken sob, tears you had been holding back all evening now flowing freely from your eyes as everything came crashing down. You were so quickly reduced to nothing. You had been a well-respected detective and within the space of three or four hours…you were reduced to nothing more than a womb.
“You’ve finally realised what I’m capable of, haven’t you?” She laughs a bit before groaning, her head falling forward to rest on yours as she cums. Your breath hitches unevenly as you feel her fill you up, this tipping you over the edge as you orgasmed, your hips bucking up into hers as she fucked through the waves of her own pleasure. “Fuck… Oh… Oh detective… You have taken me so much better than I thought you would.”
Your body sinks back into the bed, completely exhausted from everything that has happened. “I- I don’t- I don’t want- I can’t become pregnant…Please.” Anne pulls back to look at you, her hand moving to cup your cheek gently, hips stilling.
“I don’t care what you want” She says softly, her words caressing your ears and lulling you into a daze “None of this is about you. It has never been about you. The only thing you are good for now is to carry my child and do anything I ask of you. You have nothing outside of me now. Don’t you see? It’s always been about me.”
You lean into her touch as tears silently rolled down your cheeks, she was right. You’re nothing now. Your career is over. Your reputation ruined. You have no worth outside of her…and even then, to her, you are no more than a womb to carry her child. A shell of a woman to do her bidding. Right from the start, it had never been about you, you should have known that. She’s Anne Gillette. It’s always about her. You’d be a fool to think otherwise.
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cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends (Multi-Char)[NSFW]👼
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Multiple SP characters x fem!reader
Xandra, Billie-Dean, Ally Mayfair, Anne Gillette, Audrey Tindall, Wilhemina Venable, Ellie Staple, Diane Sherman, Mildred Ratched.
👼Slice 2👼
Co-authored with @billiedeannovak ​ even though she’ll deny it.
👼Wordcount: 1530👼
👼Published on AO3: Read Here👼
👼 Taglist: @mrsdeanhoward @okpaulson 👼
👼 Content (some for later parts): Super Au, dubious consent, slow-burn, manipulation, face-slapping, drug-use, alcohol, smut, cunnilingus, strap-on, cum, choking, degradation, sex-work, court, bruises, spit, mommy kink, daddy kink, humiliation, public sex/teasing 👼 
👼She rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed sigh, she was not interested in this man in the slightest and he wasn’t even that good in bed, it was his money she was after, and she would leave the relationship with all of it after they get married. He had been talking about marriage for the past few months seeing as they had been together for a few years, completely unaware of how disinterested she actually is. Anne was not a woman to fall in love, nor was she the type of woman to settle down and get married. 👼
Rita leads Anne from the courtroom, the pair laughing quietly and talking amongst themselves as they made their way to an elevator. Rita gestured for Anne to enter before she went to herself, “Rita!” the older woman fights the urge to roll her eyes, telling Anne where she was to go and how to get there before she closes the elevator door. She turns to face the woman who yelled her name “Oh what a pleasant surprise, Detective Benson. What do I owe the pleasure?”
Olivia shakes her head, jaw set firm as she stops in front of Rita “What the fuck are you doing? The evidence shows that she was the one that set the crime up! Who cares if Prestwick was blackmailed!? Gillette killed her damned parents and you know it. Just because you have some vendetta with my team doesn’t-“
Rita laughs, shaking her head with an amused smile on her face “How many times must we do this, Olivia? It is my job to defend people regardless of what they do, just like it is your job to investigate crimes ethically. I know I’m doing my job to the books; I can’t say the same about you. My advice, lie back and pretend like you’re enjoying it. You’ll last longer.” She steps into the elevator after the doors ding open, she turns to give the detective one last cursory glance “You lost, Benson.” She states before the doors close.
It doesn’t matter whether she believes Anne killed her parents or not, the woman had paid her generously to defend her and she was going to do just that. Nor does it matter the two have history, it didn’t impact the case or her ability to do her job. She was looking forward to the end of it though so she could finally actually enjoy a quiet drink without the guilt of knowing she should be working instead.
Once the doors open, she makes her way quickly to where Anne should be, letting out a breath of relief when she sees Anne sitting back in one of the seats, her blazer draped over the back of it. “You really think I’d risk doing a runner after the absolute field day you had out there? Ms. Calhoun I’m offended” she laughs, a coy smirk tugging at her lips “I’m saving the energy for once I’m cleared of my charges. How does that sound? You come back to the estate and unwind, just like the-“
Rita hushes her, swatting her arm lightly as she takes a seat opposite the blonde “Ms. Gillette! The walls have ears.” She shrugs her blazer off as well and leans back in her seat, propping her elbow up on the armrest before leaning her head against it, a small smile on her face as she looks at the woman opposite her.
“I never thought I’d be defending you in a murder case too, Anne. It’s one thing helping you get out of minor assault charges, but for a double-homicide?” She lets out a laugh, shaking her head “That is something else entirely. You were always one to make a grand show of things though, hm?” Rita quirks a brow at the blonde, a faint smirk tugging at her lips which earns an eye-roll and scoff from the blonde.
