#Ally Mayfair x reader
marchtomydrums · 8 months
You're Safe Little One
Cordelia Goode x Ally Mayfair x Wilhelmina Enable x reader (mother/daughter)
“What are we going to do?!” Zoe shouts looking down at Madison who is passed out on the bathroom floor.
“I’m going to have to call my mom.” You sighed reaching for your phone.
“Are you insane?!” Zoe shouts grabbing your phone.
“Cordelia will be so pissed, and Mina might kill us all.”
“I know that’s why I’m calling Ally!” You yelled at her snatching your phone back.
Zoe rolls her eyes “You think Ally isn’t going to tell them?”
“She will tell them but at least she won’t freak out on me until tomorrow. Plus we need to get out of here those guys Madison met are giving me the creeps. And I’m feeling dizzy, I think they drugged us, Zoe.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know something just doesn’t feel right. I’m calling Ally.”
Zoe nods as she goes back to Madison to check on her. Meanwhile, you waited for Ally to pick up breathing heavily as the phone rang.
“Hey, honey.” She answers.
“What’s wrong love?” She asked.
Damn, how did she know just by your voice? You think to yourself.
“Can you please pick me, Zoe, and Madison up? I know you’ll be mad but we’re at this party and there are some guys here and they’re giving me bad vibes. And they gave us drinks but Ally I don’t feel good. Something is wrong. And Mads is passed out and I can’t wake her up.”
“Where are you?”
“I can send you my location. We are all three locked in the bathroom. But ally..please hurry. And please don’t bring Mom and Momma. I know you guys will be mad but I don’t feel comfortable here.” You tell her.
“I’ll be right there,” Ally says hanging up the phone. You let out a breath of relief as you ended the phone call.
“So we’re good?” Zoe asked.
“Yeah. Ally’s cool. We will be fine.” You said giving her a small smile as you tried to center yourself.
It was not fine an hour later you felt worse and then you heard the door slam open and instantly you knew.
“Y/n y/m/n y/l/n!!!” The voice echoed throughout the house.
“Fuck.” You mumbled unlocking the bathroom door to see Cordelia, Mina, and Ally standing there.
“Ally.” You whined.
“Don’t blame her you know better!” Cordelia shouts. Looking over she sees Madison lying on the ground.
“Shit Madison.” She sighs walking towards her and leaving you with Ally and Mina.
“Did those boys hurt you?” Mina asked looking over at the group of young boys.
“No ma’am. I just got a weird vibe from them so I called Ally to bring us home.”
“Well I’m proud of you for that but I’m also extremely disappointed in you. Not only for drinking but for calling Ally and putting her in an impossible position.”
“I know.” You whispered bowing your head.
“You and Zoe go to the car. We will be there in a few.” She says.
You and Zoe nod your heads as you walk past her towards the car. Walking past Ally you stopped and whispered “I’m sorry Al.”
Ally nods as you walked past her sighing a bit as she watches Mina and Cordelia yell at the group of boys. Once Cordelia was able to lift Madison she walked to the car putting her in the back seat. Before they can leave Ally stops the older women.
“Listen I know she’s in trouble and she could have gotten hurt but let’s try to remember that they’re just teenagers before we make any decisions.”
“What’s your point?” Mina asked.
“My point is go back and remember what it was like to be 15. When I was her age I never would have called my parents. No matter what was going on. I didn’t trust them enough. All I’m saying is cut her some slack, please. She knew something was wrong and she called.”
“She called you!” Mina shouts.
“And maybe you should ask yourself why!” Ally shouts back.
“Because she thought you would lie to us. Because you’re the cool parent.” Mina scoffs.
“She knew I would tell you both eventually. She called me because she knew I would come no questions asked.” Ally says.
Cordelia sighs” She’s right Mina. We can both be a little hard on her. We expect a lot from y/n.”
Mina sighs “Clearly not hard enough. Look where we are. She could have been hurt!”
“Yes, but she called before it got that far. So maybe Ally is right, she should be cut some slack.”
“Let’s go home,” Mina mumbled walking to the car.
The ride home was spent in silence. The three women each had thoughts running around their minds. Madison and Zoe were passed out but you couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was the drugs or your anxiety but you couldn’t close your eyes.
Once you reached the academy Zoe and Madison wake up enough to walk to their rooms with the help of Myrtle and Misty. You stayed behind because you knew the night was nowhere near over for you. The three women sighed a breath of relief before heading straight into the living room.
“Y/n come here,” Cordelia calls out. You sighed walking into the room.
The three of them were sitting on the couch. Cordelia opens her arms out to you. “Come here, honey.”
You nod as you sit in her lap and she wraps her arms around you.
“Are you okay?”
You shake your head no. After everything that happened tonight, you finally broke once you realized you were safe.
“I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have gone to that party. But it was fine at first until they gave us the drinks. The boys kept looking at us and asking if we were okay but I knew something was wrong. The room was spinning and once I realized Madison passed out I told Zoe I was calling Ally. I knew Ally would tell you guys but I didn’t want you to come and see me like that. I just wanted to come home. I’m sorry Mom.” You said crying into her shoulder.
“It’s alright baby you’re home now. You’re safe.” Cordelia says softly.
“I know I disappointed all of you. I’m so sorry.” You cried.
“Honey, you're young things like this happen. But I am very proud of you for calling me.” Ally says with a smile.
You returned the smile to her as you looked over at Mina. The thought of disappointing any of your moms was hard for you but especially when it came to the redhead.
“Momma... I…I’m sorry. I know you expect more from me and I let you down. I’ll do better I promise.” You tell her looking down at your feet feeling ashamed for letting her down.
“Little one look at me please,” Mina calls out.
Lifting your head slowly you make eye contact with her.
“When Ally told me what was going on I was so angry. I went there with every intention of yelling at you and causing a scene. And yes I was disappointed. But more than anything I was scared. Scared that something had or was going to happen to my little girl. I felt out of control and that scared me. Because I never want you to get to hurt. The thought of those boys hurting you frightened me. I know I’m hard on you. And I know that you worry that you’re letting me down. But that is far from the truth. You make me so happy and so proud to call myself your mother. And tonight I was extremely proud of you. Not only for calling for help but for taking care of Madison and Zoe and keeping the three of you safe until we got there. I love you sweetheart and I just want to always keep you safe that’s all. “
“I know. But still, I’m sorry Momma.”
“I know dear. Come here.” She says opening her arms out to you.
You crawled into her lap laying your head on her shoulder as you cried. The three women sat in silence as you cried. Each thanking the gods that you were safe but also thinking about what could have happened if they hadn’t gotten there in time.
“Momma I don’t feel good.” You whispered.
“How much did you drink?”
“Only one. I swear. I feel sleepy. “
“It's the drugs,” Ally states looking at the other women.
“They drugged them for sure. We all know Madison is a heavy drinker and she was out cold. Zoe mentioned Madison only had two drinks. Those boys had an agenda for sure.”
“ They’re lucky I didn’t kill them.” Mina growls.
“Agreed. But for now, let’s focus on the girls. I’ll have Myrtle and Misty stay with Zoe and Madison and we will take y/n to our room for the night. “ Cordelia says.
“Sounds like a plan,” Ally says standing up.
“Let me carry her Mina,” Ally says taking you out of the redhead's lap.
You groaned trying to focus on Ally but your eyes were too heavy.
“Ally?” You questioned.
“I’ve got you sweet girl. Everything is okay.” She cooed carrying you upstairs to their bedroom.
Once Cordelia and Mina checked on the other girls the three women laid down in bed with you. They watched over you as you slept peacefully.
“Some many things could have happened tonight.” Mina sighed caressing your cheek.
“True. But she’s safe now and that is all that matters.” Cordelia whispered.
“I know but..”
“Mina,” Ally calls out to her holding her hand tightly.
“She’s safe love. She’s alright.”
Mina nods her head as she bends down to kiss your forehead.
“You’re safe little one.”
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✨Sarah Paulson Masterlist✨
!!!NO MINORS!!! 18+
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Diane Sherman: Eyes boring a way through me Paralyze, controlling completely
Diane Sherman: Co-com-comparison is killing me slowly...And I’m so sick of myself, rather be, rather be. Anyone, anyone else
Diane Sherman, Ally Mayfair: We're Making Reasons To Destroy Our Believing. I See You Looking At Me, and Now I Don't Know Who To Believe
Diane Sherman: Pick Your Poison
Billie Dean Howard: Strangers to Friends, Friends into Lovers, and Strangers Again P1, P2
Billie Dean Howard: Maybe You'll Start Slipping Slowly And Find Me Again
Wilhemina Venable, Billie Dean Howard: I see darkness in you
Billie Dean Howard, Audrey Tindall: Open hand or closed fist would be fine. The blood is red and sweet as cherry wine
Wilhemina Venable: You stalker, watcher, psychopath (There's only one Wilhemina Fucking Venable)
Wilhemina Venable: Think About Your Hero, When You’re At Ground Zero
Cordelia Goode: Baby’s Got Trouble. Don’t Know How To Live. Don’t Want To Die
Sally McKenna: Hate To See Your Heart Break
Xandra Terrell: There Is Something About The Way You Are That Makes Me (Sigh)
Audrey Tindall: You're The Next Drew Barry, And I Want More
Alice Macray: I Pray For Forgiveness You Can't Grant Me.
Mildred Ratched: I Wanna Be Your Bubblegum Bitch
More on my AO3: TindallsGal
15 notes · View notes
blxckchxrrybxby · 2 years
Couples Retreat [Pt.2]
Pairing(s): Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable, Diane Sherman, Billie Dean Howard, Mildred Ratched x Gwendolyn Briggs, Ally Mayfair-Richards, Y/N, **Mentions Ivy**
ASMR: Blue Takeoff & Landing
A/N: I wrote this tipsy, it's all over the place. Not edited, sue me.
Wordcount: 5.3k
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A pleasant blue hue covered all of the passengers in first class.
Empty champagne glasses were collected—some of which had been refilled nearly three times. Headphones were dispersed for those wanting to tune into the film playing. However, most of the passengers chose to sleep or gaze out of the windows at the dark, passing clouds. To say the experience was luxurious compared to most flights Mina had been on was an understatement.
Alas, there was only one thing keeping her from fully enjoying it.
“Cordelia, for the sake of my sanity, please let it go,” Wilhemina grumbled in a whisper as she tried to relax against her seat. A lilac neck pillow aided in supporting her neck, however, the earplugs she brought were to no avail as Cordelia took the opportunity of the long flight to question her intentions about the woman they had met earlier.
“All I’ve done was ask a question,” Cordelia began, “One you can’t seem to answer… which gives me an answer,” She whispered softly, not wanting to interrupt the sleep of any of the surrounding passengers. Wilhemina frowned at her statement and remained quiet. Inside of her mind, the origin of her lover’s anger replayed over and over again.
“I’m no fool, Mina. That look you gave her— you’ve only given that look to me... Were you attracted to her?”
Wilhemina would have responded earlier, but the truth was, she was hurt by Delia’s accusation. Yes, the woman from earlier was attractive, however, Mina wasn’t attracted to her. The only person who could fulfill her being entirely and set her heart aflame was Cordelia. Hell, she even married her to prove it! If it wasn’t for her already knowing how deceptive the last person Cordelia married was, she would have shut down altogether. But now that she had taken time to respond rather than react, Cordelia thought she was intentionally dismissing her.
A few moments passed, leaving Cordelia to scoff at Wilhemina’s lack of words. Twisting in her seat so that her knees were facing away from the redhead, she wondered how a perfect morning had turned into a sour day. Perhaps she was overexaggerating, but Cordelia couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that resided in the pit of her stomach; and if being the Supreme had taught her anything, it was to always follow her gut.
Feeling her shift, Wilhemina slowly uncrossed her fingers that lay on her lap and reached out a manicured hand towards her Delia. It landed softly on the witch’s thigh, seeing as that her new position made her knees too far for Mina to grasp. She turned her head towards Cordelia after slowly opening her eyes. The blonde still faced the window, most likely watching the city lights below to ease her nerves. Mina gently squeezed the soft flesh, waiting a moment for the witch to show interest in her again.
This wasn’t how she wanted to start their vacation.
Cordelia remained unmoved and Wilhemina couldn’t take it any longer. She squeezed the blonde’s thigh again, pleading softly, “Delia… please look at me.” Taking a moment to breathe before returning to her original position, she was met with Mina’s heavy, dark eyes. The hand that once laid on Cordelia’s thigh lifted up to gently cup her cheek. Cordelia couldn’t help but melt into her touch. “The answer is no.” Cordelia’s eyebrows furrowed as Mina’s thumb swiftly caressed her smooth skin. “Delia… the only woman I am attracted to is you.”
They both took a moment to relish in silence.
It was as if they had become in tune with one another. Cordelia basked in the heat radiating from her lover’s hand and Wilhemina focused on the sensation of her wife’s skin beneath her fingertips. Her thumb halted for a moment as her hand sank a bit further down Delia’s face. She glided her fingertips towards the witch’s lips, allowing her eyes to fall from their shared gaze.
Cordelia momentarily closed her eyes, feeling Mina’s fingers ghost across her lips. As she opened them again, she leaned in, laying a soft kiss on each frigid fingertip. Wilhemina shuddered, finding the light sensation quite pleasing. Something the Supreme took a mental note of. Mina bit the inside of her bottom lip, not entirely slipping it beneath her teeth.
Cordelia replayed all of their earlier conversations in her mind and felt a pang of guilt; pausing her kisses. “Mina…” Her glossy eyes met the redhead’s, “I know I should trust you, but I…” Her hoarse voice broke off into silence as a few tears escaped her eyes, “…I’m sorry… I didn’t-”
“Shh… you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for,” Wilhemina stated, feeling a bit of courage. Her thumbs wiped away the tears of her distraught partner as she pulled her closer. Ever since Cordelia entered her life, she allowed Wilhemina a safe space for her emotions. She’d never dismissed them; always validating her lover’s feelings as long as they weren’t self-deprecating. Now, it was Mina’s turn. The redhead laid her forehead against Delia’s and stared deeply into her eyes. “I know your past… I know your wounds… and I know I may not be the best person to help you heal them, but I’ll try…” A great heat spread across Wilhemina’s face as if embarrassment had kissed the apples of her cheeks while wearing red lipstick. She was at a loss for words, so awkwardly, her heart took over her tongue, “I’ll always try for you, Delia… You are everything and more. Believe me when I tell you that it is only you.”
Cordelia could feel her eyes glaze over with emotion. Mina was a lot of things but being emotional wasn’t one of them. It was rare for her to be this raw and vulnerable—especially somewhere public. Cordelia nodded and bit her quivering lip in an attempt to halt any insecurity from spilling over. For whatever reason, her thoughts held her hostage and reminded her of how easily someone could walk out of her life again.
Perhaps this was how it felt to walk in her wife’s shoes.
Looking over with slightly unfocused eyes and a foggy brain, you watched the older women embrace. You had just woken up from a hard nap and everyone around you seemed to still be under the spell of drowsiness. You brought your hand up to rub the sleep from your eyes as Diane stirred beside you. Somebody must have been having a bad dream. Transferring your attention to the woman who had accompanied you on the flight, you smiled at how messy her hair was. Careful not to wake the sleeping woman, you gently raked your fingers through her tresses until her auburn waves no longer spilled messily across her face.
As you took in Diane’s features, you couldn’t help but linger on her long lashes and soft lips. You wondered how a woman as lovely as she could be on vacation all alone, then again, your own circumstance wasn’t foreign to the concept. As you continued to memorize each beauty mark and freckle adorning her face, a hoarse, yet sultry voice rang out quietly.
“Do you always offer strangers a first-class seat, or was today her lucky day?”
You glanced behind you, eyeing the businesswoman between the seats. With a decorous smile, you chuckled, “Her lucky day, I suppose. However, if it were up to me, I would have preferred the original plans set for this flight.”
“Oh?” Her attention peaked as she slid off her blazer and stretched. Your eyes immediately fell over her extended torso, “Such as?”
You bit the inside of your cheek and stopped yourself from oversharing, “I don’t think going into detail would be a good idea.”
She lifted her wrist, glancing at the fancy watch, “It seems we have about an hour left on this flight. It would be a shame if we exited the same as how we boarded.”
Arching an eyebrow and meeting the audacious woman’s gaze, you queried, “And how did we board?”
“As strangers, of course.” A sly smirk graced her lips.
“Hm,” You internally debated on opening up to the woman. After all, she was a stranger, but what really made her any different from Diane? Both could be psychotic for all you knew. Then again, after today, it was obvious that you knew nothing. Especially when it came to the ‘relationship’ you shared with Ivy. “You first, red suit.”
She simpered confidently, “I’m Ally.” Holding her hand out for what you assumed was a handshake, she continued, “And you?”
Smiling back in a coquettish manner, you slipped your hand between the small gap in the seats, “Y/N. I doubt you’ll forget it if we share the same destination.”
Firmly grasping your hand, she restrained it from moving. Your eyebrows furrowed, not understanding why both hands weren’t formally shaking. Within a second, Ally leaned in and kissed the back of your hand amorously. You froze, watching as her lips slowly pulled away, yet grazed against the sensitive skin. Her eyes pierced your own and that sly smirk returned. It was as if she mastered hypnosis because you were completely entranced. Her skin set yours aflame as you fought off the butterflies fluttering about in your belly.
Ivy was never this charming.
Stirring once more, Diane shifted to lay her head on your shoulder; frowning at your awkward position. You quickly reclaimed your hand and cleared your throat before she could awaken. A low chuckle could be heard from behind you as you flushed from the sudden interaction.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Sona Airlines welcomes you to Lucia, California. The local time is 7:22pm. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate. The Captain will then turn off the ‘Fasten Seat Belt’ sign, indicating it is safe to stand. Please use caution when opening the overhead compartments and removing items, since articles may have shifted during flight.”
“About time,” Diane mumbled to herself, trying to get a signal from her phone. “Chloe’s probably worried sick.”
You giggled softly and shook your head, “How old is your daughter? You haven’t mentioned her much.”
“For good measure, I assume,” Ally muttered low enough for only you to hear. You glanced between the seat, throwing her a lour.
“Oh, Chloe’s 17. She’s turning 18 soon.” Diane began, showing you a picture of her. You had to admit, she didn’t favor Diane as much as you expected.
“She’s beautiful, Diane.” You smiled, “Is she looking at any colleges?”
Her smile faltered at your question, “Well, Chloe is um… College isn’t really in the plans.”
You nodded, empathetically, “I can understand.” You laid a comforting hand on hers, “I chose to skip a few years and by the time I thought about attending university, I was already in a suitable career. Everyone’s path is different. I’m sure she will excel at whatever she puts her mind to.” Diane nodded in agreeance as you continued, “Besides, if she’s anything like you, I’m sure she’ll go far.”
She blushed immensely from your statement, brushing a few strands of hair behind her ears, “I sure hope so.”
You smiled and playfully bumped your shoulder against hers, hoping it would help ease her nerves, “I still can’t believe you have a teenager. You don’t look a day over 25.”
She laughed, playfully pushing you, “Nonsense, but thank you. She’s my world, truly.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, focusing on how radiant her smile was. Although Ivy was still very much present in your mind, you had to admit that Diane was a great distraction—and a very attractive one, at that.
“If I may ask, what all do you have planned once we land?” You fidgeted with your phone, trying your hardest to ignore the overwhelming urge to check it for any calls or texts from your absent ‘lover’.
Diane bit her lip, thinking to herself, “Not much. I’ll most likely order in and watch a movie.” You nodded in response, taking in her words. You figured she didn’t want to give out much information since safety was the first priority when traveling alone, and understandably so. At least, until, “I’ll be residing at the Caille Blanc Villa for my whole stay...” You bit your bottom lip, holding in a smirk, “In case you decide to stop by at any point. I’m sure with your spouse not joining  you, you’ll have a bit of free time on your hands.”
Ally cleared her throat and stood up, grabbing her things from the overhead. You ignored her and smiled at Diane, “It seems I’ll be seeing more of you than I expected.” Her head tilted in confusion, “I’m residing at the Caille Blanc Villa as well. All the couples on this retreat are given suites there.”
Ally snickered, mumbling under her breath, “What a coincidence.”
You peered at the standing woman, preparing to respond before Diane beat you to it, “What was that?” She asked, staring directly at Ally. Her expression held no trace of benevolence for the brunette.
Lifting her carry-on bag onto her shoulder, Ally smiled; feigning innocence, “Oh, nothing.” Her hand landed on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze, “I’ll see you at the Villa, hm?” With a wink, she strutted off passing other passengers who were retrieving their belongings as well.
You shook your head and returned your attention back to Diane, “I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t be.” She chuckled lightly, “I just don’t take kindly to off-putting strangers. Especially when they bother someone I find myself quite… fond of.” You bit the inside of your lip, feeling your face go crimson from her words. Avoiding eye contact to help soothe your sudden timidness, you looked back down at the phone resting in the palm of your hand. Diane chuckled, placing her hand on the phone, “How about you take my number? In case you find yourself with more time than you know what to do with.”
After gaining Diane’s number, you waved at the woman and watched her walk down the aisle past other passengers. Grabbing the few belongings you brought with you, you stood up and readied yourself to exit the plane, until you noticed the older women from earlier fast asleep. All the emotion they displayed must have finally worn them out.
You cautiously made your way over, and looked around nervously, wondering if you should wake them or not. With a gentle touch, you tapped the blonde’s shoulder repeatedly until she began to stir. Her eyes slowly opened from your gesture and met your gaze.
You nearly froze, getting sucked into her doe eyes, “I-I’m so sorry for waking you, but um… we just landed and-”
“Who are you?” The redhead beneath you asked in a groggy and grumpy tone—awakening right after the blonde.
You quickly fixed your posture, no longer hovering over her. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude. I was telling your wife that-”
“Why do you assume we’re married?” The blonde asked in a teasing tone, but for you, it only intensified your anxiety.
“Oh, I thought-…” You paused for a moment, to gulp down your uneasiness. The woman in purple stared you down, while the blonde looked you over—unashamed of her wondering eyes. You were sure your knees would buckle at any moment. Without another word, you looked down and scurried away from the awkward situation.
Upon exiting the plane, Cordelia and Wilhemina made their way to the Villa, making light conversation about your fleeting presence. A guide stood at the entrance, welcoming the late arrivers as they piled into the lobby. Room keys were dispersed, and the litter of bodies soon disappeared as everyone found their designated rooms. As Cordelia explored the suite in awe, Wilhemina looked over the itinerary.
“There’s a dinner being held for all of the couples who arrived late.”
“Does it state what will be served?” Cordelia called out from an unknown location in the suite.