“Oh please Rita, I’m hardly as dramatic as that Tindall woman. Now, after this is all over, would you like to join me for drinks? Nothing else will happen, just an extra thank you for your hard work.” Rita sighs quietly “I can’t- I owe Novak a round after being so rough on her in court. She’s an amazing lawyer and a hard-worker, I’d rather not burn that bridge.”
Rita’s phone buzzes against the table and she immediately grabs it, turning the screen on to see the message before her eyes dart to Anne’s “They’ve reached a verdict, Ms. Gillette” she breathes out, a very faint hint of a nervous waver. “Well then, let’s get this over and done with.” Anne stands up and puts her blazer on, doing a button up in the middle then brushing some of her hair behind her ear. She follows Rita out of the room and down the hall to the elevator, this is the first time since this case started that she feels genuinely nervous- Not that she committed the crime, anyone would be nervous if they were in court.
Rita gives Anne’s arm a gentle squeeze before they exit the elevator and make their way into the court room, both ignoring the glares coming from the prosecution as they take a seat behind their table. “All stand for the Judge.” They do just that, Rita glancing at Casey out the corner of her eye, noticing how tense she appears before they take their seats again once the Judge has sat down.
Court:                 Will the jury foreperson please stand. Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?
Foreperson:          Yes.
                                  CLERK TAKES THE VERDICT FORM
                                     AND HANDS IT TO THE JUDGE.                              
Rita rests her hand on Anne’s thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze upon noticing how anxious the woman was before returning her hand to rest on the table with her other one.
Judge:                    The jury find the defendant not guilty. The defendant is free to go home. Lets hope we don’t see you in this court again, Ms. Gillette. The jury is thanked and excused. Court is adjourned.
Anne lets out a shaky breath before standing up and throwing her arms around Rita in a tight hug, repeatedly mumbling thank you to her. Rita returns the hug before pulling back slightly, gently wiping away the few tears that had spilled onto Anne’s cheeks, giving her a soft smile “I told you that I’d make sure you were found not guilty, Ms. Gillette. I’m a woman of my word, you should know that by now.”
Anne smiles back and lets go of Rita before running a hand through her short blonde hair “A miracle worker.” She glances over Rita’s shoulder and sees Casey watching intently, a disheartened look on her face before returning her gaze back to the woman in front of her “I should get going, it looks like Casey wants a word with you and she definitely looks like she needs a few drinks. I’ll see you around, Rita.” She kisses the woman’s cheek in farewell before taking her leave, feeling considerably lighter and more free now that the case is over.
Once she is out of the courthouse, she takes out her phone and calls her boyfriend- well, he thinks he’s her boyfriend, but she really couldn’t care less. “Hi darling, you’re talking to a free woman. No I’m not upset you couldn’t be in court, it would hardly be a good look for a detective to be seen on the alleged criminal’s side. You can make it up to me tonight when you take me out for dinner- Yes Yn can come along too, she is your daughter after all. I will take her shopping for something nice- I won’t be spoiling the girl. She needs nicer clothing to go to the restaurant I have in mind. Don’t worry- I already told you I am not going to spoil the girl. I don’t like repeating myself so it would do you some good to actually listen. I’ll pick her up from university and we’ll go from there. Mhmm, love you too. See you tonight.”
She rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed sigh, she was not interested in this man in the slightest and he wasn’t even that good in bed, it was his money she was after, and she would leave the relationship with all of it after they get married. He had been talking about marriage for the past few months seeing as they had been together for a few years, completely unaware of how disinterested she actually is. Anne was not a woman to fall in love, nor was she the type of woman to settle down and get married.
“You better not fuck this family up too, Ms. Gillette” Anne turns to find Olivia walking towards her, thoroughly pissed off “Yn is like a daughter to me, so if I find out you do anything to upset her-“ The blonde gives her a bored look “Do you have nothing better to do, Olivia? Were you not listening to what the judge said? I’m an innocent woman, so no, I didn’t fuck my family up, daddy did when he killed my mother before himself.”
She takes a step closer to the brunette, a smug smirk settling on her face “You may be like a mother to her, Olivia, but unlike you… I actually am her step-mom, something you will never be. Now, this may be a surprise to you, seeing as you’re someone that never works, I have things to do including taking Yn clothes shopping for our celebratory dinner tonight. You’re not invited.” She fakes a pout “How unfortunate” before laughing and making her way to the car that was waiting for her before getting in, telling the driver where to go.
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agathasangel · 3 years
WIP list
absolutely no one asked for me to post this but i’m doing it anyway
send requests pleaseeee
Sally Mckenna
1. dark!Sally x reader half smut/half angst fic
Bette and Dot Tattler
1. smutty fic involving a lot of teasing (honestly though this one has been in my drafts for months now and I still have no idea what I’m doing with it so???)
Harriet Hayes
1. angsty but ultimately sweet fic where the reader makes Harriet realize she isn’t straight
Diane Sherman
1. finish Leave Everything Behind but Me (i think that series has like one or two more parts left in it)
2. smut
3. Diane and daughter!reader- requested
4. Diane x reader with an ED-requested
5. Diane and reader who got her wisdom teeth out-requested
6. Several different yandere prompts -requested
Anne Gillette
1. a fic where Anne and an artist fall for each other and the artist ends up doing a bunch of illegal stuff for Anne, probably also nsfw.
Multi Character
1. More Sally x Mina x reader because people seem to want that
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