“Unfortunately, not,” Mina mumbled, with a slight huff. “Perhaps we could order in for the night?”
“But Mina,” Cordelia began, walking back into the main room, “The night’s still young.” Cordelia knew her lover was probably exhausted, but she couldn’t help the giddiness she felt from being in such a luxurious place. Besides, it wasn’t common for the Supreme to take a vacation and her wife was well aware of that. As the redhead perched herself onto the edge of the bed, Cordelia kicked off her shoes and straddled her lap, “Let’s ditch the dinner and go have a meal by ourselves, hm? Just you and I.”
Sliding her hands along the witch’s thighs—Mina tentatively agreed while Cordelia’s lips seductively grazed her ear—lightly nipping at it, “Hmm, I’m sure a change of pace would do us some good.”
After a quick change of attire, the two women made their way to Lucia’s finest restaurant. Soft jazz music could be heard floating along the coastline; harmonizing with the rhythm of Wilhemina’s cane. A clad waiter led the two to a favorable table, facing the shore. The lighting was dim, and the restaurant was nearly vacant since most residents were tucked into their beds or out on the town. Cordelia was more than ecstatic as she took in the atmosphere and melted against her lover’s side.
“You can’t buy peace like this,” Cordelia stated softly as she stared out into the vast night sky.
Wilhemina would beg to differ but knew better than to start a disagreement over something so insignificant. Moving her eyes from the menu to Cordelia, her breath caught. She looked almost ethereal with the restaurant’s fairy lights and the moonlight clashing against her skin.
Catching her lover’s starstruck stare, Cordelia shyly looked down at the menu, “The lobster sounds quite nice.”
“Indeed.” Mina nearly whispered out, still taken aback.
As the night commenced, the two shared stories and laughter, along with a few glasses of Chambourcin. All the worries of the academy slipped from the Supreme’s mind and the only thing she could focus on was Mina. Feeling a great heat reside in her chest, Wilhemina grasped Delia’s hand—spreading kisses across the flushed skin like a wildfire. Cordelia laughed heartily, unable to keep her giggles contained.
As time passed, the restaurant picked up speed. It was clear that the lovers weren’t the only ones who had the bright idea of ditching the itinerary’s plan for a shared dinner.
Originally, you had intended to order in and catch some sleep. However, once the loneliness began to gnaw at your heart, you figured you would text Diane and invite her out for a bite. Walking into the restaurant, you grinned with the older woman and sat at the last available table. Looking around, you spotted a few familiar faces from the plane ride. Your gaze momentarily caught on the same doe eyes from earlier, until Diane began speaking.
“I bet the food’s amazing here,” she stated, looking through the menu. “I don’t usually eat out.”
“Well, tonight we’re changing that.” You smirked, “And it’s all on me.” Diane quickly looked up at you, ready to protest the declaration. “I don’t want to hear it,” You giggled, “I have more than enough money to splurge on and by default, I’m going to treat you to a nice, warm meal.”
Diane rolled her eyes and huffed, “This isn’t fair.”
You couldn’t help but smile as you watched her adjust her cardigan, “All’s fair in… food and wine.” She chuckled at your lame statement and playfully swatted at your hand.
“You’re a stubborn one, I see.”
“Look to your left, Mina.” Cordelia whispered. The redhead turned her head, smirking devilishly as she spotted you. “I suppose she has a thing for redheads, hm?”
Wilhemina snorted, shaking her head, “I’d assume it was more so directed toward blondes with the way she was eyeing you on the plane.”
“Stop it,” Cordelia giggled, playfully swatting the other woman’s arm. Laying her chin on the palm of her hand she continued, “Do you think she’s on a date? Maybe that’s her wife.”
“Hm, perhaps. I believe they were sitting together on the flight.”
Cordelia’s eyebrow arched teasingly from Mina’s statement, “How did you know that?”
“I have eyes, Cordelia.” Wilhemina retorted monotonously.
The Supreme couldn’t help but laugh at her wife’s response. Maybe if the two weren’t as tipsy, the statement would have earned Mina an eye-roll, but the wine dulling their senses didn’t allow much room for seriousness. With a low hum, Cordelia moved closer to Wilhemina. The scene before her made her head spin with memories, “Remember when we first started dating?”
The redhead chuckled and grasped her wife’s hand delicately, making eye contact. “Did you expect me to forget?”
“Thank you.” You stated as the waiter brought out water and wine for you and Diane to sip on until the food was ready. “Do you have a favorite wine?” You asked, directing your attention to the woman you came with.
“No, not really.” Her fingertips moved along the side of the water glass, collecting droplets of condensation, “I mean, I may indulge in a cheap merlot on the weekends, but I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite.” She finished with a light laugh.
You chuckled at her answer, enjoying how down-to-earth and frank she was. “There’s nothing wrong with a sweet red.” Not thinking, you took a sip of the water and placed it on the table—right beside the coaster. “It’s actually one of my favorites.”
“Oh? So you’re keen on alcohol?”
“On occasion,” You shrugged, finally letting the fermented grape juice soak into your palate, “but recently, I’ve cut down significantly. I can’t handle hangovers like I used to.”
The two of you laughed, making the most of the small talk and wine. Letting a bit loose, Diane slid off her cardigan after finishing the glass and excused herself to the bathroom.
Unbeknownst to you, two experienced lovers watched in amusement.
“There’s no spark,” Cordelia whispered, “No chemistry at all.”
Wilhemina hummed, “She missed the coaster entirely.”
“Maybe we should help the poor girl?” Cordelia suggested.
“She is a lost little thing, isn’t she?”
Cordelia glanced at her lover and smirked, knowing the familiar glint in her eyes, “Some guidance would do her good, Mina. And who else could assist, but you?”
The tipsy side of Wilhemina lifted her head in condescension, staring you down like you were a pathetic piece of prey. There was something about you so alluring, yet innocent. However, the sober side of Wilhemina knew that it had been a while since they’d tried adding a third and if she were to fail, it would embarrass her to no end.
Grasping her cane firmly, she stood and walked over to you without hesitation. Hearing the tapping of the cane grow nearer, you lifted your head in Wilhemina’s direction and froze. You could see the blonde from earlier gazing deliciously at you from behind the austere woman, and you had to admit that her dark eyes were making you warm. Or feasibly it was the wine.
Standing in front of you with both hands on her cane, Wilhemina peered down at you, “Ignore her.” Your eyes snapped from the blonde to the redhead. “Good.” She praised monotonously, causing your chest to fill with warmth. “Enlighten me. What’s your name?”
You licked your now-dry lips and cleared your throat softly, “Y/N. And you?”
She chuckled deeply, “Bold of you to assume you deserve to know my name.”
“It would only be fair,” You began, finding your voice.
“Anyway,” She stated, cutting you off, “I didn’t come over to engage in tortuous small talk. It seems you have your hands full with that already. However, if you find yourself needing a hand, feel free to speak with my wife.” You stared, dumbfounded at the woman. Was this some kind of joke? You didn’t know whether to be offended or thankful for the permission. You nodded quietly and watched as she began to turn away but yielded in her tracks. Turning back to face you, she reached past you and grasped the water glass, setting it on the coaster. Staring into your eyes due to the close proximity, she smirked, “Have some class.”
You exhaled audibly once the redhead had retreated to her table. Looking around, you blushed from the possibility of anyone witnessing what had just happened. Trying your best to focus your attention on something less confrontational, you opened your phone and checked for any sign of communication from Ivy.
Wilhemina sat down next to her wife and chuckled as the witch asked about what was said. In the midst of drunkenly explaining her approach to the blonde, a polite pair of voices could be heard not too far away.
“Oh, isn’t this lovely?”
“Look at the view. It’s almost as astonishing as you.”
The familiarity of one of the voices slipped into Wilhemina’s ears, causing her to stiffen. Shifting uncomfortably in her chair, she could feel the night’s ease leave her body as animosity slipped into her veins. Cordelia—noticing the change in demeanor—frowned, looking around to see whom the redhead’s gaze had landed on. Glancing to her right, she eyed two women seated next to their table.
It was clear there was a theme of blondes and redheads tonight. Cordelia’s hand laid on Mina’s soothingly, “What is it? Do you know them?”
Wilhemina clenched her jaw before looking away from the table, “One of them.”
Cordelia’s eyebrows furrowed. She was beyond confused and doubted it was primarily due to the alcohol in her system. Sneakily, she stole more and more glances at the couple before whispering to her wife. “Forgive me, but I’m not sure what to say without context.”
“Nothing is preferred,” Mina responded, irritably. Whomever this woman was, her presence was enough to get under Wilhemina’s skin.
“Should we go?” Cordelia asked, sliding her chair back. Screeching across the floor, the chair caught Mildred and Gwendolyn’s attention.
“Venable?” Mildred called out, not believing her own eyes.
“Ratched.” Mina stated, having nothing more to say.
Gwendolyn looked over and offered a soft smile to Cordelia seeing as the other two women were eyeing one another. “Gwendolyn Briggs.”
Cordelia returned the polite greeting and shook hands with her, “Cordelia Goode.”
“I apologize for not speaking. Had I known there was shared familiarity, I would have spoken immediately.”
“No worries,” Cordelia chuckled, trying her best not to show just how tipsy she was. “I was unaware as well.”
In the midst of speaking, a waiter approached the couple explaining his mistake of seating them without realizing the table was reserved for another party.
Gwendolyn pouted, disappointed in the mix-up. “Well, I suppose we’ll just have to wait until another table is ready, hm?”
“Again madams, I am so sorry.” The waiter apologized.
Being the tipsy people pleaser she was, Cordelia chimed in, “Oh, well we were just about to leave. You could sit with us until they bring out the check then it’s all yours?” She suggested to Wilhemina’s dismay.
“Are they merging tables?” You whispered to Diane. The two of you were on your second glass of wine and invested in the hard-to-hear drama.
She nodded, stabbing the bell peppers with her fork, “Maybe we read the situation wrong?”
You looked at her as she stuffed her mouth and shared a drunken laugh.
Having pushed Mildred’s chair in and sat beside her, Gwendolyn smiled, “Well, this is nice.”
Cordelia grinned, “I agree.”
Gwen chuckled and faced Mildred, “Since Cordelia and I seem to be completely lost, care to let us in on the history between you two?”
Mildred took a sip of her water, refusing to break eye contact with the redhead across from her, “An old… friend.”
“How generous,” Wilhemina replied sarcastically.
“Well, of course. One of us has to be.” Mildred retorted.
Gwen’s smile faltered as she looked between the two women—similar to Cordelia. The tension swelling between the two could be cut with a knife. Cordelia cleared her throat and glanced at Wilhemina. Avoiding the questioning stare, Mina grabbed her glass and swallowed the rest of her wine. Nearly slamming it onto the table, her gaze reverted back to Mildred.
“What are you doing here?” She inquired.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Mildred countered.
“Spending quality time with my wife.”
“As am I.”
You and Diane giggled from the drama with mouths full of food.
“Wait... are they fighting?” She questioned.
You shrugged drunkenly, leaving your shoulders up longer than necessary. “No idea.”
The two of you could barely make out every other word, but it was clear that there was a discrepancy between the women. And the bickering wouldn’t stop.
“Have you no manners?” Mildred scolded as she moved Venable’s glass onto the coaster.
How ironic, Cordelia thought.
In response, Wilhemina merely smirked and moved the cup back onto the bare table; never breaking eye contact with the nurse’s unwavering gaze. Since the woman in purple had scolded you for the same thing earlier, you figured she must have wanted to irk Mildred. “I have many.”
“Arguable.” Mildred shot back.
“One of your hairpins must be stabbing into the part of your brain that makes life comprehensible. Either that or you’re too mentally incompetent to realize whom you’re talking to. I suppose you should be the one admitted into that damned hell hole you work at.”
Cordelia looked at Gwendolyn apologetically as the blue-eyed woman simply chuckled and gave Cordelia’s hand a pat. As if to say she wasn’t bothered at all by Wilhemina’s commentary toward her lover. It didn’t take long for you and Diane to realize that what the blonde was actually trying to convey was that Mildred could handle her own.
And that’s exactly what she did.
The nurse smirked deeper than Mina and leaned across the table, invading the other woman’s space. “It seems to me that you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about, because if you did, you’d be educated enough to know that my limbic system is well intact despite the many pins residing in my hair. However, I’m sure a good lobotomy would do you well.”
Gwendolyn glanced at Mildred worriedly, “Mildred…”
“Never insult my line of work, nor the hospital that I work for.” Mildred continued, “I am as sure of being an impeccable nurse as you are of being an impeccable bitch.”
You and Diane froze, along with a few other tables. Cordelia’s eyes widened in shock from the outburst. However, Wilhemina sat undaunted.
Mildred sat back in her chair and smoothed down her dress, “Besides, Venny, if you wanted me to put in a good word for you, it’s all you had to say. I’m sure you’re sick of working for those two drug addicts.”
Wilhemina scoffed, “You’re the last person who should be speaking about drugged-out bosses. Last I heard, your supervisor abuses medication-“
“Abused.” Mildred corrected, standing up from the table. “He no longer works there. However, I’ll be sure to put in a word with Nurse Bucket for you. I’m sure you two would get along swimmingly.”
Gwendolyn held back a chuckle as she stood with Mildred, “Where to, my love?”
The redhead pondered, “Anywhere but here. I have an appetite, just not for this cuisine.”
With a nod, Gwen wrapped an arm around Mildred and pressed a kiss to her temple, “Oysters it is. I spotted this nice little joint on our way here. Plus, a nightcap would be divine, don’t you think?”
You watched as the two women left.
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safic4-m · 2 years
💜❤️She’s ours
Pairing: Ally Mayfair-Richards x Wilhemina Venable x Fem lector
Author’s note: Request made bywvenable, Wilhemina and Ally, with provocative jealousy and smut.
This is the first time I’ve written smut in a polyamorous relationship, so I hope they like it
Number of words: 2013
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~Master list~
Your mind could not concentrate on the task in front of you, because your mind kept thinking about your wives who had stayed at home, apparently Ally and Mina had had the day off, but you were full of work; what you would not give to leave everything aside and go home to your wives.
You come out of your thoughts when you hear someone knocking at the door, your assistant Ara appears with your sixth cup of coffee in her hands. The night before you had “sleepless” with your wives and now it was taking its toll, you felt that at any moment you could fall asleep.
Ara was a young, pretty girl with a pretty good body, efficient in her work but with only one problem…she liked you.
Honestly at the beginning you didn’t notice, you were so focused on your work that you didn’t notice the not so subtle flirtations she was making, the problem was when this escalated leaving you gifts on your desk and asking you out on countless (occasions in which you rejected her) and clothes not suitable for work.
Her way of acting towards you had made you feel uncomfortable and you had thought very seriously about firing her, but unfortunately at the moment you couldn’t do it. Just the thought of looking for someone else and training the person gave you a migraine, not to mention that right now they have a big project and time is running out so looking for a new assistant was not an option.
-Her coffee,- she says leaning over your desk giving you a direct view of her breasts with the cleavage she’s wearing.
The position Ara is in causes some coffee to fall on your leg and as you feel the hot drink you stand up suddenly causing the rest to fall on your shirt.
In your desperation to remove the hot material you open your shirt exposing your torso with the skin irritated by what happened, it takes two seconds before Ara runs out and returns with several paper towels, to try to remove the hot drink.
-What the hell is going on here?!!“ your wife Wilhemina’s voice interrupts in the room making you wince at how authoritative her voice sounds.
Turning to look you find the redhead clearly angry and Ally in the same state.
-We wanted to surprise you during your lunch, but apparently we didn’t bring the surprise,- Ally says as if she can understand what you’re thinking.
By this point both of them are killing your assistant with their eyes and honestly you can’t judge them, your shirt is open showing your bra and Ara is literally on top of you trying to fix what she provoked.
-It’s honestly not what you think,- you say, pulling you away from Ara.
-Then what is it supposed to be?- asks Wilhemina with venom in her voice.
-Tell us because everything here looks like you’re rolling with this one,- it’s Ally’s turn to speak her mind.
-Ara was bringing my coffee and by accident -turning to look at her angrily, -it fell on my shirt,- gesturing towards the coffee stained garment.
As soon as they hear that the atmosphere in the room changes completely, we had already told them before that Ara is flirting with you and about how uncomfortable she made you feel.
-You should have started from there,- says Ally before whispering something in Mina’s ear.
Mina reaches over and grabs your hips before claiming your lips forcefully, making you moan at her roughness; as she pulls away she gives you a beautiful smile that makes your heart race.
You barely manage to catch your breath, you have Ally’s mouth on yours, Ally’s kiss is softer but her hands roam your naked torso, ready to give your assistant a show and make her understand that she belongs to them.
Ara simply stares at the scene unfolding in front of her, not knowing what to do, her attention is diverted when she sees a redhead approaching her.
-She’s ours,- she says, taking on an imposing appearance, -I’ll take you away from her.
The woman is stunned by Wilhelmina’s statement and is unable to respond.
-She responds,- hitting her cane hard.
-I’ll stay away from her, I promise…- looking between Mina and Ally.
You can’t help but laugh as soon as Ara comes running out of your office.
-Wow…that was hot- you say approaching Mina in time to see her blushing at your remark
-Well, she has to understand that you’re ours,- avoiding your gaze at all costs.
-You can be 100% sure of that,- leaving a kiss on her cheek.
-You blushed,- says Ally coming closer to both of you.
-I didn’t,- going back to her poker face.
-Of course you did,- ready to tease the redhead.
You decide to even things up and hug Ally from behind spreading kisses on her neck, listening to her breathing heavily.
-You were saying?- asks Mina in sarcasm when she sees the red face of the brunette.
-That’s not fair,- she says defensively.
You make signs to Mina to annoy Ally and while you kiss the right side of the senator’s neck, Mina attacks the other one. It doesn’t take long before you hear moans from the woman between you.
-This was not what we had planned,- she says between gasps causing Wilhemina to pause.
-What was what you had planned,- you ask, looking between the two of you.
-Going to eat at Ally’s restaurant,- Mina answers quickly.
-Let’s go-, seeing that they don’t move from their places.
-Darling,- says the brunette looking at your naked torso.
-Right- before looking for your spare shirt.
After a while you come back with a clean shirt and they both look at you with big smiles on their faces.
-What’s wrong?- you ask, looking at them without understanding what’s going on.
-Nothing, aren’t we going?- asks Ally offering her arm.
-Of course,- taking Mina’s hand.
She always said she didn’t like it when I held her hand in public, but they knew it wasn’t true, she liked you to have this little public show of affection, even if it was something as simple as holding her hand.
When you get to the restaurant you take one of the tables that are attached to the wall, Ally next to you and Mina in front of you both, after ordering you develop a small talk but your attention is diverted when you hear your phone ringing
As you try to read the mail you were sent from work, you feel Ally place her hand on your thigh and start to move it upwards. Your breath catches at her action, you barely manage to calm down a bit and you have Mina brushing against your calf with her foot.
It takes all your strength not to lose your composure at that very moment, you are thankful that the waiter comes over to hand you your orders, causing Ally to withdraw her hand, instead Wilhemina starts to move higher.
You turn to see the redhead who shows a fake innocent smile.
-You can stop,- you say trying to sound calm.
-I don’t know what you’re talking about,- she replies as if her foot wasn’t pressed against your center.
After a while he moves his foot away and instead of feeling relieved it’s the opposite, the pain between your legs is almost unbearable.
Ally can only watch what happens between you completely amused and thankful that this time it’s not her.
When you finish you would have to go back to work but apparently something had happened at the office, so you would only go to pick up your car, Ally and Mina had gone ahead, as they would see each other at home.
You get home you don’t see any sign of your wives, you take advantage, take off your clothes and put on a purple lingerie set, when you get out of the bathroom you see Ally in the bedroom.
-What’s the occasion?- she asks, looking at you with her eyes.
-I want to look sexy for my wives,- you say approaching the brunette.
-So sexy,- leaving kisses on your neck.
-Mine?- you ask, breathing heavily.
-Downstairs- sucking on your pulse point
-What do you say if I go Mina,- you say trying to sound calm.
-Go to
You find Wilhemina in the kitchen and hug her from behind, you hear her breathing heavily as you feel your breasts against her back.
-How are you beautiful?- you ask her seductively in her ear.
She doesn’t answer and simply turns around, making her breath catch when she sees what you are wearing.
-Do you like it?- you ask with false innocence.
You feel him eat you with his eyes, making you bite your lip, this makes him lose his head and kiss you hard. His tongue asks for permission and you give it to him easily while you take care of his clothes, only to be left in your underwear.
Breaking the kiss you hand her a pill, which she quickly takes and you can’t help but laugh at her desperation. The pill you had given her was for pain, as it had happened earlier that they had to stop because of her back pain.
As you enter the room you find Ally ready, the brunette moves to approach the redhead and kiss her.
You watch as Ally makes Mina lie down, beckoning you closer, you start with kissing her neck and leaving some marks, for which she would scold you later; Ally settles between her legs leaving kisses in her path.
One of your hands massages one of her breasts while the other one moves to get rid of her bra, with the garment out of the way you run your tongue over one of her nipples making her hand get tangled in your hair.
-Allyson lets play,- she says in frustration.
Looking at the brunette you find a smug smile on her face as she gives little kitten licks, after a while she decides to give you what you want, while you attend to her breasts, the stimulation Mina was feeling was pushing her to the limit.
You lean down to capture the redhead’s lips, swallowing her moans as Ally quickens her pace.
-You’re doing great,- you tell Mina in her ear as she squirms in place.
-Right there…- she says, pulling Ally closer.
From her moans and whimpers you knew she was close, but it didn’t go unnoticed by you the way Ally was moving, trying to contain her excitement.
-Honey, would you help please Ally?- you ask in her ear, leaving wet kisses behind.
-Yes,- she exhales in just above a whisper.
You cup her face, leaving a kiss on her lips, before you and Ally exchange places.
-She says as she feels you sucking hard on her clitoris.
Ally does a good job of silencing Mina by sitting on her face, she wraps her arms around Ally’s thighs, holding them as she begins to eat her out.
-GOD…Mina,- she screams holding on tightly to the headboard.
The redhead made the brunette twist her hips, she was already sensitive from the previous events.
You pushed your tongue inside Mina and were greeted with a gush of wetness. Her fingers buried themselves in your hair and pulled as she choked with moans and dripped shamelessly into your mouth.
Ally’s moans filled the room as she pleasured herself with Mina’s mouth…God, these women were driving you crazy!
Wilhelmina pressed you against her and incredibly closer, your lips sucking on her clit, teeth grazing it, making her moan into Ally’s clit, she could simply grunt in response to the vibrations.
-I’m so close,- the brunette stuttered between gasps.
Wilhelmina’s hips bucked violently against your face. Your fingers dug into her hips to hold her in place while your other hand moved up to play with her nipples.
Moans, gasps and grunts filled the room as both women reached their orgasm.
You held Mina as her orgasm ripped through her, looking up to feast your eyes on the view. Ally quickly dropped onto the bed, allowing the pleasure to overtake her, her cheeks were flushed and her breathing was labored.
You settled in between the two of them, helping them recover from their orgasms.
-It’s a good thing tomorrow is the weekend,- Mina is the first to break the silence.
You and Ally, you can’t help but burst into tears.
-Yes, because we’re not finished yet.- you say, straddling Ally.
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cabensonsgirly · 2 years
We're Making Reasons To Destroy Our Believing. I See You Looking At Me, and Now I Don't Know Who To Believe. (18+)
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Diane Sherman x Ally Mayfair, Diane Sherman x Reader
(I've had so many name changes😂)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Off-shoot: Billie Dean Howard x different reader
Lone Chapter
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dreamypqulson · 10 months
Hi :) i love your writing and was hoping you could do one wear Cordelia finds out y/n is sh on her thigh? Or something <3
— my love, mine all mine
pairing: cordelia goode x reader
word count: 1500
warnings: self harm & depression
note: i got this request during my break so it’s a little old but i still wanted to write it cause it fits with my life right now!!!
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You stared blankly at your bloody thigh in front of you. With the blade still grasped in your hand you tried to breathe in, and hold for five seconds, and then let it all out. It would help they told you. It would take away the misery until you didn't feel like hurting yourself anymore.
But you laughed a little as you watched the blood drip. It felt good and that was the worst part. You wanted to keep going. You almost did. You wanted the thoughts to shut up for a minute. But right as the blade lightly touched your flesh, there was a knock at the door.
And it snapped you out of it for a minute. Really, how long were you sitting on the cold bathroom floor for? Had anyone really noticed your absence or do they just need to get into the bathroom?
"Mhm?" You hummed, shaky but nonetheless clear.
"Are you okay, darling? You disappeared on me." Right as you heard that sweet familiar voice, you bounced off of the floor. Frantically, you grabbed a tissue and applied pressure to the broken skin after hiding the blade in the back of the cabinet.
"Yeah, sorry. I'll be out in a minute."
Cordelia didn't know about what was going on. Of course, she knows you struggle with mental health, but she'd hadn't yet found out about your legs. And you weren't planning on telling her.
By the way that you spoke, she felt like something was wrong. And, naturally, she wouldn't back down. She needed to help you with whatever was wrong.
"Can I come in?" She jiggled the doorknob but it was locked. You don't ever lock doors.
The blood leaked through the thin tissue and you cursed under your breath. You couldn't clean up with a wash cloth right now. You wouldn't have enough time to hide the evidence.
You looked up at the door and your blood ran cold. Answer her! You have to answer her before she comes in!
You pulled your sweatpants back up and flushed away the bloody tissues down the toilet so she couldn’t see them in the trash. "I'm coming," you said, and at this point, you were out of breath from the verge of a panic attack.
You opened the door and Cordelia's eyes widened. You were clearly frantic and you tried so hard to not cringe at the feeling of your pants rubbing against your raw cuts.
"Are you okay?" She asked again, but now she's more suspicious. You just nod your head and walk right by her. She follows you as you throw yourself on the bed.
Something doesn't feel right to her, but she tries to make it better by laying beside you and kissing you. You started to giggle looking over at her and for a moment, you completely forget about everything that just happened. She does too.
It isn't until she looks down that her eyes widen. And you're always so cautious about getting caught that your heart immediately drops.
"Why are you bleeding?" She asks, and sits up. You sit up too, and that's when you notice the patch of crimson on your thigh. Of course you'd just happen to be wearing grey sweatpants.
"Shit," you angrily curse, and start to get up off the bed. "I'm not sure. I'll go check it out though."
You try to head towards the bathroom but Cordelia grabs your arm so you can't move. You're fucked and you know it. "No, y/n. Why are you bleeding? Do not lie to me."
You always want Cordelia when you're injured or sick, so it was unusual for you to go run off. And after you acting strange in the bathroom, she was starting to think that she knew what is going on.
"I'm not lying, Cordelia! Are you serious right now?" Your voice raised slightly, going into a defensive mode, but Cordelia was quick to calm you.
"Hey, shh, shh. None of that. Just be honest with me, sweetie, i'm not mad." She reached up and cupped your cheek. Your lip started to tremble and you couldn't hold back the waterfall of tears. You couldn't bring yourself to tell her. "Are you hurting yourself?" She asks gently.
All you do is nod, and the waterworks stream heavier down your face. You simply shatter and Cordelia wraps her arms around you like she's trying to hold every piece of you together. "Oh, my baby. Okay, shh. It’s okay," the blonde cooes in your ear, rubbing calming circles into your back.
Her warm arms and floral scent keeps you grounded. You feel safe. Maybe it is okay.  "Do you want to talk about it, my lovely? Or no?"
You shake your head. You're too tired, and you don't feel like explaining everything. It's too much, too heavy, and you feel too weak.
"Okay. That's okay. Can I at least clean them for you? I don't want my girl getting an infection."
For once you speak up a quiet, "yes that's okay," and it hurts but you know that you’re being too nonresponsive already and you feel like a lot of work right now.
Cordelia grabs your hand and brings you back into the bathroom. She waits for your permission with her fingers resting on the waistband of your sweatpants. She'd wait here forever until you were ready. But you feel like you’ve already wasted so much of her time.
You nod your head and then Cordelia starts to slide your pants down your legs and you want her to stop. You want to take your permission back but you can't seem to talk. You can't seem to do anything and, god, you feel like you can't even breathe.
She doesn't gasp when she sees your bloody thigh. Her face doesn't contort into disgust. She looks so soft and gentle and you wonder how someone could be so pure enough to love someone like you.
She lifts you onto the bathroom counter. You don't even notice that you moved at first.
And even as Cordelia was looking straight at the bloody cuts, you still felt the need to lie and tell her that you weren't hurting actually yourself. It didn't feel real. Almost like you were shoved into another persons body with all of these scars and hurt on it.
You notice Cordelia looking at your whole thigh, how she can see all the old scars there. It hurts the most for her to see recent ones. Ones she can tell have been from the past weeks, even days, and she had absolutely no clue about it until now.
"I want you to tell me, my love," she says, so softly, and smiles gently too like she's not talking about you hurting yourself. "Okay? Whenever you feel like this, come to me, baby."
You nod simply, like it's the easiest task in the world. But you're not sure that you'll be able to even do that. You can see the pain and worry on Cordelia's face beneath that smile, and you don't want to hurt her anymore.
She grabs your hand, holds it there tightly. She knows you always like to hold it when you're upset or nervous, or even when you get shots at the doctors. She doesn't need to tell you that you're allowed to squeeze it; you already know you can.
Cordelia dabs away the blood with a wet cloth. It sends a sting throughout your entire body. You squeeze her hand and bite your lip hard enough to draw blood. All Cordelia can say is, "I know, I know, baby. I'm sorry. I'm almost done." And you wonder why she's apologizing. I did this. I brought this on myself. It's my fault.
Cordelia gently applies some antiseptic to your cuts and then she adds some band-aids on top. They're not the boring tan ones either. They're colorful and it even puts a smile on your face because it's such a Cordelia thing to do.
"There we go. All better," she says, as if cutting yourself wasn't the scariest thing in the world for her. But right now it is all better. You're bandaged up and Cordelia is holding your hand and smiling at you. Right now you don't hurt as much.
She leans forward and places a kiss on your nose. You crinkle it up and giggle at her. "You're so pretty, ya know." And it's not a question. She's not asking if you know that you're pretty. Because she knows that you really don't think you are. Especially not like this. But it doesn't matter right now. She just needs you to know that she thinks it so then it has to be true.
You're gonna cry again because your heart feels so tender, but then Cordelia is talking again and you get lost away in her voice. "How about we go have some hot cocoa by the fire? You feel like a little icicle." She says it like nothing has changed. Like she hadn't just found out that you're really a danger to yourself.
And you nod because you're still the same person you were to her thirty minutes ago. You still love cuddling her by the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate that she made you. That hasn't changed, neither has her love for you.
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stayevildarling · 6 months
American Horror Story Masterlist:
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Multiple Characters/Poly Relationships:
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Billie Dean Howard x Reader:
Slurred Secrets
Basement Blues
Crimson Shadows
Someday I‘ll get it ✩
As the gods will
Born to die
In the name of Love
A silence so loud
Confessions in the dark ✩ Part 2
It's not like the movies ✩
Arms of an angel ✩
All is well ✩
Let her go ✩
Glimpse of us
Our years together
Tag you're it ✩
Breathe Sweetheart ✩
Do I wanna know? ✩
Falling ✩
Black Friday ✩
Everything works out in the end ✩
Cordelia Goode x Billie Dean Howard x Reader:
Angels like you ✩
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Reader:
Echos of Pain
Never alone
I miss you, I'm sorry
Hold on ✩
Calm after the storm (without reader)
Wilhemina Venable x Sally McKenna x Reader:
A little help - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt7, Pt 8 ✩
other fandoms:
You're gonna go far Wanda Maximoff x Cordelia x Reader ✩
I'll crawl home to them Zelda Spellman x Cordelia x Reader
One too many secrets Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Cordelia x Reader
It all fell down Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Cordelia x Reader
Burying our memories x Wilhemina x Regina Mills Part 2
A common matter x Cordelia x Zelda Spellmann x Alma Peregrine x Reader
Sick x Mildred Ratched x Gwendolyn Briggs x Reader
Dragon meets purple x Wilhemina x Miranda Priestly x Reader- Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6
✩ = mental health, ✾ = smut, ❆ = no happy ending
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marsthebabie · 10 months
Masterlist U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Wandanat x Reader
Puppy Love part 1
Little Angel
American Horror Story
Cordelia Goode
Wilhelmina Venable
Wilhelmina Venable and Cordelia Goode
Work trip
Wilhelmina Venable x Ally Mayfair-Richards
Lana Winters
Ally May-fair Richards
Billie Dean Howard
Hypodermic Sally
Alcina Dimitrescu
Donna Beneviento
Mother Miranda
RE8 Women
RE8 Women finding out your a little
Diane Sherman
Angelique Bouchard
Alma Pereruine
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lanawinters-ily · 1 year
You're My Baby, Say It To Me
Your mental health has taken a dip again. But it is okay. Mama Ally is here to pick up all the (literal) pieces.
Pairing: Ally Mayfair x Teen!Reader (Gender neutral)
Word Count: 1300
Warnings: mental health themes, collapsing, themes of s*lf-harm
Yes, if you can believe it, I did write this fic as less bad than the true story ouch.
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It was getting bad again.
Though, this time, you weren’t entirely sure if you had ever gotten better in the first place.
The feeling deep in your chest was heavy, and with every step you took, it became harder to not sink right into the floor.
Through the tile, through the foundations, through the dirt.
To bury yourself in this depression that had built up around you.
It was different this time.
You felt as if you had talked too much, shared too much. Everyone was so so worried, but even their concern didn’t seem enough.
No one could touch you when you had already blocked them off before they even tried.
University had failed. It was supposed to be a new start, but somehow you had fucked it up even more than at home.
Now that was impressive.
At least you had your mama.
It was just you and her, and she had struggled when you were gone.
The house seemed so much emptier, and she was looking forward to having you home for the holidays.
But not this early.
Unfortunately, we are beginning at the day after Ally had to collect you from university, after a friend has called her expressing serious concerns over your mental health. She had rushed straight over and bought you home without hesitation.
But you were yet to open up to her.
Ally wanted to give you space, though her maternal instincts were screaming to pull you close and hold you until every problem faded away.
She wanted you to trust her, to come to her in your time.
Perhaps that was a bad idea.
It had been another rough evening, though your emotions seemed slightly off. You couldn’t place the difference, but it made you uneasy.
Today had been good. Your mood had lifted a little, and you had even managed some low-effort chores. This kind of day was unfamiliar for you, and often didn’t have the desired effect.
After one day of slight positivity, your depression tended to come back with full force. Like, slap-in-the-face kind of force.
You had convinced yourself that this mood was different, and would last.
Well, sorry to spoil, but it did not.
As you were getting ready for bed, nausea started rising in your throat. The familiar feeling of anxiety shot through your body, not creeping up like usual, but pulsating into every limb in an instance.
This was not going to end well.
“Sweetheart, would you make me a cup of tea?” Ally’s voice called up the stairs.
Shit. You had to pull yourself together quickly, take drastic action to save face in front of your mother.
Swallowing down bile, you took a couple measured breaths and walked down the stairs.
All you had to do was boil the kettle, pour it into mugs and say goodnight to your mama.
Easy, right?
With shaky legs you stepped into the kitchen, filled up the kettle and put it on. Took out two mugs, two teabags, and a teaspoon.
It was then when things began to get hazy.
Your ears were ringing, and the kettle looked like it was floating. Spots took over and a strange grey haze coloured your usually bright kitchen
Something crashed to the ground, and it took you a couple of seconds to realise you had dropped a mug.
The last thing you heard was a distant scream of “Sweetheart?!” before everything faded to black.
“Sweetheart? Baby?”
You could hear a faint muttering. Never in your life had you felt so disorientated. Hard floor under your back, a throbbing in your head, and a sharp pain on your arm.
And who was talking?
Squeezing your eyes, you tried with all your energy to force the lids open.
“Baby? Can you hear me?”
A groan that you didn’t even recognise as your own slipped from your mouth. Eyes wandering the surroundings you realised you were on the kitchen floor, with your mother hovering over you.
She’d never looked so terrified in her life. Ally Mayfair did not do scared.
But it was different with you. Her baby.
You couldn’t speak, so just looked at her and made a noise in recognition that you could hear.
“Oh my baby.” Ally let out a huge sigh of relief at this sign.
“Stay down here for a little bit love. I don’t want you collapsing on me again, okay?”
You just blinked, pretty sure that you couldn’t even imagine sitting, let alone standing right now.
Your body felt as if you’d somehow doubled in weight, heavy heavy heavy into the ground. As if you’d break through the grey tiles and fall forever and ever.
“Sweetie.” Ally said in a somber tone, making you look back up at her.
“You were bleeding pretty badly from your wrist. I thought it was from the mug, but when I looked, I could tell it was something different.”
Sure enough, you looked to see your wrist securely bandaged.
That must have happened during the panic attack. How weird. You’d never done that without even thinking before.
Maybe that’s why it was worse than normal.
“When did this start again honey?”
Your mother peered down at you with sad brown eyes, tears peeking out from behind eyelids.
Energy was needed for this conversation, and energy was certainly not what you had in that moment.
So, you just made another noise and shrugged, hoping that Ally would sense that you wanted to move away from the subject.
“Alright love.” She squeezed your hand and sighed, looking briefly at her phone.
“You were out for about five minutes, which is not ideal darling. I called an ambulance while you were unconscious. They weren’t too concerned, but a crisis team is going to call us soon. Is that okay baby?”
Tears filled your eyes as your lip wobbled. You had really fucked up this time.
“My baby,” Ally mumbled and gently guided you up into her embrace.
She rocked you back and forth while you sniffled, not even having the energy to form sobs. You sat like that for a couple of minutes until you had quietened down.
“Let’s get you up and comfy sweetheart.” Your mama said.
As desperate as you were to move off the cold, hard floor, your body was still in shock-mode. As Ally carefully pulled you by your hands upwards, your knees buckled, sending you back towards the ground.
“Oh!” Ally gasped, grabbing you as you fell. You both ended up on the floor again.
“Let’s try that again. I can hold your weight darling, you can always lean on me.” Your mother said softly.
You knew this was a double meaning, and made a little smile in recognition. Working together, you and Ally managed to make it into the living room and she laid you on the sofa.
She sat beside you and soft hands stroked your pale face.
“We’ve got this baby. Me and you, against the world. All the bad, that’s staying outside this room. In here, it is us. I’ve got you, sweetheart. Please lean on me.”
And for the first time in a while, you felt a stir of hope in your chest.
“Thank you mama. I love you.”
“I love you baby. You’re my everything.”
Taglist: @sweetestberryofthebunch @dreamypqulson @ahsfan05
(I just tagged people who I knew wanted to read this bc my other taglist is so out of date haha)
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abeillefaeabeille · 2 years
Take it.
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TW: dom!Alice (not soft), mommy kink, titty washing, teasing, degradation, fingering (r receiving), scissoring, mocking, spitting, vulgarity, choking, hair-pulling... I think that's it? Let me know.
idk how many words 😭
AN: Ummmm hi :) I had written this nearly a year ago, so I decided to revise it and put it on this lovely little app :) I'm currently working on finishing my first request! Let me know how you like it! (also, if you want to be a part of my tag list let me know! There are only 25 of you but, oh well) Please be kind, but if you have any suggestions or requests, don't be scared to speak up!
MINORS DNI PLEASE!! 18+!!! It makes me extremely uncomfortable at the thought of a minor interacting, please don't!!
Oh how I missed my sweet baby. After a terrible day with Phyllis, having to pretend to be against who I really am, who I love, I'm exhausted and ready to be with y/n. Thankfully she allowed us all to go home early, and I almost sped to get to my kitten.
Running through the rain after getting out of the car, I run to our front door, giggling slightly as I get drenched. I burst through the door and see her head pop up from the couch in the living room.
Y/n beams and giggles at how soaked I am. “Alice! You’re home early, is something wrong?”
Oh, my sweet girl... she's always so caring and concerned about me. I smile wide and shake my head, chuckling as I start to strip in our mudroom.
“No sweetness, Phyllis let us leave early, thank goodness. It was getting suffocating.” I pout slightly and slide my unbuttoned blouse off, only in my bra and skirt now.
With a huff I make my way to the laundry room, hearing my baby following close behind like the cute little puppy she is. “I'm so sorry, mommy.. I’m so glad you’re home, I.. I missed you very much.”
Now, I heard what she said, but I couldn’t catch on to the shyness at the end of her sentence, I would’ve realized she meant more than just, missing me..
But unfortunately, I was so focused on getting my clothes in the wash that I didn’t notice. I just nod and grin, closing the lid on the wash before glancing at her. “Aw, mommy missed you too, sweetheart!” I say as I kiss her head, rushing to the bathroom to wash myself off.
She wasn’t getting it! All day, I’ve been waiting as patiently as I possibly could for her to get home. Last night we were so close to having play time, but mommy was just exhausted, so we stopped to just cuddle and sleep. I didn’t wanna push it, but now I can’t take it. It's been a week since I've been ruined like I need.
Following her closely, my cheeks flush from witnessing her strip from her clingy clothes, and now she’s NAKED. I don’t understand how she’s just so casual.
She’s talking about something, I hadn’t realized until I felt a hand cup my cheek. I snap out of my trance and look up to see Alice’s brows knitted in concern.
“Sweet girl, are you alright?” The pet name and her soft voice is certainly not helping the pool forming in my underwear.
I go to speak and feel how watery my mouth is, immediately making me blush. I open my mouth and then shut it, nodding as I look up at her shyly. Her eyes slightly squint and she looks down at my lips, a light smirk forming on hers.
“Oh baby, you’re drooling.” she mutters, moving her thumb to swipe over my bottom lip. I can’t stop the slight whimper that erupts in my throat, and I watch, my eyes widening as she brings her thumb to her own lips and sucks my drool off.
“Hm, nummy.”
Fuck. I feel my brows knit as I feel the urge to plead. She winks at me and then hums, softly chuckling at my demeanor. She pulls out a washcloth out of one of the cabinets and turns on the shower, stepping in but keeping the curtain open wide. I just stand there in awe as she lathers the washcloth with soap, and then uses it to wash herself.
She looks into my eyes as she washes her breast, her bottom lip hooked in between her teeth, but I don’t pay attention to that, my eyes wander down to her soapy tits.
I blush in shame when a whine slips out of me at the sight of her, the way she tilts her head up slowly, humming out a groan at the feeling of the warm water hitting her smooth skin.
After a moment she looks back at me, chuckling. “Baby, go strip and lay down in bed, I wanna have cuddles when I’m done.” She speaks so innocently, as if she hasn’t been kneading her tits right in front of me.
“But I-” I go to protest, but her eyes narrow and I feel my words get caught in my throat. “Listen to mommy, kitten. Do as I say.” she says in a soft but impossibly intimidating tone.
I immediately nod, glancing at her body one more time before backing out of the bathroom and to the bedroom. I take a deep breath, slightly shaking from what just happened.
I quickly undress, peeling my underwear off and clearly seeing the soaked patch, making me go red. I put my clothes in the laundry basket and crawl onto the bed, huffing softly as I slide under the covers to try and soften the goosebumps forming on my bare body.
I wrap my arms around my pillow and pout to myself, facing away from the bathroom door so I don’t have the urge to run back in and plead for Alice to fuck me.
I eventually zone out, listening to the shower running and Alice’s soft hums as she finishes up. I don’t even realize that it’s stopped, so as soon as I feel a hand on my shoulder I jolt and whip my head around to see Alice giggling. 
“Jumpy little thing, aren’t you? You silly girl.” Her tone makes my face flush and I scrunch my nose, turning to put my face in my pillow as I let out a few shy giggles, feeling butterflies in my tummy. 
I feel a shift in the bed and then suddenly her warm soft body is pressed into mine. Her arms wrap around my middle as she pulls me against her further, my breathing getting heavy at the feeling of her fingers stroking my lower stomach.
At the feeling of her breath hitting the back of my neck my hips wiggle slightly while squeaking out a little whine. At that she lets out a breathy chuckle as she presses her palm flat against my abdomen. 
“Stay still, my desperate little baby.” she whispers in a silky voice, immediately causing a shiver to run through me. I am breathing out my words, trying my best to stay still for her. “M-Mommy, mommy could you please..” I trail off, groaning as I feel the tightness in my chest, my shyness making me lose the words.
“Please what? What do you need mommy to do for you, baby?” she coos into my ear, and my eyes roll slightly as she strokes my earlobe with the tip of her warm tongue. 
I don’t stop myself- I can’t, starting to rock my hips against her front, feeling as if I was going to explode at any moment. I gulp and sputter before finding words.
“Fu-uck me, touch me mommy- please!” I plead out in soft whimpers, where she just responds with a hum and a sudden suck at my pulse point. I choke out a little moan, and as I do so I feel her hand slide down further to cup my mess of a cunt. 
“Oh, my poor baby is so wet, isn’t she?”
With a quick nod in response she suddenly pushes her middle finger slips through my lips and slides through them to collect the messy arousal . My eyelids flutter as I feel my head grow foggy and I moan weakly, my clit throbbing in response to her touch. 
“So responsive for mommy, so sensitive.. You can’t even handle mommy’s touch, can you? You dumb little thing.” Her voice just makes me sink deeper into her as I completely give into her.
She bends her finger and gently swirls the tip of it around my entrance. I groan out a few needy whimpers and nod my head, needing her inside of me. She slowly slips the end of her long finger into my entrance, and my response to that is simply clenching around it.
She helps me roll onto my back and presses herself onto me, looking into my eyes as she pushes her finger in further and starts to pump in and out of me slowly, curling her finger to hit my spongy spot perfectly. 
I scrunch my face and start to let out soft little moans, my eyes growing heavy as she starts to go even faster. “Fu-uck yes mommy, need more I- please!” I look at her with the widest eyes, whimpering as her eyes have grown deeper brown instead of their usually rich honey color. “My cute little baby, you want more? God, you’re such a needy slut.” She uses her free hand to suddenly grab my face, digging her fingers into my jaw while small grunts slip out of her mouth.
Alice seems so soft, she really just looks so innocent, but she’s far from. On the outside, around others, she is never in control. She’s always talked down to, or not listened to. So when she’s home she likes to be the boss, likes to be in control. Which is the best thing for me, what I’ve always needed.
“Your mouth looks dry baby, you need mommy to fix that?” I go to respond but before I can she spits right on my tongue, making me choke out a loud moan and clench roughly around her finger. 
“That was a rhetorical question, stupid whore.” She hisses, pulling her finger out before I can even react.
She brings her hand down on my puffy cunt, making me squeal in surprise. While she laughs deeply and I whine, wiggling my hips when she pulls away from me completely.
She narrows her eyes as she sits up on her knees between my legs, her soft tits bouncing slightly as she sits. 
“If you don’t stop moving, mommy will leave you right here and go sleep in the guest room.” Her soft voice is gone and what replaces it is a voice that sends a straight shock to my core. I gulp and nod rapidly, obediently freezing every muscle in my body. 
Her smile silently praises me and she leans on all fours, her body hovering over mine. She moves her face into my neck, and I immediately tilt my head back to give her room. 
“Hm, such a good girl for mommy, my obedient little kitten.” She whispers against my neck as she leaves wet little kisses all over my neck. Just as I start melting into her touch and relaxing, she bites down hard onto my neck, immediately making me whine and buck my hips up.
Her chuckle makes me freeze again, and she soothes the bite mark she just made with her tongue before clicking it while she lifts her head up. Her face gets close to mine, twisted with fake pity.
“Poor baby, you couldn’t help but move your hips when mommy nibbled on you, huh?” she says in a sickly sweet voice, making my cheeks turn deep red. She smiles with her teeth and before I can blink she’s grabbing my throat. I gasp and arch my neck, looking into her eyes with wide helpless ones. 
“M’sorry, m’sorry mommy pl-please..” I breathe out, gulping against her hand. She giggles at me and then uses her free hand to slowly pull my thigh up.
She sits up straighter while keeping her hand around my neck, positioning her hot center against mine. Her eyes flutter as they stay on mine and I can’t help but groan softly as I hear our arousal mixing together. 
I let out soft whines when she doesn’t start moving, only to hear soft hushes in response. “Shh baby, just be patient. Mommy’s gonna make us feel so so good.” She breathes out, her words making my clit twitch slightly, and my hips ache with the need to move but I wanna be good for her.
Her bottom lip slid in between her teeth, her brows furrowed together and her eyes only narrowed as she started rolling her hips so slowly. I thought I was gonna explode, she knows just what to do to make that happen, too. I almost start to tear up as she tortures me with the leisurely pace, and she sees how my face starts to scrunch up.
“Oh, is my little one gonna cry? Tsk tsk tsk, we can’t have an unhappy fucktoy, can we?” She almost sounds like she’s mocking me, but the caring tone she uses only makes me clench around nothing. 
The chuckle that comes out of her quickly turns into a gasp when my cunt suddenly contracts against her, but before I could even react to her reaction, she suddenly thrusts herself turbulently against my weeping pussy.
I instantly yelp in surprise my own hips bucking in response, which immediately just starts a mess of uncontrollable movements from the both of us. I know Alice can’t take anymore of even her own teasing, and God knows I can’t. So we just frantically hump against each other; grunts, whines, and squelching noises filling the air. 
Her hand squeezes my neck tighter, making it that much harder to breathe, but the light fuzzy feeling from the lack of oxygen only makes me feel more pleasure.
Alice leans down above me, her breath hitting my cheek. “Fuck baby, just like that- yesssss! Keep moving like that sweet girl. Mmm fuck, you’re gonna make mommy- fuck! Gonna make mommy cum all over your pretty pussy.”
 After she grunts that out in my ear I practically squeal out a whine, closing my eyes and focusing the feeling of her slightly bulging clit against my swollen one. 
I make my walls clench, knowing she’ll feel it. I was right, she starts moaning louder and throws her head up the moment I do. My face twists pleadingly, and I start to practically weep for her. “Please cum mommy, pl-please make a mess on me…” With that she lets go of my neck just to reach up and grip my hair with both of her hands.
Within minutes I feel her stomach starting to contract against mine, and then suddenly she tenses hard and groans louder than ever. 
“BABY! Fuck, fuck fuck take my cum- YES TAKE MY FUCKING CUM SLUT!” She bucks her hips harder than ever, and before I can say anything my orgasm hits me. 
I grip onto her shoulders and let out high pitched moans, my thoughts dissipating as I can only focus on our clits pulsating against each other and Alice muttering, “Take my cum.” over and over in my ear.
After riding out our shared highs, Alice hums and burrows her face in my sweaty neck, placing little kisses on my throbbing pulse point.
“Mm, that was s’good mommy,” I mumble, whimpering as I try to clamp my legs shut, but Alice’s are tangled in mine, making it impossible. “Mommy, feel sensitive..” I whisper, wrapping my arms around her neck. She only coos softly, slowly raising her head to look down at me with a small smile. 
“I know baby, let’s try to relax a little more, then we’ll have a nice, hot bubble bath, okay?” I immediately smile at the sound of that and nod slowly, giggling lightly as well. Alice grins wider and moves her hand to tuck some hair behind my ear. As she does so I can’t stop my eyes from fluttering shut, feeling so safe and satisfied in her arms. 
“Oh how I love you, my sweet baby..”
Taglist: @cthulhus-curse @blxckchxrrybxby
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marchtomydrums · 2 years
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Ally Mayfair x Reader (daughter)
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The thunder roared loudly throughout the academy. The trees scratched against the windows as the wind blew harder and harder throughout the night. You lay awake in your bed trembling in fear. You were 10 years old you shouldn’t be scared of a thunderstorm or at least that’s what Madison would say.
You peeked over your blanket looking across the room at Zoe who was sleeping peacefully. You sighed as the winds picked up once more.
“You can do this.” You say to yourself.
“You don’t need your moms your a big girl.” You repeated trying to convince yourself.
A bright white light flashed across the sky and a few seconds later the loudest crack of thunder came down sending you flying out of your bed and down the hallway.
“I can’t do this. I can’t do this.” You mumbled as you ran to your mothers room.
Opening the door you ran straight in landing on the bed waking the three women.
Cordelia jumps up leaning over to cut on the lamp on the nightstand.
“Y/n honey? Are you okay?” She asked. The light in the room caused Mina and Ally to groan as they also sits up to look at you.
“I’m sorry mommy I tried. But I can’t do it..” you cried.
“Can’t do what love?”
“I’m scared.” You cried. She was about to ask why when the thunder cracked again making you jump.
“Awe baby. Come here. It’s okay.” She coos as you crawl into her arms. Mina and Ally slide over to get closer to you resting their hands on your back.
“I’m sorry mommy I wanted to be a big girl like Madison said but I couldn’t. I tried. I'm too scared.” You mumbled crying into her chest.
Cordelia sighs as she looks over at Mina. The redhead rolls her eyes at the mention of Madison. She knows she shouldn't feel this way but she really can't stand that child. Ally gives you a small smile as she turns you to face her.
“Listen to me, sweet girl It’s okay to be scared sometimes. Everyone gets scared even if they try to act like they don’t. So you have nothing to feel bad about. Okay?”
“Really?” you asked looking up at Ally.
“Yeah. I have things I'm afraid of too,” she says.
“But you're a grownup,” you said making the three women chuckle.
Ally smiles shaking her head “Just because I'm a grown-up doesn't mean I don't get scared sometimes. It's a normal thing honey.”
“And if one of us is scared the rest of us step in and help them feel better,” Cordelia says smiling at Mina and Ally.
“You have nothing to be embarrassed about little one even I get scared sometimes,” Mina says.
“Really?! But..you're never scared, Momma. You're tough.”
Mina chuckles “Not always but that's why I have you, and Mommy, and Ally. You guys make me feel better and safe.”
“And that's why you have us baby so that when you feel scared you can come to us and talk about it. Okay?” Ally asked kissing your cheek.
You nod your head as she wipes away your tears. She smiles reaching her arms out for you.
“Come here and cuddle up to me. I’ll protect you.”
You smiled as you crawled into Ally’s arms.
“Thank you, Ally.”
She smiles as she looks over at Cordelia and Mina who are also smiling. The blonde hits the light off and turns to cuddle against you and Mina does the same behind Ally.
“Goodnight my girls,” Cordelia mumbled.
“Goodnight.” You all replied as sleep took over.
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elyangelofdeath · 11 months
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safic4-m · 2 years
Pairing: Ally Mayfair-Richards x Fem Lector
Author’s Note: Request made bycherylz170810, I’m so sorry for the delay it’s taking me the fuck away.
I hate when you fall in love with someone you just don’t, but your heart says yes and then the whole thing, it sucks.
Atte: 18 years old single
Number of words: 1360
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~Master list~
Ally Mayfair-Richards had become one of the most important women, but fame came with people who wanted to hurt her, that’s where you came in, she needed someone to protect her and you were the right person for the job.
You had worked for her for the last 3 years of your life and let’s say you had become more than just her bodyguard during this time.
-Please sit down and let’s talk,- you ask after she has taken you around the place.
-I saw how you looked at that woman and how she looked at your ass,- he says angrily.
-Ally… sit down and calm down,- trying to make her calm down.
-Calm down?! you’re mine and you know it!
-And you play with my jealousy on purpose?!
-I SAID SIT DOWN- you order.
-Good girl- making her moan at the praise.
You approach her slowly, taking her jaw to kiss her, a knock on the door interrupts you making you move away, the door opens showing a rather corpulent man who shoots in your direction, you quickly place the chestnut behind you, being hit by a bullet in the heart.
-Imbecile, this was a new shirt,- seeing the blood stain your white shirt.
The man is surprised by your reaction to a bullet in the heart and opens fire, but all the bullets freeze in the air, creating an invisible barrier of protection.
-You shouldn’t have done that,- you say with a hoarse voice.
With a wave of your hand you make the man go flying and crashing against the wall.
-Pathetic,- you spit seeing him lying on the floor.
You take the bullet out of the wound, putting it in your pocket.
-Are you all right?- asks Ally with concern.
Before you can answer her question, several people appear on the scene.
-We heard a gunshot,- says a woman.
-Is everything all right?- asks a man.
-Of course, T/n was here to protect me,- answers the brunette calmly.
They spent the next two hours, solving the problem with the man, the authorities arrived, they did the paperwork and all that.
Ally was disappointed for tonight, it was supposed to be a simple event and they go home early to take advantage of a night without Oz at home; but then the incident happened and by the time they got home she was exhausted.
-I’ll make it up to you later, honey,- you whisper in her ear.
Making her shiver, as you help her get ready for bed, you leave a kiss on her shoulder and guide her to bed. Maybe today hadn’t turned out as planned, but being in your arms could make her forget anything.
The next day you had let Ally sleep late, while you took care of dropping Oz off at school, on your way back you went to buy some flowers and at home you made her breakfast, taking her to bed.
-Wake up, honey,- she says in his ear, leaving a kiss on his cheek.
You see how a smile appears on her lips and she pretends to be asleep.
-You’re not going to wake up,- she says teasingly before attacking him with kisses on his face.
In the end Ally ends up “waking up” and you give her her breakfast.
These were one of the few moments when you could have a quiet moment with her, since work constantly kept her busy and this time would be no exception.
- - - - -
You had a free moment and had decided to visit Ally, but it ended up becoming a “de-stressing” session.
-Shit,- she says with a sigh.
-Language,- you scold her from your place between her legs.
-I’m sorry, Mommy,- covering her mouth with her hand.
You continue to eat her, drawing beautiful moans, when you realize she is about to cum, you stop making her moan in frustration. The mere image of Ally, half naked in her office, all ready for you, made you start to get hard in your pants.
-Mommy,- she says catching her breath.
-Do you want Mommy’s fingers in you?- you ask, absorbing every detail of her body.
She nods in response and you begin to trace her hole slowly, dipping one of your fingers in slightly before pulling it out.
-What do you say when you want something?
-Please, Mommy! Please fuck me with your fingers…..
The moan she let out as you filled her with two fingers made you smile widely, her mouth opened as you began to move your fingers in and out of her, letting out little moans and gasps. You curled your fingers and pushed in a third when you thought she was ready.
-Oh my…- in complete ecstasy.
-That feels good, doesn’t it,- you hum, circling her clitoris with your thumb.
-Yes mommy- she answers desperately
-You know… I think I prefer to fill your pussy- you said while raising your eyebrows suggestively.
Ally could feel a new wave of hot wetness as she imagined the sensation of being filled with you, making her clench her thighs tightly together.
-Stand up,- you command making her bend over her desk.
You pull down your pants along with your boxers, freeing your cock, you slap her ass and bite your lower lip, enjoying the way she moans with your actions. You stroke your cock before pressing it against Ally’s hole, thrusting and watching her pussy stretch around you.
-Damn it… -you exhale as you enter her fully.
Your hands are on her hips as you slowly pulled yours back, pushing forward quickly.
You move your hips, fucking your cock deep inside her as you watch her face so full of pleasure as she moans repeatedly.
-Mommy…- she says between gasps trying to be quiet.
-Honey,- she suddenly heard you say. -Why are you so quiet? I know you can be stronger than that
-I-I don’t want anyone to come in….
-Oh, you don’t want to get caught, is that it? Are you worried that someone will come in and see me fucking you from behind?
He felt his face burning with shame, because he knew you were telling the truth. Avoiding eye contact with you, hoping you wouldn’t see how red she was. Knowing what you were trying to do, you grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back, not hard enough to hurt her, but enough to get her attention.
-I asked you a question,- making her swallow as she felt your breath on her neck.
-No mommy, I don’t want to get caught,- feeling your fingers on her clitoris.
You exerted some pressure as you resumed your movements. You could hear the sound of skin colliding as you fucked Ally, her moans helped you get closer to your orgasm; focusing on the way she felt around you, how warm she was and how she fluttered around your cock from time to time.
-Fuck,- you moaned, closing your eyes as you picked up the pace.
-Do you want me to fill you up? You’ll be fucking dripping, I promise.
-I’m so close…mommy- gripping the desk tightly.
-Oh, do you want to cum?-you tease her.
She nodded her head eagerly, making you laugh.
-Pray first
-Please, please, please let me cum- she begged.
-You can do better
-Please mommy, I’ve been a good girl please let me cum, please,- she stammered, desperately.
You pretended to think about it before replying.
-You can cum, baby
She let out a series of gasps and moans as she cummed, her knuckles turning white from how hard she was gripping the desk.
Once you could feel her clench tightly around your cock, you finally let go, spilling your cum into her as you moaned. When she started to whimper a little, you slowed down, gently rubbing your hands over her hips and ass. You grabbed your cock and pulled it out of her, watching your cum spill out of her, dripping down to the floor.
-Good girl, Ally, what a good girl, I’m so proud of you,- you whispered softly in her ear.
You helped her to her feet, her legs trembling from the aftermath of her orgasm. Pulling out her chair, you sat her down and kissed her forehead.
A knock on the door causes panic to be written all over her face at the thought of you seeing her in this state.
-Ms. Mayfair, your two o'clock appointment is here,“ says your assistant from the other side of the door.
-I’ll be there in a moment,- she replies, calming down a bit.
-Go on, I’ll be waiting for you.
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suckerforcate · 1 month
American Horror Story
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Cordelia Goode
Wilhemina Venable
Ally Mayfair-Richards
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
— and i know we got some potential, cause that look you gave me was so gentle
summary: cordelia tutors you when you fall behind in your herbal class unbeknownst to her that the reason your so lost is because you can't take your mind off of her.
pairing: cordelia goode x reader
word count: 1200
a/n: i know i haven’t posted in awhile and i have requests that i have to write but this was just a little scrap that i’m deciding to post so nobody forgets about me! :)
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It was awful, really. And you felt bad for it. For wasting her time. This is not going to help. If you needed some extra help in your herbal class, then you need assistance from Zoe, or Queenie, or Myrtle, someone who is not this woman.
It was comical, and you almost laughed right in her face when she ask you if you wanted her to tutor you later in the evening. You didn't need help. You were a smart and powerful which. You just needed her out of you head. There was too much of her to even pay attention to the task at hand.
And it hurt too. There was no denying that. With the many obvious signs that she was helplessly in love with you, you ignored them all. She's the supreme for god sakes. She was so close yet felt so out of your reach.
You were just wasting time in this goddamn greenhouse. Every minute with her counts, but right now, you were just staring straight at the wall behind her, daydreaming of what you could be doing instead. What— no, who you could be kissing and showing you truth to.
You hear her snapping and it pulls you out of your deep trances. It's honey brown eyes and hair golden in the moonlight that's shining through the roof window that you notice first. "Are you even listening?" She doesn't sound annoyed, but she's clearly had enough of this. All this. What even is this?
"I'm sorry, Miss Cordelia. I am, I just—"
"You don't have to call me that, ya know." It hurts too much to not call you it. If you call her Cordelia then it seems to real. She's not your mentor, not your supreme, she's Cordelia. And so you stand behind that Miss Cordelia barrier that you build. The one that Cordelia tries so hard to break down.
"I know." As you stare into her eyes so warm that you feel as though your melting, as they soften as they stare back at you, she cups you heated cheeks. You know that she feels how hot they are, you know that she knows what is going on with you, but still, she asks,
"What's really going on? You're one of my strongest witches, sweetie."
You truly want to tell her that she's so distracting because you've unwillingly fell in love with her. Because, then, maybe you'll be able to pay better attention in class. But instead you tell her, "I just haven't been sleeping right," sugarcoating your love for her and letting it melt in your mouth.
It's not a complete lie; because you cannot sleep when she walks by your room to assure that you are safe in bed. You cannot sleep when you've see her only an hour before your rest in a simple pajama slip. Milky silk and see-through if it were any thinner.
"We should make you a sleeping potion then." She knows your lying, but she is not going to force you to be honest. That's not what she is here for. She just wants you to be ready. She would wait forever for you to tell her how you feel.
And then she's gathering the ingredients. Patting around the greenhouse as soft as a spring day, and you have to look to see if she is even walking. Look to see that she's not flying around instead of walking like an angel that you could mistake her to be.
She stands behind you and her arms are locking you in between the table and her body. She's wearing a nightgown like every other night and you can feel her breasts press against your back. Your breath hitches and you think she notices because she asks if you're okay. You nod, because you cannot speak, you cannot do anything besides stand there as if you were built with cement.
Her blonde hair falls against your shoulder and you get a strong whiff of her lavender shampoo. She smells so sweet and you feel like you are being embraced by a fresh pastry.
"Do you remember one of the key ingredients for our sleeping potion?" She tests you, because she knows that the day she taught this, her shirt seemed to be just a little shorter cut than usual. She knows you weren't paying attention to sleep and potions and herbs that day.
"Um...," you feel so pathetic for not knowing. So useless. "No, not really."
She smiles still. You can hear it in her voice, "That's just alright. Chamomile is one of the main ingredients." She speaks softly and begins grinding the chamomile into the mixture. Her freckled arms rub against yours with each movement. Bare skin against bare, and you yearn for more.
These emotions are too strong for your body to handle. They cannot fit as you are too much already filled with Cordelia. You are going to explode if you don't let it out somehow. And so you stand there and permit silent tears to roll down your face.
You assume that Cordelia won't notice, but a warm tear ends up landing on her hand and she cannot stand there and pretend that it didn't happen. She doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, but the only way she knows to make everything better is to be upfront and loving.
She grabs your waist, gently, and turns your body so your facing her now. It's so close; you can feel her soft breath against your face and her legs are practically intertwined with yours. "I don't want you to lie to me anymore," she doesn't sound angry still, just so desperate. And you know you look a mess right now but she thinks you're so pretty.
"I don't think I know how to not do that," more tears fall down. You are so afraid because you know that it's too far this time. There is no going back to what you once were with Cordelia just an hour before this.
"Show me?"
Your trembling hands cup her cheeks this time, smooth beneath your palm. You don't want to pull her forward, you need her to show you that she isn't the supreme right now. You always need her.
"It's okay," she merely whispers, nods, and smiles softly. And you forget about you fears, about the sugarcoated emotions on your tongue. You lean forward and everything's so fuzzy and blurry around you; like a fever dream, but it's oh so real.
She moans into your mouth. She sounds so pretty against you. It's the perfect combination of her vanilla chapstick and your strawberry one to create the sweetest taste.
Her hands are still on your waist and she pulls back, but only her lips so she can rest her forehead against yours. "Not so scary, right?"
"Well i'm scared that I just fucked everything up."
She shakes her head and smiles delicately at you. "You didn't fuck anything up. I would've been out the door by now." Your laugh and hers are a soft melody that echo against the four walls of the greenhouse. She grabs your hands and tangles her slim fingers with yours. "I. love. you."
"Promise me that it's what you want." You still can't believe it. But you can't have it if it's not real.
"It's what I always wanted. What I wanted when I met you. What I want, still, now."
"Then you should know that I always wanted it. I love you too. So much."
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @strawberryshorttcakkee @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @multi-royalty-main
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stayevildarling · 6 months
American Horror Story Masterlist:
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One shots:
Cordelia Goode:
Fix you ✩
Take my hand, Take my whole life too
On different ways ❆
In the silence
Traitor - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7, Pt 8
Mildred Ratched:
First sight
Audrey Tindall
Chasing you
Wilhemina Venable
When the time is right - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3
Who knew?
Holding on for dear life
Fade into you
Safe and Sound
Billie Dean Howard
The haunting of your medium
I wanna be yours ✾
Until I found you
It's you
Craving ✾
You can‘t escape my affection ✾
Like I can
Slow dancing in a burning room
Ally Mayfair Richards
Heart like mine
✩ = mental health, ✾ = smut, ❆ = no happy ending
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